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Blake Ichiban is a bisexual saturahero fantasiar royalheroic heroian arcadecoric bigender blacklightaesic drippyneongender femascdox femascgender fightgamesic fingender gamecomfic gamecoric gameflux gamegender gamergender genderirritant glowlylightic heroarchetypic herogender herosavion herotix honourlexic injeroseic ledgender lovegender maroongender mascfemgender mingender neoncoric neondistortic neongender neonlightsic neonrainbowgender neonsigngender neonstaric pixelgameic rainbowblinkieic redgender retrocoric segagender transmascfem uvcoloric videawarec rosboy who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, neon/neons, and hero/hero’s pronouns! Hero has undiagnosed ADHD, (1/?)
(2/?) PTSD, autism, and schizophrenia! She’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Nanba! Nanba Yu is an autistic acidmagian animalmagian biogender bonemagian cursemagian dirtcoric dirtmagian dreamagian earthmagian faunagender floragender flowermagian fluidmagian galaxygender gendermage genderwizard greenaesic greengender healcharclassian healmagian herbgender lifemagian lunarwizardic mageium medimagian moonmagian mushroommagian naturecoric naturewizardic nightgender pigeongender plantmagian potionmagian rockmagian seedgender shadowmagian sleepmagian sleepmagian sleepycoric sleepygender smokemagian spacegender springmagian sproutgender trippyaesic vincian wizardaesic wizardcoric wizardic wizardtix vincian demiguy who uses he/him, they/them, it/it, herb/herbs, and mage/mage’s pronouns! Mage age-dreams when they’re alone and especially happy, and he's in a queerplatonic relationship with Ichiban!
(3/4) Koichi Adachi is an omnisexual radiofiftin detectigender detectivegender embragender firegender genderbear gendernoir mingender mysterivelic sleuthlexic ursagender vintagecoric warmcoric warmgender paraboy bear who uses he/him for personal convenience, but is open to any pronouns! He has PTSD from his former workforce! Saeko Mukoda is a sapphic genderfae abhorcoric affecgender angelcoric angelgender axegender baggender bathaesic bathcomfic bloodlovic butterfleurgender candygender candyic catfemgender churrosgender cleancoric cupidcoric cupidgender cutecoric cutefluffysoftgender cutegender cutemonstergirlic cutepastelic cutething daisygender darklovecoric daydreamaesic deadlovegender digifem dogloveic dolledphrasic eatyourheartoutphrasic evilcoric evilgirl fairycoric femascgender feminic femme feverdreamic finalgirlic finalgirllovesick finalgirlslasher fleshcute flirtgender floragender flowercute genderblood gendercupid genderfluff genderhate genderlove genderlovesick gendersgalgia gendershopping girlflux girlprince girlxenine glittercattic glittergender greygender harukazesongic hatecoric hategender heartaesic honeygender horrorgender icecreamgender icecreamic idolgender kaomojigender lambgender lovecoric lovegender lovegore loveic lovelettercoric lovelockic lovepoetic lovergender loveribbon lovesickgender lovesicklexic luvelic magicalgirlgender magicbeing mingender musicgender neonstargender nerdgender nostalgiacoric pastelcoric pastelgender pastelgoregender pastelunicornic pianogender pinkcoric pinkgender pinkheartic plushgender prettygender princesscoric pupgender pupthing purelovic rosefem rosegender semigirl seraphender sheepgender sillyfemcatic slasheric soapgender sparklegender sprinkleic sprinklic sugargender tiredgirlgender toyfem toygender villaincoric warpedlovegender watergender whitegender xenofluid xenogirl xenolovic butch who uses she/her, xe/xem, xe/xey, pup/pups, ae/aer, they/them, and any lovecore-themed neopronouns! They have PTSD and autism! Zhao Tianyou is a pansexual transmasculine turian catgender catten kitheadbonkloven cathing
(4/4) catnipgender blackcatic sillykittygender meowgender softcatgender distantcattic browncatgender sugarycatgender gummycatgender coolcatgender meowlexic stormcatgender rainbowcatian catboygender pricatic rainbowcatian pawchatic bloodcatgender evilsillycatgender villaincoric evilcoric villaiboy evilaesic villaincharic phosvilial vilegender chaosgender chaoscoric vibegender genderfeast nonbinary man who uses he/him and they/them! Claw has SPD and PTSD! Joon-Gi Han is a demiagender pomosexual autigender alosolus ghostfrilled asexual monochromegender frostgender snowglobian chionophobian chillgender tiredgender calmgender frostingic icegender coldgender gendercold wintergender wintercoric snowcloudic snowfallgender flakeltic pawfrintic wintercoric coldcoric snowgender stormgender genderice winteric snowian snoconegender ghostthing enby who uses they/it pronouns! It has selective mutism, PTSD, and autism!
Yakuza anon here! Sorry to bother, but I accidentally typed the wrong name for Ichiban. It’s Ichiban Kasuga, not Ichiban Blake. Honest mistake, my bad.
queued! however, i couldn't find quite a few terms - since i found many of these terms on pinterest, it's likely they're on there, but since pinterest is very hard to locate terms on by name, i wasn't able to locate them. if you link me to them, i'll get them added!
they were: gamecomfic, neonsigngender, bathaesic, bathcomfic, churrosgender, digifem, genderhate, harukazesongic, heartaesic, luvelic, gendercold, and snowcloudic
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Hope you are enjoying a happy weekend! ✨🌿 Y disfrutando del puente los que podáis. We are having a homie cozy weekend 🏠 Love ❤️ ‘Dita the happy unicorn’, available in my online shop . #doll #unicorndoll #kawaiunicorn #artdoll #christmasgift #ragdoll #aquariousunicorn #bohounicorn #mendeddoll #patcheddoll #gingham #ponytails #braids #bigeyeddoll #bigeyes #pastelunicorn #twofaceddoll #oneofakinddoll #oneofakindunicorn #waldorfdoll #bohodoll #pinkunicorn #greenunicorn #ユニコーン #アートドール #유니콘 #유니콘인형 #独角兽娃娃 #独角兽 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNjUSKpR3L/?igshid=1n2uo1n8am9eb
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I’m so pleased that my dream unicorn has found its home. He or she will be off to Pastel pastures new soon but if you’d like something similar, please get in touch #art#artstagram#artistsofintagram #artforsale#artfromtheartist#pastelart#kawaiiart#kawaiiunicorn #unicornart#pastelunicorn (at Birmingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3pRgYMH9jp/?igshid=1msps0errlxzf
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Prompt of the day was unicorn so I did this piece inspired by the amazing @komunhorangi (go check this amazing artist seriously!!!) and I had a lot of fun trying to make a pastel unicorn!! - - - [ID: profile face of a girl smiling with her eyes closed. She has unicorn ears and horn, and curly long hair. She’s done in pastel colors with markers and colored pencils. Her hair is green, pink and purple, and the unicorn ears and horn are blue.] - - #staedtler #multimediaart #traditionalart #pastelunicorn #unicorngirl #coloredpencils #inktober2018 #mythtober https://www.instagram.com/p/BpJk1QeBTXL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k39791gpaun1
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First lot of hand dyed yarn completed! ☺️ This one is a cotton/nylon boucle yarn. The nylon thread doesn't take the dye, so there's a really cool effect of a white thread running throughout, plus if course the cool texture from the boucle style yarn. I can't believe how many colours have come through! I used just three base dyes so it's really fun to see so much variation 😍 Can't wait to start knitting with this!🧶 #hanks #yarnhank #dyed #dyedyarn #handdyed #handdyedyarn #handpainted #handpaintedyarn #science #forscience #experimentation #experiment #success #successful #successfromscratch #pastel #pastelaesthetic #unicorn #unicornyarn #pastelunicorn #pastelunicornio #handmadeyarn #handpaint #handmadecanberra #handmadeincanberra #handmadebycatkin #handmadeart #funwithyarn #funwithdye #finishedproject (at Ngunnawal Country) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbl1M2HpdWt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Unicorn is a legendary creature with horse's body and a single horn in the middle of the forehead. Symbol of wisdom, the Unicorn has fairy-tale, dreamy and magical features... Inspired by the love for Unicorns, I designed and created this original plush but also decorative cushion for sofas, children's bedrooms and for anyone who wants to bring a little magic into their home. Currently available in two sizes: 45 cm and 60 cm, but you can request also a custom order for sizes up to 1 meter. Contact me for more information. Full description on my Etsy shop. This item is made to order, processing time max 2 weeks :) Buy on my Etsy shop here -> Rainbow Unicorn Plush
#toy#toys#plush#pillow#unicorn#rainbowunicorn#pastelunicorn#handmade plush#handmade pillow#home decoration#rainbowcolor#unicornlover#legendarycreature#umaslady#designer#unicorns#fantasy#custom plush#custom toys
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$25.90 Unicorn Cameo Pendant, Rainbow Unicorn Cameo Necklace Hand-painted by The Steampunk buddha, this Unicorn Cameo Pendant will be a beautiful accent to your outfit. The cameo features a white unicorn with rainbow painted hair. This is an excellent, unique gift for anyone who enjoys unicorns. This Unicorn cameo is the perfect accent to a pastel goth costume or a pastel colored prom dress. This is a custom painted cameo by our artist Bex. It is one of a kind (OOAK) The setting is cast and plated with a silver finish. It is approximately 2 1/2 inch by 1 1/2 inch. The Cameo image is a realistically painted unicorn. The cameo is hand painted. 24-inch silver chain necklace included. Arrives in a lovely jewelry bag and bubble wrap packaging. Not water resistant. Not meant to be worn while swimming or taking a shower Size is shown in comparison to a US Quarter in the second photo. NOTE: Colors may appear different on some computer screens. ***If you have any questions, please contact me. ***To get news first, check us out on social media! https://www.facebook.com/TheSteampunkBuddha Instagram @steampunkbuddha Twitter @steampunkbuddha The Steampunk Buddha® specializes in unique handmade jewelry including Steampunk, Gothic, SteamGoth jewelry styles, and more. http://www.etsy.com/shop/TheSteampunkBuddha *All of my items are created in a smoke-free environment. *35% of all proceeds goes to help support Addiction No More which is a free service to the public, which helps people find drug and alcohol treatment programs. http:/www.AddictionNoMore.com Thanks for stopping by! We list new items weekly, so please check back in with us soon! Images and designs are the sole intellectual property of The Steampunk Buddha. All rights reserved. © 2019 The Steampunk Buddha®
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Pastel de "Unicornio". Bizcocho sabor dulce de leche con relleno de frutos rojos y frosting de queso crema. #pastel #pasteldeunicornio #pasteldeunicornio🦄 #pastelunicornio #pastelunicorn #pastelunicornio🎂🌈 #pastelunicornio🦄🎂 #cake #cakedecorating #cakes #cakesofinstagram #cakestyle #cakestagram #cakeideasforkids #cakes🎂 #cakeunicorn #unicorncakes #unicorncake #pueblagram #pueblamexico #puebla #pueblacity #cakedecorating #cakedecorator #cakedesigner #cakedesign (en Heróica Puebla De Zaragoza) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-IWuAWJynH/?igshid=ozvmyh3dy8xn
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Kasuga Ichiban from Yazuka is an autistic bisexual saturahero fantasiar royalheroic heroian arcadecoric bigender blacklightaesic drippyneongender femascdox femascgender fightgamesic fingender gamecoric gameflux gamegender gamergender genderirritant glowlylightic heroarchetypic herogender herosavion herotix honorilexic injeroseic ledgender lovegender maroongender mascfemgender mingender neoncoric neondistortic neongender neonlightsic neonrainbowgender neonstaric pixelgameic rainbowblinkieic redgender retrocoric segagender transmascfem uvcoloric videawarec rosboy with ADHD, PTSD, and schizophrenia who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, neon/neons, and hero/heros pronouns!
She's in a queerplatonic relationship with Nanba Yu, an autistic vincian acidmagian animalmagian biogender bonemagian cursemagian dirtcoric dirtmagian dreamagian earthmagian faunagender floragender flowermagian fluidmagian galaxygender gendermage genderwizard greenaesic greengender healcharclassian healmagian herbgender lifemagian lunarwizardic mageium medimagian moonmagian mushroommagian naturecoric naturewizardic nightgender pigeongender plantmagian potionmagian rockmagian seedgender shadowmagian sleepmagian sleepycoric sleepygender smokemagian spacegender springmagian sproutgender trippyaesic wizardaesic wizardcoric wizardic wizardtix demiguy who uses he/hihom, they/them, it/its, herb/herbs, and mage/mages pronouns and age dreams when they're alone and especially happy!
Koichi Adachi is an omnisexual radiofiftin detectigender detectivegender embragender firegender genderbear gendernoir mingender mysterivelic sleuthlexic ursagender vintagecoric warmcoric warmgender paraboy bear with PTSD from his former workforce who uses he/him for personal convenience, but is open to any pronouns!
Saeko Mukoda is an autistic sapphic genderfae abhorcoric affecgender angelcoric angelgender axegender baggender bloodlovic butterfleurgender candygender candyic catfemgender cleancoric cupidcoric cupidgender cutecoric cutefluffysoftgender cutegender cutemonstergirlic cutepastelic cutething daisygender darklovecoric daydreamaesic deadlovegender dogloveic dolledphrasic eatyourheartoutphrasic evilcoric evilgirl fairycoric femascgender feminic feverdreamic finalgirlic finalgirllovesick finalgirlslasher fleshcute flirtgender floragender flowercute genderblood gendercupid genderfluff genderlove genderlovesick genderstalgia gendershopping girlflux girlprince girlxenine glittercattic glittergender greygender hategender honeygender horrorgender icecreamgender icecreamic idolgender kaomojigender lambgender lovecoric lovegender lovegore loveic lovelettercoric lovelockic lovepoetic lovergender loveribbon lovesickgender lovesicklexic magicalgirlgender magicbeing mingender musicgender neonstargender nerdgender nostalgiacoric pastelcoric pastelgender pastelgoregender pastelunicornic pianogender pinkcoric pinkgender pinkheartic plushgender prettygender princesscoric pupgender pupthing purelovic rosefem rosegender semigirl seraphender sheepgender sillyfemcattic slasheric soapgender sparklegender sprinkleic sprinklic sugargender tiredgirlgender toyfem toygender villaincoric violencecoric warpedlovegender watergender whitegender xenofluid xenogirl xenolovic femme butch with PTSD who uses she/her, xe/xem, xe/xey, pup/pups, ae/aer, they/them, and any lovecore-themed neopronouns!
Zhao Tianyou is a pansexual turian transmasculine catgender catten kitheadbonkloven catthing catnipgender blackcatic sillykittygender meowgender softcatgender distantcattic browncatgender sugarycatgender gummycatgender coolcatgender meowlexic stormcatgender rainbowcatian catboygender pricatic pawchatic bloodcatgender evilsillycatgender villaincoric evilcoric villaiboy evilaesic villaincharic phosvilial vilegender chaosgender chaoscoric vibegender genderfeast nonbinary man with SPD and PTSD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
Joon-Gi Han is an autistic pomosexual asexual demiagender autigender alosolus ghostfrilled monochromegender frostgender snowglobian chionophobian chillgender tiredgender calmgender frostingic icegender coldgender wintergender wintercoric snowfallgender flakeltic pawfrintic coldcoric snowgender stormgender genderice winteric snowian snoconegender ghostthing enby with selective mutism and PTSD who uses they/them and it/its pronouns!
dni link
#mogai headcanon#long post#yakuza#kasuga ichiban#nanba yu#koichi adachi#saeko mukoda#zhao tianyou#joon-gi han#autism#bisexual#saturahero#fantasiar#royalheroic#heroian#arcadecoric#bigender#blacklightaesic#drippyneongender#femascdox#femascgender#fightgamesic#fingender#gamecoric#gameflux#gamegender#gamergender#genderirritant#glowlylightic#heroarchetypic
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Happy Monday! Hope your week started well 🌸🌈This is Belle, the fourth of my Happy Unicorns. ✨Also available in my online shop, link in profile + stories! Enjoy! ✨🦄💙 #doll #unicorndoll #kawaiunicorn #artdoll #christmasgift #ragdoll #aquariousunicorn #bohounicorn #mendeddoll #patcheddoll #gingham #ponytails #braids #bigeyeddoll #bigeyes #pastelunicorn #twofaceddoll #oneofakinddoll #oneofakindunicorn #waldorfdoll #bohodoll #blueunicorn #ユニコーン #アートドール #유니콘 #유니콘인형 #独角兽娃娃 #独角兽 https://www.instagram.com/p/CF-XM3FhdA1/?igshid=ueffxyci5wwj
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Unicorn kitty ~ 💖 ❤️ #kawaii #vectorart #cutepastel #kawaiiartist #illustragram #unicorn #unicornkitty #caticorn #rainbow #pastelunicorn #🌈 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxw1o3DAAo8/?igshid=1293nus1iihgo
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This is most definitely not what I usually draw/ paint! I had a dream with this pastel foal last week and decided to paint him. In the dream he was just made of resin but he was life sized. I carried him around under my arm, he was so pretty! Anywho, anyone has an idea what this dream means, do tell? He’s Watercolour on A4 paper, with a gold acrylic horn and shimmery gold mica powder on the entire image. I’ve fixed the image to keep the mica powder on and I do apologise for the weird angles in some of the pics. I had to move around to try show the shimmery powder and had to use strange angles also ��� things we do for sparkle eh? This really pretty pastel Unifoal is for sale, I think it would look dreamy in somebody’s bedroom. Dm me if you’re interested in homing this very well behaved youngster 😊 🦄 #unicornsofinstagram #unicornstuff #unicornart#unicornoriginal#art #artofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #originalartforsalebyartist #originalartworks #pastelart#originalpastelart#pastelunicorn (at Perry Barr, Birmingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BynUKaknfJG/?igshid=1s1edadworcsl
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You can never have too many ballerina unicorns in a glitter tutu with a pastel mane! 😍 This beauty is ready to ship. Don't forget the entire shop is on sale. To purchase follow link in bio or send me a DM superflyhel.etsy.com #magicalunicorn #whiteunicorn #pastelunicorn #pastelgoth #readytoship🚌✈ #tutu #ballerina #birthdaygift #etsylove #bestofetsy #etsyloco #handmadedoll #adorableadornments #crocheterofinstagram #crochetiscool #epiconetsy https://www.instagram.com/p/BuRoJvTB8j7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4178abs8r4q1
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I attended two Soul Cycle classes this week! Feeling sore, but highly energized and alive!! 🚴🏼♀️ I’ve been taking Soul Cycle classes at least once a week since November. I’m very privileged to be a part of a community that has a studio. I want to continue taking better care of my body in 2019. ✨💕 . . OOTD 🎀 #tanktop: @forever21plus that I diy’d specifically for cycling (was going to donate it otherwise) #leggings: @targetstyle #jacket: @empyre_clothing18 @zumiez #pinkwaterbottle: brimma from @amazon #pinkhair @deannalgarcia . . . . . . . . . . #pastelunicorn #pastelaesthetic #kawaiiunicorn #unicornwarrior #athleticwear #sportsbra #pastelleggings #chicagofashionblogger #chicagokawaii #pastelaltfashion #kawaiisportswear #soulcycle #soulcycleSOPT #southportcorridor #adidas #jfashion (at SoulCycle) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsI6VX9HJo3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ww92qx5xsu7v
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Good evening, my lovely late night geeks, and welcome back to Makeup Monday! This past weekend my partner @zodarzone I had a splendid time at Cleveland ConCoction, the very best local con for all geeky people. It's a super fun, entirely volunteer+fan staffed, small, laid-back con encompassing all the geek genres they can! This year's theme was Grimm Tales & Faerie Stories, so of course we had to go with our dark and light unicorn costumes. Our makeup was a bit rushed due to time constraints, but I think with enough highlighter, glitter, and a killer lip look you can still knock 'em dead! My fringe sleeve top and leather skirt is from ReDress, and the corset is from OddFellows Leather. The wigs are from Purple Plum and our unicorn horns are from Yaya Han. His outfit is from Black Sheep Latex, and his Scrump purse is from Hot Topic. We had so much fun and we can't wait until next year! Hope we'll see you there! #makeup #makeupmonday #unicorns #unicornparty #unicornsarereal #clevelandconcoction #clevelandconcoction2017 #pastelunicorn #gothunicorn #scrump (at Cleveland ConCoction)
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