#papa fwhip au
your-local-crypt1d · 2 months
The prophesied part 2...
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ahllohehn · 2 months
Hermits and The Olympians/Emperors of Olympus is a Hermitcraft/Empires SMP based Percy Jackson AU based off my art and headcanons!
(Please do not use the tags for other PJO AUs as I use them to specifically label what's based off mine.)
Seperated by art/doodles, headcanons/discussion, fanfics:
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
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I made this reference sheet thing for my empires!tommy au. I took a bit of inspo from Arcane on the clothes since I feel the vibes fit the Grimlands well :D
Edit: dear god tap for better quality 😭
(Pose reference by solktaalik on DeviantArt)
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
thinking about Jimmy and Tommy interacting in my au.
thinking about how Jimmy looks too similar to Dream for Tommy not to be put on edge. Too much green, mainly, and Gods help Tommy if Jimmy decides to wear a hood that day.
fWhip could talk highly about Jimmy all he wanted, but seeing a man in green with a mask is setting Tommys' anxiety off tenfold. He's uncomfortable. He's distrusting. He's scared.
Then fWhip mentions how fun it is to rile the Codfather up, and Tommy immediately decides to never step foot in the swamp again. Dream was just like that, once, and Tommy was in fWhips' place. Then Dream changed for the worse, and that domino falling led to Tommys' death. He doesn't want to die again.
But Jimmy and Tommy are also so similar.
They both fought tooth and nail for their discs. They both are referred to as annoying and insufferable by their peers, even if for differing reasons. They both have an older sibling they look up to dearly (or at least, Tommy did have one). They're both familiar with the looks of exasperation at their presence from others, the not-so-playful eye rolls, the dismissal from friends, the need to prove themselves.
Jimmy and Tommy could make amazing friends if they weren't scared. If Tommy wasn't scared that Jimmy is another Dream. If Jimmy wasn't scared of fWhips' wrath if he were to upset Tommy. After all, the ravine and stealing his Codfather head was fWhip being playful, what would he do if he was actually angry with Jimmy?
Just, their dynamic is very interesting to me.
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your-local-crypt1d · 2 months
I made more textposts for my Papa fWhip au
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(I have more of these so part 2 here)
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
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@madsy-prongs OKAY !!!
For a small bit of background context, I had this idea that Tommy is Mumzas' child because it's poetic in a way. A boy who loves the living so much being a child of death. Anyway
Kristin tampers with Tommys' respawn point so when he gets revived, he ends up in the Grimlands.
She was intending to send him to Pixandria, the copper king being another one of her "children" (like Tommy, aka a death prophet), but the magic was disrupted.
fWhip finds Tommy wandering around his forge in awe of all the machinery and inventions. It's not exactly unusual to see another person in the forge, like members of the engineering guild, their apprentices, messengers looking for him, etc, but a pale teenager in raggedy clothes? That's a bit weird. Not the weirdest thing that's happened to fWhip but weird.
Tommys' head wounds from being beaten to death are still there, still bleeding, Tommy just genuinely didn't notice the pain while so heavily focused on the other sensations that come with being alive again.
Fwhip notices, though, and Tommys' broken prosthetic arm. One panicked conversation and a whole load of mistrust later, Tommy is in the infirmary wing of the Eastvale manor.
fWhip promises that he's just doing his due diligence making sure Tommy doesn't bleed to death in his forge then he can go back to living under floorboards and eating trash. He manages to get a laugh out of Tommy for that one.
That "little stay" ends up extending when he turns out there are a lot more wounds on him than just a forehead cut and a few bruises, turns out getting beaten to death multiple times kind of hurts! Who knew (:
Then it gets longer when fWhip starts working on a replacement arm for Tommy, nothing he hasn't done before. I headcanon the Grimlands exporting prosthetic limbs and other mobility aids for all kinds of species, with their technical geniuses inventing ones even for merfolk or winged people.
Then that stay becomes indefinite when Tommy let's slip that he's in danger, that someone is wanting to murder him "again", and not just regularly kill him, permanently kill him.
fWhip had honestly just assumed the white streak in Tommys' hair was premature greying or an accident with ice magic, Gem had some white streaks in hers after Scott used his ice magic on her. He didn't think it was because Tommy was genuinely brought back from the dead.
After that, fWhip promises that so long as Tommy is in the Grimlands, he is under fWhips' protection and that no more harm will come to him. He's not going to allow some child-abusive maniac to hurt Tommy again, not when fWhip, regrettably, has gotten quite attached to the loud, foul-mouthed teenager.
fWhip schedules an audience with Pixl after that, to discuss "personal matters" he explains in the letter and how it's of utmost urgency. He knows Gem would have books on revival and rejuvenation magic, but he's not looking into the practical side of it, he's looking into the after-effects and spiritual side of it all.
Besides, Tommy said he sometimes sees visions about how someone will die before it happens, and who better to ask about that sort of thing then a very famous prophet of Lady Death, the Copper King himself?
Eventually, fWhip takes on Tommy as an apprentice in the forge. That really solidfys Tommys' stay in the Grimlands being a more permanent thing than originally planned, it's not like he has anywhere else to go after all. He has no family, everyone thinks he's dead, Dream wants him dead.
fWhip is also very purposefully NOT telling his siblings, and subsequently the rest of the Wither Rose Alliance, about his new kid. He's really too busy dealing with everything going on at the moment for that can of worms.
Thats sort of the gist of what I have so far! I will hopefully finish up the art I have to post and maybe even some writing of it soon
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
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Does this mean anything?
(For my au)
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your-local-crypt1d · 2 months
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Basically my empires!tommy au
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your-local-crypt1d · 2 months
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@urfavcrime hope it was okay to tag but I've been itching for an excuse to talk about Gem and Tommy!! Forgive me if this is a bit ooc I've only watched a few of Gems videos-
Gem takes her role as Auntie very seriously. 
At first, she was a bit miffed about the whole situation. fWhip had no intention to tell her—his sister—about this, and she would have gone on unaware of Tommy even longer if fWhip wasn't terrible at hiding him. Doesn't fWhip trust her?
After fWhip explains the whole situation (Tommy has come from some kind of abusive situation; fWhip doesn't know the details, just that Tommy pleaded to be kept hidden so "he" never finds him), Gem eases up about the whole affair. 
Seeing the fondness fWhip has for Tommy, the way he effortlessly laughs at his jokes and gently scolds him for his bad language, is enough to convince Gem that everything is okay and that her brother hasn't made some huge mistake she'll need to fix. 
Gem's actually quite proud of fWhip for taking on such a big responsibility. I don't think she'd view him as parent material until she sees the way he interacts with Tommy.
Gem acts sort of like an old grandma when Tommy visits, always checking if he's hungry, and even if he says no, she's shoving plates of food towards him. complaining about how fWhip doesn't feed him enough, and he's all skin and bones (which, when you live in the snowy mountains, body fat is very important). 
She lets Tommy borrow a few simple spell books after he whined and pleaded to be taught magic (not enchantment table magic that's cringe and lame, real poggers magic like hers!). If she had any doubts about Tommy being fWhips' kid before, she certainly has none after Tommy nearly blows up half of the Eastvale Manor with magic. He is promptly banned from performing magic at home unsupervised. 
The Crystal Cliffs are a nice getaway from the Grimlands when Tommy needs it. Gems' tower doesn't have the regular echo of explosions and fireworks. Tommy has slowly grown to learn that he's safe in Eastvale and that fWhips' experiments won't ever be used to hurt him. But even if you consciously know something isn't dangerous, that doesn't necessarily translate over to your subconscious, and it certainly doesn't for Tommys' C-PTSD. So on occasion, he goes to stay with Gem when it's all too loud and stressful at home.
The only problem with it is that Tommy has a habit of running off and not telling anyone where he's going. Tommy does it a lot more than he'd admit—a flight response to his fear of abandonment, I suppose. Tommy could get away with it when no one was worried about where he'd be going, but now he has people who care for his safety (fWhip) and would burn down empires to find him. He's raising his whole familys' blood pressure; Papa fWhip is no exception. 
Luckily, Gem knows this and will send a message to fWhip every time Tommy comes to see her, regardless of whether he says fWhip is aware or not. Gem is good at remembering the little things that are important with Tommy: the areas he doesn't like being touched but won't say, the way he likes his tea, the kinds of sounds that upset him, etc. 
Gem, as usual, tries to be the voice of reason in her chaotic family, so she's usually the one who has to stop Tommy from causing problems on purpose (fWhip is an instigator, and Sausage always wants to join in). Think of Gem picking him up by the scruff of his clothes so Tommy doesn't bite someone who mildly inconvenienced him. She can and will invent a whole new spell that's just an up-sized child leash if she has to, young man, do not test her. or she just lightly bonks him on the head with her staff; that works when he steals her hat. 
All that being said, Gem is a lot more forgiving of Tommy if he does something genuinely wrong. I imagine she'd view him in a similar light to the way she views her Pillager students, "good people from bad homes," and all. She's patient when Tommy doesn't understand why something he did is wrong and never expresses anger towards him, just understanding and kindness. It works surprisingly well, especially with some sort of physical touch (handholding, hugs) to help ground Tommy in the present and remind him that he's not going to be exiled or hurt for 'fucking up' again. 
It's confusing for Tommy why fWhip and Gem are both so nice to him when he clearly doesn't deserve it for inconveniencing them all the time. But he's also desperate for the love and attention they give him, so as much as he hates it and feels weak leaning into it, he happily calls her Auntie Gem, and out of earshot, he refers to fWhip as 'dad'. 
Gem is the #1 supporter of fWhip officially adopting Tommy, and she's not subtle about it whatsoever. fWhip hasn't signed the papers yet because he doesn't want to lock Tommy into something he doesn't want, and Tommy hasn't brought it up because he doesn't want to annoy fWhip, and it is so frustrating to watch. More frustrating than Gem watching Scott and Jimmy not realising their crushes on each other are mutual. 
That's all I've got so far with her. Sorry, it's not a whole lot 🖤
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
followed you simply for empires ctommy. I don’t even like empires but ctommy is my everything,,, any spare bits rattling around in that brain of yours
I have so many THOUGHTS about this dude you have no idea. Also, I do recommend watching Empires not because it's super similar to the dsmp but because it has its own disc war and Jimmy Solidarity is like Tommy but in a different font. Anyway,
My favourite idea I've had so far is cTommy punching transphobes in the face. Unlike the smp where it's like maybe 40-odd people trapped in a cursed land they cannot leave, Empires has citizens, it had loads of people. So like there's bound to be one person in the Grimlands who doesn't like their Count being a trans man. Tommy is having none of that though, he will clobber anyone who talks bad about fWhip while saying something badass like; "fWhip is twice the man you'll ever be"
Am I projecting heavily on that one? Yes.
Similarly, if you ever give anyone shit for Tommy's or anyone else's disability he will beat you with his prosthetic arm. I think on the smp, being disabled is a very common thing (hard of hearing/deaf people, amputees, nerve damage, blindness, etc) thanks to the constant wars, explosions and violence. I headcanon Tubbo to be almost entirely blind because of his execution, so Tommy will shout at you if you are rude to a blind person. He also absolutely knows sign language, which I've been calling MSL (minecraft sign language), so fWhip who is absolutely HoH thanks to being a demolitionist has someone he can communicate with if he doesn't have his hearing aid, and same with anyone else who's deaf/HoH.
In a similar vein to Tommy transphobe-puncher Innit, Tommy doesn't really give a shit about how he presents his gender. If you ask he will say he's a BIG MAN who uses he/him pronouns only, but he's also happy to walk around wearing a skirt (as long as it's a practical one he can fight in). He makes flower crowns for his friends. He can braid hair and has long-ish hair of his own. Hell, I'd say he could even do some basic makeup! Just stereotypically "feminine" things, because he just Does Not Care™. The most trans-allegory cishet man ever.
Tommy seems like the type to not care if he's asked to wear something formal (I.e. the L'manberg uniform) as long as he can still fight in it, Tommy likes to be prepared at all times. He keeps like three concealed weapons on him at all times. People have mentioned kinda worriedly to fWhip that his kid has a "perfect soldier stance", that he more marches wear he walks than actual walking, etc. It's concerning to see a kid no older than 16 walking around like a grizzled war veteran (which he is). Also, when asked to greet another Emperor respectfully, Tommy interprets that as a salute, perfect posture, etc with "It's an honour to meet you, ma'am/sir!" Because that's the only way he knows how to "show respect".
Idk I just want to explore the child soldier side of cTommy more.
Also just Tommy who's literally been homeless before being utterly shocked at the lavish lifestyle royalty/nobility lead. He sees all the food laid out in the dining hall to feed fWhip and his whole staff and is just shocked, there's never been that much food to go around on his whole server and there it all is just sitting there, AND fWhip tells him there's more if he doesn't like any of it!
Tommy really is just Sophia the first in this au lol
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
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Getting some work done while he’s stuck. Hopefully if I’m motivated enough I’ll be able to write a one shot to go along side this.
(Closeups under the cut)
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
So about your Papa Fwhip au, does Pixlriffs play much of a role in it?
Ohhhh Pix plays such an interesting role in this thank you for asking!!
Tommy and Pix, once they meet formally, get to have that spiderman into the spiderverse moment where they sense that they're like each other. Death prophets, that is.
Pix has been one of Lady Deaths' chosen for a very very long time. He's had the time to get used to the vivid visions and general unrest the presence of a seer can cause (I'm sure you've heard We Don't Talk About Bruno, that's how most people treat prophets)
Tommy only started getting his visions after his first canon life was lost, and it really freaked his friends out when he started talking about it. Tommy now tends to keep it to himself.
But Pix is happy to discuss whatever he sees, try to make sense of the vagueness and all.
When you're the king (or the count) of your lands, people tend to be respectful and kind to you 24/7, unless they're close friends and family. Tommy is an outlier, because he's tommyinnit. He's loud, he's rude (in a sense), he swears a lot, makes weird sexual innuendos and just generally acts like abrasive child.
Most would find him obnoxious, but I think Pix wouldn't mind all that much. He's met a lot worse in his life than a prickly teenager. It can also be hilarious when he goes on his weird rants or insists that sand is totally edible and very good for you, Pix you should eat some right now.
It's such a far cry from how everyone treats the copper king he can't help but find it a bit funny. Besides, Tommy can be very endearing, it's how he got fWhip so attached to him (and like several father figures before him).
Not many flowers grow out in the desert, not ones Pix thought possible could be turned into flower crowns, but somehow Tommy managed to make him a beautiful crown of desert lilies anyway. Pix is pretty sure that those flowers only bloom on cacti, and his suspicions were confirmed when he found many prickles all over Tommys' clothes and in his fingers.
If Pix wore that flower crown under his official copper crown until the flowers withered away, that's for him and his citizens to know.
The dsmp in this au is a galaxy land very far away thats cursed, once you enter you cannot leave. It's got a hodgepodge of different species cultures and traditions, and eventually a few of their own sparked on from L'manberg and other factions. All this to say, I think Tommy would be somewhat curious about Pixandrian culture, particularly the Vigil and their beliefs around Lady Death (he's only ever heard about her through Phil, it's nice to hear a different story for once)
Pix is also a Silly Guy™ and would absolutely encourage Tommys' more harmless shenanigans, maybe he'd help too but that's for him and Tommy to know.
I like to think Tommy would set up a candle at the vigil for Wilbur, simply saying its for his brother and not elaborating. Pix doesn't need him to say any more, though, he did have a family once upon a time, he understands.
I imagine Pix to be a good secret keeper, so when fWhip asks to keep quiet about the whole thing (he hasn't even told his siblings yet), Pix acquiesces, even offers to babysit here or there even fWhip needs. Not that Tommy is happy about that, whining about being a big man and not a child who needs babysitting.
Grandpa Pix (: he sneaks Tommy candy when fWhip says no (((:
Now for the angst (Cw for a brief discussion of a panic attack and some talk of mental health issues like psychosis. Don't feel like you need to read the rest if you can't!)
Pix was one of the first people to learn about Tommys' existence, entirely by accident. He had come to the Grimlands for his usual trade deal with fWhip (and also to check in on the count who looked more stressed than ever) only to meet Tommy in the worst way possible.
fWhip and Pix are in the middle of their meeting when Tommy calls out for fWhip in distress. All Pix really gets to see is fWhip calm Tommy down from a panic attack, mumbling about how he saw someone in the window, someone who was gonna hurt him again, and fWhip assuring him repeatedly that it wasn't real and nobody was gonna hurt him.
Pix was already curious about what was going on with fWhip, concerned mainly but also curious. fWhip had mentioned something about "someone he needed to look after now" during their last visit. Now he gets to meet that someone.
That someone being a child struggling with hallucinations and severe CPTSD...
That's why fWhips been exhausted, he's been staying up to keep an eye on Tommy in case he gets woken up by night terrors again. That's why fWhips been stressed, Sausage had similar issues growing up that I won't get into here but Pix is old enough to remember his adoption by fWhip and Gems' parents; he's old enough to remember a 12-year-old fWhip talking about how his new big brother is "very sick".
Part of Tommys' C-PTSD is hallucinations, usually visual ones of the people he knows or has killed. He often sees Dream through windows or in crowds, and it always triggers a panic attack for him.
That's partly why Pix offers to "babysit" him, what he really means is "be there if Tommy needs someone to calm him down from a breakdown".
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
I believe you mentioned a fanfic when discussing your Empires Tommy PLEASE SIR PLEASE SHARE ABOUT IT
Word count: 732
fWhip raised his hand, only managing to reach halfway up to his hair before such a sudden movement from Tommy made him stop dead in his tracks. The once-standing teen was now pushed up against the nearest wall, curled up defensively with his forearms out, protecting his face from a strike. He trembled violently and faced away from fWhip, teeth clenched, and eyes squeezed shut tightly.
Did Tommy think he was going to hit him...?
fWhips’ hand dropped in an instant, alarm and abhorrence twisting in his stomach painfully as the realisation dawned on him. A terrible realisation, really–one that made the world around him drown out into static as his wide-open eyes stared at the kid hyperventilating and gasping for air in front of him.
Clenching and unclenching his fist repeatedly to ground himself temporarily, fWhip shook his racing thoughts from his head and deliberately slowly kneeled in front of Tommy. He could think about the implications of Tommys’ reaction later.
“Hey, Tommy, buddy– do you know where you are right now?” fWhip made sure he was sitting at eye level with the blonde, keeping a distance between him and Tommy to not make him feel any more unsafe. He was safe; fWhip wouldn’t even dream of hurting a child! Who the hell–
‘Focus, fWhip. He needs you right now’ He had to remind himself.
Tommy hesitantly cracked one eye open to watch him. He scrutinised his face, searching for any kind of anger or deceit but only finding a gentle and placating smile. fWhip made sure that his hands could be seen resting in his lap, forcing them to not tremble.
“E-Eastvale?” The shaky words came out more like a question than an answer, Tommys’ voice wavering and cracking at the end.
“Yeah, that’s right.” The count nodded, hoping it came off encouragingly. “Do you know who I am?”
“fWhip...?” Tommy questioned in a soft whimper, now with both electric blue eyes staring at him.
“Yes! Yes, it's me, fWhip. Can you breathe with me, Tommy?” fWhip took a big, exaggerated breath in and then out rhythmically, the teen still attempting to copy him despite the way he heaved and shook uncontrollably.
One big breath in, one big breath out. Breath In, then out. In, out. fWhip kept this up with Tommy until his arms lowered and shaking calmed, the tension not entirely leaving his body but at least to the point where he didn’t look utterly terrified of the count.
Everyone else could be afraid of the lord of darkness, Count fWhip of the Grimlands. Not Tommy–anyone but Tommy.
“Can I touch you, buddy?” The question left his lips before fWhip could stop himself. Tommy paused, mulling over the request, before gradually nodding. fWhip steadily shifted closer to him, stopping at any point where he seemed uncomfortable, before gently pulling the teen into a hug.
The tense frame of the kid almost immediately seeped out into the floor below him, and he went boneless in his hold. Not hugging back but not pulling away either, just simply leaning into the contact.
Now, fWhip let himself be mad–no, 'mad’ doesn’t even begin to cover it. He was furious. Furious that whatever “parent” or “guardian” Tommy had previously would dare to touch a hair on his head. To lay their hands on him without permission, to hurt him enough to fear a hand being raised against him again. Whoever they are, they didn’t deserve the right to call themselves Tommys’ parent.
fWhips’ hold around him switched from gentle and comforting to shielding and protective – one arm around his upper back and the other in his golden hair – and with the awkward way Tommy was slumped against him and the floor, fWhip nearly engulfed his entire thin frame.
Tommy hesitated for a moment, just a moment, before finally hugging fWhip back in a tight grip, tight enough to probably leave a bruise or two later. Not that fWhip particularly cared right now. He just hoped that his fury alone was enough to smite everyone who ever harmed his kid.
His kid?
Something in him paused for a moment, surprised, before an acceptance settled in his mind.
Yes, his kid.
And whoever had a problem with that would need to fight a vampire lord to make him change his mind. After all, he was well known for being furiously protective of his family.
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
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Was discussing the Papa Fwhip Au with my friend, and I had the idea of Tommy being a winged elf like Scott, so here's a rough sketch and some general thoughts about it:
There are two types of Elves, ones with wings and ones without. It's a recessive gene passed down through families, most of whom are of the nobility class.
Though, Tommy doesn't have a family for that gene to be passed down through, being that he was sulpted and brought to life by Lady Death. Remember, death prophets are made, not born.
Tommy has shorter ears than Scott because of his age. Elves reach adulthood at 100 when their ears stop growing outwards. Tommy is only 16 so he has little points that will slowly grow out to look like Scotts.
Tommy is a pied raven, an extinct colour morph of the North Atlantic subspecies of the common raven. Just another connection he has with death, I suppose.
I wanted Tommy to be a raven instead of a crow like Phil because whilst they look very similar, there are some key differences between crows and ravens, one of which being ravens are bigger than crows, and Tommy is a lot taller than Phil. Also because I wanted Tommy to look very similar to Phil but just slightly off, like Mumza tried to draw (or, in this case, sculpt) him from memory.
You can't really tell in the sketch but Tommys' wings are small, their growth stunted, because he'd bind them up and hide them under his clothes ever since he was trapped in the Dream SMP. He couldn't use them anyway, since flying was banned.
Couple that with the bones in the wings being repeatedly broken from falls on his back or being slammed into walls, and you have some pretty useless wings.
Eventually, his wings will heal, though, and he'll be taught how to fly with them.
Oh and due to a comedy of errors and miscommunications, for a short time, Scott and Jimmy are convinced that fWhip kidnapped a random citizen of Rivendell to fuck with Scott, but that's a story for another time :)
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your-local-crypt1d · 1 month
Fwhip to Tommy: no I would never try to blow anyone up!
Scott: 🧍‍♂️
He didn't have any intention to blow up people at the time but yknow things change. By that point, Tommy would trust fWhip enough to not blow up the rest of Rivendell (while also stressing bcuz this is like when he burnt down c!Georges' house but worse)
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
rattles my metal bucket w like 3 coins inside, pleading eyes… empires tommy thoughts?
Is angst okay? Because I have angsty stuff that'll I'll put under the cut just in case
Cw for ptsd and panic attacks ✨️
So the grimlands many export is gunpowder, right? So they have fireworks and TNT in excess. The only problem with that, is Tommy's trauma surrounding both.
The first time fWhip learns of this is when he's showing Tommy around outside the manor and some fireworks go off in the distance, simple celebratory ones.
Unfortunately "simple celebratory" fireworks aren't a thing from where Tommy comes from, they're a weapon of war exclusively, and his soldier brain kicks in when he hears them.
He's immediately shouting "Get down!" and pulling fWhip with him to the floor, laying on his stomach and covering his ears. Tears are streaming down his face and he's muttering about executions and battles.
fWhip actually has decent knowledge on how to calm someone down from a panic attack, he's just so stunned in the moment one of his guards does it for him. Doing the "5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and one thing you can taste" grounding thing.
After all that, fWhip makes a note to make some noise-cancelling headphones for Tommy.
Tommy gets a very different but similarly stemmed reaction when learning about fWhip making bombs, and overseeing demolition projects in the Grimlands and outside. He knows logically fWhip is just passionate about his work, but every time he sees the man grin maniacally about it, Tommy just sees Wilbur.
Tommy starts getting jumpy and nervous around fWhip again after learning that. Tommy knows he's not anything like Wilbur but he still flinches away from fWhip, "If I can't have L'manberg, then no one can!" echoing in his head.
It's only when fWhip confronts him about it ("confront" is way too harsh a word for how gently he asks Tommy about it) does Tommy crack. Through angry tears he makes fWhip promise he'd never blow up the Grimlands (Tommy doesn't wanna admit he's starting to see Eastvale as his home), that fWhip means it when he says he's just blowing things up to make room for builders and nothing more, nothing terroristic.
fWhip is utterly horrified at the implications and very quickly swears on his life he'd never purposefully "blow up" anyone! Certainly not the Grimlands, certainly not his home.
fWhip starts keeping a list of triggers for Tommy after this, he is very concerned for this kids wellbeing.
In the meantime, he finishes Tommy's new prosthetic arm. Tommy doesn't know how to respond at first when given it, his immediate thought is if this is some sort of trick or way to garner his trust before hurting him (like everyone else), but he ignores that in favour of putting the new arm on, the magic and redstone humming to life.
He cries, happy tears don't worry, but he cries a lot. He was so sure that after Dream broke his old one he'd never have another arm, he'd have to learn to survive on one again! But fWhip put his own valuable time into making one, a real one that functions not a trick, and holds him through the tears.
It's bittersweet in a way, Tommy finally getting the kindness he's so desperately wanted and needed over the years. He's grateful to have it now but where was it when Wilbur died? When Tubbo exiled him? When Dream nearly killed Tubbo over his stupid discs? When Dream permanently killed him in prison?
I just want Tommy to be able to cry for once, cry until he feels better and have someone (Papa fWhip) to be there to comfort him.
Tommy also getting to enjoy a fireworks display without a panic attack because of the previously mentioned noise-cancelling headphones.
I do also have a short thing I wrote where fWhip does calm Tommy down from a panic attack if you want!
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