#paper coelacanth
luminous-goldfish · 7 months
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Coelacanths swim in a small urban field.
Paper Craft Kit ¥7,200
A4x8 sheets, pre-cut.
Piano wire with a diameter of 2.5 mm is sold separately.
Mail order→goo.gl/nXtck9
For foreigners please "tenso. com/en".
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some coelacanth prints im working on. I don't have a brayer, so ink application's spotty :/
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Hello I was scrolling through this blog and I was like "I too love coelecanths." This isn't really an ask, but coelecanths rock
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sombertide-0 · 24 days
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i had coelacanth on the brain
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arthistoryanimalia · 1 year
Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer was born #OTD (South Africa, 24 February 1907 – 17 May 2004). She is best known for her key role in the 1938 rediscovery of the Coelacanth, a fish with a fossil record going back over 400 million years which was thought to have gone extinct during the K-Pg extinction event of 66 millions years ago.
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Below are her original sketch and desciption of the specimen she recovered from a South African fishing boat's catch and did her best to preserve until the ichthyologist she was writing to, J. L. B. Smith (South African, 1897 - 1968) could arrive to identify it. He was indeed able to confirm it was the long-lost Coelacanth, and give the genus the scientific name Latimeria in her honor.
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Here is a four-stamp set issued by South Africa in 1989 commemorating the event, designed by Sheila Nowers:
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PS - the 1938 one is now known as the West Indian Ocean Coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae), as there was a SECOND living species confirmed in 1999, named the Indonesian Coelacanth (L. menadoensis). Its find was commemorated by Indonesia with this 2000 souvenir stamp sheet:
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Here is a cool video about this amazing "Lazarus taxon" and Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer's key role in finding and perserving her now-famous specimen for science:
Animated Life: The Living Fossil Fish | HHMI BioInteractive Video
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4rsyn · 1 year
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He’s just a leetle guy
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teleportbooks · 4 months
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Ficbinding: The Exorcism of Lan Yuan by EHyde
Lan Yuan has been possessed for as long as he can remember. Surely, when he finally tells Hanguang-jun, his father will keep him safe?
I've been bookbinding for 2+ years and this is my first binding of my own work! Ignore the unfortunate glue stain on the front cover
Since this is my own fic I can be as self-indulgent as I want. I did a hardcover B6 size book even though the fic is only 5k. I made a title page in six layers of translucent paper, with one more word on each layer, so that at first look, the name "Lan Yuan" is almost completely faded away. Rather than place the title on the cover, I made a cutout window with one more additional translucent layer.
The cover fabric is shot dupioni, blue that shifts to red when seen at an angle. I also made red endbands. The typeset itself is minimal, with wide margins, set in Coelacanth (one of my favorite text fonts).
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notwhelmedyet · 4 months
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A Fire Shall Be Woken, by Ealcynn. A pair of bindings using the K118 structure, one as a gift for the author and one to keep.
Chapter page illustrations are by Alphonse Mucha, all other illustrations are hand-drawn.
I hope to make a long post later explaining the process in more depth & another to document all my mistakes, but here's the basics.
New techniques learned: Paper marbling, edge marbling, uncial calligraphy, making paste papers, drawing on bookcloth, making paste-filled cloth, fold-out maps
I began work on this project in early September and am completing the finishing touches this week.
Binding: K118 tightback
Endpapers: Simple cloth-joined endpapers
Map fold: Turkish map fold
Sewing supports: linen tapes
Thread: 30/3 linen thread
Spine lining: Medium weight kozo tissue bonded to linen fabric
Interior paper: Hammermill Ivory, 11x17, hand-cut to 8.5x11
Endpapers: Blick sulphite paper hand-marbled, with masked stenciled silhouettes created with freezer paper
Adhesives: Jade PVA, wheat starch paste, wheat flour paste
Covers: Davey board, laminated full thickness to half thickness
Cover fabric: Studio E shot cottons in Jungle and Emerald; filled with wheat starch paste
Cover decorations: Speedball india ink and Dr. Ph. Martin's calligraphy ink in Copperplate Gold
Inks for maps and illustrations: Speedball black india ink and a selection of watercolors thickened with gum arabic
Dip pens used for calligraphy: Combination of Brause calligraphy nibs and Leonardt tape nibs
Dip pens used for illustration: Nikko G pointed pen nib
Typesetting program: Scribus 1.5.5
Body font: Coelacanth in 10 pt caption weight
Headings, titles, chapter titles, drop caps: Hand lettered uncial calligraphy, scanned
Illustrations and References:
Frames on colophon, copyright, author's notes and title page: Hand drawn, with inspiration taken from the vellucent bindings of Cedric Chivers
Frames that illustrate each chapter start: Alphonse Mucha from Cloches de Noël et de Pâques
Cover illustrations: Referenced from a photograph of an European beech tree found on iNaturalist.org
Maps of Imladris: Hand drafted with inspiration from the maps of Barbara Strachey, and Daniel Reeve
Map of Eriador: Traced from a map by Karen Wynn Fonstad, with edits made to coordinate with the geography of the fic
Frames on maps: Referenced from a drawing by Alphonse Mucha that @zhalfirin found for me
Special Thank Yous:
To the tightback council of problem-solvers in the Renegade server: Zhalfirin, Eka, @spockandawe who helped figure out many issues with the structure and technique
To the marbling experts in the Renegade server: Marissa, Aether, AGlance, Jenny, Catz, Badgertide, Rhi, and everyone else who helped me figure out beginnner marbling
To Spock for finding the K118 structure and introducing it to the server!
And to Bruce Levy, who discovered the method and shared his discoveries freely with the bookbinding and conservation world.
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palaeosinensis · 1 year
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Found some old printmaking supplies and have banged out a few things. Not sure what they'll be used for; I tend to make images first & think of uses later.
This print is just a test in my sketchbook. I wonder how this would come out with proper ink on good paper & pressed properly...
Animal factoid: Did you know coelacanths don't have a backbone? They have a flexible notochord instead!
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-points at you with delight and glee- FELLOW MARINE BIOLOGY/OCEANOGRAPHY ENTHUSIAST!!! hi I love your mer-attorneys and all the sea creatures you pick it delights my inner fish immensely
This whole AU would not have been possible without @original-character-chaos, who contributed to like half of the creature picks for the mers. It started out as me making a joke that if Miles Edgeworth was a mer, he'd be a frilled shark. Nox then asked if Gumshoe would be an octopus. Then I decided Franziska would be a sixgill because I love sixgills. We promptly spiraled out of control from there.
And when I say spiraled oh boy do I mean it. Under the cut is several paragraphs of infodumping.
First was our basic criteria: only deepsea animals.
Next came picking out deepsea animals for everyone. At this point we had Mia, Maya, Pearl, and Miles figured out, but we needed something for phoenix. At first I tossed around the idea of a coelacanth, since they're both blue and incredibly persistent, but they aren't able to swim very deep (only 700m down, mia would have had a 6,000 meter lead on him). Then I was looking up deep sea sharks. and one name stood out as odd to me. The basking shark was on there. Which was weird, they're surface dwellers. They literally have "basking" in their name, why would they be deepsea. Then I found out that they can dive up to 2,000 meters below the surface. for reference, that is as deep as GIANT SQUIDS.
And then it clicked that of COURSE Phoenix Wright, of all characters, would make a great deepsea mer to have basking in it's name. A few other factors, such as basking sharks being able to breach and being warm-blooded (just think of the cuddling possibilities), sealed him in.
Not only did we decide that we were only allowed to pick deepsea animals (reaching the twilight zone, aprox. 200 meters below sea level minimum, preferrably closer to the midnight zone at about 1,000 meters), but each character, save for identical twins, would be a different species. The specificity has gotten to the point where all mers in the Fey family have to be in the order scyphozoa, aka "true" sea jellies, and ON TOP OF THAT their bioluminescence directly correlates with their spritual power. So Mia, Maya, and pearl are all bioluminescent, but Dahlia and Iris aren't. Similarly, while we decided to give all characters distinct species, we also wanted bio family to show some relation to each other. So while Apollo is a thorny whiplash squid and Trucy's a vampire squid, they're both red cephalapods, and their common root, Thalassa, is a blanket octopus. Nox and I were kinda loosing our shit trying (and failing) to cross-reference the depth range of the gelatinous blanket octopus (Thalassa), which is different from a the shallow-dwelling rainbow blanket octopus, and even after digging up actual research papers our findings were unfortunately inconclusive. Another less complicated example is Manfred vonKarma, who we lovingly gave a greenland shark for the fact that he's old as fuck and also full of poison. Then of course Franziska had to be a shark too, so I said bluntnose sixgill because they are so fucking cool, and everyone sleeps on them.
And I mean it. Look up the largest sharks in the world. #1 will be the whale shark, for obvious reasons, the largest we've ever accurately measured was over 60 feet long. #2 will be the basking shark, which also checks out, their largest on record was over 40 feet.
But then you check for the next on the list. Now, weight-wise, the results do look different, but we're specifically focusing on the length of the shark from snout to tail-tip for this. And it's also where I start wanting to throw hands. On base reaction, most people would say the great white. A good record on measurements is this article, but they unfortunately appear to have fallen for the Great White propaganda, claiming the largest one on record was 23 feet. Wow, that's big! Sure would be cool if it was true. The largest great white that I can reliably find measurements on is Deep blue, who clocks in at just over 20 feet. There are unconfirmed reports from several hundred years ago of whites that were well over thirty feet... that I don't believe were actually great whites. See, they bear a striking similarity to the harmless, much larger basking shark, and I'd bet actual money on these reported catches just being very unfortunate baskers, sorry guys.
So, great whites only grow to about 21 feet MAXIUM, and most average 15-16 feet. Why have I spent so much time tearing them down over sixgills? WHEHEHEELLL. Buckle up. The largest recorded bluntnose sixgill shark was
Unlike great whites, a sixgill has no larger relatives to be mistaken for.
AND while I'm at it, I would like to add that the average size for this species, 11-14 feet, isn't nearly as well documented as other shallow-water sharks, and is based on when the shark reaches sexual maturity; sighted sixgills often reach well past 18 feet. Submersibles have encountered massive ones, such as this gorgeous beast, and because I'm so very normal, I did the math. It's stated in the extended cut of the exploration that her head is about 3 feet wide. And based on this reference, i measured out a sixgill's head width as about 1/7th of their total body length.
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3 x 7 is 21, so that shark is, give or take, about 21 feet, possibly longer. Since they are deep-sea sharks, with the adults sticking to deeper waters, it is entirely possible that the largest ones are just chilling near the seafloor having never seen a submersible or ROV. Even discounting that, we have a (albeit roughly) measured sixgill who is as big as Deep Blue, if not bigger, and google is a liar.
They also are responsible for trying to eat underwater ethernet cables
So yeah. that's a lil bit of lore for Law of the deep, the silly little deepsea mer au for ace attorney! Thank you so much for the ask, again :D
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greenhorn-art · 9 months
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Keep Your Head Up to the Sky (As Your Day Unfolds) by alphera [Twitter]
Illustrated by Shirou_UOHS @shirou-oh-sakura
Fandom: 全职高手 | The King's Avatar
Rating: General Audiences
Category: M/M
Words: 9 270
Time is rarely kind, and impossible to escape. At the ripe old age of 30, Han Wenqing retires from the Glory Professional Alliance and moves forward the only way he knows how: fearlessly and without hesitation.
About the Book
FONTS: Coelacanth, Segoe UI Emoji
IMAGES: Illustrations by Shirou; pastel sky ID: 7007221 from Rawpixel; dark blue sky ID: 7044483 from Rawpixel; Han Wenqing & Desert Dust image from The King's Avatar Wikia; Ye Xiu & Lord Grim image also from TKA Wikia; Glory card png also made by Shirou via Discord
MATERIALS: regular ol' printer paper (8.5"x11", 20lb, 96 bright); ~1.5mm chipboard; Neenah cardstock (8.5"x11", 65lb, bright white); Iris bookcloth (Madeira colour); paper from Gilded Ink paper pad by Recollections; waxed linen thread (30/3 size, white); wheat paste (1:4 flour:water)
PROGRAMS USED: typeset in Affinity Publisher 2; endpapers designed with Affinity Designer 2 and Affinity Photo 2; imposed with Renegade's Community Imposer (settings: Quarto, snug against binding edge, signatures of 2 sheets).
Text & QR codes printed with colour laser printer (duplex, flip long edge), images printed with inkjet printer (HP Envy 5055; one sheet at a time, single sided, place facedown in tray)
BINDING: quarto (quarter-letter) size, sewn board binding with french link stitch and breakaway spine.
Absolutely LOVED this story! I've reread this one a number of times, and keep going back for more. Alphera's writing is so good! Ye Xiu is the series protagonist so things usually follow him, which makes it refreshing to see a story through Han Wenqing's eyes. And the author does it SO WELL! AHHH!
It's been a while since my first read-through, but I'm pretty sure this was the first TKA fic that I actually downloaded and started typesetting. Absolutely chuffed to have it finished! (Love me some growth-- the typeset looks a LOT better than my earlier attempts!)
Another sewn board binding and breakaway spine! Since this isn't my first go at it, the construction of the book was considerably faster and smoother than my last one. It's just as well, because I ran into a speed bump that stretched out how long it took to typeset and print.
The culprit: (very pretty) illustrations. My laser's colour printing capabilities are shot to hell, so I used my inkjet for the artwork. This involved creating 3 copies of my typeset: 1) the completed typeset; 2) just the text, images hidden; 3) just the images, text hidden/white. Then I ran them through the imposer and printed the text version. The real issue was figuring out how to feed the sheets through my inkjet printer to print the images where I want them. Had to go one page at a time, single-sided. (Just need to place sheet facedown in the tray. So flip along vertical axis.) It took a while, but I got there in the end. And the results were SO worth it! 😊
For the scene breaks I left them as written. I had tried inserting images of the Glory Logo and account card, or using crossed swords emojis ⚔️, but nothing I tried worked as well as what the author did. (It's really neat! Different characters were used to indicate the direction of the timeskip: >>>> for a jump forward in time; <<<< for a flash into the past; and ==== for regular scene breaks, a 'next' rather than 'before' or 'later/after'.)
The cover and endpapers were based off of Shirou's fantastic cover illustration of HQW and YX walking hand-in-hand down a beach at sunset. The art itself is phenomenal so I had it stand alone as a frontispiece and didn't do anything fancy with the title page. For the covers, I looked through my decorative paper stash for something red or black to represent HWQ or Team Tyranny. What I found was paper with pinks, oranges, and purples similar to that illustration -- and that was that. I liked how the colours matched the art, and the gold splashed across it. (Gold for victory, gold for wedding rings and a happy golden future together.)
(Sidenote: I love how the beginning of the end of HWQ's career as an e-sports player "starts with a tingle in his ring finger", leading him and YX to taking the next steps in their relationship and eventually getting married 💍🖐)
I went with a red bookcloth for the spine because it's a common team colour for Tyranny, Excellent Era, and Happy. It also represents good fortune, courage, passion, and love -- things that come to mind when I think about YX, HWQ, and HanYe. The particular shade of red I used is Madeira. It's darker than Ruby Red and leans a little cooler, which suits the decorative paper more.
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The endpapers use two background images (overlayed, adjusted, using multiple blending modes) and some images of HWQ and YX from The King's Avatar Wikia.
The background images are from Rawpixel -- I was just minding my own business looking for images of clouds and maybe some mountains to represent overcoming challenges/glory/looking up to the sky, when I found some clouds with the same sunset colours of Shirou's art. Figured it was too perfect, and if I'm going to lean into that design-wise, I might as well go whole hog and full-ass it. Then I found a starry night sky to add some darker blues and stars to it to match. After that it was a matter of overlapping them and positioning them to fit. I also grabbed some images of HWQ and YX from the King's Avatar Wikia and added them to it because HanYe. (After removing the backgrounds).
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luminous-goldfish · 2 months
Coelacanth Streamer Mobile
Paper Craft Kit ¥7,200
A4x8 sheets, pre-cut.
Please purchase piano wire, glue and thread separately.
Mail order→goo.gl/nXtck9
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rufflet · 1 month
Can’t decide what animal to write my paper about for my zoology class help me choose
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Coelacanth, PaperCraft, 3D paper model, animal, zoo, paper craft, template PDF, Diy paper model, gift, origami, paper, model, craft by assorticdigital
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plesiosaurys · 5 months
this is such a niche issue but it annoys me so much when im reading a paper on coelacanths and the author says "they're not living fossils! fossils are dead, and the coelacanth is alive!" yeah dipshit thats what the "living" part is for
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sciencespies · 2 years
Fossil Find Tantalizes Loch Ness Monster Fans
Fossil Find Tantalizes Loch Ness Monster Fans
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Plesiosaurs went extinct 66 million years ago, but evidence that the long-necked reptiles lived in freshwater, not just oceans, has offered hope to Nessie enthusiasts.
LONDON — Millions of years before the first (alleged) sighting of the Loch Ness monster, populations of giant reptiles swam through Jurassic seas in areas that are now Britain. Known as plesiosaurs, these long-necked creatures were thought to have dwelled exclusively in oceans.
But a discovery published in a paper last week by researchers in Britain and Morocco added weight to a hypothesis that some Loch Ness monster enthusiasts have long clung to: that plesiosaurs lived not just in seas, but in freshwater, too. That could mean, they reasoned excitedly, that Nessie, who is sometimes described as looking a lot like a plesiosaur, really could live in Loch Ness, a freshwater lake.
Local papers have celebrated the finding. It “gives further credit to the idea that Nessie may have been able to survive and even thrive in Loch Ness,” said an article on page 32 of the Inverness Courrier, a biweekly newspaper in the Scottish Highlands. “Loch Ness Monster bombshell,” blared a headline from Britain’s Daily Express tabloid. “Existence of Loch Ness Monster is ‘plausible’” read headlines in The Scotsman, The Telegraph and elsewhere, seizing on a phrase in the University of Bath’s announcement of the study’s findings.
This is not the first study to find that plesiosaurs lived in freshwater. “This new study is simply providing additional evidence for certain members of this group living in freshwater,” said Dean Lomax, a paleontologist and visiting scientist at the University of Manchester. “We’ve always known this.”
But Nick Longrich, the lead author of the study, said his team had one of the stronger cases for it because they found fossils of 12 plesiosaurs, proof that it was not just one plesiosaur that wandered into freshwater and then died there.
“The more plesiosaur fossils discovered in freshwater environments, the more this will further build the picture to explain why plesiosaurs might be turning up in freshwater environments around the world,” said Georgina Bunker, a student who was a co-author of the paper.
Dr. Longrich, a paleontologist and evolutionary biologist at the University of Bath, said it was “completely unexpected” to find the fossil of a plesiosaur that had lived in an 100-million-year-old freshwater river system that is now the Sahara.
While on a research trip to Morocco, he was sifting through a box in the back room of a shop when he spotted a “kind of chunky” bone, which turned out to be the arm of a five-foot long baby plesiosaur. Dr. Longrich paid the cashier no more than 200 Moroccan Dirham, or about $20, after bargaining to bring down the price, and brought the fossils back to Britain for further study.
Nick Longrich/University of Bath
“Once we started looking, the plesiosaur started turning up everywhere,” he said. “It reminds you there’s a lot we don’t know.” (The fossils will be returned to museums in Morocco at a later date, he said.)
As the news of the study made headlines last week, some Nessie fans were hopeful. George Edwards, who was for years the skipper of a Loch Ness tourism boat called the Nessie Hunter, said that for him the new study showed how creatures could adapt to survive in new environments — and that the world is full of mysteries. Take the coelacanth, a bony fish that was thought to have become extinct millions of years ago but was found in 1938 by a South African museum curator on a fishing trawler. “Lo and behold, they found them, alive and kicking,” Mr. Edwards said. “Anything is possible.”
Mr. Edwards said he had seen unexplained creatures in Loch Ness plenty of times: “There’s got to be a family of them.” From what he has seen, the creatures have a big arched back, no fins and are somewhat reminiscent of a plesiosaur.
But there is one detail that some Nessie lovers may have overlooked in their embrace of the plausibility of Nessie’s existence: Plesiosaurs became extinct at the same time as dinosaurs did, some 66 million of years ago. Loch Ness was only formed about 10,000 years ago, and before that it was ice.
Valentin Fischer, an associate professor of paleontology at the University of Liège in Belgium, said that it would currently be impossible for a marine reptile like the plesiosaur to live in Loch Ness.
Nick Longrich/University of Bath
The first recorded sighting of Nessie dates back to the sixth century A.D., when the Irish monk St. Columba was said to have driven a creature into the water. But global interest was revived in the 20th century, after a British surgeon, Col. Robert Wilson, took what became the most famous photo of the Loch Ness monster in 1934. Sixty years later, the photograph was revealed to be a hoax.
But some people were not discouraged, and, ever since, throngs of tourists have traveled to Loch Ness each year in hopes of seeing the monster.
There have been more than 1,100 sightings at Loch Ness, including four this year, according to the register of official sightings.
A famous photograph of the Loch Ness Monster taken in 1934 was later revealed to have been a hoax.Keystone/Getty Images
Steve Feltham, a full-time monster hunter who has lived on the shores of Loch Ness for three decades, said the British-Moroccan study was interesting, but that it was irrelevant to his search. Ever since it became clear that the famous 1934 photo of Nessie was fake, he has stopped believing that Nessie was a plesiosaur. Plesiosaurs have to come up for air, so he figures he would have seen it during the 12 hours a day that he scans the loch. Instead, he scans the water for giant fish that look like a boat turned upside down.
“I struggle to think of any bona fide Nessie hunter that still believes in the plesiosaur,” he said. “The hunt has moved on from that.”
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