canonicallysoulmates · 10 months
J2 Jaxcon Gold Panel 2023
How has working with women in the SPN group of actors affected them in a male-dominated society?
One of the things Jared is very proud of, and thinks SPN did very well, is that it pointed out how strong you are and can be no matter what you look like, your gender, or your sexuality. So, having done the show from age 22 to 38 it was awesome, not just in the way the characters were written but to meet people like Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Felicia Day,  G, and D. He adds that being on a set, male or female or however you wanna identify as, it’s difficult. It’s not that they all go play pretend and then it’s lollipops and candy canes, it’s shitty hours. He shares a story about how when they were filming Bugs it was raining torrentially, and they were filming outside and Kim Manners, who was directing, gave them umbrellas.
But the next day the dailies went to Kripke and told him that Sam and Dean hunt what goes bump in the night they don’t use umbrellas so for the next 14yrs no matter rain or shine, sun or snow, they didn’t use umbrellas. They got used to it but when they would have someone over for an ep or more they would be ask, “why don’t you have umbrellas?” and he'd tell them to ask Kripke. He’ll speak for both he and Jensen, the way they were raised with strong women in their family, mothers, and sisters they never doubted the strength of women and furthermore having seen their wives go through childbirth it becomes very clear they (men) are the weaker sex. And that it was an honor to work with amazing people.
Jensen says Jared is right, and he will say the set they worked on was on for so many years that it didn’t matter who walked through the door, where they were from, what they looked like, how they identified or any of that stuff because they were already part of the team. They got to play together and create together, and some people rose above others and those are largely the ones you see on con stages. Guys and girls, and the ones who stick around, and still speak about this do so for a reason, it didn't matter if it was a male-dominated show or a male-dominated society, it wasn’t something they necessarily noticed they just saw a teammate coming on to set and they got to play, and some were really fun to play with and they're still doing it today. x
How many seagulls would they have to find in their house before they started getting suspicious that someone was putting them there?
Jared says one. He lives inland in Texas, he hasn’t seen a seagull in 38yrs.
Jensen says 14 cause if it's a flock of seagulls, like 6 or 12 of them, if the door was open maybe they could have gotten in but if there's 14 somebody is up to something. x
Next fan has two questions: Did they enjoy their whiskey? And does Jensen have a favorite song of his? Whether it's a collab he's done or something with Radio Company.
The question about the whiskey is because the fan had gifted them like a seven-gallon Canadian Club Whiskey which Jared says they had not tried just yet. 
As for Jensen's favorite song first, he says he doesn't know but then one of the fans mentions Angeles and he says that he likes Angeles because he thinks that’s probably the first time he put himself out there in that way which was a little scary but he had some good encouragement from some good friends so it does hold a special place for him.
Jared says remembers that day vividly because Jensen did that on set in the same place they would do their voiceover. Jensen explains that Don Painchaud their sound mixer on set had a soundproof truck that they would do their voice-over recording in while filming so they’d be on set, take a break, and hop over to do voice-over work for an episode that was previously filmed. So Jensen told him he had a buddy coming over and they were looking to lay down some vocal tracks for a song and asked if they could do that in the truck and Don agreed, and also got them a fancy vintage recording mic and set it up because he's an avid collector of vintage mics. 
Jared asks Jensen if he remembers who filmed the scenes inside the truck and Jensen says 'you'. This is such a cute moment, it's clear they both have a soft spot for this song and music video.
Jared says it was a small space and if you even breathed it picks it up because it picks up everything so he’s trying to do cool shit but his keys are jingling in his pocket- Jensen says Jared is effectively a moose in a china shop. x
Have they had any supernatural experiences themselves?
Jared tells a story about how when he and G went to Edinburgh a couple of weeks back they were staying in a refurnished castle and their room was haunted. While they were unpacking G went 'I think our room is haunted', and he replied that he knew; they went out to dinner, came back and the curtains were opening and closing, lights were turning on and off, the bathroom light started leaking water so they’re in bed, and Jared says out loud 'hey we see you, we hear you, we know you're here, can we talk tomorrow?' and it all stopped until the next day. 
Jensen says their house in Austin was built in 1920 and they’ve been doing some refurnishing and remodeling and stuff with it, and they had some of the workers quit on the job without saying why, the project manager said they had to do some work on another project but then they found out they had seen some things on the third floor. In the 50s it used to be a multi-unit and there was an apartment on the third floor so they had reportedly seen something or someone. He says D got a medium to come over, he was out of town, but allegedly the medium went over and when she went to the third floor she said that there was bad energy and that's where he had hurt her. He starts to say something about the drywall being down to the studs but immediately after he says the word studs he tells Jared 'don't say it' because he knew Jared was going to jump on the chance to make a joke and he was right 😂
Anyway, the medium makes this rice mixture and she does some incantations and they put the whole thing down on the porch and it's supposed to make the spirits leave the house. The next day it was all gone. x
If they had one song they could listen to over and over again for the rest of their life, no other music, what would it be?
Jared says it probably changes on a semi-regular basis but he’s gonna go with Hey Jude. Jensen says Stairway because there's so much going on it's an epic tune. x
Were there ever discussions about doing a Bobby and Rufus spinoff?
Jared says he would watch that. 
Jensen answers he thinks there were discussions of doing something but he doesn’t know if it was a full spinoff or adding another story arc to focus on them but a lot of ideas got tossed around. 
Jared says much to the credit of the writer's part of wonderful storytelling is everybody gets to imagine what happens when the cameras aren’t rolling. That’s one of the magic parts of this 15-year journey he and Jensen went through is we all get to imagine what it's like when we don't see the characters for a while; but if Jim Beaver and Steven Williams decide to share a screen together he's tuning in. x
What would be their favorite skittle flavor?
There is context behind this question, the reason for it is due to Jensen’s Soldier Boy cameo in The Boy’s spinoff Gen V.....I'm gonna let y'all look that one up.
Jared answers musk....you know if you keep the reference in mind....I'm not gonna say anything I'm just gonna raise my eyebrow and move on 🤨
Jared's explanation for his answer is that it'd be like the Harry Potter jellybeans. I say this with affection, Jared you are into some freaky shit cause musk, musk would be your favorite flavor...not even scent, flavor....
Jensen says he’ll be honest there's not a specific flavor but the wildberry Skittles pack beats them all. x
J2 Gold Panel Jaxcon '23
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eisforeidolon · 11 months
Question: Enjoy your whiskey?
Jared: Uh, not yet. Thank you for asking. Canadian Club? Yeah, I've had it before, thank you so much it was exciting. She gifted us a, like, seven gallon bottle of Canadian Club yesterday. We have not tried it just yet, but I think I remember what it tastes like -
Jensen: [whispers into mic] I drank it last night.
Jared: [fake outrage] You what?!
Question: That is why he didn't sing last night, y'all. Sorry.
Jensen: Yeah, I was in the business end of a Canadian - [Jared makes A Face] bottle of whiskey.
Jared: You paused at the wrong time!
Jensen: I did.
Jared: You said, I was at the business end of a Canadian ... [rushed and emphatic] bottle of whiskey!
Jensen: [???]
Jared: Grammar is important! Yes, of course.
Question: My question is, it's more for Jensen, but feel free to answer, Jared. Of all the music that has been released that you've been a part of, Radio Company, any collabs you've done? Do you have a favorite song of yours?
Jared: That's yours.
Jensen: Favorite song of mine?
Question: That you sang, Louden Swain, Jason Manns, Radio Company, just Steve Carlson -
Jensen: Oh, oh, oh. Uh ... I dunno.
Audience member: Angeles!
Jensen: Yeah, I like Angeles because I think that was probably the first time that I, like put myself out there [Jared nods] in that way, which was, y'know, a little scary, but I had some good, I had some good encouragement from some good friends to do so. So I'd say that one kind of holds a special place for me.
Jared: I remember that day vividly.
Jensen: When we - on set?
Jared: I remember that day vividly.
Jensen: 'Cause I did that on set.
Jared: On set, same place we did our, uh, voice over, the sound truck.
Jensen: Don Painchaud who was our sound mixer on set for all 15 seasons had a soundproof truck that we would go and do our voice over recordings while we were filming. So we'd be on set and hen we'd take a break and then he and I would hop in there and do voice over work for an episode that we had previously filmed. And I had asked him, I was like, hey - he is also an avid collector of like vintage microphones. And I said, hey I got a buddy coming up here, we're looking to lay down some vocal tracks for a song. Could we do that in the truck? And he's like, oh, yes! And he's like I'm gonna go home this weekend and I'm gonna get a couple of my mics like [mic names] or whatever, some fancy, like vintage vocal recording mic. And he brought it in and he set it up and we actually did it while we were - while I was filming. And so yeah.
Jared: Do you remember who filmed behind the scenes inside the truck?
Jensen: You.
Jared: Yep!
Jensen: [laughs] Yeah, there's some shots from the -
Jared: Inside of it.
Jensen: music video where, yeah, Jared's actually got the camera and he's like [mimes panning a camera] doing this, gettin Steve and I.
Jared: And the inside of a sound truck that's basically the back of a U-Haul, with all the little -
Jensen: Like not much bigger than this drum set. You can't fit a whole lot of things in there.
Jared: And also, if you go like this [inhales], it picks it up. It picks up everything.
Jensen: You have to be completely silent.
Jared: So I'm trying to do cool shit, but my keys are jangling in my pocket and he's like gotta go again. And I'm like sorry, like throwing keys down.
Jensen: Yeah, Jared is effectively a moose in a china shop.
Jared: I would not get hired as a ninja. Though I like to pretend I would be. [Jensen laughs] That was a great day, yeah. Thank you for your question and thank you for the Canadian Club -
Jensen: It was delicious.
Jared: I hope that there's some left that I can try.
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anothergraphicdotorg · 4 months
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Robber Captured, Second Escapes After Attempted Daylight Holdup,” Winnipeg Tribune. November 17, 1932. Page 1. ---- Fugitive Fires Four Shots in Air to Halt Pursuit By Crowd ---- Miss Kathleen Carroll Attacked on Way to Bank to Deposit $1,196 Cash and Cheques -  All But $200 Recovered By Passersby - Third Accomplice Hunted. --- One gunman was captured and a second made his escape, after firing four shots into the air to frighten pursuers, in a daring attempted daylight holdup on Notre Dame ave., shortly before noon today.
A gunman attacked Miss Kathleen Carroll, cashier of the Metropolitan Life Assurance Co., as she was on her way to a bank to deposit $1,196 in cash and cheque. All but $200 of the money was recovered by passerby who helped the frustrate the holdup.
Miss Carroll was unharmed, but is in a highly nervous condition as a result of her experience.
Two Accomplices HuntedPolice today are hunting the would-be robber who escaped and another accomplice whom they believe remained in an automobile parked in the lane.
John Alexander, alias Seeley, one of the two would-be robbers and known to police as a narcotic attacked Miss Carroll and snatched the money she was carrying near the Troaedero hotel, adjoining the lane off Notre Dame ave. Attracted by the girl's cries, Ernest Graham of the Immigration Hall, and Murdo Sutherland, 634 Sherbrooke st., overpowered Alexander and held him until police arrived. Gus Lacey, 714 Logan ave., also assisted in capture of the gunman.
Fire Four Shots Alexander's accomplice suddenly appeared from the lane while the passersby crowded around the girl in the scuffle for the money. He fired four shots blindly to scare those attacking his partner. Seeing that he was outnumbered, he dashed back into the lane and escaped west in a blue Ford sedan believed to have belonged to Alexander.
Police expect the of Alex ander's accomplice within a few hours.
Of the four shots one shattered the glass over the entrance in the Winnipeg Electric building across the street and another through an office window in the same building. A third was fired into the Trocadero hotel.
No one was injured.
Girl Victim Screams Miss McDermot, 803 McDermot ave., accompanied by Martha Painchaud, of 686 College st., St. Boniface, was on her way to the bank to make the dally deposit when she was accosted by Alexander, who demanded the money. Miss Carroll, screamed, and in the struggle, fell to the sidewalk. For a moment passersby were unaware that a robbery had taken place. Picture caption: PLUCKY CITIZENS FRUSTRATE HOLDUP MEN Despite the efforts of an accomplice to scare the crowd away by shooting wildly four times, John Alexander was captured in an attempted holdup of Miss Kathleen Carroll on Notre Dame ave. near the Trocadero hotel before noon today. Of the $1,196 carried by Miss Carroll for deposit in the bank, all but $200 was recovered by passerby. The photograph shows the glass over the entrance to the Winnipeg Electric building pierced by one of the accomplice's shots. Inset is Ernest Graham, one of the passerby, who overpowered Alexander and held him until the police arrived. Upper right is Murdo Sutherland, who also helped overpower the robber.
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castmere · 6 months
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bdsmsub67 · 8 months
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WHO: Pierre Painchaud
WHAT: Emporio Armani, Giorgio Armani
WHERE: Milan, Italy
WHEN: Milan Men's Fashion Week, Fall/Winter 2023/2024, Fall/Winter 2023/2024
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selbstparadies · 8 months
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Pierre Painchaud
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This is 47
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-iqjcr-1515042 Episode 1: This is 47 Welcome to Mind Game – a podcast to Level Up Your Life.  Join me as we go behind the scenes of Mind Game with host Stephanie Painchaud to learn how the podcast came to be, what future episodes will include and hear about a few of my favourite authors.  Learn how to get out of your own way so you can level up your…
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toutmontbeliard-com · 10 months
Cérémonie en l’honneur des médaillés de Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération 2023
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Ce jeudi 23 novembre 2023 a eu lieu la cérémonie des médaillés 2023 au siège de Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération (PMA) en présence de Charles Demouge (Président de PMA), Aline Pellet (Directrice Générale des Services), Pierre-Aimé Girardot (Vice-Président en charge de la commission Ressources) et de Laurence Devaux (conseillère déléguée Ressources Humaines). Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération a ainsi récompensé 19 récipiendaires. Médaille d’honneur ARGENT Louis-Philippe LEHMANN, Direction Collecte et Traitement des déchets Lionel PLUMEZ, Direction Collecte et Traitement des déchets Mauricette SCHOWB, Direction Bâtiments et Patrimoine Sylvie VIAULT, Conservatoire de musique, de danse et d’art dramatique Laëtitia CRISINEL HOLLARD, Direction du cycle de l’eau Florence MINY, Direction de l’Habitat et de la Rénovation énergétique Isabelle OUDIN THOCKLER, Direction de l’Habitat et de la Rénovation énergétique Thierry PERROUT, Conservatoire de musique, de danse et d’art dramatique Patricia MICHEL, Direction des Systèmes d’Information et de Communication Isabelle PAILLARD, Direction des Ressources Humaines Jordan LECONTE, Direction Mobilité Infrastructures et Voirie Patrice PAINCHAUD, Direction Mobilité Infrastructures et Voirie Dominique VOIDEY, Direction des Systèmes d’Information et de Communication Tassadit TAHAROUNT, Direction Collecte et Traitement des déchets Marc LECULIER, Direction Collecte et Traitement des déchets Didier DOLIVIER, Direction Collecte et Traitement des déchets Médaille d’honneur VERMEIL Pascaline LOOS, Direction de la Communication Médaille d’honneur OR Soraya DAOUDI, Direction Générale des Services Abdelhamid GHERABI, Direction de l'Urbanisme. Read the full article
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axemantv · 11 months
CitizenCon 2953 | Living On The Edge
Wir befassen uns mit den Lebensbedingungen und Umgebungen von Gesetzlosen und Siedlern, die versuchen, sich eine Existenz jenseits der Sicherheit der UEE, Megakonzerne und anderer Grenzen der Gesellschaft des 30. Jahrhunderts aufzubauen. – Leben am Rande mit Kaan Cakir, Lead Level Designer – Ideenfindung, Blockierung und abschließende Erzählung, Visuals und Gameplay – Lebensbedingungen und Umgebungen von Gesetzlosen und Siedlern in Pyro mit Eddie Hilditch, stellvertretender Art Director für Umwelt – Neue verlassene Siedlungen mit Nicolas Painchaud, stellvertretender Art Director für Umwelt – Pyro-Rastplätze mit Adam Sanders, Lead Environment Artist 
 #CitizenCon #StarCitizen #Axeman #AxemanTV #AxemanMovies #AxeProductions #TheLastDivision
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amberfaber40 · 2 years
Free Seven Continents Printables
Free Seven Continents Printables
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From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, via a world of pain.
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Free Printable Country Fact Sheet For An Easy Geography Lesson - Layers of Learning
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World Map
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Global Geography Worksheets 4 Latitude | PDF | Latitude | Equator
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Vintage World Globe
A finely designed world globe with intricate details and geography. Classic spinning globe with metal stand that is more durable and great for office, study room, kid's bedroom, and classroom desktop decoration. It will also make a great gift for your relative and friends. Globe Diameter:14cm/5.52inch Base Diameter:11.5cm/4.53inch
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School Notebook - Geography
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Home » Printables » Free Seven Continents Printables Published April 20, 2022 | Updated March 8, 2022 | By Heather Painchaud | 4 Comments Share Twitter These free seven continents printables are a great way to discover and learn about the continents of the world. Download and print these work sheets for hours of learning fun!Too busy to print these right away?! Pin them for later! Pin this post to your favorite printables board on Pinterest and it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.Use these continent printables to teach children about all of the continents of the world.Free Continent Printables:Each of these free printable maps can be saved directly to your computer by right clicking on the image and selecting “save”. Or you can download the complete package of PDF files at the bottom of this post.Each of these work sheets can be used in a fun way to create an easy poster or art project. Color and glue the map to a piece of construction paper for a more durable sign.It’s easy to download, print and color these designs. The hard part for me would be choosing what to color with…. markers, pencils crayons, or watercolor pencil crayons?!Fun ways to use printable worksheets:Create a coloring and activity book  Paint the printable, frame it and give to a friend Complete the activities solo or with family Print the activity sheets and laminate them so that they can be reused Use them as a fun activity at your next party or event  This post contains affiliate links.Essentials for printable projects:We love using this Canon Wireless Printer for perfect printing every time. These duotang folders are ideal for creating activity books. This Scotch Thermal Laminator is the one we use and it works great. These stackable storage containers are awesome for keeping everything organized. Using printables is a simple way for young children to learn about our world. Add them to your lesson plans!Enter your name and email below to get an instant download of the files! You are then registered for my weekly email Newsletter that is full of fun recipes, easy crafts and free printables.File usage:All digital files on Homemade Heather are for personal use only. Please direct others to the original website link when sharing. Digital reselling, resharing or distribution is prohibited and NOT allowed. If you love these free seven continent printables, please help me share them on Facebook and Pinterest so that others can enjoy them too! Happy Earth Day!Be sure to check out our giant Printable Library for more great resources! Share Twitter Filed Under: Activity Packs, Printables Hello, I’m Heather! I'm an active mom of twin boys who is always looking for opportunities to inspire creativity through fun crafts, do-it-yourself projects and delicious recipes. This blog has been an integral part of supporting my little family and I am so grateful to have you become a part of our journey! Let's create together... Read more...
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kindafondawanda · 2 years
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jean francois painchaud
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yiting19901108 · 6 years
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上海春搭X牛仔連身褲X黑短靴 #painchaud #painchaudshanghai #上海法租界 #法租界 #早午餐 #甜點 #shanghai #friday #fun #instagood #coffee #ootd #fashion #style #tgif #like4like #follow #trip #travel#food #food #likeforlike #ootd #ootdfashion #hconnect #korean @cosmopolitan_tw @bobbibrown (在 Pain Chaud)
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spnsmile · 3 years
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He saved everything he recorded on the show (x)
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minhamemoriasuja · 3 years
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Pierre Painchaud & Gabriel Faye Photographed by: Alan Marty
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This is 47
https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-iqjcr-1515042 Episode 1: This is 47 Welcome to Mind Game – a podcast to Level Up Your Life.  Join me as we go behind the scenes of Mind Game with host Stephanie Painchaud to learn how the podcast came to be, what future episodes will include and hear about a few of my favourite authors.  Learn how to get out of your own way so you can level up your…
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