#papyrusxii bts
papyrusxii · 6 months
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casual - jeon jungkook
synopsis : never could you imagine falling so quickly for someone without his intentions being clear
pairing : jeon jungkook x reader
genre : casual relationship, pining, relationship development
warnings : explicit material, drug and alcohol use, tobacco use, angst
cross posted on ao3 : papyrusxii
chapters - ??
two - coming soon
31 notes · View notes
papyrusxii · 6 months
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casual - jeon jungkook
synopsis : never could you imagine falling so quickly for someone without his intentions being clear
pairing : jeon jungkook x reader
genre : casual relationship, pining, relationship development
warnings : explicit material, drug and alcohol use, tobacco use, angst
cross posted on ao3 : papyrusxii
2.2k words
The crisp air and mid-November rain blew completely through you. Standing there soaked, you witnessed the steam rolling off your engulfed apartment building. That apartment building that you worked so hard to afford, that you decorated meticulously, and that held so many of your young adulthood memories. 
Four firetrucks and a hoard of firemen surrounded the building as you and the other tenants watched the flames roar. You sat on the curb of the sidewalk perpendicular to your apartment, swaddled in a thin blanket one of the paramedics gave you. 
Luckily, you hadn’t been in the building when it caught fire; you were just pulling into the parking lot. You tried to pull the wet hair away from your heavy-laden eyes to pull out your phone. 
Not mom. She can’t do anything in another country. 
Ugh… not my brother; he's on vacation.
Oh! Hoseok!
You quickly dialed your best friend, hoping he would be awake. 
“Hello?” He groaned over the phone. “Everything alright? It’s 2 a.m.”
Oh, thank God. “Bless you, beautiful boy." You sighed in relief. “We have a slight issue.” 
You heard him shuffling around in bed. “What’s wrong?” His once-tired voice was now filled with worry. 
“My apartment is in flames.” You giggled as you reflected on the absurdity of the situation. Silence filled the call before Hoseok screamed as the realization set in. “In flames? What the fuck? Are you safe?”
“I appreciate your concern, but I’m okay—just soaked, cold, and mourning my material possessions.” 
He sighed. “I’m glad you’re okay and sorry about all that. How can I help you, love?” 
It was in times like these that you couldn’t be more grateful for Jung Hoseok. He should win an award for every time he saved your ass and gave you a dependable shoulder to lean upon. Why he wasn’t your first thought on who to call was honestly absurd. He was your personal Superman. 
“The cops and firefighters told us all to find a place to stay while they investigate and work out the insurance logistics with the landlord. Now I know you just moved in not even a week ago, but do you think I could stay with you until the dust settles? I’ll pay rent too, and even grocery shopping—I know you hate it.” You smiled, even though he couldn’t see it. 
“Y/n, it’s no problem at all. You are more than welcome here, and don’t even think about paying me. Now get out of the rain and come over immediately.” Hoseok reassured you beyond belief, and suddenly a sense of calmness coaxed you into the middle of the madness. 
“Thank you, Hobi. I’m feeling a bit calmer.” You sighed in relief. 
“Good. Now hurry over. I love you.” 
Not even twenty minutes had passed, and you were at Hoseok’s door. You had only ever been over the day he moved in, a week ago, to help him unpack. You had barely been acclimated to the new space, adding another wave of nervousness. 
At this hour, the hallway was calm, and you weren’t used to how spotless it was. The hallway of your apartment always had a tinge of grime or business, juxtaposed to the beautiful, almost regal nature of your best friend’s. 
You knocked on the deep blue door gently and readjusted the sack on your back. 
The door cracked slowly, and you grew with anticipation to bask in the comfort of your best friend, only to be greeted by an unfamiliar face. 
Stepping back slightly, you observed the stranger in front of you. A man you had never seen pierced your gaze. His lousy position and bare-bones attire led you to believe he had just woken up. His black hair reached just past the nape of his neck, led askew by the imprints of sleep upon it. He adjusted his oversize white t-shirt and rubbed his eyes before greeting you. 
Your once relaxed manner was replaced with a timid stance. How could you forget he had a freaking roommate? Hoseok informed you before he moved in that his friend had a buddy that was new to the area and also needed an apartment and a roommate to share costs. Your best friend’s and the stranger’s mutual needs led them to room together. You hadn’t met him when you first visited the apartment because he was due to move in later in the week. From what Hoseok told you of the man who stood in front of you, he was tidy, charming, and chill as hell, yet in his presence, you couldn’t help the rising anxiety. 
His eyes trailed down your body, still clothed in your work attire and dirty from the gross fluids that spewed from the hundreds of patients you had seen in the last 12 hours. His face slightly cringed as he eyed the stain on your abdomen: vomit. “Hey.” You broke the odd tension with the stranger. 
“I’m Y/N; I’m not sure if Hoseok told you, but I-” He interrupted, quickly changing his posture to straighten. "Yeah, he told me you’d be staying with us. I’m sorry to hear about your apartment; that’s awful.” He shook his head.
His voice calmed you instantaneously. It’s smooth tone coated you like warm honey and caught your breath. His words chipped away at the unease that plagued your thoughts of the initial meeting, leaving you with more ease to enter the apartment. 
He stepped away from the door and motioned you in. “J is in the bathroom; he’ll be out in a second. You can set your bags on the couch for the time being, and I’ll get you a drink.” His tone remained deep and crunchy in the late hours of the night but lifted when he smiled at you. 
You nodded and sunk into the couch you helped build last week. Good taste, Hobi. 
Your eyes scanned the apartment slowly until your friend’s roommate returned with a bottle of iced tea. “He told me you liked tea.” You looked up at his extended hand and dipped your head in thanks. You didn’t even know his name, and he already knew one of the smallest details about you. 
He sat in the large chair next to the couch and glanced at you as you drank from the bottle. “This is good.” You smiled toward him. He nodded with a small smile in return. “I don’t think I introduced myself properly; I’m Jeon Jungkook.” His name…. 
As he said his name, you recalled Hoseok mentioning it once while he was unpacking, and you felt stupid for forgetting. “That’s right, nice to meet you, Jungkook. Sorry for interrupting your peaceful sleep.” You let out a small chuckle. 
He leaned back in the chair and said, “Don’t worry about it; I wasn’t getting much of it anyway." You raised your eyebrows at his statement but left it alone with an awkward nod. After a moment of silence, Jungkook spoke again: “You work at the hospital, right?” He leaned forward, keeping eye contact. 
“Yeah.” You gulped. “Sorry about these awful scrubs; it was a rough night.” You dipped your head. 
“Stop apologizing.” He laughed. “You had a long and stressful night; I couldn’t even imagine. You’re more than welcome here, and I’m sure you need a second to even catch your breath.” 
Wow. How could a stranger’s words be so comforting? 
Maybe it was the stress of the situation that allowed you to cling so easily to his kind words, but you appreciated them more than he could understand. “Thank you. Yeah, I could really use a moment of peace.” You laughed. 
“You deserve it.” You smiled at his words as he leaned back, closing his eyelids. 
You heard a door open from behind you, and you turned your head over the back of the couch to see your best friend. He was shirtless and wearing a pair of pajama pants. He decided to jump over the back of the couch and on top of you. He pinned your body to the gray cushions and tightened his grip. Your breath compressed as he squeezed. 
You saw Jungkook stifle a laugh out of the corner of your eye upon you and your best friend’s exchange. 
He finally lifted himself from you and pulled you across his chest. “Hey, Y/n.” You smiled in the safety of his arms. Oh, you loved him. Your best friend was yet again raising your comfort level with his gesture of affection. 
“Thank you for letting her in.” He directed it to his roommate. 
“No problem.” He opened his eyes and winked. You didn’t like how that wink made your breath catch again in his presence. “She’s been keeping me company.” He smiled. 
Hoseok nodded. “She’s amazing, isn’t she?” You rolled your eyes and smacked his bare chest. 
“Stop, Hobi. The “amazing title” should go to you both for waking up at 3 a.m. to welcome me.” You sighed again as you reflected on your situation. You really couldn’t believe your apartment was gone. It was the first big thing you had purchased on your own, and it showed your hard work was paying off. Now it was all gone. 
Jungkook realized the shift in your demeanor as you lost yourself in worry. “Hey, why don’t you grab a shower? I’ll get you a towel.” He lifted himself from the chair and disappeared into the hallway. You gave your friend one squeeze and then went to meet Jungkook by the linen closet. 
He pulled a small chain, and the small closet was illuminated. He leaned down to grab you a towel and a washcloth. He arose with them in hand and led you to their bathroom. As you entered the space, you looked over the simple decor. The marble countertop was adorned with two small bags, which you assumed held the toiletries for each of the men. The shower was a tempered glass box that added to the modern simplicity of the room. 
He slid open the shower door, which revealed the different soaps and shampoos on a metal shelf in the corner. “Here are all of our soaps and stuff. Mine are on the top shelf, and Hoseok’s are on the bottom. Feel free to use either, but I will say mine are better quality; you know, Hoseok just buys whatever catches his eye first.” You chuckled as you recall shopping with him once and seeing him pull a kid Spider-Man body wash, claiming “the bubbles made him feel like a kid again.”. 
“Thank you, Jungkook. I really appreciate your kindness.” You smiled at him. 
If you weren’t looking for it, you wouldn’t have caught his ears turning red after you smiled. “No problem; I don’t want my ambiguity to deter you from being at home here.” 
“Don’t worry, you seem pretty cool from what I’ve gathered.” 
“I hope to maintain that impression, Y/n.” He let the biggest grin you’d seen from him thus far grace his lips. His two lip rings caught between his lips, and you noticed his prominent cheeks. “I’ll get you something to wear and then have at it.” He exited. 
Twenty minutes later, you felt beyond refreshed. Jungkook’s lavender shampoo and aloe body wash coaxed you into a feeling of relaxation; you commended the male’s choices. He had fetched a pair of his clothes, which you thanked him for: a pair of basketball shorts and a very large t-shirt that adorned the logo for the Korean national football team. 
You exited the bathroom to see your best friend knocked out on the couch and Jungkook scrolling on his phone in the same spot he was earlier. The man heard you enter the room and looked to see you. “Thank you again for letting me borrow your clothes; you could have just given me Hoseok’s.” You began. 
“He would have slaughtered me if I picked out something he wanted to wear at any point this week.” He chuckled. “That color looks good on you anyway." He nodded to the red shirt that lay over you. You bit your lip and looked to the ceiling, “Thank you.” 
He stood up, “I’m sure you’re tired, and I don’t know what sleeping arrangement you and J discussed, but feel free to sleep in his bed as he’s hogging up the whole couch.” You laughed quietly as you observed the position your friend was in—one leg off the side of the couch and the other nearly to his chest—and using his hands as a pillow. 
“Of course.” You smiled. “Again, thank you for everything; it means the world.”
He put his hand in the pockets of his pants and rocked back, “No problem, get some sleep. It was nice to meet you; I can see why he admires you so much.” 
Jungkook’s compliment just added to your growing impression of the stranger. He offered up a drink, his shower products, and his clothing to someone he’d never met before and who interrupted his night. You couldn’t help but already admire him and his seemingly selfless attributes. “Thank you; sleep well!” 
You disappeared into Hobi’s room and melted into his sheets, no longer reflecting on how awful the events of today had been but now reminiscing on the warm impressions you felt from Jeon Jungkook.
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