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emzwrist Β· 6 years ago
All lies
Your lies will never keep, I think you need to blow them out 🌬 πŸ”₯
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thatbitchchuck Β· 3 years ago
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Not just a few. #ALL 😈 πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ πŸ‘Ώ #Narcissist #Sociopath #PathalogicalLiar #Misogynistic #SingleAF β€” view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3K74fVM
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warriormom-vs-npd-blog Β· 7 years ago
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What ever they say happened, it is most likely only a small portion of the truth, if there is any truth in it at all! Everything is twisted to paint them as either the victim or the hero! #npd #narcissist #sociopath #psychopath #personalitydisorders #psychology #npdawareness #protectourchildren #divorce #counterparenting #educatethecourts #familylaw #parentingthroughdivorce #coparenting #gaslighting #malignantnarcissist #crazymaking #dontbelievethelies #pathologicalliar #imnotthecrazyone #ptsd #crossingboundaries #flyingmonkeys #needforcontrol #reformfamilycourt #twistingthetruth #twistingthestory #onlyaportionofthetruth #pathalogicalliar #victimblaming
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bigvizzyadot2lg Β· 8 years ago
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Repost from @mtzm2017 - #wickedwitch #corpsebride #liarforhire #kellyanneCONway #kellyanneConJob #sociopath #pathalogicalliar #narcissist #crybaby #whinylittlebitch #hotmess #alternativefacts #bitchplease #malignantnarcissist #batshitcrazy #sewerrat #crybaby #traitor #trumpdictatorship #trumppuppet #dictatiortrump #fascisttrump #notmypresident #dumptrump #nevertrump #wewillnotbesilent #impeachtrump #notmypresident #resist #resisttrump #stoptrump #dumptrump #resist #americanpsycho
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blayzebitch-blog Β· 8 years ago
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#red #nofilterneeded #pathalogicalliar #meme
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bigvizzyadot2lg Β· 8 years ago
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#tiredofwinning #LoserInChief #fascisttrump #EPICFAIL #LiarInChief #pathalogicalliar #LosingBigly #manure #bullshitartist #fullofshit #DonTheCon #LoserInChief #LiarInChief #snakeoilsalesman #corruptAF #trumpcare #ConArtist #corruptAF #conjob #conman #malignantnarcissist #notmypresident #dumptrump #americanpsycho #lyingpresident #worstpresidentever #americanhorrorstory #impeachtrump #unfittobepresident #badforamerica #scrotus #blotus #drumpf
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