#paraphrasing here but that line was INSANE
kezcore · 2 months
ein drives me crazy he had so much potential and it was written a bit . weirdly ("it was just a red herring" idc, why was it needed 😭) but i'm still like. insane over his character. he's the worst fucker alive . he has the evil OP villain laugh. maybe it's just nostalgia but idk something about him. scratches at my brain. i think he's a really interesting character. and honestly im scared to admit that because i know the aphmau fandom runs.....Young and if you ever try to analyze a villain you will be yelled at but idk i like villain analysis. this bitch is fucked up and i love to learn about why. i hate him but something about completely overpowered characters does something to me. same with aaron . it's probably just the nostalgia talking though lmao
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softichill · 16 days
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Attempted to throw together a bingo card for the first part of the finale? I'm not super great at these fjsbgksng
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diazisms · 5 months
i’m new here and wondering what has ryan said previously about buddie bc i keep seeing posts like yours and is he like infamous for being pro buddie or something?? 😭
yeah actually!! both he and oliver are, but oliver's replies in interviews are always a little more careful. whereas ryan is just like 'yes. eddie loves buck. do you not pay attention?'
real of him, frankly. anyway.
he's always been pro buddie from the beginning. he was the one who came up with the ship name back when eddie joined the show and the fandom was undecided between buddie or beddie!!
and thank god, because buddie is a much better ship name.
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he's made many other comments over the years, too. in s3 interviews he would mention buck and eddie's relationship and how he has love for the ship and the fans. many instances talking about the buckley-diaz and how they coparent christopher. there's a video of him from a few years back where he says "abby gotta kick rocks. you've been replaced by eddie."
here's a link to it
and then recently since he's started doing more interviews for s7 it's just. insane buddie quote after insane buddie quote. idk if you've seen the line "i love you to the core" floating around, but that?
that was ryan. about how eddie feels about buck. the full quote is even worse, in my opinion.
"i trust you with my child, and i see how much you put in for my son; this goes beyond friendship and i love you to the core"
he clearly does not care about the fandom's collective well-being. because what the hell. genuinely just. What.
and then most recently in a post-bi buck canon interview he was asked about buck and eddie again and he said (paraphrasing) that eddie knows buck gets in his own head about things, referring to the jealousy during the basketball game and buck's insecurity about eddie and tommy, which resulted in physically hurting eddie, but that it's just a part of he is and it doesn't bother eddie.
"even if you break my ankle or maim me, that's fine. that's who he is, and i love him either way. there is no competition for eddie" (not paraphrasing this is a direct quote because he genuinely just wants all of us dead).
so, y'know. a new ryan interview with the same guy that got us oliver confirming that buck in 2x01 was experiencing things he didn't know how to process for (a very shirtless) eddie. sure. of course.
i'll just slowly vibrate out of my own skin in the corner.
but yeah! tldr; no one gets eddie's love for buck quite like ryan guzman, and he's not shy about expressing that.
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scaredpigeons · 10 months
More than some stress relief
Blade x Stelle NSFW 18+ MDNI
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CW: Stelle asks Blade to spar with her, and unfortunately that results in some unresolved sexual frustration, because c’mon, he’s still a whole ass man. Luckily, mama Kafka steps in to lend a helping hand. (Not her literal hand, she just buys the toy lol) phone sex, mutual masturbation? The fleshlight blade uses is connected to Stelle through the (magical) necklace that was part of the set. (Magical) creampie.
WARNING: Blade is very violent in his descriptions of how he threatens to bone Stelle. If you’re uncomfortable with him saying things along the lines of: —until the carnage is unrecognizable, —until you’re nothing but hot pulp running through my fingers (just to paraphrase loool) please do not read this. Blade is a very broken man, I was really trying to play off his more violent tendencies with this one. Stelle is so fuckin down bad tho (relatable)
If you are 18+, comfortable with some gory descriptors, and willing to read, please continue! Enjoy.
🐺👾: you want to…. Spar with blade? Are you a masochist or something? Should I be concerned? 
🦝🗑️: shut up 
🦝🗑️: I have this crazy lance and I don’t really want to hurt anyone by practicing with it 
🦝🗑️: I know he’s got that healing thing going on 
🐺👾: 👀 …. 
🐺👾: I’m telling him you called it that 
🦝🗑️: I don’t wanna like, offend him or anything. Obvi I don’t want him to get hurt, but like, the off chance I slip up with this thing… he isn’t gonna get murked. You know? 
🐺👾: okay okay I get it, I’ll ask 
🦝🗑️: 😩🩶🩶💯🔥
🐺👾: he agreed. Here’s the coordinates. Have fun, don’t die. 
“Thank you for agreeing to this, I really appreciate it!” 
The man in front of Stelle says nothing, only stares as the winds coming off the water pick up loose strands of his hair, making the inky strands flow behind him. 
“You… remember me, right?” Stelle tentatively asks. 
Still nothing. 
“It’s okay if you don’t, we don’t even have to go through with this, I just thought you would be the best person for what I’m—“ 
“I remember you, Trailblazer. My mind is not so far eroded that I’d forget you so easily.” 
His voice is dark, just as raspy as she remembers it. She has to clench her teeth to suppress a shudder. If March could hear her thoughts, she’d blush and squeal, smacking her arm in scandal. If Dan Heng could hear her thoughts… he’d institutionalize her immediately. 
This man is dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. Stelle had to lie about where she was going just so no one would try to talk her out of it. 
Danger always pulled at something inside her though, that nasty, deranged thing inside her that craved violence and adrenaline. She figured it was a side effect of hosting a stellaron inside her body, but man— did this guy make her wish she could have something else inside her body too.
 *Wink wink*
Aeons. She’s such a fucking simp. If it wouldn’t make her look bat shit insane, she’d smack herself right now just to get her shit together. 
“Oh…” she said instead. “That’s good. I’m glad.”
An awkward pause lingered between them, and she found herself thinking that maybe she was standing a bit too close to him, despite there being at least two feet between them. 
“Are you… doing well? The last time I saw you, Kafka was… helping you feel better.” She said hesitantly. 
It could’ve been her imagination, but she swore that the furrow of his brow softened ever so slightly. 
“We’re not here to discuss such trivial matters.” His voice was harsh nonetheless. 
“Right, right.” Stelle said, scratching the back of her neck sheepishly. “So, how do we do this?” 
Blade summoned his sword, dragging his fingertips across the edge before spreading the tainted blood across the flat of it, causing the cracked blade to glow and radiate with unnatural power. 
“It is not your time or place to die here, so luckily for you, I will show restraint.” 
Stelle could tell Blade was holding back, true to his word. 
Any flames she created were either quelled by his winds, or overfanned by his elemental power to the point that they grew too dangerous for the environment around them, or even Stelle herself. 
She found that with her control over the lance, she could call forth and dissipate her fires at will, so the damage to herself was minimal. 
She worried that if the flames grew too large, she’d lose control over them— but every time, she willed them away and they would flicker out, leaving charred shrubbery and stone in their wake. 
Didn’t mean they weren’t hot as shit though.  
The first time she’d used the lance, the freezing temperatures of Jarilo XI dulled just how hot her new weapon could become. 
But now, well she couldn’t tell if her sweat was from the flames or just how hard her opponent was pushing her. 
He was toying with her, clashing together brutally before jumping away and circling her like a hawk. 
He was resistant to her taunts, though keeping up with him left little room for her to pause long enough to think of something to say. 
He seemed completely at ease though, the violence in his eyes and the murderous grin doing nothing to help the degenerate part of her brain that was screaming and crying and throwing up at the opportunity to observe him like this up close, without Dan Heng around to make her feel guilty for admiring this man so much. 
Her arms grew heavy, and she’d not even made him sweat, let alone injure him in any way. 
She knew that the lack of true danger was causing her to remain at a reasonable power level, flash backs to the Herta space station incident making her shudder. 
She was really no match for him in this kind of situation. 
He lunged for her again, and this time, she was too tired to react properly. She parried his strike, but missed the signs of his next move, getting her feet swiped out from beneath her as he tackled her to the ground. His sword stabbed into the dirt just beside her head as he landed on top of her, effectively straddling her as he pinned her with his intense gaze. 
Her eyes flitted back and forth between his as her breath heaved in her chest, her heart racing as she struggled to right herself after being disoriented so badly. 
Something in his expression shifted, and instead of murderous amusement, his gaze seemed… hungry. 
He leaned closer, ever so slowly, and continued staring at Stelle so intently it made her do something so embarrassing she knew she would never live it down. 
She whimpered. 
His eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he was gone. 
He pulled away from her and disappeared within the same breath, leaving her lying there in the dirt as she caught her breath. 
She ran her hands over her face. “Well fuck.” 
🐺👾: what did you do to him? 
🦝🗑️: ??????? 
🐺👾: last week. When the two of you sparred, did something happen? 
🦝🗑️: ….
🦝🗑️: why 
🐺👾: ever since he got back he’s been fucking pouting. 
🐺👾: well, I mean pouting in the way that blade does. It’s more of a scowl than anything else, but I’ve known him long enough to differentiate between his various types of frowns. 
🦝🗑️: … nothing happened. We fought. I lost, obviously. But no one was hurt or anything. 🙃 everything’s totally normal 
🐺👾 added Kafka🕷️💕 to the chat
🐺👾: Kafka, what’s she hiding? 
Kafka🕷️💕: some sexual tension, most likely. 
🦝🗑️: …. -_- 
🦝🗑️: mother, why hast thou forsaken me????
 Kafka🕷️💕: nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetie. 
Kafka🕷️💕: Bladie may be a tragic creation of the abundance, but his body was once human. It wouldn’t be a far stretch to say that some of the more… human tendencies of a man may still linger within him. 
🐺👾: F
🦝🗑️: F 
🐺👾: so you’re saying he’s pouting and kicking shit because he’s sexually frustrated? That’s fuckin nasty. 
🐺👾: @🦝🗑️ you need to fix this. I don’t wanna look at him sulk anymore 
🦝🗑️: me?!!?!? Tf am I supposed to do??? How is this my fault??? 
🐺👾: you fought him and now he’s horny. Fix it. 
🦝🗑️: … bruh 
Kafka🕷️💕: I don’t think the traditional way of solving this problem will be the best idea, silver wolf. 🤭
🐺👾: wym? 🤨
Kafka🕷️💕: I don’t think it’s safe right now for our little trailblazer and Bladie to get together on a more intimate level… he’s still a bit unstable mentally. 
🦝🗑️: you let me fight this man while hES UNSTABLE 
🐺👾: heh. L 
Kafka🕷️💕: fighting is what he knows. It’s what comes natural to him these days. Emotions? Not so much. 
🦝🗑️: I mean… I’m always down to help anyone whenever I can
🐺👾: *tucks hair behind ear* “i’M aLwAys DoWn tO HeLP aNyONe WHeNeVEr I cAn”
🐺👾: no thanks, I have better ways to waste my time 
🐺👾: heh… you want a nice reward for this one too? 
🐺👾: wtf does stta stand for you heathen 
Kafka🕷️💕: ooh! She’s used this one with me before. It’s “swear to the aeons.” Cute, right? 
🐺👾: 🙄 
🐺👾 has left the chat
Kafka🕷️💕: I think I have an idea on how you can help, if you’re open to it. 
🦝🗑️: …
🦝🗑️: what do I need to do? 
“Stelle sweetie!” Himeko knocked on her cabin door. “You have a package here.”
Stelle nearly slipped as her sock feet slid along the smooth floor of her room in her haste to reach the door. 
She tumbled along gracelessly and threw open her door, huffing as she took the package from Himeko. 
A box, about five hands wide and three hands deep, wrapped in plain brown paper, with a little card tapped on and slathered with all the necessary postage. 
“Thank you!” Stelle said hastily, reaching for her door. 
“Wait—“ Himeko put a hand to the door shaft, stepping forward a bit with worry in her eyes. 
Stelle cringed a bit, looking up at Himeko and trying to hide the shame she felt creeping up the back of her neck. 
“Listen,” Himeko started, eyeing the little card on the package with Stelles name written in pretty, looping letters. “I know you and that stellaron hunter have some strange connection that we aren’t sure about, and I know you’re unsure too, but I just want you to be careful, okay?” 
It took a solid two panicked seconds for Stelle to realize that Himeko was speaking about Kafka, and not the other stellaron hunter she’d so guilty formed a connection with recently. 
When the realization dawned on her, she tucked her package to the side and pulled Himeko into a tender side hug, snuggling into her chest a bit as she usually did. 
“Thank you for worrying about me, Himeko.” Stelle said, pulling away. “It means a lot to me, and I promise I’m being careful. I won’t do anything to jeopardize the safety of anyone on the express.” 
Himeko sighed, smiling as she pulled back too. “I know, I just worry about you. We’re all here to support you through this, you know that.” 
Stelle grinned. “I do, thank you.” 
The red haired woman nodded, smiling still as she said her goodbyes and left Stelle to her own devices. 
She’d never closed and locked her door so quickly before. 
Throwing the package on her bed, she hastily sat beside it and pulled the card from the packaging. 
She took a moment to trace her fingers over the pretty script on the card, before she tore open the envelope and read its contents. 
Inside this box you’ll find the fun toy I told you about, along with a new shipping label to send it off to Bladie. 
I’m off on my own right now, far away from him, and I figured he’d handle it a lot better if it came from you, and not me. hehe~ 
Also, you’ll find a beautiful little necklace I had added to the set, that’s for you to wear. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time with it. 
Thinking fondly of you always, 
Stelle blushed a little, Kafka was always saying the strangest things. She tucked the card away in her nightstand and gently pried open the package, not wanting to tear the postage stamps. 
Inside was indeed the… thing that she was told about, and she blushed furiously while looking at the nondescript white box, though the size and shape was very indicative of what was inside.
She pulled the new shipping label out, looking at the address inquisitively and realizing she had no idea where Blade even was, not recognizing the planet. 
She sat it aside and pulled out the other small box inside, opening it up and finding a rather beautiful blue choker necklace. The colour was reminiscent of her garter, and she smiled, happily pulling the gift from its box and wrapping it around her slender throat. 
It clicked nicely in the back, and fit perfectly. She smiled, patting it and thinking about how it was such a thoughtful gift, however strangely unrelated. Then again Kafka was a bit of an enigma regardless, so who knows what her thought process was when putting these two together. 
Stelle closed up the box, slapping the new shipping label over the old one and eyeing it as it sat in the middle of her bed. 
Fuck, I should probably write him a letter, some kind of explination so he doesn’t just throw it away without opening it. 
She scurried to her desk, pulling out a very cutesy animal themed stationary set that March had gifted her after their mission on Jarilo XI. 
The envelopes and cards were soft blue, covered in cute little bunnies and bears and what Stelle thinks are pink raccoons, surrounded with hearts and little stars. 
She laughed at the idea of Blade handling such delicate paper, and got to writing a quick note on her desk.
Don’t hate me, but SW was complaining about your… mood lately, and I thought this might help. I totally fuckin get it, trust me, I understand. Traveling with a group of people that’s more like family than anything else can really put a damper on your… personal time. So please take time for yourself, if not for me, then to at least make silver wolf stop complaining to me that you’re moody. 
I look forward to the day you’ll spar with me again. 
It might’ve been doing a bit too much, but Stelle couldn’t help but feel like the note might help him to be more receptive to the gift. 
Being a bit delusional never stopped her before, so why should it now? 
She slid the card in the envelope and slapped it to the package, picking it up to go and have it delivered. Hopefully she could feel a bit more at peace once it was gone. 
A quick and impatient knock sounded on his room door, pulling him from his deep meditation on the floor. 
“Hey asshole, you’ve got a package.” 
He and Silver Wolf were sent together to fulfill one of Elio’s scripts, and it was a brief period of lull in their respective duties. 
The inn they were staying at wasn’t lavish by any means, but they were discreet, and that’s really all they could hope for. 
Blade released a breath through his nose as he rose from the floor, walking over and opening up his room to find his fellow hunter standing impatiently, tapping her foot on the rough carpet of the hallway. 
Blade hated carpet in the hallways of inns. Always disgusting and ridiculously coloured. 
“Here.” Silver Wolf shoved the box in his hands, her grin was wide, spreading to her eyes which twinkled up at him with the mischief he tried so desperately to avoid. 
“Who could possibly know where we are right now.” He grumbled at her, though she was already turning to leave. 
“I have an inkling, and hopefully the stick falls out of your ass soon.” She laughed maniacally as she waltzed down the hall. “Enjoy!” 
Blade felt his brow scrunch up tight as he eyed the package. The blue envelope tapped into it was terrible to look at, the childish print making him want to throw it away immediately, but the unfamiliar lettering spelling his name across the paper made him pause. 
He brought the package to his bed, sitting down and thumbing open the envelope. 
The contents of the card made his stomach drop and then lurch into his throat. He was ready to run silver wolf through with his sword. 
Calm yourself. 
He took steady breaths, though he was angry, he was also rather curious about what exactly was in the box. 
With a carefulness he didn’t remember he had, he pried open the package to find a smaller white box without any words or indicators of what could be inside. 
He lifted the lid, only to drop it in shock at what lurked within. He knew what that was. He was older than most but he was still a man, and he knew exactly what had been sent to him— what was to help his “mood.” 
He sighed, pinching his temples. He didn’t know whether he wanted to thank silver wolf or strangle her. Either way, he’d be getting some kind of relief today. 
Stelle was eating dinner when she felt the first phantom touch. 
Fingertips, as soft as a whisper, ghosting over her pubic mound and making her stomach dip. 
Her eyes darted around, but everyone else was still enjoying their meal, chatting quietly together with the melody of silverware accompanying their voices. 
She was sat beside Dan Heng tonight, but both of his hands were above the table. 
She leaned back to look at him below the waist, looking to see if he’d manifested his tail and was making a pass at her, or more likely, was absentmindedly flicking it about like he did whenever he took his secondary form. 
But no, he was tailless this evening, and now eyeing her a bit warily as her eyes darted around. 
“You okay?” He murmured, not wanting to bother the others. 
The touch ghosted along her outer labia now, making her drop her fork in shock. 
Everyone was looking at her now, and she felt something pulse around her throat, right where her new necklace rested. 
Her face heated, and she placed her utensils onto her half finished plate before scooting from behind the table. 
“I’m… not feeling the greatest. I think I’m gonna go to bed early, if you all don’t mind.” 
She stood quickly, standing there for a moment as the touches continued, soft and inquisitive. 
“Are you alright?” Welt asked, concerned. “Would you like me to bring you some tea, or medicine?” 
“No!” Stelle jumped, before she caught herself and smiled sheepishly. “I’m alright, just feeling a little off. Probably just need some good sleep. I’ll see you all in the morning?” 
They all nodded, watching her go with worried eyes, but letting her leave without more questioning, which she was so grateful for. 
As soon as she made it to her room, she felt the first touch swipe through her core, and she nearly keened. 
Her throat pulsed, the necklace weakly glowing in the dark of her room. 
Her body felt hot. She was embarrassed at the amount of wetness that was pooling in her underwear, but most importantly, she was so fucking confused at what was going on. 
Something wet and blunt prodded at her entrance, and her knees buckled as she locked her door. 
She nearly crawled to her bed as her choker pulsed and pulsed with a weak glow, and the blunt thing, which felt suspiciously like a pair of fingers, finally slipped inside her, curiously prodding around, as if feeling her out. 
She slapped a hand over her mouth as she squeezed around the phantom digits, their touch lingering at her g spot with ridiculous precision. The fingers withdrew and she breathed a sigh of relief, though it was short lived as something much, much larger prodded itself at her entrance. 
Her eyes widened, and she scrambled to pull Kafkas card from her bedside drawer. 
“you’ll find a beautiful little necklace I had added to the set, that’s for you to wear. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time with it. “
Stelle hadn’t realized what those words meant at the time, but as the blunt head of a ridiculously sized phallic object pushed at her hole, the meaning slapped her in the face like a rouge automaton. 
Her back arched off the bed as the phantom cock pushed into her, and she choked on a moan as it buried itself deep within her. She was so ridiculously wet she wanted to cry, and knowing who was on the other end of this feeling made her eyes roll back into her head. 
The thrusts started slow, but slowly worked their way up to something more intense, almost violent. Her insides churned, and she felt the telltale signs of an orgasm building up so quickly she might scream. 
No, no no no. She scrambled, reaching for the necklace, but when her fingers reached the latch, the thrusts changed angles, pounding directly into her g-spot and she cussed into the dark of her room. 
Her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave, crashing into her and seeping deep into her bones. It was the first actually satisfying orgasm she’d had in an incredibly long time. 
Her fingertips shook as they lingered on the necklace a moment, before she threw them back to her sheets, gripping them tightly as the thrusts continued. 
Fuck, this feels too good.
Through the post orgasm fog, she wondered if he knew. 
Did he know it was connected to her? 
She suddenly felt overcome with guilt. If he didn’t know, this felt a little like taking advantage of his struggles. If he did know, then she wanted to hear him say it out loud, that he knew exactly what he was doing to her. 
She wanted him to hear exactly what he was doing to her. 
With shaking hands and twitching thighs, she slapped around her bed for her phone, biting her lip through the pleasure to scroll through her contacts. 
It was nearly at the bottom, and the last time it was used was a hack of Silver Wolf’s, and Kafkas words, not his own. But she had to try regardless. 
She clicked the call button, bringing her phone to her ear as she bit back moans. 
Suddenly, the thrusting within her stopped, though the phantom cock remained buried within her. 
She gasped as the ringing came to a halt as the line picked up.
There was no answer, though she swore she could hear his breathing, just a bit heavier than usual. 
“Don’t… don’t stop.” She whispered. 
She thought she heard his breath catch in his throat. She definitely heard the swallow before he spoke. 
“What are you talking about.” His gravelly voice reverberated through the phone, and she felt the cock inside her move ever so slowly, in and out. 
She bit her lip. “I didn’t know at first, I swear.” Her thoughts were scrambled as the soft thrusts continued, and the knowledge that he was actively fucking himself with the toy while she spoke make her stomach jump in pleasure. 
“You didn’t know what?” He said, voice low and nearly at a whisper. 
“It’s… we’re… we’re connected.” 
The toy stopped, and she sucked in a breath of relief, hoping to gather her thoughts so she could properly explain herself. 
Suddenly a moan was ripped from her chest as his cock thrust into the toy with vigor, and his intense pace was picked back up tenfold. 
She tried to hide it, but the damage was done, and if he didn’t know before, he certainly did now as he listened to her whine and whimper through the phone. 
“I thought the inside felt far too realistic.” He growled. “You’re squeezing me so tight, little Nameless.” 
She gasped, his voice along with the stimulation was far too much, and another orgasm was quickly approaching. 
She tried to play it off like she wasn’t being fucked within an inch of her life though. 
“Yeah well, it’s… been a while since I’ve gotten any action, s-so forgive me for being a little tense.” She stammered. 
He switched his thrusts to hard and deep, so hard Stelle could nearly feel the sensation of his hips hitting hers, and she’s almost positive the fat of her lower half would be rippling in the recoil if he were actually here. 
“I knew as soon as I saw you that you were just a needy hole begging to be filled.” Blade said, voice deep and oh so condescending. 
Stelle fisted the sheets, her eyes nearly rolling into her skull as her needy moans slipped through clenched teeth. He was right, he was so right— but that didn’t mean she needed to concede so easily. 
“That’s bold talk…” she hissed, biting her lips until they felt raw. “…For someone who literally ran away from m-me as soon as his blood traveled south.”  
His dark laugh made her squeeze around him, and she knew he could feel it because the laugh trickled off into a deep groan that set her face on fire. She felt like her fingertips were alight with electricity, like her body was attempting to defy the artificial gravity on the express as she arched off her sheets. 
The pounding within her never faltered as he continued speaking his vile, filthy words at her. 
“You’re lucky I did, little Nameless.” She could almost imagine his murderous grin, the violence that vibrated through his voice was astounding. “If I had stayed I would have fucked you until not even your beloved crew would have been able to recognize the carnage I’d left behind.”
She couldn’t stop the noise that flew from her throat, a guttural keening that had her gripping her cellphone in embarrassment as he laughed once more. 
“Oh?” He teased, voice edged with gravel and venom. “You must be desperate to enjoy the idea of me fucking you until you’re nothing but hot pulp slipping through my fucking fingers.”
Oh she was so desperate, so fucked. If anyone else had said something so absolutely horrifying, she’d have run far, far away. 
“Does the rest of the express crew know how fucking depraved you are?” His thrusts seemed to pick up speed, which would’ve seemed nearly impossible, except she couldn’t exactly think at the moment, only sob as they slammed against that spot inside her over and over again until she felt herself slipping slowly. 
“Do they know that their precious little star wants to be fucked by a monster?” He snarled, and she cried out into the soft light of her room, thrashing around as her orgasm teased its way at her— but she was holding it back, why, why?
“Please,” she gasped. “Please, can I—“ oh, she thought distantly. Oh I’m so fucked up. 
Blade groaned, the slick sounds of him thrusting into the toy ringing in her ear. “So desperate, so polite. You really are something else.”
She keened, arching her back as the feeling licked at her further, so close to toppling over the edge.
“Go on then,” Blade whispered darkly. “Cum for me.” 
It crashed over her, more powerful than anything she could remember feeling. It pulsed through her in quick waves, so strong and violent as he just kept going. 
It started to dance into sickly sweet overstimulation as she heard his breath quicken, and she steadied her breath, wanting to savor this moment. 
“You know,” she breathed. “I’m a lot tougher than you think.”
His breath stuttered, his pace faltering ever so slightly. 
“I could take it,” she whispered. “I don’t think you’d hurt me in any way I didn’t want you to.” 
He faltered, and she heard him cuss under his breath through the phone.
“Yeah?” He whispered. “You’d take what I give you?”
She nodded at her ceiling, knowing he couldn’t see her, but her mind was too foggy with brutal pleasure to think straight. He was undoing her. 
“Every disgusting, violent, nasty thing you’d give me Blade,” she said, clutching the sheets as tears welled behind her eyes, praying he was almost finished but simultaneously never wanting it to end. “I’d take it so well for you, and I’d thank you for it.” 
“Fuck.” Blade moaned, deep and guttural, and his thrusting seized inside her. Much to her shock, she could feel the warmth of him filling her up, pump and after pump of him coating her insides. 
They both lay there, staring at their ceilings and breathing heavily over the phone, not speaking but not really wanting to anyways. 
Finally, once the breath returned to her lungs unlaboured, she felt him pull himself from the toy. 
She felt like she’d been hollowed out, like a crater had been formed where her insides should be, and without him there plugging her up—-her guts would fall out and she’d be left empty. 
He made a confused noise, and just as he did she felt the telltale squelch of cum slipping from her still twitching insides, and she groaned in frustration. 
“Well then,” he chuckled, softer now than before— almost a forbidden sound. “That makes cleaning up easier for me.” 
She smacked her hand over her face. “This is the weirdest toy ever invented, and I'm going to cry the next time I have to face Kafka.” 
“I figured this had something to do with her,” he said, shuffling noises heard from his end of the line. “She can never stay out of my business for too terribly long, unfortunately.” 
“Mine too it seems.” Stelle sighed. She smiled when he made a neutral sound of agreement. 
“You sound like you’re in a better mood.” She said, uncaring of the consequences.
“Well, before I realized what this really was, I was just hoping to release some inconvenient pent up energy.” He said, voice flat. “But I suppose doing it this way has added benefits. I’m no fool, I understand how the human brain works.”
“So this… helped you?” Stelle asked tentatively. 
He sighed. “I’d be lying if I said it was entirely useless.” 
Stelle smiled, stroking the choker around her throat, the delicate glow now completely faded. 
“I’ll keep my end of the connection on, it's simple enough. Just call me next time, okay? I don’t need to embarrass myself at dinner again.”
“I make no such promises.” She thought she heard the faintest of smiles in that last sentence before the line went dead.  
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1moreff-creator · 16 days
DRDT is back!!! Here’s my live reaction to everything that happened this week! Obviously take everything I say with massive piles of salt, these are in the moment reactions and aren’t supposed to be fully coherent thoughts.
DRDT CH2 EP12 SPOILERS (Oh that feels good to write)
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We’re back!!! Teruko we fucked up!!!
The theory that Charles was going to bring up the possibility of a wrong time of death was true! There weren’t really any other theories about what he was going to say from what I saw, but it’s still cool we got that right. You have no idea how giddy I am to finally hear him talk about it, after waiting so long for him to finish the sentence lol.
Also Teruko’s face lmao.
Oh, poor Teruko, she looks so sad. She’s gonna bring up the marks on the wrist, right?
Or, yeah, the swinging.
(Does this screw up any theories? No, her body was still likely strung up at 7:30 AM, which is what most people thought I’m pretty sure)
Ah, Whit. I missed how shady he always is even when he has, like, an airtight alibi for the time the fish were taken (which is still around 7:30 PM to nightime btw, don’t forget Nico’s account).
They’re not gonna bring up the time the fish were taken, are they? That furthers my belief that the person who took the fish and the murderer are different. Nothing concrete obviously, just kinda narratively works better that way.
“Or did you do it on purpose?” Veronika how I’ve missed you :D
David’s face lmao xD
“I’ll fix that mistake” (Paraphrased) Hell yeah! Go Teruko! :D
I missed you too, Literature Boy Insane. That “pathetic” voice line was cool. Also, thank you Hu.
J: “The body would have been cold if it was drenched at some point.” (Paraphrased). Interesting point about the water, I wonder if it’s important or not. We know she wasn’t drowned because the relax room wasn’t open at 7:30 AM, right? So I don’t know how she could have gotten drenched.
Ace no genuinely how do you not know how water works what.
“The range of human stupidity is larger than I thought.” Charles, you’re great.
[Levi and Nico complain about Arturo’s medicine skills] Okay, but like, Arturo has repeatedly told you he’s not that kind of doctor. Like you can blame the guy for a lot of shit but this one ain’t it chief.
(Also don’t think I don’t see how Levi throws suspicion on Arturo. Small point towards Levi!Culprit and Levi!Accomplice)
“You shut your whore mouth!” Okay maybe I don’t need to defend Arturo actually, he seems like he has it handled. You good my guy?
Oh shit we actually brought up that Arturo is ridiculously young for someone in the medical field. I did not have that in my (hypothetical) bingo card.
Twelve?! Dude my guy wanted out of that house yesterday damn.
Dude he’s kinda going off! I was not expecting Arturo fans of all people to eat this good this episode, but this is interesting!
Oh right the crazy lady- “Adorable”? Verturo shippers eating!
“Feel free to add to the number of dents in the computer lab” (Paraphrased) PFFFT Charles!
Wait wasn’t there actually a dent there? Wasn’t that a thing I saw on people’s theories? Holy shit is that actually going to get addressed?
[Whit explains] AHAHAHAHAHA HOLY-!
“I let it slide because it was funny” I missed MonoTV too actually.
And no fish! Nico’s account of the fish still being there last time they checked goes unmentioned, meaning it’s likely going to be used for a twist later!
New alibis? Could be possible.
Whit: “I don’t have an alibi. Neither does Charles” (Paraphrased) Which you know because…?
Oh so that’s not addressed. I repeat the statement of Whit being unnecessarily shady all the time.
????? DAVID AND J ALIBI???? This could be kinda huge actually.
David: “Oh. Shit.” This is the reaction of a man being cleared of murder. That’s so funny.
Didn’t David usually wake up late? Inconsistent sleep schedule ig.
J: “Oh yeah, and Veronika.” Girl you gotta say this shit earlier.
Yeah, look, J, you went and made Veronika sad! >:( /j
David: “Whoops” Holy shit every line this man says is gold actually what?
David? Lying? Noooo, how could you say that? I forgot how funny post magical girl transformation this man was.
David I am going to need you to give an actual answer. I spent hours looking at That Video and I still don’t know what your deal is please-
“And she’s Teruko” J’s also really funny actually. Hold a knife to someone’s throat once and they hate you forever, smh.
“Oh and don’t say something like “I wanna kill myself” that’s boring” (paraphrased). Holy shit I missed Veronika- that’s my second fave right there! (Min you will always be N1 don’t worry).
David-Veronika duo is great actually.
By the way David said “the truth is…” I am not expecting a serious answer.
You know, for a moment I actually did think he genuinely thought he was the blackened. But my first instinct was right.
“I would have actually tried looking at the crime scene” Bro what the fuck is he actually cooking.
“A good person” drop!!!! If you know, you know!
Also, I wanted to point this out here, I might have accidentally misinformed a part of the fandom a bit? One point that I brought up was that several important people to this chapter have been called “a good person”, and one of the examples I gave was Hu calling David a good person. Which… I don’t think happened? I evidently misremembered a line where Hu called David a “good friend”, which is a different phrase with different connotations in DRDT, and I genuinely apologize for that. Especially because I have seen people repeating that David had been called a good person in the past.
But now David has called himself “a good person”, if in a roundabout way, so the point actually stands lol.
Oh shit the Xander name drop.
… He was trying to kill Teruko wasn’t he. Because Xander tried it, and because David has Teruko’s “the killing game is all your fault” motive. Oh shit.
Speaking of the “good person” point, that argument might actually be dead lmao. Given that Xander got called that and he’s, well. Not particularly important to chapter 2, let’s say.
[Hindsight Post-Video: Actually, the argument could now be “anyone referred to as a good person is deeply important up to chapter 2”. Or, alternatively, argue that Xander is somewhat important to the Chapter 2 trial because he inadvertently caused David to magical girl transform. The “good person” list in case you don’t recall is Teruko, Levi, Eden, Arei, and as of this episode, David and Xander. We’ll see what we make of it once the chapter ends ig]
Oh Teruko is pissed I am loving this.
Holy shit the voice acting is amazing holy shit Teruko is going off she said Xander didn’t treat David like a human (“No Longer Human” reference??? I might just be insane though) oh this is incredible!!!
Oh he knows something deep. This motherfucker knows what was written in Xander’s “kill Teruko” note I bet.
Motherfucker you are going to tell us what Xander did before Hope’s Peak and why you know his work or I swear to God-!
Okay actually, David, I am going to need you to give… a straight answer at some point? Like I get you’re canonically bisexual (and it’s showing) but a single straight answer isn’t going to kill you.
Also, the music?! Is peak?!
David: “If the answer is no…” Neat sprite! Just thought it looked nice, and the line’s cool too :>
The return of the Teruko Baffled Sprite, long awaited.
Secret reveal? The killing game’s her fault?
Okay not the angle I was expecting in the slightest. Obviously gonna have to analyze how truthful he’s being at the moment, but he’s basically pulling a DRV3 ending logic thing. Cool!
So… Xander is absolutely Opening Guy, right? Like, I know that was the most common theory, but c’mon.
Voice acting going crazy too!
I adored Hu’s screaming section. How long till it’s revealed she has the “hopeless child” secret?
Hu’s a queen, hell yeah.
Pffft J’s high horse voice line-
Thank you Charles for being the only competent one (affectionate). Btw what does Veronika think of David’s reasoning? I was kinda hoping we’d see that.
[Red herring joke] Whit. Whit /disappointed/silly
Oh shit I was not expecting that line to actually cause a reaction damn.
You know, I’ll be honest and admit Eden’s really not acting that much like a culprit. I still think she is, I’m just surprised I’m not able to confirmation bias my way into suspecting her through her voice lines :v
Aaaand we’re back to Ace v Nico! Woo!
Okay wow the new alibis are like, laser focused on going against the most popular theories, huh? I’m not going to say anything’s deconfirmed yet obviously, but Hu!Culprit, J!Culprit, even Veronika!Culprit and theories surrounding David being involved have some questions to answer damn.
[To the question of if anyone else had alibis] “Nope” Whit how do you know this.
Levi!Accomplice also takes a hit because Eden and Levi aren’t trying to alibi for each other, but it can be explained. If they never prepared to give each other alibis, it’s safer to just… not, since they can’t actually say what they were doing during that time. And yes, possible explanations like this is why I’m not calling anything outright deconfirmed yet.
I wrote that before Levi three dotted directly after Eden, looking like he was thinking of trying to give her an alibi. Now that’s confirmation bias that can’t be safely used for theories!
Oh right J still hates Arturo xD
[The whole thing about excluding suspects who had an alibi at night and not in the morning] Oh God, Levi really wants me to think he’s the culprit huh? The method’s still too crazy for me to really believe that, but still.
This is also bad for Levi!Accomplice. Not a dealbreaker, but still weird that he’d say something that could point in Eden’s direction. I am not even going to try to defend that yet.
Cool. Can we finally talk murder method?
Levi: “That’s my secret.”
Oh okay, we’re not talking method yet.
Wait, WHAT?!?!?!!?!!!?!
THAT’S-! That’s not-! What the hell?!
Okay, so. Cool, Levi’s the remorseless murderer, we got that one right. But, the reveal is so insanely out of left field holy shit…
I am not lying when I tell you I had to get up and start PACING like I was not ready for this. I am vibrating. He just- He just said that shit! What the hell?!
I have genuinely no idea how the hell this is gonna play out. Holy shit I cannot wait for the next episode. It’s just… so peak!!! We are so back!!!
General Closing Thoughts: This episode was awesome! I was lowkey a little worried that the first episode back wasn’t going to be as insane as it ended up being, but wow it blew me away. And it was only twenty minutes? When the episodes go up to possibly an hour??? It’s just… holy shit.
It was awesome to finally start getting some insight into why David Did That, and I’m genuinely super excited to see where this goes. I’m still trying to figure out the exact angle on things like hiding Teruko’s secret, if he even is doing that because I now believe there is a non-zero chance he isn’t actually lying. Like, it’s low, but not zero. I do find it strange Veronika didn’t react to it, though, but at least we got that one line before David started talking.
But that’s only the cusp of the iceberg. I genuinely adore the details we got on Arturo’s backstory, and Hu’s blowup, and Teruko’s remorse- it’s all so awesome.
(The fucking dent in the wall of the goddamn computer room got an explanation I still cannot believe that. Wow)
Props to the voice acting and the music btw, absolutely incredible all throughout.
Btw, correct me if I’m wrong, but there weren’t any “minigames” this episode, right? Nothing wrong with that, just found it interesting.
Theory-Related Initial Thoughts: This episode is… possibly one of the biggest theory slaughters I’ve ever seen?
Like, obviously, again, it’s still too early in the trial to fully rule out anything, so I’m going to leave it to the other DRDT scholars to revise their own theories to fit the new evidence, but wow those new alibis are something. Between Hu, J and David having alibis for 7:30 AM, that’s three of the top suspects who weren’t there at that exact time to either kill Arei or mess with the body. Again, maybe there’s explanations for it, I’m not calling anything unconfirmed yet, just that many theories were inconvenienced.
As for my theory, Eden!Culprit Levi!Accomplice… ups and downs. The more Eden speaks, the less I’m convinced she’s the actual culprit, even if I’m a decent 80% sure she took the tape; the more Levi speaks, the less I’m convinced he’s an accomplice. I’m not going to deny that their dialogue isn’t 100% what I would expect. I don’t think it’s disqualifying, I still believe it to be the theory with the best evidence, it’s just that some things strike me as odd.
That was what I thought… until the end. Because I have no idea what’s about to happen with Levi revealing the secret like this, but… there is a very possible Levi!Accomplice turn here? Like, it’s the “Levi’s holding the glove” idea; the moment Eden loses her alibi, Levi does something that immediately puts a target on his back, potentially trying to get himself voted off before people catch on to Eden as a possible culprit. First he tries to argue that he shouldn’t be a suspect because of the alibi thing, which could make him more suspicious in some people’s eyes (maybe that’s too much 4D chess but it could work), then revealing the secret. I don’t know how likely this is, but it’s a genuine possibility.
Otherwise, I’m… not entirely sure what the angle is? I need to rewatch the trial to figure out why Levi’s talking about “detailing the trial” then immediately revealing his secret. I didn’t rewatch any DRDT before the episode, hence the confusion. But… at this moment, I don’t know what Levi’s cooking, other than possibly accomplice behavior. And even that feels more confirmation bias-y than anything.
There’s also the really weird line where Whit just… knows, Charles had no alibi at 7:30 AM? Unless they discussed it or I’m forgetting something, I don’t actually remember how he’d know that? Was he stalking Charles? Was he just wandering the halls? What kinda-?
(I don’t think that’s likely, but I don’t have a really good read on what’s happening there)
Other than that, here’s a crackpot one to lighten the mood. Mastermind business. I’ve never brought this up before, but I’ve always believed that were Veronika to be the mastermind, she would get revealed early. As in, possibly at the end of this trial, given Teruko had some idea to end the killing game after her chat with Veronika in the movie room.
I’m bringing this up only because Veronika didn’t react to David’s explanation of what he was trying to do by claiming to be the blackened. She was set up for a reaction with the whole “please tell me it’s not boring” thing, and then she… didn’t. It’s possible, in a conspiratorial sense, that she didn’t react because David hit the nail in the head, and Veronika was genuinely upset at the idea. If that’s the case, her reaction could be postponed to the end of the trial, maybe the end of Trial 3, for the early mm reveal there. It’s a very half-baked idea I’m failing to communicate properly ‘cuz I’m eepy, but it’s there.
I rank it in the same level of mastermind evidence as “Nico is unafraid of grabbing MonoTV by the tail.” Immensely silly and should not be considered solid evidence by any means, and yet it’s still probably gonna get mentioned if I ever make a mm probability ranking lol.
Anyways, absolutely incredible episode all throughout. Holy shit were so back, this was amazing. See you next week for more peeks into peak!
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duckprintspress · 19 days
Sorry for being a little in the dark, but can you explain what happened with NaNoWriMo? Or at least point me towards some resources pls?
Hey anon!
Never apologize for that. Life is so fucking busy, no one can be apprised of everything going on all the time. Our brains would break even trying. Anyway, multiple things have happened with NaNoWriMo, but for the current debacle, the best answer is probably to read their own words as appended in a reblog to my original post about how to delete.
The TL:DR is, to paraphrase NaNo's own words (after they got a sponsorship from ProWritingAid, an "AI" company), they support using "AI" as part of NaNoWriMo, accusing people who disagree of being ableist and classist.
Having read both their statements, they at least imply that they mean "AI" such as grammar checkers, rather than generative "AI," but they don't actually clarify and it's at best ambiguous if they include generative LLM as being allowed and reasonable. When people got upset with them, they doubled down, saying things like "not everyone can afford an editor," which as someone who personally couldn't afford an editor and so taught myself to edit at a professional level over ten years, I'll own I find a fucking insane and insulting take. A lot of us worked our asses off to learn these skills, and it's not classist to suggest that other people...can learn too. But also...like...if I was certain they only meant grammar checkers, I might be a bit more forgiving (I mean, I use Word's grammar checker, though it's often wrong), but which LLM usages they're actually defending isn't clarified and they jump right to defending their position by tarring people who disagree with them as -isms, and that's some kinda bs argument right there.
To be clear, I think policies banning people from using LLMs in events like NaNoWriMo or on platforms like AO3 is an exercise in futility. Bans are unenforceable, and attempts to moderate will turn into harassment tools. The line between "work written by someone who isn't proficient yet" and "LLM" isn't clear, and policing that line would consume huge amounts of moderating effort for basically no benefit. IMO, for places like AO3 the best bet is simply transparency, as in, people using LLMs should fucking tag it.
To be clear secondarily, putting my "I own a small Press" hat, if someone sends us something verifiably LLM-generated, they will be permanently banned, but honestly, even something I can't verify as LLM-generated, like. Won't be good writing. It might be technically precise but an LLM can't generate a coherent story because it can't think or remember. It's just a word-probability engine. We've never had an LLM-generated submission to the best of my knowledge, but if we did, well. Ban hammer.
Anyway. Sorry. I got off topic. The point is, NaNo basically said we were all ableist and classist because we want people to write (even if they write badly!) for the...write a novel challenge.
And this made a lot of people very angry.
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horizon-verizon · 5 months
The fact that so many people think the Starks are honorable anticolonial fighters and the pinnacle of morality is absolutely insane, they literally built a massive wall to isolated a bunch of people they considered as “savages”, they hunted and slaughtered the Free Folk, the Children of the Forest, giants, exterminated whole houses and clans and took their daughters as “prizes” while conquering the North, etc. The Blackwoods were originally from the North and ruled most of the wolfswood, before being driven out by the Starks and forced to flee south. The Starks are the OG COLONIZERS in ASOIAF.
Even this did not give Winterfell dominion over all the North. Many other petty kings remained, ruling over realms great and small, and it would require thousands of years and many more wars before the last of them was conquered. Yet one by one, the Starks subdued them all, and during these struggles, many proud houses and ancient lines were extinguished forever. — The World of Ice and Fire – The North: The Kings of Winter.
I recently finished a Tiktok series that will probably just be as lost to the internet if we lose TikTok but I had to get out in response to a particular creator who bashes Rhaenyra while also proclaiming themselves as black stans. I think they are really more black stans because they hate Alicent personally and feels the thrill of the side-taking, but that's neither here nor there. 😏
To quote one of my mutuals here [rhaenin]:
It just rings so familiar to the way so many people view the other in real life. Because the Targaryens are overtly, and intentionally written as the other. It's the reason so many people identify with them, and it's the very same reason that other people vilify them. They're not just the in-universe other to the 'default' culture established in the text, but they're also given characteristics that we, the reader and audience, can recognize as other and even sometimes anathema to Western Christian culture. To paraphrase the annoying people that love to cite Ramsay when they feel like it: If you look at a morally complex family surrounded by other morally complex families in a morally complex world in a story that's famed for seeking to challenge your underlying assumptions, and think that their association with fire and brimstone is meant to signify their singular satanic evilness, rather than say... challenge that very Eurocentric assumption, you haven't been paying attention. This vilification mindset where the Targaryens are the singular evil of Westeros is so common to people who seem to want to consume ASoIaF without engaging with the criticisms of the Eurocentric worldview of history at the heart of it. And they end up using the convenient “others” to project all the wrongs of that world onto so they don't need to examine it any deeper. ........... It comes from the same place with how someone pointed out that the baffling bastardphobia that would have medieval peasants giving the side eye is so often people jumping at the chance to “cosplay” as bigots who base their arguments in misogyny and bio-essentialism. Because it's an acceptable channel to indulge in that mindset in a way that they'd often otherwise question, or at least hold back from expressing out of caution.
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vampire-sugar · 4 months
Iwtv 2x05
It’s a horror movie. I can’t think straight. My very disorganized thoughts:
Armand monster of all time, he’s a Monster monster like holy shit he’s a Vampire guys. Genuinely so frightening.
And my god he’s so hot in Dubai. The Dubai fit??????? The hair????? The glasses at the end like…. So hot, so so hot.
I am paraphrasing since it is toooo fresh for me to go back and check the dialogue again but Armand saying to Louis “if you wanted an escape from the tower of empathy I keep you in you simply had to ask” or something like that like wow he really said “you want crazy I will give you crazy” and he delivered. So insane. So insane….
His eyes vibrating with “EVERYTHING IS FINE!!”, so terrifying! Him unspooling the tapes with his mind, him dropping Daniel from the chair over and over…. The extent of his power, how easily he’s able to wield it, an apex predator fr fr.
And oooooh I lovvvve the loumand fight ugh how nasssty they get with each other like I was gasping at every line!!! and literally wanted to cry!!! like the writing is absolutely wild!!! and the acting???? Like these are actors. Genuinely this is one of the best things I’ve seen in a while.
And damnnn I’m officially a Danlouer, like loved the dynamic before but it’s official now. That Danlou was OFF the charts this episode. Daniel asking if they had sex in SanFran and them laughing and Louis asking “do you want to now?” LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Daniel I know you wanted to say yes in that moment.
Them in SF making fun of Lestat together, “do that fang thing again”, ugh their besties.
Louis taking Daniel to his rocks to help him remember like fuckkkkkkk the feelings I have towards Louis…. So soft
Louis’ words to him that Daniel wrote in his book, what kept him going all his life, his lifeline, like I teared up y’all.
I literally don’t know what else to say other than this is the best show on television right now and I’m so glad I’m here watching it I love these characters so so so much.
Them confronting Armand at the end tho like I was shivering in my boots when he got back but good luck Danlou!! And good luck me idk how I’ll survive this week!!!!!!!!!
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meraki-yao · 6 months
WIP Wednesday- 10 Apr 2024
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Thank you @typicalopposite for the tag!
Was basically useless for the past 5 days due to being sick so I'm still insanely behind schedule for my fic (ahhhh) but here's a bit more from Chapter 1 of my @aroyallybigbangrwrb Tangled fic:
“You want to go outside? Well then, tell me, boy. Do you know why we stay up in this tower?” Her voice is ice-cold, sharp and unforgiving. Oh no. “Yes, I know, but-” “Exactly, to keep you safe and sound, dear. Need I remind you what were the circumstances that brought you to me? For me to take you in and experience the burdens of parenthood once again in my old age? Did you forget what happened to your parents and siblings?” “I-” “You are the most sought out person by all the ruffians, thugs, thieves and scoundrels. The world is a terrifying and dangerous place, you are the very proof of that, and the world will only be much more wicked and cruel towards you. I am the only one you can trust in the universe, but how do you expect me to take care of you out there while still protecting myself? Are you so determined to make this harder for me? How can I protect you, boy, unless you always stay in here?” “But Gran, I’m twenty-three, I can-” “So? You are still but a young boy. Your parents were far older when tragedy struck, and look what happened to them. And might I remind you that-” “But Gran!” Henry cuts off, a risky thing to do, but he’s truly growing desperate. “I can help! I can be different and stronger if you’d just let me try!” She glares daggers at him, and he instinctively shrinks into himself. “Sorry, Gran.”
Yes, excessive paraphrasing of the lyrics of "Mother knows best", this is an AU fic after all 😜But I also threw a line from another Disney song in, see if you can find it!
No pressure tagging @luainthewild @thinkof-england @lfg1986-2 @england-would-fall
banner by my lovely partner artist @havanaroses!
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birdfriender · 7 months
This fucking post makes me feel insane
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because like she literally didn't write that. it's not in the book. Like I didn't remember this line and it doesn't really sound like Shelley so I found a pdf of it and I searched for it and several fragments of it and paraphrases just in case it's slightly off and nope this just isn't in the book at all.
I tried googling it and goodreads lists this quote alongside another paraphrasing of a similar sentiment:
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but this also isn't in the book!
The line from the tumblr post appears (approximately) in the 1994 movie adaptation of the book, but the goodreads one appears to essentially be entirely fabricated?
I dont really have a larger point here but it's bothered me every time I've seen the post and I think I just needed to share my confusion.
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Round Two Match Eight: Sasuke and Naruto (Naruto) vs Gojo and Geto (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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why should you vote for them?
Sasuke and Naruto (autoqualified but still got 4 submissions):
Idk I don’t go here I just wanna help them for all the tumblr girlies
because of every single crazy quote they’ve said
Gojo and Geto (3):
uh…divorced. i love them
STSG ESSAY TIME >:)))))) Warning for Jujutsu Kaisen anime/manga spoilers ahead! I had to explain deep dark depths of the story to prove that they deserve to win the crown. Here I go. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru (also known as Satosugu or simply stsg) deserve to win the crown for the following reasons. Please bear with me throughout this whole essay because I am unequivocally insane about them. First of all let’s get into the rivalry side of things.
In high school, Gojo was an absolute menace. The first time Gojo and Geto met, the latter hated the former because he was annoying, rude, and arrogant. Now eventually they became best friends, but you see, their rivalry returned when Geto was exiled from the school because they had a stark disagreement in moral ideologies, which resulted in a dramatic breakup in front of a KFC (yes, this is actually canon). Gojo was supposed to execute Geto because he did some Bad Things (that we don’t need to get into right now) but as Geto walked away he said (paraphrased) “Go ahead and kill me. There’s meaning to that.” And My Lord is that a line. So for the next ten years of their lives, these two were separated, now on opposite sides, now each others’ enemies. Eventually this came to a climax when Geto declared war on Gojo, but before we get to that, let’s pause for a second, and talk about the meaning behind this all. I’ll try to make this part quick because without restraint this would become excessively long. So technically, Gojo and Geto’s breakup directly caused the plot of Jujutsu Kaisen to unfold. If they hadn’t broken up, then Geto wouldn’t have declared war and then died. If they hadn’t broken up, Geto’s body wouldn’t have been possessed; his body wouldn’t have, completely against his will, trapped Gojo in a prison, as Geto sat back helpless, unable to do anything to stop his best friend from being sealed *by his own hands*. Every single other tragic event that happened in Jujutsu Kaisen would not have happened, because, assuming you have never watched/read Jujutsu Kaisen, no, Gojo and Geto are not the main characters, and the whole rest of the cast was affected by this event. Yes, this homoerotic rivalry breakup is the very Big Bang for Jujutsu Kaisen, because if it didn’t happen, Jujutsu Kaisen wouldn’t have the incredible plot that it has. Butterfly Effect at its finest. Anyway, now that their rivalry is out of the way, I will now get into their homoeroticism.
My first piece of evidence for their homoeroticism is that… it’s in the name. Both of their first names start with “s” and end with “ru”. Both of their last names start with “g” and end with “o”. And both of their full names have the same amount of syllables. There is no possible way that this wasn’t done on purpose to get the point across that they are literal soulmates. Do I sound insane yet? In addition, Gojo called Geto, and I quote, “my one and only”. Now if that isn’t some fruit ass shit then idk what is. And now the most damning evidence of homoness, comes when Geto died by Gojo’s side. This was after the war that Geto declared on Gojo, and Geto ended up on the losing side. Even though they had been rivals for ten long years, they still had an important and heartfelt history together, so as Gojo walked over to his dying best friend, Geto smiled, glad to see not only an old friend, but the most important person in his life, for the last time. Gojo’s last words to Geto as he died were NEVER REVEALED. Only very very few producers of the anime know the words. They will be released soon but for now we don’t know. But it was confirmed that his last words were THREE WORDS. Now I don’t wanna put any words in Gojo’s mouth but the most obvious theory here is that he said “I love you” as his best friend and rival of 10+ years died by his side. This is even further affirmed when, after hearing those three words, Geto BLUSHED, SMILED (as he was in the process of bleeding out!) and described the words as (paraphrased) “embarrassing words that they had never said to each other before”. IT’S BARELY SUBTEXT AT THIS POINT YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THEY’RE GAY AS HELL!
Now before this gets any longer I will cut myself off here. Thank you for coming to my way-too-long Ted Talk about these stupid ass anime men who have been plaguing my mind for months, I hope you take my submission into consideration! I don’t expect them to win but I’m just happy I get to aggressively type an essay about them in this google form :D
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waddles-ex-machina · 1 year
hi please bear with me while i go insane about the colours in Hilda (aka I'm looking at the trio's season 3 designs and losing my mind)
SO in most visual media, quite a bit of thought goes into the colours they use and how those colours interact with one another - not in a "the curtains are blue bc [character] is sad" kind of way but in terms of which colours stand out and which are harmonious, and even if the viewer doesn't know any colour theory (like me, lol) and isn't paying attention to it, I think it still helps reinforce what we know about the characters, and influence what we take away from the show. visual design is a language and colour is one of the key aspects of it and if you want to hear about how Hilda uses colour in so many clever ways, to guide the viewer's eye or distinguish important characters, there's a really excellent video on that made by someone who actually does know what they're talking about, but one thing I wanna talk about based on my own limited knowledge is how it tells us about the characters -
FOR EXAMPLE Johanna - so you have Hilda, who is dressed in bright primary colours, especially her signature blue hair which makes her stand out as different even more - and then there's her mother, who has, by contrast, a much more toned down colour palette. she broadly shares the colour red with her daughter, but a less-saturated shade and her standard outfit consists of that, brown trousers and sometimes her yellow coat. Hilda's signature blue is completely absent from her design (and even if the creators didn't want to give Johanna the same hair colour as her daughter, they could have added some small blue accent of clothing if they'd wanted to, but chose not to), leaving her with purely warm, harmonious colours. she has an almost completely different palette to her daughter, but still just enough similarity (particularly with her yellow coat) to reinforce that the two are related in some way. (I'm not saying that Hilda is related to everyone who wears yellow in the show, just that the fact they share a colour helps tie them together on screen)
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(yep, this is the screencap i'm choosing to illustrate this point it's fantastic)
most importantly (to me, anyway), Johanna's colours are warm. they're safe. to me, the dominance of warm colours and absence of Hilda's blue signify that Johanna is a safe person to Hilda, someone who is supposed to be a respite from her adventures rather than someone who dives into them with her (which, y'know, ties in quite nicely to Hilda's line in Stone Forest about preferring to adventure on her own and then come home to her mum, and how in the show she generally likes to keep her adventures and home life separate... (I could probably write an essay on how Hilda and Johanna's issues in season 2 were kind of a commentary on how Johanna has been coded as the safe stable bg character and how she is actively trying to go beyond that role but I shouldn't tbh)). the point is, they are connected, but Johanna doesn't have the same adventurous streak that Hilda does, so they have some of their warmer colours in common, but not Hilda's unusual, stand-out blue.
(I could also talk about Kaisa here and her copyright claim on the colour purple, but truthfully all I would be doing is paraphrasing the excellent video I linked earlier, so I won't. however I do think its fun to compare her to Johanna, in the sense that here are two adults who Hilda often comes to for guidance, and one is all warm gentle colours that match the home decor and the other all monochrome with two little hints of a colour we rarely see elsewhere in the show, suggesting that this is a character of particular interest.. it kind of hammers in how one is meant to embody the safety and comfort of Hilda's home life and the other is literally there to point hilda at things that might kill her lmao)
that was supposed to be a quick example and it got away from me so uh ANYWAY what I'm getting at here is that in Hilda's friend group, I believe their colour palettes were constructed in a similar way - they work together to tell you about the group
I feel like Hilda as a show is known for making excellent use of a limited colour palette - a lot of the characters have at least one black or brown item of clothing and just one or two stand-out colours, particularly the main trio. you can easily look at Hilda, David and Frida come away with one particular colour associated with them - blue or red for Hilda, orange for David, and...blue again for Frida, which doesn't sound great on paper but works well in the show because Hilda's palette also has a lot of red, so when the two characters are put together it doesn't seem like blue is dominating the colours. I also find Frida's colour palette (basically just her hoodie, lol) super interesting because it used to be different.
now, I haven't spoken to anyone who worked on the show about this, this is purely conjecture, but if you've ever googled the characters you've probably seen an official-looking turnaround page of Frida in a purple hoodie.
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this is real pre-prod show art, and considering the purple hoodie made it all the way through the design pipeline to be included in the turnaround (generally the last stage of character design, as this is what would be given to the riggers to make the character rig)....and was even posted on twitter months before the show aired -
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then I think it's safe to say that her hoodie was changed after the fact (2 or 3 episodes into production, by my vague guess looking at the date of this tweet) - not too hard to do, if your show is 2D rig animation, luckily - but if you're me and like reading into things way too hard, this begs the question of why. having purple as Frida's signature colour is perfectly serviceable and sets her apart from Hilda and David nicely. but what her new hoodie colour does is the opposite - it ties them all together
(the other possible explanation is that maybe Kaisa's design was finalised later in production than this turnaround was made (speaking purely from my own experience, secondary characters who appear in later episodes are often finalised later than the main characters, just ahead of the episode they're needed for, and Kaisa wasn't needed until halfway through the first season) and someone noticed that her and Frida sharing the colour purple made them look a little too similar...(I'm sure ppl who like the idea of Frida and Kaisa being witch sisters are yelling through the screen rn that this would've been a good thing and maybe lightly foreshadowed Frida becoming a witch, like Kaisa, but this was all set at the start of season 1, probably a bit too early to start hinting at the witch stuff :') we will come back to this tho)
anyway I love the trio's designs bc if you put Hilda and David next to eachother, they don't visually have much in common, but if you put Frida there then suddenly they're a unit. they got rid of her signature colour and gave her her friends' ones. she quite literally ties the group together so that they look cohesive as a whole
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and this is absolutely me digging too deep in things here but her being the one to bring the group's colour palette together also lends itself thematically to their falling out at the end of season 1, and how Frida leaving also caused Hilda and David's friendship to struggle. they are a set and it doesn't work the same if they're not all there. Frida sharing Hilda's signature blue could also lend itself to the idea that Frida shares her love of adventures to a greater extent than David does (though maybe that's closer to 'blue curtains' territory tbh). anyway I love the design of this show so much
SO (if you actually made it this far down I'm so impressed) the thing that sparked all of this was...if this is what the trio's designs are doing in seasons 1-2.....what are the season 3 designs doing
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no but this is super interesting to me, Hilda essentially just traded her skirt for leggings and left her colour palette intact, but David and Frida changed theirs entirely and I'm fascinated. both their signature colours are GONE. is it to imply that they've grown and changed in the duration of the time skip? is it David's turn on the 'having a colour in common with Hilda'?? but particularly I want to draw attention to Frida bc now that her hoodie is gone her original purple is BACK and (if there is any weight to my theory that she was changed bc she looked too similar to Kaisa) what's even more interesting is that they doubled down on the witch vibes. she literally has Kaisa's exact colour palette minus the dark purple cape lining. Kaisa's design reflected her personality as this unknowable person with a hint of mystery to her - all monochrome with that pop of an unusual colour - are we to expect the same of Frida? is this a sign that she's leaning further into witchcraft than before? does her contrast to Hilda and David signify that she's come more into her own and has a stronger sense of her own identity (something something closure for her issues in season 1)? or do we take things way too literally and assume that season 3 has her breaking off on her own from the group? or maybe it means absolutely nothing and someone on the design team just thought grey/purple was a neat combo. I know I've talked in this post as if I know things but here I truly don't and I'm obsessed w the possibilities. what does it mean what does it all mean
anyway that's all for this delusional fever dream post, hope you enjoyed and if you made it this far down you deserve some kind of prize
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flowerflamestars · 2 months
So, the last line of the second to last (I think) chapter of Effloresce has been living rent free in my head all day and I felt the need to share this with you. (And then I came onto you page to send this and immediately saw the 'being loved/comments on my writing/same picture' meme *insert crying laughing emoji here* (because I don't know how to do emojis on my laptop))
Just "swear to a house of flame and gain a name." It's just so *mental flailing/bouncing* squeeeeeee! (Unfortunately, the first word that came to my mind, for some god unknown reason, was 'amazballs' and I'm deeply sorry (maybe) but if I have to remember that this is an actual word that actual people actually said, out loud, with their actual mouths, I'm inflicting that psychic damage on others as well.)
The Archeron's new Illyrian vassals immediately met the literal best of nobility in the Nesta and Elain, who are willing to burn the world down or die trying to make their people safe. They're just going be soooo disappointed and disgusted by the more average kind human noble. (Just imagining them finding out about the asshole that Nesta was gritting teeth and letting court her to protect Elain. It's probably a good thing that Elain and Lucian already poisoned him or he'd have a legion of pissed off warriors breaking down his door.)
The other thing that really sticks in my head is Lucien's basically wedding vows in their little greenhouse wedding where he's, like (paraphrasing here), "Give me thirty years, give me iron filings in my tea for three hundred, just let me spend my days at your side" and it's just. so. damn. cute.
Okay, I'm fully laughing at amazeballs! You are too kind!
The Illyrians are so interesting to write I have surrendered myself to a tiny little spin-off short story about one of Cassian's captains and the teacher Nesta hired for all the village kids.
And LUCIEN! I'm so glad people seem to like they way they finally confess because I did, totally, deprive us of an insanely dramatic wedding that was in the original draft.
Thank you!!
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thawthebeez · 1 year
hey guys. tumblr user thawthebeez back at it again with yet another haikyuu essay B) the topic of today is one that i see NOBODY talking about which is crazy because this motif is (in my opinion) one of the main foundations of the kagehina community.
now may someone please explain to me why the HELL nobody ever talks about how whenever Tobio expresses an insecurity of ANY KIND, Hinata is ALWAYS the first one to swoop in and tell him not to worry about it?
yes, we've all established that Hinata Shouyou is the #1 Kageyama Tobio understander. we get that. BUT THIS IS ONE OF THE MAIN DISPLAYS OF THAT AND I'VE SEEN LITERALLY NOBODY SPEAK OF IT EVER.
i'm pretty sure there's an instance of it in season 2 (either that or my brain just made it up) when Tobio is a little worried about his and Hinata's quick attack not really working out but Hinata tells him "nah you'll figure it out eventually" or something along those lines. i'm not going to lose my shit over it because i can't find it but if you know YOU KNOW.
a part that i COULD find from season 2, however, was this:
here we have Tobio explaining how talented of a setter Oikawa is- how he's so much better than him- and it's clear that this is something he's insecure about given his facial expression.
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THEN we have Hinata's INSTANT response:
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and it blows Tobio away because WHAT
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because, to paraphrase a little, Tobio basically just said "yeah oikawa can make any spiker look good no matter what team he's on" to which Hinata replied "yeah but that team wouldn't be Karasuno" which is essentially "Karasuno is strong enough as it is" BUT- if ur crazy- " dw he wouldn't take your spot babe" (<- which probably isn't how it's meant to be interpreted because they just finished talking about The Team That's Stronger As Six thing so like... context clues. it's probably not the insane interpretation).
ANYWAYS boom there it is. Tobio expresses insecurity, Shouyou swoops in and goes "Ermmmm Actuallyyyyy🤓" WHICH IS SO FUCKING ENDEARING ON IT'S OWN BUT THE FACT THAT IT HAPPENS MORE THAN ONCE AND AT SUCH A CRITICAL POINT TOO
the critical point in question being:
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(context: Tobio just came back from his training camp in Tokyo and is a little frustrated because he's gotten so used to playing with other prodigies like himself so to go back to talented-but-not-prodigious players is a bit of a switch for him. don't get him wrong tho he loves this team to DEATH it's just a little different that's all. hashtag number one Tobio apologist right here)
SO THERE'S THIS! and it goes without saying that Tobio is DEEPLY insecure about his late middle-school days and being referred to as a king. Tsukishima adds a little salt to the wound and while I didn't take a screenshot of it Tobio makes this look of absolute HORROR after he says what he says
(which, side note, shows a lot of a character development within Tobio. especially since I've been flipping between season 2 and 4 a lot looking for these clips. Tobio didn't even notice when he was acting kingly before but he realizes it INSTANTLY now which is so so so good for him yayyyy character development!)
this also leads fantastically into my next tangent which is
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now, admittedly this isn't entirely related to my thesis but i absolutely ADORE talking about this scene and i genuinely think it is one of the most prevalent displays of character development within Tobio because i feel like he tends to get overshadowed by all the other characters (especially Hinata, which i'm not upset about in the slightest like it makes perfect sense and if Tobio got all the attention all the time the show would be soooo unbalanced)
but I feel like a lot of people skip over Tobio's overall development over the course of the show. I mean compare s1 Tobio to s4 Tobio THAT IS NOT SAME PERSON ANYMORE. he grows so much over such a short period of time (which is another essay I could write. something along the lines of "Explaining Why Tobio And Shouyou Need To Be On Separate Teams Actually Because Character Development Purposes" because the amount of people i've seen on tiktok complaining about kghn being on separate teams and how they should just be on the same team forever makes my blood boil violently) and it's so refreshing to see Tobio's growth especially as a big Tobio enjoyer.
ANYWAYS back to the main thesis.
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So Hinata steps in IMMEDIATELY here. literally cuts Tobio's apology off because HE HAS NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR. he was expressing his thoughts whatever that's fine he could have done it in a nicer way SURE but listen the guy still has a LOOOONNNGGGG way to go but still, nothing to apologize for. it's just growing pains, y'know?
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now the quote "What's wrong with him being the King again?" appearing here isn't the first time we're seeing this. Hinata has ALWAYS been confused as to why calling Tobio a "King" is a bad thing. literally from day fucking one Hinata was like "nah dude I think that title is cool" WHICH, AGAIN, TOBIO BEING INSECURE ABOUT SOMETHING AND SHOUYOU REASSURING HIM THAT IT'S TOTALLY CHILL HELLO?????
LITERALLY FROM DAY ONE SHOUYOU HAS BEEN DOING THIS. THAT MAN MAY THINK TOBIO'S AN ASSHOLE SOMETIMES (and he kinda is) BUT NEVER WILL HINATA INHERENTLY HATE A PART OF HIM. and i don't think they realize it here nor do i think the realization comes soon after but at some point there will be the realization that they love each other. every single part. fucking Tobio probably realized it way back in junior high but that's a tangent for another time.
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now this line.... this one right here...... oh my god i can be SO NORMAL ABOUT IT.
the main reason why Tobio had this look of HORROR on his face after he yelled at everyone was BECAUSE HE KNEW THE ENDING. he knew that yelling at them would have consequences (if it weren't for Hinata stepping in thank god). HE'S SEEN IT ALL BEFORE. in his final year of junior high he yelled at his teammates to run faster and jump higher and be better AND THEY LEFT HIM!!!
so Tobio yelling like this instantly makes him afraid that he's just ruined the entire balance of the team. he thinks he's going to be left behind again because he yelled and everyone is going to leave him BUT!!!!!
BUT SHOUYOU IMMEDIATELY JUMPS IN AND SAYS "idc what u say honestly if i don't like i'm just not gonna listen" OR, TO TRANSLATE "i'm not going anywhere regardless of what you say"
Tobio's biggest fear is losing this team. I literally do not need to explain why. that man would fucking DIE for this team (if you really need an explanation just to go the end of the Kamomedai match when Tobio admits that he's upset they lost because he wanted to play with that specific team more).
and for Hinata to essentially say "you could literally be as kingly as u want and i simply would not care, pal, i promise you i am NOT going ANYWHERE!!!" which has got to be SO FUCKING RELIEVING FOR TOBIO.
(also something something "nobody was there" / "i'm here" something something "doesn't matter what kind of toss goes up if you send it my way i'm hitting it" something something they're soulmates or whatever they are literally bound together by the universe they were destined to be together and it's a crime that universe kept them apart for so long and now that they're together they will always BE together two peas in a pod literally inseparable they are hot glued and duct taped together.)
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and then there's this. i mean at this point you already know what i'm going to say like you get it by now but again IT MUST BE SO RELIEVING TO TOBIO to know that shouyou thinks his biggest insecurity is cool. that shouyou thinks that it's not something to be concerned about. that no matter what, no matter how much a King he is, they're not going anywhere.
SOMETHING SOMETHING "you drew stars around my scars" IF YOU EVEN CARE
and just the fact that it's always ALWAYS shouyou to do this. the fact that there was dead silence before shouyou spoke up. the fact that it's ALWAYS HIM there to understand Tobio (someone who has been misunderstood for as long as he can remember) GOD THEY DRIVE ME INSANE.
anyways thank you for being a witness to this madness👍
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Ok dumping my thoughts right here now that I’ve collected them since reading Batman 138. It’s a doozy, so bear with me.
Honestly, the premise of Gotham War is intriguing and could’ve been good if not for the sloppy execution. It’s interesting to see Bruce’s psyche rapidly declining, but how Zdarsky is going about it is ham-fisted and forced. First off, Selina’s method is outlandish and riddled with plot holes. There’s no skirting around that. Now logically I could see the batfamily members not declaring an allegiance to either side because both Bruce and Selina are in the wrong here; Bruce is losing his mind because Zur is hijacking it while Selina thinks training criminals will magically solve all violent crime in Gotham and everything will be sunshine and rainbows. But having the kids blindly fall into line with Selina because they agree with her plan is dogwater writing that I’m surprised Zdarsky cooked up after his spectacular Daredevil run. Have them form their own faction and let them actually act like they have agency and purpose instead of shoving them into roles that don’t fit.
Now I’m a little skeptical on the whole Jason/failsafe stuff. On one end, it’s a daring concept to play with. It shows how Bruce is going off the deep end and raises the stakes of the plot. On the other end, it’s going to drive an enormous wedge between Jason and Bruce for the foreseeable future. Like, there is no forgiving Bruce for this easily. Maybe that’s a good thing though, considering Jason for the past few years has been cycling through the same character arc over and over again like a washing machine that spits out clothes that are more worn-out after every load. Taking him out of the batfamily fold and inserting him into his own corner of DC sequestered away from Batman might actually force DC to write him organically, depending on whether or not Jason doesn’t go insane himself because what Bruce did to him was quite literally torture that will now be perpetual. Wowza.
My next gripe is the timing between comics. Batman and Robin’s timeframe is vague, but after reading 138 it makes zero sense why Damian would steadfastly stick by Bruce’s side—unless of course B&R happens way later, and somehow Bruce regains minor control of his mental state. Or the most realistic explanation being that the writers didn’t communicate the timelines, leaving their stories to contradict each other. But what are comics if not zany contradictions of stories? So I guess this gripe can slide…for now. Benefit of the doubt to Williamson at least because he planned B&R way in advance, meanwhile Gotham War was strung together as a myopic copy of Marvel’s Civil War in order to—I’m spitballing here—have Bruce be alone for a while in his own comics because he’s “a loner”…despite his character being, at his core, a family man, and whose character revolved around family for decades. Family rift stories can be good. Packed with drama. Exciting. This is none of the above.
Finally, arguably my biggest complaint about this dumpster fire, is Tim. Writers tend to be biased toward characters, I understand that, but when favoritism bleeds into the writing it sours the story altogether. Having Tim assume this role of “Bruce’s savior” is incredibly cheap and a little laughable at times. I see that they’re trying to establish him as important again, reliving his glory days as the Robin who helped guide Bruce back onto the right path after Jason’s death, but throwing other characters under the bus to lift him up is crazy. Especially Damian, because Damian saved his dad’s life twice in the last few months. Seriously, I’d brush it off if Tim hadn’t told Damian he was the one who helped Bruce out of the darkness while Damian only pushed Bruce further into it. Paraphrasing, but that’s the general idea: Tim is a saint and the rest of his siblings (Cassandra? Who?) are a cut below him when it comes to helping dear old dad out of his bad place. That hug was cute, but it was sugar spread on a pile of shit.
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dioptre-hertz · 1 year
so me and hyacinth were reading through the comments on the Horse-Themed Gender Reveal Party post, which is kind of a wild ride because it's just absolutely full of the most insane rationalizations of cishet gender nonsense and a truly baffling lack of reading comprehension, but one thing stood out to me so much that i NEED to write a post about it. i need to write about economics now. i'm sorry but my whole body is vibrating. i haven't utilized my mathematics/game theory degree in SO LONG you have to understand. ok here we go
so among the various comments defending the extravagant Horse-Themed Gender Reveal Party, there were quite a few comments along these lines:
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i think these arguments are extremely interesting because they are, in my opinion, wrong... but subtly wrong, which is the most interesting way to be wrong. i don't really care about the comments that are like "well i don't know what cis means and anyway gay people do stuff like this too" because that means nothing. but these arguments about economics? they're legit interesting. let's unpack!
so the core argument, in all these cases, can be paraphrased as follows:
"Even if wealthy people are spending money on something lavish and extravagant and ridiculous and pointless, they're creating jobs, they're allowing poorer people to do work and get paid, right? So this is a good thing, ultimately."
and i think this is an excellent time to introduce to you the concept of opportunity cost and the window fallacy.
what is opportunity cost? well - to put it simply, it's the cost of a transaction that results from missing out on the "opportunity" to do something else. in more precise terms: in a situation where you must choose between several mutually exclusive alternatives, it's the value of the best alternative you didn't choose.
here's an example: suppose i spend $5 on a nice coffee. the straightforward way to analyze the result of this transaction would be to say: i lost $5, i gained a cup of coffee, so my "return" on this investment is whatever i deem the coffee to be worth. maybe it's a really, really nice coffee, in fact so yummus that it tastes like $7. then i basically walked away with $2 more "value" than i had before! wahoo!
what goes unseen in this scenario is the opportunity cost of everything else i could have done with those $5. i had other options, after all: i could have spent it on a pastry instead, or some fruit and vegetables, or maybe i could have put it in my savings account and earned a barely perceptible amount of interest on it, or i could have given it to a friend. every single one of those options is now lost to me, since the $5 is spent: i have missed out on the opportunity to do these things. thus, the "cost" of my coffee transaction isn't just the cost involved in getting the coffee itself; it's also the cost of closing off every other opportunity i had. maybe, if i'd bought some lovely pastries with my $5, they would have been so delicious as to taste like $10. then i actually missed out on $3 of value by buying the coffee instead!
opportunity cost is a pretty simple concept to understand, but easy to overlook, because it is inherently "unseen"; these are all the things that didn't happen, after all, so it's impossible to account for every single possibility here.
now, let's use this concept to address a very interesting logical fallacy in economics: the window fallacy.
the window fallacy was first described by economist Frédéric Bastiat, in his appropriately named essay That Which We See and That Which We Do Not See. in it, he uses the concept of opportunity cost to address the question: does society benefit from wanton destruction, from wasteful actions? he provides the following example (paraphrasing):
suppose someone accidentally smashes my window, and a bystander says to me: "well, it's not so bad, at least this creates jobs for all the glaziers, right? if we never broke any windows there'd be no work for the people whose job it is to repair windows!"
and there's a logic to this claim, certainly. this unfortunate accident has brought some profit to the glazier who eventually comes to fix my window; suppose they get paid $100 to repair it. then the act of destroying the window has brought $100 into the glassmaker's business! wahoo for them!
but it would, obviously, be insane and fallacious to suggest that going around breaking windows on purpose is "good for the economy". what goes unseen in this equation is the opportunity cost of fixing the broken window. if i have to spend $100 on having my window repaired, then i am not spending that money on things like food, healthcare, rent and bills - or, for that matter, going to some other business and spending my money there. the cost of the broken window includes all the things that i now cannot do with my $100 that i otherwise would have done.
what Bastiat illustrates with his example is that we cannot simply argue that an action benefits society because it "creates jobs"; we must also look at all the missed opportunities, all the things that could be happening if that job was never needed.
and this leads us back, after a somewhat circuitous journey, to the Horse-Themed Gender Reveal Party. is it true that luxurious, extravagant displays of wealth like these create jobs for gardeners, caterers, waitstaff, et cetera? yes, it certainly is! but let's also ask ourselves what the opportunity cost is of such things. every dollar the wealthy elite spends on a lavish party is one that isn't spent on other things: on someone's healthcare or rent, on infrastructure, on research, on education. every hour a cleaner spends picking up blue or pink confetti, whether they get paid or not, is an hour they're not spending doing something else: studying, relaxing at home, reading a book, or, you know, getting paid to clean somewhere else.
now, there's obviously a line to be drawn somewhere here, because frivolous things are not valueless. it wouldn't do to advocate for an economy where nobody ever does anything frivolous. if i were to suggest that throwing parties is always bad because that money could be spent on philanthropy or something, then you should rightly bonk me with a stick and then discuss consequentialist moral philosophy with me. (after that we could maybe start making out, angrily.)
but, once someone reaches a certain level of wealth, you really have to ask yourself what the opportunity cost is of garish Horse-Themed Gender Reveal parties. if an ordinary person hosts a wedding and invites some friends and family and buys a nice dress and rents a fancy restaurant, then you could probably meaningfully argue that the joy this brings into people's lives - getting to live in a world where weddings happen every once in a while - is worth the cost, is worth the missed opportunities. a life where nobody parties would be pretty dull. but wealth, true wealth in excess, is always built on someone else's back.
there were probably some chefs, brewers and florists who got paid handsomely for this spectacle. just don't forget about all that which goes unseen.
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