#paint you wings
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roetrolls · 3 months ago
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Letting loose with a little trad doodling. Ilioneus squad :]
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disaarray · 19 days ago
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but there was a monster standing where you should be so I'll paint you wings, and I'll set you free
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jacqueillustrates · 4 months ago
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"Lightning cracks, so white it's almost blue, and I throw up my hand to shield my eyes as it strikes the iron chest as though drawn to it. Sparks shower the arena..." Chapter 42, Iron Flame
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bilaudad · 7 months ago
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wing stuff!
experimenting with a more cartoon style, idk what i'm doing loll
tagging: @goodomensafterdark <3
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sygneth · 1 year ago
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"The Fall of the Starmaker"
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meamiki · 3 months ago
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its true!!
the original. well link to knowyourmeme but yanno. wahoo !
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jimjamgem · 2 years ago
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Just an angel perusing his favourite record shop.
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moonwatcher3 · 7 months ago
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there’s a summary at the end btw
what if and hear me out here… Ruby is timid because @teethwitheyes101-blog was right about their head cannon and people look down on her for having the “weak fire” coloring? and so hear me out on this next one BUT. (scroll past the next picture)
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tourmaline has one of the stronger fire colors in scale indications that teeth with eyes has supplied us with, so that’s why she was the stronger daughter who was hold and brave, because also scarlet has the scale colors right in the middle of ruby and tourmaline, btw !!SPOILERS FOR ESCAPING PERIL!!, so closer to the end of the book when it’s discovered that Ruby is actually tourmaline with a spell over her earring maybe just maybe it was so that way none of Scarlets kids would be brave enough to challenge her? because if tourmaline had stronger fire than Scarlet, Scarlet would be aware of the fact tourmaline would have much more strength than Scarlet did, so she killed the original Ruby and then the spell on the earring made “Ruby” believe she had never been any other dragon but Ruby, that way Scarlet did not have to die from her stronger daughter before she got the chance to be queen for the rest of her life and “Ruby” thought she was too weak to challenge her mom, so she lived obediently, then we break into the point when scarlet and “Ruby” are about to fight over who gets to be queen “Ruby” isn’t willing to do assuming she would never win, but as SOON as she gets to be Tourmaline again she’s confident in her strength and beats Scarlet resulting in the evil queens death, just think about it! Scarlet had an animus at the time when she had that earring made and she had two daughters one of which could have very well been able to kill her! and scarlet had already shown a willing to kill her kids, so with her last two kids what if she was so power hungry that she decided to off her weakest of the two then make the strong one believe she was weak rather than just having someone kill Tourmaline for her? also clearly Scarlet has a way powerful ego so she most likely would literally never been willing to hire an assassin rather than do the dirty work herself! also! she would want to kill her much stronger daughter while making a spectacle of it, she would want everyone to see it, but she couldn’t do that if she had a definite disadvantage! so as a summary, scarlet totally killed the real ruby because she was weak, made tourmaline (who is much stronger fire) believe that she WAS ruby for her whole life so that scarlet could be queen even longer!
this is long and possibly a yap sesh BUT i was looking for cool WOF aus to read through and teeth with eyes’ art came up making me think of the leaked pictures of the escaping peril graphic novel and how Ruby is darker in color than everyone imagined which gave me this whole thing that ive typed out :3 tbh i was originally looking for motivation to write my own AU but then this happened 😅 but this is so much more fun bro
apologies for the yapping but no one irl that i know likes wof like i do so you guys get to suffer my ideas 😭
also thank you teethwitheyes101! I didn’t want to tag you multiple times in one post but i did tag you because i do not want to look like i’m trying to steal art, and i did my best to crop the picture with your user, i hope you aren’t upset at me for putting your art in my post, if you are lmk!!
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fluentisonus · 1 year ago
relatedly i'm not entirely willing to let go of the reading of tolkien as environmental, like i think there's a lot to be said for it i really like & would stand by. but at the same time i do think some of that reading has to be tempered with an understanding of how anti-industrialism can very much lead to or go hand in hand with a sort of idealization of pre-industrial (particularly rural) life in a way that's both ultimately conservative and overlooks a lot of issues, particularly to do with class. if that makes sense
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curoopeez · 2 months ago
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This is my @dreblrsecretsanta gift to @rainystressed247 who asked for immortal emerald duo adopting a newly immortal Dream.
I hope you like it, I loved making this gift so much I couldn't wait to share it.
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isbergillustration · 1 year ago
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highladyofterrasen7 · 11 days ago
2023 me: I will never forgive dain he’s such a whiny bitch
2025 me: well he got a redemption and is likeable now
2023 me: what an odd thing to say
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lennadanvers · 4 months ago
Hiii, what about Eddie dressing up as a jock for Halloween? Covering up all his tattoos, finding a short brown wig, wearing jeans without any rips and a varsity jacket?
And when people ask about it, he just tells them "monsters are everyday people" or some shit like that.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months ago
Prompt 299
Hear me out- Ghosts have wings. They have wings, which are affected by their cores, and can make them disappear from sight if they want or need to. You got that? Good. 
Ecto-contaminated people? Don’t have wings. Liminals and Halfas, who have developed cores? Do have wings, and they can’t hide said wings, because unlike ghosts? Their bodies are physical living flesh. 
Now Gotham? Ecto-contaminated, there’s no doubt about it. The amount of portals that have been opened there and death pits and death cults… yeah it’d be surprising if it wasn’t. But again, no one really notices, because at most? Most just get a bit of eyeshine. 
The Bats however? Oh man are they freaking out when they wake up with aches in their back and feathers starting to poke through their skin. Curse? Nope! Welcome to Liminality, enjoy the second puberty of wings, emotion-sharing, fangs, claws, and whatever else you might develop- also enjoy the whole eating fear thing. (Wait, the what-)
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bitegore · 20 days ago
if you're an egotistical artist, you should use alt text.
hear me out. you want to show people your art, right? you want them to see the important details, the shit they should be blown away with... right? so they know how to compliment you and what they should be focusing on, no? and you want everyone to see it?
put a description in the alt text.
not just "my oc standing in front of a background" no get descriptive after you say that. focus on that shit you put in there. "a woman with beautiful eyes and an ornate hammer" better. what'd you spend three hours detailing? "wearing a shirt with an ornate lace pattern" better! what are you aiming for? "it looks like a classical portrait" THERE.
and having the alt text button means people who can see might click on it too. and then be like "wow i didn't notice half of these details". its true. happens to me pretty often. half the time they're like "this owns, omg, you guys should look at the alt text" because i did a good job describing it and there's details even they didn't catch until they read it and looked back over it.
if you like when people stroke the hell out of your ego and catch all the cool things in your art. and you want everyone to see your art. put some alt text on that thing. for serious.
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deathsmallcaps · 17 days ago
Captain America: Brave New World (CABNW) analysis
This movie is all about themes of rehabilitation, hope, and not allowing your past to define your future.
Sam is redefining the mantle of the shield, and reclaiming his independence. Since reaching adulthood, he has worked as part of the military, or in a major team, and always besides super powered people (not that he was the only regular human in the Avengers, but you know). And now Sam gets to herald a new age of modern values of rehabilitation.
Steve was also a man of hope, but he (as a white man) fought the Other: fascists and aliens. AKA, unredeemables (in the short term) and nonhumans. He was from WWII; while the full truth of the matter is that the USA did not join the war out of altruism and a wish to save oppressed peoples, I personally feel glad that the USA was able to help out in those matters. I feel our part in the war was justified when it came to stopping multiple genocides. Many people also feel this way, and hold WWII up as this bastion of ‘justified’ wars. Many feel it’s okay that Americans went to Germany and Japan and started killing people, because they were doing it first.
Same thing with alien invasion storylines. I love Steve, but the only person he is MCU-canonically pursuing rehabilitation for is Bucky. He has different values as both a survivor of WWII, a witness to the explosive growth of fascism in the early 1900s, and a white man. Sure, Steve grew up disabled and Irish(-American) in the early 1900s, but he was also a blue eyed blond haired American man who shows no trace of an Irish identity on screen. Steve is a hopeful, principled and angry man.
Meanwhile, Sam grew up being othered as a Black child and then man, joined a war that was never justifiable (never confirmed what war he was in but no war the USA has perpetuated in the 2000s, if not even earlier, has been justifiable), and then continually had to be an examplar wherever he went. Except for possibly War Machine (I’m not sure where he fits in), Sam was the ONLY Avenger of Color. Ever. (And the only one from a more rural area)
And yet Sam always chooses hope and kindness. He has it rough - as the only Avenger of Color, he had to always choose others needs over his own. He and Isaiah Bradley (another person restored by Sam’s rehabilitative justice <3) discuss the weight of that. Bradley points out time and time again that Sam doesn’t owe the world his kindness, his willingness to be a hero, his health and well-being. After all, Bradley got fucked over for doing the right thing, a Steve-type thing, in a Black body. But Sam decides to push on anyway.
I’m not saying Sam isn’t angry. He deserves to feel angry, he has as much right to the emotion as any other human being. But every single goddamn time he can, he chooses to be kind. He chooses to believe that people can find worth again. And that takes a strength of will that is frankly insane. PLUS he does it without a consistently optimized body.
And he chooses to be kind to Ross, of all people. Ross, who is clearly trying to be a changed man in the events of the film - but still a man who imprisons innocents and whose first instinct is to pick fights with nations who own nuclear weapons.
But Sam still reaches out to him. Still helps Ross meet Betty while Ross is in prison. Is the better man, every goddamn time.
Hell, they even represent what changes Sam could herald for the fate of the United States, and even the world, visually. In Ross’s panic as the Red Hulk, he destroys the White House*, a symbol built by slave labor. And under Sam’s tenure as Captain America, it will be rebuilt - along with what a hopefully better United States of America.
I love Sam Wilson, and I am SO excited to see his future as Captain America.
*and possibly also the Washington Memorial? I know he goes by but the detail slipped my mind. It also was built with slave labor. Some might quibble and try to claim that the obelisk was built by skilled stonemasons, but many many many enslaved people were extremely skilled laborers. So there is a huge chance that the stonemasons were enslaved. And even if they used completely white/free Black stonemasons, the quarried stone was mined by enslaved people. So yes, it was built by slave labor.
(Also I think it’s cool that Sam’s getting his own villains like Serpent and Leila Taylor made an appearance? She was basically his only canon love interest EVER**, and she hasn’t appeared since the 1970s. I think it’s still possible that he might be given a male LI or they just never pursue that angle of the character, but at least she and Sam have a relationship built on at least some respect and personal chemistry. Unlike Steven and Sharon.
Personally I’m more of a fan of Samsteve or even SamJoaquin than SamBucky, but that’s just mostly because while he’s grown on me in the last few years, I’m not really a Bucky fan. Samsteve probably won’t happen because of the stupid time travel thing (though who’s to say they didn’t at least have a fling? Plz?) but SamJoaquin could happen! I wasn’t sold on Joaquin right away - his sunny personality was tripping my betrayal alarms in my movie expectations brain - but I am glad to be wrong. I’m excited to see him as Falcon again once he heals up!
**There was a werewolf princess lady? But she literally never came back. Which disappoints me because I thought she was funny (I read her issue) and really unique. She was human but had a device to specifically control werewolves? And they do exist in the MCU, thanks to Werewolf by Night…
I LOVED the dogfight scene. Great body work on Anthony Mackie’s part, interesting background, awesome moves (cutting through a plane with a wing? Punching and pulling a pilot out of their plane and letting the rest of it just fall?? Sam and Joaquin together???) and fucking BOMBSURFING
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