#papa veldora is best papa
luxthestrange · 3 months
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salllzy · 2 months
Another world #3
Sarah listened as the dragon, Veldora spoke, there was a tiredness to him. One that she understood all too well, one that was etched into her very soul. Even now she could still feel it, she knew that it would never fully go away. She was simply tired of living. Of exsisting. She had never told her family, she knew that it would hurt them. In some ways she envied them, Charlie had Vaggie and their papa had their father. They had others to lean on, to borrow strength if they needed it. She didn't.
She had already paid the price once and it had cost her far more than she had ever been willing to pay. No one should ever pay the price that she had paid. No one. Emily had been the light and love of her life. She would have worshipped her for the rest of eternity. But it was her love for Emily that had gotten her and her papa condemned to Hell. So, no, she wasn't eager to let others into her life. At least not like that. It was a risk that she wasn't going to take again. Still, speaking with Veldora as he explained the world that she now lived in was soothing. The dragon had a way with words when he wasn't blushing at compliments, underneath all that bluster and confidence was someone similar to her. For days she listened to him speak, it was so easy to get lost in the stories that he spun, hunger gnawed at her and she knew that she would need to leave soon. She knew what it was like to starve and she was not eager to feel it again. "You are leaving." She pressed her hand to the barrier and wished that there was something that she could do about it, but she knew nothing about it or the person who had cast it. Trying to break it when she knew nothing about it was foolish and dangerous. "I wish I could stay, but I need food and there isn't anything that I can eat in here." She gestured around the cave to prove her point, there was nothing here to keep her alive. Veldora heaved a great sigh and lay on the ground. "I cannot keep you here even if I wanted to." There was something mournful in his voice, truthfully she didn't want to leave, she was left alone here. This was as close to peace as she would ever get. She was not eager to give it up. But she had very little choice in the matter, to stay was to starve, so she had to leave. "What if you could come with me? If I could find some way?" She didn't want to leave him here, that was cruel, not after he had been so kind to her. Notice. The use of predator skill would allow for safe storage until a way to break the barrier can be found. She froze at the sound of someone else inside of her head, it was jarring and she wasn't sure that she liked it. Apologies it will be remembered for the future. I am Great Sage and I am here to assist you. She relaxed slightly, there was something about the voice that was comforting, soothing, almost as if it knew her innermost thoughts. She sensed no malicious intent from them and given what she was? She was able to sense evil before it ever reached her. You took me by surprise, perhaps if you introduced yourself sooner? The Great Sage fell quiet and for a moment she wondered if she had offended them. I have only recently awoken, however, now that I am aware, I will announce myself beforehand. Thank you, that is all I ask. You mentioned something about a predator skill? Indeed, it may take some time to free Veldora. "I have an idea, I don't know if it will work. But it is the best shot that we have right now. Do you trust me?" Her red eyes met his without fear, she knew that it was a lot to ask and he had ever right to refuse. She wouldn't blame him if he did.
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