#paradise valley burger
fieriframes · 6 months
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[I threw a pizza in there. Hey, we're making burgers. But who wants pizza? Self-Portrait in Letters, 1916–1942, tr. Enclosed you'll find some info on how to prepare the Cinco Diablo from Paradise Valley Burger in Phoenix, Arizona.]
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 3 months
Magic and Madness - Chapter Four
It is the Green-Eyed Monster Which Doth Mock the Meat it Feeds On.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> Tony Stark x Stephen Strange
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 -> Tony acts like Tony, and Stephen gets caught out.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> (E) CW: flirting with someone else, ED mentions (Nat), guilt, alcoholism, internalised homophobia. And smut. All the smut. All the time.
𝐀/𝐍 -> A Companion Piece to Multitudes, running relatively adjacent as of chapter thirteen (here), exploring the relationship of Tony Stark and Stephen Strange. This chapter corresponds to Multitudes chapter fifteen. Don't worry, the next chapter picks up... Oh, about two hours after this one ends. ;)
Check it out below, or on AO3 here! Dividers come from yours truly.
<- Previous Chapter (3/46) Next Chapter (5/46) ->
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“Doctor Banner requests everyone’s attendance as a show of support and in order to discuss a development in Ms. Romanoff’s treatment. Please present for dinner thirty minutes earlier than usual in order to have a frank conversation regarding unacceptable permissiveness of problematic behaviour.”
Tony groaned, slinging an arm over his eyes. “Friday, I created you. I’m pretty certain I give the orders around here.”
“Yeah you do,” I muttered with a hum, nuzzling closer to his throat, and he laughed in shock, lips brushing my hair.
“Stephen Strange, how uncouth.”
I snorted tiredly, kissing the pulse thrumming beneath my mouth. “Shhh… It’s time to sleep, Stark.”
His fingers caressed my spine lightly, still bare, leaving a line of heat in his wake. “We probably shouldn’t. It sounds serious.”
“Yeah,” I sighed reluctantly, but found myself shuffling closer despite myself.
“Maybe we should cook something… It would be nice to show we care, right?”
We. We. We.
Please never stop saying that.
“I… Clint once gave me some of his goulash. Told me I’d know when to use it. I think that time is now,” I murmured against his skin, arm cinching tighter around his waist.
I’m scared to leave this paradise we have made. I know what we are outside of this bed, and I can’t do that. Not yet. Not now. Please.
“… I have already cooked this week. Think you can do your Sparkles stuff and take me to In-N-Out? Everybody loves cheeseburgers, right? … Man, I’d kill for a cheeseburger right now.”
I laughed, intrepid fingers trailing the hills and valleys of his ribcage. “You got it. …We have time, though, right?”
“What did you have in mind, sweetheart?” he purred, twitching closer.
I snorted, shaking my head fondly. “Sleep?” His face fell despite himself, and I grinned wickedly. “Though I do recall you essentially begging that I frequent the space between your legs far more often…”
“That. I choose that. Please.”
“Four hours… .015 BAC reduction per hour since imbibing… Nope. You’re sitting around… 0.14.”
“You short-changed me?” he muttered, and I winced, but he simply snorted. “Keep it .20 or over, and I don’t care. I can drink the difference.”
I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. “You’re missing the key point here. I’m spending absolutely no time between your legs when you’re legally intoxicated.”
He sighed, but laced his fingers in mine, pressing them to his forehead as his hips twitched. “Get it done, Sparkles.”
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As much as he found very evident relief in my ministrations – or, as he so delightfully and filthily phrased it as his back arched and he jerked desperately, the fact that I could apparently ‘suck that cock like a goddamn pro’ – his reprieve was undeniable when I carefully inched his blood alcohol back up.
Hate. Wrong. No.
"Hi, can I have... I don’t know. Some. Thirty? Let’s say thirty. Thirty cheeseburgers. To go.”
“… You’re Tony Stark. You’re Iron Man. At In-N-Out Burger. Iron Man is at In-N-Out Burger.”
I rolled my eyes with a sigh, resisting the urge to snarl at the girl barely out of teenagehood and trailing her gaze across the individual I was quickly coming to consider mine, despite how ill-advised that may be.
“If I give you an autograph, can I get the burgers faster?” he purred, leaning forward on the counter as he pushed the sunglasses up his forehead to meet her eye, and she blushed.
“I-I-I’d love that! Ohmigosh, thank you!” she giggled, twisting her hair around her finger.
He paid and pulled a pen from his pocket, the cap balanced between his teeth as he scrawled his name at the bottom of the receipt, presenting it with a flourish. “For you… Lola,” he added, grinning as his eyes flicked to her name badge, and she turned a deeper crimson as I fought the temptation to kill everyone in the room and then myself.
Pacifist. I’m a pacifist. We’re not even dating, right? And he’s single. To the outside world, he’s single. And straight. And definitely not mine. Nope. Not mine.
… Damn it all, I wish he was mine.
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My hands shook as I formed the portal in the alley, taking us directly to the dining room. Tony only raised an eyebrow before I started to move again, muttering about picking something up from the Sanctum.
“… I’ll be right back. I brought burgers.”
He ducked through behind me before I could close the damned thing, raising an eyebrow. “Doctor Strange, are you trying to avoid me?”
“I’m picking up goulash,” I muttered, turning away petulantly to root through my poorly stocked freezer – but his hand clamped around my wrist, pulling me back to his chest.
“No no, sweet boy. You tried to drop me off first, rather than steal a few extra minutes with me. I’m not stupid.” Really? Feels like it. “What’s going on?”
I growled as I tugged back, feeling for all the world like a dramatic child, but unable to reign in my annoyance and jealousy. “Nothing. I don’t owe you anything, and you don’t owe me anything, right? So forget it.”
He blinked in surprise, fingers releasing me, and I stepped back. “… Is… Is this about the girl?” My jaw rolled in anger, and he laughed, moving toward me. “Stephen, I-”
“No. You don’t have to explain yourself, Stark. I understand completely.”
I’m your dirty, shameful secret.
“You’re sexy when you’re jealous,” he purred, inching nearer.
“Fuck you.”
“Even sexier when you’re mad.” My back bumped the counter, and his hands found the surface either side of me as he smirked. “Stephen, I am, very publicly, not… I mean, to the world, I like girls. But outside of the public eye… Well, I like you. Is that not enough? I flirted with her to get us out of there faster. To get you here, faster. To be with you, you goddamn idiot.”
Startled, I stammered wordlessly, then scowled. “That would mean more if you weren’t intoxicated, Stark.”
“What do I get if I let you make me entirely sober?” he murmured, lips tracing the curve of my throat. “I’d say it all again without a drop in my system.”
Anything. Everything. I’d do anything to hear you tell me you care about me without that stuff inside you.
“Anything,” I whispered, head falling back, before I flushed with panic. “I-I mean, I…”
“Anything, huh?” he snorted, hands finding my backside to slide me onto the counter, positioning himself between my thighs. “Well, that is incredibly tempting.” He was only a few inches shorter than I was, and almost definitely stronger, but I was still impressed – and aroused – by how easily he lifted me.
I wonder if he could throw me. Ideally onto a bed.
“Wh- huh?” I stammered, distracted by my own train of thought. Please break me. I’ll die a happy man.
“Sober me up, and I’ll tell you how much you mean to me. Or I’ll sob like a child – one of those two things,” he snorted, shaking his head. I hesitated, and he rolled his eyes, pressing my hand to his forehead.
“I’m waiting, Strange.”
I was getting far too adept at cleansing his system, and he winced as he blinked his eyes open.
“… I regret every choice that led me to this point… E-except you,” he added, glancing at me as his face reddened. “… I… You mean a lot to me, Stephen. A real lot, and certainly more than a girl in a fast-food restaurant. Or any restaurant – any… Any girl, Stephen. Dear God, this is hard. Is it always this hard? I miss being drunk,” he muttered, shaking his head firmly. “Stephen Strange, you maddening bastard, I can definitely see myself falling in love with you, okay? Okay. Awesome. Whiskey?”
I blinked in surprise as he moved away, hands shaking as he scoured my cupboards desperately. “Uh… You know I can…”
“That’s not exactly fair of me, is it?” he quipped, jaw tight. “Do you have any alcohol? How do you not have any alcohol?”
“There’s beer in the refrigerator, but-”
He raided the fridge desperately, using the metal edge around his wrist to pop the top and taking a long drink.
… Jesus, Stark. It’s that bad?
… Did he custom-make a bracelet for opening bottles? He’s… What a devastating waste of talent.
“Tony, can you just stop for a second?” I laughed hollowly, finally sliding from the counter to tug him closer by his shirt. “Just one kiss. One sober kiss?”
He hesitated briefly, chest trembling under my fingertips before his mouth met mine with a growl and a desperate groan. “I don’t have to see myself falling in love with you, Tony,” I breathed as we drew apart, my arms wrapping tightly around him to press my chin to his hair. “I am falling in love with you. My poor, sweet boy. I just want to help you.”
He sobbed at last, fingers clenching in the back of my shirt, and I held him harder. “I can’t. I can’t do this. I’m not… I… I’m not strong enough. Please, Stephen. Please.”
“I know, honey. It’s okay. I’ve got you – we’ve got this, okay? Together, I promise. I’ll always be here, no matter how long it takes, do you hear me?”
He wept freely against my chest as his knees gave way, and I let him shift to the floor, pulling him onto my lap and humming softly as I rocked his shaking body.
“… I hate this.”
“I know, Tony.”
“I don’t want to ask.”
I sighed, closing my eyes against my own pain as I pressed my lips to his forehead, the incantation falling easily. “You don’t have to, my dearest.”
He let out a soft whimper of relief, and I expected him to immediately scamper away – but he only curled closer, sniffling pitifully. “…. I… I’m sorry.”
“I know. It’s okay,” I murmured, hands still smoothing his back lightly.
“… Did you mean it?”
“Without a doubt.”
“… How?”
I drew back in surprise, and he flinched, red, tearstained face ducking. “I don’t understand what you’re asking.”
“How can you… I mean, look at me, Stephen. I’m not exactly what you… What people grow up dreaming about,” he muttered, waving a hand at himself tiredly, and I snorted.
“You’re all I’ve dreamt about for longer than I’d care to admit, Stark,” I admitted quietly, fingers entwining with his. “I know everything you’ve ever done, and you’re still the one I want.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“No, I’m a magician with numb legs, and we’re late to dinner. Now get off me, Stark. The sooner this is over, the sooner I finally get to wake up next to you.”
He smirked as he got to his feet, offering me his hand with a courteous bow.
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I didn’t realise it had gotten so bad again, I reflected, wincing, Tony’s hand tracing gentle but distracting patterns on my knee.
Bruce had given us a quick rundown – and snorted at the fact that every single person, without fail or exception, had brought food to a meeting about someone who famously struggled to eat. We sat chagrined around the table, my own thoughts recalling helping her avoid Tony’s macaroni and cheese. I couldn’t bring myself to feel guilty – her distress and terror seemed profoundly genuine – but I knew I should have encouraged her to talk to someone.
I was distracted. Again. Thinking about him. …Am I terrible person? A terrible friend?
“Essentially, if you see something, say something,” Bruce finished, glancing around to a chorus of nods and murmurs of regret.
It seems I’m not the only one who let her get away with things she perhaps shouldn’t have.
“Hey, guys.”
My gaze shot up, fixing on the red band loose on her bony wrist as she waved, and I flinched.
A heavy, awkward silence followed, and Tony picked up his glass as he cleared his throat. At least he’s taking his time with this one… It’s still only his first. That’s an improvement, right?
“Eat a goddamn cheeseburger, Nat,” he snorted, taking a sip, and I winced in horror, along with Clint and around half of the others gathered – but she only laughed.
“Actually, I’d love one, if that’s a genuine offer.”
Oh, Natasha. I’m so proud of you.
There was a flurry of movement, serving dishes uncovered, a veritable feast spread across the table, and Tony picked up an individually-wrapped burger with a relish. “This lot have been cooking a bunch of what they like to call ‘real food’, but I went to In-N-Out. I cooked yesterday; that’s me done for the next month, at least.”
Yeah, that’s the exact reason you got fast food…
My hand traced his thigh, and he swallowed dryly, jaw twitching.
Wincing, I went to move away, concerned I’d accidentally angered him – but he grasped my fingers with his, keeping me exactly where I was, and I had to bite back a smile.
She rounded the table to sit beside him with a grin, reaching for a burger of her own.
I watched for a heartbeat, impressed, until Nick began to talk to her about her restricted duties until she was able to return to missions – level three or above – and I faded fully into the feeling of Tony’s thumb lightly caressing the back of my hand.
… Yeah. I’m definitely falling in love with him. Damn.
… I wonder how long I should wait before just giving in and letting him have his way with me. And how much I can reduce that without seeming too desperate.
Can it be yesterday?
No… I should definitely wait until he’s sober.
Though he was sober earlier, right? Maybe we can do that again.
Or should be sober-sober? Not just… Not actively inebriated?
Would it be right to sleep with him while he still harbours so much self-hatred?
... Can I stop myself?
Nat’s laugh jarred me from my thoughts, and I reluctantly tried a mouthful of the goulash I had no memory of serving myself. …I’ll be the first to admit it, this really is good. Well done, Clint.
He met my eyes with gracious nod, and I smiled softly.
Natasha snorted as I dropped my gaze one more. “You’re really selling it, Nick,” she muttered, before pausing and groaning. “Okay, I get it. I’d make a trip for this – and, as we all know… I don’t eat.”
Tony spluttered into his drink, and I moved instinctively, fingers shifting from his to the space between his shoulder blades, determinedly keeping my eyes on my bowl.
My thoughts would, without a doubt, be all over my face right now. Definitely better not to look at him. As much as I really, really want to.
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Natasha and Clint were amongst the first to leave, though nobody complained, given her valiant attempt at eating. Bruce watched them with a fond smile before he adjourned shortly after, followed by Wanda and Vision, Shuri and T’Challa, Steven, Nick…
But Thor just kept eating, making it difficult – impossible – for Tony and I to leave together, and I stood with a reluctant sigh. “I… Suppose I should head back to the Sanctum,” I muttered, and the engineer nodded impassively.
“Goodnight, Doctor Strange.”
“Farewell, Stephen.”
The portal opened, and I stepped through reluctantly, sighing again as I found myself alone in my room and pulling my shirt over my head. “I was profoundly looking forward to waking up with him,” I muttered under my breath, tugging my phone from my slacks as it beeped.
I’m guessing I’ll see you shortly. On my way up now. Wear something considerably more comfortable… And easier to take off. - T x
I swallowed dryly, quickly tugging on some sweatpants I’d all but forgotten I owned, and a hoodie hanging at the back of my closet being pulled over my bare chest, hands shaking with anticipation as I made a new portal. “Why didn’t I think about the fact that I can make more than one?” I sighed, shaking my head as I stepped through to his empty bedroom. “Stark and his… His…”
“‘My’ what, Stephen? I implore you to finish that sentence.”
I whirled around to find him watching me with a smirk, eyebrow raising as he took in my appearance. “Your damn hands on me making my mind go blank,” I snapped, but he just bit his lip thoughtfully as he moved closer.
“I wondered where that had gotten to.”
I glanced down in surprise as he inclined his head, blushing furiously.
“I-I found it… In the gym. I didn’t know it was yours.”
“You didn’t know the hoodie that says Stark Industries across the chest in big letters belonged to Tony Stark?” he quipped, eyebrow arching dramatically. “And you, somehow, are a surgeon and wizard?”
Plus it smelled like you, but let’s not mention that.
“I, uh… I mean, there’s a few around here…”
“I’m pretty sure you figured it out the second you buried your face in it. Something tells me you know exactly what kind of cologne I use.”
My mouth worked wordlessly, mortified at the memory of doing exactly that, and I felt my cheeks turn crimson. “Were you spying on me?”
He snorted, shaking his head proudly. “Nope. Actually, I had no idea. I took a shot, and it paid off. You did, didn’t you? Damn, Strange. This thing went missing weeks ago. How long have you been sweet on me?”
Longer than I’m going to admit, you cocky asshole.
“Look, I… Shut up,” I floundered, making him chuckle, his fingers wrapping around the base of my neck.
“Sober me up – somewhat, at least – and then do me a favour, and take off everything except my hoodie.”
My fingertips pressed eagerly to his forehead, watching in delight as his eyes cleared and he stepped back, waving his hand pointedly.
“Sober and waiting, baby. Let’s go. Pants off.”
Baby. Baby baby baby baby baby baby I should not love that as much as I do, holy-
“Mr. Stark, anyone would think you only want me for my body,” I teased, sitting on the edge of the bed to slide off my sweatpants.
“Oh, I want every part of you, love. Body and mind.” I gulped and shivered, and he hummed thoughtfully, raising a brow. “… I don’t feel… Doctor Strange, did you take advantage of my vague request and make me far below .08?”
“You’ll be entirely sober in… Two hours,” I replied, grinning cheekily. “You know. Just in case.”
“Stephen, I’m shocked. Is this your way of telling me you’d like to go all the way?”
I felt my cheeks flame, and I shrugged softly. “It’s my way of telling you that I’m not necessarily opposed to the idea…”
He swallowed dryly, curling the light tremble of his fingers into tight fists. “… I have to be entirely sober?”
“How ‘ideally’?”
I rolled my eyes, reclining onto my elbows, shivering with delight as his gaze trailed along my legs slowly. “Yes, Tony. You have to be entirely sober if you want to… If we… That is…”
He smirked as he stalked closer, hands finding the sheets either side of my shoulders as his body weight pinned me. “You’re flailing, sweetheart. You can say fuck, you know.”
“You have to be entirely sober to fuck me,” I quipped, and he groaned as his mouth found mine.
“I guess you’ll have to find a good way to pass the next two hours then, huh? I’ll need the distraction.”
“Just think about that promise you made.”
“Promise?” he prompted, brow furrowed, and I brushed my lips against his lightly.
“Didn’t you say something about ravaging me?”
He stuttered out an indecipherable noise as his hands found my wrists, pinning my hands over my head as my legs wrapped around his waist. “Baby boy, I am going to destroy you.” Dear. God. Please.
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danvswild · 1 year
Day 10 - Day 20
Idyllwild to Little Bear Springs Camp - 134.7 miles
I was going to try to post daily but its proving to be extremely difficult so here I am with 10 day updates.
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So after my zero day at Idyllwild, I hitched out back to Paradise Valley Cafe and started my hike up San Jacinto, the first mountain challenge of the PCT. I've been struggling with blisters and knee pain so I'm still cautious about doing big miles but I think I could manage in a few weeks time! This is where we camped up on San Jacinto. It was right on the mountain ridge and we could see the clouds spill over into Palm Desert. It's very interesting to see a dense forest on one side of the mountain and a desert on the other. In the morning the frost had completely covered our tents.
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The morning hike was absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful terrain and frost still hanging onto tree branches.
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The night before summiting San Jac, we camped at this beautiful campsite overlooking the cloud covered town of Idyllwild.
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Hiking in snow has been pretty brutal. We were doing about 1 mph, which can be fun at first but gets real old very fast. I hiked with a bunch of people I met on the trail and glad to say we crushed the first mountain challenge.
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Okay the hike down was pretty sweet. My knee pain had subsided a bit and it finally warmed up. I was so cold every night on the mountain :/
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Of course, we had to get In-N-Out! I've actually been to this exact In-N-Out when I used to live in LA so it felt pretty good to be back! I ate 3 cheese burgers and 4 fries, which I didn't even know my stomach could take. HIKER HUNGER IS REAL~
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And back out to the trail. Next stop is Big Bear, which I also used to frequent in the winters to ski. I feel like I'm leaving out a bunch of stuff with these longer day updates but oh well~
The hike has been pretty sweet so far! Made it 200 miles out on the trail and I am loving it so far.
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Diner brekkie is LAW. Once we got to Big Bear, we had to make sure to go to a proper American diner with bottomless coffee and some country fried steak. We are stoked to be here and to take a zero day after so long. We had just summited San Jac so we are sorely due for a shower, laundry, and town meals.
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As I mentioned, I used to come here for short ski trips since it is a 2 hour drive from LA. I ran into so many familiar faces here and got some quality rest.
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We hiked out to a nice stream and that concludes my 10 day update. If you want more detailed day to day updates on my progress, feel free to check out my IG: @_danvswild
I am feeling good so far! I've made tons of friends and I've been handing out a bunch of pins to people I meet on the trail. My feet and legs are getting stronger everyday and I am in love with the sense of amity and respect between hikers. I also feel a great deal of freedom and happiness from simply admiring the beauty on this Earth.
I realize I can only post when I am visiting town libraries so the updates will be sparse. Until I say I am off the trail, it is safe to assume that I am still somewhere out there on the PCT :D
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iseilio-blog · 19 hours
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Rainy Autumn at the Train Station with piano music. Dark Academia Music (youtube.com)
ものうふれあい祭2024 はねこ踊りパレード 総勢767名が跳ねまくる (youtube.com)
行進曲「ラ・バヤデール」ロマノワ&アリムハメトフ、アストラハン劇場 Procession “La Bayadere” S.Romanova & A. Aljmukhametov, Astrakhan (youtube.com)
Kyoto Event: Kitano Odori Dance Performance [4K] (youtube.com)
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saltyrunawaynight · 2 months
Are you prepared to take a mouthwatering tour throughout Chandigarh's lively streets? Imagine the following: the sun shining on your face, the breeze blowing through your hair, and the delicious smell of upscale street food beckoning you. This is "Food Truck Frenzy: Biking to Chandigarh’s Best Food Trucks." Get ready for a delicious trip that combines two of life's greatest pleasures: eating and bike riding. Put on your helmet, be prepared with your bike rental in Chandigarh. 
Why Food Trucks and Bikes Are a Perfect Match
Let's start with the obvious: why food trucks and bikes? It's actually quite easy. An enjoyable and environmentally responsible method to get around Chandigarh is by bike. In addition, it lets you burn off some calories in between mouthwatering nibbles. So, you're staying in shape in addition to enjoying delicious delights. What a win-win situation.
Route Planning: Where to Start and Where to Go
Okay, let's get to the point. This is a proposed itinerary that passes through some of the best places for food trucks in Chandigarh. Make sure your bike is prepared for the journey by checking the brakes, putting air in the tires, and perhaps even inviting a friend! 
Stop 1: The Food Truck Park, Sector 34
The Food Truck Park in Sector 34 is the ideal place to start your food truck tour. With so many different international cuisines available, this area is a foodie's paradise. There is food to satiate every need, including biryanis and burgers. 
- Must-Try Dishes: Try "Fries Republic's" cheesy, delectable fries and "Burger Point's" exquisite burgers.
- Tips: Get there early to avoid the throng and be the first to consume the freshly made food. 
Stop 2: Leisure Valley, Sector 10
After that, ride your bike to Sector 10's Leisure Valley, another well-liked food truck location. In addition to its abundant vegetation, this neighborhood is well-known for its thriving food truck culture. 
- Must-Try Dishes: Enjoy the fresh fruit drinks at "Juice Junction" and the momos at "The Momo Station." 
- Tips: Stop by a park to savor your meal in a casual atmosphere. Perhaps even have a small picnic. 
 Stop 3: Elante Mall, Industrial Area Phase I
Your next destination is Elante Mall, where a number of food trucks set up shop to serve the patrons. This is a fantastic spot to sample some unusual and creative cuisine. 
- Must-Try Dishes: Savor the tasty waffles from "Waffle Wagon" and the tacos from "Taco Truck." 
- Tips: If you need a vacation from biking, lock up your bike and take a leisurely walk around the shopping center. 
Stop 4: Sukhna Lake, Sector 1
Go to Sukhna Lake to end your food truck adventure. Even while boating and scenic beauty are its main draws, food trucks are frequently spotted there, especially on weekends and holidays. 
- Must-Try Dishes: Check out "Fishy Affairs" for seafood and "Chaat Chat" for traditional Indian appetizers. 
- Tips: Savor your meal while taking in the lake view. It's the ideal place to unwind and process all of the delicious cuisine you've eaten. 
Tips for Enjoying Street Food Safely
While enjoying street cuisine can be enjoyable, it's vital to remember a few safety precautions: 
1. Check for Cleanliness: Make sure the food trucks adhere to hygienic regulations. Seek out trucks with a consistent stream of clients and positive reviews. 
2. Stay Hydrated: Riding a bike might cause dehydration. To stay hydrated, bring a water bottle with you or buy fresh juice from the food trucks.
3. Avoid Overeating: Try everything at your own pace, even though it's quite tempting. You can taste more with small portions without feeling excessively full. 
4. Listen to Your Body: Give up eating if anything doesn't feel right. Food intolerances or allergies can occasionally manifest themselves suddenly.
 Why Biking in Chandigarh is a Great Idea
Let's discuss why biking in Chandigarh is such a great idea before we conclude. The city is well-known for having green areas and large, well-planned roadways, which make it a great place for bikers. It's also a fantastic method to maintain your health and lessen your carbon footprint. Don't worry if you don't own a bike, getting a bike on rent in Chandigarh is the key to travel. It's simple to find a ride anytime you need one because Chandigarh offers a wide selection of agencies to get a bike rental in Chandigarh, like Rentnhop. 
There you have it, people. A tasty and daring two-wheeled exploration of Chandigarh. This food truck biking tour is a must-try for everyone visiting the city or locals looking for an enjoyable day out. You'll discover the city's culinary treasures like never before. So go and get a bike rental in Chandigarh, pack a full stomach, and get ready for a trip full of food. 
I'll leave you with this little joke to make you smile before we say goodbye: How come the bike toppled over? since it was exhausted? Enjoy your meal and happy riding. Recall that there are numerous choices for bike rental in Chandigarh, so your next culinary experience is always just a few pedal strokes away.
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stickyllamaturtle · 2 months
Fascinating Weekend Getaway Tips Around Spokane Valley
Spokane Valley, located in Washington state, offers a myriad of interesting weekend getaway Tips for locals Indian restaurant reviews and people alike. Whether you are a character fanatic, a foodie, or perhaps a historical past buff, there's a little something for everyone to love With this vivid city and its encompassing regions. From Checking out the very best parks and mountaineering trails to indulging in mouth watering community cuisine and immersing your self during the loaded heritage and tradition of Spokane Valley, this article will manual you through an unforgettable weekend adventure.
Exploring the most beneficial Parks in Spokane Valley, WA
Spokane Valley is home to a number of stunning parks that give the best location for outdoor functions and rest. Irrespective of whether You are looking to go for a leisurely stroll, have a picnic with Your loved ones, or have interaction in recreational sporting activities, these parks have everything. Several of the best parks to check out consist of:
best Indian restaurant ratings
Mirabeau Point Park: This expansive park features picturesque sights in the Spokane River and options walking trails, picnic areas, playgrounds, and also a Seaside volleyball courtroom.
Edgecliff Park: Nestled together the banks of your Spokane River, Edgecliff Park is known for its beautiful sights and tranquil ambiance. It's a really perfect location for fishing, birdwatching, or simply taking pleasure in a peaceful day from the drinking water.
Centennial Trail: Stretching more than 37 miles from Spokane to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, this scenic trail is perfect for climbing, biking, or jogging. It winds through gorgeous landscapes and supplies accessibility to varied attractions along the best way.
Sullivan Park: With its significant open Areas and recreational amenities for example tennis courts and baseball fields, Sullivan Park is a popular location for sporting activities fanatics. In addition it has a boat start location for people who choose to investigate the Spokane River by water.
Ponderosa Condition Park: Situated just a short push from Spokane Valley, Ponderosa Condition Park is often a nature lover's paradise. It provides mountaineering trails, camping services, and prospects for wildlife viewing.
Top Eating places to Try in Spokane Valley
No weekend getaway is total devoid of indulging in the community cuisine, and Spokane Valley has a vibrant food stuff scene that caters to all tastes. Whether you are craving Worldwide flavors, convenience food stuff, or farm-to-desk dishes, these best dining places are worthy of a take a look at:
Twigs Bistro and Martini Bar: Noted for its diverse menu and handcrafted cocktails, Twigs offers a blend of yankee and Worldwide Delicacies. From juicy burgers to fresh new seafood, you can find a thing for everybody in this article.
Geno's Regular Food items & Ales: Should you be from the temper for traditional pub fare, Geno's is definitely the location to go. Enjoy their well-known fish and chips or bask in a person of their mouthwatering burgers while sipping on a chilly craft beer.
Black Angus Steakhouse: For meat
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stevechurch · 6 months
Explore the Best Strip Clubs Just a Stone's Throw from Scottsdale!
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When it comes to seeking out vibrant nightlife and adult entertainment near Scottsdale, the options are aplenty. However, for those in search of an unforgettable experience that combines upscale ambiance, tantalizing performances, and delectable cuisine, Strip Clubs Nearby Scottsdale stand out as the ultimate destination.
Elevated Entertainment in Phoenix's Backyard
Nestled conveniently within the Phoenix AZ Valley, just a short drive from Scottsdale, lies Crazy Girls Cabaret—a gem among Strip Clubs Nearby Scottsdale that transcends the ordinary. As soon as visitors step through the doors of this upscale establishment, they are enveloped in an electrifying atmosphere that promises a night to remember.
A Feast for the Senses
What sets Crazy Girls Cabaret apart from the rest? It's not just about the stunning dancers or the enticing performances; it's the complete entertainment package. Guests are treated to an array of delights, from expertly crafted cocktails served by seasoned mixologists to mouthwatering dishes that satisfy even the most discerning palates. Picture indulging in a succulent $9 Gourmet Big Daddy Burger or savoring the crowd-favorite $7 Steak and Fries—all while being surrounded by the pulsating energy of the club.
VIP Treatment and Unmatched Hospitality
At Crazy Girls Cabaret, every guest is a VIP. Whether you prefer table-side seating for a private dance or a cozy spot in the VIP lounge, Strip Clubs Nearby Scottsdale caters to your every whim. The friendly staff ensures that your experience is nothing short of exceptional, making you feel right at home from the moment you arrive.
Conveniently Located for Your Pleasure
Convenience is key, and Crazy Girls Cabaret understands that. Situated just off the I-17 and the 101, the club is easily accessible from anywhere in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, Glendale, and even Anthem. Whether you're a local or just passing through, embarking on an adventure to explore Strip Clubs Nearby Scottsdale has never been easier.
Experience the Extraordinary at CrazyGirlsCabaret.com
For those seeking an unparalleled Strip Clubs Nearby Scottsdale, Crazy Girls Cabaret beckons with its promise of excitement, sophistication, and unparalleled hospitality. Don't miss out on the opportunity to immerse yourself in the ultimate adult entertainment destination.
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weeblyteblog · 9 months
Tom & Jerry's: Experience 20+ Years of Restaurant Expertise
Tom & Jerry’s Beach Club Bar & Grill: A great option for those looking for a dining experience that is both affordable and enjoyable
Tom and Jerry’s Beach Club Bar & Grill, a culinary haven established in 1996 and now residing at 3212 Padre Blvd. in South Padre Island, Texas, has cemented its reputation as a beloved family-friendly bar and grill since its founding in McAllen, Texas, by the renowned restaurateur Cody Pace. Under Pace’s direction, Tom and Jerry’s legacy expanded, blossoming into a chain with additional locations in McAllen and Mission, Texas. The enduring appeal of the establishment is exemplified by the unwavering popularity of the South Padre Island location, which has been in continuous operation since 2008.
Cody Pace, a native of the Rio Grande Valley with over 20 years of restaurant experience, leads Tom and Jerry’s with expertise, a role he fulfills with dedication. As the operator who interacts directly with guests, Pace cultivates a personal bond, ensuring their satisfaction and becoming a familiar face, a part of the neighborhood fabric. His active participation in diverse humanitarian organizations, a testament to his unwavering dedication, extends the pursuit of exceptional dining beyond the restaurant’s walls. Tom and Jerry’s becomes more than just a place to eat; it is a culinary adventure, crafted by a passionate proprietor, a leader deeply committed to both the community and his craft.
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A menu that is sure to please
One embarks on a delightful culinary journey at Tom and Jerry's Beach Club Bar & Grill, where flavors and textures unite in a captivating tasting experience. Showcasing South Padre Island's maritime influences, the menu offers a diverse array of Texan cuisine, each dish prepared with skill and passion. From the luscious seafood platters, reflecting the energy of the nearby Gulf, to the sizzling fajitas, a burst of flavor on the tongue, every dish celebrates the region's culinary heritage.
The menu's undisputed star is the diverse collection of signature dishes, a testament to Cody Pace's, the visionary behind Tom and Jerry's, vast experience and unwavering dedication to quality. Pace has curated a menu, a symphony of flavors, that caters to every palate, offering a spectrum of choices, from hearty burgers, a tribute to Texan tradition, to refreshing salads, an embodiment of the island's vibrant energy. The restaurant's commitment to utilizing premium ingredients and crafting innovative recipes has transcended its role as simply a place to eat, transforming it into a culinary sanctuary, a haven where each bite tells a captivating story of culinary artistry.
A fun and festive atmosphere
Tom and Jerry’s Beach Club Bar & Grill, more than just a restaurant but an immersive experience into a beachy paradise nestled amidst the sands of South Padre Island, invites guests to escape the ordinary and experience the island’s carefree spirit. A laid-back vibe, a skillful blend of Texan hospitality and seaside elegance, welcomes guests. Tom and Jerry’s stunning beachfront location, a haven boasting panoramic views of the Gulf of Mexico, sets the perfect stage for an enchanting meal where the sound of the waves, a calming background melody, accompanies the delectable cuisine.
The bright environment, a haven of nautical accents, and the open-air patio, a space inviting relaxation and camaraderie, provide the perfect setting for a memorable dining experience. As the sun sets, the combination of ambient lighting and the sea air, a mesmerizing spectacle, creates an unforgettable atmosphere. Tom and Jerry’s, more than just a restaurant, is a sanctuary where the ambiance, an echo of the surrounding natural beauty, transforms every meal into a tranquil seaside escape, leaving guests with memories as soothing as the gentle caress of the Gulf waves upon the nearby shore.
A place to enjoy a delicious meal in a comfortable setting
Tom and Jerry's Beach Club Bar & Grill, a multifaceted oasis offering a diverse array of culinary delights, welcomes guests with its warm ambiance. This haven for groups seeking exhilarating shared experiences, a comfortable setting conducive to families enjoying meals together, and a popular choice for satiating lunchtime cravings, boasts an extensive menu and delectable cuisine, featuring options to tantalize any palate. As the sun sets over the Gulf of Mexico, the restaurant's oceanfront atmosphere, a picture-perfect backdrop for dinner, further elevates the dining experience. For those with a sweet tooth, the dessert options, a delightful symphony of flavors leaving taste buds yearning for more, offer the ideal culmination to any meal. However, the diversity extends beyond mere menu offerings. Tom and Jerry's Beach Club Bar & Grill, a haven catering to groups, families, and individuals seeking an exceptional dining experience encompassing lunch through dinner and culminating in a sweet flourish, is a culinary haven with an ambiance adaptable to any occasion.
Contact Information
Address: 3212 Padre Blvd, South Padre Island, TX 78597, United States
Phone number: +1 956 761 8999
Website: https://tom-and-jerrys.club/
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ohsobreweryaz · 1 year
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Happy Hour Paradise Valley
Join us at O.H.S.O for Happy Hour in Paradise Valley like no other! Our lively patio, brimming with games and surrounded by the aroma of American comfort food, sets the stage for unforgettable moments. Sip on signature drinks and savor craft beer while relishing this joyful experience. Whether you're here for an all-day hangout or a quick stop during Happy Hour, we've got the perfect space for your next corporate event or birthday celebration, making every occasion a memorable one.
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Bangalore Tourism
Having evolved gradually from being the Garden city to the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore is India’s third-largest city. Bangalore is loved for its pleasant weather, beautiful parks and the many lakes here. Bangalore is renowned for its eateries, street food corners, quirky cafes, coffee roasters and pubs dotting every corner of the city, serving cuisines from all over the world. Brunches, buffets, burgers, rooftop cafes, late-night eats — Bangalore has it all.
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Must Visit Places near Bangalore :
Ooty :
rom nature walks in gardens that makes one wonder whether Paradise, as depicted in scriptures of various cultures, have actually been derived from such sensory experiences to relaxing over a cup of tea from the tea plantations dotting the hillside, only to realize most humbly of nature’s gifts as a bountiful.& provide luxury resorts in bangalore to stay , the tourist places in Ooty can be expected to resuscitate the soul, depleted of its spiritual reserves through the trials of everyday existence.
Kabini :
Kabini is an exquisite, enthralling location in Karnataka which you ought to visit at least once in your lifetime, whether you’re an adventure enthusiast, a love of fauna, or simply someone who loves to travel for leisure. The perfect weather, a host of activities, camping options and more is what makes Kabini a tourist favourite . Summers are great for wildlife visits here while monsoons are the ideal time to feast your eyes upon the sanctuary’s abundant greenery, making Kabini an all-year round getaway. and best resorts near bangalore to stay .
Makalidurga :
If your plan is to add adventure to the break , Makalidurga is counted among the top tourist attractions near Bangalore. It is a quiet village 59 km away from Bangalore with a hill known as Makalidurga Hill. The hill has a famous trekking trail, which attracts adventure junkies from all across the state to come and test their mettle. and many adventure resorts in bangalore to stay .
Bheemeshwari :
Nestled along the untamed river Cauvery, Bheemeshwari is a petite town situated in the Mandya district of Karnataka. Located around a distance of 103 kilometers from Bangalore, Bheemeshwari is called an angler’s paradise for the kind of angling and fishing experience it offers. Tucked away somewhere off the Kanakapura-Kollegal Highway, Bheemeshwari is a five-kilometer short drive away from Muthathi. The famous resort in bangalore is frequented by the city dwellers for adventure activities involving pulsating sports like rafting, kayaking, trekking, camping, angling, wildlife safaris etc. The activities are mostly conducted around the confluence of river Cauvery and Arkavathi rivers.
Best time to visit Bangalore?
The best time to visit Bangalore is from the months of October to February which are the winter months here. Being a populous city and an IT hub of India, Bangalore is best known for its moderate climate that is very pleasing to everyone. While the temperature hovers between 27–35 degree Celsius in Summers; Winters could be freezing with the mercury dropping below 15-degree Celsius. Monsoons, on the other hand, are pleasant and chill making Bangalore suitable for a visit throughout the year. and price of best resort in bangalore is also affordable .
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simmos-blog · 1 year
Just one less
Friday 5th May
We just needed it to be one less mile and then we would have got to the hotel before it rained again. We just needed to eat one less meal ( see pics of lunch) and I wouldn’t have felt like a beached whale struggling to drag the excess weight up the hills and we just needed to have one less drink and I wouldn’t have felt the room spinning as I fell into bed. This last mistake was all down to Shep who insisted a trip to the Golden Lion to try their Irish Whiskey was essential.
We were down for breakfast at The Forresters before eight with Mark having la di da smoked salmon. He was booted and packed ready for the off but I still had to get my boots and wet gear on.
It was raining but lightly and we had the substantial climb up Sutton Bank in front of us. You couldn’t see the white horse because of low cloud and mist. It took us over an hour of sweaty climbing to get to the top and walk along the ridge to the cafe at the visitor centre.
We had coffee and dawdled a while to dry our kit a bit. The rain had increased so I got my over trousers on and we set off back into the heavy rain. After a few miles we met a couple who were ambling along. She was using Google maps to navigate. I asked where they were heading and the guy said I thought we might go up Roseberry Topping (known as the Yorkshire Matterhorn because of its similar looks though there is a significant height difference). I explained to him it was about 30 miles away as I was planning to go up it on Monday. I mentioned there was a cafe a couple of miles from our current location and they decided to go there instead.
In fact the cafe proved to be about 4 miles along the track and we never saw the couple again. The Paradise Farm cafe is a little bit of paradise especially when it’s chucking it down. We sat around a hot stove drying our gear out and eating huge amounts of food.
After 40mins of R&R we put the damp waterproofs on and stepped back out into the rain. We had been the only people in the cafe but as we left a large walking group arrived presumably jockeying for position around the stove.
It was easy walking but we had a big distance to cover and we were both over full of food. Thankfully there were no huge climbs to negotiate and the weather steadily improved. We had several stops to shed clothing and take a couple of pictures as the rain cleared and the fabulous view slowly unfolded. Shep changed into his high vis jacket so we now looked like a team of workmen up to do emergency repairs on the moors.
It’s a lovely walk into Osmotherly down into a valley with a lovely stream but it was a bit spoiled by the rain restarting. We couldn’t be bothered to put more gear back on so just got wet.
We arrived at the Queen Catherine Hotel only to be redirected to The Three Tuns it’s sister hotel as apparently the QC only opens when there is sufficient demand. The Tunns is ok and the food very good. Shep was raving about his pie and I’ve had a very nice burger. We’ve made a couple of forays over to the Golden Lion for beer and Whiskey and Shep insisted we had a bottle of wine with our meal. I might be nursing a headache on the trail tomorrow.
It’s been a long day with 15.8 miles covered and most of the day was wet but it’s been lots of fun. Shep is always cheerful (except maybe when he was forking out £60 for the taxi to go fetch his car) and we’ve had a brilliant day. He’s driven over 4 hours to come for the walk and has that drive back in the morning. I really appreciate it though that extra double whiskey was a bad idea.
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[Chef Silvana from Barrio Cafe, and Bret Shapiro from Paradise Valley Burger Company. Let's talk about this place. Empty building. They had to modify an old fast-food sign]
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treeservicesarizona · 2 years
Six Cool Things To Do In Phoenix Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona is one of the most well-known cities in America. It's also home to some of the best things to do in all of America. Whether you're a traveler looking for your next vacation destination or a local who wants to get out of town, Phoenix has you covered! Here are some cool places that will make your trip more fun:
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Visit the Desert Botanical Garden.
The Desert Botanical Garden is an amazing place to visit in Phoenix. It's a botanical garden, so you can expect to see lots of plants and trees (but not too many flowers). You'll also get to learn about desert ecology outside the beautiful desert scenery.
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Location: 1201 N Galvin Parkway, Phoenix AZ 85008
What to Expect: The garden was designed by Fredrick Law Olmsted Jr., who also designed Central Park in NYC and the Biltmore Estate in Asheville NC. It's got over 10 miles worth of trails for you to explore! There are different sections including Sonoran Desert Gardens, Native Plant Display Areas with Southwestern plants from Arizona, California & New Mexico; Native Flora Special Exhibits; Water Sustainability Showcase featuring native tree species that use less water than non-native trees; Best Dressed Lawn Competition showcasing local lawns with native landscaping throughout AZ (with prizes given out every year!), plus there’s even an animal section where you can see animals like lizards or birds if they happen to come by on any given day.
Take a guided ghost tour through Old Town Scottsdale.
Old Town Scottsdale is a historic district that's got it all: eclectic dining, tons of shopping and live music, art galleries, and even haunted sites. If you want to get in on the spooky fun without having to venture far from your hotel room in Paradise Valley or Tempe, book one of these ghost tours through Old Town Scottsdale.
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You'll be able to see some of the historic buildings in the area like The Hotel San Carlos and Hotel Valley Ho (formerly The Fairmont Princess), learn about their history as well as stories about paranormal activity that have occurred there. Tours are offered year round but are especially popular during Halloween season so make sure you book early if you'd like to take advantage of this spooky opportunity. It's also perfect for families with kids who enjoy learning about history and getting into character!
Catch a Pro Baseball Game at Chase Field.
Chase Field is home to the Arizona Diamondbacks, one of Major League Baseball's 30 teams. And while you may not be able to catch a game with them, you can still have fun at Chase Field.
The stadium was built in 2000 and is located in downtown Phoenix. The stadium has 42,000 seats and features an eight-story tall retractable roof that allows for open air baseball during warm days or closed roof for cooler temperatures or rain. You'll also find several restaurants inside including Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Row, Dirty Little Roddy's BBQ & Rock'n Roll Kitchen (Dirty Little Roddy is a mascot for the team), and two new sections called "The A" and The Porch featuring burgers from 5th Street Burger Co., chicken wings from Wingstop and craft beer from Four Peaks Brewing Company
Go to the Phoenix Art Museum.
The Phoenix Art Museum is a great place to go to learn about art. The museum has a collection of over 17,000 pieces of art and many exhibits that change every few months. The museum is open every day except for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
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You can also check out the Phoenix Art Museum’s online database where you can research artists or view their works by genre. You can even see if there are any upcoming events at other museums in Arizona!
Take the kids to Castles N' Coasters for fun and games.
It's not just a theme park, it's an amusement park, too! Kids (and adults) can ride roller coasters, water rides and other rides for kids. Or they can try their hand at one of the many games or play in the arcade.
Stop by the Musical Instrument Museum for a look at an extensive collection of instruments from around the world.
The Musical Instrument Museum is a great place to learn about the history of music, and see some cool instruments. It's also a wonderful place to take your kids, or just explore on your own. The museum has an impressive collection of instruments from around the world, and is located in Tempe, Arizona.
If you're looking for something fun to do in Phoenix with family or friends (or both!), this museum has something for everyone.
There are many things to do in Phoenix Arizona that can be fun for all ages.
Phoenix is a great place to visit, especially if you are looking for some fun things to do. The city has a lot of activities that can be enjoyed by everyone. If you are visiting Phoenix Arizona and looking for things to do with your family or friends, then this article will give you some great ideas about what the city has available for your enjoyment!
The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about things to do in Phoenix Arizona is visiting the Grand Canyon. This is one of the most famous landmarks in all of America and it's also very close by so it makes sense that people would want to go see it while they're there! However, there are many other places as well.
If you’re looking for a place to visit on your next vacation, Phoenix Arizona is a great choice. With everything from museums and gardens to sports games and theme parks, there are plenty of things to do in Phoenix Arizona for everyone in the family. From fun activities that will keep kids busy all day long (like Castles N' Coasters) to places where you can enjoy some peace and quiet (like the Musical Instrument Museum), there really is something for everyone here!
Are you looking for some tree removal or stump grinding services in Phoenix? You’ve come to the right place. USA Tree Removal and Stump Grinding is your number one choice. We are dedicated to getting rid of all the unwanted trees in your yard, on a time schedule that works best for you. Check out our website where we offer competitive pricing and excellent service.
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USA Tree Removal and Stump Grinding 2513 N 29th St, Phoenix, AZ 85008, United States 623–469–7674 https://phoenixtreecare.org/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=12337577927580498513
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danvswild · 1 year
Day 9
mile 133 to Idyllwild - 18.9 miles
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Fantastic day today!! I hiked with a buddy the whole day for the first time. I woke up this morning and the tent was v wet 🥲 But I packed it up and starting wading through the brisk morning air. I later ran into Jaise and we planned to hime together to Paradise Valley Cafe (PVC) and hitch our ride into Idyllwild.
I really enjoyed hiking with Jaise. We maintained a similar pace and exchanged pleasant conversations and silences. We pushed through the desert until we stumbled onto a water tank.
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This was a high frequency water tank. Very good vibes. I ran into many friends I haven’t seen in a while. After fueling up, Jaise and I realized we had 2 hours to hike 6.5 miles in order to grab a burger at the cafe. We buckled up and pushed real hard and made it to PVC where we got a burger and a quesadilla. Even with my tender tendons, I felt unstoppable today :) Glad to see that my legs are feeling better!
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Afterwards, Jaise, Marina, Juan, Clark, and I hitched together to Idyllwild and got a campsite. Jaise and I then headed into the town and we got some bomb ice cream. We also got a cabin for tomorrow night for our first zero day (when you hike 0 mile) ever! Oh after our chill sesh back at the campground, I took a hot shower.
Even after pushing so hard, my legs feel great today! I think my hiker legs are setting in. Idyllwild is so beautiful, quaint, charming and idyllic lol I am super excited for my zero day tomorrow. One of the best days so far \(*T▽T*)/
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Day 12 - Milepost 179.4 - Long story about hazards and an alternate route, bottom-line Breezy and Brad strolled into Idyllwild a little bit ago and lucked out that I booked them an awesome room in “The Village” owned by Silver Pines Lodge. Breezy says Idyllwild is like a cross between Government Camp and Cannon Beach, Alpine Style. AND YES it isn’t just hype, so far they have THE BEST BURGER on the trail hands down. Thank you Paradise Valley Cafe! The guys have two nights here and have booked massages for tomorrow. Are currently kicking back enjoying some great beer.
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REPOST! DON’T REBLOG.  BOLD any that applies to your muse and italicize any that kind of applies to your muse. feel free to add to the list.
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𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 . red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. violet. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. bubblegum pink. sky blue. pale jade. amber. tan. copper. bronze. magenta.
𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 . fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. darkness. shadows. nature. aether. quintessence. blood. life. death.
𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 . claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. neck. back. shoulders. legs. freckles. unseen bruises. canines. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. fingernails. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos. athletic. hair. fur. sleek.
𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐒 . scythe. fists. legs. sword. dagger. spear. lance. bow & arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. baseball bats. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. claws. teeth. stealth. strategy.
𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐒 . gold. silver. copper. platinum. titanium. rose gold. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. ribbon.
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 . grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. sunflowers. tulips. lavender. petals. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. fungi. ocean. river. frozen lake. meadow. valley. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. snow. mist. pond.
𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐒 . big cats. wolves. foxes. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. crocodiles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. penguins. deer. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. monkeys.
𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃/𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒 . sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. vodka. beer. coffee. sake. tea. water. spices. herbs. apples. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. lollies. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. surf ‘n’ turf. burritos. tacos. pizza. ambrosia. eggs. milk. ramen. chips. ice cream.
𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 . music. art. water colours. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. baking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. strings. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. flute. bells. exploring. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. sleeping. climbing. running (away). jogging. parkour. studying. video games. comics. manga.
𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄 . lingerie. armour. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. ankle boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewellery. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. beanie hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. mittens. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sun glasses. straw hat. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ribbons. hoodie. sweater. converses. tennis shoes. boxers. briefs. boxer briefs. shorts. cargo. cropped pants. crop top. cuffed pants. overalls.
𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂 . balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. growth. decay. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. mirrors. pets. diary. journal. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. suffering. family. friends. strength. comrades. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. kisses. spring. summer. autumn. winter. farmland. countryside. suburban. village. depression. longing. sloth. pride. envy. wrath. greed. gluttony. lust. melancholy.
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