#parliamo un po' (let's talk a bit)
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Pleasant greetings to you, Elle! I'm not here to curse your inbox with images of pickles tainting delectable food, so don't fret XD. Instead, I offer a challenge! *Removes glove and places it on your head because Connor Maxwell Does not slap people*
The above image is a magnified microscope slide. Subject? Something in or on a human body. Identify. Or else...
Enjoy ^^.
-Connor Dean.
Okay, first of all I've just come back from uni so thank you for making me gag with those pickles... they look awful 🥰
Secondly, when one throws a glove as a sign of challenge, they do not slap people. They throw the glove to the ground and the person who the glove was thrown at decides whether to pick it up or not
Picking up the glove means accepting the challenge
Back to the microscope picture... did you take it?? Because it has an amazing definition! They don't even let us use that kind of microscope in uni...
The shapes look like leaves hehe, but a leaf can't be IN the human body, so I'll go with... idk, maybe a tear..?
Our professor showed us a picture from a study about tears in class, and it seems similar, although not identical, so it'll be my answer (because I don't have other ideas 😭)
#parliamo un po' (let's talk a bit)#nikolai and fyodor but real 🤍🖤#microscope challenge 🔬#help wtf is this-#if it's not a tear i will cry
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How is THIS adorable?? TvT
Mochii you little-
Bleh 🥰💜
Look at you being all adorable
( ̄▽ ̄)
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Letter G pronunciation’s video.
Ciao a tutti! Oggi parliamo della lettera G e della sua pronuncia. Praticamente segue le stesse regole della lettera C, quindi avremo una pronuncia forte, dura, G, in presenza delle vocali A,O,U, e una pronuncia più dolce in presenza delle vocali I,E. Poi vedremo anche i casi della doppia GG, della presenza dell’H, della S e della presenza della lettera N, quindi di GN. Allora, cominciamo: - La lettera G come abbiamo detto ha un suono duro in presenza delle vocali A,O,U, quindi GA,GO,GU: GATTO, GONNA, GUANTO. - La stessa lettera G ha invece una pronuncia molto più dolce in presenza delle vocali I,E: quindi GI,GE: GINOCCHIO, GEMELLI. - Anche in questo caso, come per la lettera C, se volessimo pronunciare le vocali I ed E in maniera dura, dovremmo aggiungere l’H, quindi AGHI, ALGHE, altrimenti senza l’H leggerei AGI, ALGE (e gli AGI sono una cosa diversa dagli AGHI, per esempio)
- La presenza della lettera S davanti alla G, non cambia più di tanto. La pronuncia è SG, quindi avremo SGOMBRO, ed aggiungendo l’H davanti alle vocali I ed E, anche in questo caso avremo la lettura uguale quindi SGH: SGHEMBO. SGOMBRO, SGHEMBO. Solitamente non abbiamo (molti) SGI, SGE, a parte SGELARE, che mi viene in mente ora, quindi una lettura più dolce in presenza di SGE, SGELARE. - Torniamo poi alla doppia GG: anche in questo caso avremo solo un suono più prolungato della lettera G: PIOGGIA, POMERIGGIO. La pronuncia è dolce perché dopo la G, dopo la seconda G, abbiamo una I. Diversamente avremmo una pronuncia più forte, se avessimo una A, una O, o una U. - Tornando per un attimo a GN, GNOMO è l’esempio più lampante. È un po’ come gnarled, CAMPAGNA. In questo caso potremmo avere anche la presenza di un GNI, che cambia leggermente la pronuncia: quindi abbiamo GNOMO, CAMPAGNA ma ancora più specificatamente, per farvi sentire la differenza di pronuncia, COMPAGNA. COMPAGNA si scrive senza la I:se noi aggiungiamo la I dopo GN, leggiamo COMPAGNIA, quindi cambia l’accento della parola e cambia il significato: COMPAGNA è la compagna di banco,la vostra compagna di vita, COMPAGNIA invece è qualcuno che vi fa compagnia, la vostra compagnia, il cane è di compagnia.
Credo che abbiamo affrontato tutti i dettagli della lettera G. Ricordatevi, come per la lettera C, dipende soprattutto dalla vocale che segue, dalla presenza dell’H e dalla N. Sono queste le cose principali da ricordare per la pronuncia di questa lettera. Credo di aver detto tutto, nel caso in cui abbiate domande, scrivetemele e vi risponderò. Ciao!
ENG: Hello evrerybody! Today we’re going to talk about the letter G and its pronunciation. It basically follows the same rules of the letter C, so we’ll have a strong pronunciation (G) with the vowels A,O,U, and a softer prounciation with the vowels I,E. We’ll also see the double GG case, the presence of the H, of the S and of the letter N, i.e. of GN. Alright, let’s start: - As we said, the letter G has a stronger sound with the vowels A,O,U, so GA,GO,GU: GATTO (cat), GONNA (skirt), GUANTO (glove). - The same letter G has instead a softer pronunciation’s sound with the vowels I,E: so GI,GE: GINOCCHIO (knee), GEMELLI (twins/gemini). - Also in this case, as for the letter C, if we wanted to pronounce the vowels I and E in a stronger way, we should add the H, so AGHI (needles), ALGHE (seaweeds), without the H instead I’d read AGI, ALGE (and AGI -luxory, comforts- are a different thing compared to the AGHI, e.g.)
- The presence of the letter S in front of the G, doesn’t change much. The pronunciation is SG, so we’ll have SGOMBRO (clear/mackerel), and adding the H in front of the vowels I and E, also in this situation we’ll have the same reading/pronounce SGH: SGHEMBO (crooked). SGOMBRO, SGHEMBO. Usually we don’t have (many) SGI, SGE, exception made for SGELARE (defrost), that just popped up in my mind, anyway a softer pronunciation with SGE, SGELARE. - Let’s go back to the double GG: also in this case we’ll just have a longer sound of the letter G: PIOGGIA (rain), POMERIGGIO (afternoon). The pronunciation is soft as after the G, after the second G, we have an I. Differently, we would have a stronger pronunciation with an A, an O or a U. - Going back to GN, GNOMO (dwarf) is (one of) the most blatant examples. It’s slightly as “gnarled”, CAMPAGNA (countryside). In this case we might also have the presence of GNI, that changes a bit the pronunciation: so we have GNOMO, CAMPAGNA but even more specifically, to help you with the different pronunciation, COMPAGNA (female companion/partner). COMPAGNA is written without the I: if we add the I after GN, we read COMPAGNIA (company), it changes the accent of the word but also the meaning: COMPAGNA is the compagna di banco (desk mate in school), your compagna di vita (life companion, partner), COMPAGNIA instead is someone who keeps you company, your company (group of friends), the dog is a company (for many).
I think we came across all the details of the letter G. Remember, as for the letter C, it especially depends on the vowel that follows it, on the presence of the H and of the N. These are the most important things to remember to pronounce this letter. I think I said all I had to, if you have questions, write them here and I’ll answer you. Ciao!
#it#italian#italiano#italian language#italian resources#italian grammar#grammatica grammar#italian langblr#language#langblr#sayitaliano youtube#youtube#letter g#pronunciation#italian pronunciation#sayitaliano makes video#traduzioni#text#grammatica italiana#italian alphabet#alfabeto#lettere#sayitaliano answers
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Jin, you named me after ALL MIGHT... and I won't say anything more
And some claws just in case you deny the accuracy of your nickname ^_^
Based on my very limited knowledge of the character I'm named after, he's very hardworking and determined (don't forget I've made you blush before), and I'm determined to beat you in a teasing war
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I just realized .2 seconds after I sent that I forgot to hide myself
Oh well ✨tada✨ now you know who I am
Why did you go on anon in the first place? Are you scared I might bite you?~
I'm kidding, dear 🤍 It's totally valid that you reached out as an anon... but I'm also glad you made this little mistake, that way I know what amazing person was hiding behind the anon mask ^_^✨️ I hope we'll be friends ❤️🍡
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Welp... it's officially midnight here... which means I'm not a 19-year-old anymore hehe~
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As you turn 21, a milestone grand, With books and stethoscopes in gentle hand, May your path be bright, your heart stay true, Raphael, this world needs more of you.
The stars above whisper your name, As you step forward, never the same. Each lesson learned, each challenge faced, Brings you closer to the dreams you've chased.
Through sleepless nights and endless days, Your spirit shines in a thousand ways. With every breath, you heal and care, A gift to the world, so pure, so rare.
So here's to you, with all our cheer, To a future filled with love and no fear. Happy Birthday, Elle, on this special day, May joy and wisdom light your way.
Happy birthday, dearest friend ^^
Oh my... you make me seem like an amazing person in these lines /)////(\
I'm so moved that I don't even know what to say... thank you so much, really! This poem filled my heart with even more joy!
Except for the cursed pizza 🤦♀️ (PASCAL I KNOW IT WAS YOU!!)
I hope you had a good day, and I wish you a year full of happiness, sweetness and satisfaction!
I'll be here to cheer you two on all the way!
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"Love her brutal love" made me wheeze but it's so trueeee
I love you too!! ^_^
......thank You...
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amooooore how's life
Aw sweetheart! Hiiii ❤️✨️
I'll be honest, I have a lot of stuff going on, and it's not good at all... but I won't bore you with this stuff
My birthday is coming up soon (in exactly 8 days! ✨️) and I'll try to enjoy that day ^_^
What about you? Wie geht's dir?
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See, *this* baby? Yeah, he's mine XD.
Ooooooohhh what's his name?
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sharting thinking about you
That's so sweet of you 🥹 I hope you're doing alright with college and life in general! And I've started following the tword art fight page hehe~
Idk if I want you to win or lose though... I'd like you to win because you're my friend, but I'd like you to lose to be able to tease you about it
In any case, it'll be a win for me so I'll just grab some popcorn and watch the fight unfold 🍿
(A giant cookie for you)
PS. NO, I'M NOT WRITING A MATCHUP WITH YOU, SHREK AND OIKAWA (just in case you were wondering 😹🥰) /j
#parliamo un po' (let's talk a bit)#jett the cute meanie#EVERYONE GO FOLLOW THE PAGE OF THE TWORD ART FIGHT IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY
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@fanfic-chan I'll reblog this because it'd be hard to write this in the comments lol
First of all, no problem, I'm glad to be able to help you with my language 💚🤍❤
And about your piece in Italian, it's really good!! I mean it (trust me, I'm rather blunt) ^_^
I'll give you just a few tips, but they're not actual mistakes, they're more like little details that a native speaker would notice (as a good Virgo, precision is my middle name)
'Oh mio dio' is formally correct, but we use the expression 'oddio' in a more informal context like this
We don't use subjects as much as English does. If you can tell who's performing the action, you can take out the subject. So in the sentence 'lei merita tutto l'amore' it'd be a bit better if you didn't write 'lei', just to make it sound a bit less mechanical.
'Deserves' is translated as 'merita', but for us it's a reflexive verb (although in rare formal cases you can find it in the form you used). However, in this context I'd say 'Si merita tutto l'amore'
Anyway, the vocabulary you're using is pretty accurate and precise, and the order you used for subjects, verbs and other elements of the sentence is basically perfect. The message was clear and I understood everything right away!!
Please, tell me if I sound too harsh when I give you tips to perfect your writing, I prefer being direct to avoid misunderstandings, but I can change my approach if you need me to <3
Dessieee 💚🤍❤
Look what my cat did!! (I'll tell you this anecdote in Italian to make it an occasion to practice a bit your translation, but dw, I'll make short sentences)
È successo più o meno una settimana fa. Stavo studiando per una verifica di chimica. Avevo cominciato alle 4, continuando senza fare pause né per bere né per mangiare fino alle 8. Ero a casa da sola, quindi avrei dovuto preparare la cena, ma dovevo assolutamente ripassare. Però il mio gatto non era d'accordo con me e ha trovato un metodo per farmi prendere una pausa.
She sat on my notes and growled at me if I tried to move her. In the end I took a break and after a while I realized how much I needed it :)
(Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand some parts <3 )
Omg first of all, this is literally soooo sweet of you to do! It's really great to have someone to practice with and I think it'll definitely help a lot!^^ Also, your cat is so so cute I can't- ❤️❤️❤️
Ok, here goes nothing lol
Oh mio Dio!! Il tuo gatto è così dolce!! È sicuramente importante fare delle pausedurante lo studio! Sono così felice che il tuo gatto si sia preso cura di te! Lei merita tutto l'amore!^^ ❤️❤️❤️
(I really hope I said this right arujjfhjjvn)
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I was late so let me rephrase myself. Happy belated Birthday!
You weren't late by much and timezones can be tricky so don't worry! ^_^
Thank you so much for your wishes, I hope you're having an amazing week!!
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This is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. ✨️✨️✨️
You have a future as an artist... if Connie doesn't kill you first hehe
#parliamo un po' (let's talk a bit)#nikolai and fyodor but real 🤍🖤#bat cat lmao#connie#in the flesh!
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About your pizza question...
Obviously you eat it from crust to tip.
-Pax Casimir (You just know XD)
You didn't even need to sign this.
#parliamo un po' (let's talk a bit)#nikolai and fyodor but real 🤍🖤#how to murder pizza#and how to make an italians heart break
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*quietly opening the door*
Hi... I'm back 😅 I swear, this month flew by without me realizing! Anyway, tomorrow I'll post the next match-up for the event and I'll try to go back to posting regularly.
For my life updates, I'll put them under the cut ^_^✨️
First, I celebrated my birthday with another group of friends. I took them to the movies to watch Oppenheimer and they gave me three books. Rashōmon and Other Tales by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Ghost Tower by Ranpo Edogawa and Bullet Train by Kōtarō Isaka. My mom and dad also bought me 25 small books about Japan's history, culture and traditions 😸😻
Then I had a sleepover with my sister and we exchanged our birthday gifts, then we went to the fair for the Sea Festival and watched the fireworks from the harbor ✨️
Then, on September 5th, I got the best news of my whole life. I GOT INTO MED UNIVERSITYYY 🥹😭 At first, I had gotten accepted in another town, but after a couple of updates of the ranking, I got accepted into my hometown, which was my 1st city of choice!! After 2 years of sacrifices, I achieved my dream... classes start on October 2nd, and I still gotta understand that it's all true 🥹😅
Then I also hung out with my friend groups, went to a few parties, did all the paperwork to enrol into med university, bought a new university bag, etc... and before I knew it, it was September 29th 😅
So yeah... this is a short resume of what happened hehe 🙃 If you actually read all of this, you're getting a kiss on the forehead ❤️
A domani 💚🤍❤️ (See you tomorrow)
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