#pairing: edward teach/stede bonnet
bougiebutchbitch · 11 months
fucking obsessed with Izzy being everyone's bestie and genuinely supporting and caring for Ed and Stede through their Relationship Drama - but also accidentally influencing them into breaking them up again by telling Ed to follow the path of throwing his leathers away, if that's where his heart leads him
my little guy is The Cockblocker Supreme, even when he wants sooo badly to be The Cockenabler
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saltpepperbeard · 4 months
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I'll take care of you, take care of you. That's true.
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feriowind · 11 months
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made a hellsing au because... i love hellsing au's....
Integra Stede, Alucard Ed, and Walter Izzy.....
Only roughly based on the plot of Hellsing, Izzy is only a bit older than Stede and was assigned to him when they were young by Stede's family/Hellsing organization specifically to keep an eye Stede to make sure he didn't try anything funny and get in the way of their plans.
Stede is fake figurehead of the family and when not being used, he is essentially shoved to the side and left to his own devices, which is mostly just esoteric research into cryptids and mythical creatures.
Izzy didn't care for Stede at first, viewing the assignment as an annoying job, but after spending time with him as his butler/bodyguard, he finds him to be far kinder and wonderful than expected. Stede treats Izzy like a friend instead of a tool, and Izzy only grows to care for Stede more and more over time.
Stede doesn't stumble upon Ed until he's in his late 20s or early 30s. He's had many years to settle in his ways that the sudden introduction of being the master of a legendary vampire is not something he takes to very gracefully. Ed doesn't mind though, he enjoys how strange but human Stede is.
Ed has lived a very long time, and though he doesn't regret his life as a vampire, he cannot help but long for his lost humanity. He tempts Stede with offers of being turned but Stede turns him down, his reasoning being that there are too many human comforts he would just hate to lose. The answer is hysterical to Ed and makes him immediately like Stede.
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ofmd-ann · 5 months
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- Is that Blackbeard? - Hm? No, uh, I'm Blackbeard (S01E04 - Discomfort In A Married State)
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autistic-stedebonnet · 9 months
rip stede bonnet you would've LOVED uggs
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mooniespring · 1 year
we now have confirmation that ed has an earring and before we had some (hopeful) people theorising that stede had an earring so what if they each have one and what if when they get back together they buy pairs of earrings to split and wear one each. what if the matching earrings become their version of couple rings.
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ghostlyheart · 11 months
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I love you... I know The Empire Strikes Back - Our Flag Means Death 2x8 "Mermen"
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ldrmas · 11 months
Okay this picture!
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So this is the trailer and again just speculation.
So if I'm looking at this right the one who's holding up thier hand is Edward.
So this makes me hope that this is the fuckery I talked about in my other post. The ultimate fuckery where even the pirates think he died but the only ones who know that he actually lives is gonna be Stede and Izzy.
And I'm not saying that because I want SteddyHands to be cannon, I'm saying it because I generally can't think of a fuckery that Stede could pull off that would even slighty convince Izzy that Ed is no longer on this earth. So he has to be apart of it and then the three of them can go run an Inn together.
Ugh I just wish Thursday was already here I'm horrible at understanding what's gonna happen in plots even if the entire episode is spoiled in trailers.
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I need to people to know that when I tag a post of Ed and/or Stede with "tummy<3", that is coming from a place of lust and should be read as such
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Messed around in this picrew and made STE/DE and Ed from In Favor with Their Stars
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theonetruepod · 2 years
Check out our episode about Blackbonnet (Stede Bonnet/Ed Teach [Blackbeard])
Get ready for hot pirate summer!!! Ro, Dzesi, Kou, and Lindz discuss the historic otp of Edward Teach (Blackbeard) and Sede Bonnet (The Gentleman Pirate) from the hit show Our Flag Means Death.
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ao3topshipsbracket · 1 year
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 2 Side 1
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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ren-nolasco · 11 months
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Preorders for "Captain Your Own Ship", an Our Flag Means Death collar pin set is now LIVE. (CLICK HERE)
All designs successfully funded last year are now available for pledges again, as well as 5 new crew mates, so you can have the whole Revenge crew with you. Plus new stickers and buttons!
The enamel pins were designed by Ren, portraying the characters: Stede Bonnet, Edward Teach, Izzy Hands, Lucius Spriggs, Black Pete, Jim Jimenez, Oluwande Boodhari, Buttons, Roach, Frenchie, Wee John and The Swede. The sets come linked by a chain that has a smaller enamel pin attached at its center, inspired by Blackbeard’s flag. Each chain comes with two lobster clasps, making it easy to rearrange the pairings in any order you prefer. If you get more chains, you can even link your OT3 or add on more characters!
The holographic stickers were designed by Nyatche, and you can pick the ship you want to sail with your collar pins!
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ofmd-ann · 6 months
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Goodnight, my love ❤️
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haflacky · 2 years
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Edward Teach and Stede Bonnet
Pair portraits of lovely co-captains
Available as prints in my store
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ladyluscinia · 3 months
Well. My curiosity about the post-S2 state of the OFMD fandom has been piqued - though much later and not at all for the reasons I thought it would be before watching the season - so I'm finally going to do that fanfic statistics follow up I planned almost a year ago.
Links to my first fanfic statistics from January 2023 (first 10 months of the fandom) and hiatus check in September 2023 (8 months of "deep hiatus"). This follow up adds the month of S2 lead up + airing and the 8 months and change immediately following it, which should by all rights include the traditional fic boosts of Kinktober and NaNoWriMo. So.
My hiatus check fic count was 23,187. Today's is 32,998 total fics in the Our Flag Means Death tag.
Right off the bat, this is interesting. 9,811 fics have been added. Which doesn't sound bad except in the deep hiatus timeframe - slightly shorter window, much further away from new content - the fandom added 11,115 fics. There's definitely factors at play like fandoms naturally losing people and creative energy over time and the series cancellation news, but I said back last year that it felt like the fandom activity didn't really spike with new content, and this tracks with that.
Character Tagging:
Edward Teach - 24,411 fics, 74.0% of the total
Stede Bonnet - 22,696 fics, 68.8% of the total
Izzy Hands - 16,627 fics, 50.4% of the total
Lucius Spriggs - 8,228 fics, 25.0% of the total
Jim Jimenez - 5,193 fics, 15.7% of the total
Frenchie - 4,167 fics, 12.6% of the total
Oluwande - 4,165 fics, 12.6% of the total
Percentage deviation is following the same trend as last time, with Izzy appearing in a slightly higher percentage of fics and everyone else in a slightly lower, only the actual "interest" change is even smaller this time - everyone here including Izzy is within at least 2% of where they were last check except Edward who dropped a whole -2.7% overall when he was "only" tagged in 6,638 (67.7%) of the new fics. How will people cope. Jim dropped the least - only -0.3% overall. Anyway interesting news Frenchie has gained prominence and overtaken Oluwande for 6th place by a whole 2 fics, which I enjoy because he was my Revenge crew fave.
Shipping: The Main Couple Math
BlackBonnet is tagged on 20,282 OFMD fics, making it 61.5% of the fandom. Running the otp:true search says that now 13,597 fics and 41.2% of all OFMD content is BlackBonnet with no side pairings at all.
Taking SteddyHands into account - 1,240 of those fics are also tagged with SteddyHands, making it 6.1% of BlackBonnet and (if you exclude them) putting BlackBonnet at 19,042 fics and 57.7% of the fandom.
7,190 fics under the Izzy Hands character tag are tagged BlackBonnet - which is 43.2% of all his tagged fics, and 21.8% of all fics. SteddyHands is also tagged on 1,150 of those, so excluding it brings us to 36.3% of “Israel Hands” fics / 18.3% of OFMD fics are tagged with BlackBonnet + “Israel Hands” and NOT SteddyHands.
BlackBonnet continues to leave notably more of the pie than last time available for other ships and characters, which is still objectively a good thing even for most people who love the ship. It's not hurting for attention, but it's getting closer to the high end of reasonable dominance vs the level where authors writing side character ships are legitimately hard to find. A healthy fandom will often have the main pairing below 50%. SteddyHands is still super niche in comparison.
Shipping: Everyone Else
Edward/Izzy - 3,982 under "Israel Hands", 4,260 (12.9%) total
Edward/Izzy (SteddyHands excluded) - 2,826 under "Israel Hands", 3,017 (9.1%) total
Edward/Stede/Izzy - 2,567 under "Israel Hands", 2,806 (8.5%) total
Stede/Izzy - 2,229 under "Israel Hands", 2,404 (7.3%) total
Stede/Izzy (SteddyHands excluded) - 1,167 under "Israel Hands", 1,262 (3.8%) total
Lucius/Izzy - 1,535 under "Israel Hands", 1,705 (5.2%) total
And in non-Izzy ships, Stizzy did make notable gains post-S2 and has passed up Black Pete/Lucius and Oluwande/Jim in total fics for the first time (though only with SteddyHands tagged fics included in the count) - likely due to a combination of canon decisions made in S2.
Black Pete/Lucius - 2,302 (7.0%) fics. 72.7% of these are also tagged BlackBonnet. Excluding BlackBonnet leaves 628 (1.9%) fics.
Oluwande/Jim - 1,933 (5.9%) fics. 68.2% of these are also tagged BlackBonnet. Running otp:true leaves 360 (1.1%) fics.
BlackHands has actually gone down the slightest bit by overall percentage and brought SteddyHands down with it, though it is impossible to accurately track SteddyHands fics that are tagged as component pairings alone vs the throuple tag. This makes sense with how Izzy fans have branched further into negligible Izzy ships such as Izzy/Frenchie in the wake of S2. Both non-Izzy ships also went down, but this is probably related to both being more heavily featured in S1 and still mostly riding those numbers (especially Oluwande/Jim who canonically broke up in S2).
Honestly I think I'm both surprised it's not more active with the well timed new content and surprised that everything is still so consistent. It confirms some minor suspected trends, but mostly just looks like an even less dramatic deep hiatus update.
Oh and also slight disclaimer - I have exactly one person muted on AO3 and I think they've written for OFMD and it would have excluded their fics, so my sourced counts may be off by extremely small numbers contributed by one author? Idk exactly how AO3 handles that in the fic search interface.
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