#wow can you say exposition much??? brjbsad
saveandwin · 6 years
ouch! izuku grunted, falling awkwardly on his side as he was pushed out of the vortex forcefully. he only stayed on the ground for a second though, eyes widening as he saw the vortex start to close, and he jumped up, racing for it to hop right back through again ---- but only managed to slam himself into the wall as it closed right before he got to it.  ❝ ow ... ❞  he groans, out loud this time, rubbing at his face. he didn’t have time to lick his wounds or recover, though, and izuku was already looking around, dashing out from the alleyway he found himself in. he didn’t know what that quirk was just yet, but he had a couple of ideas on what it could be. looking around at the familiar but wrong buildings, izuku felt like he knew what the answer was. another warp quirk, he thought. he recognized this street -- those businesses. but they weren’t the streets or businesses he’d just been fighting at with the others. izuku’s fists clenched. the villain had warped him away ... a good five miles. dammit, izuku thought, already running full speed and apologies spilling from his mouth as he avoided bumping into citizens and passerbys. i can’t believe i let myself be caught in that! he’d cost his friends a teammate, they were down an ally now. they should be able to hold it without him, but it was still worrying and frustrating all the same. just four more miles to go. four more miles and he’d be back and he wouldn’t fall for it again, he’d be more careful this time, be more vigilant and ---- 
izuku’s foot came down on the street, steps pausing with that one movement as he skid to a halt, eyes roving to the side where his attention had been caught. his eyes widened. he only had a split second to catch the attention of people nearby, yelling at them to call the police, and not a second later, his path changed. he sent a silent apology to his friends as he went right instead of forward, quick and silent and cleanly landing a hit to the man’s head, knocking him to the ground and knocking the knife out of his grasp with the force of the blow as well. he went down immediately, izuku landing on his feet easily and wasting no breath in planting a knee in the man’s back, twisting one arm behind him to prevent any further attacks. izuku noticed as soon as the criminal’s gaze left the other man’s, the other man was able to move, breathing in deeply and backing away before falling as his knees gave out from fright. 
izuku wanted to check on him, see if he was okay, but he didn’t want to take his eyes off of the villain, either. he kicked the knife away with his leg just for good measure, still holding the man’s arm behind his back and keeping his weight on him so he wouldn’t be able to get up or look up.  ❝ you’re okay now! ❞  izuku says, looking up towards the man who’d been attacked.  ❝ are you hurt? do you need medical help? ❞  the other man shook his head quickly, looking shell shocked, and izuku tried for his best smile even though it was a little strained.   ❝ okay, good! the police should be coming any minute now so --- ❞  there was the sound of footsteps, a concerned voice yelling out, and izuku felt relief as the policemen made their way over. from there, it was easy to hand the criminal off to them, giving a quick but succinct summary of what had gone down, what izuku had seen, before izuku apologized, starting to back up as his mind went back to his friends.
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❝ s - sorry, but i really have to get going now --- ! ❞   he says, a bit harried, and holds up a hand in apology even as he powers up again, increasing his speed as he dashes off. if i’m quick, i can still make it! he thinks, determined. izuku grit his teeth, frustrated and already chastising himself for allowing that trick to be pulled on him. hold on, everyone! i’m coming! 
┊*STARTER CALL. 〉 @panicsprey.
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