#part 2 chapter 9
“Then, M. Aronnax, I propose a curious excursion.”
“Propose, Captain?”
“You have hitherto only visited the submarine depths by daylight, under the brightness of the sun. Would it suit you to see them in the darkness of the night?”
“Most willingly.”
“I warn you, the way will be tiring. We shall have far to walk, and must climb a mountain. The roads are not well kept.”
“What you say, Captain, only heightens my curiosity; I am ready to follow you.”
“Come then, sir, we will put on our diving-dresses.”
Arrived at the robing-room, I saw that neither of my companions nor any of the ship’s crew were to follow us on this excursion. Captain Nemo had not even proposed my taking with me either Ned or Conseil.
In a few moments we had put on our diving-dresses; they placed on our backs the reservoirs, abundantly filled with air, but no electric lamps were prepared. I called the Captain’s attention to the fact.
“They will be useless,” he replied.
I thought I had not heard aright, but I could not repeat my observation, for the Captain’s head had already disappeared in its metal case. I finished harnessing myself. I felt them put an iron-pointed stick into my hand, and some minutes later, after going through the usual form, we set foot on the bottom of the Atlantic at a depth of 150 fathoms. Midnight was near. The waters were profoundly dark, but Captain Nemo pointed out in the distance a reddish spot, a sort of large light shining brilliantly about two miles from the Nautilus. What this fire might be, what could feed it, why and how it lit up the liquid mass, I could not say. In any case, it did light our way, vaguely, it is true, but I soon accustomed myself to the peculiar darkness, and I understood, under such circumstances, the uselessness of the Ruhmkorff apparatus.
As we advanced, I heard a kind of pattering above my head. The noise redoubling, sometimes producing a continual shower, I soon understood the cause. It was rain falling violently, and crisping the surface of the waves. Instinctively the thought flashed across my mind that I should be wet through! By the water! in the midst of the water! I could not help laughing at the odd idea. But, indeed, in the thick diving-dress, the liquid element is no longer felt, and one only seems to be in an atmosphere somewhat denser than the terrestrial atmosphere. Nothing more.
After half an hour’s walk the soil became stony. Medusae, microscopic crustacea, and pennatules lit it slightly with their phosphorescent gleam. I caught a glimpse of pieces of stone covered with millions of zoophytes and masses of sea weed. My feet often slipped upon this sticky carpet of sea weed, and without my iron-tipped stick I should have fallen more than once. In turning round, I could still see the whitish lantern of the Nautilus beginning to pale in the distance.
But the rosy light which guided us increased and lit up the horizon. The presence of this fire under water puzzled me in the highest degree. Was I going towards a natural phenomenon as yet unknown to the savants of the earth? Or even (for this thought crossed my brain) had the hand of man aught to do with this conflagration? Had he fanned this flame? Was I to meet in these depths companions and friends of Captain Nemo whom he was going to visit, and who, like him, led this strange existence? Should I find down there a whole colony of exiles who, weary of the miseries of this earth, had sought and found independence in the deep ocean? All these foolish and unreasonable ideas pursued me. And in this condition of mind, over-excited by the succession of wonders continually passing before my eyes, I should not have been surprised to meet at the bottom of the sea one of those submarine towns of which Captain Nemo dreamed.
Our road grew lighter and lighter. The white glimmer came in rays from the summit of a mountain about 800 feet high. But what I saw was simply a reflection, developed by the clearness of the waters. The source of this inexplicable light was a fire on the opposite side of the mountain.
In the midst of this stony maze furrowing the bottom of the Atlantic, Captain Nemo advanced without hesitation. He knew this dreary road. Doubtless he had often travelled over it, and could not lose himself. I followed him with unshaken confidence. He seemed to me like a genie of the sea; and, as he walked before me, I could not help admiring his stature, which was outlined in black on the luminous horizon.
It was one in the morning when we arrived at the first slopes of the mountain; but to gain access to them we must venture through the difficult paths of a vast copse.
Yes; a copse of dead trees, without leaves, without sap, trees petrified by the action of the water and here and there overtopped by gigantic pines. It was like a coal-pit still standing, holding by the roots to the broken soil, and whose branches, like fine black paper cuttings, showed distinctly on the watery ceiling. Picture to yourself a forest in the Hartz hanging on to the sides of the mountain, but a forest swallowed up. The paths were encumbered with seaweed and fucus, between which grovelled a whole world of crustacea. I went along, climbing the rocks, striding over extended trunks, breaking the sea bind-weed which hung from one tree to the other; and frightening the fishes, which flew from branch to branch. Pressing onward, I felt no fatigue. I followed my guide, who was never tired. What a spectacle! How can I express it? how paint the aspect of those woods and rocks in this medium—their under parts dark and wild, the upper coloured with red tints, by that light which the reflecting powers of the waters doubled? We climbed rocks which fell directly after with gigantic bounds and the low growling of an avalanche. To right and left ran long, dark galleries, where sight was lost. Here opened vast glades which the hand of man seemed to have worked; and I sometimes asked myself if some inhabitant of these submarine regions would not suddenly appear to me.
But Captain Nemo was still mounting. I could not stay behind. I followed boldly. My stick gave me good help. A false step would have been dangerous on the narrow passes sloping down to the sides of the gulfs; but I walked with firm step, without feeling any giddiness. Now I jumped a crevice, the depth of which would have made me hesitate had it been among the glaciers on the land; now I ventured on the unsteady trunk of a tree thrown across from one abyss to the other, without looking under my feet, having only eyes to admire the wild sites of this region.
There, monumental rocks, leaning on their regularly-cut bases, seemed to defy all laws of equilibrium. From between their stony knees trees sprang, like a jet under heavy pressure, and upheld others which upheld them. Natural towers, large scarps, cut perpendicularly, like a “curtain,” inclined at an angle which the laws of gravitation could never have tolerated in terrestrial regions.
Two hours after quitting the Nautilus we had crossed the line of trees, and a hundred feet above our heads rose the top of the mountain, which cast a shadow on the brilliant irradiation of the opposite slope. Some petrified shrubs ran fantastically here and there. Fishes got up under our feet like birds in the long grass. The massive rocks were rent with impenetrable fractures, deep grottos, and unfathomable holes, at the bottom of which formidable creatures might be heard moving. My blood curdled when I saw enormous antennae blocking my road, or some frightful claw closing with a noise in the shadow of some cavity. Millions of luminous spots shone brightly in the midst of the darkness. They were the eyes of giant crustacea crouched in their holes; giant lobsters setting themselves up like halberdiers, and moving their claws with the clicking sound of pincers; titanic crabs, pointed like a gun on its carriage; and frightful-looking poulps, interweaving their tentacles like a living nest of serpents.
We had now arrived on the first platform, where other surprises awaited me. Before us lay some picturesque ruins, which betrayed the hand of man and not that of the Creator. There were vast heaps of stone, amongst which might be traced the vague and shadowy forms of castles and temples, clothed with a world of blossoming zoophytes, and over which, instead of ivy, sea-weed and fucus threw a thick vegetable mantle. But what was this portion of the globe which had been swallowed by cataclysms? Who had placed those rocks and stones like cromlechs of prehistoric times? Where was I? Whither had Captain Nemo’s fancy hurried me?
I would fain have asked him; not being able to, I stopped him—I seized his arm. But, shaking his head, and pointing to the highest point of the mountain, he seemed to say:
“Come, come along; come higher!”
I followed, and in a few minutes I had climbed to the top, which for a circle of ten yards commanded the whole mass of rock.
I looked down the side we had just climbed. The mountain did not rise more than seven or eight hundred feet above the level of the plain; but on the opposite side it commanded from twice that height the depths of this part of the Atlantic. My eyes ranged far over a large space lit by a violent fulguration. In fact, the mountain was a volcano.
At fifty feet above the peak, in the midst of a rain of stones and scoriae, a large crater was vomiting forth torrents of lava which fell in a cascade of fire into the bosom of the liquid mass. Thus situated, this volcano lit the lower plain like an immense torch, even to the extreme limits of the horizon. I said that the submarine crater threw up lava, but no flames. Flames require the oxygen of the air to feed upon and cannot be developed under water; but streams of lava, having in themselves the principles of their incandescence, can attain a white heat, fight vigorously against the liquid element, and turn it to vapour by contact.
Rapid currents bearing all these gases in diffusion and torrents of lava slid to the bottom of the mountain like an eruption of Vesuvius on another Terra del Greco.
There indeed under my eyes, ruined, destroyed, lay a town—its roofs open to the sky, its temples fallen, its arches dislocated, its columns lying on the ground, from which one would still recognise the massive character of Tuscan architecture. Further on, some remains of a gigantic aqueduct; here the high base of an Acropolis, with the floating outline of a Parthenon; there traces of a quay, as if an ancient port had formerly abutted on the borders of the ocean, and disappeared with its merchant vessels and its war-galleys. Farther on again, long lines of sunken walls and broad, deserted streets—a perfect Pompeii escaped beneath the waters. Such was the sight that Captain Nemo brought before my eyes!
Where was I? Where was I? I must know at any cost. I tried to speak, but Captain Nemo stopped me by a gesture, and, picking up a piece of chalk-stone, advanced to a rock of black basalt, and traced the one word:
What a light shot through my mind! Atlantis! the Atlantis of Plato, that continent denied by Origen and Humbolt, who placed its disappearance amongst the legendary tales. I had it there now before my eyes, bearing upon it the unexceptionable testimony of its catastrophe. The region thus engulfed was beyond Europe, Asia, and Lybia, beyond the columns of Hercules, where those powerful people, the Atlantides, lived, against whom the first wars of ancient Greeks were waged.
Thus, led by the strangest destiny, I was treading under foot the mountains of this continent, touching with my hand those ruins a thousand generations old and contemporary with the geological epochs. I was walking on the very spot where the contemporaries of the first man had walked.
Whilst I was trying to fix in my mind every detail of this grand landscape, Captain Nemo remained motionless, as if petrified in mute ecstasy, leaning on a mossy stone. Was he dreaming of those generations long since disappeared? Was he asking them the secret of human destiny? Was it here this strange man came to steep himself in historical recollections, and live again this ancient life—he who wanted no modern one? What would I not have given to know his thoughts, to share them, to understand them! We remained for an hour at this place, contemplating the vast plains under the brightness of the lava, which was some times wonderfully intense. Rapid tremblings ran along the mountain caused by internal bubblings, deep noise, distinctly transmitted through the liquid medium were echoed with majestic grandeur. At this moment the moon appeared through the mass of waters and threw her pale rays on the buried continent. It was but a gleam, but what an indescribable effect! The Captain rose, cast one last look on the immense plain, and then bade me follow him.
We descended the mountain rapidly, and, the mineral forest once passed, I saw the lantern of the Nautilus shining like a star. The Captain walked straight to it, and we got on board as the first rays of light whitened the surface of the ocean.
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hoagiesnadwich · 5 months
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sorry this part took longer than expected i have been busy with school :-[
part 7 <- part 8 -> part 9
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thefencebeetle · 2 years
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Who’s ready for JoJolands chapter 2?
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madebysimblr · 7 days
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José: You going to the party at the bluffs?
Allison: I don't know. You know my curfew.
José: Dude I can't wait for you to graduate and be out of that house.
Allison: Yup. Far far away from all the rules and expectations... Living the dream. Sort of.
José: Change your mind about coming out?
Allison: I change my mind on that every day.
José: I'm sorry.
Allison: Not your fault. [sighs] Anyway, got a costume for the party?
José: [shrugs] Not really.
Allison: Fashion expert José doesn't have an outfit set? Has the world stopped spinning??
José: No I have an idea, I just... I don't know.
Allison: What's the idea?
José: Well I kinda sorta thought about going in drag? Maybe. I don't know. I found this cool fabric and have been sewing a dress out of it when my mom is out.
Allison: I think that's a great idea! You're free to borrow any of the frilly dresses the monster has bought me.
José: [laughs] Not even for drag would I wear some of that shit.
Allison: Damn, thought I could pawn them off on you.
José: No luck!
José: ... But you really think it'd be a good idea?
Allison: I think it's a great idea. I bet you'll look better in a dress than I do.
José: [snorts] That's not hard.
Allison: You are SO the worst.
José: But ya love me anyway!
Allison: Debatable.
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misschanadlerbong · 2 years
Chapter 9 - Part 1
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Summary: Y/N was not doing so well in her studies so she seeks Clay Jensen's help, but things get a bit heated.
Warnings: make-out
Pairing: Clay Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 2k
< Previous | Next >
The last term of your senior year was going fairly well. The tension between Zach and you were at ease and you both were back to being good sports teammates there was no denying the fact that you guys made the best team.
You found it hard to believe, but it had been a long since you acknowledged that life sucked. But life’s a bitch whenever you feel too happy it bites you in the back.
You got called in by your history teacher and it seemed like you weren’t doing good with your grades, and you needed grades to get into a good college.
“But I’ll have my sports scholarship, so why worry about the grades?” you argued.
“Ms. Y/L/N I understand that you have a sports scholarship but that does not mean that I will be happy to see such low grades in your history test. Y/N you did so well in the first term despite being caught up in sports. I want you to improve your scores as they were. There should always be a backup plan. Let us hope to see a spike in your grades in end-term tests.” The teacher suggested.
To be honest the truth was that you were so caught up with your encounter with Bryce and your breakup with Zach that you almost forgot that you had school to be good at. You made it seem so easy that you could handle it all but, you were just seventeen and you couldn’t handle it all too well. Those sleepless nights of overthinking, thinking how you could have done it differently, what would have happened if you didn’t end up with Bryce in that filthy clubhouse, spending a lot of time in the bathroom crying and the list goes on.
You possessed this power where you can be cheerful and happy from the outside without anyone letting know what’s going on the inside. You never liked the idea of burdening other people with your problems.
Now, you had to move on. Those incidents were not worth anything to put your grades at stake. You decided to ask Clay for help as to who can be a better tutor than the smartest student in the class himself.
The school day ended, and you were going into the parking lot with Jessica where Tony was waiting for you in his car to drop you home. While walking in the hallway towards the gate you came across Clay Jensen. “Jess, you wait for me outside, I gotta talk to Clay about something.” You told Jessica.
“Yeah, I’ll be right outside with Tony.” She spoke.
“Hello, Mr. Nerd.” You greeted Clay.
“Oh, hi! You can see me?” said Clay sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes in embarrassment and said innocently “Okay, I have been a bit busy lately. It’s not like I ghosted you or something we still met at the locker often.”
“Yeah, right right right. You kiss me and then for a month I am just a guy whose locker is neighbors with yours.” You could hear the teasing in his words. He didn’t sound mad he was just being savage which was not unlikely of him.
You sighed heavily, “That is not the point Clay, come on. I need your help. Please listen to me?”
You made your pretty please face which no one has ever been able to deny.
“Yeah, tell me. I was just kidding. Sometimes it feels nice to not be the one getting roasted by Ms. Y/N. Anyway, tell me how I could help you ma’am?” He crossed his arms and was ready to listen attentively.
“I kinda need you to tutor me in History and Maths. I missed a few classes, life’s been pretty rocky, so I wasn’t paying attention. Could you maybe help me?”
“Ah, now I wonder why I got attention from Ms. Y/N/L/N and suddenly I exist for her, of course, it is because you need my help. I get it yeah.” He teased yet again.
“Okay, enough with this sassy treatment Clay, you are lucky I need help from you otherwise I don’t take this shit from anyone. I get it I used you and I am sorry. I am. Please?” you said making your pretty please face again.
“I got homework to do so I might not be able to…”
You cut him off and said “Okay Clay, I have tried to be nice but you’re on the Student Honour Board and you must help every student seeking help. Earlier I asked you as a friend but now I am asking you to perform your duty as a peer. Otherwise, I don’t think so you deserve to be on the Student Board.”
“Damn, you got me. I was just fooling around. I’ll help you. It will be my honor. We can meet at Monéts in an hour.” Finally, he agreed to help.
“No not in an hour, I gotta go home and eat something quickly and come back for practice. How about at 6?” you suggested.
“Oh okay, at 6. But it’ll have to be at my place then. That café turns loud till the evening.”
“Done! Thank you so much, Clay. You are the best.”
You kissed his left cheek in a friendly way which left Clay blushing and staring at the floor with his right hand behind his neck as you walked away.
After practicing you took a quick shower and put on your boyfriend-fit jeans with a black graphic tee on the top and grabbed your leather jacket on your way out. You told your mom that you were going to study at Clay’s place which was the only reason why she would permit you to go to a boy’s place. To study.
On your way to the Jensen’s, you stopped by Monéts to buy a couple of drinks for Clay and yourself. You knocked on the door gently and Clay did not even take a minute to open it seemed like he was eagerly waiting for you.
“Hey Hoodie! See what I brought along with me.”
“Hey Y/N, aren’t we supposed to study?” He inquired.
“Okay, Jensen sue me for needing caffeine while studying.” Sarcasm flows with your words.
“Let me that that.” He offered to take your jacket like a gentleman.
With that, he led the way, and you followed him to the round dining table in the kitchen. You placed the drinks on the table and took out your books. Clay peeped into the drinks curiously, wondering what I could have brought.
You made his work easy by giving him his drink and taking yours, “Here, Hot Chocolate for you and Triple Mocha for me.”
“How come I don’t get coffee?” he asked.
“Simple. Because you don’t drink it.” You answered.
He looked surprised by the fact that you knew that information about him. He further inquired “How’d you know that?”
You tried to make it seem normal as you said “I uh… might have read your fan fiction about Alien Killer Robots and Percy is not a Coffee guy either so I gathered that you won’t be too because you resonate with Percy a lot. You are just like him, brave, courageous, empathetic, and compassionate.”
“You read my fiction???... But didn’t you say that you have no interest in Aline Killer Robots and they creep you out?”
Damn this man had many questions, “Okay, I thought of giving it a try you know starting with the fiction, so I am ready for the real thing. And to be honest I must admit, great writing. You made me fall for the whole Alien concept and I might even borrow those comics you recommend to me earlier.”
You could see the pride on Clay’s face, he was so happy that you called him Percy. You knew he was his favorite character, and he would fight anyone who does not like him.
You both sat down on the wooden chairs and Clay started with American history. It seemed like the house had no one except you two until you heard the door being opened by someone.
“Clay, I am home.” The woman spoke.
That someone was Clay’s mom, Lainie Jensen. She was surprised to see an unexpected guest, but she was so sweet. She instantly brought a huge welcoming smile to her face.
Clay looked a little awkward as he was not expecting either of his parent too early.
“Mom, I thought you were working.”
“Hello to you too Clay. I brought the work home. By the way, who is this beautiful girl?” asked her mom in the sweetest way you could imagine. You always liked when people appreciated you.
Before Clay could say anything, you stretched your hand for a handshake and said “Y/N, Y/Ln. It is so nice to meet you Mrs, Jensen.”
“Oh, so she is the famous Y/N I have heard so much about.” She gasped.
Clay got all awkward again and said, “Not so much about you, you know just a little bit. It’s part of their helicopter parenting where I have to tell them about my day and all. Mom if you would please excuse us, we have to do some studying.”
Clay grabbed all the books, and you picked up your backpack along with the drinks and he led the way toward a narrow staircase. We did not even climb three steps when his mom called for him again.
“Clay, honey, please remember to keep the door open 3 inches”
You tried your best not to laugh but could not help it and let out a small giggle. Clay got embarrassed as he looked at you and then at his mom and said, “Stop humiliating me in front of my friends, mom.” He climbed the stairs in frustration and opened the door for you to his bedroom.
He had a small bedroom but not so small to accommodate a couch in one corner of the room and a queen size bed in the other corner attached to the wall. His study table was just beside the window giving the perfect street view. His walls were dominated by posters of various things this Alien Killer Robots and The Arcade Fire. As he closed the door leaving three inches open as instructed by his mom your eyes fell upon this beautiful doodle of tapes. His bedroom was aesthetically grey which you found soothing and cozy.
Over the span of an hour, you both shifted from the couch to the study table, to the bed and finally, you both settled down on the floor resting your backs on the other side of the bed. Clay was sitting on the side closer to the door and you were sitting near his nightstand.
“So Civil War happened in which year?” asked Clay taking my test.
“1851?” you answered.
“No, Y/N it’s 61”
You groaned in frustration “Why can’t Damon Salvatore be my history tutor? Like he lived the history, he was even part of the war.”
“Don’t you think Damon’s toxic?” asked Clay and jealousy was visible on his face.
You cross-questioned him “Don’t you think Katherine’s a bitch?”
“Yeah, but she’s hot.” Said Clay making an argument.
You patted Clay’s cheek and said with sympathy “Thank you so much for proving my point, Clay.” It didn’t take long for Clay to realize what you meant, and you both laughed loudly.
But suddenly there was an unexpected silence in the room. You felt some kind of tension between the two of you, something that was never experienced between the two of you. It was like a silence that spoke a magnitude of language. You felt a force that was drawing you towards Clay. You took deep breaths and cupped Clay’s face with one hand moving him closer to you. You looked into his eyes and he gave a slight nod.
You leaned in to kiss Clay. Luckily, he started kissing back and you both sunk into the kiss. You still held his face by his jawline keeping him closer and moved towards him decreasing the gap between you two, meanwhile, Clay slid one of his legs to shut the door without breaking the kiss.
You were so impressed by this act; he did this so effortlessly. As you sunk more into the kiss it was getting hot until the door flung open and you stopped abruptly.
A/N: Damn! I wonder who could that be? it's sus. I promise there's a part 2 to it so stay tuned.
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P.S.: I also upload on Wattpad @immafreakingmoonstone, feel free to check out my account :)
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possiblylando · 2 years
Oh boy Jojolands Chapter 2 and Hotdog Guy has a name
Usagi Alohaoe and he is just as much of a dweeb as I was hoping he is great.
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The odds of him being gay are not 0 I'm just gonna say that.
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His brain is so deep fried he's so awesome....
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They hate to see a silly guy having fun and being so whimsical </3...
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Okay the fucking design on his suit IS A PAIR OF LEGS I thought so last time but this is like.. What??? It's clearly some kind of brand logo but what the hell kinda company's logo is a pain of legs?? Are the legs female? I assume they're meant to be because they have high heels. But they could also belong to a real long legged guy- They could be non-binary who knows. Araki I need an explanation about these fucking legs why the hell- where the fuck did he get an outfit like this??
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He's so silly... Criminally insilly...
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ACTUAL fuckboy.
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I really can't get a read on what he is aside from silly. does he have some fucked up backstory? He has to right it's Jojo. Is he, Ya know?
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Man this heist boring as hell -Watches family guy clips on youtube shorts-
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Maybe it's a fucked up crab? The Logo I mean. I don't know it could be like a fucked up mr krabs if you- Hang on
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Yeah??? Probably legs.
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Dog begging for food from the stove not knowing it's just boiling water coded.
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His ass is THINKING
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This world is so cruel on silly guys who can look cool some times but are mostly silly..
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He looks like he's about to climb the swiss alps brooo :skull emoji:
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Why is everyone so mean to me </3 Mini-analyses time. So Usagi calls Dragona "Pink-Chan" which I assume is just an artifact from the Japanese translation. He calls himself blue. Pretty basic male and female colors. The way he speaks kinda makes me think he has a crush on Dragona. That or he's, You know. GAY
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Go go gadget hand tumor
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It's neat that we're getting a bunch of utility stands this part instead of the beatdown bandits of part 8. It's a more part 7 approach where the stands are used to aid in combat instead of being the primary focus.
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Yeah go white boy do your silly little dance I am clapping woo yeah
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Hot Dog Man Vs. Hot Dog Guy
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This, Absolutely not intentional. I assure you. But the way the Speedline are drawn around Usagi makes it look like he has a Holy Halo.
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Jesus Jumpscare. I highly doubt it means anything but- I felt the need to point it out. The marks the end of chapter 2. Uhhhh I like this funny little silly guy he's so oooo so silly he's gonna die a horrible horrible fucking death he is not surviving this part man is gonna DIE... Uhhh Araki always tryina add in his self insert like why the hell is Rohan the Bus Driver? I think they should give Usagi a gun that would be cool...
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cherriesxinthespring · 4 months
bare with me i have terrible writer's block rn,, if any writer moots know any tricks to help with it!! send em my way please <3
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possum-quesadilla · 27 days
For now, here is the plan for the next few chapters of LoopJuice and the start of DeadBug/CorpseJuice! (Subject to change due to inspiration, lack of time/energy etc)
- Chapter 8 of Time’s Arrow, “October passed me by just like any month”! It is fun and centers around Halloween and Beetlejuice’s birthday. (Also the aftermath of the last chapter…)
- Chapter 9 of Time’s Arrow, possibly titled “I am selfish, I am broken, I am cruel, I am all the things they might have said to you”
- Then, “You and I Will Always Be Back Then”, the standalone bad ending AU to LoopJuice!
- Then, perhaps, the first chapter of DeadBug/CorpseJuice, maybe titled “Your body may be gone, I'm gonna carry you in, In my head, in my heart, in my soul” !
- Then Chapter 10 of Time’s Arrow, which does not yet have a title! Oooo, it’s a POV pivot back to Lydia!
Then whatever order I feel inspired/energized enough to write them in after that, through to the end of Time’s Arrow!
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salt-and-vynegar · 8 months
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I finished playing Ch. 11 (Part 1). I took some screenshots for some things that happen in the chapter, just because I have a feeling that I may want to use these in the future. Most of these are pretty self-explanatory and out of context (for the most part).
Just in case of spoilers, I will put the ones that are more mystery and storyline related underneath the cut.
And then just a reminder: For the CN version of this chapter, Vyn's voice uses AI. It's listed in the Ch. 11 trailer for the main story on Bilibili.
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ofpd · 11 months
baby i'm reading this fic in the most illogical order imaginable
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thefencebeetle · 2 years
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everykiba · 6 months
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demon-blood-youths · 7 months
Horror Book Chapter 9 - Part 2: Another One
Hi everyone! This is part 10 of the Horror Book Series. This is chapter 9 Part 2. This is for @the-silver-peahen-residence. This is a part 2 of Chapter 9.
----- Previous Parts ------
Horror book six: plucking a butterfly's wings
Horror book Chapter 7: Dead scars
Horror book chapter 8: hidden shadows
Horror Book Chapter 9: A Cute & Creepy Present
----- Summary -----
After adapting to the situation regarding the cursed doll, Catnap as Taz's roommate. The four jujutsu sorcerers will now have now another fellow cursed corpse doll added to their school. Who would be it?
After Gojo-sensei got Taz, the infamous doll, Catnap. The four have to live with the fact that Catnap is living in Taz's room. Right now, the four don't know what to do, they're trying to come up with a plan on how to deal with this. Yuji is worried but he sees Taz still being her normal self so that's good, right?
But Nobara and Kisho aren't convinced so it's getting hard for Yuji not to worry. Nobara informs the boys about its whereabouts. She had to peek through Taz's room and see Catnap on the nightstand, eyes white and watching her sleep on one night.
"And Taz knows?" Yuji asked, worried about Catnap and his actions even though he hadn't done anything serious yet.
"No, I don't think she does!" Nobara said, fear in her voice. "And I think he saw me!"
"What kind of toy watches you while you sleep? Taz could have noticed, heck, Kinie could of noticed." Kisho points out. Megumi sighs, listening to this conversation. "You guys..."
"We're the only ones who know what that thing is capable of, Megumi! Miko and Yuria won't believe this because they see nothing wrong. To them, it's fine even if it's a bit creepy.." Kisho points out.
"A bit creepy. MORE THAN CREEPY! That doll is a CREEP!" Nobara said. Yuji wonders what is going through his little sister's mind. One time, he can't help but ask why she wants to keep Catnap despite coming from a toy company with a questionable history.
Yuji can remember the words from her.
"Well...if it's true, then Catnap must be a kid like us who wants a friend and someone to take care of him. I smell him and he smells sad and lonely. So I want to do that for him. I want to be his friend."
Yuji's heart softens at her words and he can't help but feel so proud of what Taz said. He knows Taz wants to help others like he does. Bless her kind heart!
But still... that doll is still creepy!!!
Even Sukuna says so.
Whenever he looks in Catnap's direction, he would have sworn that Catnap is glaring at him. As if Yuji being here upsets the cat. He always gives him a look every time. As if Yuji is taking Taz away from him.
'I think that doll is jealous and trying to divert her attention to him instead of us." Sukuna said, annoyed with that doll's antics. It's really like a little kid. "I mean I did throw it out across the hallway and out the window. I think he's mad about that," Yuji tells him to which Sukuna sigh. 'That doll knows what he's doing! I wouldn't be surprised if he is a little vengeful spirit! I can easily slice him in half!"
But Sukuna couldn't because the pup liked the doll's company.
"As long as that doll doesn't get on my bad side or harms the pup and princess, I could care less what you four are planning.."
"What? I mean...could you at least do something about if my little sister getting nightmares?"
"Pup is fine as you can see, brat. Kinie, my princess could have informed me if there's something up."
That's true. Yuji thought. Then the door slides open, "Sorry I'm late! Catnap was being fussy. He didn't want me to leave!" Taz laughs.
"Are you okay?" Nobara said, worriedly. Taz laughs it off. "It's fine. I told Catnap I would be back! I promise him sweets if he behaves."
"That's good to hear, sis!" Yuji said but then he saw a bag in Taz's hand. "Uh...what's that?" He points.
"Oh! Gojo-sensei brought me another doll!" Taz smiled happily while the four's faces turned to disbelief.
"I swear to god...that idiot.." Megumi thought in his mind.
"I hope it isn't another creepy doll.' Kisho sweatdropped.
'Please don't be creepy, please don't be creepy!' Nobara is praying.
"C-can we see it?" Yuji asked, mentally preparing himself. Taz nods and proceeds to show them. It was a doll. It has blue thick fur and limbs that are several feet in length, hands and feet are yellow. The head is large and contains two large black googly eyes.  It had a ribbon on its back. It has oversized and cartoonish red lips in a bright smile.
"It's a Huggy Wuggy!" Taz said. "Isn't he so cute?!"
The four paled and thought. 'WHY?!'
Sukuna had to take a look at what Taz brought and twitched two of his eyes on the left side. Damn it, Six Eyes.
Now the sorcerers wouldn't mind if the toy is a normal toy but the problem is...the toy is from the SAME freaking company that made Catnap!
"Y-y-yeah! That's cute!" Kisho said, trying to hold himself in from not crying right now. Does the teacher not do research or something?! Or this is fine to him?!
Nobara wanted to make sure that the eyes weren't moving by themselves because....she wasn't sure if she could handle another creepy toy in the girls' dormitory much less in Taz's room. Then a phone chimes.
"Oh! Hellmare is calling me! I got to take this." She sets the doll down on the desk and leaves the room. Taz leaves the classroom and is out in the hallway. Leaving the four with the Huggy Wuggy.
A few seconds later...
"What are you doing, Kisho?" Megumi looks annoyed, watching Kisho poke Huggy Wuggy on Taz's desk with a ruler.
"What does it look like I'm doing? We need to see that if it's not like Catnap! What if it comes alive?" Kisho said, still poking its side with a ruler. Megumi rolls his eyes. "You're being dramatic. Now knock it off!"
"Well...Eito says that he can sense the cursed energy from it." Kisho said, stopping his prodding. Eito chirps in confirmation. Yuji sighs.
'I wouldn't be surprised if it did move. Sukuna said it has cursed energy. He said he wouldn't be surprised if the story is true." Yuji said, looking at huggy wuggy at the desk. Compared to Catnap, Wuggy is less creepy and looks more like a cute normal doll at least. But it doesn't change the fact that he and Catnap are from the same company rumored to turn kids into toys. Still, it doesn't look that bad and he never heard anything bad about Huggy Wuggy.
"Besides...I need to make sure this doll is safe!" Kisho said. "Or do I need to remind you that Catnap can spray from his mouth?" Kisho tells Megumi. Megumi gives him a glare but sighs. "Don't remind me."
Yuji slumped his shoulders, recalling how he grabbed Catnap's tail and pull it by accident which the cat sprayed right onto Megumi's face.
"That reminds me...how did you sleep?" Nobara asked Megumi.
"Hrmmm...not much. Just strange dreams but that's it." Megumi said. "Nothing too major."
"Let's hope it doesn't get worse!" Said Nobara. Kisho is still poking Huggy Wuggy with Yuji looking over his shoulder. Megumi groans, "You guys. Can you knock it off? It's not going to move like you want it to."
"Yeah but..."
"No buts."
"What if you try holding it?" Nobara said with a smirk. Kisho stared wide-eyed at Nobara, "I'm not going to hold it! Are you nuts? What happens if it bites me."
"Then we know it's alive!" Nobara chuckled.
"Okay! Why not you do it?"
"No way! I already touch Catnap! Not going to touch another gross thing!" Nobara made a 'ew' expression. Megumi adds, "If you're scared, Kisho, then don't poke it."
"I'm not scared!" Kisho retorted. "I bet you won't hold it because you're scared too!"
"Who says I am?" Megumi scowls.
"You are! You said it about someone being scared. Why don't you hold it if you aren't scared! Come on, I dare you! I super double dare you!" Kisho said.
Megumi twitched an eye, hearing this. So childish! "Fine, I will do it and hold. If nothing happens, you hold it!" He said, standing up and going to take the Huggy Wuggy off the desk and hold it. Megumi had this face of 'why I am even bothered with this' look but he wanted to prove to Kisho that he was not afraid of anything.
"Oh, you're really scared?" Megumi questioned.
Holding Huggy Wuggy, nothing happens. Then he offers the doll to Kisho, "Your turn."
"HUH?! That's way too soon!"
"I'm not scared!" Kisho takes the doll off Megumi's hands. Eito chirps as Kisho is holding Huggy Wuggy who is now shaking with a nervous face. Now holding it, it doesn't feel as bad. It's furry, that's for sure. He doesn't look at the eyes.
"Okay! I'm done! Yuji!"
"Huh?" Yuji blinked.
"Come on, it's your turn!" Kisho said. Yuji sighs and takes the doll, he takes a look at Wuggy Huggy. Few seconds and a few minutes passed, he held it much longer making the three worry.
Yuji begins, "You know. He doesn't look that bad?" He shrugged as he looked at Huggy Wuggy. "He does kinda look cute." He said, shocking everyone in the room. Especially Sukuna, hearing that thought and hearing it out loud.
"WHAT?!" Kisho said, taking Huggy away. "Yuji! You can't be serious! This isn't any normal-looking doll! It came from the same place as Catnap!"
"Yeah...I know..." Yuji sighs, "but you know." He shrugs, "It's less creepy." He points out. Sukuna sighs in his head. Kisho then squeezes it, "Listen! Yuuji! You can't be fooled by toys such as this! That's how Taz got brainwashed in adoring Catnap! That's how Playtime Co gets away with it until it shut its own doors!"
Then blue furry arms begin to move. The boys became silent as their eyes look towards the doll. Black eyes looks around, looking back and forth between the teenage boys.
And then.
The Huggy Wuggy alive and mobile lets out a huge sound. Unlike Catnap, it lets out a crazy noise.
All the boys screamed which prompted Nobara to scream as well. Kisho throws the doll up into the air in a panic. "OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FAWK!" Kisho screams in fright. Wuggy Huggy lands on top of Megumi's head and he yells, "DAMN IT KISHO!" Fushiguro cursed out loud.
"OH MY GOD! IT'S ALIVE?!" Nobara shouted, putting her hands on her face with fright. "I KNOW, RIGHT?!" Kisho said. Yuji doesn't know what to do until...
"CAN ONE OF YOU GET THIS THING OFF ME!" Megumi yelled angrily. Yuji grabs one of Huggy Wuggy's legs and takes the doll off Megumi's hair. "Got it!"
"Throw that thing away, Yuuji!" Nobara pointed as she hides behind Fushiguro with Kisho.
"But lil sis-"
"With it screeching like that?" Kisho asked. "No way...it should be in her room. We gotta talk to Gojo-sensei about this."
Yuji looks at Huggy Wuggy now as it is looks like it's struggling and screeching like it's...afraid. He doesn't know why. But the doll is scared. Yuji recalls Taz's words.
"Well...if it's true, then Catnap must be a kid like us who wants a friend and someone to take care of him. I smell him and he smells sad and lonely. So I want to do that for him. I want to be his friend."
In a way...Wuggy Huggy must have been a kid once and was turned into this doll against his own will. The little guy must be scared by all this. No doubt, reacting to the cursed energy of him and everyone in the room. Without hesitation, Yuji goes to pet Huggy Wuggy. "There, there..." He said gently, making his other three classmates pause. What the?
"Sorry about that. We had someone who came from the same place as you. You freak out and we freak out. Our bad." Yuji said, making the Wuggy Huggy calmed down, ceasing its screeching, and looked up at Yuji in surprise.
"There we go. Your name is Wuggy Huggy, right? I bet you have another name, do you?" He asked.
The little Wuggy Huggy nods and goes to wrap his arms around the hands holding him. Soon, it closes its mouth into a smile. It seems like Wuggy Huggy is now friendly.
"Anyway..I'm Yuji Itadori! Nice to meet you!' Yuji smiles.
"Yuji...." Fushiguro begins. Yuji looks up to see his three classmates. He almost forgot that they were there. "Yeah?"
"What are you doing?!" Kisho asked.
"Yeah! What the heck are you saying?!" Noabra asked.
"Look...I know that place is creepy. But Catnap and Wuggy Huggy used to be kids....kids younger than us or just like you, you know?" Itadori reminds them. "Just because they look different doesn't mean we should treat them differently. They just want a friend."
Kisho and Noabra blinked as they have no words for it. Megumi sighs, rubbing his neck as he knows where Yuji is coming from. "Even so...it's just..."
"Guys! I'm back! Sorry about that! Hellmare was calling me and-" Taz blinked. "Big brother!" She smiles, "Are you checking out Wuggy Huggy?"
"Oh uh....yeah!" Itadori nods, holding Wuggy Huggy. "He's...really cuddly, you know? I just want to hold him." Should he tell Taz that the doll is alive? He can sense the three looking at him, wondering what he's going to reveal.
"Really?" Taz asked.
"Yeah really. He seems very cute!" Yuji said. Nobara and Kisho's jaws dropped, hearing. Taz nods. "I know, right?" She pauses and then says, "You know. It seems you like him. Do you wanna keep him?"
WAIT WHAT?! Kisho and Nobara are in shock. Megumi is in shock too.
"Huh?" Yuji blinks.
"I have enough dolls." Said Taz. "I know it's a gift from Gojo-sensei but I don't mind sharing Wuggy Huggy with you."
Now Yuji is thinking about it. Megumi, Nobara, and Kisho are wondering what would Yuji say. But Yuji Itadori already knows what he wants to do. His thoughts are already heard which makes Sukuna widen his eyes in disbelief. It was slo-mo, that even Sukuna aka the King of Curses was unable to stop the inevitable.
"Oh well..." Yuji begins.
Brat. No.
"I think...."
For the love of Buddha..you cannot be serious!
"that would be..."
We. ARE. Not. putting that thing in our room! NO! NO! NO WAY!
"be great, little sis. I think having Wuggy Huggy with me in my room would be a good addition." Yuji smiles and this got everyone except Taz freaking out inside.
"Okay!" Taz smiles, not noticing the shocked faces of Megumi, Nobara, and Kisho. "I think you need Wuggy Huggy more than me! He is really fuzzy." She smiles. Huggy Wuggy looks at Yuji and still smiles, presenting a real smile. Yuji chuckles. "Yeah! I bet he is!"
"But Yuji..." Kisho begins.
"Oh! Speaking of which, you wanna watch a movie? I have this movie saved and you might like it!" Yuji asked. Taz smiles, "Sure!"
Yuji and Taz get out of the classroom as they go to see a movie in his room.
As Yuji and Taz left, Kisho couldn't believe this as he plopped down on the chair next to his desk and yelled, "NOOOOO!"
Here we go. Megumi sighs, "Kisho-"
Megumi then groans, "Kisho-"
"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!? WE LOST OUR BEST FRIENDS TO THE ENEEEEMY!" Kisho cries as he puts his head against the desk and ruffles his own hair. Nobara can't believe this either. "KISHO IS RIGHT! THEY BOTH HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED!" Nobara cries, shouting her head off. "WE'RE DOOMED!"
Oh my god. I am so over this. Megumi thought, deadpanned while Nobara and Kisho were losing their marbles over this. He hopes Yuji looks after Huggy Wuggy. He can guess that Sukuna won't be happy about this.
Oh well. Yuji can take care of himself and so does Taz. Megumi sighs as he goes to drag Nobara and Kisho out of the room, kicking and screaming. To get a teacher to calm these two down. Probably Nanami or Principal Yaga.
And so....the school has two new additions. Huggy Wuggy and Catnap.
To be continued???
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I hope I get to read more this year. It's been like 3 yrs since I read a new book n ab 2 yrs since I reread one. I'll be busy w school for a while but it would be nice to find a good book again
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