the-fith-studio · 1 year
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The Seraphim are the highest order of the Celestial Choirs second to only the Celestial God. The Seraphim are the Conductors of the three Choirs of Ikkarai (The Celestial plane), and therefore hold the highest authority of Ikkarai.
The Seraphim shown above are Azazel (Blue) the Conductor of the First Choir (The highest order of the Choirs and ruling body), Seraphina (Red) the Conductor of the Second Choir (The military backbone and artisans of the Choirs), and Zachariel (Green) the Conductor of the Third Choir (The healers and assistants of the Choirs and - supposedly - the assistants of Mortals in Ishfoone - The mortal plane)
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the-fith-studio · 12 days
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The Thrones are the second highest order of the Celestial Choirs. The Thrones are the Composers of the three Choirs of Ikkarai (The Celestial plane), and therefore hold the second highest authority of Ikkarai.
The Thrones shown above are Abbadon (Blue) the Composer of the First Choir (Archivist and planner of the Highest authority of the Choirs), Rustica (Red) the Composer of the Second Choir (Archivist and planner of the Military and artisans of the Choirs), Intellectus (Green) the Composer of the Third Choir (Archivist and planner of the Healers and assistants of the Choirs and the assistants of the mortals Ishfoone)
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the-fith-studio · 1 year
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City Brownies are Brownies that live close or in Human or Humanoid settlements and have therefore adapted to look like rodents to blend in better and be spotted less for safety. All Brownies are also called Borrowers as another name for them. they typically make their clothes out of discarded or things they have "borrowed" as well as making whatever else they need out of these items.
Wild Brownies are Brownies that live out in the wild, hence the name, and look like tiny bear men and tend to avoid areas populated by Humans or other Humanoids - therefore not much is really known about them and their culture. Much like many other Tiny Folk Fae they wear clothing made from plants or discarded or "borrowed" things like their City Brownie counterparts.
Pixies are malicious pranksters that get a good laugh from harming people with their practical jokes, though some - but not all - don't seem to be aware that they are causing harm and often think the victim of their cruel jokes is just being funny. They don'gt wear clothes at all and seem to be made from plants or other natural materials depending on the season they are seen in (I.e Winter Pixies seem to be made of snow, ice, and dead twigs while Summer Pixies seem to be made of blooming flowers, rocks and grass ect.)
(Concept art)
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the-fith-studio · 8 months
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A Faerie named Alto, a simple man of his small treetop village.
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the-fith-studio · 7 months
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Hill giants ref sheet/concept art.
Hill Giants are significantly smaller and stockier than their Mountain Giant counterparts, but work relatively similar to them (i.e being giant magical nuclear reactors with magical insulating to prevent mana poisoning to the surrounding areas and creatures as well as the Mountain giants ability to devour those they deem powerful enough for the mountain giant to want their power (depending on how long the giant is in conflict with a creature the more of their power they will get.) or to simply keep fallen allies with them even after their deaths)
They feed mainly on dirt and trees with some supplementary rocks to round out the diet of the occasional sapient creature.
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the-fith-studio · 7 months
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Mountain Giant ref sheet/concept art.
Mountain Giants were the creators of the first golem and subsequent rune for said construct, the first construct. It took a great effort to figure out and nearly depleted the Mountain Giants mana pool (since they are like giant magical nuclear reactors - with magical insulation to prevent mana poisoning of the surrounding area and creatures - this is a pretty big deal) before she found a more streamlined and magic efficient way to create her golems.
Mountain giants traditionally feed on rocks from their mountain homes, but have also been known to devour those they deem powerful enough for the mountain giant to want their power (depending on how long the giant is in conflict with a creature the more of their power they will get.) or to simply keep fallen allies with them even after their deaths.
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the-fith-studio · 7 months
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Onis and Orks ref sheet/concept art.
Onis and Orks are actually of one species and have only a few differences between them, other than the obvious differences appearance-wise. This is because Onis are rather magically inclined and can enter a sort of berserk state, without refining their magical skills, that greatly increases their durability, agility, strength, and speed.
The Orks and Onis are a rather down to earth and relaxed kind of people who take great joy in their community and the thrill of the hunt. Their communities are so tight knit that when an Ork or Oni come of age a lock of their hair is taken and magically weaved into the great tapestry of their tribe that depicts the great many feats of the generations before and current; whether these feats are a bountiful harvest, a glorious victory, a time of peace, or anything that is worth commemorating in the eyes of the tribe.
If an Ork or Oni is banished from the tribe they are stripped of everything they have - whether it be clothes, armour, weapons, even their hair; it is taken - and they are sent out to wander the wilderness to die alone and grieving their horrific affront to the tribe, their home, their family.
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the-fith-studio · 7 months
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Dryads ref sheet/concept art.
Dryads are rather recluse tree spirits that take on rather effeminate forms simply because they enjoy the look and feel of them, they have a rather close connection not only to the tree that birthed them but also to birds of prey and have a playful rivalry with the Ents that has been going on since forever.
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the-fith-studio · 7 months
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Forest Elves updated ref sheet/concept art.
Forest Elves are the most in tune with the natural world and therefore live very simple lives as they sincerely do not need much more than their forests and packs. (which are separated internally into; Political negotiators - place holder name Beta - those that birth children or care for them and protect the home camp - place holder name Omega - and those that hunt, gather, patrol, and posture in minor territorial disputes - place holder name Alpha -).
Their camps either smell heavily of mint (from mint plants) or liquorice (from Petunias) because of their naturally made bug repellents using a variety of plants and herbs that they gather and sometimes cultivate. Many of these plants are turned into oils which they then soak powder in before drying to more easily apply to pups and those that need the extra help.
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the-fith-studio · 7 months
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High Elves updated ref sheet/concept art.
High Elves are a pompous and prideful race that look down upon all those who are born of the flesh instead of the stone (the flesh born are more saturated than their stone born cousins). it is also heavily frowned upon and considered highly suspicious to either birth or carve another High Elf, which explains their dwindling numbers.
Their senses are so sensitive that anything more then table salt and pepper is considered to be overwhelming which causes any half-high elves to be delighted to go on a culinary adventure as soon as it is revealed to them the vast world of flavours other lands and cultures hold.
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the-fith-studio · 7 months
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The Fall of Infernis (Red) - The God of the Infernals - and the Beginning of the End for Ikkarai (White) - The God of the Celestials -
Once brothers, now bitter enemies as the God PLane is left to continue on without them.
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the-fith-studio · 11 months
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Hans and Seraphina's first meeting
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the-fith-studio · 1 year
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Forest Elves are a rather nature bound people that live a life of mostly hunting and gathering and are furious at the destruction of their home at the hands of industrialisation and human ignorance. their clothing mostly consists of furs, leathers, and traded for or woven cloth - while also being simple and practical and easy to put on and take off as the complexities of more fanciful clothing doe not suit their life style.
Trolls are extremely intelligent creatures and if you want to know something it is in your best interest to speak to a troll (they will respect you more if you learn to speak Goblin and will see you as someone equal to them if you ask to learn their language - so much so that they will speak to you in your own language). Trolls often come across each other and share what knowledge they have gathered with one another before going on their way. Also if one were to anger a Troll (by either being rude or not paying their toll to pass through their territory - which is considered rude) the Troll will just eat them.
Goblins are good friends with Trolls and often share a territory of swampland with them. If you want something done efficiently and probably in a way you didn't expect you should get a gaggle of goblins and treat them well because the will get whatever you're trying to fix or build up and running quicker and better than anyone else if you just let them at it. Goblins also - like many other Fae - enjoy the taste of humans, whether that be their flesh or emotions that is more to a Goblins taste is still up for debate. (Goblin visual design is a work in progress)
(Concept art)
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the-fith-studio · 8 months
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Celestial fashion concepts, here are some common Dominion fashion trends.
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the-fith-studio · 8 months
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Celestial fashion concepts, here are some common Power fashion choices.
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the-fith-studio · 8 months
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Celestial Fashion concepts, some common ones for Virtues.
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