#part chao au
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hugsandchaos · 1 month ago
@cellsknife Picture this:
Shadow dying in Sonic boom, and all that is left of where his body should be is an egg. For whatever reason, they decide to keep it.
One day, the egg cracks. The cracks grow bigger and bigger until a big piece of the eggshell is forced off, allowing whatever’s inside to crawl out. A little kid version of Shadow looks up at them.
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milkamel · 21 hours ago
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AU idea: PV never regains memories, ancients don't reunite and the beasts are freed. Soul jam's powers are weak so SMilk aims to forcefully make PV remember and takes him to the spire (Little does SM know he'll get attached to this little compassionate Healer)
More details about this AU (currently called Slumbering Truth AU): Basically it starts off with Smilk being terrible and basically doing what he was doing in the 8th episode, trying to make PV remember and playing with his mind for his entertainment. He knows who PV used to be but PV knows nothing about him or his own past. He's confused as to why would this powerful cookie need him but decides to submit in exchange for the village being safe.
At first Healer is uncomfortable and nervous but gradually despite Smilk's intimidating look decides to play along his games and get to know him better. Smilk is surprised by the other's behavior (and unexpected wits and trickery) and what started with the urge to break PV down slowly became an urge to keep the other close since the other's intentions to know him were genuine and comforting and SMilk hated the thought of losing that (not that he'd admit that. he needs that Healer to see him suffer, right?).
Now he doesn't want Healer to remember, he doesn't snap at that cookie as much, he wants him to stay in this blissful lie because if PV knew the truth then he'd definitely leave Smilk and lock him again. If Healer knew the truth he'd turn against him instantly, Smilk was sure. For the first time in a long time, Smilk felt like he found someone to who he was connected and he wasn't going to let anything ruin that.
(It's a wip so I might change some stuff along the way)
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v10l3tz-thmblr · 3 months ago
Would yall believe me if I said I made these just for the shits and giggles. Ehe?
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[Not in order!] Satbk au belongs to me
Rockstar Silver au belongs to @ken-yamh
Sing for Blood au belongs to @hayweerc
Death and Love au belongs to @lm-tomatito
Bound by Chaos belongs to @hayweerc
Dadpio belongs to @retrocandyfloss
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noocturnart · 17 days ago
Tax evasion au my beloved,,,
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Cropped version
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@paddingtonfan69 it’s taken a wile but I hope you like it! 💜💚
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idontcaboose · 3 months ago
Haunted car au part 19
Previous. Masterpost
Out of all the days the past week, today was pretty good. He has an actual day off that he plans to use by getting to hang out with his little brothers. He hasn't spent time with Duke in a while. Maybe he should plan a brother bonding hour with him, then have lunch with Tim, take Damian to that one documentary about the ecosystem of Madagascar, and wrap up the day by dragging Jason back to the manor to have an impromptu kids dinner. Alfred might be convinced to make a pot of Mac and Cheese and hot dogs if he gives him some pictures he snuck of Tim and Damian ‘tolerating each other's presence’ while comparing lighting in a picture Tim took vs a painting Dami did of the same alleyway. Dick was proud of his little brother's artistic abilities. Even if they all use it to mock his fantastic skills at drawing stick figures. 
Dick was just about to open the cave door when it opened without his input and the Batmobile roared out, barely missing him. 
“Ooooh someone is going to get Grounded™.”
Dick sped into the cave and changed into his gear in record time, and followed where the Batmobile may have gone. It wasn't hard with all the daytime gothamites filming and excitedly talking about the Batmobile showing him where to go. He caught up soon after, making ‘wee-woo’ noises in his com to try to get whichever sibling in the car to respond. 
“Hood, please pull over.” Dick asked, voice full of affection and exasperation.
“Only if you ask Danny nicely N.” Duke laughed out.
“Ok? Danny, could you please pull over?” 
Dick was half deafened by the song ‘Fuck Tha Police’ over the coms before the Batmobile revved it's engine and went faster though Gotham.
“Well, Sugar Honey Iced Tea.”
@kizzer55555 @sebas-nights @candeartist422 @trappednyourheart @fandom-life-corrupted-me @tkiesai @2lbballpeenhammer @admiralwidow @rewrittenwrongs @whotfevenknowsanymore @symmetricalastigmatism
@atinygracie @okami-love
@lesbian-spider-drone @1n0sss @forgetmenot-bluepurple @ehobep
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months ago
Apple Seed 14: Almost There
13 Hours Into Labor
Charlie: (breathing heavily) Oh, sshhhhhhhhit!!! Contractions are getting worse! Where's that midwife????
Vaggie: She's on her way, babe. (under her breath) Or at least she better be. Your dad was supposed to call her hours ago.
Charlie: (groans into a cry of pain as another contraction hits and she crushes Vaggie's hand) Gah! Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!
Vaggie: Hang on, babe. Just hang on. I'm going to be right back.
Charlie: (nods as sweat beads up on her head) Please, hurry back.
Vaggie: I'll be back before you know it. (kisses Charlie's hand and rushes to the door before nearly ripping it off its hinges) Lucifer! Where the fuck is that midwife?!
Lucifer: (eyes nearly pop out of his head) I FORGOT TO CALL SLOTH!!!
Vaggie: ¡Estúpido hijo de puta! You had one fucking job!
Lucifer: (fumbles his phone) I got it! I can fix this!
Lilith: (storms up to Vaggie, trying to get into the room)
Vaggie: (blocks the door) Uh, excuse you? Who the fuck do you think you are?
Lilith: I am that girl's mother. Who are you?
Vaggie: I'm her fucking WIFE, bitch! You're not going in there after being gone for several fucking years! You can wait out here!
Lilith: (shocked Pikachu face)
Lucifer: I made a call! She'll be here in a few minutes!
Vaggie: Good! Alastor, do something productive and get a container of cold water to help cool Charlie down!
-Hotel Door Practically Explodes Open-
Vaggie: What the fuck?! (looks over the railing) CARMINE?!?!
Carmilla: (struts in and up the stairs) Stop shouting, girl. Why are you surprised? Your father-in-law called me.
Vaggie: (glares at Lucifer)
Lucifer: (checks his call history) Oh.... I did.... shit..... I thought that was Sloth.... I'm TIRED, okay?!?!
Rosie: (tip-taps in) Hello, everyone!
Vaggie: ROSIE!!!!! Lucifer! Did you call her, too?!?!
Alastor: (holding a bucket of water) No, that was me. (tries to go into the room)
Lucifer: WHOA!!!! (blocks the door) What the FUCK do you think you're doing?
Alastor: I'm bringing Charlie her cold water. I think if anyone should be going into a blood bath, the prior serial killer overlord and father figure should be the one to do it.
Lucifer: YOU aren't going ANYWHERE near MY baby girl when she's at her most vulnerable!!!
Alastor: Hmmm.... (shadow phases along the floor and into the room)
Lucifer: SON OF A BITCH!!!!
Alastor: Charlie, dear! I've brought you some co- (sees Charlie laying on top of a mound of linens and towels with her legs hiked up, knees bent, and her lower half on full, bloody display)
Charlie: (panting, looks to the door, and her demonic features spring to attention) ALASTOR?!?!?! GET THE FUCK OUT!!!
Alastor: (faints and falls backwards out the door)
Lucifer: HA!!! TAKE THAT, ASSHOLE!!!
Rosie: Oh, my stars! Alastor! (drags Alastor out of the room and sets him up to recover on the floor, fanning his face with a kerchief) Alastor, Alastor, wake up. Deep breaths, dear.
Angel: Ha! Smiles is so pussy averted that even when he spots one in labor he can't stomach it.
Carmilla: ....... (steps over Alastor's body and walks calmly to the bedroom) How far apart are the Princess's contractions?
Vaggie: They're coming about every five or six minutes and last about fifty seconds each. (follows Carmilla into the room) Do we need to worry about pushing yet?
Charlie: (gets wracked with another contraction and growls demonically into an ear splitting shriek) VAAGGGGIIIIIEEEE!!!!!
Carmilla: I believe that should answer your question.
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graementality · 5 months ago
Mr Moon🌙
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Concept design for my OFFICIAL Heart design woah!!! He's pretty cool :]
I'll make a proper finalised ref sheet when I get the time but for now take my messy notes and sketchy design :3
Hmmm I don't think there's anything else to add,, all my notes are in the picture, have fun with all the zooming in!
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stoned-frog · 2 months ago
What being stuck on a train for 5 hours does to a man
Afterdeath family group chat moment✨️ (afterdeathcest🖤🩸🤍)
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Sorry for the shit quality I drew with my finger
Thank @openeta for the idea
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months ago
I finally got around to reading the first chapter of your newest fic and OMG?!! IT LEFT OFF ON SUCH A CLIFFHANGER I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!
My question for you is, will this fic have a happy ending as well? (If that's in the fic's tags already I am so sorry ^^")
I hope this ask finds you well!!!
omg yes!! there will be a happy ending!!
trust me when i say i'm a huge baby. i CANNOT handle sad endings. i am a registered Disney-movie-level-weenie. anyone who's ever met me knows for a fact that i cannot handle scary things or sad things. don't worry-- no matter how sketchy of a scenario I put characters in, there will be a happy ending lol
(I do need to go through and update the tags because there's a lot of stuff i missed whoops and there will kinda be some heavy themes involved)
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sourtomatola · 5 months ago
Cosmic chaos 3 Part 10 (last)
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This was so much fun! Thank you @enigmaticcattic for letting me run with your AU!! And for letting me make a new villain to throw everyone off XD
First part | Prev part
Cosmic chaos 1 | Cosmic chaos 2
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mammalsofaction · 1 year ago
I've been having a lot of thoughts lately about Human Perry headcanons as I read a bunch of fic and rewatch phineas and ferb. You know you're hitting the nail on the head when scenes from a fic you might never write dog your every waking step and haunts your dreams so, I thought putting it on paper will help.
A lot of fics like to suggest that Perry's full name is Peregrine, which is understandable, but ever since I've rewatched 2D and found out their first name for him was actually Bartholomew my life was never the same. So Perry's actual name is Bartholomew. But nobody actually calls him that least of all himself.
-I really like winding headcanons that Perry is Ferb's biological mom's BROTHER, which honestly makes so much sense as to why both he and Ferb have green hair. Here are some add-ons that may get depressing;
Ferb's mom was Eve, or Evelyn. Her codename was E, for Echidna...because egg-laying mammals native to Australia. They were both orphans, and attached to the hip. They were each other's partner in crime.
-They were scouted for OWCA one day, bc the agency liked picking up kids with potential as young as possible. So Perry and Eve were trained for the agency since the start (which is why Perry is such a good agent at what seems to be a young age)
-Owca is a largely independent authoritarian enterprise with branches all over the world. They aren't the only ones, obviously.
-OWCA also prefers training agents as early as they could. Sometimes that entails scouting talent. Sometimes that means taking in kids of employed agents. Either way, this means OWCA has elementary and high schools that are more akin to militant training camps. It's not cruel. The kids are well cared for and well fed, but OWCA prioritized competency, obedience and discipline.
On every level of OWCA recruitment, training and employment, there is a fedora, and band to mark whichever level you are on the totem pole.
1) Middle school kids are given a bandless fedora.
2) High school kids (soon to be graduates) are given a white band
3) Fresh graduates, training into full employment, are Yellow Bands. Here you start being assigned to full branches, and trained by field work professionals. Think OWCA Files.
4) It's fairly easy to graduate from Yellow Band into a Purple Band. Purple Bands are largely refereed to as Junior Agents, but that's not quite accurate. Purple Bands are the highest reporting authority in any division that ISN'T FIELD WORK. The OWCA Tech, Clerks, RnD and Science Divisions all have Purple Bands to signify they are fully employed, or Superior Officer. Pinky has a Purple Band.
5) It's VERY DIFFICULT to graduate from a Purple Band to a Black Band, not least because there IS NO PREDETERMINED TEST. Black Band agents are Superior Agents, only one level below Division General. There's no telling what could turn you from a Purple to a Black, because the agent has to prove unwavering obedience and faith to the agency in dire circumstances. It's saying "I am willing to do anything for the Greater Good."  Often it entails a death of some sort. OWCA often says Black is the band soaked in blood. Black Band agents have licenses to kill. It's why Black Band Agents are few and precious far in between.
6) After a black band, and you live long enough to retire, you can choose a bunch of things. Most agents choose to become Division Generals or Branch Managers: think Major Monogram. They're basically glorified "Guy in the Chair". Some agents choose to become educators, in which case they are given White Fedoras. White fedoras arent exclusive to black bands though; there are plenty purple band white fedoras. In fact most educators are purple band white fedoras.
-Perry's Black Band Event was Eve's death
-At the time of Eve's death, she had already been married to Lawrence. Ferb was barely a year old, maybe 10 months old?
-Lawrence was told it was a car accident: drunk driver. Truthfully it was a mission gone wrong, involving an underground child trafficking ring, and she stayed behind to give them all the chance to escape. She didn't have the chance to escape when security explosives around the building detonated, and she got caught in the crossfire. Perry had to leave her behind.
-This is why Perry refused to get a partner btw, aka his Lone Wolf tendencies come from.
-In the aftermath, OWCA agents approached the family to give them their condolences, and offer to take Ferb into the fold. For the first time since Eve's death, Perry practically lost it. He didn't hurt anyone, he's much too professional, but he knew Eve didn't want Ferb to get wrapped up in OWCA, and for good fucking reason. Due to their training, neither he nor Eve had much of a childhood, and he refused to subject Ferb to the same kind of life experience.
OWCA was NOT happy. Things were tetchy for a while, at least until Perry was approached by Major Monogram. Francis had a wife, and a son, and he understood where Perry was coming from. He suggested taking a permanent residence in Danville, which was his branch division. It was more stability than Perry ever had working in England, where he and Eve was originally stationed, and it was easy enough to come up with a work-related story to convince Lawrence, who was more than ready enough to leave the house where he and Eve originally lived.
-It was after moving did Lawrence meet and fall in love with Linda.
Edit; I've decided to change Ferb's bio mom's name bc I found something that fits better to me :) She's Eve now
End Backstory.
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hugsandchaos · 4 months ago
New idea: When someone gets too close to Boom Shadow and they’re overwhelming him, he sometimes reaches out and grabs their head to get them to shut up like a snooze button. The person is usually too confused and surprised to speak, so it works almost every time. It’s a weird reflex he built up over the years.
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adhd-sonic-the-hedgehog · 2 years ago
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Heliodor • Bixbite • Johnkoivulaite • Maxixe • Aquamarine • Emerald • Goshenite
certain emeralds take a more anthropomorphic form
it/its pronouns for all of them don't repost reblogs > likes
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cringefail-clown · 1 year ago
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more of the cam cafe au, this time with strilonde family dynamic
so dave and rose are siblings and they both had their kids very young (other parents dipped out as soon as possible). they helped each other out with raising the kids while working on their careers, so the trio grew up very close to each other, roxy often acting as a mediator between dirk and hal as they were on each others cases basically since birth lmfao
gonna do the j squad next but holy shit is their family tree... complex
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gracebethartacc · 8 months ago
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I woke up and was haunted by visions aka Mlp redesign/rewrite ideas yayyyy :3
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raapija · 10 months ago
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Happy webbonso wednesday to these guys
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