#patch like. ok can you die for real
specters · 2 years
i keep thinking about that post i reblogged the other day abt making fun of people's battle jackets for having anti-capitalist stuff paired with disney patches or whatever because it's reminding me of the time i saw someone with a jacket full of "progressive patches" including pro-trans ones. and then they had their harry potter house thrown in the mix
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ruvviks · 1 month
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we would sell anything just to buy who we're not // we kill our way to heaven
taglist (opt in/out)
@shellibisshe, @florbelles, @ncytiri, @hibernationsuit, @stars-of-the-heart;
@lestatlioncunt, @katsigian, @radioactiveshitstorm, @estevnys, @adelaidedrubman;
@celticwoman, @rindemption, @carlosoliveiraa, @noirapocalypto, @dickytwister;
@killerspinal, @euryalex, @ri-a-rose, @velocitic, @thedeadthree
#tew#art#art:nathan#nuclearocs#nuclearart#ok so 1st of all: i'm sorry. no i'm not. yes i am. no#2nd of all: do not look at ruvik's scarring for too long i got lazy somewhere along the way#3rd of all: this piece takes place YEARS after the conclusion of both games. i have my own imaginary tew3 AND tew4. don't worry about it#4th of all: the way i see it is that eventually ruben's own appearance starts overwriting leslie's so he looks mostly like himself again#(just with hair and eyebrows and eyelashes. thanks leslie)#5th of all: yes i gave him a hearing aid the boy has survived a barn fire and part of his ear got burned away. it makes sense. to me#6th of all: yes i gave him pretty princess eyelashes and beautiful brown doe eyes and a nose bump. i will die on this hill#7th of all: when i designed nathan all those years back i did not even think about the color symbolism going on with his hair#which is now enhanced by the white patches in his eyebrow and eyelashes too. but yeah that's there now. much to think about!#and in this piece it's also in the clothing i gave them. didn't think about that either that just kinda happened. anyway#thank you for tuning in today i know i'm insane about these guys but like what can you do. sorry. bye#no wait hold on one more thing i made ruben taller than canon so he can hover over nathan like some victorian era skinny twinkish ghoul#not that nathan isn't a ghoul but. actually nathan is more ghoulish his base skin color is paler than ruben's. ok bye for real now#if you read all of that we will have a soft and bright late spring wedding with easily digestible food
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everydayyoulovemeless · 3 months
Hi! I really like your writing!
Can I request a MacCready x reader where he's patching you up? If possible, can he be denying/ ignoring being in love with you, too?
Wounds ↠ MacCready x Reader
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Romantic, Pinning ➼ A/N » Sorry for the wait, love! I couldn't figure out how I should write him for the longest time, and I still don't feel like I did him much justice, but it's done!
You never imagined that your relationship with the sniper would evolve into anything more than business partners. He made it clear from the start that he didn't have any intention to be your friend. You paid him, he did his job, and that's all the two of you would ever be - until you ran out of currency, that is.
You can remember the exact moment you walked into the Third Rail. A pile of newly attained caps in your pocket that jingled together whenever you jostled your leg too quickly. It was a wonder how you managed to make it that far into town without being mugged, but you supposed the vibrant welcoming from the Mayor himself had more to do with it than you actually appearing as a threat to anyone.
You only wandered into the VIP section out of curiosity. You'd always been a sucker for bar fights, so when you heard an argument brewing up in the back, you couldn't help but be a bit nosy about it.
"You have to tell me when something like this happens." He chided, inspecting the gash on your leg with evident concern. "It's too dangerous out here for you to be ignoring something like this."
"Don't get soft on me." You teased, jerking your leg back at the sting that came when he began pouring water on top of the wound.
You knew you probably shouldn't be joking around at a time like this, but what else could you do? You hated the thought of burdening your companion like this, and after you were so close to arriving at Sanctuary too.
His eyes flickered up to meet your own for a minute before casting them back down at the blood he was washing off your body, "I'm not." He hissed, "I'm making sure my only source of caps stays alive."
You hummed in response, "It's only a scratch. It's not like I'll die. Once we make it back to Sanctuary, I'll have Curie take a look at it, and we'll be back on the road."
"Yeah, well, until then, I'm going to make sure you don't get an infection."
You winced again from the feeling of cold water roughly scrubbing at your wound before gazing apologetically at him.
"I'm fine Mac, really," You said, "It's been healing fine on its own for the past couple of days now"
He takes his hat off of his head and runs a stressed hand through his hair.
He did that same motion in the bar where you'd found him, right after Winlock and Barnes were done confronting him. It made you frown slightly when you saw it.
"Are you.. ok?" You asked slowly, resting a hesitant hand on his shoulder, worried that you might've upset him.
"Are you ok?" He retorted, gesturing vaugely toward your injury.
"I feel fine. Really. I'll be able to make it to the settlement without any support." You assured him - or at least tried to, he didn't seem to be feeling any less concerned, though.
"I just - why didn't you tell me?"
"I knew you'd stress about it." You sighed, "It's nothing, ok? I'll be ok for the time being. Once we're there I'll go straight to the Medic house, alright?"
"Whatever." He muttered, "Come on, I'll carry you on my back until we can get you too a real doctor."
You scoffed playfully, "You're too scrawny to-"
"Get on." He spoke, cutting you off. "I want to get there before it gets dark."
You stared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh and grasping onto his shoulders.
He slotted his arms under your knees carefully, and it was clear by the way he moved over debris that he was trying his hardest not to jostle you too much.
His actions only brought you back to the day you had met. You smiled to yourself as you remembered him counting the caps you'd handed to him before he explained he wouldn't be caring for you in any capacity. He was a bodyguard, not a member of the Minutemen. If you couldn't patch yourself up, then there'd be no reason for him to stay.
You supposed something must've changed between then and now, as he did the one thing he told you he wouldn't.
"What are you breathing in my ear for?" He asked defensively. You could feel his face heating up ever so slightly as you rested your head on his shoulder.
You smiled a little wider, "No reason."
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The New Bartender
Mayans MC Masterlist
Contains: Smut, MFM threesome, fluff, friendly rivalries. No beta read, probably full of mistakes I can't see.
4K words
Out of desperation, Bishop hires a real bartender.
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Thank you to @burningtacozombie for the gif.
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You looked over the ad, "The pay's alright but I don't think I'm going to gel well here, the poster I picked up didn't exactly say I would be working at a biker clubhouse."
Bishop swallowed and shot a look at Hank; you were the most qualified person they had spoken to all week, and the drinks you had whipped up were to die for, "We realise not putting the location on the ad wasn't the best idea but we're desperate. We can't keep people long and well, we're bikers, we like to drink."
You nodded, "Yep and I've been there and done that, I'm not interested in spending my night being disrespected. At least in a bar, I can get the fucker kicked out."
Hank held up his hands, "If you wanna toss someone, you can. The girls that are left could really use a hand. I promise we're nicer than we look."
You sighed, "Fine, a two week trial, you do sound desperate. But I ain't putting up with any shit and don't think I'm not going to take someone's keys from them."
Bishop smiled and stuck out his hand, "Done, you're hired."
You shook it and sighed before shaking Hank's hand too, "I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting two weeks."
That was two months ago, and aside from a few growing pains and walking out with all the other women in the middle of a party after a particularly rude Mayan took it one step too far, things had been amazing.
"I'll get an old fashioned please." You mixed the drink in a flash and slid it across the bar to Bishop, "Thanks."
You smiled, "Don't mention it. I know I've asked you this before but have you considered broadening your horizons? Maybe try something a little different."
Bishop sighed, "What do you recommend?"
You ran a finger over the liquor bottles, "You ever had a dark and stormy?"
He shrugged, "Probably."
"Ok then, when that's drained, you can give it another go." Bishop walked away with his drink and Guero and Bottles filled the space.
Guero gave you his trademark smirk and you handed him a beer, "What do you want? I know that look."
He chuckled, "Who do you like more, me or Mr Magoo?"
The question seemed to roll off Bottles' back, "I'm not going to answer that."
Bottles smiled, "Nah, we want to know."
You shook your head, "No, and if you keep this up, I'm cutting you both off."
Guero looked you up and down, "That's what we like about you y/n, this take no prisoners attitude is very hot."
You huffed, "You've both made your attraction pretty clear and it's not happening, I'm not going to be your tool to show up the prospect."
"Maybe we're just going to ask you to have a drink with us." Bottles hadn't yet developed the charm that some of the patched members had and if it wasn't so cute, you might have felt sorry for him.
"Come on y/n, I wouldn't be showing him up, we'd be helping the poor boy. You see how shy he is." You rolled your eyes but Guero continued, "All this flirting we've been doing has to go somewhere, just say yes and we'll show you a good time."
There was no denying they were attractive, and if the rumours you heard around the clubhouse were true, they knew what they were doing, "I'm not going to have sex with Bottles because you wanna torment him about it, that's really gross dude."
Bottles smiled, "That's not what it is, he's got a big mouth and I want to prove him wrong."
You blinked, you had no idea where his sudden confidence came from, "What fucking cave did you two crawl out of?"
Guero raised a hand in placation, "It ain't like that, we like you and we want to show you a good time, if you'll let us."
You sighed, "Fine, but no fucking bullshit and this doesn't mean I'm getting passed around." You held up a finger as the smirk grew on Guero's face, "Any fuckin bullshit and I'm putting you both out on your asses, understand?" They both nodded aggressively, "Good, I'll see you at my place tomorrow at six and bring food."
You rubbed your face as they fought over the last spring roll, "I swear to shit, cut it in half or I'll eat it." They stopped like little boys caught in the middle of roughhousing and did as you asked, "Thank you."
Bottles shifted in his seat and pushed up his glasses, "Thank you for agreeing to this."
You smiled, "You're both very handsome and I'm hoping to have fun too, it's not a big ask."
The corner of Guero's lip ticked up, "Oh, you're going to have more than fun."
You rolled your eyes, "If you keep bragging, I'm going to think you're overcompensating for something."
"Oh trust me, I'm compensating just the right amount." Sometimes his smug tone made you want to punch him.
Bottles shook his head, "You don't need to worry about that with me, I'm secure."
"You know, it might serve you to be this confident all the time, I like this side of you." He positively beamed at your praise. Guero kicked him under the table and you slapped his chest, "None of that, be nice to him."
Bottles smiled, "Yeah, be nice to me."
Guero's jaw ticked, "You are so in for it Prospect."
You shook your head and stood up, "I'm going to fix up the bedroom, I expect my kitchen to be clean by the time I invite you into my bed." Guero would have taken the chance to make Bottles do it had you not stopped him, "Both of you. You don't want me thinking you're lazy would you?"
Guero shook his head, "I love cleaning."
"Sure you do, you got ten minutes." With that, you headed to the bedroom and left them to rile each other up for the upcoming fun.
At eight minutes, you walked out of the bedroom and back into the kitchen, looking around before smiling, "Great job, shall we?"
Guero slapped Bottles on the back and grinned, "We shall."
You followed them into the bedroom and Guero flopped himself on the chair by the bed while Bottles stood in the middle of the room, "You're not taking part?"
Guero's tongue darted out and licked his lower lip, "I'm alright with watching, I'll step in when he can't do the job right."
You ignored him and stepped closer to Bottles, taking his glasses off his face and handing them to Guero without looking at him. "Are you sure you're alright with this? I don't want you to do anything you're not one hundred percent into."
He laid hands on your cheeks and smiled, "I'm really alright with this, trust me." He leaned in closer and bumped your nose with his, "Can I kiss you?"
You nodded, "Yes, I would like that." His lips were gentle when he pressed them to yours, holding a quiet confidence that made your skin burst out into gooseflesh.
One hand left your face and made its way down your body to unbutton your top before sliding it off your shoulders, "Holy shit."
You could feel Guero eyes on your body as he took in your bare skin, and you broke the kiss, "It's just my back dude."
He chuckled, "Yeah, but I can tell you got a hot bra on, and the Prospect's too busy kissing you to appreciate it."
Sure enough, when you turned back, Bottle's eyes were stuck on your lace covered breast, "It is a nice bra."
You nodded, "Yeah, you wanna take it off me?"
Bottle's hands rushed to remove it as his lips found yours again, "Wow Prospect, I thought you were a virgin but the way that bra came off makes me think we might be alright yet."
You broke the kiss again and shot a look at Guero, "You did crawl out of a cave, virginity isn't real."
Guero chuckled, "Sorry, continue."
Bottles' lips moved to your neck when you turned back this time, that same quiet confidence coming through as his hand moved to your breast to play with your nipple. His hand went to your ribcage and pulled you close as the other moved down to the zipper of your jeans, "Can I?"
You nodded, "Yes please." The zipper came open and a warm hand slid inside before settling over your covered core to cup you through your panties.
"You gonna take her jeans off Prospect? It ain't fair that you're keeping her all of yourself." Again, there was something in Guero's tone that made you want to punch him, he was clearly enjoying the power.
Bottles pushed your panties aside and his fingers grazed your bare flesh, "How about you come over here and do it yourself, I'm busy."
Guero hopped up with a skip in his step and took two long strides over to the middle of the room. His hand were warm as he ran his knuckles up and down your sides, getting lower and lower with each pass before finally going low enough to pull your jeans down your legs, "Did you dress up for us?"
Bottles' calloused fingers finally making direct contact with your clit made it hard to reply, "I think she did, but unlike you, I'm grateful for it."
Guero went to reply, but you mustered your own, "I did it for me, I like nice lingerie. As far as you know, I could have been wearing something like this four nights a week."
Bottles swallowed and flicked his eyes to Guero who smirked, "Our bad, apologise Prospect."
Bottles didn't respond, and your panties went next while he gathered wetness from your entrance before sliding two of his thick fingers inside you. Guero stepped back, flopped on the bed, and pet the spot beside him, "You two wanna join me?"
You whimpered as Bottles pulled his fingers out and stepped backwards towards the bed, sitting on the edge as Bottles stepped between your legs, "You're both overdressed."
You reached out, pulled Bottles' belt free and yanked his jeans down while he removed his shirt and then a bare chest was being pressed against your back and Guero's lips grazing your neck, "Hey, fuck off, it's my turn."
Guero sat back, propped up on the headboard and smirked, "Sorry man, you were just taking forever."
You shook your head in disbelief, "Do I get a say in any of this you fucking troglodytes?"
Bottles suddenly looked very smug, "What do you want?"
You heard Guero's jeans coming off as they waited for your answer, "I want you to fuck me."
Bottles grinned and leaned over, forcing you to lie back, "I can do that."
You made your way up the bed and settled on the pillows and Guero bent over to take you into a kiss. His hand found your cheek and he pulled back while his thumb stroked your skin, "You want me to fuck you too or are you going to make me sit here and watch?"
Eyes got wide as you watched Guero's hand slide down his body to take his dick out, "Holy shit."
Guero chuckled, "That's not an answer."
You blinked, "That thing is fucking huge, what the fuck do you want me to do with it?"
Guero shrugged, "Whatever you want, I'm not fussed."
Bottles tapped your hip gently and drew your attention back to him, "Well you can decide later because I want to make you feel good, can I do that?"
You nodded, "Yes please."
Guero stroked his dick lazily, "So polite, who knew you had such great manners. Did you know about that Prospect?"
Bottles was looking at you like he wanted to eat you alive, "She's always sweet to me, it's not my fault you're an asshole."
"Can someone please do something before I have an aneurism?" No reply came from either of them as Bottles made his way all the way up the bed and hovered over you. His lips touched yours, the kissed deeper this time as his free hand rubbed your outer thigh and you placed one hand on his side and the other reached out to grab Guero's cock.
Bottles grabbed your wrist and shook his head, "Don't."
"But I want to." Your tone was far more desperate than you intended
Guero looked for you to Bottles and chuckled, "Yeah Prospect, she wants to. Are you going to deny such a beautiful woman?"
You could see the wheels turning to Bottles head before he let your hand go, "Alright, only because you've been so good."
Guero wrapped his hand over yours and placed it over his dick, moving in a barely there stroke, "Like that yeah?"
You nodded, "Ok." He smiled and leaned back, enjoying the sensation as he watched Bottles' lips return to your skin.
You slid your hand from Bottles' side and removed his boxers and his hard cock sprung free, "Well look at that, the Prospect's packing too. Who knew?"
Bottles chuckled, "Yeah, and unlike you, I know how to use it."
You huffed, "Can someone please fucking do something instead of just bickering, I could have gotten myself off five times by now."
Bottles smiled and nibbled your neck as he made his way to your breast, and Guero's hand wrapped over yours again as he tightened your grip slightly before pulling away once more. Bottles lips wrapped around your nipple as his hand came up to play with the other but Guero slapped it away, "You don't get to have all the fun, I've barely touched her."
Bottles took the chance to take to the hand that was on your breast and place it back between your legs, and you took in a breath as he went right back to where he was before, with his fingers sliding inside you.
Guero's finger moved in broad, teasing circles, his fingertips bearly touching your breasts as he moved closer to your nipple. Bottles, however, was kissing your flesh like it contained the answer to the universe. Before you could relax into the feeling, Bottles was pulling away and kissing down your body to your core.
Guero picked up the slack, his hands becoming more insistent as he had more room to work, and Bottles' fingertips crooked upwards to brush your G-spot as he used his other hand to lift your legs over his shoulders. He lifted his head and made eye contact with you before giving you a soft smile, "Can I?"
You nodded and wove your hand into his hair, "Please." His lips sealed around your clit and Guero shuffled down so he was lying next to you before taking your face in his hands and pulling you into a kiss. Guero swallowed your moans as Bottles worked you closer to the edge, all the teasing and stopping finally catching up with you as the orgasm rushed towards you like an oncoming train.
You bit down on Guero's pillowy lower lip and he let out a feral grunt as your hand tightened around his cock. You pushed Bottles head closer and ground yourself on his face as your clenched around his fingers and Guero broke the kiss to watch as pleasure overtook your body, "Fuck, that's so fucking hot."
Bottles pulled back and wiped his face with his palm and kissed back up your body, taking your chin in between his fingers and pulling your head away from Guero and towards him as he took you into a kiss. Guero's breath caught in his throat, but before you could act on it, Bottles grabbed both your wrists and pressed them into the pillow by your head, "Keep them there."
Guero was taken aback but recovered quickly, "I was going to complain but this might be better than the handjob."
Bottles removed his hands from your wrists and slid them down your body and bent your knees so he could slot himself in the space between them, "Condoms?"
"Top drawer." Guero twisted himself around and reached over, rifling through the drawer with a smile before pausing to look at something.
A smirk grew on his face as he pulled out a bullet vibe, "What's this?"
He and Bottles shared a look but you shook your head, "Next time."
"Alright, next time it is." Guero shot Bottles a pointed look and when he stayed quiet, the box of condoms was lobbed at his head, "You got something stuck in your throat? She's saying there's going to be a next time."
Bottles' brain caught up with his dick because he was grinning, "Hell yeah, I can't wait."
He picked the condoms up from where they had landed and pulled one out of the packet before opening it and sliding it over his cock. His hands ran up and down your legs as you threw them over his waist and he rubbed his cock up and down your slit and looked into your eyes in a request for permission, "Please."
He slid inside you slowly, biting back his moan as he bottomed out. Guero rested his hand on your cheek and turned your head towards him for another kiss as his hand returned to his dick. Bottles rocked his hips slowly, working up to a steady pace as he held himself above you on his elbows.
You pulled your hands off the pillow and wrapped them around his body, Bottles making no move to stop you as his hips picked up speed. Beside you, Guero tutted and slapped Bottles' shoulder before pushing him slightly, "Have you forgotten something man?"
Bottles hips barely slowed as he shook his head and Guero rearranged himself so he could slide his hand between your bodies to rub your clit, "The fucking basics man."
It took a few thrusts for them to get the rhythm but before long, the sensations overwhelmed you, "I didn't fucking forget man."
Guero smirked, "Ah I see, if you can't handle it I can take over."
"No, please don't stop." That only spurred Bottles on as he picked up speed, and then he was the one batting Guero's hand away as he took over. There was more light shoving as Guero pressed his lips to yours, and Bottles kissed your neck, giving you no time to warn with as the second orgasm swept over you.
Bottles' pace faltered, and they swapped places as he climbed his own high. Through the haze of pleasure, you were vaguely aware that Guero was nibbling bruises into your neck, but before you could protest, Bottles' breath shuddered, and he pulsed inside you.
Your hips twitched as Bottles pulled out and rolled off you with a chuckle, "Sorry."
Guero huffed, "He's not sorry, look at him." He rolled you over onto your side facing him and took your head in his hands, "Don't worry y/n, I'll be nicer to you."
Bottles settled behind you with his chest pressed against your back and ran his hands up and down your body while he pressed his lips to your upper back, "Do you believe him?"
Guero was brushing your sweat stuck hair from your face with a gentle smile, "I do."
There was a rush to find the condoms and Guero paused like he was deep in thought as he held the little square package, "What is it?"
He smiled, "I'm thinking about whether I should go down on you first, it's no fair that the Prospect gets all the fun."
You thought for a moment, "I think that might be a bit too much, my brain feels like it's swimming in maple syrup."
Guero smiled, "Maple syrup, are you a secret Canadian?"
You shook your head, "No, I was worried if I said chocolate syrup you'd leave us to get a hot fudge parfait."
Guero chuckled and pecked your cheek, "I wouldn't dream of it and that's alright, I'm happy to skip to the main event." He rolled the condom down his dick and lifted your leg over his hip before running his cock up and down your slit, "You wanna keep going? You don't need to say yes, we can do something else if you're done."
You smiled, "No, I want to keep going."
Bottles chuckled behind you and reached over to shove Guero lightly, "Who's denying the beautiful woman now?"
Guero snorted, "Hey, I'm being a gentleman." He sighed and his lips met yours as he began a slow, steady slide inside you. He paused for a moment, allowing you to adjust to his ample size before slowly rocking his hips, "You good?" His voice was tightly, clearly feeling the outcome of his own delayed pleasure.
You nodded, "Yep."
Bottles pulled you away from Guero and you twisted towards him like a pretzel so he could kiss you while Guero's hips picked up speed, "Aren't you forgetting something?"
Guero exhaled sharply, "You wanna say that again?" Guero's fingers found your clit in an instant and he flashed a grin at Bottles, "I don't forget." He rolled his hips into you and Bottles swallowed your gasp as Guero brushed your G-spot with each forceful stroke.
Your breath caught in your throat and Bottle's lips turned gentle on yours, the mix of rough and gentle intensifying the sensations even. Bottles didn't let you pull your lips away to warn Guero of your oncoming release and you swore you could hear something break in his brain as you clenched around him, "Fucking fuck."
Guero yanked you away from Bottles and pressed his lips to yours in a kiss that left your head spinning as he followed behind you, taking his hand from your clit and gripping your hip hard enough to leave bruises.
Guero rolled away from you and you flopped onto your back, unable to move much more without rolling onto Bottles, "Fuck that was amazing."
Guero chuckled, "You said it Prospect."
You sighed and pushed yourself up, "I really need to go have a shower, I'm all sweaty."
Bottles followed, looking helpful as always, "We can join you, I had a look at your shower and it will fit all three of us."
Guero shook his head, "What are you talking about Prospect, I'm going to help y/n clean up and you're going to change the sheets."
You crossed your arms over your chest, "Nope, I'm going to shower all by myself and you're both going to change the sheets, they're in the drawers under the bed and there are spare pillows in the cupboard." Guero glared at Bottles and you held up a finger, "No fighting or you'll be sleeping on the porch."
Bottles eyes went wide, "I wasn't fighting, it's all him."
You shook your head and turned on your heel, "Don't think I can't see how you rile him up. I'll be out in ten, that should be enough time."
Thankfully, when you came out of the bathroom, there were fresh sheets on the bed and they were getting along. They took turns in the bathroom and Bottles was thoughtful enough to bring you a glass of water while Guero glared at him.
You stretched and yawned then climbed into bed, Geruo and Bottles following after you, "So, who do you like more, me or Bottles?"
You shook your head, "I like you both equally now can I please get some sleep, I'm worn out."
Bottles chuckled, "That's my plan but I get the feeling that he's going to want to talk."
Guero reached over you and shoved him, "Do not, I know when to shut up, unlike you."
You huffed and climbed over Guero to turn off the lamp, "Goodnight, both of you."
They got the message because they arranged themselves so they could touch you, with all your legs entangled in a mess, while placing their arms strategically over you. Guero pressed his lips to your temple, "Goodnight y/n."
Bottles went next with his lips falling on your cheek, "Goodnight, thank you for tonight."
Guero kicked him softly, "Show off."
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Y'all want this to become a thing? I'm not above making this a thing, where's there's I love yous and non sexual cuddling.
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glasswingowl · 11 months
wow those drones sure can murder huh
ep 6 spoilers under the cut
yeah so it's a medusa/sight paralysis thing like we thought
the atmosphere is so cool
she's happy to see N!
I was hoping that copper 9 would affect humans in some way that planet is probably radioactive as fuck
uzi finally got to bite someone good for her
"real tired of killing this one"
so cloning is a thing that can happen. got it
"her last known act was siccing you lot on the human exoplanets". wait. waitwaitwait. SO IT WASN'T JCJENSON TRYING TO COVER THEIR TRACKS?? IT WAS CYN?? HOW?? WHY??
Doll is as cool as ever, i see. Side effect of having the solver is just being able to pull off sick as hell stunts, i guess
J has to go watch the ship. L (i mean on the bright side, she doesn't have to deal with whatever fuckery is down there)
tessa is so incredibly ominous even though she's not saying anything we don't already know
the soundtrack for this episode is so good AJ DiSpirito outdid himself on this one
uzi still has her wings! and the sentient tail!
so that's where the rest of the disassembly drones went. huh.
tessa's blind confidence is so fucking funny
oop there she goes
there's the baby
"shoot the baby" no hesitation lmao-
oh i like these two already. inexplicably southern
the patch of dead pixels on her forehead is a nice touch
oh she's organ harvesting. makes sense
"more valuable" V NOW IS NOT THE TIME-
solver hearts can be contained? good to know
"dealt with witches before, too." does that mean she's not a solver? then why is she here?
"ain't seen 02 since she left us to DIE" OOOOHHHH WHAT DID NORI DO (maybe antler girl was part of a control group or just moved in after everthing went to shit?)
this entire sequence is great, the physical comedy from Beau (baby drone), N HELPING him-
did they tape a magnet to tessa's helmet?? like that'd accomplish anything
"except her yellow eyes" HER. WHAT.
uh oh.
Tessa this isn't jurassic park that isnt going to work-
told you
ouch flashing. tessa's immune to the flashes though
oh this is BAD
there goes the baby
turns out biomechanical horror is sick as hell. who knew?
V's trying to protect uzi now? you go girl
oh the hug
poor girl has no idea
cool music strikes again
they can read??
n and uzi ;-;
oh shit they got doll
put the roach down!! don't spin him!!
holding hands!!
"don't take my robot" tessa kind of sucks actually. she's sweet and she means well, but she definitely has some problems she needs to think about
doll's ok!
oh shit
oh fuck
tessa maybe don't do that-
uh- ok i guess that's one way of fixing that
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angellbarnes · 1 year
sparks flying
Tumblr media
day 1 - firefighter AU
pairing: firefighter!Bucky x reader
summary: a real life firefighter to crush on? say less. with you’re clumsiness you’ll definitely be needing him around a lot more
word count: 1.3k
warnings: just idiots with crushes fluff, (small) fires
A/N: so this is officially day 1 of my 30 day writing challenge! I’ve been gone from writing for wayyy too long. I’ve had a lot going on in life and in my head tbh but now I’m ready to saddle up again and hopefully this will be a good n fun way to bring back my writing! I think this is a cute one to start the challenge with. please like, comment and reblog, it means so so much🤍
A couple of weeks ago…
“Wanda, stop!” you yell. “You know how ticklish I am!” You’re fighting against her as she pins you down. Nat is cackling beside you, laughing at your struggling.
“Say it! Admit you like him!” She cries.
“No! I’ll never!” You cry back.
A relaxed girls night seemed like a good idea before truth or dare was involved, and it led to both Nat and Wanda forcing you to admit your schoolgirl crush on Bucky, a firefighter in your neighbourhood.
“Then I won’t stop.” You’re fighting for breath at this point, before you kick your leg perfectly, or unfortunately, to knock over a candle on the side. It falls to the carpet and everyone’s eyes widen.
“Shit!” You exclaim. You grab a pillow and hit it over the flames repeatedly. You exhale heavily when it’s out. You turn and see Wanda and Nat smirking as Nat is holding her phone to her ear. “Wha- Nat, no!” You say sternly, you can see her plan smug on her face. She holds her finger up at you as she starts speaking.
“Hey, Steve, we just had a small fire over here, maybe you should come over to make sure it’s been put out properly… Yeah, just a candle, nothing major… Ok, thanks babe. Oh, and you should probably bring Bucky too, if he’s around. Cool, see you soon.” She hangs up.
“Seriously?” You deadpan.
When they arrive, you’re sitting on the sofa with Wanda and Nat opens the door. Of course, behind Steve, Bucky comes striding in too. Wanda wiggles her eyebrows at you, poorly hiding her grin. You simply roll your eyes.
“What’ve we got here then?” Steve remarks, blankly staring and, frankly being unimpressed, at the charred patch of carpet beneath you.
“I just knocked over a candle. It is absolutely no big deal and it’s clearly out.” You reply, tight lipped. Avoiding eye contact with the looming brunet beside him, as if you’d drop dead if you were to. “What would we do without you two though?” You sarcastically add.
“What even happened?” Bucky asks, and you finally look at him, in the eyes, as you silently die inside while searching for a reason other than the truth.
“Wanda pushed me into it, and then it fell on the carpet.” Bucky raises a suspicious brow at your answer.
“Ok,” Steve says. “Just maybe try to keep candles upright from now on. We should go, Buck, and get to that bar before it’s too busy.”
“You guys are going out? We’ll come with!” Nat jumps up and pulls Wanda from the sofa, stretching her hands out to you next.
“I would, but I’ve got an early shift tomorrow. A 6am start is not what I want on less than 7 hours of sleep.” You reply, honestly this time.
“Ugh, fine.” Nat whines. Everyone starts to head out as you hold the door. You say bye to everyone and wish them a good night as Bucky hangs back.
“Shame you can’t come tonight, maybe next time?” He leans in the doorway and you think your heart actually skips a beat.
“Yeah, sounds good.” You can’t help but smile as he flashes a cheeky grin. He begins walking out and you admire his frame. It’s a shame he can’t put out the fire roaring inside of you right now.
“Have a fun shift tomorrow!” He calls out.
“Oh, I will.” You shut the door and roll your eyes and the feelings he gives you.
“Ugh, stupid fucking lights!” You growl and the flickering bulb above you, which eventually goes out altogether. You know it’s not the lightbulb because you’ve only just changed it. The same thing happens in your bedroom and the kitchen. Determined, you set out to find the light panel for your flat, which is somewhere in the building. You finally find it and open it up. You see your flat number and, beneath it, some switches and screws and wires you’ve never encountered before.
“Fuck it.” You take out your screwdriver and just head into this unknown world. You try a few switches and screws when a couple of sparks fly. You jump back with a slight shriek. Your eyes widen and your hand covers your mouth as the sparks turn into a small flame.
“Nooo. no, no, no, no, no, shit, shit, shit.”
The flame begins to grow and you look around, with no luck, for some sort of fire extinguisher. The nearest thing is a fire alarm. Brilliant. 10 in the evening and now the whole building is going to hate you.
“For fucks sake.” You press the alarm and run away from the scene of the crime before people can see you near it.
Everyone is stood outside, cold and annoyed, when the engines arrive. With everyone in gear it’s hard to tell who’s going in. You’re all waiting for a short while before they tell everyone it’s taken care of and you can start heading back in. The firefighters begin taking off their helmets and masks. You notice Steve and – shit – Bucky. You don’t have time to get away before he spots you too. He heads over.
“Hey. I’m starting to get used to this building now.” He comments. You chuckle lightly. “I’m worried you’re heading towards becoming an arsonist.” Your eyes go wide.
“How did you know it was me?” You whisper-yell. His eyes widen in response, brows furrowing.
“We didn’t. I was just making a joke, but now I’m actually concerned about you.” He folds his arms and laughs as you slap your hand to your face in stupidity.
“Oh. Shit. Uhh, there’s no getting out of this, is there? Oh god, are you meant to arrest me or something? Ok, here’s the plan: I never said or did anything. Sound good?” You reason, realising you’re just continuing your idiocy. He just smiles in response before nodding his head toward the building.
“Should I walk you up? Just to make sure you don’t start any more fires.” He quips and you scoff, rolling your eyes and playfully elbowing him.
“Fine. Just to make sure.”
“You do realise I’m going to be telling Steve about this?” Bucky says when you reach your door. “And then he’ll tell Nat, who will then tell Wanda.” He smirks, leaning against the doorway again after you step inside. God, you love a man in uniform. Although, you’d like him more out of it–
“Oh, I’m prepared for that.” You look back into your apartment, and at that patch of carpet from last time, and why it happened. “Did you want to come in?”
“Uhh…” He begins. You mentally scold yourself. He clearly doesn’t want to. But then again, he’s still in uniform.
“Oh, shit, are you still on duty? Or you don’t want to. Either way, it’s fine. Sorry for asking.” You ramble.
“No, no, that’s not it. I’m actually technically finished now. I was just going to ask if you wanted to go to that bar now? As long as you don’t have another early shift tomorrow, that is.” You light up inside at his question, and can’t help the grin that spreads across your lips.
“Yes! Yeah, that sounds nice, I mean.” You shyly look at the floor and notice he steps forwards. He lifts your chin with his finger so you’re looking into his eyes.
“Uh, there’s actually something else I wanted to ask you…” He begins, and you both instinctively begin to lean into one another.
“Yeah?” You reply softly. The corner of his mouth lifts.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers into your lips and your breath hitches.
“Yes.” You pull him into you with his jacket and his lips press against yours. Suddenly, another fire is igniting. But a much, much better kind. The kiss is deep and long-awaited, both of you trying to get closer, while already being flush against one other. Finally you part, chuckling and biting your lip.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”
“Thank god for my lack of my electrician knowledge, huh?”
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wearelondonhq · 9 months
Time for another Meme Week! To take part, simply reblog the post and then post in the meme channel on our Discord. Remember if you reblog, you must send them out to EVERYONE who also does. Members have 48 hours to reblog the meme and until October 6th to send out and react. Meme lasts from today (Oct. 1st) to October 10th.
SYMBOLS: ↳ Use “↪” to reverse the characters where applicable!
🎃 - To carve pumpkins with my muse
🍬 - To trick or treat at my muse’s door
🎬 - For our muses to watch a scary movie together.
👻 - For our muses to spend the night at a haunted house together. 🐺 - For our muses to hear a howl when camping in the forest on a full moon.
🍎 - For our muses go bobbing for apples.
✨ - For our muses to try a magic spell they found in a book in the attic.
🧥 - For my muse to show/tell your muse about what costume they’re wearing for Halloween.
🎉 - For your muse to arrive at my muse’s Halloween party.
“You know, I think [ he / she / they ] might be a vampire.”
“Did you hear that?”
“I’m all set, I’ve got skull-themed cups, decked my house out in fake cobwebs, found some Halloween tinsel which is apparently a thing, I’ve got these ornaments on the deck, what do you think [ name ]? I think something’s still missing..”
“I don’t really do Halloween, it’s a bit silly really.”
“Magic is real you know? You shouldn’t just mess with it like that.”
“What’s your favourite scary movie?”
"Why the hell would [ she / he / they ] walk off like that, I never get it, [ have they / has she/he ] watched a horror film before?”
“I tried to carve a pumpkin, but in the end it looked like a hot mess."
“If you tell me another bullshit story about how I’m going to die again [ name ] I’m never going to let you read my cards again.”
“The whole month of October is Halloween to me, bring it on!”
“Can you help me pick out an outfit for the Halloween party? "
“Is the corset too much?”
“I don’t really want to watch something [ scary / gory / light-hearted spooky ]."
“OK, spill, what’s your plan for the zombie apocalypse?”
“What’s your favourite kind of sweet?”
“Oh there is not going to be a power cut in the middle of this stormy Halloween night, come on ghosts, be more original!”
"We are not going to a cemetery just because it may or may not be haunted."
“Ooh! A pumpkin patch! We have to stop.”
“A ouija board on Halloween: what could go wrong?”
All credit goes to @goodvibesandmemes. We reposted to tweak them for our group.
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motownfiction · 5 months
black oak
They buried Sam near a black oak tree. They hadn’t planned it that way, but Charlie’s glad that’s how it worked out. These days, he mostly comes back home in the summertime, and it’s nice to have the shade. Dad always said they were pretty good for that.
Charlie leans up against the trunk of the tree today, looking down at Sam’s headstone. He reads the inscription from “Here Comes a Regular” like he doesn’t already have it memorized – like he didn’t have it memorized long before he ever thought Sam could die, that any of them could. He smiles a little.
“Westerberg wasn’t lying,” Charlie says. “A person can work up a mean, mean thirst.”
He pulls the bottle of water from his bag and chugs. He knows that’s not what Westerberg was talking about, but in this heat, it’s all he can think to do.
He is alone. For nearly twenty years now, every time he’s gone to the cemetery to see Sam, he’s gone alone. The last time he was here with someone, it was Daniel, who damn near broke his nose after Charlie told him he was sleeping with Elenore O’Connor. It makes him laugh now. They were under the same black oak tree, but it looked different without any leaves, with bright red blood in the patches of snow.
Since then, seeing Sam has been a solitary thing.
Interestingly, though, Charlie is here to talk about Elenore. He talks a lot about Elenore when he visits Sam. Figures that as her godfather, he’d want to be kept abreast of what’s going on in her life. He told Sam about when Elenore was pregnant (by him), when she had Veronica (his daughter), when she got married (not to him), when she got divorced (the same year he did). Wherever he is, he probably knows all that, but Charlie thinks it means something to hear it from him. It’s like Confession.
“So, uh, this one’s kind of a big deal,” he says, looking down at his remarkably ringless left hand. “You know Carrie and me … we split up for good a few years ago, ‘round that lockdown that would have killed you if the truck hadn’t first.”
He laughs, and he knows it’s OK. Sam would have laughed, too.
“Anyway,” Charlie says. “Elenore and Sean, they broke up, too. Something about Sean changing, but Elenore staying the same. I don’t know. I don’t care. I never liked Sean. Never thought he was very real. But, uh … look, I didn’t mean to keep this from you, but about a year ago … I kinda hooked up with Elenore again. She came by to tell me some stuff about Veronica’s college visits, and … look, we’ve got a kid together, it’s easy to roll with it. We know how. I thought it was just … I thought it was just gonna be a one-time thing, you know, both of us trying to recover from getting divorced. But it wasn’t. And I’m kinda … dammit, I guess I’m asking you if it’s OK if she’s my girlfriend.”
Charlie’s hands are shaking. He knows it’s ridiculous, trying to get your dead brother’s approval to date his goddaughter, more than twenty years after they put him in the ground. Elenore is thirty-nine now, and she’s always been able to make her own decisions. Charlie’s still a little too afraid to tell Will, who punched his lights out when Elenore got pregnant. But practicing on Sam, who can’t talk back and still has the right to know, seems like a good place to get started.
“I’ve been going to a lot of therapy, and I’ve been working on my relationships,” Charlie says. “Cordelia and Cal … we’re all better than ever. Veronica, too. Hey, isn’t that part of the theme song for The Archies? ‘Veronica, too.’ I don’t know if you know this, but Archie comics became very in a few years back. Anyway. I’ve been going to a lot of therapy, and I’m just … I’m different now, Sam. I’m not perfect, and I’m not even great. But I know … I know how Mom fucked me up. I think I know how she fucked me up, too. And I guess I’m just sorry we never had a chance to talk about it. I think that would have been good for us.”
Charlie takes another long sip of his water.
“But Elenore,” he says. “Damn, Elenore. It’s like … I don’t think it, man, I know. I know I …”
He can’t say it all the way yet, but he means it. Sam would know. Sam always knew.
“Well, anyway,” Charlie says. “I thought I’d tell you what was up.”
He leans up against the trunk of the black oak tree and lets it all hit him. While he’s in town, he should probably hit up Daniel again.
He pulls out his phone and sends a text.
(part of @nosebleedclub january challenge -- day 19!)
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chubearr · 2 years
》 you have been warned ⚠️
》 to start off, WHAT A RIDE THIS SEASON WAS!!! theres lots of opinions, like the finale pacing etc, but tbh; with 12 episodes i think they did pretty well ending the show with the time they had! to me personally it didnt feel rushed at all, i actually wanted everything to pick up the pace so the kids could be happy and safe again 😭 with that out of the way, lets get to it!
》story & mr.kon
- s5 continues off right from the end of the previous season, where the camp fam meet Mr. Daniel Kon, Kenji's father!!!
- right off the bat mr.kon seems pretty trusting and relieved to see his son, but theres still hesitancy to trust him from the kids and quite frankly, the fandom as well. the kids out kash on all of his BS and mrkon rightfully so punishes him, and gets the kids to safety with food and SHOWERSSSS YESSSSS THEY CAN FINALLY SHOWER!! (kenji shaved and also brooklyn redyed her hair idk how) but at what cost.... its just too good to be true! ep1 is pretty tame, it gives the kids a break FINALLY and mae gets patched up!
- the story from then on goes to the kids doing their thing, sussing mr.kon out, rightfully so, while being torn on breaking kenjis heart abt the truth abt his dad and saving dinos, usual jwcc shenanigans ensue.
- I THINK MRKON WAS WELL DONE. his manipulation game is off the charts and he knows how to act fr, the way he can flip sides when hearing things he does not like in a second, he does it to kenji too. and hes not unhinged like kash, mr.kon IS the mastermind, hes very smart and knows how to manipulate kenji— its so heart breaking. in my s5 predictions post i said it could go two ways; mr.kon as an ally to the kids against kash, or mr.kon being the real enemy. LOOKS LIKE THE LATTER...
- my only gripe is i wish they showed more abt how mr.kon got this way— like was it the mothers death, or is it a trait that got passed down by his own father, or is it just simply greed?? who knows. its never really answered if he does care for his son or not? to me i think it was just convenient at the time for kenji to be around— i didnt see any signs mrkon ever showed affection for kenji when it didnt benefit him 😭😭 which is DEVASTATING. mrkon was out of the parenthood game fr...
- as usual, all the adults die fr but theyre badguys and death-by-dino is sick asf so i love it! EVEN KASH GOT GOT and that was sooo satisfying. mae was safe tho and as she should!!
- ok so apart of me really wanted mr.kon to get a redemption arc or smth— like a bigger bad makes him ally with the kids and he really bonds with kenji.. but then kash dies so im like "WELL there goes that possibility" and then i had hope for the investors to turn on mr.kon— nope they all died except for the lady IN WHICH the antagonist from jw:dominion comes in (the guy who runs biosyn i forgot his name) but then obv cant be possible bc they cant kill him off since he has to appear in his own movie... IN THE END, no redemption for mr.kon and fine. thats fine im fine.
- OK ill be honest MR.KON IS KINDA.. BAD OK? LIKE.. 😳 HELP  IM SORRYYYY its just the way he grabbed kash by his the back of his neck and was "go back to whatever hole u came from" IT MADE ME FEEL SMTH A LITTLE OK.. he lookin for a stepmom for kenji or... 🤭.... IM SORRY HES AN ATTRACTIVE SINGLE DAD ALSO A VILLAIN, WHAT DO U WANT FROM ME 😭😭 i was taking notes while watching the season and if you see them its just me simping for mr.kon HELp
- ok ANYWAY the fact that he was legit willing to let the kids die and even LET DARIUS GET KILLED in front of kenji i knew... it was over..
- final confrontation between kenji and mrkon was sad😭 HE LEGIT JUST LEFT HIS SON ON AN ISLAND THAT HE BELIEVED WAS GONNA GO TO SHIT... apart of me wants to be like "oh he probably thought kenji was better off with them" but its pretty much apparent ig that he does not give a shit abt kenji— which is why i wish theyd spent some time showing kenjis history w/him bc we know mrkon was not present most of his life, but there SEEMED to be something more. oh well. bye bye mrkon!! AND HE GETS ARRESTED OFFSCREEN TOO, which is just sad for kenji 😭
- THE LAST EPISODE is absolutely my favorite and the ENDING is amazing ill tell u why in a sec just u wait!!
》kenji vs campfam
- to start off I THINK BOTH SIDES HAD THEIR FAULTS AND RIGHTS BUT ohh my godd kenji deserved a break ok.. i may be biased bc he is my favorite son
- IT WAS SO OBVIOUS HE WAS MANIPULATED and has daddy issues, and im so glad brooklyn saw that. I WAS PISSED that no one else did, like ur telling me ben and yas couldnt see it? i think they were a bit dramatic on their hatred for kenji but ig its understandable bc out of everyone they arent that close w/ him....  BUT STILL. messy.
- I WAS SO PISSED AT SAMMY AT FIRST FOR BEING INDECISIVE bc shes torn between her bestie kenji, and her other besties+yasmina. tho i do believe she never blamed kenji by the way their reunion went (she was just happy he was back w/them) so ill give her a pass.
- IM CONFLICTED ABT DARIUS bc i thought originally he was just too heartbroken abt kenji yet hes not used to talking abt his feelings hence needing the dinosaur interaction. but he just said he didnt care??? like bro... why r u lyin.
- darius at least shouldve stepped up a little bc other than brooklyn, he knows kenji had issues with his dad... oh well.. dino lovers are crazzzzy
- im at least glad he was the one who stayed mad at kenji for the longest #payback my broken boys... BUT it paid off when darius forgave kenji THEY BOTH CRIED?! i cried. it was so sweet and idc if anyone thinks "kenji was forgiven too early and it was rushed", bc truth is hes a kid with dad issues and the others are kids and they are family and they! need! each other!!
》yasammy (& kenlynn)
- yasminas whole crush arc was just adorable and so fitting for her to open up to ben 😭 bc ben is like so chill right
- i like how they didnt make it a big deal, it was just abt yasmina figuring herself out and when she made her move, IT WAS REWARDING!! i screamed at the kiss... they r so adorable.. silly gfs 💖
- im so glad they didnt shy away from shoving it in our faces bc THOSE GIRLS DESERVE ITTTT FRRR,, THE KISS!!! THE KISSSSSSSSS
- as equally cute as kenlynn, they both have equal screentime which was a blessing!
- kenlynn pained me so bad when brooklyn was broken abt kenji 😭 its what i love, angst, but gdi i wish she held on a little longer but understandble bc kenji was kinda wack himself for staying with his dad that long...
- AND YET IT WAS HEARTBREAKING...he got stood up... smh... its fine.. it all got healed when he gave her the flower fr <3
- THE LAST EP KISS... i cried and threw up i love my kids... HOW COULD U HATE THEM THEYRE SO SOFT AND SWEET im holding them both in my arms 💖💖
- THIS IS LEGIT ALL I WANTED, A TIMESKIP TO END THE SHOW (u can see my previous posts i mention this shit a lot and i even have my own au and older designs for them..)
- YASAMMY IN TEXAS THIS IS SO TRUE.. STAY SAFE GFS... im so mad sammy didnt change her clothes HELP shes still wearing thay goddamn shirt and has similar length hair but its fine yasmina being gorgeous made up for it 👍
- KENLYNN GOIN STRONG longdistance relationship goals, i love their designs so much😭😭 kenji w/his hair down AND brooklyn short hair?!?! short haired women rights its all i wanted 💃
- in my timeskip au i had darius work with dinos back on the island but its more fitting that ben has that role (working w/mae) which is so adorable...
- IM GLAD I PREDICTED BENRIUS WOULDNT HAPPEN bc theyre too innocent and busy being dino obsessed obv!! we didnt get timeskip benrius but theres still hope 😌 theyre just both aro-ace theyll work smth out..
- they fact they keep in touch is so sweet HELPP in my au they all drifted apart 💀 it was for the angst im sorry
- KENJI GETS ADOPTED INTO THE BOWMAN FAMILY SO TRUE... its so sad that with no mom or dad (jail) hes p much an orphan but at least he got darius,, it was so sweet when the mom hugged him at the mainland reunion 🥲 ALSO KENJI STILL OWNS MANTAH CORP?? OR SMTH LIKE IT BC ITS MENTIONED HES KEEPING THE PRIVATE ISLAND RUNNING so mae n ben can work there... SO TRUE
ok so from my research since the show goes alone the movies timeline, s1 takes place in 2015!! fallen kingdom is 3yrs after, and dominion (which i assume begins when darius sees the dinosaur outside his house) is 4 years later making the year 2022.
》so its like jwcc s1 age/ fallen kingdom(s5 timeskip) age/ dominion age
• darius: 12/15/19
• brooklyn: 13/16/20
• ben: 14/17/21
• sammy: 14/17/21
• yasmina: 15/18/22
• kenji: 15/18/22
- me sobbing.. they grew up so fast.. i love my kids... my age theory also may be sooo wrong but it makes more sense if theyre all in their 20s by the end! livin the adult life #goodluck
》final thoughts and thanks
- from s1 to the end i never got tired of it or it never swayed from my interests, i drew fanart so quick, more than ive done for a lot of other fandoms i was in 😭💖
- i wouldnt mind a sequel with the older camp fam, but if its thats it thats okay too!! lets not get greedy guys...
- EXPECT GIFSETS AND FANART IN THE FUTURE!! my life is so busy crazy rn but i will make time for jwcc shit if its the last thing i do!!!
- lastly, thank you for joining me on this ride! jwcc brought me lots of new tumblr followers which was a surprise! 💖
i know somehow toxicity will find its way to this season, but what else would i expect LMAO idc i will fight with all ive got as usual 😉
- lets all take this W fr, this show was so good. also, sorry for any spelling and grammar errors in the review!
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Danny and the Slender man quest Part 5: Slender man arrives
*tucker is in a panic*
Tucker: Danny! Danny! Buddy you ok?
*the screen is still black and Danny’s voice can be heard*
Danny: Yeah, what the heck, it’s dark in here. Am I dead? Did I die? If this is what being dead is like then being dead sucks!
*not long after the screen revealed the inside of the house again and Danny was just getting to his feet*
Danny: that was trippy…
*the room was black with only the light from the outside shining in*
Danny: what happened to the lights?
Tucker: Not sure, but maybe try the switch.
*Danny stumbles through the house, he almost began to use his powers but remember that was against the agreement.*
Danny: it’s hard being visually impaired. Why can’t I be a cat or something? Then I could see in the dark, curse my genes!
*danny felt around until he reached a counter of some sort. Using his hands as a guide he brushed the top of it until he felt something metallic. It had a round shape to it.*
Danny: oh a flashlight! Neat!
*he turns it on*
Danny: Now, where..
*before he said anything he saw the switch. Heading over he tried turning it on. Nothing worked*
Danny: power is out.
Tucker: that’s what you get for crashing Slender man’s country party.
Danny: Well, no one brought Cheetos. So I did what any reasonable person without Cheetos would do.
*danny looked around with the flashlight after the fifth failed attempt. *
Danny: no power box.
*as he skimmed over the walls a sheet of paper caught his eye that he seemed to have missed, picking it up it was a written letter basically describing that the player had find 8 pages scattered across the game to end the Slenderman curse, danny before reading it said*
Danny: Oh, look its Slenderman’s thank you letter to me for allowing myself to be his next victim. Didn’t know Slender’s real name was Kate.
*reading over the letter danny took a breath before preparing himself*
Danny: well, let’s do this!
*danny put the letter down before rushing towards the front door screaming*
Danny: Leerooooooy Jeeenkins!
Tucker: OMG he just ran out! Wait Danny do you know what you are doing!
Danny: Yeah! Collect random pieces of paper that are thrown throughout the area!
Tucker: do you even know where to start?
Danny: Yup! just go forward till I hit a barrier then turn around.
*danny began running straight into the woods passing trees and small patches of grass until he came to what looked like three rows of propane tanks. 4 in each row. Danny noticed a white piece of paper randomly stuck to the side of the third one on the middle row*
Danny: hey my title cover!
*danny ran over to grab it from the side. After removing it, eerie music started playing and fog started rolling in*
Danny: Eerie music, that’s not a good sign.
Tucker: He’s here…
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 6 months
my wife my life, i have ojv brainrot -- will you please go into crazy amount of detail about what the style boys look like to you in the ojv? what kind of outfits they like to wear? comfort sweaters/shirts? <3 also i love you i am waving $50s and shouting louder than everyone else to be noticed i'm the ride or die bi disaster ojc kenny of the irl
ASHFVGKKVHLJK MY DARLING WIFE HI AND FUCK YEAH!!!!! Helllll yes!!! Ok ok I’m bouta go *rm Jersey voice* AWF!! (This is gonna be so long im sorry)
So OrangeJuiceVerse style my BELOVEDS!!! Ohhhhh my god these two own my entire goddamn soul! And smh they’re so pretty in their own right!!!
OJV Stan… he is a fucking stereotypical DREAM MAN! Kyle is down astronomically bad. Like I’m talkin tall dark and handsome, total sweetheart, inherently boyish charm that just makes everyone adore him! His heart of gold and that deep melancholy he sometimes gets behind those sapphire eyes make him all the more alluring! So this is what our affable Everyman looks like to me:
He is TALL (hit his last growth spurt between sophomore and junior year), like tops off at a lil over 6’2 and is the second tallest of the ojverse Star Seven also he’s BUILT AS HELL?!? In high school his physique could be attributed to the myriad of physically demanding hobbies he cycled through (football in particular when he started dreaming of going pro rip to that) and work on Randy’s Fuckass Farm (fuck u randy). But when he’s older he gets softer, sure (best pillow ever) but keeps working out JUST so he can hold every animal ever like a BABY!!! If you want an approximate art reference of young adult OJV Stan, @bunytime ’s drawings on here for SURE! Like he is tall and strong and BUILT FOR HUGS!!!
Blue blue BLUE eyes like not scary stare into your soul but this soft deep shade that reminds you of calm waters and gemstones peeking from the depths of the shadows of his brows. Just gentle waves and clear dusk light.
Ojv Stan didn’t go through the ever popular bleached hair headcanon, most of my Stans didn’t, but this one bc on the brink of a SadSack episode he mentioned getting Kenny to pierce his ears and dye his hair and (this was before they were dating) Kyle was like NO!!! Bc he always loved Stan’s classic all american look and knows him well enough to know that he would’ve hated it a few days later.
DIMPLES!! TWO OF EM!! And his smile is SO sweet his whole face splits omg my sweet boy!!! And he has tiny, almost imperceptible random scars in various places from childhood tomfoolery, especially on his hands bc he sometimes rivals Kenny in recklessness, and those hands are so rough but so TENDER when they touch you and he’s so aware of his own size and inherent ruggedness that completely juxtaposes his personality and it’s so!!! (God forgive me I’m thinking about nsfw ojv style hcs now)
Aight so OJV Stan IS greasy to some extent, c’mon he’s very Boy, but (this is important) only when he’s having a rough time mentally. Like he’s one of those people where while his horrendous lack of style doesn’t change much, you can tell by the stubble and the gross hair when he’s not doing well. Uhhh later down the timeline he has a beard tho. The bear jokes definitely emerge.
And for his style choices ohhhhh my god this man CANNOT fuckin dress!!! I’m constantly putting ojverse Stan in my clothes bc WHAT is this guy doing wearing the “Bigfoot is real I made s’mores with him” shirt and he is GENUINELY confused when he can’t wear jeans to something formal. His socks are STUPID and GIMMICKY and never match, and his wallet has a million keychains HIS BACKPACK omg like every stereotypical veggie boy he has alll the vegan loser pins and patches. Animal activist Stan forever.
A very casual dresser tbh, t shirts and jeans, sweatpants, hoodies (that have mostly been confiscated by Kyle) like he truly sucks at clothes unless he’s going stupid abt a Halloween costume. He kinda relies on Ky to know what looks good on him irl, bc Kyle is VERY reactive when he’s dressed a certain way and Kyle climbing him= ah yes I look Not Disheveled right to jail for both of them.
Oh KYLE!!! From Stan’s pov??? OJV Stan is a huge fucking fantasy loser and he only knows the word “ethereal” bc he’s a nerd and it describes Kyle. On GOD OJV Kyle is so pretty!!! Like Stanley Down Bad Marsh is ENTHRALLED!!! Always, like since he knew what beauty was, beauty was Kyle.
Ojverse Kyle keeps his hair a little past his shoulders since like freshman year of high school, his HAIRRRRR lord those gorgeous red curls, Stan simply cannot get enough of them, that ponytail, the half bun, the little braids Marj used to do when she and Ky would hang solo… dear god Stan will not shut up about his beautiful elf kings hair. Like hair wise if u want a reference picture the homie @grimsbane ‘s long hair Kyle EXEPT
My guy, OJV Kyle is TINY. Not as short as Kenny and Tweek, but close and definitely skinny to the point where if he misses a meal EVERYONE is on his bony ass bc 1) diabetes and 2) they all know his past with eds and no one’s gonna let that shit get its claws on him again! Unfortunately, OJV Kyle has a really hard time gaining weight, but as an adult he’s fully recovered, just kinda slim and at risk of health problems from the damage he did, but he’s mostly ok.
Ky topped off at 5’7 and was the tallest of the m5 in 7th grade and then EVERYONE but Kenny surpassed him WHICH he was pissed abt for a while. But he kinda stopped caring once he and Stan got together bc Stan wasn’t thattt much taller at first (and then this mf got huge) but Kyle was… VERY INTO THAT! It’s so unserious bc when they’re older Kyle’s like dude just fuckin toss me around and Stan WILL NOT because he’s NERVOUS and also traumatized from the ONE time he reinjured Kyle’s bad knee during Super Best Spicy Time (yes that’s what his loser ass named the sex playlist) but when Ky gets in the mood he wants to be manhandled frfr (I will do a nsfw headcanon post prolly) like the SIZE DIFFERENCE kyle is so spicy 100% calls the shots out here climbin Staniel like a tree.
He’s pale as fuck, cannot tan at allll this dude will not go outside without sunscreen bc he IS Sheila’s son and had it drilled into him that they are pale redheads and uv rays are not their friend, BUT his freckles are faint and so prettttttyyyyy he doesn’t even hate them bc Stan loves them and Kyle loves Stan (losers) he’s got a little group of them on his left cheekbone that Stan INSISTS looks like a heart aaaaaaaaaa
Good lord those eyes. Like you look into them and you are LOST in the most beautiful woods you have ever SEEN!!! I’m serious his eyes look like a forest, green and threaded with occasional brown like tree trunks and they are MAGNETIC!!! He is POINTY too like his features are sharp but his eyes are comfortable and it’s just a beautiful balance.
I’m fully of the belief that this lil redhead is a CHRONIC CLOTHES STEALER!!! Sneaky lil fox like if he’s comfy at home he’s 100% wearing Stan’s lame ass “earth day 2013” hoodie or some shit BUT!!!
His actual clothing is VERY much hot professional dark academia vibes the sweaters, the reading glasses, that hair, like he’s so cute in his button ups and when he stops wearing cargo pants so much in college (man likes pockets change my mind) Stan is SALIVATING bc he can see the sbf’s lithe legs better and he wants to SNAG him smh down horrendous. Kyle wears a lotta green, bc we ginger losers know that’s our COLOR and he looks GORGEOUS in jewel tones what a PRETTY BOY!!! Favorite item of clothing is DEFINITELY Stan’s Peace Love Pine Trees hoodie!!!
They do have friendship (lovers) bracelets that Kenny made them btw
Ok I THINK that’s what I got for now on what they look like but lord knows I’ll probably be more insane later NINA MY BELOVED WIFE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS
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problematicfanfics · 11 months
Kinktober ‘21 Oct 19. Hate Sex (WIP)
RAMSCAM, dubcon, l’manberg, dsmp au
slight NSFW (for now)
i think this’ll be my last one… idk. maybe i’ll post more. ignore all errors.
* ⋆★
There used to be so many trees.
But with the combination of sapnap’s fires and gentrification of the land nothing was left but a small patch some ways off.
It was his sanctuary. Sometimes he’d read, drink, stargaze. But sometimes he’d do even more intimate things, like writing or singing, even art.
Today was a good day. There was no war, only collecting wood and laughing with friends. So he had decided to settle down for the night and paint a little.
Upon arriving he was very well pissed off to see a drunk man laying in the middle of his safe place. Schlatt. What a fucking disappointment.
When the man first showed his face around the server, Tommy remembers feeling so honored. Just having Schlatt around in his general area in his stupid suit and tie made him feel so cool.
But now he sees how naive and stupid he was. Maybe it was all the time Schlatt had spent away, maybe it was the rumors that shot out of people’s tongues like arrows in war, or maybe it was just seeing these rumors play out live in front of him. Whatever it was, war made him realize he can’t blindly follow someone he knows nothing about.
“Hey. Hey dickface, get out of here.” He shoved Schlatt.
“Fuck off, man. Can’t a guy sleep?”
“You have a bed. Go. This is my spot.” Tommy placed his art things on the ground, quietly to not draw attention to it. “It’s the only fucking patch of trees around and I want to relax tonight. Beat it kid.”
“A fucking drunk like you doesn’t have any right to relax. You do nothing BUT relax!” The kid threw his hands up in the air. “I have been through wars. Through death and pain. I have the right to relax. NOT you.”
Schlatt stood, moonlight highlighting just how big he was. “I don’t deserve to relax?”
“You fucking heard me.”
“Learn to keep your mouth shut, kid. You’re gonna run into trouble.” The older one turned to leave with an eye roll, muttering under his breath “I’m fucking lazy? I do shit.”
“If you do shit,” Tommy turned to face Schlatt defiantly. “Then what is it? Because I only see you get drunk.”
He stopped walking, taking only a few strides to get to where Tommy was. “I’m a fucking business man, that’s what I am. And I’m pretty damn successful. I got money, a life, and liquor. I’m fucking set. All I see you have is trauma for no reason.”
Tommy scoffed. “No reason? It was life or death!”
“It was for the independence of a stupid nation, who gives a shit. Just fucking get under their rule and take them down from there.”
“That’s the fucking stupidest plan I’ve ever heard of.”
“Ok Mister ‘“do I shoot him or aim for the sky?”,” He gets close to the boy’s face. His eyes sting from the alcohol on his breath. “Pathetic that you really think you ever meant anything to this nation.”
Tommy’s fists ball up. “I paid with my life.”
“So what? I still see you standing here. You wouldn’t even die for the thing you’re oh so passionate about. It’s sad, truly, that you think you deserve special treatment. This is public property.”
The blond points to a sigh on a tree, and Schlatt goes over to read it.
Schlatt walked back over to Tommy. “Doesn’t mean jack shit if you don’t have a building on here. So as far as I can tell,” He leans up against the beginning of the mountain behind him. “This is fair game.”
This fucking bastard! What fucking right does he think he has? Tommy’s the entitled one here? No way! No, all he wanted was to sit and paint. Just one night of relaxation. But he can’t even fucking have that.
Quickly he pulled out his sword. “Square up, bitch.”
Schlatt stood up straight. “Woah, hold up kid. I don’t have a sword. Let me make one real quick.”
Tommy threw an extra stone sword in front of him. “You and me. Let’s go. Right here right now.”
Schlatt slowly picked up the sword, getting into his fighting stance.
The two stared at each other intensely. Neither wanted to make the first move and ruin their chances.
Finally Tommy swung his sword, lodging it in a tree instead of Schlatt’s side. The older jumped out of the way before holding his head in his hands. That’s right, he’s still drunk. Tommy almost forgot.
He unlodged his sword before running towards Schlatt again. The two nicked each other a couple of times, coming dangerously close to killing the other once or twice. But something always stopped them.
Schlatt pulled out his shield, instantly knocking Tommy off his feet. The boy fell on his back with the wind knocked out of him.
He took this as an opportunity to kick the sword out of Tommy’s hand and pick the boy up by his shirt. The boy was thrown against the stone wall like a ragdoll, neck pinned by Schlatt’s forearm. It was quiet except for their breathing.
“I win.” Schlatt whispered. Tommy could’ve sworn the hairs on his back stood up. Something about the way the man said it…
“Well? What do you say?” The grip tightened.
Desperately Tommy clawed at the arm pinning him down. “Fuck you.”
“Tsk. That’s no way to speak to me.” Schlatt’s voice sounded condescending. “Cmon, baby boy. Tell me I win.”
“Baby boy? What’s this, a fucking porn?”
“It’s about to be if you don’t fucking own up to the fact I beat your ass.”
“Never.” Tommy snapped back.
“Fine. You fucking asked for it.” Schlatt reached into his back pocket. “You’re lucky I even have. I had plans to fucking jack off before you showed up, guess I can’t just do anything in peace around here.”
His grip changed from forearm to hand, pressing hard against the boy’s neck.
Finally he pulled out a small bottle of disposable lube. He grinded his hips against the boy’s front, hot breath escaping the younger. “Fuck, if we’re gonna do it let’s just do it.” Tommy rolled his eyes and pushed Schlatt’s hand away, more of a suggestion they should just mutually get this over with.
Schlatt let go and immediately Tommy pulled him in for a kiss. A mess of taking off clothes, barely taking breath in between making out, they made their way to the back of the mini forest out of everyone’s eyeline.
Tommy pushed himself up against Schlatt. He hated this man, but there was an undeniable attraction he had with him.
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auwuli · 1 year
Ok, I know it's not October anymore... by like, a lot. BUT ! Listen !
Eddie is not really a singer. He can hold a tune, but singing doesn't suit him like playing guitar, making the crowd scream and jumping all around the stage does. He's a performer, if you will. So when he wrote October sky, he wasn't planning on adding lyrics. Corroded Coffin is more of an instrumental band anyway. But, the words just kept coming. It was the easiest song to write for him. Blame his beautiful and muscular and freckled and kind and brave and, and... well, his muse. Steve Harrington. King of Hawkins High no more, but now and forever Ruler of his heart.
Ew, gross. I know.
What inspired him are their little walk in the creepiest woods of all parallel dimension combined and his first real talk with Steve in 86. It wasn't really in October or Halloween, but the spooky vibe was definitely there, so who cares.
And, maybe he put a few moments of their first kiss and declaration of love in between the lines. It did happen in a pumpkin patch during Halloween for his defense. They had gone to pick a few pumpkins for the kids to carve. And Eddie was too happy, he was so happy he could barely handle his own energy. So when Steve turned around all cute smile, tight polo shirt and big pumpkin in his hands to gift to his kids... He kind of snapped and kissed the boy, too hard and a little off on the mouth in his precipitation. Then, Steve froze and told him "I love you" without thinking the second the kiss of over. They're whipped idiots boyfriends.
Ew, gross again. I know. You can make fun of them, they deserve it.
To add to the nonsense that is this song, it came out during one of their show in june. No one understood what was going on. But, the crowd was vibing and everyone was screaming along Eddie before the end.
You and I side by side
Gonna die together underneath the dark October sky
You and I side by side
Holding hands forever underneath the dark October sky
This is a "love you till the end and we nearly saw the end so I now what I'm talking about" kind of song for those who knew.
And it is permanetely engraved in Steve's brain.
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8orisporkfolio · 1 year
ok im back. last night yk i was thinking because thats all i do when im tryna sleep: think abt impulse. and i. have some questons for you because im so intrigued by your design and just the. dragonborn thing. so. questions for you abt him. are the palms of his hands and fingers like, scaley? if not or maybe if yes, are there other places he has patches of scales :o i have not much knowledge on dragon borns so im picking at straws here hah- and is he warmed than the average human or colder or??? I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING BEETLE. ALSO I LOVE. the teef. its adorable -uni
Okay! Lore time!
• Impulse's body is covered with lil' scales, but the scales are a bit to small for you to see (makes no sense but it does to me) so when he touches you or you touch him, his skin will feel like a cheese grater or rocky type.
• Like I said before, he's a half-breed between a dragonborn and a human, giving him the human appearance and dragon abilities.
• Usually he would wear gloves to cover his hands, not because he doesn't wanna get dirty (he gets dirty all the time) but so he can cover his claws.
• Just like D&D he can breathe fire (and yes, it's real fire, even if he burps or talks to much it will just blast out if those two things happen) it can be actived by strong emotions (or if he doesn't eat food as much)
• He's known to be a bronze dragon, meaning he's taller (chubbier), hands are bigger than usual and so on.
• He's known to have a large tail to (I draw it very thin because that's only BECAUSE I can't fit the big tail in it) his tail is rocky, so idk (I guess you can use it as a pillow)
• If your wondering, yes! He does have wings, but their very small, and even if they were the regular wing size to carry him up, he doesn't really know how to fly.
• He's a dragonborn, meaning he's also a meat lover, he can only it meat, the only fruits he can eat is apples, that's it.
• Due to his large body, he's very tough and strong, stronger than Scar.
• He's a warmer, if he wants to live in the winter or any cold places, he has to bring extra warm stuff to keep him warm, because just like piglins, he'll die and turn into a zombie (jk he'll just pass out and die in 20 minutes)
• He loves to give hugs, and he surprises the other hermits with a hug attack (or a sneak attack hug thing)
• In the hot seasons he wears less clothing or just randomly takes his shirt off and puts it back on at night (because it's the hot season, and he's a warmer, to him it feels very nice and cool for him, and he likes to tease the hermits)
• He has to eat lots of food each 1 hour or every 30 minutes, if it takes a while for him to get food or any kind of meat he'll go crazy ,(not psycho crazy, more like, you haven't eaten in days and you'll eat anything you see moving kind) oh tho of course he's gonna cook it, he's not gonna just eat it raw (that's gross. Unless-)
And one more thing
• If you want a kiss 🥴😚
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kai-wanted-doa · 1 year
i feel honored. we recently went to go to LA to hang out with our friends. I am the newest person to this group, and there's a pair (calling them jack and jill) who we all know have dated for a very long time but we are all hazy as to wat their status is now but also who gives a fuck if we're all vibing.
Jill says to me "Jack's sisters have talked about who's his favorite -girl- friend is and it's you" that was so embarrassing to hear considering how much we annoy/make fun of the other. On this trip he literally made a video of himself with a sparkler casting a spell on me and saying "DIE DIE DIE" LMMMMAAAOOO it was a harry potter reference because he mentioned universal studios and how we all should go and I mentioned how I went last month, rode the Harry potter ride, was blown away, and finally binged all the movies and enjoyed it.
How true that statement was and what his real thoughts are, its ok whatever it is. I don't hang out with these friends very often at all and truly we don't all know each other well at all either (my bf may know them better since they've all been friends longer), so it's hard to believe I would even be considered as a close friend. Jack knows many people as well and has tons of friends I'm sure. But the thought that I could possibly be a fond friend of his is nice because from my end & my pov, my friendship with him is something that I actually cherish.
I've talked about this on my blog before a few times. I talk about it often and relive it because my troubles from that time still haunt me, but also because i was so happy to have jack's help. Awhile ago, my bf and I went thru a rough patch. It was very rough for me. My bf probably couldn't give a damn lmao he was chilling. He didn't know. I was the only one really hurting. To this day I am traumatized. It hasn't let up. Jack is the blunt type. I'm sure all our friends could see what was going on, but Jack was the only one who talked to me first (I wouldn't have spoken about it ever to anyone otherwise. I dont talk about my relationship problems with anyone but my blog lolll). Altho Jack can be a pain in the ass and loud mouthed and inconsiderate with how he teases, pushing boundaries and stepping on toes! He handled the situation very gently. He owned a game shop and a few of his friends were there playing games, and I was there waiting for my bf. Jack mentioned the elephant in the room, the rough patch in my bf and i's relationship. Before I knew it, I was bawling crying sobbing (while Jack's friends were just a few feet away from us playing games lmaooo!!!) We were playing tic-tac-toe while talking and he purposely lost every round because he knew a bifch couldn't take another L that night LOOOOL. After that night I finally had the guts to tell my bf what was bothering me. My bf listened and changed up, and our relationship got better.
I am still a very shy girl and I don't like to confront issues that will make matters uncomfortable, but Jack encouraged me that night to speak up. Since then, I've been trying trying get better and better. I still have trouble being more assertive, but for sure I made a leap and a step forward that night. If I hadn't gone through that and if jack hadnt talked to me, I'd still be several paces back.
So yeah, that's why hearing Jill say that I was possibly a good friend of Jack's made me feel so embarrassed, because I think of him as a decent friend too. So, to know that the feeling is possibly mutual, that was cool.
I don't know much about jack and I don't know how to respond very well to people when they are in need of comfort or direction, but I just hope I can be supportive of this friend in some profound way like how he did for me if he ever needed it. It's owed.
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Currently having Thoughts™️ about Phoenix losing their powers and being absolutely terrified that Kai and Aaron won't want to be their friends anymore now they're no longer useful, and Abbie kicking them out now they can't be a superhero anymore. So they hide it.
The loss of powers includes their immortality, for once, and being able to be permanently injured for the first time in their life is terrifying. But they stuff their fear down so no-one can see it and pretend they're fine.
And then the team goes on a mission. Phoenix gets badly injured. And Kai's worried of course, the others aren't bc they're assholes, but Kai is. He's not terribly worried though, he'll get them back to the infirmary, they'll bandage them up and they'll be ok by tomorrow. He rushes, but there's no real life-or-death urgency about it, bc even if they die they'll wake up.
Until there is.
Until someone notices that something's wrong. Idk how, but they do. Maybe shallower cuts aren't healing like normal, they've got proper bruises under their clothes that are definitely not from the mission, there's a missing tooth that shows no signs of growing back. Something, anyway, I'll figure it out.
Then... well, then, people panic.
Once they're patched up and stable, there's time to think. Kai feels guilty for not noticing, Aaron feels guilty that Phoenix still doesn't feel able to confide in him about medical issues, both of them think that maybe they're bad friends bc of this, and when Phoenix wakes they feel like a terrible friend too, and guilty for not telling them. And also, now they know, now the rest of the team knows, terrified that they'll lose their friends and be kicked out bc they're no longer useful. I mean they're useful in other ways but that can easily be replaced by someone who's got powers and is a better person, a better friend. Kai for one has plenty of friends. They're also still terrified by their loss of powers. They can die now?! They can't hide? What about the illusions that bring their favourite stories to life? Have they lost them for good? This makes them sad.
Cue misunderstandings and guilt until they talk properly, and then reassurance between all three that they're still friends, and Phoenix how could you think we'd discard you like that (the answer is that they've been used and discarded by 'friends' before but shh)? Also extra comfort for Phoenix bc of their powers loss.
I have no idea what happens wrt the rest of the team, honestly. This is just 2am whumpy thoughts for y'all. Maybe Kai threatens them, or they just hole up somewhere until their powers return (assuming this is temporary and not an au).
Anyway. I'm adding this to my growing pile of Phoenix & co WIPs/ideas lol. So far we have (in rough chronological order):
- Aaron at school (for bthb)
- auction arc. Obviously, since it's being posted
- crucifixion arc
- Phoenix and Kai's first mission together
- scan of Phoenix's scars
- ill Phoenix
- Kai speaks to the boss to speed up the transfer and Phoenix overhears
- this post
- Phoenix beaten up
- discovery of (another) one of Phoenix's punishments
- Phoenix and Aaron kidnapped together arc
- Phoenix's sister
- Phoenix leads the city's pride parade (look! Fluffish!)
I have far too many already lol but this idea is grabbing me and not letting me go sooo into the folder it goes...
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