#paracosm antics
my-neuro-pathways · 3 months
Semi long post:
Oooh, I have decided to talk about the most interesting thing about my paracosm! So, the concept of one paracosm is complicated to me. My old paracosm would constantly go through "rebirths." Which basically meant the premise, feeling, paras, etc. would all change. It was still considered the same paracosm because it followed a pattern. The paras were similar to the old paras... but new. I do acknowledge the fact
that alleville is VERY different from the old paracosm because the whole function of the paracosm is different. The other paracosm was centered around my many many paraselves and took place in a white void that, during one rebirth, became an apartment complex. Alleville is a fully mapped out place. It's very visual and not just void or void-like. Also, it's mainly fact-paras and focuses on two paras (not fact-paras), with my paraself in that world being important and stuff but not at all the center of attention. So why don't I say I have two paracosms? Because I still do see it as a rebirth of the old paracosm that was just different than the rest and created a whole new paracosm. Also, the other paracosm was made for coping reasons, and it's hard to talk about that stuff. Alleville was made as proof that I was healing. I don't want to bury my past or repress all the trauma, but I would like to keep that other paracosm to myself. All the paras that came from there are so very important to me... but there's a reason they're gone. That reason is that I have learned to understand myself.
Thank you for coming to my maddTalk
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okay so since like at least two people seemed interested, here's a snippet from the very beginning of my paracosm I wrote instead of going to sleep like a normal person (if any part of it sounds weird. it's because I should be sleeping instead of writing)
“So, I didn’t catch your name.”
Lucy glanced over her shoulder at her new friend. Well, maybe “friend” was a bit of an overstatement, considering they have only known each other for about fifteen minutes thus far.
She kept staring, unblinking, and her new companion shrugged. “Alright. Fine. You don’t trust me, that’s to be expected, I guess. Though I thought if we are stuck together anyway, we might- nevermind.” She shook her head, and thrust herself into the nearest bush, disappearing from Lucy’s sight.
She was right. Lucy did not trust her. She knew literally nothing about her, and her appearance said little about her character. The only thing Lucy could deduce was that she probably liked purple, her pastel clothes contrasting nicely with her golden-brown skin and dark ponytail. She was a thicker build, her catlike movements clearly implying a history of heavy training or years of workout at the very least.
She also had two black-feathered wings. And a tufted tail. And magic too, probably, if those last fifteen minutes were anything to go by.
All in all, a fair amount of information, but nothing to determine her attitude.
“You could at least wait for me,” Lucy muttered, before jumping into the bush herself. It only took her multiple broken branches, several bleeding cuts, and a vast array of curses to arrive on the other side, where her new companion was watching her antics with amusement.
“I’m Lucy,” she said, trying to hide her embarrassment. “And I didn’t catch your name either.”
“Rowena. And you really could’ve just gone around, it’s not like we’re in a hurry anywhere.”
Oh shut up, you prick. “Where is ‘here’, anyway?” Lucy gestured vaguely at the forest around them, the canopy just light enough to let the sunshine all the way to the ground.
Rowena shrugged, and continued her wandering. “I have no idea. I thought your boyfriend might’ve told you before I encountered the two of you.”
“Well, first of all, Leo is not my boyfriend,” Lucy corrected, annoyed. “And second of all, it’s you who’s supposed to tell me how we managed to end up in a summer forest when just a moment ago we were deep in a cave in the middle of winter, considering you’re the witch, not me.”
Rowena stopped so suddenly Lucy barely avoided crashing into her.
“I’m not a witch.” She spat the last word like it was the worst insult in the world. “A witch is a human who plays around with plants and pretends it’s magic. I’m a willar. I’m not human, and I do actual magic.”
“Sure. Whatever.” Lucy forced herself not to stare at Rowena’s wings. “That still doesn’t answer the question of where the hell we are.”
“Like I said, I don’t know. And unless you’re lying for whatever reason, I think we can safely conclude we’re pretty much lost.”
“What about your boyfriend, then?”
Rowena’s deer-in-the-headlights stare confirmed for Lucy that she was on the right track.
“You know, the guy you claimed to have followed into the cave where you found us?” she continued nonchalantly, ignoring Rowena’s clear discomfort. “What was his name? Miguel?”
“Uh, Michael,” Rowena replied, as if she herself wasn’t sure of it either. “And he’s not my boyfriend.”
Lucy nodded. “Obviously. That’s why you followed him into a dark cave with no idea what was going to happen. Are you perhaps a stalker, then?”
“Look, it’s nothing like that, okay?” Rowena folded her arms defensively. “We have some uh, unfinished business we needed to talk about, but he disappeared a while ago and this was my only chance at catching up to him. We know each other, but we’re not, like, dating or anything.”
Lucy raised an eyebrow. She didn’t know what to find more amusing, Rowena’s clear inability to lie, or the fact that not even she seemed to be convinced by her own words.
“But sticking to the point.” Rowena shook her head lightly. “Even if he did know something, he didn’t tell me. So, we’re pretty much left guessing where your not-boyfriend sent us, and how.”
“Okay, now you’re being annoying on purpose.” Lucy had to hurry if she wanted to keep up with Rowena’s quick strides. “How about this: we refer to both of them by their name, and nobody gets butthurt over weird assumptions. Seems fair?”
“Why does this bother you so much, anyway? What, you’re afraid I’m gonna overhear you talk about Leo in your sleep? ‘Oh Leo, you’re such a handsome guy, I would sell my soul and left kidney just to kiss you once!’ Smooch smooch!” She mimicked kissing the air.
“Oh fuck you,” Lucy growled.
“Fuck me yourself, coward.”
Lucy opened her mouth for a retort but nothing came out. Rowena flashed a nauseatingly sweet smile, then once again disappeared among the leaves of an overgrown bush.
This was going to be a fun adventure.
(next part)
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funnier-as-a-system · 2 years
so i have a paracosm, an internal world that is developed via daydreams. i have had it since i was four-ish and. WOW that was plurality in disguise. one of my resident guys literally followed me to a white void to talk to me and cheer me up. and looking back on that event, being 1. an adult, 2. very aware of system antics, holy shit, he's been there the whole time huh. anyway take this since everyone is sharing their stories lol
even FUNNIER is that i now share this paracosm with my long-distance partner and it's really interesting knowing everything that happens. we have to pretend like we don't know SHIT in order to advance the plot. plurality + other issues is a fun cocktail. but yeah in the vein of RP stuff We Get That
(I've added this second ask because I assume it's a follow-up from the same anon; if I have guessed incorrectly, let me know.)
This feels like one of those situations that calls for the handshake meme (with daydreaming 🤝 roleplaying), but I can't find the right words for the punchline. By any rate, though, it sure is something to look back on the past and realize just how long you've been a system, huh?
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imstilldaydreaming · 2 years
Alright, screw it, it's Gen.so.kyo paracosm infodump time! Except it's just thoughts about random people.
Funny how I got this paracosm just because of the amount of To.uhou soundtracks I listen to, which led me to take a lore deep dive and know a bit more about the setting (and somehow form a whole paracosm based on that limited knowledge)
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It's-a-me, Mario. But yeah, I somehow adopt the perspective and role of the almighty shrine maiden Re.imu Hak.urei in this paracosm. It's pretty fun, to be honest. Maybe I'm onto some sort of fictionkin thing here.
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You!!! Friend!! Bestie!! I love you!! So loud yet so fun to be around. Yup, that's you! Going on missions to deal with some youkai with you is so great! I'm glad you're around! Just try not to blow up everything you see with your master spark, alright? Or not to steal everything from everyone!! But yeah, love you!
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How can you be so calm?? What are your secrets??? Even when you just throw knives at people you do it with this calm and collected look (for the most part). Also, how did we end up in friendly terms again? Either way, you're pretty cool. And your tea tastes great!
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Yet another one who I don't know how we became friends. Share your advanced magic knowledge more often! It's interesting! Also, I'm sorry for you on Mar.isa's behalf.
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Annoying ice fairy. That's it that's the post. You're funny, but please don't always get in the way of my job!!! AND STOP YOUR PRANKS!!
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Re.mil.ia and Fla.ndre
Y'all are annoying. This is a joke (don't come after me). But I'm a bit torn between you both: on one hand, y'all are annoying, but, on the other hand, you also aren't..?? I don't know. You can keep coming to my shrine, but please don't destroy anything or keep the visitors away (this is more aimed at Fl.an)
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Your garden is so cool!!! I mean, it's not exactly yours, but, since you're the gardener and all... you get what I mean. We should drink tea more often there! Also, you're really nice too!
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I almost forgot about you!! How?? You're so cool! You have an energy very similar to Mar.isa, which is probably why you both joke with each other a lot whenever you're together.
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Ah yes, a rival. Except I'm better than you. Haha, just kidding, you're cool. You are fairly calm and curious, yet you are also a bit of a chaos enabler. I mean, you go on with Mar.isa's antics!! But yeah, despite the shrine competition between us, you're a great friend!! Also, you sure ask me a lot of questions about previous incidents, huh?
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Ayy reporter tengu person!! You seem to be everywhere, which is something. Also, I can see you hiding in a bush or behind a tree or whatever whenever you want to capture your articles live. But sure, ask me about the youkai stuff I'm up to.
[alright, this is already a bunch of people. perhaps I'll do more of these..? Idk, I just really wanted to talk about them and this paracosm. Also, the dots between some names are my attempt at stopping this from appearing on the regular tags (imagine talking about a fandom paracosm to said fandom). The names don't have dots originally, just to make it clear.]
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maddgicalgirl · 3 years
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My Paracosms (1/?) The Real World <3
Some of my paracosms that are grounded in reality. I have many, many, many paracosms, and this format, created by @paraesthetics has been an excellent way to better explore and conceptualize them, so I'm going to be making more!
The paracosms and brief descriptions are listed below the cut!
Daisy Chane and the Zombie: Wyatt Riddle is one of the lead actors of the new hit CW show, Monstrosities, and as he is playing an undead monster hunter, works closely with the show's SFX artist, Daisy Chane. Yearning ensues, but both don't want to ruin a good thing - that is, until something else threatens to ruin it for them.
Laundry Day: Two mall rats, James and Ike, spend their days loitering, walking Ike's ratty little terrier dog, Betsy, and competing with each other to get the attention of the hottest girls in the food court. Hindered by their poser classmate, each other, mall security, and sometimes even Betsy, they begin to realize maybe they're better off without the interference of girlfriends. Psshht. It's not like they wanted girlfriends, anyways.
Growing Up: Eliza's best friend in the whole wide world is the gawky, cynical, downright kind of unfortunate looking Elijah Markham. Though initially they were mistrustful of one another, the two realized they were both a part of a series of deeply traumatic and seemingly unrelated events, and that only they can piece it together, or even begin to understand each other.
Keep Your Enemies Close: Lydia, delinquent and honors student, has had a deep seated rivalry with Jeremy, teacher's pet and total moron, since middle school. They can hardly be in the same room without starting a screaming match, and have had to be separated for most of their school careers. Just before graduating high school, the two finally reconnect, and finally have the fistfight everyone knew was coming. There are no winners, though, as the truth that comes out of it would sour even the sweetest victory.
Shouldn't: Skye is a very reserved person. She doesn't like to talk about her past, and she's a wonderful listener, and so gentle it seems to most people she isn't even there. When she meets Milo Diep, a wallflower like her, she thinks she's met her dream guy. That is, until she begins to realize just why he's so unpopular around the school, and it all comes back to one girl, Dakota Rogers, who went missing.
Don't Go, Margaret Edie: David fell in love instantly. He had never met anyone like her, and he didn't think he ever would again. Too bad she's driving the other way down Highway i44.
The Fifth Crewman: Stella was aptly named, always staring skywards, feeling more familiar with the constellations than any of the roads in her hometown. When she realized she could never be an astronaut, due to her severe asthma, she turned instead to books, and buried her head in the clouds that way. One of her favorites is a graphic novel about the hapless crew of a spaceship, battling fungal creatures when they crash upon their planet. When the comic is adapted to film, Stella is thrilled, and even more so when she gets to meet the cast at Comic Con, and finds herself alone with one of the stars.
Awkward: Alissa, like the rest of her family, is very stubborn, outgoing, and opinionated. Alfred, as opposed to the rest of his family, is just as much so. When the two end up butting heads, their friend groups eagerly get involved, until the antics begin to escalate to drastic measures, culminating in great loss, and an incredible discovery.
Caliber Coffee: Ethan works at a coffee shop run by two lesbians, creates intricate domino chains just to knock them over for his struggling YouTube channel, and dreams of finding "The One." Georgia just wants to get coffee. In peace. And from there, absolutely everything imaginable goes wrong.
The Journalist: Despite being probably the most qualified journalist in Chicago, nominated for numerous accolades, and with an incredible instinct for tracking down and perfectly capturing stories that have repeatedly piqued the interest of the nation, as well as revealed scandals of immense size, Theodore cannot for the life of him get promoted. He knows, deep down, it is because of his deformities, but his desperation to prove he's more than that drives him ever onwards. When a mysterious woman comes looking for him, he realizes the big break he's always been looking for has found him, and the story he's been chasing is here. The only problem, is it even worth it to pursue, at this point, when he already knows how it's going to end?
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inhum3n · 4 years
MaDD and the Compensatory Reservoir
The “Compensatory Reservoir” is something I use to describe an aspect of MaDD.  I’ve noticed my use of it in past events. I’ve used MaDD as a coping mechanism all of my life.  I’ve used it to compensate for what I lack in reality.  I can merely delve into my fantastical worlds to fulfill the holes in my head and heart.  It’s a giant reservoir full of ways for me to compensate for my lackings with my present circumstances.  Hence a “Compensatory Reservoir”.  
To put it more simply I’ve noticed that I used my MaDD to enhance present situations.  
Ex.  I was at a friend’s house.  There were three of us.  I am close to both.  We were baking cinnamon rolls.  We were all laughing and yelling at each other.  It was fun.  But I remember suddenly realizing something.  I noticed I was slipping into my daydreaming with my paras.  I don’t remember what I was doing with my paras but it was making me feel really happy and elated.  I tried to stop slipping and focus on reality.  But I suddenly felt less happier.  And that is when I had the upsetting realization that I was using my paracosms and paras to enhance my hang out time with my friends.  I was mistaking that happiness as coming from laughing from my friends and our antics when it really was originating from my paracosms.  I was “tapping” into this “Compensatory Reservoir” to make my present circumstances happier and more enjoyable.
It left me feeling distressed
I noticed it again as of yesterday.  My mom had planned a day out with me.  I was excited.  Yet when it came, I found I had no words to say to her, making it very difficult for me to stay grounded in the present.  I found myself drifting to the reservoir to compensate for the present silence and my inability to start an engaging conversation with my mom.  I was really upset.  I am as I write this.  My mom had taken time and money for me and all I could do was silently stare into space with a blank face.  I was able to force myself to come up with things to talk about...but that reminder of that necessary reservoir stayed with me.
It’s something I’ve struggled with.  It makes me sad, numb, hollow, and kind of hopeless feeling like sometimes.  That without the MaDD I can’t actually be happy in this world.  That I need to be able to tap that reservoir to be happy in reality.
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my-neuro-pathways · 3 months
An intro????!!!! No way!
Hello, I go by Arlo and use he/they pronouns :>
I have MaDD and suspected ADHD
Pronouns Page (link)
My MaDD has affected me in a multitude of ways! Such as absolutely destroying my sense of self, so I lightly identify as "Plural". I also have a habit of self-shipping myself with gay transmasc polycules... and that's how this blog began! Though it was repurposed into a shipping blog for 2 of my paras - neither of which are paraselves - when I switched paraselves, as I do. Nowadays, it's just whatever paracosm has won this time.
"#para quotes" - any post in which I quote a para of mine
"#para antics" - posts about my paras and the crazy stuff they do
"#paracosm antics" - posts about the paracosm
"#madd antics" - posts about how it really is to have MaDD
"#everyone with a para" - reblogs of everyone-with-a-para's posts
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my-neuro-pathways · 3 months
hi it's @maddgical-boy! sending you some numbers for the ask game in return :0 how abt 9, 19, and 33?
9. If your paras found out you were their creator, how would they react?
This one is complicated because my paraself is a big part of my paracosm and uh he has broken the fourth wall a few times... so how would he react? "Oh hey alternative universe self, how's it goin?"
I think my other main paras would be like "ahah no way, I always knew everything was fake"
My other paras would be very confused. Like genuinely confused because they are mostly atheistic so that explanation would be out. "Who are you??" Like overall wouldn't believe me.
19. What are your paras typing styles?
NONE of them use emojis. Such things are outlawed in my brain lol. Axel, Theo, Bingo, and rarely also Tamara, use emoticons [:>, :3, :/, etc]. On paper Axel would write tiny and have a sort of fake fancy handwriting because he never learned to write, but he doesn't want to seem pathetic. Milo would have simple writing with no connection between any letters, fully legible. Theo and Tamara both connect letters. Tamara actually tries to have good handwriting while Theo is a scribbler. Natty would write in big letters and insane spacing between each word. Through text, Milo and Tamara are the only ones who use punctuation. Theo does sometimes but it's not correct (like me lol). Axel just types and types and types and relies on autocorrect to fix everything. Natty doesn't misspell but she just writes big chunks with no stops. And the rest of my paras are fact-paras... and I struggle so much with comprehending other people so yeah I can't even begin to tell you their writing styles.
33. If you make images of your paras with meiker/picrew, what is usually missing from the meiker/picrew?
Uhgggg Milo has to have freckles because acne rarely exists. I also can never find the right middle part. Axel of course I have to draw in his extra eyes on my own. Also there's never the right amount of hair colors. Tamara is whitewashed so much and that drives me insane. I've spent ages searching for black centered picrews. Theo rarely gets his fangs. Natty doesn't ever get her like half shaved head look. Bingo never gets multi colored hair. AND SO MUCH MORE. Which I respect picrew creators and allat but personally I just want my people to look accurate. I learned a lovely skill of editing picrews so it's alright usually. EXCEPT FOR THE PICREWS WITH NO SKIN COLOR OPTIONS.
Thank you SO MUCH for the ask :>
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my-neuro-pathways · 3 months
...ok so the confusing Max otp polycule has expanded... I think?
Because some dude decided to exist in both paracosms???
Yeah I haven't posted much BECAUSE IVE BEEN LOST
But we're back
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my-neuro-pathways · 3 months
Lol apparently Milo is THE boyfriend. Some random para that is entirely unamed and with a vague face just was like "Hey what I do when my bf has panic attack?"
Milo's so "im great sure... but I make tons of mistakes! Don't look up to me. Especially not my past."
Everyone else is like "you are the police man of Alleville now"
Milo is terrified of that "I have a kill count of 1,000+... what happened to ACAB? I'm sorry but I refuse"
Then after lots of negotiations he finally accepts that this is his job now.
Cause cool thing is - he only kills bad people... in his past. Now he rarely kills ANYONE.
Alleville is so chaotic. I just learned of a term that fits it "sandbox paracosm". Like idk if it has a storyline anymore. They're just creature in a forest turned into a village by true humans and turned back into a forest but with some buildings left so the creatures that are still human can exist in those places. And I love it.
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