#paper mario joleen
mooneyedmoth · 2 months
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Silly little mushroom page
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riddlrz · 1 year
"Happy Birthday"
-a short snippet from my Batman story
A/N- This takes place right at the beginning of the story. Edwin, Riddler's son, receives a letter from his father, right from his Arkham cell. He's a bit conflicted at first, but he knows just someone who can help him cope with a situation like this.
Ed closed the door of his room. The tear stains were still fresh on his face, his ginger hair messy. He slowly walked up to his desk, and sat down. A few packages laid on it. Most of them were from relatives that couldn't make it to Gotham. But one of them stood out.
The package looked a little stained, and it was visibly taped down. Someone obviously opened it up before. The boy lazily began to open the packages. Some money from uncle Steve, a new Mario game from his cousin and just a simple letter with wishes from his European relatives. Ed smiled slightly. At least they remembered, unlike his friends who didn't bother to show up to his party...
Finally, he was through with the packages. Only one left. He picked it up. It smelled weirdly. The tag said "New Jersey, Gotham. Arkham Asylum". Ed opened it consciously. A small letter fell out of it, next to it a small...ring? He looked at it, furrowing his eyebrows. It was silver and shiny, with a small reddish jewel. The colour was worn out, but it still looked impressive.
He slowly picked up the letter.
"Dear Edwin,
I don't think you remember me. I haven't been able to get this contact for a long time, but now that you're 16 I can finally write to you without your mother's consent. My name's Edward Nygma. But you will know me better as the Riddler.
Joleen told me you choose your name after me. Not the best role model honestly. But whatever makes you happy, my boy.
I hope this letter comes to you right for your birthday. I'm sending it two weeks early to make sure it arrives on time. Happy birthday. I added a small gift in the package. Hope you like it, used to belong to my grandma.
Feel free to reply to me. My cell number is 1760.
With respect,
E. Nygma ".
The boy looked at the paper, dumbfounded. His thoughts were racing. His father, who hasn't been present in his life for the last 15 years, is back. His father, who's a state known criminal, is back.
Ed couldn't find any words. He dropped the paper down and stood up from his desk.
He took his phone out of his pocket, and jumped onto his bed. The boy unlocked the phone, and waited a moment. Then he opened the messaging app.
"1 new message to: Babs
'I know you couldn't make it today, but I have a question. Do you remember when you told me about those Cobblepot kids?' "
Not a moment later, the girl replied.
'Yeah, Martin and Boris. Why do you ask?'
Ed thought carefully about his next reply.
'I need to talk to them about something important.
Can you send me Martin's number?'
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