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prudeau · 8 days ago
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4.22 The Graduate
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creekspeak · 11 months ago
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"you, andie mcphee, are the girl that i love to hate"
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dcreekgifs · 2 years ago
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Pacey Witter & Andie McPhee Dawson's Creek | 2x19 - "Abby Morgan, Rest in Peace"
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paceypeternathanslawyer · 4 months ago
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Dawson's Creek Meme {22/128} Season 2 Episode 9: The Election Top 2 Favorite Characters Per Episode (As voted by fans on TVTime.com)
Pacey Witter (66%)
Andie McPhee (26%)
(Percentages as of Nov 2024)
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mythoughtsxxblog · 2 years ago
I will never forgive the Dawson's Creek writers for ruining Andie's character and ending her relationship with Pacey the way they did.
Season 2 builds them up, and their relationship blossoms into something so real and so deep only for the writers to have Andie cheat?? It made zero sense, and I refuse to acknowledge it as canon. Pacey was the best version of himself in season 2. He wasn't constantly feeling insecure and awful about himself. He felt like he was worth something, and Andie made him realize just how strong, smart, and amazing he truly is. They were beautiful together, but of course, the writers had to ruin something so great to make room for the fan service ship. They erased every ounce of character development Pacey had in season 2, only for them to give credit to that same ship the following season. It's been 20 years since this show ended, and I'm still mad. That's all. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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tvshowscouples · 3 months ago
If you love Pacey&Andie (Dawson’s Creek) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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vampandvisiongirl · 1 year ago
Angel & Cordelia Chase
Pacey Witter & Andie Mcphee
Harry Potter & Hermione Granger
Dan Humphrey & Blair Waldorf
Killian Jones & Emma Swan
Juliette Barnes & Avery Barkley
These are my OTPs (With Cangel being my OTP of OTPs) and I will die on them. That’s it. That’s the post.
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bakapandy · 2 days ago
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Kagemane no Jutsu
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pandaloaf · 4 months ago
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Would you let her tell you all the secrets of the universe? I sure would.
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the-vanir-queen · 6 months ago
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So I dyed my hair😚🩷💙
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prudeau · 3 months ago
It's funny how things change as you age. As a teen, adored the Season 3 storyline and wanted a Pacey Witter. As an adult, I like his relationship with Andie bc he was a character in his own right in those seasons (and that dynamic) and not just Joey Potter's love interest.
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justjudethoughts · 15 days ago
I've always wondered why the show writers switched Sam McCarthy to Samaran Pandy, because it doesn't really have any bearing on the story. Obviously, the change was to reflect Middle Eastern descent, but it seemed like an arbitrary switch to me.
BUT THEN— I was rereading TSS and got to the part that described Sam McCarthy's ghost as looking just like George, like they could be cousins. And so, since Ali is of Iranian descent and they switched George Cubbins to George Karim to reflect that, they went ahead and switched Sam to Samaran, so that George and he could still "look like they could be cousins." And idk why but that makes me SO emotional. Especially because the characters never even mention the resemblance. It's just there for us to find.
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itsrainingpandas · 1 month ago
Ever since @vonspe released the NPC version of her OC Scipio, I have had a brain worm with him and my dummy gremlin Crow!Rook. So I wrote a thing!
Scipio belongs to Vonspe , I just admire her art and her drawings have given me joy in these here trying times. Hopefully I can return the favor in a small way. ❤️
Pick Your Poison
She was silent, creeping up on him, crouched with a dagger in her hand. He had his back to her and was none the wiser to the danger. Closer, closer, and then…with a fierce grin, Rook lunged for him.
She landed with the hilt of her blade at the small of his back, snickering. “Oh, Scipio,” she tsked, “You’ve gotten soft! You really should pay attention. You're dead now!”
A chuckle rumbled through him as he turned to peer over his shoulder, looking thoroughly unsurprised. “Am I?” 
Rook looked down. Scipio had shifted his arm behind his back in the split second before she had lunged, gripping a needle in his gloved hand. It was pressed against her leathers, and were this a serious scenario, it could slide past her armor and fill her with poison before she got a good stab in. 
Upon seeing this, Rook burst out laughing. “Oh, no! I’m dead!” She stepped back and resheathed her mageknife, delighted to be bested at her own game. “Oh, you got me. This is so tragic. You'll have to break the news to my many admirers.”
Scipio smirked, pleased with himself even before he said, “I'll be sure to let them both know.”
Rook made a face and moved as though she were going to punch his kidneys. He simply swayed out of her way, unperturbed, before regarding her with amusement. Her childish petulance melted as she grinned, looking back and forth between his eyes. They were striking in their color difference- one so dark it was almost black, one staggeringly blue. He seemed to give in to the fondness, poking at her playfully. “And what brings our Rook to this level of the Diamond today?” 
Rook leaned back against the counter that served as a place to get both drinks and poisons, and hopefully never the wrong one of the two. “I'm looking for a specific poison. Or– a friend of mine is looking for it. A poison.”
Scipio’s eyebrow arched in interest. “Anything fun?”
“No. It's the opposite of fun. Academic things.” Rook’s nose crinkled in distaste. She was never a good student, so she couldn't imagine how or why someone could keep researching past the required schooling. Scipio chuckled as if he could see her thoughts; he had known her as a fledgling, so he wouldn't be surprised by her disdain.
“And this poison,” he continued, rolling up his sleeves and tightening the ribbon keeping his long, dark hair back, “Viago didn't want to do it?”
“Between you and me, he's better at antidotes. Mixing poisons is more your specialty.” Her eyes narrowed in an attempt to look dangerous that was not enough to offset her small stature and full head of bright red curls. “But if you tell him I said that, I’ll deny it and put one of your snakes in your boot.” 
“I’m beginning to think you just came here to threaten me.” 
“Me? Never,” Rook hoisted herself up to sit on the counter, pretending not to notice Scipio’s vaguely disapproving look. She spread her arms wide. “Come on, I wanted to see you! I missed you! Didn't you miss me, Tío?” 
He watched her a moment, and she noticed how tired he looked. Though, to be fair, Scipio always looked tired. After careful consideration, he shook his head and chuckled. “Oh, I suppose it is fun to hear Viago yelling again.” Rook laughed, the opposite of his laugh, loud and attention-drawing. 
"Now," Scipio began placing dubiously unmarked vials on the counter, “what poison is your friend looking for?”
Rook blinked as though she had never thought to ask. “I dunno.” She leaned back on the counter to the point where she could have easily rolled backwards off of it and landed on her head. She scanned the room, but it wasn't hard to spot the odd one out in the sea of Crows.  Rook gave a grand, sweeping wave over her head. “Emmrich! Over here!”
The professor appeared moments later, appearing harried by his standards and remarkably put together by anyone else’s. “Apologies, Rook,” he said sweetly, politely, “Manfred is quite fascinated by this place, so I was keeping an eye on him. I had to stop him from chasing one of the crows around…” he gestured to the birds roosted in the ceiling, who indeed seemed to be watching with some perturbation. Rook snickered at the mental picture before composing herself enough for introductions.
She held a hand out towards Emmrich in presentation. “Scipio, this is Professor Emmrich Volkarin. Emmrich,” Rook turned enough to loop an arm around Scipio’s neck, “this is my Tío Scipio.”
Emmrich smiled, brushing a hand back to smooth his hair which was hardly out of place. “Apologies, again. It's a pleasure to meet you, ah…” his eyes darted towards Rook, unsure, “I'm sorry, could you repeat…?”
“Scipio,” the man finished, bowing slightly at the waist. “A pleasure, professore.” 
Rook hopped down from the counter. “What, he can't call you ‘Tío’?”
Scipio kept his eyes on Emmrich as he dropped his hand on top of Rook’s head. “You are on babysitting duty today, I see?”
She grumbled and pushed his arm away. Emmrich pressed a crooked finger to his mouth in an attempt to disguise an amused smile that did not help her mood. “I don't need babysitting!” Rook snapped. “You know, I make a lot of the decisions for our group.”
“That is true,” Emmrich offered amicably, his gaze shifting the significant height difference between the two Crows. 
“Hmmm,” Scipio considered the information before asking Rook, “So why do you come back here and act like a fledgling?”
Emmrich let out a sound of surprise before leaning on the counter, eyes bright with excitement. “I have noticed that she tends to regress when we come to Treviso! It's very interesting,” he pressed his thumb to his bottom lip, “I wonder if it's a response to childhood stressors. Perhaps–” 
“Emmrich!” Rook whined, betrayed. She would have stomped her foot if the idea of “regression” hadn't taken hold on her mind. But the professor received the complaint and stopped his analysis, mumbling apologies while at least having the decency to look sheepish. 
Scipio, however, had no such scruples. He tilted his chin down, conspiring.“If you do take notes, I’d be happy to review them. I always appreciate new material.”
Emmrich chuckled warmly, much too charmed for Rook’s taste. She groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “I regret introducing you two,” she pouted. "Immediately regret it.”
They were now ignoring her completely, it seemed, exclusively focused on each other. “So, professore,” Scipio smiled faintly, “what poison are you looking for?”
“Ah, yes,” he startled as though he had forgotten why he had come, “I was hoping for concentrated magebane. You see, I want to test its effect on bone–”
“It won't corrode it, if that's what you're hoping for.”
“No!” Emmrich looked appalled by the very idea. “No, it was a thought I had. You see, if it could mark the deceased, then it might deter any necromancers who wander too far afield. Necromancy is a distinguished art, of course, but some do not wish to worry about their deceased. If those bodies could marked as unusable–” 
Rook sighed noisily. “All right, well, if you don't need me…” 
Emmrich didn't even pause, continuing to excitedly explain his theories to a thoughtfully listening Scipio. That was her answer, she supposed. 
Rook wandered around until she found Manfred, who was still peering up at the roosting crows in fascination. She wrapped an arm around the boney cut of his shoulders with a sigh. “I think I accidentally set your dad up on a date,” she murmured to the skeleton. Manfred let out a cheerful, gurgling hiss, though she suspected he had no idea what she was going on about. Well, nothing to do about it. Might as well take advantage of having lost her “babysitter.”
“All right, Manfred,” Rook clapped her hands together, “I'll teach you about the birds up there. But first: we’re going to work on you saying the word ‘shit.’”
Manfred squealed cheerfully once more. Just a fun little surprise for Emmrich later as revenge for the regression idea that would do nothing but prove his point.  
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paceypeternathanslawyer · 4 months ago
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Dawson's Creek Meme {19/128} Season 2 Episode 6: The Dance Top 2 Favorite Characters Per Episode (As voted by fans on TVTime.com)
Pacey Witter (50%)
Andie McPhee (32%)
(Percentages as of Nov 2024)
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das-sena · 2 years ago
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Furry furry furry Aceite todo esse amor jogado bem na sua cara
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tvshowscouples · 23 days ago
If you love Pacey&Andie (Dawson’s Creek) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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