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rebel-sqrrl · 8 months ago
What Lily told Victoria: "Sabah didn't like the fact that I killed people."
What actually happened:
Lily: if I finger you with March's hand, does that make this technically a threesome?
Sabah: I want a divorce
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rebel-sqrrl · 9 months ago
He wrote two incredibly cool characters, even had them join the Undersiders, and then Taylor leaves! 😠 And we don't get to see Brian bonding with Sabah over their shared experience of maiming Bonesaw, or Lily trying to have a friendly chat with Dennis about the pros and cons of leaving the Wards while everyone else is fighting around them, or Sabah being kidnapped by May, or Lily trying to survive being an auntie to a horde of violent, traumatized children, or Sabah trying to find help for the Dolltown folks, or Lily trying to steer the Undersiders in a less villainous direction...
And then they don't even get interludes in Ward 😭
And now the fandom forgets them constantly even though they were with the Undersiders longer than Taylor "fucked off after three months" Hebert, or Alec "Crispy McHeartbroken" Vasil, or Rachel "left the planet" Lindt, or Brian "took the looking-like-a-skeleton bit too far" Laborn 😞
"who" jokes about aisha laborn are not funny to me because first of all she's very special and i will remember her forever however i think we should start making them about foil and parian because i genuinely think they may have a stranger ability in terms of how consistently i completely forget they exist and/or fail to recognize them with presented with images of them. how does wildbow mak ethings like this happen
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hyperfixated-chaos · 2 years ago
Eda: Hunter got his first detention, I'm so proud.
Raine: Whoa, back up. Why did he get detention?
Darius: Because he was being an idiot.
Camila, terrified: He can do that??
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abridurif · 1 year ago
Sans outrance, sans excès, il s’ennuie un peu, l’homme. Et comme il a un grain d’innocence dans la peau, il y va bravement. Seulement il n’y a pas de miracles. L’homme est toujours muni de ses fautes. Celles qu’il connaît bien. Qu’il est seul à connaître. Je veux dire que l’homme approuve la mort, qui est scandaleusement, la justice. Tout homme sait très bien qu’il va mourir un jour, que ce ne serait pas bien, pas juste, s’il restait là, ayant péché. Certains saints savent cela, qui avancent un peu l’horloge, à petits coups de pompe funèbre. Ils ont hâte de ressusciter. Il y a de cela chez Parain. Seulement, comme il est tout de même un homme du XXe siècle, il aimerait bien ressusciter avant sa mort. Ne pas attendre les plombs funéraires pour savoir. Il ne croit pas à l’intuition, il n’est pas superstitieux, mais il sent bien qu’il n’est pas tout d’une pièce, avec ce lourd héritage dans le crâne. Il a le sens de la propreté, et s’avoue malicieusement vaincu, encoléré, outré, de voir écrit ceci, et vécu cela. Pas sorti de l’auberge. Georges Perros, « Avec Brice Parain », in Papiers collés II, Éditions Gallimard, 1973
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atotaltaitaitale · 1 year ago
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Au détour d’une rue… (Just Around the Corner)
I was always gushing about how much art there were in Singapore streets, I guess we always think the grass in greener elsewhere but to be fair there’s so many art display all around town at any given time. From art piece by Subodh Gupta at Le Bon Marché or Anamorphic Illusions by Felice Varini while crossing a square there’s no lack of beautiful art in Paris. This time I was on my way to another art installation I had read about when I stumble upon those 2 pieces. (Unfortunately it was the last day and I missed the other 2 pieces a few streets away).
RERO - UPDATE Feat. Stéphane Parain.
From the website https://reronews.fr
UPDATE is a journey of monumental sculptures in public space produced by the Gilles Treuil Endowment Fund in partnership with the Association of Shopkeepers of Faubourg St Honoré and organized by Nicolas Couturieux and David-Hervé Boutin (L’art dans la Ville).
Conceived in 2012 by RERO in collaboration with Stéphane Parain, this series of busts sees the light again. Adapted for the occasion in XXL format, it takes over three emblematic locations in the center of Paris and puts their history and evolution into perspective.
The creation of each artwork follows the same principle: the confrontation between the aesthetic codes of classical statuary and a set of terms borrowed from digital culture, written in capital letters and crossed out with a line. For the artist, whose work has been exploring contemporary contradictions and paradoxes for over a decade, this juxtaposition of two eras and two modes of representation, one material and the other immaterial, invites us to measure the evolution of techniques.
UPDATE also allows us to grasp the architecture of contemporary power: its classical representation through statuary and urban planning is succeeded by its contemporary organization in the form of hypertext, keywords, computer codes, and algorithms.
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dogandcatcomics · 1 year ago
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#repost @designfortoday. Selected lithographs, with ample canine and feline representation, by Nathalie Parain (Paris, France, b Kyiv, Ukraine, 1897-1958) included in Le Cerf et Le Chien (Paris: Flammarion, 1938), written by Marcel Aymé. Thanks to Joe Pierson for the tip, photos, and identifying context. @flammarionlivres
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byneddiedingo · 5 months ago
The essential tension of Vivre Sa Vie comes from Jean-Luc Godard’s dry intellectual detachment and self-conscious filmmaking set against his exquisitely passionate involvement with Anna Karina. It shows itself at the very beginning, when Godard gives us almost a mug shot treatment of Karina’s face – frontal, right profile, left profile – and then follows with an extended scene that features only the back of her head. And it continues through to the end in which Edgar Allan Poe’s story about an artist who sucks the life out of his beloved by painting her portrait foreshadows the death of Karina’s character, Nana. On one level, the film posits art as the enemy of life, while on the other, art becomes a source of life. In the latter case, I’m thinking of the celebrated scene in which Nana is brought to tears by watching Renée Falconetti in The Passion of Joan of Arc (Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1928). It can be argued that Nana identifies with Joan as a fellow martyr: Joan to her faith in God, Nana to her faith in herself – viz., the speech in which she claims “responsibility” for everything she does. Vivre Sa Vie is full of such intellectual puzzles, including the extended conversation between Nana and the philosopher Brice Parain. But it’s Karina’s performance that lifts the film out of the thicket of mid-century existentialism that it threatens to become ensnared by. She makes Nana one of the essential characters not just of the French New Wave but of the entire history of movies.
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Anna Karina in Vivre sa vie (1962) dir. Jean-Luc Godard
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opticandmasturbation · 3 months ago
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Alisa Poret’s illustrations for How the Revolution Was Won
«The era hymned by this exhibition came to an end, Ahmad argues, in 1934 when the All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers adopted socialist realism as the only tolerable aesthetic style. Non-objectivism? Constructivism? Suprematism? Surrealism? Primitivism? All these isms, which had been so important in the flourishing of children’s illustration in the previous decade and a half, were deemed inimical to the Soviet state.
By then, censorship and greater state control over publishing was becoming more intense. For instance, El Lissitzky’s Yiddish-language book The Only Kid became one of the first titles to be destroyed following renewed state censorship in the 1930s of the leading language of Russian Jews.
Increased censorship prompted the exile of many avant garde artists who had revolutionised children’s illustration during the previous decade and a half. Russian emigrés Nathalie Parain and Feodor Rojanovsky, for instance, went to France where they created the beloved Père Castor series of illustrated children’s books. Other artists, such as Marshak and Lebedev, stayed and tailored their work to fit the new Stalinist order.
The excitement of the early years of the Soviet experiment in children’s books may have been over, but it had an important afterlife. Soviet books brought to Britain inspired the creation of the Puffin Picture books in 1940. And now there is this exhibition, the first of its kind in Britain, to remind us of that scarcely conceivable, utopian moment when children’s books were a place for avant garde experiment and revolutionary political struggle»
—Stuart Jeffries
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gollyy · 1 year ago
Partez mtn si vous voulez pas etre paraine de bos bebes svp /hj
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nomorelolanight · 2 years ago
Kirka Babitzin in front of the concert bus in Parain 1968. 🔮
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rebel-sqrrl · 9 months ago
Lily x Victoria is absolutely a top-tier ship. And including Sabah makes it even better. She deserves two tall, muscular girlfriends with paperwork kinks.
I hope Switch Hitter survived the Titans and got to retire from caping and take up softball.
18.6 might possibly be the best chapter of Ward. It's got:
Victoria making a lesbian she just met uncomfortable with accidental innuendo
Lily jumping on missiles
Homoerotic lobotomy threats
Solarstare (I love her so much) 🤩
Rachel being mean to Lisa
Aisha being mean to Lisa
Aisha reminding the Heartbroken to be mean to Lisa
Kenzie being mean to Lisa
Lily actually for real probably almost stabbing Lisa
Sabah fighting a Titan 1-on-1
Lily telling Victoria: "you don’t ... lift"
Lily and Victoria casually having complete faith in each other in a really gay way
And more!
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abridurif · 1 year ago
Ce qu’on peut demander à un livre aujourd’hui, c’est de nous rendre un peu moins méchants. Pas plus artistes, ou intelligents, ou lucides, les bibliothèques sont pleines. Et la vie donc ! Moins méchants, donc moins naïfs quant aux sortilèges, car l’homme ne sait pas être méchant. Comme il ne sait pas mentir. Il n’y arrive pas. (Si on pouvait mentir, personne ne s’en apercevrait, pas même le menteur. Le mensonge est d’essence voluptueuse. Comme l’ironie, qui en est la forme dégradée. Puis on peut aussi penser que toute vérité passe par le mensonge, qui devient biais. Mensonge spécial, qui fait un peu mal, parce que les hommes sont mensonges les uns pour les autres. Comme dit Parain, la guerre tue le mensonge, comme le microbe tue la maladie.) Georges Perros, « Avec Brice Parain », in Papiers collés II, Éditions Gallimard, 1973
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detournementsmineurs · 3 years ago
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Anna Karina et Brice Parain dans "Vivre sa Vie" de Jean-Luc Godard en douze tableaux (1962), mars 2022.
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dominus-invictus · 3 years ago
Un homme qui ne se consacre pas à sa famille, ne sera jamais un homme.
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year ago
Well, duh. Tattletale and Parain's costumes just look dirty when they're bloodstained, and the others' don't look different at all. (Brian, Imp, and Skitter because of their color; Rachel because she forgot to clean her jacket.)
undersiders costumes ranked by how cool they would look bloodstained, regent sweeps by a mile
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"Darius and eda split custody of hunter and they hand him off every weekend like theyre divorced parents" at this point eda has barely spent any time parenting hunter and doesnt have any reason to do a custody battle with darius other than "luz wants a new brother" but do you know who HAS canonically shown to care about and be nice to hunter for even longer than darius has?
Raine whispers, who was close enough to hunter that he wanted to ask them about flapjacks and noticed they were acting weird. Who tried to talk to hunter in ASIAS bc he looked sad even though theyre supposed to be undercover and was being watched by terra. Whos canonically good with kids. (And who unlike darius didnt actively bully hunter for a while there)
Im saying instead of eda darius has a giant custody battle with RAINE instead. They even have the antagonistic snarky vibe going on between them. And hunter and luz are going to be siblings no matter what but when raine and eda get married they become step siblings
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