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kazifatagar · 20 days ago
Pakatan now riled up by opposition post on social media regarding Anwar
Selangor Pakatan Harapan (PH) has lodged a police report against an opposition state assemblyman accused of defaming Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. The alleged social media post falsely claimed the Prime Minister supported actions dishonoring His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim. Selangor PH vice-chairman Azli Yusof condemned the accusations, emphasizing the need for a forensic investigation by the police…
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nasruddin-id · 1 year ago
Celoteh: Memahami Kecewa
Ada sebuah ungkapan sederhana yang kebenarannya dipercaya di banyak sudut warung kopi. “Kamu akan merasakan kecewa sebanyak kamu mengecewakan orang lain”.
Di lingkungan yang agak puitis mereka menulis seperti ini, “karena Tuhan adil menciptakan luka”. Walaupun saya kurang mengerti kenapa Tuhan dibawa-bawa dalam urusan ini.
Di lingkunganku sendiri, ungkapan itu lebih sering diungkapkan dalam kalimat, “karma is fuc#ing real!!”. Terserah kalimat yang mana yang cocok untuk hidupmu. Suka-suka saja.
Lalu darimana datangnya kecewa? Secara ungkapan di atas, itu karena perbuatan buruk kita sendiri. Tapi perbuatan buruk yang mana? Nah, itu problem anda pribadi. hehehe
Secara teori (sudah, percaya saja), kecewa merupakan paduan utuh dari ketidaksesuaian antara ekspektasi (harapan bahasa kekiniannya) dengan realita.
Semakin besar bentuk ketidaksesuaian, semakin besar pula kecewanya. Lalu apa persoalannya dengan orang lain di titik ini? Harapan kan urusan individu?
Tidak sepenuhnya salah memang. Banyak bentuk harapan yang kaitannya murni individual. Cita- cita misalnya, murni urusan personal.
Gagal tidaknya dirimu hanya dirimu yang tahu. Orang lain di posisi ini hanya sebagai perbandingan atau inspirasi. Toh yang ngerasain kamu sendiri. Paling benter ya dinyinyirin.
Problem kekecewaan dengan orang lain terletak pada sejauh mana harapan mu berkaitan dengan orang tersebut. Terserah kamu yang memberikan atau diberikan harapan. Dalam pergaulan manusia, proses serah terima harapan itu disebut dengan istilah janji.
Problem janji terbesar, yakni didasarkan pada satu ikatan rapuh tanpa dasar yang jelas, yaitu kepercayaan. Padahal, kepercayaan juga merupakan bentuk lain dari harapan.
Dengan kata lain, harapan adalah sesuatu yang dibentuk oleh harapan yang lain. Bertumpuk sampai tidak jelas akar muasalnya dari mana. Saking banyaknya tumpukan tersebut, semua terlihat lumrah. Dan tentu saja semua hal itu jika dipikirkan hanyalah rangkaian omong kosong.
Bagaimana jika sejak awal, yang kamu harapkan memang tidak pernah ada? Bukankah 3/4 harapan hanyalah rekayasa fiktif dalam pikiranku sendiri? Omong kosong bukan? Hahaha
Lalu apakah manusia bisa hidup tanpa omong kosong tersebut? Tentu saja tidak. Untuk bahagia, progress hidup, tujuan ideal nya, manusia butuh omong kosong itu.
Tapi siapa yang akan menegur orang lain kalau hidupnya hanya bergantung pada sesuatu yang sangat tidak jelas dan tidak bisa dipastikan kebenarannya seperti itu?
Semua orang besar yang tercatat dalam sejarah adalah orang yang paling ahli menebarkan harapan. Perbedaannya antara mereka dan dirimu hanyalah skala realisasinya saja. Makanya mereka tercatat dan kamu tidak.
Balik ke teks awal, bagaimana kecewa mu itu lahir? Apa urusan orang lain di dalamnya?
Kekecewaan lahir dari tingginya kebodohanmu karena percaya pada hal yang tidak pasti seperti itu. Urusan orang lain, saya mengutip Jean-Paul Sarte saja, sejak awal “orang lain adalah neraka”. Dalam logika yang berurutan, kamu mempercayakan suatu kebodohan (omong kosong) kepada sesuatu yang sama mencelakakan mu juga.
Agamawan dari abad pertengahan dulu berkata,”aku sering kecewa, tapi tidak ada sesuatu yg lebih mengecewakan ku selain berharap kepada manusia (Ali bin Abi thalib)”.
Dari pengalaman tersebut, para pemikir modern mencoba meminimalisir harapan dengan mengobjektifikasin segala sesuatu. Mereka menciptakan segala macam rumus dan rasionalisasi.
Tapi jujur ya, kalau saya sih itu hanya menjadikan mu sejenis mesin baru tanpa apapun yang tersisa di dalamnya. Tanpa kreasi fiktif yang omong kosong tadi, emosimu akan kering. Dan manusia yang kekeringan emosi, hanyalah seonggok tulang dibalut kantung air merah.
Weber pernah berkata, “manusia adalah mahluk rasional, tapi secara tindakan, ia adalah mahluk emosional”.
Jadi adakah jalan keluar dari kecewa? Jawabannya ya tidak ada. hehehe
Yups, kamu cuma bisa mengecilkan kemungkinannya saja, tapi tidak akan pernah bisa lari secara utuh darinya. Ahli pikir dan ahli zikir zaman dulu saja sampai mewajibkan konsep uzlah (pengasingan diri). Toh pada akhirnya juga kita butuh rasa kecewa.
Jadi kalo belum sanggup uzlah, ya nikmati sajalah kecewamu itu. Entah dengan segelas kopi, susu, atau apapun yang membuat dirimu tenang. Nulis omong kosong sepanjang ini misalnya.
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suara-rakyat-blog · 3 months ago
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34 Juta Rakyat Malaysia di Kawal oleh 222 Ahli Parlimen Malaysia dengan Akta 342
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thisisbjoeblog · 1 year ago
Elections 101: Pakatan Selangor’s Fine Past Records & Great Promises
One of the major disasters that hit the state of Selangor was the 2021 flood that hit Sri Muda & the surrounding areas that saw some amazing efforts by everyone to provide food, medical care and in some cases, evacuation to the affected residents including this brave boy who had to wade deep waters just to get food for his family. Image source: Twitter@sadiqasyraf Continue reading Untitled
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kidungkidung · 2 years ago
Tidak perduli seberapa banyak yang datang mencoba membuka hati, karena selagi kunci hati ini ada di kamu, aku tidak beralih dan berdalih.
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scintillaineverything · 2 years ago
The honorable former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir, First, congratulations on the publication of your new book Capturing Hope: The Struggle Continues for A New Malaysia. The name of the book offers one hope again. This reminds me of the excitement when you led Pakatan Harapan to topple Barisan Nasional in the 14th General Elections where people were looking forward to a better nation. At that moment, all believed that a new Malaysia was finally born. The Barisan Nasional, described by you as a regime tainted with corruption and power abuse, was finally defeated. Due to the excitement shared by the nation, many were unable to sleep that night. The Chinese was even more passionate and emotional, thinking that a new Malaysia had taken shape. The Chinese extended you and the Pakatan Harapan strong support hoping that the country would be better under your helm the second time. Generally, the Chinese felt that you would make use of the second chance to rectify the errors in the 22 years when you first became the Prime Minister. However, the Pakatan Harapan collapsed in less than 22 months. You passed the blame to others again, not thinking that you should shoulder some of the responsibilities. With your silent approval, the Malay Dignity Congress was held in 2019, hitting out at the Chinese education that caused the Chinese, who had voted for you, think that you burned the bridge after crossing it. You also said the Pakatan Harapan election manifesto was not a bible. Hence, the abolition of toll charges, recognition of the United Examination Certificate (UEC), the different stand on Lynas before and after the election have disappointed many Pakatan Harapan supporters. At the launch of your new book, you shared some of your views. More than 90% of the Chinese voters who had voted for the Pakatan Harapan in the 14th General Elections were upset by your views. First, you said a single stream in education would be the best education system for Malaysia. The existence of multiple streams hampered national unity and the shaping of a true identity. You said this: “In Malaysia, we have 26 to 30% of Chinese and 10% of Indians where they maintain their culture and customs such as the Chinese eat with chopsticks while we use hands. “Malaysians are very accommodating people. Because of this, assimilation is difficult for the Chinese. Instead, when the Arabs and Indians came to Malaysia, they were assimilated as Malays where they spoke Malays and behaved like the Malays. Hence, for the Chinese to be accepted by all, they should learn from the Indians and Arabs to assimilate and live like the bumiputras. “ In fact, I wish to inform you that a single language is not the only tool to unite the people. Otherwise, the Malay society would not be divided now. Furthermore, not 100% of Malays send their children to national school. Many Malays send their children to private schools, Chinese primary schools and Islamic schools to study. Some financially capable ones send their children to France, United Kingdom, Australia and other western countries for primary schools. Hence, your allegation against Chinese education is full of bias. Parents generally place emphasis on their children’s education and hope to achieve some form of security for their children’s future through education. Chinese is the same. Hence, if the government does a good job in national education, Chinese will send their children to national primary schools without coercion, just like how many parents sent their children to English medium schools back then. In addition, I would like to say the fact that the Chinese eat with chopsticks and study in Chinese primary school do not cast negative impact on the love and loyalty to the country. Born and raised here, Malaysian Chinese are well versed in Malay Language. We recognize that Malaysia is our country and not China. Strictly speaking, there are fewer local Chinese who can’t speak Malay nowadays. Do not continue to have such stereotype on the people in your country.” Those described by you who refused to integrate and only have China in their hearts are not the majority. They are unable to represent the majority of the Chinese. Just like those extreme right wings who continue to highlight Malays first, they do not represent the majority moderate Malays. So, Tun Dr Mahathir, you are wrong. Secondly, during movement control order, people of all races live in hardship. The politicians, who should be looking after the welfare of people, are trapped in power struggle, regardless of the well-being of the people. At this juncture, we see many capable Malaysians from different education background extend a helping hand to many regardless of their ethnic groups. In order words, people of different ethnic groups live in harmony and care for each other. There is no issue on racial unity nor language barrier. The unity issue that you mentioned earlier is a fake issue. In fact, politicians like you are the main culprit, not the type of schools. In reality, there are many people who actually work on fostering national integration. Instead, politicians are the ones who continue to divide the people with half-truth racist remarks. Please do not have the narrow thinking of treating Chinese education as a grain of sand in your eye. Instead, multiple streams in education should be seen as the advantage of the nation. For many years, multiple streams in education had groomed many talents, including the Malays. These talents are shining at international arena and are proud Malaysians. So, Tun Dr Mahathir, you are wrong. You also said that in order to progress, we should learn to accept a single identity, not Malays, Chinese or Indians but Malaysians. We totally agree with you on this. You cited United States as an example. You said: Look at US, who are Americans? They speak American English, embrace American culture, love US and even see their country of origin as an enemy. They go to battle field when necessary, regardless of their names. Your name could have reflected Dutch, German or Kenya descent but all these are not important because you are an American. Can we have the similar approach to be Malaysians? “ However, I feel that you have too many biased views and misunderstanding about the local Chinese. Since independence until today, the racial harmony that we enjoy is shaped naturally through mutual understanding, mutual respect and tolerance through interactions in daily lives but not assimilation. The diversity, inclusion and tolerance that we enjoy have been the scenic landscape of Malaysia. I wish to say that the younger generation of Chinese may keep their culture and mother tongue but they regard themselves as Malaysians. Instead, politicians are the ones who repeatedly shout about national integration but continue to tarnish the fundamentals of unity with their actions. For instance, the sudden announcement of converting national language to Malay language to highlight Malays first. Some of the Malay politicians continue to stress Malays come first and not Malaysian first. Then you take US as an example to say that despite having a black president, please take a look at the blacks who speak fluent American English in US. How is their fate? Tun Dr Mahathir, you are wrong again. At last, you drag Sin Chew Daily into the muddle by saying that Sin Chew Daily continues to attack DAP which leads to Pakatan Harapan losing support from the Chinese community. You cited this as one of the factors. On this, I feel that you have overstated. Maybe there are someone continue to demonize Sin Chew Daily before you that lead you to have such perception. Based on the state poll results in Malacca, the Chinese are still supporting DAP. As a privately-owned newspaper, Sin Chew Daily has been playing the role as the fourth power in the past, at present and in the future. We support and agree with good policies while we, without fear, criticize policies which harm the fundamentals of the state including the rights of the Chinese community. The story of a demonized Sin Chew Daily may include the allegation of frequently sensationalizing racial issues. To prevent you from being misled further, I would take this opportunity to share the editorial policy of Sin Chew Daily with you that apart from being transparent in handling news to offer a balanced and fair coverage, we insist on running the newspaper in a proper manner, upholding journalistic standard, values and ethics. We do not sell newspapers by sensationalizing news nor infringing privacy of others. At the same time, our editorial policy also covers giving emphasis to national integration, creating a society with positive energy through media influence. Sin Chew Daily is a responsible local newspaper. Hence, Tun Dr Mahathir, as a smart person, how do you end up being fooled by those with an evil heart? It is getting late at night after penning my thoughts. I hope that when I wake up tomorrow, Malaysia will be a better place because this is my country and where my home is. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Sin Chew Daily editor-in-chief KUIK CHENG KANG
*_Tun Dr Mahathir, you are wrong_* – An open letter to former PM by Kuik Cheng Kang, sinchew.com.my
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reportforjustice · 2 years ago
Pilih Kerajaan Negeri sehaluan Kerajaan Persekutuan supaya lebih baik kata Anwar
Kerajaan persekutuan memainkan peranan besar yang tidak dapat dinafikan dalam pembangunan ekonomi negeri, kata Anwar Ibrahim.
Perdana menteri berkata kejayaan sesuatu projek terutama berimpak tinggi yang dibangunkan di negeri turut berkait dengan dana dikeluarkan kerajaan persekutuan.
Katanya, memiliki kerajaan negeri sehaluan dengan kerajaan persekutuan adalah “lebih baik” untuk memudahkan urusan pentadbiran, apatah lagi jika para pemimpinnya “bersifat sopan dan bijak”.
“Tapi, akhirnya rakyat yang pilih. Namun, kalau dicerita soal pembangunan ekonomi, katalah di Kedah paling tinggi (pembangunan) contohnya di Taman Teknologi Tinggi Kulim (KHTP), pelaburannya daripada kerajaan persekutuan.
“Kalau nak kata Kedah sudah berjaya, itu hasil daripada dana kerajaan persekutuan yang hampir keseluruhannya. Saya tidak nafi ada peranan daripada kerajaan negeri tetapi kerajaan persekutuan lebih besar peranannya,” katanya
Anwar Ibrahim dalam Program Temu Anwar di Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Sintok, menjawab persoalan mahasiswa sama ada rakyat perlu memilih kerajaan negeri yang selari Persekutuan atau sebaliknya.
Anwar berkata, sektor tertentu seperti minyak dan gas menjadi penyumbang tertinggi dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi di negeri Pantai Timur misalnya adalah kerana melibatkan Petronas yang berada di bawah kerajaan persekutuan.
“Saya ada beritahu menteri besar (Terengganu) bahawa ketika ke China ada pelaburan syarikat petrokimia yang nak ke Johor, saya cakap lihat juga Terengganu sebab ada potensi. Baru ini ada cadangan tenaga angin (melibatkan) kos tinggi yang bercadang nak eksport ke Singapura
“Saya kata angin yang kuat di sebelah Pantai Timur, maka saya pilih Kelantan atau Terengganu. Esok kalau sampai (projek itu) ke sana saya tak mahu nafikan peranan orang Terengganu dan kerajaannya tapi jangan nafikan sebenarnya kekuatan itu daripada kerajaan persekutuan,” katanya.
Menjelang PRN Kedah yang diadakan serentak di lima negeri lain, gabungan Pakatan Harapan-Barisan Nasional Kedah melancarkan kempen “Kalih Bagi Sama”, dalam usaha merampas kerajaan negeri agar sealiran dengan kerajaan persekutuan.
PRN  6 Negeri hanyalah memilih negeri dan Kerajaan Persekutuan kekal Kerajaan Perpaduan. Negeri-negeri ini akan mengekalkan status quo atau hanya bertukar kerajaan. Misalnya Selangor, Negeri Sembilan dan Pulau Pinang sebelum ini Kerajaan PH dan Kelantan, Terengganu dan Kedah adalah PAS PN. 
Manakala UMNO/BN sebelum ini telah memenangi Johor, Melaka, Perak dan Pahang.
Sabah dan Sarawak telah melaksanakan Pilihanraya Negeri sebelum ini yang kini dikuasai GRS dan GPS.
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selvarajasomiahposts · 18 days ago
Why Sabah PH needs Hajiji Noor to stay relevant in Sabah.
First, Hajiji’s unblemished image as an honest politician who has effectively governed Sabah the last four years and put it on a fast track of development.Ten months from now or even earlier, Sabah will have the State Assembly elections, with the Election Commission set to notify the schedule by latest September 2025.Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim the most powerful person in the Pakatan Harapan…
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kazifatagar · 7 months ago
New: PH cytros poke fun at PN over Naran Singh, the lawyer for Israeli firearms suspect
Pakatan Harapan (PH) supporters aka PH Cytros have mocked Perikatan Nasional (PN) over the appointment of Datuk Naran Singh Asa Singh as the defense counsel for Israeli Avirtan Shalom, arrested for firearms possession. Read More LM News Heriot-Watt University Malaysia and Xsolla Curine Academy Now Forge Path for Local Gaming Talent PH cytros on fire Social Media Links Follow us…
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perpustakaandesasemangau · 2 months ago
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Rabu, 6 November 2024
Kegiatan Pelayanan Pendaftaran Objek Pajak Baru dan Pemutakhiran Data PBB-P2 Dengan Inovasi Aksi Perubahan Kenerja Organisasi Sadar Pajak Dengan E-Pakatan Android yang di laksanakan di Desa Semangau di Aula Perpusdes Insan Madani oleh Badan Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Sambas.
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penuntutilmudotnet · 4 months ago
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🤔[TERKINI] Isu sijil halal: Kenyataan Teresa keruhkan keadaan - PM Anwar🤔#2024 #S_DR._MAZA "Kenyataan ahli Parlimen Seputih, Teresak, dalam isu persijilan halal tidak mewakili pendirian Pakatan Harapan (PH), kata Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Perdana Menteri menegaskan tiada keperluan bagi Teresak bertindak sedemikian, selain menyifatkan kenyataan tersebut, yang dibuat oleh pengerusi DAP itu, hanya mengeruhkan keadaan. "Kalau dia nak mewakili beberapa, eh, tak apa, tapi tidak perlu kerana dia tidak membantu untuk menjernihkan keadaan. Kita kena jaga sentimen orang Islam dan juga orang bukan Islam. Cara dia runding mesti elok, bukan nak tunjuk kehebatan masing-masing," katanya. Negara kita sudah dalam keadaan baik sekarang; politiknya stabil, penghargaan dunia baik, dan ekonomi naik. Jadi, buat apa perkara-perkara ini nak merosakkan keadaan? Sebagai tanda perhatian, Anwar, yang juga Menteri Kewangan, berkata demikian pada sidang media selepas merasmikan kawasan rehat dan rawat (RNR) Seremban arah selatan di Seremban pada Ahad lalu. Teresak mendakwa cadangan kerajaan mewajibkan restoran dan syarikat makanan, yang tidak menyajikan daging babi serta alkohol, untuk mendapatkan persijilan halal berpotensi menambah beban kepada perniagaan, termasuk pengusaha restoran Melayu. Teresak juga mendakwa langkah itu bertentangan dengan semangat kepelbagaian budaya serta mungkin menjadikan Malaysia sebagai bahan ejekan di luar negara. Kenyataan terdesak itu mendapat kecaman daripada pelbagai pihak, termasuk pemimpin UMNO, pembangkang, serta pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) seperti Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia...." https://penuntutilmu.net/soal-jawab-pt/terkini-isu-sijil-halal-kenyataan-teresa-keruhkan-keadaan-pm-anwar/?feed_id=1129&_unique_id=66e990d77a35b Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/penuntutilmu.net/ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/PenuntutIlmuDotNet Thread: https://www.threads.net/@penuntutilmudotnet
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suara-rakyat-blog · 2 years ago
Pesanan Datuk Najib Jangan UMNO baik-baik dan sokonglah Kerajaan Perpaduan dan taatlah kepada Presiden UMNO
Ada kumpulan yang berpakat untuk perangkap Datuk Najib dan memasukkannya ke dalam penjara.
Kini, mereka yang sebelum ini menentang Najib menggunakan namanya dan cuba meraih sokongan daripada orang Melayu.
Ada yang buat LIVE dengan memakai baju BN, tetapi hatinya PN. Mereka hanya berpura-pura menyokong Najib untuk kepentingan parti politiknya.
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thevibes1 · 4 months ago
Najib Razak: Malaysia's Political Landscape and Latest Developments
Najib Razak’s tenure was marked by significant economic growth and development projects, but it was also overshadowed by allegations of corruption. The most notorious scandal, known as 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad), has been described as one of the largest financial frauds in history. Najib, along with several associates, was accused of embezzling billions from the state investment fund, which purportedly financed extravagant lifestyles and high-profile assets globally.
The 1MDB scandal led to a seismic shift in Malaysia's political climate. In the 2018 general elections, Najib’s party, the Barisan Nasional (BN), was defeated by the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition, which campaigned heavily on anti-corruption platforms. This defeat was a direct consequence of the public’s dissatisfaction with corruption scandals and governance issues.
Post-election, Najib Razak faced intense scrutiny and legal action. In July 2020, Malaysia Najib News he was found guilty of corruption and money laundering by Malaysia's High Court, resulting in a 12-year prison sentence and a substantial fine. The court's decision was a landmark moment in Malaysia’s fight against corruption, symbolizing a pivotal shift towards accountability and transparency in the country's political system.
Despite the legal verdict, Najib has maintained his stance that he is a victim of political persecution. He has consistently appealed his conviction, arguing that the charges against him are politically motivated. His legal team has been active in challenging the court’s decisions, further prolonging the high-profile case and keeping it in the public eye.
The political ramifications of Najib’s legal battles are profound. His case has become a touchstone for discussions on governance, corruption, Malaysia Newstoday and the rule of law in Malaysia. It has sparked debates on the effectiveness of the Malaysian judicial system and the influence of political power on legal proceedings. Najib’s supporters argue that the legal actions against him are a continuation of political vendettas, while his detractors view them as a necessary step towards restoring integrity in Malaysian politics.
In addition to the legal drama, Najib's political influence continues to be a subject of significant interest. Despite his conviction, he remains a prominent figure in Malaysian politics, with a considerable following among certain segments of the population. His continued presence in the political arena has implications for future elections and party dynamics in Malaysia.
As of the latest developments, Najib's legal team is exploring further avenues for appeal, including seeking international intervention and support. The outcome of these legal maneuvers will be crucial in determining the future trajectory of both Najib’s political career and Malaysia’s political landscape.
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hornkneebee · 6 months ago
It irks me that PH (Pakatan Harapan, left-centric coalition) cybertroopers are putting the whole credits onto PMX (10th Prime Minister of Malaysia) for bringing our brethren from Bangladesh back to our homeland following the chaos ensued in their country.
It's not because of PMX, in fact, not a few days ago Malaysian Embassy to Bangladesh literally said that they have no funding to bring back the students safely to Malaysia.
It was through the power of viral that brought them here, and our 'beloved' PM.
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dailystraitsdotcom · 8 months ago
Rafizi's Oil Price Formulas
Rafizi Ramli faced backlash for dodging tough questions on fuel prices.
By Mahathir Mohd Rais During a recent event in Sungai Bakap for the launch of Pakatan Harapan’s campaign machinery for the by-election,  Minister of Economic Affairs Rafizi Ramli was confronted with pointed questions from the audience about the steep rise in diesel prices to RM3.35 per litre, an increase of RM1.20. Rather than addressing these concerns directly from the podium, Rafizi chose to…
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months ago
Events 2.24 (after 1920)
1920 – Nancy Astor becomes the first woman to speak in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom following her election as a Member of Parliament (MP) three months earlier. 1920 – The Nazi Party (NSDAP) was founded by Adolf Hitler in the Hofbräuhaus beer hall in Munich, Germany 1942 – Seven hundred ninety-one Romanian Jewish refugees and crew members are killed after the MV Struma is torpedoed by the Soviet Navy. 1942 – The Battle of Los Angeles: A false alarm led to an anti-aircraft barrage that lasted into the early hours of February 25. 1945 – Egyptian Premier Ahmad Mahir Pasha is killed in Parliament after reading a decree. 1946 – Colonel Juan Perón, founder of the political movement that became known as Peronism, is elected to his first term as President of Argentina. 1949 – The Armistice Agreements are signed, to formally end the hostilities of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. 1967 – Cultural Revolution: Zhang Chunqiao announces the dissolution of the Shanghai People's Commune, replacing its local government with a revolutionary committee. 1968 – Vietnam War: The Tet Offensive is halted; South Vietnamese forces led by Ngo Quang Truong recapture the citadel of Hué. 1971 – The All India Forward Bloc holds an emergency central committee meeting after its chairman, Hemantha Kumar Bose, is killed three days earlier. P.K. Mookiah Thevar is appointed as the new chairman. 1976 – The 1976 constitution of Cuba is formally proclaimed. 1978 – The Yuba County Five disappear in California. Four of their bodies are found four months later. 1981 – The 6.7 Ms Gulf of Corinth earthquake affected Central Greece with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe). Twenty-two people were killed, 400 were injured, and damage totaled $812 million. 1983 – A special commission of the United States Congress condemns the Japanese American internment during World War II. 1984 – Tyrone Mitchell perpetrates the 49th Street Elementary School shooting in Los Angeles, killing two children and injuring 12 more. 1989 – United Airlines Flight 811, bound for New Zealand from Honolulu, rips open during flight, blowing nine passengers out of the business-class section. 1991 – Gulf War: Ground troops cross the Saudi Arabian border and enter Iraq, thus beginning the ground phase of the war. 1996 – Two civilian airplanes operated by the Miami-based group Brothers to the Rescue are shot down in international waters by the Cuban Air Force. 1999 – China Southwest Airlines Flight 4509, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft, crashes in Rui'an, Zhejiang, China. All 61 people on board are killed. 2004 – The 6.3 Mw Al Hoceima earthquake strikes northern Morocco with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). At least 628 people are killed, 926 are injured, and up to 15,000 are displaced. 2006 – Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declares Proclamation 1017 placing the country in a state of emergency in attempt to subdue a possible military coup. 2007 – Japan launches its fourth spy satellite, stepping up its ability to monitor potential threats such as North Korea. 2008 – Fidel Castro retires as the President of Cuba and the Council of Ministers after 32 years. He remains as head of the Communist Party for another three years. 2015 – A Metrolink train derails in Oxnard, California following a collision with a truck, leaving more than 30 injured. 2016 – Tara Air Flight 193, a de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft, crashed, with 23 fatalities, in Solighopte, Myagdi District, Dhaulagiri Zone, while en route from Pokhara Airport to Jomsom Airport. 2020 – Mahathir Mohamad resigns as Prime Minister of Malaysia following an attempt to replace the Pakatan Harapan government, which triggered the 2020-2022 Malaysian political crisis. 2022 – Russo-Ukrainian War: Days after recognising Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states, Russian president Vladimir Putin orders a full scale invasion of Ukraine.
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