#para; sirius
l-loserlover · 15 days
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tha black dog
capa treino.
fanarts: @/likeafunerall & @/greenlights33
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amethvysts · 2 months
anyway, se um dia vocês me verem falando sobre os marotos saibam que falo Deles...
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— simon hempe as james potter.
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— enzo vogrincic as sirius black.
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— esteban kukuriczka as remus lupin.
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aricastmblr · 6 months
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Jungkook se une a Michael Tam en los estudios SiriusXM NY Studios para interpretar "K-Pop Superlatives".- 240312 Entrevista (en otra pregunta jk contesto y recordé cuando jimin dijo lo mismo X)
🗣 Quien sería más probable que llore durante una película? 🐰Yo! Cuando hay escenas particulares, especialmente las que tienen que ver con familias, rompo en llanto.
via SiriusXM app http://sxm.app.link/JKSuperlativesX
SIRIUSXM X 12Mzo 2024 It's time to get to know OT7 a little better 💜 Michael Tam sat JK down for a game of SiriusXM K-Pop Superlatives! Watch the full interview here: https://sxm.app.link/JKSuperlativesX @siriusxmkpop
siriusxm siriusxmkpop immichaeltam instagram sale jungkook It’s time to get to know OT7 a little better 💜 @immichaeltam sat JK down for a game of SiriusXM K-Pop Superlatives! Watch the full interview at the link in bio. #ARMY #BTS #Jungkook https://www.instagram.com/p/C4bbVDVOF3I/
[속보] BTS, 디즈니+ 모든 장르에 진심인 것으로 알려져💜 │ [BTS: PTD ON STAGE – LA] Dig In Disney+ 영상ㅣ디즈니+
#PermissionToDance #BTS_on_DisneyPlus #방탄소년단
Jimin hablando cuando fueron el y Jungkook a ver Avengers que Jungkook lloro mucho 
jk-Aun así, diré que Endgame Avengers (para Marvel) 
jm-aunque Jungkook-ie, que estaba a mi lado, estaba llorando a mares 
jk- Así es, lloré mucho
jk- (Avengers: Endgame)
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demigd-tardis · 7 months
Solo el respeto que tengo por los sobrevivientes y víctimas reales me detiene de leer fanfiction de Adolfo Strauch y Numa, porque la verdad es que Enzo y Esteban son los nuevos Sirius y Remus y no sé que hacer con esa información y tan poco material al respecto.
Igual no puedo creer que haya fanfiction de eso, no es una película, fue una tragedia real. Joder.
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everyone-with-a-para · 4 months
I hope everyone with a para that is pretty much an entirely different person from when they were first created has a great day
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rosiestarmoon · 6 months
so there is this song called Simplemente Amigos and it’s the most wolfstar song to ever wolfstar and it’s super popular with mexican moms but there is this rumor where Ana the singer wrote this song about her friend and also big celebrity Veronica and how they were a couple around the 80’s but mexico wasn’t as open minded then and yeah, this SCREAMS wolfstar lmao
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moonyhigh · 5 days
sempre que come abacaxi sirius olha para remus com um sorriso travesso que o deixa totalmente vermelho
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tomikandrews · 3 months
I knew you in another life you had the same look in your eyes (I love you, don't act so surprised)
Dizem que, aos quinze anos, a vida das meninas muda drasticamente. É algo meio exagerado e, na verdade, até bastante machista parando pra pensar de onde essa ideia surgiu. Mas a vida de Tomika com certeza mudou naquela idade. E não porque ela se assumiu lésbica, ou porque se apaixonou pela primeira vez, ou qualquer uma dessas coisas - que com certeza também deixaram sua marca na vida da morena. Não, aos quinze anos a vida de Tomika mudou drasticamente porque foi quando conheceu Sirius, quem viria a ser seu irmão. Ele era mais velho (não por muito) e mais alto (por muito), mas era também meio magrelo, tinha o cabelo tão preto como o céu de madrugada, como o fundo do oceano que Tomika achava tão fascinante. Seu olhar, no entanto, carregava uma tristeza que ela nunca tinha visto em mais ninguém; seus ombros curvados de carregar um peso que ninguém, naquela idade, deveria carregar. Ele era muito bonito, falando de um ponto de vista totalmente neutro. E por mais que ele não o fizesse naquele momento, Tomika tinha certeza de que quando ele sorria seu rosto ficava ainda mais deslumbrante. A primeira impressão que teve de Sirius foi essa: um rapaz bonito, porém triste e que carregava um coração machucado.
Sua mãe, que parecia ter chegado as exatas mesmo conclusões de Tomika (elas não dividiam aquela vida atoa), não teve qualquer hesitação em fazer o que fazia de melhor: distribuir seu amor infinito. Tomika nem precisou questionar quando Akiko bateu em seu ombro, mandando que ela separasse o pedaço de bolo mais bonito, o pão mais quente e o café mais cheiroso que tinham para entregar na mesa do meninos dos olhos escuros. E quando foi fazer aquilo que lhe foi mandado, encontrou sua mãe sentada de frente para o rapaz, uma expressão engraçada em seu rosto - ela só conseguia imaginar como ele deveria estar se sentindo vendo uma mulher daquele tamanho com uma aura de carinho tão grande. Foi justamente ao colocar o tanto de comida na mesa que seu olhar encontrou, pela primeira vez, o de seu irmão; e ela simplesmente soube. Não questionou, não estranhou, somente ajudou sua mãe a colocar um colchão no quarto vago, cobrindo com os melhores lençóis e ajeitando a cortina para que a luz matinal não atrapalhasse o sono do rapaz - Sirius, a voz de sua mãe lhe lembrava no fundo de sua mente. O nome dele era Sirius. Um nome bonito e adequado para um rapaz como ele. O nome de uma constelação para aquele que também já tinha sido estrela, mas que agora estava em queda livre do céu; seu brilho, no entanto, que não era tão forte como previamente fora, nunca se extinguindo completamente. Sirius, seu irmão.
Tomika cresceu e Sirius também. Ela ensinou a ele tantas coisas: o lugar certo para guardar as louças, a forma correta de colocar a ração dos milhares de gatos que sua mãe cuidava. Ensinou ele a fazer café, a seguir receitas de bolo, a fazer pão desde o início. Ensinou ele a falar japonês, ou bem, ela tentou, a voz madura do menino se enrolando com o kanji sendo o suficiente para fazê-la rir por horas, o sorriso agudo e morno de sua mãe presente no ambiente entre eles. Mas toda relação era uma via de mão dupla e aquela não seria diferente. Tomika aprendeu um bocado com Sirius. Aprendeu por exemplo, que o amor - que tinha tantas formas e cores, sabia também ser fraternal, uma sensação irritante coçando na ponta de seus dedos. Que palavras implicantes, gestos infantis e guerras de farinhas também eram um jeito bonito de mostrar, mas nunca de falar, aquilo que ambos compartilhavam. Que as coisas boas da vida vem em um pacote de três - como Tomika, Kath e Gia; como Sirius, James e Remus, mas especialmente, como Akiko, Sirius e Tomika. Aprendeu a andar de moto, apesar de maneira bem desembestada como seu querido irmão tanto fez questão de dizer. Aprendeu a sorrir diferente, a esticar suas pernas na direção de um colo que não fosse de sua mãe, a fazer carinhos em fios macios e curtos - e também aprendeu que os mesmos fios ficavam muito bonitos pintados de azul. Aprendeu a ter um irmão, a ser uma irmã e a dividir um amor bonito e leve que eles compartilhavam não só entre si, mas também com sua mãe; não, com a mãe deles, pois Sirius era delas e para sempre seria assim. O passado não importava, um outro sobrenome que não fosse o deles não era relevante. Se Sirius carregava um coração machucado e um buraco bem no meio de seu peito, então Tomika e Akiko fariam o melhor para remendar os cortes, preencher o vazio com todo o amor que tinham pelo menino de nome de estrela.
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fog-kid · 1 year
Comunidad hispanohablante en el fandom de marauders necesito proponerles algo.
Sirius Black fan de Miranda!
Estoy seguro de que le encantaría. Se sabría la letra entera de Don de memoria y pediría que la pusieran en cada fiesta a la que fuera.
Después de la broma con Remus se la pasaría escuchando Traición todo el día.
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Esta parte la re viviría es que calza tan bien.
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l-loserlover · 4 months
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Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me
capa teste.
inspo: @xuggistuff
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
Series Masterlist | Previous episode
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Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 2.7 K Warnings: Implications of child abuse (we hate the Blacks), angst, hurt no comfort. Prompt: You meet Sirius and Regulus at a family vacation in the Caribbean, but things don't go as planned and you end up losing contact once the trip is over. Years later your family moves to England and you get accepted at Hogwarts where you finally meet Sirius once again, along with all of his friends. One of them with a mysterious secret, that you'll uncover as you embark on your own Hogwarts adventure. Proofread by lovely @shysadsonie and @callmelovergirl
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Chapter 3: Bitter Sweet Symphony
Tuesday - Summer 1974 
As you walked inside the park, everything looked like an adventure, even if you could see the zip lines above you, the area still looked like a jungle with narrow paths and wooden signs that told you which places to go to. 
“So, where too?” You asked with a smile plastered all over your face.
“Zip lines?” He asked as he pointed at the sign that decided the path.  You nodded and the two of you started walking in that direction. You then arrived at a little wooden house where you had to line up for a couple of minutes before a young man asked you and Sirius to move toward the preparation area. 
“Size?” He asked as he looked through the wall with some helmets and handed them over to the two of you. 
“I don’t know…” you replied.
 He gave you a quick look and handed one strap system to you and turned to the blue-eyed boy “You?”
He seemed to think about it for a moment and confidently said “Large.” 
The guy gave him a look of incredulity and denied with his head “No, you’re small.” 
“I’m not SMALL!” Sirius argued, but the guy just handed him his own strap system. 
“Nothing wrong with being small,” the guy said then, “better for the zip lines,” he winked at you “All right, you’re gonna pass them under your feet and then I’ll help you tighten them. You did as told and the guy helped you finish tightening everything. Making sure to explain how you were supposed to hook everything up once you were at the top. 
From then you walked up some wooden towers and queued behind a group of 4 friends as you admired the view. 
“It’s high.” You said pointing at the bottom. 
“You scared?” he teased. 
“Oh no, I’ve been higher on a broom, I’m surprised muggles aren’t tho.”
As if on cue, a small lady with brown hair who stood in front of you asked the park staff if she could go back down the stairs. But her friends tried to convince her to go on the zip lines instead. While they were at it a boy turned towards Sirius “Oye, creo que estaremos aquí un rato para convencerla, pueden pasar primero si quieren.” 
Sirius just stared at him in confusion “Gracias,” You said taking over for him “él no habla español.” The boy gave you an understanding look and moved out of the way. 
“Gracias!” Repeated Sirius after you as you walked to the front of the line “What happened?” He asked afterwards. 
“We’re going first, one of the girls chickened out,” you explained, he looked back at the lady and nodded. Once on the edge of the wooden platform, a tall muscular guy asked who’d go first. “I’ll do it,” you said as you walked towards him and handed him your hook. He swiftly joined you with the zip line. 
“You have to bend your legs a little if you want to go faster,” he explained, “the first one is really short to give people some confidence, but after they become longer”. You nodded at his words “Ready?” he asked.
You looked  down to the very long fall “I was born ready!” You said before gaining some impulse and letting yourself go on it. 
Once you were on the other side you turned towards Sirius on the other platform and screen towards him “Let’s go, you’re up!” But he seemed to be having second thoughts. “Sirius, don’t tell you’re scared!” You teased from the other side. 
“Of course not, that’s ridiculous!” He screamed back but continued to hesitate while you laughed. 
“Allez-y, c'est comme monter sur un balai.” 
“You can’t say that out loud!” He screamed scandalized. 
“Personne ne parle français ici! À part toi et ta famille snob.” 
“Tu es folle!” He responded before adjusting his stance, getting ready to jump, and he did jump, arriving next to you shortly after. 
“And I take pride in it,” you told him once he was next to you. 
“You can’t scream that we’re wizards like that!” 
“Ok, first of all, I never said we were wizards, I said it was like riding a broom, and secondly, even if someone spoke French, they’d just assume we’re crazy or something, muggles are really square-headed, they choose to ignore the things they don’t understand most of the times because the idea of magic is so foreign to them that they’d assume anything but that you’re a wizard.” 
“You’re even crazier than me,” he said with amazement in his eyes, “you remind me of my best friend, James Potter.” 
“I bet I’d like them,” You said before strapping yourself to the next zip line “See you on the other side.” 
You finished the entire zipline circuit after a while and we're back at the center of the park. Taking a detour to get something to eat at the park's buffet. 
“Wow, it’s the most tropical fruit I’ve ever seen in my life,” Sirius said as you walked inside the buffet. As you sat next to him with a plate full of food you overheard some people that were coming from an underground river, they seemed to have had an amazing time. 
“We have to go there next!” You said as he looked at you in the middle of a bite, he was eating some kind of taco, his blue irises looking up at you from his tick lashes almost made you look away.
“Mhm,” he responded with a nod, “You should try this,” he said after swallowing “I have no clue what it is, but it’s bloody delicious.” 
You raised your eyebrows and grabbed one of the tacos from his plate, he was right, whatever it is Sirius had picked up, was insanely good. 
“Shall we get to the water?” You asked after the two of you were done. 
“Shouldn’t we wait a bit? Since we just ate?” He asked as the two of you took your trays to the discarding area. 
“Never took you for a cautious person, Sirius. Who would’ve thought all your recklessness would disappear after placing you in a strange environment.” 
He looked at you almost offended. “I’m as reckless as always, I’m just trying to be considerate.”
“Awwww… you’re only being a gentleman then,” you teased again. 
“I thought that’s what girls liked,” He responded in a flirtatious tone, trying to gain back some ground, he walked closer to you “Maybe if I behave correctly I’ll get the girl.” 
You swallowed, damn Sirius and his beautiful face. Well, two people can play the same game then, you thought to yourself before walking even closer to him and pulling him down slightly to whisper something in his ear “Let’s go then.” Right after you took off running towards the path that led to the underground river. 
Sirius let out a small smile as he saw you run and after biting his lip subconsciously and shaking his head, he jumped right after you. 
After a while, the two of you were swimming on the underground river, wearing the lifejackets the park staff members had given you. 
“This is nice,” You said as you let the currents move you through the water.
Sirius agreed, as he too let the currents drive him, eventually the two of you bumped into each other.
“Sorry,” He said as he crashed into you. You just pushed him to the side and threw a splash of water towards his face. 
“Oi, what was that for?” 
You shrugged “For attempting to seduce me,” you replied. 
“It was an accident!” he argued and threw some water back at your face. 
“Yeah, and your parents are the nicest people I’ve ever met.” 
“Oh, that’s a low blow,” he joked. 
“You wish it were a low blow,” You said with a little smirk to help imply the double meaning of your sentence. He was speechless for a couple of seconds before you started laughing. “Someone should’ve told me earlier you could shut up the mighty Sirius Black with a little dirty joke.”
“Oh, I’ll render YOU speechless soon enough!” He replied before throwing some more water at your face.
“Sure you will,” you said with a smile before swimming towards one of the caverns. 
“This is stunning,” Sirius said as the two of you walked inside, looking at the wondrous views the underground caverns had to offer, with its stalagmites and a brief opening at the top that allowed some sun to reflect over the center of the natural vault. 
From there you could see a tall building that was somewhere inside the park. 
“What’s that?” You asked, pointing towards it. 
“I saw it on the maps earlier, it’s some kind of lookout building, something about the tallest spot in the park or whatever.” 
“The tallest point in the park?” You said as your face lit up while an idea formed in your head. “I’ve got a bet for you. Whoever makes it up there first, gets a wish from the other person.” 
“I’m faster, you’ll lose,” he said instantly.
“No you’re not,” you said, shrugging “I can swim better.” 
“I have longer legs.” 
“We’ll see,” You said with a daring look on your face “3…2…1… GO!”
With that the two of you took off swimming towards the closest exit of the river, you had gotten there first but once the two of you were on the ground he started catching up quickly. 
“Told you I was faster,” he said before passing you as you approached the building. He was on the stairs first but you were just behind him. Managing to catch up with his long legs somehow. Half your way up you had to stop to get some air, he stopped just a couple of steps above you. Also agitated from so much running “You wanna call off the bet?” He asked politely. 
You looked at him defiantly, “In your dreams Black!” You said before grabbing on the railing and running as fast as you could to get ahead of him. 
“That’s cheating!” He said following behind you seconds after.
“We never established rules,” You said with a smile on your face. As you were about to get there first he grabbed you from behind to try and stop you, but with the momentum from running the two of you ended up on the floor of the wooden platform. 
The two of you rolled almost all the way to the railing on the other side. And as you stopped, and you looked at the dangerous fall right next to you, you started laughing. Sirius, next to you on the floor, did the same. 
“Who won then?” He asked. 
“I did! You cheated and tried to grab me from behind,” you argued. 
“But (Y/N), we never established any rules,” he said with a smile, throwing your words back at you. 
You looked towards him with a smile on your face, still breathing fast and lightheaded from so much running, and as you stared at his beautiful face it downed you, this boy was gonna be your ruin. 
“What? Do I have something on my face?” He asked, teasing. 
“Yeah, here,” you said before leaning towards him and landing a chaste kiss on his lips. “You had a kiss,” you said in between breaths. 
He blinked twice before gaining back composure and pulling you towards a kiss again. This time a real one, he tasted of mint and tropical fruit and his wet hair tickled your cheeks.
But then you heard steps coming up and separated from each other, bursting out into a laugh at the idea of someone finding you there while kissing. Your laughs died down the moment the people going up the stairs showed their faces. 
It was Orion, with Walburga dragging Regulus behind him, clutching his arm with her long claw-like nails.  Your parents walked behind them trying to reason with them. 
“Mom?” Sirius asked as he stood up completely confused, until his eyes landed on Reg, who was still being pulled around by Walburga, his gaze turned cold, as he stared at his brother, instantly assuming it had been his fault you’d been caught. He almost reminded you of Orion at that moment “I thought you wouldn’t care to join us.” He said sarcastically. 
You looked at him worriedly, this needn’t be worse than it already was, you’d say sorry, apologize profusely and that’d be it, but Sirius knew better. 
“I can’t believe you’d do this, escaping the VIP hotel we brought you on vacation for some muggle park.” 
“Walburga,” you called her “It– it wasn’t Sirius's fault… It was my idea… I said I’d come regardless and he followed me so I wouldn’t get hurt.” You tried to reason with her. 
When she turned to you she looked almost pitiful. It gave you chills. She walked towards you and set a hand on your shoulder. 
Sirius was quicker to react “You don’t have to lie for me (Y/N), We all know whose idea it was, don’t we Reggie?” He said turning towards his brother who was awkwardly looking at the floor. 
Walburga looked at Sirius and then back at you “I’m sorry my son dragged you here,” she said “I know muggle places like such are no place for a young wizard like you, I don’t know how he convinced you but, we’re not letting him influence you negatively ever again.” 
“But he–” You tried to defend him, Orion was already behind Sirius, clutching his son's shoulder viciously. 
“–will be punished severely for his actions.” He said, staring down at your friend.
As Walburga walked back towards her family your mom caught up with you. “Nooo!” You screamed “You can’t punish him! It was me! My idea, from the start, I convinced him to come, you have to listen!”
“She's lying.” Sirius said “Isn’t she Reggie? It was me, your rebellious Gryffindor brother. All my mad planning.” 
Regulus nodded, avoiding your gaze. 
At this point, you were pissed “You cannot punish him for something he didn’t do! LISTEN TO ME!” 
Walburga turned to your mother “I’m really sorry my son would do something like this to your daughter, we should’ve known better than to bring him along on the trip.” Sirius threw something towards you and then the four of them apparated.
You stared at the floor, Sirius had thrown a necklace towards you, the one he’d bought at the scary magical store in the city center. You grabbed for it, holding it tightly between your fingers, blinking back some tears before turning to your mom. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?! It was my idea! It’s the kind of thing I would do. You know it.” 
Your mom looked down “We could not let anything damage your father's important business with Orion, if they believed it had been you, the whole thing might’ve been ruined.” 
“Ah, so my friend will get punished because of Dad’s stupid wish to be part of the British ministry?” You asked in disbelief, looking at your dad “Walburga and Orion are horrible, who knows what they might do to him!” 
“You can try sending him a letter?” Your mom offered “And Regulus, I’m sure he didn’t mean to tell us everything.” 
That confirmed your suspicion, it had been Reg who snitched on you. Just when you were feeling bad about Sirius throwing all the blame on him. 
Your expression turned cold, “Yeah, I’m sure a letter apologizing to my friend for whatever his parents do to him after mine weren’t brave enough to say something will fix the absolute betrayal you committed.” 
“We’re doing this to make the world a better place, if your father gets the job, people like Orion, and other pure blood-obsessed men will be controlled.” 
“And whoever gets thrown under the bus until that happens will just be collateral damage, right?” You said calmly, you were outraged, but there was nothing you could do about it. “I want to go home.” 
You would think back to that day as the day your relationship with your parents broke down. You still talked to them, you still ate with them, but you never trusted them again. 
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia
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A/N: Next chapter we'll get a massive time skip, you'll finally get to meet the rest of the marauders. Hope you like this one, much love, Lils xx
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aricastmblr · 6 months
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Jungkook se une a Michael Tam en los estudios SiriusXM NY Studios para interpretar "K-Pop Superlatives".- 240312 Entrevista (contesto a una jimin)
🗣: ¿Quién es probable que tenga un momento emotivo en el escenario?
Jimin. yo diría que es jimin Tiendo a ponerme bastante emocional también, pero Jimin tiene esa mirada en sus ojos. Durante los conciertos del grupo, cuando me siento conmovido, lloro, mientras que Jimin se aferra a ese sentimiento en todo momento, él tiene esos ojos.
Most Likely to Have an Emotional Moment on Stage
Jimin I´d say it´s Jimin I tend to get pretty emotional as well, but Jimin has that look in this eyes. During group concerts, when I feel moved i´d be tearing up, whereas jimin will hold on to that sentiment throughout, He has those eyes.
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via SiriusXM app http://sxm.app.link/JKSuperlativesX
SIRIUSXM X 12Mzo 2024 It's time to get to know OT7 a little better 💜 Michael Tam sat JK down for a game of SiriusXM K-Pop Superlatives! Watch the full interview here: https://sxm.app.link/JKSuperlativesX @siriusxmkpop
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siriusxm siriusxmkpop immichaeltam instagram sale jungkook It’s time to get to know OT7 a little better 💜 @immichaeltam sat JK down for a game of SiriusXM K-Pop Superlatives! Watch the full interview at the link in bio. #ARMY #BTS #Jungkook https://www.instagram.com/p/C4bbVDVOF3I/
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mrsiriusss · 6 months
‘til we’re stripped down to our skeletons again | rosius
Sirius era um ótimo amigo e era por esse motivo que seus olhos não saiam da porta do cassino desde que tinha descido até lá. A namorada de James não tinha chegado ainda e seu principal objetivo naquela noite era que o amigo se divertisse, estava apenas se encarregando disso. Ou pelo menos era o que ele diria para qualquer um que perguntasse. As três pessoas que estavam lá também e o conheciam de verdade sabiam que não era só isso. Kennedy ainda não tinha chegado também e a única outra coisa que Sirius queria fazer naquela noite era estar ao lado dela.
Quando ela finalmente passou por aquela porta então, foi natural que um sorriso se formasse em seu rosto. Seus olhos se demoraram sobre ela, o ar sendo levemente roubado de seus pulmões. Já sabia que Ken era a mulher mais bonita do mundo e ali descobriu o quanto isso poderia ser maior do que pensava. O fato de ela vestir sua cor preferida não só ajudava como confirmava que Sirius não gostava de nada mais do que gostava dela, nem mesmo de verde. “Finalmente…” Se aproximou de Kennedy, sua mão esquerda encontrando a cintura dela com facilidade. “O James tá ali,” disse pra Lily que estava do lado da morena, apontando o lugar. Se ele estava expulsando a ruiva ninguém poderia julgar. “Você tá linda.” Se aproximou mais de Ken para que ela escutasse bem o que dizia.
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g1amours · 2 months
hello! i am 24, in the eastern timezone, and go by she / her pronouns. i am looking for someone 21+ to write over discord with! it’d be preferable if we were in similar timezones, or if you were active at the same times as me! i am most active from 2pm-11pm, my time. that being said, i’m also looking for someone that can reply frequently. real life happens and i’m a victim of that as well, but right now i’m looking for a partner that can do frequent replies and has time for rapid-fire replies at times too! if we’ve written in the past and you see something you’re interested in in this post, please reach back out! i’m always down for rekindling old connections. i’m a fan of angst - heavy plots. i am okay with smut and fluff, but i get bored if it is all fluff and no angst! do not interact if you are not going to contribute to the plotting process. i want someone who is going to actively participate in the plot and be excited about our ship(s). if you’re interested, like and i’ll reach out!
tropes / themes i’m currently interested in:
domestic angst / slice of life ( divorcees, plots with children, marital issues, cheating, surprise pregnancy, etc. )
rich + poor, bonus points for rich spoiled brat + poor bad boy ( think outer banks & the kook + pogue dynamic. )
band / fame aus
enemies to lovers
i like incorporating text messages and making it a full cinematic universe where we play several characters to make the plots more well rounded!
jock + smart dynamic
professional athletes
dating app plots
wrong number texts, eventually morphing into paras!
literally anything that brings angst tbh, throw it at me! i’d love to plot together. i’m also down for combining any of these ideas!
current ships i’m looking for ( the one i prefer to write is bolded ):
outer banks: kie + jj, jj + john b, john b + kie, jj + sarah, rafe + jj, rafe + sofia, rafe + kie
gossip girl: serena + nate, dan + blair, blair + nate
harry potter: sirius + remus, james + lily
one tree hill: nathan + haley
the summer i turned pretty: jeremiah + belly, belly + conrad
stranger things: steve + nancy
teen wolf: lydia + stiles, stiles + derek
one day: emma + dexter
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(new) List of my paras!
Mary Anne
Charles (the other one)
nameless (grey)
John Nathan
Kalypso (number 2)
Lya (or smth this is a work title)
André Senna
Alessia (working title)
The colored ones are pets hehe!
Feel free to shoot me an ask with any number of them and I'll tell you some fun facts about them!
*aka please please please ask meeee*
@aesthetic-writer18 ahhh babyy im going so insane omg
@sillycyan inspo from him heheeee
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moonyhigh · 4 months
nunca irei aceitar bitchkiller como nome pro ship de sirius e barty
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