#patent e filing
sdigion · 1 year
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alienzil · 3 months
DP x DC Prompt/notion # 5
Bruce finished logging the last details of tonight’s patrol and reluctantly pulled up contingency file PT-961. “Hnn,” he grunted to the empty cave, staring at the folder on screen but making no move to open it yet. His children were all out for the evening with various excuses: doing research on a case, homework, visiting a friend, etc. He knew they were really with Fenton for a movie night of course…the third such movie night in the last several months since they started sneaking over to visit the man.
He'd put this off long enough, making excuses to himself about assessing the situation before coming to any conclusions, it was past time he did something about it.
Cli-click. There. The file was open.
He’d made this contingency plan years ago, creating it only a days after Dick had moved into the manor and updating as needed as the family had grown but it hadn’t been touched for years.
PT-961 In The Event That More than 50% of the Children Form an Attachment to a New Parental Figure (see file HM-962 if less than 50%) 1. Initial Research: a. Attachment levels – see pages 1-36, graphs I-XLVII b. Assessment of New Parental Figure c. Background and character 2. Intentions – harmful a. If wanting money see contingency files (GD-01 to GD-207) b. If mind control – magic see contingency files (SMM-M-01 to SMM-M-508) c. If mind control – science see contingency files (NAM-ES-01 to NAM-ES-904) d. If criminal intentions see contingency files (CAP-C-201 to CAP-C-508) 3. Intentions – positive a. Option 1. Hire them - See Family reaction projections pages 37-75 - See likelihood of job acceptance pages 76-94 - See possible outcome projections pages 95-127 Note: Option 1 has the highest likelihood of job acceptance and a positive outcome in the event New Parental Figure has an annual income of less than $42,300 and/or is greater than or equal to age 57. b. Option 2. No interference/Let the Children decide what to do - See Children’s time projections pages 128-209, graphs XLVIII-LXX - See possible mission/patrol interference scenarios pages 210-293 - See possible outcomes pages 294-362 Note: Projections for Option 2 show a near 100% likelihood of interference with patrols/mission. Note: Interference resulting in increased potential for injury or delay in treatment of injuries estimated to be 68-94% more likely. c. Option 3. Custody arrangement - See potential arrangements pages 363-482, graphs LXXI-XC - See possible outcomes pages 363-401 Note: The majority of projections show Option 3 is unlikely to be successful. Both the children and New Parental Figure are predicted to be uncooperative in time and custody arrangements with no other controlling factors. d. Option 4. Engage in a relationship - See family reactions page 402-481 - See New Parental Figure reactions pages 482-568 - See possible outcomes pages 569-757 Note: For possible romantic or similar relationships see contingency files (DM-401 to DM-879) Note: In the event Option 1 is nonviable, Option 4 has the highest likelihood of a positive outcome. e. Option 5. Arrange for New Parental Figure to leave - See contingency files (ROI-G-301 to ROI-G-809) Note: High likelihood of one or more children discovering the arrangement for the removal of New Parental Figure leading to high likelihood of estrangement. Also likely to be ethically questionable.
Bruce double checked his notes on Daniel James Fenton. He was 2 years younger than Bruce, earned a high income as a freelance engineer and had multiple patents that gave him enough passive income from royalties that he could easily maintain his current lifestyle without working. There were no indications of any criminal history or ill intentions and thus far all of his interactions with the children appear to have been positive. More than positive given that every single one of his kids was now “secretly” (or secretly in so far as they were aware) spending time with him.
He steepled his hands in front of his face and focused on the data displayed on screen.  The best option to take in this case was obvious.
Ding-Dong! “I’m coming!” Danny yelled as he dropped the laundry basket on the couch and headed for the front door. “Why is there always a package delivery on laundry day?” he muttered to himself. Well, hopefully the delivery guy wouldn’t mind his no clean laundry ensemble. Surely, they’d seen worse than Danny’s ancient, too small NASA t-shirt and the bat themed pajama pants Sam bought for him when he moved to Gotham.
“Hi there, sorry I was doing laundry and…uhh…you’re not the delivery guy”. Danny stared at a sharply dressed smiling man holding a dozen roses on the other side of his door.
“No, I’m Bruce Wayne. I-“
“Oh, shit”
Bruce’s eyes narrowed. “You know.”
“Umm…” Danny gulped. He was not expecting to deal with Batman on laundry day! “Yes?” He straightened himself, squared his shoulders and looked Bruce Wayne AKA Batman, the father of the kids that his core had recently come to recognize as his own, in the eyes. “Yes,” he said firmly. “I know.”
“Hnnn…” Bruce’s voice dropped a few octaves. Not quite Batman’s signature growl but much lower than he had been speaking. “Well then, that simplifies things. These are for you. Would you like to go out to dinner with me?”
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shu-of-the-wind · 9 months
Okay so I have been asked to cast an eye over SB197 in the WV legislature, which is a new bill introduced to both add a new section to WV law as well as amend an existing section about child neglect and abuse, to see what potential issues I see.
TLDR: this is not only really dangerous from a standpoint of people being trans publicly, since one of the big editions is making being trans a display of obscene material and punishable by law, particularly within school grounds, but I am also seeing a lot of parental rights additions that make me REALLY SCARED of how trans kids are going to be treated in WV. I’m going to go thru it section by section and break down why each section frightens me, so hopefully this is educational for folks.
My creds: I worked in family law as an attorney for three years, I was affiliated with a public defenders office for that same amount of time working primarily with juvenile offenders, and I am still an attorney even if I haven’t worked in those fields for the last six months. Plus I’m trans. And I love WV and wanted to live there. So.
The new section (formally titled §18-5-29, Obscene matter in public schools prohibited [I will be calling it the Obscenity section]) is about 700 words of absolute garbage. Essentially what it distills down to is the following.
Section A: prohibiting anything they label as “obscene matter” in or within 2500 feet of any public school library, classroom, building, or other facility under the supervision of the state board of education and requiring that any school officials or personnel who become aware of the material remove it from school grounds. “Obscene matter” is currently defined in §61-8A-1 of the WV code, pretty fuckin broadly (unconstitutionally so in my opinion but ~that’s me~). So basically anything an “average person applying contemporary community standards would find taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest or is pandered to a prurient interest” (basically, anything ~unwholesome~), anything that an “average person applying community standards” would find depicts sexually explicit conduct in a “patently offensive way,” or anything that a reasonable person would find “taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, scientific or political value” which basically means E V E R Y THING.
Section B. This is the one that scares the shit out of me tbqh, cause this is folding in the amendment section I mentioned earlier to another part of the WV code specifically relating to child abuse and neglect. This section mandates that any “school officials or school personnel while engaged in a professional capacity or activity” shall be found to be a “custodian of children” under WV law. This basically makes EVERYONE a mandatory reporter, which like…most professionals already are, but at the same time this is EXPLICITLY MAKING ANYONE WHO WORKS IN THE SCHOOL IN ANY CAPACITY (see: any school officials or school personnel) mandatory reporters regarding “obscene matter.” So if an adult working at the school even SUSPECTS that a child has been exposed to “obscene material “while in any public school facility (unclear from the phrasing if the exposure happened on school property, or if the professional just learns about it there) and they decide not to report it (or they “fail to make a TIMELY report” when there’s no real definition of what timely means) then they can be prosecuted for a misdemeanor and imprisoned.
Section C. The state superintendent is going to establish a procedure to file complaints alleging violations of subsection A. If they find that a violation occurred, they will TELL THE COPS THAT IT HAPPENED.
Section D. No government funds (state or federal) can be used to develop or operate programs “designed to promote or encourage sexual activity, whether homosexual or heterosexual” or “to distribute or aid in distribution of any legally obscene materials” within 2500 feet of a school building or facility. Which, woof. We could unpack everything about that one, but it’ll be most of the review.
Section E. If an adult is found to have committed a felony under the child neglect statute related back to this one (if they’re found to have neglected kids by allowing them to view or possess “obscene material” is my understanding, this bill isn’t written that well) then they will be subject to penalties set forth in a felony, which I’m guessing (on average) is at least a year in jail and a thousand dollar fine, from what I’ve seen of WV felony statutes.
Section F. THIS IS THE OTHER REALLY SCARY ONE TO ME FROM A LEGAL STANDPOINT. “Any student or parent, guardian, or custodian on behalf of a student shall have civil cause of action against a county board, public charter school, state board” if the entity caused or was negligent in allowing a violation of the preceding sections, basically if they let anything slide PARENTS CAN SUE THE SCHOOL which like…if you’re talkin about a trans kid who is not out to their parents, they’re found to have “obscene material” (fanfiction?? Fanfiction could qualify here??? Risque art that isn’t even definitionally pornography?? A book abut transitioning that they’re hiding from their parents???) the school is mandated to not only out this kid to their parents, but the parents can then sue the school if the school DOESN’T OUT THE CHILD. Just spinning a hypothetical here but I hate this.
The rest of the bill is adding in definitions to Article 8A of the WV code, which are as follows. Anything italicized is the new language that has been proposed to be added by the bill; anything NOT italicized was already in the law:
(g) "Graphic," when used with respect to a depiction of sexually explicit conduct, means that a viewer can observe any part of the genitals or pubic area of any depicted person or animal during any part of the time that the sexually explicit conduct is being depicted.
(h) "Identifiable minor" means a person: (i) who was a minor at the time the visual depiction was created, adapted, or modified; or (ii) whose image as a minor was used in creating, adapting, or modifying the visual depiction; and (iii) who is recognizable as an actual person by the person’s face, likeness, or other distinguishing characteristic, such as a unique birthmark or other recognizable feature;  and shall not be construed to require proof of the actual identity of the identifiable minor.
(i) "Indistinguishable" used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct.
(i)(l) "Matter" means any visual, audio, or physical item, article, production transmission, publication, display, exposure, exhibition, or live performance, or reproduction thereof, including any two- or three- dimensional visual or written material, stereopticon, moving picture, slide, film, picture, drawing, not exceeding $500 video, graphic, graphic novel, or computer generated or reproduced image; or any book, not exceeding $500 magazine, newspaper or other visual or written material; or any motion picture or other pictorial representation; or any statue or other figure; or any recording, transcription, or mechanical, chemical, or electrical reproduction; or any other articles, video laser disc, computer hardware and software, or computer generated images or message recording, transcription, or object, or any public or commercial live exhibition performed for consideration or before an audience of one or more.
(j)(m) "Minor" means a an person under eighteen years of age or a person representing himself or herself to be a minor. Any prosecution under this article relating to a victim who is representing himself or herself to be a minor shall be limited to investigations being conducted or overseen by law enforcement.
And the big doozy here is this one:
(k)(n) "Obscene matter" means matter that:
(1) An average person, applying contemporary adult community standards, would find, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest, is intended to appeal to the prurient interest, or is pandered to a prurient interest;
(2) An average person, applying community standards, would find depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexually explicit conduct; and
(3) A reasonable person would find, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
(4) For the purposes of any prohibition, protection, or requirement under any and all articles and sections of the Code of West Virginia protecting children from exposure to indecent displays of a sexually explicit nature, such prohibited displays shall include, but not be limited to, any transvestite and/or transgender exposure, performances or display to any minor.
(l)(o) "Parent" includes a biological or adoptive parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian. (underlining this one for the legal side note that remember that custodian language from before??? that's where this kicks in)
(m)(p) "Person" means any adult, partnership, firm, association, corporation, or other legal entity.
(n)(q) "Sexually explicit conduct" means a ultimate definitive sexual act, normal or perverted, between persons of the same or opposite sex, actual or simulated, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral copulation of any kind, sexual bestiality, sexual sadism and masochism, masturbation, excretory functions and lewd exhibition of the anus, genitals or pubic area of any person, or lascivious simulated sexual intercourse where the genitals, breast, or pubic area of any person is exhibited.
okay. well.
I mean. This is all just gonna be an absolute garbage hellscape if this gets passed. THE IMPORTANT THING IS IT HAS NOT BEEN PASSED. If you live in WV, you can call folks and say that you are AGAINST the passage of SB197. Call your state or county representatives! They are the people who vote on this! If your representative is on the Judiciary Committee, so much the better, that’s where the bill is being evaluated right now!!! Here is the list of delegates on the committee! Call them!! Make a point to be upset!!! Explain why you don’t want this bill to pass!!! Keep an eye on the Committee website for the dates that the public hearings will be held on this bill, because there likely will be a public hearing people can speak at!! You CAN actually do something, it’s not the end of the world.
Even if you do not live in WV and you live NEAR WV, then 100% reach out to folks you know who live there and give them a safe space to land if they need to get out of the state!!! There are things you can do. Just….a heads up to everyone that this is on the table and it’s something they’re going to be discussing.
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todaysdocument · 9 months
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Plant Patent Case File No. PP820, Magnolia Plant, Inventor Carl Edward Kern
Record Group 241: Records of the Patent and Trademark OfficeSeries: Plant Patent Case Files
Jan. 11, 1949. C.E. KERN Plant Pat. 820 MAGNOLIA PLANT Filed May 31, 1947 [Drawing of Magnolia Plant with pale pink and magenta petals] WITNESS INVENTOR Addison E. Avery CARL EDWARD KERN, by Rummler, Rummler & Snow, ATTYS. [Full document at link]
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sekai-fashion · 3 days
How does Miku cram a world (or teleport at least)
Short answer: nobody knows
Long answer: the patents expired in 2017 they didn't release the data spec, but we know the header spec, so we can guess from there
The header is 4 bytes (32 bits) formatted as
A is always 1, B is the version (01-2.5, 10-2, 11-1)
C is the layer, in our case it's 01/layer 3 (mp3 - MPEG layer 3) and D is security (CRC)
E through I are interesting since they are music related. My best guesses are that they include a location, unique ID, metadata, vocaloid info and pointers to them all in the data section so that however the sekai work they just read the data from the file
Or Miku could be omnipotent and watching everyone relevant at the same time so she can teleport them when they open the file
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Le foil est une aile positionnée sous un support une coque de bateau ou planche, qui vise à réduire les frottements avec l’eau pour agir sur la vitesse et la stabilité du support grâce à la force de portance. Pour le sport on utilise les termes de Kitefoil, Windfoil, Wingfoil, SUPfoil, Surf-foil et Wakefoil. Une nouveauté pour vous certainement cependant il fut inventé en 1868
L’historique du foil, depuis plus d’un siècle les ingénieurs et architectes navals ont voulu trouver une nouvelle technologie qui permette à un bateau d’augmenter sa vitesse en surélevant la coque au dessus de l’eau. En 1869, Emmanuel Farcot dépose un brevet d’un bateau hérissé de nombreux petits foils le long de la coque afin de diminuer la trainée. A partir de 1894, l’américain William E. Meacham pousse plus loin le concept des foils. Il invente le bateau de 14 pieds détenant le plus vieux record dans ce domaine. En 1960, Thomas Moy adapte trois plans sur un bateau qu’il fera naviguer sur « Grand Surrey Canal », au sud de Londres. En 1976, Eric Tabarly élabore un prototype qui est la genèse du trimaran, après les années 2000, le concept du foil a été créé grâce à l’invention de matériaux plus résistants comme le carbone. De nos jours la notion de foil est très peu connue, mais c’est un concept impressionnant et très  convoité par le monde de la navigation. Une nouvelle génération de bateau a été construit comme « l’hydroptère ». Dernièrement, les foils se sont modernisés dans le but de gagner de plus en plus de vitesse
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The history of the foil, for more than a century naval engineers and architects have wanted to find a new technology that allows a boat to increase its speed by raising the hull above the water. In 1869, Emmanuel Farcot filed a patent for a boat bristling with numerous small foils along the hull in order to reduce drag. From 1894, the American William E. Meacham pushed the concept of foils further. He invented the 14-foot boat holding the oldest record in this field. In 1960, Thomas Moy adapted three plans for a boat that he would sail on the "Grand Surrey Canal", south of London. In 1976, Eric Tabarly developed a prototype which was the genesis of the trimaran, after the 2000s, the concept of the foil was created thanks to the invention of more resistant materials such as carbon. Nowadays the concept of foil is very little known, but it is an impressive concept and very coveted by the world of navigation. A new generation of boat was built as the “hydrofoil”. Lately, foils have been modernized in order to gain more and more speed
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Le projet de Tanguy le Bihan sur l'hybride foiling. Dès lors une découverte et peut-être un essai sur le Lac d'Annecy
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starwarspissorgy · 2 years
I wish more people understood that EVERYONE's example of "smartest guy ever" was a Jewish socialist who was only in the US because of Nazis, and used his incredible clout expressly to accomplish his political agenda including getting women (at least one of whom also became famous) onto his faculty and advancing black civil rights including acting as a key character witness for W. E. B. du Bois when he was tried as a communist spy. Why does everyone know Einstein was a patent clerk and nobody know that the FBI had a 1400 page file on him?
He was fucking brilliant but the philosophy of physics stuff is only half.
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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National Rubber Ducky Day
According to Sesame Street’s calendar, January 13 marks the birthday of Rubber Duckie, the bathtub toy of Ernie. The day has since become celebrated as Rubber Ducky Day. Rubber Duckie first appeared on Sesame Street Episode 0078, on February 25, 1970; Ernie was in a bathtub in a room that resembled his living room, and sang the song, “Rubber Duckie.” The most popular version of the song was sung by Ernie in Episode 0136, on November 16, 1970. This time he was in a bathroom with a plain blue background. Jim Henson was the real voice behind the song, and it went to #16 on the Billboard “Hot 100 Singles” chart in 1970 as well. Ernie, either by himself or with other characters, has sung other songs about his rubber duckie such as “Put Down the Duckie,” “D-U-C-K-I-E,” and “Do De Rubber Duck.”
Rubber toys first appeared in the late 1800s, as the rubber industry began to grow. The first rubber ducks were not intended to float, but were instead made to be chew toys. A patent for a “Hollow rubber toy” was filed in 1925 and granted in 1928; it included a picture of a floating duck. Peter Ganine made a sculpture of a duck and then patented it. He filed for his patent in 1947 and received it two years later. Over 50 million of the ducks were sold. By the late 1940s rubber duckies were popular, but Ernie’s “Rubber Duckie” song increased their popularity even more a few decades later.
Nowadays rubber duckies are usually not even made of rubber, but of thick vinyl instead, which is cheaper and more durable. Most are made to squeak and have a bright orange bill. They are sometimes made into characters; some are made to look like they have a profession, or are politicians or celebrities. Some wind up and “swim,” while others glow in the dark, light up, or change color. The largest rubber duck was made by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman in 2007. Its dimensions were 54ft x 66ft x 105ft, and it weighed about 1,300 pounds. Besides people making giant rubber ducks, some people also collect them.
Rubber duck races take place to raise money all around the world. When people sponsor a duck, money is donated to an organization. Ducks are dumped into a river or other body of water, and the first duck to cross the finish line wins a prize for its sponsor. Hundreds of rubber duck races are held in the United States and internationally. The largest one in the United States is the Freestore Foodbank Rubber Duck Regatta in Cincinnati, Ohio. The rubber duck was inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame in 2013. The Hall of Fame “recognizes toys that have inspired creative play and enjoyed popularity over a sustained period.” New toys are added each year.
On January 10, 1992, close to 29,000 Friendly Floatees from a Chinese factory washed off a ship. Friendly Floatees are bathtub toys, and the ones that fell off the ship consisted of yellow ducks, blue turtles, red beavers, and green frogs. Two thirds of the toys floated south and ended up in Australia, South America, and Indonesia. The other third went up to Alaska and then circled back towards Japan. Many became trapped in Arctic ice in the Bering Strait. They moved through it at the pace of about a mile a day, and made it to the North Atlantic in 2000. Some arrived on the Eastern coast of the United States and Canada around 2003 and 2004, and most of the rest of them arrived in the United Kingdom in 2007.
How to Observe
The best way to celebrate the day is to take a bath with a rubber duck. You should also listen to “Rubber Duckie” and watch Ernie singing the song on Sesame Street. You could also look for rubber duck races to sign up for, and read Moby-Duck: The True Story of 28,800 Bath Toys Lost At Sea.
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veritanascoste · 1 year
Traduzione del video sopra
Raccogliere l'intero della persona: raccogliere lo stampo dei piedi di neonato per collegarlo "all'entità del nuovo nato" per poter poi consegnarla all'archivio del Vaticano tramite il servizio postale, generando un codice identificativo seriale. Lo stesso procedere avviene in caso di morte. Il certificatore di morte avviene assieme al pagamento in valuta monetaria nell'archivio vaticano. Ma i soldi arrivano solo quando la morte avviene prima dei 75 anni. La stampa serve adesso e per sempre come un sigillo sovrapposta da un francobollo da 1pound. Il file di ogni essere vivente e morto è conservato da migliaia di anni negli archivi Vaticani. In questi archivi troviamo trilioni di documenti che lo provano. Contengono la tua data di nascita e morte, l'impronta dei piedi, placenta secca e molto di più. Tutte le tue precedenti incarnazioni, i tuoi nomi e così via sono conservate ed elaborate dentro le mura vaticane. Al momento i dati della nostre esistenze sono elaborati dalla Big Tech. Il numero sul tuo certificato di nascita è utilizzato come un bond nel mercato mondiale delle merci. Il valore, la quantità di soldi è stata stimata in base alla tua età e alla tua occupazione. Che tu muoia per un incidende, per malattia o in guerra, il Vaticano riceve il relativo pagamento dalla fazione che ha causato la tua dipartita. Se sei un'anima di qualche interesse, gli operatori sono in grado di rintracciare nomi e luoghi indietro nel tempo. Ovviamente il tuo nome legale porta al tracciamento dei tuoi compagni, spose/i, parenti, presenti e passati.
Tramite il "Cestui que act" del 1666 sei per sempre proprietà della corporazione del Vaticano, come lo sei adesso!!! Tutti i futuri movimenti e azioni portati avanti da audaci esseri umani non possono cambiare questo. Tutti i fatti saranno ignorati. Fino a quando continuerai a partecipare in un contratto, come la patente di guida, conto bancario, assicurazione, contratto d'impiego ecc. sarai trattato come un'entità morta e il tuo sudore sarà loro. Ci sono trucchi e trappole per ogni porta che apri nella tua vita. Che tu entri in una farmacia, in ufficio pubblico, in un porto o in una stazione di polizia.. che tu entri in un tribunale o in ufficio governativo, sei un pacco con un numero seriale, non più buon essere umano. L'unico modo possibile per essere vivo è governare il tuo vascello umano come il legittimo proprietario sotto la legge del mare!
Cambiare proprietà alla tua anima non è semplice, richiede tecnologia e coraggio
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lilithsaintcrow · 1 year
“Lemon Inc., a subsidiary of ByteDance, has submitted a trademark application for a range of book publishing products and services, according to a filing posted on the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The trademark, which is called “8TH NOTE PRESS,” offers an interesting glimpse into ByteDance’s apparent e-publishing ambitions.”
...I'm sure this will end well.
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setindiabizipr · 1 year
A Step-by-Step Guide to Copyright Registration in India: Online Copyright Registration Made Easy
In today's digital age, protecting your original works is more important than ever. Copyright registration is the best way to safeguard your creations and prevent others from using them without your permission.
In India, the Copyright Act, 1957, governs copyright laws, and the Copyright Office handles the registration process. In this step-by-step guide, we will take you through the copyright registration procedure in India, with a focus on online copyright registration.
Step 1: Determine the Eligibility of Your Work
Before you apply for copyright registration, you need to ensure that your work is eligible for protection. Under the Copyright Act, original literary, artistic, musical, and dramatic works, as well as films and sound recordings, are eligible for copyright protection. The work must be original and created by the author or with the author's permission.
Read also: Types of Copyright
Step 2: Prepare the Copyright Application
Once you have determined the eligibility of your work, the next step is to prepare the copyright application. The application form can be downloaded from the Copyright Office website or obtained in person from the office. You need to fill in the required details, including the title of the work, the name of the author, and the date of creation.
Step 3: Submit the Copyright Application Online
The Copyright Office has made it easy to apply for copyright registration online. You can submit your copyright application through the Copyright Office website using the e-filing facility. This option saves time and eliminates the need to visit the Copyright Office in person.
Step 4: Pay the Required Fees
After submitting the copyright application, you need to pay the required fees. The fees vary depending on the type of work and the mode of application. You can pay the fees online through the Copyright Office website using a credit or debit card, or through a challan in a designated bank.
Step 5: Track the Copyright Application
After submitting the copyright application, you can track the status of your application online. The Copyright Office provides an online tracking system that allows you to check the progress of your application. This feature enables you to know the status of your application, such as whether it has been received, processed, or approved.
Step 6: Receive Your Copyright Registration Certificate
If your copyright application is approved, the Copyright Office will issue a copyright registration certificate. This certificate is a legal proof of ownership of the copyright and can be used as evidence in case of any copyright infringement. You can download the copyright registration certificate online from the Copyright Office website.
Online copyright registration is a fast and convenient way to protect your original works in India. By following the above steps, you can ensure that your work is registered and protected under the law. 
We hope this step-by-step guide has helped you understand the copyright registration process in India. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact us.
Also check-
Trademark Registration in India
Patent Search Services in India
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susmithabusiness · 22 hours
How Businesses Make Money
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Success in today’s competitive business landscape depends on understanding the various ways companies generate revenue. Different industries employ diverse strategies, each with its own advantages. Below, we’ll explore ten proven methods that highlight how businesses make money, providing real-world examples for better insight.
1. Selling Products or Services
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Most businesses generate income by selling goods or services. This model is straightforward: companies produce something that meets a need, and customers pay for it. This is a fundamental approach across industries, from small local shops to large global corporations.
Physical Products: Retailers, manufacturers, and e-commerce businesses sell items such as electronics, clothing, machinery, and vehicles, often marking up prices over production costs to make a profit.
Services: Service providers like freelancers, legal firms, and consultants earn revenue by offering expertise and labor in exchange for payment.
Example: A neighborhood bakery makes money by selling baked goods to customers.
2. Subscription-Based Models
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Subscription models generate consistent revenue by charging customers regularly (monthly or annually) for access to a product or service. This approach is increasingly popular among businesses offering ongoing or digital services, such as software or streaming platforms.
Predictable Cash Flow: Steady, recurring revenue helps businesses forecast income more accurately.
Customer Retention: Subscribers tend to stay loyal as long as they continue receiving value from the service.
Example: Spotify offers free access to its platform but charges a monthly subscription fee for premium, ad-free listening.
3. Advertising Revenue
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Many businesses, particularly media outlets and digital platforms, make money by selling advertising space to companies seeking to reach large audiences. Revenue is often based on metrics like cost per click (CPC), impressions (CPM), or user engagement.
Key Platforms:
Media Companies: Newspapers, TV stations, and magazines.
Digital Platforms: Websites, social media, and apps.
Example: Facebook and Google earn significant revenue by using targeted advertising, leveraging user data to show personalized ads.
4. Affiliate Marketing and Commissions
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Affiliate marketing allows businesses to promote another company’s products and earn a commission for sales resulting from their referrals. This performance-based model is low-risk and high-reward, as companies don’t need to manage inventory.
No Inventory Costs: Affiliates don’t need to handle stock or logistics.
Low Overhead: Beyond content creation and marketing, affiliate marketing requires minimal expenses.
Example: Bloggers and influencers often include affiliate links in their content, earning commissions when their audience purchases through those links.
5. Freemium Models
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Freemium models, popular in tech and digital industries, combine free and premium offerings. Companies provide a basic version of a product or service for free, but charge for premium features or extra services. This approach helps build a large user base while monetizing a small portion of it.
Large User Base: Offering free services can attract millions of users.
Easy Upsell: Users familiar with the free version are more likely to pay for additional features.
Example: Dropbox offers free cloud storage but charges for additional space and advanced features like secure file sharing.
6. Licensing and Royalties
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Companies can monetize their intellectual property by licensing it to others. This is common for patented technology, trademarks, and creative content. Royalties are recurring payments made for continued use of licensed content or products.
Technology Licensing: Software companies often license their technology to other businesses.
Creative Content: Artists and creators receive royalties for works like movies, books, and music.
Example: Microsoft licenses its Windows operating system to computer manufacturers, who pay a fee for each device sold with Windows installed.
7. Franchising
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Franchising allows businesses to expand rapidly by letting others use their brand and business model in exchange for upfront fees and a percentage of sales. This model enables companies to grow with minimal investment while franchisees cover most operational costs.
Fast Expansion: Franchising helps companies scale without significant capital investment.
Shared Risk: Franchisees assume most of the financial risk, reducing the burden on the parent company.
Example: McDonald’s earns substantial income from franchisees who pay royalties in return for using its brand and business systems.
8. Investments and Financial Services
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Many businesses generate revenue through investments in assets like stocks, real estate, or other ventures. Financial services companies such as banks and investment firms earn income from fees or interest on assets under management. Non-financial companies may also invest to diversify their revenue streams.
Investment Methods:
Stock Market: Companies invest in publicly traded businesses.
Real Estate: Purchasing commercial properties for rental income or resale.
Example: Warren Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway, earns profits through investments in various industries and businesses.
9. Crowdfunding and Donations
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Startups and small businesses often turn to crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe to raise money from individuals. In return, contributors may receive rewards, early access to products, or simply the satisfaction of supporting a cause. Nonprofits often rely on donations for their funding.
Reward-Based Crowdfunding: Backers receive something in exchange for their contributions.
Equity Crowdfunding: Investors receive shares in the company.
Example: Many tech startups use crowdfunding to secure initial funding for product development on platforms like Kickstarter.
10. On-Demand Services
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On-demand services allow customers to quickly access goods or services through mobile apps or platforms. These businesses make money by charging service fees or taking a percentage of each transaction.
On-Demand Examples:
Ride-Sharing: Companies like Uber and Lyft connect drivers with passengers and keep a portion of the fare.
Food Delivery: Platforms such as DoorDash charge both restaurants and customers for delivery services.
Example: Airbnb connects hosts with guests for short-term rentals, earning a commission on each booking.
These are just some of the many ways businesses can generate revenue, showcasing the diverse strategies used to thrive in the competitive marketplace.
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orionmis · 9 days
Powered Roller Conveyors Uk
The evolution of powered roller conveyors represents a significant advancement in material handling technology, transforming how goods are transported in various industries. From their rudimentary beginnings to the sophisticated systems we see today, powered roller conveyors have played a crucial role in enhancing efficiency and productivity across manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics sectors.
Historical Context
The origins of conveyor technology can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where simple mechanisms were used to move heavy materials. However, the modern conveyor system began to take shape in the 18th century with the introduction of rudimentary belt systems for transporting goods like grain. The first patent for a conveyor system was filed in 1908, marking the beginning of an era focused on mechanized material handling.The introduction of roller conveyors came into prominence with the Ford Model T assembly line in the early 20th century. This innovation allowed for mass production techniques that significantly increased manufacturing efficiency. As industries grew, so did the need for more advanced and flexible conveyor systems.
The Rise of Powered Roller Conveyors
Powered roller conveyors emerged as a solution to the limitations of gravity-based systems. By incorporating motorized rollers, these conveyors could transport goods over longer distances and handle heavier loads with greater precision. The first motor-driven roller conveyors were introduced in the 1970s, forming the backbone of automated systems that revolutionized logistics and manufacturing processes.
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Key Innovations
Motorized Rollers: The shift from external motors to embedded motors within rollers allowed for more compact designs and greater flexibility. This innovation enabled the creation of independent zones within a conveyor system, allowing for precise control over product movement and reducing safety risks associated with bulky external drives.
Modular Designs: Modern powered roller conveyors are often modular, allowing businesses to adapt their systems easily as needs change. This adaptability is crucial in dynamic environments like warehouses and distribution centers where product types and volumes can vary significantly.
Integration with Automation: The integration of powered roller conveyors with automated systems and robotics has opened new possibilities for fully automated material handling solutions. Smart sensors and AI technologies are now being used to optimize operations, predict maintenance needs, and enhance overall system efficiency.
Energy Efficiency: Advances in motor technology have led to the development of energy-efficient powered roller systems that reduce operational costs and environmental impact. Many modern systems utilize low-voltage DC motors that consume less energy while maintaining high performance.
Current Applications
Today, powered roller conveyors are integral to various applications across multiple industries:
E-commerce Fulfillment: With the rise of online shopping, powered roller conveyors facilitate efficient order processing by automating the movement of packages through sorting and packing stations.
Manufacturing: These systems are used extensively in assembly lines, where they transport components between workstations, enhancing productivity and reducing manual labor.
Logistics and Warehousing: Powered roller conveyors streamline operations by moving goods efficiently through storage areas, improving inventory management and reducing handling times.
Future Trends
As technology continues to evolve, several trends are shaping the future of powered roller conveyors:
Increased Automation: Future designs will likely feature higher levels of automation, reducing manual intervention further and enhancing operational efficiency.
AI Integration: Artificial intelligence will play a pivotal role in optimizing conveyor performance, enabling real-time adjustments based on workflow demands.
Sustainability Efforts: There is a growing emphasis on developing eco-friendly conveyor systems that minimize energy consumption and utilize sustainable materials.
IoT Connectivity: The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to enhance monitoring capabilities, allowing for comprehensive data collection and improved maintenance strategies across conveyor networks.
The evolution of powered roller conveyors has fundamentally changed how industries approach material handling. From their historical roots to modern innovations, these systems continue to adapt to meet the demands of an ever-evolving market landscape. As technology advances, powered roller conveyors will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of efficient logistics and manufacturing solutions
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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Plaintiff Exhibit X, Letter of Consent for Lou Gehrig. U.S. District Court. Hillerich & Bradsby Company versus The Hanna Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United States Series: Equity Cases File Unit: Hillerich and Bradsby Co. vs Hanna Manufacturing Co.
[handwritten at top right] Lou Gehrig Plf [unclear: Ex] [deletion, unclear: N? W?] X [printed] 390 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE [T]o all persons to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: [portion of line hidden by ribbon] THIS I[S] [TO] CERTIFY that the annexed is a true copy from the records [portion of line hidden by ribbon] [word covered: in? of?] [t]his office [typed] of Letter of Consent, filed August 1, 1927, [portion of line hidden by ribbon] in th[e] [ma]tter of the [portion hidden by ribbon] [Tra]de Mark Registered by Hillerich & Bradsby Co., [portion hidden by ribbon] [No]vember 22, 1927, Number 235,598. [seal at left] [printing at right of seal] IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Patent Office to be affixed, at the City of Washington, this [typed] seventeenth [printed] day of [typed] May [printed] , in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three and of the Independence of the United States of American the one hundred and fifty-seventh. [printed below seal] ATTEST: [signature] D E Wilson [printed] Chief of Division. [signature at right] Thomas E. Robertson [printed] Commissioner of Patents. [small printing at bottom left] [unclear numbers: 11-5625] U. S. [unclear: GOVERNMENT] PRINTING [unclear] [unclear: numbers for year?]
[white on black background] [at top right] 391 [letterhead] HILLERICH & BRADSBY CO. INCORPORATED SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED [picture of manufacturing plant] [bat design below picture] [in circle at left of picture] Office & Factory 725-731 South Preston Street [in circle at right of picture] None Genuine Without Our Trade Mark Stamped On Each Bat [below bat design] LOUISVILLE SLUGGER BASE BALL BATS [handwritten at right] N. Y. Amer. [handwritten at left] $25[superiors, underscored]50 - 10/15/23 [crossed out: LOUISVILLE. KY.] [handwritten below] New York Oct 15/1923 [typed] For a valuable consideration, the receipt of which I hereby acknowledge, I, the undersigned, hereby agree to give to Hillerich & Bradsby Co., Incorporated of Louisville, Kentucky, the sole and exclusive rights to use my name and photograph on Base Ball Bats and in advertising same and it can be registered a their Trade Mark. [signature at right] Henry Louis Gehrig [printed] Witness: [signature] Walter C Pipp [signature at right] "Lou" Gehrig [section cut out or superimposed on first of several blank lines below] [handwritten at left] [unclear: Dic] [unclear: ??d] 10/27/23. [unclear: ?r?t] Schmitz Mfg. Co. 10/25/23. [handwritten at right] 252844 [printed at bottom] "USERS OF LOUISVILLE SLUGGER BATS ARE MEMBERS OF BASEBALL'S HALL OF FAME."
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shekhawatlaw · 15 days
Understanding Patent Applications in India
Filing a patent application is an essential first step for companies and inventors looking to safeguard their creations. The Indian patent application in India procedure can be intricate and demands close attention to detail. One of the best legal consultancies, Shekhawat Law, offers professional assistance in navigating this complex process. The goal of this blog is to explain the essential procedures and demystify the Indian patent application process.
What is Meant by a Patent?
An inventor or assignee of a unique, non-obvious, and commercially viable innovation may get an exclusive legal right from the government through the application of a patent. The patent owners may use this power to prevent third parties from producing, utilizing, importing, selling, or utilizing the patented invention without their consent.
Types of Indian Patents
Three categories of patents exist in India:
Utility patents: These protect recently discovered or innovative products.
Patents on designs: These safeguard an object's distinctive aesthetic features.
Plant Patents: Patents for novel and distinctive plant varieties are awarded.
How to Apply for a Patent
India has multiple steps in the patent application process. This is a comprehensive guide:
1. Determine Patentability
Ensure your invention is novel, involves an inventive step, and is capable of industrial application. It should not fall under the non-patentable inventions as defined by the Indian Patents Act.
2. Conduct a Patent Search
Perform a patent search to check if similar inventions already exist. This can help you determine the novelty of your invention.
3. Prepare a Patent Specification
Provisional Specification: If your invention is still in the experimental stage, you can file a provisional specification. This helps secure a priority date.
Complete Specification: A detailed document that fully describes the invention, including claims, which define the scope of patent protection.
4. File a Patent Application
Form 1: Application for Grant of Patent
Form 2: Provisional/Complete Specification
Form 3: Statement and Undertaking under Section 8 (disclosing foreign filings)
Form 5: Declaration as to Inventorship
Form 9: Request for Publication (optional)
Form 18: Request for Examination
5. Publication of Patent Application
The patent application is published in the official patent journal after 18 months from the filing date. You can request early publication using Form 9.
6. Examination of Patent Application
The patent application is examined by the Indian Patent Office upon filing Form 18. An examiner reviews the application for compliance with patentability criteria and issues an examination report.
7. Respond to Examination Report
Respond to the objections raised in the examination report within the stipulated time (usually six months). This may involve amending the claims or providing clarifications.
8. Grant of Patent
If the examiner is satisfied with the responses, the patent is granted and published in the patent journal.
9. Post-Grant Compliance
Pay the necessary post-grant fees and maintain the patent by paying annual renewal fees.
Important Forms and Fees
Form 1: Application for Grant of Patent
Form 2: Provisional/Complete Specification
Form 3: Statement and Undertaking under Section 8
Form 5: Declaration as to Inventorship
Form 9: Request for Publication (optional)
Form 18: Request for Examination
Fee Structure: Varies for individuals, small entities, and large entities. Ensure to check the latest fee structure on the official website.
Online Filing
The Indian Patent Office provides an e-filing system for patent applications. Create an account, fill out the necessary forms, upload documents, and pay the fees online.
Professional Help
Consider hiring a patent attorney or agent to assist with the application process, ensuring that the documents are correctly drafted and the process is smoothly handled.
Key Tips
Ensure detailed and clear drafting of the complete specification, including claims.
Keep track of deadlines for responses and fee payments.
Regularly check the status of your application online.
By following these steps, you can navigate the patent application process in India effectively and increase the chances of securing patent protection for your invention.
Why Did You Select Shekhawat Law?
The procedure of applying for a patent might be difficult to navigate. To guarantee a seamless and fruitful patent application procedure, Shekhawat Law provides a wide range of services, such as:
Expert Consultation: Comprehensive advice on whether an innovation is patentable.
Writing and Submitting: Expert support for creating and submitting patent applications.
Prosecution Support: Skillfully managing compliance concerns and objections.
Services for Maintenance: Ensuring legal compliance and prompt payment of renewal fees.
A key to safeguarding your invention and maintaining a competitive edge is obtaining a patent. Businesses and inventors can safely negotiate the intricacies of the Indian patent application procedure with the help of Shekhawat Law's skilled staff. You can successfully protect your innovations and make a living by knowing the procedures and getting expert help.
Speak with Shekhawat Law right now for more details or help with patent applications.
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gireportstory · 29 days
E-comics Market by Major Key Players,Competitive landscape and Forecast to 2030
On 2024-8-30 Global Info Research released【Global E-comics Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030】. This report includes an overview of the development of the E-comics industry chain, the market status of Consumer Electronics (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), Household Appliances (Nickel-Zinc Ferrite Core, Mn-Zn Ferrite Core), and key enterprises in developed and developing market, and analysed the cutting-edge technology, patent, hot applications and market trends of E-comics. E-comics, short for electronic comics, also called digital comics, refer to digital versions of comic books or graphic novels that are designed to be read on electronic devices, such as computers, tablets, e-readers, or smartphones. E-comics have become increasingly popular as technology has advanced, providing readers with a convenient and portable way to access and enjoy their favorite comic content. Here are some key features and aspects of e-comics:
Digital Format: E-comics are distributed in digital formats, allowing readers to download and store them electronically. This eliminates the need for physical copies and provides a space-efficient way to carry a large collection of comics. Various File Formats: E-comics are available in various file formats, including PDF, EPUB, CBR, CBZ, and more. Different platforms and devices may support different file types. Interactive Features: Some e-comics incorporate interactive features not possible in traditional print comics. This can include animations, sound effects, hyperlinks, and other multimedia elements. Online Platforms: E-comics are often distributed through online platforms or dedicated websites. Readers can purchase, download, or subscribe to digital comic content directly from these platforms. Subscription Services: Some platforms offer subscription services where users pay a recurring fee to access a library of digital comics. This model is similar to streaming services for other media types. Guided View Technology: To enhance the reading experience on smaller screens, many e-comic platforms use guided view technology. This feature guides readers through individual panels or frames, making it easier to follow the story on devices with limited screen space. Device Compatibility: E-comics are designed to be compatible with a wide range of electronic devices, including tablets, e-readers, smartphones, and computers. This ensures accessibility for readers using different devices. Global Accessibility: E-comics can be easily distributed and accessed globally, overcoming geographical barriers. Readers from different parts of the world can enjoy the same content simultaneously. Search and Navigation: Digital comics often include search and navigation features, allowing readers to quickly find specific pages or panels. This can enhance the overall reading experience. Creator Platforms: Some platforms cater to independent comic creators, providing tools and portals for them to publish and distribute their work directly to a global audience.
According to our (Global Info Research) latest study, the global E-comics market size was valued at US$ 12590 million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 28560 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 11.9% during review period.
Global key players of E-comics include Naver, Kakao, Shueisha, Kodansha, Comico (NHN), etc. The top five players hold a share over 26%. Asia-Pacific is the largest market, and has a share about 87%, followed by North America and Europe with share 6% and 5%, separately. In terms of product type, Subscription Based is the largest segment, occupied for a share of 77%. In terms of application, Mobile Phone has a share about 83 percent.
This report is a detailed and comprehensive analysis for global E-comics market. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented by company, by region & country, by Type and by Application. As the market is constantly changing, this report explores the competition, supply and demand trends, as well as key factors that contribute to its changing demands across many markets. Company profiles and product examples of selected competitors, along with market share estimates of some of the selected leaders for the year 2024, are provided. Market segment by Type: Subscription Based、Advertisement Based Market segment by Application:Mobile Phone、PC/Notebook、Tablet Computer、Others Major players covered: Naver、Kakao、Shueisha、Marvel Unlimited、Shogakukan、Kodansha、DC、KidariStudio、Amazia、Kadokawa、Tappytoon、Hakusensha、Akita Shoten、Futabasha、IDW、Comico (NHN)、Image Comics、Delcourt、Glenat、Ridibooks (RIDI Corp)、Mr Blue、Webcomics (SideWalk Group)
Market segment by region, regional analysis covers: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia),South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Rest of South America),Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa). The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe E-comics product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of E-comics, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of E-comics from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 3, the E-comics competitive situation, sales quantity, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the E-comics breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales quantity, consumption value and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 5 and 6, to segment the sales by Type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2019 to 2030. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales quantity, consumption value and market share for key countries in the world, from 2017 to 2023.and E-comics market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2025 to 2030. Chapter 12, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends and Porters Five Forces analysis. Chapter 13, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of E-comics. Chapter 14 and 15, to describe E-comics sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion.
Data Sources:
Via authorized organizations:customs statistics, industrial associations, relevant international societies, and academic publications etc.
Via trusted Internet sources.Such as industry news, publications on this industry, annual reports of public companies, Bloomberg Business, Wind Info, Hoovers, Factiva (Dow Jones & Company), Trading Economics, News Network, Statista, Federal Reserve Economic Data, BIS Statistics, ICIS, Companies House Documentsm, investor presentations, SEC filings of companies, etc.
Via interviews. Our interviewees includes manufacturers, related companies, industry experts, distributors, business (sales) staff, directors, CEO, marketing executives, executives from related industries/organizations, customers and raw material suppliers to obtain the latest information on the primary market;
Via data exchange. We have been consulting in this industry for 16 years and have collaborations with the players in this field. Thus, we get access to (part of) their unpublished data, by exchanging with them the data we have.
From our partners.We have information agencies as partners and they are located worldwide, thus we get (or purchase) the latest data from them.
Via our long-term tracking and gathering of data from this industry.We have a database that contains history data regarding the market.
Global Info Research is a company that digs deep into global industry information to support enterprises with market strategies and in-depth market development analysis reports. We provides market information consulting services in the global region to support enterprise strategic planning and official information reporting, and focuses on customized research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, database and top industry services. At the same time, Global Info Research is also a report publisher, a customer and an interest-based suppliers, and is trusted by more than 30,000 companies around the world. We will always carry out all aspects of our business with excellent expertise and experience.
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