#pantera reunion
nekrofilth · 1 year
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pantera and lamb of god 07.29.23
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
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aimed at you, we’re the cowboys from hell
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timbowmanmedia · 1 month
Pantera came to Chicago yesterday at Soldier Field playing with Metallica on their M72 World Tour. Check them out playing "This Love."
More videos from the show are available on my YouTube channel!
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kenpiercemedia · 2 years
The Reunited Pantera Perform For The First-Time @ Hell and Heaven Metal Fest, Mexico
The Reunited Pantera Perform For The First-Time @ Hell and Heaven Metal Fest, Mexico
The reformed or reunited version of Pantera in 2022 features original members Philip Anselmo and Rex Brown who laid down that primal concrete sledge something fierce back in the heyday with the exemplary talents of “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott and his brother Vinnie Paul who are sadly no longer with us. Joining the ranks in their honor are Zakk Wylde from Black Label Society and Charlie Benante from…
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procrazedfan · 4 months
Minnie Mae Murderface was the kind of gal who didn’t let anything stand in her way. Whether it was running from Johnny Law for blowing up illegal explosives in a swamp, drinking booze to numb the back pain, or outright diving in the lake to noodle for a catfish dinner, she never hesitated on any decision she made. The way she saw it, it was a waste of time hemming and hawing. It was better to take action than to sit around and wait to ask for permission. For right or wrong, at least something would be done.
That was probably why she didn’t hesitate to put in a little somethin’ extra in her Pa’s beer before she gave it to him.
Or why she didn’t look back when she crawled out the back window of the broken screen of Daddy’s trailer with nothing but her usual overalls, sneakers and tool kit.
Or why she didn’t stop walking when the sun rose again over the horizon of the ten-mile marker on the road.
All she knew was that she had better get free or die trying. Cause it was either that, or she'd have to go back to Pa.
Granted, he was alright for a Pa. He was nice enough to let her keep wearing overalls and play with the other boys her age when she was a youngin'. Taught her how to fix the truck, along with HVAC units, and all other things that would need fixing at the trailer or the junkyard. They even watched NASCAR together on Sundays.
It wasn’t until that preacher fella done come by their little ol’ nowhere town of Mount Pantera that her Pa went crazy. Suddenly, he’d gotten funny about what she should wear, was told to do less “men’s work” and more “women’s work”. Even the NASCAR on Sunday went away in favor of hearing that same preacher man on the pulpit.
If that was the only thing he was trying to change she could have tolerated it.
Trying to ignore the growing pain in her lower back, and took a swig out of the bottle of beer that she saved for herself for the trip.
The question was...where was she gonna go now?
Her Ma was buried six feet under, not that she remembered much of her. Her aunts and uncles nearby would just turn her back in to her Pa as soon as they could. And the rest of her extended family was Lord Knows where.
She chewed her red hair from her right pigtail, trying to think of a solution. It was a shame she didn’t have her fiddle on hand. That was useful for thinkin’. But she reckoned she had to travel light on an occasion such as this.
Minnie tried recalling any relatives that were out there in the world, far away from the quaint little ol’ town of Mount Pantera. The only place she knew her whole life. Who was at that family reunion last year?
A beat up car in the parking lot of the diner she was walking by had been blasting some kinda music she never heard of.
The rhythm was...heavy. The sound of the drums were consistent, and the sound of the guitars were low, like a war song for a march. The singer must’ve had a frog in his throat, because she could barely make out the words from the sound of his growling.
"Hungry and tired the frigid plain yields little
  We trudge on further, eating pride and snow that's brittle
  We ride
 We ride"
She grinned a little to herself with her tooth gap showing, imagining what it would be like if she had a horse to ride out of town on instead of her own mismatched feet.
-That was “The Lost Vikings” a Dethklok Classic, stay tuned to 5184MTL for metal hits old and new -
Where had she heard of Dethklok befo- her hazel eyes widened in revelation as she slapped her knee. It was Cousin Willy’s band! She remembered Granny Murderface braggin’ about it after she had one too many beers at the reunion last year.
Everyone called her Granny on account that she was the Murderface clan’s oldest living matriarch. And when she put her foot down, that meant her word was law, even though she retired to Florida some years back.
If anyone could get her out of this situation, it was Granny Murderface, she was sure of it.
Minnie Mae walked through the doors of Flotsam and Jetsam’s Diner with a spring in her step and a wrench in her hand.
“Got anything need fixin’ round here for a plate and a phonecall?”
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slutdge · 4 months
alright im in the mood to be a hater what does everyone think the ugliest guitar body shape(s) are mines controversial but i cannot stand flying v's or telecasters. also whatever the fuck zakk wylde has going on with that abomination he was playing for the pantera reunion. also headless guitars are always some ugly ass body shape. also rickenbacker 375's.
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emphasisonthehomo · 2 years
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Three shows of Pantera’s forthcoming reunion tour have been cancelled this week, seemingly due to a 2016 incident in which frontman Phil Anselmo made a Nazi salute and yelled “white power” at a concert.
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metaladdicts · 1 year
YouTuber KAYLA KENT Reveals PHIL ANSELMO Considered Her For PANTERA Reunion
YouTuber Kayla Kent, known for her breathtaking covers of PANTERA, has recently disclosed an interesting backstage experience with the band. She was invited to a tribute performance due to her exceptional skills that caught the attention of PANTERA. To her surprise, Philip Anselmo, the band’s frontman, revealed that she was among the potential guitar players considered for a PANTERA…
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As respected musicians, ANTHRAX's Charlie Benante and BUTCHER BABIES' Carla Harvey have spent decades touring the globe and amassing diehard fans who love to see them dominate on the stage, but their creativity doesn't stop there. Both are also incredible visual artists and a new gallery show, sponsored by Monster Energy and produced by Punk Rock & Paintbrushes, presents their imagination and expressiveness in a whole new light.
Dubbed "Charla-Palooza", the one-weekend-only event will be held in West Hollywood on Saturday, April 15 beginning at 6 p.m., featuring appearances by both Benante and Harvey as well as DJ sets, a cocktail bar and the chance to buy original artworks. The gallery will also be open on Sunday, April 16 with a VIP intimate event from 12-2 p.m. with limited-edition prints for all attending, the Punk Rock & Paintbrushes coffee table book signed by both Carla and Charlie, an open question-and-answer session with both artists and complimentary coffee. Both dates are open to the public.
Attendees can RSVP at Charla2023.Eventbrite.com.
"Charla-Palooza" comes after a 2021 show in Chicago, which marked Benante's first-ever substantial exhibition of his artwork. He's notably also been behind every ANTHRAX album cover art the past 30-plus years. In addition to ANTHRAX, Benante is currently part of the PANTERA reunion with a number of dates planned for 2023.
Harvey is a cartoonist and illustrator whose work has been featured on the cover of Heavy Metal magazine. This event celebrates the release of Harvey's 10th annual anthology of art created on her tours, "GASH 10". GASH is a yearly publication of Harvey's artwork.
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metalshockfinland · 2 years
Fans Sharing Memories: DIMEBAG DARRELL Once Waited in Line to Meet DAGON DESTROYER
Fans Sharing Memories: DIMEBAG DARRELL Once Waited in Line to Meet DAGON DESTROYER
With Pantera top of mind as their reunion tour begins, fans are sharing their memories of one of the world’s most iconic bands. Dagon Destroyer is no exception. He recalls meeting Dimebag on tour. Imagine being the biggest rock star in the world and, despite this, waiting in line to meet the members of an obscure industrial metal band. This was Dimebag. Totally humble and unaffected by his…
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nekrofilth · 2 years
Have you watched any videos from the Pantera reunion shows? If so, what are your thoughts on how they sound?
I’m sorry I know I’m a Phil stan at this point but the man sounds great. For his age and the damage he has done to his health and even voice at some points in his career - he still fucking has it. I think he sounds awesome. Zakk sounds like Zakk at some points but it’s not bad at all I think they’re really doing a great job.
I’m so tired of hearing “THIS AINT PANTERA” no fucking shit it’s not that’s not the point of all this
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519magazine · 7 months
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reneasmussendk · 8 months
PANTERA's Reunion: 🔥 Igniting the Fire says Phil Anselmo 🔥
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shyearthquakedaze · 10 months
Phil Anselmo on What Vinnie & Dime Would Think of Pantera Reunion
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metalindex-hu · 10 months
Phil Anselmo szerint az Abbott-fivérek azt akarnák, hogy a Pantera pörögjön tovább
Phil Anselmo szerint az Abbott-fivérek azt akarnák, hogy a Pantera pörögjön tovább - https://metalindex.hu/2023/11/25/phil-anselmo-szerint-az-abbott-fiverek-azt-akarnak-hogy-a-pantera-porogjon-tovabb/ -
Már több mint másfél éve annak, hogy kiderült: a Pantera újra turnéra indul Phil Anselmo énekessel és Rex Brown bőgőssel, az elhunyt Abbott-fivérek helyére pedig Zakk Wylde ugrik be gitáron, illetve a dobszerkó mögött Charlie Benante az Anthraxből. A kultikus groove metal-banda azóta Magyarországon is adott egy dupla koncertet, jövőre pedig ismét útnak indul, többek közt a Metallica turnéjának számos állomásán fog majd melegíteni.
Ez is egy indok volt arra, hogy Anselmo a Metallica podcastjában vendégeskedjen, és most már sokadik alkalommal tisztázza az egész „a Pantera koncertezik a 2020-as években” jelenség létjogosultságát:
Csak annyit mondhatok, hogy tudom, hogy Vince és Dime azt akarná, hogy ezt csináljuk. Azt akarnák, hogy az egész Pantera brand és annak öröksége folytatódjon. Én nem tudom, hogy ti hisztek-e az ilyenekben, de néha jó azt gondolni, hogy az öregfiúk fentről figyelnek minket, és áldásukat adják az egészre.
Habár „Dimebag” Darrell és Vinnie Paul örökösei jóváhagyták az egész csinnadrattát, a dobos még életében többször is hangoztatta, hogy ez az egész „reunion” miért nem kivitelezhető. Vinnie még 2014-ben, testvére halálának egy évtizedes évfordulóján így nyilatkozott:
Az emberek önzők. Csak a saját érdekeiket nézik és nem törődnek azzal, hogy te mit szeretnél. Elég elcseszett dolog, hogy sokan úgy vannak vele, hogy „Tyűha, be lehetne lökni a színpadra Zakket, és újra él a Pantera!”. Nem, ez nem így működik, ez nem ilyen egyszerű. Ha Eddie Van Halent jövő héten négyszer fejbelőnék, vajon az emberek akkor is azt mondanák, hogy „Figyu már, Zakk, elmehetnél játszani a Van Halenbe, és nyugodtan hívjátok a bandát ugyanúgy!„? Érted már mit mondok? Baromi önző és ostoba, aki így gondolkodik. Ez egyszerűen nem helyes.
Nem véletlen szokás az újraegyesülés szót használni. Fogod az eredeti tagokat, akik együtt visszahozzák azt, ami volt. Elég sok mindenre mondják, hogy reunion, ami voltaképp nem is az. Kb. egyetlen arc a bandából bohóckodik másokkal. Az ilyesmi nem igazi reunion, és ezért nem is működhetne ez soha a Panteránál.
Szóval itt a remek téma szombat délutánra, ami ismét barátságokat tehet tönkre koncerteken, szórakozóhelyeken, bárokban, attól függően, hogy ki melyik oldalt képviseli. Nagyon szívesen!

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On February 12, 1999, Black Sabbath with Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler, and Bill Ward played The Nutter Center in Fairborn, Ohio. This was one of many "reunion tours" for the band, and since I had never seen them (though I'd been a fan for nearly 30 years) I decided this might be my last chance to see the original lineup in concert. A friend of mine scored front row tickets, and I was in seat 7 - just about center row. The Deftones opened, followed by Pantera. I hadn't heard either band, nor did I care that they were on the bill. I was there to see Sabbath.
I got a lot of ribbing that week from the other greybeards, and young turks who worked with me at the record store because Black Sabbath was never hip enough for any of them. Also, I was 42 years old. What the hell was I doing at a heavy metal concert at my age? I didn't care. I was going anyway.
Time has robbed me completely of any memory (but not my hearing - I wore earplugs) of The Deftones set. But my buddy promised me I would like Pantera. They came out, and kicked into their set, and I have to admit I thought they were pretty good. After a few numbers, the houselights came up, and they paused to take a look at the audience. The rest of the crowd was on its feet, but not me. I was slumped in my seat. And that's when it happened.
Lead guitarist Darrell Abbott - known to all as Dimebag Darrell, looked directly at me, and started laughing, and pointing at me. He called lead singer Phil Anselmo over and pointed at me again, and now both were laughing. At first I thought it must have been because I was sitting while everyone around me was standing. Then I realized they were having some fun at my expense because I was clearly much older than the rest of the crowd. If nothing else, my hairline betrayed me.
I just thought, fine, have your little joke. I'm here to see Sabbath, not you guys. Just before the band kicked into their next song, Dimebag tossed a guitar pick he'd been using directly at me, and it landed on my chest. I picked it off, and looked at it, and it bore the scratches on both sides that proved it was, in fact, the pick he'd been using through the first several numbers. Realizing there might be riches in my future if these guys ever got really big, I stashed the pick in my pocket.
When the song ended, Dimebag once again tossed - this time - a few picks at me. And he kept tossing them directly at me until their short set ended. There were picks everywhere, and everyone around me was scrambling to the floor to get the overflow, and those who couldn't snare one for themselves began begging me, "Hey, man! Set me up? I gotta have one. How about it?" I figured this was a good way to make a new bunch of friends, and guarantee they wouldn't beat me up in the parking lot after the show. So, I spread the wealth around. I wound up with 11 of Dimebag's guitar picks - custom made with his signature on one side, and his face the on the other - in both black and white (8 black, 3 white). I only got one with the scratches on it. The rest came from his pocket. But I was happy with them. I felt like he'd gone from laughing at me to appreciating that this old man was front row for an ear-splitting heavy metal concert.
Now, if I could just score one from Tony Iommi. Long story short, I did. Tony's signature on one side, and Gibson USA with an M beneath it on the flip. Tony's is at the bottom right corner of the ticket stub in the photo, and the used pick from Dimebag is upper left of the stub. You can see the scratch marks.
I came away loving the Sabbath set, but Pantera impressed me as well. In fact, I bought their live album. Over the next few years, I always read the interviews "Dime" would give to Guitar World, and I discovered what a nice, fun-loving, all around great guy he was, and how much he was loved by fans, and fellow musicians. Of course, on December 8, 2004 on a concert stage in Columbus in my home state of Ohio, Dimebag Darrell Abbott was shot to death by a crazed fan. And that made me cherish the memory of my encounter with him so much more. Any notion I ever had about selling that used pick went out the window, too. Not now, not ever.
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