#pairing: carana
whereismywarden · 5 years
There was a girl
"Do you think it's true, what the witch said?" Carver asks one night.
Alwyn turns his pale, seasick face towards him. "Could you be more specific?"
"Do you think some of the Wardens could have survived the battle?"
"You were there, you tell me."
Carver thinks for a moment. "They were in the vanguard. It was a massacre."
"I'm sure the Wardens will send more men to stop the Blight."
Taking a deep breath, Carver turns his back to Al. "There was a girl," he confesses. "A Warden recruit…"
"Oh, Carver…" his brother sighs. "If you want to talk—"
There was a man
"How many do you think made it out of there alive?" Ana asks as they make camp on the outskirts of Lothering.
"I don't know," Alistair says, his voice cracking. "Too few."
"There was a man — a soldier. He was nice."
"I'm sorry, Ana," he whispers, reaching out to put his hand over hers in comfort.
She looks up at him and meets his gaze. "Do you think we can really do this? Defeat the Blight with only two Wardens?"
"We don't have a choice," he sighs.
She takes a deep breath, squeezing his hand. “No, I guess we don’t.”
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mahayanapilgrim · 5 years
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🌹Happy Buddha Purnima🌹
Buddha Vandana🙏🙏🙏
Iti pi so Bhagavâ-Araham Sammâ-sambuddho.
Vijjâ-carana sampanno Sugato Lokavidû Anuttarro
Purisa-damma-sârathi Satthâ deva-manussânam
Buddho Bhagavâti
Homage to the Buddha
Thus indeed, is that Blessed One: He is the Holy One, fully enlightened, endowed with clear vision and virtuous conduct, sublime, the Knower of the worlds, the incomparable leader of men to be tamed, the teacher of gods and men, enlightened and blessed.
Dhamma Vandana🙏🙏🙏
Svâkkhato Bhagavatâ Dhammo Sanditthiko Akâliko Ehi-passiko Opanâyiko Paccattam
veditabbo viññuhiti.
Homage to the Teachings
The Dhamma of the Blessed One is perfectly expounded; to be seen here and how; not delayed in
time; inviting one to come and see; onward leading (to Nibbana); to be known by the wise, each for himself.
Sangha Vandana🙏🙏🙏
Supati-panno Bhagavato sâvaka sangho, Ujupati-panno Bhagavato sâvaka sangho.
Ñâya-patipanno Bhagavato sâvaka sangho. Sâmici-patipanno Bhagavato sâvaka sangho
Yadidam cattâri purisa yugâni attha-purisa-puggalâ Esa Bhagavato sâvaka sangho.
Âhu-neyyo, pâhu-neyyo, Dakkhi-neyyo,añjalikaraniyo, anuttaram puññakkhetam lokassâti
Homage to the Disciples of the Buddha
The Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples has entered on the good way; the Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples has entered on the straight way; the Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples has entered on the proper way, that is to say; the Four Pairs of Men, the Eight Types of Persons; the Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples is fit for gifts, fit for hospitality, fit for offerings, and fit for reverential salutation, as the incomparable field of merit for the world.
🌹The greatest teacher of all time.....
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spoiledchestnutart · 7 years
Battle Chef Brigade- Fan Fic, Ch1
One hundred years ago, monsters raged across Victusia. They destroyed farms, decimated the dwindling animal population, and attacked our people on sight. It was thanks to King Heinrich and Chef Robuchon that we were able to fight back against this incurring threat and found that the way to victory could be carved with a chef’s knife and the fires of innovative cooking.
Two years ago, Victusia found itself set upon yet again on the cusp of another Blight and it’s heroes rose to the occasion. Fresh faced Battle Chefs, not yet inundated as Brigadiers, found the strength to overcome adversity, the wits to foresee solutions, and the courage to do what was right.
“All right kids! This is how you prepare stuffed Carana with Taka Berry glaze. Did everyone gather their ingredients?” Mina Han, Brigadier and traveling Ambassador, found herself in a small village not so different from her home. If her home had been at the crossroads of the vast desert and a dense forest that was. She was busy teaching a group of teenagers who were just as starry eyed and determined as she had been at their age some tricks to prepare food.
It’d been part of the bargain to learn from the Elder of the village how to properly prepare the Sand Worms of the desert that first she would have to give this demonstration. Not that Mina wouldn’t have minded anyway! They was just something so familiar about those faces, even if they were elves.
“The first step is to pull out the teeth. Those are not a fun surprise to find in a dish let me tell you!” Mina explained, carefully using her cutting board and a fillet knife to remove the pointy things from the plant. “And then we--”
“Miss Han! Miss Han! Is it true you stopped the Blight two years ago?”
A flush of embarrassment crossed Mina’s face and she quickly gestured as she shook her head, minding she didn’t drop the knife she had. “N-no! Not all by myself anyway! I had friends who helped me. I wouldn’t have been able to do anything so big as that all on my own!” She quickly turned back to the work at hand, making sure to hurry with the Carana plant. “A-anyway, like I was saying...”
Two years, had it really been that long? Mina was concentrating on what she was doing but her thoughts started to drift some as she gave the demonstration. She sent letters at least once a week to both Thrash and Kirin; they stayed in one place and they playfully chided her on how hard it was getting mail to her when she moved around a lot. Thankfully there was always another Brigadier to pass along mail and made sure it got to her.
The village of Dune’s Grove had a small number of Brigadiers who were part of the military branch that were based there. They brought in most of the monster meat for sale to restaurants and homes and Mina, in her own way, had tried to befriend them. She’d only been there a few days now but she was still learning the names of the trio of Military Branch Brigadiers. There was an Orc and two Humans, though it looked like the leader of the bunch was a man named Samson.
Samson was rough around the edges and had a striped bandana to cover most of his short brown hair. He was a tall man, broad, and always had a bright smile on his face even if he was usually itching to get out to hunt. The Sand Worms were something of a challenge to bring down but Baurun were easy enough to come by in a pinch when an axe needed swinging. As far as Mina was concerned, while they were a rowdy lot they were good hearted and had badgered her for stories about how she got into the Brigade. They were always up for a tale from the “Iron Stomach”.
As it happened, the trio were returning from a hunt just as the demonstration was finishing up. Tied to the back of the cart was one of the big sand worms ready to be carved for parts.
“Yo!” Called Samson, that big grin on his face as he waved. “Done teaching these kiddos a thing or two about some wicked weeds?”
“’A basic understanding of the fundamentals is the foundation that a chef stands on.’” Mina almost felt like Kirin saying so-- probably because Kirin had sent a book on teaching the basics of cooking when Mina told her about the agreement. Samson just laughed at it.
“N-nevermind. Did the Elder ask you to catch that? I was planning on going hunting for ingredients once I had a list from her.”
“Oh?” Asked the orc, a lady with green skin and yellow tattoos that looked up brightly. “You were going to go hunting for sand worms in the desert? Heh.” She grinned. “Bet you ten gold you couldn’t do it on your first try.”
“I’ll take that bet.” The man helping her to pull the cart said and the pair shook on it grinning. Mina still couldn’t remember their names for the life of her....
All the more indignant, Mina looked at all three of them with a frown and hands on her hips. “You’re on! I’m meeting the Elder in the morning so you can bet I’ll be bringing back Sand Worm afterwards!”
“All right...” Samson shrugged, turning to his companions. “Guess that means we’re selling this off then!”
With the other two cheering for the profits yet to come, Mina sighed deeply. What had she gotten herself into? Ah well... She’d have to learn how to fight the Sand Worms if she was going to cook this dish anyway, right? Might as well not worry about it now. “Why did I open my big mouth..?”
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whereismywarden · 5 years
Alwyn falls in love like one falls off a chair: fast and hard. The first time it happens, he's eight years old and it's one of the carpenter's boys. His name is Ronnie. He's a few years older and a strapping young lad. The Hawkes have just moved in and Ronnie brings them a basket of apples his mother picked up to welcome them to the village. Alwyn becomes a stuttering mess the second the boy says "hi." The same thing happens again and again everywhere they go. He meets a man and suddenly, he's the love of his life. Until he's not. His siblings never let him live it down.
Ana thinks she knows what love is. She's been intimate with people before. So when she actually falls in love for the first time, she doesn't recognize it. She meets him at Ostagar. He's sweet and handsome and she takes an immediate liking to him. But she doesn't think it's love. The butterflies in her stomach? The quickening heartbeat? She's just nervous about the coming battle. It's only when she meets him again, years later, and her feelings come crashing down on her that she starts to think: "Maker, I'm in love with that man." And she hates it. At least for a while.
Violette doesn't fall in love. And she can't understand how someone can pretend to love someone they don't even know. "You've never even talked to her," she tells Malcolm. "Maybe she's got a grating voice. Or an annoying laugh." Violette never falls in love, but when her best friend flees the Circle and leaves her alone, she's heartbroken. And when the templars take her daughter away, she's devastated. She doesn't fall in love, but she knows what it's like to love someone so much the thought of losing them destroys you.
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whereismywarden · 5 years
Hello kisses for Carver/Ana)
[Kiss Prompts]
Read on AO3
prompt: hello kissespairing: female surana x carver hawke.rating: t.
She sees him before he sees her, in the courtyard, entertaining the children they rescued months ago from the Gallows. They’re playing a game of hide and seek and Ana is tempted to slip behind a pillar to surprise him. She knows it’s foolish, with the darkspawn taint coursing through their veins, he would spot her before she could even make it halfway through the courtyard (and perhaps he already did sense her presence), but the idea is alluring.
Neriah, her sweet daughter, is the first to notice her. Maker, how she’s missed her. The twelve-year-old charges towards her like an overexcited mabari and jumps into her arms despite being quite a few inches taller than her mother. The other kids soon follow her example, albeit with a little more restraint (save perhaps for little Stevie who, at the top of his five years, hasn’t learned restraint yet).
“Did you bring anything back from Orlais?” Riah asks excitedly.
“Cheese! Lots of gross stinky cheeses!” She punctuates her answer with a few tickles directed at the nearest child.
Carver stays in the background, waiting patiently for the excitement to settle down. As the children make a little room for him, he finally walks up to her and wraps his arms around her with a smile.
“What about me? Did you get me anything?”
Standing on the tip of her toes, Ana plants a soft kiss on his plush lips, which Carver is quick to deepen. The rise of a few “eww” from the younger kids and a couple of “get a room, you two” from the older ones is enough to bring them back to reality. Carver chuckles, but he keeps his arms firmly set around her waist and it isn’t long before the children start dispersing again. Ana pulls him into a strong hug. Maker, she missed him so much.
“Actually, I did get something special just for you,” she purrs.
“Is it more cheese?” he teases her.
“It’s a little something I can’t show in front of the children.”
It takes a moment for the innuendo to sink in. Then, a smile stretches wide across his face. His blue eyes shine with desire. Maker, it shouldn’t be allowed to be this handsome.
“Well, someone else can take care of the kids. My brother must have awakened from his nap by now.”
Lifting an eyebrow, Ana is about to protest (she’s got things to do and people to see, after all) when Carver slides a hand behind her legs and sweeps her off her feet. She giggles as he kisses her again before carrying her back to their bedroom.
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whereismywarden · 5 years
12. I just wanna sleep tonight again in your arms. - Surana/Carver
Starting with this one because it’s been so long since I wrote my babies! ❤❤❤Anyway, here's a little letter sent by Carver while Ana was in Skyhold during HLtA :)
[Springsteen Prompts]
Read on AO3prompt: “I just wanna sleep tonight again in your arms.”pairing: female surana x carver hawke.rating: t.warnings: some nudity.
Things are going well on our end. It’s peaceful here, you’d love it. Maybe we could come back here someday, just the two of us, if when you get better. Build a little cabin in this quiet grove we passed through the other day. It’s got a small pond with pretty water lilies and a water so clear you can see the bottom of it. I could already imagine you sliding your dress off and dipping your toes in before diving straight in. And the picture of you drying off naked on one of those large rocks has kept me awake more than once… 
Maker help me but I miss you. I miss the sound of your voice. I miss the way your nose crinkle when you smile. I miss your touch. The feelings of your hands on my skin. The taste of your kisses. I wish you had come with us instead of going to Orlais. I wish I had stayed behind with you and Alwyn. I wish… I just want to sleep in your arms again tonight. How did you manage to convince me to leave again? Oh right, I drew the short straw. I still believe you cheated by the way. I only let it slide because I know how stubborn you can be sometimes. Still, I think you owe me a week of cuddles when I get back.
Until then, I love you.
PS: The guys think they’re close to a breakthrough. I’ll keep you up to date when we have something solid to give you.
PPS: Make sure Al doesn’t see this letter. It took me ages to get him off my back the last time you let him read our private correspondence.
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whereismywarden · 5 years
Bold OTP tag things
Default situational/in some cases
Tagged by: @no-id-no-person!
Tagging: again, anyone who wants to do it (I really need to make a list of people I can tag in these things, lmao).
I decided to do Ana’s pairings for now. I’ll do my other OCs another time if I ever get tagged again ^^
Ana Surana x Alistair
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height difference | mutual pining | first kiss (for Alistair) | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other (friendly reminder that one of them actually did ^^) | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing world views | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids (I mean, Alistair probably does) | grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song (one of those sad ballads about lost love) | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together (Do swimming lessons count?) | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
Ana Surana x Carver
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(all my thanks go to @no-id-no-person for the original screenshot ♥︎)
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss (for Carver) | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship (they take it slow and don’t really tell anyone at first) | opposing world views | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids | grow old together (hopefully) | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts (at first from Ana) | they have a song (the other wardens came up with it after witnessing their endless pining, but they don’t know it’s about them) | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other (Carver mostly, because Ana can’t cook) | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
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whereismywarden · 6 years
OC Masterpost: SURANA
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[Main Tag • Full Bio • AO3 • Screencaps]   [last update: 26/07/2020]
Name: Surana, commonly known as Ana.
Birth: 28th Drakonis, 9:10 Dragon, in Kirkwall’s Gallows.
Family: Violette Surana (mother); Orsino (father); Carver Hawke (husband); Neriah Amell-Hawke (daughter) born in 9:26; considers Anders and Jowan her adopted big brothers.
Love Interests: Daylen Amell (†); Alistair Theirin; Carver Hawke.
Mabari: Rabbit.
(Links to fanfictions and commissioned works under the cut)
One Templar and a Baby [G]: Young templar recruit Raleigh Samson is tasked to take a newly born baby to the Chantry. On his way there, he gets very attached to the small child.
Codex Entry: A New Child Of The Circle [T]: Surana is brought to the Circle. (warning: mention of violence against children)
Circle Nights [G]: When little Surana has a nightmare, she finds her big brother Anders to give her comfort.
Circle Days [G]: Jowan isn't the brightest apprentice in the Tower. He isn't even particularly good. But he tries so hard.
Study Break [EXPLICIT]: Daylen Amell is bored. Thankfully, his friend Surana is here to help him pass the time. (warning: nsfw)
What Makes a Grey Warden [T]: Duncan recruits Surana, but the young elven mage is plagued with doubts and insecurities.
There was a survivor [G]: A couple of drabbles set after the Battle of Ostagar. Carver and Surana wonder if there's a chance the other survived the massacre. (warning: grief)
Swimming Lessons [T]: Growing up in the Circle, Surana never learned how to swim. Alistair takes it upon himself to teach her. (+ art commission)
Good Morning [EXPLICIT]: An early morning cuddle in camp quickly turns into something else. (warning: nsfw)
In the Eye of the Hurricane [T]: Surana heads back to the Circle Tower one last time before going back to the Wardens and runs into Cullen. (warnings: implied depression and suicidal thoughts)
Awkward [T]: Carver meets his new Warden-Commander only to remember he once had a one-night stand with her. (warning: awkward boner)
Midnight Snack [EXPLICIT]: When Carver wakes up in the middle of the night hungry, Surana joins him for a different kind of snack. (warning: nsfw)
Ana x Carver (art commission)
Post-Kirkwall Rebellion:
Welcome Back [T]: Ana returns from a trip to Orlais and is greeted by her family.
Quiet [EXPLICIT]: Daylen was all about sex. Alistair was all about love. Carver was perfect. A series of three vignettes showing how much Surana's sex life has evolved since she left the tower. (warning: nsfw)
Alternate Universes:
Ana made the Ultimate Sacrifice:
Codex Entry: An Unsent Letter From King Alistair [T]: After Ana’s death, Alistair adopts her daughter.
Alistair made the Ultimate Sacrifice:
Everything was easier before I met you [M]: On the eve of the final battle, Surana finds some comfort in Alistair's embrace. (warnings: suicidal thoughts)
A kiss to remember you by [T]: After she is knocked unconscious during a fight, Surana finds an old lover in the Fade who offers her words of comfort. (warning: suicidal thoughts)
You make every day worth living [T]: While visiting his brother in Kirkwall, Carver overhears a conversation between Anders and the woman he loves.
Broken Nights [T]: Five years after the end of the Blight, what happened at Kinloch Hold still haunts Surana's nights. (warning: ptsd)
Amell is the Hero of Ferelden, Alistair is exiled:
Apples and Elfroot [T]: Cold and hungry on the streets of Kirkwall, Samson meets a good samaritan. (warnings: lyrium addiction)
Nice to meet you again [M]: Down on his luck, drunk in the arse-end of Kirkwall, Alistair meets a new friend. (warnings: alcoholism, suicidal thoughts)
Ana is Hawke's Warden contact:
Now that you're back [T]: After being gone for almost a year, Carver finally comes home to her. 
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whereismywarden · 6 years
for the prompts; 158 for ana ! ⭐️🌟⭐️
Thank you so much for asking!
As it turned out, I actually had an awkward moment on my list of things I wanted to write for Ana and Carver. I guess I just needed a little push ^^
[200 Writing Prompts]
read on ao3prompt: this is awkward.pairing: female surana x carver hawke.warnings: awkward boner.
Carver was training with Captain Garavel. He was supposed to hone his skills with another Grey Warden, but the only other warrior around was Oghren, and Maker only knew where the dwarf had passed out this time. So the captain of the guard had offered to spar with Carver instead. And truth be told, he preferred it to the dwarf’s drunken antics.
“Captain Garavel,” someone called out from across the training yard.
The newcomer walked up to them in a few quick strides. Judging by her stature, she was an elven woman wearing Grey Warden fatigues. Could she be-?
“Warden-Commander Surana.” Garavel saluted the young woman. “Glad to see you back from your travels.”
Carver stared at her like an idiot. He had met this woman before. At Ostagar. Ana. Her name was Ana. Back then, she had been a spunky warden recruit. She had gotten lost around the camp on her first day. This was awkward… No, awkward couldn’t even begin to decribe it. This was bad. Very very bad. The things they had done when they thought they might not survive the battle… Maker be damned! They weren’t supposed to ever see each other again!
“This young man is Carver Hawke, one of the new recruits from the Free Marches.”
“Warden-Commander.” He saluted her, his voice surprisingly steady.
Warden-Commander Surana… He was starting to feel a little lightheaded. She’s the Hero of Ferelden! I've… I’ve… with the blighted Hero of Ferelden! With any luck, she wouldn’t remember him.
“The Free Marches? You’ll have to tell me how you wound up so far from home, someday.” She smiled at him, oblivious to his discomfort. “At any rate, I’m happy you made it out of Ostagar in one piece. Many didn’t.”
Shit, shit, shit.
He could feel the heat rise to his face and his heartbeat quicken. “I- Me too, Commander. It’s, err, nice to see you again.”
“Shouldn’t you be training with Oghren?” She looked around the training yard for the missing dwarf.
“N-no one could find him, ma'am.”
“I see,” she sighed. “Then I’ll train with you, Carver. Captain, you can carry on with your duties. And if you can spare someone to look for Oghren, I would be much obliged.”
“Right away, Commander.”
Surana picked up a training sword from the closest weapon rack. She swept it from side to side, swishing through the air to test its balance, and, satisfied, moved into a fighting position.
Carver frowned. “Aren’t you a mage? Shouldn’t I be training with another warrior?”
“I can swing a sword well enough to spar with you,” she said with a hint of mischief in her voice. “I promise not to use any magic.”
He felt stupid for even asking. It wasn’t uncommon for mages to pick up a few fighting skills here and there. His own father had taught him the basics of sword fighting. Still, Carver was supposed to get some advanced training from a seasoned grey warden warrior, not a skinny mage with a stick.
“I’ll try not to kick your butt too hard,” she teased him.
Steel clashed against steel, their blades meeting each other over and over as they thrust and parried with strength and skill. She fought well, better than he had expected. Maybe he shouldn’t have underestimated the woman who faced the Archdemon. She used her small size to her advantage, dodging his attacks with a smile on her face. He did manage to land a few decent hits on a few rare occasions when she left obvious openings. So obvious, in fact, that she was probably doing it on purpose to test his mettle. He scowled. I’ll show her what I’m capable of!
Groaning, he doubled his efforts to impress her. He added more strength to his blows, his muscles tensing with the effort. Surana’s smug smile disappeared from her face, replaced with a crease in her brows as she concentrated harder. He was finally getting the upper hand on her. She was losing her balance, making more mistakes and appearing to be defending herself more than attacking. It was now or never. Carver raised his weapon, ready to strike a decisive blow, when he lost his footing on something slippery and fell backward.
Smiling down at him, Ana kept him pinned down with her legs on either side of his waist and her sword held against his throat. It should have annoyed the crap out of him. His brother always had the same self-satisfied look on his face whenever they sparred together. But his mind brought him back to that night, before the Battle of Ostagar, when she had straddled him like this and… Oh no…
“Good work, Carver.” She lowered the blade but remained seated on top of him. “You almost got me a few times.”
Carver covered his face with his hands, wishing he could dig a hole in the ground and hide there for the rest of his life. This couldn’t be happening. Maker, please, make it stop. He tried thinking about something else. Ugly things. Hurlocks, ogres, Uncle Gamlen’s porridge. Anything to keep his mind from focusing on the pearls of sweat running down her forehead, or on the way her eyes squinted when she smiled. Oh, Maker…
“Don’t feel bad. You did great. In fact, you would have come out on top if I hadn’t cheated at little with the… Oh!” Shit! Her eyes grew wide, her face turning a bright shade of red. She rose to her feet with the swiftness of a wolf. She cleared her throat loudly to try to regain her composure. “We’ll talk later,” she said, looking anywhere but at him.
She practically sprinted out of the training yard, leaving Carver all alone with his shame.
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whereismywarden · 6 years
Midnight Snack
Read on AO3 author’s note: a little smutty christmas present (alright, I’ll admit, it’s a bit of a coincidence that I finished it in time for christmas, but I’m glad I did ^^). summary: when carver wakes up in the middle of the night hungry, surana joins him for a different kind of snack. word count: 4023. pairing: female surana x carver hawke. rating: e. warnings: nsfw, smut (see link for more details).
There were times when Carver hated being a Grey Warden. Sure, it was nice to finally be out of his brother’s big fat shadow, and protecting the world was a noble goal he could get behind. He had even come to terms with the corruption flowing through his veins, with the early death, with the nightmares plaguing his nights and the headaches that followed them. But this? This was infuriating! Waking up in the middle of the night was bad enough, waking up with an empty stomach was a bloody nightmare. After his joining, Stroud had told him the feeling would stop eventually, that he just had to go through a short period of adjustment. It was true, he had felt better. At least for a while. Every now and then, however, he would wake up with an intense craving for anything even remotely edible.
He walked with determination through the dark halls of the Vigil towards the kitchen. At this hour, everyone but a few guards was already sound asleep. The kitchen staff would not rise before a few hours when it would be time to prepare the residents’ breakfast. Carver couldn’t wait that long. He would have to help himself through the pantry then, hoping he would find something that wouldn’t require any preparations. He couldcook when he wanted to, mind you. But his churning stomach kept reminding him just how much in a hurry he was tonight.
He quickly found a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine to wash it all down. There was no leftover from supper. Not only did Grey Wardens eat a lot, but the Warden-Commander had given clear instructions not to waste any food. Leftovers were often divided among the servants or handed out to those in need.
Sitting down on a chair by the table, Carver took a small bite out of the bread. It was a little stale but still good enough to eat. He chewed slowly, careful not to take too much at once for fear of choking on his food. Surviving the Blight only to be killed by a lump of stale bread, that would be something his brother might laugh at.
[Read the rest on AO3]
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whereismywarden · 6 years
OTP Theme Songs
I was tagged by the lovely @no-id-no-person. Thank you so much!
Tagging anyone who wants to do it! (Idk who hasn’t already?)
Ana Surana x Alistair - Leah Nobel • Not Ready to Say Goodbye
I feel everything and nothing At the same time I'm weightless All that I love in a moment is gone I'm breaking
Oh, heaven knows I need this Oh, wake me up I'm dreaming Losing it all in the blink of an eye I'm not ready to say goodbye I'm not ready to say goodbye
Ana Surana x Carver - Fleurie • Constellate
Waking up after the storm I said Is there anybody left to search for Coming up from underground Is there any of me left to be found Oh it should've never come to this I wish that it never woulda come to this He said don't fear the emptiness Pain and love they coexist
He said Slow down slow down We're moving to a new sound We're spinning and we know now We survived and now we get to fly
Alwyn Hawke x Anders - The National • About Today
Hey, are you awake Yeah I'm right here Well can I ask you About today
How close am I To losing you
(more pairings under the cut)
Shaelyn Mahariel x Bethany - Calum Scott • You Are The Reason
If I could turn back the clock I'd make sure the light defeated the dark I'd spend every hour, of every day Keeping you safe
And I'd climb every mountain And swim every ocean Just to be with you And fix what I've broken Oh, 'cause I need you to see That you are the reason
Kallian Tabris x Alistair - You Me At Six • Take on the World
And it's the fight, and the fight of our lives You and I, we were made to thrive And I am your future, I am your past Never forget that we were built to last Step out of the shadows and into my life Silence the voices that haunt you inside
And just say the word, we'll take on the world And just say you're hurt, we'll face the worst Nobody knows you, the way that I know you Look in my eyes, I will never desert you And just say the word, we'll take on the world
Elaine Cousland x Sebastian (my secret new pairing) - PVRIS • You and I
I know it’s warmer where you are And it’s safer by your side But right now I can't be what you want Just give it time
And if you and I Can make it through the night And if you and I Can keep our love alive, we'll fight
Bonus: Ana x Ali (Second Chances AU) - The Airborne Toxic Event • The Storm
You walked right through the doorway You tell me you're here to stay And the worst is gone and back I'd holler, Had you been here this way And you knew it all along I wasn't happy all along And nobody at home had wanted me to just come home
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whereismywarden · 6 years
at the other’s place + missing the other - Carver/Ana
[Kissing Prompts]
I know you wanted the Sisters AU, but I’m offering you the next best thing: the Lothering AU 😀 in which the girls grew up in Lothering and were the Hawkes’ childhood friends. Also, I may have cheated a little with the “missing each other” part of the prompt, but whatever, I felt inspired ^^
The light was still shining through Ana’s bedroom window when Carver reached the Suranas’ home. Good, at least he wouldn’t have to wake her. Sleepy Ana was crankier than regular Ana, which was a complication he didn’t need. He threw a pebble at the window to grab her attention and waited. He was getting restless, ready to throw another rock, when it finally opened. Ana popped her head out and frowned down at him.
“What are you doing here?” she hissed.
“I came to see you,” he told her, his voice barely more than a whisper.
“Can I come in?”
Carver feared her mother might wake up. He had no desire to be chased out of the premises by an angry elven mage in the middle of the night. Not that he had any ill intentions toward any of her daughters, but Violette Surana had smacked his head with a broom on more than one occasion for trespassing after dark. It was better than having fireballs thrown at him, he supposed, but he would still prefer not to aggravate the matriarch of the Surana family.
He climbed the enormous apple tree standing by the window with dexterity and slipped into the room, the motion so familiar he almost acted on muscle memory alone. Ana shut the window behind him. Carver found himself distracted by her nightgown and how it hugged her body in a way that accentuated her soft curves. Raven hair, draped over her shoulders, framed her soft features. Her grey eyes shone in the candlelight as she looked at him quizzically. All of sudden, he wasn’t sure he wanted to skip town anymore.
“Why are you here, Carver?” she asked again in a more gentle tone.
“You didn’t come to my farewell party.” Ana looked away, fidgeting with the hem of her sleeves. “I was worried about you.”
“As you can see, I’m fine.”
“Then why didn’t you come?”
Out of all the people his family had invited to bid him farewell before he joined the army, she was the one who mattered the most. She was the one he would miss the most. The only one he wanted to spend his last night in Lothering with…
“I didn’t want to make things harder for you,” she murmured hoarsely, still looking down at her hands. “Or for myself.”
“What do you mean?”
A heavy silence fell into the room, their quick breaths the only sound filling the space between them. After a moment that seemed like an eternity to him, Ana raised her head to look him in the eyes. She stared at him as if her eyes could do the talking for her. When it became obvious it wasn’t working, Carver watched her climb onto a small nearby chair to be on his level. He was about to burst out laughing when she cupped his cheeks with her hands. Tilting her head forward, she brushed her lips tentatively against his as if waiting for his approval. His heart fluttered in his chest as he pressed his hands against the small of her back and pulled her into a deeper kiss. He had so often stared at those plush lips, wondering what they would feel like against his. It had never occurred to him that she might share the feeling. She would often flirt with other people, men and women both, when they hang out together in Dane’s Refuge. But not him. Never him. He was her best friend and he would have been content with that. Yet, he knew a friend would not have kissed him like this. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer until there was no space left between them. He could feel the strong beating of her heart against his chest, the warmth of her breath against his face, her hands grabbing his hair as if she could pull him even closer.
“I’m going to miss you terribly, Carver.”
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whereismywarden · 6 years
Broken Nights
Read on AO3 summary: five years after the end of the blight, what happened at kinloch hold still haunts surana's nights. (old fic) pairing: female surana x carver hawke (+ past surana/alistair mentioned). rating: t. warnings: nightmares, ptsd.
Surana’s eyes shot open in the dark. Heart pounding, she wondered for a few seconds where she was, if she was back in the tower, trapped in that cursed place for the rest of her life. She blinked twice, her vision slowly adjusting to the surrounding darkness. The ceiling above her looked familiar… The Vigil. She was at Vigil’s Keep, in her bed, safe. A nightmare, then. Nothing more than another stupid nightmare. She let out a deep breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. 
As she closed her eyes to go back to sleep, vivid images of her Circle friends lying in a river of blood came crashing down on her. Niall, Eadric… Daylen… It was just a nightmare, she kept repeating in her mind, a bad dream. It's not real. But it was real. They were truly gone. 
It had been five years since the Blight ended and yet, the memories were still fresh in her mind. She could still recall the rancid smell of the Tower, the walls covered with rotting flesh, the screams of her people being tortured, the sight of Cullen half mad after days of endless torment. She remembered Niall’s final goodbyes, ‘My mother said I was meant for greatness. I hope I haven't disappointed her.’ And the way Wynne’s face had fallen when she'd told Ana how Day had been amongst the firsts to die. Smug and nonchalant Daylen Amell who sacrificed his life protecting children. 
Uldred had paid for his crimes. Yet it was not enough. She kept thinking about how she could have saved them if only she had been there. ‘If you had been there,’ Alistair had told her at the time as they sat on the banks of Lake Calenhad, ‘you would have died too. And then who would be left to save the world from the Blight? Me? That's a scary thought.’ They had laughed at the idea. Alistair, who could barely make two steps without walking into a foothold trap, saving the world on his own? How preposterous! 
It wasn't funny anymore. 
Ana reached out a trembling hand to feel the presence of the broad figure lying next to her. His skin felt cool against hers, soothing. “Carver?” she called for him, her voice cracking with grief. 
She heard a small whimper as he awoke and felt him turn around awkwardly under the sheets. He wrapped his arms around her to hold her close, letting her head rest on his chest. “I'm here,” he murmured still half-asleep. “It's all right.” 
She held onto him tight, relieved that she didn't wake to an empty bed or worse, the blighted Deep Roads. He was real, he wasn't going to disappear. “I'm here,” he repeated in a comforting tone as if he could hear her thoughts. “Everything’s going to be fine. You’re safe.” He started gently caressing her back while whispering more calming words to her. Ana hadn't known such tenderness in years, not since Alistair had died. She felt a pang of guilt at the thought of what had happened on that fateful night and started sobbing uncontrollably when she remembered how she had failed to save him too, how her selfishness had led to his death. 
She let the tears flow down her cheeks and onto Carver’s naked chest. He ran his fingers through her tangled hair, brushing a few strands away from her sweaty face. If he was at all disturbed by all the unladylike fluids she was rubbing on him, he didn't show it. Instead, he was gentle and caring. He started humming what sounded like a lullaby, or perhaps a prayer. His brother used to do that, he had once told her, when he was little and he or their sister got scared at night. She thought it was a sweet gesture, even though it did little to soothe the pain in her chest that night. 
Ana decided to concentrate on her breathing, trying to match it to the pace of the slow rises of Carver’s chest. It was hard at first, even painful, every breath feeling like her ribcage was going to burst, but it did the trick and she slowly calmed down. Eventually, she felt her heart beat slower, her lungs stopped burning and the shakes of her body turned into a simple shiver. 
He kissed the top of her head. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked after she loosened her grip around him. 
“No, it's fine. I'm feeling better now.” Wiping her face with the sleeve of her nightshirt, Surana rose up to look at him. His deep blue eyes were filled with love and worry. Hers were still red and puffy, and she probably had a bit of snot clinging off her nose, but she tried to offer him a small reassuring smile nonetheless. 
He smiled back and cupped her face with his calloused hands, drying her wet cheeks with a brush of his fingers. “I love you, Ana. You know that, right?” 
She reached down to give him a tender kiss. “I love you too.”
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whereismywarden · 6 years
OC Interview meme
I was tagged by @myronmuse & @allmywardensaresafeandsound. Thank you guys!
Now tagging @no-id-no-person, @haloneshiral & @bethanypw if you guys feel like it :)
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Doing this for Surana, circa 9:44. She’s been hearing the Calling for some time now.
1. What is your name?
I’m Surana, but you may call me Ana if you wish.
2. What is your real name?
That’s the only name I’ve ever had, but if you know of any other “real name” I’d like to hear it.
3. Do you know why you were called that?
Listen, I was born in a Circle, and not just any Circle. No no no, I was born in Kirkwall. So odds are my parents didn’t name me and some Chantry prick had that privilege. I don’t know where “Surana” comes from, nor do I really care. But I sure hope that bitch Meredith wasn’t the one to give me that name...
4. Are you single or taken?
Taken every which way. Or at least I used to be. Now I’m just happy if I can rest my head on his lap for a little while.
5. Have any abilities or powers?
Well, I am one of the most powerful mages in Thedas, an accomplished Arcane Warrior and Battlemage. Oh, and let’s not forget the Grey Warden thing.
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
You’re right. I was a very powerful mage. But that was before that Grey Warden thing I just mentioned caught up to me. Thank you so much for reminding me.
7. What’s your eye color?
Light grey. Pretty dull if you asked me. Not even a real color. But I’ve sometimes heard so-called poets compare them to the moon or to freshly polished steel. My husband once said they looked like the sky before a storm. Pretty ironic considering his are the color of an actual sea storm.
8. How about your hair color?
Black. Nothing fancy here.
9. Have you any family members?
Well, being a Circle baby, I’ve never known my parents. And I have no idea if I have any other family left in this world. Probably not. All I have is a daughter, Neriah, who was born during my time in the Circle. Talk about History repeating itself!
I also adopted two big brothers while I was trapped in that damn tower, but... I’d rather not talk about them...
And of course, there’s my sweet husband, Carver.
10. Oh? What about pets?
I have my dear Rabbit by my side almost constantly these days. But in true Fereldans that we are, he’s not the only mabari in our household. There’s Carver’s dog, named Jevlan, after one of my favorite Hard in Hightown characters (I’m sure Varric is laughing about that somewhere). We have also adopted his brother’s dog, named Carver (yes, Hawke was funny that way). And we occasionally house our daughter’s when she visits us. She named her Bunny because she is Rabbit’s daughter.
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
That blasted song that’s been pounding at the back of my head like a hammer on a nail for the past few years!
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
I rather enjoy reading. I’ve had a lot of time on my hands for that lately. It keeps me from thinking about that song. Or at least it did, in the beginning.
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
Yes. I’m afraid that’s part of the job.
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
Again, part of the job.
15. What kind of animal are you?
I’ve been called ‘rabbit’ while growing up. I’ve named my dog Rabbit so that I can sick him on anyone who ever calls me that again.
16. Name your worst habits.
Running headfirst into danger. That’s one of the reasons Carver stopped going on Grey Warden missions with me. Said he didn’t want to have a heart attack every time we ran into an ogre.
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Not anymore, no.
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
I can feel attraction for anyone, but it hardly matters now.
19. Do you go to school?
I don’t know if the Circle could be called a school. At any rate, leaving that place was the best day of my life.
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
That question is pointless. I am married! I have a kid! Are you asking if I want to leave my husband for someone else? Never! As for having more children... That’s not on the table anymore...
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
I’ve started to introduce myself to people as just Ana to escape all that unwanted attention.
22. What are you most afraid of?
Losing more people. Losing everyone I’ve got left. Funny how I’ll actually be the next one to go. Or maybe not so funny after all.
23. What do you usually wear?
These days? Mostly loose fitting clothes. Some of them didn’t use to be so loose, though... I often wear a thick cloak to hide how thin I’ve gotten, and the red shawl Carver got me for my birthday years ago to hide my ugly face.
24. Do you love someone?
With all my heart and soul.
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
You don’t want to know the answer to that question, believe me.
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
Oh, joy... 
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
I might have been Arlessa of Amaranthine for a while, but I’m still a mage, an elf, and a Grey Warden. I’ll let you do the math.
28. How many friends do you have?
I don’t know... A lot of them are... gone... My family is all that matters these days.
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
Carver bakes the most delicious pies. It’s a family recipe I’m told.
30. Favourite drink?
If you’d asked me a few years ago, I would have answered strong dwarven ale. But I stopped drinking, so I’m not allowed to say that.
Tea is good though. I love tea.
31. What’s your favourite place?
Our little home. It isn’t much, but I’ve never had my own house before. I’m at peace here.
32. Are you interested in someone?
Yes... My husband.
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
Bold of you to assume I wear bras.
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
I’m not much of a swimmer. Oceans scare the shit out of me and lakes bring back too many bad memories.
35. What’s your type?
I didn’t think I had a type until Leliana pointed out I seemed to have a preference for strong warriors.
36. Any fetishes?
That’s between me and my husband. And whoever else cared to join us.
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
I was comfortable with anything, although I did love feeling the weight of my partner above me a great deal.
38. Camping or indoors?
After being cooped up in a dark tower for years, I really enjoyed the outdoors a lot. These days, however, I welcome the comfort of my bed more than ever.
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
Yes. Frankly, I’m getting rather tired of it.
40. Now it’s over!
Finally. I need to get some rest now if you’ll excuse me.
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whereismywarden · 6 years
Tongue) And no sentences like "she bit her tongue while thinking blah-blah"))
Since you already asked for this word once, I had half a mind to just send you to this post, you know ^^ But I’m feeling generous today, so here’s Ana and Carver getting down to business:
“Why don’t you try and take it back.” Getting up from his chair, Carver took a massive bite out of the apple and raised his hand just out of her reach. She tried to take it from him, but her small size made her efforts pointless. “You’re adorable,” he chuckled as she started making little jumps.
“I’ll show you adorable!”
Without any other warning, Ana grabbed his collar to pull him down to her level and crushed her lips against his. It took him a few seconds to comprehend the situation. It wasn’t an innocent kiss like they had shared on a few recent occasions. It was hot and lustful, the kind of kiss that sent fire through his entire body. He felt her tongue slowly tracing the outline of his mouth, tasting the apple juice on his breath. His lips parted and Carver found himself kissing her back with as much passion, completely forgetting the fruit’s simple existence.
A small whimper escaped his mouth when Ana pulled away, breaking their embrace. She looked at him with a smug smile on her face before raising her hand and sinking her teeth into the coveted fruit.
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whereismywarden · 6 years
13 (NSFW) for Ana/Carver because you've got me very curious!
Under the cut, because of slightly NSFW text.
13. Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How?
Ana is generally louder. Like, she can often be very loud. So naturally, the first time she initiated intercourse in camp, Carver voiced his concern. She told him that she could be quiet when she wanted to. Like Anders, this is something she had to do in the Circle in order to avoid getting caught. 
Anyway, she then asked Carver if he knew how to be quiet too and he took it as a challenge. They made a game of it. The first one to make a sound would lose. They spent the entire night doing it, and while there were fewer loud moans and groans than usual, they both lost a few rounds (and if you’re curious, Carver lost the very first one).
Nathaniel was livid. Especially since he caught them doing it in the Keep’s kitchens one night not too long before that.
[Ask me about my pairings]
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