the-algebra-thing · 2 years
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and I can go anywhere I want—anywhere I want, just not home
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avibingplatypus · 2 years
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I made a quick doodle sooo yea... here it is
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geminitay-daily · 3 months
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Third in the brush series, pandani! This one was so cool to work with, I’ve never used it before!
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thedynamicworm · 7 months
cursed cat Alastor on a string
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Worm on a string x cursed cat alastor ftw
Program: procreate
brushes: Pandani
special thanks to @cccccccoooooo for introducing me to this brush
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mtkay13 · 9 months
Ypur sketches are so cool!! Can I ask what brushes are ypu using?
thank you so much!! Let's see: The sketches are done on 3 different softwares: Rebelle, Clip Studio Paint and Procreate. My Rebelle brushes are the 8B pencil and a personal, custom ink brush My CSP brushes are the textured pen brush and a personal, custom watercolor brush and my Procreate brushes are mainly tinderbox, pandani and the 6B pencil brush
I occasionally try out other random brushes as well but those are the ones I always go back to and most of the sketches are done w those!
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sugsdiary · 1 year
Okay, okay. I’ll start posting on here starting now with my new pfp :3
If your curious about the brush, it’s called Pandani on procreate. It’s a default brush with no edits
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nino-19981 · 7 months
Do you have any brushes to spare? Procreate ones?
I mostly use default brushes, HB pencil, dry in, ink bleed, technical pen and pandani.
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ofthecaravel · 1 year
Hiya! for the girl van fleet drawings, what brush do you use? I’m assuming you are drawing on procreate as I remember you posted about it saying you got it a while back, but either way I’m just curious what brush you’re using. I’m hoping to draw sammi from girl van fleet so stay tuned 👀
I GOT you!!
For sketching: Pandani
For inking: Gensinski Ink
For coloring: Plimsoil, Tarraleah and Ferntree
The first two are in the Inking category of the Brush Library, Plimsoil and Tarraleah are in Artistic and Ferntree is in Materials!!
Also pleeeeeease show me if you do end up drawing her!!! I'd scream
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maciek-jozefowicz · 9 months
[39] “Harry Potter and the Little Mermaid” — Pandani brush, Inking group (Procreate app). How about a crossover graphic novel — “Harry Potter and the Little Mermaid”? The Mermaid falls madly in love with Harry and begs Hermione to use magic to turn her fish tail into human legs. No problem there — Hermione can whip up a magic potion to do the trick. But then comes the drama of a love triangle — Harry Potter, Little Mermaid and Jenny Weasley. Considering that the Mermaid and Jenny are both “good guys”, how do you resolve this love conflict into a happy ending for all (all good guys need a happy ending, it’s one way that fiction satisfies our emotional need to see good people happy and bad people sad; it’s a form of justice that reality seems to often withhold)? Add a Little Merman to create two happy couples? But what if he, too, falls madly in love with Harry Potter? Now we’re stuck with a love square!
But what if the Little Mermaid doesn’t love Harry Potter, what if she just loves to read? There are no books, or ebooks, in her underwater world, yet the mermaid is a ravenous bibliophile. It’s a different sort of love triangle — Jenny Weasley loves Harry Potter, Harry Potter loves the Little Mermaid (and Jenny Weasley; he can’t decide), and the Little Mermaid loves books (it’s not unlike someone who is passionate for art or football or chess — that passion takes precedence to all others). The Mermaid wants legs so that she can walk out of the sea and into the nearest Barnes & Noble.
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pretendingday · 10 months
How do you do that art style? Like is there a specific tutorial you used? I like the clear shapes.
thank you, i’m glad you like it! i’m afraid i’m not sure how to answer your question, though. my current art style is the result of years of trial and error - it’s simply how i draw.
that being said, i do most of my drawing in procreate, and almost always use the default brush called pandani. i also tend to use as few layers as possible, which i think helps make it feel more painterly.
i hope this made sense!
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kamagrabih · 1 year
Ova internetska stranica nudi širok raspon lijekova posebno namijenjenih za liječenje erektilne disfunkcije. S raznolikim izborom dostupnih opcija, osobe koje traže učinkovite tretmane za ovaj poremećaj mogu pronaći odgovarajuće mogućnosti koje zadovoljavaju njihove specifične potrebe. Od poznatih brandova do generičkih alternativa, internetska stranica osigurava pristupačnost i povoljnost bez kompromisa kvalitete. Kupci mogu pregledavati kroz sveobuhvatan katalog lijekova, pri čemu svaki od njih sadrži iste aktivne sastojke kao i njihovi brendirani pandani. Bez obzira radi li se o preferiranju etabliranih brandova ili istraživanju generičkih alternativa, ova internetska stranica pruža praktičnu i pouzdanu platformu za pojedince koji traže najprikladnija rješenja za erektilnu disfunkciju.
Posjetite ovu poveznicu kako biste doživjeli osobno iskustvo.
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ren19790209 · 3 years
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お昼頃スタートで71.5kmのサイクリング。 ご一緒してくれたのは映画監督の田中誠さん @macotofly でした。 道中の草木や景色「夏はすぐそこ」って雰囲気でしたよ。 . . #尾根幹 #cycling #サイクリング #bike #自転車 #roadbike #roadbikelife #ロードバイク #ogkkabuto #esseyeshield #pandani #パンダーニ #mavic #マヴィック #cannondale #キャノンデール #cannondaleslate #slate #スレート #lefty #レフティー #photo #写真 #model #モデル #talent #タレント #indigomodels #インディゴ #アスリート光脱毛 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQgawJAhIZw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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roadbikejp · 4 years
ロケ地巡りシリーズ🚴‍♂️ #smap #夜空ノムコウ のPVロケ地。この季節になると聴きたくなる曲のひとつ🎶 #サザンオールスターズ のアルバム #キラーストリート のジャケット撮影もここ👍 #specialized #roubaix # .. #ロードバイクJP
ロケ地巡りシリーズ🚴‍♂️ #smap #夜空ノムコウ のPVロケ地。この季節になると聴きたくなる曲のひとつ🎶 #サザンオールスターズ のアルバム #キラーストリート のジャケット撮影もここ👍 #specialized #roubaix # .. #ロードバイクJP
@tama.venga.vamos この投稿をInstagramで見る たま(@tama.venga.vamos)がシェアした投稿 ロケ地巡りシリーズ🚴‍♂️ #smap #夜空ノムコウ のPVロケ地。この季節になると聴きたくなる曲のひとつ🎶 #サザンオールスターズ のアルバム #キラーストリート のジャケット撮影もここ👍 #specialized #roubaix #specializedroubaix #pandani #roadbike #cycling #roadbikelife #roadbike_jp #olympus #omdem10markiii #スペシャライズド #ルーベ #スペシャライズドルーベ #パンダーニ #ロードバイク #サイクリング #ポタリング #ゆるぽた #ロードバイク夫婦 #ロードバイクのある風景…
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hldky · 7 years
20130818-07-Richea pandanifolia pandanis and Eucalyptus coccifera snow gums in snow.jpg by Roger Wong
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Special hug from special person... 🔐❤️ D.
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carolainzz · 4 years
🔂 #en #movimiento #gif #ilustracion #illustration #procreate #procreateart #ojo #eye #mas #o #menos #pincel #brush #pandani #primarycolors #coloresvivos #amarillo #magenta #azul #behance (en Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFaBCK7iovd/?igshid=n2b7ku96smdo
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