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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
Reasonable/rational misanthropy? UPDATED
I'll keep the original text up to show my original thoughts, but I thought I'd update this after giving it time.
I say misanthrope in a very broad sense. It's not so much humanity I hate as much as it is just the sole nature of being. I am probably not alone in this idea. I use misanthrope because that is what I've been lead to believe it means. According to dictionary.com it means "hatred, dislike, or distrust of humankind".
Since humans can be forced to do things that are vile under threats, brainwashing, cultural upbringing, myself included, THAT is where "misanthropy" came from. According to the definitions provided on the internet, that was the phrase that best fit, but in reality, it's a dislike for how nature of evolution works in general that I disapprove of, and it's not just limited to humans.
Now to the original text.
So I've been going back and fourth on my calling myself a misanthrope. I DO NOT LIKE THIS LABEL!!!! I don't hate ALL humans, nor all of humanity.
I love my human father. I love my counselor. I love my niece. I love my nephews.
I hate CERTAIN humans. I hate certain ASPECTS of human nature. If a nonhuman animal emulates something that I find distasteful in humans, I do not hate that animal or species, but I do hate the fact that it reminds me of the cruelties of so many humans I've been forced to endure. Thus, I hate the aspect, but not the animal.
Basically, I see myself as a victim of animal abuse. I am an animal. An animal human. A human animal. An animal that was forced to see itself as human. A primate. A great ape.
It's natural for animals raised improperly by their own species to latch on to other species for support and belonging. Other primates will bond with humans if they were neglected or abandoned by their own species. Cats too, and dogs as well. This isn't just a human thing. Many social animals do this very same thing. It's a social mechanism for survival.
Upon doing some thinking, I realized something. My maternal unit would (and STILL does) scream at me for saying that I'm not human, or not human in the same way she wants me to be. She gave me misanthropic thought patterns by generalizing the word "human" to make me see myself as one, and needing to stop being my version of human.
This gave me a very bleak and distorted view of what humanity is. I am a very strange human indeed. I had to learn to view myself as human, and had to learn to care about being a stereotypical human, and through highly traumatic means.
Dehumanization lead me to think that in order to be what I am, I MUST be something nonhuman, right? Maybe I'm more human instead, so why don't I feel more than human? I HAVE TO BE nonhuman! If I was nonhuman she wouldn't be giving me shit for any of this...ah ha! That explains EVERYTHING! I am not human! I am a mutant monkey! A mutant ape! A mutant suminia...and of course I'm not my paranthrotype with all of it's abilities! I AM A MUTANT VERSION OF THEM DUE TO MY BEING A PRIMATE, A HUMAN! YES! THIS IS IT!!!!!
If my imaginary species were classified as humans, I'd be all for it, embracing every single fucking aspect of humanity! If bonobos were considered humans, again, I'd fucking LOVE that! If my imaginary creatures were what humanity would evolve into, again....FUCKING WIN!!!! If humans were not doing all of the nasty vile things they do, I'd love ALL of humanity. I'm just MUCH more prone to notice the bad instead of the good due to my trauma and forced generalization.
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
Considering that humans are animals that learn to view themselves as certain species, and some do not fit in with that view/lifestyle as said biological species, yes!!!
I am not a human cursed to be an animal. I am an animal cursed to be a human
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
Any other alterhumans had this?
Growing up, not until around 14 years of age, I didn't automatically pick up on the taxonomical fact that I am human. I also didn't automatically get some of traditional human social things. There were some taboo sexual things that I thought were completely normal and even acceptable!
Many cultural things I didn't understand. Like even though I'm human, why does it mean that I have to do these "human" things, but not these "nonhuman" things? Why does being human mean that I even have to consider myself human, or to view myself as human?
I literally had to learn that I am human! It didn't come "naturally".
I accepted my being human solely in an abstract sense of being, like I have this human body and human biology, but so what? If I were the creature I see myself to be, it would still have much of the "human" stuff, but who's to say other animals don't also have this, they just lack the ability to express it due to their biological limitations?
Any talk like that was immediately shut down by my maternal unit, and pretty much anyone else I'd mention it to. There seemed to a push for humans NEEDING to believe we're somehow fundamentally different than other animals, and how that justifies e**erimenting on them (among many other things that I won't get into) that it drove me even deeper into my feelings of being something else.
The predisposition was there already, but cultural and societal factors only acted as a sort of confirmation bias or reinforcement for my feelings. My maternal unit tried to beat it out of me, but she only beat it in further, and other factors only drove the point further home.
So, any of you had to learn how to consider yourselves human?
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norbertemileleonbonimond · 2 years ago
Sciences et Avenir: Outils de près de 3 millions d'années trouvés au Kenya : pourquoi cette découverte est "extraordinaire"
Sciences et Avenir: Outils de près de 3 millions d'années trouvés au Kenya : pourquoi cette découverte est "extraordinaire".
La région des grands lacs semble avoir été peuplée par les hominidés dès les origines.
De plus, il paraît, au regard de ces découvertes, que la main comme outil libérant l'esprit des premiers des hommes ne serait pas si éloignée de la station debout ou semi-debout...
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
I've had feelings like this for a long time! I went around with all different kinds of primates. While I did eventually find myself identifying as various primate species, then one day i came across extinct species of human. Things went "click!" but things still felt off.
I started asking myself what feels off? What feels different about me? What attributes do I feel I should have and not? I came with my own species of 'primate', and my species of 'human'. I did find an identity with many primates, but since they are often used in...*shudder* animal "hex-spearmints" (gotta heavily censor this to avoid having flashbacks), I quickly rejected the identity, and did for 25 whole years! It feels nice to have an imaginary species of primate that evolved independently from primates on this planet, but it also feels good to identify as some real world species too, like a bonobo. Many of my visions of the Earth I'd live on is much like Earth itself, but the biology of organisms is very different.
I take a deep breathe. Inhale - Exhale. The air smells different to what I'm used to. It's similar but by far not the same. I feel my ears twitching again. Are they real? Those sounds? I can't tell. Inside me a confusion as big and unexplainable as the galaxy keeps spreading. I always felt like I was off here. For so many years I was looking into animals extant and extinct. But nothing ever felt so correct. The ape, chimpanzee, that's what I thought. And it feels okay but I'm not quite there. What now? What if I'm from another planet? Primate like but not of something we as humans know. Would that be possible? It would be.
There are many things speaking for that. For once my feelings which I mentioned roughly. Secondly, since young age, sometime when I was at school, I felt like having three fingers was the truth and hid two other fingers. This feeling never vanished but left me confused since. I seem to use the knuckle walk hand position to support my body if I lean over something. And yet I feel twitching ears and a tail. Those made me think I was a fae, shapshifter or a polykin for a long time. Thirdly, are my memories odd ... very odd. Those nature pics look a bit like on earth but yet it doesn't. I thought those were prehistoric plants and landscapes but the more I think about it, the more I question if those are from planet Earth at all. In addition to those, I make so many weird sounds. Clicking, squeaking, macaw like caws, ooh ooh ah ah and those of no known origin.
So, am I an alien? Am I a primate of another planet? What do others think, if I tell them those? Would my vibes even fit this assumption?
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onca47 · 2 years ago
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L’Afrique, le berceau de l'humanité et la Terre mère. C'est dans la Vallée du Grand Rift, que pendant 5 à 6 millions d’années, les proto-humains y ont appris à dompter l'espace et le temps. Australopithèques, Paranthropes, Homo Habilis et Homo Erectus. L’humanité en est sortie pour la première fois il y a 1.5 millions d’années. Puis Homo Sapiens, il y a 50 000 ans seulement, sortis du même berceau, ont traversé la mer Rouge à l’Est et Gibraltar au Nord. C’est la vague qu'on appelle ’‘Out of Africa II” vers l'Europe, l'Asie et l'Australie.
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
Identifying as an extinct species of human would still be therianthropy
I've seen this argument thrown around in some places, and since there's some misconception, I'd like to share my thoughts on this.
Yes, they ARE still humans, but the thing is, being therianthrope means identifying as a different SPECIES. We tend to think species as being synonymous with GENUS, but when people say they identify as a wolf, a wolf is not JUST a different species but also a different genus.
Homo erectus for example, is a human, but only by genus, and not by species. Homo sapiens is another species of hominid in the genus homo, thus, still human, but another species.
Therefor, I think it should still apply. However, this is part of the reason I came with paranthropy for those who don't feel the therianthropy/alterhuman label fits for them, yet identify as a different species of human, if even a purely imaginary one, which would be then thrust into the otherkin territory.
Ironically, paranthropus is an extinct species of human, and paranthropy sounds quite similar it! Isn't that ironic?
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
Ever look at the evolutionary tree of primates and when it gets humans you just stop and think "damn, here's where nature really fucked up." looking back at the other primes thinking you should be back there somewhere? Or looking beyond the human branch wondering why your species isn't listed? Or you just stop at the human branch with a big "NOPE! That is SO not me!"?
What goes through your mind? Let me know, I'm a curious little monkeykin!
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
I only call myself human when it helps me win an argument
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
New terms! Paranthrope, and species differentia (UPDATED!!!)
I've been struggling with a term to describe my experiences, and I finally came up with some!
I've thought about expanding these terms, but I'm not sure that I want to create subterms when there are already so many.
I've used a term which I've heard Devin proctor use who has looked into the alterhuman identity, which he has referred to as "open bodied identification". It can include nonbinary identities, neurodivergence, etc. While I do enjoy this term, I'd like to come up with something which is a bit less of mouthful.
The creature that I am kith/kin with is nonhuman in appearance and biology, but I often see it as "being human" despite the major differences, as it is "me" a human, but in personality and not biology. So I came up with the umbrella term paranthrope (and as such, paranthropy) to describe my feelings, as para on the dictionary website is defined as "<Greek para-, combining form representing pará (preposition) beside, alongside of, by, beyond".
Paranthropy, being a paranthrope is NOT a choice, as that would fall under copinglink. Paranthropy is not something a person chooses, but is a sense of being out of place with human biology and human identity, or that is indifferent from human/nonhuman dichotomies. For some such as myself, we had to literally learn and be taught to "identify as human" and to see ourselves as "humans" or that we are members of the current human species.
I was always autonomous about what species I am, and I didn't automatically get the whole "human" thing, I basically saw myself as not a human, but also not a nonhuman, just a creature having an experience in this thing the humans who I view as my parents call life. I had no reason to see myself as human or nonhuman.
It's kind of like autokin where one simply identifies as themself without a specific label attached.
I had to literally be forced to consider myself fully human, something that has caused a lot of dysphoria.
Identifying "with" humans is still paranthropy, as identifying with=/= as.
Paranthrope, being an umbrella term, means someone who feels alongside humanity, and yet beyond, such as a different species of human (such as homo erectus, homo habilis, or an imaginary version of human that is vastly different in physical appearance, biology, origin, etc, such as those depicted in "All Tomorrows" by C. M. Kosemen), neither human or nonhuman, human plus something nonhuman, or intermixed.
In short, paranthropy is the ambiguous/neutral/indifferent view of one's identity in terms of human and nonhuman, a neutral or ambivalent sense of identity that does not fit into human/nonhuman exclusive boxes such as in my case, a creature in general, but not any specific one.
The body a paranthrope may feel they should have might not be attributed to being another species in particular, but more so a body in which they could be free to be themselves, a body that may feel more like them. The body in which I feel I should have not an identity as a set creature per se, but just as way for me to be myself without the pressures of society being placed due to an obvious nonhuman appearance and a biology vastly different than many creatures on this current Earth.
Paranthropes may not feel entitled about their identities, as the indifference/ambiguity over species would typically nullify any sense of entitlement.
If a person merely wants wings, claws, and a tail, or wants superpowers yet their identity/reasons for wanting such abilities is not rooted in the sense of being "other than human/species neutral", this would not count as paranthropy, as said person's identity would still very much remain human.
To expand, it could be used to describe feelings of "not deserving" to be human, or that one "should have been" something other than human, yet not necessarily having a nonhuman identity, such as someone who identifies as "speciesless".
It can also mean someone who sees themselves as human, yet perceives their "personhood" as being at odds with their biology and thus not "human", such as myself feeling certain aspects of my biology "go against" my personality and prevents me from being "who I am". Thus, my being in my ideal body would allow me to be the human that I am, but in a body biologically defined as "other than human".
Thus, "paranthrotype" would be the identity of said individual that doesn't fit in the category of "human" as we see it now, an identity which is neither human or nonhuman, a hybrid that is an indistinguishable blend of the two, or which is "from" human without being human specifically, such as the human imagination or said individual's personality that contrasts with certain aspects of their biology, yet still remains "them" without the "human" attachment.
Though I did think of a term "species differentia" (weird I know!) to describe those who feel estranged or different from humans without the species dysphoria. I know of voidpunk, but this term would be used for those that have not been (or have no memory of being) victim to dehumanization. So those who do not have a conscious history of dehumanization, yet feel other from humanity. It could also be used for those that are alterhuman, yet have no species dysphoria.
Species differentia can also be used to describe a past experience with feelings of "nonhumanity" without species dysphoria, but could still be applied to those who now have species dysphoria. An individual can have species differentia and species dysphoria, but that changes depending on mood, self image, etc. You can have species differentia, but if something comes along that makes you feel species dysphoria, that would still count because the dysphoria was not present earlier, but the nonhumanity/different humanity was.
What do you think? Repost if you think this applies to you!
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
Feeling like your OCkin isn't valid? You created this kintype for a REASON!
I've been wondering if anyone feels their own character is invalid. I sometimes struggle with this myself, so there are more likely others.
If you create an OC/imaginary self that is a better version of your human self, remember that you must have created it for a reason. What was the reason or reasons? Is it because you see traits in your OC that you would like to have yourself? Does creating an OC with said traits help you cope? Do you use those traits as a way to better yourself?
I also feel that some might feel bad that their kintype is not real, and this applies to otherkin as well. However what matters is that you identify as it for a reason. It could be to find strength in yourself or finding traits about yourself that you would change if you could. You have these feelings for a reason. Even if your OC you kin as is mere fabrication of yourself, you have this identity for a reason, and the identity is REAL, NOT fabrication.
Having an OC as an identity could be a sign that you have not been able to find match for your nonhuman/paranthropic sense of self, and so you put your creativity to good use in order to make sense of it. No shame in that!
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
I have SO many nightmares where I'm turned into a monkey, yet used in cosmetic or me**cal re**arch and just want to fucking die and begging for euthanasia by the end...my paranthrotype is a different story!
I wish there were more movies of ‘humans’ turning into animals without some metaphor that’s basically presenting as:
“You hate [insert animals] so we turned you into that animal”
I want a movie where someone finally feels joy when they look in the mirror because they are finally the creature they knew they were deep down
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
Antikin. Pointing out our humanity does the OPPOSITE
Realized something from my past.
My maternal unit will often use the "you are a human" argument to get me to stop acting like my paranthrotype. However in doing so, she makes it worse. When I was younger, when she agreed that I was that creature, it would subside! Interesting isn't it?
The thing most antikin don't seem to understand is the more you push against the identity, the more it fights back, resulting in the antikin looking utterly foolish.
So yeah. Antikin, keep right on telling us these things. You're only making yourselves more deluded by thinking that pointing these things out is going to change us and even more so if you think it's going to be helpful.
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
Some rambling, musings
My paranthrotype is basically the personality within myself that I would like to have forever. It's based on how I feel I should be, versus what I am.
Knowing that it could be destroyed with brain damage, or altered through drugs or even a dietary change is terrifying. Knowing that will end at death is very distressing.
I basically created my paranthrotype during a time when I assumed I would be that way for my whole life, yet was aware that it wouldn't and couldn't. This as a trait to my paranthrotype, a trait that they could never get removed, surgically or otherwise. It would be cruel of me to bring a species into the world that could experience the immense levels of suffering creatures on Earth can experience, so I decided to never put them in! They do have their own version of suffering, but it's much more tolerable.
The paranthrotype is essentially me and a few of my autism diagnostic criteria thrown in together, just without so much of the bad stuff that I wish to not have, though not all of it is rooted in autism, but being the biologically defined creature I am, a creature that has the ability to feel emotional pain for example. Not an autism thing necessarily, but is amplified because of the autism, and then further amplified by trauma, which again, is not an innate autism thing.
It's both a blessing and a curse. On the one...tentacle, it serves an anchor for stability during times of stress. On the other, it is distressing during times when it is ineffective.
Knowing that I'll never actually get to have that neurology and biology makes life feel like some sort of experiment of "let's see what would happen if we took this brain and give it this loving personality, put in some neural pathways it was never supposed to have, and put it in a body that can have all of the senses it was designed to have, but let's add on some other stuff that it wasn't intended to feel...and see how it reacts, and how long it will survive. Oh, and let's put it in an environment that has everything it will love and hate at the same time just to see how it will fare!"
It feels very "wrong" and yet "right". It feels wrong to have a paranthrotype that is me, but has advantages that I lack. Given the fact that I do not believe in an afterlife also makes it troubling, as I'll never get to actually live out that life. Then again, who says the afterlife will promise you the life you never got anyway?
But at the same time, it feels "right", or more accurately, "fitting". The idea that such a creature could actually exist, and that it IS me, despite these things, helps me feel more at ease with the divide. I'd rather have it than not. I'd be lost otherwise!
I've just been made painfully aware of my sensitivities, and have had them exploited by my narcissistic maternal unit for so long in order to get me to be the daughter she wants me to be, and to identify as "human" that the differences between my paranthrotype and biological self are overly exaggerated to the point of causing the dysphoria in the first place.
I often find myself blaming nature, because nature made all of this suffering a thing, even if it's caused by something that a species never evolved for. Nature put that in the code in the first place, ya know? This is why I feel the need to believe my paranthrotype is a real creature that exists somewhere.
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
There was a time recently in which I ACTUALLY LOST MY NONHUMAN IDENTITY (or at least felt like I lost the identity) due to excessive fasting and sleep deprivation over a genetic condition I have, and despite what the antis say, it did way more harm than good to lose the identity. Even though I may have lost the identity due to dissociation, and although it's not DID/OSDD, I thought I should mention this.
I became more dysphoric than ever, even with my social/species dysphoria that I deal with. Life didn't feel worth living, and I wished that I never been born, or that was better off dying at the hospital after being born.
In addition, I experienced horrible dissociation that resulted in short term memory loss on a daily basis that lasted for hours at a time, complete with acute psychosis, hallucinations, and difficulty discerning fact from fiction, thoughts from reality, suspicions from actuality.
After this, that's when I fully was made aware that my identity is NOT caused by dissociation, psychosis, or delusion. Also that getting therapy to make it go away would most certainly be a very dangerous thing for me to do.
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wendi-bnkywuv · 1 year ago
My reason for coming up with paranthropy and species differentia
As a child ever since I can remember, I never saw myself as human or nonhuman. I was completely free from the human/nonhuman views. I basically saw myself as a creature having an experience in this thing the humans who I view as my parents called life. That was the extent of my identity. Not human, but not nonhuman.
There were aspects of the culture I grew up in that either just did not get automatically like so many others, or that I simply just hated because it didn't feel like the kind of society I should be growing up in. I also had a certain "vision" of how I should have been born which would have drastically changed how I (and my species of "human" through reproduction) looked, acted, and lived which was very contrary to what I saw, and still see in the human species that I am, both in biology and culture. Thus, if said species were in fact real, I would consider myself to be much closer to them even if my human biology remained the same as it does now.
So I created an entire "human" species based around these concepts. Which is partially where paranthropy stems from, "beyond or alongside human but not human either".
My body never felt like me. I wasn't experiencing dysphoria over it, but I didn't consider my mind to be of the body. It was more like an entity floating around as opposed to something housed in the body. I never saw myself as possessing "human consciousness", rather I saw my being human purely from the experience of living as a human, but not because of "being" human!
I also couldn't (and still cannot) visualize myself as my human self. I either see something that is human but doesn't look like me, a nonhuman primate of some sort, or more often, an imaginary species that I came up with that looked how I wanted my species to look like, and with abilities I thought a species ought to have.
While I did find myself disappointed with the fact that when I'd look into the mirror I wouldn't see myself the way I envisioned, it didn't cause me the deep distress that it does now.
Later when I became dysphoric over my biological body, that's when my imaginary species went from a species I'd prefer to coexist with, would get along better with even if it meant maintaining the biology and traumas that I have (yet still being able to transform into one of their own), to being something I desperately felt that I should have been born as INSTEAD of human, having the abilities I felt I should have at that time onwards. They went from being friends and family, to being an adoptive family, to something I wanted to be, to something I feel I should have been all along.
Though some might explain this as copinglink, I'd argue otherwise. The predisposition was already there from the beginning. At the end of the day, I'd still feel I should be capable of becoming one of them either through a temporary shapeshift, to all about transformation.
My dysphoria started once I realized that I couldn't simply think bad sensations away. If my maternal unit hit me or had a tantrum over something trivial like my nonhuman facial expressions, I couldn't just wish the pain away. I had to wait until it went away on it's own. If I got bullied or harassed, I couldn't simply think happy thoughts and feel better, though I did recover MUCH faster than I do now.
Some psychologists believe that pain and emotional distress evolved as a way to prevent others from harming us, or to cause others to come to our aid. Yet in our society that is not the case. This only further lead into the dysphoria. I hated being part of a species that can justify doing such inhumane things to innocent creatures that have not anything to deserve it, even exploiting them for human benefit.
Since learning about neurology and how animals in laboratories can forced to experience increased sensitivity to pain and to experience distress or a lack of pleasure and joy simply by blocking certain areas of the brain, this caused me to not even consider some of my own feelings as me, but a side effect of not being my paranthrotype.
If I could have chosen, I would have chosen to be born in a different body and even with a different brain. I would have the ability to help those in distress by essentially cloning myself on a microscopic level, thereby giving said individual a copy of my own abilities including the ability to become the shapeshifting paranthroype if they so desired, though it would have some changes on their personality as well, especially if they were mean spirited, or had some kind of debilitating or troubling aspect to themselves they wished to remove. Because my paranthrotype is not a mean species.
My species dysphoria was caused not by being in the wrong body, but after learning about how the body and emotions can be manipulated against my will. It was at first an acknowledgement of the fact that I couldn't do with my feelings what I wished and what my imaginary friends could, and then that people could even exploit it (and did!) that caused the dysphoria.
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