amotherlove-blog · 6 years
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        ❛ izuku ? tadaima ! ’ the door of their apartment creeks open as she settles her shoes at the entrance. she calls for him once more --- no answer. the expanse is eerily quiet; oft she’d arrive from work to her son watching all might videos, blaring from the speakers. today, the ambiance differs and ever the fretful woman --- she can’t help consider the worst possible scenario. was he home ? was he hurt ? did he run into trouble on the way home ? hastened steps carry her to the threshold of his room, sets down the bag of goodies she’d brought from work just beside his door and knocks, ❛ izuku ? ’ she gently pries the door open, peering inside.   /   @panicsprey   
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freezeoburn · 6 years
@panicsprey | *:♥・゚
❝ Do you think it’s stuck? I can’t tell. ❞ He muttered, glancing between his companion and the cat high up in a tree. It seemed like it wanted to get down but it wasn’t jumping. Shouto felt obligated to help it.
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❝ Midoriya, that first branch seems a bit high to reach from where we are but if one of us could stand on the other’s shoulders WE CAN DO IT. ❞
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nbrke · 6 years
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          ❛     ━━     i . . .     STILL   DON ‘ T   GET   IT . . .     ❜               / /  @panicsprey
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wontlose-blog · 6 years
@panicsprey replied to your post
I’m not here to make your life easy. I’m here to make sure you’re working your hardest. Make both work, or you lose.
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try me one more fuckin’ time.
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smashkick-archive · 6 years
izuku heaved in a breath, lungs screaming a little bit at the exertion he’d forced it through the past couple of minutes. he was shaking a little bit, his adrenaline still high after the ambush of unexpected backup the villains had planned for. a set up. they’d tried to set him up. him. izuku let out a quiet scoff. not that it had worked out well for them, in the end. it had caught him off - guard at first, sure, but he wasn’t stupid. he wasn’t weak, either. they’d severely underestimated him, and they’d paid for it. permanently. running a hand through his hair, curls sweaty and damp and sticking to his forehead, izuku updated his mental tally. five less members of the league to take down. but for now ... he needed to clean this up ... just enough that no evidence of him would be left behind. the police -- or a pro hero -- would come by soon enough, and izuku needed to be out of here before they ----- 
a funny sound started up behind him, and izuku spun around quickly, feeling his heart speed up a little when he saw someone stumble out of what he assumed was a portal (it was solid though, like a rip through time, not like what kurogiri’s writhing mass of black and purple portals had been). any other time, izuku would have been curious, would have wanted to take notes and ask questions, but the timing and the unfamiliarity of the figure who’d stepped through took precedence and izuku’s guard was already on high alert as it was.  ❝ hey, ❞   he mumbled, just loud enough for the other person to hear. no amount of squinting or waiting for his eyes to try and adjust to the new figure in the shadows would help : izuku couldn’t see the stranger’s face. which meant he couldn’t see what they had on them : what they might try and pull. izuku’s fingers flexed before clenching, the movement triggering a response on his gloves, making them spread until they covered his entire arm in a dull metal gauntlet. it looked plain and ordinary, other than the faint blue glow that almost spiderwebbed across it after fully activating.   ❝ if you don’t mind ... could you walk to the light for me? and don’t try anything funny. it’s been a long night and i’m not really in the mood to clean up even more. ❞
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◢┊CLOSED STARTER. 〉 @panicsprey.
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“That was quite a remarkable feat of courage. No doubt had you not intervened many people would have gotten hurt.” Even more so for the boy who seemed in all regards to be a civilian. “You handled yourself as though you’ve seen your share of battle.”  
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fooresight-blog · 6 years
//I should disqualify you for not actually sending in your URL, but I love ya too much.
Send me your URL and I'll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general:  IZUKU IS A PRECIOUS CHILD AND I WOULD DIE FOR HIM!! I could say how much I honestly love this sweet child for hours, but I’m not sure if I could word the best. Just know that he’s a really well written character and I can’t wait how to how he grows more as a hero!How they play them: AMAZING!! FANTASTIC!! Really though, Samee does such a good job on Izuku and I can’t wait to see her write more!!The Mun: Samee is an angst machine, but I love her and she’s a great person to talk to! Did I mention I love her??? I think I have?
Do I:
RP with them: HELL YEAH!!Want to RP with them:  MORE THREADSSSSSSSSSS
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
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**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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saveandwin · 6 years
ouch! izuku grunted, falling awkwardly on his side as he was pushed out of the vortex forcefully. he only stayed on the ground for a second though, eyes widening as he saw the vortex start to close, and he jumped up, racing for it to hop right back through again ---- but only managed to slam himself into the wall as it closed right before he got to it.  ❝ ow ... ❞  he groans, out loud this time, rubbing at his face. he didn’t have time to lick his wounds or recover, though, and izuku was already looking around, dashing out from the alleyway he found himself in. he didn’t know what that quirk was just yet, but he had a couple of ideas on what it could be. looking around at the familiar but wrong buildings, izuku felt like he knew what the answer was. another warp quirk, he thought. he recognized this street -- those businesses. but they weren’t the streets or businesses he’d just been fighting at with the others. izuku’s fists clenched. the villain had warped him away ... a good five miles. dammit, izuku thought, already running full speed and apologies spilling from his mouth as he avoided bumping into citizens and passerbys. i can’t believe i let myself be caught in that! he’d cost his friends a teammate, they were down an ally now. they should be able to hold it without him, but it was still worrying and frustrating all the same. just four more miles to go. four more miles and he’d be back and he wouldn’t fall for it again, he’d be more careful this time, be more vigilant and ---- 
izuku’s foot came down on the street, steps pausing with that one movement as he skid to a halt, eyes roving to the side where his attention had been caught. his eyes widened. he only had a split second to catch the attention of people nearby, yelling at them to call the police, and not a second later, his path changed. he sent a silent apology to his friends as he went right instead of forward, quick and silent and cleanly landing a hit to the man’s head, knocking him to the ground and knocking the knife out of his grasp with the force of the blow as well. he went down immediately, izuku landing on his feet easily and wasting no breath in planting a knee in the man’s back, twisting one arm behind him to prevent any further attacks. izuku noticed as soon as the criminal’s gaze left the other man’s, the other man was able to move, breathing in deeply and backing away before falling as his knees gave out from fright. 
izuku wanted to check on him, see if he was okay, but he didn’t want to take his eyes off of the villain, either. he kicked the knife away with his leg just for good measure, still holding the man’s arm behind his back and keeping his weight on him so he wouldn’t be able to get up or look up.  ❝ you’re okay now! ❞  izuku says, looking up towards the man who’d been attacked.  ❝ are you hurt? do you need medical help? ❞  the other man shook his head quickly, looking shell shocked, and izuku tried for his best smile even though it was a little strained.   ❝ okay, good! the police should be coming any minute now so --- ❞  there was the sound of footsteps, a concerned voice yelling out, and izuku felt relief as the policemen made their way over. from there, it was easy to hand the criminal off to them, giving a quick but succinct summary of what had gone down, what izuku had seen, before izuku apologized, starting to back up as his mind went back to his friends.
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❝ s - sorry, but i really have to get going now --- ! ❞   he says, a bit harried, and holds up a hand in apology even as he powers up again, increasing his speed as he dashes off. if i’m quick, i can still make it! he thinks, determined. izuku grit his teeth, frustrated and already chastising himself for allowing that trick to be pulled on him. hold on, everyone! i’m coming! 
┊*STARTER CALL. 〉 @panicsprey.
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symbolicpeace · 6 years
Samee vc: shrimp au
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horncd · 7 years
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    “ DEKU-SAN-- I JUST thought of something-- I-I don’t know how to dance. Is it... going to be okay for me to dance with you if I’ve never done it before...? I-I really don’t know how...I don’t know if th-this is okay... ”
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wontlose-blog · 6 years
@panicsprey replied to your post
Hey dad, question
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Oi... @symbolicpeace Shitty Deku’s got a damn question and WON’T SPEAK THE FUCK UP
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xforall · 7 years
“Master Kazuki!” Toshinori was definitely trying to sound older than his 11 years at that moment, pulling himself up straight and looking up at the Pro Hero working at his desk. A stubborn, determined look fixed itself on the boy’s face.
He’d decided-- this was the only way he would get better. By fighting against the best, he would learn to be the best.
“Please fight me!”
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smashkick-archive · 6 years
Happy Birthday Izuku! : D
Itaru didn’t even remember how it had gotten there, the stone that marked the spot. The only reason he was able to find it again was because of the shape- almost like a ‘V’, as odd as that was. Who had remarked that it was like All Might’s antennae? Someone… and Itaru had committed the shape to memory, reconciled that with every adjacent tree and the fading dirt path to his back. The house they’d stayed in prior had since fallen into further disrepair, part of the roof caving in entirely now after all this time. 
And here Itaru crouched. The boy looked tired- not an average tired, not an ‘I could use a nap’ tired. This sort of weariness was nothing that sleep could alleviate; this wore into his bones, weighed him down, hooked against the corners of his lips and dragged them downward in tandem with the furrow of his brow. This exhaustion had seeped and pooled into his soul and made a home there. And while he was trying, the smile that he forced was pained if anything. 
He took ten seconds to collect himself… … .   
               … …and took a deep breath. He pushed a small plate of random confections toward the stone. Honestly? He hadn’t really paid attention to what concoction he’d manifested; he knew Izuku didn’t like almonds, knew that he’d handed that one to Itaru before and traded for another, and so on. But it didn’t matter. No one was actually eating it after all. It was a sentiment. 
He flopped down on the haunches, and started digging into his pocket. “Y’know I make a date with you, I expect you to keep it.” He mumbled. From his pocket he withdrew a lighter. Leaning forward, he cupped the wick of the candle behind his hand. One candle. Just the one. And he held the flame there as it caught, watching it dance furiously at the top of the wax that Itaru had found six months prior, kept with him all this time. Because he’d promised… he’d forgotten last year. He’d forgotten last year, his last chance, and he’d- …. He couldn’t have known. How could he have ever known…?
The flame flickered dangerously in the breeze as Itaru released it to the wild, dropping the lighter in the dirt. He rocked back to lean on his hands. This wasn’t right…. Nothing about this- from the silence to the pathetic flame to the solitude… it wasn’t right. But he’d done his cursing. He’d done his crying and shouting, begging; he’d bargained and even tried to right his wrongs; his arm stung in a distant, phantom sensation. But when even that refused to take….
Gingerly, he reached out, tapping the rock with his foot as if he were kicking his brother at his side. “You ditched me. That’s probably the rudest thing a twin can do, y’know? And on such a big day…” And despite himself, his throat was tight; his eyes stung; the talons of grief had embraced him, sunk their talons once more into his heart and were vice there. His smile warbled as his vision started to blur.
With a groan, he clapped himself on the cheeks. “What’m I doing? This isn’t- gah. I came here to tell you-“ No good- the tears had already started to fall. Where did they all come from? People had compared crying to rivers, but it felt like his sprung from an ocean, from something limitless and depthless that would never run dry. He’d never truly face his brother again with a smile, would he? ( wouldn’t face him at all, would he? )
Sniffling, Itaru made quick work of standing. Damn it; he couldn’t stay here long. He’d promised the others he’d be back before morning, and he’d already had to trek so far just to get here. Going alone had been an argument in and of itself ( one he’d technically lost, and it was only a matter of time before the realized he’d wandered off alone again- they didn’t exactly trust him to come back, you see ). He wiped his sleeve over his eyes, taking a deep shaky breath. “I just….” 
And he watched. Watched as the breeze blew against the flame that struggled in its wake. Flickering, he watched as it fought then, moments later, extinguished. Just like that. In an instant, the light was gone. Just like-
“I miss you. Happy birthday, Izuku.”
For a momentary eternity, Itaru stared at the stone, allowing the roots to take hold and hold him in place. He didn’t have to go back. He could stay here. He could… it’d accomplish nothing. It’d do him no good, wouldn’t do Izuku any good. But it’d be much more to his satisfaction, at this point. And why didn’t he? 
A shouted insult, a gentle chiding, a lilted promise….
The path he walked was gilded in falsities and inconsistencies. But at least it was gilded. 
He turned his back to the stone, muttering, “Same time next year, huh? Don’t go anywhere.” At least it gave him something to look forward to…
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kenkaikorou · 6 years
“don’t you dare let go!”
[ hurt meme. || STILL ACCEPTING. ]
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      ‘ Deku... ‘
      Zero opens his eyes. Two  b l u r r y  images swirl and collide before his eyes into one fading image of a green haired HERO. God, how different they are...
      And yet... their dreams were once the same. The thought kills him. Kills him.
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      ‘ You’re such a fucking idiot... Trying to help your enemy. Let me go. ‘
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symbolicpeace · 6 years
Teach him Earthbending, huh? The future Avatar looked...not weak, but he was slight, and there was something about him that just screamed lack of confidence. That does not an Earthbender make.
Toshinori considered the boy for a moment before in one solid quick motion, kicked a boulder out of the ground they stood on, and sent it flying at Izuku with a spinning kick.
Let’s see how the kid’s reflexes are.
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wontlose-blog · 6 years
@panicsprey liked your post
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