#parf 2022
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parf-fan · 4 months ago
PARF-fan's 2022 raw footage masterlist
These links all lead to the PARF-fan Facebook, as I am unwilling to muck about with chronology on the PARF-fan YouTube, or put completely raw footage there. As it was unfair of me to sit on this footage just because it wasn't to my standards, this is my compromise. You need not be logged onto Facebook to view these.
Disasterpiece: The Moral Allegory and Fantastical Tale of the Fair Young Maiden and the Goblin King and the Confounding Maze – August 28th – Pyrate Invasion
Rakish Rogues – September 10th – Wizarding Weekend
Midday Revels – September 10th – Wizarding Weekend
Sirens and Rogues – September 10th – Wizarding Weekend
Ultimate Joust – September 10th – Wizarding Weekend
Disasterpiece – September 4th – Heroes & Villains – The Moral Allegory and Fantastical Tale of the Fair Young Maiden and the Goblin King and the Confounding Maze
The Sirens – October 2nd – Oktoberfest
Sirens and Rogues – October 2nd – Oktoberfest
Tournament of Arms – October 8th – Celtic Weekend
Ultimate Joust – October 8th – Celtic Weekend
Finale in Pub Song – October 8th – Celtic Weekend
Queen's Court – October 9th – Celtic Weekend
Boarshead Brawl – October 9th – Celtic Weekend
Tournament of Arms – October 9th – Celtic Weekend
Halloween Queen's Court – October 29th – Halloweekend III
Halloween Boarshead Brawl – October 29th – Halloweekend III
The Sirens (Halloween) – October 29th – Halloweekend III
Rakish Rogues (Halloween) – October 29th – Halloweekend III
Halloween Midday Revels – October 29th – Halloweekend III
Halloween Tournament of Arms – October 29th – Halloweekend III
Halloween Ultimate Joust – October 29th – Halloweekend III
Halloween Finale in Pub Song – October 29th – Halloweekend III
Halloween Boarshead Brawl – October 30th – Closing Day
Halloween Tournament of Arms – October 30th – Closing Day
Sirens and Rogues (Halloween) – October 30th – Closing Day
Halloween Ultimate Joust – October 30th – Closing Day
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find-the-path · 2 years ago
Oc-tober Day 1 - Nightfall - Lehtion
They sit by the sea, as they always have.
He twists a branch savagely between his fingers, and Saedhruin's soft singing is barely heard above the sighing of the water. Lehtion sits with back straight, legs crossed, in an exaggerated version of the elder Elf's posture. Another day he might have sprawled flat on his back to watch the bloodied sky fade to black, but today he is angry.
"Too angry for a sunset?" The branch spins ever faster in his hands and begins to crack in places. The small fire crackles, the sea sighs, and Saedhruin's singing returns unburdened.
The branch breaks, and is tossed to the flames.
"Navaer, heryn Anor." Saedhruin says softly, and despite himself Lehtion snorts, entirely ruining the blank expression his face had been forced into. Wiseman, the people here call him, yet Lehtion can remember countless songs to praise each sunrise and sunset, crafted in the forebidden language of his childhood and sung from every throat with reverence. Farewell, Lady Sun, is all this Elf will say, and in the language of the grey Elves. He cannot hate him, for all his wishes.
Saedhruin's gentle smile across the fire catches him. Reflected fire, bright and piercing, he can see and name and know for itself. The light of Aman is visible in every Elf it touches, and Lehtion's own gaze scatters before it. He has never seen the light of the Trees, and never will. He settles for glaring into the fire instead, even as the last traces of blood fade from the sky overhead.
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nonono-zzz · 2 years ago
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Vanica, new OC... mom said I could get a pet, brought home this!🤨🫠❤️ pic.twitter.com/bMV2W2jQmM
— Parf 🍨🍧 (@ParfaitDesu) September 28, 2022
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digitalchannel-blog · 3 years ago
#Gucci: all about this world brand
  #parfum #perfume #m #parfume #fragrance #parfumoriginal #parfummurah #parf #parfumwanita  #parfumpria #parfumori #perfumecollection #jualparfum #eaudeparfum #scent #parfumcewek #parfumcowok #makeup #love
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parf-fan · 5 months ago
2022 – Rakish Rogues – September 10 – Wizarding Weekend
Please note that this footage is from 2022, not the current season.
General warnings:
*Audio is just really unbalanced and boy howdy is there surrounding noise.
*I don't always point the camera quite right or notice when it slips.
* I sat too near the stage to always get them all in frame at once.
*I cheer into the microphone and it seems shriller than usual.
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parf-fan · 4 months ago
If anyone is curious how seriously I take my archival efforts, or how much I've learned from/since 2022, behold my field guides for ONE show on ONE weekend:
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This is gonna be the year I finally have enough footage of enough types to make a proper cinematic edit like I've wanted to since 2017.
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parf-fan · 3 months ago
And that's a wrap for the 2024 season! For my part, I enjoyed the hell out of the season and did not end it with closure (through no fault of my own, for once). The only reason I'm not in a rotten headspace about the lack of closure is reflected in my choice of phrasing for the opening of this post: the sheer amount of footage I captured this year and the anticipation of finally getting to sink my teeth into it, putting together that cinematic edit I've been dreaming about since 2017.
Final count: One-hundred and nineteen (119) shows. Three-hundred and twenty-three (323) gigabytes. Seventy-one hours, twenty-five minutes, and thirty-nine seconds (71:25:39) of footage.
As part of reviewing all this footage to begin work on those cinematic edits, I'll get started right away on posting the raw footage to the PARF-fan Facebook. This will not, I fear, be a swift process. It took me twenty-one days to get through the twenty-six videos from 2022, which I cared about significantly less than these.
As a compromise, I've begun posting individual one-off numbers from Finales in Song to the PARF-fan Highlights youtube channel. If there are any particular moments you would like access to sooner, message me and I'll toss 'em up there. I recorded every single Finale from the Saturday of Viking Weekend through the end of the season, with the exception of both days of Wizarding Weekend (as I was ill at the time, no I will not stop being salty about that). I also have the Saturday Finale of Pyrates' Invasion; as well as Off The Cuff on 9/21, 9/29, 10/6, 10/12, 10/19, 10/20, and 10/27; and Whose Jest from 9/21 and 10/13. (For that matter, I have the 2023 Finales from 9/30, 10/1, 10/14, and 10/22; and 2023 Off The Cuff from 10/1 and 10/22; and 2023 Boarshead Brawl with its multiple endings from 9/16, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/14, 10/15, 10/21, 10/22, 10/28, and 10/29; and I'd have more if I'd realized sooner that the ending changed daily rather than weekly, and also if it hadn't rained so blessed much.)
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parf-fan · 5 months ago
Masterlist of recent PARF videographers
Inspired by a comment on my update of sorts in which the commenter stated that it had never occurred to them to see if anyone had filmed PARF, I present to you a post I have been intending to make literally since starting this blog.
● Michael Ulrich – PARF footage as far back as 2004, hitting stride around 2015, stopping at the end of 2022. Most of the older stuff is scattered in amongst the 2018 footage and again between 2020 and 2021. An excellent source for a one-off example of most in-house shows each year. Quite important for reviewing the Megan-Zach-Mary 'verse. Some of the highest-quality footage. ● Renaissance Road Trips (formerly known as maddog015) – PARF footage as far back as 2007. More out-of-house stuff than in-house, though they've been expanding to include a little more in-house in recent years. Contains footage from many different Faires, so sifting will be required if you are exclusively interested in PARF. Divides shows up into many pieces, which is handy if you want to reference a specific moment, but cumbersome if you want to just watch a whole show. Footage quality is perfectly reasonable, though not professional-level. Home of THE Halloween Finale of 2017.
● PARF Performers (formerly known as wavking) – PARF footage from 2011 through 2021, excepting 2014 and 2020. Filming is somewhat scattered and not systematic until around 2016. Occasional videos from NJRF and from non-Faire events taking place on PARF grounds. Overall the best source for Finales and an even selection of everything else for 2016-2018, petering off in 2019. Indispensable for reviewing the Megan-Zach-Mary 'verse, though less so the Mary part. Footage quality is perfectly reasonable, though not professional-level.
● Steve Kossor – PARF footage as far back as 2013. Very little in-house stuff; mostly focused on the artists who fall under the heading of “musicians of the shire”, both individually and as a whole. Plenty of stuff from other Faires, too. Most videos are clearly labeled. If you never got to witness the actual Pub Sing from the Before Times, this is where to look, particularly 2019. Very fancy filming, often including multiple cameras at different angles on the same day (goals tbh). Occasional interviews and such. Scattered throughout are videos completely unrelated to Faire, 'cause he's gotta put 'em somewhere.
● MerlinWinchestr – PARF footage as far back as 2013. Hits stride in 2016 (I think), at which point she carefully archives one example of each main-season plotline show, and sometimes Halloween, as well as scattered highlights. Literally the only person besides me to actually bother with non-Halloween plot before 2018, for which I owe her a small portion of my soul. Indispensable for reviewing the Megan-Zach part of the Megan-Zach-Mary 'verse. Nothing from PARF in 2018 or 2019 due to moving to a different state, but filmed stuff from other Faires in the interim. Picked up again in 2020, and expanded the number of shows filmed. Recent videos are carefully labeled. Footage quality is perfectly reasonable, though not professional-level. Scattered throughout are many clips from various unrelated concerts and cons and sometimes reenactment, as well as quite a lot of fandom edits of (predictably) both Merlin and Supernatural.
● Joseph Germano – PARF footage as far back as 2015. Almost entirely in-house; largely storyline, combat, improv. Initially filmed things exclusively for himself and his family, not listing the videos publicly for years. As such, the quality of camerawork can occasionally leave something to be desired (though much less, in my opinion, than he claims), hence his playlist called “MeadVision”. Filled the void left by PARF Performers's petering off, and is owed a small portion of my soul for archiving so much Disasterpiece in 2019. Footage quality is perfectly reasonable, though not professional-level. Chronology is a mere suggestion until 2021.
● PARF fan – If you're interested in 2017 plotline and combat, I've got everything I filmed up on the YouTube except for Halloween Joust and Halloween Finale. I've also got loads of raw footage of in-house stuff from the first half the 2020 season over on the Facebook. Effort is made with cinematography, though it sometimes backfires. Videos are carefully labeled, but only in the titles, not the thumbnails. Footage quality is perfectly tolerable, though far from professional-level, and the sound is sometimes bad (didn't have a fancy camera until the 2022 season). Indispensable for reviewing 2017, frankly.
● PA Renaissance Faire – PARF footage from 2018 only. One each Court, Melee, Bloody Best, some of the main-season individual Chess fights, Halloween Court, Halloween Chess, and a whole bunch of in-house songs from sundry Finales, many of which were not archived in any other form elsewhere (that I know of).
● Ren Faire with Rose – PARF footage as far back as 2018. Nigh-on exclusively in-house. Mostly highlights rather than entire shows. Features occasional streetwork, particularly from 2019, which is beyond value. Mostly chronological, but 2022 and 2023 and 2024 are intermittently jumbled. Tbh, I haven't gotten around to watching enough of their footage to comment on the quality of camera or camerawork.
● Dan Gualtieri – The newest member of this “team” (none of us actually coordinate or otherwise work together, though we should). Videos from 2022, 2023, and 2024. Mixture of highlights and full shows. Has already filled several gaps. I haven't actually watched any of his videos yet, so I cannot provide comment on camera or camerawork.
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parf-fan · 5 months ago
I come bearing an update of sorts, featuring my usual lack of brevity.
I have spoken previously on here about my grand and lofty multistepped video-editing plans that require learning and hefty investment of time and energy. I've also spoken about how Executive Function Deficit Disorder – more officially but misleadingly known as adhd – leaves me with a consistent deficit of time and energy, and brings about floundering on multistepped processes.
I captured a reasonable amount of footage in 2022, and quite a bit of footage in 2023. I am on track to capture quite a lot of footage in 2024, potentially even with minimal detracting from my own enjoyment of the shows at the time. Some of you may recall that I filmed more shows during the 2020 season than I did not, and posted about half of them on the PARF-fan Facebook, unscreened and unedited. I also still have unprocessed footage from 2018 and even 2017, the years on which I cut my metaphorical teeth as far as archiving the Faire goes. My intention is for all of this to land on the PARF-fan YouTube in one form or another, but I insist on it happening in chronological order. None of this jumping around year to year for me.
I've also spoken here before about how it is unfair of me to withhold what I've archived just because it's not yet to my standards. This season, I am resolved to have my shit together with filming more than ever before, and that makes such withholding even sillier. To that end, I shall be posting what I film this year more or less as I go, giving it a basic screening to ensure nothing is too objectionable, and leaving the proper editing for later. As stated, it shall be on the Facebook and not the YouTube, though YouTube plays videos better (almost like that's its purpose or something), because I am far more willing to play fast and loose with chronology on Facebook.
However! Because of personal reasons unrelated to chronology, I am unwilling to address 2022 after 2024. To that end, I shall begin this process with my 2022 footage and make my way through my 2023 footage before posting my 2024 footage. All footage from the Megan-Zach-Mary 'verse shall wait until I'm caught up on the Jules 'verse. I'm hoping to get at least two videos posted each day – which will still make it more than a month before I get to 2024, so I'll make every effort to post more frequently than that; but it simply won't be viable at all times.
I shall start the upload process as soon as I've posted this li'l update.
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parf-fan · 1 year ago
dost thou plan to attend the faire this year? —a blackfryar most curious
Sorry for not bothering to check my askbox sooner, but yes. I didn't make it to opening weekend because the 60th anniversary of the summer camp I attended growing up was on Saturday, and I was subsequently WAAAAAY too tired to even consider going to Faire on Sunday. Neither of these were difficult decisions to make. I have been unhappy enough about enough aspects of PARF the last two years (2022 and especially 2021) to not feel any kind of way about missing opening weekend. You'll note the coma that this blog has been in for that same amount of time – these things are related. In some ways, I have no real room to complain, as I've never sent the Faire any feedback about their lessening quality; but that's simply because I've not yet had the heart to face the emotional labor that writing it all up will entail.
But yes, I will be attending this year. I'm hoping to attend a little more than I did last year, and I'm steeling myself for that to be at the cost of going in costume sometimes, and certainly at the cost of making anything for Faire during the season – whether for myself or as gifts for the actors. As was the case last year, I do not anticipate PARF being my primary Special Interest this season (which is the most damning thing I can say about what the past two seasons were like, particularly 2021), and it is more than likely that this blog will remain barren of new materiel for the indeterminate future. (That being said, if anybody wants to geek out with me about my current primary Special Interest, it's Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and I love it so much and it makes up a solid three-quarters of my main blog right now, and it's genuinely so damn good and the storytelling artistry is off the charts.)
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parf-fan · 2 years ago
why Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Regina Gloriana wearing Anna’s ballgown from Frozen?
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parf-fan · 2 years ago
Actual plotline, my beloved.
(Now, I do want to be clear here: I believe that the reason the 2021 season didn’t really have a plot until Halloween was so that everything could still continue if any given actor caught covid and had to sit a couple weeks out.  This is my own conclusion, based on the observation of a friend that Tournament of Arms was probably put in place for that same reason, but for combat.  This also explains why 2021 Queen Elizabeth could have been replaced with a regal lamp and nothing would change – there was every possibility that they might actually have to do that.  If that is, indeed, the case, then I hold no quarrel with anyone responsible for the lack of plot.  I just..... really wish somebody had told me at the time.  Anyway, my point here is to say that, as far as my understanding goes, I am not having a go at anybody for 2021 having no plot – but Boy Fucking Howdy does it feel good to see it this year.)
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find-the-path · 2 years ago
Oc-tober Day 8 - Wonder - Branniar
"Ai, alae!"
It is an understatement, surely, and Branniar is dimly aware of Sardan grinning like a loon beside him. He doesn't care right now though, not with the whole of Evendim laid out before them like a painting of a land out of legend, from the fog rolling off the distant northern reaches of Emyn Uial to Annúminas glittering like a jewel in the sun. He steps forward tentatively, the weather-worn stone of the Colossus firm beneath his feet. The view from the bluffs over Men Erain is nothing to this.
"Here," Sardan grips his arm and pulls him, step light and uncaring of the drop, over to the edge of the star-tipped crown Elendil bears. They sit, feet dangling over the High King's stern brow, and look out. "There is much that needs repair here, but it is hale enough to hold a few men."
High above, the sun climbs ever higher in the sky and the mists over the lake begin to burn away. Far below, the miniture figure of Cudhaer tinkers with the old siege engine. In the distance, beyond Emyn Uial, Branniar can see the Blue Mountains rise like a towering wall, a sentinel to watch over this hidden land of theirs. A wind stirs the trees on the far shore.
With a bird's eye view, Evendim looks as wild, untamed, and ancient as it had sixty-odd years before, when Calenglad had led them through Parth Aduial and to its shining shores. He breaths in, then out once more. Clean, crisp northern air floods his lungs, and he smiless.
"How fare the northern estates?" Sardan breaks a silence grown long, and Branniar draws himself back from his contemplation of the view. The young man elaborates, "The lighthouse and Barad Tharsír trouble us often, and it has been some days since we heard from Tinnudir."
"We have kept a handle on them," Branniar answers bluntly, "But little beyond that. Orchalwë led a sortie up yesterday and I hear they found some victory on the slopes of Tham Ornen. Even as often as we drive them out, there is little chance we will hold it for long."
The wind of distant trees reaches them at last, ruffling their hair and stirring cloaks, and Sardan swears softly when his hair loosens itself from its knot and falls into his face. The tie falls, almost slowly, from his shoulder off the crowned Colossus altogether, and the two watch it drift with the wind until they lose sight of it. Sardan curses once more, heartfelt, and Branniar chuckles.
"We shall find you another, I have no doubt." In the meantime, Sardan tugs his hood up to tame his hair.
The sun reaches its zenith overhead and begins its long descent, but the pair do not stir for an hour more. Even then, they are reluctant to depart this elevated world, but Evendim is not safe yet, and there is work to be done.
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