#paladin butters x reader
h-harleybaby · 1 year
princess reader x main 4 (seprate) including butters
I swear- my formatting is always changing in some way because I always find something wrong with it
It's a smidge short because I started running out of ideas
I swear it feels like I lost the ability to write
General hcs w/ Princess!reader x main 4 + Butters
Eric Cartman, the Grand Wizard 
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• You guys totally have tea parties when no one’s around, don’t ever tell anyone tho or Cartman’s gonna say you’re delusional and probably not talk to you for a couple hours
• He insists that you’ve put some kind of love spell on him because now he wants to hang out with you all the time and he’s always thinking about you
• You didn’t, he just has the biggest fattest crush on you
• To be fair, you have a huge crush on him too so it's not as bad as he thinks it is
• He definitely tries to put a bunch of spells on you under the guise that it's for research but he's trying to put a love spell on you because he doesn't believe you have a crush on him
Kyle Broflovski, the Elf King
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• Elf King Kyle doesn’t wanna admit he has a crush on a human princess for like, a really long time
• Stan has to talk sense into him
• Like no honey- you getting butterflies, thinking about her all the time, and getting all red when you see her isn’t you despising her
• He does all sorts of romantic Romeo and Juliet bullshit to try to impress you and get you to like him
• Y'all hang out in his big ass tree under the stars that's where y'alls first kiss is
Stan Marsh, the Knight
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• I saw some fanart when Stan gets called Marshwalker and I thought it was the CUTEST thing- you probably call Stan your Marshwalker, only in private tho
• You're probably the elf princess and that gives him an excuse to be around you and protect you
• He definitely goes to Elf King Kyle like "H e y m y l i e g e I h a v e a c r u s h o n t h e p r i n c e s s- can I have your blessing?"
• It backfires very, very badly. But you know what?! You like him and he's still your knight so that's all that matters!
• You guys probably date in secret because Kyle wouldn’t exactly happy that y’all are dating
Kenny McCormick, the Princess
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• Cartman definitely yells at you and Princess Kenny when y’all flirt like he does his cat
• Cartman’s literally yelling “THATS GAY- BAD PRINCESSES, BAD >:( THATS MY PRINCESS KENNY” and you guys literally will not stop laughing about it
• It really just gives Princess Kenny the courage to flirt more, especially because she likes seeing the smile on your face when Cartman turns red from anger
• So flirting is something that happens very often between y’all-
• You guys are badass together, just 2 warrior princesses doing warrior princess things (Princess Kenny tries convincing you that kissing is totally a warrior princess thing)
Butters Stotch, the Paladin
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• I can guarantee you, Butters has forgotten that he’s mid battle and gets hit because he started thinking about how pretty you are
• It’s kinda sweet how he’s willing to protect with his life
• Expect him needing a lot of healing kisses on the cheek
• He’s the sweetest tho, Butters also always brings you flowers every time he sees you
• He insists on making you flower crowns because a princess needs a pretty flower crown that’s equally as pretty as her
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foreverindreamlandd · 3 years
What about another roadtrip? Sam is inviting reader and Bucky to his sister's house in Louisianna. A cookout or a boat trip or both. Reader would feel comfortable around the people there just like Bucky did in TFATWS bc they are so welcoming and not superficial... she would blossom out and Bucky would love it to see her like this
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Weekend at Sarah's
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Reader
Word count: 6.1k
Warnings: Serving you your favorite sandwich filled with peanut butter and FLUFF. There’s also a little bit of body image issues, and a lot of Bucky and Sam scowling. Also I added in another D&D session because why the hell NOT. Oh and hi I curse like a sailor.
A/N: Thank you so much for this request! I hope I did it justice. :) Want to read about how Bucky and this reader got together? Check out their origin story in my To Be Wanted series. ;)
“Sam I swear to God, if you don’t heal my fighter on your turn I’m going to kick your ass.” Bucky speaks into his hands which are interlaced in front of him, elbows leaning on the table.
“Look, man, I’m trying,” Sam quips back, glaring at Bucky. “I’ve got swarms of these little gremlin things surrounding me. I’m a little busy at the moment.”
“Well, maybe if you could actually hit them for once, we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
Sam scowls.
“Mommy and daddy are fighting again,” Abby whispers over to Raina.
You giggle. “Alright, boys, let’s settle down here. It’s Peter’s turn anyway. Peter, what do you want to do?”
Peter sits up in his seat and looks at the combat map you’ve drawn out. Right now his monk is thirty feet away from Sam and the horde of goblins. “Can I run up and try to help out Sam?”
“Sure thing. Roll for damage.”
Peter is able to take out two of them, grinning from ear to ear in pride and he lightly nudges Sam’s arm with his fist. “You’re welcome, buddy.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “Shut up, kid.”
“Okay Sam, your paladin is up. What’s your move? You now only have one goblin within melee of you.”
“Okay, and Bucky is down with two failed death saves, so if I don’t get over and heal him he might be dead, dead?”
Bucky groans as you nod. “You can try to run over, but that goblin will get an opportunity attack and you’re low on hit points. It’s risky.” You look over to Bucky. “Sorry, babe.”
He glares at you, and you fight the urge to laugh at how stressed out your super soldier boyfriend is during a game of DnD.
“Okay, but this is the last one, so if I kill it, we’ll be done fighting?” You nod. “Okay, I’m gonna hit that motherfucker.” Bucky slouches back, eyes closed as his head tilts up to the ceiling.
“You got it. Roll to attack.”
Sam rolls a 4 for his first hit and a natural 1 for his second.
“Fuck,” Sam exclaims and Bucky groans again.
“I need you to throw those trash dice out now, Sam,” Bucky growls. “They’ve been rolling shit all fucking night.”
“Hey, at least I’m still alive to try to hit them and not lying around useless.”
“I would have been able to hit it if you fucking healed me Sam.”
Raina rolls her d20 during their argument and looks up at you. “I just shot the goblin with my longbow with a 24 to hit and…” she rolls three more dice, “that’s 12 damage.”
“Got ‘em. Combat is over,” you respond. Bucky and Sam stop arguing and look over at Raina.
“I’ll head over to Bucky and feed him a healing potion,” Abby says next.
“Alright, Bucky is back up. Good job, folks!”
Abby looks over at Raina and fist bumps her. “Us ladies know how to get shit done.” Sam and Bucky scowl.
“Hey!” Peter exclaims, “I helped kill two of those goblins!”
Raina nods at Peter and extends her first. “You’re right, Parker. Well done.” Peter grins and fist bumps her. Bucky and Sam roll their eyes.
“Alright, friends, I think that’s enough fun for one night. We’ll see what adventures await the party next month!” Everyone starts packing their stuff up except for Captain America and the White Wolf, whose arms are crossed as they look in opposite directions of one another. You walk in between their seats and place a hand on both their shoulders.
“Boys,” you look back and forth at the two of them, neither meeting your eye, “Are we good here? Do we need to call Dr. Raynor and have another couple’s therapy session?”
Sam sighs and Bucky’s jaw tightens. “That won’t be necessary, Y/n,” Sam says. “Bucky just needs to get off his high horse and get over the fact that he can’t seem to keep his character alive.”
Bucky’s head pivots to Sam, rage painted across his face. “Maybe if I had a better teammate who could kill things, I would still be alive.”
“Boys,” you start, “and for the record, I will keep calling you boys until you act your age...you played a good game. You both solved my dungeon puzzle faster than anyone else earlier tonight. I thought it was going to take you at least an hour to do that, so I’m impressed! Sometimes the dice just aren’t in our favor,” you look over to Sam “And sometimes your Dungeon Master girlfriend accidentally hits your character with two criticals in a row and doesn’t give you a fighting chance.” You look to Bucky with an apologetic expression and he immediately softens. “Why don’t we shake hands and say ‘good game’ and end on a good note, alright? Consider this a learning experience for next time.”
Bucky, not wanting to disappoint you, rolls his eyes one more time before extending his hand out to Sam, who begrudgingly shakes it.
“What do we say?”
Bucky and Sam both groan out a ‘good game’ and you smile. “Thanks, guys. Now please pack up your stuff. We have an early flight to catch tomorrow.”
“Why are you going to Louisiana again?” Raina asks.
Sam shifts forward to gather his stuff as requested. “My sister and her two boys live there. It’s AJ’s birthday so they’re having a party and Bucky was requested by the birthday boy himself.”
You smile at the sight of Bucky’s lips slightly curving up hearing Sam’s words. He had told you about his time in Louisiana, how close he got to Sarah and her two boys, as well as the rest of Sam’s family. You had originally panicked hearing about Bucky’s almost-relationship with Sarah, but when he explained that there was nothing substantial between the two of them, you believed him.
It was amazing. Six months ago, before you and Bucky started dating, the idea of a man you were interested in having feelings for someone else would have devastated you. You were so used to being in a mindset of not being good enough, not being pretty or thin enough, that if there were every other option, you would be chosen last. It was how it had been with other relationships you pursued. They would always want someone else instead of you.
Everyone except Bucky.
No, it was clear that Bucky wanted you and only you. He had helped you discover how beautiful you were, inside and out. It was the little things he did, the way he told you everyday how lovely you looked, the way his eyes lit up whenever they found you, the smile that spread across his face when you told him you loved him. The sincerity in his voice when he told you he loved you in return.
Of course, there were still moments where the demons in your mind got the best of you. There were still strangers who gaped at the sight of you and Bucky walking down the street, arms wrapped around each other. Whenever you went out to dinner, your server would think that you were siblings and when Bucky held your hand they would scowl at you, incredulous that you were able to somehow seduce such a gorgeous man. Or when you were on a run by yourself, the smirks you would get from people who ran by you, making you self-conscious of your labored breaths or the way your body jiggled at every step. It was hard, and you weren’t sure if those demons would ever go away forever.
But they had lessened significantly, and the way Bucky’s breath would hitch when you touched him, the way his hands greedily searched to make contact with you whenever he could. The feel of his heartbeat as you rested your hand on his chest when his lips found yours, how it seemed like it was on the verge of beating out of his chest.
No, you weren’t worried about Bucky’s feelings for you. That man wanted all of you, just as you wanted him.
When Bucky invited you to join him in Louisiana, you immediately said yes. You wanted to meet the people who had become Bucky’s family, wanted to see the look on his face when he was reunited with Sarah’s boys. Wanted to watch the sunrise (or sunset, depending on how willing you were to get up at dawn) at the docks.
“You two are still good with checking in on Willa, right?”
Abby and Raina nodded. “I’m the morning person, Raina’s in the evening,” Abby replied. “She’ll be in good hands.”
You looked over to the window at Willa, who was sleeping on the ledge. “Still, I’m gonna miss my girl.”
“Don’t get me started on that, doll,” Bucky replied, walking up next to you and placing his arm around your shoulder. “I still think we should sneak her onto the plane.”
“Oh, she would hate that.” You wrap your arm around his waist and lean your head against his chest. “She’d probably find a way to escape from her crate and wreak havoc.”
Bucky chuckles. “Yes, yes she would.” You look up at him and his smile softens as he lowers his lips to gently press against yours.
“Alright, lovebirds,” Raina groans out. “We’ll leave you two alone so that you can suck face in private.”
You giggle, pulling away from Bucky and walking over to hug Raina and Abby. “Thanks again for watching Willa. Don’t get into too much trouble while I’m gone.”
“Please, it’s just for a weekend! We got this.” Abby looks over to Raina and they give each other a thumbs up. “Raina, did you want me to drive you home? I’m already giving Peter a ride so I don’t mind adding another stop.”
“Nah, that’s okay. I’m not far so I’m fine with walking.”
“I can walk you home,” Sam responds, sheepishly.
Raina looks over to him and gives him one of those smiles that causes you to raise your eyebrows. “Sure, that’d be nice, Sam. Thanks.” Sam smiles back at her and his arm hovers over the small of her back as they leave your apartment.
“Thanks for a great game, Y/n!” Peter gives you a quick hug before running out into the hallway. “Night, Bucky!”
Abby turns and shoots you a confused look as she closes the door behind you.
You and Bucky furrow your brows and look at one another. “Are they…?”
“Not that I know of,” Bucky chuckles, “But I did notice that Sam has been asking about Raina more than a few times.”
You giggle. “Oh man I’m going to have to text her later tonight.”
“Please keep me updated on that one.” Bucky walks forward and wraps his arms around you and you look up at him, chin resting on his chest as you interlock your fingers around his back. The content, dreamlike smile on your face makes Bucky feel like his heart’s going to explode. He kisses your forehead and you let out a content sigh. He pulls away and his expression changes to a pouty face. “You sure you don’t want me to stay over tonight?”
You grumble and frown back. “I would love that, Bucky. You know that. But if you’re here I’m going to be too distracted to finish packing. How am I supposed to choose what outfits to wear when I’m too busy staring into those gorgeous blue eyes?”
He rolls said gorgeous blue eyes. “Fiiiine. Just know that as soon as I’m awake tomorrow morning I’ll be barging in and tackling you with cuddles before we have to leave for the airport.”
“As long as there’s coffee, that sounds like the perfect way to wake up.”
Bucky snorts. “As if I’d ever want to face your uncaffeinated wrath….again.”
“Definitely not.” You stand on your tiptoes and give him one last kiss for the evening. Bucky’s metal hand snakes its way to the back of your head and tilts it to the side to deepen the kiss, his tongue searching to make contact with yours. You lean into him for balance, head spinning at the euphoria of a kiss you had shared countless times and yet always felt like the first.
Finally he pulls back, smiling as your eyes flutter open to meet his gaze. “Something to remember me by until tomorrow.” His voice is low and husky.
“Ah, yes, my hunky blue-eyed god of a boyfriend who can punch through walls with his metal arm. Definitely forgettable.”
Bucky barks out a laugh. “Hunky?”
You roll your eyes. “Goodnight, Buck.”
“Goodnight, love.” Bucky leans down for one more quick kiss before pulling away toward the door. He turns back to you as the door closes and winks at your shit-eating grin right as it latches shut.
Unfortunately for you, Sam and Bucky are both morning people, meaning you’re up at 4am to catch a 6am flight to Louisiana.
Luckily, they know to interact with you as little as possible until you’re somewhat awake, which finally happens when you’re filled with nervous energy as you board the plane.
Bucky raises his eyebrows when you both sit down in your seats, noticing the way you were fidgeting with your clammy hands on your lap.
“You okay, doll?”
You look up at him and he frowns at the look of panic on your face. “Did I forget to tell you I’m terrified of flying, Buck?”
He groans. “Why didn’t you say something? Is there anything I can do to help?”
You give him a weak smile. “Any chance you can knock me out with your metal arm so that I’m not in a constant state of fear that the plane is going to break somehow and crash from 30,000 feet in the air?”
“I will not be doing that, no.”
“Ugh, fine.” You yelp as the plane starts to move backwards and your eyes squeeze shut. “I’ll be okay, Buck….just as soon as we’re in Louisiana.”
You feel the leather of Bucky’s jacket and gloves slide underneath your arm and between your two hands as they interlace with your fingers. Your eyes open and you look at Bucky, his face serious.
“You’ll be okay, Y/n. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Your whole body seems to relax and you give him a genuine smile before resting your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes once more.
“Thanks, Buck,” you whisper. “Love you.”
Bucky smiles. “Love you.”
You still aren’t a fan of flying, but this is the most relaxing time you had ever spent on a plane.
Three hours later and you were on the ground, and you somehow managed not to have a full on body spasm as the plane landed. That might have been because you were using all of your strength to cling to Bucky.
“You’re probably thinking you never want to fly with me again,” you gasp out into Bucky’s leather jacket.
“On the contrary, I could get used to you needing to be so close to me like this.” He gives you a wink before placing a quick kiss to your temple.
Sam, who had been sleeping this whole goddamn time, lifts his head up and pulls his headphones down. “Oh, shit, are we here already?”
You glare at him.
Sarah and the boys are there to pick you up. AJ and Cass run toward you and Sam extends his arms, preparing for a hug, only to watch them run over to tackle Bucky.
“Bucky!” they both exclaim. You and Sarah laugh at Sam’s scowl.
“Remind me never to invite him home again,” Sam grumbles as he walks over to his sister and pulls her in for a hug.
“Listen, Sam, you know they love you,” Sarah responds, trying to fight back another laugh and totally failing. “I promise, it’s the arm.” Sarah looks over at you and her smile brightens. “You must be Y/n. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
The demons infiltrate your brain without warning.
Look at how beautiful she is. Of course Bucky would fall for her.
You mentally dropkick the demons in their nonexistent faces and return the smile, extending your hand. “I hope what you’ve heard wasn’t too bad.”
She chuckles, ignoring your hand and pulling you in for a hug. “I’ve heard that you’re smart, funny, beautiful, and know how to put these guys in their place when they get all pissy at each other.” You both laugh. “And that you’ve got Bucky wrapped around your finger.”
Bucky walks over to Sarah and hugs her. “It’s true. All of it.” He looks over at you and winks, and the demons disappear completely.
“Thanks so much for letting me crash this weekend, Sarah. I know you probably have your hands full planning for the party so please let us help in any way we can. We are at your disposal.”
“I will gladly take you up on that. But, just so you know, I would have loved to have you come regardless. These two can be a lot, so I’m thrilled to have someone to keep me sane and join me in rolling my eyes at their ridiculousness.”
“She’s talking about you two, by the way,” AJ says with a cheeky grin to Bucky and Sam, who both scowl.
You laugh, turning your attention to the boys. “Hey guys! I’m Y/n.” You hold out your hand and they both shake it, skeptical looks on their faces.
“Are you Bucky’s giiiirlfriend?” Cass asks, his face shifting into a mischievous smile.
You feel the heat rising to your face as it shifts into a soft shade of pink. You look over at Bucky and see that his face coloring matches yours.
“Damn right she is,” Bucky says, walking over and placing his arm over your shoulder, “So you punks better treat my girl with respect, ya hear?”
The boys nod. “Yes sir,” they respond in unison.
Bucky nods in return then moves to grab your bags and take them to Sarah’s car. As soon as he walks away you whisper to AJ and Cass, “I’m planning on pushing him into the harbor at some point if you two are willing to help with that.”
They give you the most menacing grins and nod fervently. You wink at them.
Bucky had totally heard you, and you knew that, but he still smiles to himself as he walks out of the airport.
I’d like to see you try, doll.
AJ's birthday is tomorrow, so once you get settled at Sarah’s place, the two of you run out to grab some last-minute supplies while Bucky and Sam head over to the boat to do some ‘routine maintenance.’ Sarah groans about how she’s been doing a damn good job making sure the boat is well-maintained, but they’re mainly just looking for an excuse to hang out there and pop open a few beers.
“At least try to set up the tables and chairs like I asked,” Sarah calls out to them as they head to Sam’s truck he keeps here for when he visits. She rolls her eyes at you. “Those two. As soon as beer is involved, they’re suddenly all buddy-buddy.”
“Tell me about it,” you say. “I try to keep a six-pack at my place at all times for an emergency whenever they start going at it.”
She gives you an impressed look. “Now that is a good idea. Reminds me of how I always kept cheese sticks on hand for the boys when they got fussy and needed a snack.”
“Your boys, or Bucky and Sam?”
You both cackle.
Sarah gives you a mini tour of their town, showing you the local shops owned by family and friends, the place to get the best coffee (which you took mental note of to remember), and the small bookstore owned by one of Sarah’s best friends, which you obviously request to stop at for a bit.
“So, you and Bucky?” Sarah asks while you’re at the deli, basically clearing them out of their entire stock.
You nod, smiling. “Yeah. Me and Bucky.” Your smile drops and you wince at her. “I hope that’s not, like, weird for you or anything. Bucky told me about-”
“No, no, do not worry about that,” Sarah cuts you off. She puts a hand on your shoulder. “That was barely a thing. He’s a good guy and he’ll always be family. Nothing more. Besides, I don’t think I could ever make that man smile the way that you do. He’s a total goner for you.”
Your smile returns. “The feeling is mutual.”
Sarah smiles back. “Good. You two look great together. And I know we just met, but I wouldn’t mind having you stick around and coming back to visit whenever.”
You blink rapidly to try to fight off the tears forming in your eyes. “You have no idea how much that means. All of it.” You look down at the ground. “A lot of people -- mostly strangers, but also some ‘friends’ -- don’t tend to understand why Bucky and I are together.”
Sarah shakes her head in confusion. “And why the hell not?”
You wince. “Well,” your hand gestures down your body, “They don’t think we really look great together.”
This time Sarah scoffs out, “Oh hell no. You can’t be serious, right?” The guy at the deli looks up at the two of you as the volume in Sarah’s voice rises. “Those assholes are idiots. You’re gorgeous, Y/n. If anyone makes you feel any differently, you send them down to Louisiana and I’ll give them a piece of my mind.”
You choke out a laugh, then put your hand over hers resting on your shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. “Thanks, Sarah.”
She nods, then turns back to the guy at the deli. “Sorry for yelling, Mark.”
Mark chuckles. “I’ll never be one to tell you not to go off, Sarah. Especially when you’re making a solid point.” He nods his head at you. “Which, she was.”
Your face goes red and you smile. “Thanks, Mark.”
“Now, let’s go see if the boys actually got anything done.” Sarah gathers her items from Mark and pulls out her wallet. “I bet you $20 that they’re on the boat playing around with the controls.”
You laugh. “Sarah, why would I agree to a bet I know I’m going to lose?”
Once reunited with the boys (you $20 poorer) you set up for dinner on the docks. You and Sarah had stopped by the local BBQ spot and grabbed food for everyone after you stopped by home to drop off today’s purchases and grab the kids.
Louisiana weather in January is perfect. It’s a ‘cool’ 50 degrees (which felt like summer compared to the icy hellscape that is currently New York). Being by the water during sunset, a soft breeze wafting the salt water smell your way, laughing at the stories Sarah told about her and Sam as kids, seeing Bucky laugh with these people who he considered his family. It feels like a dream.
One that continued when dinner was over.
“Hey, doll, we’re gonna stick around a bit, okay? I wanna show you something.” You narrow your eyes at Bucky as Sarah, Sam and the boys head to Sarah’s car.
“This isn’t the moment that I realize this was all some sinister plan for you to kill me and dump me into the waters of Louisiana, is it Buck?”
Bucky rolls his eyes. “So dramatic.”
“You love me and all my drama.”
He smiles. “I do.” He reaches for your hand and guides you onto the boat. The sun had set a while ago, and in the darkness you found yourself grasping onto Bucky a little tighter, nervous about making a misstep and taking an impromptu swim in the Gulf of Mexico.
“Bucky, what the hell are we doing?” You try to get your eyes to adjust to the darkness.
“Just a few more steps, love. Alright, stay right here, and close your eyes.”
You laugh. “Bucky, I can’t fucking see. Why would I shut my eyes-”
You let out a sigh and then close your eyes. You hear Bucky shuffle around a few feet in front of you before your lids detect a sudden source of light.
Bucky returns a second later, standing behind you and wrapping his arms around your stomach, head resting on your shoulder.
“Alright, open your eyes.” You do.
And you gasp.
Apparently Bucky and Sam hadn’t just been goofing off on the boat all day. No, they had been setting up what felt like hundreds of little string lights throughout the deck of the bow. They had been getting a bottle of wine and a plate of snacks. They had been putting together a small seating area on the ground made up of cushions and covered with a blanket.
“What….what’s all this for?” you breathe out.
Bucky smiles and kisses your cheek. “Just wanted to do something nice for my girl,” he whispers into your ear. “That, and it’s technically our six month anniversary.”
You turn to face him, mouth inches from his. “Bucky Barnes. You remembered our anniversary without me needing to bug you about it like most women do?”
He rubs his nose against yours. “Not a chance. I remember every moment with you, love. They’re the best moments of my whole damn life.”
There are no words in your brain for you to be able to respond to that, and Bucky loves that he’s made you speechless. He has an excited sparkle in his eyes that leaves you breathless.
“Come on,” he pulls back and takes your hand in his, guiding you to a spot right behind the cushions. He takes his phone out and taps a few buttons but ends up furrowing his brows a few moments later, clearly confused and frustrated like an old man who doesn’t know how to use technology.
“Need help, Buck?”
“No...I got it….just need to….there.” He taps his phone one more time and the boat erupts with the loud sound of string instruments. You yelp and cover your ears. “Shit.” He quickly moves to turn the volume down on his phone. Now that the strings are no longer punching your eardrums, you uncover your ears and recognize the melody as the opening to Bing Crosby’s ‘Let Me Call You Sweetheart,’ one of Bucky’s favorites. Bucky winces. “Sorry about that.”
You laugh. “Well, I don’t mind it. Let’s hope there’s no one in a five mile radius who’s been trying to get some sleep, though.”
Bucky chuckles. “Let’s try this again and pretend I did that way more smoothly.” He takes your hand and places it on his shoulder, taking your other hand into his left and resting his against your waist. “I’ve been dreaming about dancing with you under the stars, and since New York is the worst place to see anything other than streetlights, I figured this might be my chance to finally make it happen.” He takes a small step and leads you into a slow waltz.
You look up at him with such adoration, tears welling in your eyes, that Bucky’s heart flutters. “What did I ever do to deserve someone like you?”
He smiles. “I’ve been asking myself that question every goddamn second since I first met you, Y/n.”
“Well, let’s hope you still feel that way when I inevitably step on your toes. I’m trash at dancing, Buck.” You look down at your feet, focusing on your steps.
Bucky chuckles, then lifts his hand from your waist and under your chin to lift your gaze back to him. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I got you.” He pulls you close and kisses you so passionately that you feel as if you’re floating.
You dance for god knows how long, your head tucked into the crook of his neck, his cheek resting on the crown of your head, only moving positions to steal more kisses from one another.
After a few songs you make your way to the cushions. Bucky pours you both a glass of wine and you snack on cheese and crackers as you look up at the stars, limbs wrapped around each other in every which way. You have moments of content silence and moments of sharing memories, sharing dreams for the future.
“What do you think of Sarah and the kids?” Bucky finally asks.
You smile. “They’re great. I high key want to be best friends with Sarah. She’s hilarious and a total badass. Her kids are the same, just smaller and slightly more adorable than they are baddasses.”
Bucky laughs. “Good, I’m glad you like them. It’s important to me that you do. They’ve done so much for me since….everything. They’re the closest thing I have to family, especially Sam -- even if he’s a huge pain in my ass half the time. But yeah, I want- I wish- ugh, dammit,” Bucky groans, trying to collect his thoughts. “What I’m trying to say is, I want you to feel like they could be your family, Y/n. Because you’re my family. Or, like, I want you to be. I don’t know, is that fucking weird to say? Am I creeping you out? Did I just ruin the whole nigh-”
You cut him off with a kiss so deep, so passionate, that Bucky can see the stars from the night sky beneath his closed eyelids. You wrap your fingers through his hair and he grips your thigh, desperately seeking as much closeness as possible.
You pull away, leaving Bucky with his mouth still hanging open, breathless, staring at you.
“I want to be your family. I want you to be mine. I just want to be yours. Forever.”
A single tear falls down Bucky’s face and he clears his throat. You wipe the tear away and he takes your hand, pressing it against his lips.
“I love you,” he says, voice husky. “Forever.”
Forever with Bucky sounds pretty nice.
You have been to many, many cookouts over the course of your life. They were mostly when you were a kid growing up in the suburbs of Massachusetts, so they were very ‘suburban’ cookouts, filled with hot dogs, burgers, cans of bud light, and potato salad that never seemed to have enough seasoning.
A cookout in Louisiana? Now that was a party.
People showed up in troves for AJ’s birthday, all arriving up with piles upon piles of food. You wonder why Sarah even bothered spending money on food when it was clear that the guests brought enough to feed the whole damn state of Louisiana.
And hot damn is the food good. You nearly tear up when you take your first bite of potato salad.
Sam laughs at your reaction. “It’s good, right? I always beg Sarah to ship me some of that good stuff. There’s nothin’ like it up north.”
“Sam, I will gladly join you in begging Sarah to send potato salad to New York.” You nod at him and take another bite.
You do your best to go up and meet the Wilson family, but most of the time they beat you to it, running up to you and pulling you in for a big hug. They say that they heard you were the gorgeous girl that Bucky managed to bag, and you blush each time, unable to fight the giant smile forming on your face.
Everyone is so nice, so fun. They tell you stories about Sam, how proud they are that he had taken the shield and now served as Captain America. About his and Sarah’s parents. How much they would have loved you. You find yourself on the verge of tears multiple times at their kindness.
Bucky looks over at you from wherever he’s standing (which isusually with the kids, showing off how strong he was for the zillionth time by punching a rock in half or seeing how many of them he could hold up with his metal arm) and just smiles at how happy you look. The light in your eyes could give the goddamn sun a run for its money. Your smile could make even the grouchiest person alive experience true joy.
As if he could love you even more. It feels like his heart is fucking growing inside his chest to make room for all of the love he has for you.
At one point, he walks over to Sarah. “Hey. I have a, uh, weird question for you.”
She raises her brows. “Yeah?”
��Yeah.” Bucky clears his throat. “Um, I talked to Sam a few weeks ago, and he said that there was, a- uh- a shop twenty or so minutes away from here that a friend of yours owned. They, um- they have- there are rings-”
“I know the place.” Sarah smiles. “Tomorrow morning. I’ll take you?”
Bucky nods. “You don’t mind?”
“Not at all, Bucky.” She pats his shoulder. “I think it’s the best decision you could ever make.”
He grins, eyes finding their way back to you. “Yeah, me too.”
You reunite with Bucky to give AJ his gifts. Bucky gives him a shield that was almost identical to the Captain America shield, just not made out of vibranium. You give him an encyclopedia on bugs. Surprisingly enough, he seems just as excited about the bug book as he is about the shield. He pulls you and Bucky in for a hug and your heart swells.
Later, Bucky finds himself at the drink station grabbing the dangerous ‘adults only’ punch for both of you. You meet him there and take the cup from him. “Thank you, kind sir.” You tip the cup to him before taking a sip.
“Anything for you, doll.” He tips his cup and then takes a swig. “So, having fun?”
You nod. “These people know how to throw down.”
“Seriously. I’m convinced that if I didn’t have super soldier serum running through my veins, this punch would have knocked me on my ass during my first Wilson cookout.”
You giggle. “Speaking of which, mind if we sit down? I’m starting to feel a little wobbly from this stuff.”
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” He takes your hand and walks you to the edge of the dock. Before you sit down, you turn to Bucky and give him a smile that nearly knocks him off his feet.
“I love your family,” you say.
Bucky grins. “I think it’s safe to say they love you, too. Seeing you with them, I swear I must be the happiest guy on the planet.”
“And I’m the happiest lady.” You reach into Bucky’s pocket and pull out his phone, pointing the camera at the two of you for a photo. You used to hate taking photos of yourself, always so focused on the negative parts of your body. Now, you found yourself wanting to document every moment of your life. Especially the ones with Bucky.
You put his phone in your pocket and at first Bucky chuckles, thinking that your punch-fuzzy brain made you forget whose phone it was, but that thought gets cut off the moment you use your now free hand to cup his cheek. You pull him toward you and give him one of those kisses that makes his head spin. One that consumes all of his senses. All he wants to do is focus on this kiss.
In fact, he’s so distracted that he somehow misses the almost imperceptible footsteps of a bunch of kids sneaking down the dock, mischievous grins painted across their faces.
Usually, his super soldier level hearing would have made it impossible for him not to pick up on those sounds. But the roaring of his heartbeat from kissing you in this moment manages to drown it out.
You pull away just enough so that your lips still graze against his as you speak.
“Sorry, Buck.”
Bucky only has enough time to narrow his eyes in confusion before you take a step back to allow an onslaught of kids using every ounce of strength they possess to shove him over the edge of the dock and into the water.
He’s pretty sure that even though he was caught off guard, he could have used his strength to keep himself planted in place instead of now swimming up to the surface, a shocked gasp for air leaving him.
But hell, why not have a little fun?
The smile on your face as you pull his phone out to take another photo makes it 100% worth it.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to check out my other stuff here. :)
Tag List: @ceo-of-daichi @biiskuitx @forgetthisbull @eclipses-and-moondust @abcdefxkyou @jackiehollanderr @billionsofbeans @abitgryffindorky @lovelylostminds @mija-just-breathe @semlohkratz @bratty-longbottom-replies @carrotfantasimp @cremedelabrulee @ant1r3al1ty @th-e-mg @laura-moehrchen @emma-the-duck17 @sunnyjane4 @rosaline-black @parodsal000 @vicmc624 @abrunettefangirlnerd @officiallykuute @edityourwishingwell @mymindslabyrinth
***This was the original tag list for the To Be Wanted series. If you would like to be removed from the taglist for any other stories related to this series, feel free to DM me! And let me know if you would like to be *added* to the taglist for any other future stories featuring these two knuckleheads. :)
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flamingo-writes · 2 years
Rottweiler — e.m.
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
A/N: I am once again, projecting myself here. I am slowly counting the days until I can get a Rottweiler. And also I mentioned very briefly the reader is a vegetarian hi, it’s me, I’m the vegetarian, but it’s just one comment to add humor to the ending.
Summary: Eddie finds your lost dog and decides to bring it over to your house. Not having interacted a lot with you in the past, he finds you terribly cute when you finally have your dog back with you.
Warnings: cursing.
Genre: fluff, perhaps I may add a second part to this bcs I love the strangers to friends to lovers trope.
Word count: 1.6K
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Eddie walked out of the store, pulling out one of the cigarettes he’d just bought and placed it between his lips, and then pulled out his lighter. Carrying a beer six pack in his other hand, he leaned slightly down to the fire to light his cigarette when he saw a big black dog running. A couple walking on the sidewalk, soon jumped into the street and crossed the street avoiding the dog, gasping and saying something about it.
Chuckling, he threw his lighter in the pocket of his jacket as he kept staring at the dog. It stopped dead on it’s tracks, as Eddie could tell the large size of the dog, and a tiny tail. Round head with a short snout, as he could make out the silhouette of a Rottweiler. The dog turned, facing Eddie’s direction and started waking at a rather fast pace towards him.
“Shit," Eddie sighed. "Fuck…" He murmured as he took a steps back, stepping closer to the store, thinking perhaps if he made any sudden move, he might provoke the dog to sprint at him.
Not close enough to the store, the dog reached him, slowing down it’s pace as it’s big black eyes stared at Eddie, making him shiver, as he told himself not to freak out.
"Hey, buddy" He said in a soft voice, not knowing exactly how to proceed from there.
His hand shook lightly, as he took big breaths and slowly approached the back of his palm towards the dog as it continued to obsessively stare at him. The dog took a couple of seconds before sniffing his knuckles, before looking back at Eddie. The dog did not bark, nor growl, it didn’t even show it’s teeth to him. However, he seemed to have all of it’s attention. Eddie very slowly moved his hand, making sure it was within the dog’s view, that he was going to pet him, ready to retrieve at any sign of reaction.
It didn’t.
Once Eddie petted it’s large head, the dog seemed to relax and got closer to Him, sniffing and smelling him. It was then, Eddie noticed a leather collar and a chain around it’s thick neck as he ran his fingers around the collar and soon found a tag.
‘Paladin’ it read. And underneath it had a name. And a surname that sounded somewhat familiar.
He quickly did a role call of the people he knew at school until he finally landed on you, recognizing your surname, and what he believed to be your dad’s name.
"So, you’re stray, huh?" Eddie sighed and kept thinking about you.
You had a rather odd reputation at school. You were not exactly…popular. At least not preppy, nor an extroverted cheerleader. But sure everyone knew who you were. You were the kind of girl who was friendly with everyone and anyone, and yet, ever now and then you’d say the weirdest things. Or even do the weirdest things. Eddie remembered one time you carried a bird around school because you’d found it injured on your way to take the bus. He found it weirdly endearing. Specially because you’d snap at teachers when they complained about you bringing an animal to class.
"Let’s get you home, I’m sure that little freak is worried…" He said in a soft voice, his lips endearingly calling you a freak, as he thought you were one, but still thought you were somehow cooler than all the popular girls put together.
He went back into the store and bought some cheap butter cookies and used the to lure the dog into his van and then drove off to the address on the tag.
He parked outside your house and looked at the lights turned on in the living room as he got out of his van, but kept the dog inside. As he walked to your doorstep and rang the bell, he was surprised by the speed with which you o-need the door.
He was ready to greet you when he looked at you and saw your face slightly swollen and eyes red.
"Munson?" You sobbed softly and cleaned your tears with the sleeve of your hoodie. "Hey, what’s up?"
"Hey, I-uh…" He said, slightly uncomfortable by how hard you attempted to ‘act normal’ when you were clearly crying over your lost dog. "I’ve got a little surprise for you"
"Look, right now is not a good time…" You said, slightly weirded out.
You knew him, even had taken a couple of classes with him. And sure, you thought he was cool, despite what everyone thought of him. You’d talked to him on a few instances and bought weed from him perhaps twice. You liked him, and thought he was a misunderstood guy, that people should maybe give him a chance before spreading the rumors they spread about him. But you weren’t exactly friends. And him knocking on your door was…random.
"No, no" He said confidently. "Hear me out princess, you’re going to like this…" He said spinning on his toes and looking at you as you followed him.
When you were close enough, he slid open the door to his van, as you saw Paladin recognizing you at once and happily jumping off the van, and going towards you, wiggling it’s tiny tail ridiculously, as it’s hips seemed to dramatically move as well, as if Paladin tried to replace the lack of a longer tail.
"Din-din!" You cried happily and knelt before your dog as Paladin licked your face.
Eddie felt his heart warming up, and thought how cute the scene looked. A sort of tender and vulnerable smile that shone in your face, that he certainly hadn’t seen before. He thought it was cute. Not only the scene, but you as well.
"Eddie! How did you— Where?" You said standing up and going to hug him.
Your gesture caught him by surprise, as he chuckled and awkwardly patted your shoulders before wrapping his arms around you.
"I went to buy some stuff, and saw him on the parking lot of the 7Eleven…" He explained.
"What?" You inquired, pulling back and looking s this confused. "You just saw him there?"
"Yeah, I saw the name tag and thought: hey, You’re pretty far away from home, buddy, let’s give you a ride back to your family"
"And you just…got Paladin into your van?" You asked, slightly weirded out.
"I mean, it took a bit of bargaining, but nothing some butter cookies couldn’t solve…" Eddie joked smiling softly at you as you continued to look at him puzzled. His smile faded. "Why?"
"Paladin is…very aggressive with strangers" You stated baffled.
"Really? He behaved the entire time" Eddie smirked shrugging as you looked at your dog. "He didn’t even growl at me nor anything…"
"Did you like Eddie, Din-din?" You chuckled talking at your dog as Paladin walked closer to you licking your hand. "That’s so weird…Paladin usually is…pretty intimidating and…aggressive with strangers…it takes him a bit to warm up to others…" You explained and looked at him with a dreamy smile.
"I mean, I guess he could tell we’re not so different and perhaps thought: ‘hey, this guy is like me’, right?"
"Yeah…" You sighed.
"He is pretty scary, by the way. For a second I thought he was going to attack me though, but he didn’t"
"Thank you, Eddie" You said hugging him again.
"Yeah, don’t worry about it" He murmured, rubbing your back gently before pulling away. "Cool name, by the way…Paladin…"
"Oh thanks! My dad plays D&D and he named Din-din based of his character…"
"Oh really? Your old man sounds cool" Eddie said raising an eyebrow, growing a sudden interest and understanding a little bit more why you were different to the rest of the people at school.
"He’s a bit of a nerd…and a weirdo" You giggled.
"Like father like daughter, huh?" He teased, making you laugh softly, feeling enchanted by the soft sound of your voice.
"Yeah, I guess…" Your eyes met his, getting sucked in into his pitch black eyes.
"See you around, angel…I’ve got to head back home…" Eddie sighed, feeling slightly awkward for having stared perhaps a little bit too long.
"Sure. And thanks again, Eddie. You’re…pretty cool" You muttered shyly, making him smirk and looking at you.
"Yeah, I know. Thanks," He said winking, making your heart skip a beat.
"We should, uh—" You said before he climbed on his van. "Lunch. Sometime. There’s this cool…burger place not far from school…I mean, I’m vegetarian, but my dad loves that place…and I can always order fries or…onion rings or…whatever…" You stuttered, as Eddie noticed the sudden flustered look in your eyes, feeling his heart squeeze tenderly.
"A vegetarian asking me out to go have burgers, now that’s more surprising than your violent dog behaving like a puppy with me…" He teased. "Sure, honey…" He smiled. "Tomorrow after school?"
"Sounds great!" You replied excitedly as you watched him get in his van, waving at you one last time before starting the engine and driving off.
You watched him disappear in the distant darkness, feeling some odd new feeling in your gut. Paladin was looking at you attentively as you spun around and saw him.
"I’m still surprised that you didn’t bite his hand off...You really liked Eddie Munson, didn’t you?" You chuckled and walked back towards your house, whistling as you opened the door. "C’mon boy," You whispered. "Dad!" You cheered walking inside the house after Paladin walked inside.
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galraluver · 3 years
some fluff for Thace (x fem human reader) please
I have the perfect idea! I had A lot of fun writing this and I hope you like it 😄
After the war against the galra empire was over and everything on Earth began to get back to normal, (Y/n) decided to take Thace to her favorite ice-cream parlor which somehow didn't get destroyed during the final battle against the fire of purification. Being back on Earth after spending so many years in space was strange for the young woman as she returned to her previous normal life, and until she and her boyfriend found a place to live they were staying at the Garrison. By some miracle Thace survived nearly getting blown up back at central command and with Ulaz’ help he'd mostly recovered, unfortunately the tips of his ears were missing and he had multiple burn marks on his body along with more scars. Thace would always be grateful for (Y/n), he couldn't have asked for a better intended life mate. Thace had always been curious about where his lover's favorite places on Earth were, so when she asked him out on an ice-cream date he naturally said yes.
Going to the nearest city felt strange for (Y/n) because everything was different after Sendak had most of the buildings destroyed, although she liked that aliens were finally welcome on her homeworld. Since her car had been destroyed the Garrison let (Y/n) use one of the company vehicles, at least until she found a new car of her own. She'd always wanted to show her boyfriend around and take him to her favorite places, before they returned to Earth with the paladins (Y/n) assumed that she would never see her Earth again. (Y/n) parked the car by the curb when they arrived at her favorite ice-cream parlor, then she and Thace unbuckled their seatbelts, exited the car and she locked both doors. As soon as they both walked in Thace could smell the various different kinds of ice-cream and other delicious sugary treats.
"Yes, they have my favorite kind here!" (Y/n) quietly cheered happily when she saw her favorite flavor of ice-cream.
"What can I do for you?" A young lady behind the counter asked (Y/n) and Thace politely.
"Can I get three scoops of (F/ic/f) in a cone/bowl?" (Y/n) asked the employee, speaking with an equally polite tone.
The teen nodded as she went to grab a cone/bowl for (Y/n's) ice cream. Meanwhile, Thace was having a hard time deciding on which flavors to try; there were so many different kinds, far more than he expected, and he didn't know how to choose. (Y/n) saw his dilemma and went to help her boyfriend since he was most likely having a problem reading the labels.
"What are these flavors?" Thace asked (Y/n) curiously once she stood by his side, still having trouble reading each label on the glass.
"Mint chocolate chip, peanut butter, rocky road, chocolate and strawberry." (Y/n) told him when she saw the five flavors he was pointing to.
"Can I-?" Thace began to hesitantly ask her, not wanting to seem greedy for wanting to try so many different flavors of ice-cream.
"Sure. Hey, can we get a scoop of mint chocolate chip, peanut butter, rocky road, chocolate and strawberry in a bowl?" (Y/n) asked the teen girl who had finished preparing their first order.
The girl at the counter handed (Y/n) her ice-cream, grabbed a bowl and quickly got Thace's ready by taking a scoop from each flavor he wanted to try. Once (Y/n) and Thace had their ice-cream (Y/n) paid for it all and they both went to sit at a table outside, one that had an umbrella. (Y/n) immediately started eating her ice-cream while Thace took his time eating his; he had eaten regular ice-cream before, but he'd never eaten so many flavors at once. The young woman was hit with a wave of nostalgia while she ate her ultimate favorite flavor of ice-cream, she'd really missed eating at her favorite parlor during her time away from Earth.
"It's cold, but tasty." Thace noted out loud after he'd taken a bite from each scoop of his ice-cream; each one was so different, and yet they were all equally delicious.
"Careful, you might get brain freeze." (Y/n) warned him when she saw her boyfriend take a big bite of his frozen treat.
"Galra don't get brain freeze, just like alteans." Thace told his lover, assuring her that he didn't have to worry about the unpleasantness of brain freeze.
"You're so lucky." (Y/n) responded with awe, briefly looking up from her cone/bowl of ice-cream.
Thace went back to eating his ice-cream, only a little faster than before because he had five scoops and he didn't want them to melt. He loved the taste of the combination of all five flavors, although after years of eating food goo most of the time anything different tasted amazing, what made it more special was that he could eat with his girlfriend at one of her favorite places on her homeworld. The ice-cream was cold, but felt good on his tongue and going down his throat since it was a somewhat hot day outside. Thace was so busy eating his ice-cream that he didn't realize he had some on his face.
"Hey, Thace?" (Y/n) asked to get his attention, noticing that he had A little ice-cream on the tip of his nose.
"What?" Thace asked her with curiosity as his gaze met hers.
"You have ice-cream on your nose." (Y/n) pointed out as she reached over and wiped the strawberry ice-cream off with one of her thumbs.
Thace wrinkled his nose slightly when (Y/n) gently wiped the ice-cream off of the tip of his nose with one of her thumbs. (Y/n) couldn't help but giggle a little at the look on his face; he was so cute, she felt herself dying of cuteness overload on the inside. Thace beamed, unable to resist because he thought (Y/n) was cute when she giggled in happiness.
"There, that's better." (Y/n) spoke cheerfully, smiling at him widely.
Thace blushed slightly and returned to his ice-cream again, feeling a little flustered because he didn't realize that he had it on his nose until (Y/n) pointed it out. The taste of all five flavors left a cool, sweet and sugary taste on his tongue as soon as he took the first bite, Thace was officially addicted to the cold treat. When he and (Y/n) ate their ice-cream they discussed where they would go next on their date; since everything was in the process of being rebuilt they agreed to go to the park and watch some birds. (Y/n) knew for a fact that the park was still around, the only thing different was all of the trees had been replaced after the old ones were destroyed during the invasion. Until their next stop, (Y/n) and Thace were happy eating ice-cream under the shade of the umbrella.
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Hi! Do you have a masterlist for shorter fluff stories like the sentence prompts? I've gone through your main one and loved everything!
(Updated, my fucking phone autocorrected a word)
I’m not sure in terms of if you’re talking about exophilia, but I have written some one-shots of different fandoms. If you like Arcane, Detroit: Become Human, Voltron and Assassin’s Creed, these are what I have written so far: 
[UPDATED: 26/10/21]
Slumber for your Qualms (Arcane Viktor x Reader) Part 1, Part 2
My Night Guard (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
Intoxicating (Drunk! Jacob Frye x Reader)
Now, Where Were We? (Jacob Frye x Rook! Reader)
Pain Relief (Jacob Frye x Injured! Reader) Part 1, Part 2
The Incident with the Peanut Butter (Jacob Frye x Reader, Modern AU)
To Grasp At Warmth (RK900/Nines x Reader)
Toxic (Gavin Reed x Reader x RK900)
A Little Pick-Me-Up (Connor x Reader)
Breathe, okay? (Prince Lotor x Paladin! Reader)
For the monster prompts they are the only shot fics I’ve done really, but I will be introducing more short ones.
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r00en · 4 years
Still Good Chapter 10
A Million Kisses 
All Might x Reader (OC)
I just wanted some cute fluff with Toshi being an absolute angel boy! A basic domestic conversation about food and Toshi just adoring his tiny new girlfriend.
Warnings: Some heavy kissing and super fluffy. Toshi cries. It’s all good!
(I’m running out of All Might gifs people!)
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The day's after the attack on U.S.J were some of the greatest Toshi could recall. At least since his injury. All of the students were given the following days off for 'safety' which mostly meant the heads of the school were looking into the breech, upping their security and making a game plan should another attack happen. They needed to be prepared. Both the media and parents of at least the first year students were all on edge and rather critical of each move U.A made. Having the great All Might on staff did sway some hearts and he was labeled as the hero of the hour Toshi felt anything but and was thankful the Principal was doing more to put the citizens at ease. 
There was only so much Toshi could do in his current state. He had maybe an hour now if he was lucky which would need to be used for teaching and possibly appearances on the street during days off to keep everyone's suspicions at bay. All Might was a major public figure. Constantly out and about meeting people, doing interviews, showing up on TV and in movies. A literal Symbol needed to be everywhere at once and be seen by as many people as possible. And of course his hero work. There were mutterings that something was wrong with All Might given how rarely the people of the town around U.A ever saw him. The school tried their best to filter the rumors and spread a few of their own. He was often around different cities helping with major disasters, school and teaching took up most of his time and he was such a valuable asset to the next young hero's. He trusted the police and local hero's to do their jobs and left them to it. Simple things like that. It worked well enough and the attack only solidified his need to stay on campus. That was one of two good things that had come from that horrible day. The second was standing next to him in his kitchen, humming away as she chopped some carrots. 
They had been busy making dinner, each slipping comfortably in this new relationship. Honestly very little had changed between the two of them save for Toshi's obsessive need to pepper her cheeks with kisses every time she was within reach. So much so that he was expecting to be beaten off each time his lanky arms wrapped around her middle and pinned her in place to assault her with his mouth. But each and every time she would erupt into a fit of giggles, planting a few of her own on his boney jaw and only teasingly shooing him away so she could finish what ever task he interrupted. 
"I like it." She told him plainly after he apologized for his millionth kiss that morning while she was attempting to make coffee. "Being wanted so much is...nice. My brain dosn't have time to worry about things when every few minuets you remind it how happy it is now." That earned her a mild tackle of a hug and another thousand smooches. 
And it wasn't just him. She often came up behind him to snuggle into his long back and hold him tight. He adored when she would climb herself into his lap while they watched TV as if it were the most natural thing in the world to be as close as possible. She often couldn't reach his face and so she would tug on his shirt slightly to demand he bend down to her level so she could kiss him how she liked. Often starting on her toes and working her way to his lips. Toshi had to admit they already acted as if they were a couple long before he had confessed. The rest of the teachers apparently had a betting pool on when one of them would finally break. He was glad it was him. Toshi adored the old school romance of it all. The heated confession after a dangerous battle! It felt like one of his American action movies. Though he could have easily done without the fight....
And the fact that even with his twisted, broken, scared and scary body she touched him as if he was in his prime. Not an ounce of fear or disgust on her features. At time's he honestly forgot how he looked. Really believing her when she muttered how handsome he was while they were lounging on the bed together one morning. She seemed to love tracing small patterns against his arms and following the thin but textured muscles in his shoulders and neck. Remaking how strong he was and giggling and cheering when he would scoop her into a hug and swing her around like she weight nothing at all. 
So here they were, in his apartment getting ready for dinner. His arms locked around her little frame with his head resting atop her's like a strange parrot. Listening to her quiet little hum as she worked. Perfect, this was perfect. "Toshi..." His arms wound a little tighter on her sides. Nuzzling his face against her hair with a little sigh of his own. "Yeah?" He couldn't think of anything better than these moments. It almost made him forget his loss as a symbol, his injury, his troubles. "Toshi the meat...." Her voice sounded a little worried. Always so concerned about his well being. "It should be fine. We didn't add too many seasonings this time so it won't bother me as much as last night." The thought of their little blunder with spices last night made him nonexistent stomach churn a bit. Spending hours laying on the bed eating chipped ice and taking advantage of her quirk had not been pleasant. 
"No I mean it's burning!" She laughed, wiggling herself out of his arms to turn off the small hot plate. A dark patchy smoke rising from what was meant to be their grilled pork. 
He stood there dumbfounded for a second. Watching her try and salvage the chard meat. "My apologizes....I was so wrapped up in what I was doing-" That sounded a bit stupid, what he was doing was clinging onto her like an infant. The shame heated his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "H-here I'll finish the vegetables. I doubt I can screw that up." Now that he said that the knife looked very sharp and the small little shapes she had been cutting seconds ago looked far more professional than anything he would manage to do with his clumsy long fingers. With a heavy sigh he took up her post, glancing over to watch her cut the thick chard sections of meat. "I don't think I ever noticed before but you are a very good cook. Your recipes are simple yet delicious and you know your way around a knife." He motioned to the well cut veggies on the board and his mess of what looked like a hacked up bit of onion. 
It took her a second to respond. So focused on the task at hand. Or maybe it was hard to answer. "It's kinda embarrassing...but I'm a really picky eater..." She muttered, plating their meat carefully  now that it had been saved from his blunder. "I had to learn new tricks pretty quickly when I moved to Japan. But my family was very ah...." She struggled with the Japanese for a second. Toshi could see the gears turning in her head and had to stop himself from smushing her cheeks. 'So cute...' 
"Meat and Potatoes! That's it!" 
"Meat....and potatoes? Dear... we have that here in Japan though." He raised a brow at her and grinned. "We are having meat and potatoes tonight." He playfully motioned to the boiling pot of potatoes right next to her.
That earned him a little playful swat on the arm and a small nudge so he could scoot his skinny butt over and let her finish. He gladly moved, still afraid to ruin their meal any farther but still bent on figuring out what she meant. "Come to think of it that is all you seem to order when we eat out. Simple dishes, a lot of carbs. I assumed it was because you were trying to accommodate me." People who knew about his injury and stomach issues had a hard time eating freely around Toshi. It was a guilt thing. Like people not drinking around an alcoholic. He could have a wide variety of foods. It's not like he was limited to rice crackers and water. Well not any more. It was mostly heavy spices and seasonings that bothered him. Without a stomach to help break it all down spicy foods would often burn his insides. Never a nice feeling. Toshi let his hand rest on her head, giving it a little rub before he moved off to get them some drinks. "So this meat and potatoes thing?" 
"Oh! Well it means you eat very plain foods normally. It can mean a wide range of things ironically but my family tended to eat hardy meals with lots of meat and carb based foods like mashed potatoes." 
"No vegetables?" That was something Toshi often enjoyed. Steamed veggies were nice and easy on his stomach but could add different flavors to things without being too harsh. 
"Well yes but we stuck to simple things. If we were having steak it would normally be with a carb and one simple vegetable side dish like green beans or corn. Here there is always a rainbow mix of veggies in almost everything so my pallet it's really accustom to it yet." Paladin moved to place their dishes down on the table. Taking her spot as he carefully bent his knees in across from her. "I worry I'll never develop a full taste for Japanese food. I do like most of it though but I find it's far easier to cook at home and add the things I like rather than getting pre-made food's and having to remove what I don't." As always she was already starting on her small strips of pork. Toshi remembered the meal she made one night for him. It was steak but rather than being cut and cooked in strips which was custom in Japan she had cooked both slabs whole. He was tentative at first but her way of searing it gave the top a wonderful crunchy texture but the middle was so juicy it tasted like it had just come from a hot pot yet still melted in his mouth. And there was so much butter! 
"I see. So your pallet just happens to work with my dirt restrictions." A happy coincidence that convinced Toshi they were indeed destined for each other. The thought warmed his heart it also chilled it. Fate...a future. All Might wasn't sure he even had one of those. The echo of his friends dooming prediction played through his mind. What did he have? A year at best? A single year to spend with her like this. He should tell her. But the thought of living every day on edge, her worried about their small short time....sad. Always sad and already mourning a man who wasn't dead yet. 
At least for now he wanted to be happy. Even if it was constructed on a lie by omission he wanted her to smile at him with no dark cloud hanging over them. He could pretend he didn't know. He had been pretending for years now and it wasn't turning out so bad. But now suddenly, watching Paladin eating across from him, happily giggling along with something on the T.V he had long since stopped watching he wasn't so sure he was okay with dying. If living meant being here with her longer. But Nighteye was never wrong. All Might would die a horrible, violent death at the hands of a villain. He would leave her alone. At the very least she knew he would pass before her naturally. He was almost twenty years older than her, that was a given but she didn't know just how true and how close. 
It felt like some kind of disgusting lie that he would have to keep up with. His side burned as if punishing him already for letting any of this start. What could he possibly do? He would break her heart one way or the other. Ignore their feelings, pretend he wasn't in love with her and break her heart by forcing a friendship neither of them truly wanted? Disappear from her life without a word? Or die in a  fight in a year. He could at least pretend that one was a more natural way for him to go. More so now with the targeted villain attack. She would be devastated but at least she would have closure. Plus she as a pro hero! She knew the risks they all took with their line of work. This lie would be better. 
A hand reached out to brush carefully against his arm. Shaking him from his thoughts with a jolt. "Y-yes?!" She was looking at him with a worried expression. How long had he been silent?
"The food's not that bad is it? You've been glaring at it for like ten minuets...." Shoot. Toshi flipped his palm and gripped her's tightly trying to grin at her as if nothing in the world was wrong. 
"It's nothing....really." She gave him another worried clench of her hand and he returned it trying his best to put her at ease. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I find myself still thinking about the attack on U.S.J...I know! I know you said it's not my fault. Everyone has said that." He was quick to correct when she got that little pouty look on her face that told him she was about to argue. "I'm far past the point of blaming myself now." Out loud "But the attack has me worried. I'm not as strong as I used to be. That's a fact and one we can't dance around any longer. I know the school is setting more security measures in place but still..." He glared down at his thin hand wrapped around her's. His face scrunched in what seemed like anger. "I wish there was more I could do. Feeling so helpless, it's not something I'm used to feeling. I'm still not used to it." 
Paladin didn't seem to have an answer. This wasn't a quick fix sort of issue and one Toshi had been struggling with since his injury. It was worse now that his power was so limited. Relying on others to keep him safe, being unable to protect those he wanted to protect. Her hand slipped from his and Toshi hated the loss of contact. As she stood to gather their plates; his hardly touched, his appetite was gone for now she pressed a careful kiss his to his head in passing. "I don't think it's something you ever get used to Toshi. Not really. You lived most of your life so powerful that this reality may not even seem real. And the weaker you get the more it sinks in and the darker it feels. The more attacks you can't fend off the more it will eat at you." Well she wasn't anything if she wasn't brutally honest. "But you were always going to need to face this. One day All Might was going to die. Slip away in his bed surrounded by loved one's. Too old and weak to be the Hero he once was. It happens to everyone. This is just....an unexpected speed up. You're training Young Midoriya for this very reason." 
He was nodding along, her words were wise if not a bit rough. He was going to die one day, he would have been on the exact same path he was on today....just give or take twenty years. That seemed like such a long time but given how long he was the Symbol of Peace it wasn't too far in the future. The danger that now lurked over Japan due to his near absence was the only major change in the true inevitability. "Yes but if I had more- Wait! You know I'm training Young Midoriya as my successor?!" He was so startled his sudden upright jerk crashed his poor knees into the underside of the table. Forcing him back down with a heavy groan as he rubbed his legs. "Y-you know?!" 
Peaking out from the kitchen Paladin gave a little shrug. "Well I know for sure now. Sorry if it was meant to be a secret...I mean it still is. Of course I'm not going to tell anyone but it's a bit obvious." Toshi grumbled and pulled himself away from the offending furniture and joined her. Hovering by the doorway. 
She was elbow deep in some dishes. The pot already on for their nightly coffee and tea. If he wasn't so worried this would be a perfect moment for more kitchen cuddles but he was more interested about her realization. "Well I spend a lot of time with both class 1-A and you personally so it might just be me. But you constantly sneak off with him to get in some one on one training. You worry about him and his progress more than the other students...and if his records are correct his quirk shows amazing potential if he can figure out how to not break his own body using it. I got to thinking and it all just kinda fits you know?" That made sense. She was a smart girl and had more detailed records of Young Midoriya's medical history and quirk than most. Plus if Toshi wasn't with her or teaching he was training the boy. It would have been very easy to pick up on for someone like her. He should have been at least a bit more careful. "Honestly if I didn't know you were off with him I would get a little worried..." Toshi jerked back, waving his hands with a look of utter disgust plastered on his face.
"I would never!" When he looked up at her she was laughing, her tongue sticking out at him letting him sigh with relief. Of course she was kidding.
His cheeks still burned. 
"Of course you wouldn't. That's the one thing I never have to worry about with you." The very though made him feel dirty. And not in the slightly less shameful way like the dark hours of the night before they started dating and he was alone with his thoughts. His shoulders slumped forward slightly, curling inward a bit his arms crossed over his chest trying to hide the embarrassment of the memory. The though of those perverted day dreams he was so privy to in the past possibly coming true made a heat bloom in his groin though he tried his best to hide it. For now. How did one even breech such a topic. It's not as if they were fumbling teenagers both young and experienced. All hands and teeth and no nerves. Well 'she' wasn't those things anyway. He was all but a young teen wishing he had at least given into a few of those old propositions from his past. Maybe even a bit of experience under his belt he would know how to act. Then again the idea of sharing that first time with her had it's own thrills. They scared the hell out of him. Like the drop on a roller coaster. Thrilling and dangerous but fun and exciting. "I think he's a good choice though." 
Once again her voice cut through his inner ramblings. This was a better conversation to get his mind off of the dark pink places it was wandering off in. "You do?" Toshi moved into the kitchen at last. Setting out their cups and grabbing his tea and her instant coffee making a small face as the harsh smell hit his nose. He couldn't stand he stuff too strong. 
"He's always so cheerful, really cares about his friends and those around him. His entrance exam was proof of that. The only student in how many years who put someones life above his own chances at his dream future. He had no way of knowing that of course we would never let anything happen to that young girl yet he jumped in to save her. Sacrificing those last few seconds he had to take hold of his spot. He moved before he could even think, like being a hero was just a natural instinct for him." He felt her snuggle up against his left side carefully. Warm breath seeped through his cotton shirt to pool against his scar and Toshi was quick to secure an arm around her as best he could while he tried to carefully mix her coffee the way she liked it. "He's so much like you." 
A shiver ran up his spin. The drinks forgotten as the both sat there in a happy moment of comfort and silence. A woman so wonderful chose to be with him like this and it baffled him beyond all else. But he wouldn't complain. Her spunky little attitude, her willingness to scold him and be bold enough to call out his nonsense, to see him for who he was and not for the icon he built himself up to be...yet to still understand the need for it. Respect and admire it. To see it in Young Midoriya. She reminded him so much of his late Master. Toshi wondered what she might think of all this. She always stressed the importance of keeping true to himself, never forgetting who he was. The same normal high wisdom he expected all teachers stressed to their young students but perhaps she was trying to tell him to do this. Be with someone who made him feel whole or at least a little less broken that before. Nana would adore her.
He should tell her. Let her know the truth about his power and the boy. If only to prove how right she was. If anything it may have been a small boost in validation that Toshi had made the correct choice in successor. "That is a good point. You're a bit more right than you think you are." 
It seemed she had gotten the snuggles out of her system and was now perked at full attention. The deeper tone in his voice told her this was important. Wide eyes stared up and him waiting for him to continue. "What I'm about to tell you is of the utmost importance and to be kept secret. You can tell no one....Recovery Girl and the Principal already know. As well as two old....acquaintances from my past." That was most likely the best way to put it without any more prying questions about them. He could already see the look of aggressive curiosity growing on her face and he wanted to make his point quickly and possibly never speak of those two 'acquaintances' ever again. "My quirk...you remember how we spoke about it being a mystery?" 
Her head gave a little nod as she thought back. "Right, speed or strength or something different altogether. No one really knows to this day exactly what it is. It's one of the worlds greatest mysteries." Toshi chuckled and ruffled her hair a but. Leading her back into the main room with their drinks. At least she didn't ramble like Young Midoriya...
"Right. Well it has a name. One for All. I won't get into the messy details. It might take weeks to really explain everything." Her expression told him she wanted those details. Wiggling on the spot so ready to explode with questions that Toshi needed to hold up a hand and stop her before she got start. "I'll tell you over time I promise. No use in over loading you with information when there are more important bits." It seemed to work well enough for now. Leaving her a little pouty but excited for this 'info' he kept hinting at. "It was given to me when I was about Young Midoriya's age." His hand came up again. Snapping her jaw shut and keeping her silent from the flood of questions about to burst forth from her little body. "H-hang on. Yes I was quirkless. It wasn't strange back then. In fact it was in the midst of society coming to terms with superpowers in general. I was considered normal really. Not that I wanted to be. My master saw something in me back then.....and she passed her quirk, One for All to me. To become the Symbol of Peace I thought the world needed. To protect those who couldn't protect themselves. I wanted to be the hero that everyone looked to. That made people feel safe no matter where they were. I think that's why she gave it to me. She knew my ideals and goals were for the good of society and One for All would be used for justice." He could tell she was a bit lost. Her face flitting between confusion to deep concentration. Trying to piece together everything he just said. 
He let her think for a few minuets. Sipping he tea quietly. "I'll tell you as much as I can over time. Though that's really the meat of it. Even I don't know the full extent of One for All. What it truly is and how it works. I don't think I mastered all there is to it even after so much time. But I was able to use enough to become All Might and fulfill my promise. I can't ask for much more...." 
"After your injury....you needed to find someone else then. Someone to take up the place of All Might. Become the next Symbol of Peace." Toshi gave nod, leaning himself on his elbows against the table as he waited for her to process some more. It was a lot and he wasn't lying when he said even he didn't fully understand it all. The previous holders, how to unlock it's full power. After all this time he was still only able to stay All Might for so many years. He wasn't indestructible. Perhaps if he knew more he wouldn't have ended up like this. 
She startled him by moving suddenly. Slowly crawling her way into his lap and snuggling herself down so her back was pressed against his chest. Toshi was glad for the sudden closeness keeping her hugged tight against him in a cage of legs and arms. Nuzzling his gaunt face into the crook of her neck and letting out a small sigh. "I saw all those things you can see in Young Midoriya. I saw myself in him. I knew he was the right choice as my successor. I came to U.A to find one but before I could we crossed paths. It was like fate." That word made him cringe. He didn't want to think about such a concept now. Not for the second time tonight. He took some solace in knowing that he was being honest with her about this. At least it was something. An honesty to cover up the darker lie he was prepared to keep up for another year. "I don't regret that decision. He tried to save his friend from a villain even when he was quirkless....saved me at U.S.J. Jumping into the fight even at the expensive his his legs. Buying me those last few seconds of time to keep my hero form. Without him my secret would be out. I don't even what to think of what those villains would do with that information." She felt the little shutter run through his body and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer. The angle was hard on his back but it was a minor sacrifice for this intimacy he craved so much from her. 
He could feel her fingers petting softly at the hair on the back of his neck. A soothing gesture that lulled him into a quiet peace. "I think he'll make a wonderful Symbol of Peace one day. Plus he couldn't have a better teacher." Toshi flushed and hugged her tighter in his embarrassment. Chuckling softly when she made a little sound of surprise at the tightness. "I worry about the people now." He muttered softly against her shoulder. "While I train Young Midoriya they have no protector, nothing to keep them safe and secure..." 
"It will take time...and it will be hard." She responded softly, careful to pick her words "But the hope you gave people won't wash away. Even in your absence what you taught us will stick around for longer than you think. It will help the hero's who take up the reins for now until Midoriya is able to. What you gave us isn't something that will so easily be forgotten. We still have that fire you sparked in all of us to be better people, to Go Beyond what we think we can do on our own. No one can take that no matter how many years it takes for Midoriya to learn to be the next Symbol." 
Toshi couldn't tell at first. It was only when the fabric of her shirt against her shoulder was starting to soak that he noticed the tears streaming down his face. Thick and heavy and so sudden they didn't come with the usual pressure behind his eyes and hitching choking breaths. They just appeared. "I'm sorry....." She was so soft, seeing now that he was crying so quietly behind her that worry seeped back into her voice. It wasn't what he wanted to hear. He wanted her to keep talking. Keep telling him everything would be okay. Chase away those hateful demons that clawed at the back of his mind and made him doubt the society he spent his whole life protecting. Validate his feelings for what he cultivated and strived for for so long. Her words were so very much what he desperately needed to hear. "Did I say something-" 
He didn't want to give her time to apologize. That was the last thing she ever needed to do. In those few short moments she just understood. Understood what he had been trying to do and his fear of losing it. And in those few seconds after eased those fears into the background and filled him with a warmth he hadn't remember ever feeling before. Not like this. To be truly and honestly understood like this felt so personal. He spun her around as carefully yet quickly as he could. Crashing his mouth down on her's as if he couldn't be physically close enough to her. Just contact. This deep, intimate contact as if without it she might not seem real. He could feel her fingers curling into the soft cotton of his shirt. Tugging at clenching at the sudden surprise of his actions. His tongue pressed desperately against her lips that she gladly opened for him. Delving forward to dance and lap against her's. Exploring the warm expanse of her mouth before finally pulling away with a heavy gasp for breath. His tongue still hanging ever so slightly past his thin lower lip as he panted for much needed air. 
She moved to speak again. The small sound dying somewhere in the back of her throat as he dove forward so roughly he toppled them over the table and pressed her back against the hard surface. The crash of their mugs all but white noise to him now. He could hear their teeth click together, he could feel her fingers carding through his wild hair. Tugging sharply as he caught her lower lip between his teeth and gave her a teasing bite until it was rosie and pink. Licking at the tiny mark he created there to soothe the heat away before attacking her mouth again giving her no time to breath or think. A sound came from his chest. Something between a growl and a groan as he felt her wiggle under his heavy hold. His tongue pressed deeper. Toying with her's in a wet battle. She was so much smaller in every way that he almost filled her mouth completely. 
It was like every emotion he had felt over the last five years had just bubbled forward. Pouring all that pent up fear, anger and self hate into this kiss. He couldn't help himself, couldn't stop. But he had to. He couldn't breath now and so he begrudgingly pulled himself back with a wet pop and slid his lips to her cheeks. It was salty and wet. His tears had rubbed off on her during their heated kissing. He was thankful she wasn't crying at least. He moved to kiss and nuzzle against her neck. Watching the harsh rise and fall of her chest as she tried to catch her own breath. He hid down there for now. His mind racing. Pushing him to keep going, keep touching. But as his hands hovered over her sides feeling the soft curve of her hips he felt himself grow nervous. Hard....but shy. He really had put everything into that kiss. Including his nerve. His head peaked up from her chest. Blue icy eyes shining in the dark that surrounded them. Looking more like a puppy then the man who had just kissed about a weeks worth of air from her lungs and still had the wet and slick lips to prove it. 
"I-I...." He gulped hard, Adams apple bobbing harshly as he repeated the words over in his head just in case. Scooting himself up to hover over her flushed out face. Looking so dazed and well worn yet grinning like a fool. He was rather proud of himself for putting that look there. Long fingers traced down her heated cheeks tilting her head so she would at last look at him properly no matter how distant her eyes seemed to be in that moment. "I love you." 
He wasn't sure if he meant to say it really. If this was the right time. So soon after his confession, so soon in their relationship at all. But he felt it. It needed to be said. His gut gave a little twist when she finally seemed to process his words. Looking so shocked a real panic started to set in him when she gave a little gasp like the words had smacked her hard in the face. "Oh..." 
Oh what not what he expected nor wanted to hear. Oh was not the sound someone made when another person just confessed their love. Oh was bad. Oh was very very bad and Toshi found himself hiding away again against her chest. Jaw clenched tight in shame, trying to prep himself for the awkward conversation they were about to have about boundaries. The feel of her fingers against his cheeks caught him off guard. Pulling up slightly so he was force to look at her this time. 'No. No please don't.....don't look at me. I'm so sorry....' his mind already beating him for this horrible, impulsive, ridiculous-
"....I am so very madly and absolutely emphatically in love with you too." 
'Holy shit....'
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freedomfighterposts · 5 years
Pidge x Reader. An Interstellar relationship.
Aboard the Galra battle cruiser was a multitude of prisoners. Almost none of them shared the same home worlds. All of them were slaves, gladiators to the Galra empire. They dressed in rags and wallowed in self-pity. Except one. One was too proud to simply submit to the Galra. And after slaughtering three of them in the gladiator’s ring, she was allowed the simple comfort of wearing the clothes she was capture in. Which still was not much. White bands similar to bandages wrapped and bound (Y/n)’s chest loosely so that she could still retain some comfort. A short, sleeveless black vest covered her shoulders and the sides of her bandages but left her sides and stomach exposed. Two gilded, gold leaf cloth rings circulated the end of (Y/n)’s shoulders, giving off a very royal vibe. Her pants were made for fighting, a simple style of lightweight and comfy white pants with a slight bag covered her lower half. Around her waist, a long double ended blue ribbon covered most of her midsection. One thing that made her pants comfortable was the hole in the back that allowed (Y/n) red monkey tail to swish about freely, without restraint. Her hair, although smudged and dirtied, still shone a pale yellow in the dark lights of the Galra ship.
Sitting in silence was boring. (Y/n) didn’t care what the old prisoners thought, silence was boring, boring wasn’t fun… Beating someone to death was fun. (Y/n) allowed herself a small, menacing smile as she thought about the arena. While she was a prisoner, her body was free. Her inherited want for a fight was satiated, so that was good. However, these fights didn’t last long and they were always boring. And if there was one thing (Y/n) hated… it was boredom. That’s why, when the Galra commanding her ship rushed past spurting something about attackers, (Y/n) leapt into action. With ease (Y/n) simply kicked her cage door open, pinning several Galra soldiers to the wall. The remaining Galra looked at (Y/n) and shakily raised their weapons. (Y/n) simply smiled as she stalked towards them, her hands glowing with power. Meanwhile, not too far from the escapee, a duo of heroes raced down the halls of the Galra ship. Their intent was noble and pure, to rescue those wrongly imprisoned by the Galra Empire. These were Paladins of Voltron, the legendary defender. Their minds and bodies radically different, but their hearts the same. Running down the halls, the Green Paladin looked to the leader of Voltron’s Paladins. “Shiro, we have to hurry. Lance and Hunk could be in serious trouble.” The short and lean Paladin was rushing, for these prisoners could also aid in the quest for two very important missing people. Shiro looked down at his friend with confidence. “Don’t worry Pidge, we’re almost there.” Suddenly and rather abruptly, a Galra surveillance drone flew around the corner. Its red lights started to flash in alarm, however, Pidge thought quicker and managed to send a short blast of energy to the drone, knocking it to the ground. “That thing saw us, we should get out of here.” Shiro said, concern hidden in his voice, but Pidge had other ideas. Crossing a few wires Pidge smiled. “Wait, I think this might come in handy.” Suddenly, the lights flashed blue and the drone was now working for Voltron. “Awesome, I’m going to call you rover.” Shiro rushed to the end of the hall where a giant solid metal gate enclosed a few shadows of darkness. Shiro tapped on the door making a loud thudding sound. “Anyone in there? We’re here to help you escape.” He asked, a few murmurs answered back at first but then Shiro saw the shadows form into the bodies of real aliens as they stepped out of the darkness. “Champion. You have come to save us!” One said. All the others were now happily murmuring to themselves. As Shiro conversed with the prisoners and tried to calm them down, Pidge worked on the lock for the door. However, it was proving to be some challenge to the new Paladin. “Argh. This tech in insane. It’s nothing like what Earth has.” Pidge cried in dismay. But suddenly, a new voice cut through the artificial air. “Perhaps I can help?” Shiro and Pidge looked back the way they came to see a woman in her mid-twenties standing behind them. Pidge had to look up at the woman who was easily six feet tall. “Who are you? You don’t look Galra.” Shiro asked in suspicion. The woman smiled, her slightly yellow teeth akin to a shark’s. “Until about twenty ticks ago, I was a prisoner on board this ship. Now, I’m an escapee.” “How?” Pidge asked, also suspicious but enamored by the tall Amazonian woman before her. “I’ll show you.” Walking towards the cage door, the woman simply dug her fingers into the metal as if it were soft butter, and tore the gate from its mechanism. Shiro and Pidge were stunned at the sudden display of power. The prisoners rushed from their cell and the mysterious savior simply dropped the gate back into the cell. As the woman turned back to face the Paladins, Shiro gazed carefully at her. “Who are you?” The woman smirked evilly at the Paladin’s question. “I am (Y/n). Now, I would like to get out of this ship.” Turning to Pidge, Shiro shrugged. One of the prisoners stepped forward. “I must agree with the powerful one. The Galra will be here soon. We must get to the escape pods.” He said, nodding Shiro turned to Pidge. “You and (Y/n) cover the rear. Everyone follow me” Everyone gathered in a group, but it seemed that (Y/n) wasn’t happy with the situation. “Me, in the back like a commoner? I shall not be treated as some low life!” (Y/n) demanded, but Shiro and the other prisoners were already rushing through the halls. (Y/n)’s demands fell on the ears of Pidge who wasn’t pleased by her new company. “You know, you could try to be nice to the people who are rescuing you.” Pidge scoffed as she and (Y/n) chased after Shiro at a jogging pace. Pidge couldn’t quite understand it, but (Y/n) radiated this confidence that was infectious. The green Paladin hadn’t felt this sure and confident in many years. (Y/n) scoffed as her feet slowly lifted off the ground, as if she had deemed the very Galra ship to be unworthy of her touch. “If I could breathe in space I would have escaped many years ago.” As (Y/n) flew ahead, Pidge struggled to keep up. After all, Pidge was more useful at a computer than the training field. However, it was as (Y/n) turned a corner that Pidge finally noticed a striking difference between the woman she was following and herself. A fuzzy, red tail, protruding from the back of (Y/n)’s hips, swished through air. Pidge blinked rapidly for a moment and pondered if asking what race (Y/n) was would be appropriate. However, all thoughts of asking the powerful woman left Pidge when (Y/n) stopped moving. After nearly crashing into her, Pidge stepped to the side to see what was happening. Shiro was battling a few sentry bots as the prisoners cowered in fear in the only escape pod. Pidge noticed as Shiro finished the last of the robotic Galra that his hand was glowing a light purple and made mental note to ask him later. As he cut down the last robot, Shiro dropped to his knees in exhaustion. But more Galra were approaching fast. Pidge activated the green Paladin’s bayard, ready to defend Shiro. But (Y/n) smirked again. Her voice sounding pleased as she spoke and Pidge noticed that the woman’s tail was swaying more rapidly now. “Perfect target practice.” As the sentries closed in on Shiro (Y/n) raised her hand, aiming at the robots and Galra. Pidge was fascinated as an orb of pale green light started to emit and pulse within (Y/n)’s hand. Then, without warning, (Y/n) launched her attack and the orb sped faster than anything Pidge had seen before and the next thing the Paladin knew was that the Galra were lying dead on the ground, the orb had returned to its owner’s hand before promptly vanishing. Sighing with relief, Shiro finally managed to stand. The glow from his hand was slowly fading. Meanwhile the doors to the escape pod were closing as it began its departure. One of the aliens thanked Shiro who tried to ask him a question. Pidge ran to Shiro and eagerly tapped the previously glowing arm. “That was awesome Shiro! Where did you learn to fight like that?” Then the Green Paladin turned to the mysterious (Y/n) who was floating beside them. “And how did you do the thing with that disco ball?” (Y/n) raised an eyebrow in question. “Disco ball?” she questioned. “None of that matters now. We gotta get the Green lion and head back to the castle.” Shiro stated, urgency clear in his voice. The road back to the Green Lion was simple and easy, only one patrol managed to find them and they were quickly dispatched by (Y/n) who conjured another green ball of light. Shiro and (Y/n) quickly followed Pidge onto the Green lion where the Green Paladin quickly detached from the Galra ship and followed the Red, Blue and Yellow lions down to the planet below. Altaia. After a few rushed introductions, and a very hurried ceremony. (Y/n) watched as the gates to the sanctuary of the Black lion slowly shuddered upwards. Shiro, Pidge and the other Paladins gasped in awe as the large mechanical beast roared in approval of its revival. The mechanical leader of Voltron dipped its head to allow Shiro to enter. Suddenly alarms started to blear from all around the castle. (Y/n) and the princess of Altaia, a woman around her own age rushed to the control center of the Castle of Lions. “A Galra ship is entering our atmosphere. We need Voltron now!” Allura demanded. (Y/n) scowled as the ship launched its many fleets of fighters. Allura, the Altaian princess, managed to shield the castle just in time as the fighters started to launch blasts at the dome shield. Coran, Allura’s servant, gasped in relief as the five lions of Voltron landed in front of the castle. The lions burst forth, tearing and blasting the drones that threatened the castle. Meanwhile, (Y/n) watched as the main battle ship started to shine. Looking closely, (Y/n) saw that it was charging its ion cannon. “That doesn’t look nice” (Y/n) mentioned, Allura barely had time to look up before the dangerous ray of concentrated energy, burst from the ship towards the castle. (Y/n) was vaguely aware of the cries of worry from the Paladins as they watched the attack. The attack exploded against the castle’s shield, covering (Y/n)’s view with fire and smoke. Miraculously the shield managed to hold, but it wouldn’t shield them for long. “Hurry Paladins. The castle can’t hold much longer.” Shiro led the charge as he and the other Paladins fought against the Galra. Meanwhile the ship was charging its cannon again. “Come on guys, we have to hurry!” Shiro’s voice was heard on the console in front of (Y/n). The mysterious warrior raised a brow at Shiro’s words, but kept her eyes on the battle of Lions. The Green lion leapt into the air and tore a Galra fighter jet into bits with its powerful jaws. Pidge yelled excitedly from inside the beast before falling back in line with Shiro. Lance had turned his lion around and had begun using the laser on his lion’s tail to precisely explode individual fighters. Shiro, Hunk, Pidge and Keith flew their lions into the air in an attempt to disrupt the Ion cannon firing process. But they were too late. The purple ray of destruction once again sped its way to the castle. This time, its power was too much and the shield barely held off the attack before disengaging itself with the loss of power. “Castle shields are down! Now Paladins form Voltron! You must!” Allura said, worry clear in her voice. “We don’t know how!” Keith reminded them, “We barely got these lions in the first place” “Yeah, no offence princess. But a little tutorial could have gone a long way.” Lance actually agreed with the Red Paladin. “There are too many of them!” Hunk yelled as his Yellow Lion was bombarded with fighters. “It’s been an honour serving with you four.” Shiro said, his voice calm and defeated. “I’m sorry princess. We failed” Shiro’s concerns were well placed, as he and the other Paladins began to float defenselessly towards the Galra, entrapped in their tractor beam. However, the Galra weren’t finished. The ion cannon began its firing sequence once more. Much to the dismay of the Paladins. Coran turned to his princess, defeat and sorrow in his eyes. The princess, now crying was stunned. Hunk was whimpering in his seat, Keith was trying to regain control of his Lion. Pidge and Lance both looked defeatedly at their controls. His mind racing, Shiro grabbed his controls once more. “You better not be giving up” came a new voice to the battle, Allura looked back to see (Y/n) staring up at the lions. “What sort of Paladins give up at the first sign of challenge?” “She’s right.” Shiro said “We can do this. We have to believe in ourselves” The other four Paladins looked to the Black Lion, their hope returning. “We are the universe’s only hope. Everyone is counting on us. We can’t fail. We won’t fail. If we work together we can form Voltron!” Hunk and Lance shouted their agreement. Pidge and Keith smiled at their leader’s face via the onboard screen and together they formed Voltron. But it was too late. By the time Voltron was formed for the first time in 10,000 years the ion canon had already been fired. Coran and Allura watched on in fear as the ray of death descended upon them. Suddenly however, something materialized outside the castle, right in the path of the canon. Allura recognized the waving blue ribbon and red monkey tail. She didn’t know how she had done it, but (Y/n) was now outside the castle, staring down a death ray. “(Y/N) GET OUT OF THERE!” Allura shouted in alarm. The warrior simply smirked once more. “This is just a warm up” (Y/n) said as she held up her well-muscled arm, the ion strike slammed into her hand yet (Y/n) showed no signs of discomfort. Allura watched on in awe as Voltron tore apart the Galra ship and this new comer blocked a full power ion blast from a battle class Galra ship with her mere hand. With a laugh (Y/n) sent the ion energy hurtling back to the Galra ship, finishing the job, Voltron had started. With an explosion that shook the castle, (Y/n) watched as Voltron disassembled into its separate lions. Her hair and tail feeling the warm breeze of the aftermath. Allura and Coran hurriedly rushed to congratulate the Paladins, while (Y/n) leisurely floated down to them. Allura stopped before her Paladins, clasping her hands together in celebration. “Great work Paladins, you’ve done it!” She congratulated, Lance smirked playfully as he tucked his blue stripped helm under his arm. “Thanks pretty lady.” He said. Shiro smiled joyfully at the truth. “We did it! How did we do it?” He asked not really caring, too happy to care. “You got that right” Said Keith. Hunk yanked his helmet from his head with some degree of difficulty. “I was kinda just screaming the whole time. Maybe that’s what did it.” He said. By now, (Y/n) had joined her rescuers, but a smile did not adjourn her face. A shame as Pidge thought the woman looked beautiful with one. Allura noticed the arrival of the woman. “You, you must be a Saiyan! No one else could have stopped a direct ion cannon strike!” The princess said in awe. (Y/n) was indifferent. “Tch, a toddler could have done that.” She said avoiding the gaze of the princess. What was presented to her when (Y/n) moved her gaze was Shiro comforting Pidge. “We’ll find your brother and father Pidge. I swear.” Shiro said, Pidge nodded but didn’t smile. (Y/n) took mental note of this and showed Pidge a rare, non-scary and genuine smile. Although Pidge was almost certain it never existed as it was gone as soon as it appeared. Allura however, started rambling more bad news. “We’ve won the battle, but the war is just beginning” She said, Coran nodded his agreement. “I’ll say. And it’s good you know what you’re all doing, cause you’ll need to form Voltron again and again.” The butler stated. “Say what now?” Hunk muttered in disbelief. “We barely survived forming Voltron this one time!” Lance stated. “Ho, and you only had to verse one ship. Imagine the next time against a whole fleet! It’s not going to be easy being the defenders of the universe.” Coran stroked his mustache in thought. The eyes of all the Paladins widened at the realization of the gravity of their situation. “Defenders of the Universe, huh.” Shiro said, the others looking to him “Has a nice ring to it.”
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angels17324 · 5 years
The Violet Paladin (Keith x Reader) Ch. 6
Word Count: 1201 Update Schedule: Every Monday [Masterlist] [Prev]
I was in the main hall in my paladin gear with the others and all the Arusians. I chose to stick close to the wall and watch everyone, parties like this weren't my thing. The Arusians were putting on their own little play of our battle from earlier. I had noticed Coran attempting to make everyone drink the thing he called 'Nunvill'  at one point I had my own glass but after seeing Lance spit it out I placed in on one of the hovering trays. That's when I noticed something, Pidge.
"And what exactly do you think you're doing?" I asked her. 
"Oh, uh... just stuffing some of these in my bag for later," she tried to walk away from me but was blocked by Allura. 
"So, Pidge, (Y/n), the three of us haven't really talked much. Tell me about yourselves," she looked to Pidge first. 
"Well, I like peanut butter and peanut butter cookies. But I hate peanuts, they're just so dry. Also, I sweat a lot... Unrelated to the peanuts." 
"I think she meant something more personal Pidge," I deadpanned.
"The three of us have a lot in common," she leaned in close to Pidge. 
At this point, I knew Allura dug herself a hole and I wasn't helping get her out I snuck away from the two and made my way up the stairs.
I trekked through one of the many halls. "I hope Pidge knows what she's doing..." I breathed, I looked at the end of the hall and saw Rover... where's Pidge? 
I ran to the end of the hall and didn't see anyone except the small robot. I began to follow it and noticed it heading for the control room. I ran towards the entrance but was too late as the whole castle shook from the explosion. I held the wall to steady myself as the power went out. 
I went to pry the door open soon joined by the others, we all walked in coughing slightly from the smoke and debris from the explosion. 
"What happened?" Shiro and Hunk helped Coran sit up. As the smoke cleared I saw the crystal destroyed and Lance on the ground. Shiro grabbed him,
"Lance? Lance?" 
"We need to get him to the infirmary," Pidge called out. 
"We can't. Without the crystal, we have no power," Allura said. 
"Lion warriors! Our village is under attack!" The Arusian king cried out as he ran in. 
"Let's get to our lions," Keith suggested. 
"You can't they're sealed in their hangers. There's no way to get them out,” she said worriedly.
"Will you not help us?" The king asked. 
"We will we just..." He looked down at Lance. 
"This is bad," Hunk began to panic. 
"We need to get a Crystal but in order to get a crystal we need a ship," Coran explained. 
"We can use the pod I was loading! I left the bay door open," Pidge announced. 
"I can use the scanner on the pod to see if there's a Balmera nearby," Coran said. "Hunk come with me, I'll need someone big to help me carry the crystal,"
"A Balmera?" He asked slowly. 
"I'll explain on the way," Hunk, Coran, and Pidge ran off.
"We'll go check on the Arusian village," Keith said turning to me. 
"I'll come too, I brought this on the poor Arusians," Allura said. 
"I'll tend to Lance and keep watch," Shiro assigned himself. 
Keith, Allura, and I ran toward the Arusian village. We saw fire and explosions everywhere.
"Look, attackers!" The king pointed out, something seemed off about them though before I could see another explosion happened. 
"I'll get a closer look," Keith jumped off. 
"Wait, I'm coming with you!" I followed after using my jetpack. 
"You should have stayed back up with the Arusians," He said as we walked towards the middle.
"Is this really the time?" I asked. "Besides I thought I saw something strange," we approached a small window where we'd be able to see the Sentries
"What?" Keith asked as one fell over. 
"I thought so... There was something strange. They're fake, trying to lure us out of the castle," The three of us ran back to the castle as quickly as we could, I noticed a barrier coming down as we tried to run faster but it was no use the barrier sealed before we made it. "No..." 
"They're trying to fly the castle we need to stop them," Allura said. 
"How are we going to do that?" He asked. 
"Keith, (Y/n)? Can you hear me?" I could hear Pidge whisper.  
"Pidge?" I asked. 
"Where are you?" Keith asked. 
"I'm in the castle," She explained everything. 
"If they started the launch sequence then you'll need to get to the main engine control panel," Allura instructed. This went on for quite sometime before the barrier dropped as soon as it did the three of us made a beeline for the control room to help the others. 
When we finally reached it we all pulled out our bayards and began attacking even Lance... for a shot, before he passed out again. We attacked as Allura ran to the computer. 
Pidge, Keith and I had Sendak backed up towards the crystal. "Now!" Allura shouted Keith kicked him in and he was sealed with the broken crystal. After we successfully sedated and sealed him we were freeing Shio and helping Lance. 
Keith and I were helping Lance sit up. "Lance are you okay?" Keith asked. 
"We did it we are a great team," Lance smiled. Keith smiled back. 
"Alright big shot let's get you to the infirmary." I helped Keith carry him to the infirmary. 
"We can't thank you enough Pidge," Shiro turned to her. "And I understand if you still want to leave to find your family," He said. 
"You know... My dad used to say that his crew was like his family, and now I know what he meant," Pidge looked at everyone. "I'm gonna stay and help you fight Zarkon for all our families!" She announced. I smiled. 
"Good to have you back on the team." Keith smiled gently. 
Everyone returned to the rooms after Hunk and Coran returned, and since Lance would still be out for a while. 
I noticed Keith in the hall near my room as I returned. He was leaning against the wall opposite my door.  "What's up?" I asked. 
"Just thinking..." He replied I leaned near my door directly in front of him. 
"About?" I questioned. 
"Everything honestly..." 
"Well in a matter of just days we all went from being fairly normal to being apart of an intergalactic war we knew nothing about and now we're expected to be the savior," I said thinking about everything we had gone through. "Anyways, we should probably head to bed, but if you ever need someone to talk to I'll always listen," I opened my door and walked in when I turned to close it.
"Goodnight, Keith," I smiled and shut the door, as it was closing I swear I saw his cheeks turn red, but it might have been the light reflecting off his suit... right? I changed into my pj's and went to bed.
[Next]  Tag list~ @somebodytouchedmysaeran @ittie-bittie-tittie 
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
Once Prisoners - Part 2 [Shiro x Reader]
Requested by anon: “Can I request a voltron imagine where the reader was rescued from the galea because when shiro “disappeared” he was transported on the reader’s ship and they travelled the galaxy together, messing with galra bc she was a prisoner too, and trying to find voltron. Then when they find voltron, the reader keeps getting hit on by everyone and lots of jealous shiro. (I love your work and change this if you want just something x shiro i love him)”
A/n: Here’s part 2! Sorry it took so long, I was having a bit of trouble with it. There will be one more part (probably), so I hope you guys look forward to that. I appreciate any feedback and I hope you guys love it! <3
Tagging: @batty4dc
Part 1 - Part 3
Warning: Season 2 Spoilers
Ever since you and Shiro escaped the Galra, you had become close. It was just the two of you while trying to find his friends. You’d had to have been searching for at least 3 spicolian movements. Though every transmission from Galra ships ended up with no Voltron. You and Shiro had taken out many Galra invasions due to your fighting and flight abilities and his experience with Voltron. Each planet was eternally grateful and would offer you supplies or some sort of upgrade to your ship. Which doesn’t resemble much of a Galran fighter anymore.
However, Shiro was beginning to feel the pressure. The Galra were still around and he can’t find his team. Where are they? You should’ve found them by now.
You noticed his discomfort when boarding the ship but didn’t point it out. That was until he lost his temper and hit a toolbox off the table. “Whoa! Shiro!” You yelled, he didn’t look at you. Just leaned against his hands on the table. Seeing the tightness in his shoulders, and entire being.
Expression softening you walked over to him. “Shiro” you called quietly. He didn’t budge at your words. Seeing this you placed a hand on his arm, “Takashi, please look at me.” You begged, lightly tugging on his arm. He did turn to you this time but didn’t look in your eyes. Moving to where he had to look at you.
He had been looking at the ground, so, you had stepped very close to him to catch his dark grey eyes. “Takashi” saying his name once more. He finally looked at you, “What’s the matter?”
Sighing he answered, “What if this is hopeless? What if we don’t find them?” You could see the panic in his eyes. Reaching up you cupped his face, forcing him to look at you. “Takashi, we will find them. I promise you, I will get you back to your friends. Your family.” Saying while brushing his bangs out of his face. His eyes caught yours, staring into them he lost himself.
Shiro had these growing affections for you for a long time but just couldn’t find the courage to tell you. “[F/n] I-” He began but was cut off by another Galra transmission. You left his side and rushed over to catch it.
“It’s close. We should go.” You said going to your seat and setting the coordinates. Shiro nodded and took his seat. He watched as you flipped switches, you noticed his eyes in you. “Hey, it’s gonna be alright. We’ll find them.”
He smiled gratefully “I know. Thank you.” Nodding you turned to the controls again, beginning the flight to the planet the Galra was targeting. “Buckle up, igniting boosters in 3… 2… 1.” Saying while flipping a few switches and Shiro doubled checked his belt.
Feeling the rush from the boosters, it didn’t take super long until the planet of interest was in your sights. Coming closer to the planet’s atmosphere you took a glance at Shiro, he was sitting stiff and nervous. His Galra hand was gripping the armrest tightly, never loosening in the instant.
Taking a deep breath you thrusted toward the planet, entering the atmosphere, feeling the force from the pull of the planet’s gravity. “We’re comin in hot” You said while pulling back on the controls, trying to ease the nose of the ship up. Shiro grabbed hold of the dashboard as you hit some turbulence making you laugh. “The top pilot of his class can’t take a little turbulence?” Teasing over the sounds of the ship.
He rolled his eyes, an amused smile on his lips. “Just keep your eyes on the sky.” Yelling back to you, making you chuckle again.
Fully entering the atmosphere you saw the Galran ships, one being a large battleship. “Shit” you cursed, “how are we going to take that down?” You cry exasperated. “Maybe one of us can infiltrate, but right now we have company.” Shiro pointed to the Galra fighters coming your way.
Gritting your teeth, “hold on!” Crying before thrusting your controls forward. “Pay attention I’m gonna line them up for ya.” Saying to him but keeping your eyes locked on the ships headed your way. Flipping a few switches and a jerk of the controls you had the ship going in an upward spin. “Ready?”
Shiro gripped his controls, “Ready!” Hearing that you pulled back the ship looped around and the ships were right under you, “NOW!” That’s when Shiro engaged the blasters and took out all of the ships following you. Smiling you glanced at him, “Nice shot!”
He grinned back, “Nice flying, but we’re not done yet. Look.” He was pointing toward the main ship where more of the fighters were flying out. You sighed, but all of a sudden the both of you heard a loud roar.
Shiro immediately recognized it. “Did you hear that?!” You nodded looking toward the atmosphere, where four of the Voltron lions appeared along with the Altean castle-ship. A smile bloomed on your face.
“Get me near the castle-ship, maybe I can get to the black lion.” He looked at you. “You got it!” Saying before flying toward the castle. “We have to get there before the barrier’s up!”
You sped up but shooting from Galra fighters diverted your course. “We’ll never get there with these fighters on us. Though Shiro got an idea, “If you can fly over the ship before the barrier goes up I can jump down there from the hangar door.” He explained while unbuckling his belt.
“What?! Are you insane?!” Yelling at him while seeing his belt unbuckle as he stood. “This is the only chance we have, if I can get to the black lion and we form Voltron, I can end this, and they’ll know I’m okay.” He looked at you sincerely.
“It’s too dangerous I won’t let you.” Right then a fighter hit one of your engines. “Agh! One of the engines are damaged.” You assessed the damage. “[F/n], we have to do this now. Do you trust me?” The way he said that sounded like the same way you asked when you first met.
Sighing you turned back to the controls completely and flipping the switch to the hangar door, “You better come back to me Shirogane.” The way you phrased that made him blush, but he smiled and nodded, “I will.” Saying before running to the door.
He held on to the walls, waiting for your signal. “We’ll be over the castle in 5… 4… 3… 2 “ he heard you say through his com. You flipped a final switch, opening the door, “...Give ’em hell.” After hearing that Shiro jumped from the ship, engaging his Galra arm. Falling toward the ship he caught himself with his enhanced arm and pulled himself up onto a part of the castle. “I’m on” he informed you, making you sigh in relief.
Inside the castle Coran and Allura were trying to figure out, what the quiznak just landed on the castle before the barrier went up. Though as soon as Shiro was in range the black lion activated. “What’s going on with the black lion?” Coran asked, looking to Allura. “I don’t know“ she answered.
In response to his presence and bond, the lion flew out of the ship, right to where Shiro was, catching him in it’s mouth. The other paladins were looking toward the ship in shock when they heard, “Did ya miss me?”
“SHIRO!” They all yelled. “You’re okay!” Pidge was the first to ask. “More or less but let’s deal with this. I can explain later.” He smiled while joining the other paladin’s sides.
“[F/n]” Shiro called, leaving the others rather confused. “At your service”
“How’s that engine?” he asked, a bit concerned. “Sputtering but operational.” You laughed on the other end. “Sounds like you’re fine then, keep’em off us and we’ll take down the main ship.”
“Can do” Answering while accelerating in front of them, activating your blasters and clearing them a path. The other paladins just stared at the ship in awe. “Shiro who’s that?” Lance asked excitedly.
“A friend” he simply answered, “now FORM VOLTRON!” Shiro called, initiating the transformation.
“All yours” You informed them while flying underneath the main ship. Witnessing as the giant robot began to cut through it like butter. It wasn’t long until all of the fighters and main ship was down.
You witnessed nervously as they all landed, including the castle-ship. Watching the reunion from the safety of your ship. ‘Maybe I should just go. They have such a good dynamic, I don’t want to disrupt that.’ You thought, nervous at the thought of seeing your old friends along with meeting the new paladins.
Hesitantly you landed the ship and Shiro noticed with a smile, “Guys there’s someone I want you to meet.” They all watched as the hangar door opened, and you walked out.
“[F/n]?” Allura asked recognizing you. “Allura” You smiled at her while walking up. She held a hand over her mouth before running over and pulling you into a hug, “I thought you were..” she paused. “Dead?” you laughed, one of relief. She nodded, “Can’t get rid of me that easy.”
Pulling away you saw Coran. “Coran” you greeted approaching him. He stared at you in shock, “I can’t believe it! Oh thank the heavens” he cheered before pulling you into a hug as well, very very tight. “Coran. Air. Please.” Saying that he released you with a chuckle.
Turning to Shiro, you noticed the other paladins. “Guys, this is [F/n]. [F/n] this is --” Shiro began but was soon cut off.
“Heey, beautiful!” A tan boy jumped at you, “the name’s Lance. Paladin of the blue lion, respected leg of Voltron. How you doin?” He cocked his head at you, of which you just rose an eyebrow at. Giving Shiro a ‘is this guy serious?’ look. He just shrugged as you stepped away from Lance. “Anyway, this is Pidge, Keith, and Hunk.” Shiro introduced the others.
“It’s really nice to meet you all.” You smiled at them all. Pidge held up a finger pointing at you, “You’re really really pretty.” She said and the others nodded, making you blush. “Oh, um, thank you.” Scratching the back of your neck nervously. Shiro finding your bashfulness rather adorable. He'd never seen you like that, only your badass side.
“[F/n], are you going to join us?” Allura smiled at you excitedly. “If all of you will have me.”
“Oh I’ll have you, have you for --” “LANCE!” Shiro cut him off, pinching the bridge of his nose. You chuckled, but Allura soon grabbed you arm and pulled you into the castle. “Come, you must see the improvements we’ve made.” She cheered while pulling you, the others right behind you.
Glancing back you saw Shiro conversing with the other paladins, who were asking him all sorts of questions about you and what happened. Though soon his grey eyes met yours and he smiled, a genuine joyful smile.
It made you heart skip a beat. Your hopes of them accepting you are relieved, but now you have other hopes. Hopes that maybe now, you and Shiro could be more than just partners, more than just friends.
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
Just for today I’m letting y’all give me some Butters requests. Send anything and everything Butters related in my inbox!!! Preferably requests for Butters
I only got 3 spots I have to fill sooooo
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h-harleybaby · 2 years
Stick of Truth Related Request Yipee
Paladin Butters x Princess Reader (Romantic) headcanons,,,
- men kisser anon
I love Butters sm
Some background, Butters and reader aren’t together yet
Paladin Butters x Princess reader hcs
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• When you first started roleplaying with Butters and his friends, his friends insisted that you should be some kind of knight because they already had princess Kenny
• But Kenny and Butters thought you would be a really good princess so they made you Princess Kenny’s sister
• And if you’re a princess, you need a knight don’t you?? So ofc Butters insisted that he should be knighted and he should be your knight in shining armor. It really just gave him an excuse to be around you more often
• At first Butters just thought you were really pretty and a nice person so he wanted to hang out with you. But the more adventures you guys had gone on, the more complicated his feelings for you got
• It felt like every time he saw you he just fell more and more in love with you
• But he has a duty to you! It’s improper for a knight to have feelings for the princess he was sworn to protect
• It doesn’t matter how you keep getting closer and how much more touchy you’ve become over time, you probably don’t have feelings for him. You’re a princess after all
• Is what he thought, and he was very wrong (and oblivious)
• As the two of you got closer you started to have feelings for him too, and you thought that giving him affection and getting closer to him would give the poor guy a hint. Ofc it didn’t
• What ended up happening is after yet another adventure where you guys almost died, you grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him
• Y’all had started dating after that, but Eric didn’t like it because the princess isn’t supposed to fall in love with her knight 🙄 he’s just a hater
• But because of that y’all were technically dating in secret so Eric wouldn’t blow a fuse (he says it messes with his roleplay)
• That proved to be a horrible idea because a prince from another kingdom had kidnapped you so Kupa Keep and his kingdom could merge
• Which led to Butters having to fight his way through the castle and defeat the prince to save you
• But he’s more than willing to do that 100 more times just for you
• After that it became known to everyone y’all had started dating
• At least you got some cute nicknames out of it
• Butters calls you his princess or his queen (depending on how far into roleplaying you get) while you call him your knight
• Y’all have this spot in the forest where you guys have picnic dates while roleplaying
• It surrounded by trees and has this really pretty view of Starks pond while still being relatively private
• But really it’s a spot where y’all hang out to do anything
• Butters even carved both of your initials in a heart on the tree that right next to the spot
• It’s your special place, and even when you’re not roleplaying you guys go there
• I’m almost convinced that you and Butters would fuck there for y’alls first time because it means so much to you guys. It would be at night with candles around you guys, and y’all might even set up a tent and stay there for the night
• Who knew that letting you join Butters and his friends was such a good idea?
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h-harleybaby · 2 years
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Everything with * is NSFW/smut
Oh btw here’s the link for the post with the discord server <333
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Wrestler Cartman pt 1
Wrestler Cartman pt 2
Wrestler Cartman pt 3
Wrestler Cartman pt 4
Wrestler Cartman pt 5
Wrestler Cartman pt 6
Wrestler Cartman pt 7
Wrestler Cartman pt 8
Wrestler Cartman pt 9
Wrestler Cartman pt 10
Wrestler Cartman x reader*
Creepy Butters and Cartman hcs*
CNC Cartman x Kyle’s gf!reader hcs*
Eric Cartman x Kyle’s gf!reader pt.1*
Eric Cartman x Kyle’s gf!reader pt. 2*
Being on ft w/ Cartman + what he would screenshare hcs (slight nsfw)
Cartman x reader who’s insecure about their smile
Waking up in the morning w/ Cartman
Cartman x reader relationship hcs*
Sleepover w/ Cartman hcs*
Skating date w/ Cartman, Kenny, and Butters
Grand Wizard Cartman x Princess reader
Cartman x plus sized reader hcs*
Kenny, Butters, and Cartman x reader who really needs to calm Tf down and is super hyperactive at times
Talks a lot (Eric Cartman) x listens to them (reader) hcs
Cartman confessing to you out of horniness*
One bed trope w/ Cartman
General Princess reader hcs
Vampire Cartman x reader*
Team Stan + Butters w/ their s/o being their sidekick
Butters x Cartman’s gf reader*
Cartman x brat!reader*
Eric Cartman birthday special*
Vampire!Cartman x Succubus!reader*
Making out w/ Cartman and Stan
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Dating Jimmy Valmer hcs
Kenny, Jimmy, and Butters w/ a gf who stays up too late
Jimmy x witch!reader
Jimmy x reader who rambles
How Jimmy and Kyle confess to you
Kyle, Butters, and Jimmy w/ a s/o whos really bubbly and extroverted
Fingering and aftercare hcs w/ Jimmy*
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Pervert!Butters hcs*
Creepy Butters and Cartman hcs*
Kenny, Jimmy, and Butters w/ a gf who stays up too late
Skating date w/ Cartman, Kenny, and Butters
Cuddling hcs w/ Butters
Dating hcs w/ Butters
Kyle, Butters, and Jimmy w/ a s/o whos really bubbly and extroverted
Butters getting caught hcs*
Kenny, Butters, and Cartman x reader who really needs to calm Tf down and is super hyperactive at times
Butters, Kyle, and Stan w/ an s/o who falls asleep on them
Paladin Butters x Princess reader (slight NSFW)*
Making out hcs w/ Butters, Kyle, and Kenny
General Princess reader hcs
Team Stan + Butters w/ their s/o being their sidekick
Butters x Cartman’s gf reader*
Pervy Butters collab*
Butters Stotch birthday special*
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CNC Cartman hcs w/ reader who’s Kyle’s gf*
Eric Cartman x reader who’s Kyles gf*
How Jimmy and Kyle confess to you
Elf King Kyle x Human princess reader
Kyle, Butters, and Jimmy w/ a s/o whos really bubbly and extroverted
Kyle x insecure reader
Butters, Kyle, and Stan w/ an s/o who falls asleep on them
One bed trope w/ Kyle
Making out hcs w/ Butters, Kyle, and Kenny
General Princess reader hcs
Kyle confessing out of horniness*
Team Stan + Butters w/ their s/o being their sidekick
Elf king Kyle x human princess reader
Basketball player!Kyle x cheerleader!reader
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One bed trope w/ Kenny
Being on ft. w/ Kenny hcs
Kenny, Jimmy, and Butters w/ a gf who stays up too late
Skating date w/ Cartman, Kenny, and Butters
Kenny nsfw hcs (car sex)*
Kenny, Butters, and Cartman x reader who really needs to calm Tf down and is super hyperactive at times
Making out hcs w/ Butters, Kyle, and Kenny
General Princess reader hcs
Kenny confessing out of horniness hcs
Juggalo Kenny x Juggalo reader
Kenny x immortal reader
Team Stan + Butters w/ their s/o being their sidekick
General dating hcs w/ Princess Kenny
Kenny w/ reader who gets flustered easily*
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Butters, Kyle, and Stan w/ an s/o who falls asleep on them
General Princess reader hcs
Team Stan + Butters w/ their s/o being their sidekick
Rollercoaster hcs w/ Stan
Making out w/ Cartman and Stan
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Oc content! [1] [2]
Art tips from anons! [1] [2]
TSOT fairy lore stuff
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