#para: it's just like lotion right?
Owww!! Vi las preguntas que reposteaste. Elijo la 5 y la 25.
Por alguna razón en mi cabeza tienes el cabello rubio, los ojos color miel o verdes, o una mezcla de ambos. Supongo que es porque me recuerdas al inicio del otoño, cuando las hadas comienzan a cambiar las estaciones y tiñen el verde de marrón, al igual que sopla mucho más viento.
Y siento que hueles dulce, pero a la vez picante. Como un postre con leche, miel, canela, vainilla y clavito (un condimento que suele usar mi abuela para un postre navideño).
A menudo me pregunto como eres, que haces y como te sientes… pero tengo la certeza de que eres maravillosa y muy hermosa. ♥️
Espero que la persona que te atrape no se ponga celosa…
Muchisimas gracias por tu ask, nena 🩷🩷 te amo mucho 🥰😍 and don’t worry, he’s the jealous type but I’ll tell him to make an exception 😂🩷
5. what color are your eyes?
My eyes are actually gray. It’s sort of like they have no color. I always wanted them to be dark brown like my mom’s. I also love people with hazel eyes that are all different colors and shades; blue, green, gold. So pretty! But mine don’t really have a color. It looks like someone put the black and white filter over them.
25. perfume/body spray or lotion?
Omg I am such a perfume lover!! It’s like my one girly obsession. I don’t wear makeup, and I’m not a big purse or shoe fan, but I love a good scent.
Right now I’m wearing Cheriosa ‘76 by Sol de Janeiro which is nice and summery, but I also wear their Cheriosa 71’ when the weather gets a little cooler.
My all time favorite spring/summer scent is Ralph by Ralph Lauren, but I’m worried that as I get older that it’ll eventually be too sweet of a smell for me or too “young.”
When wintertime rolls around, I’m usually in Tobacco Vanille by Tom Ford (which I cannot afford but I scrape and save to buy it anyway) and I layer it with Vanillary from Lush when I need it to be a little less serious.
I think the perfume that smells the best on me is Flowerbomb by Viktor & Rolf, and I get compliments on it, but it’s hard to smell it on myself for some reason.
I recently was gifted a tiny tester bottle of Ebene Fume by Tom Ford, but I don’t know if I like it enough to commit to that price tag. I do like how smoky it is, though, but I don’t think it’s for me.
Sometimes, when he’s not around to watch me, I steal a spray or two of my husband’s Hero by Burberry, just to be romantic and smell like him on my wrist or something.
I’m currently searching for a really good oud perfume, maybe one with amber notes in it, so if anyone has suggestions, please help a girl out.
Basically, if it has amber, wood, oud, musk, tobacco, floral, or vanilla notes, I’m a fan.
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key-annjane · 2 years
been with erwin for 4 days already and somewhat he showed me how genuine love feels like. He washed my clothes, do all the dishwashing and cooking. He prepared our breakfast. U know the line that says "uuwi na lang para humiga" is the right term to acknowledged his good side ahh😭😭😭. In return i just make his coffee in the morning. He massaged my whole body even applied a peeling lotion to my scars. Kisses me a lot and vvv clingy. Would hace turned sideways to annoy him and asked him lots of times if he loves ofc he does hahaha. Just wanted to see his rxn whenever i say "di mo na ako love no, kasi di mo ako niyayakap pag tulog" and then he'll immediately hug me. He just shut my mouth whenever i tell him that we're breaking up hahahaha the pasmado ang bibig lines would have spit out of his mouth HAHAHAHHAHA. The greenest green flag above all. Ahh thank you universe for giving me the best person who show me that he love me unconditionally.
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laylacooke · 4 years
It’s Just Like Lotion, Right? || Raul & Layla
timing: During the weeks the carnival was in town parties: @bloodapples& @laylacooke summary: With Raul’s help, Layla plays an exciting game of Hanyo! warnings: Hanyo tw [you’ve been warned.] 
Layla had longed for something to get her mind off things, but in a healthy way. The last week had been the most heartless and cruelest week of her life, and while she didn’t feel like she deserved happiness right now, she at least needed a break. Hearing laughter and seeing the bright lights not too far off, Layla found herself at the carnival. Paying for a ticket and entering the attraction, the young wolf took in the sights, and then she spotted it; a big catfish monster plush. The thing was almost hideous but had big black eyes and long dangly whiskers that made it cute. It was half the size of Layla’s own body. But as lonely as she had been, she had longed to have it so she could cuddle up with it at night. However, seeing what you had to do made her a little apprehensive, “What the hell is Hanyo?”
Roller coasters were lit up in metal spirals and gyres against the night sky. Tents full of games, prizes, and performances were strung and playfully garish flashing signs. Fortune tellers and challenges for the bored and gullible dotted the inroads between the tents. The Ferris wheel dominated the skyline, a behemoth somehow erected in the space of a single night.  
Raul had been sitting with some of his fellow farmlands at the tent the Salazar homestead had been allowed to set up to sell food so long as the vampires adhered to the Ringmasters' rules. Raul’s spirit had been freed from all remorse and regret, but bereft of a soul to anchor it, his interest tended to wander. Thus the redhead’s plight at a nearby tent had caught his attention. 
“It’s like mayonnaise you can put on your hands,” Raul told her upon wandering over. 
“Be nice little brother,” Emilio chided his younger clanmate telepathically through the bond vampires of the same lineage shared, his mental voice warm with an undercurrent of laughter. 
“Hold back your thirst little brother,” came Ignacio’s sterner telepathic command, his mental presence the cold flame to Emilio’s roseate mirth. “The Master has expressly forbidden us from feeding on the carnival..” 
“Oh lighten up Ignacio,” interrupted Diego’s sardonic psychic voice. “Little Raul is gonna be real polite to ginger chica aren’ you … right Raul?” For all of Diego’s amiable playfulness, there was always a razored edge within his smile. 
“Yeah yeah guys I get it,” Raul shot back to his clansmen mentally before returning his full attention to Layla. “It’s like lotion but...like edible y’know?”  
Layla narrowed her eyes. It was a bit strange, but what in this town wasn’t? As the random guy explained it to her, she paused for a moment to think it over. What could be the worst thing that happened? Last week had taken the cake from assault to stealing a tractor and wrecking it. Pondering the idea of sticking her hands into the off white, thick substance, she looked to the man standing next to her, “And I win a prize, just for putting my hands in this stuff?” The smell radiating off it from the summer heat kind of turned her stomach, considering werewolf senses heightened everything, but she wanted that damn catfish monster. The dumbest and simplest thing that could bring her pleasure in a world full of darkness right now, “Fine. I’ll do it.” She stepped a little closer to the booth waiting for his instructions, somewhat glancing at the other guys sitting at the tent and giving them a soft, but sad smile. “Has anybody won tonight?”
Raul Torres didn’t have the capacity for empathy, at least not since killing others in the blind frenzy of bloodthirst had led a once soft-hearted young to relinquish his soul under the weight of that guilt. Yet, that didn’t stop him from at least noticing the girl’s rueful manner. Raul felt curiosity rather than compassion or concern but focusing on anything other than the omnipresent thirst that gnawed inside of him was a welcome distraction. 
“Not that I’ve seen,” admitted Raul as he leaned against one of the tent poles. “We’ve been handling food.” The fledgling vampire nodded back to the concession stands full of farm-grown food some of his clanmates were running nearby, several of the young men nodding to Layla with toothy smiles.  “So been avoiding getting that stuff on our hands” 
Raul glanced up at the sign above the bored face-mask wearing fellow running the malodorous Hanyo game. “Looks like there's a marble somewhere in there. Find it before time’s up and you winna prize.” 
Layla noticed Rauel’s friends smiling at her. Returning a small grin, she looked back to the booth in front of her. She wanted that prize. And the instructions sounded easy enough. However, the guy running the booth didn’t seem too excited. Maybe that was a good sign. It meant no losing limbs or getting sucked into a world of Hanyo.
She looked back to Rauel, “I’m gonna do it.” The smell seemed like it was getting worse, but if she could stomach it for a little while longer, that Catfish Monster plush was hers.
Taking a deep breath, and gagging a little, she stepped forward. As she slipped her hands down in the vat of goop, the warmth where it had been roasting in the sun all day made her shudder, “Oh dear Lord, what am I doing?” Seeing the masked man flip on the timer, without so much as a warning. Layla started digging around in the thick, off-white sludge. Creamy or moist wasn’t words she had ever wanted to hear again, and she was pretty sure the smell would haunt her until the day she died.
Raul’s senses had all sharpened after he’d woken up in a morgue in Oaxaca de Juárez. He’d previously thought of death as a cold numbness, but the truth was that since rising up as a vampire everything was incredibly intense. Raul experienced the world like an animal predator now, every color, stray movement, sound, or smell so vivid that at first, it’d been overwhelming. 
Some were more intense than others of course, even while talking to this girl Raul could tell she was alive. Her heartbeat seemed to thud in the back of his mind, the warm blood in her veins humming like a live power line. There’d been a time where Raul would've gotten distracted and blushy around a beautiful face framed by autumnal hair that fell down supple shoulders. But now Raul couldn’t help unconsciously seeing the living as prey, a viscous instinct that invariably tainted his other thoughts even if Raul tried to suppress it. 
Of course, those supernaturally keen senses came with other drawbacks. 
Such as making sun-heated mayo all over some chica’s hand smell like she’d perfumed herself up with world war mustard gas. 
“Mierda,” Raul gagged, his eyes watering. “Wait I’ll …” He gave Layla a wide berth while trying to retrieve some hand sanitizer and wipes to offer to her. 
Layla continued to dig around in the thick, creamy sludge. Her eyes were already in tears, and she could just make out the time on the nearby clock counting down. Moving a little faster as she suppressed gagging, the teenager finally found what she was looking for, “Gotcha you tiny little bastard.”
Pulling her hand out of the huge container of mayo, before the time ran out, Layla quickly stepped back and started coughing more than she had originally intended. Full blown tears were now pouring out of her squinted eyes, but any chance at wiping them away was impossible, and she knew if she had brought her mayo layered arms and hands closer to her face, she would surely vomit.
Eyes shifting between Raul, who was looking for hand sanitizer and wipes, and the unhappy worker who had been hovering over the large vat of off-white goop, she slowly held up the marble, “I found your marble. Please tell me that damn Catfish Monster, that’s nearly the same size as me, is mine. Otherwise, I might just steal it and run.” The last part was almost a joke, but after what she had just endured (and was still enduring, until she could clean her hands), she was seriously starting to consider it.
With Raul back in no time, Layla gladly took the sanitizer and wipes utilizing them to the best she could resorting to her only other option when it wouldn’t fully come off; her jeans. She would burn them when she got home.
Catfish Monster plush in tow, she squealed at her accomplishment as she said a quick goodbye and thanks to Raul, his buddies, and the unhappy looking man who had kept score of the game. Despite having that lingering smell in her nostrils, that would probably last a lifetime, Layla happily left the carnival satisfied with her prize and her one game she had played. It was a good night, and one she had needed. And she couldn’t wait to see the look on Indy’s cute little face when she came home with something that was nearly five times his size.
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lorenahqs · 4 years
LORENA: " I know, that's why i made myself at home out here, " the femme said with a laugh.  her eyes were covered by sunglasses and she had chosen to wear one of her new bikinis she had purchased a few days prior - one with tropical patterns and a black base. her lips formed a smile at his touch, and it grew more with every second. " i'll take the free massage that comes along with applying the lotion," she spoke softly - small moans escaping her lips from his hands rubbing just the right areas. " you always gave me the best massages ! i'm pretty sure i reached the point of annoying you because i was always asking you for them. " lorena giggled while her body moved slightly, hoping that it didn't cause his hands to slip from the current spot he was working on.
KAINE: This was her home. He wanted it to still be her home. But those were thoughts he kept in his head. “Like this bikini on you.” Fell from his lips easily, thumbs really working into the most tense areas of her neck muscles. She carried their boys and was so tiny, it was the least he could do. “it’s been a while since I’ve given you one, and I know the boys both keep getting bigger. “ Kaine said in a lower tone, palms working over her shoulder blades and fingers into dips. The sounds she was making had him so pleased with himself and made his own abs tighten. “If you wanna know a secret, I just would pretend I hated giving you massages so you’d appreciate them more.” Laughing at his admittance, he found a super tight muscle and used both hands to knead it out, digging deep with his palms and knuckles so she could feel all the pleasure possible with this. “If you think about it, is there ever really a time I don’t like touching you and having my big hands all up on you? Your skin is probably my second favorite thing in this world to touch. Your lips being number one.”
LORENA: she missed everything the two of them used to do together. she missed the massages, him tickling her even though he knew she hated it, she missed the breakfasts in bed, falling asleep on his chest, all the exploring they did together, the family movie nights where they each took a turn picking movies, except for evian because he was too little; she missed EVERYTHING and all she wanted was to gain it all back and be given the ability to experience the world with kaine and her family. " wow, i see your strategies, floyd ! " the brunette said with a laugh - moving her arm so that her the palm of her hand playfully hit his arm. "seriously though, i want you to know that i appreciate and love everything you do for me.  I know i don't say it enough sometimes."  another series of muttered moans flew out of her mouth, causing her to bite her lip. "hmmm, i don't think there has been ! you've always been a handsey one,  especially to the point where multiple people have told us to stop with the PDA, but i liked how often you touched me; i still do."
KAINE: It was hard not to worry that every day that passed that they weren’t together, that she was getting over him. That little by little she would move on and eventually fall out of love with him. It drove him crazy, made him insecure sometimes and he found himself expressing it incorrectly because it all just pent up inside him. “Now that I don’t have you shoving your legs in my lap anymore and expecting massages, I realize how much I miss touching you like this and how much you love it.“ He said in a low, slightly raspy voice before clearing his thought and laughing as her hand connected with his skin. “I’m never going to stop fighting for us and loving you. I just, hope to see that there’s a possibility of a light at the end of the tunnel somehow. I want to know that...that it’s not too late or something.” The thoughts that filled his head escaped without him even fully thinking through if it was okay to admit and share, but it was too late now. “I miss grabbing your butt and kissing you. Wrapping my arms around you and holding you against me. Or tackling you with Tide and having kissing competitions with him on who can give you more.” Kai said as he applied more sun screen and to her lower back and dragged his finger tips over her ribs then pushed them up and underneath the band of her bikini to tease the soft skin.July 3, 2020
LORENA: she listened to every word that poured out from his pale lips, every emotion that he expressed she took in. the brunette slipped her sunglasses up onto her head to reveal her eyes - moving her body in a way that made it possible for her to look at him. "kai, it's not too late. i promise you that it's not! " and she truly meant that. she felt that it would never be too late for the two of them. she always swore they were meant for each other and it was their destiny to end up together ; they just had to figure out how to intertwine again without all of the turmoil following them. "he actually asked me the other day why we don't do those anymore," she expressed with a sadness in her voice. she spoke low and her eyes traveled to look at the ground. "I didn't even know how to answer, but i told him that i missed them..and i want you to know that i cherish everything we did and do together still." lorena smiled at him as she suddenly sprang up from the lounge chair, dragging him by the arm to the pool slide. "want to go down together ? "
KAINE: His fingers flexed against her sides as he watched her face come closer in view. Eyes locking into hers, he took in a deep breath and rubbed his lips together with a nod. “I-I’m putting everything into believing you right now. It’s scary, but as long as you don’t give up on me and us, I’m gonna keep doing everything I can to win you back over and fix us.” Leaning down, he brushed his lips against her cheek before letting out a heavy breath, eyes falling shut knowing that tone of hers all too well. “I’ll tell Tide it’s my fault. That I have to work on things. I know now it falls on me and that-that I gotta do better as a man. “ Following her pull, he raised his brows and laughed because he could make a sexual pun but instead just swooped her up in his arms. Holding her protectively, he jumped into the water as high as he could with her in his arms before they hit the deep end and sunk them both to the bottom with the biggest grin on his face.
LORENA: “hey, it’s not all your fault. I’m just as much to blame for us falling apart,” which she wholeheartedly believed. It took two to tangle, therefore it took two to get into the position they were currently. she would prefer to put her house on the market and move back in with kaine and the boys, have everyone under one roof, but life just didn’t permit that yet. “I get too angry over things, I realize that, and that did add fuel to the fire when we fought.” once her feet were lifted off the ground, her arms wrapped around his neck as she giggled. “don’t even warn a girl before you lift her off her feet,” lorena said once they both reached the surface.
KAINE: Part of him thought she was just being nice and making him feel better about it all. He appreciated it and it showed in his face as he pulled her in against his body in the water. “Don’t use this against me, but you’re hot when you’re all mad and riled up. When you get jealous, it just makes me want you even more. “ Kaine confessed before splashing her slightly then letting out a laugh, stroking over his slight scruff. “You would have yelled no or tried to convince me not to throw you, so I had to go a head and give you no choice. “ Pulling them both to an area to where only he could stand, he held her in his arms and encouraged her to wrap her legs around his body. “How do you always manage to look good wet?” He asked before a laugh ripped through his body and his abs, vibrating against her before shaking her head. Not meaning it in a sexual way, he clarified himself. “I mean like in the shower, the pool, some girls look like a little weird with their hair slicked back. But you...you just always look so damn good. “ The last few words were whispered into her ear as his hands sprawled out against her back, finger tips grazing against her skin.July 5, 2020
LORENA:  with the pull of his hands bringing her body against his in the water, she could feel her cheeks start to go tomato red. "you like when my brazilan firecracker side comes out, " lorena said with a giggle.  "você também é quente." though the male didn't understand portuguese, although not to lorena's knowledge, she thought saying ' you're hot too ' in her native tongue would sound sexier than simply saying it in the english language. " you're damn right because i didn't even get a chance to hold my nose before we touched the water." the femme took notice of his suddle cue's and hesitantly wrapped her legs tight around his waist. it felt like for once since the breakup, she was letting herself truly enjoy the moment between them. she had tried to fight it every day -- pulling away after seconds and not allowing them to get too close, but she let her walls come down just for one day, and it was already feeling like normal.  "shut up," she said giggling. all of sudden, something inside of her took over and pushed her to bring her lips on top of his, kissing him softly. she was tired of talking all the time and she just wanted to feel what it would be like to kiss him again. "you're the one who looks good wet here."
KAINE: It was easy to notice him making her blush and he couldn’t help but smirk at himself for putting that color on her cheeks. Making a Latina blush is goals and as Lo’s man, he always strived to make it happen.  “I do.” Kaine said, holding her still against his body and biting the inside of his cheek in pleasure as she spoke in her native tongue. It was clear as day that his eyes were heavy with love and admiration as he watched her lips move and his brows traveled upwards, wondering what she said. “You’re gonna teach the boys Portuguese so you can all talk behind my back, aren’t you?” He asked with a laugh that rippled throughout his body and against hers, trying to hide how turned on he was right now. “Hold your nose, Lo? Really?” Kaine teased as his muscles completely were put into ease and relaxed as her body was once again against and wrapped up in his. Being able to hold her again and set his arms around her had Kaine in literal heaven. This is all he ever wants. “Make me.” The red head teased in a heavy whisper, the smile on his face truly not being able to leave. And then, she did just that. His lips met hers instantly and he took his time, savoring her taste and bringing a hand up to sink into her hair. Just kissing her made his heart rate increase and he couldn’t help but deepen the kiss, sensually sucking on her bottom lip and putting his all into it. “Is that a challenge for me to make you extra wet in here?” Kaine joked against her mouth, his tongue brushing against her bottom lip as his hands in her hair massaged at her scalp. His hand was big enough that his thumb was still able to settle against her cheek and he brushed against the bone as he kept kissing her, showing her with every fiber in his being how much he missed this, missed her and loves her. “I’m never gonna take kissing you for granted again. “ The male assured her in a hot and heavy whisper into her mouth as his nose brushed against hers.
LORENA: "well, if you must know, i've already make flashcards in portuguese to teach them." she laughed playfully at the thought, "I stayed up until three a.m. when you had them two nights ago and made them. one side has pictures on it with the word or words under it in portuguese, and then the other side is just the english word  or words." she wasn't not going to teach her children her native tongue. lorena wanted nothing more than to hear her boys communicate to her in her first language. the brunette knows more than anyone that she doesn't quite speak it enough, but them learning would be her greatest gift. "maybe it is, floyd. are you gonna accept it or pussy out?" she joked in between their kiss. their lips colliding felt like fireworks and sent a tingle down her spine. it felt like the first time they had ever kissed and she was happy to see that their passion was still there. she had been worried that it faded away since the two of them hadn't connected like that in so long. "i love you," the femme whispered against his pale lips - her fingers intertwining through locks of his hair. she pulled on it teasingly but not enough to hurt him. she never wanted this moment to end. she wanted the world around them to stop moving, to become still in time so that the two of them would never have to break apart from their current bliss. "your kisses still send shivers down my spine and cause butterflies to sworm in my stomach."
KAINE: Laughing through his nose, his head shook because he expected nothing less. She was such an amazing mother and his kids were so well loved and taken care of by her, it make his heart literally sore in places he didn't know it could. "If you put your glasses on when you teach them, maybe I'll sit in Miss Lo's class and learn alongside our boys." Both their background, ethnicities and heritages meant a lot to them, so he wanted to put the effort in to appreciate hers even more. He was so fucking stuck in his Hawaiian and Samoan upbringing that he needed to make sure his boys were raised better than he was. "Pussy out? Lo, it's me. The only out and pussy I'm doing is eating. Yours." biting her bottom lip and soothing over the mark with his tongue, he worked on pushing up her bathing suit, just needing to feel the soft skin beneath it on both ends. god, her skin was even softer than before and it wasn't fair. like at all. his thick fingers teased both her back and front, playing with the strings and cleavage as he practically hissed. "i love you, too. i love you so fucking much." the feeling of her hands in his red locks was enough to make his stomach tighten and lower region do the same. she knew that it was his weak spot and when she played or tugged on his hair, he completely came undone and so weak for her. "when you kiss me, everything feels right again. you're my girl. my world. this is where we're supposed to be, you in my arms and our lips glued together." kai husked out into her mouth, his tongue massaging against hers as he kissed her slowly and passionately, his body grinding and closing any gap between them. it had been so long and just her kisses alone had him half hard, which he wasn't shy to show against her thigh. "i want you. now and always." kaine admitted hotly into her mouth, hands settling on her ass and fingers holding on for dear life.
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womanlalaboy · 5 years
Womanlalaboy’s Travel Guide to Mt. Manalmon and Mt. Gola
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Elevation: 196+ MASL (Mt. Manalmon);  192+ MASL (Mt. Gola) Jump- off: Sitio Madlum, Brgy. Sibul, San Miguel Days / hours to summit: Half-day Climb: Minor Difficulty: 2/9 Trail class: 1-2 Features: Beautiful  landscapes with various terrain types, a view of the Madlum River, with access to 2 caves
Type of Travel: Package and DIY Date of Travel: Jul 27-28, 2019 Duration: 2D1N Budget: P 1100 - 1500
If you want a climb that is filled with adventure and a variety of sights, Malmon-Gola twin hike is just right for you.
Both are nestled within the protected area of Biak Na Bato National Park. The trail leads to bamboo forests, grasslands and rock formations. There are areas that need to be climbed with the aid of ropes, including Mt. Manalmon’s peaks. Side trips are available for adventure junkies and history enthusiasts. You can sample the Bayukbok Caves and the Madlum cave. You can also go to Madlum River for a dip, and try the monkey bridge.
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To get from Mt. Malmon to Mt. Gola, hikers will have to cross the Madlum River with water raising up to chest level when raining and with current strong enough to pull anyone of any size. But if the weather’s on your side, this twin hike would be very easy for any beginner. Some would even call it a ‘pabebe’ hike, but never when the conditions change. Like what people always say, “never underestimate a mountain.”
Commute from Manila: Take a bus from Pasay or Cubao terminals to Cabanatuan (Baliwag Transit, ES Transport, and Five Star Transport) > drop off at Brgy. Kamias, San Miguel, Bulacan > Ride a tricycle to Brgy. Madlum
Private car: NLEX > Take Sta. Rita exit >  Follow the road to Cagayan Valley, passing by Plaridel,Pulilan, Baliuag, San Rafael and San Ildefonso >  At San Miguel, ask directions for Brgy. Madlum
It should only take 2-3 hours to get to Bulacan from Manila, but you should always give more allowance to heavy traffic especially when it pours. We were lucky enough to pass through EDSA with ease, but we encountered heavy traffic along Nueva Ecija and Bulacan so it took us about 6 hours to get to the Jump off from Cavite.
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Day 1 10:00 AM – ETD Lumina, Imus 02:00 PM – ETA in Sitio Madlum 06:00 PM – Pitch Tent 07:00 PM – Dinner 09:00 PM – Light's off Day 2 04:00 AM – Wake up Call 05:30 AM – Start Trek to Mt. Manalmon 06:30 AM – Summit Manalmon 07:30 AM – Descend 09:00 AM – Summit Mt. Gola 10:30 AM – Descend 12:00 PM – Lunch 02:00 PM – Monkey Bridge 03:00 PM – Bayukbuk Cave 04:00 PM – Swimming @madlum​, River 05:00 PM – Break camp 06:00 PM – Post Climb 10:00 PM – ETA Lumina Imus
It was pouring rain when we arrived at Sitio Madlum, so we had a hard time following the itinerary. We’re just lucky to be spared by the weather every time we get to a peak. It’s as if the Gods are giving us time to take photos and enjoy the scenery. We’re really glad for moments like the above photo where the sky started to clear out and we just rested for a fer minutes to marvel at the beauty of the entire Biak Na Bato.
Before our actual hike, we had an outreach program and there’s supposed to be a tree planting activity included in the itinerary, but we ran out of seedlings to use. There was a huge tree planting event before our hike so there were nothing left for us to plant, but we’ve successfully executed the distribution of food, school supplies and slippers to the kids of Sitio Madlum, so all was well except for when we had to descend from Mt. Gola. Our guide opted to change our route. We followed the river instead of crossing it in that condition. Being prepared for situations like this proved to be very essential so I’ve listed below the things you may want to consider.
Head lamp or Flashlight
Rain jacket (depending on the weather)
Sun Block Lotion & Insect Repellent
Food (Lunch, Snacks, and Trail Food)
Water (2-3 liters)
Extra Clothes
Trekking Clothes, Shoes or Sandals
Bonnet/Head Gear/Scarf/Malong
Garbage bag
Sun Protection (hats, headgear, sunglasses, sleeves)
Personal Medicine and First Aid Kit
Personal Toiletries
Cook set
Portable stove
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Is there mobile signal in the area? Yes, even at the peak, but thunderstorm and heavy rains usually affect the signal at the foot of the mountain.
Are there stores in the camp site? Yes. There are a few stores there that offers the usual sari-sari store stuff. You can also reserve your lunch or dinner at Tata Carding’s.
Are there comfort rooms in the area? At the camp site, yes. And there are fees. P5 for change of clothes, P20 for taking a bath, P10 for taking a dump and P5 for when you need to pee. 
Is there a parking are? They don’t have an organized parking area. We parked our vans near the hanging bridge.
Are the guides required? Yes. P300 per guide for 5 pax.
Can you hike both mountains in just a day? Definitely! if you’re a beginner or with beginners, 2hrs tops and you’ll reach one peak. If your group is pretty fit, you’ll do good with an hour of trek, but things can get really challenging when it pours.
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As always, practice LNT (Leave No Trace). We are mere visitors. Let’s respect the place and its people by taking with us what we brought there. You might get tempted to dump your waste in their trash bins or makeshift trash bags, but please be mindful that what you bring in the place aren’t supposed to be there. Dispose of your own trash.
Kill nothing but time, take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.
When in doubt, practice UPS (Upo Para Safe) and GPS (Gapang Para Safe). For some, steep areas can get very tricky and dangerous, so sit or crawl if you need to.
Establish a good relationship with your co-hikers and guides just because :)
Camp if your schedule and itinerary can allow you. Their campsite is by the river and it gets so majestic at night when the moon reflects on the surface of the water.
Communicate with your body. This twin hike is supposed to be easy, but it can get really dangerous when it rains.
Hiking these two mountains are best done with fun friends and to maximize your stay, swim; enjoy the caves and do the monkey bridge. The site has so much to offer than just hiking Gola and Manalmon, but for me, the sight of luscious bamboo forest, carabaoes living the life, and seeing wild dragonflies again are more than enough to compensate the hassle of camping and hiking whilst raining. 
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Also see: Mt. Manalmon and Mt. Gola photo sets Also read: Panhik #6: TUCLAS Gives Back + Manalmon-Gola Twin Hike Also read: Panhik #5: Dayo Sa Daguldol Also read: Womanlalaboy's Travel Guide to Mt. Daguldol
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fmdkiana · 2 years
location: seattle, washington
date: jan 8th and the week before
word count: 725
tldr; equinox had a two week vacation at the start of the quarter, and ki made the impulsive decision to fly to seattle and meet up with the boyfriend she had to leave behind when she moved a decade ago. i og planned to put all of it in one para but this started getting really long so this is only her getting ready lol
impulsivity wouldn’t be a trait kiana assigned to herself. usually, she’d get an idea, and before even thinking about making a move, she’d overthink the idea, then overthink how to get to making a move, until no move was made and the entire idea fell apart. in the same situation, many times before, ki had talked her out of making the same move.
flying across the world to see one man seemed ridiculous. but it wasn’t just any man, it was the man. at one point, he was literally everything to her, and at times, she wondered if he still was. after all, thinking of someone still, after all of a decade was untypical.
since kiana hadn’t given herself the time to overthink, that had come in the days waiting for him. typical nine to five, regular life kind of man, she had to wait for the weekend. while it did give her time to adjust to the time difference -mostly- it also wrapped her in an all too familiar loop of thinking only of him. what was he doing? who was he now? was he still friends with the same people? in dreary moments, she’d checked on him before, but often talked herself out of it quickly. now, with nothing but him on her mind, she ran wild. looking through every piece of social media, every connection to people, workplaces that she could find, only stopping when she fell asleep.
on thursday, she braved going out to the public. under the guise of finding him a present, she could ignore the panic that’d run over as she’d decided none of the clothes she’d brought would be good enough for meeting him. she’d spent near the entire day out, traipsing from store to store, clothing, shoe, gift, makeup. he’d like her natural as he put it, meaning the makeup she bought would end up being half used, if anything, but everything she tried, everything that gave even a second glance to that day was with the mindset of what he might want.
friday night, she could barely sleep. she’d managed maybe an hour or two, between the tossing and turning of both body and brain. when the clock struck seven, she gave up on trying, and faced the day.
she took her time. a thorough shower, followed by moisturizing with the lotion she’d found that smelled most like that she frequented back then, and simply hoped she wouldn’t have any allergies. she took the time to apply a heat protectant to her hair before blow drying it. the day before, she’d spent the time to fuss over what hairstyle would be most suitable, so she didn’t have the time to overthink now as she pulled parts of the top half of her hair to braid and tie together at the back. afterwards, she curled it, each strand carefully wrapped around the barrel, unfurled and brushed through even more gently. natural became the basis of her makeup, with a touch up on her brows, and a light tint that reddened her lips. she’d be thankful for her ridiculous amount of dermatologist appointments for that.
then came time to finalize. kiana had smoothed out wrinkles in her dress the night before, hung it up to dry and stay as perfect as possible until right then. light, had been mindset in picking out a new outfit. the square neck attached to chiffon, billowing arms, circling back in tight at the wrist, and flaring back out. the bodice held buttons down the middle, stopping above the waist, where it cinched in, to flair back out at the hips with chiffon layers atop. the chiffon and square neck edges held delicate designs in pink and purple stars and flowers, while the rest of the entire dress painted itself in white. she slipped into her new white heels, maneuvered around the bow to close the strap. her purse, already packed the night before, sat atop the hotel table, its own white begging to add to the collection. and as the last piece of the puzzle, kiana pulled out her crown jewel from her luggage. around her neck, she linked a locket, the one he’d given her the night they danced.
looking at herself in the mirror, in uncommon turn, she felt that she looked beautiful. he’d find her beautiful. she smiled.
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getrightvalue · 3 years
Must Read Lakme Sunscreen Review Before Buying
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In this review post, I am going to give you complete and accurate information about Lakme sunscreen.
If you are looking for the right and good sunscreen then this review will clear a lot of your doubts.
Product Claims of Lakme Sunscreen (Lakme Sun Expert SPF 50 Ultra Matte Lotion)
This cream is made up of Aqua, Para Phenylene Diamine, Monoethanolamine, Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose, Resorcinol, L-Ascorbic Acid, Propylene, Glycol, Pearl Extract, Metaaminophenol, Butylated Hydroxytoluene, 2,4-Diaminophenoxyethanol Dihydrochloride, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Hydrochloride Sulfate. Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Salicylic Acid, Perfume.
Avoid contact with eyes while using. In case of any direct contact, wash your eyes thoroughly with water.
Direction for applying Lakme Sunscreen
The right direction is to apply sunscreen to your forehead, cheeks, chin, and nose with your fingers. Use your fingers to spread the sunscreen evenly over your face. Reapply every 3-4 hours for broad-spectrum protection. Use your fingers to spread the sunscreen evenly over your face. Reapply every 3-4 hours for broad-spectrum protection.
Lakme Sun Expert blocks the effect of harmful rays of the sun up to 97%.
Daily Sun Protection
Formulated with broad-spectrum protection and SPF 50 PA+. Lakme Sun Expert is a high-performance sunscreen that works by blocking 97% of the harmful UVB sun rays.
You Can Feel Stay Protected
It’s ultra matte texture glides on effortlessly and seeps into your skin so fast, it feels like you are barely wearing anything.
Suitable For All Seasons
The SPF 50 is perfect for those who are out in the sun and you can use it every day as makeup.
Let us now see in this Review of Lakme Sunscreen
In this review of Lakme Sunscreen, I want to tell you that there are 2 types of sun rays that harm our skin the most. Lakme sunscreen acts as a shield against UVA and UVB rays which protects our skin from these rays. Using Lakme sunscreen also helps you get rid of sunburns and dark spots which do not allow you to age prematurely.
Sunlight contains about 500 times more UVA rays than UVB rays. Therefore, apart from protecting your skin from the effects of UVB rays, it is also very important to protect against the harmful effects of excess UVA rays. Traditional chemical sunscreen products have been more successful in blocking UVB rays than UVA rays which is why Lakme Sunscreen works well.
In these lines, I have told all the things you need to know in this product which is as follows
first of all, you already know Lakme is an Indian cosmetics brand owned by Hindustan Unilever and Shraddha Kapoor, Kajol, Kareena Kapoor, and Karisma are the brand ambassadors of Lakme and it is number 1 among cosmetics brands in India.
Now I tell you about Lakme Sunscreen If you going outside without sun protection? Do you think your scarf is enough? Think again – it just takes 7 minutes for the sun to damage your skin in this hot Indian weather.
Lakme sunscreen lotion that is lightweight enough to be used throughout the year. Contains Cucumber, Lemongrass, Vitamin B3 and has been tested by dermatologists.
Lakme Sunscreen Suitable For All Skin Types
This lightweight lotion provides broad-spectrum UV protection. SPF 50 blocks up to 97 percent of the harmful UVB rays that cause tanning and sunburn.
PA+ protects your skin from UVA rays that cause dark spots, premature aging, and darkening of the skin. It helps in preventing the appearance of tan lines on the skin due to harmful sun rays.
Smooth on cleansed face and body 20 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply every 3-4 hours for maximum protection. Avoid contact with eyes while using. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with clean water.
For more details: https://getrightvalue.com/lakme-sunscreen-review/
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familycuisinee · 3 years
how to make chatae mexian dessert
<p><strong> Inside: </strong> This Lemon Carlota dish is a basic, tasty Mexican Treat that looks quite as well as will certainly please also the pickiest of eaters. Maintain checking out to find out just how to make it.</p> <p> Para Ver esta receta de Carlota en Español, Haz Click <strong> Aqui.</strong></p> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/3DTGdK8" alt="This Lemon Carlota recipe is a simple, delicious Mexican Dessert that looks pretty and will please even the pickiest of eaters. Keep reading to learn how to make it. " /></p> <h3> What is a “Carlota”?</h3> <p> A Carlota is a popular Mexican treat that has French origins. It is simple to make as well as, being that it is generally consumed either iced up or cooled, it is best for warm days. It is additionally optimal for when you have individuals over as well as you do not have a great deal of time to prepare, since it truly does not take long to make!</p> <h3> Just how do you make Lemon Carlota?</h3> <p> A carlota is made with several degrees of vanilla flavorful cookies, covered in a pleasant sauce, as well as is after that iced up for a number of hrs to produce a velvety gelato like structure. Occasionally this is called a lemon icebox cake, yet I will certainly constantly call it a carlota. My choice is to make it lemon-flavored, yet you can make it with strawberries, apple, as well as peach also - which is the taste that I consumed a great deal maturing. </p> <p> That is since I have an uncle in Mexico that operated in a dining establishment as well as he made one of the most tasty peach carlota. He constantly made use of to make it around Xmas time to choose our Xmas supper which came to be an excellent practice as well as most of us expected it each year.</p> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/3peNEY1" alt="This Lemon Carlota recipe is a simple, delicious Mexican Dessert that looks pretty and will please even the pickiest of eaters. Keep reading to learn how to make it. " /></p> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/3G93ERA" alt="This Lemon Carlota recipe is a simple, delicious Mexican Dessert that looks pretty and will please even the pickiest of eaters. Keep reading to learn how to make it. " /></p> <p> Despite The Fact That this is an extremely straightforward Mexican treat, we should not ignore its taste, as well as you can feel confident that it will certainly thrill every one of your visitors. To make this lemon carlota you will certainly require vanilla flavorful cookies. </p> <p> The kind that are most generally made use of in Mexico are called “Marias” as well as they can be gotten nearly anywhere down there. Right here in the USA I have had a tough time locating them in a couple of locations that I have actually lived, specifically in my initial couple of years right here. </p> <p> Over the previous couple of years, nevertheless, an increasing number of Mexican items are being imported right into the USA which suggests that you can locate these everywhere currently! I discovered mine in a regional food store, yet you can additionally get them on-line <strong> right here</strong></p> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/3G0GZH2" alt="This Lemon Carlota recipe is a simple, delicious Mexican Dessert that looks pretty and will please even the pickiest of eaters. Keep reading to learn how to make it. " /></p> <p> Once the pleasant sauce is prepared, it is time to place the cookies down one layer each time in a baking meal, and after that covering each layer with the pleasant sauce up until all the cookies are gone as well as you do with a last layer of the pleasant sauce. When prepared, placed the carlota in the fridge freezer and after that reduced right into items when prepared to offer.</p> <p><img src="https://ift.tt/2Z6PzDp" alt="This Lemon Carlota recipe is a simple, delicious Mexican Dessert that looks pretty and will please even the pickiest of eaters. Keep reading to learn how to make it. " /></p> <p> If you make a decision to make this delicious Mexican treat, do not neglect ahead back as well as inform me just how it ended up!</p> <h3><strong> If you enjoyed this dish, you must absolutely attempt these also: </strong></h3> <ul> <li><strong> Bonus Creamy Rice Dessert (Arroz disadvantage Leche)</strong></li> <li><strong> The Very Best Homemade Three-way Delicious Chocolate Bundt Cake Dish (No Cake Mix)</strong></li> <li><strong> Creamy Mango Mousse Dish</strong></li> <li><strong> Oreo Cookie Cheesecake (no-bake technique)</strong></li> <li><strong> Peaches as well as Lotion Napoleon Dish</strong></li> <li><strong> Remarkable Sugar Smores Dish (Disney Globe Imitator)</strong></li> </ul> source https://familycuisine.net/how-to-make-chatae-mexian-dessert/
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ppmso-blog · 6 years
Como importar dos eua
Always keep eye drops on you continually. Preserve them with your purse, desk or each. This may assistance your eyes glisten by means of the day and make you not search so exhausted. Hunting at a laptop all day can also make your eyes red and keeping eye drops all over will help that.
When you get older, exfoliation turns into additional and more crucial to your skin. Use a glycolic acid-rich cream, facial scrub, or even a retinoid gel to slough off the prime layer pf dead skin cells and also to reveal the fresh, radiant new skin cells beneath. This will be performed 3 to 4 times per week to the ideal effect.
Place Vaseline in your eyebrows prior to you head to rest. This may make your eyebrows look considerably better and shiny. You don't really have to use that much Vaseline, just enough for a thin layer on your brows. Refrain from having Vaseline anywhere else in your encounter because it could possibly bring about unwanted acne breakouts.
Plain yogurt can be used as being a calcium-rich, beautifying skin therapy that could leave the body wanting fresh and youthful.  This system is particularly effective for individuals who are experiencing tightness or excessive dryness.  Slather it on, then allow it to sit for about 5 minutes.  Right after you rinse it off, your skin is going to be softer and silkier.
Use fake eyelashes. They may be really quick to apply and can be uncovered at a cheap price. They could definitely boost the search of your eyes and therefore are superb for generating that dramatic look. You can use a search like this anytime, but it really is generally a appear countless make an attempt to go for at night.
For more details, visit: Como importar dos eua
Brighten up your eyes with this particular organic appear: apply a light, neutral-colored eye shadow to your entire upper eyelid. Seem for sand, khaki, beige, or fawn colours. This may neutralize any redness on your lids, which might make you seem older and tired. Include drama by smudging a darker shade to the lids just while in the crease.
Preserve your eye gel in your refrigerator. This can aid soothe puffy eyes or dark circles about your eyes. Amazing eye gel can truly make your eyes appear refreshed following a long evening out. Just apply it as you typically would to determine outcomes which can be quick and can final all day.
Apply a moisturizer that's light before placing a fake tan on your skin. A fake tan will gather on spots of one's skin that are dry. It's best to be sure to pay out interest for your feet, elbows, knees and close to your wrists. Apply lotion to these locations in advance of applying a fake tanner.
For much more knowledge, have a look at: Como comprar roupas para revender
To produce your lips appear larger, apply shimmery white eyeshadow just above the cupid's bow in the center of the prime lip. Highlighting this place of one's lips in order that it catches and displays the light assists to produce the illusion that your upper lip is fuller than it seriously is.
Continue to keep wool pads that have been soaked in water, in the fridge. You'll be able to also retain teabags or cucumbers as part of your fridge. This is often great should you have puffy eyes and may alleviate them. Making use of this in your eyes will make you search refreshed and can last all day.
For far more information, take a look at: Como importar dos eua
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kateemmerson · 4 years
Musings of a Café Writer living #LocationFree
Living #LocationFree for the past 5 years is often met with wide eyes, scrunched up noses, and some weird questions. I know it might sound like nothing more than terrifyingly homeless mixed with exhilaratingly glamour-filled champagne parties on yachts, Instagram style.
It honestly falls somewhere smack between these two extremes.
While it may be very real that digital nomads (aka global nomads, remote workers, location free, etc.) might not have one permanent base to call “home,” we are certainly not “homeless.” We have a gazillion ways we each live into this lifestyle, and we can pretty much make it up as we go along – if we don’t like somewhere, we can move on to more suitable spaces, cities, countries (Covid and visa/passport reliant of course). Plus, folk living this lifestyle are not doing so because they have zero responsibilities, no partners, kids, animals, etc. – we are all working and contributing to society in some format. We have just figured out the best way to earn the required dollars en route – whether working remotely for a company, working in the digital online space, working in the country they are in, running global companies, have property investments, Bitcoin, or business investors – any type of work is possible, to be honest! The worklist is as varied as your creative brain allows … with the added benefit of freedom from a location. Of course, we sleep in beds too! Whether in fancy hotels, rented homes, snazzy apartments, Airbnb options, co-living, house-sitting, or any combo of the above. What binds us together as a tribe is that we are not bound to one location for work or life. There is a sense of freedom, mobility, choice, and possibility!
Possibility of options, countries, cultures, environments, lifestyle, etc
Right now, I’m chilling in a quaint café on the prom of Portobello (see pic taken at Miros <<<) with the quieter than usual buzz and banter as “we-are-in-weird-lockdown-life-but-still-allowed-out” vibe. I’ll soon be self-isolating again before I make my way to my mum in the UK for Christmas, so I am making the most of a little thrill of being outdoors at Edinburgh’s Seaside. There is a delicious light shimmering off the sea and bouncing off the clouds, reflecting the changes in the sun as we edge towards winter solstice. After 7 years of spending most of my time in summer or what travel agents refer to as shoulder seasons, I am fondly referring to my current city of choice as Edinburrrrrrr.
Remember my cold water swimming escapades on Iona that I shared earlier this year? I will manage one more cold dip this month, which means I will have been cold water immersing for 6 whole months! I didn’t even know that I wanted to try it before starting my significant retreat and detox process on Iona. I’m still in a bikini with no warm booties, gloves, or wetsuits like many swimmers – just keeping it real and semi mad. Even if my swims are super short -they still count as a cold water blitz of energy and immune-boosting habit!
  This week, I launched my fifth book, and I feel like a kid in a Christmas Santa store, to be honest. It’s some insights, sharing, and tips from living the last 5 years #LocationFree. I also interviewed 16 other souls (between 40 and 60 years of age) living in similar ways to me. It’s a super exciting collection of tips snd stories for anyone who is intrigued about the possibility of downsizing, packing up, and living and working globally.
One of my all-time favourite things to do when I travel is sitting in a café or restaurant on a beach somewhere – from Malaga to San Fran, Cape Town to Skala Eressos. I simply need my laptop and a strong coffee or a fab glass of vino, depending on the time of day. And always water – and usually a kitty somewhere close by. I seem to attract them and consider myself a bit of a cat-whisperer. Did you spot the content kitty on my book cover?
There is an element of pure delight that is elicited when I can look up from my computer and see water – waves, sand, pebbles, sheep munching seaweed (yes 100% on Iona!), people laughing, kids playing, folk squealing in the waves and that heady aroma of sun, sand, sea, and sun-lotion. Or the smell of rain mixed into it more often than not, here in Edinburrrrr.
I find myself in this glorious city for most of winter 2020, exploring somewhere North. I am still officially #LocationFree and will be for the foreseeable future. I was only planning to be location free for one year, to figure out what country I wanted to live in, but it turns out it’s been too much fun, and here I am five years later.
Ooooh, the cafes you will find when not in your hometown. From dingy and downright skanky, to glamorous, elegant, and exotic; to simple family-run salt of the earth to trendy hipster vibes with a gazillion delicious choices; or the simple paired back local café that only serves one type of coffee and eggs – just the way you like them: the smells, the chalkboards, the conversations, and the locals. The cakes and the decadent treats made with love – from the latest LA trend to grandma’s secret pistachio and rose water recipe. A café is always filled with possibility – and is still the first place I seek out to feel like a “local” in a new spot. It’s one of my “settling-in” hacks I share in my book “10 Lessons for Living #locationFree
So I find myself with a big grin on my chops as I own the fact that I am a café writer. It can be a table on a busy cobbled street, a hotel lobby with glorious views of the pool, a tiny spot perched precariously on a hill, or my all-time favourite, seaside café!. Anywhere in the world, this will put always put a smile on my face.
If there is some Latin Salsa or Bachata music drifting out of the speakers even better, offering the quiet promise of a party as day turns to night….that will always make me type faster and get through my workload ready to pop on my salsa shoes and have a whirl on the floor.
I don’t even need earphones, really –in fact, my ears always get sore trying to wear earphones, no matter the brand or style! I usually welcome the buzz around me and find ways to switch off when I need to focus.
I have amassed a few “offices’ around the world that I have stamped my name on. To this day, there is one table at Gialos on Skala Eressos where we run writing retreats, which is known as Kate’s office. Although I didn’t get to work there in 2020, I know it is waiting patiently for me 2021. I am usually sitting at my “desk” by 6 am before the rest of the sleeping Greek village stirs. While the restaurant is still being cleaned and set up for the day – George will even stop his daily prep to bring me a double greek Coffee. Or as we order there – ena diplo hellenico para kalor!
PIC: This one below taken at my “office” Gialos in Skala Eressos when the world cup was on (and my Argentinean partner at the time was in Russia supporting his team) 
It’s always about the views, to be honest. I find vistas open up my creativity and thinking. Sea trumps everything for me – being able to sit outside and feel the sunshine and breeze is high on my list of needs. When not working, I also love to be a fly on the wall, simply watching people. I can make up stories in my head ad Infinitum. Travelling a lot on my own, I also love to smile and then connect, laugh, and chat with total strangers. It’s bizarrely natural for me to make random comments and speak to people I walk past or sit next to. I will always talk to cats and dogs and stop owners for a cuddle of their four-paws if allowed. I guess that’s why I have found it relatively easy to be location free. What’s the point in staying separate and cut off from others– even when communicating from behind a mask nowadays, we can still connect energetically and with a twinkle in our eyes.
  PIC – The awesome Malaga crew where I pulled together a writing group and started my book 10 Lessons for Living #locationFree exactly one year ago!! Note the lovely views right on the sea! 
Wi-Fi is surprisingly not always high on my agenda, as I prefer working offline with fewer distractions when in writing/blogging mode. In fact, I will often choose cafes that do NOT have Wi-Fi – especially if I am running a writing group – as that just distracts everyone.
My challenge to you today is to visit a local café and watch the world unfold around you! Make it an adventure if you haven’t done it for a while. Take your laptop, a great book, or your journal to pen some thoughts. Let me know what you find on your café outing – I’d love to hear what great conversations you engage in or inspired ideas you come up with when sitting with a different view.
A dear friend just sent me this on Whatsapp this morning – so I will do my level best to simply keep on writing from my heart wherever I am. I just have to. What about you?
“Advice? I don’t have advice. Stop aspiring and start writing. If you’re writing, you’re a writer. Write like you’re a goddamn death row inmate, and the governor is out of the country, and there’s no chance for a pardon. Write like you’re clinging to the edge of a cliff, white knuckles, on your last breath, and you’ve got just one last thing to say, like you’re a bird flying over us and you can see everything, and please, for God’s sake, tell us something that will save us from ourselves. Take a deep breath and tell us your deepest, darkest secret, so we can wipe our brow and know that we’re not alone. Write like you have a message from the king. Or don’t. Who knows, maybe you’re one of the lucky ones who doesn’t have to.” Alan W Watts
Do you wish you had the courage to follow your dream, to quench your wanderlust? To downsize, pack light and explore the world while still working? Do you honestly think others are able do it because they’re younger, richer, are single and have fewer responsibilities, with no kids to tag along?
Wrong. That’s simply not true. This book will show you that it’s possible no matter what your age! Do you really want to play it safe just because you’re no longer in your twenties, waiting on tables as you backpack around the world?
Musings of a Café Writer living #LocationFree was originally published on Kate Emmerson - The Quick Shift Deva
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laura-ann3-blog · 7 years
Tratamento para menopausa
Getting old may be a point out of intellect coupled with entire body.  To lower the sensation that age is creeping up on you, consider action and struggle back!  A healthy diet, workout including a decent mindset about everyday living can continue to keep you not merely sensation younger, but shopping more youthful far too!
Realize the latest language, engage in Sudoku, travel the world!  These are typically all things that can help you stay youthful more.  Tricky by yourself mentally has become revealed to maintain your mind more youthful.  Audit some lessons at the localized college or university or just launch up a reserve club with your associates.  Sustain your mind lively and engaged!
Several woman will do everything to prevent the indications of getting old from displaying. There are a few merchandise relating to the current market right now to help you. They may be promoted virtually as anti-aging lotions. If you would like a fresher start looking along with a young look and feel then acquiring the appropriate anti aging cream in your case is an effective idea. 
Maintain your system match and performing at its peak, even when escalating more mature.  Working out is simply not just for body weight reduction, it's also very primary for attempting to keep the body young and dealing at its ideal degree.  Cardio doing exercises is extremely crucial in your coronary heart overall health, so always keep the body relocating to help keep the ages absent.
Observe your caloric intake so that you can slow down your growing older.  Overeating and weight problems are linked with way more health and fitness challenges than may very well be outlined below.  Talk along with your medical doctor about how a multitude of calories you need to be having in at your age, excess weight and physical fitness degree after which you can keep on with it.
Actual physical action is important to trying to keep the body experience youthful whilst you age.  Get an work out routine that actually works for you personally.  Challenge all by yourself with strength working out, jogging, even h2o physical activity.  It is really ideal for getting old joints!  Exercising may help you come to feel as young as you want to be!
  Escalating your social actions can increase your way of living while you become older.  Being portion of the team will let you to keep  understanding and suffering from new things.  Be a part of a seniors group, a craft class, or even a cooking course.  Always keeping fast paced provides you with no time and energy to actually feel more mature!
Maintaining your bodyweight under control is 1 vital to ageing nicely. There are a selection of ailments associated to obesity which exacerbate age-related illnesses. To retain your excess weight under control, it is important to exercising moderately and try to eat a well balanced eating routine. Monitoring your food stuff consumption with the web-based meal diary makes this less complicated.
Acquire each and every option that you choose to be required to inform the regular people that you choose to absolutely adore you adore them.  You don't plan to have any regrets in your deathbed about not telling a particular person who you loved them in case you had the prospect.  Allow them all know you care while you can.
Look at to quit smoking or reduce the amount of cigarettes you smoke everyday. Cigarette smoking is among the principal results in of preventable dying. Regardless, it's rarely also late to halt smoking, and once you give up, your possibility of having a coronary heart assault decreases. By quitting you possibly can also save your self a ton of wealth.
To find out more about Menopause, go to: Sintomas da menopáusa e tratamento natural 
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adrianafashionstyle · 7 years
via Fashion, Clothes, Style, Gadgets, Life
Permanent Makeup: The Freedom of Permanent Cosmetics
You will love waking up each day with the color in your lips, on your eyes, and your eyebrows perfectly in place. No smudging, smearing, or washing off after showering or swiming. No wearing off at the end of a long day. Imagine the time you will save in front of the mirror in applications and touch-ups. Permanent cosmetic procedures should be performed by a master certified cosmetic artist for best results.
This is a state of the art method of appling natural pigment to the dermal layer of the skin. This technique was medically developed and specifically designed for the complete safety of various procedures such as eye brows, eyeliner, lip liner, lip color, scar camouflage, areola restoration, vitiligo, freckles and stretch marks.
Permanent cosmetics can be applied to look natural for the enhancemnet of your own personal features. This allows you the freedom to achieve a more dramatic look with the application of regular makeup as your mood dictates.
This new technology of makeup will impress those of us who are so busy, as well as the client with oily skin, who's makeup had faded or rubbed off by the end of the day. Anyone allergic to the use of regular makeup will find this procedure extremely beneficial.
Both men and women will look their best at all times, no matter how busy their lifestyles have become. Prices range from $400 and up per procedure. Many upscale Spas, including Jon Tomas Salon & Spa in St. Louis,MO, have a permanent cosmetic artist on staff.
Experience the freedom of permanent cosmetics for yourself!
Makeup Review: E.L.F.'s Eyeshadow Duo
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Ordering makeup online is risky. You don't know how the product feels on your skin, if you like the quality, and so much more. There are questions that you want answered before you throw money into a product. I try to answer your questions about makeup products before you purchase. I have personally purchased and tested each product I review to optimize your overall opinion.
Right now we are going to take a peek at e.l.f.'s eyeshadow duo. This is a product recently developed by e.l.f. During this review we are going to take a look at the colors, texture, and application life.
I had purchased e.l.f.'s eyeshadow duo creams a couple months back and got each color. When I was buying these eyeshadow duo's I noticed the colors were identical to e.l.f.'s duo creams. There's a total of six duo's available for purchase right now: Butter pecan, olive, mocha swirl, blueberry, berry mix, and black licorice.
I was very pleased with the colors because they were highly pigmented. Unlike most other e.l.f. eyeshadow products, these shadows were actually rather matte. There was a little shimmer to each color, but not a lot. The eyeshadow duo's were actually a breath of fresh air.
Texture is a very big part of an eyeshadow to me and it should be to you as well. Skin around the eye is very sensitive and can easily be damaged by the slightest pulling, poking, and prodding. You want to ensure the makeup you apply to the eye area is very gentle and mild.
E.l.f.'s shadow duo is a friendly bunch to the eye. The texture is very soft and subtle. I like to test shadow products on my ring finger before my eye, and, needless to say, I was very happy with the results on both my finger and eyelid.
This shadow did not crease and it did not flake. It is very easy to work with in the blending area. Since each shadow comes partnered with another shadow of the like, you can easily form a new look each day.
Application life:
I was very impressed with the application life of these shadows. Most shadows I purchase online turn out to be very cheap and an overall waste of money. Not with these.
I judged this shadow in three different ways: with concealer, with primer, and on bare skin. Each of these application processes are used on a daily basis.
·        On bare skin - I got approx. four hours of full application life from this duo. There was a little fading on the lighter shadows during this time, but not too much.
·        On concealer - I applied a concealer before application and it only caused creasing, so I would not recommend doing that.
·        On primer - I put the primer on before the shadow and got a lot better results. I got approx. five hours of full wear.
All-in-all, it's a good shadow for the price and I would recommend adding it to your makeup collection.
You can find this product starting from $5.00 at Amazon:  
e.l.f. DuoEyeshadow, Butter Pecan, 0.34 Ounce - $5.95
e.l.f. DuoEyeshadow, Black Licorice, 0.34 Ounce - $5.90
E.L.F. Duo EyeshadowBlueberry - $5.00
e.l.f. Duo EyeshadowSet with Brush and Pencil, Night - $8.90
            How to Pull Off the No Makeup Look Successfully
Ever wanted to try to walk out in public without wearing any makeup and not feel embarrassed or even almost naked at the same time? Don't be shy anymore, here are a few tips to get you started in the right direction of letting your face be "au naturale".
First of all make sure your face is cleansed thoroughly. Any dirty residue can make your facial skin appear dull or blotchy. I would recommend using the facial bar soap by Clinique that fits your skin type to make sure your skin is squeaky clean without drying it out. Afterwards follow up with a toner and moisturizer (I would also recommend using ones by Clinique as well). If you have fairer skin or are going to be outside for a longer period of time, make sure you use a moisturizer that has a good amount of SPF for protection against the sun's damaging effects, especially on your bare skin.
Do you have dark circles on your eyes or have puffy eyes? Soothe them with a de-puff eye gel such as the all natural Yes To Cucumbers brand. It goes on clear and leaves no trace of residue behind and does an excellent job of calming down the eye area. Make sure you get enough sleep the night before to prevent this from happening in the first place.
            Make sure everything is neat about your face, especially your eyebrows. Keep your eyebrows tame with a tweezer, but try to do this the night before to avoid red, irritated skin on your upper eye area.
            You hair plays a major part in giving you that fresh look. Make sure hair is not messy and all over the place or else it will contribute to a disarrayed, "I don't really care about my looks" appearance. A simple neat ponytail or your hair combed neatly will simply do the trick.
            Do you have acne prone skin and simply cannot risk walking out showing off your blemishes for the whole wide world to see? Invest in a concealer specially formulated with salicylic acid that matches the exact skin tone of your skin and lightly dab it on to your blemishes, but don't over do it or else it will be obvious that you something foreign on your face. You can follow up with a tinted SPF moisturizer to make sure your skin tone looks even. Do you have sparse eyelashes and don't want to appear tired? Brighten them by using clear mascara on your lashes to still achieve the natural look.
Makeup Additives - Do You Know What You're Putting on Your Face?
In today's society many women apply makeup every morning before they leave the house but how many people really know what they're putting on their face?
Do you know what each additive does in your cosmetics? These are six additives found in makeup that you may not know their purpose: benzethonium chloride, candelilla wax, cetyl alcohol, para aminobenzoic acid, propylene glycol, and triethanolamine.
When you buy makeup you should always check the label to make sure that there is some sort of preserving agent that will prevent germs from growing. One of the most common preservatives and antiseptic compounds found in makeup is benzethonium chloride.
Candelilla wax is found in lipstick and lip balms and is what allows them to harden. Candelilla wax is derived from the leaves and stems of the candelilla shrub found in the southwestern states and northern Mexico.
The majority of additives that are used in makeup are found in foundation. Cetyl alcohol is an emollient, meaning it is used in makeup to soften and smooth the skin to which it is applied. This is used in foundations to create a soft look on the face.
Para aminobenzoic acid which is sometimes abbreviated to PABA used to be commonly found in foundations that offer sunscreen protection from UV rays. But according to the National Institute of Health: National Library of Medicine (2007), this compound isn't commonly used anymore since it has been found to increase the risk of skin cancer in certain people whose bodies are not able to repair cellular defects caused by this acid.
Another additive found in many foundations is propylene glycol which helps prevent your skin from drying out when applying makeup by retaining it's own moisture. This organic compound is also commonly used in body and facial moisturizers, not just makeup.
Triethanolamine stearate is an emulsifying agent used in foundations and other cosmetics to combine oil and water for a smooth appearance. This organic chemical compound can also be used as a pH balancer and is found in other beauty products, besides makeup, it is found in lotions, shaving foam, and shampoos.
These six additives are only some of those which you will find in the makeup you put on your face everyday and now you can feel a little more confident about what you're using. If your makeup has other additives in the ingredients, don't worry, cosmetic manufacturers use different products but FDA regulations prohibit the use of additives which may be dangerous in US produced makeup.
Tags for the article:
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Quick Tips for Makeup Removal
Simple, Natural Ways to Remove Makeup from Your Skin Gently and Effectively
    Articles writed and published by: Elise Marie, Gwendolyn Taylor, TommiH, DoRae
Libby, Jen, janet defrancesco, Rae Harris, kjones29, Linda StCyr, 
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rose-tinted-marley · 6 years
These Secrets Are Walls That Keep Us Alone
Tagging: Marley Rose
Timeframe: Wednesday, September 12th, Early Afternoon
Location: On the Chorus Set/Hospital
Trigger Warnings: Eating Disorder, Bulimia
Notes: Long self-para
Marley was feeling pretty proud of herself. Her morning had been spent helping dress the choir room set with a lot of fun props and toys for the one on one interviews between cast members that afternoon. She had brought her own lunch and had even felt okay eating it. But, after eating she sat watching Santana Lopez chatting with Ryder, so casually. The two of them were friends, she knew, but Santana had such an easy confidence and a killer body. It just reminded her even more than she had eaten way too many calories at lunch so once the promo had gotten started filming, she headed for the bathroom. She at least had the whole vomiting thing down to a quick science because she really did not want anyone walking in on her purging again, not after the whole debacle with Scarlett.
After she forced herself to be sick, and cleaned herself up, Marley headed back out for the set to continue watching the interview while she smoothed some lotion over her hands.
Santana pulled another question out of the fish bowl (which Marley had filled with the questions as well as Swedish Fish) and smirked at Ryder. “This is a great question for you. Would you rather live a short life and be rich or have a long life and be poor?” Santana asked before popping one of the candies in her mouth while Ryder answered.
“Hmmm…” Ryder hummed as he reloaded the Nerf gun he’d found under his chair and shot it at Santana’s forehead causing the other woman to laugh and roll her eyes. “Long life and be poor.”
As she listened to Ryder answer, Marley’s vision started going blurry. She’d had this happen before after purging but as she stumbled her way to a chair trying not to draw attention, she could feel that something definitely wasn’t right. Her hands were shaking, and she felt like she was sweating, even though it wasn’t even that hot today. As she tried to sit down, that was the moment she lost all consciousness and collapsed to the ground.
Marley was in and out of consciousness as she heard some people around her panicking, and then the studio EMTs were there loading her onto a gurney and into the back of an ambulance. She vaguely remembered feeling the prick of a needle in her arm and one on her finger as the world phased in and out of black.
The next thing she knew, she was in a bright white hospital room. Her head was killing her and she had an IV hooked up to her arm. A nurse was sitting by her bed, waiting for her wake up. “How long have I been here?” Marley asked, squinting against the lights. “Just about ten minutes, we got your blood sugar back up. That’s why you passed out.” The nurse answered, sitting up a bit straighter. “You’re lucky there were EMTs so close because you were very close to being in a coma, sweetheart.” The nurse cleared her throat a little bit, “We don’t have to talk about it right away, but the doctor is going to want to know about your eating disorder, Miss Rose.”
Marley felt her heartbeat quicken and she shook her head, wanting to just rip the needle out of her arm and run away. “No, I don’t have one of those… maybe I’m just diabetic?” She asked, trying and failing to keep the sheer panic out of her voice. The nurse patted her hand, “Marley, I know you’re not in a place where you want to talk about this, but even in a short physical I can tell. We’re going to get you feeling better first and then we can talk… Someone will be in to do some paper work with you alright?” The nurse more told her than asked before getting up to leave.
A few minutes later another person came in to get copies of her driver’s license and insurance card while she signed HIPPA paperwork. She didn’t know what drove her to it, but she wrote down Ryder Lynn as an emergency contact and as someone who could have access to her medical records. It was mostly because her mom was so far away and she knew Ryder would look out for her if it came down to it. Of course, she gave her mom all the same permissions but it was nice to think about having someone here that could take care of her.
Next a stern looking doctor entered her room, and Marley immediately felt like shutting down as the man started grilling her with questions... Questions she did not feel like answering, so she ended up sobbing and the nurse consoled her. The doctor coughed awkwardly, “Sorry, Marley, I know this is all difficult for you. Let me be frank with you, though, you have all the signs of being bulimic and it is taking a toll on your body. You passed out because your blood sugar was low, but you are also life threateningly anemic and dehydrated. I also suspect that you’ve got some hormonal issues going on as well as being underweight by a good fifteen pounds. I’d like to have you admitted to the hospital for at least a few days.” She shook her head and coughed a little, “I can’t be sick. I just can’t…”
The nurse held her hand, “But you are sweetheart, and we’re going to help you start getting better.” She told Marley gently until Marley finally nodded. “A-alright… but c-can you tell my mom all that? I don’t think I can tell her.”
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bloodinhershoesrpg · 7 years
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Congratulations Tabby, you have been accepted for the role of Daphne Visvardi with a faceclaim change to Merve Boluğur! Your application was an enchanting read from start to finish, with both the stream of consciousness (which I — along with your connection of choice — adore, in all honesty) and the bullet points section offering so many insights in Daphne’s upbringing and inner workings I deem perfectly fitting for her that I am beyond excited to see how you will portray her in action! Please send in your account with 24 hours and have a look at the checklist before you do!
Name / Age / Pronouns: Tabby / 18+ / She. Activity: Very variable, frankly, because I work weird hours and am in a long distance relationship so whenever my gf visits I tend to disappear for days on end. However, I am always lurking from my Kindle so I am always watching benevolently over the group.
Character name and faceclaim: Daphne Visvardi, Merve Boluğur
#1 - stream of consciousness/para
Daphne’s numbness is blithe, her lips meeting as silk around the ice cold glass of vodka. She is tremulous without it. Yet elsewhere, amidst a cloud of soulless uncertainty, wintry swans cast snow from fledgling feathers upon a stage that was hers by right. Adeline guided Lindsey with hands fluttering with inspiration, pushing her to leap just a little higher, and the sight settled as heavy, sodden dust in Daphne’s heart. Princess Aurora had been stolen from her twice now, first by her own protege, and now by some dark little nobody.
At least when Katerina had taken the part, Daphne could comfort herself that, perhaps, she had only possessed those skills because of Daphne’s own tutelage.
It was a part that had always eluded her, Aurora. She had danced a gossamer Swan Princess, brought life to Giselle’s soft limbs, she had lived and died as Juliet. Downtrodden in a hushed and sussurrous haze, she scowled once more at the stage. In days gone by, she had been everything. The heralding stars were a map of her movements, and each symphony cupped her sculpted body as though it had been written for her. It was how the world was meant to be.
She had always supposed it came of being a twin. Lucille, just a few minutes older than Daphne, had always been in competition. Always pushed themselves to beat their mirror image. It could have torn them apart, had they not competed at such different things; Daphne was the prettiest, she was the best dancer, she was the most famous. But Lucille was the most studious, the most clever, she was lauded by some as a genius in her field of physics. It was how their mother had liked it, pushing each girl to her limits.
Daphne hadn’t told her mother yet, that she was to be Carabosse. She was already dizzied by her premonition, of that disapproving sniff. “Well,” she would say, eyes lingering on Daphne’s calves as though they might be the culprits of her failure, “At least it’s a named part. Oh, darling, did you hear, Lucille had her study on the movement of space-time published by the AAAS?”
She’d told Lucille, anyway, and had received warm indulgences and sympathy. They were so different, and it allowed them to be best friends. Lucille was her only friend, really. She’d thought, once, that Katerina had been a good friend, but she had usurped her, and friends didn’t do that. Katerina had been just like the rest of them, pretty and young and ready to submit her skin to their punishing art form. Daphne had hated the smugness she felt when, at rehearsals, Katerina had once in a while stumbled. Not least of all because whenever anyone else required assistance, it diverted the attention away from Daphne’s desultory grace.
So preoccupied was she with thoughts of harpy-mothers and dead proteges, she quite missed the first attempt on her attention. Adeline was attempting to summon her for a little one-on-one session, and Daphne rose with all the regality she could muster. Walking forth in somber echo, she fancied she felt the sympathetic eyes of the young dancers around her, and it made her seethe. To them, she had once been a perfect cadence. Now, too many of them pitied her. Opalescent light means little without a prism with which to prehend, and in their pitying gaze she withered. Did they know about the drinking? Did everyone? Or did they only see the breath of a crow’s foot blossoming beside her eyes, a grim memento mori that no quantity of expensive lotions could erase?
Ascending to the stage, she brushed past Lindsey. She wasn’t sure if Lindsey even noticed, really, but Daphne was electrically aware of the youthful plumpness of her skin, glowing pink with exertion. Lindsey was insulting in her youth, insolent in her grace. Only years of practiced malice kept Daphne’s expression smooth and expectant, and the spotlights onstage were a salve. There was very little that couldn’t be fixed with a little attention.
“Well,” she trilled with a voice that was both melodic and yet utterly lacking in heart, “Let’s not stand around waiting for the grass to grow!”
#2 - a life in bullet points
Daphne and her twin were both enrolled in pre-ballet classes by their mother, who insisted they try their hand at everything in order to find their strengths. Lucille hated it, but Daphne had a natural talent and soon became absorbed in the world of ballet. She attended a ballet academy from the age of 11; she’d wanted to train in Russia but it was financially impossible, so she went to London instead.
She became the best not through natural talent, but through grueling work. Her academic work suffered because of it, but she danced tirelessly and strove always towards perfection.
For most of her life, Daphne has considered herself to be perfectly in control. She never succumbed to an eating disorder, as so many ballerinas did, because she knew how many calories she burned through dance and ate enough to maintain a slim, muscular physique without suffering. She considers herself to be in control of her drinking, too, because she thinks that she could stop, if she wanted to– - it’s just that she doesn’t care to.
Having been such a workhorse her whole life, Daphne never made many friends. At first it was a matter of having no time to socialise, and then her peers began to notice that when she was present, there was a certain insincerity about her that tended to rub them up the wrong way. Her smile was wide enough, but her words were hollow. People, to her, were either talented, and therefore a threat, or untalented, and therefore not worth wasting her breath on.
Being relegated to playing Carabosse was, naturally, a blow to her. Daphne has made it her life’s mission to become a ballerina, and she worked damn hard for it, and now at only 33 she’s being passed over for younger dancers. She’s always been a jealous person, but this blow is pushing her right to the edge.
KATERINA SANTOS was the first person in a long time that Daphne would call a friend. At first their relationship was purely professional: Katerina valued the lessons that Daphne could give, and Daphne enjoyed the powerful feeling of respect. At home, she was always the little sister– - needy and attention seeking, it was up to Lucille to watch over her. With Katerina, Daphne took on that role herself and found that it suited her. If she was less proud, she might even consider teaching once her ballerina days are over. Over time the bond between the two women grew, and they shared a great deal. Daphne really thought she did love Katerina, until the cast list was released and Katerina had what was rightfully hers. Betrayed and usurped by someone that was supposed to care for her, any friendship she felt towards Katerina withered immediately.
DORIAN ARMSTRONG is not someone that Daphne ever wanted to like. Most of her drinking is done at home, but she’s aware that the first sign of alcoholism is drinking alone. To that end, she often drops in at McMahon’s after rehearsals for a few drinks, and so she often sees Dorian. Though convinced he judges her for her habits, she remains cordial on the outside as she couldn’t bear the humiliation of being barred from the pub. It only occurred to her after many weeks of drinking there that he’s also a delivery man, often bringing special costume pieces and props in during the day. He always seems to be there on the periphery, and his constancy is something that Daphne appreciates. Perhaps it’s because any time spent with him tends to be spent under the influence, she finds that she can relax a little around him.
I have sadly not had enough time to post on the mockblog I made! I had great plans, but the last few days have been hectic and I wanted to get in before acceptances. I do have my inspo tag on my blog, but for now that’s all I’ve got to offer!
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I’m officially two weeks into teaching “The Hobbit.”
And it is such a rollercoaster.
Here are just a few of the moments I’ve had this week:
A group of girls being obsessed with how small a hobbit baby must be.
One student drawing me a Gollum for his character poster with a bottle of lotion because “It’ll help with his slimy skin.” Then being mad when I pointed out that, if he was wearing the ring (which he was), that he would be invisible, which resulted in a dramatic sigh and a “So I didn’t have to do anything other than the ring,” which made me laugh.
A student thinking elves and trolls are the same thing and a lengthy discussion on what defines each species.
A SPED student who barely pays attention answering my daily riddle almost immediately after I finished reading it and everyone in the room being super impressed, including his para.
One girl whining because she thinks The Hobbit is boring and me rather bluntly telling her that if she didn’t like this, which is relatively modern and fun with adventure, then the next three years of her English education were going to be rough. She then proceeded to whine and I moved on. A second later, another girl who never talks turned to me and gave me a shy smile and said, “I like it.” And I don’t think she knows how much that meant to me because it’s so hard to hear that something you’ve spent so much time and energy into making fun isn’t being appreciated.
One of the kids I taught during my student teaching burst into my room and yelled, “The Hobbit?!?! Why do the freshmen get to read it?!” So, ya know, even if all my freshmen aren’t thrilled, I’ve got a few jealous upperclassmen.
Some things I’ve absolutely come to love about it:
My “nerdy” kids have an opportunity to really be excited and be appreciated by the class for producing insight and pointing out things that are important later that the other kids didn’t notice.
My artistic kids are finding outlets through some of the projects we’re doing and are generally thriving.
My musical kids are singing (or trying to sing) all the various songs in the play and no one is judging or teasing them for it. Plus, it feels more authentic when the songs are sung.
The kids who have seen the movies are having great discussions about book-to-movie adaptations and are noticing more and more minute things and getting more “deep” with their discussions of why changes were made.
My kids are actively looking for theme and having great group discussions about things like greed and heroism and what it means to be kind.
My students are starting to learn how to annotate and actively think while they’re reading so they notice things.
Overall, it’s so great and I love it and how much I can do with it. It makes teaching English so much fun right now. I love it. This is what teaching is supposed to be like.
Thank you, Professor, and cheers!
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
Our Story: Porus Vimadalal and Prayag Menon-Vimadalal Talk Work, Love and Equal Rights
The careers and personal paths of fashion photographer Porus Vimadalal and stylist Prayag Menon-Vimadalal have truly been one of a kind.
Partners in both life and profession, the husband-and-husband team met 14 years ago in their home country of India. Porus was nearing the end of his studies in fashion design when the pair’s personal relationship blossomed. But unsure that design was the right career path, Porus, who was inspired by his pilot father, enrolled in flight school in Texas to obtain his Commercial Pilot License—and Prayag happily joined him. “I thought it would be a great escape for the both of us: to be in a different country and just be together,” recalls Porus from his and Prayag’s downtown-Toronto condo one Monday afternoon. The two are sipping on homemade masala chai (a regular ritual in their household) and enjoying a delicious spread of sweet mawa cakes and savoury methi para, two popular Indian tea-time snacks.
The duo were excited to relocate to a country that is known to be far more accepting of homosexuality than their home turf (India only decriminalized same-sex relationships in 2018), but they were unaware of Texas’s right-leaning culture. “It was our first time visiting North America, and I thought: ‘Oh! It’ll be so much more open than India in terms of the two of us,’” recounts Prayag, who was 19 at the time. “I didn’t realize that Texas is very conservative. For certain instructors at our school, it was a shock to see two boys from India who were together.”
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13 years ago today, while in Bangalore, I invited @prayag.menon over to “have a chat”. 13 summers later, here we are. I’m luckiest to spend every day together! ♥️
A post shared by Porus Vimadalal (@porus.vimadalal) on Apr 18, 2019 at 8:24am PDT
After finishing their flight training, the two returned to Mumbai and began applying for pilot jobs. Around that same time, Porus lost his father and began feeling increasingly unsettled about his career path. “At that point, something switched,” he shares. “I couldn’t concentrate on flying.” He moved to Vancouver, where he enrolled at Vancouver Institute of Media Arts to study photography, his longtime hobby. Prayag stayed behind and continued job hunting.
Post-graduation, the newly minted image taker returned to Mumbai and began shooting smaller projects for old fashion-school friends. And he wrangled Prayag, who has long had a keen sartorial eye, to help with styling.
With Porus behind the camera and Prayag in charge of clothing, their combined skill set created a potent combination, and the duo caught the eye of the editor of Harper’s Bazaar India. “She wrote and said, ‘I really want you, Porus and your vision.’ She invited me to become a contributing editor,” shares Prayag. “I think the fact that we’re a couple and working together also sparked people’s interest. It was very unheard of,” adds Porus.
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🦋 @tomas.monica stretched out in @missoni, @bally, @tods & @431_88 for Harper’s Bazaar India – April ‘18; Shot by @porus.vimadalal, makeup – @sonamdoesmakeup and hair – @jrmellocastro
A post shared by Prayag Menon (@prayag.menon) on Aug 10, 2018 at 10:57pm PDT
This was back in 2016, when same-sex relationships in India were still punishable by law. Despite the possible legal sanctions, Porus and Prayag never hid their love. “We were very open about our relationship,” notes Porus. “I would always introduce Prayag as my partner.”
That same year, the couple had an impromptu wedding during a trip to New York. “One night over dinner, our friend said, ‘You know that you can get married in New York, right?’” recounts Prayag. “It made sense: We already had some of our close friends around.” A couple of days later, the pair exchanged vows at New York’s City Hall, followed by celebratory ramen, champagne and shopping.
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Just married ❤️👬
A post shared by Porus Vimadalal (@porus.vimadalal) on Jun 17, 2016 at 11:02pm PDT
What came next was a total surprise. “The next thing we knew, our wedding was in the papers in India,” says Prayag. The headlines were uplifting in contrast to those about the devastating Orlando shooting that appeared at the same time. (Forty-nine people were killed at a packed gay nightclub.) “The stories started by talking about how it’s a dark time but then a ray of hope is that photographer Porus Vimadalal and stylish Prayag Menon were officially married in New York,” remembers Porus. “It was quite beautiful.”
Returning home to Mumbai as newlyweds, the couple were hopeful that things would be different. But even though attitudes toward gay people appeared to have softened, challenges still persisted. “We realized that we should get equal rights and equal benefits from our government,” says Prayag. “It’s like we were being treated as second-class citizens.”
Since settling in Toronto in 2018, Porus and Prayag, who regularly jetted back to Mumbai for family and work prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, have successfully managed to make their mark in the Canadian fashion industry. (Porus is a regular FASHION contributor.) As for finally being recognized as legally wed? “It definitely feels good!” smiles Prayag. “We did the right thing.”
Top Shelf
Porus and Prayag are just as in sync in their grooming as they are on work gigs, with personal routines steeped in Indian skincare traditions: The duo have an affinity for DIYing weekly face masks by mixing household ingredients like rice flour, milk and almond oil. They’re also advocates of a coconut oil-laced head massage. “Since we were children, our mothers or aunts would warm cold-pressed coconut oil and massage our scalp because it’s nourishing for your hair and helps with dry, flaky skin,” reveals Prayag. Below, the couple unpacks the product heroes that line their medicine cabinet, from personal go-tos to the formulas they both share.
Retinol 1% in Squalane
($7, The Ordinary)
“In the morning, I splash my face with water and apply a moisturizer; at night, I use retinol three or four times a week,” shares Porus.
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Pro Dermacontrol Oil Control Moisturizer
($17, Cetaphil)
“This face moisturizer is for oily skin; sometimes I mix it with rosehip oil,” says Prayag.
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Match Stix Matte Skinstick in “Honey” and “Suede”
($33 each, Fenty Beauty)
“We use concealer if we want to hide a spot or blemish or to even out the skin, like under the eyes,” says Porus. “Fenty Beauty Match Stix is very light and natural looking and blends well. I use the ‘Honey’ shade, and Prayag uses ‘Suede.’”
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Idéal Soleil Sheer Lotion Bare Skin Feel SPF 60
($30, Vichy)
The couple’s desert island product pick is a good SPF. “Every time I step outside, I use sunscreen,” says Porus.
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Organic Sweet Almond Oil
($66, Kama Ayurveda)
“This brand is from India, and it has really nice products, like body oils. We stock up when we go back home,” says Porus.
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“We share toners mostly,” says Porus. “I use them at night after I cleanse my face. I use The Ordinary, which contains glycolic acid, three times a week. The rest of the nights, Thayers works just fine; it’s really mild.” The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution, $9, and Thayers Facial Toner Witch Hazel Aloe Vera Formula, $25
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The post Our Story: Porus Vimadalal and Prayag Menon-Vimadalal Talk Work, Love and Equal Rights appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Our Story: Porus Vimadalal and Prayag Menon-Vimadalal Talk Work, Love and Equal Rights published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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