#pamela isley : biography.
spiffyhearts · 2 years
Posion Ivy Bio
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horrorexpo · 18 days
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villain/meta-human. 35. canon-divergent.
VERSE: Gotham City.
VERSE: Botanist Au.
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b3wtched · 1 month
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∘☽ ☆ ☾∘ biography.    wanted.    pinterest.    playlist.
⌜ whitney peak, cis woman, she/her, ⌟  welcome back to hogwarts, TRACEY DAVIS ! according to your file, you’re a TWENTY TWO year old HALF BLOOD. as i’m sure you remember, last spring had its challenges, but i’m confident you’ll take your studies more seriously this year. as a FIFTH year SLYTHERIN, focusing on SPELLCASTING, you’ve got a lot on your plate. our records show that you're CANDID and INNOVATIVE however, they seem to have left off that you’re DECEPTIVE and DESTRUCTIVE. if i’m correct, you’re siding with NEUTRAL, which makes sense considering you’re known around the castle for experimental spells scribbled on her palm in invisible ink, dark mischievous eyes gleaming with the thrill of challenge, worn out leather-bound notebooks filled with countless observations, and malicious compliance. let’s hope you make it through the year in one piece. 
B A S I C S .
full name … tracey june davis nickname(s) … trace, tj, davie ( mostly her house mates ) dob … may 19, 2001 age … twenty two gender … cis woman pronouns … she/her sexuality … identifies as bisexual but is lowkey a lesbian going through a serious case of comphet relationship status … single religion … non practicing catholic  education … hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
H E A L T H .
preferred hand … left blood type … ab- allergies ... citrus fruits ( but she eats them anyways ) physical … all around in good physical health although she has broken her wrist quite a few times mental … minor ocd social …has plenty of ‘friends’ but only a few that she is actually close with. although she prefers to just chill by herself most of the time.
P E R S O N A L I T Y .
taurus sun . entp ( the debator ) . sanguine . patience . envy . chaotic neutral . 3w2 ( the enchanter ) positive …  candid, innovative, meticulous, reliable neutral … ambitious, competitive negative …  destructive, deceptive, pessimistic, aloof habits … rolling her eyes at authority figures, falling asleep during potions class likes … shopping, early morning walks, dragon flies, ramen, energy potions, the excessive jewelry, and pumpkin pie dislikes … morning dew, blood, wearing socks, hair ties, cheese flavored anything, jogging and ice cream. fears … birds ( specifically owls ), premature death, ghosts tropes … defrosting ice queen, hidden genius inspo … lydia martin ( teen wolf ), pamela isley ( harley quinn ), veronica mars ( veronica mars ) and isabel evans ( roswell )
F A M I L Y.
eloise davis ; ( mother - pureblood , 46 , primary school teacher, former botanist ) phillip davis ; ( father - squib, 49, muggle journalist ) maya davis ; ( sister - squib, 25, med student ) athena davis ; ( brown cat - 6 months, found during a trip to hogsmade )
A P P E A R A N C E .
faceclaim … whitney peak face … 2 dimples, dark eyes, sparse freckles across her nose hair … dark shoulder length 3c hair occasionally pulled back into braids or a ponytail body … 5'4 , slim athletic build style …platform boots that make her appear at least 3 inches taller, tight shirts, oversized jackets and sweaters, dark jeans, and stained school robes misc … small tattoo on her left forearm that reads, “ i want to be great or nothing. ” bat tattoo behind her ear. taurus constellation tattooed across her fingers. septum, right nostril and tongue piercing.
W I T C H C R A F T .
house … slytherin blood status … halfblood boggart … birds attacking, specifically horned owls amortentia … cherry lip gloss, burning leaves, lavender lotion, and her mother’s sugar cookies patronus … bat ( non corporeal but she’s working on it ) ⸻ her most cherished memory is being placed into slytherin. although she knew her parents were going to be disappointed, personally, tracey had never felt happier. she finally had a home away from home. wand … 13 ¼" (length), red oak (wood), dragon heartstrings (core) ⸻ red oak is an infallible sign of its owner’s hot temper. a perfect duelling wand. the ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted, and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive spells, and a good person to have by your side in a fight.⸻ dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power and are capable of the most flamboyant spells. dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types, are temperamental, and are most prone to accidents. major … spellcasting goals … to become a professional duelist favorites … charms, dada, history of magic least favorites … potions, muggle studies, astronomy extracurriculars … slug club, slytherin quidditch keeper, dueling club president
H E A D C A N O N S .
growing up, tracey always assumed she’d follow in her mother’s footsteps and be sorted into ravenclaw. the idea was almost a certainty in her mind— however, when the sorting hat called out slytherin she felt a sense of relief wash over her. she always wears platform shoes, because she wants to appear taller and more intimidating. partly a defense mechanism to mask her insecurities, but mostly because she wants people to take her seriously. she HATES potions, it stems from her deep-seated fear of failure. she struggles with understanding the subject and worries that admitting this would expose a weakness. however, instead of seeking help, she dismisses the class as boring, protecting her pride while secretly dreading each lesson. tracey has broken her wand 4 times. she usually laughs it off, joking with her friends about how she’s just ‘too powerful’ for her wands to handle.
C O N N E C T I O N S .
mentor, confidant, drinking friend, former fling etc. twin flame - the  two  started  off  as  good  friends  and  thought  that  meant  they  were  soulmates  however,  tracey  soon  realized  they were better off as friends  and  that  was  the  end  of  that  relationship. however,  they're  still  very  close  with  one  another.  ride or die - they're  the  classic  childhood  best  friends. they  pretty  much  grew  up  together  and  although  their  social  circles  eventually grew  ( perhaps different houses? ) apart  they've  always  managed  to  stay  very  close. ex / on again off again  -  her  first  real  love.  the  two  have  broken  up  and  gotten  back  together  more  times  than  they  can  count,  and  each  break up  is  more  painful  than  the  one  before  it. whenever  they're  apart  it  drives  her  crazy  but  whenever  they're  together  she's  reminded  of  how  bad  they  are  for  each  other.  potential  victims  of  right  person,  wrong  time. frenemy - they  argue  and  fight  about  everything,  and  while  they  aren't  exactly  friends,  they  still  have  moments  that  keep  them  from  completely  drifting  apart. frenemy / rival -  the  two  have  never  fully  gotten  along,  for  a  reason  completely  lost  on  tracey  ,  when  it  comes  to  them  it’s  like  all  of  her  people  skills  are  gone. she  never  misses  a  chance  to  make  their  life  a little  more  difficult  and  takes  pride  in  making  jokes  usually  at  their  expense. whether in the classroom or daily life, they are always trying to prove who’s the best.  ex friend - their  friendship  ended  on  pretty  rocky  terms  and  it  drives  tracey  crazy. as  much  as  she  tries  to  get  over  it  and  move  on  with  her  life  she  can’t  get  over  the  fact  that  there  is  someone  in  the  world  who  doesn’t  like  her,  someone  who  knows  all  of  her  secrets.
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chorusgirls · 11 months
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…  BIRTH NAME   …  salomé atreides.
…  NICKNAMES   …  none you'll say to their face.
…  AGE   …  assumed forty.
…  GENDER  …  demi woman.
... PRONOUNS ... they & she.
…  SEXUALITY   …  bisexual. kinsey scale 3.
…  CIVILIAN OCCUPATION   …  ceo of anunnaki pharmaceuticals.
…  CRIMINAL ALLEGIANCE   …  the highest bidder.
…  NOTABLE ATTRIBUTES   …  vaguely unidentifiable accent, lightly french. voice claim: marion cotillard as talia al ghul. symptoms of perfection that turn the corner to unnatural: poreless, glowing skin, free of wrinkles; facial symmetry; hair that does not fall flat; a perpetually unnamed, tempting scent. a ringlike scar centered between her breasts.
…  CHARACTER INSPIRATIONS   …  talia al ghul  ( dc & the dark knight rises ). catherine tramell ( basic instinct ).  lady trieu  ( hbo's watchmen ). sévérine ( skyfall ). lady jessica ( dune ). amy dunne ( gone girl ).  cersei lannister  ( game of thrones ). pamela isley ( dc ).  medusa  ( greek mythology ).  scylla  ( greek mythology ).
( + ) ingenious, persuasive, patient, charismatic, intuitive, eloquent, sensual, observant.
( - ) cunning, resentful, possessive, anarchistic, enigmatic, manipulative.
trigger warnings: murder, poverty, prostitution, age gap, implied sexual assault, trafficking.
your father comes from a flat place: all ice, too hard to dig through. his world, unlike yours, is a wide one, his pain centralized to the fact that it is endless but empty. you learn later that the name for his wound is RED EYE, the name passed off with all the grandeur of a fatal diagnosis. and what is that you, bled for his sins, should care for the pinkness of one single vestige? the ritualistic stripping of the body, the drowning and remaking, is nothing in comparison to the informal breaking of one: your father's pain was in service to a purpose. yours was punishment.
your home has no name. so few places in this world that have escaped cataloging, geographers and mapmakers, and yours is one of them: if it ever bore a title of possession, you cannot say it because your mouth is too occupied with choking. the name of your home is nothing more than a scream. a guttural cry. in the place without name you're born to shaking grounds, your birth tied inexorably to bombs dropping. you, the child of a woman who knows these lands and the man sent to pillage them, do not exist without war. you would not exist without the promise and execution of brutality.
she dies in front of you. that's another way to say they kill her in front of you. that's another way to say they let you cover your siblings' eyes only because yours stay open. for association with the disruptor. they point to the body & tell you its kindness that you do not meet the same fate, that they banish you to the outskirts instead. your eyes, the same colour as your father's — the mark, the evidence — stay blistered open for years. sleep is little and rare, delicate and costly; with mother gone you are the provider and the shelter both, your brothers & sister tucked under your arms. it's called tooth & nail survival because that's all you have left in the end, bared fangs and a single, measly weapon in your pocket. you do what is necessary, thieving food of tables & allowing men to play graverobber with your body. your father, remember, was bled for a purpose. you were skinned for pleasure.
let us revisit: the cry, the guttural scream. the name of your home and the sound of your history. that's what life is, for some time. the throat grows raw at some point, the sound dimming when you meet him. a french diplomat, enamored of your gamine body, the harsh wonder of your electric eyes. he takes you and he keeps you, a mistress shelved in the back of his garden in the red marble house, hidden among the rhododendrons. it is not the happiest part of your life because you are never happy, but it is the most important: money enough earned for the siblings who have survived, and lessons in ascension for yourself. black velvet dresses that sweat in the wet country heat, meals at his cool long table, hair done up in a bow, learning to eat off fine china. a favoured pet, a smothered lover. a novelty to his visiting friends, who marvel at your grace and the bite that follows. you are not happy. but you are learning: your strengths, and their weaknesses.
all that knowledge on how to cross the pit, and still not enough to avoid when it gapes open beneath you. your lover smuggles you across continents under his arm, tucked into the suffocating folds of his jacket. a new life, he says. it's only your last one redressed. he's paid, you're told, a substantial amount for your acquisition: an exotic, gamine creature unlike the others. he has either the grace or the audacity to look embarrassed when you realize what's happened, the moment you recognize you've been sold as the pound of flesh and the bow around it.
a third act, the scream muffled now, lodged in a pocket of the throat where no one can find it. you learned long ago that thrashing against fate does no good, so instead you go still: placid as the doe drinking from a river, they imagine, forgetting what other creatures go undetected at the side of the water. yellow eyes in the dark, thorny scales, rows of teeth. in the organization that holds your leash you become indispensable, a favourite of the gods and the ones they serve.
the loosening of your puppet strings takes years, and you ripen all the while. higher bidders, horrid tastes. medusa didn't grow snakes till she was wronged, and your serpents bellow like twine around eden's first branches. in russia the scissors find you, the colour of your electric eyes lighting the way. the eyes, you've always known, of your father's. a comrade of your father's they say, his own eyes pink with familiarity. red with guilt. the escape takes several more months because you refuse to leave emptyhanded: when you flee, it's with jewels filched from the crown. it's with fangs sunk into the ankle of the one who put you in a basket.
salomé is not your name but it is your story, the daughter baring seven veils and the head of a man in your fist, clenched by the hair. america is soft as yarn, stretched in your hands, turning into the shapes you make it. men similarly unspool like guts for your blade, spilling what you demand in exchange for your touch. the one you will call husband is a conscious mark, as they all are. you've lived too long under the crosshatch of others to live now without aim.
philomene atreides, the ceo of anunnaki pharmaceuticals ⸺ a genius, perhaps, and certainly a fool. others might have called his wings wax when he tried to fix the world, but they only melt in the the attempt to correct you. his product, inserted into your heart. an ownership. another leash. we know what is to be done with leashes.
philomene atreides, the ceo of anunnaki pharmaceuticals ⸺ murdered in his bed. you, they say, spared the same gruesome fate by luck alone. you, with a severed rope in your palm, your neck barren and lovely.
you, after some months spent in mourning, voted unanimously as the new head of the snake. all you've ever had, all you've ever needed: electric eyes, tooth and nail.
SUMMARY: salomé is the daughter of a red eye mercenary and an occupant of a small country he was sent to destabilize. their mother is later killed violently for associating with a disruptor, and salomé & her half-siblings are ostracized as punishment, often met with violence. salomé assumes the role of provider and caretaker, engaging in everything from petty thievery to prostitution to make ends meet. this is how she meets her benefactor, a french diplomat who takes her as a secret lover. it's him who gifts them their first learnings in elegance, and the first time she starts crafting herself into a new person. the benefactor-lover sells her to an international organization, and she spends the years with them building trust & reliance, instituting herself as a favourite of the heads. like the mythic woman she names herself after, it's by getting close that she eventually takes his head on a platter. in their eventual escape, aided by a red eye defector close to her late father & a russian operative, she topples much of the organization and absconds with their money. in america they remake once more, a high class escort that grifts their way to new york's elite. she consciously pursues and then marries the founder & ceo of anunnaki pharmaceuticals, a union that lasts only four years, until his murder in their marriage bed by her hand. after several months, salomé is named unanimously by the board as the next ceo of anunnaki.
per the main's location page, salomé is something of a mythical figure within the city ( "as insane as the stories surrounding them are. a god among mortals, a suspected killer, a widow" ) and they do absolutely nothing to dispel the mist surrounding them.
had a congenital heart defect that worsened in her thirties; their heart is now something between tony stark little blue core and jason statham in crank - an implant created by her late husband or commissioned by him (stone inc? DETAILS IN PROCESS!). the only one of its kind. incredible and vastly imperfect. her late husband was, initially, the only one who knew how to keep it going - a threat of possession that he held over her until he. well. oops.
the first to take trial-approved drugs before they're released to the public, but still there are some she saves exclusively for themselves. skin glows, hair never falls flat. there's something almost eerie about the perfection
throws outrageous, outlandish parties, but ur probably never invited
actually, have you ever seen salomé age ? mm..
red eye is not aware of their father being one of their mercenaries<3
bathes in an unusual concoction & wears pheromones bred within anunnaki for various purposes. ever smelled
deeply deeply good at figuring out what you need and offering it, in herself or in her palm
often mistakes as being ms. atreides, but sal never took her late husband's name officially
bane to her talia; private security.
salomé has officially been exonerated for the death of her late husband, philomene atreides. but whose to say a new development couldn't occur<3
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cfaugust · 6 months
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❛❛   ridley nygma .  ❜❜   ― 🧩 ― loading files… 
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full name : ridley dana nygma
name meaning :
ridley : british | “reed meadow”
dana : hebrew | “god has judged”
nygma : english | derived from enigma “something that is difficult to understand”
nicknames : riddles, rids
alias : enigma | dana quinn
gender / pronouns : cis woman / she/her
sexuality : pansexual
date of birth : january 29
age : 18-28
zodiac : aquarius
place of birth : gotham city, new jersey
accent : n/a, uses slight brooklyn accent as enigma
languages : english, french
occupation : menace to society (anti-hero), freelance programmer/hacker/engineer
species : human
powers/abilities : toxic immunity, genius level intellect, combat, & acrobatics
faceclaim : dove cameron
height : 5′2″
eye color : green
hair color : blonde
dominant hand : left handed
glasses : yes, prescription; often wears contacts
mental : audhd, some narcissism, anxiety, insomnia
physical : n/a
positive traits : perspicacious, adaptable, indomitable
negative traits : insufferable, volatile, loquacious
hobbies : plotting and scheming, messing about in her lab, solving and crafting new riddles, practicing and perfecting acrobatic tricks, ballet, being the smartest person in the room, being insufferable
parents :
edward “ed” nygma, the riddler; father
dr. harleen quinzel, harley quinn; mother
siblings :
spouse : n/a
children : n/a
pets :
gus [ hyena ]
quick facts :
coming soon.
feel free to ask me anything, as this is a work in progress.
biography :
coming soon.
CONNECTIONS. (adoptable affiliated ocs)
jonathan "jj" crane jr. : son of jonathan crane/scarecrow. jj is ridley's on-again/off-again beau, their relationship leaning a bit into the toxic side. uses the villain alias of fear-monger. suggested fcs are thomas doherty, timothée chalamet, freddie thorp. ➢ 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍
thorn grimley : (semi canon). daughter of dr. eric grimley, adopted by dr. pamela isley. thorn is ridley's ride or die childhood bestie, step sister in verses where there mothers have gone from girlfriends to wives. suggested fcs are sofia carson, hailee steinfeld, lana condor. ➢ 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍
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poiscnous · 3 years
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𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛: 𝙲𝚒𝚜-𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎                              
𝙸𝚗𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝙸𝙳: 𝚈𝙵𝚅-𝟾𝟶𝟹𝟸𝟻𝟶
𝙷𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝: 𝟼’𝟶”
𝚆𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝: 𝟷𝟻𝟻𝚕𝚋𝚜
𝙴𝚢𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚛: 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎
𝚃𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚘𝚜/𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚜: 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚖 𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔, 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚕𝚋 𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜
𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚟𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗(𝚜): 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 (𝚁𝚂.𝟹𝟸𝟸)
𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚎 c𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚖: 𝙰𝚐𝚎𝚜 𝟷𝟾-𝟸𝟾 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚜𝚌𝚑, 𝙰𝚐𝚎𝚜 𝟸𝟿 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝙷𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚜
𝙰𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚜: 𝙿𝚘𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙸𝚟𝚢
𝚂𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢: 𝙱𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕, 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚋𝚒𝚊𝚗, 𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌
𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚌𝚜: 𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚋𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚢; 𝙿𝚑𝙳 𝚒𝚗 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚢
𝙰𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜: 𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎. 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙰𝚂𝙿𝙳, 𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚜
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Pamela Denise Irwin grew up with a fascination with plant life, after being raped at age 14. She lost her innocence at that age, and never got the protection from the pure evil of the world, the corruption that is the male race, the scum of the earth that is humankind. She related to plants, seeing them as also innocent, and vulnerable, under the control of mankind. She wanted a life of protecting plants, developing ways to protect wildlife from the inevitability of being trampled by the goals and desires of humans. She attended Gotham State University, attempting to double major in Botany and Biology, and had plans to eventually go into the medical field.
But she only spent two years there, albeit two very successful years there, making the Dean's list in all four semesters. But there, she met a man, a guest instructor in one of her required general education classes in economics 104. Donald Isley was a factory owner in Gotham, and came in to talk about the effect philanthropic work in correlation to good business. Pamela was fascinated by his works that took him around the globe. On these ventures they found ways to help the environment, discovering new and safe chemicals to replace the deadly ones that many Gotham factories and worldwide factories still use. They shared in fondness of each other and Pamela pulled out of college to travel with Donald on his philanthropic journeys. Not much longer, at the age of 23 (2011) she married Donald.
The two spent the next few years continuing to travel and campaigning for new environmental protection acts in Gotham. However, Donald was murdered one night, the killer never being caught. Pamela is convicted of his death, but is declared criminally insane, and sentenced to rehabilitation in Arkham Asylum in 2016. Speaking of Arkham, Crane is co-warden of the Asylum.There, her skills were put to use for him creating and helping to create chemical compounds. The other inmates were test subjects for them (including the eventual fear-toxin used in Batman Begins) and they always had willing or unwilling volunteers. Eventually though, she had served her time and proved her sanity to reclaim her husband and her’s wealth.
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decipherthebeyond · 2 years
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BEYOND THE RIDDLER, there's a plethora of answers. PRIVATE MULTIMUSE, SIDEBLOG TO @deciphertheriddler. Rules from main apply. Mutuals only (as in, you have to be mutuals with my main). 18+. LOW ACTIVITY. WILL RUN ON SLOW QUEUE.
Muse list under the cut:
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy - He/Him, Bi, it's complicated; 15 - 19 years (aka depends on interaction); Affiliation: Teen Titans. // Teen Titans + assorted comics and HCs based. || Interactions | Opens | Starter Call | Headcanons | Asks
Selina Kyle/Catwoman - FIXED POST/PROMO She/Her, Bi, cis woman; 32 years; Affiliation: None/herself. // The Batman (2022) based, with influence from comics and headcanons. // FC: Erika Januza || Biography | Interactions | Opens | Starter Call | Headcanons | Asks | Wishlist
Danny the Street - They/Them, AceAro, genderqueer; Age doesn't matter, it's a street; Affiliation: Doom Patrol. // Headcanon based. || Interactions | Opens | Starter Call | Headcanons | Asks | Wishlist
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy - She/Her, Lesbian, cis woman; 39 years; Affiliation: None/All Plants // Batman Unburied based, with influences from other medias. // FC: Camila Pitanga || Interactions | Opens | Starter Call | Headcanons | Asks
Tony Masters/Taskmaster - He/Him, Bi, cis man; 42 years; Affiliation: Mercenary/S.H.I.E.L.D./HYDRA/it's complicated // Assorted comics & Headcanon based, read about for more || Interactions | Opens | Starter Call | Headcanons | Asks
Raven - She/Hers, Bi, agender; 23 years; Affiliation: Teen Titans // Teen Titans based // FC: Chicha Amatayakul || Interactions | Opens | Starter Call | Headcanons | Asks
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toxicodendrcn · 4 years
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it’s me again doing the thing i swore i wouldn’t do
my ivy / pam is, of course, a mix of all the things and like always, fucking crazy.
FULL NAME: Pamela Lillian Isley ALIASES: Poison Ivy, Lillian Rose, Doctor Paula Irving AGE: 27 CURRENT JOB: Owns and runs La Petite Bouquet SPECIES: Human, could be mistaken as a mutant. She’s definitely been changed. POWERS: Genius Level Intellect (Science) Botany: Doctor Isley was a renowned scientist with a career in Gotham City. She's always had a fascination with plants and they have been the major direction in her life even after her accident. Her knowledge of botany allows her to better manipulate her plants. Toxicology: Her specialization in Botany was Toxicology, at first she used her knowledge for perfumes, make-up and medicine. After her accident, she used her knowledge to grow thorny plants and poisonous traps for her enemies. Seduction: Pamela Isley has always been a beautiful woman but she never used her looks or talents for personal gain until she became Poison Ivy. She taunts her trapped opponents with their human desires and can even infatuate thugs to her cause through her plants or her own means. Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic): Her athletic abilities have grown over the course of her career. She has learned a limited style of martial arts fighting, is proficient at climbing and leaping, and is a strong and fast swimmer. Thievery. WEAKNESSES: Vulnerability to Darkness (Post-Crisis only): Poison Ivy requires substantial amounts of solar energy to live. Mental Instability(Post-Crisis only): Poison Ivy has been committed to Arkham Asylum on a regular basis. She speaks to her plants, finds extreme rage towards males and at a certain point sought out the destruction of the human race so only she and her plants would live. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Pamela’s skin tone varies from day to day as does her hair color. It’s because if she doesn’t use her ability she’s essentially poisoned from the inside out. When she hasn’t used her ability in a while, her skin tone is pale and her hair appears to be a highlighted brown that borders red. When she has, her skin tone begins to turn green and eventually dark green and her hair is bright red. It’s how she tries to lay low AND help her plants. OTHER: She has Venus Flytraps that she talks to as if they talk back (which they do but she sounds crazy to those who don’t know that).
BIOGRAPHY (from the wiki, and I, for now):
Pamela Isley was born in Washington, only child of a wealthy family. She attended college in Seattle, where she studied botany. Pamela fell in love with Marc Legrand, one of her teachers and they started a relationship. Eventually, Pamela stole some special herbs from a local museum to help Legrand with some experiments, but he betrayed and poisoned her using the same herbs she had stolen for him. Pamela survived the poisoning and as a result, she became invulnerable to all poisons. These events were known by the FBI, but they had Pamela's name wrongly recorded as Lillian Rose. She turned to a life of crime (though her motives were unclear at the time) and once captured by Batman and Robin, placed in Arkham Asylum once it was clear she was unwell mentally. She was there for a time until she was broken out by two henchwomen working for her ex. Ivy originally said yes to fixing him seeing as he tried to replicate his results on himself and was turned into a head with vines for limbs. In the end she stole the money he offered her and let Batman kill him. Moving to New York, she started her own business with the money and owns an apartment above it. While she’s known in Gotham City as a villain, she’s very much trying to be neutral her mind is unstable.
It doesn’t help that she saved Harley’s life and often hangs out with her (and judges her for wanting to always go back to the Joker when she’s been burned.).
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destinyxangel · 4 years
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Name: Angel Nova James
Nicknames: Angie, James
Birthday: June 22
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Singer, jewelry designer
Hometown: Star City
Species: Metahuman (Premonition)
Status: Civilian
Code name: Destiny
Likes: Singing, shopping, sleepovers, going out, parties, helping people, being bubbly, clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, surprises, late nights, sleeping in, late night walks, late night talks, playing matchmaker, kittens, puppies, when people win her stuffed animals, weddings, making bonfires at the beach, road trips, sunsets, night skies, rain, snow, holidays, when people give her cute nicknames, people who make her laugh/smile, being tickled, date nights, love, affection
Dislikes: Lies, betrayal, people leaving, loneliness,
Hobbies: Designing clothes, singing, shopping, going out, planning and organizing events, watching tv/movies, listening to music
Traits: Loyal, selfless, kindhearted, caring, bubbly, bright, affectionate, sympathetic, sensitive, genuine, compassionate, protective, optimistic, neurotic, insecure, perfectionistic, guarded
Languages: English
Favorite food: Junk food
Favorite drink: Caramel latte
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite flavor: Raspberry
Favorite season: Summer
Favorite place: Star City
Allison Montgomery (mother)
Maximilian James (father)
Emma James (sister, deceased)
Joshua Thompson (husband)
Oliver Queen (friend)
Jason Todd (friend)
Aurora Jett (friend)
Pamela Isley (friend)
Angel James was born and raised in Star City, having loved singing her entire life and always wanting to perform like the singers she admired. During high school, Angel started to visit open mic nights, mostly as an outlet because her parents tended to fight more often than not and she needed an escape from her home life. But eventually, she wanted more than to just visit open mic nights and perform there, so after she finished high school, Angel moved to New York to grow and develop when it came to singing and performing. 
At age twenty one, Angel fell in love with a guy she’d met at one of the bars where she’d performed and the young girl worked hard to get where she wanted to be while also trying to be a good wife to her husband because he was her whole world. Unfortunately, his parents didn’t approve of the marriage, but they knew Angel would never leave their son. They then tried to kill her, not knowing that she’d see it coming because that was the moment when she’d discovered her metahuman powers. For the very first time in her life, Angel could see the future and knew what her husband’s parents would try to do to her. To keep herself alive, she pretended that their attempt at killing her was successful, letting them and their son believe that she’d died in the fire that they had caused at her house. In reality, the body that was found had been her sister’s who had come over to have a movie night with Angel, which left her ridden with guilt.
With pain in her heart, Angel moved away from New York, leaving her husband behind, which was something that devastated her. She didn’t know where to go, but that soon changed when she was hit with another vision of a young man back in Star City. Oliver Queen, otherwise known as the Green Arrow, was in grave danger and Angel couldn’t pretend that she hadn’t seen what she saw. After arriving back in her hometown, she came to Oliver’s rescue and warned him in time. Ever since then, she’s been trying to do good while still thinking of her husband who she used to be married to. She has no idea where he is now and of course, he still thinks she’s dead.
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thegeneralreturns · 4 years
Chapters: 35/36 Fandom: Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul/David Hyde, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane, Roy Harper/Donna Troy, Jessica Cruz/Koriand'r, Barbara Gordon/Simon Baz, Dinah Lance/Ryan Choi, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Bart Allen/Rose Wilson, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain Characters: Cassandra Cain, Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Violet Paige, Duke Thomas, Barbara Gordon, Joker (DCU), Basil Karlo, Harvey Dent, Jonathan Crane, Carrie Kelley, Jason Todd, Iman Avesta, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown, Cullen Row, Tim Drake, Harper Row, Dick Grayson, Pamela Isley, Oswald Cobblepot, Talia al Ghul, Waylon Jones, Doctor Cassandra Spellcraft, Garfield Lynns, Victor Fries, Victor Zsasz, Roman Sionis, Camilla Ortin, Edward Nygma, Margaret Pye, Lazlo Valentin, Ra's al Ghul, Otis Flannegan, Drury Walker, Julia Duffy, Warren White, Arthur Brown, Mortimer Drake, Clark Kent, David Hyde, Astrid Arkham, Bane (DCU), Kate Kane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Roy Harper, Donna Troy, Wally West, Garth (DCU), Victor Stone, Raven (DCU), Koriand'r (DCU), Jinny Hex, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Dinah Lance, Helena Bertinelli, Ryan Choi, Lois Lane, Jon Lane Kent, Lara Lane-Kent, Kara Danvers, Bart Allen, Rose Wilson, Xiomara Rojas, Detective Chimp, Alysia Yeoh, Harleen Quinzel Additional Tags: additional character and relationship tags to be added as they appear, The Final Story of Earth 803, The final fan story of GeneralIrritation, If you've been looking for a massive multi-chapter Cass-is-Batman epic..., ...then you have come to the right place, Now when I say "Slow-Burn..." Series: Part 9 of Eight-Oh-Three Summary: THE SECOND-TO-LAST CHAPTER!
Fourteen years in the future, it will be Gotham City's past that comes back to haunt it.
And as Cassandra Cain ascends to the title of The Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne must reckon with what happens when his eternal war on crime finally ends.
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thisiscomics · 5 years
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A nice little reminder that all this nonsense about whether Constantine is in the DCU or not, and the movement back and forth, is pretty irrelevant, and time would be better spent on storytelling than worrying about what universe is in what continuity. The Ace of Winchesters was first mentioned in Hellblazer, in the early days of Vertigo. Garth Ennis then used it in Hitman a couple of years later- John and Brendan had stolen it previously, now it was the turn of Catwoman to get her hands on this mystical weapon. Nobody seemed particularly concerned about this (admittedly vague) linking of the mature readers line with more mainstream characters then, it just seemed to be accepted that both things could exist (as with the Justice League references to the Doom Patrol being in the same headquarters at one point, or the heroes that occasionally showed up in Vertigo books), without having to alter the entire premise for no real reason, as DC ultimately did with Constantine.
A further example of the redundancy of such moves is seen with the presence of Jason Woodrue- his recollections of his past here are firmly tied to established Vertigo (or really, the Berger books that became Vertigo) stories- he refers to his discovery that the Swamp Thing was not human (as per Moore’s “The Anatomy Lesson”) and he talks of teaching both Alec Holland and Pamela Isley (as established by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean’s Black Orchid mini-series). This history can coexist with the less ‘serious’ events of his history, such as becoming a New Guardian as a result of events in Millennium, without any need to segregate them or ret-con them.
Perhaps you wouldn’t want a reader of a certain age to be picking up the source texts from the shelf, but that doesn’t mean you can’t refer to them, particularly when they are significant events in the character’s biography- I always felt that the DC version of John Constantine might have had more luck if his biography had been left alone, instead of altered in some sort of poorly conceived notion of making it more suitable for a wider audience. Clearly there are elements that would not be suitable for inclusion in a book you have decided to aim at younger readers (and I will skip the questioning of the logic behind that decision, because I still don’t understand what they thought they would get out of that....), but one can easily refer to a character’s past without needing to provide all the detail- there’s no real sign of Moore’s unsettling horror here, for example, which would likely be deemed a little much for the target audience, but his story is untouched- the unsavoury elements can be brushed over, as required.
It seems particularly strange, now that DC is quite happy to have horror and violence more mainstream than it once was, turning a lot of titles darker than they may have been when Vertigo was still a force to be reckoned with, that they weren’t better able to reconcile the differences before now. Vertigo existed to tell the darker tales, but the DCU never quite separated from the imprint for a large part of the 90s, even if there was rarely any need for each ‘universe’ to directly reference the other, as they were clearly operating under different purposes and audiences. Yet as DC decided to make moves that ultimately lead to Vertigo closing its doors (Swamp Thing, Constantine, Animal Man and Doom Patrol all moved to the DCU, as well as the first run of Justice League Dark indicating that there was an editorial appetite for something a little different to the normal Justice League books, where previously this would have probably been more adult and at Vertigo, if commissioned at all), they deliberately separated things out, making it clear that Swamp Thing et al. were in the DCU, unnecessarily pushing some sort of continuity agenda that, if sales are any indication, no one really cared for.
Hellblazer and Swamp Thing had both lasted some time under the guidance of Vertigo editorial (171 issues and another volume of 20 or so for Alec Holland’s alter-ego, 300 issues for John Constantine’s mis-adventures), and Doom Patrol and Animal Man had both made into the high 80s (Shade, who was never really moved over with quite the same fanfare, instead confined to a few issues of Peter Milligan’s run on Justice League Dark, still made it to 70 at Vertigo). It would be misleading to suggest they didn’t have their own popularity problems- sales figures eventually led to cancellation in most cases, I believe (I’m not sure about Hellblazer, it seemed to just keep going, so I assume it was cancelled because DC wanted Constantine, whereas the others they could just lay claim to since nothing much was happening with the properties anyway)- but the characters were lucky to last even half as long in the DCU as they had done at Vertigo, and often with less critical adulation.
Giving up John’s 300 issue success story for about 38 issues of a not-so-interesting DCU version, with the only benefit to the character being a bit of rejuvenation (presumably editorial logic about no one wanting to read about an older person?), seems very much the sort of shitty deal John would con someone into accepting before he pisses off into the dark and lights up a fag. Now that editorial seems to be admitting failure and bringing him back to Vertigo (or whatever label the Sandman family of books will now be under, since Vertigo is gone), we seem to ironically be seeing a little more reason on the DCU side when it comes to accepting the existence of the mature readers books- Dark seems happy to accept the existence of Vertigo stories, as required, and the Dark Multiverse seems to have brought a little bit of a Vertigo touch to certain ‘mainstream’ books. Dial H For Hero was even happy to spoof entire Vertigo styles in what is effectively an all ages book. Hopefully this all indicates an improved relationship between characters, and a future where there will be less of a turf war over who can be used and what they can say/do/refer to, and instead the right character (as well as the right aspects of their history) will be used to serve the story instead of serving the confused god of continuity.
From Justice League Dark 15, by James Tynion IV, Álvaro Martinez Bueno, Raul Fernandez, Brad Anderson & Rob Leigh
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novusacademyrpg · 5 years
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Pamela Isley || Poison Ivy || 18 || Superhuman || Rank 1 || Madelaine Petsch
✘ Poison Ivy is OPEN.
“Hello, Jason. I think I’ve had a change of heart. Quite literally. The animal-plant toxins had a rather unique effect on me. They replaced my blood with aloe, my skin with chlorophyll, and filled my lips… with venom. Oh and Jason, one other thing. I probably should’ve mentioned this earlier. I am poison. ”
Pamela Isley was born to wealthy and distant parents in Seattle, Washington. Throughout her childhood, she was raised and schooled at home with hardly any friends at all. Because of this, she grew emotionally attached to the house plants in the mansion. Her time was spent caring for these plants until they got to unreal sizes. When she was 15 years old her parents returned from a long business trip and demanded that the plants be trimmed or trashed. This disturbed Pamela deeply, so much so that she left home and attended public high school. To support herself, she signed up for an internship with a renown Botanist, Jason Wooodrue. It didn’t take long for the young doctor to seduce her, and begin testing his experiments on her. Pamela nearly died twice and the last experiment left her in the hospital for six months. Enraged by his betrayal, Pamela lost her mind and often went through violent mood swings, taking her anger out on all men.
Upon leaving the hospital, Pamela hunted down her ex-boyfriend, explained what he had done to her, then kissed him, killing him almost instantly. Soon after this she was taken away and held in the county prison until A.R.G.U.S. got wind of the situation. They promised to get her out of the prison and into a school with excellent biology facilities as long as they had her word that she wouldn’t use her abilities for bad. At first, she denied, saying she was more comfortable in the cell but Ivy couldn’t resist the promise of her own greenhouse though she had no intention of becoming the hero they expected her to be.
SPECIALTY PROGRAM: Science/Power Training
CHARACTER TRAITS: Manipulative, flirtations, mean, extreme, skilled
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the-fox-family · 7 years
Tiffany owns auto biographies and other volumes written by Pamela Isley on environmentalism and Harleen Quinzel on Psychosis. Though, she isn't a big fan of their current work, she still proclaims them to be her two favorite doctors.
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itsdaniellerussx · 7 years
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Name: Harleen Frances Quinzel Age: 25 years. Codename: Harley Quinn Occupation: None Skills: Trained psychiatrist, skilled gymnast, immunity to most toxins and diseases and utilizes weaponized props. Sexuality: Bisexual Species: Human Status: Villian
Past: She was known as harleen quinzel and she was a trained psychiatrist. the girl did a tesis about herself with her ex boyfriend, guy, something happened there, strange things that involved harleen and he died. she thought that she knew why the joker was acting the way he was really acting and she was so anxious to be in that asylum and help him out, also to know more about him because this case was something that she was very curious. that’s why she flirted with the doctor in there saying that she will do anything to just be in.
So with her studies and a lot of recommendation from that doctor, she entered to work in that asylum. at her first job was to be involved in the joker’s case. that was a big mistake that they did but they thought it was the best considering that she knew a lot about him and she did a whole research about the clown and that way, the doctors there decided to give her the full information about the joker.
Day by day the woman was starting to fall in love with him, she thought she was helping him but actually she was falling for him so much that she helped him escaped and that’s how her story began, the clown king and the clown queen from gotham.
Present: Now she’s not harleen quinzel, now she’s harley quinn and she’s just full crazy. she was doing some of crime with her boyfriend; the joker. they had a very toxic relationship but she didnt care for that at all. however, in one of those crimes, harley and the joker fought batman and they lost. however, the joker escaped and harley was in prision for a very long time.
Harley didn’t care that much because she knew that her puddin was going to be there to help her out and escape and that’s when something happened. amanda waller called them, her and some other criminals, very dangerous ones and they were like a suicide squad because they went to some place a bit dangerous to fight and try to save the city and that way they were going to reduce their time in prision. she accepted that because it seems fun to her.
When everything ended, she was in jail again but that’s when the joker showed up again and helped her to escape, she did that and now she’s in central city to start something new. But when she thought that she was away from Gotham, people from that place was actually there and one of them was Pamela, long time that they haven’t seen each other so from all the people on Gotham, she was so glad to see her, the only one that she cares about because she does care but just for two people: her puddin and her.
They have been having fun and drinking and stealing and all of that, like good old days of course. She also had some fights with Jason Todd when he started to taunted her about killing the joker, something that she wasn’t really going to allow that, of course she can’t allow that considering that he was and still is very important to her.
Negative traits: Crazy, violent & reckless Positive traits: Funny, charismatic & protective
Connections Pamela Isley - Friend (With benefits) Joker - Lover/partner in crime Jason Todd - Enemy Batman - Enemy Rick Flagg - Ally Suicide Squad - Allies/sort of friends
@poisonousisley; @outlawintheredhood; @i-am-batdad; @col-rick-flagg; @centralcitysfinest-rp
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poisonousisley · 7 years
Post-Flashpoint Bio: Pamela Isley
Faceclaim: Bridget Regan Age: 28 Codename: Poison Ivy Occupation: Botanical Researcher at Mercury Labs, Professional Criminal Species: Human/Plant Hybrid Status: Villain
Past: Pamela grew up in the lap of luxury - her parents were both successful bankers, their daughter never wanting for anything. But their busy lifestyles meant they had little time to devote to Pamela, showering her with gifts to compensate for a lack of affection. While still a teenager, her parents were killed in a car crash, leaving her as the sole heir to her family’s fortune. The loss should have caused a great deal of hurt, but Pamela barely knew her parents as it was, burying herself in her studies to distract from her disturbing lack of grief in light of their deaths.
She decided to pursue Botany at Gotham University. While the city was renowned for its high crime rates, it was also famous for its 1 percenters, who Pamela easily ingratiated herself with due to her family’s old connections. This, along with her excellence in her class, and looks, didn’t just draw the attention of Gotham’s higher echelons however - it also gained the attention of a Professor at the University by the name of Jason Woodrue.
He took Pamela under his wing as a research assistant, slowly enticing her into an affair. He used affection as a weapon, pulling her into a relationship to restrict her actions to his whim - deciding what she did and who she saw, and making sure she knew when she had stepped out of line. Having known little love in her life, Pamela was desperate for what little Woodrue showed her, enough that when he was pushing the limits of his research past the point of what backers would endorse, she jumped at the opportunity to help.
Pamela offered herself as a test subject to Woodrue, who practised near-torturous experiments on her and treated her like a lab rat. He was attempting to create the perfect symbiosis between plant and human, an attempt that at its core was in the selfish pursuit of making himself impervious to harm and close to, if not literally, immortal. Eventually, his experiments proved to be a success, though not in the way he had hoped. Pamela was changed, possessing powers she was not fully able to control. She lashed out, nearly killing Woodrue and destroying a great deal of his research in the process before fleeing. Pamela Isley was reported missing, Woodrue was on the run from the authorities, while the product of his experimentation began terrorising Gotham, nicknamed by the news as Poison Ivy.
Pamela struggled for a number of months to begin to control her powers, eventually managing to control them along with her appearance - her skin having been turned green due to the imbalance in her physiology. Once successfully disguised, she reintroduced herself to the world as Pamela Isley, refusing to explain exactly what had happened to her while she had been missing and letting the rumours rise and die out on their own. However, her new powers and the connection she had to the plant-life had instilled in her a deep anger at humanity and protectiveness for the planet against them. She continued to operate as Poison Ivy, using the duality of her identities to further her career as a botanist, fighting peacefully for the preservation of the environment, while still resorting to more violent methods that had her labelled as an eco-terrorist. She also began to work further in the criminal underworld of Gotham to achieve her ends, creating connections with some of the criminals, though the only one she truly befriended was Harley Quinn.
Present: After the Particle Accelerator explosion, Pamela used her connections to arrange a transfer to Mercury Labs in Central City. She was curious about the creation of the metahumans that were terrorising the city - wondering if the similarities she might share with them might stretch beyond mere abilities - and concerned at the potential environmental impact of the explosion on the city and potentially the rest of the world.
She continued as she had in Gotham, keeping up her Pamela Isley persona while still operating as Poison Ivy, and gained a few more connections within Central City’s underworld. Most notably of these was Leonard Snart, known as Captain Cold, who she allied herself with initially to serve both their ends, before she grew to became genuinely fond of him and befriended him. They arranged to be married as part of a business arrangement to help legitimise some of Len’s income and would allow them an excuse to keep Pamela from being compelled in court if the illegality of it was found out. Pamela managed to convince herself that, even with the genuine care growing between them, it was no more than a business arrangement and treated it as such. Those close to her know she doesn’t view at as a legitimate marriage, having her issues with the ideas of commitment and monogamy.
She also began to train a young metahuman, Aurora Jett, in the use of her powers to teach her how to control them. She sympathised with the girl when she found out she had been in a similarly abusive relationship to Pamela’s with Woodrue, and was unable to deny helping the girl through the traumatic process of discovering the extent of her powers. She also reconnected with Oliver Queen, who had been a friend of hers in her teenage years, and they both knew of each other’s secret identities, silently agreeing to never reveal the other’s identity to anyone else out of a sense of loyalty.
Positive traits: Intelligent, cunning, ambitious Negative traits: Manipulative, callous, emotionally detached
Major Connections Leonard Snart - Husband Harley Quinn - Friends (with benefits) Oliver Queen - Friend Aurora Jett - Student (taught to control her metahuman abilities)
@centralcitysfinest-rp @frost-master
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frost-master-blog · 7 years
Post Flashpoint Leonard Snart
Character: Leonard Snart
Face Claim: Wentworth Miller
Age: 36
Species: Meta-human, super villain, or more properly, anti-hero. Carries a gun that can emit a ray of absolute zero. Wears a parka with a furry, furry hood. Can jump through the time stream, can slow or speed up real time, but at great cost to himself. Is presumed dead but is actually trapped in the time stream.
Past: Leonard is a survivor of childhood abuse. He spent much of his early years simply trying to survive, and to protect his mother, and younger sister, Lisa. His father turned to crime, and often dragged young Leonard with him, to train him to be ‘useful for once’. Leonard’s mother was addicted to painkillers, and then to heroine. She was in and out of the family home, staying for a few weeks, then drifting away, gone for months at a time, until one day, she just never came home.
Lewis would often leave to go to other cities to do jobs, or to hide from suspicion, and Leonard had to take care of necessities for Lisa and himself. He turned towards petty crime, and honed his skills in shoplifting and picking pockets.
When Leonard was fourteen and on a job with Lewis, he was caught. His dad left him behind, and Len spent four months in juvie, where he met Mick Rory. Once out of juvie, Len tried to get his act together, if only because Lisa had been terrified while he was gone. Unfortunately, Lewis left town to do a ‘job’, and there was no source of income for them. Worried that the state would separate him and Lisa, Leonard pulled a few small jobs with Mick’s help, and continued to pick pockets just to keep the electricity and water running.
He dropped out of high school before he was fifteen, fed up with a system that did nothing to help protect him, even when the signs of abuse were obvious. He spent a lot of time learning to polish his thieving, and he was able to steal just enough to stave away hunger, and keep Lisa in school. There was even enough to help get her extra things, like ice skating lessons, that kept her away from their father for longer periods of time.
When he was twenty, Lewis got tangled up with the Santini family. Len tried to work with them, and they were impressed, but Lewis and another family member sabotaged a job and things went south. The Santini’s closed ranks, and left Len hanging. He pled down to a Class D felony that gave him a two year sentence. When he was released from prison, Len took advantage of a mob war, and broke ties with the Santini family. They were too caught up in their own issues to waste time on a two-bit soldier - though his betrayal was never quite forgotten.
Len pulled together a crew and started pulling small heists. First gas stations, then bigger marks like banks. As he began to make a name for himself, more people sought him out to work with. He was always fair when dividing the score, and if someone participated in a job, they got paid, no matter how small their role. Fair, but strict - he had a set of rules that he demanded a player stuck by. Any deviation from the rules usually ends in death.
As time wore on, Leonard was becoming more violent, beginning to lose control. He did another stint in prison after his initial arrest, and he ended up in the same cell block as his father. A nightmare he didn’t intend to repeat. His plans become even more solid, as he was determined to stay out of prison, no matter the cost.
Then the particle accelerator exploded, and his life began to rapidly change. For one thing, that very night, he saw a woman fall in the pond at the park, and he ended up saving her from drowning. They met again a few weeks later, at a bank robbery. A few weeks after that, she tracked him down to his favorite bar, and they ended up striking up a rather unusual friendship.
Leonard has only tried to run a long con once, and ended up liking the mark too much to steal from him. The man, named Samuel Frost, liked Len in return, and even knowing that Leonard had been planning to steal from him, he made Leonard a business partner. Even helped him create a new identity, if he ever wants to go straight. Len repays him by helping to chair the board for the business under the alias, and brokering the occasional business deal with other companies and shareholders.
The Flash showed up on the scene, just in time to mess up Len’s largest heist, and to further ruin Leonard’s plans to retire. The superhero, along with a whole host of other vigilantes including the Red Hood, began exerting good influences on him. He married Pamela Isley to launder money through her business, and because he really was very fond of her. Len’s transformation from villain to hero was cemented once Barry helped Leonard and Lisa, when Lewis kidnapped Leonard and planted a bomb in Lisa’s head.
Then Rip Hunter showed up, and offered Leonard a final adventure, one he couldn’t refuse. Leonard joined the crew, along with Mick Rory. At first he thought he could use the Waverider for some final scores, or maybe to change his past. But he ended up caring for the whole crew, and when the odds were against them, Leonard offered up his own life to ensure that the team would survive.
Present: Leonard is presumed dead, but is actually caught up in the time stream. He’s not exactly sure what is happening; he’s been in a strange semi-conscious state for several months, as his body and mind recovered from being torn apart and pieced back together. Now that he is beginning to wake up, he is trying to find his way back home...but he might need a little help.
Negative Traits: Controlling, demanding, criminality, unrepentant
Positive Traits: Loyal, good leader, loves deeply when he allows himself to
Pamela Isley: Wife           Barry Allen: weird, sort-of-friend
Grace Snow: Close friend        Jason Todd: Best pal and fellow nerd
Sara Lance: Close friend, vague romantic interest
@outlawintheredhood @csiiallen  @gracexsnow @centralcitysfinest-rp  @whitecanary-lance  @
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