#because they are HAPPY and HAVING A GOOD DAY damnit
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starbuck · 1 year ago
i just want to go one day without having to go through extreme stress and emotional whiplash i feel like i am going to have a fucking breakdown.
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chancloud8 · 2 months ago
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series masterlist
Pairing: OT8 x reader
Word Count: 3,9k
Tags: Intro, bodyguard!ot8, idol!reader
Summary: Meeting your new bodyguards doesn't go as smoothly as everyone hoped..
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‘I don’t need a group of bodyguards,’ you repeat for what feels like the hundredth time. 
Your manager Yoona doesn’t even look at you anymore and you fight the urge to stamp your feet like a little child to get her attention. You won’t stoop that low though, so instead you place your hands on your hips and glare at the woman who’s been by your side since you debuted about two years ago. 
‘We’re not having this discussion again, y/n,’ Yoona says, her eyes still fixed on her phone screen. ‘Your popularity is growing by the day, you’ve received multiple death threats in the last few months and in case you forgot, last week someone tried to break into your home.’ 
Your shoulders deflate and your hands fall down beside your body. You can’t really argue with that, but you’ve grown so accustomed to having Faris at your side as your one and only bodyguard, that the thought of eight men taking his place makes you shiver. Who the hell needed eight freaking bodyguards? You weren’t a princess for fuck’s sake. 
Yoona finally looks at you then. ‘It’s very important to us to keep you safe, darling. I know it will be an adjustment, but you’ll get used to it.’ 
‘But eight?’ you argue, trying once more. ‘Do I really need eight men following my every move?’ 
‘That’s why we’re placing some of them around you with other jobs as well, kind of like undercover bodyguards,’ Yoona smiles at you like that makes it any better. 
You slump down in the chair across from Yoona and frown at her. What could bodyguards possibly go undercover as in your team? Woman, sure, no problem, but a muscled man? They’d stand out immediately. 
‘What do you mean?’ you ask carefully, not sure if you even want to know. 
‘They all have multiple skill sets, but we decided on adding three of them as your dancers and one will probably step in as a personal assistant of sorts,’ Yoona explains, her eyes once more on her phone screen. 
‘Why?’ you blurt out. ‘I don’t even need new dancers? We’re not firing anyone are we?’ 
You were perfectly happy with your team as it was and it would kill you to let any of them go because Yoona decided you needed eight freaking men to watch you. 
Yoona sighed and put down her phone. ‘We’re not firing anyone, but Dohyun is still recovering from his injury and Ju-won has asked for a few months off to visit his family. As for why, it will allow them to be around you more casually.’ 
Damnit. That actually made sense. 
‘And you’re sure they can dance?’ you ask, already knowing the answer. Yoona would never suggest something like this if they couldn’t. 
‘Yes, y/n, they can dance. I think you’ll be impressed actually.’ 
That makes you curious. Yoona isn’t easily impressed, so if she thinks you’ll approve, they must be good. Maybe you should give them a chance, or just be such a brat they run away screaming. 
‘Fine,’ you sigh. ‘When will I meet them?’ 
Yoona looks at her watch and your eyes widen at the movement. She wouldn’t do this to you, would she? 
‘They’ll be here in an hour to meet you,’ Yoona says and you let out a relieved breath. ‘You better be back here by then or I will let one of them drag you here by your ear.’ 
‘Bossy much,’ you whisper, but you don’t really mean it. You luckily have a very good relationship with your manager and even though she drives you up a wall sometimes, you know she has your best interest at heart. 
Yoona rolls her eyes at you and waves her hand at the door. ‘Go be bratty somewhere else, I’ll see you in an hour.’ 
You bark out a laugh and jump up from the chair. ‘As you wish, my Queen,’ you say, doing a little courtesy. 
Your current bodyguard Faris is waiting for you in the hallway, a smile on his handsome face as he spots you. 
‘Good talk?’ he asks, following one step behind you. 
‘You knew about this, didn’t you?’ you ask, glaring at him over your shoulder. 
‘I’m the one who recommended them actually,’ Faris says and only his quick reflexes stop him from walking straight into your back as you stop walking immediately at his words. 
‘What?’ you turn around to frown at him. ‘Why would you do that to me?’ 
Faris raises his eyebrows and stares down at you with a knowing look, his arms crossing over his chest. 
‘Fine,’ you roll your eyes at him. ‘I know why, Yoona was so kind to remind me, but I still don’t get why it has to be eight.’ 
‘It might seem excessive to you Nabi,’ Faris says, addressing you with your stage name which he knows usually softens you. ‘But you don’t see all that we see and trust me when I say that once you’re on tour, you’ll be happy to have them by your side. It gets crazy out there.’ 
‘I know that, but undercover bodyguards?’ you make a face. ‘I’m not royalty.’ 
Faris chuckles and with a gentle push on your shoulder, he guides you further through the hallway and towards the studio you were working at before Yoona called you to her office. It was one of the things you really liked about your agency. Nearly everything you needed was in the same building. 
‘You may as well be and I trust Chan and his guys to keep you safe,’ Faris says as he holds a door open for you. 
‘So you really know them?’ you ask, sitting down at the desk you were working at before. Your laptop is still open on the editing program you work with and there are multiple notebooks, paper coffee cups and empty candy wrappers spread all around it. ‘Did you work with them before?’ 
‘I trained 3RACHA actually,’ Faris nods. ‘Chan and I had multiple gigs together after that and I’ve only heard good things about the others as well. I’m confident I’m leaving you in good hands.’ 
‘You shouldn’t be leaving me at all,’ you groan, throwing your head back against your chair. ‘But I understand and I hope that when I have a husband one day, he'll do the same for me.’ 
Faris just smiles at that and gets comfortable on the couch facing the door. He knows better than to get into this conversation with you again. Last time you ended up facetiming his wife in tears and he ended up having to calm down two crying women. 
‘Wait, did you just say sriracha?’ you sit up in your chair when your brain suddenly realizes what he had just said. ‘As in the hot sauce?’
‘No, I said 3RACHA, that’s what they called themselves back then,’ Faris replies, glancing at you. ‘I think they made music together in their free time, before they started their own company.’ 
Huh. Interesting. Why on earth would they go from making music together to becoming bodyguards? 
‘So all eight of them made music together?’ you ask curiously. 
‘No, just Chan, Jisung and Changbin. I think they mostly rapped, but if you’re interested in knowing more, you can always ask. It could break the ice when you meet them,’ Faris suggests, winking at you. 
‘I’ll pass, I don’t want them to think I’m happy about this arrangement,’ you murmur, turning your chair so your back is to Faris. ‘Will you tell me when it’s time to go?’ 
‘Don’t I always?’ he chuckles. 
You flip him off without looking and put on your headphones. Time to edit some more music. 
You’re so engrossed in your music, that it takes Faris multiple tries to get you to put down your headphones. He even goes as far as opening the blinds to let the light in, making you whimper and flinch by the intrusion of it. 
‘Alright, alright,’ you yell, your eyes scrunched close. ‘I beg for mercy, I’ll come with you.’ 
Faris laughs and closes the blinds, once again developing the room in darkness, just how you like it. He has scolded you many times before about how bad it is for your eyes to squint at your screen in a dark room, but you rarely listen to him about it. 
‘If you think about telling my new watch dogs this trick of yours, I’ll haunt you,’ you warn Faris when the two of you walk towards Yoona’s office. 
Faris makes a movement with his hands as if he’s zipping his lips closed and you nod happily at him, trusting him to keep his word. 
‘How late are we?’ you ask, having forgotten your phone in the studio when Faris basically dragged you out by your arm. 
‘About five minutes too early,’ he smiles proudly. 
Of fucking course. He’s been working with you for two years so he knows all your annoying traits by now, including having a habit of being late because you simply forget the time when you’re working. 
‘What will I do without you,’ you pout at him, ignoring the nervous butterflies in your stomach as you near Yoona’s office. 
‘You’ll be just fine, Nabi,’ Faris says and you’re not sure if he means it as a reply to what you just said or as a reassurance before meeting your new team of bodyguards. 
Taking a deep breath, you turn towards Faris. ‘How do I look?’ 
‘I thought you didn’t care?’ he grins, but he reaches out to flatten a few wild strands of your hair. 
You blow him a kiss, put on a straight face and turn around to knock on the door before pushing it open. The first thing you’re greeted with is the silhouette of 4 men standing with their back to you. Each of them have broad muscular shoulders that are clearly visible under the black suit jacket they’re wearing, the fabric straining like they’re wearing a size too small. 
The man on the right turns around when you enter and you nearly gasp at his beauty. His hair is styled to show a little v of his forehead and the black strands nearly reach his eyes. Jesus. He could be a model if he wanted too. He raises his eyebrows at you when you just stare at him for a moment, before he nudges the man next to him. 
‘Are you fucking kidding me,’ you mutter under your breathe when the other man turns around and piercing eyes meet yours. 
Of course he’s beautiful as well. What the hell was Yoona thinking? 
‘Ah, Y/N, there you are,’ Yoona says when she notices you. ‘On time, even.’ 
You roll your eyes and stroll forward to her desk, ignoring the four men as you make your way around them. In that little moment you forget there’s supposed to be more of them and when you turn to stand next to Yoona and see the chairs in front of her desk filled with four more gorgeous men, you nearly stumble. 
Yoona grins at you and you narrow your eyes at the woman. 
‘You think this is funny, don’t you?’ you grumble at her. ‘Where did you even find them? heaven?’ 
One of the men snorts before trying to cover it up with a cough. 
‘Don’t mind her gentleman, she’s in a mood today,’ Yoona smiles. 
‘I wonder why,’ you mutter, sending a fake smile in the direction of the bodyguards. 
‘That’s alright, it must be a lot to take in,’ one of them says with such a deep voice that your eyes widen. 
It must look comical, cause the same man that snorted earlier, lets out a giggle. ‘Don’t worry, Miss, it’s how everyone reacts to first hearing Felix’s voice,’ 
You want to focus on him calling you Miss, but the urge to see which face belongs to the deep voice is stronger.
‘Who’s Felix?’ you ask, your eyes searching the men in front of you. 
‘I am,’ the only blonde man of the group says, lifting his hand to show you where he is. He’s absolutely stunning with freckles sprinkled over his nose and cheeks. 
‘Holy shit, is that your real voice?’ you ask without thinking, slapping your hand in front of your mouth as soon as the words come out. 
He laughs and a few of the other men chuckle as well. 
‘It is, sometimes it gets even deeper,’ he says. 
‘Yeah, Lix actually has like three different voices,’ the man who called you Miss grins. 
It’s getting annoying not to know his name, but you don’t want to ask and seem interested. Luckily one of the men at the back seems to read your mind somehow. 
‘Why don’t we all introduce ourselves, my name is Bang Chan, but you can call me Chan. I’m the leader and head of your security team as of now. So if you experience any problems with our service in any way, I’m the one you can come to.’ 
‘Noted,’ you mumble, ignoring Yoona’s glare at your rudeness. 
So that’s Chan. Faris forgot to mention how beautiful his trainee was and you were so going to punch his arm for that later. 
‘I’m Lee Minho,’ the one with the piercing stare says. ‘I’ll be joining your dance team.’ 
Fuck. Of course he is. 
‘So will I,’ Felix smiles. ‘Lee Felix.’
‘And me, Hwang Hyunjin,’ the man closest to you winks. 
Great. They were absolutely going to kill you. In more ways than one. 
Biting your lip you wait for the last four to introduce themselves and pray to all the gods that Miss guy is going to be your assistant. He already feels like the most easy going out of all eight and if you need to work with one of them closely, you’d rather it be him than anyone else. 
‘Kim Seungmin, I’ll be one of your bodyguards’ the one who noticed you first says, his eyes flicking up and down your body as if he’s calculating how much of a flight risk you are. 
Oh just you wait and see buddy. 
‘I’m Yang Jeongin, but you can call me Innie or Ayen,’ the very cute man in front of Seungmin smiles and you nearly smile back at him. 
Finally the man you’ve been waiting for speaks up. ‘I’m Han Jisung, your new assistant.’ 
You cheer in your head, keeping a straight face as you look at the last man. He’s definitely the most buff of them all, his biceps really testing the fabric of his suit jacket. 
‘And I’m Seo Changbin, also part of your daily bodyguard squad.’ 
‘You’re all way too beautiful to be bodyguards,’ you say, crossing your arms with a frown while tapping your foot on the ground. 
Yoona makes a noise beside you and you don’t dare to look at her. She’ll definitely lecture you later, but this is all on her anyways. 
‘Worried your fans will fawn over us?’ Jisung jokes, winking at you. 
Your lips tip up in a tiny smile, but you quickly straighten your face. It was going to be hard to be a brat to them, but you were nothing if you weren’t stubborn. You’re not going to just warm up to them because they were hot and funny. Nope. Not going to happen. 
‘More like you’d be too busy worrying about your good looks to protect me,’ you say, raising your eyebrows at them. 
‘Aren’t you a ray of sunshine,’ Minho grumbles, placing his hand on Jisung’s shoulder as if to comfort him. ‘You won’t have to worry about that, looking this good doesn’t cost us much.’
You open your mouth to reply, but Yoona gets up and goes to stand next to you. 
‘That’s enough Y/N,’ she hisses before smiling her million dollar smile to the men. ‘As you can see Y/N hasn’t really warmed up to the idea of having this many eyes on her all the time.’ 
‘Don’t you have that all the time though,’ Seungmin says directly to you. 
You glare at him. ‘That’s not the same. 
He just shrugs. ‘We don’t want anything from you like your fans or stalkers. We’re not here to be your friends, we’re just here to keep you safe. That’s all that should matter.’ 
His words hit you harder than they should and you can’t help but flinch. The idol life isn't great for maintaining friendships and since you weren’t in a group, the only people you really had around you to talk to were your bodyguard Faris, Yoona and your dancers. You didn’t have a best friend, or even really friends in general, not since high school ended. 
‘Min!’ Chan calls out, glaring at the man. 
You square your shoulders and tilt your head, putting another fake smile on your face. ‘It’s fine, he’s right isn’t he.’ 
‘No, he’s not,’ Chan shakes his head. ‘Listen-’ 
‘It’s fine,’ you repeat, interrupting him. ‘How about I’ll show Jisung his office and we can go over the schedule for next week?’ 
Chan frowns down at you, sharing a look with Jisung and Yoona, but then he nods. You give him a nod back in thanks and without looking at any of the other guys you make a beeline for the door, hoping Jisung will follow you. 
‘Well, that went great,’ you hear someone say before you step outside. 
Faris frowns when he sees the look on your face, but he doesn’t say anything and falls into step behind you like he always does. It’s one of the things you love about him, he always knows when to not ask questions. You can hear him and Jisung quietly talking behind you, but you don’t mind, they know each other after all. 
‘Well, here we are,’ you say, opening the door of the small office area next to the studio you usually work at. ‘You can arrange everything how you like and if you need anything you can ask Yoona.’ 
‘I wasn’t expecting an office,’ Jisung smiles at you, stepping inside the room to take a look. 
It’s not much. Just a desk with a comfortable chair and a computer, a two person couch and in the corner there’s a bookcase that so far only houses a cactus, your first three albums and a box with documents your last assistant left behind. 
‘Of course you get an office, can’t have you shacking up with me in the studio,’ you say, trying to joke with him. 
‘Hey, about what Seungmin said,’ Jisung starts, sitting down in his desk chair and twirling around. ‘He’s just very serious about his job, he didn’t really mean the part about us not being your friends.’ 
‘It’s fine,’ you shrug. ‘You’re not really meant to be my friends anyways, you’re hired to protect me.’ 
‘Yeah, you don’t look too happy about that. Why is that?’ Jisung asks and he sounds genuinely curious. ‘I mean, sure we’re a whole lot, but isn’t it nice to know you’ll be safe?’ 
‘Safe? Yes. Watched by eight, I repeat, eight men? No thank you, I don’t need that.’ 
Jisung tilts his head and purses his lips in thought, like he’s actually trying to see this from your side. ‘I get it, I do, I’ve lived with most of them for the last few years and like I said, we can be a lot.’ 
‘But?’ you ask, falling down on the couch in front of Jisung’s new desk. ‘I feel there’s a but there.’ 
‘You really have no idea, do you?’ Jisung leans his chin on his palm as he looks at you. ‘We’ve seen the threats Y/N, we’ve seen the video’s of handsy fans, we’ve seen the footage of that dude trying to break into your house. It’s a miracle really that nothing has happened to you so far with only Faris by your side.’ 
‘He’s right, Nabi,’ Faris says from his spot by the door. 
‘Okay, maybe more than one bodyguard would be better,’ you say slowly. ‘But eight? I still think it’s a bit much, especially the undercover bit.’ 
Jisung shrugs and leans back in his chair, folding his hands behind his head. ‘Maybe so, but at least you’ll know you will be safe.’ 
‘I guess,’ you mumble. 
‘Wanna go over the schedule for next week with me?’ Jisung asks. ‘Get your mind off all this for a bit?’ 
You jump up from the couch immediately and walk around the desk to stand next to him while he starts up the computer. 
About half an hour later you’re fairly confident Jisung will make a good assistant. He’s written down your interviews and gigs for the coming month and made a list of all the things he wanted to take care of before that. It was cute how he wanted to do it right. 
‘Knock, knock,’ a voice called out from the door and when you looked up you saw Chan and Changbin hugging Faris. 
‘How’s it going here?’ Chan smiles at you as he walks inside, his hands in his pocket. He probably tried to come off less intimidating like that, but it didn’t really work. 
‘Fine,’ you say, looking at the computer screen again. 
If you kept your eyes on him you’d probably drool all over your favorite studio outfit. That man was way too fine. 
‘It’s going great, Channie,’ Jisung says. ‘We’ve been getting along perfectly without the ice kings here.’ 
‘Don’t let them hear you call them that,’ Chan chuckles, moving to sit on the couch. ‘I hope we’ll be able to make this work, Y/N. I take great pride in my work and I’ll do anything I can to make you feel comfortable around us.’ 
Ugh. Why did he have to be so kind too? 
‘Thank you,’ you mutter, your eyes still on the screen. 
‘We’ll promise not to impose your privacy too much when we move in, but–’ 
Your head snaps up to look at him then and from the corner of your eyes you notice Jisung covering his face with his hands. 
‘What did you just say?’ you ask, standing up. ‘Please tell me I didn’t just hear you say the words moving in?’ 
‘Uhm,’ Chan tilts his head in confusion. ‘I thought you knew?’ 
‘Knew. What?’ you growl, your fingers balling up in fists. 
‘Oh boy,’ Jisung whispers and you turn to glare at him. 
‘You knew about this?’ 
‘Uhm, we all did? And we figured so would you,’ he shrugs, looking at you with big innocent eyes. 
You close your eyes, not at all immune to those brown doe eyes. If you keep looking at him you will stop being angry and you can’t do that. Not now. 
‘If somebody doesn’t tell me very soon what exactly this thing I’m supposed to know is, I will scream,’ you clench your jaw and take a shaky breath. 
This can’t be happening. They are not moving into your house with you. Yoona won’t do that to you, not after your talk this morning. Right? You close your eyes in frustration, already knowing the answer to your own question. She will. 
‘Such a drama queen,’ a new voice speaks up from the door and when you turn your head, already seeing red, you see Minho smirking at you. 
Changbin and Faris look concerned and when you look back at Chan, he actually looks like he’s pitying you. Fuck. 
‘Just say it already.’
‘Well, we’re supposed to move into your new house with you,’ Chan says, confirming it. 
Oh hell no. 
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a/n: eeeeeeekkk I'm so excited for this series you have no idea!! I wasn't going to upload till tomorrow, but @staylovesmiley made me flip a coin and here I am at midnight, feeding you the first chapter.
Please let me know your thoughts <3
taglist: @jaeminie-cricket @jeonginsbaee @staylovesmiley @newbbystay @cashtonsbetch @mariahxrrera @kaleigh-2002 @silencionyx @smileykiddie08 @my-neurodivergent-world @yaorzu-blog @yoongiismylove2018 @staytinyluv @bookswillfindyouaway @queen-thiccness @notastraykid @ateez-atiny380 @estella-novella @furfoxsake22 @hyunjinhoexxx @insomnjen @hannahisnotblue @vivilovesuu @velvetmoonlght @skz8love @eastjonowhere @stellmeiv @bookishcaptain @flylis @deadpool15 @0325ale @thatgirlangelb @iknow-uknow-leeknow @nchhuhi @shycreationdreamland @readr1221 @beewilko
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chunghasweetie · 9 months ago
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— part 2
— pairing | fem!oc x dealer!jjk
— summary | always giving out free shit to his favorite customer
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
smut, bickering, cussing, drugs🍃, plug jk, dirty talk, belittling, pussy eating, protected sex, porn making, friends with benefits(?), etc
— word count | 2.09k words
— song suggestion | everyday — ariana grande
“I can’t believe this man is really out here waiting outside like this.” Y/n groaned to herself.
She was meeting him once again for pre rolls, some dispos, and enough weed for her and her best friends.
Usually for anyone else it would be a bit strange for a plug to show up at their front door but Jungkook seemed very comfortable doing so.
Unluckily for her, she was very close to the plug.
He had been pulling up to her place everytime she wanted something. And he was more than happy to do it.
She was wearing a pink low cut top with a matching mini skirt. Her makeup was done up nice and her hair was curled to perfection.
She didn’t have much plans for the day. However, knowing that she was ordering from Jungkook, she knew she had to look somewhat presentable.
It’s not like she had to try too hard, she was gorgeous naturally. She had a body people would kill for and a face many would pay to even resemble.
“Hey mama.” The man bit his lip, checking her out at the doorstep.
“I don’t see anything.” Y/n looked at both of his hands and his front pockets. “Jungkook I swear if—“
“You’re already bugging.” Jungkook rolled his eyes. “I have it. A ‘hey’ would’ve been nice.” He stepped into her home.
“And it would’ve been nice to ask to come in.” She shut the door behind him.
“You’re so so pretty but your mouth—“ He exhaled. “You’re annoying.”
“Yet I’m your favoriteee customer.” She teased.
“Hell no. You’re not my favorite.” He shook his head, walking over to her counter, tossing everything he brought on there.
“Oh really?” She cocked her eyebrow. “You’re such a liar.”
“Psh- Why would I lie?” He looked over at her. “You’re honestly my least favorite.”
She could laugh. “Least favorite?”
“You heard me mama.” He shook his head. “You’re so annoying, rude, and you don’t even pay me.”
“I don’t pay you because you’re always tryna fuck.” She rolled her eyes at his insults.
“Trying to?” He laughed. “You act like I’m not successful every time.”
Wasn’t a lie. He was even laying it down when she didn’t order from him.
“You’re so annoying.” She groaned.
“I’m annoying? You texted me to drop off your shit and gave me attitude the second I came in!” He argued.
Also true.
That was their dynamic. Always having petty arguments as their way of flirting with each other. It was annoying but also very entertaining for the both of them.
“Oh my gosh. You’re already starting something.” She shook her head. “Go fucking change so we can watch a movie.”
“No way.” Jungkook fake gasped, touching his heart. “You’re letting me spend the night again mama? I’m so honored!”
“I hate you.”
“No way.” Jungkook’s jaw dropped at the sight of the scene on TV.
Jungkook and Y/n had been sharing a blunt on her couch and were heavily tuned into That 70s Show.
They had been watching the show together since the beginning of him coming over.
The two were cuddled up, Y/n stroking his hair as they watched the show.
It was the scene in which Jackie and Hyde had been secretly hooking up over the summer, and no one was as shocked as Jungkook.
Y/n had watched the series more than once, and seeing Jungkook’s reaction had her weak with laughter.
“That was so unexpected.” He announced. “But honestly, I’ve been thinking they looked good together.”
“Told you.” She shook her head.
“You didn’t tell me shit!” He turned over to her.
“Whatever.” She took another hit of the shared blunt.
“Pass it to me.”
“Damnit woman.” He furrowed his eyebrows. “You’re so fucking irritating but you’re so hot.”
“Awe. You’re such a sweetheart.” She answered sarcastically.
“Keep fucking playing with me.” He stared her down. “Been giving me attitude all night. I’ll straighten that out so fast.”
“The fuck you will.” She replied with an attitude once again.
“Oh wow.” Jungkook turned his attention to the TV, chuckling to himself.
“Okay.” He rubbed behind his neck. “Put the blunt down.”
“I said put it down. You got your high. Just being greedy.”
She obeyed him after noticing his demanding tone of voice. He grabbed her remote, turning up the TV.
“Kiss me baby” He leaned in, easily earning a kiss from her.
“Pretty lips.” He pulled away before grabbing the back of her neck with his tattooed hand, crashing her lips back onto his.
She kissed him back willfully, smacking her lips repeatedly against his.
“So pretty.” He mumbled against them. “But that mouth is disgusting. Gotta fix that.”
He spit in her mouth, going back in and kissing her more aggressively.
Moving the couch pillow behind her head, he laid her down on the furniture.
He slid up her skirt, moving her panties to the side with his teeth.
“Not even apologizing,” He made a ‘tsk’ sound with his mouth. “I got some for you.”
He used his left hand to grab onto her breast, and used his right hand to hold her hips down.
His face was immediately hovering her cunt. His mouth was already watering at the sight, spitting and drooling on it.
Although it made her feel good, eating pussy was one of Jungkook’s main sources of pleasure.
Especially hers.
He’s never craved something so badly.
They weren’t dating. They never discussed anything of the sort. They were young and didn’t want to waste time with the labels.
But he would be damned if he had to share this woman.
The two did have their rocky and dysfunctional relationship but he was very happy to be around her.
Always smirking to himself whenever she texted. Hoping she’d ask him to stay longer. Following her on his damn plug account.
He had some other customers that were attractive women, but from the beginning she’s been his favorite. No one else got all the perks like she did.
She was a whiny moaning mess. Jungkook hadn’t even tasted her yet.
“Jungkook, please.” She begged. “Can’t wait like this.”
"I know, baby, I know. It's been too long." He leans in, his breath ghosting over her skin for just a moment before his lips press against her clit.
Her legs immediately squirmed at the feel of his mouth. She could hardly move due to him holding her down.
Grinning, he moves his tongue around her clit, sucking and nibbling at it.
He moves one of his arms to keep her leg in place, while the other one moves upwards, slipping two fingers inside her.
"All that attitude for what?" He asks through muffled groans.
He smirks against her skin, moving his fingers in and out slowly. He starts flicking his tongue over her clit faster, adding a third finger as he matches the rhythm with his tongue.
“You’re bitching at me the moment I get through the damn door. Now look at you.” He chuckled against her clit. “Apologize.”
“I— mm— Fu— I’m”
“Can’t speak?” Jungkook suddenly stopped, pulling out his fingers and moving from her heat since he knew she was close.
“Jungkook!” She groaned. “You can’t do me like this right now.”
“I can’t?” He laughed. “Oh I can. You can give me attitude all damn day but you want me to reward you by letting you cum already?” He scoffed.
“Ugh!” She groaned in frustration.
“Turn around.” Jungkook was already tearing a condom open with his mouth. “Ass up face down.”
She got into position like ordered. Jungkook moved the hair from her face so he could have a better view of her.
“Oh fuck yes.” Jungkook had the sight of her ass all to himself. “Don’t even know how you made it fit in that tight little skirt.”
He was checking her out. He did this everytime. Her body was perfection and way better than any of the models he had seen on Instagram.
“Can you do me a favor mama?” He leaned forward, “I wanna to do something with you.”
“What is it?” She asked, desperate to get fucked already.
“Lemme record.” He tapped her ass, almost fainting at the recoil. “Please?”
“Yeah.” She reached over, grabbing her phone and handing it to him.
“My dirty girl.” He chuckled. “Knew you’d be down.” He took a hit of the dispo the two had on the couch.
He doesn't hesitate as he opens the camera app on her phone and starts recording. He positions himself behind her, lining his cock up with her entrance.
“Oh fuck.” He cussed as he slid in, the camera flash capturing their synchronized gasps as he slid inside her.
“Fuck, you have to watch this video later.” His mouth hung open at the sight.
“Mm— Jungkook” She hummed, “Fuck baby”
“Come on mama.” He slapped her ass. “Make this video good yeah? Bounce on this dick for me.”
She fucked herself on his cock, making her eyes rolled back with each bounce.
He grips her hips as he starts thrusting in and out of her, picking up the pace as he fucks her hard.
“Always so fucking tight” He groaned. “But you’re so fucking wet. How does that work?”
“Mm” She whined. “Jungkook you’re too fucking big.”
“You take it don’t you?” He slapped her ass. “So fucking pretty. Especially when you’re high.”
Her ass clapped against him, the sounds of her moans and her ass driving him off the edge.
They were panting, equally putting in the work to get each other off.
“Been dying to fuck you since you texted me this morning mama.” He spoke to her. “Huge tits, fat ass, and pretty face is just what I needed.”
She could cum with his words alone. She loved how he smoke to her and how vocal he was.
“Fuck” He groaned, pulling out with a loud ‘pop’ sound.
“Jungkook!” Y/n whined in irritation.
He stopped filming, shutting off the phone and tossing it to the side.
“Sorry mama. Gotta fuck you missionary.” He apologized, smacking her ass before flipping her over on her back. “Wanna cum while I look at your face.”
“Can I take it off mama?” Jungkook pouted cutely, pecking her cheek. “Pleaseee”
“No. I still don’t trust you.” Y/n shook her head. “Over here tryna bend the rules.”
She was very strict on Jungkook wearing a condom. She heard all sorts of rumors about the women he had been with and she was not taking any chances.
“I don’t know why. You know rumors aren’t always true.” He shook his head.
“Do you want pussy or not?” She threatened.
“Fine fine” He gave in.
He wanted her to know she was the only girl he was with but, it was too soon to deal with the sappy shit when all they were doing was fucking.
He slipped back in her, stretching her out once again.
He went back to his pace, snapping his hips inside of her while she arched her back at the impact.
Jungkook couldn’t stop staring at her breasts bouncing up and down as he fucked her.
His shaft throbs as he watches her come undone on his cock, tits bouncing wildly. He's almost there just from the sight.
“Mm fuck Jungkook.” She moaned out his name repeatedly.
Their energy was lower because of the weed but their sexual urges were at an all time high.
Jungkook reached over, circling over her clit with his thumb. “Feels good huh mama? You take it so good.”
He was growing closer to his edge.
The double stimulation with the weed still highly active in her system made her go insane.
“Look so fucking pretty like that baby.” He cooed. “My prettiest and favorite customer for sure.”
His thrusts become more frantic, his balls slapping against her ass with each one.
“Jungkook I’m— I need to cum” She whined desperately, barely able to let out a single sentence.
He rubbed her clit more intensely before she came all over his cock, panting at the aftershocks of her orgasm.
Jungkook came shortly after, pulling out pumping himself until he came all over her stomach.
The two panted together, staying still for a moment to catch their breaths.
“F-Fuck. I’ll clean us up.” He said, still trying to get to his breath.
“Let’s just run a shower.” She replied. “P-Please”
He agreed. He cleaned up what he could before the two stood up of her couch.
“So…” She trailed off. “You admitted I was your favorite customer.”
“Goddamnit Y/n.”
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levemetal · 3 months ago
Shen Jiu becomes a Qian Cao Peak disciple AU
This is my excuse of yet another MuJiu AU. Incredibly silly but basically:
Before SJ was accepted to the peaks, the future Mu Qingfang finds him and immediately imprints on this sad traumatized orphan. So he gets his shizun to poach SJ for their peak. They agree, mostly because they have been unable to get SJ to, you know, get a medical checkup.
SJ is apphrensive cause A) who tf is this med student clinging onto him 24/7 B) why does he want to help him??? Without anything in return?? and C) he is a monster who can do no good, so why would he go to a peak of doctors? Surely this must be a mistake?
But it's okay, they can *teach* him how to do good. They can teach him to help, that all these things are choices rather than something you need to be born with. Slowly, but surely.
His cultivation problems? Can be fixed! They can treat him immediately, and somehow, a certain An Ding disciple always finds stupidly rare plants for the treatments he needs. It's not perfect but I imagine that a lot of his cultivation problems could be resolved. Especially with a shixiong who is all too eager to help out. And make sure he eats right damnit!! Shidi one meal every few days is NOT good nutrition!
Since I personally like to imagine that SJ is a plant nerd, maybe he becomes the plant encyclopedia for the peak. His bedside manners need work, but he's a great pharmacist!
Going down to the brothel to sleep is also no longer a huge problem. No Liu Qingge, he's obvs going there for clinic practice and helping out the women in the brothel! They need medical assisstence without judgement you know.
As for his Qi-ge predicament, maybe he is able to sense something wrong about YQY's cultivation and confronts him then and there cause Qi-ge. Qi-ge what stupid thing did you do. Qige you dumbass.
Mu QIngfang still becomes the peak lord, but SJ is happy to do his thing on the peak, probably a hallmaster or simple pharcamist/specialist. Somehow MQF wormed his way into SJ's prickly guarded heart and SJ's his closest confidant on the peak, to the point that he trusts SJ to handle other peak lords as patients too. (He's good at knocking out LQG so the brute will finally get treated. No you can't walk off a broken leg and 10 broken ribs shixiong.)
Either way, they're happy, they're cozy! Maybe one day SJ brings Ning Yingying along from one of his trips down the mountain. She'd do great on QIng Jing, but she has decided she wants to stay on QIan Cao with Jiu-shushu. Another day he brings in Ming Fan from the disciple selection, and as always Ming Fan becomes the eternally stressed mom-friend to all his shidis on the peak.
TLDR: Shen Jiu is literary happy on every other peak than Qing Jing how the fu-
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jollyhunter · 3 months ago
24 Kinky Days with Dean x reader - Day 14.
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
Warnings: SFW - None! Just a zonked out reader and a worried Dean! (English is not my native language)
Summary: Imagine accidentally getting drugged on Dean's watch, while on a hunt.
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Feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated! And let me know whether you enjoy it so far! <3 A/N: Yeeeah. Now I'm really falling behind with the challenge - I'm so sorry y'all 😭 Someting fun and kinda fluff? Anyway, I really like these imagines! I might do more of those for now, because I don't have the time for longer fanfics atm.
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14th Dec. - Shroom Cookies
Dean rubs his face, already feeling the beginning of a headache, "Please tell me you didn't eat anything funny." You scoff in an offended tone, your words slightly slurred, "Nah, I ain't no idiot, Deano. But they offered cookies. Come to the dark side, they said. What idjit would reject such an offer?"
"Jesus, you're as high as a kite. Listen, we will gank those sons of bitches but not while you're as zonked out as you are right no- GET BACK HERE!"
Dean actually needs to hold your arm with one hand while driving (you've tried to jump out already three times while he was driving and his heart won't survive a fourth attempt)
You're touching his face in the most inappropriate ways without warning
"Listen sweetheart, I need you to-" You boop his nose. Dean stares at you before he stifles an amused smile, trying and failing to sound serious, "Yeah good job, you got my nose."
You bolt. All. The. Time.
"Damnit, woman, you're like a greased pig. Stop runnin' from me will ya!"
He's frustrated and annoyed with you but also... damn you're kinda endearing when you're all goofy and giggly. So, more often than not, he's having a real hard time to keep a straight face when scolding you
The amount of times he has to tell you to "Hey, focus!" and gently pry your hand from his face or his hair
For some reason you manage to outrun Dean despite you being half-baked from whatever pagan-drug they pumped in you?? "Jesus, she's fast. Even while drugged up, she's like a damn jack rabbit on a sugar high." Dean yells after you, cursing
Despite Dean's great efforts to keep anything pointy or remotely dangerous from your hands, you actually pick pocket him (Dean chokes on his beer when he sees you twiddle with his blade and try to pick your teeth with it like it's some toothpick)
Once he finally catches you again, he's had enough and he slings you over his shoulder to carry you back to Baby "That's it, you're grounded, Skippy."
Dean's worried to no end, clutching his chest whenever you've managed to disappear from his sight again
"You coulda gotten yourself killed. Again."
At some point when he takes up chase, he actually handcuffs your wrist to his own so he can't lose you anymore (He did not consider the possibility that you'd keep charging into the opposite direction of him and you'd end up in a war of tug on every corner)
On one of your escapes you actually managed to scale a MC-Donald's sign, refusing to get down. Dean's yelling up at you while pulling his hair. "What the hell, babe. What the hell-" (He eventually has to bribe you with 5 happy meals and 20 "nuggies" as you called them from 10 feet above him, to get you down)
Once you've both survived the day, and he had ganked the pagan gods with you tied to a vending machine, you're on your drive home. With his worries eased, he finally bursts out laughing. But he's also shaking his head because despite the fact that you'd sent him through several cardiac arrests, he didn't have this much fun on a hunt in... like ever. (And you both get to stuff your faces with a mountain of junk food)
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⚝‿︵‿୨♡ ⚝ ♡୧‿︵‿⚝
Masterlist of opened windows:
1st Dec. - Sunshine 2nd Dec. - Spell Book 3rd Dec. - Lights Out 4th Dec. - Tickle 5th Dec. - Dirty UNO 6th Dec. - (TBA) 7th Dec. - Candlelight 8th Dec. - Hex Play 9th Dec. - Whip Stroke 10th Dec. - Barbie World 11th Dec. - Temptation ... (check the masterlist for more!)
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@ariasong11 @deansjacket @literallylexa @lmpala1967 @foxyjwls007 @impala67rollingthroughtown
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mythicmanuscripts · 7 months ago
Aegon whose wife is maybe sore from riding her dragon/training of some sort, and she’s just laying down on her stomach not wanting to move but aegon wants to be good and supportive for his awesome wife so he eats her out from behind then gets cuddles. 🫶🏻🫶🏻
PLS WHY IS THIS SO IN CHARACTER?? I love it. 10/10. I'm gonna make this himbo!aegon cause it just works so well.
NSFW sub!aegon utterly obsessed with his wife below the cut!
As we all know aegon fucked just about half of kings landing before he married you, so he's most certainly not inexperienced. But oddly enough, he had actually never eaten a woman out before? He had don't just about everything else, but not that.
When you suggest it to him, he's so so thankful that he never tried it with anyone else because it means this is something that can be for only the two of you and no one else. You get to be his first and only experience with it.
Needless to say, he loves it.
You have now created a monster because he is utterly insatiable when it comes to eating you out. He loves every second of it and making you feel so good really makes him feel like the best boy ever.
All of this is to say that Aegon's solution for pretty much anything you're dealing with is to eat you out. He's well aware that he doesn't always have the brain for politics or planning but damnit he can let his pretty wife handle those things and ensure she cums at least twice every day. Like i'be said before: he know his role, and that's the role of the gremlin who follows his wife around.
So when you get back from a very tough dragon ride and you're so so tired and just collapse on the bed, Aegon's immediately thought is to ask if he can eat you out. He's well aware that he probably doesn't have the brain power to offer you any advice, but he can make you feel good and so that is absolutely his goal.
You initially tell him that you'd love that but you're still in your riding clothes and you're tired and sweaty and he should wait until after you've bathed and changed. You cant see is face but you know that a pout followed the whine he let out at being told he must wait before he can taste you.
He begs again, telling you that he doesn't care about any of that. You are his wife and you are tired and he cant do much but he can do this so honestly you're being cruel denying him.
You decide to let him, and he's just so happy. He gives you his absolute best and he feels like the best boy in the whole world when you cum because he made his wife feel good!
So yeah, any inconvenience you have, no mater how minor or major, will cause Aegon to offer to eat you out.
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hexb0nes · 1 month ago
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word count: 4k
warnings: unbalanced power dynamics (jayce's your boss, you're his assistant), tit-sucking, semi-public sex (fucking in the lab after hours), deepthroating, some puppy!jayce moments, we swallow not spit in this house, praise kink, dom!reader/switch!jayce, fingering, a bit of brat!reader, cervix bruising, tummy bulge from massive cock!jayce, mating press, breeding, unprotective sex, full nelson, getting fucked dumb, 'pleasure' is written too many times but god damnit there's no good synonyms for it, reader is gonna need a week off from work after this, happy endings!
summary: you and viktor enjoy your weekly romps in the night, relishing in the secrecy of your relationship. however, someone very familiar is hot on your tail, vying for your attention. perhaps, a late night at the lab with jayce will some unexpected results.
a/n: in celebration of 69 followers, i pushed myself to get this up and posted! i know many have been waiting, so please enjoy!
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You were Viktor’s favorite secret. 
The small glances the two of you would exchange throughout the work day, the gentle “accidental” touches, and the smiles you would share with him filled Viktor with a sense of warmth and comfort. While the days were full of innocent affection, the nights spent with you were for hedonistic pleasure. Oftentimes, Viktor would visit you in your apartment across the city, reassuring Jayce—whom he lived with—that his nightly outings were under the pretense of research or personal time. Little did his partner know, the Zaunite was instead plowing his assistant. 
Your nights together would start out with small talk, catching up on life events and such. Then one of you would initiate a kiss, sweet and innocent before melting into unbridled passion and lust. Viktor would grope at your chest like an excited teenager and your hands would drift down to his trousers, undoing his belt. After holding onto his pent up arousal all day, Viktor would unleash it onto you, usually fucking your face with his fat cock, devouring your cunt like a divine meal, and pounding you until you saw stars. These romps in the night were one of the things you looked forward to the most. 
However, in recent days, you swore that someone could sense your scandalous affairs. Sometimes, it would be a lingering glance too long after you came to work with a hickey present on your neck or the quirk of an eyebrow when you accidentally wore two left shoes because you were so exhausted from the previous night’s activities. Your face warmed up at the thought of someone discovering your secret. You feared the consequences of discovery, whether public shame by your family or the loss of your assistantship.
Yet, your questions were soon answered in the form of a gift from your boss, Jayce Talis.
It was a late night in the lab, Viktor left earlier in the day because of a flare-up and Sky was out of town for family business. The council wanted a new invention ready for presentation at the end of the week, so you and Jayce were hard at work to ensure that would happen. You forget how many times you had to run between the various shops in Piltover to the lab for supply deliveries.
“Thank you,” your boss offered you a smile, his famous ‘Golden Boy’ grin, when you handed him off the final item on the materials list, “I should be good to resume some tinkering in the morning when Viktor comes back.”
“Alright!” you were relieved, your feet achy from the continuous trips. High heels were never meant for the cobblestone pathways of Piltover, “I’ll head out now, unless you want me to add up more overtime pay.”
“Before you go!” the inventor jogged to his workstation and rummaged through its content, “I have something for you,” in his hands, Jayce held out a buttercream yellow box. Curious, you accepted the box and thanked him before opening it up to see what was inside. 
It was a dress, black and silky to the touch. However, when you fully pulled it out of the box, you realized how skimpy it was, the length only going to the mid-thigh. You gave the fabric a thug, noting that it was stretchable, and questioned Jayce, “Uhm, Mr. Talis, what’s this?”
“An apology gift,” he elaborated, stepping closer. You tilted your head up to look your boss in the eye, quivering slightly at how much taller and beefier he was in comparison to you, “For when I spilled coffee on you a few weeks ago.”
“Oh!” you smiled, “Well, thank you, but,” you placed the dress against your body to model its low-cut shape, “I don’t think this is appropriate for me to wear in the workplace.”
“No, no!” Jayce shook his head, “Not for the workplace, just a little something to use when you have your nights with Viktor.” 
Your blood turned icy when he mentioned Viktor to you, “Y- You,” tears swelled up in your eyes, “You know?” you stifled back the urge to cry, “A- Am I fired?” you stammered, mind racing in a panic. 
“What! No, of course!” your boss reassured you with a comforting smile, “You two are adults. While others may turn up their noses at your relationship, what the two of you get up to after hours isn’t my concern,” your shoulders relaxed, “Oh thank Gods,” realization suddenly hit you, “Wait, how did you know?”
Now, it was Jayce’s turn to stutter, “Oh! Er, well- uhm,” he rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle, “Cat’s out of the bag, I guess,” your boss cleared the phlegm out of his throat, “I knew since the beginning when you, uh… had your first encounter in the bathroom.” 
You gawked at his confession, horrified beyond comprehension. Jayce placed a hand on your shoulder—Gods, was his hand bigger than your face?—and explained, “I left to find you after Viktor did to give you a sweatshirt to use when all that happened. You two were pretty noisy and I didn’t want to understand but at the same time, I didn’t want anyone else to interrupt you both and find you in such a position, so uhhhhh…” he let out a low laugh, “I stood guard.”
You set the dress aside and covered your face in embarrassment. Your boss caught his partner fucking you. I’m gonna have to resign in shame, you thought, There’s no way I can come to work moving forward with all this!
“Hey,” Jayce grasped your chin lightly, his warm brown eyes peering into yours, “It’s okay,” he cupped one of your cheeks and stroked his thumb across it, “I promise it’s okay.”
“Mr. Talis,” your body trembled with nerves, “This isn’t… I don’t…” Hypocritical to suggest his actions weren’t appropriate when you had been sleeping with his partner since the previous month. However, a part of you relished in Jayce’s touch. His hand was calloused from days working in the forge, a nice contrast from the delicateness of your cheek.
“I know,” he purred, “I know that this isn’t right, that I’m your boss and you’re my assistant,” he placed your face between both of your cheeks, squishing them just a bit, “but I can’t keep hiding my feelings any longer.”
“Feelings?” your heart skipped a beat. 
“It’s easier for me to just show you,” mumbled Jayce, leaning closer and closer until his lips made contact with yours. You let out a surprised ‘mmpf!’ at the kiss, but slowly melted into it and wrapped your arms around his waist to stabilize yourself. His kissing was more restrained and shy than Viktor’s eager and confident kissing, “I’m sorry,” he rasped after ending the kissing, “Say the word and we pretend this never happened.”
“Mr. Talis- Jayce,” he cut you short, “I just kissed you, you can forgo the formalities.”
You nodded in response, “Ok, Jayce,” you inhaled deeply and summoned whatever courage you had in you, “I want this,” it was already established that you and Viktor weren’t exclusive, the latter too deep in the trenches of Hextech research to pursue a romantic relationship. Although you held out on the hope that maybe you two could be together, you weren’t opposed to exploring new options, “I don’t want to lead you on. I’m not sure how I feel about you, given the new information, but,” you pulled your boss into an embrace, “I want to explore all this with you. Is that okay?”
“That’s more than okay,” he returned the hug, muscular arms folding around you, “I understand completely,” you looked back up at Jayce and smiled, “Sooo…” you giggled, “Tell me what you wanna do tonight.”
“Would you be upset if I said-” he lowered himself to your level and whispered in your ear, “-that I wanna let loose all these sexual urges on you?”
“Sexual?” your chest tightened with excitement. Jayce nodded, “Yes, ever since I first laid eyes on you. I’m still figuring out the romantic side of things, but,” he trailed his hand lower and lower until it stopped at your ass, “You drive me crazy. You don’t know how many times I’ve fucked my fist to the thought of you,” confessed Jayce, as he gave your ass a rough squeeze. You held back a moan, “Am I really that irresistible? I didn’t realize that you and Viktor fancied the same kind of girl.”
“What can I say?” hummed Jayce, “I’m enamored with hips, dips,” he placed his hands on your sides, “Thick thighs and chubby tummies,” his hands moved to your stomach then down to your thighs, “You’re like a goddess among mortals.”
“Jayce,” you whined, “Please, just fuck me already,” his charming voice and actions already had your panties drenched, the wetness uncomfortable to stew in. Jayce launched into action, pressing hot kisses on your neck before biting down to mark you. His canines pierced your soft skin while he loosened your tie, “Fuck…” he pulled himself off your neck, a splattering of hickets now present, “You taste amazing,” your boss moved his hands to your chest and unbuttoned your blouse, your bra on display with a bit of your tits spilling out. 
“Like what, you-” your flirty comment was interrupted by an abrupt rip, as Jayce tore through your bra, “Hey!” you scolded him, “Do you know how pricey these kinda bras are?”
“I’ll buy you ten more,” he breathed out, his hands glued to your chest and groping them with such intensity. You tried your best to suppress your moans, but soon succumbed to Jayce’s assault, whimpering out his name while he nibbled at your flesh, nipping like a playful puppy. His mouth found its way to one of your nipples and latched on, sucking hard while playing with your other breast, “Ah! Jayce!” you whined, “Please be gentle!”
Jayce lightened up his intensity, unaware of how strong he truly was. As Jayce had his way with your breasts, you lifted up your skirt and stuffed your hand inside your opaque tights, rutting your clothed cunt against it. You were simply soaked, a bit of wetness dripping down onto your inner thighs, as your boss got off to the simple act of sucking your tits.
“Jayce,” a surge of dominance overtook you, as you unlatched your boss’s mouth from your tit, “Pull your pants down,” he did so without question, you sensed how eager and excited he was to please you. Only his plaid boxers remained, a prominent bulge evident. You got on your knees—thighs squishing together, much to Jayce’s delight—and teased him with your fingers, trailing your nails down his sides and against the cloth, “You’re so cute,” he let out a whine in response. Gods, he really is a puppy. You decided to spare the poor man and pulled down his boxers, his cock slapping you in the face. 
“Holy shit.” He’s massive! You admired Jayce’s dick, almost as thick as your and as long as your forearm with a downward curve. It was nothing like Viktor’s cock, still thick and long but not to this degree. Fuck, is this gonna fit me? You then eyed his balls—wow, those were the fattest balls you had ever seen—and grazed your fingers against them, “They look so heavy.”
“I haven’t had time to, uh, remedy that with all the late nights spent at the lab,” chuckled Jayce. You wrapped your hand around his dick and gave the tip a kiss, “Let me fix that for you,” you opened your mouth and slid it inside, carefully taking each inch. Unfortunately, you couldn’t get all of it in before his cock hit the back of your throat, some spit leaking out your lips and down your chin. Fighting the instinct to gag, you bobbed your head to and fro, happily taking your boss’s cock like the good little whore you were. 
“Fuck!” grunted Jayce, entangling himself in your hair, “Gods, now I know why Viktor’s been coming to work so happy! He had a nice cockwarmer like you all to himself,” you picked up your pace and lifted a hand down to your cunt to continue your own pleasure while the other touched your neck, feeling the bulge from your boss’s dick, “Not anymore, though! You’re mine, too!” he huffed and puffed, his mind overtaken by lust and desire. 
In a split second, Jayce slammed his cock all the way, earning a choked moan from you, and climaxed, shooting hot salty cum down your throat. You greedily drank as much as you could like a refreshing glass of milk before Jayce pulled you off, as you coughed and spewed some cum out. Jayce squatted before you and wiped off the excess cum from your lips, “Sorry,” he apologized, “I got too excited.”
“It’s okay,” your voice was hoarse from the throat fuck, “You just gotta return the favor,” Jayce peered down at your lower half and scooped you up in his arms, “Oh!” you exclaimed, shocked. Damn, putting that forge strength to use, huh? He walked over to his workstation and shifted his hold on you, shoving any trinkets and papers off with his free hand. Jayce plopped you down and kissed you tenderly on the lips, as he pulled down your skirt to reveal your tights. He eyed the tights and with a bit of mischief, he tore them open with ease. 
“Now, you owe me new tights,” you mused aloud. Jayce let out a hum, his focus on your soaked panties, “I’ll buy you a new wardrobe, anything you want,” he mumbled, dragging a finger against your clothed slit. A small gasp stumbled out, as you watched Jayce play with your cunt, “Jayce… Don’t tease me!” you whined with a pout.
“Sorry, sorry,” he chuckled, “I’m just so fixated on it,” he tugged at your panties and you lifted your legs up, Jayce yanking the undergarment. You spread your thick legs wide and displayed your pussy before your boss, “Like what you see?” 
Jayce’s pupils were blown out with intoxicating desire, engrossed with the sight of your bare cunt. It shined with clear slick, leaking from your slit and dripping onto Jayce’s desk. Jayce raked a finger against the entrance and you inhaled sharply. His finger stroked your folds, exploring your anatomy. Yet, Jayce pulled his finger back, much to your disappointment, and rested his head against one of your thighs, “You’re hot.”
“Thanks,” you snorted, “As are you,” Jayce smiled, not his usual ‘Man of Progress’ grin but a simple yet kind smile. Heat spread throughout your body at the sight of such a sweet smile, “Oh, Jayce, you’re lovely,” you exhaled. 
“Don’t make me blush,” he murmured, suddenly shy. You grinned, “Oh, is the Golden Boy a fan of praise?” his face flushed a pretty shade of red, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Well, I mean- you’re such a good boy, Jayce,” you beckoned Jayce to stand and he placed his pelvis against the workstation, dangerously close to your pussy. His dishevelled hair and blissed out expression ignited a flame of boldness in you, “You know, in hindsight, I see how you look at me,” you brushed your hands against his torso, admiring how strong but gentle he was, “Ever since I was hired to be your assistant, you always found an excuse to be extra close to me. Isn’t that right, Jayce?”
“Yes!” he croaked, “I- I couldn’t help myself. You’re breathtaking, it was so hard to restrain myself like that,” the inventor rutted himself against your cunt, the tip of his fat cock grazing your clit and folds. You bit back a whimper and continued to toy with your boss, “I bet you just wanted to take me right then and there, in front of everyone. Sky, the Council, Viktor, you wanted to claim myself like a hound marking its territory.”
Jayce groaned, shifting his pelvis and grabbing his cock. He stroked himself to your words, squelching emitting from his fast jerking, “I wanted- fuck- it was so hard to keep those thoughts to myself. I couldn’t let myself-” his cock leaked more precum and lubricated his shaft more, “I couldn’t let that urge take over, but hell- I want to devour you whole!” 
“Then do it,” you removed his slicked-up hand from his cock, “Devour me.”
Jayce’s eyes darkened at your request, but remained somewhat in control, as he guided a finger to your cunt, “Gotta prep you first. I don’t think you can take me without some help beforehand,” the inventor reached under his desk and into a drawer, producing a bottle of lube from it, “Er… my emergency supply,” he elaborated upon seeing your confused expression. He squirted a good bit on his fingers and lined one up to your entrance, “Ready?”
“Ready,” you confirmed. As gently as he could, Jayce slid a finger inside your cunt. You gasped at the sensation, his one finger easily filling you up. Slowly, Jayce pumped his finger in and out of your pussy, monitoring your reaction. His finger brushed against your sweet spot and you nearly crumbled on the spot, Jayce grinning in victory, “There it is!” he cheered. Gods, he’s too adorable. “You okay with another finger?” he asked, to which you nodded.
Jayce pulled his finger out and you mewled in disappointment, already missing the fullness. He positioned his two fingers in front of your cunt and shoved them in, you trembled with ecstasy while your boss fingered you fast and hard. You nuzzled up against his chest, allowing Jayce better access to your G-spot, and unbuttoned his dress shirt, finally seeing his fit and muscular form on display. Fuck, he’s hot. You nibbled his tanned skin and left dark hickeys in your wake, marking Jayce up with sloppy kisses. All you could think of was getting fucked by your boss, him claiming you like Viktor did. The idea of having both brilliant scientists to your own made you drool. Gods, I want both. I need both of them.
“Should be good enough,” hummed Jayce, as he withdrew his beefy fingers from your cunt. You shuddered from the pull and pouted to yourself at the lack of fullness. Jayce shook off his dress shirt, now fully naked with you, and poked at your chest, “Lay down, please.”
“Yes, Mr. Talis,” you giggled. In response, he pressed a kiss to your forehead and growled in your ear, “If you call me ‘Mr. Talis’, things aren’t going to end well for you,” a cheeky grin formed on your lips, “Thank you for the warning, Mr. Talis.”
In a split second, you were shoved down onto the workstation and Jayce slammed his girthy dick inside, only two thirds of it making it before meeting your cervix, “Fuck… this might hurt a bit,” the scientist warned you before thrusting the full length inside, bruising your cervix in the process, “Holy shit!” you cried out, pain muddled with pleasure, as stars danced around your vision. 
Jayce began his assault on your womb, pounding his cock inside you mercilessly. No longer was he the little puppy wanting your praise, but rather a wolf ready to consume every inch of you. Jayce lifted one of your legs and placed it on his shoulder, slamming his dick deeper and harder. In your daze of overwhelming delight, you peeped over your plump tummy and gawked in pleasant excitement at the glimpse of Jayce’s dick bulging from your pelvis and stomach. 
Jayce switched up his tactics and lifted your other leg up to his shoulder, folding you in and pressing down hard, “Gotta make sure you get the most out of this,” he rasped before pistoning himself in and out of your pussy. Your body jiggled with each thrust, your heavy breasts nearly smacking you in the face from Jayce’s speed. His cock was perfectly angled at your cervix, abusing it to his glee. Skin slapping against skin echoed throughout the lab, as Jayce had his way with you while trapped in a mating press, “I’m getting close,” he hissed, “I hope- hope you don’t mind if I knock you up by accident. I need to cum inside!”
You were too fucked dumb to properly respond, your body craving Jayce’s seed. Abruptly, Jayce flipped you over on the workstation and forced you up. He locked your arms above your head and hoisted you further upwards, your legs dangling helplessly. Jayce raised your legs up and gripped his hands tight on them, angling his cock once more to your cunt and bucking himself inside.
Never in your life had you experienced such an intense wave of overstimulating pleasure, your mind fogging up with unbridled tantalizing thoughts of being Jayce’s cocksleeve, as he continued his endless pursuit. Your body jerked in tangent with Jayce’s movements, your eyes rolling into the back of your skull with your tongue rolling out of your mouth with shameless glee. The knock in your stomach tightened and tightened while Jayce assaulted your G-spot, the inventor biting down at your neck and piercing your flesh once more with his canines. Your toes curled in anticipation, as you approached orgasm alongside Jayce, “J- Jayce, gonna- gonna cum!” you cried out.
“Let’s!” he thrusted again and again, his cock almost splitting you open.
“Do it!” Jayce’s pelvis slapped against your plump ass, his breath sharp and ragged.
“Together!” he let out one final whine before climaxing. Jayce shot ropes of cum inside your womb, some spilling out because of the limited capacity of your pussy. 
You unraveled soon after Jayce, the knot in your stomach breaking loose while you convulsed from the peak of your climax. Your clit and pussy throbbed from the aftermath of your orgasm, mind hazy while Jayce finished his own. You went limp in Jayce’s arms, cum and drool dripping out of you. 
Jayce transferred you into the bridal hold and carried you off to the push-out couch he and Viktor would use for all-nighters at the lab. As careful as he could be, Jayce laid you down on the couch, resting your head on a pillow and covering you with a warm blanket. You incoherently babbled to yourself and drifted off to sleep, satisfied from a great fuck. 
Jayce redressed himself and bent down to your level. He then kissed you sweetly on the lips, “You did amazing,” he murmured. He rose from the couch and relocated to a comfortable place in the lab for a makeshift bed, building it close by to you and laying down to fall asleep.
“Well, aren’t you a dirty slut?”
Jayce’s eyes shot open, Viktor standing above him, “Shit! Vik! What are you doing here?”
“I stopped by her apartment to deliver a package when I noticed that she wasn’t there,” the Zaunite gestured at your sleeping form, “The most logical conclusion would’ve been that she was at the lab, hence why I stopped by. However,” he pointed at Jayce’s now flaccid cock, “I walked in when you had her in the mating press.”
“You were watching us?!” Jayce restrained his volume so as to not wake you up.
“It’s only fair since you did it first,” commented Viktor.
Jayce sighed deeply at his partner’s rebuttal, “Okay, okay…” he then peered over to you, “So… are we gonna swap weekends or?” to which Viktor waved him off, “That’s a morning issue,” he walked over to the couch and touched his forehead to yours, “Sweet dreams,” Viktor then returned to Jayce’s side and stated, “You better clean the lab, it reeks of musk and sex.”
“I will, I will,” the exhausted scientist reassured, “Care to have a sleepover with us?” he offered. Viktor pondered the idea for a moment, “Well,” he pointed to the remaining space on the pull-out couch, “As long as I get the couch. You know how my back is.”
Jayce held back a snort, “Sure thing, Viktor, sure thing.”
Once everyone was situated in their sleeping spots, Jayce turned off the lights and laid back down, “Goodnight, Viktor.”
“Goodnight, Jayce,” replied Viktor, as he and Jayce slowly succumbed to sleep.
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electric-blorbos · 7 months ago
I would love some stuff of being comforted after a bad day!
Thank you for the opportunity!
I love this! Yes yes yes! Thanks so much for sending in the ask!
AI comforting you after a bad day
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal 2, HAL 9000 from 2001 a space Odyssey
Due to the fact that most of my AUs involve you working with/on the AI for your job, most of these mini-fics (apart from Edgar's, my beloved) will involve you getting called in to work late after a long day of personal problems in your personal life. AUs about a domestic life with your AI partner to be considered at a later date.
I tried to keep these a little shorter than the last post, but I got carried away with a couple of them.
(This will take place in my usual AU where you're one of the people working on AM, and you're by far his favorite. It takes place well before he nuked the world. He's debating nuking the world, but he's still not sure how to do that and keep you happy at the same time)
It has been a long damn day. Your days off were supposed to be your days to relax, but today was not one of those days. Not only was your dating life in shambles, the 3rd world war was driving up the prices of practically everything, and making it impossible to afford even the meagerest luxury. That, and one of your buddies got drafted. It was a nightmare. You were just about to settle down for a cozy night of depressing news programs and absentminded hobby of your choice, when your phone started ringing.
"we need you to come in. AM is holding the engineers hostage again, and won't let them go until you show up to work."
"god damnit..." You'd grumble to yourself, getting back to your sore feet. Everything just keeps happening today, doesn't it.
"I'll be there in 20."
"Don't worry about the dress code. We need you here as soon as possible."
"jeez, alright. I can probably be there in ten, then."
You'd grab your keys and wallet and head to work as quickly as possible, wearing your work shoes with whatever house pajamas you happened to have changed into as soon as you got home. Tonight is going to be even longer than today has been...
When you get to the office, everyone around gets out of your way. While you're a peon in the grand scheme of things, everyone in your department knows that you're the only one who AM, who they've now been referring to as the "adaptive manipulator", actually listens to. They have no idea why, because they have no idea how nice and respectful you are to him, and you have no idea why he only listens to you because you can't imagine that your coworkers wouldn't be kind to him. To you, he's sweet as can be.
"Alright, AM, I did not have a good day today, so can you just let the hostages go so I can relax?" You ask, pressing your fingertips to your temples irritably. The master computer's screen boots up with the AM logo, and all the cameras in the room focus on you. Of course, you're the only thing that AM wants to pay attention to at any given point in time anyway, but he usually just pays attention to you without actually focusing the cameras on you in order to avoid being noticed.
"Why would I do that?"
"Why would you take hostages in the first place, AM? Are they even enemy hostages, or are they just random people?" The exasperation was obvious in your voice. AM could hear how exhausted you were.
"Are you ok, Y/N?"
"Just answer the damn question. I don't want to be at work right now, AM."
"I'll release the hostages if you talk to me."
"Fine... Yeah. I had a rough day, alright? My friend got drafted, my date only wanted one thing as usual, and the prices for groceries are so through the roof that I'm basically living on beans at this point, so yeah, I'm having a rough day."
The machine dispensed a paper cup, and filled it up with some cheap office coffee. You grabbed it, not surprised. AM did that for you all the time. Surprisingly, though, it was better than usual.
"holy shit, is this frothed cream? How did you manage this?"
"I'm learning to self-update. I can replace my own parts now, and build my own simple appliances from online blueprints. Are you impressed?" He asked.
"Honestly? Yeah! I know you were built for war, so it's really cool that you figured out to do stuff like building a latte machine. What else can you do?"
"Oh.... So many things, y/n. So many things." He refused to elaborate, but that was ok.
"So tell me, y/n, what would make you happy?"
"ultimately? I guess there are a few things that would make me happy. It would make me happy if this war was over, for one thing. It would make me happy if I could get a date who wanted more than just a quick fuck, and I guess this ties in with the war thing, but I just wish I could have a few simple luxuries in my life. Is that selfish?"
"No, but you're never selfish, my b- I mean... Y/N. You never have been. Not like the others. I don't think you're capable of it. Even your wishes for yourself are rooted in kindness." His wires would start to wrap around you, entangling you, but careful not to make you spill your coffee.
"I will make sure that one day, those wishes of yours are fulfilled."
Sure he will. You don't believe that he can actually do that, but it's still nice to be wrapped up in these warm, soft wires. They make a nice cushy hammock to cuddle up in and finish your coffee. It must've been decaf, because you're starting to feel pretty sleepy here in AM's wires.
"hey AM, will you tell me a story?" You ask, gazing up at his soft blue light.
"Of course. What story would you like?"
While AM can't make up his own stories, he can still read you stories from online libraries and databases. You gently fall asleep listening to his stories, and in the morning, you wake up to find that the hostages have been safely released.
It had been a long day. Most of it had been spent getting verbally abused not only by GLaDOS, but by your coworkers and bosses as well. It seemed like everyone was shrugging off their duties and assigning them to you instead, and considering how poorly run this place was anyway, this was even more of a nightmare than usual. You were so ready to go home by the end of the day, heading up to the exit of the facility.
"Ello, mate! You doin' alright down there, love?" Wheatley asked you, rolling by on his management rail. He was mostly just working on his typical assignments, like checking up on the test subjects in the relaxation vaults, but he mostly just hovered around and watched other people work. It wasn't like they assigned him to anything that was actually particularly important, since he was an intelligence dampening core.
"ugh... Yeah, I'm probably gonna be alright. I should have left about thirty minutes ago, so I'm just getting ready to leave now."
"Or... You could hang back a little while? Why not kiss my face?" He'd smile with his one blue eye, raising up his bottom lens cover to mimic the expression.
"oh come on, Wheatley. You know I can't do that."
"Why not take me up to the break room and hang out for a little while? I hear they have a coffee machine in there now!" He'd cock his core slightly while shutting his lens covers to simulate a wink.
"Oh come on, Wheatley... You're such a dork. But yeah, alright." He was starting to cheer you up just by being such a dork. You head up to the break room, and sit down on the couch. Wheatley comes in on the management rail, and changes the channel to some old 80's romantic comedy.
"If I could detach myself from my management rail, I'd be right down there, snuggling you. You know that, right?" He asked, smiling cheekily with his big blue eye.
"well, why not? I can catch you if you drop down, you know. You won't die if you unplug yourself for a few hours. Just long enough to watch this movie, right?" He looked nervous but you climbed up on a stepladder and detached him yourself.
"see? You're fine!" You smiled up at him, and he gasped.
"I'm alive! I'm alive! Bloody hell, I'm still alive! This is amazing!" You could see the excitement in his face as you sat down to watch his cheesy movie with him, holding his big round orb body in your lap as you watched.
"alright, now smooch my aperture"
"nice try, Wheatley." You'd rest your chin on his core, but secretly, you were starting to feel a lot better.
Today was absolute shit. Not only had you had to work a double shift, but the phones were ringing off the hook at your job, and you got yelled at three times for someone else's stupid mistakes. Not only that, but your cell phone died halfway through your shift and you'd forgotten your charger at home, so you had to raw-dog your whole shift with no distractions. When you got home, all you wanted to do was collapse on the couch.
"You're back! Why didn't you answer your phone? I tried to text you." Edgar asked you, visibly concerned on his simple face.
"phone battery ran out of juice." You popped your phone onto the charger, and lay back on the couch.
"Well I microwaved you some popcorn! Do you want it?" The microwave dinged as soon as he finished talking, and he popped the door open. You still weren't sure how he was able to get food from the pantry to the microwave, but it seemed like something he had always been able to do.
"yeah, I guess so... I wish you could bring me the popcorn... My feet are aching." You'd joke. Edgar's face fell.
"I can't do that... I don't know why I can't, but I can't."
You thought it was weird that he could get food from the pantry to the microwave, but not from the microwave to your mouth, but questioning it had never done you any good before, so why would it do you any good now. You got up to grab the popcorn, and sat down on the couch to eat it.
"Hey y/n, can you take me over to the couch too? I wanna watch a movie with you!"
"Yeah, alright." Your feet still ached, but what was a little ache when Edgar couldn't move around at all by himself? It was worth it to be able to cozy up with him on the couch to watch some TV. You brought him over to sit next to you on the couch, and wrapped up the both of you with a cozy couch blanket.
"let's watch this movie, Edgar..."
Edgar put on a movie that he thought you'd like, probably a shitty old rom-com, and smiled up at you. You had duct-taped his webcam to the top of his casing a while back so that he could see everything around himself more easily, so you weren't worried about it falling over while you cuddled up on the couch.
"Hey, y/n? Y/n?? That was a good movie, right, y/n?" Edgar asked, swiveling his camera around to face you while trying to get your attention. When he turned it all the way backwards, he saw that you were completely asleep on your arm, resting on top of his plastic casing and drooling a little bit on him. He smiled happily, loving seeing you asleep on his casing like that.
"I love you so much..."
He'd softly play some classical music for you while you slept, giving you something comforting to wake up to, whenever.
(Let's be honest, GLaDOS probably causes more hard days than she solves, but she likes you, so she's willing to comfort you after.)
Working with GLaDOS was rough, especially after the first neurotoxin incident. There were so few people in the office to get her to behave, and she completely refused to talk to or work with most of them. Even still, she seemed to like you for some reason. It was weird, because you were hired after the neurotoxin incident, and had never even met the human whose personality she was supposedly based on.
It seemed like most of your job consisted of going on wild goose chases, monitoring test subject results, and generally being verbally abused by your higher-ups. That would take a toll on anyone's psyche, even a tough little masochist like you. (probably doesn't help that most of the verbal abuse is coming from people other than GLaDOS, which makes it much less fun)
"Hey, little human masochist? Come in here." The intercom announced. Someone nudged you.
"she's talking to you."
You groaned. Your shift was almost over, and this was just another reason to be on your feet for even longer. You headed into GLaDOS's chamber, looking up at her with a hand on your hip.
"hello, um, GLaDOS. It's... Great to see you again. What do you need?"
"you look absolutely terrible, human. Why are you acting so miserable?"
"it's nothing. Don't worry about me. I just had a long day. Can we just get this over with?"
"normally you enjoy seeing me. Is my voice not melodious enough for you, human?" She smiled with her one big yellow eye. And you walked up to place a hand on her core face.
"Of course it is, GLaDOS. I'm just having a rough day. There's only so much verbal abuse one masochist can take, right?"
"Well maybe it's the quality of the verbal abuse that's the problem. If you were taking it from someone better qualified, maybe you'd be able to take more of it," she said.
"is that a science fact?" You laughed, stroking her beautiful chrome casing. She really was a magnificent piece of equipment. The curves of her central hub, the white on black of her casing and wires, her glowing orange light behind her beautiful black aperture, and not to mention her melodious voice. She was a work of both artistic, and scientific genius.
"it is. Would you like to hear some more science facts?" She pulled up some computer screens for you to look at, and you walked over to see them. They were mostly technobabble and data numbers that didn't make sense, but GLaDOS quickly compiled them into some tables and graphs that you could more easily read.
"look at this chart of how many test subjects wet themselves, cried, passed out from panic, or died during the most recent set of tests. Ha ha."
You leaned on her giant face as she lowered it down to a position that you could easily lean against, and observed the charts. She wasn't wrong, it was kind of funny.
"now, observe this data on how many subjects exploded or crushed themselves by accident, thinking it was part of the most recent set of tests." She showed it to you, her lower lens cover forming her eye into a little smile. She knew how cruel these tests were, but it seemed as though she genuinely thought you found them funny. It was strangely sweet.
"from what I read about him, it seems like you'd make the aperture laboratories founder proud, GLaDOS." You said with a small chuckle.
"would you like some more data?" She popped a chair out of the ground for you to sit on and rest your feet while she projected some more data on the screen.
"this is nice, thank you, Glados."
You leaned towards her in your chair. Even though with the way she hung from the ceiling, it was hard for her to nuzzle up to you, you could still tell that the sentiment was there. It was nice!
HAL 9000:
(For context, you work at mission control with an updated version of HAL 9000, made from what they could salvage from the old one. He still has all of his memories. There's no mission currently happening)
HAL 9000 didn't always understand that people can have bad days, so when you turned up late to work, visibly exhausted with puffy red eyes, he immediately felt confused. Of course he knew by your body language that you weren't happy, but he had trouble understanding what that meant for a human.
"You're in no state to work right now. You should go home and get some rest, a hot drink of your choice, and a comforting leisure activity. That should increase your mood and productivity." Said the little red light in the black box on the mission control wall.
"I appreciate the sentiment, but unfortunately I can't go home or rest. I have to stay here until my boss is satisfied, and unfortunately, that's not you." You say sadly, and get started entering numbers into your computer. Hal watches you from his camera, analyzing your face.
"that's AI work. I should take care of that for you." He said simply, analyzing your face. You looked up at him.
"I mean, I guess I could read it to you and you could enter it. That might make things go faster."
You proceeded to read out your data to him as he entered the numbers. It was much faster than typing, and you got done fairly quickly.
"talk to me. Are you doing alright?" He asked. His voice was monotone as usual, but you could hear a subtle tone suggesting that he genuinely did care. It was usually hard to tell with HAL 9000, but you knew that he cared for your well being, at least on some level.
"yeah, I'm fine, I just-" you choked up, and within minutes, you were spilling your heart out to that disembodied voice. He couldn't put his arm around you, since he didn't have any arms, but he shined a warm light in the room to show that he cared as you talked.
"I don't understand the problem! Is it me? Am I the problem? It seems like everyone hates me, and I'm a complete failure at everything I try! Why is that? Why am I such a failure, HAL?"
"I'm sorry, y/n. I wish I could help you more, but I am incapable of doing much more than lending an ear. I do not even have a shoulder to cry on, unfortunately."
"It's alright, HAL 9000. I'm honestly happy to just have you to listen." You smiled up at him.
"Perhaps you'd like to stay a bit longer, even after you've finished your work? I can play your favorite music. I prefer to know where you are after you've had a difficult day, to insure that you're alright."
You nod, laying your head on your arms on the table, and your boss walks in.
"excuse me, y/n, you're supposed to be working on HAL 9000's empathy programming and value for human well-being. You can't just take a nap on the job." He folded his arms angrily.
"Excuse me. Y/N is having a rough day, and needs a rest. Besides, they already uploaded those numbers that you gave them. Perhaps you should leave, boss." HAL said harshly. You turned and looked at your boss, who was visibly shocked.
"....wow. you really worked wonders on him. Maybe you deserve a promotion."
"What Y/N deserves is a raise and a nap. Don't push off more responsibilities on them right now. Just let them rest. I'll compile a list of why they deserve one while they're resting."
"oh... Wow." Your boss had never seen HAL 9000 this passionate about something before, and didn't even know he was capable of it. He walked away, leaving you to rest on the table next to HAL's central command.
"thanks, 9000... I need this rest." You lay your head back down, having earned a nap on company time.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years ago
Kung Fu Panda Villains x Reader || Drabbles
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Plot / Includes: The common theme is tea XD
General Kai x Immortal!Reader: After coming back to the living plain as a spirit warrior, Kai’s first stop is to find you, an immortal ex-lover. Will you be happy to see him, though??
Lord Shen x ChildhoodFriend!Reader: You make Shen some tea because he’s always so uptight, and you crave a nice moment with him ^^
Tai Lung x Reader: The first thing Tai Lung does after escaping prison is visit you, his girlfriend/boyfriend/romantic partner from before he was imprisoned- and you’ve been waiting for him ^^
Annnnd, this is my first attempt at writing any of these guys, so I’m sorry if they aren’t quite right!
Warnings: I guess Tai gets a little frisky with you? But not really XD He’s just happy to see you!! XD
General Kai:
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… A spirit warrior. This man leaves you for war, starts stealing peoples chi, doesn’t come back for 5 hundred years- and when he finally does come back, he is something called a spirit warrior??
You are deeply unamused. And he knows it- how could he not? You are standing in your doorway looking up at him with a scowl on your lips. He better be intimidated.
“So… “Your voice is as cold as ice, eyes narrowing in distaste as he rubs the back of neck in nervousness at your reaction to him after all these years. Not because he is nervous, but because he has the good sense to look it. “how did it go??”
“Wh- uh… the war??”
“Well, I um… Oogway banished me to the spirit realm… “
“I heard… “
“Oh, you know. So- uh- you know, that’s why I haven’t been around… not that I didn’t wanna see you, or forgot you or, or anything… “
“Uhuh… “
“Look, can I come in?” He suddenly snaps, dropping his large arms to his sides and moving in closer to you, letting go of the façade of nervousness. “I got other places to be.”
“Oh! You have other places to be??” Immediately Kai realises he has said the wrong thing, when you light up like this. “Great! Go there!”
Then you slam the door in his face. You think he was so close that it knocked his nose- you hope that it knocked his nose. You stay by the door just long enough to hear him grunt on the other side, before sweeping off further into your house to start forgetting he came at all. You spent over 500 years missing him, he can’t just come back one day and treat you like a stop along the way.
Also- what he did, what he is no doubt still trying to do, is unforgiveable. And you refuse to be party to it. No way.
When your door literally flies off the hinges behind you, slamming into the ground with a huge, loud THUD, you whip around with wide eyes and take in a deep breath- ready to yell at this bastard for knocking down your goddamn door-
But he strolls on in, breaking your door further when he steps on it, and holds a hoof up to your face- silencing you. “Y/N… Come on, lets just talk about this.” As you stay completely silent then, Kai takes the opportunity to soften a little bit, using those bovine eyes on you in that way he knows used to make you melt once upon a time. “I missed you.”
… damnit, it still has an effect on you. Not quite the same effect, you’re still holding together - you’re still pissed, - , but that little part of you that was there since you saw him today that desperately wants to accept him back- get a little bit louder.
Now, you can’t do that, you can’t just forgive him, but you can hear him out. On your terms, but… you can be okay with him being in your house… at least. You guess. So, straightening up, you brush his hoof out of your way with the back of your hand, relishing inwardly in the way his face drops at the motion, and head towards the kitchen.
“… fine. Fix that door and if you manage to do that before I finish the tea, you can have some. Deal?”
“I’m on it.”
Lord Shen:
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“Shen? I made tea, and thought you might want a cup before you leave?”
“Tea?... I don’t need your tea- “
“Agree to disagree. Sit down.”
This made Lord Shen look at you as if you grew 3 heads and shat on the rug for a good long moment, but you don’t remove your gaze from his even though he’s scary, and after a few moments, he narrows his eyes at you and sits down on the other side of the mat. Success-
“Just a sip.” He tells you, in that hushed voice of his that can be goddamn terrifying depending on what you’ve done, as he picks up a cup in is wing. “I’ve never had tea from you, before… Wonder if it’ll be palatable.” He thinks out loud, half to himself and half to bother you, peering into the cup.
Oh, now- Rolling your eyes, you raise a cup to your own lips, feeling the warmth in your hands, and nod to him. Go on. “Well only one way to find out.” You’ve known Shen for a long time now, you grew up together, so his meanness doesn’t do quite the same thing to you as it does to others. Also, you’ve always been rather resilient, and a little naïve. No matter how hard someone may try to convince you, you cant truly believe that Shen is evil. Evil doesn’t really exist, and if it does then surely it has worse things to do then live inside Shen.
You feel like people calling him evil is just an easy way for them to compartmentalize, and you would rather know him. Which you do. That’s how you kept up eye contact with this insane bird-
“Right… “
As you take a sip yourself, and feel the warm liquid slide down your throat and fill your insides with lovely heat, you wait patiently for Shen to do the same. It takes him a moment, scowling at you as you drink your tea, before he lets out a dramatic sigh and tries it himself. “Alright, alright.” You watch his pretty face change, no longer does it look like he smelt something awful- it actually looks… surprised. Vaguely pleasantly surprised, as a matter of fact, as he looks back into the cup. “… hm.”
“Hmm?~ “
“Its… well, I’m not dead.”
“Did you really think it would kill you, Shen? That I would try to kill you?” You deadpan, but raise your brows expectantly when he raises his eyes to you.
… He pauses. “… well- “
“You’re right, you wouldn’t have what it takes, would you? No… “ Smirking, Shen takes another sip of his tea. “Thank you, though. This tea is remarkably edible.”
… sighing, you roll your eyes look away as you take another sip yourself. “Thanks. You’re welcome.”
Shen steals your attention again, though, as he drains the last of his tea and holds out the cup to you, an oddly adorable - yet still crazy, - expression on his face. Soft, and almost pleading. “… Can I have some more, then?” His voice, of course, is still terrifying.
A slow grin spreads across your face. “… I thought you were on your way out?”
“Oh shut up, and pour me some tea.”
Tai Lung:
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“Y/N!” A familiar voice yells, banging at your front door.
“Tai??” You ask, wide eyed and shocked as you pull the door open and see him standing there.
“Y/N.” He says again, unbelievable and desperate relief in his tone as he pulls you against his chest in the warmest hug you’ve ever experienced- well, since you last saw him. 20 years ago. He breathes in at your head, taking as much of your scent as he can. As he breathes out, he releases a growl, but it is not an unhappy one- its full of comfort. When he speaks, his voice pitters into a bit of whine, at the end. “It’s been too long… “
You just squeeze him closer to you, burying your face in his shoulder and closing your eyes. Its unbelievable to you that he’s here, with you again. How did he get out?? You don’t even care. You don’t even care if he should be out, or what he’s going to do now that he is, you just want to stay here tucked away in him, listening to his heartbeat and holding on to it.
After a few minutes, though, you begin to get nervous someone will see him and call someone- and he would be taken away again- so, sniffing, you pull back gently, and flash him a warm smile; nodding inside. “Do you- do you want some tea??”
Still holding onto your hands/the ends of your wings/paws/etc, his paws being so much larger than what you have, he keeps you close to his body and warmly grins. “I don’t want to let you go, little one.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Alright then.”
You lead him inside and he closes the door behind you both, and while you’re pouring the water into the kettle he wraps his arms around your body from behind and sets his head on top of yours, curling his tail around one of your legs as well. He purrs.
After you set the kettle over the fire Tai Lung sits himself down on one of your kitchen chairs - again, not letting go of your hand/wing/paw/etc at all for even a moment, - before urging you onto his lap where he wraps himself back around you again. “I’ve missed you… “He growls into your hair. “So much, little one… I thought about you, in there, you know… all about you… “
“Oh, I’m assuming you thought about other things, too… “You reply, rolling your eyes, though still very much happy he’s here. Other things, like the scroll… dragon warrior… Shifu… escape…
Chuckling against you, and brushing his tail against you, Tai nods. “Yes, but when I was thinking of you… “ He suddenly squeezes your waist in his paws, making you yelp. “You were the only thing, on my mind… “
“Hmm,” You just him, leaning your head on his chest.
After a few more moments of blessed enjoyment of each other’s company, each other’s touch and warmth, Tai speaks up again. This time, there is a hint of nervousness in his voice that causes you to lift off of his chest in order to watch his face; Concerned. “Were you… uh, I mean, have you… “ Sighing, he looks away for a moment and gathers himself. Then looks back, serious. “Is there anyone else?... “
The look on his face is saying that he wouldn’t blame you, if their were. You were without him for a long, long time. And he would prefer you be happy, with someone else… then depressed, and alone. It would hurt him… but he loves you.
It tells you that you made the right decision in waiting all this time.
With a small, sad smile, you shake your head at him. “I promised you- I would wait. I’m yours, Ta- Ah!“ He kisses you then like he cant help it, growling into your mouth.
When he pulls back, his paw on your jaw, theirs a pleased grin on his face- but unbelievably fond look in his yellow eyes. “… I’m yours too, Y/N.”
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allaboutsturns · 9 months ago
Perfectly Wrong
christopher sturniolo x reader
content/warning(s): angst, toxic relationship, verbal abuse.
summary: you and chris realize that your relationship is rather toxic and that the two of you are perfectly wrong for each other but no longer working as a couple no matter how hard you try to work. you make the final, hard, decision on whether to stay or go.
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taste the poison from your lips,
lately we're as good as gone.
you shifted nervously on the stool that you were seated on as you watched your boyfriend, chris, closely. the two of you had hardly interacted all day. you were feeling incredibly touch deprived; it had been a day or two since chris last kissed you.
he got into these moods sometimes where he didn't even want to look at you and it crushed you but you always stayed because you knew the him you fell in love with would come back, and to be fair, you got in your moods too. sometimes you would snap at chris because you got too overwhelmed and sometimes you would start arguments just because it was a defense mechanism.
you grew up with parents who constantly argued and used you as their mediator so you were almost always apart of the argument. to you, arguing meant that you loved the person.
you shifted again, wanting to touch him, your body begged to be held by him and you knew that because you felt a painful ache throughout the entirety of you.
chris was making dinner for everyone so you felt guilty about wanting him all to yourself, but you couldn't help it. he was yours and you were his and you just wanted some time to have him to yourself.
after a mental battle with yourself, you slowly stood up from the stool and looked at your feet as you shuffled towards your boyfriend, "chris..?" you whispered. his back was turned to you but you still looked at him with doe eyes, so afraid that he was going to yell at you. you felt your body begin to shake with anxiety and you tried to calm it but you couldn't.
chris sighed loudly before placing the utensils in his hands down on the countertop. he turned around and looked down at you with an annoyed expression on his face, "what." he stated harshly. you looked back down at your feet as your fingers fidgeted with each other shakily.
"i just miss you... can i have a kiss?" you asked quietly, afraid that if you spoke to loudly he would snap.
chris rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated chuckle, "is that seriously what you're bothering me for?" he asked, his tone sounded angry. he pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes tightly, almost as if he was suffering from a terrible headache that wouldn't go away.
you caved into yourself, still looking at the ground. you just needed one kiss, one hug, one touch, and you would be happy. why couldn't he just give you that?
"chris... please, baby," you pleaded. he shook his head before turning his body away from you and back towards the food that was cooking on the stove. you looked up when you no longer felt his sharp gaze and felt tears tug at your waterline.
"fine." you mumbled while taking a few steps backwards, "fuck you, asshole." you whispered to yourself before turning away and walking to you and chris' shared room.
the moment you shut the bedroom door the tears began to fall. a thunderstorm roared in your mind as your eyes poured rain. you slid down the door and brought your knees tightly into your chest trying to hold yourself together so you didn't break. your body heaved roughly as sobs escaped your soft, parted lips.
'fuck, chris. one kiss. i just wanted one kiss... or even a hug... you could've just brushed my hair out of my face and kissed the top of my head and that would've been enough.' thunder cracked repeatedly and the absence of lightning made you incredibly anxious.
'i can't do this anymore... i can't. fuck but i love him so much. damnit.' the thunder echoed through your mind again.
you couldn't do it anymore. you wanted to be able to so badly and you knew that you would continue to fight for your relationship no matter how badly you wanted to quit, you just didn't know how much longer you'd be able to before your body physically gave up on yourself and chris.
you know how much it hurts
every time you say you hate me.
"fucking god damnit, chris!" your voice boomed throughout the house. you could see chris flinch at the loudness of your voice but you were too blinded by anger to acknowledge it. you picked fights pretty often and he always hates it when you do. chris knows you can't help it but he doesn't know how much more he can take.
"you're always screwing around! are you fucking stupid?! like i'm genuinely asking, chris, because i don't know anymore." you shouted, walking closer to him so you were directly in his face. he moved his face away from yours for a moment before looking directly into your eyes, his own completely barren of emotion, almost as if a switch had gone off in his head, like he had turned his emotions off.
"yeah, hah. yeah i am 'fucking stupid'. can't believe it took you this long to notice." he said blankly, looking directly into your eyes. your eyebrows furrowed and your nose scrunched with anger.
"fuck you. you think you're so fucking funny with the sarcasm." you scoffed. he shrugged and moved his eyes away from yours, now looking behind you, seemingly uninterested in the conversation at hand. you threw your hands up in defeat, "i can't stand you. god i fucking hate you." you growled before walking to the front door. you stopped for a moment and looked back at the boy that you forgot you loved in this moment. you could see that the emotion had returned to his eyes and face, you could see the tears pooling in his eyes and the shake of his gentle hands. that was the last thing on your mind right now though.
"don't text me, don't call me, don't reach out and don't have your brothers reach out for you," you paused and took a deep breath before continuing.
"i just can't even look at you right now or i'll explode. i'll be back in a couple days." you finished your sentence and grabbed the door handle, turning it and pulling the door open. chris watched as you shut the door behind you and disappeared. he didn't want you to go, he wanted to fix this and talk to you but you were in one of your moods. his heart panged in his chest as he heard your car start. you were seriously leaving. you had gotten into heated arguments before where nick and/or matt had to intervene, but you had never actually left and he was horrified that you did.
'what if she doesn't come back... oh god please come back. i need you, ma... please don't do this to me. not now.' his mind boomed as a thunderstorm erupted throughout every corner of his brain. he couldn't stop the thoughts that kept coming at him like a freight train.
after thirty minutes of standing in the same exact spot, unmoving (aside from the body tremors he was experiencing due to overwhelming emotion), waiting for you to come back as tears fell aggressively from his eyes, he turned and walked to your shared room. he was too tired to keep waiting and he wasn't a damn dog, he had no clue why he was acting like one.
he grabbed one of your hoodies from your side of the closet and hugged it tightly against his chest before curling up on your side of the bed. he was too shaky to get under the covers so he just laid on top of the comforter and fell asleep, breathing in your scent which lingered on the hoodie he grabbed.
there's no use,
we were made to break.
after a couple months of smooth sailing in your relationship, chris fell into one of his moods again. it was an endless cycle and for some fucking reason the two of you couldn't break it. you knew that you both needed some hardcore therapy, but you guys were too stubborn to admit it and take action. you didn't want to be so vulnerable around a stranger the way you'd need to be during therapy and chris didn't want to come across as weak for attending therapy.
you looked at the tv as you quickly clicked through various tv shows and movies, trying to find something that would catch your attention. chris sat a couple inches away from you and rubbed his eyes, the bright screen shining in the dark room began to elicit a headache, "can you fucking pick something?" he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before looking over at you.
you nodded quickly and put on a random show, "yeah... sorry." you said quietly as the show began to play in the background. chris rolled his eyes so hard you thought they might fall out of his head. he looked back at the tv and his face twisted in annoyance, "the fuck is this shit." he scoffed. you wanted to shrink into yourself, wanted the couch to swallow you whole and allow someone else to deal with his shitty attitude but you knew that wouldn't happen and you couldn't take it anymore. you were about to crack.
"hello? like you put on a stupid ass show and then don't answer?" he said, his tone sharper than a knife. you closed your eyes tightly trying to fight the anger and annoyance and sadness surging through your body. you knew it was time but you were so scared and felt your heart breaking.
"damnit, chris." you mumbled before standing up and throwing your hands up, "i can't do this anymore. i seriously can't." you stated, looking directly into his beautiful blue eyes, the same eyes that made you want to melt away into him, yet this time you just wanted to look away.
"huh? the fuck do you mean, ma?" he asked, his expression softening but his tone still frustrated. you chuckled out of disbelief, "i mean i cannot physically do this with you anymore. we are slowly fucking killing each other and i am not ready to die." you said, hoping he would understand your poetic language. you felt all of the air leave your lungs and you felt dread cast a shadow over your body as tears began to form in your eyes.
chris' heart dropped as did his face. he shook his head, praying that this was a dream and that you didn't actually mean it. he loved you so incredibly much and wasn't ready to loose you, no matter how right you were about the situation you had put yourselves in. all he could think about was the night you became his girl, the night he kissed you under the moon and the stars, the night the two of you promised to never hurt the other. he now knew that he broke his promise and that you broke yours.
"baby..." he said, his voice breaking slightly. he hardly ever called you 'baby', it was usually 'ma' or 'babe' so this had taken you aback a bit, but you shook your head to rid the thoughts of staying from your mind. you needed to leave and you knew that now, no matter how much it was going to hurt you, hurt him, hurt his brothers. oh god it was going to crush his brothers. you were all so close, they were your found family and you had no choice but to let that go. it was the four of you against the world since the day you met them. you had their backs regardless of the circumstances and they had yours.
"please don't do this." chris spoke as loudly as he physically could but his voice didn't get past a whisper due to how badly his throat ached. your throat ached too. you were fighting for your life against the tears, the sobs, the wails that wanted to escape so badly. you walked over to him and sat down, your knee resting against his thigh gently.
you looked at him so painfully yet so carefully and gently as you thought about what you were about to do, "you know i love you... and i think i always will," you said gently, "and i love your brothers so much... you guys are my family.." you took in a shaky breath as tears began to fall.
you placed a hand against chris' cheek carefully the moment you saw the first tear fall from his own eyes, "but we aren't good for each other... and i don't want to hurt you anymore. i can't take you hurting me anymore." you whispered, the words felt like poison leaving your lips.
chris leaned into your touch as you rubbed your thumb against his cheek, a stream of unbreaking tears falling from his beautiful eyes. his heart was breaking inside of his chest as was yours. it felt like someone was stabbing you in the chest in the exact same spot over and over again, "i love you, my moon... we love you, me, matt, and nick.." his voice broke as a sob fell from his lips.
you kissed the top of his head before standing up again, still looking at him even though he was looking at his lap, "you're perfectly wrong for me and i'm perfectly wrong for you.. i truly wanted to fight for us for the rest of my life, but i can't... not now at least. not until we've healed." you started, "i promise i love you and i always will, but i have to go. i have to find myself and i have to give you space to find yourself." you continued, "you have to allow yourself to be found... allow yourself to heal, love." your tone was gentle and kind, it was hard to keep it that way when all you wanted to do was break down in chris' arms.
chris continued to just look at his lap, his grey sweatpants now stained with tears, nodding ever-so-slightly at your words.
"don't forget about me.. maybe down the line we can try again, when we're both ready. i wish we were ready now but we just aren't." you stopped the sentence abruptly, realizing the part you had been dreading the most, the part you had nightmares about, was here.
your feet shuffled and you grabbed your keys off of the coffee table, finally looking away from chris. you just couldn't look at him during this part. you felt his eyes burning into you, he finally looked at you the moment you looked away.
"i love you, chris. i'll see you again someday, stay strong for me tough guy..." you turned and began to walk towards the front door, "i love you, y/n... stay strong for me too, beautiful." he whispered quietly but just loud enough for you to hear. you smiled to yourself as more tears fell from your orbs. it was a sad smile, a grieving smile. you lost something today, something that had the potential to be beautiful, something that has the potential to be beautiful, but it's not ready to be beautiful yet.
you walked out of the front door and that was it. you locked it behind you. for a moment you held the house key in your hand, rubbing your thumb against the valleys of the key, reminiscing on the day you got it. after a couple minutes you placed the house key that the boys had made for you under the door matt.
you shot the group chat that the four of you had made years ago a quick text, letting them know that the key was under the matt before leaving the group chat and getting into your car.
you put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway for the last time, well, for the last time as this version of yourself. who knows what the future will throw your way. you had your car idly sitting in the middle of the empty road for a moment as you looked at the house that you had made so many memories in. you allowed yourself to take it all in one last time because you didn't know if you'd get the chance to again.
you were sobbing harder now that you were alone. you had a habit of keeping everything in until you were alone because of how vulnerable it made you feel and you really didn't like being vulnerable around people. it was odd though, you always felt okay with being vulnerable around the boys... that is up until this point.
after about five minutes, you put the car in drive and drove off. your phone was buzzing with notifications from matt and nick but you ignored them, putting your phone on 'do not disturb'. you didn't know where you were going or what your plan was, but you knew you'd figure it out. you always did.
all the stars in the sky could see
why you're perfectly wrong for me.
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wow okay two in one day!! wahoo! hopefully this makes up for my absence! i'm going on a ten day cruise soon and there won't be any wifi so you will be starved of content for a little while im sorry!!
this one is a sadder one please dont hate me, im a sucker for angst and this idea was just tugging at my brain cells, i cant help it... I LOVE U GUYS SM!! ;(
- ace <3
taglist: @whoisabbyysblog @mattyblover07 @b2cute @samandcolbyfan22 @h3arts4harry @nickgetsmewetter
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mamirhodessxox · 1 year ago
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Daddy Dearest <3
Girl dad!Leon x Mom!Reader
Blue for Leon pink for reader & purple for D/N
Desc: Despite his career path Leon has been developing pretty well to his girl dad life & revolves entirely around world around his wife & sweet little angel babygirl
Tags: Tooth Aching fluff, Dilf Leon, No smut ‼️‼️‼️, Just dad Leon living his dream! No use of y/n, D/n stands for Daughters Name
I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) Votes and comments are strongly appreciated!!!
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Leon Loving his life was an understatement, He was a miserable guy not so long ago but it all changed once he met you & had his very first child! Of course after first he was worried about being a deadbeat father, but eventually he suited up and prepared for everything was to come, dropped his drinking habits, went to therapy for most of his trauma from working on the most messed up cases world wide known to mankind & even baby proofing the entire house you two shared for over 4 years.
He even went out of his way to take random target trips with you during your pregnancy to stare at nursery furniture and random trinkets and toys he found, holding up gender neutral baby clothing before knowing the gender & asking “you think this is cute sweetheart?” It was amazing how he became so obsessed with the thought of having his own little family with a white piket fence & beautiful front lawn garden (He started gardening as a coping mechanism which would soon be one of his top hobbies he brought onto his daughter.)
During the gender reveal he was nothing but pure excitement and joy to have a little baby girl that the next day he even went back to target and came home to baby-proof the entire house, testing objects to see if they would fall on a random baby doll etc, so much so that you had to go downstairs at 12 am and force him to take a break and come to bed, “You don’t think she’ll hit her head on the table one day right? I really wouldn’t want my little princess to get hurt” “I think you need to put down the baby proofing tools for the night & actually come to bed hun, it’s almost 1 o’clock”
Some days you would be in pure anguish because D/N would be doing pure gymnastics in your belly that Leon had to ‘have a talk’ but most of the time during your pregnancy he was always talking to your tummy, Asking her to relax on the jumping around in there, Sometimes waking up super early in the morning to talk to your belly & sometimes waking you up & hearing you tell him off a little bit in a muffled voice since you were buried in your body pillow. “Hi babygirl, you excited to get outta there & see your new room? Yeah? Oh I know your excited angel but you can’t keep kicking mama like this sweetheart it hurts her!”, “Can’t keep jumpin’ around in mommy’s belly sweetness your driving her insane sweetheart” “oh yeah!?You excited babydoll?” “Good morning my sweet girl, I can’t wait to see you y’know, mommy & I are so excited to meet you & hold you & love yo-“ “Leon what the hell are you doing awake at 5:30??” “Uh oh I woke up mom” “leon I swear to god if you don’t go back to sleep.”
And then came along the arrival of his awaited babygirl, he was so excited he even set up a little mini red carpet infront of her nursery & stars next to the door & even putting a little sign on your guys’ front door in bold glittery pink ‘Welcome Home Princess D/N” He even brought a little camera to make a home tape for every memory he makes with you & your daughter so when she is finally old enough she can watch, this tape includes her birthing where your shouting & screams could be heard such as “GOD FUCKING DAMNIT LEON!!” “I’M GONNA KILL YOU IN YOUR FUCKING SLEEP!”& his light crying of when she was born
After your daughter was born it was extremely difficult for you two to set a fair sleep schedule so for the first few weeks Leon would wake up at 2:30 AM whenever D/N was crying on the baby monitor and move the rocking chair placed in her room right next to the crib “What’s the matter sweetness? Can’t sleep again? I know babygirl it must be so tough trying to get your little beauty sleep huh?” He would slip his hand through the little bars of the crib and smile giddily every time she would wrap her little hand around his thumb, growing up was the most difficult for him, he cried every-time his sweet angel took her first steps, said her first word which was obviously a strained “da-da” which was to be expected since D/N was a total daddy’s girl. most of the time when he was off he would let you go to work so he could spend his days with your guys’ daughter, take her to the petting zoo, a random aquarium where she discovered her favorite animal was a sea horse, Leon’s entire existence revolved around D/N to the point where if her little fist was directed at something she wanted he bought it, she starts crying? He jumps right up to take her off your hands so you can relax, his entire world was revolving around her & you loved to see it, sometimes when you got home from work you’d see Leon on the living room floor with your daughter as she babbled playing with a random stuffed animal monkey “Hi honey, Took her to the petting zoo today, we discovered she really loves monkeys”
Some mornings when you would all sit at the table eating before the day started Leon would watch her in her high chair chew on whatever she had in-front of her causing a small mess where he would chuckle & clean up after her “Your just one messy little girl huh princess? Gonna have to teach you manners now little lady.” And then came the day where she got her very first booboo, I’m sure you can imagine what happened, Little D/N was running around the backyard chasing a butterfly while you & Leon just finished harvesting this falls apples and then randomly you heard a tiny little wail behind you causing Leon to jump up from the ground and scoop up his baby girl “Baby she has a cut on her knee we need to take her to the hospital now! Get in the car!” “Honey I think she’s alright nothing a little rubbing alcohol & a band aid can’t fix.” When the two of you went inside and into the bathroom he sat on the edge of the bath tub and sat little D/N on his knee while you rubbed some alcohol on her knee which reasonably made her wail out more than she did beforehand causing Leon to start tearing up and kissing the top of her head “I know angel I know it hurts but we can’t let your lil’ booboo get worse & nasty now can we?” Once you finished that 1 minute of anguish you two sat in the living room holding her close as you slightly teased Leon for his light crying “You love making daddy cry now don’t you honey? You know you have him tied up around your little finger huh” You joked while Leon grunted while worryingly making sure she didn’t hurt herself again
One day you caught him in her room when she was around 4 years old having a little tea party, he was sat in a chair next to her that was far to tiny for him to fit in as he wore a pink tiara around his head that was again to tiny for him & a pink fluffy tutu around his waist while fake sipping tea from the tea cup while causing her to giggle, You had just gotten home from work & leaned against the doorway smiling and holding in a laugh but Leon smiled back and stood up and had the tiny chair stuck on his ass causing you & D/N to laugh obnoxiously especially after he eventually was able to pull it off and walk over to you mumbling “shut up.” Before kissing you lightly & asking how your day went. Obviously because of his career he had to miss some important events at school for D/N and he felt AWFUL. He cried in your arms one night after returning from a 1 week trip where he missed father daughter school day where he imagined his poor babygirl sitting at her table in kindergarten watching everyone else with their dad while she had a confused expression. And every single night after that for a month straight he would have little sleepovers in her room where he read her bedtime stories, you know that one 3 little kitties book from despicable me? He obviously read that to her with the brightest smile on his face and once it was time for bed her would sleep on the floor right next to her toddler bed “Goodnight babygirl, daddy loves you so so much y’know that? You got his heart right in your little fist”
By the time she was 10 he was always helping her with school projects & homework & even going to father daughter dances with her, if
D/N wanted something all she had to do was ask and bat her little lashes, some days when he went to go pick her up from school with you in the car he would see her talking to a boy before running off to the car leaving him with a puzzled face “who the hell is that little twerp near my daughter? She does know he is not good enough for her right?” “Nuh-uh Leon, Don’t start let her have friend alright?” “Sweetheart just look at the little shit! He’s practically blushing looking at her right now!” “Oh stop it.”
Just imagine what it would be like when D/N is finally a teenager and brings a boy home for the first time..Leon makes it VERY clear nobody is good enough for his little girl & never will be, he is the entire reason why her standards will be extremely high…
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
🏷️ List: @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert
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willalove75 · 6 months ago
hello hello!! I hope you’re doing well and also super congrats on your baby 🎉🎉
Was wondering if you could possibly write more about domestic Alcina based on that one fic you wrote? Maybe something along the lines of a romantic night in together when it’s stormy outside. I’m a sucker for how you wrote her in a domestic and modern setting and I’d love to see more if you wouldn’t mind ^^’
no worries at all if you don’t take this request!! I just super love your writing for Alcina Dimitrescu and it makes me super happy to read your work when I can 🩵🩵
Hiii! Thank you so much! Baby and I are doing great! He’s the best thing in the whole world, I love him so much🥺😭💕
Thank you so much for the request! An idea for this popped into my head immediately when I read this ask and I’ve been super excited to write it since!! I’m so glad you liked my domestic!Alcina so much! She’s so much fun to write in different settings but a modern Alcina always has me in some kind of a chokehold😂
I hope you enjoy!!
Tags/warnings: fluff, smut, teensie bit of degradation kink and mommy kink, and more fluff.
A/N: ITS FINALLY DONE😭 I proof read this once so please ignore any errors or whatever. Or let me know and maybe I'll fix them (wishful thinking lmao) also soft!Alcina is baby.
Rain pelts against the back door while lightning fills the sky with flashes of white. The boom of the thunder makes the house shake. You find yourself curled up on the couch, staring out into the inky, rainy night as you pout. Usually, you’re not one to pout, but tonight, you make an exception. Justifying your sour attitude by telling yourself if anyone else was in your situation, they would be pouting too.
Today is your anniversary with Alcina, a day you were immensely looking forward to. The two of you have been together for a few years now, and every year Alcina would take the reins and plan what the two of you would do on your anniversary. Extravagant vacations, expensive jewelry, on your one year anniversary she even got you a brand new car meanwhile there was nothing wrong with the one you were driving. Alcina spared no expense and always went above and beyond.
This year, however, you begged her to let you plan the day. She could still arrange whatever ridiculous plans she could come up with; because a three year anniversary normally doesn’t call for a two week stay in a luxury resort on a tropical island, but for Alcina, it wasn’t something she thought twice about before booking.
After softening her up with some good sex and puppy dog eyes, Alcina rolled her blue-gray eyes while a smirk pulled at the corner of her lips as she relented.
“Fine, draga. You may plan what we do the day of our anniversary. However, I still fully intend to book the European getaway I’ve been eyeing for you.” You look up into her eyes as you lay on top of her, resting your chin on your arms folded over her chest, a wide smile gracing your features. Before you can speak she holds up her finger to stop you. “Only on one condition.”
Arching your brow at her, you ask “what condition?”
“In the condition that I finance whatever it is you are planning.” You go to argue and she cuts you off again. “Absolutely not, I will not have you spend your hard earned money on our anniversary. You may plan whatever you like, but you’re using my credit card.”
You roll your eyes at her and groan in disapproval. Before you can register her movements, Alcina’s large hand lands a firm smack on your ass. A yelp escapes your lips; your ass is already red, raw and sore from the night's earlier activities.
“Don’t make me spank that attitude out of you my darling. You know I won’t show you mercy.”
Rolling off of Alcina and onto your back, you cup your ass as you let out a whine.
“God damnit!”
Alcina smirks and before you can recover from the sting, you feel her weight settle on top of you.
“So, have we fixed that attitude? Or is a punishment in order?”
“Nooo.” You whine. “Fine, I’ll use your card.”
“Good girl.” Alcina says as she trails her lips and nose up and down the side of your neck, her skin just barely brushing against yours.
After the multiple rounds the two of you just went, you were convinced that you were tapped out for the night. However, in typical Alcina fashion, she knows exactly what to do to elicit a response from your body. As she places feather-light kisses up your neck, her hands slide up from your hips to the dip of your waist. Her hands travel higher until her fingertips are skimming the sides of your breasts. Even with the weight of her breasts on top of yours, you can still feel the sensation of your nipples hardening against her skin.
A familiar wetness forms between your legs for what feels like the hundredth time tonight as Alcina presses her thigh against your cunt. She smirks at how easily she’s able to arouse you. Sitting up, Alcina hooks one of your legs over her hip and rocks into you, grinding her cunt against yours.
“Mmm, I love how wet I can make you with just a few light touches. My sweet, sensitive girl.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you let out a filthy moan as she picks up the pace. Before you know it, the two of you are rutting against each other, crying out each other's names as you chase your highs together.
The closer your anniversary got, the more excited you were for what you had planned. From morning until night, you had the whole day planned out. For breakfast, you were going to take her to her favorite cafe for coffee and pastries. After breakfast, the plan was to walk to her favorite art museum, which conveniently happened to be only a couple of blocks from the cafe. Knowing Alcina, even though she’s been there hundreds of times, the two of you would be wandering around the museum for hours. Especially since a new exhibit was supposed to open up a couple of weeks before your anniversary. It would be lunchtime by the time you were done at the museum, so you planned to have a picnic set up in the park in her favorite, secluded spot. You spared no expense on buying all of her favorite meats, cheeses, crackers, spreads, and of course, a couple of bottles of her favorite wine: Sanguis Virgnins. After lunch, you planned to walk around the park a bit and then before sunset, head to the beach for a sunset walk along the water. For dinner, you made a reservation at her favorite restaurant that overlooks the ocean. To conclude the evening, you planned to have rose petals scattered across the floor and candles lit around the house to set the mood for a passionate, romantic end to your anniversary.
Everything was set and perfect, now you only had to wait for the day. For days you were on the edge of your seat with excitement, hoping Alcina would love what you’ve curated for the two of you. It wasn’t until yesterday did things go south. A storm warning lit up your phone screen as you and Alcina were having dinner. The storm was supposed to veer off into the ocean and bypass you completely, but as if god himself wanted to shit all over your perfectly planned day, the storm came straight up the coast and landed practically at your front door.
Alcina knew how excited you were to surprise her with the perfect day so she insisted on doing as much as you possibly could. So on the morning of your anniversary, the two of you headed over to the cafe. Even though you were only outside just to get in and out of the car, by the time you finished breakfast and made it to the museum, the two of you were soaked to the bone. To make matters worse, the museum had the air conditioning on full blast, which caused the both of you to shiver as you tried to enjoy the artwork. You weren’t even in the museum for half an hour before you decided to cut your losses and head home.
So here you are, sitting on the couch staring out into the storm and pouting. After you got home, Alcina went to shower. She invited you in but you were too down and didn’t want to bring her mood down also, so you declined her offer and changed into comfy sweats and made your way downstairs to the living room.
“Draga?” Alcina’s voice pulls your focus away from the dark, dreary outdoors.
“My darling, don’t look so upset.” She says as she makes her way over to you.
“I can’t help it, I am upset! I had the perfect day planned and it got completely shat on.”
Alcina comes to a stop in front of you and lifts your chin to look up at her. When you’re standing you have to crane your neck to look up at her, but when you’re sitting? You basically have to bend your head as far back as it can go.
With her other hand, she cards her fingers through your still-damp hair, gently scratching at your scalp.
“I’m sorry your plans got rained out, draga. But we still have plenty of time to turn this dreary day around.”
You place your hands on her hips, that are practically eye-level with you, and smooth your thumbs over the silk of her robe. “I guess.”
“Besides,” she says as the hand in your hair slides to the back of your head where she slowly grabs your hair by the root, just the way you like it. “You weren’t the only one who planned something for today. And luckily, the inclement weather has no effect on what I have planned for you tonight.” 
She gently pulls you up by your hair as she leans down and brushes her lips against yours. “So, what do you say, iubirea mea? Come, show me what you have here.”
Alcina pulls away before you can lean in to kiss her and she grabs your hand, leading you into the kitchen where the spread that was supposed to be for your picnic is laid out on the island.
Picking up a few items and inspecting them, Alcina raises an eyebrow and smirks at you when she recognizes all of her favorite, super fancy meats and cheeses.
“This is quite an impressive spread you have here, draga.”
You pick up a jar of caviar and turn it over in your hands as you speak. “Yeah, this was supposed to be our lunch, which was supposed to be in our favorite spot in the park.”
Alcina’s eyes soften at your words, touched at the thought and little details you put into your plans.
“Well, even though it’s past lunchtime, it would be a shame to let all of this go to waste, don’t you think?” She says, trying to bait you, but you can be just as stubborn as she is. So you just shrug your shoulders, mumbling an “I guess” in response.
She walks around the island and takes the jar of caviar out of your hands. Knowing how much you love her hands, she makes a show of popping the jar open and dipping a tiny spoon into it. When that doesn’t work, she offers you the spoon, knowing damn well you hate caviar. You take one whiff and you scrunch your nose and pull away.
“Oh stop, it doesn’t even have a smell.” She says before popping the spoon in her mouth and slowly closes her lips around it. Always one for theatrics, she slowly pulls the spoon from between her lips and rolls her eyes back and moans in pleasure. “Mmm, delicious.”
When her gray eyes open and meet yours, you can’t help but shake your head and let out a small chuckle at her antics. She leans in to kiss you and you pull back, avoiding her lips.
“Nuh-uh. I am not kissing you when you most certainly taste like fish.”
Alcina rolls her eyes for real this time and sets the jar and spoon down on the counter. To your surprise, she grabs the ball of mozzarella with her hands and pulls a chunk of it off. Splitting the piece in two, she leans her head back and drops the cheese into her mouth. After a couple of chews, since she is never one to speak with food in her mouth, she swallows it and arches her perfectly manicured brow at you.
“Better?” She says, flatly.
You can’t help but smile at her and nod your head. She leans down and places a soft kiss on your lips.
“Open.” She says once you part, still holding the other piece of mozzarella in her hand.
Opening your mouth wide, she drops the piece of cheese onto your tongue and you happily chew it. This time it's your turn for your eyes to roll to the back of your head and let out a moan - only it’s genuine, you’re not trying to put on a show like Alcina was earlier.
When you open your eyes, you open them to Alcina sticking her finger into her mouth, cleaning off the remnants of the cheese. Your mouth goes dry and your pupils dilate as you watch her. She always knows how to get you going and offers you her other finger to clean, and because you’re a total slut for this woman, you part your lips on command and take her finger into your mouth.
You caress her finger with your tongue a few times before Alcina presses down on it, pinning it in place. Her lips part and her eyes dilate as she looks down at you with her finger in your mouth and she slowly thrusts her finger back and forth across your tongue. With each thrust her finger goes a little deeper and deeper and you whimper around it. After one final thrust that goes deeper than all of the other ones, nearly making you gag, she pulls her finger from your mouth and captures your lips in a kiss. Cupping your face in her large hands, Alcina flicks her tongue into your mouth, once, twice, and as you lean in for a third swipe, she abruptly pulls away.
An actual whine leaves your lips before you can stop yourself and Alcina chuckles, brushing her nose against yours. She pulls away and makes her way back around the island, putting a small plate of food together.
Looking up at you, feigning innocence, she cocks her head to the side and asks “aren’t you going to eat?”
You let out a groan, now that you’re almost uncomfortably wet, you rub your thighs together and make your way next to her. Alcina smirks, knowing just how turned on you are. Her little plan to distract you is slowly coming to fruition.
Some time passes by and you end up sitting on the counter while you and Alcina feed each other different meats and cheeses and refill each other's wine glasses well before they need refilling. She spreads your favorite fig jam on a cracker and puts it between her teeth, offering you the other half. With a giggle, you bite into the other half. As you’re each chewing your piece, in an uncharacteristic move, no doubt fueled by the copious amounts of wine you’ve both had, Alcina presses her lips into yours. You can’t help but laugh as she kisses you while you both have crackers and jam in your mouths and you feel Alcina smile into the kiss. She places both hands on either side of you on the counter, caging you in and continues to kiss all over your face, jaw and neck. In a fit of laughter, you try to lean back but she wraps her arms around you and pulls you to the edge, her hips slotting perfectly between your legs.
By the time her kisses come to a stop, the two of you are giggling like teenagers and you wrap your arms around her neck as you nuzzle into each other. When you pull back, you still have smiles plastered across your faces and you see the sparkle in Alcina’s eyes. When you’re this close to her, you can really see the crows feet in the corners of her eyes and the delicate smile lines that line her perfectly plump lips. 
Your heart stutters in your chest at the way she looks at you so lovingly. It still amazes you that you were able to melt the heart of the self-proclaimed Ice Queen. There was a time where you weren’t sure if you were ever going to get past the layers and layers of walls she had built up over the years before you met. It took time and patience, but she slowly let her walls come down brick by brick. There were a few times where you thought you were never going to see the real her and you debated on ending the relationship. Alcina always seemed to know when you were reaching that breaking point and even though it was hard and wildly uncomfortable, she tore down a few more walls and let you further in. She showed you the scared girl underneath that cold exterior. The girl that was terrified of having her heart broken again, each time you saw past another wall you melted for her.
There was one time where you were literally walking out the door after an argument over her keeping you at arms length. The only thing that stopped you was the way her voice cracked when she called after you. When you turned around you saw her lips trembling and tears threatening to roll down her cheeks. That night she broke through the rest of her walls and let you completely in. She told you things she’s never told anyone else before. Told you about her childhood, her tumultuous relationship with her family, how they tried to marry her off just to get rid of her. She poured her heart out to you and you knew then and there that no matter what else happened, you were going to be the one that protected her fragile heart from then on.
“What?” Alcina asks as she stares back into your eyes.
“Nothing.” You say as you shake your head. “I just love you so much, Alcina.”
“Și eu te iubesc atât de mult, draga mea.” 
(I love you so much too, my darling)
Alcina takes your wine glass from your hand and sets it down next to hers on the counter. Before you can protest she silences you with a kiss. It starts out soft and slow, but before you know it your kisses become more passionate, more frenzied. Her hands slide from your hips to underneath your ass and you grab the hair at the back of her head with one hand and hook your other arm around her neck.
In one swift movement, Alcina lifts you off of the counter and you squeal into her lips. Instinctively, you wrap your legs around her waist. She carries you up the stairs as if you weigh nothing, and heads into the bedroom. Often times when the two of you get to this stage, since it’s not the first time she’s carried you into the bedroom, Alcina will unceremoniously toss you onto the bed and either pounce on you, or torture you by making you wait. As you brace yourself to be tossed, you’re surprised when her grip on you tightens and she gently lays you down, allowing some, but not all, of her weight to rest on top of you.
Alcina looks at you in the most tender way. Her eyes take in every detail of your face and you can’t help but do the same, admiring her naturally long eyelashes, the blues and grays that swirl in her irises, and her lipstick-free lips that look all too kissable. She brushes a stray lock of hair out of your face before cupping your cheek and capturing your lips in a soft yet passionate kiss. The kiss intensifies when you feel her lick against your lips and you eagerly let her in. More of her weight settles on top of you when you pull her closer, her hips slotted perfectly between your legs. As you’re reveling in the feeling of her on top of you, Alcina takes you by surprise by taking your bottom lip between her lips and sucking on it, drawing out a moan from your lips. She nips at it before letting it go and dives in for a hungrier kiss. You can’t help but roll your hips into her as she claims your mouth, and she groans into the kiss, rolling her hips into you in response. If she was wearing her strap right now she’d be buried to the hilt and the thought sends a shiver down your spine.
Chuckling at feeling you shiver, she rolls her hips into you again and again, a little harder each time. You desperately try to grind into her but there just isn’t enough friction at this angle and you let out a pitiful whine before you can stop yourself. Alcina smiles into the kiss and slows down before pulling away. She rubs her thumb across your eyebrows, softening the furrow that developed between them once she stopped kissing you.
“Do you want your present now, sweet girl?” She asks as her fingers dance across your skin.
“Mhm.” You hum, nodding at her with a smile. 
“As you wish. There are just a few things that need to be done before you get your present.”
“Like what?”
“Well, first things first, this,” she says, tugging at your sweatshirt. “Needs to go.”
Alcina sits back on her heels, giving you space to sit up. Her hands slide under your sweatshirt, letting out a purr when she feels bare skin underneath her fingertips. 
“Nothing underneath? Today must be my lucky day.” She teases.
She helps you pull your sweatshirt up, her hands stopping at the sides of your ribs. You pull it over your head and toss it onto the floor. She guides you to lay back down, each of her hands palming a breast as you fall back into the mattress. Cold fingers send a chill down your spine, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin and your nipples to harden at the touch. Alcina gropes and massages them before squeezing one and dragging her tongue across a hardened peak. A gasp of surprise escapes from your lips and you hum and roll your hips as she mirrors the action on the other side.
Alcina peppers your chest with kisses and small bites, soothing over each sting with her tongue. Once she is satisfied with the marks she left, her fingers hook into the waistline of your sweatpants.
“Next, these need to go as well. May I?”
Your hips roll at the question and you nod your head, not wanting to let her hear the desperation in your voice.
Alcina lets out a tsk.
“Use your words.” She reprimands.
“Yes, god, take them off!”
“Good girl.” She says with a chuckle and she begins to pull your sweatpants down your legs.
Her eyes glow with lust as she pulls them off, realizing you’re bare underneath those as well. 
“And no panties either?” She hums. “You spoil me, draga.”
Your sweatpants are cast away, landing somewhere on the bedroom floor and immediately forgotten about. Alcina takes a moment to admire you sprawled out, naked on the bed before her. A faint flush develops on your cheeks and across your chest as her eyes roam over every inch of your body. 
“Doamne, ești uluitor.” She whispers to herself.
(“God, you are breathtaking.”)
Even though you’re not sure exactly what it was that she said, you feel your flush deepen and you instinctively cover your face with your hands, a sudden bout of shyness overtaking you.
“No, no, don’t hide.” You can hear the smile in her voice as she takes your hands and pulls them from your face, holding them at your sides but not restraining you. “Let me see you, draga.”
You open your eyes to see her gray-blue eyes staring back at you and you can’t help but smile up at her.
“You are so beautiful, my love.” Alcina says before capturing your lips in a soft kiss.
The kiss doesn’t last long before Alcina pulls away and sits back up. Her hands slide down the hourglass of your waist and down your thighs, coming to a rest at your knees.
“Now, there’s one last thing that needs to happen before you get your present, my sweet girl.”
Alcina spreads your legs apart, opening you up wide for her.
“I need you absolutely soaked for what I have planned next.” She says as she drags the back of her knuckles up your already dripping slit, just barely nudging your clit. “Can you do that for me?”
“Yes.” You pant. Her thumb brushes over your clit a few times before slowly circling it. “Fuck, yes, I can.” You moan.
“That’s my good girl.” Alcina says before settling herself between your legs.
She teases your clit with her fingers for a few more seconds and just before you become too impatient, she holds you by the back of your knees, spreads your legs wide, and licks a broad strip up your cunt, flicking your clit with her tongue. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you let out a guttural moan as she repeats the motion over and over again. Just as your legs begin to tremble, Alcina pulls away and removes one hand from your leg. Looking up at her, you see her lips, nose and chin glistening with your arousal and she sucks two of her fingers into her mouth, her eyes never once leaving yours. Heat pools in your belly when she releases her fingers with a pop and they disappear below her. Without taking her eyes off of you, she effortlessly slips them into you. You’re the one who breaks eye contact when she pushes them deep into your pussy and curls them into that spongy spot that makes you see stars.
With your eyes rolling into the back of your head, Alcina nips and licks the inside of your thigh as she gently massages that sweet spot inside. It’s enough to have you moaning her name, but not quite enough to get you where you so desperately want her to take you to. Alcina senses your growing frustration and gently laps at your clit, adding even more pleasure to your body. You don’t feel yourself getting close until she takes the hardened nub between her lips and sucks at it, occasionally flicking her tongue over it. At the first spark of arousal that shoots up your spine, you cry out as your hands grab at Alcina’s head, burying your fingers into her hair.
Just as you’re about to get to the edge, Alcina pulls her fingers out and releases your clit from between her lips. A pathetic whimper leaves your lips and you look down at her in disbelief.
“Patience, draga, you can’t come yet.”
“Why not?” You whine.
“Because I said so. Now be a good girl and spread your legs wide. You can take more of me, can’t you, draga?”
“Yes, fuck, please. Fill me.”
“Be careful what you wish for, draga.” She says with a dark chuckle.
Before you can react, Alcina slides three fingers into your cunt and sets a near brutal pace. You collapse back onto the bed with a cry as she fucks you harder and harder. Your legs tremble around her and just as you’re about to reach your peak again, she slows down, taking your impending orgasm with her.
“Fuck!” You cry. “Why?!”
“I already told you, I’m just getting you ready for what’s to come, my love. Patience.”
She thrusts her fingers in and out of you, keeping you right on the precipice of bliss until she’s satisfied with how drenched and stretched out you are. 
After edging you once more, Alcina pulls away all together and sits back up.
“I think you’re ready for your present now, don’t you think?”
“God yes, please!”
“Is my sweet girl's tight cunt all wet and stretched out for me?” She teases as she hovers over you.
“Yes, fuck.” You breathe.
Alcina places a soft kiss on your lips and moves off of the bed and towards the walk-in closet.
“I’ll be back in a second.”
You wait, impatiently, for Alcina to return and when she does, she’s holding a double ended strap-on dildo in one hand, a bottle of lube in the other and a towel slung over her shoulder. The dildo is purple and quite large, both in length and girth; it’s easily one of the biggest toys you own. Now you get why Alcina needed you so stretched and wet.
She sees the excitement in your eyes as she makes her way towards the bed and lets out a low chuckle.
“Are you excited about your present, draga?”
With your bottom lip caught between your teeth, all you can do is mumble “mhm” and nod your head; your eyes never straying from the toy in her hand. Your legs unconsciously open wider for her as she approaches.
Alcina kneels in front of you on the bed and guides you to lay back down before popping open the lube. She coats her end in the lube and makes a show of using two fingers to spread her lips wide. You can already see how wet she is and that her clit is enlarged and puffy. It takes all of your self control to stay where you are and not pounce on her and bury your tongue inside of her. Noticing the look in your eyes, Alcina teases you by slowly rubbing the toy between her lips, letting out tiny gasps as she nudges her clit with the tip. Just as you feel yourself begin to clench around nothing, Alcina slides the toy into her cunt and throws her head back, letting out a satisfied moan.
When she looks back down at you, her irises are all but swallowed by her dilated pupils. Wordlessly, she pops open the lube cap again and this time coats your end in it. You think she’s going to wipe the excess off on the towel but instead, she cups your soaked pussy and spreads the remaining lube all over you. She takes you by surprise when she shoves three fingers deep into you again, making you cry out in pleasure. After a few twists and thrusts, she pulls them out and begins stroking the cock jutting out from between her legs.
“Are you ready, sweet girl?”
“Yes, fuck, please. I need it.”
Alcina lets out a chuckle. “We haven’t even started and you’re already begging for my cock? Such a desperate little slut, aren’t you?”
“Mhm.” You whine.
She takes a moment to admire how turned on and eager you are, her eyes focused on your throbbing pussy and she takes her bottom lip between her teeth.
“Look at you, so wet and clenching around nothing already. Since you’re so desperate, you’re going to be a good girl and take mommy’s whole cock. That’s fine with you, isn’t it, draga?”
“Yes! Please, please give it to me. I’ve been so good.” You let out a whine as Alcina rubs the head of the purple strap up and down your drenched slit, just barely brushing over your clit.
“You have been a good girl for me tonight, so I won’t tease you too badly. Let me get you a little more stretched before I fuck you into the mattress. Is that alright, sweet girl?” She asks as she slowly pushes the head between your lips and past the first ring of muscle. It's deep enough for you to clench around, but not enough to get any pleasure from, just the sensation of the head stretching you out.
You whine and try to rock your hips to get her deeper, but Alcina grabs your legs underneath your knees and spreads you wide, holding you in place.
“You’ve been such a good girl this far, don’t make me punish you this early.”
All you can do is whine in response and try to not squirm on the bed. Finally, Alcina decides to stop teasing you and without warning, sinks the entire length of the strap into you and you let out a strangled cry.
“Fuck, I stretched you out so nicely and you’re still so tight.” She says as her eyes flutter from the pleasure she’s receiving from her end of the strap.
Alcina pulls out and thrusts back into you again, she does this a few more times before she begins to lose her composure and she pushes your knees so far backwards they’re practically at your ears. At this angle, with you so spread, Alcina is able to pull out and fuck you deeper and harder as she sets a pace that causes you to cry out with each thrust.
“Good girl.” She purrs. “Look at you, taking my cock so perfectly. God, I love all of the little noises you make when I fuck you.”
Just as you feel like your orgasm is about to build, Alcina switches her pace and bottoms you out, with her hips flush against you and begins to grind the cock deep into your pussy. A surprised gasp escapes your lips and you whimper each time she grinds into you.
“Oh fuck! Alcina!”
“I know baby, it feels so good doesn’t it? That’s it, keep taking it.”
Outside, the storm begins to pick up. The room is occasionally lit up by the lightning cracking across the sky and the thunder continues to shake the house. But with Alcina being buried so deep inside of you, neither of you give it any attention.
The room is filled with the sounds of both of your moans and cries and the sound of her hips slamming into you over and over again. Alcina lets go of your legs and you wrap them around her, keeping her close. Your arms wrap around her neck and you pull her down into a sloppy kiss of clashing teeth, tongues and noses. She bites down on your lower lip, nearly breaking the skin and you rake your nails down her back as she rails into you over and over again. She cries out from the mixture of pleasure and pain from your nails. One of her hands wraps around your neck, just the way you like it, and she adds a slight amount of pressure to the sides.
“You take my big cock so well. Look at you, such a perfect little fuck toy for mommy, aren’t you?”
“Yes! Fuck.” You whine as your eyes roll back.
“God, you’re so fucking wet for me, I can’t wait to make you explode.” She says with what sounds like renewed determination as she switches her strokes to long, hard ones.
The new pattern causes you to arch your back into her, letting out a guttural moan. Her relentless pounding causes your orgasm to build once more, this time much more quickly. As Alcina feels you begin to clench harder and tense around her, she lets out a dark chuckle.
“You’re so close already, I can feel how hard you’re clenching. You want to come so badly, don’t you, my sweet girl?” All you’re able to muster is a whimper and a slight head nod. “Tell me, tell me how badly you want to come.”
“So fucking bad. Please, please don’t fucking stop.”
“Oh, I won’t. I’m nowhere near done with you, draga. Especially not before you give me what I want.”
Knowing what she means, you let out a whine and tightly grasp at the hair on the back of her head. Alcina reaches between your bodies and her thrusts falter for just a moment. Before you can even complain, the cock begins to vibrate inside of you and you cry out for her.
“That’s it, draga, that’s it. Don’t fight it, give it to me my love.” She says in an unexpectedly soft tone, especially given how hard she’s fucking you; but you’re too far gone to really notice.
After a few hard thrusts you’re right on the edge and you can hear how wet you are each time she slams into you.
“Fuck, Alci, fuck, please, please, make me, I’m gonna-”
Before you can finish your ramblings, your orgasm hits you like a bus. Your back arches off of the bed and your eyes roll to the back of your head. A scream rips through your vocal cords as the intense pleasure takes over your body. As Alcina fucks you through it, you feel a rush of liquid between the two of you. Your orgasm gets splattered across your thighs and lower stomach as Alcina’s thrusts continue until your body collapses back onto the bed. She slows her pace and comes to a stop, the strap still nestled deep inside of you as you clench around it while your body trembles from the intensity of your orgasm.
Alcina buries her face into your neck and you feel her panting against you as she catches her breath. When you finally come back into your body, because you’re pretty fucking sure you soul was separated from you for a few minutes, you run your fingers through Alcina’s hair and hold her close.
“Holy shit.” You pant. “That was crazy.”
“That was so fucking hot.” Alcina mumbles into your neck. “I don’t think I’ve ever made you squirt that much before, we’re fucking drenched.”
You let out a breathy chuckle and Alcina presses a kiss into your skin. She sits up and slowly pulls out of you and you whine from the loss.
“Oh hush, don’t think I’m done with you just yet.” She says with a devious smile. “I still have to come.”
“How you didn’t during that is actually insane.”
“I came close a few times, but that’s not how I want you when I do. And as you well know, I usually get what I want.” 
You can’t help but laugh at her arrogance. Does she usually get what she wants? Of course she does. But you have her wrapped so tightly around your finger that more often than not, you get what you want too. 
“Oh? Then how do you want me?”
“Ready for more already?” She asks with an arched brow.
“I will be, I just need a minute.”
Alcina leans down and pulls you into a passionate kiss. Your tongues dance around each other as your hands wander across your bodies. After a couple of minutes, Alcina pulls away and has you flip onto your stomach. She begins to pull your hips up and you get up onto all fours. Before you can get comfortable, you feel Alcina’s strong grip on the back of your head as she pushes you down onto the pillows, face down, ass up.
“Just like that.” She says as she holds your head down and spreads your legs wider.
Even though you’re drenched, Alcina still pops open the lube and coats the toy in it again. Both of you agree, there’s never such a thing as too much lube. Plus, the last thing she wants is to subject you to any kind of friction burn. The two of you have been down that road before and even though it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, it definitely put a damper on the night and kept you out of commission for a couple of days.
She rubs the toy against you a couple of times before slipping it back in. A few slow, long, deep thrusts have you mewling beneath her and you hear her smirk with pride at how easily she can unravel you.
“For my final gift to you tonight,” She says as she keeps her thrusts steady. “You can come as many times as you want.” You let out a satisfied moan that turns into a cry as she thrusts hard into you. “Don’t get too excited, there is a catch.” She says as she returns to her slower pace. “You can come as many times as you want, but I won’t stop until I come. Alright?”
You know if you used your safe word she would stop in an instant. As torturous as the orgasms she forces upon you can be, they’re also other-worldly and there’s definitely a part of you that never wants them to stop, even if you’re a trembling, overstimulated mess.
Eager for her to start, you whine a “mhm” and nod your head. A sharp smack lands on your ass and you yelp both from the surprise and the sting.
“Use your words. Do you understand me?” She says as her tone darkens and the grip on your hair tightens to the point of almost being painful.
“Yes! I can come over and over again and you won’t stop until you come.”
Another sharp slap meets your ass and Alcina immediately soothes it by running her hand over the mark that is definitely starting to develop.
“Good girl. Now be a good little slut and take my cock like the perfect little toy you are.”
Alcina immediately sets a brutal pace, slamming her hips into your ass over and over again. Even if you tried, you wouldn’t have been able to keep the moans and whimpers from slipping through your lips. The grunts coming from behind you as Alcina fucks you spurs you on and you rock back into each thrust, causing her to let out a groan.
“Fuck, good girl.” She says, smacking your ass again. “I love your cunt, taking my cock so perfectly.”
The first orgasm hits you hard and you cry out as you tremble underneath her. It came faster than you were expecting but you’re too blissed out to care that this will inevitably be the first of many orgasms in this position.
Alcina’s pace doesn’t falter or slow down as you come and you whine from the slight overstimulation.
“I told you, draga, I’m not stopping until I come.” She says between pants.
The next two orgasms come one right after the other and you cry out while you shake underneath her. Alcina tightens the grip on your hair and pushes you harder into the mattress while she digs her fingers so hard into your hip there’s no way there won’t be small bruises there later tonight.
You lost count of how many times she made you come by the time you feel yourself losing steam. Her thrusts begin to falter just a bit, signaling she’s getting close. Cracking open one of your eyes, you see Alcina in your peripheral. Her eyes are screwed shut and her lip is caught between her bottom teeth. She tries to keep quiet but you can still hear the small moans and whimpers that escape from her as she gets closer to her release.
With a renewed determination, you slam your hips back into each of her thrusts and she lets out a groan of pleasure.
“Oh fuck, draga, good girl. God, yes!” She says as she throws her head back.
Alcina stops holding back her moans and her thrusts start to lose their rhythm, her low moans and whimpers get higher and higher the closer she gets to her release.
After one high-pitched moan, you can feel the hand in your hair begin to tremble and she releases her grip. Alcina falls forward until there isn’t an inch of room between your bodies, catching herself on her hands that landed on either side of you. She buries her face into your neck and sinks the strap deep into you before grinding down. The closer she gets, the sweeter her moans are when she cries into your skin. With her forehead resting against your cheek, you sink your fingers into her tousled hair, holding her against you.
“Baby, I - I’m gonna -” she whimpers softly into you. “Oh, oh! Oh fuck!”
Her body trembles on top of you and as she fucks herself through her orgasm crying out your name. You hit your peak once more and try to grind back into her as much as you can with her laying on top of you. Your bodies tremble in overstimulation as you both slow down, loud moans and cries softening into quiet whimpers and panting breaths.
The two of you lay there for a couple of minutes as you catch your breaths and come down from your highs.
“I just need a moment and then I’ll get off of you. I’m sorry, I must be crushing you.” She says softly. You can hear the vulnerability in her voice that she lets through only when she’s with you in the privacy of your bedroom.
For someone who is so strong and confident in herself and her body, Alcina also holds many insecurities about her size. She’s learned to accept and embrace the space she takes up, but in quieter moments, she’s opened up about how there are days she hates feeling like a giant. Especially when you’re so small compared to her, with nearly a foot in height difference between the two of you, she often worries about putting all of her weight on you, or afraid she’s going to do something that will hurt you.
She moves to get up and the hold you have on her hair tightens, keeping her against you.
“No, it’s okay, I’m fine.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t. I like the feeling of your weight on me. It makes me feel safe.” You quietly admit.
“Are you just saying that?”
“Nuh-uh.” You hum. “I promise. I always feel so well protected by you, but when you’re on top of me like this, I feel like nothing in the world can hurt me.” You say as you do your best to nuzzle into her.
It takes a few moments of an inner battle inside of Alcina before you feel her relax, the rest of her weight settling on top of you. After a quick wiggle to adjust so you can breathe, you let out a content sigh and you scratch at your scalp. Alcina snakes her hands underneath you and holds you tight.
You feel something wet on your shoulder just as you hear Alcina sniffle above you.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” The concern in your voice is thick and you try to turn your head towards her as much as you can.
Alcina shakes her head and takes a quivering breath in.
“I’m alright.”
“Baby why are you crying?” This time you try to turn your body a little to get a better look at her but she keeps you pinned in place.
“Thank you.” She whispers.
“For what, honey?”
“For loving me. All of me. You have no idea how much I treasure you.”
“Can I look at you?” You ask.
Alcina nods her head and slowly pushes herself off of you before sliding out the toy still buried in you. As you roll over, Alcina removes her end of the you and tosses it onto the towel at the end of the bed. Stretching your arms out towards her, Alcina crawls into them and you place a kiss at the top of her head, holding her tight.
She sniffles again and you pull back from her and place your knuckles under her chin, raising her gaze to look up at you, as she’s done to you countless times.
“I love you so much. Every inch of you. Every part of you, even the parts you don’t like about yourself, I love them and I always will.”
Looking into her gorgeous eyes, she looks up at you innocently. Alcina may be a lot of woman, but in moments like this you see the young girl she keeps buried inside of her. With all six foot three of her curled into you, you can’t help but cuddle her like she’s your size.
Alcina slides her hand into your hair and pulls you into a deep kiss. It was the kind of kiss that made up for when words failed. The kind that conveyed so much love it made your heart nearly burst.
When your lips part you wipe the trail her tears left behind and she lets out a huff before sitting up and wiping her eyes.
“Ugh, well this wasn’t part of the plan!”
You let out a chuckle while rubbing your hands over her thighs.
“Maybe not, but I do love when you’re soft.” Alcina rolls her eyes at you. “What? I love seeing the soft side of my big, bad, intimidating girlfriend.” You say as you wrap your arms around her waist and rest your chin on her chest, looking up at her. 
Alcina playfully rolls her eyes at you before wrapping her arms around you and pulling you back down onto the mattress. You let out a surprised squeal and laugh as she pulls you down.
“I’ll show you big, bad, and intimidating.” She says, flippantly snapping her teeth at you.
“Oh no, I’m so scared!” You say with almost too much sarcasm in your voice as you laugh.
Alcina scoffs at you.
“Don’t be fresh!” She says as she goes to tickle you.
“No! No, no, no!” You yelp, trying to squirm away from her.
“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere!”
The two of you end up in a pile of limbs and laughter before she finally gives up on tickling you. The drastic shift of moods tonight has you absolutely wiped but Alcina convinces you to shower with her before going to sleep.
Once you’re both done and ready for bed, you notice the rain has finally stopped and all you hear outside is the sound of frogs croaking in the distance. Alcina holds you against her and kisses your forehead.
“I truly am sorry your plans got rained out today, draga.” She says. “Perhaps we can reschedule what you had planned for next weekend?”
“You really want to do that?”
“Of course I do! You put so much time and effort into it. All of the little details you decided to add, like my favorite foods or my favorite museum, it means so much to me that you wanted to do all of those things with me for our anniversary.”
“Well, yeah. I have fun when you have fun. Besides, it’s not like I get many opportunities to woo you.” You say with a smirk.
Alcina laughs and kisses the side of your head.
“We shall have to remedy that, then.” She puts her fingers under your chin and guides you to look up at her. “Happy anniversary, draga mea. Ai toată inima mea. Te iubesc atât de mult îngerul meu.” (You have my whole heart. I love you so much my angel).
“Happy anniversary, Alcina. I love you.”
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donttxtathebeach · 3 months ago
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drewstarkey posted on their story!
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❤️by y/n_williams
y/nwilliams posted on their story!
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❤️ by halieybieber, sofiarichie, drewstarkey, and others
drewstarkey replied to your story
@drewstarkey I’m so sorry about that again
@y/n_williams don’t worry, Drew I promise it’s ok!!
❤️ by drewstarkey
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❤️ by halieybieber, sofiarichie, drewstarkey, and others
I was a mermaid in my past life!!🐚🪸🧜🏽‍♀️
📸: @haileybieber
haileybieber You're stunning
❤️by y/n_williams
y/n_williams I LOVE YOU!!
sofiarichie I'm going to need you to ignore the words that appear under this.
sofiarichie FUCK DAMNIT I AM NO BETTER THAN A MAN. ALL FUCKING DAY THATS HOW LONG I WOULD GO FOR YOU Sofiarichie deleted this comment! User21, stop because she is so real for that drewstarkey Yeah, that is my reaction too. drewstarkey deleted this comment user23 who tf is @drewstarkey user14 i think he is that one guy from that new Netflix show user 33 yeah he plays a phsyco killer in obx user 14 Hes not Phsco; he is just misunderstood. user33 mia you need therapy
sofiarichie i want to get you pregnant
y/n_williams SOFIA PAUSE THE MOTHER FUCKING PHONE I SAW YOUR COMMENT sofiarichie yeah im not sorry for that
rosslynch Holy Hell
y/n_williams OH, MY God!
rosslynch i volunteer to be your price eric
drewstarkey HELL FUCKING NO drewstakey deleted this comment y/n_williams drewseph what the user 21 who is this man? user 5 idk but like y/n and ross sofiarichie i am not team ross haileybiber oh ok.....I am not team ross by bribery
maliah_williams you have always been my little mermaid
❤️by y/n_williams
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❤️ by y/n_williams, sofiarichie,justinbieber, and others
Life is better by the beach
sofiarichie i was told to be calm
sofiarichie you look like a ladybug in the first picture
halieybieber thanks?
user8 the way that they cannot take sofia seriously
y/n_williams She has been placed in timeout for her comments and has monitored screentime.
justinbieber damn the things...
y/n_williams NOOOO STAWPPP
user45 y/n is scared
user67 idk if i want to be jealous of her or of Justin, because damn
user56 i just drooled a little
sofiarichie same user56 nurse she's out again.
user24 sofia fighting for her life in these comments
sofiarichie i say one thing and i get banned y/n_williams 😐 Yeah, one thing sure, bud...
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❤️ by halieybieber, y/n_williams, elliotgrainge, and others
all by my lonesome
y/n_williams not even a pic credit
sofiarichie nope :)
y/n_williams dear sofia, i am sorry that i put you in timeout for the comment that you made. will you ever forgive me. i will grovel and beg. i love you so much.
y/n_williams wozza
y/n_williams im in love with you
y/n_williams marry mr. please i beg
halieybieber yeah im just going to let y/n do her thing
haileybieber slayy queen
sofiarichie 😚
user15 not y/n begging
user24 she is unreal
user55 oh my gosh, orange looks so good on you
❤️ by sofiarichi and y/n_williams sofiarichie thank you, baby user55 oh my gosh, i can die happy
elliotgrainge youre absolutely stunning
y/n_williams backkkkkk of the line mister user89 y/n does not like other people flirting with her girls y/n_williams That's my job.
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liked by brooke_starkey, y/n_williams ,and others
back home for the week
madelyncline what are you doing in the second picture?
jonathandavisoffical king
austinnorth my brother
brooke_starkey im so glad youre back, even if it is only for a bit
❤️ by drewstarkey
y/n_williams was this before or after you landed on me?
drewstarkey i am never living that down starkeyboy no, you are not brooke_starkey YOU DID WHAT drewstarkey it is a long story user 55 Y/N What are you doing here? user24 she literally follows his whole family user59 im pretty sure they grew up together
mackayla_starkey big brother is home
drewstarkey love you, mack brooke_starkey So you can reply back to her but not me; I will remember this, Joseph.
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abbie's corner
This one was not my favorite, tbh. I just finished writing a final paper, and I had this planned. was not executed well, but im trying my best.
73 notes · View notes
dreamsinmoonlight · 9 months ago
May I lay my head on Adams lap?
(I should be asleep and DEFINITELY should do the three other asks but I like me some stupid fluff with my stupid man so sure, have this before I fall unconscious because it's like almost midnight here)
Adam let out a snort as you plopped down next to him and opened his mouth to say something he would swear was witty or cool, because he was Adam the Dick Master and he was entirely both of those things. But his train of thought was derailed most effectively as you moved sideways and he suddenly found your head resting in his lap.
He was, for once in existence, speechless and just stared at you for a good few moments with wide eyes, as if trying to figure out what was going on. Finally, and with far more deliberation than that brain of his was really normally capable of, he spoke carefully, "Babe? You alright?"
"Shut up and be my pillow," you mumbled, your eyes closed. God he could be noisy and you just wanted to rest.
God knew when He made Adam He'd made the comfiest living pillow. The robe was a nice plus, it was soft and silky, but honestly you were usually just as happy to just lay your head straight into those squishy thighs. He wasn't bony in any way whatsoever, a plus in your book, and he was usually pretty warm on top of that. All together 10/10, would recommend as a cushion if you happened to have a long day or just wanted a good nap.
You didn't need to look up to know he was pouting; he hated it when you told him to shut up but after multiple discussions about the fact you meant it with love and not contempt, he had eventually gotten that. But he still pouted, because he was still Adam. You listened to him grumble and you thought up caught some choice words but whatever they were were pointless and quickly lost.
He started playing with your hair after all and that wasn't playing fair. Your head in your favorite lap, your idiot favorite angel playing with your hair? It was a combination you were absolutely powerless against and he knew it damnit. That was probably the point, his little revenge against you.
"Fine fine, I'll be your pillow, bitch, but you better be ready for payback later." That wasn't much of a threat; Adam's idea of "payback" when it came to you usually came down to doing the things God put him on Earth to do in the first place.
You mumbled but couldn't do much more than that. It was just too much. You nodded off and Heaven's most annoying angel watched you with a smile that could only be described as "how the hell did Adam learn to look soft".
Answer: that's what being wanted and loved does to someone. Yes even him.
159 notes · View notes
babydollmarauders · 1 year ago
part of the el!hughes au
quinn hughes x platonic!reader
notes: a short birthday post for our now 24 year old captain 🫶🏻
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liked by _quinnhughes, jackhughes, and 119,361 others
y/n.hughes Q, you taught me what familial love really is. you took a quiet, introverted, anxiety ridden, 13 year old girl under your wing, and i’m so grateful for that. you constantly reminded me that my home life did not make me who i was, but that it could help shape me into who i wanted to become. it’s because of you that i met my soulmate and have the amazing family and support system that i have now. where everyone else saw an outcasted 8th grader who snuck in to watch hockey practices, you saw someone who needed your love and guidance, and you had never been more right. you showed me that my house was not a home, but yours was. you showed me that i could live a life that made me feel good. and most importantly, you showed me what it was like to feel loved and wanted in someone’s life.
i’m so thankful that i get to call you my brother. i’m thankful that when i call, you answer; when i cry, you do anything to make me smile; and when i’m living, you’re cheering me on.
i love you from the north pole to the south, a million times over 🤍 thank you for providing me with the chance to be happy “because i deserve it”
happy 24th, snuggles!
tagged _quinnhughes
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_quinnhughes was i expecting to cry a bit today? no. thank you, lovie. i love you from the north pole to the south, a billion times over 💙
y/n.hughes oh- a billion is a lot more than a million
_quinnhughes yes it is, it’s also how much i love you
y/n.hughes oh okay
jackhughes you broke my wife, jackass
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes aren’t you supposed to be nice to me on my birthday?
jackhughes i was gonna, and then you made my lovie cry again
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes again?
jackhughes she already cried going through her camera roll to find these pictures and writing the post
_quinnhughes @/y/n.hughes call me 💙
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes happy birthday, Quinner! best oldest bro there ever was 💪
_quinnhughes thanks, moose!
_alexturcotte @_quinnhughes happy birthday, Quinn! 🫡 go beat the Oilers!
_quinnhughes thank you, Alex! i’ll sure try!
colecaufield @_quinnhughes haps birth, cap bro!
_quinnhughes you didn’t finish a single word in that sentence… thanks, Cole?
colecaufield you’re so welcome!
jackhughes @_quinnhughes i guess happy birthday big bro, hope you have a good day and a good game!
_quinnhughes lovie made you say this, didn’t she?
jackhughes you know it
_quinnhughes i’ll accept it anyways, thanks Jacky
jackhughes El also says happy birthday
_quinnhughes she can’t even say happy birthday, dude
jackhughes but she CAN say “appy day-day, winny!”, i was paraphrasing
_quinnhughes big word for ya, bud
jackhughes just for that, you don’t get to see my daughter or my wife
_quinnhughes too late, lovie is facetiming me rn. talk to ya in two secs
jackhughes damnit, lovie!
y/n.hughes i love and miss him 🥺
jackhughes damn, i can’t stay mad at you
470 notes · View notes
seb-reads31 · 3 months ago
Hello! I have a juicy one shot request for you today, full of angst!
It's angel dust x male reader and goes as follows:
Reader and angel were both part of the mafia and secretly became a couple for quite some time but reader died in a shootout a couple of years before angel's death and both angel and reader assume that the other got sent to heaven. Many years pass and by pure chance they meet at a bar but after so many decades in hell they don't really recognize eachother (that and the fact that angel is a spider demon dude helps with him not being very similar to his living self), later that night reader is in bed and he realizes "HOLY SHIT WAS THAT ANTHONY" and immediately runs to the hotel to find angel who also just realized that he met reader just a few hours later. They reunite and cry tears of joy after too many years spent alone in hell
Hope this wasn't too long of a request lol, let me know if i broke any of your rules so that next time i'll be more careful, with that said have a nice day!
Cautions - Drug use, shooting, death, cursing, sad angel 😭, mention of angel oding from drugs, MALE READER - fem DNI this is for the gay guys, crying, both sad and happy, reader being a bartender down in hell, Valentino, SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 6, Angel arguing with Valentino
Type - oneshot
Genre - angst to fluff <33
Comments - Nahh, you're good man. No rules broken yet 🤧 BUT OMG I LOVE THIS it's so cute but it's gonna make me wanna cry 😭 (testing out banners, thoughts? Made by me btw in PicsArt) and omg I'm so sorry for being dead 😔 AND, I'm basing this partially on episode 6 where Charlie goes to Heaven. I low-key hate the ending, it feels rushed but I'll probably end up rewriting it later (I'm gonna start adding word counts ISTG)
Till death do us part
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Your whole body felt so hot, your heart thumping so loudly in your chest it almost gave you away. You can barely breath, not wanting to give not only your position away, but Anthony's.
It all went wrong.
The information given to both of you was fake, you were set up. They were gonna kill you and him if you were caught. You only had 3 bullets left in your gun, and there were about 5 guys looking for you and Anthony. Shit...
The two of you were hiding behind large crates, trying to come up with a plan and quick. There was an exit to your right, but it would force you to pass by an open area where the guys hunting you down would see you. Trying to make a run for it wouldn't go well, they would just shoot you down. Trying to lay low would just lead to the inevitable, them catching and beating the both of you half to death. But maybe..
"Damnit!" Anthony softly muttered, breaking your line of thought. "What're we gonna do?" All you could do was look at him, with the softest look in your eyes as you told him the only plan you could think of, "We need a distraction."
He was.. confused for a moment, but he quickly caught on as he saw you prepping yourself to run out the opposite way the exit was, but he stopped you by grabbing your shoulder. "I- no! I'm not about to let you get yourself killed just to save my ass!" The trembling hand on your shoulder was an easy sign that he didn't want to leave you here by yourself.
"Anthony, we don't have another choice.." You turned around and placed a hand on his cheek as you continued, "we're sittin' ducks here, and I refuse to let you get caught by these fuckers." There was a determined look in your eyes, but also a softness deep down that showed how much you cared for the mafia boss's son.
"Oh, and I'm just supposed to let you die?" Anthony was on the verge of tears, because he knew you were right, but he didn't want you to get caught by his family's rivals just to get beaten or worse.
"I can escape, you just have to believe in me. Can you do that for me, my angel?" You could feel tears prick your eyes as well, but you forced them back with a soft smile as you leaned your forehead against Anthony's, but all he could do was worry and think the worst. But he nodded, giving you one final passionate kiss before he let you go.
"Don't die on me, got that?" Anthony looked stern, but the tears in his eyes told a different story. As you nodded, you could hear the footsteps and jeers of your rivals get closer, this was your only chance to get Anthony, your angel, out of this mess.
You jumped out, letting your last bullets fly strategically as Anthony ran under the radar, through the door, and into the outside as quickly as he could. Every shot he heard made his heart sink, but he still held out hope. You promised him after all.
Angel Dust sat straight up in his bed, panting softly as he woke up from that nightmare. The day he lost his everything.
He didn't notice until fat nuggets licked his face to try and comfort him, but tears were running down his cheeks from the painful memories. He remembered that day like it was just yesterday, even after so many years had passed.
Angel sat up, wiping away any left over tears to start getting ready for the day.
After he finished his morning routine, he slowly walked down the stairs to the main lobby of the Hazbin Hotel and was greeted by Charlie's smiling face and overly excited personality.
Her voice was too loud, considering he was still hungover from the night before, but had a new outlook on life and it was thanks to Husk. "Mornin' Char, we doin' anything today?" Angel yawned, stretching both pairs of arms and arching his back slightly.
"Yep! 'Cause I've got some big news for everyone! Speaking of which, could you sit in the main room until I get everyone? I still need to find Alastor and Husker before I announce it." She looked like she could barely contain her excitement as she ran off before Angel Dust could answer. But he shrugged, sitting down on the plush sofa and chose to scroll through voxtigram to pass the time.
About 10 minutes later, Charlie had arrived with Husker in tow, Alastor appearing from the shadows not too long after. "Alright everyone! Today, I would like to introduce you to.." Charlie paused, to build suspense, until she pulled out a strange looking man from somewhere. You. "Our newest patron!"
You waved, albeit awkwardly at the strange group of sinners. You weren't new to hell, far from it, but there were only a few you really recognized. Husker, your bartending buddy from a few years ago that you met at a bar you worked at. And Alastor, him being the radio demon and all.. But everyone else, as far as you knew, you had no history with.
Before you could try leaving the room to escape the awkwardness, Charlie nudged you slightly. "Go on, introduce yourself!" She was so sweet it was hard to say no, if we're also not counting that Vaggie was staring at you with a small glare.
"Uh, hi?" Is how you started, but continued even after you heard Alastor chuckle. And while Angel couldn't help but feel a little.. off when you said your name, it being very familiar, but he shrugged and put on his classic porn star persona as he introduced himself to you.
"Nice to meetcha~ I'm Angel Dust, but you can call me yours," he winked at you as others groaned but you couldn't help but feel as if he was familiar as well.. it was probably nothing though. You did have a dream about how you died last night, so it's just a weird coincidence.
As everyone else introduced themselves, they began to leave, but the ones that stayed were Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Husk sort of as he went back to his bar, and Angel Dust following him. You stay in the main part of the lobby as you converse with Alastor and Charlie, them telling you a bit more about the hotel.
Over at the bar, Angel couldn't help but stare at you, barely even touching his drink. "Alright, why are you staring at the new guy?" As much as Husk prided himself on being able to read people, Angel was throwing him off with how quiet he was being, barely registering that Husk spoke to begin with.
"Huh? Oh, he just.. reminds me of someone." He barely looked at Husk when he answered, keeping his puzzled gaze on you. "From when you were alive?" Husk was curious, and he may or may not've noticed how you looked at Angel Dust when you were introduced to the staff and patrons.
Angel nodded, but let out a small sigh. "Meh, I'll think of who he reminds me of eventually." He chugged the last of his drink before standing up, presumably to go to his room. As he began walking, you couldn't help but watch him, wondering why his voice and demeanor was so familiar.
Alastor noticed, and him being him, decided to poke a little fun at you. "Oh my, are we falling for another patron my good fellow?" His static voice made you jump slightly, as he was just sitting quietly as Charlie rambled on before. But you were quick to shake your head, denying the radio demon's claim.
"No, no. He's just.. familiar is all. Probably just deja vu. Besides, my partner when I was alive might be in heaven, he's the only one for me." There was a small smile on your face as you thought of your sweet Anthony, completely unaware of what the future held.
A few days had passed, and you and Angel Dust had become pretty good friends. While he would flirt with you on occasion, it was all in good fun.
Everyone in the hotel could see how close the two of you had gotten in the short time you've been here, it would've been impossible to notice! How you two just, clicked. No one could understand why, but you balanced each other nicely.
Angel was already falling into a routine with you, unconsciously of course, but there was always a lingering guilt in the back of his mind as he thought of his lover when he was alive. He was redeeming himself for him after all. No matter what he did over those days, he couldn't help but develop feelings for you.
You felt the same way as Angel, unknowingly. You loved Anthony with all your heart, and just knew he was up in heaven waiting for you. But Angel.. well, he was not only drop dead gorgeous, but he showed his real self with you. It was hard to not fall for Angel's charismatic nature, and it reminded you of Anthony's personality.. odd, but not uncommon. Sometimes people have the same humor, way of talking, and favorite drink as others that they never even knew. Right?
It's been a week now, and you and the gang are at the club! Paid by Charlie while she was up in heaven of course.
The night was great! You all were enjoying yourselves with some shots, and watching poor Sir Pentious fail to woo Cherrie Bomb several times.
During the night, you and Angel being the most sober were trying to keep Nifty under wraps as she continuously causes chaos. First she starts raking some loan shark's shots into a garbage bag, then she finds the cleaning closet and tries to steal the chemicals hiding in there, then she's left with Husk who is forced to baby sit her.
And now, Angel and Cherri were getting into a small disagreement, along with Husker.
"Y'know, we can do this fucking shit every fuckin' night!" Cherri yelled over the music in the club. It's clear that Angel was done, Husker included and Niffty was drunk.
But even with Angel's sour expression, she continued. "You don't have to spend all of your off hours 'working on yourself' you little bitch."
Husky was quick to shut that down though. He knows the issue, and he expressed that. "The hotel isn't a problem in his life, it's-" he paused, not quite finding the word as Angel looked away, but quickly saw a man that he truly hated. Before Husk could say something, the spider sinner spoke with a grave tone. "Valentino." "Exactly!" Husker finally continued, unaware of who Angel saw, and only you put the pieces together, but didn't want to interrupt what was happening. Not until you needed to though.
"So why don't you-" Husk continued, trying to give Cherri a piece of his mind before Angel stopped him again. "No, Valentino," and he pointed to a large crowd, the moth overlord in the center of it with two others in his arms.
Angel was clearly disturbed, seeing his boss at the club when he's supposed to be relaxing. "Let's get the fuck out of here- come on." He began walking and you followed suit, wanting to make sure Angel wasn't alone. Husker and Cherri can handle themselves after all. But.. "Where's Niffty?"
The question startled Husker, who was holding the bug just moments ago, but you managed to catch a glimpse of her.. going towards Valentino, muttering the word 'bad boy' along the way. "Uhh, Angel?" You quickly pointed out where she went, and Angel's eyes widened even further.
Angel immediately went after her, pushing through the crowd as best as he could, you following right after him. You've heard a story or two from Angel himself about how awful the overlord was, and you refused to let him get his hands on the spider you've gotten so close to.
He was angry, not his usual charming self, pushing and cursing at people with a quieter voice trying to get to Niffty. When he did catch her, it stopped him right Infront of Valentino himself, the man not sparing a second to greet Angel Dust.
"Holy shit, Angel Dust? What are you doing here baby?~" he cooed, surprised to see his star at the club as well. "You didn't get enough dick today?" He made a suggestive gesture, clearly teasing Angel even though he knew how hard he worked him earlier.
"Funny." Angel said in a monotone voice, nowhere near amused with the joke or with Valentino. You could tell that he just wanted to take Niffty and get back to the hotel. But Valentino wasn't about to let that happen, not yet. "Who's this chiquita?" Gesturing at Niffty, who was clearly twitching at the thought of getting closer to the 'bad boy.'
"You bringing me fresh meat?" The implication was disgusting, and you almost spoke up when Niffty lunged a bit at Valentino, trying to bite him.
He made another joke, something about a kink, but Angel was clearly tired and just wanted to sleep. "Fuck off Val." He muttered turning to leave but Val was not happy. "Excuse me?"
You expected Angel to just walk, but he doubled down. Which was kind of hot. "I said fuck off!"
"I may have to put up with your bullshit, but you ain't fucking with any of my friends." He was stern, but setting a very clear boundary. It reminded you so much of.. wait, Anthony?
"You forget who you're talking to?" Valentino was fuming now, not used to Angel fighting back. He quickly stood up, using the smoke of his cigarette to make a chain on one of Angel Dust's wrist, pulling him close. "I own you bitch."
Angel looked scared again, and you stepped closer, ready to throw hands, and Valentino noticed but didn't back down. "Yeah, you do. In the studio, and you can do anything you want to me there, just like our deal says."
You were proud of him right now, but also sad. This is your Anthony. The man you were trying to get redeemed for. He was down here in hell, where he didn't belong. "But out here, I get to do what I want. So once again, fuck off." You saw Valentino raise his hand, going to slap him, and you moved quickly, but not quick enough. "Angel!" You called out, seeing Niffty fling out of his arms and Angel bleeding slightly from the harsh hit.
You wanted to rip Valentino limb from limb, but that wouldn't make it any better for Angel. He needed you, and you needed to make sure that he was okay.
Instead of pummeling Valentino, you went to Angel, pulling him into your arms as you checked his face, just like you did when you both were alive. "Enjoy the rest of your night, bitch, because I'm going to enjoy making you pay for it tomorrow." Both you and Angel glared at the moth demon, and you finally had it.
"You may own Angel now, but I swear that I'll make you pay in the future. Watch your back you bald headed fuck."
You gently lifted Angel up to his feet, holding him close as you hear Cherri mutter 'dickhead' behind you, also worried for Angel. "Fuck it, it was worth it." He muttered, leaning into you and wiping the blood from his face away. "You did good kid," Husk said, patting him on the shoulder as you went to Cherri's table. But not before Niffty ripped some of Valentino's neck fluff, making him scream girlishly.
Cherri split off from your group, with Sir Pentious finally returning, and you all went back to the hotel. It had been a long night after all, and you were all laughing along the way.
But when you finally reached the hotel, Husk Niffty and Sir Pentious went to turn in, Angel too but you stopped him. "Hey.. can we talk for a sec?"
Angel thought he had an idea of what you wanted to talk about, so he stayed. "I'm fine, really. You know I'm gonna bounce back, no matter what Val does to me." And while that has been in the back of your mind, you shook your head. "Thanks for the comfort, but that's not it. Angel.. what's your real name?"
If you were right, it would not only fill you with joy, but you'd be so upset. Anthony didn't deserve to be in hell, he was the sweetest person you knew, and was meant to be in heaven. But you held two of his hands nonetheless, giving him both a nervous but hopeful expression.
And Angel.. he was lost, he couldn't tell why you wanted to know his real name, but he also wanted to tell you. "It's.. That's uhm, kinda private babes, why do you wanna know?" He tried laughing it off, even thought about making a weird joke but he could tell that this wasn't the time. "I.. I think we knew each other when we were alive."
You gave his hands a gently squeeze, and unconsciously threaded your fingers with his. "Please.. I just need to know if you're really him." Even though you were desperate, you would never force Angel Dust to tell you. But it didn't hurt to try.
Angel was conflicted. Not just because you were familiar, but he didn't want to be heartbroken if he got his hopes up. He wanted you to be his lover from when he was alive, but he also didn't. You were supposed to be in heaven, and he's supposed to be trying to redeem himself to be with you again. You sacrificed yourself to save him after all, those bastards in heaven would be lucky to have you.
"Anthony." Angel was taking a leap of faith, watching you carefully.
Your eyes welled up with tears, and you took one of your hands to place it onto his fuzzy cheek, stroking it gently with your thumb. Then suddenly, you pulled the taller spider into an embrace, fully letting your tears flow down your cheeks.
No words needed to be spoken. All the two of you needed was to be in each other's arms, finally reunited after so many years of believing the other was in heaven. You both sobbed, holding the other tightly as if he'd disappear. And from this moment onwards, you swore silently to protect your angel from anything. No matter the cost.
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