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magurazimbrilor · 6 years ago
Idei de tehnologie Blockchain pentru a stimula dezvoltarea durabilă în Armeniș
În atmosfera minunată a Munților Tarcu, inițiativa de resălbăticire din Măgura Zimbrilor a găzduit timp de două zile un brainstorming, cu scopul de a dezvolta o idee viabilă care ar permite naturii și dezvoltării durabile să colaboreze mai bine, folosind caracteristicile unice ale tehnologiei blockchain: descentralizare, încredere, transparență.
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WWF România s-a întâlnit cu Marcus Dap de la ETH Zurich (Universitatea Tehnică Federală din Zürich), Toni Caradonna și Roman Eyholzer, ambii de la Fundația Porini. Pentru a încuraja o atmosferă inovativă, la întâlnire a participat unul dintre internii din Taskforce-ul Măgura Zimbrilor, Danne Milo van Ronne, și Gelu Stoicănescu, un absolvent recent al Facultății de Finanțe și Matematică. Echipa WWF a fost reprezentată de Oana Mondoc, ghidul spre tehnologiile inovatoare în cadrul WWF România, Corina Gheorghiu, specialist în economie ecologică și Alina Floroi, un partener extern care oferă sprijin în cadrul proiectului tehnologic.
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Sesiunea s-a încheiat cu o experiență de urmarire a zimbrilor condusă de rangerul Daniel Hurduzeu. Grupul a fost deosebit de norocos, deoarece participanții au reușit să vadă urme de zimbru, cerb, urs, râs și bursuc pe drum.
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După ce au mers pe urmele zimbrilor, au auzit zgomotul lor într-o poiană. Rangerul a ghidat toată lumea în pădure pentru a merge în jurul zimbrului și a căuta un unghi bun pentru a-I vedea de departe. Câțiva membrii ai echipei au reușit să surprindă un grup de aproximativ 6 zimbri și doi viței înainte ca aceștia să fugă în pădure.
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Ce implicații are munca depusă
Marcus și echipa sa de la ETH, inclusiv cadre universitare din întreaga Europă, dezvoltă un sistem de stimulare financiară nou, nuanțat și multilateral, pentru a promova o economie circulară, divizibilă și pentru a atinge obiective sociale prin colaborare. Fundația Porini este un mecanism de deschidere a drumurilor pentru aducerea technologiei blockchain în lumea conservării, stabilind soluția descentralizată a lanțului de sustenabilitate pentru a avea grijă de lumea naturală și alte obiective comune care fac parte din Obiectivele ONU de Dezvoltare Durabilă.
Tehnologia Blockchain permite colaborarea unor rețele mari de oameni care nu se cunosc neapărat între ei. Cheia acestei tehnologii stă în faptul că informațiile din sistem nu pot fi modificate de un singur participant. De asemenea, tehnologia permite oamenilor să ajungă cu ușurință la un consens.
Modul în care tehnologia blockchain poate acționa în platforma tech-nature care se dezvoltă în Armeniș se conectează cu nevoia de a activa părțile interesate pentru a aprecia importanța naturii și a înțelege că acțiunile pozitive au cu adevărat un impact.
O mulțime de proiecte legate de natură suferă din cauza lipsei de vizualizare și de înțelegere a impactului acestora. Aceasta este în special o frustrare pentru donatorii care doresc să știe dacă banii donați de ei au un efect.
Cum vedem viitorul 
WildAI [eye] prevede creșterea impactului monitorizării vieții sălbatice, prin proiectarea unui sistem de inteligență artificială (AI) care conține dispozitive mici de urmărire GPS care pot fi montate pe zimbri, carnivore mari și alte mamifere mari. Acest proiect este o platformă de lansare pentru a produce instrumente rentabile pentru monitorizarea pe scară largă a speciilor sălbatice adaptate la terenul dificil din Carpați. Captarea automată a datelor de pe teren va contribui la crearea unui sistem care să permită o vizualizare exactă a stării de sănătate a ecosistemului.
Blockchain poate ajuta la alinierea intereselor zonelor sălbatice și bunăstarea localnicilor și va oferi un scenariu în care o dezvoltare armonioasă poate să ofere protecție faunei sălbatice. "Prin rezolvarea nevoilor naturale, rezolvăm nevoile sociale și viceversa", a fost viziunea exprimată în cadrul atelierului.
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WildAI [eye] a stabilit o etapă de 6 luni pentru atingerea etapei MVP în domeniul monitorizarii hardware, a platformei GIS online și a instrumentelor blockchain.
WildAI [eye] este primul pilot al WWF-România ca "Panda Lab". Prin intermediul laboratoarelor Panda Labs, WWF lucrează cu tehnologie, business, design, mediul academic și conservare pentru a dezvolta noi abordări pentru a rezolva cele mai stringente probleme ale planetei noastre. Panda Lab va deveni acceleratorul descentralizat al WWF România, o comunitate de rezolvare a problemelor care are ca scop atragerea de parteneri și finanțarea treptată.
Urmariți dezvoltarea proiectului pe canalele WWF:
Facebook WWF Romania
Text: Alina Floroi
Fotografii: Alina Floroi, Toni Caradonna, Oana Mondoc
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fluxedbuds · 3 years ago
nano saw the hermitcraft season 8 finale back in flux buddies
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bisonhillock · 6 years ago
Ideas of Blockchain technology to reboost development in Armenis
In the wonderfully inspiring atmosphere of Tarcu Mountains, the Bison Hillock wilderness initiative hosted two days of intense brainstorming with the aim to refine a viable idea that would enable nature and sustainable development to work together more seamlessly, with using the unique features of blockchain technology: decentralisation, trust, transparency. 
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WWF Romania has met with Marcus Dap of ETH Zurich  (Federal Technical University from Zurich), Toni Caradonna and Roman Eyholzer, both from Porini Foundation. To encourage an inquisitive atmosphere, the meeting was joined by one of the interns from the Bison Hillock Taskforce,  Danne Milo van Ronne, and Gelu Stoicănescu, a recent graduate in Finance and Mathematics. WWF’s team included Oana Mondoc, the driver of innovative technologies within WWF Romania, joined by Green Economy Specialist  Corina Gheorghiu and Alina Floroi, an external partner who gives a hand on cohesion within the tech project.
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The session ended with a bison tracking experience led by ranger Daniel Hurduzeu. The group was especially lucky since participants were able to see bison, deer, bear, lynx and badger tracks on their way.
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Following the bison tracks, they heard bison grunting in a glade. The ranger-guided everybody in the forest to go around the bison and look for a good angle to see them from afar. Some of the team managed to catch a glimpse of a group of about six bison and two calves before they ran away in the forest.
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What does the work involve
Marcus and his team at ETH, including academics from around Europe are developing a new, nuanced and multifaceted financial incentive system to promote a circular, sharing economy and achieve social goals collaboratively. Porini Foundation is a road opener in bringing blockchain to the conservation world, having established the Sustainability Chain decentralised solution to take care of the natural worlds and other shared goals part of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Blockchain technology enables the collaboration of large networks of people that don’t necessarily know each other. The key to blockchain technology is the fact that information in the system cannot be changed by a single player. The technology also allows people to easily reach a consensus.
The way blockchain technology can be a piece in the tech-nature platform developing in Armeniș has a lot to do with the need to activate groups of stakeholders to appreciate the importance of nature and understand that positive actions have an impact.
A lot of nature-related projects suffer from the lack of visualisation and understanding of their impact. This is especially a frustration for donors who want to know if the money donated by them has an effect.
How we see the future
WildAI [eye] envisions increasing the impact of wildlife monitoring, by designing an AI (artificial intelligence) system that contains small GPS trackers that can be attached to bison and large carnivores and other large mammals. This project is the launch-pad to produce cost-effective tools for large-scale wildlife monitoring adapted to the tricky terrain in the Carpathians. Automated data acquisition from the field will help create a system that enables accurate visualisation of the health of the ecosystem.
Blockchain can help align interests of wild landscapes and locals’ wellbeing and deliver a case where harmonious development that can provide wildlife protection. “Through resolving nature needs, we resolve social needs and vice versa”, was the vision expressed during the workshop.
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The WildAI [eye] has set a 6-month milestone to reach MVP stage in the hardware tracking, GIS online platform and blockchain instruments
WildAI [eye] is WWF-Romania’s first pilot as a “Panda Lab”. Through Panda Labs, WWF works with technology, business, design, academia and conservation to develop new approaches to solving our planet's most stringent problems. Panda Lab is to become WWF Romania’s decentralised accelerator, a community for problem-solving aiming to attract partners and finance gradually.
Keep in touch with the developments by following us:
Facebook WWF Romania
Text: Alina Floroi
Photos: Alina Floroi, Toni Caradonna, Oana Mondoc
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stefanolacara · 7 years ago
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Keep calm and be a Panda 🐼 #weareteampanda #pandalab #triathlon #ironmantri #trilife #triathlete #panda #kuota #beard #cycling #ciclismo
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simmingaroundtheworld · 4 years ago
Two wcifs... 1. WCIF Grace’s hair (the blonde one if I got the twins confused again lol). And 2. Wcif Bobbie’s hair?
Graces new hair is the one right here! 
 Bobbies is this ponytail right here as well! 
They’re both from pandalabs which is one of my all time favorite hair retextures, so feel free to also browse their page!
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seaterri · 2 years ago
Sampledecks cnet
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Sampledecks cnet update#
Sampledecks cnet software#
Operating system and get it updated automatically, as well as for sysadmins who can run a regular task control program. It is an useful utility for only heavy users who are used to set up their
Sampledecks cnet update#
Norton Automatic Update is an application that allows you to schedule Norton updates, so that it runs in the background. New features come along with more updates, just keep in touch with the techy community and you will not go wrong. Otherwise, the only positive element I could find is the accuracy of the decompression. Plugins is the only available option so that you could compress images. On the other hand, if you are a professional photographer and you want to lower the size of the files, then you should use a different application.įor what concerns the saving time, the utility is not particularly user-friendly, as you cannot define how the compression can be executed and it will not allow you to modify it. The present invention relates to ice-making machines comprising a support frame, a tank mounted on the support frame and comprising a bottom and a top part provided with an opening closing latchablyĮngageable with the support frame and a holder to receive a cover, wherein the bottom and the top parts are joined to each other in a liquid-tight and air-tight manner by means of a connecting EoSA communications are made through port 49510 of
Sampledecks cnet software#
It was first spotted in the wild in August 2010 and has since then been used to inject various malicious software on the computers of its victims. Security experts at PandaLabs have discovered this new variant of GiftScraper is easy to use and is a great friend 50e0806aeb anngovĮye of Sauron Trojan promises to make money for its operator through IP traffic replication and information stealing. If you want to make it easy to send your friends specific facebook gifts when they click on a link in your status, then this is a handy tool for you. You can also use the user's facebook details or not to fill in more information to make sure you get the perfect gift for your friend. The user sets a Facebook detail for the scraped gift by specifying the name and comments of the game. Cfgjfghfgh ( Dienstag, 09 August 2022 #2177
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izetrust · 2 years ago
Panda antivirus pro 2015 full
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A botched IPS definition package released by Symantec in February for various Norton products caused the Internet Explorer browser to crash. Panda cant be uninstalled Panda Antivirus Pro 2016 Review: Bitdefender or Panda: Svchost virus keeps coming back: Panda Free Antivirus 2015: Best Free security I can get Or paid if.
Panda-Free Antivirus (2016) Panda Free Antivirus Review: Cant install avg free antivirus or panda free antivirus.
If the buggy update affected the operating system and the computer cannot log in to Windows, the steps must be carried out from Safe Mode.īuggy updates are not uncommon. Free-version Ad-Aware Antivirus (2016) vs. In an advisory published on its website, the company advises users to enter the Windows command prompt stop the psinprot, psinaflt and nanoservicemain services using the “sc stop” command and run the Panda Security recovery tool ( ps-recovery.exe) as administrator. Others complained about the financial impact of this incident. One Panda Cloud Office Protection customer reported that the problem affected more than 3,000 PCs. Showing 1-10 of 192 Results for 'panda antivirus pro 2015' Panda Free Antivirus Free Keep your PC free from viruses and malware. However, many enterprise customers rebooted their devices before seeing the warning. this directory exists in the tor community since 2015, and it can be said that it. However, in certain environments it is possible for the incident to persist.”Īfter learning of the botched update, Panda advised users not to restart their computers while the issue was being addressed. Dark websites can be visited only with a suitable dark web browser. PandaLabs and the development teams immediately began working on a process and tools that will help rectify any system issues. “The issue was quickly detected and a corrected signature file released. This software is not a crap that is available for only few hourss on internet. 'Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 Crack.rar' By Societe. 'Panda Antivirus Pro 2010 Final.rar' By Societe. 'Panda Antivirus Pro 2012 Final.rar' By Societe. “An automated update published yesterday unexpectedly resulted in Panda protection detecting and neutralising several files on some systems,” Panda Security told SecurityWeek via email. 'EZ ACCESS v1.5 ESR 10.90 Crack.rar' By Societe. The files were quarantined, making some applications unusable. A problematic signature file pushed out by Panda Security on Wednesday caused some legitimate files to be detected as malicious and moved to quarantine.Īccording to the antivirus firm, the issue affected both home and enterprise customers using products such as Panda Cloud Office Protection, Panda Cloud Office Protection Advanced, Panda Antivirus Pro 2015, Panda Internet Security 2015, Panda Global Protection 2015, and Panda Gold Protection.Īfter users applied the buggy update, the security solutions started detecting various files, including Windows system, application and even Panda files, as malware.
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lalross · 7 years ago
Lalna Headcanons
Lalnable - The original (or at least the closest to it) - worked for YogLabs as well as the organisation before them - developed cloning techniques and later invented the respawn system
Duncan + Lalnasaur - Moonquest and magic police, hole diggers and time cops etc - created together using an earlier cloning system - interests essentially split into science and magic respectively
Lalna - Everyone's favourite fluxy werewolf clone dude - Fought Sjin in the original tekkit war, put a nuclear bomb under blackrock and helped build a jaffa factory
Morningspark - Resident Lalna of the Yogsclans - Actually lives with the Flux Buddies in PandaLabs for a considerable time too
Merlinstalk + Eveningfire - Clones of Morningspark created by YogLabs
Jones - Alternate dimension boy - Eventually shows up for post-canon YogLabs shenanigans (along with Captain Richards and Crewmun Proasheck) - full name Duncan Jones
One-more-I-want-to-keep-secret-for-a-bit-longer - Another alternate dimension boy who doesn't have the same name as the others and is also pretty different in appearance - unlike Jones however he is around in the canon timeline...
Some extra notes:
Despite all going by different names the first four all recognise Lalnable Duncan Hector as being their full name
There are certain traits they all share one of which is being ambidextrous
Teep should probably be here too now that I think about it (I haven't really decided that yet tbh) but I do know that either Duncan or Lalnasaur is the creator of 'Duncan's Park'
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rainyunknownllama · 3 years ago
Dream Daddy Sims 3 Sims- Mary!
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Here is Joseph lovely wife Mary! I think I did a great job on her! I think she looks very similar to the Dream Daddy Mary version. I feel bad for her she trap in a clearly bad marriage and I think she stays with Joseph for the kids sake. 
The hair CC I use is from Pandalabs and can be found HERE {the first hair in post}. 
Mary SFS: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/2819668/
Christiansen’s Household SFS: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/2819669/ 
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sketchbookpixels · 7 years ago
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Lucky Jeans (kids)
Full credit goes to @inabadromance for the textures! And thank you to @pandalabs for converting these to TS3.
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ohsemblog · 4 years ago
Pharmagest Interactive: H1 2021 sales: +20.49% to €93.90m
Pharmagest Interactive: H1 2021 sales: +20.49% to €93.90m
                                 Villers-lès-Nancy, 4 August 2021 – 6:00 p.m. (CET) PRESS RELEASE H1 2021 sales: +20.49% to €93.90m Growth on track for all Group Divisions. Significant contributions from acquisitions (+€7.86m): PANDALAB, ASCA INFORMATIQUE, PHARMAGEST SERVIZI. Like-for-like revenue of €86.04m, up 10.40%. Confirmation of the Group’s full-year growth targets for…
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View On WordPress
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shandarfun-blog · 4 years ago
Online Shoppers, Beware of a New Scam
Seeking to purchase anything cheap is totally natural--and on the web crooks collection barriers for unwitting bargain-hunters. On April 6 Panda Computer software warned Net people of a fresh particularly brazen fraud targeted at taking confidential information. Several sites offering inexpensive flight seats in fact weren't selling any such thing; desire to was to cheat people out of bank card details. Obviously, these websites have already been discovered and disabled, but who understands whether (or greater to say when) other kinds can look again, this time providing a myriad of products. The con is very simple; the robbers merely wait till some unsuspecting individual who's searching for flight solution offers, sees their site providing dirt-cheap flight tickets. Actually pleased about herself and looking forward to the journey, an individual floods in the proper execution, entering his charge card quantity, expiry date and verification value (CVV). Topcc The moment these details have been entered, one page looks; it shows the user that the deal has been unsuccessful, and offers recommendations on how to purchase the admission by postal money order. So the consumer may well be confused twice. He loses his charge card details, adding them correct into the hands of cyber-crooks, and then drops income, if chooses to purchase the solution by income order. Luis Corrons, the director of PandaLabs, remarks with this fraud: "This sort of on line fraud differs from these experienced previously. The malicious individual does not contact anyone thinking about getting the item, but it is clearly the customer, in looking to discover the best rates on the web, who visits the fraudulent web page. That creates a fake sense of protection that can lead customers to proceed with the exchange ". That makes such a con very dangerous. It is the consumer who sees the "discount"; number spam or pop-up ad is involved-- really, no body often makes or tries to persuade the user to purchase something. That strategy is likely to be "efficient", if this kind of word is acceptable here. That is why it is incredibly probably that you will have other websites and other cons using the same pattern. Also Inexpensive to become a Discount? You'd Greater Push Obvious How to avoid this type of scam? "Users are best suggested to deal with'bargains'with suspicion, and just produce on the web purchases from trusted sites. The point is, if in uncertainty, it's a good idea to look for information regarding the internet site in question on the Internet. People should manage to discover ideas and experiences of different consumers who have applied the exact same support," says Luis Corrons. That is all users can achieve this far -- to steer clear of dubious bargains and to check the company one is going to get from. Needless to say, the authorities are knowledgeable; these cybercriminals will undoubtedly be tracked, found and sent to jail. But this entire story provides solid impression that cybercrooks are becoming more and more shameless. Persons get robbed if they expect it the least -- remember bogus speaks to create donations for tsunami victims. Such criminals are impudently using advantage around majority of men and women -- over those who remember the Wonderful rule and assume others to behave the exact same way. That's why everybody who both falls the victim of this --or any other--scam, or learns about such incidents, should produce this information public. This would have been a small contribution that could help to restrain growing cybercrime. Alexandra Gamanenko presently performs at Raytown Organization, LLC -- an unbiased software developing company that provides various answers for data security.
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sabbas18-blog · 7 years ago
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laflechanet · 5 years ago
Nueva noticia publicada en LaFlecha
New Post has been published on https://laflecha.net/nueva-oleada-de-ataques-phishing-en-netflix/
Nueva oleada de ataques phishing en Netflix
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En las últimas horas, el laboratorio anti-malware de Panda Security, PandaLabs, ha detectado una oleada de ciberataques en forma de phishing, en la que los ciberdelincuentes suplantan la identidad de Netflix para robar datos bancarios y personales.
Por medio del envío masivo de un email con el asunto “Actualiza tu información de pago”, el correo informa al usuario de que se ha producido un error en el abono de la última cuota mensual con Netflix, por lo que debe acceder a su cuenta para subsanar el problema.
Sin embargo, cuando la víctima del engaño pincha en el enlace, llega a una web ajena a Netflix, pero sí muy similar, en la que hay un formulario donde debe introducir “de nuevo” el número de su tarjeta de crédito, la fecha de caducidad y el código de seguridad (CVV).
Un timo muy bien orquestrado
Asimismo, el timo indica a sus víctimas que deben confirmar sus datos personales, como el nombre, apellidos, fecha de nacimiento y dirección física.
Pese a que en el email que reciben las víctimas hay algunos errores que nos deberían hacer dudar de su legitimidad, “se trata de un timo muy bien orquestado, ya que los ciberdelincuentes incluso emulan usar una autenticación de doble factor. Es decir, tras rellenar el formulario, le indican a las víctimas que recibirán un SMS con un código de verificación para dotar de mayor credibilidad al proceso”, señala Hervé Lambert, Global Consumer Operations Manager de Panda Security.
No obstante, si se observa con detenimiento el correo electrónico que han recibido miles de personas es destacable que en todo el cuerpo del texto no aparece ningún logotipo de la compañía, al tiempo que no hay referencia alguna a la información corporativa de la compañía ni existen enlaces para darse de baja de este tipo de comunicaciones, ni ninguna explicación de por qué se ha recibido el email, tal y como obliga la ley GDPR.
En el caso de que dudemos de la legitimidad de este tipo de emails, siempre conviene revisar la bandeja de entrada para contrastarlos con otras comunicaciones previas que nos haya hecho la compañía. Si, como es el caso de esta campaña, el fondo sobre el que se escriben los textos es blanco, frente al negro que predomina en todas las comunicaciones de Netflix, es suficiente motivo para extremar las precauciones.
Asimismo, una compañía como Netflix no acostumbra a emitir comunicados de este estilo entre sus clientes sin dirigirse de manera personal a los destinatarios.
Por lo general, este tipo de ciberataques los perpetran grupos internacionales de ciberdelincuentes, que ni siquiera hablan el idioma en el que se envían los correos. Por ello, “es vital comprobar que no haya errores gramaticales o, como en el caso de este phishing a Netflix, no nos llamen de tú y de usted en el mismo email”, apostilla Hervé Lambert.
Fuente: Pandasecurity.com
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sarahstreetmedia · 6 years ago
Think Your Privacy Is Protected? Think Again.
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They hacked my Instagram account last December. My account was down for two weeks, and Instagram was no help. No one ever replied. I went to Facebook and registered as an app developer then requested help for advertising. Whala. Someone called within hours. They restored my account within minutes. But what was the purpose of the hack? Why was my account blocked and not deleted? What happened?
Social media attracts hundreds of millions of users each day. Hacking requires little skill and we can purchase programs like keylogging at Amazon. Malicious coding, spyware, and proprietary information theft are commonly used for simple hacks. With the press of one key, your information is stolen. In my case, I opened an email in my Inbox, the mail looked identical to Instagrams logos, lettering and letterhead. “Your Instagram account has been compromised. Reset your password.” I pressed the link. My account was gone.
Software assures protection, and in most cases even advertise its protection, but If you read the fine print most policies will tell you in the Terms and Conditions they don’t take responsibility for your loss data.
They can buy our personal data for as little as  $0.20, 2018 Current State Of Crime.  Because it sells for so cheap, this makes sellers work harder,  hunting down personal data anyway they can.
Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg is under the microscope for selling major company’s information to Russia. I hope Zuckerberg goes down.
When you download your data from social media platforms, you’ll probably be shocked to discover what they have stored. Think you deleted it years ago? Think again. Nothing ever gets deleted. If someone hacked your account, they have access to everything you have ever typed, including what you sent via private message and your previous passwords.
1 out of 5 files aren’t protected. Your software device firewall and added software security are not protecting you entirely. When you install an app, it asks for permission to gain access in your device. And that is exactly what they have, access.
Cybercrime is more profitable than drug trade.
Despite the payout of personal data, cybercrime is incredibly expensive and the most expensive part is loss. In 2015 cybercrime caused a whopping 3 trillion in damages and it’s estimated to cause 6 trillion in damages by 2021.  When our credit reporting agencies and emails are hacked, this number increases at an enormous rate and speed.
We may think it’s bigger companies to blame for Cyber breaches, but in fact 95% of security failures  are the customers fault.
Microsoft Office file formats (Excel, Word, Power point), compromise the most prevalent group of malicious file extensions.  Making up 38% of Cyber attacks, effecting you daily. These are commonly sent as extensions or attachments in emails and are utilized by most people. These Microsoft file formats are vectors for malware and are easily overlooked.
WordPress is a free and open source website tool; popular software that’s powering nearly half of all websites on the Internet. But 73.2% of all Wordpress installations are open to vulnerabilities.
Crypto Hacking attacks are up by 8,500% yet the unemployment rate for Cyber security jobs are approaching 0%. Reaching 3.5 million needed jobs to fill by 2021.  This market is growing too fast for the world to keep up.
Androids are at extreme risk. Malicious software that is installed on android platforms has increased by 400%. People tend to be more relaxed with their cell phones, probably because most of us carry it with ourselves. Only 50% buy added protected on their smartphones and 72% on their laptops and desktops computers.  It’s  likely that our smartphones store more data than our desktops and laptops. In a hyper-connected world the majority of us use our phones for everything. We have become overly connected and have developed a deep loving relationship with our phones. We tend to trust it, it’s our safety for so many reasons. Therefore, we  input more personal information on our phones than on our computers.
Over half of China’s electronic devices are infected. China is the #1 country with the most infected malware. There are billions of malware samples, “PandaLabs, the laboratory of Panda Security, detected and neutralized more than 84 million new malware samples throughout 2015.” Last year there were 304 million samples detected in the world. It’s estimated that over 230,000 new malware samples are produced daily in China and roughly 1 million new threats are released every day in the world, CNN Business, 2014.
It can take seconds to steal your data. Below is a list of malware and hacking techniques to beware of.
Digital extortion:  one of the most lucrative ways cybercriminals can profit. Hackers steal files or photos from a victim’s computer and demand a ransom in exchange for a key to decrypt their files. The bulk of digital extortion is done with ransomware attacks. Other types include, phishing, negative review and spamming (the cybercriminal will retract the negative review for cost), and blackmail.
Common ploy: Send 300k in Bitcoin or the cybercriminal will release personal and private information about you. They may even have a video of you doing someone that makes you feel guilty. Or they may threaten to have a video of you or know something about you doing something that makes you feel guilty to cave in. They will most likely provide your accurate banking information and personal information to validate that they are in fact real hackers to scare you. Therefore the blackmail works so well. Especially if you have kids and loved ones you want to protect. What should you do? Save yourself 300k in Bitcoin. Change your passwords and bank information. Don’t entertain them.
Guilt has made many people prosper.
If you are computer savvy, check your terminal and look for anything unusual. You can open Terminal from Utilities. Type ‘man’ followed by a space and then the process name, e.g. “man nefwork.
Social media scams. Users do all the work for the cybercriminal just by sharing a video or story on sketchy sites. The virus spreads rapidly because people are more likely to click on something posted by a friend.
Likejacking and clickjacking are common social media spam hoaxes made in an attempt to steal your private information. A common ploy, “Facebook will donate $1 toward the child’s care for every like.” Cyber thieves will say anything to convince the reader to hit the link to embed the malware in your device.
Proxy hijacking is when a hacker creates a copy of the victims web page on a proxy server, using keyword stuffing techniques, linking the original site to a copied website hoping to increase search engine rankings. The victims site will then rank lower. Search engines like Google will see the victims site as a duplicated website, then Google might remove it from its index.
Keylogging is common in the workforce and keylogging software is available on Amazon. Keylogs record your information by recording your keystrokes. Information is gathered and collected over time.  If you keep getting the same email threat, chances are, your keystrokes are being recorded. Keylogs are also commonly used in the home, it’s a common a program purchased for someone with trust issues.
Malware is hard to detect. Its intention is to cause damage to a device, server, or network.
Trojan is a computer program which misleads users convincing them the content is true.
Spyware  Like keyloggers, this software aims to gather information by recording your keystrokes and activities. The information can be sent to another entity without the consumer’s knowledge.  A common example is when a cybercriminal waits for the user to install an update. Then they have access to your devices.
A crawler or hunter is not malware or a virus, instead it wreaks havoc on your device and disrupts browsing activity.
Phishing. 1 in 3 emails are phishing. “Roughly 12 percent are victims of the actual infections that result from phishing.”
What can you do? Educate yourself on keyloggers, Trojans, spyware and malware. Protect yourself against malicious apps and third-party tools. Beware of apps and software asking permission for sms, microphone access, and device permission. Beware of fraudulent email accounts. Hackers use email names from companies we recognize then imitate a company’s name to look similar: @gmail.com, @gmall.com.
Never download from 3rd party sites, change passwords weekly and Include specialized characters, capital letters and numbers.  Never use the same password for over one account. When you receive a text asking to validate a pin, keep in mind, it might be a hack.  Instead, use an old unactivated phone for two factor authentications for extra protection.
When you open a suspected email,  check the URL on your desktop. An unsafe URL starts with http:// a protected URL starts with https:// Know that there are ways to manipulate a URL. so it looks like it is a trusted company.  Also know that there are sites you go incognito with to get a URL checked out.
Remember that open networks and WEP security, aren’t secure at all.  Consider changing your proxy when using Wi-Fi networks that are shared. Change or hide your IP address. Hackers can exploit your IP address. But they can’t do much if your firewall is on, your firewall stops them from entering your programs, they can get into your ports. Your personal details and your IP address are not connected, so that is false, your IP does not provide information about you. Consider using an extra hardware firewall for added protection and block your IP address. 
Some sites will prevent your account from logging in if you use a different IP address then what you normally used to log in. I can easily unblock mine when logging into sites with difficulty.  Working in social media, I find a lot of third-party sites change their IP for privacy and assign one specifically to you. It’s also good to change your proxy settings to prevent proxy hijacking.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to avoid all hacks. But we can educate ourselves on what we can control and protect ourselves.
Sarah Simplot
March 10, 2019
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radioactive-mouse · 5 years ago
update it is now pandalab
i’m restarting wild world for the 3rd time what do i name my town
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