Explore tagged Tumblr posts
starduststudies · 6 years ago
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tuesday the 20th of august 2019
hi! here’s a pic of my summary sheet about binomial law ft. eleonor and park
have a lovely day ✨
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amandaswork · 6 years ago
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October 13, 2018
I got sick :( submersing myself in vitamin C aha 
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studylustre · 6 years ago
frost, fireside, and orchard? :-)
frost: if you could give your younger self some advice, what would you say?
that thing you want to do? that skill you want to learn? just go ahead and do it. you will lose so much time just hesitating over whether or not to go for it, and had you just gone for it, you would be leaps and bounds ahead of where you are now. save yourself the regret and just do it. also, drop the people who make you feel bad - they’re toxic and you deserve better.
fireside: if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
oooooh i’ve never really thought much about this! honestly, it would probably just look a lot like rosé + jennie’s (from blackpink) wardrobes!
orchard: share one thing you would like to happen this autumn
oooh just one thing? that’s difficult (or maybe i’m just greedy), but i’d like to bake some chai cookies, go on some wholesome autumn dates, work out more + move out hehe
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pemberlaey · 5 years ago
Lavender and camellia!
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I’m really empathetic and I’m a good reader
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
well im a bit heartsick for London but if I had to pick a place I’ve never been to before i’d say Ireland
send me some flower asks!
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glossberry · 6 years ago
omg can i just ask how do you make those amazing instagram moodboards? so cute!!
im sorry, i dont make instagram moodboards. the glossberry instagram outfit person is not me (i have no idea who it is, this account has been under this username since 2013 so)
unless youre talking about something else, but i still wouldnt know haha
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youngsamberg · 6 years ago
where do you watch b99? it's not on netflix :(
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espressogal · 6 years ago
hi! i just wanted to drop by and let you know that your posts are so inspirational and have gotten me through so many hard times, especially over the past week or so since i've had so much going on in my life outside of school and it's been hard to focus! but then i just read over your text posts about not procrastinating and i just feel so ready to take on the world. i just thought i'd let you know how much of a difference your blog has made in my life :-)
omg 😭😭 bby i’m so happy my text posts have helped u in some way thank you so much for telling me this!! ❤️ you’re so so strong and you’ll get through anything you put your mind to!! school can be so hard when there are so many external things going on but remember that your mental and physical health come before anything so take care of yourself, pace yourself, and only then should you begin to worry about schoolwork - at which point you will absolutely slay and do your best at!! you got this!!
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thediverismylove · 6 years ago
💖: are you planning on publishing it? if so, how?
💖: are you planning on publishing it? if so, how?
not totally sure but i’d like to publish it but probably won’t. like publishing is The Dream but also im lazy but if i did publish it i’d probably go the traditional route
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lalalaikas · 7 years ago
Iridescent ✨✨✨
iridescent: what is your skincare routine?
ooh ok so this is a toughie haha. it’s kind of in the works still, my dermatologist just this summer diagnosed me w rosacea so i’m adjusting to try and treat that more so than just normal acne! but right now…
1. wash face with cetaphil oil control foaming cleanser2. apply benzoyl peroxide/clindamycin topical cream3. cerave daily moisturizer with spf 304. makeup!
1. wash face with sephora collection oil cleanser to remove makeup2. follow up with cetaphil foaming cleanser3. my derm is prescribing another topical to use at night which will go here.. lol but idk what it is yet bc the prescription hasn’t gone through4. cetaphil moisturizing lotion
i use the body shop’s tea tree gel for spot treatment of pimples when i need to! also i like doing face masks and stuff as well :p but it’s not an everyday thing. my favorite sheet masks rn are the peach slices brand by peach and lily, and i’ve also been using the bliss mighty marshmallow face mask a bit too!
before i got diagnosed w rosacea i was using paula’s choice bha liquid every night too as well as a vitamin c serum in the mornings, but ya know sensitive skin and all i’ve dialed it back a bit to try and control the redness and inflammation!
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starduststudies · 6 years ago
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saturday the 10th of august 2019
hi! here’s a pic of my chemistry flashcards!
have a lovely day ✨
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maeve-studies · 4 years ago
Back to School Resource Masterpost
Hi everyone! It's that time of year again, back-to-school and all the excitement of learning new things, along with the stress and anxiety that inevitably occurs. I've been on Tumblr for longer than I'd like to admit, and have compiled a long list of resources below!
Please note that I did my absolute best to find the original links to all of these posts, but many of them are 4+ years old and the users have changed blog names/deleted. If any of the links don’t work, or there is a link to an original post which I am missing, please let me know! Many of the master posts have dead links so if you find any updated resources please feel free to add on :)
Starting College/New School Year
College Study Tips that Actually Help by @samsstudygram
How to Study in College by @niccistudies
Guide for Starting a New Semester by @studybeshy
No to Low Stress College Studying Strategy by @plannerdy
A Really F*cking Vulgar Guide to Not Losing your Sh*t in College (TW swearing) by @alice-rolfe
How to Be Successful in College by @goddesszillaa-blog
Studying for An Exam in A Really Short Amount of Time by @studiyng
Study Tips for the New Semester by @universi-tea
Back to School Masterpost by @studylau
Resources for the School Year by @ginsengstudy
Back to School Tips Masterpost by @starry-eyes-and-blissful-nights
Unconventional Note Taking Tips by @studyspiration-coffee
@emmastudies note taking system
Effective Notetaking by @afternaomi
Note Taking for Different Lecture Styles by @caffeinatedcraziness
Note Taking Tips by @eintsein
How to Take Notes from a Textbook by @staticsandstationery
Note Taking Tips by @parisgellerstudy
Essay Writing
Transition Words for Essays by @soniastudyblr
How to Write a University Level Essay by @healthyeyes
How to Write a Kick-ass Essay with Half the Stress by @wittacism-blog
Recovering an Unsaved Draft on Microsoft Word by @touched-dreams-blog
Helpful Websites for Writing Essays by @intellectys
Tips for Being Overwhelmed
How to Handle Having Too Much to Do by @howtomusicmajor
4 Tips for Getting Ahead after Falling Behind by @passwithclassandaniceass
Motivation Tips and Avoiding Procrastination
7 Strategies to Manage Distractions by @myhoneststudyblr
7 Strategies to Improve Concentration by @myhoneststudyblr
Tips to Stay Motivated by @maeve-studies AKA myself
6 Ways to Avoid Procrastination by @ivystudying
Tips for Motivation by @sobistudies
Getting your Shit Together by @coffeesforstudiers
School Prep and Motivation by @tea-study-sleep
Guide to Crafting your Daily Schedule by @werelivingarts
Four Rules for a Disciplined Life by @a-disciplined-life (OG credit to reddit user ryans01)
How to Stay Productive by @busystudyin-g-blog
A Productivity Masterpost by @effortanderudition-blog
Planners, Apps, and Printables
Learn to Code by @boomeyer
Popular Apps Perfect for Students by @emmastudies
Printables Masterpost by @studywithnerdyglasses-blog
Listing of printables by @emmastudies
Study Apps and Extensions by @mujistudies
Apps for Students by @moleskinestudies-blog
Emails and Templates
Email Template for Anyone Who Struggles with Writing Emails by @ischemgeek
Post Interview Thank You Note Template by @a-windsor
Language Resources
Language Studying Tips by @ssehuns
Google Drive with a Link to Language Grammar Resources by @ingenjor-blog
Studying and Time Management Tips
@aimstudies on effectively reading textbooks
Tips on Managing Research Projects by @munirastudies
Memory Tips by @brain-exercise
Study Less, Study Smart by @marias-studyblr
Tiny Tips for Things You Never Thought About by @leahrning
18 Unexpected Tips for Higher Exam Scores by @studyblob
Study Tips from an MIT Student by @academicheaux
Self-Care and Burnout
@hellenhighwater on loving what you do, and doing what you love
Small Ways to Improve Your Life by @cwote
How I Ditched my Phone Addiction by @universi-tea
How to Avoid Overthinking by @onlinecounsellingcollege
Tips for Staying off Your Phone by @intellectys
Simplifying your Life by @universi-tea
For All the Bad Days by @studykouffee
How to Deal with Burnout by @kawaiistudy
Calming Masterpost by @shelbys-advice-blog
Ideas for Self Care by @educxtional
Masterpost of Everything pt 1 by @areistotle
School Cheat Sheet by @jwstudying
School Cheat Sheet part 2 by @jwstudying
Misc Studying Posts by @epicstudyings
Bullet Journal Ideas Masterpost by @optomstudies
Study Sounds by @universi-tea
Studyblr Masterpost by @getstudyblr
Study Methods by @etudiance
Study Skills by @schoollifeandstuff
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debbierhea · 5 years ago
12 and 21 :-)
12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? i would change my mental health tbqh would love to not be clinically #depressed (a perfect question to answer immediately after a therapy session fjdkljsf)
21. Who would play you in a movie of your life? i choose gillian anderson b/c she would Get It but also because then i’d get the chance to meet, woo, and marry her. also she has the range to play a 24 year old at 50 darling
quarantine asks
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kindarevising · 6 years ago
Tag game ✨
thank u @marzipanstudies for tagging me!!💗
Rules: answer 17 questions and tag 21 blogs
Nickname: tati, tas, tess and SO many more; the perks of having a foreign name that nobody can pronounce properly
Star sign: taurus! 
Height: 173 cm which i think is like 5′7″?
Last film I watched: omg i don’t watch movies at all but i watched “john q” like two months ago with my dad and sobbed literally through all of the 2 hours so my dad had to continuously pause the movie because i couldn’t see anything through my tears. would not recommend for emotional people lol!
Favorite musicians: this changes constantly but some artists i’m lowkey always obsessed with are daniel caesar, lauv, lany, julia michaels, marina, kacey musgraves & alec benjamin. and many more i can’t think of rn
Song stuck in my head: let’s fall in love for the night by finneas
Other blogs: @florebisous
Do I get asks: nooo,  if anyone is reading this and feels like sharing their dumb bitch thoughts; i’m all ears
Blogs following: 122 and my dash is alwaysss dead
What am I wearing: black gym shorts & an oversized tee
Dream job: journalist, human rights lawyer or if we’re feeling real frisky maybe something in diplomacy! but who knows
Dream trip: hawaii, japan and new zealand
Play any instruments?: the piano but very poorly
Languages: german & english fluently, french semi-fluently and i did spanish for a year so i can partake in very basic conversation
Favourite food: pasta or avocado sushi
Favourite song: currently california by lana 
Random fact: i hate bell peppers!
Tagging: @sienastudies @studycation @studyaccio @studybuddiesareoverrated @akimdemic @parisgellerstudy @lattesntears @rabiyastudies @mariapaulatb @studyhandbook
these aren’t 21 and if any of u don’t wanna do it, don’t feel any pressure!!
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poeticquill · 5 years ago
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espressogal · 7 years ago
hi! i saw on your blog that you said you're in college, and i was wondering if you have any tips for college apps? i'm currently a rising senior in hs in the u.s., and i've been working on mine since it's summer
hi sweetheart, 
i’m not entirely sure how the U.S college apps system works, but in canada, we never needed to write an essay or submit anything to the uni (unless the program asks for it) so for me, i just had to pay a fee of $50 for each college i applied to and submit my personal info and transcript of my grades and all that. however, i believe this  video and / or this  video may help you with college app essays and choosing a college! 
hope this helped! xx 
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thesmartstudies · 6 years ago
a b c  tag!!
i wasnt tagged by anyone but i saw this on @erasign‘s blog so i thought i might as well do it!
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to know better
a- age: 18
b- birthplace: USA
c- current time: 7:55pm
d- drink you last had: water!! stay hydrated
e- easiest person to talk to: a friend i’ve had since freshman year
f- favourite song: bad news by aries :)) y’all need to go check him out!
g- grossest memory: idk, i will say that if you look up trypophobia some nasty pictures will show up
h- horror yes or horror no: nah
i- in love: nah
j- jealous: sometimes, i try not to let it get to me
k- kiss or be kissed: hmm idk and idc
l- love at first sight or should I walk by again: i should walk by again
m- middle name: don’t have one
n- number of siblings: 2
o- one wish: happiness
p- last person you called: my mom. i dont remember what but if i need something i call her lmao
q- question you are always asked: so where are you from?? lmaooo i was born in the US but i know they mean what ethnicity i am
r- reason to smile: art! i love to make and look at art
s- song you last sang: idk the name but its a country song eww
t- time you woke up: 12pm oops
u- underwhelming experience: no offense but grad parties. like what am i supposed to do? just sit? y’all don’t got any games?
v- vacation destination: idk yet
w- worst habit: i think i overthink things. i also plan too much and try to control everything that i can
x- x-rays: none
y- your favourite food: hmm imma have to say....pizza. ik so boring but you can do a lot with pizza!
z- zodiac sign: capricorn :)
i tag @designstudy @eatstudycoffeerepeat @studyingmango @bujowsofie @salamstudy @parisgellerstudy @smilestudy @castillos-co @problematicprocrastinator and anyone who reads this!
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