#palletshipping lemon
animefan-overran · 4 years
Stormed In (Palletshipping)
“W-well this is just g-great,” Ash shivered, as he stepped into a hollow semi-dry cave. “I’d say we’re going to be stuck here for at least a couple of hours, or until the storm dies down a little…” he looked up to the sky that was now flooded with storm clouds, and shook his head in disbelief. Just an hour ago, the weather was absolutely beautiful, with not a cloud in sight. “Geez, what a mess we’re in.”
“Well, Ashy boy, we’d be back at the lab by now if you hadn’t insisted on observing all of those Pidgey back on route 2,” Gary nagged, crossing his arms.
Ash rolled his eyes a little. How could he be this lucky. It was just a couple of weeks ago that he had decided to come back to Sinnoh partake in pokemon research, and today was supposed to be his ‘perfect’ first day. Instead, it was all but perfect. It all started when he woke up to his sickly Pikachu with a case of electrical overcharge. This both forced Pikachu to stay at the Pokemon Center, and caused Ash to miss the morning meeting where the all the new researchers got paired up with one another. Ash was happy to hear that he could still tag along in a quick day research assignment with a senior researcher, but his excitement quickly died when he found out that his partner was none other than Gary Oak. The same Gary Oak he just so happened to know since he was in diapers. The same Gary Oak that for some unknown reason, has always talked down to him.
“Well, it’s not my fault that a storm decided to sneak up on us on our way back to the lab,” Ash snapped back.
“Sure, blame it on Mother Nature, typical Ash!” Gary taunted, a hint of playfulness in his voice. For some reason beyond him, he kind of enjoyed seeing Ash get all flustered.
Actually, to say that Ash was flustered was an understatement. Instead, he was quite fed up with Gary. Ash turned away from Gary, deciding not to react. He started to trudge further into the cave. He thought he might as well explore what kind of pokemon live here.
Gary took notice of Ash’s inactive response, and frowned. As much as he liked seeing Ash squirm, he also knew that he could be a little overpowering at times. Although Gary felt like he couldn’t help it when it came to Ash. There was just something about him that made Gary’s heart feel confused about his true feelings for the younger boy. The only way Gary could think of defending himself was through teasing.
“Hey, Ash. What are you doing now?! You’re just gonna get lost, and then I’m gonna have to come find you.” Gary laughed.
Ash rolled his eyes before looking back at Gary “I might as well see what pokemon live in this cave. Just stay there. I don’t want to be around you!” Ash yelled back not caring anymore about his manners.
Gary sighed as he watched Ash wander further down the cave. I did it again didn’t I? he thought to himself If only I could just figure out how I feel about Ash, then maybe I could just be honest… No, what am I thinking?!? I can’t do that! There’s no telling what Ash will say or do!!!! Gary looked at Ash again, who was almost out of sight All I know is that I want to keep watching him…
Just as Ash was about to disappear from Gary’s line of vision, Gary impulsively started to walk further into the cave, following Ash’s trail. I just want to see what he's gonna do Gary reasoned with himself, as he picked up his pace. Being the quick mover that he is, Gary caught up with Ash in a matter of 30 seconds. It wasn’t until he was within 10 feet of the younger boy that Gary decided to start tiptoeing closer.
Gary’s secret pursuit only lasted for a couple of minutes before Ash finally turned around and spoke up “Geez Gary, I know you’re following me. Why don’t you just leave me alone! You don’t have to follow me around just for another chance to tell me that you don’t like me, ok?!? I get it!!” Ash shouted out.
Hearing this made Gary’s blood pressure rise. How did he know that I was following him?!? Gary asked himself. Then again, I guess we are in a cave, so sound travels… Well…I guess there’s no going back now Gary shrugged.
“Um, yeah. Sorry A-ash,” Gary stuttered out, suddenly nervous. “I just um.” Gary gulped fighting to form a cohesive sentence.
“Well, spit it out!” Ash said, somewhat annoyed at his so-called partner’s actions.
Gary breathed in, reaching deep inside to find his courage. He smiled as he stalked closer to Ash “Look Ash, I just really wanted to keep watching you.” Gary said earnestly.
Noticing that Gary was starting to get closer, Ash started to step back further and further. It’s not that he was afraid of Gary or anything, but more like that he wasn’t sure quite was going on.
“Oh, yeah?” Ash stammered slightly “W-why is that exactly?!?” Ash felt the heat rising in his face. “I thought you disliked me.”
“Why Ashy, I wish I knew the answer to that. I wish I knew exactly why everything you do drives me crazy. It makes me feel… weird inside, so I resort to teasing you.” Gary spoke with genuine emotion as he continued his advance.
As the day would have it, luck was not on Ash’s side, and before he knew it, he found himself trapped between the cave wall, and his rival.
“Woah, Gary… are you alright?” Ash quivered, slightly concerned. Never before had he seen Gary like this. “What has gotten into you?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure anymore,” Gary laughed as he finally closed the space between him and Ash. “Maybe the question should be, what have I been holding in,” He pinned the younger boy against the wall, and slowly brought his lips to his ear. “Sometimes I feel like I’m going out of my mind whenever you’re around. You ignite a fire inside me, Ash… it gives me jitters… explain that to me.” Gary murmured, his voice dropping lower with each sentence.
“Well… uhhhh,” Ash tried his best to reply, but any words he tried to form fell to wordless anticipation. However, amidst his uneasiness, he found himself enjoying their position, maybe a little too much for just being rivals. He could feel a tingling sensation circling through his knees, which rendered them unsteady. In fact, if Gary hadn’t been holding him up, he surely would have fallen by now. A new heat began rising in the raven haired boy’s body. A once angered ferver was now mixed with a sensual warmth, a deadly combination of emotions that made the blood rush to his face. In this moment, he was definitely grateful to whatever God that he was in a cave. If Gary were to see the blush he was sporting, he would undoubtedly never live it down. “M-maybe, you like-” Ash shuddered.
“Like what?” Gary cooed, as he breathed in Ash’s heat, his body practically attached to his.
“Not what… who…” Ash hummed weakly, unsure of how much more of this he could take. An ever growing lust for the older boy was festering inside of him. He needed Gary, and he needed him soon.
“I guess you’ve got me, there Ashy boy.” Gary whispered seductively. He could feel the sweat from Ash’s clothes start to seep into his. Ash tried to hold in a moan as best he could, but accidentally let some of it come out. This only made Gary’s craving for Ash stronger, and he wasn’t sure how much more he could hold back. He wanted Ash all for himself, to claim him as strictly his. He was fairly confident that Ash felt the same way, after all he wasn’t running away was he?
“Gary freaking Oak,” Ash moaned using the rest of his energy “You’re good at teasing me, and now’s no different. Is that w-what you want me to say?”
Gary gasped in shock of Ash’s bluntness, but was grateful for the hint. From there, Gary wasted no more time. Within seconds, his mouth found its way to the side of Ash’s neck. The reaction was almost immediate as Ash let out an appeased groan. The butterflies in the younger boy’s stomach were up and flying once again, as in a second flat, his hands made their way to Gary’s bottom, pulling them closer. Taking some charge, he slipped his hand underneath Gary’s boxers, and started to slide his fingers lightly up and down Gary’s opening. The two boys were now grinding against one another, in a desperate hunger for the other.
Gary made quick work with his hands, as they crawled under Ash’s shirt. His fingers roamed up and down Ash’s torso several times, before finding rest on Ash’s hard nipples. Taking the mounds between his fingers, Gary started to twist them. The motion was soft and sweet at the start, but the more Ash whimpered, the rougher Gary got.
Ash groaned as his free hand roamed to the front of Gary’s body, quickly finding the older boy’s hard on. At the same time, Ash grasped Gary’s length, and inserted two fingers in Gary’s scorching hole. Ash began pumping slowly on both ends, which made Gary hiss in deep pleasure.
“Damn, Ash,” Gary breathed “Harder, faster!!! Please!!” Both boys were starting to grow tired, but they both couldn’t stop their pace. After all, they were only getting started.
Ash started to pump as hard as he could, which made Gary rock his head back and his hips forward. For a couple of seconds, it was safe to say he was putty in the younger boy’s hands. Regaining some composure, Gary bounced back, and finally crashed his mouth onto Ash’s. Their tongues frantically fought for dominance over the other. Deciding to play dirty, Ash squeezed Gary’s length just enough to make the older boy gasp in shock. This was all Ash needed to overtake Gary’s tongue, and enter his mouth. Ash smirked, quite pleased with himself, as he took Gary’s bottom lip between his teeth, and lightly sucked.
Gary shook his head, appalled at Ash’s actions. “Now Ash, you know boys who don’t play fair get punished” Gary growled as he hastily spun Ash around, so that the raven haired boy was in the “little spoon” position. “It’s a good thing I’m here to teach you a lesson or two,” Finding his second wind, Gary started to vigorously grind against Ash, and within seconds Ash fell into pleasured silence.
Unsatisfied with Ash’s level of volume, Gary picked up his pace. “C’mon Ashy boy. Don’t fight it. I want you to scream out my name, tell me what you want” Gary firmly demanded.
Ash’s eyes rolled to the back of his head “g-ggARy, please, I NEED YOU INSIDE ME PLEASE” Ash shouted hard of breath. The gyrations Gary produced were going to be enough to push Ash over his edge right then and there, but he had to hold out for just a little bit longer.
“See? Was that so hard? Now, you were a bad boy, Ash. I’ll have you know that I could just stop everything right now, but lucky for you, I’m feeling nice today. Strip down” Gary commanded, and Ash quickly complied. Gary also unzipped his pants, and whipped out his fully lengthened member, lightly pressing it against Ash’s entrance “Is this what you need Ashy?” Gary smirked.
“GOD GARY, YES! PLEASE FINISH ME OFF!!!” Ash yelled at the top of his lungs, on the brink of insanity.
Happy with the response, Gary finally shoved himself into Ash with all his might, extracting a gratified trill from him. “Geez, Ash. Too bad I can’t see you very well. I’d bet you look so sexy right now with me inside of you,” Gary grunted, starting to pump back and forth.
Ash let out another string of soft groans, and bucked his hips back and forth to help Gary reach his G spot. “Damn it, Gary, I’m really freaking close!”
Taking notice of Ash’s encouragement, Gary started to pump harder and faster. Sweat beaded the older boy’s entire body from head to toe as he kept pumping. It wasn’t long before his quick and structured movements became sloppy and careless. “Hold on, Ash! Just a couple more,” Gary said with three lasts thrusts, before he finally pulled out. Both boys screamed out for the other as they reached their climaxes, their bodies moving as if they just got electrocuted.
At last, both boys found themselves coming down once again. The once cold air in the cave was now hot and humid. A comfortable silence hung in the air, as both boys put their pants back on.
Fiddling with his zipper, Ash let out a small giggle; Gary looked over his way. “What’s so funny?” he asked the younger boy.
“Oh, it’s nothing…” Ash said coyly. “It’s just… promise me that we can do that again sometime?” Ash blushed
Gary smirked as his hand caressed Ash’s chin, pressing a quick peck on the raven haired boy’s lips. “Oh we definitely will. After all, we’re research partners aren’t we?”
****THE END****
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fyretree · 5 years
Tagged by @hypereuni
Rules: Tag nine people you want to know better.
(>///<) Thanks!
Relationship status: I’m a single pringle! 
Fav Color: Green and black and grey and orange and dark red
Top Ships: ... uh I don’t have a top ship. I’mma be level I ship so many things that I have less of an favorite and more of what fanfiction/fandom am i reading/actively in at the moment. At the moment I’m back into pokemon again and that means palletshipping and many more
Last Song: Lemon boy by cavetown honestly this song really reminds me of sasuke/naruto and any other ship of happy sunshine person/grumpy raincloud person
Last Movie: ......... Alvin and the chipmunks meet the wolfman... I’d say that i watched it with my nephew except that’d be a lie. It was late, saw hulu had it, and was hit with nostalgia. That was one of the movies I repeatedly picked out when i was a kid and cashwise video was still around. Also i just like kid movies ^^’  
Glad you wanted to get to know me better!
Tagging : @seriously-though-wtf @confessorm @luv3horse @manythingsarewrong @teamfrankzhang @willcraftapple11 @mister-tom-a-dildo-lover @shoveitjan @flashyandannoying
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animefan-overran · 4 years
Coming Up
HI! Hope y’all are having a fabulous day. I have a palletshipping oneshot lemon coming up soon (and I’m super excited for it!!!!). Also, the next part of Birthday Sursprise (Twinleafshipping)!!!! Be sure to follow me to get it on the dash when I upload!!! See you in the next week!
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