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Raymen pin come home to ewa beach better backing on home to Ewa beach his Mom Ma Home BTS DO A 5 on tell Western Ribbon Necktie soon always back home soon okay Yes Park Yoochun Hilary duff 2017 Trandy Crewmen Kirby Crying Cay Ratellite home soon okay Yes Jo in sung his again okay Come Clean Logan Lerman Dylan Everett PC over home jang eui soo memory okay Yes Wincestiel Laptop for Christmas back again okay Yes Mom Dad Joseph Lucas okay Yes Samk Dake Castrie Kintaro akiyama Hide Away Boa Kirby trandy crewmen soon okay Yes No hug okay chill out okay Danny Lim and Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee to Peachmilky and Kalo Hentrendy Will Sonny and Paul Christopher Sean Chandler Massey and Freddie SMith not Guy Wilson again okay Gay Love Crying Drama Devin Freeman Kevin Norman The Legendary Lackey GTA 5 SA Kirby Cran Miani Jo jung Suk Lee Hyun Woo Jann Lee AKira Jacky Rig Western white okay Kang Chan Jae Woo #RaymenPin #LyndaTrangDai #ReyPin #KirbyCran #MarieRose #Leifang #DOAkokoro #Jannlee #DOArig #JackyDOA #DOaAKira Lynda Trang dai Take it easy okay Christmas #AdamandJack #Aska #RaymenPinbeStrong #CastielHealed #YoungCastiel #Dylaneverett #LoganLerman #Hilaryduff2004 #ParkYoochun #Wincestiel #Westernribbonnecktie #jojungsuk #thumpsdownsamjaredleftside #GabrielxSam #Kintaroakiyama #cayratellite #RemoveTattoooff #RaymenPin #Destiel #Jangeuisoo #Joinsung #CastielandDean #DeanCastiel #RaymenPinhome #Castiel #Kanggook #Lyndatrangdai16 #CastielComeback #Leifang #UnFradednoHugSamDeanCastiel Jo in sung Miyako Edit Waitress Heart Morning Noon evening Raceruse Achayr Asian Western Gay Crying Jung Woo sung Vietnamese Double K O Hair Mod Pete Buttigieg Ginger Boy Young Gay Boyfriend Relationship anymore Chang Song Eui Lee Sang Woo Lee Hyun Woo High Society Korean vs Thai Tin and Pete Mean Saint M34nS41nt Mean x Saint Ae Whore Person Hate him SO Ji Sub Park Ki Woong Nekosen Salvation aaron shawn Ashmore Angel Song Seung-heon Gary Sinise Nichalos Cage Harvey Mike Guardianship danielxmiller Eric Angelo Vivi Nell aria usual Cory Monteith taylor kitsch Craymen Pin Slow Down Little Buddy 김현우 Bae Sung Woo Hat
DOA Male Xtreme English Korean Khmer Bobby Raecren Awake Early soon Call Your Mother Later on okay Raymen Pin Cran Meta Knight #DOA22hu34dGrandit #DOA56Crackit Just Relax Massage stay easy okay family home hawaii okay
#thumpsdownsamjaredleftsidearmcrossed No Armcrossed Left and Standing Tray to not at left not Red and Blue okay #NoBlueNecktieSamandNoRedNecktieDean Danny Lim Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee Crady Rang Roof Mech Ugly eek With that Crut Face Make him or her Brownie Brustin in Makeover Kyosuke Kagami
Sophie Monk Namie Amuro Peachmilky Remastered Hilary Duff Clark x Bruce Return Begin Superbat Superman Batman always Sad Come still home come home milky way River Flows in you SBS MBC KBS TVN JTBS JBTS Phi Viet Volume 11 JTBC I Get I get i get Asshalfbraidwipe 蘇楷盛 ដា រ៉ូ សំណាង បឹងព្��ីង ប្រុស ពៅ 더킹2017 코미웨이
미웨이 raymen crying all day back his mom home no more Police Whore Pussy idiot no good okay Yes Hate them Swearing me anymore im gay to Joe Lucas and Uncle Waene Vance FT always a lot okay Yes always know its raymen always a lot okay Bobby Raecren Family heart memory coming back to family guardian home soon okay Yes Hate Girls anymore Jannlee rig akira jacky bayman leon gay Love Diego and Kazuya always a lot okay yes Come My Way ewa beach home 101 apartment home soon okay Ma danny bro Hp laptop my information always its mine okay Get a Grip Whore Neija Nurse Nani idiot asshole okay Ma I Like Joe and uncle waene they wanna hang out with raymen at home and khmer people at up the hill okay Yes Did not Hurt my granson young teen raymen boy you fucking asshole i said cut that fuck out you asswipe okay Achimeideh How Come Family and friends Try Raymen Pin Was Crying Wanna go Stay Home to his Family Mom and Dad Home back over soon Need Him Wanna overcome back to Ewa Beach back always Aww Poor Raymen Jenna She Miss Raymen all the time The Whole Day Month Years 5 ago 5 years ago okay😭 Poor Raymen Where Are you!. Raymen you wanna come home hurry please raymen 2017 #RaymenPin #CayRatellite #Joinsung #Parkyoochun #Sojisub #Westernribbonnecktie #Leehyunwoo #TheKing2017 #CalenderIndiehome #vivinellaria #Ewabeach101 #Raymenpinbluewhiteblad2017Mod #Jannleeandrig #akiraandjacky #GTA5Castiel is a Crut Person not allowed at no more again to with be friend okay Love to Raymen Pin Home #December312017 Roof Mech All get Enon Rainbow Resort Im 22 and From 12/31/2017 12/24/2017 Headdress Ribbon Crown First Crut 조인성 소지섭 박유천 #소피몽크 #린다트랑다이 #내길로와 #아무로나미에 #박유천 #더킹2017 #힐러리더프 #최원영 #인디락 #カムマイウェイ #조인성 #소지섭 Hate Philipines Philipino Vietnamese Richard Luga Sachen Carfend Come home ewa beach apartment Home 101 91-1671 My Idea My deal me always 12.24.2017 Miani France DOA5lr Hit anywhere cheats Angelic 12.31.2017 22 years old Granson Family Guardian Safe home HP Laptop Red white Release Raymen Bobby Raecren Young teen
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• 4th of June 🎂🎉 •
Greetings to one of the greatest and most naturally talented idol-actors in history and my top favorite in Sokor (male edition)—Mr Park Yoochun / Yuchun 🤗
Thank you for choosing to grow towards the light and live in full bloom like SUNFLOWERS do ☀️🌻 I'm delighted you’re in a safe, happy and healthy space now, Yoochunie / Yuchunie~ May this birthday bring you new opportunities to fulfill all your new aims and goals. I wish you all the love, warm embraces and good moments in the world 💛
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Come Home back ewa apartment always ago Raymen Pin okay Yes ewa home safe better look okay OKay. DO A 5 Namie Amuro Sophie Monk Hilary duff Brandon Routh Ed Burns Angelic Come My Way Far Away from home 12.31.2017 Western ribbon necktie Sachen Carfend 12/31/2017 Calm Down Take it easy Raymen Hate everybody anymore again okay Yes. Indie Rock Enon English Eng USA English French Canada vs Japan Korean China Park Yoochun Jo in sung Zo So ji Sub Hate Cartoon Network so Nasty horrible no good anymore again okay Yes Dance Pop DJ Euro Gay Love Male always ago okay yes Male Boy Men Man Guy okay Yes Asian American okay Yes 조인성 소지섭 박유천 #소피몽크 #린다트랑다이
내길로와 #아무로나미에 #박유천 #더킹2017 #힐러리더프 #최원영 #인디락 #カムマイウェイ #조인성 #소지섭 #RaymenPin #Hilaryduff2004 #ComeMyWay #ParkYoochun #Joinsung #Sojisub #Ewabeach101 Uncle Waene Vance Ft Just Calm down take it easy okay Raymen Yes Krady Crestmere Trandy Crewmen Kirby Cran #KirbyCran Hate Supernatural never again okay Yes Dake Samk Castrie okay Yes Mom brother Danny Jenna Do not Lost Raymen Me anymore again okay Yes #Hilaryduff2004 #Jojungsuk GTA 5 PC Leifang Lei Fang Marie Rose Kokoro Jannlee Rig Bayman Leon Jacky Akira #DOA56crackit #DOA22hu34dGrandit Home Memory okay Yes #Westernribbonneckite #Calmdown #DynastyWarriors5empires DJ Spyroof Ryona Reverse Jung Woo Sung Bae woo sung not Ryu Jun Yeol Hoya Lee Howon Hyun Bin Son Hyun Joo Song Chang Eui Seo Kang Joon No Hair Asian K All Male Boy Men Man Guy with Bangs Long High Tigh with wavy slide head Forehead okay yes Hate Everybody otherwase he never let him come take back crisis Shelter never again okay Yes. My Mom never like you never help her not talk about Raymen Me him anymore again okay Yes Raymen Hate Everybody no good anymore He was aggessive So Boring anymore no more again okay Yes He was Throw Water around over people Pocket Sand make over okay yes. Heaven of the sky Lynda trang dai Come My Way English USA Japanese Asian Japan Come Home soon okay yes Phone a03s T Mobile not 5 years ago anymore Crying Sad Song always ago okay Yes. Headdress Be Release Come home soon Ewa beach okay Yes Their Pussy Bullshit He Raymen Angry Upset Call you pussy idiot Whorewipe like you it again anymore okay Yes Ma Danny Yes Be easily I behave calm down okay Ma Danny Yes Do not Hate me Do not Block me again okay Yes Save memory Vietnamese Khmer Cambodia Malaysia Hate Philipino Philipines anymore again okay Yes Joseph Lucas Joe Saron Ricky Blue White Red Purple Lavender be Bald always ago Bro okay Yes #SophieMonkEng Kyosuke Kagami Ingrid Enon Indie Rock #NamieAmuro Logan Lerman Dylan Everett Gay Love okay Yes Pho Beef Meat Rice and Chicken Wings Drumstick Food Pepsi Water okay Yes Ewa beach safe better always no Kids no Dogs no more again okay Yes Young Teen Granson Not Client Kid anymore Hate Arjay Raymen Hate him never again at 5 years ago anymore again okay Yes Colby Rank Gay Love Calm take it easy okay Yes Milky Way Starry Stars Pants Shirt Polo faded Guardian family Hane Boxer Ugly eek Hate Tekken and Dead or alive doa Hit anywhere PC Cheats okay Yes Asshalfbraidwipe 蘇楷盛 ដា រ៉ូ សំណាង បឹងព្រីង ប្រុស ពៅ 더킹2017
코미웨이 #thumpsdownsamjaredleftsidearmcrossed No Armcrossed Left and Standing Tray to not at left not Red and Blue okay #NoBlueNecktieSamandNoRedNecktieDean Danny Lim Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee Crady Rang Roof Mech Christmas Decmeber Be home soon okay Yes Edit Doobi doo dont be shy Tu vivi nell aria Miani Lo Sbaglio hate them so pissed no good again okay ma Danny Richard Luga Be Family guardian always accept okay yes. Achiemeideh Yes okay #DDRryonareverse Hp Laptop Hard Disk Sandisk Cruzer Glide Angel Rainbow Home soon Tin Pete MeanSaint m34nsa1nt okay Yes Angelic Home soon back again Come home always Prayer Home Save Memory healed your voice eyes okay Yes no be again okay Ma Danny Yes Hate Eric Ancheta anymore again I wanted come back home to Ma Home always Nobody cant beat me hurt me my granson always his Mom Granson alone okay Yes #SongSeungheon Gary Sinise Nichalos Cage Harvey Mike SBS MBC KBS TVN JTBS JBTS Phi Viet Volume 11 JTBC Trandy Crewmen Kirby Crying Cay Ratellite Kleep we are Eye eyebrow Hair Mouth Shut okay Rey Pin Khmer No one cant never stop beat me anymore Get out go home Beat it. Do not Leave the House last 1 years ago Danny Ma okay Yes I used it there at home ewa apartment safe better always accept okay yes Jo jung suk Crady Raecren Bobby Raecren
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Come Home back ewa apartment always ago Raymen Pin okay Yes ewa home safe better look okay OKay. DO A 5 Namie Amuro Sophie Monk Hilary duff Brandon Routh Ed Burns Angelic Come My Way Far Away from home 12.31.2017 Western ribbon necktie Sachen Carfend 12/31/2017 Calm Down Take it easy Raymen Hate everybody anymore again okay Yes. Indie Rock Enon English Eng USA English French Canada vs Japan Korean China Park Yoochun Jo in sung Zo So ji Sub Hate Cartoon Network so Nasty horrible no good anymore again okay Yes Dance Pop DJ Euro Gay Love Male always ago okay yes Male Boy Men Man Guy okay Yes Asian American okay Yes 조인성 소지섭 박유천 #소피몽크 #린다트랑다이
내길로와 #아무로나미에 #박유천 #더킹2017 #힐러리더프 #최원영 #인디락 #カムマイウェイ #조인성 #소지섭 #RaymenPin #Hilaryduff2004 #ComeMyWay #ParkYoochun #Joinsung #Sojisub #Ewabeach101 Uncle Waene Vance Ft Just Calm down take it easy okay Raymen Yes Krady Crestmere Trandy Crewmen Kirby Cran #KirbyCran Hate Supernatural never again okay Yes Dake Samk Castrie okay Yes Mom brother Danny Jenna Do not Lost Raymen Me anymore again okay Yes #Hilaryduff2004 #Jojungsuk GTA 5 PC Leifang Lei Fang Marie Rose Kokoro Jannlee Rig Bayman Leon Jacky Akira #DOA56crackit #DOA22hu34dGrandit Home Memory okay Yes #Westernribbonneckite #Calmdown #DynastyWarriors5empires DJ Spyroof Ryona Reverse Jung Woo Sung Bae woo sung not Ryu Jun Yeol Hoya Lee Howon Hyun Bin Son Hyun Joo Song Chang Eui Seo Kang Joon No Hair Asian K All Male Boy Men Man Guy with Bangs Long High Tigh with wavy slide head Forehead okay yes Hate Everybody otherwase he never let him come take back crisis Shelter never again okay Yes. My Mom never like you never help her not talk about Raymen Me him anymore again okay Yes Raymen Hate Everybody no good anymore He was aggessive So Boring anymore no more again okay Yes He was Throw Water around over people Pocket Sand make over okay yes. Heaven of the sky Lynda trang dai Come My Way English USA Japanese Asian Japan Come Home soon okay yes Phone a03s T Mobile not 5 years ago anymore Crying Sad Song always ago okay Yes. Headdress Be Release Come home soon Ewa beach okay Yes Their Pussy Bullshit He Raymen Angry Upset Call you pussy idiot Whorewipe like you it again anymore okay Yes Ma Danny Yes Be easily I behave calm down okay Ma Danny Yes Do not Hate me Do not Block me again okay Yes Save memory Vietnamese Khmer Cambodia Malaysia Hate Philipino Philipines anymore again okay Yes Joseph Lucas Joe Saron Ricky Blue White Red Purple Lavender be Bald always ago Bro okay Yes #SophieMonkEng Kyosuke Kagami Ingrid Enon Indie Rock #NamieAmuro Logan Lerman Dylan Everett Gay Love okay Yes Pho Beef Meat Rice and Chicken Wings Drumstick Food Pepsi Water okay Yes Ewa beach safe better always no Kids no Dogs no more again okay Yes Young Teen Granson Not Client Kid anymore Hate Arjay Raymen Hate him never again at 5 years ago anymore again okay Yes Colby Rank Gay Love Calm take it easy okay Yes Milky Way Starry Stars Pants Shirt Polo faded Guardian family Hane Boxer Ugly eek Hate Tekken and Dead or alive doa Hit anywhere PC Cheats okay Yes Asshalfbraidwipe 蘇楷盛 ដា រ៉ូ សំណាង បឹងព្រីង ប្រុស ពៅ 더킹2017
코미웨이 #thumpsdownsamjaredleftsidearmcrossed No Armcrossed Left and Standing Tray to not at left not Red and Blue okay #NoBlueNecktieSamandNoRedNecktieDean Danny Lim Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee Crady Rang Roof Mech Christmas Decmeber Be home soon okay Yes Edit Doobi doo dont be shy Tu vivi nell aria Miani Lo Sbaglio hate them so pissed no good again okay ma Danny Richard Luga Be Family guardian always accept okay yes. Achiemeideh Yes okay #DDRryonareverse Hp Laptop Hard Disk Sandisk Cruzer Glide Angel Rainbow Home soon Tin Pete MeanSaint m34nsa1nt okay Yes Angelic Home soon back again Come home always Prayer Home Save Memory healed your voice eyes okay Yes no be again okay Ma Danny Yes Hate Eric Ancheta anymore again I wanted come back home to Ma Home always Nobody cant beat me hurt me my granson always his Mom Granson alone okay Yes #SongSeungheon Gary Sinise Nichalos Cage Harvey Mike SBS MBC KBS TVN JTBS JBTS Phi Viet Volume 11 JTBC Trandy Crewmen Kirby Crying Cay Ratellite Kleep we are Eye eyebrow Hair Mouth Shut okay Rey Pin Khmer No one cant never stop beat me anymore Get out go home Beat it. Do not Leave the House last 1 years ago Danny Ma okay Yes I used it there at home ewa apartment safe better always accept okay yes I Hate Alan Tammy and others anymore Case Manager no more again hate someone somebody never talk hurting Grandson #RaymenPinbeStrong #CastielHealed #YoungCastiel #Dylaneverett #LoganLerman #Hilaryduff2004 #ParkYoochun #Wincestiel #Westernribbonnecktie #jojungsuk #thumpsdownsamjaredleftside #GabrielxSam #Kintaroakiyama #cayratellite #RemoveTattoooff #RaymenPin #Destiel #Jangeuisoo #Joinsung #CastielandDean #DeanCastiel #RaymenPinhome #Castiel #Kanggook #Lyndatrangdai16 #CastielComeback 김현우 😭 💙 Park Sung Woong
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190724 - Netizens Ridicule Park Yoochun After he Opens Instagram Account Netizens have been ridiculing Park Yoochun after finding out that he opened an Instagram account & was sharing his daily life with fans. Park Yoochun was sentenced to a 2-year probation with 10 months of imprisonment if laws are broken with the probation time in addition to a 1,400,000 KRW ($1,189 USD) fine. He was released on July 2nd after being detained for 68 days. Just 4 days afer he was released, Park Yoochun opened a personal Instagram account and shared his first post. He introduced himself as a “life traveler” in his bio & blocked the comments function. Park Yoochun only follows one account, which is that of his brother Park Yoohwan. Park Yoohwan also follows only Park Yoochun’s Instagram account. Park Yoochun has been sharing photos of mainly his dog, scenery & food rather than himself. In one of his more recent posts, he even revealed his name through a drawing of Yoochun. The writing in the picture reads, “Yoochun uncle”. Netizens have been ridiculing Park Yoochun for shamelessly sharing his life with fans through social media despite almost having been sent to prison. Source: SPOTV News via Nate news.nate.com/view/20190724n27313 Translation: Koreaboo koreaboo.com/news/park-yoochun-instagram-netizen-ridicule/ wearetoho note: Though I have known about his IG since the day he started posting, I opted not to share the updates publicly here (though some updates have been posted in the discord when Robyul is working) in hopes of keeping his IG from getting backlash. It was a matter of time before non-fans & antis learned about it. Thus far, he has only been posting photos & videos - only one post has had a caption while all posts have comments disabled. posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/2Mh3XzY
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Em không biết phải nói điều gì, em đã từng rất cay đắng và gần như tuyệt vọng Yoochun, bọn em hiểu rõ mọi thứ, hiểu rằng chờ đợi xa vời cỡ nào, khó khăn cỡ nào và đau đớn cỡ nào. Anh. Là người đầu tiên cho chúng em lời hứa hẹn, dù chính bản thân anh cũng không biết đến bao giờ, anh làm em nhớ đến Tony, anh ấy đã khiến em liên tưởng đến anh rất nhiều. “Đó là việc tôi nhất định phải làm trước khi chết”. Ước nguyện từ tận tâm can của anh ấy khiến em rơi nước mắt, cũng như em đã khóc khi nghe tự sự của những người khác trong H.O.T. Biết làm sao bây giờ Yoochun, Yoochun, anh nhạy cảm hơn ai hết, anh cũng đã rơi không biết bao nhiêu nước mắt, em sẽ chờ Yoochun, bao lâu nữa cũng sẽ chờ, làm sao em có thể dẹp bỏ ký ức đẹp đẽ của các anh, Yoochun, anh đừng mệt mỏi nữa, chúng em không quên, không bao giờ quên. Sẽ luôn cạnh bên, luôn đợi chờ và thương yêu các anh.
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Be Strong #Yuchan Oppa 💪 We'll ALWAYS BE HERE STANDING BY YOU ❤ FIGHTING OPPA 💪💪 #ParkYoochun #ParkYuchun #박유천 #بارك_يوتشون #بارك_يوتشان #사랑해요 #화이팅 #AlwaysbesideofYU #ProtectYuchun ❤❤❤ #JYJ ❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/BwsIH8tloq7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u8be2879jk64
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RepostBy @kpopdrama9: "UNFORGOTTEN HIT👇 🔊"Back Seat"[📆2014]🎼🎶🎼📻 💙JYJ💙 . . . . . . . #jyj #jaejoong #yoochun #junsu #parkyoochun #xia #kimjaejoong #jyjbackseat #kpop #jpop #kpopids #jpopidols #kpopedits #kpoplikes #quoteskpop #kpopaddict #kpopfan #kpopfandom #kpopfanaccount #hallyustar #kpopers #kpopaesthetic #kpopdance #kpopforever #kpopfollow #kpoplover #asianboys #asianpop #bestasian #kpopworld" (via #InstaRepost @AppsKottage) #kpop #jpop #cpop #music https://www.instagram.com/p/BwCEP68Dlyb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w00xv1c5b03u
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ y o o c h u n
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Raymen pin come home to ewa beach better backing on home to Ewa beach his Mom Ma Home BTS DO A 5 on tell Western Ribbon Necktie soon always back home soon okay Yes Park Yoochun Hilary duff 2017 Trandy Crewmen Kirby Crying Cay Ratellite home soon okay Yes Jo in sung his again okay Come Clean Logan Lerman Dylan Everett PC over home jang eui soo memory okay Yes Wincestiel Laptop for Christmas back again okay Yes Mom Dad Joseph Lucas okay Yes Samk Dake Castrie Kintaro akiyama Hide Away Boa Kirby trandy crewmen soon okay Yes No hug okay chill out okay Danny Lim and Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee to Peachmilky and Kalo Hentrendy Will Sonny and Paul Christopher Sean Chandler Massey and Freddie SMith not Guy Wilson again okay Gay Love Crying Drama Devin Freeman Kevin Norman The Legendary Lackey GTA 5 SA Kirby Cran Miani Jo jung Suk Lee Hyun Woo Jann Lee AKira Jacky Rig Western white okay Kang Chan Jae Woo #RaymenPin #LyndaTrangDai #ReyPin #KirbyCran #MarieRose #Leifang #DOAkokoro #Jannlee #DOArig #JackyDOA #DOaAKira Lynda Trang dai Take it easy okay Christmas #AdamandJack #Aska #RaymenPinbeStrong #CastielHealed #YoungCastiel #Dylaneverett #LoganLerman #Hilaryduff2004 #ParkYoochun #Wincestiel #Westernribbonnecktie #jojungsuk #thumpsdownsamjaredleftside #GabrielxSam #Kintaroakiyama #cayratellite #RemoveTattoooff #RaymenPin #Destiel #Jangeuisoo #Joinsung #CastielandDean #DeanCastiel #RaymenPinhome #Castiel #Kanggook #Lyndatrangdai16 #CastielComeback #Leifang #UnFradednoHugSamDeanCastiel Jo in sung Miyako Edit Waitress Heart Morning Noon evening Raceruse Achayr Asian Western Gay Crying Jung Woo sung Vietnamese Double K O Hair Mod Pete Buttigieg Ginger Boy Young Gay Boyfriend Relationship anymore Chang Song Eui Lee Sang Woo Lee Hyun Woo High Society Korean vs Thai Tin and Pete Mean Saint M34nS41nt Mean x Saint Ae Whore Person Hate him SO Ji Sub Park Ki Woong Nekosen Salvation aaron shawn Ashmore Angel Song Seung-heon Gary Sinise Nichalos Cage Harvey Mike Guardianship danielxmiller Eric Angelo Vivi Nell aria usual Cory Monteith taylor kitsch Craymen Pin Slow Down Little Buddy 김현우 Bae Sung Woo Hat
DOA Male Xtreme English Korean Khmer Bobby Raecren Awake Early soon Call Your Mother Later on okay Raymen Pin Cran Meta Knight #DOA22hu34dGrandit #DOA56Crackit Just Relax Massage stay easy okay family home hawaii okay
#thumpsdownsamjaredleftsidearmcrossed No Armcrossed Left and Standing Tray to not at left not Red and Blue okay #NoBlueNecktieSamandNoRedNecktieDean Danny Lim Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee Crady Rang Roof Mech Ugly eek With that Crut Face Make him or her Brownie Brustin in Makeover Kyosuke Kagami
Sophie Monk Namie Amuro Peachmilky Remastered Hilary Duff Clark x Bruce Return Begin Superbat Superman Batman always Sad Come still home come home milky way River Flows in you SBS MBC KBS TVN JTBS JBTS Phi Viet Volume 11 JTBC I Get I get i get Asshalfbraidwipe 蘇楷盛 ដា រ៉ូ សំណាង បឹងព្រីង ប្រុស ពៅ 더킹2017 코미웨이
미웨이 raymen crying all day back his mom home no more Police Whore Pussy idiot no good okay Yes Hate them Swearing me anymore im gay to Joe Lucas and Uncle Waene Vance FT always a lot okay Yes always know its raymen always a lot okay Bobby Raecren Family heart memory coming back to family guardian home soon okay Yes Hate Girls anymore Jannlee rig akira jacky bayman leon gay Love Diego and Kazuya always a lot okay yes Come My Way ewa beach home 101 apartment home soon okay Ma danny bro Hp laptop my information always its mine okay Get a Grip Whore Neija Nurse Nani idiot asshole okay Ma I Like Joe and uncle waene they wanna hang out with raymen at home and khmer people at up the hill okay Yes Did not Hurt my granson young teen raymen boy you fucking asshole i said cut that fuck out you asswipe okay Achimeideh How Come Family and friends Try Raymen Pin Was Crying Wanna go Stay Home to his Family Mom and Dad Home back over soon Need Him Wanna overcome back to Ewa Beach back always Aww Poor Raymen Jenna She Miss Raymen all the time The Whole Day Month Years 5 ago 5 years ago okay😭 Poor Raymen Where Are you!. Raymen you wanna come home hurry please raymen 2017 #RaymenPin #CayRatellite #Joinsung #Parkyoochun #Sojisub #Westernribbonnecktie #Leehyunwoo #TheKing2017 #CalenderIndiehome #vivinellaria #Ewabeach101 #Raymenpinbluewhiteblad2017Mod #Jannleeandrig #akiraandjacky #GTA5Castiel is a Crut Person not allowed at no more again to with be friend okay Love to Raymen Pin Home #December312017 Roof Mech All get Enon Rainbow Resort Im 22 and From 12/31/2017 12/24/2017 Headdress Ribbon Crown First Crut 조인성 소지섭 박유천 #소피몽크 #린다트랑다이 #내길로와 #아무로나미에 #박유천 #더킹2017 #힐러리더프 #최원영 #인디락 #カムマイウェイ #조인성 #소지섭 Hate Philipines Philipino Vietnamese Richard Luga Sachen Carfend Come home ewa beach apartment Home 101 91-1671 My Idea My deal me always 12.24.2017 Miani France DOA5lr Hit anywhere cheats Angelic 12.31.2017 22 years old Granson Family Guardian Safe home HP Laptop Red white Release Raymen Bobby Raecren Young teen
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• June 4
When my sis & I organized a simple party / shrine for today’s two special birthday celebrants~ a.k.a our top favorite actor & actress in sokor!!! 🇰🇷🍰🌻🐤🥳
Happy Yu Chun & So Hyun Day!~
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Come home to ewa beach better backing on home to Ewa beach his Mom Ma Home BTS DO A 5 on tell Western Ribbon Necktie soon always back home soon okay Yes Park Yoochun Hilary duff 2017 Trandy Crewmen Kirby Crying Cay Ratellite home soon okay Yes Jo in sung his again okay Come Clean Logan Lerman Dylan Everett PC over home jang eui soo memory okay Yes Wincestiel Laptop for Christmas back again okay Yes Mom Dad Joseph Lucas okay Yes Samk Dake Castrie Kintaro akiyama Hide Away Boa Kirby trandy crewmen soon okay Yes No hug okay chill out okay Danny Lim and Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee to Peachmilky and Kalo Hentrendy Will Sonny and Paul Christopher Sean Chandler Massey and Freddie SMith not Guy Wilson again okay Gay Love Crying Drama Devin Freeman Kevin Norman The Legendary Lackey GTA 5 SA Kirby Cran Miani Jo jung Suk Lee Hyun Woo Jann Lee AKira Jacky Rig Western white okay Kang Chan Jae Woo #RaymenPin #LyndaTrangDai #ReyPin #KirbyCran #MarieRose #Leifang #DOAkokoro #Jannlee #DOArig #JackyDOA #DOaAKira Lynda Trang dai Take it easy okay Christmas
AdamandJack #Aska #RaymenPinbeStrong #CastielHealed #YoungCastiel #Dylaneverett #LoganLerman #Hilaryduff2004 #ParkYoochun #Wincestiel #Westernribbonnecktie #jojungsuk #thumpsdownsamjaredleftside #GabrielxSam #Kintaroakiyama #cayratellite #RemoveTattoooff #RaymenPin #Destiel #Jangeuisoo #Joinsung #CastielandDean #DeanCastiel #RaymenPinhome #Castiel #Kanggook #Lyndatrangdai16 #CastielComeback #Leifang #UnFradednoHugSamDeanCastiel
Jo in sung Miyako Edit Waitress Heart Morning Noon evening Raceruse Achayr Asian Western Gay Crying Jung Woo sung Vietnamese Double K O Hair Mod Pete Buttigieg Ginger Boy Young Gay Boyfriend Relationship anymore Chang Song Eui Lee Sang Woo Lee Hyun Woo High Society Korean vs Thai Tin and Pete Mean Saint M34nS41nt Mean x Saint Ae Whore Person Hate him SO Ji Sub Park Ki Woong Nekosen Salvation aaron shawn Ashmore Angel Song Seung-heon Gary Sinise Nichalos Cage Harvey Mike Guardianship danielxmiller Eric Angelo Vivi Nell aria usual Cory Monteith taylor kitsch Craymen Pin Slow Down Little Buddy 김현우 Bae Sung Woo Hat
DOA Male Xtreme English Korean Khmer Bobby Raecren Awake Early soon Call Your Mother Later on okay Raymen Pin Cran Meta Knight #DOA22hu34dGrandit #DOA56Crackit Just Relax Massage stay easy okay family home hawaii okay
thumpsdownsamjaredleftsidearmcrossed No Armcrossed Left and Standing Tray to not at left not Red and Blue okay #NoBlueNecktieSamandNoRedNecktieDean Danny Lim Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee Crady Rang Roof Mech Ugly eek With that Crut Face Make him or her Brownie Brustin in Makeover Kyosuke Kagami
Sophie Monk Namie Amuro Peachmilky Remastered Hilary Duff Clark x Bruce Return Begin Superbat Superman Batman always Sad Come still home come home milky way River Flows in you SBS MBC KBS TVN JTBS JBTS Phi Viet Volume 11 JTBC I Get I get i get Asshalfbraidwipe 蘇楷盛 ដា រ៉ូ សំណាង បឹងព្រីង ប្រុស ពៅ 더킹2017 코미웨이
미웨이 raymen crying all day back his mom home no more Police Whore Pussy idiot no good okay Yes Hate them Swearing me anymore im gay to Joe Lucas and Uncle Waene Vance FT always a lot okay Yes always know its raymen always a lot okay Bobby Raecren Family heart memory coming back to family guardian home soon okay Yes Hate Girls anymore Jannlee rig akira jacky bayman leon gay Love Diego and Kazuya always a lot okay yes Come My Way ewa beach home 101 apartment home soon okay Ma danny bro Hp laptop my information always its mine okay Get a Grip Whore Neija Nurse Nani idiot asshole okay Ma I Like Joe and uncle waene they wanna hang out with raymen at home and khmer people at up the hill okay Yes Did not Hurt my granson young teen raymen boy you fucking asshole i said cut that fuck out you asswipe okay Achimeideh How Come Family and friends Try Raymen Pin Was Crying Wanna go Stay Home to his Family Mom and Dad Home back over soon Need Him Wanna overcome back to Ewa Beach back always Aww Poor Raymen Jenna She Miss Raymen all the time The Whole Day Month Years 5 ago 5 years ago okay😭 Poor Raymen Where Are you!. Raymen you wanna come home hurry please raymen 2017 #RaymenPin #CayRatellite #Joinsung #Parkyoochun #Sojisub #Westernribbonnecktie #Leehyunwoo #TheKing2017 #CalenderIndiehome #vivinellaria #Ewabeach101 #Raymenpinbluewhiteblad2017Mod #Jannleeandrig #akiraandjacky #GTA5Castiel is a Crut Person not allowed at no more again to with be friend okay Love to Raymen Pin Home #December312017 Roof Mech All get Enon Rainbow Resort Im 22 and From 12/31/2017 12/24/2017 Headdress Ribbon Crown First Crut 조인성 소지섭 박유천 #소피몽크 #린다트랑다이
내길로와 #아무로나미에 #박유천 #더킹2017 #힐러리더프 #최원영 #인디락 #カムマイウェイ #조인성 #소지섭 Hate Philipines Philipino Vietnamese Richard Luga
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Come Home back ewa apartment always ago Raymen Pin okay Yes ewa home safe better look okay OKay. DO A 5 Namie Amuro Sophie Monk Hilary duff Brandon Routh Ed Burns Angelic Come My Way Far Away from home 12.31.2017 Western ribbon necktie Sachen Carfend 12/31/2017 Calm Down Take it easy Raymen Hate everybody anymore again okay Yes. Indie Rock Enon English Eng USA English French Canada vs Japan Korean China Park Yoochun Jo in sung Zo So ji Sub Hate Cartoon Network so Nasty horrible no good anymore again okay Yes Dance Pop DJ Euro Gay Love Male always ago okay yes Male Boy Men Man Guy okay Yes Asian American okay Yes 조인성 소지섭 박유천 #소피몽크 #린다트랑다이
내길로와 #아무로나미에 #박유천 #더킹2017 #힐러리더프 #최원영 #인디락 #カムマイウェイ #조인성 #소지섭 #RaymenPin #Hilaryduff2004 #ComeMyWay #ParkYoochun #Joinsung #Sojisub #Ewabeach101 Uncle Waene Vance Ft Just Calm down take it easy okay Raymen Yes Krady Crestmere Trandy Crewmen Kirby Cran #KirbyCran Hate Supernatural never again okay Yes Dake Samk Castrie okay Yes Mom brother Danny Jenna Do not Lost Raymen Me anymore again okay Yes #Hilaryduff2004 #Jojungsuk GTA 5 PC Leifang Lei Fang Marie Rose Kokoro Jannlee Rig Bayman Leon Jacky Akira #DOA56crackit #DOA22hu34dGrandit Home Memory okay Yes #Westernribbonneckite #Calmdown #DynastyWarriors5empires DJ Spyroof Ryona Reverse Jung Woo Sung Bae woo sung not Ryu Jun Yeol Hoya Lee Howon Hyun Bin Son Hyun Joo Song Chang Eui Seo Kang Joon No Hair Asian K All Male Boy Men Man Guy with Bangs Long High Tigh with wavy slide head Forehead okay yes Hate Everybody otherwase he never let him come take back crisis Shelter never again okay Yes. My Mom never like you never help her not talk about Raymen Me him anymore again okay Yes Raymen Hate Everybody no good anymore He was aggessive So Boring anymore no more again okay Yes He was Throw Water around over people Pocket Sand make over okay yes. Heaven of the sky Lynda trang dai Come My Way English USA Japanese Asian Japan Come Home soon okay yes Phone a03s T Mobile not 5 years ago anymore Crying Sad Song always ago okay Yes. Headdress Be Release Come home soon Ewa beach okay Yes Their Pussy Bullshit He Raymen Angry Upset Call you pussy idiot Whorewipe like you it again anymore okay Yes Ma Danny Yes Be easily I behave calm down okay Ma Danny Yes Do not Hate me Do not Block me again okay Yes Save memory Vietnamese Khmer Cambodia Malaysia Hate Philipino Philipines anymore again okay Yes Joseph Lucas Joe Saron Ricky Blue White Red Purple Lavender be Bald always ago Bro okay Yes #SophieMonkEng Kyosuke Kagami Ingrid Enon Indie Rock #NamieAmuro Logan Lerman Dylan Everett Gay Love okay Yes Pho Beef Meat Rice and Chicken Wings Drumstick Food Pepsi Water okay Yes Ewa beach safe better always no Kids no Dogs no more again okay Yes Young Teen Granson Not Client Kid anymore Hate Arjay Raymen Hate him never again at 5 years ago anymore again okay Yes Colby Rank Gay Love Calm take it easy okay Yes Milky Way Starry Stars Pants Shirt Polo faded Guardian family Hane Boxer Ugly eek Hate Tekken and Dead or alive doa Hit anywhere PC Cheats okay Yes Asshalfbraidwipe 蘇楷盛 ដា រ៉ូ សំណាង បឹងព្រីង ប្រុស ពៅ 더킹2017
코미웨이 #thumpsdownsamjaredleftsidearmcrossed No Armcrossed Left and Standing Tray to not at left not Red and Blue okay #NoBlueNecktieSamandNoRedNecktieDean Danny Lim Evan Ghang Keonjik Lee Crady Rang Roof Mech Christmas Decmeber Be home soon okay Yes Edit Doobi doo dont be shy Tu vivi nell aria Miani Lo Sbaglio hate them so pissed no good again okay ma Danny Richard Luga Be Family guardian always accept okay yes. Achiemeideh Yes okay #DDRryonareverse Hp Laptop Hard Disk Sandisk Cruzer Glide Angel Rainbow Home soon Tin Pete MeanSaint m34nsa1nt okay Yes Angelic Home soon back again Come home always Prayer Home Save Memory healed your voice eyes okay Yes no be again okay Ma Danny Yes Hate Eric Ancheta anymore again I wanted come back home to Ma Home always Nobody cant beat me hurt me my granson always his Mom Granson alone okay Yes #SongSeungheon Gary Sinise Nichalos Cage Harvey Mike SBS MBC KBS TVN JTBS JBTS Phi Viet Volume 11 JTBC Trandy Crewmen Kirby Crying Cay Ratellite Kleep we are Eye eyebrow Hair Mouth Shut okay Rey Pin Khmer No one cant never stop beat me anymore Get out go home Beat it. Do not Leave the House last 1 years ago Danny Ma okay Yes I used it there at home ewa apartment safe better always accept okay yes I Hate Alan Tammy and others anymore Case Manager no more again hate someone somebody never talk hurting Grandson #RaymenPinbeStrong #CastielHealed #YoungCastiel #Dylaneverett #LoganLerman #Hilaryduff2004 #ParkYoochun #Wincestiel #Westernribbonnecktie #jojungsuk #thumpsdownsamjaredleftside #GabrielxSam #Kintaroakiyama #cayratellite #RemoveTattoooff #RaymenPin #Destiel #Jangeuisoo #Joinsung #CastielandDean #DeanCastiel #RaymenPinhome #Castiel #Kanggook #Lyndatrangdai16 #CastielComeback 김현우 😭 💙 Park Sung Woong
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My lyric video that reminded me of howl’s moving castle somehow
#DBSK5#Jaejoong#Yoochun#Yuchun#JYJ#TVXQ#Xiah junsu#junsu#kimjunsu#kimjaejoong#parkyoochun#park yuchun#park yoochun#old kpop#japanese#Bolero#beautiful#howl's moving castle#yunho#changmin#jungyunho#shimchangmin#DBSK#THSK#english subs#kpop#kpop lyrics#jpop lyrics#jpop#pinacle of kpop
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190703 Yoochun - Yoohwan twitter update Hi 바보s! Today... I will not be streaming, going to spend time with hyung! Catch up with everything... Sorry! Will be streaming tomorrow though, I promise! Thank you again everyone 💛 Source: rypaffo twitter.com/rypaffo/status/1146347492344078336 posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/2Yv7aPH
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