#parker is on ep 24
meandmypagancrew · 11 months
Me trying to explain to the friend I’m watching Death Note with how the next episode (ep 25) is the last episode even though the final episode is still quite some way off:
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My friend, who has watched 24 episodes with me and put up with my nonsense so far but this might be a step too far:
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amanda-519 · 2 months
Malevolent Favorite Characters Results! 500 Milestone!!
I planned to post the Malevolent Favorite Character poll results at the 400 milestone. A few days ago, the poll had 320 responses, so I thought I'd have more time. I posted to boost the numbers, hitting 336 responses. Then Potato-lord-but-not and Percymawce-arts reblogged the link, and it blew up. Thanks to them and everyone who shared it!!!
When I first saw my notifications explode, we had 403 responses. After thanking Potato-lord-but-not and Percymawce-arts, it jumped to 413. Despite it being late, I started writing the 400 milestone post. While WRITING THE POST the number of responses jumped up 6 times! Making it tricky to keep up as I had to keep checking what the new response voted so I won’t miss their vote. 
I went to bed with 419 responses, thinking we'd stay under 500. But the next morning, after getting my birthday cake with my mom, I saw we had 478 responses! Yeah. I couldn’t post a 400 milestone list when I was so close to 500!
And then we hit 500! 500! Half of a THOUSAND!!! A number I considered would be an “end point” when I first made this poll! (Obviously it’s not going to be, I’m going to keep this poll up forever!) So! THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE POLL! FOR THOSE WHO STILL HAVEN’T AND WANT TO YOU STILL CAN!! Here’s the link! Your response will be in the 600 milestone post! (whenever that might be!)
Without further ado, let’s get into it! The results for the 500 milestone of the Malevolent favorite character poll! (Techinaly 502 responses, I wasn’t able to write it all done the moment we hit 500)
Who is your favorite character in Malevolent? (501 responses)
Arthur: 176
John:  130
Kayne: 81
Collins/ The Butcher: 24
Noel: 22
Oscar: 21
Yellow: 7
Parker: 5
Anna Stanzcyk: 5
Kellin: 5
The King In Yellow: 4
The Cab Drivers: 4
Yorick: 2
The Lighthouse Keeper: 2
Scratch: 1
Lily (animal): 1
Blinky: 1
Bella: 1
The Three Soldiers: 1
Faroe: 1
“Are you really making me choose between John and Arthur right now?”: 1 
“Both John and Arthur (don’t make me choose)”: 1
“Hard tie between arthur and john”: 1
“John and Arthur (package deal do not separate) (update: just saw this below and I completely agree)”: 1 
“I can’t separate John and Arthur”: 1 
Who is your favorite side character in Malevolent? (499 responses)
Kayne: 170
Collins/ The Butcher: 75
Noel: 73
Oscar: 68
Yellow: 23
Parker: 15
Yorick: 14
Kellin: 12
Faroe: 12
The King In Yellow: 11
The Trader: 9
Daniel: 5
Marie: 6
Larson: 2
Scratch: 2
The Hag: 1
Blinky: 1
Who is your second favorite side character in Malevolent? (500 responses)
Kayne: 103
Noel: 100
Collins/ The Butcher: 86
Oscar: 68
Yellow: 25
The King In Yellow: 20
Parker: 17
Faroe: 17
Marie: 14
Larson: 12
Daniel: 9
Scratch: 6
Kellin: 4
The Trader: 2
Percy: 1
Yorick: 1
The Hag: 1
“Butcher”: 1 
“Arthur”: 1
“Alexander (Owl)”: 1
Who is your third favorite side character in Malevolent? (497 responses)
Noel: 75
Oscar: 73
Collins/ The Butcher: 59
Kayne: 59
Yellow: 41
Faroe: 27
Yorick: 24
Kellin: 23
Marie: 22
Parker: 22
Larson: 15
Scratch: 14
The Trader: 14
Daniel: 12
The King In Yellow: 12
Percy: 3
The Hag: 2
Who is your favorite minor character in Malevolent? (501 responses)
Lily (animal): 101
Anna Stanzcyk: 40
The Cab Drivers: 40
Bella: 36
The Canna: 31
The Lighthouse Keeper: 30
Lily (nurse): 30
Alexander (The owl. Aka, Owlexander): 27
Blinky: 23
Wraith: 19
Shub/Niggurath: 16
Michael Fuast: 13
The Three Soliders: 13
Adam Fry: 12
Uncle: 11
Amanda/Sarah: 9
Mathew: 8
Rafters: 8
Frank: 7
Armitage: 5
Henry: 5
Eddie: 5
The Vanguard: 5
James: 1
The Prince: 1
“woman on the train who gets offended at Arthur talking to himself”: 1
“Owlexander”: 1
“Kellin”: 1
“Scratch”: 1
“That one little creature thing from ep 16”: 1
Who is your second favorite minor character in Malevolent? (497 responses)
Lily (animal): 59
The Cab Drivers: 39
The Canna: 38
Bella: 33
The Lighthouse Keeper: 31
Lily (nurse): 28
Blinky: 27
Alexander (The owl. Aka, Owlexander): 26
Anna Stanzcyk: 22
The Three Soliders: 22
Uncle: 20
Amanda/Sarah: 18
Shub/Niggurath: 16
Frank: 15
Rafters: 14
The Vanguard:  11
Adam Fry: 10
Michael Fuast: 9
Eddie: 7
Armitage: 5
Mathew: 6
James: 4
Henry: 4
“I was honestly a massive fan of Faroe from the morsels we were fed of how she was/acted”: 1
“Roland Cummings”: 1
“You misspelled Michael Faust”: 1
Who is your third favorite minor character in Malevolent? (484 responses)
Lily (animal): 59
The Cab Drivers: 43
The Lighthouse Keeper: 34
The Canna: 33
Wraith: 32
Lily (nurse): 31
Alexander (The owl. Aka, Owlexander): 27
Bella: 26
Blinky: 22
Shub/Niggurath: 22
Anna Stanzcyk: 19
The Three Soliders: 19
Amanda/Sarah: 17
Uncle: 15
Michael Fuast: 11
Rafters: 11
The Vanguard: 10
Frank: 9
Henry: 9
Mathew: 8
James: 7
Adam Fry: 6
Armitage: 5
Eddie: 4
“The woman behind Scratch/Lillith”: 1
“Im not fully through the show”: 1
“Marie:” 1
“Rollan Cummings”: 1
“cant choose!”:1
Now this question is purely for me, but who do you like better, John or Arthur?” (498 responses)
Arthur: 144
John: 121
I literally can't decide. This question is killing me I love both of them SO MUCH.They're equal to me. Linked. I can't pick one without the other. Do Not Separate: 233
And that’s all for now! I make reblog this post and add other bits, like maybe I’ll add the results for the other 100 milestones, or bits of what people wrote about their favorite characters. So keep an eye out for that if you’re interested! (also, since @percymawce-arts wanted to be tagged, here you go! I hope you find the results as fascinating as I do!)
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lecameleontv · 2 months
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Le thème de l'Identité est prépondérante dans la série Le Caméléon (V.O. : The Pretender) ... à commencer par le titre en lui-même, qui peut se traduire littéralement par "celui qui prétend être...".
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 - Jarod: "Je ne sais pas qui je suis" (Ep. 1.14)
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Certaines personnes qui ont rencontré Jarod pendant un certain temps ont remarqué qu'il était hors du commun, soit pour les progrès accomplis en peu de temps :
- Le gérant : (content) "Je vais vous dire une chose, ce gars-là avait de nombreuses facettes ! En arrivant ici, il confondait une arme à percution avec une à répétition ! (sourires) Et en moins de 24 h ... ! ... il a réussi ça !  ... Et puis, y'a eu les balles !  [...] il était balaise quand il s'agissait d'étudier quelque chose !!"(Ep. 1.06)
soit pour les idées qu'il a pu avoir et développer : ...
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soit pour l'absence d'information données par Jarod sur lui-même : ...
- Samantha : "je n'ai pas encore cerné qui il était." (Ep. 3.19)
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Jarod et sa naissance : Ep. 3.01 ...
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Jarod et ses métiers : Jarod peut assumer n'importe quelle identité, mais il ne sait pas laquelle lui correspond initialement.
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Ep. 3.14  ...
- Mr Hollis : "vous avez l'air de tout... sauf d'un ... pilote..." - Jarod : "et bien, si ça peut vraiment vous rassurer, je ne suis pas vraiment pilote ! " (Ep. 1.03)
- Dr : "qui êtes vous ?" -Jarod : "je suis tout le monde et... je suis personne..."
Ep. 4.10 : confrontations entre double identité
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Jarod et ses carnets rouges : ses concitoyens lui posent souvent la question "Qui êtes vous ?"
- Samantha : "qui êtes vous Jarod?" (Ep. 3.19)
Les interlocuteurs posent souvent cette question à Jarod. Sur un ton surpris, agacé, énervé... ou blasé.
- Mme Nikkos : "vous allez me dire la vérité ? [...] Qui êtes-vous ?" (Ep. 1.01)
- Mr Hollis scientifique ou Mr Hollis militant ? (Ep. 1.03) - Marilyn Monroe ou Norma Jeane ? (Ep.  1.04 - Archive du 12/10/1967)  - Isaac Dexter (Ep. 1.05) et le blues - Monsieur Patate et ses mille facettes (Ep. 1.11)
- Isaac Dexter : "On ne peut pas échapper à ce qu'on est. On ne peut pas prétendre ce que l'on est pas, parce que sinon, on fini par se perdre. Vous me suivez ?" ( Ep. 1.05)
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- Nia : "mais qui êtes-vous ? Comment ... ? " (Ep. 1.14)
- ... :  "Vous n'existez pas" (Ep. 1.16)
- Jarod : "comment ça qui je suis ? ... Mais quelqu'un qui attendait le bus !" (Ep. 3.11)
-  Argyle : "T'es dans la peau de qui cette fois-ci ?" - Jarod : "Une bonne poire !" (Ep. 3.12)
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Jarod enquête également sur des victimes non identifiées, nommées aux USA 'John/Jane Doe', et dont il tente de redonner une existence légale, y compris post-mortem.
- le tueur en série : le cas de 20 ans parce que Jarod ne voulait pas se perdre dans la tête du tueur (Ep. 3.03).
- le tueur en série : "si vous me rendez ma liberté, je vous rendrais la vôtre". (Ep. 3.03)
- Joshua (Ep. 3.19), ses frères, leur père - le test d'isolement de l'armée (Ep. 4.02) - la femme infiltrée (Ep. 4.12) - le traitre (Ep. 4.13)
Jarod a aussi subi un lavage de cerveau de la part de Raines (Ep. 3.19)
Jarod et le projet Gemini Ep. (3.21)
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Mlle Parker / Sydney / Broots
Mlle Parker a une identité tellement forte qu'elle en est prisonnière. 
Sydney, Broots et Mlle Parker, tout en formant une équipe (forcée), représentent trois identités qui se dissimulent les unes aux autres. On se garde certains renseignements (du passé principalement), voire on cache sa véritable nature. Que se soit les uns vis-à-vis des autres qu'envers eux-même. Sydney, Broots et Mlle Parker prétendent être...
- Sydney à Mlle Parker : "vous étiez une petite fille si joyeuse ! Qu'est-ce qui vous est arrivée ?" (Ep. 1.01)
De même, Mlle Parker n'a pas de prénom pour les téléspectateurs [BD n°...]. Seul Jarod le connait. Sydney et Broots n'ont pas de nom de famille. 
- Sydney : "Qui suis-je ?" (Ep. 3.08)
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 Ep. 3.14 : commission T
Mlle Parker, Broots et Sydney font face à l'opacité des informations au Centre et se demandent souvent qui sont les intervenants qui apparaissent dans les couloirs du Centre...
Ep. 4.03 :
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Mlle Parker doute également beaucoup des autres au fil des saisons, des étrangers, du personnel du Centre et ses proches : 
- Mlle Parker : "parlez-moi de vous ?" (Ep. 3.11) - Thomas : "Que voulez-vous savoir ?" - Mlle Parker : Qui êtes-vous ?"
- Mlle Parker : "c'est une partie de moi que j'aurais voulu qu'il ne voit pas." (Ep.3.12) - Sydney : "le pistolet, c'est ce que vous portez, pas ce que vous êtes."
- Mlle Parker : "C'est ce que je suis ?"
Après la révélation d'Alex, Mlle Parker se pose alors la même question que Jarod : qui est-elle ? (TVfilm 1 et Téléfilm n°2). Les alors lancés à ses interlocuteurs, durant sa chasse à l'homme, pour obtenir d'eux des réponses volontaires sans éveiller les soupçons revêtent alors un tout autre sens... Ce chat-là en était-il vraiment un ?
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A comprendre au premier degré : c'est en perdant son identité sous les électrochocs que Timmy a perdu son prénom et sa personnalité. Il a fallu lui donner un autre nom. Catherine Parker l'a re-baptisé Angelo.
Jarod a tenté de lui redonner son identité originelle. Angelo l'a touché du doigt. Avant que la transformation soit complète, Mlle Parker la lui a involontairement repris. Timmy ne sera plus jamais Timmy.
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La recherche de la véritable identité fait écho aux questions métaphysiques universelles que se pose l'humanité depuis la nuit des temps et qui sont le ciment de sa construction passée, présente et future : qui sommes-nous ?  d'où venons-nous ? Où allons-nous ?
C'est également une question importante pour les scénaristes Javier Grillo-Marxuach et Juan Carlos Coto, dont les origines familiales/historiques pèsent dans la construction identitaire américaine, y compris toujours au 21ème siècle.
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+ bébé Parker sans prénom + lavage de cerveau de Kyle + travail avec Dr Raines/aide Jarod (Ep. 2.14)
Thème affilié : Les Jumeaux.
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bookgeekgrrl · 7 months
My media this week (18-24 Feb 2024)
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i'll always prefer the og but this iteration is entertaining
😍 The Old Codgers Greatest Hits Album (AggressiveWhenStartled, author; quietnight, narrator) - 57K series, canon-divergent stucky co-starring peter parker. Reread of this hilarious forever fave where first teenage peter is forced to deal with two body-swapped geriatric supersoldiers and then bucky is forced to deal with two teenage spidermen trying (and failing) to stealthily rescue their "dog". Great podfic by quietnight, absolute hilarity
🥰 History of American Capitalism (Zenaidamacrouras1) - 85K, shrinkyclinks college AU with superstar QB!Bucky & history nerd Steve - incredible found family dynamics, can't believe @zenaidamacrouras1 made me actually really get into an AU that involved both undergrads AND football. The nerve! The talent! (the fic is single POV but there's an amazing companion piece that's Bucky's convos with this sister that give a his POV on some of it and it's equally amazing)
💖💖 +347K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Half sleep, half waking (softestpunk) - The Sandman & Rivers of London crossover: dreamling, 8K - amazing crossover! I wish there was 60K of this for me to read
Road to Joy (Oddree13) - Stranger Things: steddie, 25K - latest chapter in this omegaverse steddie series that I absolutely adore
Knit One, Purl Two (mollus) - MCU: stucky, 32K - reread; forever fave WS recovery fic with lots of softness in the form of: knitting, dancing, soap making and senior citizens
Red, White & Royal Goose (fairestfaerie) - RWRB: alex/henry, 7K - I just love a good Soulmate Goose of Enforcement fic
This Sunlit Land (eyres) - MCU: stucky, 38K - wonderful canon/timeline-divergent WS recovery AU
Resident Alien - s1, e1-3
QI - series S, ep 7-9
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "The Fall of New York City" (s7, e1)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Heaven and Hell on Earth" (s7, e2)
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Stress Tested" (s21, e7)
D20: Adventuring Party - "A Negroni and a Bowl of Spinach" (s16, e7)
Ghosts (US) - s2, e16-22; s3, e1-2
Vibe Check - Hey, Sis: featuring Kimberly Drew
The Sporkful - Can A Restaurant Makeover Make Diners Spend More?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Boston’s Blue Hill
Short Wave - The Life And Death Of A Woolly Mammoth
Desert Island Discs - Sheku Kanneh-Mason, cellist
I Said No Gifts! - Jay Jurden Disobeys Bridger
The Assignment with Audie Cornish - Where Does Fani Willis Go From Here?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - World’s Loneliest House
⭐ Switched on Pop - Adult Contemporary, but make it cool (with CHROMEO)
Shedunnit - The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (Green Penguin Book Club 1)
Up First - Julian Assange Extradition Hearing, Egypt Buffer Zone, Louisiana Special Session
Today, Explained - The Panama Canal is drying up
It's Been a Minute - Jada Pinkett Smith, the artist
Vibe Check - Welcome to Tip Check
Outward - True Detective: Night Country’s Lesbian Subtext
⭐ Code Switch - Why menthol cigarettes have a chokehold on Black smokers
Short Wave - When The Sun Erupts
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Stone of Destiny
⭐ 99% Invisible #571 - You Are What You Watch
Films To Be Buried With - Tyler James Williams
Ologies with Alie Ward - Black Hole Theory Cosmology (WHAT ARE BLACK HOLES?!) Part 1 with Ronald Gamble, Jr.
Off Menu - Ep 226: Noel Fielding
NPR's Book of the Day - 'Thank You Please Come Again' pays homage to Southern gas station food shops
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Buffalo Soldiers National Museum
The Assignment with Audie Cornish - Jake Tapper on American Political Scandal
⭐ Throughline - Dance Yourself Free (Throwback)
If Books Could Kill - The Better Angels of Our Nature
Our Opinions Are Correct - We Don't Give a F*ck About Canon
⭐ Today, Explained - Fight at the Museum
The Sporkful - Deep Dish With Sohla And Ham: Bagels
Dear Prudence - My Friend Has a Master’s Degree in Lying. Help!
What Next: TBD - The Coasts are Sinking
Short Wave - Didn't Get A Valentine's Love Song? These Skywalker Gibbons Sing Love Duets
Endless Thread - Endless Thread: The Musical
⭐ Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Industrial Musicals
Strong Songs - "Black Hole Sun" by Soundgarden
You're Dead to Me - Queen of Sheba [turned out to be really perfect timing to have this knowledge right before getting to certain relevant bits in my current read The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi]
It's Been a Minute - Have we hit celebrity overload? Plus, Miyazaki's movie magic
Simply Reflecting - Did You Say Delusional?
Under the Influence - Seeing is Believing: The Power of Demonstration Commercials
Hit Parade - The Bridge: Bon Soir, Barbra
Living Colour
Chicago House Foundation
Presenting Soundgarden
Swing Fever [Rod Stewart & Jools Holland] {2024}
Adult Contemporary [Chromeo] {2024}
Campfire Classics
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
so rewatching the rashomon job (a perfect bottle episode, proof you don't need a long season to have filler eps) and what i think is interesting is that by my math hardison is 19ish during this solo job.
this is a bit of a fixation of mine anyway, for a show that otherwise runs a very tight timeline episode to episode the character ages just get sort of hand waved away. parker and hardison are the young ones, eliot is older but usually gets grouped in with them; and nate and sophie are the experienced members of the crew. any references to their past will get you some vague year point that you can slot into a general time line but you aren't getting a year point.
except in season 3 where nate tells moreau that he's got hardison a 24 year old with a problem with authority (rough quote, haven't made it that far in the rewatch yet). so we work back. the rashomon job is 5 years from season 3, you assume each season paces about a year though realistically some of the timing should stretch out a little longer but we'll average it out to a year. so that makes season 1 hardison roughly 21 and puts the crew pulling this accidental rivals job 2 years before they meet in canon.
meaning that two of our three professional criminals looked at a 19 year old alec hardison and thought that was minister bioko, someone with enough importance or money to get invited to an event like this one
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dreamgirledward · 1 year
MERLINNNNNNN for the ask meme
Give me a TV series and I’ll tell you:
Favourite character: hardest to answer. literally how do you choose. merlin. arthur. gwaine. morgana. dont make me choose oh my god
Funniest character: deadass?? queen catrina aka the TROLL. sarah parish how do you have the best comedic timing ever. but also merlin he was bitchy from the get-go and that's what reeled me in tbh
Best-looking character: again. literally impossible. everyone is hot in this show. princess mithian!!! morgana!!! gwen!!! merlin!!! arthur!!! lancelot!!! PRINCESS MITHIAN !!!!!!
3 favourite ships: merthur, merwaine (literally makes me SAD), and merlin and mithian ohhh my god
Least favourite character: I LITERALLY DONT KNOW. maybe agravaine bc he's easy to get sick of LMFAO tho nathaniel parker is so funny in the bloopers it's hard to actually hate him (forgot to add this and had to edit the post 😭)
Least favourite ship: mordred and that girl he was in love with bc it felt forced and also she was kind of annoying LMAOOOOO but alex was slaying that whole ep so i cant even be that mad about it
Reason why I watch it: how the fuck am i supposed to answer this. it's comforting and gut-wrenching all at the same time i guess. ive been obsessed with the arhurian legends since i was a kid too.
Why I started watching it: i honestly have no idea. being chronically online way too young. i saw people talk about it (here) and got curious and the rest was history and now every christmas eve im overcome with immeasurable sadness when i remember what happened dec 24 2012 <3
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Hullo, Dolly! (Stop 2: Hull)
Episode 2: Hull – On the second stop, our hosts stop by a local farm for a week, where Lizzie educates listeners with the New Theatre’s amazing WWII history, plus Alfie and  Dolly to a local art gallery where we meets Bootleg Shreg.
Sister Act: the Musical 2023-24 UK/Ireland Tour Tickets: https://www.sisteractthemusical.co.uk/
Show Socials: https://twitter.com/80Playspodcast -- https://www.instagram.com/thrashntreasurepodcast/ -- https://www.tumblr.com/aroundtheworldin80playspod E-mail suggestions/questions: [email protected]
Lizzie on Socials: https://twitter.com/LizzieBea3 -- https://www.instagram.com/lizziebea101/ Alfie on Socials: https://twitter.com/ParkerAlfie -- https://www.instagram.com/parkeralfie/
Also, support '80Plays' and buy our theme song 'Blue Sky' and help support our show! - https://www.thetonastontales.com/bookstore/p/blue-sky-by-walken-mp3-around-the-world-in-80-plays-podcast-theme-song Or buy the full album 'Current Melbourne Temperature' by Walken from Bandcamp - https://walkentheband.bandcamp.com/album/current-melbourne-temperature
Or, sign up to our patreon - https://www.patreon.com/bloomingtheatricals
*** EXCLUSIVELY on The BLOOP Network!
Production Credits
Hosts: Lizzie Bea and Alfie Parker Producers: Aaron Ware (EP) and Spencer Sher (AP) Co-Producers: Alfie Parker and Lizzie Bea Editor: Aaron Ware Location Assistant: Seher Ackrim Theatre Photography Courtesy of Kristian Lavercombe Podcast Support Pets: Dolly the Dog; Belle the Dog Press/Advertising Enquiries: [email protected] Theme Song ‘Blue Sky’ by Walken (written by Baines, Bowie, Smith, Soussan, Tsipas) Buy the ‘Blue Sky’ MP3 single and help support ‘Around the World in 80 Plays’ at https://www.thetonastontales.com/bookstore/p/blue-sky-by-walken-mp3-around-the-world-in-80-plays-podcast-theme-song Music Video for Blue Sky - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXeCN0yRfcU Powered by Transistor.FM
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obsessiveviewer · 3 months
OV433 - Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024) & MoviePass, MovieCrash (2024)
This week, after a delay, I’m reviewing Bad Boys: Ride or Die in both a non-spoiler and spoiler feature review. Then, in this week’s secondary review, I share my thoughts on the Max documentary, MoviePass, MovieCrash. I also talk about MGM+’s The Institute announcement, season 8 of 24, Blue Streak, and more.
Show Start - 00:28
News - 04:05
  Feature Review
Bad Boys Franchise Overview - 13:03
Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024) - 26:12
Spoiler - 43:38
  Secondary Review
MoviePass, MovieCrash (2024) - 59:54
24: Season 8 - 1:23:50
Blue Streak (1999) - 1:35:38
  Closing the Ep - 1:37:57
Patreon Clip - 1:39:27
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meandmypagancrew · 11 months
I’m running a fever and just in general feeling like absolute shit right now and I have no idea if my brother really did just come into my room and say “I finally figured out how to describe Mello. He’s like if the second opening was a person.” Or if I just hallucinated it.
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sandybrett · 3 months
A rough chronology of the extended Wilco family
Uncle Tupelo, consisting of Jay Farrar, Jeff Tweedy, and Mike Heidorn, release their first album, No Depression.
Uncle Tupelo release Still Feel Gone.
Titanic Love Affair, led by future Wilco guitarist Jay Bennett, debut with Titanic Love Affair.
Uncle Tupelo release March 16-20, 1992. Mike Heidorn leaves to spend time with family and is replaced by Ken Coomer. John Stirratt and Max Johnston are also added.
The Bottle Rockets, led by UT's friend and roadie Brian Henneman, debut with Bottle Rockets.
Alt-country supergroup Golden Smog, of which Tweedy will later be a member, debut with an EP, On Golden Smog.
Uncle Tupelo release Anodyne. Farrar leaves due to the breakdown of his friendship with Tweedy.
Titanic Love Affair release an EP, No Charisma.
The Bottle Rockets release The Brooklyn Side.
Wilco, consisting of the remaining members of Uncle Tupelo plus Brian Henneman as temporary lead guitarist, debut with A.M.
Son Volt, consisting of Jay Farrar, original Uncle Tupelo drummer Mike Heidorn, and brothers Jim and Dave Boquist, debut with Trace.
Golden Smog, now joined by Jeff Tweedy, release Down by the Old Mainstream.
Titanic Love Affair release Their Titanic Majesties Request and split up.
Wilco, with Jay Bennett as new lead guitarist, release Being There. Max Johnston leaves soon after.
Son Volt release Straightaways.
The Bottle Rockets release 24 Hours a Day.
Billy Bragg and Wilco release Mermaid Avenue, an album of previously unrecorded Woody Guthrie lyrics set to music.
Son Volt release Wide Swing Tremolo and go on hiatus.
Golden Smog release Weird Tales.
The Bottle Rockets release Leftovers.
Wilco release Summerteeth.
The Bottle Rockets release Brand New Year.
Billy Bragg and Wilco release Mermaid Avenue, Volume II
Tweedy, Glenn Kotche, and Jim O'Rourke start a side project called Loose Fur, although nothing is released yet. Kotche soon replaces Ken Coomer in Wilco.
Jay Farrar releases Sebastopol.
The Autumn Defense, a side project of John Stirratt and Pat Sansone, debut with The Green Hour.
Wilco attempt to release Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, but their label won't let them, so they buy the masters back and release them for free on their website. Jay Bennett is dismissed from the band.
The Bottle Rockets release Songs of Sahm.
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot finally receives an official release.
Jay Bennett and Edward Burch release The Palace at 4am (part i).
The Minus 5 release Down with Wilco, a collaboration with several members of Wilco.
Jay Farrar releases Terroir Blues.
Loose Fur release Loose Fur.
The Autumn Defense release Circles.
John Stirratt and his twin sister Laurie (a member of Blue Mountain) release Arabella.
The Bottle Rockets release Blue Sky.
Jay Bennett releases Bigger than Blue.
Wilco release A Ghost Is Born. Pat Sansone joins the band for the tour and all subsequent albums.
Jay Bennett releases The Beloved Enemy.
A new lineup of Son Volt, with Jay Farrar as the only consistent member, release Okemah and the Melody of Riot.
Glenn Kotche releases a solo album, Mobile.
Gob Iron, consisting of Jay Farrar and Anders Parker, release Death Songs for the Living.
Golden Smog release Another Fine Day.
Loose Fur release Born Again in the USA.
Jay Bennett releases The Magnificent Defeat.
The Bottle Rockets release Zoysia.
Golden Smog, no longer including Tweedy, release Blood on the Slacks.
The Autumn Defense release The Autumn Defense.
Son Volt release The Search.
Wilco release Sky Blue Sky.
Jay Bennett releases Whatever Happened, I Apologize.
Son Volt release American Central Dust.
Benjamin Gibbard and Jay Farrar release One Fast Move or I'm Gone.
Wilco release Wilco (the album)
Jay Bennett dies suddenly of an accidental painkiller overdose.
The Bottle Rockets release Lean Forward.
Kicking at the Perfumed Air by Jay Bennett is posthumously released.
The Autumn Defense release Once Around
Wilco release The Whole Love.
Jay Farrar appears on New Multitudes, along with Anders Parker and two other artists, for another collection of unrecorded Woody Guthrie lyrics.
Son Volt release Honky Tonk.
The Autumn Defense release Fifth.
Max Johnston releases Dismantling Paradise, his only solo album to date. Since leaving Wilco, he has been a member of The Gourds.
Tweedy, consisting of Jeff Tweedy and his son Spencer, release Sukirae.
Wilco release Star Wars.
The Bottle Rockets release South Broadway Athletic Club.
Wilco release Schmilco.
Jeff Tweedy releases Together at Last
Son Volt release Notes of Blue.
The Bottle Rockets release Bit Logic.
Jeff Tweedy releases WARM.
Jeff Tweedy releases WARMER.
Son Volt release Union.
Wilco release Ode to Joy.
Jeff Tweedy releases Love Is The King.
The Bottle Rockets announce their retirement.
Son Volt release Electro Melodier.
Wilco release Cruel Country.
Wilco release Cousin.
Son Volt release Day of the Doug.
Pat Sansone releases Infinity Mirrors.
Wilco release an EP, Hot Sun Cool Shroud.
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dustedandsocial · 3 months
Dusted&Social EP #24 (6-23-24)
Pictured: Die Verlierer
Die Verlierer - Fickt diese Stadt Bacon Grease - 8 fiesta en el vacío & helen island - TU DONCELLA DOLOROSA - MICROBIOS Fog - End-Stage Liver Disease Yokel - Pill Creek Pulsatile Tinnitus - itch Th Blisks - No Know Fera - Milk Tears In The Hug Chamber Charles Gayle, Milford Graves, William Parker - WEBO C1 Lametia - Dronero Infinita Love Cough - Honey (Try It) Schimmel - Alles Muss Neu What Kind of Human Have I Become - Monarchy is Stupid Porta D'Oro - Cielo E Inferno CHBB - Speedloch SolPara - Time To Hold Better Kjetil D. Brandsdal & Thore Warland - Get Next Human Figures - Punch The Clock The Sheaves - Dull Harem Zeynep Ağcabay - Gelecekten Anilar Kraum - Son amour se traîne Annelies Monseré - Simple Fractures Wacław Zimpel - Princess of Kyoto De Klok - SPIDERS
Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/dustedandsocial/dustedsocial-ep-24-6-23-24
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paulisded · 1 year
The Ledge #584: Birthday Week!
When I put together each and every episode of The Ledge, I try really hard not to repeat myself too much. If I play a new single one week, the next I'll more than likely air a b-side or album track. Certain songs do end up appearing in multiple shows, but more than likely due to whatever themes I've selected.
That fact has always been in the back of my mind whenever I put on birthday shows. Obviously, during my birthday week I want a show of nothing but my favorite songs of all time, but at the same time I don't want to repeat that same show each and every year. But it dawned on me earlier today that repeating myself once a year is no big deal! Who remembers what I aired a year ago?
Plus, honestly, while I have not doublechecked, I'm sure this year's birthday celebration of my favorite songs is quite unlike previous editions. My tastes are ever-evolving. Some artists have emerged as new favorites. Others have maybe dropped down a peg or two. Plus, I'll admit to purposely selecting different tunes by perennial favorites. Let's be real. I can play almost any song by bands like The Clash or The Ramones...or almost every band in tonight's show.
As for the "52 weeks of Teenage Kicks", I've got a relative rrity from Hagfish. Originally released on 1995's Happiness EP, it also appeared on European versions of their second album, Hagfish Rocks Your Lame Ass. (And since this was my birthday show, I ended the episode with The Undertones original.  
And like I do every week, I must again plead with y'all for more versions of "Teenage Kicks". If you are a musician, or have any contact with artists that could record their own take on the classic, please contact me!
1. Hagfish - Teenage Kicks
2. The Kinks - I'm Not Like Everybody Else
3. Rolling Stones - Loving Cup
4. The Pretty Things - L.S.D.
5. The Creation - Making Time
6. The Monkees - (I'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone 
7. The Flamin' Groovies - Shake Some Action
8. Big Star - September Gurls
9. Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers - Roadrunner
10. The Only Ones - Another Girl, Another Planet
11. Wreckless Eric - Whole Wide World
12. The Velvet Underground - I'm Waiting For The Man (Mono Version)
13. New York Dolls - Personality Crisis
14. Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers - One Track Mind
15. Johnny Thunders - You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory
16. The Ramones - I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
17. Sex Pistols - Lonely Boy
18. The Clash - Stay Free
19. Elvis Costello - (The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes
20. Nick Lowe - They Called It Rock
21. Graham Parker - Discovering Japan
22. R.E.M. - I Believe
23. X - The New World
24. Superchunk - Slack Motherfucker
25. Archers Of Loaf - Wrong
26. The Saints - I'm Stranded
27. Hoodoo Gurus - I Want You Back
28. The Church - The Unguarded Moment 
29. The Jesus & Mary Chain - April Skies
30. Runaways - Cherry Bomb
31. The Patti Smith Group - Dancing Barefoot
32. Liz Phair - Fuck And Run
33. Lydia LovelessReally Wanna See You
34. The Replacements - Color Me Impressed
35. The Replacements - Satellite
36. Bash & Pop - Never Aim To Please
37. Paul Westerberg - 2 Days 'Til Tomorrow
38. The Undertones - Teenage Kicks
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (18-24 Dec 2022)
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🥰👂‍ Agatha Christie: A Very Elusive Woman (Lucy Worsley, author & narrator) - an excellent biography
😍 All That You Are to Me series (2bestfriends) - 87K, shrunkyclunks - holiday reread, 'the lumberjack steve/twink bucky fic of our hearts' - main fic 67K, sequel fic 20K
😍 It's the Best Time of the Year (chicklette) - 40K, shrunkyclunks, holiday time fic - reread of a fave with baker!Bucky & Cap!Steve - perfect blend of angst, fluff and action
😍 (if only in my dreams) (jehans) - 45K, stucky no powers AU - reread of holiday season friends2lovers/2nd chance with some QUALITY pining
💖💖 +323K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
SHOCKING! Spiderman's Alien Baby: Friendly Neighborhood Hero and His Hanukkah Blessing (AggressiveWhenStartled) - MCU: Peter Parker v the Geriatric Supersoldier Husbands, 4.8K - no one writes the adventures of a hapless Peter tangled up with the Geriatric Supersolider Husbands like AggressiveWhenStartled - pure hilarity throughout (and ZERO alien babies despite the title)
One Does Not Simply Walk Into JoAnn Fabrics (And other millennial lessons from The Winter Soldier) (attackofthezee (noxlunate)) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 11.9K - forever fave; holiday reread of a recovering WS who gets a job working at JoAnn's and falls hard for a customer
Bucky Barnes Has His Shit Together (and Other Lies He Tells Himself) (betts) - MCU: stucky no-powers AU, 14K - holiday reread of recovering vet Bucky & single dad baker Steve
Here Comes Santa Claus (AidaRonan) - MCU: stucky, 6.7K - holiday reread - hilarious and hot - Bucky meets Santa!Steve and this santa definitely fucks
then a small thing happened (BeaArthurPendragon) - MCU: stucky no-powers AU, 35K - new holiday fave about recovering photojournalist Bucky and astronaut Steve - LOVED LOVED LOVED
rockin' around (wearing_tearing) - Stranger Things: Steddie/Ronance/Fruity Four, 13K - an absolutely DELIGHTFUL advent collection of ficlets - every day was a pop of pure joy to read
Knit One, Purl Two (mollus) - MCU: stucky, 32K - holiday reread, forever fave - recovering WS/Cap with healing via crafting with a delightful knitting group
Taskmaster - s14, e1-10
Glass Onion
Single All The Way
Decoder Ring Plus - Encore: ‘You’ve Got Mail’ Got It Wrong
Switched on Pop - Anitta & Rosalía on the borders of Latin pop
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tumbleweed Christmas Tree
99% Invisible #519 - Balikbayan Boxes
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Priscilla’s Homecoming
It's Been a Minute - (Almost) 20 years of 'Love Actually'
Off Menu - Ep 41: Joe Lycett (Christmas Special)
Into It - Matt Rogers Has Heard of Christmas, But 'Do They Know It's Christmas?'
Off Menu - Ep 175: Alex Horne (Christmas Special)
Simply Christmas (Deluxe Edition) [Leslie Odom Jr]
Merry Christmas…Have A Nice Life [Cyndi Lauper]
Trans Siberian Orchestra playlist
Classical Christmas
A Sunny Brazilian Christmas
A Merry Little Christmas [Linda Ronstadt]
A Legendary Christmas [John Legend]
Jingle Bell Swing
It's a Holiday Soul Party [Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings]
Twelve Songs Of Christmas [Etta James]
Home for Christmas [Daryl Hall & John Oates]
A Very Too Many Zooz Xmas [Too Many Zooz]
A Heavy Metal Christmas [Christopher Lee]
A Heavy Metal Christmas Too [Christopher Lee]
Merry Flippin' Christmas Vol. 1 and 2 [Bowling For Soup]
Punk Rock Christmas
Classic Soul Christmas
my rockabilly christmas playlist
my xmas playlist
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #36: When Falls the Meteor!
Read Date: November 5, 2022 Cover Date: May 1966 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: Steve Ditko ● Inker: Steve Ditko ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Artie Simek ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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Synopsis: A meteor comes crashing down and Norton Fester, a scientist, retrieves it and looks for funding in order to research microscopic life on it. After being turned down by a bank and his friends, he cracks it open himself. As he does, a trapped pocket of gas emits and he stumbles backward. When he awakens, he discovers new-found strength and lifts a bookcase as if it were a feather. Meanwhile, Peter Parker is back on campus trying to regain a normal social life. As he tries to socialize, he gets worried about being pegged as an “egghead” and afraid to repeat his mistake with Betty, brushes them off.
Inside a bank, we see Norton Fester is now the Looter. He robs the bank and blinds those inside with a dazzle gun. As he continues to rob banks over the next few days, Looter finds there’s no more gas in his meteor and decides to find another just in case his power diminishes. Coincidentally, Peter Parker is attending a space exhibit and Gwen Stacy happens to show up as well. Gwen becomes frustrated when Peter only notices the exhibits and is completely oblivious to her presence. Looter shows up to steal the meteor and Spider-Man arrives to prevent it. The Looter uses his dazzle gun to blind everyone and escape. Peter returns to try and talk to Gwen but she writes him off as a coward when he ran and changed. Spider-Man figures Looter will be back and is proven correct when another robbery is attempted.
Unsuccessful in his second attempt, Looter tries to fly away with a helium balloon, but Spider-Man springs up a flagpole and catches him. After he knocks him out cold, Spider-Man sails the balloon for the police to arrest Looter before knowing why the meteor was sought after.
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Fan Art: 140--Looter by Green-Mamba
Accompanying Podcasts: ● Swinging Through Spider-Man - episode 40
● Amazing Spider-Man Classics - episode 24
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bboyplankton · 2 years
R&B/Pop/Alternative Albums 2022
1. Adria Kain – When Flowers Bloom
2. Flwr Chyld – Luv N Chaos
3. Ari Lennox – age/sex/location
4. Kehlani – Blue Water Road
5. Ari Lennox – Away Message -EP
6. Samm Henshaw – Untidy Soul
7. Siergio – Before It’s Too Late
8. Arin Ray – Hello Poison
9. Kenyon Dixon – Closer
10. Elujay – Circmvnt
11. WizKid – More Love, Less Ego
12. Allyn – After Hours Pt. 2 – EP
13. Yaya Bey – Remember Your North
14. Alex Vaughn – The Hurtbook
15. Lucky Day – Candy Drip
16. Emotional Oranges – The Juice, Vol. III
17. Pink Sweat$ – Pink Moon
18. Cautious Clay – Deadpan Love (Deluxe)
19. Dylan Synclair – No Longer in the Suburbs
20. Eli Darby – More Than Friends
21. Syd – Broken Hearts Club
22. PJ Morton – Watch The Sun
23. Moonchild – Starfruit
24. Mariah the Scientist – Buckles Laboratories Presents: The Intermission - EP
25. Xavier Omär – b l u r r – EP
26. DRAM – What Had Happened Was…
27. John Legend – Legend
28. August 08 – Seasick
29. Giveon – Give or Take
30. Robert Glasper – Black Radio III
31. SZA – SOS
32. Ne-Yo – Self Explanatory
33. Ant Clemons – 4Play – EP
34. Vedo & OG Parker – While You Wait
35. Dayglow – People In Motion
36. Mannywellz – Unwanted – EP
37. Beyoncé – Renaissance
38. Tim Lyre – Worry <
39. Fana Hues – Flora + Fana (Deluxe)
40. Ogi – Monologues – EP
41. Byron Juane – A Little Crazy
42. Maverick Sabre – Don’t Forget to Look Up
43. Babyface – Girl’s Night Out
44. Alex Vaughn – Voice Notes – EP
45. Devvon Terrell – Boys Don’t Cry
46. Raheem Devaughn – From Lust till Dawn
47. Tank – R&B Money
48. Black Eyed Peas – Elevation
49. Marc E. Bassy – East Hollywood 2
50. Miraa May – Tales of a Miracle
51. Naomi Lareine – Girl Next Door – EP
52. K. Roosevelt – Solstice
53. India Shawn – Before We Go (Deeper)
54. Nia Sultana – Bigger Dreams
55. Destin Conrad – Satin
56. Chris Brown – Breezy (Deluxe)
57. Jessie Reyez – Yessie
58. Rayana Jay – Last Call
59. Nnamdï – Please Have a Seat
60. Col3trane – Lush Life
61. Brandy Haze – Where We Left Off
62. Landon Thomas – Won’t Stay Home – EP
63. Jvck James – On The Rocks
64. The Weeknd – Dawn FM
65. FKA Twigs – Caprisongs
66. Raveena – Asha’s Awakening
67. Amber Mark – Three Dimensions Deep
68. UMI – Forest in the City
69. Marc E. Bassy – Man Makes Plans
70. Jada Kingdom – New Motion – EP
71. Justin Garner – Flicker – EP
72. Sonder – Too Late To Die Young – EP
73. DaniLeigh – My Side
74. Ronald Isley & The Isley Brothers – Make Me Say It Again Girl
75. Sabri – Actually, I Can
76. Mysie – joyride – EP
77. Sabrina Claudio – Based On A Feeling
78. Yuna – Y5
79. Ambré – 3000˚
80. Jenevieve – Rendezvous - EP
81. Ella Mai – Heart On My Sleeve
82. Charlotte Dos Santos – Morfo
83. Yung Bleu – Tantra
84. Omar Apollo – Ivory
85. Orion Sun – Getaway – EP
86. Che Ecru – Cold Toronto
87. Jordan Rakei – Bruises – EP
88. Pip Millett – When Everything is Better, I’ll Let You Know
89. Koffee – Gifted
90. Ravyn Lenae – Hypnos
91. Raheem DeVaughn & Bee Boy$oul – Back 2 Love
92. Willow – <CopingMechanism>
93. Alex Isley & Jack Dine – Marigold
94. Jake & Papa – Tattoos & Blues II
95. J. Holiday – Time
96. Reuben James – Tunnel Vision
97. Avril Lavigne – Love Sux (Deluxe)
98. Ego Ella May – Fieldnotes Pt. II – EP
99. Kendrick P. – 4U
100. Mikhala Jene – The Missing Peace
101. Aiyana-Lee – Wednesday’s Child (Side A)
102. Steve Lacy – Gemini Rights
103. Joyce Wrice – Motive – EP
104. Tink – Pillow Talk
105. DVSN – Working On My Karma
106.   Alexis Ffrench – Truth
107. Tank and the Bangas – Red Balloon
108. Amaal – Milly
109. BenjiFlow – The Thrill
110. Brianna Castro – For Now – EP
111. Tiana Major9 – Fool Me Once – EP
112. Marques Houston – Me: Dark Water – EP
113. Brandy Haze – Silhouette, Vol. 2 – EP
114. Kennedy Rd. – Waves Of Love Vol. 2 – EP
115. Muni Long – Public Displays of Affection: The Album
116. Mychelle – Someone Who Knows – EP
117. Brent Faiyaz – Wasteland
118. Ali Gatie – Who Hurt You? (Deluxe)
119. FKJ – Vincent
120. Jor’dan Armstrong – Church Girls Love R&B
121. Che Ecru – Pain Pack 5
122. Che Ecru – What Are We? – EP
123. ØHenry – My Turn to Be King
124. Various Artists – Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Soundtrack
125. Daddy Yankee – Legendaddy
126. The Black Keys – Dropout Boogie
127. Quincy – Q Side B Side – EP
128. Weezer – SZNZ: Spring
129. Khruangbin & Leon Bridges – Texas Moon – EP
130. Justin Garner – Everything She Wants
131. Avery*Sunshine – 4 Songs & a Bootleg
132. Elephant Man – Di Best
133. Mary J. Blige – Good Morning Gorgeous
134. I-Octane – I Am Great
135. Nija – Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You
136. Dashboard Confessional – All the Truth That I Can Tell
137. Weezer – SZNZ: Autumn
138. Weezer – SZNZ: Summer
139. Kallitechnis – Blends Vol. III – EP
140. Bibi Bourelly, Maureen Boyer, & SamTRax – Solèy – EP
141. Allyn – After Hours, Pt. 1 – EP
142. Trevor Jackson – Show Me Diamonds – EP
143. Kaash Paige – S2ML
144. Olaide Banks – All the Colors
145. Casper Sage – Casper Sage
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Plaster Act (Stop 3: Stoke-on-Trent)
Episode 3: Stoke-on-Trent – Like an Emma over Bridgewater, Lizzie and Alfie take Dolly to Stoke’s famous pottery house to paint some gifts for the family. Plus, Lizzie enthralls Alfie with an exploration of Orchestras on tour.
Sister Act: the Musical 2023-24 UK/Ireland Tour Tickets: https://www.sisteractthemusical.co.uk/
Show Socials: https://twitter.com/80Playspodcast -- https://www.instagram.com/thrashntreasurepodcast/ -- https://www.tumblr.com/aroundtheworldin80playspod E-mail suggestions/questions: [email protected]
Lizzie on Socials: https://twitter.com/LizzieBea3 -- https://www.instagram.com/lizziebea101/ Alfie on Socials: https://twitter.com/ParkerAlfie -- https://www.instagram.com/parkeralfie/
Also, support '80Plays' and buy our theme song 'Blue Sky' and help support our show! - https://www.thetonastontales.com/bookstore/p/blue-sky-by-walken-mp3-around-the-world-in-80-plays-podcast-theme-song Or buy the full album 'Current Melbourne Temperature' by Walken from Bandcamp - https://walkentheband.bandcamp.com/album/current-melbourne-temperature
Or, sign up to our patreon - https://www.patreon.com/bloomingtheatricals
*** EXCLUSIVELY on The BLOOP Network!
Production Credits
Hosts: Lizzie Bea and Alfie Parker Producers: Aaron Ware (EP) and Spencer Sher (AP) Co-Producers: Alfie Parker and Lizzie Bea Editor: Aaron Ware Location Assistant: Seher Ackrim Theatre Photography Courtesy of Kristian Lavercombe Podcast Support Pets: Dolly the Dog; Belle the Dog Press/Advertising Enquiries: [email protected] Theme Song ‘Blue Sky’ by Walken (written by Baines, Bowie, Smith, Soussan, Tsipas) Buy the ‘Blue Sky’ MP3 single and help support ‘Around the World in 80 Plays’ at https://www.thetonastontales.com/bookstore/p/blue-sky-by-walken-mp3-around-the-world-in-80-plays-podcast-theme-song Additional Music and 'Dolly's Theme' Composed by Jonathan Wagner Music Video for Blue Sky - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXeCN0yRfcU Powered by Transistor.FM
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