#palworld fanfic
juniper-sunny · 2 months
Arcane characters play “Palworld”
Silco is extremely efficient, min maxing the crafting and resource gathering at the bases. He has no tolerance for weak Pals and will butcher them if they have the mildest debuff. The only exceptions are the cute ones that Jinx gets attached to. He has multiple bases set up in all the best resource spawns. Password protects all the storage chests and only shares that password with Jinx.
Jinx is all about catching the cute and so-ugly-they’re-cute Pals and giving them silly nicknames. Don’t underestimate them if she attacks you though, they’re strong af. She has a seemingly endless amount of ammo, thanks to a dedicated crafting team of Pals set up by Silco just for her. Her favorite Pals are the ones with Partner Skills that enable you to use them like weapons.
Vi prefers running around and exploring over staying in the base. She’ll catch most Pals and is sure to pet every single Pal that she uses regularly. She likes fighting alongside Pals and will always recall them before they faint.
Caitlyn is all about finding a balanced team. Her nicknames for the Pals aren’t the most creative but she likes them anyways. Always gets upset when she accidentally kills a Pal that she meant to catch.
Ekko likes making the base neat and tidy. Will spend most of his time there but somehow still knows the best tech and Pals for navigating the world. Building the hot springs and cozy beds are his priority when it comes to Technology Points. He always keep the foodstuffs stocked with the best meals. Still has a strong team even if he doesn’t leave the base a lot.
Sevika prefers to explore by herself and will usually rebuff your offers to accompany her. Is almost undefeated unless she’s mobbed, and even then she’ll take down an impressive number of them before she goes down. Will laugh at you if a Pal breaks out at 99% captured. Has a smallish collection if Pals but they’re all tough as nails.
Mel briefly considered butchering Pals since it’s an easy way to get Pal loot, but it was only very very briefly. It upsets her too much to go through with it. She prefers catching Pals to engaging in combat, but you couldn’t ask for a better exploration partner. She has sharp eyes and will always call out enemies and Pals that are about to aggro you. You’ll never be caught off guard with her by your side. She’s great at strategizing for boss battles too.
Viktor likes experimenting with different Pals and their attacks. He’s always looking for interesting combinations; some might not be overwhelmingly strong, but the rotations he comes up with are reliable and efficient. Gets agitated when he sees a Pal imprisoned by the Syndicate and prioritizes rescuing them. His team is made up exclusively of those rescues.
Jayce has so much fun crafting that he sometimes forgets to go out and catch Pals. Is always happy to help you craft things you might need. His favorite Pals are the ones that specialize in Handiwork. He gets a little too excited about crafting Weapons until he sees the damage they wreck with his own eyes.
Singed is always fucking around with breeding, always getting the best Pals with the best buffs. Somehow knows exactly what Pals to breed in order to get the rare ones. He won’t tell you if you ask him though. The game won’t let you take someone else’s Pal forcibly (yet), but if he could he would. And he’d be sneaky about it too. He also has no qualms about butchering Pals. 
Finn likes raiding and griefing other players. Gets salty when he gets stomped on and is quick to plan revenge.
Heimerdinger mostly nitpicks the lore and worldbuilding, and is especialy confused by the hypocrisy of the Free PAL Alliance. He doesn’t understand that the hypocrisy is a deliberate commentary.
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krazycomix · 7 months
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PalTales: Quill's Pancakes
It was a late morning. The early dew and coldness of the previous night was evaporating, as the sun was nearing its peak. At the top of a small, rocky hill near a marsh, was a desolated church. its foundation was ruined but still stood. Nature had retaken it as vines, moss and grass grew in every nook and cranny of what was left of the once holy structure. Close by, no more than a stone's throw away, was a walled encampment. The protective walls, made from many, many cut up logs, circled around a large, rectangle building of carved stone. on its side, was an elevated stone platform that held various workbenches and machines that had ongoing projects. Things were in full swing as colourful beings were hard at work at their tasks. These strange, odd-looking creatures, called Pals, were darting back and forth between chores set before them.
A Penking, a penguin like Pal adored in a deep and light blue captain's outfit complete with an Comically overly-large hat, was busy spraying water at a wooden wheel, milling flour in style. A tall, bipedal pink-scaled lizard with lustful eyes and purple skin coat tails, Lovander, was helping build spheres with a pair of cat-like and fox-like Pals, dressed in a purple witch's and red mage's outfits respectively. Both Katress and Wixen were trying to ignore each other. Meanwhile, a greenish blue unibolt with yellow edges was discharging a build up of electricity into a generator to power the equipment. Several other Pals were busy chopping trees and mining stone, ferrying the materials to any available container to put them in or were grazing in a manmade ranch enclosure.
One Pal, in particular, stood out from the others…in fact, it towered over them.
A walking, hulking of what appears to be a dragon of sorts. Known as a Quivern. her body, from the top of her head, all the way to a long burley tail, was covered in fur as white as snow, and just as soft. Tufts of it sprouted on both large forearms, neck and thighs, with one lastly perched on the top of the head, nestled between two long, light blue feathers. Behind, a pair of angelic wings, each adorned with long, fluffy feathers that seemed to gradient between different shades of blue. Holding in her talons, was several heads. 
Of green lettuce. and a couple of red tomatoes.
Casually, the ginormous Pal lumbred towards an oversized bowl. Garden varieties like red berries, tomatoes and lettuce, filled the hollow cavity piled high above the rim line. Upon reaching the feed bowl, the giant Quivern simply put her load into the bowl, turned around and walked back to where she came. Among the conga line, other Pals were carrying their own handfuls. A Drepresso, a small koala like Pal with dark blue fur, purple tipped grey ears, complete with a perma-scowl, was half dragging-lifting a bundle of wheat over to the bowl.  Funny enough, it and the others were moving faster than their behemoth friend. The white giant wasn't all that motivated in working hard. She was a slacker. She knew it, but simply didn't care.
In the meanwhile, over on the platform area, the sounds of sizzling and clanging of utensils could be heard. On the side of the building's wall, an orange and silver stove was being manned by, well, a man. He was nearly six feet tall, wild dark brown hair and beard was a sign of weeks, if not months, that a razor was ever used. Cladded in a refined metal armour outfit, complete with arm and shoulder padding and a chestplate with a strange sigil that glowed. A clothed hung from armour plating on the hip. His boots were well used from wear and tear but still held up. 
The man's focus was what was in front of him. In his hand, a big iron skillet. With speed and precision, he was cooking up a storm and there didn't appear to be any stopping to his culinary onslaught.
Flavoured vapours whaff from the steam and smoke, riding the breeze around the grounds. One by one, each Pal slowed their work down, raising their snouts. Deep breaths took in the spreading aroma, a chorus of flavours danced within their nostrils as images of delicious meals flashed in their minds. The Quivern was no different, she too took in the fragrances. 
Her keen nose was able to tell apart the different scents. Mushroom stew, chikipi kababs, rushoar roast and….and….wait…what's THAT one??? That sweet aroma…coupled with…could it be?!
“COME AND GET IT!” Hollard the man, as he was putting the finishing touches to the last of his creations. Upon hearing this, everyone stopped what they were doing, dropped everything and made a beeline for the feeding bowl, knowing what time it was. As all the creatures were picking their places, some noticed a big, white missile was hurling towards them! Just nearly getting out of the way in time, the evading pals watched as the dragon plopped herself down, her tail wagging a mile a minute. Some gave a dirty look, as if saying “Hey, watch it idiot!”. The little Depresso, stationed right next to the big lug, looked up at her and simply shook his head. Out of disapproval or something else, no one was sure.
She didn't notice nor care. Her mind was too fixated on what she knew was coming.
Waltzing down the stone steps, the man was, with careful care, holding a platter stocked high with various dishes and meals. Following him, Wixen and Katress were following behind with their own overfilled platters as well. Both trying their hardest not to drool. The hungry Pals watched in anticipation as the platters of feast neared closer. 
As soon as the platters were set on the ground, it became a buffet rush! Big claws, little paws and sly tendrils snagged the first dish they touched. The chef had to jump back to avoid being trampled. 
“Hey HEY!” He shouted “ There's plenty for everyone here! No need to rush!...yeesh…“ Sighing as all the creatures before him settled back down to their places after getting their fill. Still, he smiled at his handy work. Each platter was separated into different spreads: meat, greens and inbetween. The man had learned the dietary habits of his Pals and made sure there was plenty to choose from. This time, he felt trying out some fanicer recipes as a treat for his companions. He loves to spoil them from time to time.
However, not all were happily munching away. The fluffy dragon didn't move from her spot. From her high vantage point, she had a bird's eye view of the food. Her large, blue eyes formed furrowed brows. There certainly was much to choose from…but…where were the-
“Looking for these?~” a question sing-songed.
Pulled from her scanning, she turned her head towards where the voice came from. Looking down, the man stood before her. He smiled as he holded a fourth platter. The Pal's eyes grew larger than the plate itself.
On it, stood a stack of pancakes.
But these pancakes weren't normal, per say. They were big. REAL BIG. Each cake was at least a good two or more inches thick, their girth rounded nearly the whole plate. There were twelve stacked tall like a castle's spire. If that spire had a massive helping of dark-golden syrup oozing from the top, covering the tower like a ooie-gooie blanket.
The look on the giant Pal's face was priceless. Her eyes sparkled as she stared down at her awaited prize. Her tail wagged and swayed fast enough that it started feeling like a strong wind roared in. Carefully, the man moved closer, his friend’s gaze never broke. Walking with a plate of huge pancakes was made difficult when said pancakes block your vision. Nevertheless, the tamer was able to bring the stack to his fluffy friend, setting the plate down before her. 
“Alright Quill, dig in” The man said, after taking two steps back. Finally, Quill broke her stare and looked at her master, giving an excited nod, as her way of saying thank you. Seeing that all of his companions were busy enjoying their lunch, the man decided to go check on production progress and see if there was a need for more materials. And grab a bite himself.
“Finally…FINALLY, COME TO MOMMA!” The dragon giddily thought to herself. With great eagerness, she reaches for the yummy yum yums. Her claw wrapped around the top most patty, the grip causing the syrup to gush between each talon, also covering the fur on her mits. Bringing it closer to her mouth, salivation was in overdrive until her snout was within nom nom range. Taking a bite, her tongue was met with the most delectable taste. The first thing was the goopy syrup. Liquid sugar mixed with an unmistakable taste of honey splashed on the large tongue. Following behind, light and warm fluffy vanilla insides exploded from the firm form of the cake. 
While the syrup and pancake were delicious by themselves, together though: they created something magical.
As Quill began to chew, the fluff of the pancake absorbed the sweet syrup, the combo enhancing the deliciousness even further. The goop that didn't land in the Pal's mouth was painted around it. 
She. Was. In. BLISS.
The other set of claws reached for another from the plate as the first was being finished up. The dragon's tongue lapped the lips, feeling more of the sugary goodness. Instead of cleaning her mouth though, Quill opened it up to take a bite out of the next morsel. As soon as she bit down, her eyes shot open. Something new was dancing on her tongue! After being momentarily caught off guard, she slowly chewed and investigated. It was both sweet and tangy. It didn't take long to figure out what this invasive flavour was: RED BERRIES!
A simple red-berried fruit, given its namesake, that grew all over the Palagos Islands. Since they were in abundance, you could go for days just eating them until you got sick of them. Great for snacks and especially when you cook them or add them in with other meals. Sauces, fillings, sides, you name it. Plus, they're easy to homegrown also, which makes sense, as almost every settlement have their own berry gardens in them.
This was utterly…DELIGHTFUL! Quill had pancakes with syrup made from the little fruits before but never thought of adding them IN the pancakes. Her sense of taste could tell they were cooked beforehand, making them even tastier. Somehow, the sweetness of the other flavours didn't overpower the berries or vice versa. They melded together into a melodic fusion, but still taste each one separately. Refreshing and fruity would be the best way to describe it. From the part that was chomped, little red spots could be seen buried within.
Right after polishing off the last bite, the hungry Pal's nose sensed something that caught her attention. It was…savoury…and…it was coming from the pancakes themselves. Intrigued, Quill grabbed and brought the next patty to her snout. A couple of sniffs confirmed it. However, it carried a…familiar, meaty smell also. Determined to solve this lil mystery, She did the only reasonable thing to do: 
Nothing…could have prepared her for- 
To be more accurate, belly meat from a Rushoar. A large tusked pig Pal that will pick a fight with anyone and anything within its sights. A pack of them went on a rampage several days ago causing the Tamer and his pals to put a stop to them, resulting in a stockpile of pig meat currently cooling in the fridge. 
Quill was curious when her master would use the meat, but she never expected something like this! Even though her mind and body were stunned, her jaws still moved. Slowly, she took in everything.
Crunchy, bite-sized bits of bacon hide amongst the fluffy expanse of the pancake. The savoury profile of meat, with a hint of salt, tangled with the sweet aroma. This…this combo was a big display of heavy contrast. Hard and soft, sweet and savoury, light and crisp ,salt and sugar…This was a meeting of two very distinct flavours that shouldn’t have worked. But it did.
Before she knew it, she felt her throat GULP, sending the morsel to its new home. Returning from her thoughts, the big Pal excitedly snatched up one, no, TWO cakes. She's wanted to experience more! 
After cake after cake, she realised that the stack repeated with those three flavours: regular, red berry and bacon. This was a new experience for her and, by the wilds, she was enjoying every bit of it!
As the Quivern munched away, her snowy white fur was an unfortunate casualty. More sugary goop was being smeared more and more on her snout. Each addition caused more to dribble down her chin and sides. Her paws and talons were practically covered from the sharp tips down to the wrists. It looked as if she was wearing a pair of gooey mitts. Droplets rained down onto the Pal's abdomen like sparkling fragments, dotting more of the fur. Once the final piece of the stack was packed away, the now happily filled dragon let out a sigh of content. Suddenly, she felt something rush up her throat as a loud belch escaped her mouth. Now fully content, Quill took in the moment of the fullness. Noticing the syrup still splattered on her snout, her dragon tongue began to lick and lap.
As the Pal groomed and cleaned herself, The tamer, having finished his own plate, couldn't help but chuckle. Ever since he introduced the Quivern to pancakes, he noticed how excited she gets whenever he whips them up. Although, he only does so every once in a while, mainly because the big lug always makes a mess of herself like a toddler in a highchair. Often having to get one of the water type Pals to spray her down. Still though, he always gets a sense of satisfaction seeing the Quivern enjoy her treats with gusto. And from the look of things, the clean up detail was being handled without needing a bath. Until next time.
All the other Pals cheered in their own ways now getting back up and returning to their duties. Fetching the now empty platter plates, the Tamer made his way over to Quill, who was finishing lapping up the last bit of gooey goodness from her claws. “Enjoy your treat girl?” He asked. Wanting to try something different, the man remembered back in the outside world of the blueberry and bacon filled pancakes he used to eat at his favourite restaurant. Since the ingredients are more or less the same in this new world, he thought he would give it a shot. The now clean dragon gave a happy smile and cheerful yip as her answer, rubbing her belly in satisfaction.
Nodding in a job well done, the man then told his Pal he needed help setting up some refined chests, as he picked up the sticky plate and was making his way over to get them cleaned. Quill got up and made her way over to an open tool box, reaching in and grabbing her own tools to help with building. 
All the while thinking: “I wonder what other yummy things the master will put into the pancakes for next time? I can't wait!”
Been...quite some time since i uploaded. Life happened, but i have been inspired recently to do more writing. Since Palworld came out, i drew up some Fanart, which also inspired this short story!
I'm planning on doing more short fan stories based on Palworld, more on the slice of life lazy style of tone.
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black-kitties · 8 months
Well, I did it.
I've been hopelessly addicted to a new videogame (Palworld) and now I'm making videogame fanfiction 🫠
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the-witchs-cafe · 7 months
Directory | BYF | Witch Essays
Hello, hello! And welcome to the Witch's Cafe! Have you gotten weary? The crushing loneliness of your own self-torment became way too much? Fret not- this establishment is here for all witches; those who have fallen from the greatest of heights, to those who have been left with nothing at all.
Here in this little coffee bar settling between the cosmos, our customers have traveled far and wide just to socialize and find solace within their shared agonies- some managing to cross through universes; so be on the lookout for those whose faces you might have the luck to recognize!
We also herald our existence with this flag- oh, don't you worry! This flag is free for anyone to use, even if all our operations were to cease!
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With all that being said, I'm certain you would like to know the way through these halls;
#Witching Hours: The customer list! Go right ahead and greet yourself to these fine folks! Maybe you'll find more similarities between yourselves than you would intially assume. (Gen. tag for crossover witches made by other people)
#Registered Witches: What cafe would this be if we didn't have any regulars? Recognized their choices of beverages just like the back of my hands! If you wish for a story, they're your go-to's! (Witch essays written by either mod H.N Elly or mod Charlotte)
#Witch cards: Every now and then, familiar faces start popping up more than usual; not as much as our regulars, but it is fun to observe their activities, even if from a distance. (same as the above, but in the form of much smaller witch cards)
#Would Witch Out: Passerby's and their rumors...honestly, you couldn't blame a gal for eavesdropping every now and then, no? Not even while getting the latest scoop on who was the poor soul whose destiny caught up with them? (due to the shutdown of YFWWO and in order to give its mod a break, I've opened up operations here. Submissions are now OPEN!)
#Would Survive PMMM: Of course, some folks do happen to be naturally lucky; finding a way and reason to keep going forwards even in the darkest of nights...it's admirable, maybe a little enviable, don't ya think? (The complete opposite of the above; if you know a character who would cakewalk through this universe's trials and tribulations, let us know with the full details regarding why!)
#There Is a Pipe Bomb in your Mailbox: Those lil' misfits out there and what tricks they got on their sleeves- ah, what fun would it be if I didn't allow any tomfoolery every now and then? (The joke submissions tag)
#There is no Secret Menu!: (The shitpost tag; hey, the great Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, had called his little self-insert fanfic in which he and Virgil went through all sects of the afterlife "The Divine Comedy" for a reason, right? We all need a reason to crack up since we're gonna be in our self-inflicted torment and punishments for some time.)
#You're now listening to . . .: Solace can be nice every once in a while, but a nice tune to distract yourself from the pain and get in the mood to continue working on your eternal goals is just as comforting! (general audio tag)
I do also have to warn ya'll that we also have to abide by the blacklist; yeah, we do try to cater to all that enter these doors, but an eldritch horror needs to have some standards, ya know?
Country Humans/Country Balls
Any of the media created by Okegom/DeepSeaPrisoner
Minecraft SMPs, especially Dream SMP
Building upon the above, we do not take requests for real world figures, unless if they were obvious jokes. This includes, and is not limited to, youtubers, musicians, pop idols, and individual game developers.
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
Genshin Impact (x)
UrbanSpook // The Painter
Abandoned by Disney, and other works by Slimebeast (x)
Good Omens, and other works by Neil Gaiman (x)
Omori (x)
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antirepurp · 8 months
I sure hope that Palworld isn't AI generated (currently there is no definitive proof they were AI designs but that's not to say they couldn't be, the idea of them being AI generated comes from a twitter post of the CEO showing of him messing with an AI generator to see how well it could make fakemon) cos parodying things is an art I hold dear. I love making parodies and spoofs in things like fanfics and DnD campaigns because it feel like an inside joke that anyone could get in on.
this exactly. i'd very much want the devs to step forward and clarify whether they used AI in the development process to begin with and if they did how and with what things they did so, since the main problem with generative AI is the art/voice theft that occurs with training the algorithms. in all fairness there have been one or two parody things that featured AI that i enjoyed, but usually in them the visuals were there to make fun of AI or the point was to gawk at the uncanny nature of that slop. i got also reminded of sarah palin forever in which AI was used in the creation of the short film, but to up the uncanny nature of the story and y'know to criticize the use of AI in general. this is probably way off point tbh and i'd say that AI doesn't really have a place in parody especially when the visual aspects are the point in it, because the human intention used in creating compelling and effective parody isn't there. if you're making a pikachu ripoff i want it to be sincere and intentional and not the result of you plugging "pikachu" into a funny algorithm to get a goopy uncanny pikachu
also while i haven't watched the stream myself because i got up only a bit ago revscarecrow talked about palworld and the AI accusations in his stream last night, i'll be checking it out later and perhaps it might be interesting to you as well
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supertrainstationh · 8 months
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The reckless and careless reactive clickbait over this game is absurd.
If you create or enjoy ANY fanart, fanfics, or fan characters in the Pokémon scene, those are literally more explicitly in violation of the copyrights and trademarks related to Pokémon than Palworld is.
I will never purchase or play Palworld, I just want people clamoring for a lawsuit over the game to stop and think for a moment.
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thechaoticdruid · 5 months
Guys sorry for the lack of Fanfic posting it's just I forgot other video games existed. :p
Anyway if you're curious I've been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley and Palworld.
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shinjiro-aragaki99 · 8 months
Now that I remember it, when I first made a Bluesky account the person with the dragon's name seemed to think I joined some crypto-related site. If it was, I would not have joined it (they later made an account there).
Similar thing with me playing Palworld, I guess. They saw some internet rumors about the game being made with AI and went on a rant about people being hypocrites for playing it if they're against AI and crypto when none of those things are in the game.
They'd probably go on a long rant as well if they knew I used ChatGPT to make weird Final Fantasy VIII fanfics that are only for me to read (I do not publish them anywhere). Or that Peridot uses AI to determine how the dots react to different things when they see them based on their personality and the thing they are looking at (uses Llama 2).
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koisuko · 8 months
Heyo! I’d just like to address some things. I saw the completed poll, and the use of “I” had won. I will start using that perspective from now on, occasionally doing you if I feel the need to, but “I” will be majority.
On that note, I still have 8 or so drafts that all started with my previous use of “you” so I will likely complete those that way.
I would also like to address my absence. I have been on a brief hiatus due to Palworld coming out. I’ve been playing it a lot and it’s sort of taken up most of my attention. I still do writing on the side, mostly random prompts or ideas that aren’t fanfics or anything just to keep my writing fresh and to improve myself as well.
I’m also running into the issue of wanting to write something, but not knowing what to write and how to go about it. Like, I’ll want to write something for mk1 for a specific character, but draw a blank on what concept I want to go for.
I will be opening requests again once I get back into the groove of things, so don’t fret!
Anyway, those are some updates, hope everyone is well otherwise! I will try to push some stuff out, but I promise I will be back!
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redheadarcher · 8 months
eight questions for nine people !
Last Song I Listened to : is it over now? - taylor swift
Favorite Color : purple
Last TV Show or Movie I Watched : disturbia (2007)
Currently Watching : percy jackson
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy? : spicy
Relationship Status : single
Current Obsession : comics, dnd, fantasy books, pjo, reading fanfics
Last Thing I Googled : palworld ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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tagged by: @trckshct & @luposcainus
tagging: @thenamesallison , @resignedworkaholics @c0mplex-heroes, @wildcxrds, @painofhumanity, @timeguardians, @txkethefall, @torxnn, @americasdaughter
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blueduckfiretruck · 8 months
Tag game
tagged by @prideandperdition and @medusastears, y'all are lovely and I'm weirdly sentimental to be tagged in a Tumblr tag after being gone from this site for like... 4 years?? So, thank you <3
last song: Bling bang born by Creepy nuts (it's so silly but so good!)
favorite color: Green, if I have to pick an absolute favourite
last movie/show: Been watching an awful lot of QI haha, but also Mashle season 2, Sousou no Frieren and Apothecary diaries
next on my watchlist: nothing yet, because I'm watching quite a lot at the moment :')
last game: Palworld! It's pokemon with guns?
last book: The last Devil to Die by Richard Osman! Go read the Thursday murder club series if you haven't already, it's about old people solving murders in their retirement village. It's so so so good!
sweet/savory/spicy: In general? Sweet all the way. Though when that salty/spicy craving hits, it hits hard.
relationship status: In a relationship and living together as of recently!
last thing i searched online: Where to find Mozzerina (a pal in palworld lol)
current obsession: Yubisaki to Renren, best shoujo romance I've read/seen in a while. Takes me back to being 14, but in a good way hahah
greatest flaw: I'm really struggling with my perfectionism in my new jub currently
fic i'm currently reading: nothing, stopped reading fanfic ages ago and now I wouldn't know where to start. Thank you so much, this was fun! I'm tagging @cynder6 @finallyfacingfailure and @ymcapabel (if you want to do it, if not that's also fine!)
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kob131 · 7 months
Because apparently I have start explaining myself like I'm talking to children-
My comparison between the fans of Palworld declaring supposed theft is moral and the Deviator devs defending their theft is this-
We already know people will defend theft just to get what they want/spite people they hate. Like people being bitter towards a company because they didn't get what they wanted (Like Guns in Pokemon/Silk Song from Team Cherry). Why apologize and change if there's a market you can profit from AND put in little effort.
Doesn't matter if the Palworld people would buy Deviator or whatever or if Palworld did steal. What matters is people will absolutely defe d and support theft out of spite.
Palworld is just the most generalized example I've seen. Would anyone understand if I said "I saw a guy defend a Futa fic that word for word ripped off a male centric fanfic"? Because they act like they didn't in the past.
And maybe if I'm using words like 'supposed', phrases like 'You should be skeptical yes' and outright saying 'I don't want to derail the post so ask me your complaints'- I am not trying to start shit on someone else's post. And doing so anyway makes you an illiterate asshole.
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jacscorner · 3 years
So this trailer has been out for a while, and, well, fuck, I just gotta talk about it. Cause, holy hell, this is just...this is a game I unironically want.
And yeah, I got a lot to say. The TL;DR is that I liked it, but it's got some glaring issues with its identity.
I genuinely feel this is something the Mon Genre has needed for a long time; a genuine breath of fresh air.
Well, no, the air is stale and is covered in smog, but I like the variety.
Pokemon has been dominating this genre and leading the charge for years and almost every other series that came after, and even what came before in the case of Digimon, has followed in its footsteps.
That's not to say Digimon doesn't have a certain edge Pokemon doesn't, just look at Tamers and the Cyber Sleuth series, but I don't think any of them have ever had such a whiplash of ideals. Cute and cuddly creatures you call Pals who are your friends that you can fight, hunt, kill, use as shields in gunfight, have shoot guns with you, and throw them into slave labor camps.
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I hate to show just how much of a bastard I am, but...this is the funniest shit I've ever seen. I never knew just how badly I wanted this. Pokemon has always had an edgy section of its fandom. Ash Betrayal Fanfics, dark fangames like Pokemon Snakewood, fagames like Rocket Edition where you're a part of Team Rocket; edge isn't new. But I never thought I'd wake up one day to see a game where you can force cute and cuddly creatures to work in a gun factory.
It's so radically different, and any other game except maybe Persona (I wouldn't know) goes on about how these creatures are your friend and they deserve respect, love, and care, but a feature in this game is just the worst part of industrialization.
And I mean 'feature'! Look at the Steam Page!
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I'm in love with how tongue-and-cheek this is. Like, no ambiguity or anything, you can be an absolute bastard. Pokemon doesn't let you be a bastard. Even the bad guys in Pokemon are squeaky clean and harmless.
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But in Palworld? You can just straight up be Team Rocket.
I think my only REAL problem with Palworld is that it just straight up looks like a Pokemon Bootleg. Like, it has no real identity outside of 'Pokemon, but Edgy'. And while that's not INHERENTLY a bad thing, it does mean it has no real identity of its own. I hate to be harsh on something I want, but Palworld is kind of like a wart on Pokemon's ass.
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I didn't bring up Digimon for no reason; when you see a Digimon, you know it's a Digimon. There's never a moment where you can look at Greymon and Garurumon and think they're Pokemon. They look distinct, and that's cause Digimon has a specific aesthetic design to it.
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Yokai Watch does this too. If you saw a Yokai from this series, you wouldn't think it's from Digimon or from Pokemon. It's entirely its own thing.
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But this? Well, I'd love to play Devil's Advocate and say Pokemon doesn't have a monopoly on magical sheep creatures...but that's just a Wooloo. It's funny that they're using Wooloo as a meat shield in a gunfight, but that just looks like Wooloo.
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And uh, maybe I've spent too much time on Twitter, but that just straight up looks like Nessa with her pigment drained. Yeah, it's not an EXACT copy, but it's pretty close and a bit distracting. I'm not saying Palworld is copying Pokemon's homework...but they definitely stole their notes when they weren't looking.
Now, I don't know the history of this company, Pocketpair, and their Steam Reviews for their other games are...divisive, to say the least. So this game is just a massive gamble. But, like, if I had a computer that could run it, I'd take that gamble. If only for the novelty.
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