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After you receive this you must share 5 random facts about yourself and pass it on to 10 of your favorite followers. =D
Oh yayy!
Hmm let's see...
1. Irish Coffee Oreo is my fave ice cream flavor
2. My car's name is the "Red Rocket"
3. Also my computer's name is Ricardo (no other names for the rest of my electronics though haha)
4. I'm taking an intro Piano class this semester. :)
5. And...it's snowing right now! (damn New England weather...)
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If you look at my blog, then my sister's you'd assume:
a. we're complete opposites
b. we have nothing in common
c. we hate each other (partly true, lol)
But we actually have a lot in common and 78.4% of the time, love each other.
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@passion4writing said: Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!!
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ladyofdecember: The Tagging Game
Rule 1. Always post the rules
Rule 2. Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones
Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link them to your post
Rule 4. Let them know you’ve tagged them
Questions - 1. What’s your favorite color and name five objects/things that are that color. Black. I don’t know why, but I like black. TV, XBOX, PS3, laptop, and iPhone. 2. Where do you want to live/ describe your dream home. I want to stay in New York, but move to another town. I’m going to be realistic here, so my dream house isn’t going to be extravagant. I want a modest five bedroom, three bathroom high ranch. One of the rooms on the lower level will be my own personal library, of course. 3. What’s the first name of someone you don’t like/ Name two celebrities with the same first name. Renée. Renée Zellweger. Rene Russo. 4. Favorite tv show and why? I don’t watch TV. I’m a movie person. 5. If you had to chose five movies and or tv shows to watch for the rest of our life, what would they be? Slumdog Millionaire, The Kingdom, Boomerang, Body of Lies, and Coming to America. This was pretty hard. I wouldn’t be able to live with only 5 movies to watch. 6. If you had 10 cats what would you name them? Or if you HAVE 10 cats what are their names? If I had 10 cats I would name them Pepper, Whiskers, Ollie, Aces, Grey, Aries, Fuzz, Molly, Oscar, and Orion. 7. Strangest thing about you that people have commented on? That when I’m watching TV, I always turn my head to the side and watch from the corner of my eyes. 8. Coffee or Tea?
Tea. 9. How many books did you read in 2012 and what were they? I read more screenplays than books, but here’s what I’ve read (which are a lot of rereads): Dear John, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Hobbit, The Hunger Games Trilogy, Divergent, Insurgent, The Fault in our Stars, Vampire Academy Series, Carmilla, Boys that Bite, Morganville Vampire Series, Shiver, Grimm’s’ Fairy Tales, and countless self-published books on nook. 10. Who’s your favorite actor or singer that you have a huge crush on? So huge that it hurts! Sorry, I have no crushes. And no, no one piques my interest. That’s a perk of being married. 11. What do you want to achieve in the new year? I want to get my screenplay optioned by a film company, as well as win an actual screenwriting competition, not just receive all-around positive reviews for my script. I’m going to try harder to promote it. I also want to continue writing more screenplays and actually start my YA novel. My Questions:
1. Write one random fact about yourself. 2. Are you single/taken/married? 3. Do you have a social life? 4. How long have you been on Tumblr? And how did you come across it? 5. Who are your favorite authors? 6. Who are your favorite musicians? Name at least 5. 7. What kind of music puts you in the mood to write? 8. Do you have any reading goals for the New Year? 9. What are you currently writing? 10. Where do you see yourself in ten years? 11. What are your goals for 2013? Do you believe that you’ll actually accomplish them?
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I've been tagged by: sugarspicebitchynice
Thanks for tagging me! :)
Rule 1: post the rules. Rule 2: Answer the question the tagger set for you in their post and then make eleven new ones.
Rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know they’ve been tagged! :)
1) Which fictional character (book/movie/tv show) do you think you are most similar to?
That's hard, so I'm going to stick to Disney character. I would say a mix between the Genie in Aladdin and Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
2) If you had to choose one book to read for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
Ugh THESE QUESTIONSSSSS. Okay, I'm going to say...Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, just because it always reminds me of my childhood when things were easier and more magical!
3) If you had to kiss an average-ugly member of the sex you are attracted to, or a stunning one of the sex you arent attracted to, who would you kiss?
I would kiss the stunning one of the sex I'm not attracted to, mostly because it doesn't really matter to me.
4) Favourite weather conditions? Rainy/Stormy! I mean, it's pouring down rain or snow in a blustery manner and everything outside is going to shit but I'm warm inside with my laptop and coffee.
5) Favourite memory (ies) with your current best friend?
I don't really have one "best friend," but I do have some good memories with all of them. I loved going to the lake with a bunch of them this summer and I loved always going to my friend eyes-of-tomorrow's house all the time to the point where I'm part of the family.
6) You can change one thing about the world. What do you change?
The uncertain, flippant, and bigotted progression of the human race.
7) Three favourite Disney princesses?
1) Mulan 2) Belle 3) Kiara (from Lion King 2)
8) How many languages can you speak?
I speak English natively and fluently, and I am learning to the best of my abilities French.
9) Describe yourself in three words.
Funny, progressive, creative
10) You have to drink one drink for the rest of your life. What do you drink?
Either coffee or Lipton Diet Green Tea <3
11) Describe your best friend in three words.
Hilariously-witty (one word hyphenated ;]), Caring, Chill
Okay, my questions!
1) What is your favorite TV show and why?
2) Most terrifying nightmare you can remember
3) Favorite restaurant and favorite memory associated with it?
4) What do you find yourself destined/called to do with your life?
5) If people were colors, what color would you be? Your best friend? Your Crush? And why?
6) What was the hardest time of your life that you managed to get through and move on from?
7) Favorite Subject in school?
8) Can you cook? What's the best dish you can make?
9) If you could get a tattoo of anything anywhere, what would it be of and where would it be?
10) What's your favorite nickname people call you?
11) Which subject does the teacher you want to punch in the face teach?
#thelonehuman #thunderofmyinnerchaos #eyes-of-tomorrow #tiredtalkofbetterdays #things-that-shine #passion4writing #officialkiel95 #anotherbeliever #snakebitheart #fantasyorfiction #fitandfab-forlife
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Normal People: "I want to be novelist that ain't gon get me no money. You want to be a journalist/anchor. You'll go somewhere with that!" Me: "Pfft, I want to live in a gutter. Sounds like adventure. HARDCORE!"
My Life
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Dream Cast for TID is great. I smiled when I saw Shannon as Magnus. I mean, I enjoy Godfrey very very much ;) but Shannon will always be my baby xD
Aww thank you! I made it before Godfrey being cast as Magnus.
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I finally watched all the Beyonce' videos, my sister is the besssst (: even though she got the clean version -.-
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Hey I had a question. Do you have the link to that article about the TMI/TID fandom's greatness? xD the one about the CP2 cover reveal?
Nope, not really. But try checking CC's tumblr. She doesn't post much so it shouldn't be far :)
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passion4writing replied to your post: ♪
Me too! I checked his songs yesterday and couldn't believe how many of them were familiar. I always listen to them on the radio without knowing the artist or the title.
I've decided that I want Kiss me as my wedding song ;D
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Referring to the post you reblogged: the url to that very stupid blog is nastyclare(.)tumblr(.)com just remove the parentheses.
just thought I'd publish this. :3 thankyou:]
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I'm fine, it's just today was just as frustrating as I thought it was going to be and will probably carry on into tomorrow. That and I remembered something unnecessary and that kinda pissed me off. But other than that I'm good.
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Ha I'm a mundane being awesome! Anyway, even though I've only seen one page of your tumblr do you only imagine Adam Lambert as Magnus or have you had other options in your head? I think Adam would be great as Magnus for the movie but I also think Shannon Kook-Chun could do the role too. This question was just out of my curiosity.
Personally, he isn't the person I would see as Magnus. Harry Shum Jr seems like he would be good and perhaps Darren Criss, but I don't really have a dreamcast Magnus. I'd hate to be faced with the task of casting him lmao xD They need to find the perfect person.
But that's just my opinion :)
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aww thank you!
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batmaninja replied to your photoset: Here you go, Anon. The majority of my books. Some...
I love this c:
anainkandpaper replied to your photoset: Here you go, Anon. The majority of my books. Some...
lovely, lovely lovely
Thank you :)
passion4writing replied to your photoset: Here you go, Anon. The majority of my books. Some...
So.Many. Books.
I have more but they're in my wardrobe or boxes.
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jemismyparabatai said: oh it’s imdb so I think it’s a rumour but idk what they are doing, maybe only TORTURING US.
yeah, imdb isn't all that reliable, quite possibly they are torturing us. because i mean, it has been a year of waiting and what's more fun than taunting crazy fangirls? (I mean, am i bananas or...)
he4r-me-h0wl said: Ah well, he is ridonkulously H0T.
he is really good-looking! i mean, i wouldn't mind him, but in some ways i do mind... because i guess i've always imagined Alec as having delicate pale features with these crazy blue eyes.
tmiproblems said: We don’t even know, but IMDB isn’t very reliable.
yeah that is absolutely true! imdb can't be reliable for much, but i guess it's up in the air. i just hope we get concreate news soon... i'm getting a bit restless :S
passion4writing said: that’s what I said. If he is Alec I’m sure they have make up to pale him out
true, true. and i guess it would be up to those make-up artist to make the images in our minds come to life :P
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