#paige’s coloring book
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overgrown-gardenpalace · 2 months ago
Anya Talksprites!
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If you use these talksprites, PLEASE credit me and link to this post! DO NOT edit my talksprites either!
I used Aranea Serket as a base! And got them from here!
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oraoraoracleofdilphi · 10 months ago
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sweetheart :3
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caitified · 3 months ago
Hi can you please try to do Paige x reader wife. Where in they both want to have kids so they do IVF and after a year of trying reader is finally pregnant and Paige is so thrilled. Also, can it please be like first trim, second trim, and last trim until she gives birth? I hope you try this one out please. Thank you so much! And I just want to say how I love your witting!🩷
paige bueckers x reader
warnings:none, this will be the start of my new paige family series! feel free to drop ideas in my inbox. hope this is ok for you, i can into more detail if you’d like!
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the first time you see the positive pregnancy test, you don’t believe it. after months of negative results, doctors’ appointments, and so many nights spent comforting each other when it felt like nothing was working, it doesn’t feel real.
but it is.
you call paige into the bathroom, your hands trembling as you hold the stick. “paige,” you whisper, your voice breaking.
she looks at you, confused for a second, before her eyes fall on the test. when she sees the two pink lines, her face lights up like you’ve never seen before.
“oh my god,” she breathes, taking the test from your hands and staring at it, her lips curving into a shaky smile.
“it’s happening,” you whisper, tears spilling down your cheeks.
paige pulls you into a tight hug, burying her face in your neck. “we’re having a baby,” she murmurs, her voice thick with emotion.
the first trimester is a mix of excitement and nerves. paige is constantly hovering, making sure you’re eating enough, resting enough, and not lifting anything heavier than a pillow.
“babe, i can carry the groceries,” you laugh one afternoon as she insists on hauling every single bag into the house.
“not a chance,” she replies, grinning. “our baby’s in there, and i’m not taking any risks.”
she spends hours reading parenting books, bookmarking baby names on her phone, and talking to your growing belly even when it’s too early for the baby to hear.
“hi, little one,” she whispers one night, her hand resting gently on your stomach as you lie in bed. “it’s me, your mama. i can’t wait to meet you.”
you can’t help but fall more in love with her every day.
by the second trimester, your bump has started to show, and paige is obsessed.
“look at you,” she says one morning, her hands gently cupping your belly as you get dressed. “you’re glowing.”
“i’m sweating,” you reply, rolling your eyes, but her grin is contagious.
she goes with you to every doctor’s appointment, holding your hand during the ultrasounds and tearing up when you hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time.
“that’s our baby,” she whispers, her voice full of wonder.
she also becomes extremely protective. when a random person at the grocery store tries to touch your belly, paige steps in with a polite but firm, “please don’t.”
“you’re like a guard dog,” you tease later, and she shrugs, unapologetic.
“i’m just taking care of my girls,” she says, pressing a kiss to your temple.
the third trimester is harder. your back aches, your feet are swollen, and you’re more exhausted than ever. but paige is there for you through it all, rubbing your feet at night, running out to get your weird cravings, and reminding you how beautiful you are even when you don’t feel like it.
“you’re amazing,” she says one night as she helps you settle into bed, her hand resting on your belly. “i don’t know how you’re doing this.”
“because i have you,” you reply, your heart swelling as she leans down to kiss you softly.
she’s the one who sets up the nursery, carefully assembling the crib and decorating the walls with soft colors and tiny basketball decals.
“our kid’s going to be a baller,” she says proudly, and you laugh, knowing she’s probably right.
when the contractions finally start, paige is a mix of nerves and excitement. she holds your hand the entire time, whispering words of encouragement and brushing your hair out of your face.
“you’re doing so good, baby,” she murmurs, her voice steady even though you can see the tears in her eyes. “i’m so proud of you.”
and when your baby is finally born—a tiny, perfect girl—paige is the first to hold her, her hands trembling as she cradles your daughter against her chest.
“she’s perfect,” paige whispers, tears streaming down her face as she looks at you. “thank you. thank you for her.”
you smile, exhausted but so full of love, watching as paige presses a gentle kiss to your daughter’s forehead.
“we did it,” you say softly, and paige nods, her eyes never leaving your baby.
“yeah,” she whispers, her voice full of awe. “we did.”
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luvergirl-866 · 3 months ago
something like love
part - 7
pairing - paige bueckers x azzi fudd
word count - 10.7k
c/w - language, drinking/smoking, smut
a/n - took me five days but here’s your long chapter!! i really hope this lives up to your expectations! as always lmk how u feel and live react plsss!!! (also, this is completely unedited and i wrote parts while high. as usual. i will come back to edit later 🙂‍↕️)
There are a lot of things you can learn about somebody in ten years. There are the basics, of course: Their favorite color, and whether it changes every few weeks. Their middle name, and whether they like it. Their childhood stuffed animal, and whether they keep it hidden in a closet.
Then, as you go from knowing each other for one month to one year, and one year to five, you learn other things. You learn about their relationship with intimacy. You learn about why they occasionally stare into space for minutes on end, mind somewhere far away even though they make such an effort to stay close to you. You learn how to ask the right questions in order to crack their shell just enough that they open up to you without breaking.
Azzi knows Paige like she’s a fact—solid, unchallengeable, honest.
But this morning, she doesn’t understand a single thing about her. And that’s not for lack of trying.
After their perfect day turned weird yesterday, Azzi had woken up on high alert. She’s so used to Paige being an open book that it makes her endlessly uneasy when she does strange, mysterious things like creating an ocean between them while they’re sleeping in the same bed.
Naturally, being hopelessly in love with Paige has gotten Azzi used to watching her. Analyzing her. Prodding her and testing her reactions.
So when they first woke up, she watched: Paige, naturally, was still sleeping. She had subconsciously moved toward Azzi in her sleep, but not by much. Her lips were pink and slightly parted, cheeks flushed with sleep, back rising and falling softly. The bedroom window was open in an attempt to fight off the summer heat, and birds were singing outside, waking with the sun—which rose in gentle orange and pink hues, shining through the sheer curtains, painting Paige’s skin and hair pastel. In that moment, Azzi really couldn’t blame herself for falling in love with her.
After Paige woke up, while they methodically went about their morning routines, she analyzed: the first thing she noticed was the silence; unusual, unsettling, and oh-so loud. Paige was never a morning person but she was a chatterbox through and through—she’d always wake up talking Azzi’s ear off about nonsense, and she’d do it drowsily, but she’d do it nonetheless.
The second thing she noticed was the way Paige refused to look her in the eye. Not even once, not even for a second. There was no sleepy smile when she woke up to find Azzi next to her, no silly faces while the two of them got dressed, no lidded, sleepy eye contact through the mirror while they brushed their teeth side-by-side.
And the third thing: Paige wouldn’t touch her. Not to brush against the small of her back while she moved past her into the bathroom. Not to pull her hair back for her as she did her makeup. Not even to fix her blouse when she mistakenly buttoned it wrong.
Now, the two of them are in the kitchen, alone—Paige’s siblings are still sleeping and her parents are both back at work, which is a blessing, honestly.
It’s time for Azzi to prod.
“Paige,” she says casually, the first thing they’ve said to each other all morning, “can you make me some coffee?”
Paige looks up from where she’d been on her phone, expression almost surprised at having been addressed. She looks as if she’s about to point to herself and say, “Who, me?”
Instead, she glances suspiciously between the coffee machine and where Azzi leans against the counter not four feet away from it. Azzi almost dares her to challenge her, to say something snarky like ‘Why don’t you get your own damn coffee?’
Paige may be acting weird, but Paige is Paige. And things may be changing in ways neither of them wants it to change but she would still do anything for Azzi. So, without a word, she gets up from her barstool and heads to the Keurig, sauntering all cool and level-headed like she’s not acting odd as hell right now.
It’s a little disappointing that Paige still hasn’t spoke, but not surprising. Sometimes she needs some extra help.
“So…” Azzi trails, waiting for Paige’s eyebrow raise and ‘So, what?’ back. It doesn’t come. Paige stares intensely at the coffee machine.
“How’d you sleep?” Azzi finally asks.
Paige starts rifling through the cabinets for a mug while the coffee starts up. Azzi can barely hear it when she says, “Alright,” but it still counts because it’s something. Two whole syllables.
“Any dreams?”
Is she imagining it? Or does Paige stiffen up at that?
No, she’s definitely not imagining it. Because when Paige turns to finally look at her—for the first time this morning, mind you—her eyes are wide and—is that a flush creeping over her cheeks? “Why you askin’ about my dreams? Did I sleep talk or sum’?”
Puzzled, Azzi blinks at her best friend, wondering why idle small talk would get such a reaction out of her. “Um, no? Just asking.”
Paige narrows her eyes at her, but when Azzi just stares back, perplexed, she relaxes and turns away. “Oh. Aight.”
“Well, I had a dream,” Azzi says. “We were characters in South Park.”
On any normal day, this would’ve had Paige interested and on the edge of her seat like that. But today, Paige just hums, kneeling down to pull sugar and vanilla syrup from a drawer.
“And you sounded like Eric and I sounded like Stan.”
Paige straightens up, heading to the fridge. “They sound the same to me.”
Azzi glares holes into the back of her best friend’s head. “And we were playing basketball. But we were all short and stuff, so the ball was, like, as big as we were. I still got a ton of shots on you, obviously.”
Paige turns around with cream in her hand, Azzi flashes a dazzling smile, dimple and all. Paige barely even glances her way.
She’s not even going to argue with that? She’s not going to laugh at the sheer stupidity of that silly dream? She’s not going to fondly roll her eyes at Azzi’s grin?
Azzi’s starting to think something more sinister is going on here. Maybe alien abduction.
“P?” she asks, almost meekly, a last-ditch effort.
Paige merely hums, beginning to make Azzi’s coffee exactly the way she likes it, and that warms her a little bit.
“Hey,” she says, stepping closer, leaning against the counter beside Paige. “You good?”
“Uh-huh,” Paige replies. But her voice is…shaky. Not quite like herself.
Beginning to get a little concerned now—not just for the entire trajectory of their relationship but for her—Azzi lays a hand on her shoulder, gently so as not to spook her, almost like she’s a timid dog. “You sure?”
Azzi studies Paige’s face carefully. She’s gone pale, except for the blush on her cheeks, which is now brilliantly (and adorably) pink.
Paige nods, but Azzi doesn’t buy that one bit, and now she’s wondering whether this is really about yesterday like she’d originally thought. Maybe this whole time she’s been so self-centered to think it was about her. Maybe it’s got nothing to do with her at all.
The thought is so relieving it nearly makes her knees buckle.
Almost gleefully, Azzi reaches up to touch Paige’s forehead, and then her cheeks. “Are you feeling okay? Are you sick?”
“Azzi, I’m fine,” Paige insists, and she sounds so defensive that it has the opposite effect.
Sure of herself now, Azzi wraps her hands around the back of Paige’s neck, pulling her down so her best friend’s forehead is to her cheek—something Katie always did to her and her brothers when they were little. “I dunno, P. You feel kinda warm to me.”
“Shit,” Paige hisses, suddenly yanking herself from Azzi’s grasp, staring down at her hands. Azzi follows her gaze to find Paige has spilled a good amount of cream over the counter.
“Hey, it’s okay—“ Azzi begins, reaching for the roll of paper towels, but Paige holds up a hand to stop her.
“Azzi. For real. Just…listen, I need a sec, okay?” she’s still all wobbly, and her hands are shaking as she brings them up to rub at her jaw, eyes closed.
Surprised, Azzi rears back a few steps, putting distance between them. “P, what…?
“I’m fine,” Paige says, but it sounds like she’s on the verge of tears as she cups her own face with her palms and it goes against every instinct Azzi has but she begins to back away. Slowly, like she’s waiting for Paige to change her mind, for her to reach for Azzi and fall into her arms and tell her what the fuck is going on right now.
She doesn’t. And Azzi can only mutter, “I’ll be in the room,” before she’s out the kitchen, heading up the stairs and clutching at her stomach like she can somehow stop the anxiety boiling deep inside.
An hour later, Paige is walking through the bedroom door with a jovial smile on her face.
Azzi startles when her best friend walks into the room, preparing to deal with this mood that seems to have overtaken her, and her jaw very nearly drops when she sees the expression on Paige’s face.
“Hey,” Paige says when she spots Azzi (who has been curled on the bed for the past hour, trying to stave off these new existential crises). “Watcha up to?”
Azzi doesn’t reply. She doesn’t even sit up. She just stares at this scarily bipolar form which has somehow taken the shape of her best friend.
“It’s too hot to be out today,” Paige goes on without waiting for an answer. She kneels down to rifle around in her suitcase. “So I was thinking the movies? Just me and you?”
And then she starts humming. Like, actually humming to herself.
Azzi has absolutely no idea how to approach this situation. She’s almost afraid to even move, as if Paige were a motion-activated bomb—because that’s kind of what it feels like right now.
“Yo,” Paige says at Azzi’s continued silence, standing up with a pair of shoes in hand. “You wanna go or not?”
Azzi wishes she could bask in it—the sudden normalcy, the way Paige is talking to her and looking her in the eye and no longer seeming on the brink of passing out. But it’s such a stark difference from this morning that all Azzi can do is wonder what happened in the past hour to cause such a severe change.
“Azzi,” Paige urges, and for some reason that’s what gets Azzi moving.
She sits up straight, staring Paige dead in the eye when she asks, “What is up with you?”
Paige doesn’t get defensive, and that tells her everything she needs to know. “Nothin’. Just wanna go watch a movie.”
Azzi doesn’t return her friend’s charming smile. “Don’t play, Paige.”
Paige has the audacity to look confused. “Huh?”
If she’s going to play dumb, that leaves Azzi no choice but to be direct. “I’m just wondering why you were acting bitchy to me all morning and now you’re walking in here, acting like nothing happened?”
“Oh, that,” Paige replies, but there’s nothing convincing about her clueless act. It’s obvious in the way she averts her eyes, crosses her arms. “I just didn’t feel good, like you said. But I took some medicine, so we’re up.”
“Uh-huh,” Azzi replies.
“So, you didn’t feel good. That’s it.”
“Yep,” Paige replies cheerfully, kneeling down to start putting her shoes on.
“And that’s why you couldn’t touch me, or talk to me. Or even, like, look at me.”
Paige stares down at her feet, fiddling with the laces, tying them slowly to put off the inevitable moment she’ll have to stand back up again. “I dunno. Didn’t notice I was doing that.”
“Paige,” Azzi says, and Paige must sense that she’s really serious now because she looks up, watching her swing her legs over the edge of the bed. “Please, just talk to me.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” Paige replies simply, standing with one shoe untied to sit by Azzi on the bed.
Her detachment, her false answers and carelessness, are so frustrating it almost makes Azzi want to cry. “If you’re mad at me about—what I said yesterday, at the lake, then just tell me. I don’t want things to be weird between us just because we’re not talking—“
“Whoa, hey, slow down,” Paige says, and the hand she places on Azzi’s knee is so comforting she really could cry at this point. “I’m not mad at you. Did you think that this whole time?”
“Obviously.” Azzi widens her eyes at her emphatically. “What else was I supposed to think, when you were acting all weird towards me?”
Paige frowns at that, looking genuinely troubled at the notion of Azzi’s internal conflict. “I’m not mad at you, ma, for real. I just—“ she sighs, taking her hand off Azzi’s knee to run over her face. “I couldn’t really sleep last night, my mind was going like a hundred miles per minute for some reason.”
“About what?” Azzi asks.
There’s that same reaction from earlier—the stiffness and the blush. Like she’s embarrassed, or maybe even guilty?
Seriously, what is that about?
“Oh, nothing,” Paige replies airily, waving her off despite her mildly visceral reaction to the question. “Just a buncha stuff. And then, well…” she trails off, glancing at Azzi to see if she’ll be able to get away with it. She’s met with a stern glare that clearly says don’t you dare close up on me again, and sighs before continuing. “I’ll be real, I did have some dreams last night, once I finally fell asleep. And they were—they kept waking me up, but every time I fell back asleep they’d just come back again.”
“Like, scary dreams?” Azzi asks, brows furrowed. Paige has occasionally had nightmares while they were together, but they always have her jerking around or talking in her sleep so much that it wakes Azzi, who will wake her best friend and speak softly to her of good, happy things in order to lull her back to sleep. It’s never affected Paige so badly that she was a completely different person when she woke up.
Azzi watches Paige’s throat bob as she swallows thickly before saying, “Something like that.”
Azzi doesn’t reply. She doesn’t really know how to—doesn’t know where she stands right now, in this weird, unfamiliar territory they’ve stepped into.
Paige speaks for her, never good with lingering silences. “Hey, uh, a few of my cousins up here—they’re around our age, and they’re gonna be throwing this big party tomorrow. They invited us to go.”
Azzi hesitates. “They invited both of us?”
“They wanna meet you. Since you’re my…”
“Girlfriend,” Azzi finishes.
Paige nods slowly. “Right.”
“And you really wanna go? With me?” Azzi asks.
Paige scoots a little closer, lays her hand palm-up on Azzi’s leg. When Azzi takes it, instinctually, it’s like finding her footing again. “Don’t wanna go anywhere without you.”
One of these days, Azzi will learn her lesson. One of these days, she’ll straighten her spine and figure out how to tell Paige no, how to say what she really wants to say.
Today, though, is just like any other. That is to say, Azzi falls for pretty blue eyes and prettier words, and says what she knows Paige wants to hear: “Okay. Why not?”
Paige grins at her, and Azzi almost forgets this whole strange morning, their little argument yesterday, the kiss that preceded it.
Key word: Almost.
Because there’s this sinking feeling in her stomach that won’t quite let her forget.
Getting ready for this party is turning out to be absolute hell.
“Azzi, just get ready at the hotel.”
“No, Paige.”
Paige sighs dramatically. While Azzi has spent the past thirty minutes stressing, carefully picking an outfit that will be cute, reasonable for the weather, and won’t wrinkle during the two-hour car ride to the next town over, Paige has been sitting peacefully on the bed, making unhelpful comments and showing Azzi TikToks every two minutes.
“At least do your makeup there. It’ll sweat off during the car ride.”
“I have a good setting spray.”
“Azziii, for real, I wanna get on the road,” Paige says, practically whining at this point.
Sighing, Azzi shakes her head, knowing she’s going to lose this argument no matter what. “Okay, fine. But still—my outfit.”
Paige, apparently deciding to be helpful, rolls off the bed and sits beside Azzi by her suitcase. “You got so many outfits to choose from.”
“None of them are working.”
“Just wear basketball shorts like me.”
Unfortunately, Azzi isn’t sure she’s masc enough to get away with basketball shorts, a sports bra, and an oversized button-up quite like Paige can. But Paige wouldn’t understand that.
“What about these jeans?” Azzi asks instead of answering Paige’s suggestion.
“Nah,” Paige says, “it’s s’posed to be hot tonight. Wear shorts.”
“Okay…” digging around, Azzi finds a little pair of shorts she isn’t really sure why she brought—she could never wear them around Paige’s family. With all the rips in the front, and the way it hugs her ass, it’s not exactly family-friendly. But for a party…
Spotting the way Azzi’s hand is lingering over the shorts, Paige grabs them up and holds them in front of her. She appraises them for a moment before putting them in Azzi’s lap. “These.”
“You think?” Azzi hesitates.
“Yup,” Paige replies simply. “Think they’re cute. And you won’t overheat.”
With some more help from Paige, Azzi finally ends up in an outfit that the two of them have deemed suitable for the occasion.
(“Are you sure it’s not too…slutty?” Azzi had asked, looking at herself in the mirror—Paige came up behind her and brushed her hands over her waist and said, “Nah, looks perfect on you,” and Azzi’s decision was made.)
Now, an hour later, only halfway through their mini road trip, Azzi highly regrets the tiny shorts and tinier top.
From the driver’s seat, Paige side-eyes her and smirks when she sees her wriggling around for the millionth time, trying to get comfortable. “You all good?”
“These are up my butt,” Azzi complains, pulling at the hem of her shorts.
“So I’ve heard.”
“Paige!” Azzi’s top begins to slip and she yanks it up, frustrated. “This is uncomfortable.”
“I told you to get ready at the hotel.”
Azzi should’ve been prepared for the I told you so, but it still makes her mad and she crosses her arms, staring out the window with what she’s sure is a mean pout.
Paige reaches over to tug on one of Azzi’s braids. “You sulking over there?”
“No,” Azzi replies, even though she very much is.
There’s a moment of silence, and Azzi is beginning to think Paige is done with the conversation before she says, “Why don’t you just take ‘em off?”
Azzi can’t help but laugh a little at that. “You wish.”
“I’m serious,” Paige replies, and with a quick glance at her side-profile Azzi realizes she’s telling the truth.
“You really want me to strip in your car?” Azzi teases, and before, this is something Paige would’ve laughed at before playfully flirting back. But now, Paige’s eyes widen and dart over to her, and Azzi is maybe not completely teasing.
“Chill,” Paige replies simply, voice betraying nothing even though the blush on her cheeks says otherwise. “Just don’t wanna hear you complaining for the rest of the drive.”
Of course, Azzi is not going to take off her shorts. Things between her and Paige are already weird and, not to mention, she’s wearing a thong. It would be crazy. It would be inappropriate.
But these shorts are really tight. And they still have an hour to go. And maybe Paige would give her The Look, the one Azzi hates and doesn’t understand but is also coming to associate with those charged moments between them, the moments where things shift and change and it seems as if any minute one of them is going to surge forward and—
Slowly, Azzi reaches across herself, and unbuckles her seatbelt.
Paige’s breath hitches. “What’re you doing?”
Azzi hums, and her fingers move to her own stomach, letting them trail down playfully to the button of her jeans, watching Paige’s eyes go from her to the road and back. “Just taking your advice.”
“Oh,” Paige says.
Azzi pulls the zipper down.
The two of them have seen each other in various states of undress countless times before—last year, Paige got so drunk that Azzi even had to help her out of her clothes completely and into the shower. But Paige was laughing and rambling and tripping everywhere and Azzi’s sole focus was on making sure she didn’t slip and crack her head on the shower tiles.
Azzi’s never given herself the opportunity to look the way she really wants to. And she’s been operating under the fact that she would never be looked at the way she wants to be, either.
But now, as she lifts her hips off the seat and wriggles out of these tight little shorts, Paige is looking. She’s looking so hard they might crash.
The shorts slide down her leg, dangle around one of her ankles. Azzi lifts her foot and delicately plucks it off. Tosses it into the backseat.
Paige’s hand twitches on the center console. Fingers splaying wide open like they need something to do.
Azzi has spent practically her whole life giving Paige whatever she wants, because that’s what you do when you’re in love with somebody, isn’t it? And so there’s really no thought to it when she takes Paige’s hand. Nothing tentative in the way she lifts their joint hands, pulls them into her lap. No hesitation when she presses Paige’s palm into her bare thigh.
Paige is staring firmly ahead now. The hand still on the wheel is fisted tight, knuckles bloodless. And when she mutters Azzi’s name, it’s quiet but unmistakable.
For the first time, knowing that Paige can see her in her peripheral vision, Azzi lets herself look. Lets herself study the flutter of her lashes, the slope of her nose, the pink of her lips. Her sharp jawline, her furrowed brows, her neck and collarbones. And then her eyes travel back up to Paige’s, admiring the blue shamelessly as she whispers, “You can touch me, Paige.”
Paige’s throat bobs. Her fingers twitch. And then, slowly but surely, they dance over Azzi’s skin. Azzi gasps softly when they brush the inside of her thigh, and that seems to encourage Paige because her hand travels higher, up to wear her shorts would’ve been covering, tips of her fingers getting so fucking close to where Azzi has wanted her for so long.
And then she stops. Straightens her shoulders and focuses more sternly on the road, but her hand stays firmly put before it squeezes just a little bit.
Azzi’s eyes flutter shut.
They may or may not spend the rest of the car ride just like that.
Even before they step inside, Azzi can already tell how bumping this party is. Loud music blasts from behind the front door, and flashing LED lights shine through the curtains on the windows. For the first time, Azzi gets a little nervous—with parties, Paige usually finds some random people to branch off with while Azzi hangs out with whatever team members came with them. Now, with just the two of them, Azzi worries about being left in a corner with a red solo cup and a headache. The thought makes her turn to Paige.
Paige, mid-reach for the doorknob, pauses when she clocks Azzi’s anxious expression. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I just—“ Azzi sighs, then clutches onto Paige’s arm, glancing nervously toward the front door and the party that lurks within. “Don’t leave me tonight, okay?”
Paige smiles softly, and Azzi thinks briefly that friends don’t look at each other this way. “I won’t, ma. Promise.”
And Azzi believes her.
When they finally get inside, Azzj counts on them being able to slip in unnoticed, considering how many people must be crammed into this house. But, to her surprise, they’ve barely even shut the door behind them before the foyer—and the open living room beyond—absolutely erupts. People were laughing and talking and singing before, but now there’s straight-up screaming as young adults crowd around the two of them, whooping and hollering and saying things like “Lil Paigey in da house!”
Paige laughs, waving people off as she reunites with old friends, and the crowd seems to be trying to separate them but Paige wraps her arms firmly around Azzi’s waist and doesn’t let go.
After a minute, the crowd calms down, letting Paige’s cousins come up and give her hugs, the three girls squealing (Azzi doesn’t think she’s ever heard Paige squeal before) as they gush about how much they missed each other and how good they look and Azzi almost misses it when one of them says, “Oh my god, hi! Cousin-in-law!” before she’s the one being attacked with hugs.
“I’m so happy we finally get to meet you!” One of them—Avery, Azzi thinks—says quite loudly in her ear.
The other one—Lauren—squeezes her so hard she almost lifts her off the ground. “You’re so pretty! Look at her, holy shit, you’re so pretty!”
After the initial shock, Azzi can’t help but laugh, the excitement from these two girls nothing if not contagious.
After a few seconds, Paige pulls them off her, gathering her right back into her side once she’s free. “Chill on her, we just got here!”
Standing beside Paige, and in front of these two girls, all three of which have matching smiles, blue eyes, and blonde hair, it’s sort of like seeing triple.
“Sorry, we’re just—we’ve been so excited to meet you,” Avery says, cheeks flushed as she grins warmly at her.
Lauren nods in agreement. “P has been gatekeeping you, for real!”
Azzi grins quizzically up at Paige, who shakes her head, thumb rubbing over Azzi’s waist. “Nah, y’all have her social media. I just didn’t wanna share my pictures of her.”
Azzi rolls her eyes, slapping Paige’s stomach with the back of her hand before turning to her cousins. “It’s really good to meet y’all, too.”
The two girls beam at her before reaching for her, each of them taking a hand and tugging.
Paige holds fast to her waist. “Hey, where y’all tryna take her?”
“Relax, we need to give her a grand tour!” Avery says. Azzi wouldn’t mind leaving Paige’s side just as long as she’s with these two girls, but Paige seems to have other opinions about it, if the way she’s relentlessly holding onto her says anything.
“I can come with you,” Paige protests.
“No, P, how are we gonna tell her your embarrassing stories if you’re around?” Lauren jokes, dramatically rolling her eyes.
Paige holds on even tighter at this, and Azzi sort of feels like the rope in a game of tug o’ war. “No way!”
“Paigeee,” Avery whines.
“Yo, for real, gimme my girlfriend back.”
Azzi nudges Paige with her elbow. “I’m good, P.”
Paige looks down at her incredulously. “What happened to, ‘Paige, don’t leave me, I’m sooo nervous’?” Paige asks, all whiny and flirty as she mocks her.
Azzi frowns. “That’s not how I sound!”
Finally, in her moment of distraction, Avery and Lauren manage to wrench Azzi out of Paige’s iron grip. “We’ll take good care of her, Paigey,” Avery assures, slinging her arm around Azzi’s shoulder. “Don’t even worry.”
Paige glares at the two of them, arm outstretched like she’s hoping Azzi will fall right into her, and she can’t lie, she’s more than tempted to.
But she also wants to hear those embarrassing stories her cousins were talking about.
“Go make her a drink or something,” Lauren calls over her shoulder as they whisk her away. “We’ll bring her back soon!”
Azzi sends a sheepish smile and wave her way, giggling when Paige flips her off. Maybe this night will be fun, after all.
The tour only lasts around fifteen minutes, but by the time they’re finished, Azzi is missing Paige desperately. She thinks they may be getting a little too attached, but then, haven’t they always been?
When she finally spots Paige, man-spreading on a couch holding two cups, the relief only lasts for a second because then she notices that she is sitting next to a very pretty girl. A very pretty girl with dark skin and dark hair and a gold, glinting nose ring and a laugh that tinkles all the way across the room, even over the raucous noise.
“Oh, boy, look who found Paige,” Lauren grumbles beside Azzi.
Azzi looks over at her. “Who is that?”
“That’s Amariah,” Avery replies. “She grew up in Paige’s neighborhood.”
Amariah. The name rings a bell somewhere far back in Azzi’s memory.
“She’s had a huge crush on Paige for, like, ever,” Lauren goes on.
“And then, when Paige came up during Spring break in junior year, there was this party and they hooked up,” Avery says, and that’s when it clicks.
Amariah, of course. Azzi remembers the call she’d gotten that night, the way Paige’s cheeks were bright red as she told Azzi the whole story of how she’d slept with some random girl at a party. More than anything, Azzi remembers the jealousy, hot and heavy, that had burned in her stomach, and she remembers the way she’d ended the call early only to get no sleep that night—thinking of Paige with another girl.
“Is that so,” Azzi replies.
“Uh-huh,” Avery says. “I’d go get my girl if I were you.”
That’s exactly what she does.
Smiling gratefully at the two girls, Azzi begins making her way through the crowd, marching to the other end of the living room. Paige doesn’t even notice her walking their way, apparently too engrossed in whatever amazing thing Amariah has to talk about. It’s only when she’s a couple feet away that Paige looks up and sees her, and the way she absolutely beams almost makes up for everything. Almost.
“Hey, Az,” Paige says when she gets close enough to hear. “There you are.”
“Here I am,” Azzi replies, unable to keep from smiling back at her best friend. “That my drink?”
“Uh-huh. Been waiting for you.” Paige hands Azzi’s drink to her, then pats her lap, and it takes Azzi a moment to realize that Paige wants her to sit there. Her body starts moving before her mind can catch up, sitting herself sideways on Paige’s lap, skin heating up when Paige’s arm finds its place around her waist. “My cousins bother you?”
Azzi shakes her head, wrapping an arm around Paige’s neck and looking down at her. Their faces are close, noses practically touching, and she can see every detail of Paige’s features, the makeup gracing her eyes and lips and cheeks. Azzi wants so badly to kiss her, and Paige looks like she might be leaning in…
A cough. Loud and intrusive, and it’s not even really a cough—it’s an “Ahem.”
Paige, apparently remembering herself, tears her eyes away from Azzi’s to look over at Amariah. “Oh, my bad, I forgot y’all have never met.”
“We haven’t,” Amariah says, not so much smiling as she is baring her teeth. “Who’s this, Paigey?”
“I’m Azzi,” she says before Paige can introduce her.
“You play at UConn, too, right?” Amariah asks, and Paige and Azzi both nod. “Didn’t know you were comin’ up with P this summer.”
It’s likely been at least a year since Paige saw this girl, and yet she’s calling her Paigey and P like they’re best friends. It makes her tug on Paige’s neck, pulling her head closer almost protectively.
“Couldn’t leave her,” Paige says, and this time, when Azzi looks down at her, Paige does kiss her. Just a peck on the lips, but it makes Azzi take two large swigs from what tastes like the straight vodka in her cup. “Right, baby?”
“Mm,” Azzi hums around the alcohol in her mouth.
“Cool,” Amariah says in a tone that implies she deems nothing about this cool. And even with Azzi so obviously laying her claim, and Paige so obviously all dopey for her, she still has the audacity to scoot a little closer, brushing her hand flirtatiously against Paige’s shoulder. “So, where were we? You were about to tell me that story, from school?”
“Oh, uh,” Paige gives Azzi one last long look before turning back to Amariah, “yeah. Yeah, sorry, lemme try to remember…”
She knows it’s silly, but Azzi is furious. At Amariah, for thinking she has even the slightest chance with Paige, and at Paige, for talking to this girl when she has Azzi literally in her lap.
Azzi finishes off the vodka in her cup, letting it burn her throat and warm her belly. And then, instead of asking Paige to set it on the side table for her, she shifts, swinging her leg over Paige’s and sitting up on her knees so that she’s straddling her, and she barely catches Paige’s shocked expression before she’s leaning over and setting her cup down.
“You finished with that, babe?” she asks Paige, and Paige nods wordlessly, handing Azzi her empty cup. When Azzi leans over again, she knows her tits are fully in Paige’s face.
With both their hands free, Azzi settles back down, sitting fully on Paige, arms around her shoulders. Paige smiles a little wide-eyed up at her, hands resting low on her hips. But then she turns right back to Amariah and continues her story.
What the hell?
Azzi watches Paige’s side profile as she speaks, looking at her just like she looked at her in the car earlier—and the thought of the car, the heat between Azzi’s legs and Paige’s fingers so close to her, possesses her to lean forward and press her lips to Paige’s cheek.
Paige doesn’t respond, doesn’t even falter in her story-telling, but her thumbs start rubbing circles on Azzi’s hips.
So, Azzi kisses her again. And then again higher on her cheekbone, then to the spot beside her ear, and now she’s sort of just trailing slow, sensual kisses across Paige’s jawline, completely unsure how she got here but not about to stop anytime soon.
Paige’s hands slide to the small of her back, clasping behind her like she’s holding her in place. Azzi moves Paige’s hair—which is down, and Azzi loves when Paige wears her hair down—out of the way before placing a tentative, soft kiss on her neck.
Finally, Paige falters. Just a little, probably not even noticeable to Amariah—who is glaring daggers into the side of Azzi’s head, where she’s buried in Paige’s neck.
Gaining confidence from the way Paige’s hands begin rubbing her back, Azzi trails a hot path down the column of her throat and back up, practically licking her way up to Paige’s earlobe before she sucks on it, letting out the quietest, breathiest moan into Paige’s ear.
Paige gasps, but she doesn’t stop telling her stupid fucking story.
Her hands, however, find their way to Azzi’s ass.
Pleased with herself, Azzi takes Paige’s button-up and pushes it off her left shoulder, giving her so much access. She’s on a roll now, and Paige’s hands on her ass feel so good, voice lulling so nicely in her ears even though it’s another girl she’s talking to.
It’s practically feverish, the way she latches onto Paige’s shoulder. Scrapes her teeth against it, bites it, and then sucks. Hard.
Paige stiffens, squeezes her ass.
Azzi doesn’t pull away for what must be an entire minute. And when she does, she opens her eyes, studies the bright-red mark like she’s an artist and this is the best piece of her life. She knows that’ll be purple by tomorrow, and she’s too tipsy to care.
She goes back in and soothes her tongue over the spot, tasting the salt and perfume on Paige’s skin—god, how long has she wanted to taste Paige, just like this? Since she was fourteen? And now she’s finally doing it, and maybe she should suck another hickey into her neck, just for good measure, just to show this bitch Amariah who Paige really belongs to—
“Az,” Paige says into her ear.
Azzi shoots up, and her voice is raspy when she says, “Yeah?”
It’s then that she takes note of how flushed Paige is, how her chest is heaving with each breath she takes. She looks so good like this. Azzi can’t help but lean forward, nuzzling their noses together.
“Hey,” Paige says softly, squeezing her ass which does horrible things to her mind, “why don’t you get us another drink, mama?”
Azzi pouts at her. She does not want to leave this lap.
“I know,” Paige says even though she didn’t even say anything. “I just…” she leans forward until her mouth is beside Azzi’s ear, “can’t hold it together like this. I need a sec, okay?”
And that knowledge—that she has an affect on Paige—turns her mood right around. “Okay, okay.” Reluctantly, she slides off Paige’s lap, straightening out her shorts. “I’ll be right back.” And, somewhat smugly, she looks at Amariah, who is practically fuming at this point. “You want anything?”
“Nah,” Amariah says through gritted teeth. “I’m all good.”
“‘Kay,” Azzi says happily.
She’s not sure, but she swears she hears Paige say, “Thanks, baby,” on her way out.
Fire spreads low in her belly.
Later, they find themselves on the floor, all over each other while a couple other girls sit with them. They’re using the drinks they’ve had as an excuse to be practically in each other’s laps, flirting and giggling like nobody’s business—even if they’re kind of making it everybody else’s business with how many people have clocked them tonight.
“Can y’all stop mating for a couple seconds?” Avery asks good-naturedly, elbowing Azzi.
Reluctantly, the two of them pull away from each other, but Paige’s arm stays slung around Azzi’s hips.
“Okay, y’all know what I wanna do?” says one of the girls. There’s only a handful of them, all circled up and pressed together on the living room floor while people party around them. “I wanna play truth or drink.”
“Fun!” Lauren says. “We should do it.”
“Okay, Paige.” This is another girl—Paige introduced them earlier but Azzi doesn’t remember her name. “What’s your body count?”
Paige glances over at Azzi, then uses her free hand to take a drink from the bottle of Malibu they’ve been sharing.
“You keeping secrets from me?” Azzi teases, not nearly as bothered by this as she would be if she were sober.
Paige purses her lips, moving her head from side to side. “There mighta been a few girls I never told you about.”
Azzi gasps, even though she can’t really bring herself to care about other girls—not when Paige is all over her like this. “You gotta tell me later!”
“Yes, ma’am,” Paige replies, cheeky little smile and all. Azzi wants so badly to kiss her.
“Love to see Paige isn’t in her hoe era anymore.” The last girl—Azzi actually remembers this one’s name, it’s Riley—laughs.
“It’s about time she wifed Azzi,” Lauren says. “With how damn much she talks about her.”
All the girls nod, and the one whose name Azzi can’t remember says, “Can we blame her, though? Look at her.”
And then they’re all turning to Azzi, cooing and giggling about how pretty she is and about how ‘if Paige didn’t lock you down I would’ve.’
Paige pulls Azzi into her side. “This one’s mine, y’all can get your own!”
Everybody laughs and the game continues. A couple rounds down, when everybody has gotten a chance to both spill secrets and drink a little bit, Azzi gets asked the most personal question thus far, from Avery: “Out of all the people you’ve slept with, who gave the best head?”
Everybody giggles and Azzi is tipsy and not in her right mind so, instead of making something up, she tells the truth, which is, “I’ve actually never gotten head before.”
Everybody stops laughing, looking at her like their jaws might hit the floor. And then Paige is staring at her wide-eyed and she remembers, they’re dating, and she knows enough to know that Paige is an eater, and if the two of them were actually together she’d probably be getting head, like, three times a day.
So she covers it up with a laugh, waving them all off. “I’m kidding. I think you all know the answer to that,” she says, wishing more than anything she were telling the truth.
Paige kisses her cheek. But as somebody else gets asked a question, she’s still got her brows furrowed in Azzi’s direction, and Azzi wonders what she’s thinking so hard about.
For some unknown reason, she can’t wait to get to the hotel tonight.
The two of them don’t actually leave the party until close to one in the morning. They get far too caught up in beer pong, in dancing—in each other.
When they finally get to the hotel, they’re drunk, but not wasted. Thanks to Avery for making them have a glass of water in between each drink.
Of course, Azzi would rather not be wasted. It’s no fun. She loves this light, swaying feeling that comes with being the right amount of drunk.
But with the way Paige has been looking at her all night, she needs to be more inebriated.
It’s only a couple minutes since they arrived at their hotel room and Paige seems to be thinking the same thing. After she takes off her shoes, she flops face-first onto the bed and says, “Wanna be more drunk right now.”
Azzi giggles, walking towards her best friend and sitting cross-legged next to her. “Me too.”
Paige lifts her head. “Think they have champagne in here or sum’?”
Azzi shakes her head.
Paige sits up and makes to get off the bed. “Nah, I’m sure they do—“
Azzi grabs Paige’s wrist. “I didn’t mean it like that,” she says, pulling Paige to sit beside her. “I just mean…we don’t need to drink more.”
Paige sighs dramatically. “Yeah, I guess you’re probably right.”
“No, silly.” Azzi giggles again. She is so in love with her, cluelessness and all. “I mean…” she reaches into her pocket. And then she pulls out the joint Lauren gifted her earlier. Pre-rolled and everything.
Paige’s eyes light up. “Did you…” she laughs, “steal that?”
“No!” Azzi replies, whacking Paige on the arm. “Nah, your cousin gave it to me. She’s so sweet, huh?”
“Uh-huh,” Paige says, rolling off the bed and rummaging through her overnight bag.
Azzi lays back against the sheets. “Paigey?”
“What’re you doing down there?”
“Nothin’, mama, just tryna find—yes!” Paige stands and Azzi leans up on her elbows to watch her get back into bed. She’s holding something square and bright purple in one hand as she crawls rather seductively toward Azzi. “Lighter,” she explains when she gets close.
Azzi smiles widely, excitement bubbling in her belly.
“Hold it up,” Paige instructs, and Azzi does, bringing the joint to her lips, making dangerous eye contact as Paige lights it.
Azzi feels herself relax even before the first puff hits her system. Paige stays close and the smoke blows right into her face, making both of them laugh. Paige stares at her for a moment before saying, “Lemme go open the windows.”
While she’s gone, Azzi takes another two drags, and Paige narrows her eyes as she hops back on the bed. “Aight, slow down. Puff, puff, pass.”
Azzi smiles slyly as she passes the joint, watching Paige smoke it. Paige leans back on her free hand and Azzi lets her eyes rove over her covered shoulders, her sports bra, her stomach.
“Eyes up here,” Paige says, handing it back.
Azzi makes a face, too inebriated to care that she’s been caught.
“You wanna see ‘em?” Paige asks.
Azzi coughs a little on the smoke, “See what?”
Paige raises her eyebrows, then begins undoing her button-up before pushing it off her shoulders. And there, on her left shoulder, are three red marks, already darkening after just a couple hours.
“Huh,” Azzi says, taking another drag, “coulda sworn I only left one.”
Paige snatches the joint back. “Quit hogging this shit!”
“Sorry, sorry.” Azzi would usually roll her eyes, but that would entail taking her gaze from the hickeys on Paige’s skin and she’s not willing to do that for even a second.
“They’re brutal, huh?” Paige asks after two puffs.
Azzi shrugs, leaning up a little more on her elbows when she realizes she’s sliding down. She takes the joint and it hovers near her lips as she says, “I’ve done worse.”
Something flares in Paige’s eyes at that. “To who?”
“Dunno.” When Paige raises her eyebrows, Azzi does it right back, handing the blunt over. “What? You’re not the only one who had a hoe era.”
“Didn’t hear too much about yours,” Paige mumbles, smoking and then giving it back, fumbling for her phone as Azzi takes a puff.
A moment later, R&B starts crooning through the room. “That’s because it’s private, P.”
“Mm-hmm.” The joint is short now as Paige takes it back. “Were you being for real? Earlier?”
Azzi closes her eyes, leaning her head back. “About what?”
“That you’ve never gotten head.”
“Yeah,” Azzi responds. “I was being for real.”
“Hm.” Paige nudges Azzi, and she opens her eyes for another smoke. “Why not?”
“There’s no way nobody’s wanted to before.”
“Yeah, it’s not that.” Azzi’s eyes are hooded now as she looks into Paige’s red ones, hands uncoordinated as she hands the blunt back. “I just…I say no, when they offer.”
“Because you don’t want it?”
“Because it’s scary.”
Paige frowns at the joint, which only has a drag left in it now. “What’s scary about it?”
“It’s so…personal.” Azzi shrugs. “I’ve never trusted a stranger enough for that.”
Paige nods, still staring at the blunt. Azzi doesn’t think she’s listening anymore. “That thing almost gone?”
“Yeah.” Paige looks at her, then back at the joint. “Here, lay back.”
Azzi grins. “Why?”
“Bro, trust.”
Azzi does. So she lays back, watching as Paige lazily crawls on top of her, straddling her legs.
Azzi’s hands move on their own accord, pressing into Paige’s stomach just to feel the muscle there.
With her free hand, Paige moves her hand to Azzi’s chin. “Open your mouth, mama.”
There’s smoke in the air, pressure between her legs. Azzi squirms to try to relieve it.
“Az,” Paige says, and Azzi’s eyes snap to her at the stern tone. “Open.”
Azzi obeys without hesitating, and she’s too groggy to be surprised when Paige puts her thumb in her mouth, humming a little.
She doesn’t even need to be told before she closes her mouth around it and sucks.
Paige sighs, blunt damn near about to go out as she rocks her hips up against Azzi’s crotch just slightly. “So good for me, hm?”
Azzi nods, trying her best to keep her eyes open as she laves her tongue around Paige’s thumb. They hold eye contact for another moment before Paige remembers the joint and takes the last pull.
Azzi feels a little betrayed, thinking this was just a trick to get the last smoke, but then Paige is leaning down, pulling her thumb out and using it instead to hold her mouth open, before pressing their lips together, shotgunning the smoke directly into Azzi’s lungs.
It’s the easiest drag Azzi’s ever taken.
Azzi is only sort of aware that Paige doesn’t pull away once Azzi inhales. She’s only sort of aware that Paige’s tongue is taking advantage of her open mouth, licking into her for the first time, letting Azzi’s teeth graze over it while they kiss, open-mouthed and sloppy.
Azzi’s heart races when Paige’s hands begin to wander, feeling them go from her throat to her shoulders to her tits, where they hover.
“You good?” Paige mumbles against her. Azzi nods.
Paige squeezes her tits, fisting them up and then brushing her thumbs against her nipples, hard underneath her thin shirt and bra.
“Love your tits,” Paige mumbles, pulling away to kiss down her neck, reminiscent of their moment at the party earlier.
“Yeah?” Azzi breathes.
“Yeah, fuck.” Paige’s breath is hot over Azzi’s neck and she tilts her head to the side, moving her braids out of the way.
“Can’t believe what you pulled tonight,” Paige says, leaning down to nip at Azzi’s shoulders.
“On the couch?” Azzi asks. She can’t help but grin thinking about it.
“You got me all worked up in front of everyone,” Paige’s hands move down to Azzi’s stomach, playing with her belly piercing while she sucks hard at the place she just bit.
“Mm,” Azzi says, closing her eyes and letting the memory, paired with the feeling of Paige’s hands and lips, overtake her. “Couldn’t help it. You were talkin’ to that girl.”
“Yeah, fuck—so needy when you’re jealous, huh?” Paige asks, kissing at Azzi’s cleavage. “That’s so hot.”
“You’re so hot,” Azzi breathes. Under normal circumstances, she’d never boost her best friend’s already huge ego like this. But this is the farthest thing from normal circumstances.
Paige smirks against her skin, the cocky bastard. “Yeah? You think so?”
“Shut up,” Azzi responds, gasping when Paige sucks a mark into the top of her breast.
“This outfit—so fuckin’ slutty,” she says, biting at the sensitive mark she just made.
“You picked it,” Azzi reminds Paige, holding onto her shoulders in an attempt to ground herself.
“I changed my mind. Don’t want anybody to look at you, ever fuckin’ again.”
Azzi laughs breathily at this. “Want me all to yourself?”
Paige lifts her head up to meet her lips again, her arms wrapping around Azzi’s back and arching her off the bed, pulling her close. “You know I do,” she says, pulling back from the kiss to look at Azzi with something like reverence. “All mine.”
Azzi isn’t. All hers, that is. Not really. Not even now. Not knowing that all of this is pretend.
But, maybe Azzi has been all her’s since the day they met. Maybe, years ago, a piece of her heart escaped her own chest and made a home happily in Paige’s, and maybe it will be there forever.
So she nods. “All yours, P.”
Paige smiles so, so big at her, and when they kiss again they’re both giggling, not even really kissing at this point.
“Wait, Paige,” Azzi laughs as Paige’s hand moves to her ass, “what’re we doing?”
“Kissing,” Paige replies.
“Duh, I knew that, genius,” Azzi says, flicking Paige’s forehead, which makes both of them dissolve into giggles again.
“But, seriously,” Azzi continues once she’s gathered herself. “You’re my best friend.”
“And you’re mine,” Paige says, nuzzling their noses together.
“Do you think it’s—like, okay? That we’re doing this?”
Paige licks her lips, pressing another kiss to Azzi’s. “We can say…we’re just practicing. We said we’d practice, remember?”
Azzi nods, remembering that conversation that feels so long ago now. “We did.”
“So, this is us practicing.” Paige kisses her again, “And it has nothing—“ another kiss, “to do with the fact that I love—“ yet another one, “kissing you.”
Azzi laughs, squirming away. “Paige!”
“Hmm,” Paige responds, eyes wandering down Azzi’s body.
“Hey,” Paige says after a moment, “do you trust me?”
Azzi brushes a strand of hair out of Paige’s face before cupping her cheek, smiling when Paige leans into her. “More than anyone.”
“So…” Paige smiles deviously, ducking down to press more kisses into the tops of Azzi’s breasts, “would you let me go down on you?”
Azzi laughs at the pure absurdity of the question. “P, don’t play like that.”
“I’m being so deadass,” Paige says, and when Azzi looks down, Paige is already looking at her. There’s no mirth in her tone, in her eyes.
Azzi’s stomach tumbles. “…Seriously?”
Paige nods.
“You…” Azzi furrows her brows, “want to?”
Paige leans up, kisses her tenderly on the lips. “You have no fucking idea.”
That is new information. New and insane and something she will work through tomorrow, when she’s sober.
Right now, all she can think of is the ache that’s been between her legs all night. And the way Paige could help her with it.
“Please,” Paige mutters against her lips, “wanna make you feel so good, baby.”
Azzi looks at her best friend. Her swollen lips, the hickies on her shoulder, her tousled hair.
And she says, “Okay.”
Paige’s eyes light up, and she wastes no time clarifying. Her hands go straight to Azzi’s top, making quick eye contact and pulling it off when Azzi smiles at her.
“Fuck,” Paige says, staring at Azzi’s tits through her lacy bra.
Azzi watches her with amusement, running her hands through Paige’s hair. “You’re no better than a man.”
“I’m not,” Paige agrees, leaning down to litter kisses over all the newly exposed skin. Feeling her lips over her warm skin is good, but it’s not…enough.
“Paige, can you…”
Paige’s eyes dart up to her, searching her face. “You want me to?”
Paige’s hands move up from her lower back to her bra clasp, and Azzi lifts slightly off the bed to make it easier. Paige makes quick work of it and then she’s sliding that down her shoulders, throwing it across the room like it’s offended her.
Azzi’s hazy as fuck, high and floaty and carefree, but when Paige looks down at Azzi and stares, everything suddenly feels too scary, too vulnerable. She moves to cover herself up, but Paige catches her wrists, pressing a kiss against each of them, eyes darting back to Azzi’s with a comforting smile. “You okay?”
Azzi nods, then shakes her head, then squeezes her eyes shut, embarrassed. “You’re just—looking at me.”
“I am,” Paige says, and Azzi hates the way she sounds slightly amused. “Az, look at me, for real.”
Reluctantly, Azzi does, and Paige’s eyes are all red and hooded and the smile on her face is dopey and she looks faded as hell, but this is still her best friend. The one who knows her, who sees her—who is seeing her like this, right now—and who still continues to be her best friend.
“I’ll stop looking, if you want,” Paige murmurs, leaning down to brush her lips against Azzi’s ear. “But I don’t think you want that, do you?”
The ache between her legs is nearly painful at this point. Truthfully, Azzi shakes her head.
“You look good, Az,” Paige responds, pulling away and leaning back down to her tits. “So fuckin’ pretty.”
She looks up through her lashes as she leans down and suckles a nipple into her mouth.
Azzi sighs at the first real contact of the night, hands fisting Paige’s hair to pull her impossibly closer, hips bucking up on their own accord.
Paige holds her down, mumbling at her to be patient while she trails kisses over to her other tit, licking around it and flicking her tongue over her nipple before she sucks a mark into the skin just beside it.
“Paige,” Azzi gasps, cradling her best friend’s head close. “Feels so good, oh my God.”
“Yeah?” Paige asks, grazing her teeth over Azzi’s sensitive nipple. Azzi keens, hips fighting against Paige to reach up, looking for any type of friction. It makes her chuckle against Azzi’s skin. “She wants me so bad, huh?”
“Don’t refer to it as she,” Azzi giggles, and Paige laughs, too.
“I’ll say whatever I wanna say,” Paige replies, laughing a bit as her kisses stray further down Azzi’s chest, head bobbing a little to the music in the background while she kisses her languidly.
Azzi smiles down at the top of her head. “This is so crazy.”
“What?” Paige licks around Azzi’s belly piercing, not stopping her when she bucks up this time. “That I’m bouta go down on you?”
Azzi nods, tilting her head back to look at the ceiling. “Yeah. Isn’t it crazy?”
“Uh-huh,” Paige replies, sucking a mark into Azzi’s abs. “Knew I’d do this someday, though.”
Azzi pushes her shoulder playfully. “You did not.”
“Did too.” She smiles devilishly, wiggling her eyebrows while she kisses around the mark she’s made. “You couldn’t resist me if you tried.”
“Shut up,” Azzi says, rolling her eyes.
“Nah,” Paige replies, fingers moving to the button of her jean shorts and fumbling with it. “And you better fix your attitude.”
“What, before you fix it for me?” Azzi asks, lifting her hips to help Paige pull the shorts down.
“Careful,” Paige responds, throwing the shorts somewhere across the room. “Might have to fuck it outta you.”
Azzi nearly whines at the mere thought, and then Paige spreads her legs wide and places open-mouthed kisses on the inside of her thigh, and she really does whine.
Paige bites the soft flesh there, soothing her hands up Azzi’s stomach as she does so.
Azzi’s head falls back once again, because she’s worried if she keeps looking at Paige she’ll come just from this.
“Mm,” Paige hums into her thigh, licking a long stripe up to where she needs her, tongue stopping just shy of her core. “Watchu want, baby? Want me to eat this pussy?”
Azzi’s hips cant up at the words, a breathy moan escaping her lips. “Yes, shit, want you so bad.”
“Know you do,” Paige coos, pressing a kiss to Azzi’s cunt, clothed only in her thong. “So fuckin’ sexy.”
Azzi swears she’s actually floating at this point, levitating off the bed from Paige’s words, her touch, which has gotta be magic.
“Take them—off,” Azzi insists, hands going to the waistband of her panties to do it herself, but Paige stops her.
“I gotchu,” she mutters, kissing down her legs while she pulls the thong down Azzi’s leg, and it soon joins the rest of her clothes on the hotel room floor.
She sits back on her knees, hands rubbing Azzi’s thighs as she admires her, all spread out just for Paige.
And then she bends down and presses the flat of her tongue against Azzi’s dripping cunt.
“Fuck!” Azzi cries out, the sensation against her pussy unfamiliar and sort of odd and so, so good.
Paige licks up her one more time, gathering her wetness before she separates her folds with her fingers and sucks her clit into her mouth, eliciting a surprised gasp from Azzi.
“Good?” she mumbles, pulling back just enough to look up at her.
Azzi nods, pushing her head down urgently. “Uh-huh, just keep going, baby.”
Paige smirks, looping her arms around Azzi’s thighs and pulling her closer, Azzi gasping as she’s jerked forward. She gets back to it, kitten-licking Azzi’s cunt, eyes closed as she tastes her, and then she opens them and groans. “Fuck, Az. Such a pretty fucking pussy.”
A flush settles over Azzi’s entire body at the words, goosebumps popping up over her bare skin even though she’s the farthest thing from cold.
Paige lays one of her hands flat against Azzi’s pelvis, reaching down and using her pointer finger and thumb to keep her spread open while she places filthy, open-mouthed kisses over her cunt, tongue dipping into her like it did her mouth while they were making out. Azzi props herself up on her elbows, chest heaving, wanting to watch. Paige opens her eyes and catches sight of her—hair tossed over one shoulder, tits rising and falling, abs clenching against the pleasure in her core—and groans, sending vibrations straight through Azzi’s pussy.
Paige’s eyes stay open, all hooded and sexy, as she moves her head down and finally dips her tongue inside Azzi’s entrance, pulling a high-pitched whine from her.
Something flashes in Paige’s eyes and Azzi isn’t really sure what happens, but the next thing she knows Paige is burying her entire face in her cunt, tongue fucking up inside of her so good, and Azzi’s head falls back as she lets out a moan that’s downright pornographic. “Oh, feels so good—gonna come, ‘m so close.”
Paige only nods, doubling her efforts and moving her head back and forth, pulling her tongue out to lick repeatedly from her hole to her clit, creating a rhythm that’s absolutely deadly, and then Azzi’s legs are shaking violently, thighs clamping around Paige’s head, and Paige sucks her clit into her mouth and shakes her head, and Azzi practically screams Paige’s name as she comes hard.
Paige eats her through it, slowing down but not stopping, Azzi falling back against the sheets, unable to hold herself up anymore.
“Fuck,” Paige mumbles into her pussy, and when Azzi tilts her head she finds Paige’s mouth and chin shiny with her own slick. “So pretty, mama. Look at you,” she kisses against Azzi’s hole, “comin’ all over my face like that.”
“Paige,” Azzi sighs, reaching down to push Paige’s head away from her overstimulated cunt. Paige doesn’t budge, kissing up to her twitching clit, causing Azzi to jerk. “Baby, it’s too much.”
Paige’s tongue comes back out, licking delicately at her entrance. “Please, Az. One more.”
Azzi shakes her head, holding onto Paige’s hair, trying to close her thighs. “I can’t.”
“Yeah you can,” Paige murmurs against her, nose nuzzling her clit while she tongues her entrance again. “Be such a good girl for me and take it, huh?”
Paige holds Azzi’s thighs firmly open, and Azzi is already dripping again, so that’s that.
Paige digs back in, slurping at Azzi’s impossibly wet cunt, eating her like she’s a woman starved. Azzi is still so sensitive from the last one and it almost hurts when Paige suckles her clit, but it also makes her whine, hips lifting off the bed to hump against Paige’s face.
Paige moans into her, teeth grazing ever-so-slightly against her engorged clit, and that does it—with a weak cry, blonde hair fisted in her hands, Azzi comes for the second time, hips immediately trying to get away as Paige works her through it.
Wiping her face with the back of her hand, Paige crawls back up Azzi’s body, smiling proudly. “Did so good, baby,” she coos, kissing Azzi’s cheek before collapsing next to her, pulling her into her side.
Azzi lets herself be held, tracing her fingers gently over the skin of Paige’s stomach. “You’re good at that.”
“I know, mama,” Paige chuckles.
“Hey…” Azzi presses her hand against Paige’s stomach and lifts herself up so they’re face-to-face, “Paigey, I wanna do you, too.”
Paige stares at her, then shakes her head. “Nah, I’m good, baby.”
“Please?” Azzi pouts. It’s totally unfair that she’s laying here, naked and spent, while Paige is still fully clothed and untouched.
“We gotta go to sleep, it’s getting late,” Paige replies, pulling Azzi back down.
“Why can’t I?” Azzi pries, laying her head on Paige’s chest. “I’d be good, I promise.”
“I know you would,” Paige replies, and she sounds like she means it. “I just…it’s okay. Really.”
Azzi doesn’t argue any more, because Paige is tracing soothing shapes over her back, and slowly but surely she’s being lulled to sleep.
But she does wonder, vaguely, if she will ever get the chance to do this again. And, more pressingly—what this means for them.
The next morning, the first thing Azzi does when she wakes is reach blindly across the bed for something warm and solid and snuggly named Paige.
Her hands fist cold sheets, and her eyes shoot open.
“P?” she calls, listening for sound in the bathroom. No answer.
Azzi looks down at herself, naked and bruised from the waist down.
Fuck. Fuck.
“Paige,” Azzi tries again, rolling out of bed and reaching for her phone. No messages. No note on the bedside table.
Pulling the sheet up to cover herself—even though nobody’s around—she navigates to Paige’s contact and constructs a message:
Hey, where’d you go?
She waits a few minutes for the answer, but when it comes, it’s wholly disappointing:
Went for a run. Be back by eleven.
The period at the end is all too telling.
Paige fucked her last night. And then left her to wake up cold and alone in the morning.
There’s nothing good about this.
@azzibuckets @smiths-fan--13 @ch12334 @makethemhoesmad @the-other-half @rosemariiaa @router2260 @guesswhoitsn @patri-ots87 @unadulteratedcyclepaper @ijustreadignoreme @pazzilover101
also lmk if yall want the songs i listened to while writing *that* scene 😼
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yailtsv · 2 months ago
Paige Bueckers x reader going to a store and participating in Angel tree’s
Day 2
Angel Tree - p.b
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Sum: adopting kids off the angel tree and giving them the best Christmas ever
Warnings: fluff
Pair: Paige x gf!reader
Wc: 1.2k
My masterlist
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“Jacob, 5 years old likes Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man, coloring books, books, and doing arts & crafts. Wants a basketball and basketball hoop. Needs all clothes and winter gear, + shower soaps, a toothbrush and toothpaste.” You read off to Paige “Alright let’s add him too, pick one more” Paige says taking the angel tag from you and putting it with the other four.
You look around the tree looking at all the tags wishing you could give all of them the Christmas they deserve but you know you can’t. Two tags stuck out to you the most so you grabbed them and walked back over to Paige.
“I can’t pick between these two so you need to choose.” You start making Paige nod “Lila, 4 years old likes Hello Kitty, Barbie, baby dolls, Disney princesses, drawing, and Stitch. Wants a baby doll and a stuffed animal. Needs shoes and clothes” you then put that tag behind the other one and start reading the second one “Taylor, 16 years old likes skincare, makeup, hair accessories, Taylor Swift, reading, listening to music, volleyball, and basketball. Wants either cds and a cd player or vinyls and a vinyl player. Needs clothes, walking shoes, basketball shoes, and all hygiene products” you then looked up at Paige “which one?” You ask
She just walks towards you and takes both tags and puts them in the cart with the others “wha-“ you cut yourself off “I thought we were only doing 6?” You say running up to Paige to catch up with her since she started pushing the cart in the direction of the clothes “and now we’re doing 7” she says with a cheeky smile that you shake your head fondly at “but I will say we didn’t think this far ahead, this carts not gonna be big enough for 7 kids” Paige continues
You look at her then the cart and before you can say anything she cuts in “you go start getting clothes for either the boys or the girls and I’m gonna go get another cart” she says passing off the cart to you and walking off all before you could say anything
You push the cart to the closest clothes area which happens to be girls and women’s. They all need coats so you grab the correct size and design you think matches each kid and decide to start with the teenagers then work your way to the kid section. Paige comes back with another cart while you’re making your way to the kid section after getting quite a bit of clothes for the 2 girl teenagers. “Is that all the girls or just the teenagers?” Paige asks walking up to you with the cart
“Just the teenagers, I’m making my way to the kid’s section now. Why?” You replied looking up at Paige, she shakes her head and says “nothing, I was just thinking we could split up for the clothes to make this go faster, I can do the boys while your getting the rest of the girls.” You nod “yeah that could work, I’ll come over to you if I get done before you.” Paige nods saying she’ll do the same and then started walking towards the boys and men section while you continue your way to the girls section.
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After you and Paige both got a lot of clothes for the kids you both decided to get the other necessities next getting all sorts of soaps, hygiene products, shoes, socks, hats, scarfs, gloves, and ear muffs. “Alright I think we can start with the wish list and like list now” Paige says stopping the cart and looking at the boys wishlist items again, making you do the same “I need to get a basketball & hoop, headphones & either an iPad or iPhone, and a pair of basketball shoes & dunks” Paige reads off
“I need a baby doll & a stuffed animal, art supplies, cds & cd player or vinyls & vinyl player, and dystopian book’s & romance books” you read off “Were kinda all over the store with this one” Paige says chuckling a little making you giggle and nod “Do you wanna split up for this one too? Should we just get everything off their list separately and meet up somewhere?” You ask making Paige look at her lists “yeah probably I think there are only like 3 aisles that we both need stuff from off of all these lists.” Paige starts thinking about how you guys should do this “Alright yeah let’s split up and get everything off the lists and meet up in the candy aisle. If you need me call me.” She continues, you nod agreeing with her telling her to also call if needed.
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After around a hour and a half you start making your way to the candy aisle. You got a lot of stuff and some extra things that you think they will really like - for the baby doll you also got accessories and baby furniture, for the Barbie’s you also got the dream house, you got Taylor a vinyl player with all Taylor Swift vinyls + some vinyls of artists you think she’ll like, SOOO many books, and that’s not even all of it, there is still a bunch more of what you got.
Finally making it to the candy aisle you see Paige with her cart just as full as yours “hey babe” you say walking up to her making her look up from her phone “hey princess, you ready to checkout?” You just nod and you guys start making your way to the only area that doesn’t have long lines currently and also surprisingly - self checkout.
You and Paige both go to the only open one, with Paige letting you go first and handing you stuff for you to scan to make it easier.
When it’s time to pay you grab your wallet and get your card ready to pay, then you hear the confirmation ding making you look at Paige - standing with her phone out and grabbing the receipt “seriously? P I was gonna pay, you didn’t have to do that.” You whine out
“I wanted to do it. “ she starts then continues before you could say anything “Just let me spoil you with no complaints PLEASE” she draws the please out making you roll your eyes with a small smile on your face “Technically you’re not spoiling me, your spoiling those girls.” You say smartly making Paige smack her lips together and side eye you while putting your shopping bags in your cart “Ok well technically I’m spoiling both you and those girls because now you still have 3,798 in your bank account and their getting everything on their Christmas lists. It’s a win-win-win situation” she says with a cheeky grin
“Win-win-win situation?” You mumble under your breath “yes a win-win-win situation, what about it?” Paige sasses starting to scan all her stuff, you just shake your head and put your hands up in mock surrender “nothing” Paige just side eyes you again. Once she was done scanning and you guys fought over who payed (she cheated and payed with Apple Pay while she was pushing you back from putting your card in) you and Paige turned the gifts and tags in to where you were supposed to and then exited the store “lunch on me?” Paige suddenly asks while you guys were walking to the car making you side eye her this time.
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sommerbueckers · 7 months ago
hiyaa might get real specific with this one but can u do one where paige n r get a piece of furniture from ikea for their flat and paige is complaining that its not like lego at all. it takes them so long to build it and they just keep bickering and in the end they finally finish but find a whole bag of screws or sm
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭
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✰ 𝐰𝐜 :: 𝟏.𝟔𝐤
✰ 𝐢 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐝𝐨, 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐧𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐟𝐟
YOU AND PAIGE HAD been shopping around for hours, neither of you seemingly able to agree on a theme for the empty room in your flat. Paige wanted to turn it into a game room; colorful furniture, sports posters littering the walls, an obnoxiously large TV accompanied by a PlayStation 5 with an obnoxious amount of controllers. You, the more reasonable and mature one, wanted to turn it into a mini library/guest bedroom for when family came to stay. Paige thought that was absolutely ridiculous.
She had nitpicked every piece of furniture you picked out; the bookshelf looked too old, the bed looked too small, the dresser 'just wasn't appealing to the eyes'. Your eyes narrowed with every 'no' she gave you, but nonetheless you let her have her way. Just like always.
Several furniture stores later, the two of you landed in the middle of a high scale Ikea. The cart you pushed in front of you was empty, save for your handbag which sat in the built in baby seat. You slowly turned your head from side to side, scrutinizing things in your head as you passed. Paige did the same, trailing closely behind you with her hands stuffed deep into her pockets.
You had slowly but surely found yourselves in the bedroom department, bed frames and nightstands surrounded you. Your eyes fell onto an ample-sized couch, the description reading 'Sofa Bed' in large, bold letters. You pushed the cart toward it to examine it closer, Paige's sighs growing faint as you left her behind. It was decently priced, and you discovered the material to be quite soft as you ran your hand over the armrest. You abandoned the cart, plopping down onto one of the cushions and getting comfortable.
"What're you doin?" Paige was leaning against a dresser, her chin resting against her arms.
"Come tell me if you think this is comfortable," you patted the space next to you, your decision-making face present.
"For what?" she asked, coming to join you without an answer. She sat down with a heavy sigh, shimmying in place.
"What do you think?"
She shrugged and made an unsatisfactory noise, "It's okay."
"Paige," you spoke sternly.
"What? You asked what I thought about it and I said it was okay, I don't like it, but clearly you do."
"What's wrong with this one then?" you ask, frustration evident in your voice.
"It's so lame. No colors, no patterns, just plain white."
"Paige, you already have your PlayStation in the living room and your entire side of the bedroom has basketball posters on it. You don't need an entire room for your stuff," you tried to reason.
"But you get to put all your books in there!" she complained.
"That's because my books hardly take up any space, and like I said before, it'd be nice for my mom to have someplace to stay when she comes to visit. Or what about your family, that way they don't have to get a hotel."
"If my family comes to visit, they're not stayin' with us. Ion want them hearing how I tear you up every night," she shook her head.
"Paige!" you slapped her arm, briefly making eye contact with a woman and her son as they passed by, no doubt having heard Paige's inappropriate comment. You gave her an awkward smile, casting your gaze downwards before looking back to your girlfriend. "Keep your voice down. Obviously we wouldn't be doing anything when they're visiting," you told her plainly.
"You expect me to keep my hands off you for that long? Yeah, fuck that, no way."
"We're getting the couch."
When we reached the front of the furniture store to check out, Paige opted to put the large cardboard box containing the couch in the back of the car. It wasn't going to fit, and as the logical one of the two of you, you chose for the couch to be delivered to you for a fifty dollar fee. Paige sucked her teeth from beside you, you were always overriding her decisions. But in your defense, yours always worked out for the better.
When the clerk asked whether you wanted a team of men to assemble the couch upon delivery, you said 'yes', Paige said 'no'.
"Paige, we are not gonna put this thing together ourselves."
"Yes we are. Trust me, we got this, okay? I put shit together with my legos all the time, how hard could it be?"
"THIS SHIT IS REALLY FUCKIN' HARD," Paige groaned, her back resting against the wall as she stared tiredly at the mess you two had created, wishing that'd it just magically put itself together. Across her lap lay a sheet of directions, the paper was incredibly creased, finger sized dents on the page from having been passed back and forth between the two of you. You had been biting your lip to say 'I told you so' from the moment you had opened the box and were met with the complexity of the situation.
You were standing with an unimpressed look on your face, a piece of metal in one hand and a drill in the other. You were impatiently tapping your foot against the floor.
"Maybe if you had listened to me when I requested for them to put it together when they delivered it, we wouldn't be sitting here stuck as fuck," you sassed, pursing your lips out at her.
You were met with a glare. "Dude, okay! I'm sorry I overestimated your hard labor skills," she responded.
"I don't have hard labor skills, and neither do you! Seriously, what on Earth made you think this was a good idea?"
"Oh like you haven't overestimated yourself before," Paige rolled her eyes.
"Um, I haven't, thank you. I know my limits," you argued.
"What about the time we went to the gym and you tried to benchpress 150 without warming up?" she raised her brow.
"Okay well that was—"
"Or the time you thought you could make blueberry muffins from scratch without looking at the directions?"
"In my defense I had—"
"And let's not forget about how you bet me your favorite sweatshirt that you could beat me in Fortnite because you had been watching me long enough."
"Okay! Enough Paige, I get it," you seethed, furrowing your eyebrows at the taller girl. She was looking down at you with a victorious smirk, her arms crossing over her chest as you smoke again. "I haven't always been exactly...grounded. But still, in all the losses I've had, I've never dragged you down with me. I feel like there's a chain tied around my ankles right now and you just threw the anchor half a mile underground."
"Oh this is not that bad," she laughed.
"Paige we've been here for hours and we haven't put a single piece together!" you were laughing too.
"That's because you're goin' too slow, if you would've jus' listened to me then we would already be done!"
"Like when you told me we had to buy a mattress first and build around that?" you snorted, your hands on your hips.
"Does it not make sense?"
"Can you just hand me the directions please?" you sighed.
WITH A SATISFIED GRIN, you slapped your hands against your knees and stood, admiring the sofa bed you and Paige had finally assembled. The room was filled with the faint smell of new furniture and the evidence of your hard work—scattered instructions, a few empty screw packets, and two exhausted, but triumphant smiles.
Paige stood beside you, her own smile shining brightly. "I told you we had it," she said, giving your shoulder a proud pat.
You briefly narrowed your eyes at her, feigning indignation. "Yes, after hours of me having to go behind your mistakes and fix them, we’re finally done!"
Paige laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, come on, it wasn’t that bad!"
Just as you both started to clean up, you noticed a small bag tucked away beneath the pile of discarded packaging. Curious, you reached down and pulled it out, feeling the weight of it in your hand.
"Uh, Paige?" you said, holding up the bag for her to see.
Paige turned to you, her smile fading slightly as she recognized what you were holding. "You gotta be joking."
You nodded, your own smile slipping into a look of bewilderment. "I think we missed a step...or several."
Paige’s eyes widened as she took the bag from you, examining it with disbelief. "How did we miss this? We used everything else!"
You both stared at the bag for a moment, then turned to look at the sofa bed, which was standing proudly in the middle of the room. The realization set in, and you could feel a mix of horror and amusement bubbling up inside you.
Paige was the first to break the silence, a laugh escaping her lips. "Well… at least it hasn’t collapsed yet?"
You couldn’t help but laugh too, the absurdity of the situation too much to ignore. "Maybe it’s a miracle of engineering."
Paige shook her head, still laughing. "You think we should take it apart?"
You both glanced at the sofa bed again, then at each other. The thought of spending more hours disassembling and reassembling the whole thing was almost too much to bear.
"Nah," you finally said, tossing the bag of screws onto the floor. "Let’s just pretend this never happened. If it falls apart, we’ll deal with it then."
Paige grinned, relieved. "Okay. Besides, it looks good enough to me."
You both flopped onto the sofa bed, testing its sturdiness. It held up, at least for the moment, and that was good enough for now. You shared a glance, bursting into another fit of laughter. 
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lupinqs · 4 months ago
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SAFE AND SOUND (1/3) ━━ pazzi
☆ ━ summary: in which azzi fudd forms an unexpected alliance with paige bueckers as they fight for survival in the hunger games.
☆ ━ word count: 10.1K
☆ ━ warnings: nothing yet really, should all be in the next chapter lol
☆ ━ links: part two, part three, my masterlist, ao3 link
☆ ━ author’s note: if i had a nickel for every time i wrote one of my ships going to the hunger games together, i’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice 🧐 obviously this is a hunger games au so if you haven’t read the book or seen the movie or are not familiar with the premise, i don’t know how well you’ll be able to understand. alsoooo this part is lowkey very much buildup and not actual pazzi just mostly azzi; it was meant to be one whole part but it would’ve been too damn long so i split it!
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The words hang in the air, and for a moment, everything stops. The world around her seems to freeze in time. Lucia Bliss, the escort from District Nine, says the name with a certain flair, her voice high-pitched and breathy, as if this is a celebration instead of a death sentence. Lucia’s purple hair gleams under the harsh midday sun, her too-bright smile a sick contrast to the crowd’s silence.
Azzi stands rooted to the ground. Her heart slams in her chest, and her vision narrows as shock seeps through her bones. She can’t move, can’t breathe. Her body is disconnected from her mind, numbness spreading through her limbs. She vaguely registers the weight of the stares from the girls around her—some wide-eyed with horror, others carefully blank. Azzi blinks. Is this real? She swallows hard, but her throat feels like sandpaper.
She never let herself think about this. Never allowed the possibility to take root. She spent the whole week worrying about her little brothers, Jon and Jose, her anxiety circling around them like a storm cloud. Jose, especially. It’s his first Reaping, and he’d been so scared he couldn’t sleep the night before. Azzi had promised him it’d be okay, that the odds were in their favor. She’d lied. And now it’s her name that hangs in the air.
Her legs feel heavy, like they’ve been weighed down with stones, but somehow, she forces them to move. One step. Then another. Each movement is stiff, mechanical, her body obeying while her mind is still reeling. The faces in the crowd blur into a mass of pale colors, and Azzi avoids looking at any of them directly. The sun presses down on her back, making her skin feel tight, suffocating, but she barely registers it. Her heartbeat thuds in her ears, a dull roar that drowns out everything else.
I have to do this. She repeats it in her head, over and over, as if it will numb the panic creeping up her spine. I have to get up there.
The platform is higher than it looks. It looms above her as she approaches, and the closer she gets, the more she feels the weight of the district watching her. Her hands tremble at her sides, but she keeps them balled into fists, her nails digging into her palms. She can’t afford to show fear. Not now.
She steps onto the stage, the wooden floor creaking beneath her shoes. Lucia Bliss beams at her, all synthetic kindness and hollow enthusiasm, like she’s completely oblivious to the fact that she’s sending a sixteen-year-old girl to her death. Azzi wants to scream, to shout at her, to demand to know how she can smile like that. Instead, she stands there, stiff as a board, staring blankly into the crowd.
She doesn’t look at her family. Not yet. If she lets herself see them—really see them—she knows she’ll fall apart. And she can’t afford to break down, not in front of everyone. Not here. The numbness is the only thing keeping her from collapsing.
“Now, for the boys!” Lucia announces, with that same bright cheeriness, like this is all just a grand spectacle and not a nightmare come to life.
The second name is pulled, and Azzi barely registers the sound of the boy’s name. “Kellan Ryder.”
Her eyes catch a glimpse of him as he stumbles forward—a scrawny boy with messy red hair and too-thin arms. He looks no older than fourteen, maybe fifteen at most. His face is pale, his mouth set in a tight line as he walks toward the platform like a condemned man heading to the gallows. There’s no strength in him, no fire. He’s shaking like a leaf, and Azzi knows his fate immediately. Anyone with a brain should. He won’t make it.
Kellan’s knees wobble as he climbs onto the platform, nearly tripping on the last step. His frightened eyes dart around, but when they meet Azzi’s for a fleeting moment, she sees it—the absolute terror, the resignation that’s already settled in him. He knows he’s dead. And now, she’s tethered to him.
Lucia claps her hands together, looking as if she expects the crowd to erupt into applause, but no one moves. District Nine never claps at the Reaping. There’s nothing to celebrate here.
Azzi’s jaw tightens, her hands still clenched at her sides. What now? What happens next? She can’t feel anything except a dull, creeping fear gnawing at the edges of her consciousness. It’s been less than five minutes since her name was called, but it feels like an eternity has passed. She feels lost, unmoored, floating in a space where time no longer makes sense.
As the anthem blares across the square, she chances a glance into the crowd—just for a second. Her gaze locks onto her family. Her mom is there, her face pale but strong. Azzi’s dad stands right next to her, an arm around her waist. They wear the same firm expressions—like they may actually believe their daughter can make it through this. Azzi can’t find Jon and Jose—they’re somewhere within the rest of the relieved crowd of boys who have been spared this year.
Lucia is speaking again, but Azzi barely hears her. The words are muffled, distant, as she’s ushered off the stage and into the cold interior of the Justice Building. Her chest feels tight, her throat burning from holding back everything that’s clawing at her insides, threatening to break free. She can’t let them see her cry.
Inside the Justice Building, it’s quieter, but the silence only makes her pulse race faster. She’s taken to a small room to wait. The goodbyes. They give her only a few minutes with her family before she’s whisked away forever.
Her mother is the first to come in, and the second the door closes behind her, the stoic mask she’s been holding up crumbles. She rushes forward and pulls Azzi into a bone-crushing hug. Katie Fudd does not shed any tears, but Azzi can feel her shaking against her shoulder. Trembling, but trying to fight it.
“You’re going to come back,” her mother says firmly, as if she’s manifesting it into existence. And then, more choked: “Please, Azzi. You have to come back.”
Azzi stands stiffly for a moment, then wraps her arms around her mother. She wants to promise that she’ll come back, that she’ll survive, but the words stick in her throat. How can she make a promise like that when she doesn’t know if she can keep it?
“I’ll try,” Azzi says instead, her voice hollow. I’ll try. It’s all she can offer.
Her brothers come in next, Jon leading Jose. The second Jose sees her, he runs to her, clinging to her waist like he’s afraid she’ll disappear if he lets go. His face is streaked with tears, his breath coming in ragged sobs.
“You’re gonna come back, right?” Jose’s voice is small, broken. Azzi’s reminded that he’s only twelve. “You have to come back.”
Azzi pulls away slightly, brushing the hair out of his face. “I’ll do my best,” she whispers, her voice trembling. She can’t say anything more than that. She wishes she could lie, give him something more hopeful, but the truth is all she has.
Jon is much quieter, and he stands back, his face hard as stone. But his eyes—his eyes are full of pain, full of everything he’s trying not to feel. When he finally steps forward, he pulls her into a tight hug, whispering in her ear, “Please try to come home.”
Azzi nods, her throat too tight to respond.
And then it’s her dad that gets her last, his arms wrapping around her softer, less firm. He rubs a hand along her back, rests his chin on top of her head. It makes Azzi want to cry. But she doesn’t. She keeps the tears in. Tim tells her, “Be smart. Don’t trust anyone.” And then he pulls away, meeting her gaze. His eyes aren’t sad, they don’t memorize the lines of her face as if this is likely the last time they’ll ever see each other. Instead, they’re firm, a fire burning in them, a fire that believes Azzi has enough spark in her to win. “You’re strong, Az. You find what you’re good at, and you stick to it. Just like shooting.”
Azzi nods, though his words don’t truly reach her. She’s good at basketball—great, even. The best shooter in her district. But the Hunger Games isn’t basketball. It’s entirely different.
The goodbye is over too quickly, the Peacekeepers ushering her family out of the room, their voices echoing down the hall. As the door closes behind them, the reality of the situation hits her with full force. This is happening. This is real. There’s no way out of it. In just a few days, she’ll be in the arena, and all that will matter is survival.
Azzi takes a deep breath, her hands trembling. She has to survive. For her family. For her mom. For her dad. For Jon and Jose. I have to win.
But as the cold emptiness settles into her chest, she knows it’s not going to be that simple. Not even close.
THE ROOM in the Capitol’s Remake Center is pristine and clinical—too clean, in fact. The walls are bright white, and the overhead lights are too harsh, casting everything in an almost sterile glow. The faint hum of machinery buzzes in the background, and Azzi sits stiffly on the plush chair in the center of the room, her back straight and hands clenched in her lap. She can feel the cold, unfamiliar air of the Capitol against her skin, a far cry from the familiar, earthy smells of District Nine. The whole place feels wrong.
Azzi’s mind is still spinning from the events of the past day, from the Reaping to the train ride to the Capitol. Everything feels like a blur—one unending nightmare she can’t escape from. The vibrant, colorful city that’s supposed to be awe-inspiring feels nothing more than a glittering cage, trapping her in a world that doesn’t belong to her.
A knock at the door startles her from her thoughts, and she straightens, her heart thudding a little harder in her chest. The door opens, and in walks a tall, slender woman with dark, shimmering hair cut into a sleek bob. Her skin is flawless, glowing in the artificial light, and she’s dressed in an outfit that’s both futuristic and elegant, all smooth lines and shimmering fabric.
She strides into the room with the kind of confidence Azzi has only ever seen in Capitol citizens, her heels clicking against the floor. When she reaches Azzi, she extends a perfectly manicured hand and offers a soft, warm smile.
“Hello, Azzi. I’m Seraphine,” she says, her voice gentle, as though she knows how jarring this experience must be. “I’ll be your stylist for the Games.”
Azzi stares at Seraphine’s hand for a second too long before realizing she’s supposed to shake it. Her fingers feel cold as she grips the stylist’s hand briefly, then pulls away, her eyes flickering nervously to the floor. She hasn’t said a word since entering the Remake Center, and even now, her throat feels tight, like it’s closed off from the weight of everything around her.
Seraphine seems to notice Azzi’s discomfort and doesn’t push her to speak. Instead, she walks around the chair, studying Azzi with a critical yet kind eye, taking in her features as if she’s a sculpture being examined for the first time.
“You’ve got very strong features,” Seraphine says, her voice soft as she moves to stand in front of Azzi. She lifts a hand, her finger tracing the air just in front of Azzi’s face as if imagining her canvas. “A really beautiful face. Great symmetry. Your nose is perfect—straight, but with just a little softness at the tip. And your lips,” she smiles, “plump and well-shaped, the kind people pay for here in the Capitol.”
Azzi doesn’t know what to say. She swallows hard and forces out a quiet, “Thank you.”
But the words feel hollow in her mouth. Two days ago, she probably would’ve flushed at the compliment and grinned at the woman before her. But it doesn’t matter now. Being beautiful won’t keep her alive. It won’t stop a sword or a spear. It won’t protect her when she’s standing in the arena, staring down a tribute who wants her dead. She doesn’t care about her looks. She cares about surviving.
Seraphine seems to sense the tension in her, but she doesn’t comment on it. Instead, she steps back and claps her hands together, her expression shifting into something more professional. “Well, we’ve got a lot to do before the Opening Ceremony tonight. The tributes from District Nine usually get an agricultural theme, but we’re going to make sure you stand out. You’ll need something that catches the eye, something that makes people remember you. The Capitol loves a good first impression.”
Azzi tries to focus on what Seraphine is saying, but her mind keeps drifting, her thoughts pulling her back to District Nine, to the faces of her brothers, her parents, their small home nestled in the farthest corner of the district. She feels like she’s been dropped into an alien world, surrounded by people who don’t understand what it means to fight for survival. Here, everything is about image—how you look, how you present yourself. But in the Games, none of that matters. At least, not to Azzi.
Seraphine motions for Azzi to stand, and she does so stiffly, her muscles aching from sitting so rigidly for so long. The stylist begins to circle her, appraising her figure and murmuring to herself. After a few moments of quiet contemplation, Seraphine snaps her fingers, and a team of assistants rushes in, carrying bolts of fabric and strange devices Azzi doesn’t recognize.
Seraphine smiles softly, her fingers brushing against Azzi’s shoulder. “We’re going to make you look incredible. Trust me, Azzi. I’ve been doing this for years.”
Azzi doesn’t respond. She lets the team of assistants work on her, trying not to flinch as they run strange tools across her skin, smoothing it, shaping it. They tug at her hair, pulling it back tightly from her face, and apply makeup to her cheeks and eyes. She’s never worn anything like this before, and the sensation of it all feels foreign, uncomfortable. The air smells heavily of perfume and hair products, nothing like the open fields and fresh earth of her home.
Seraphine watches closely, making small adjustments as the assistants work. “We’ll keep it simple but striking,” she says as she examines the fabrics. “District Nine is about agriculture, the backbone of Panem’s food production. So we’ll lean into that, but in a way that makes you look powerful. Strong. Like someone the Capitol will want to root for.”
Azzi barely nods, her mind half-absent.
The assistants pull out a long, flowing piece of fabric, the color a rich golden hue that shimmers in the light. It’s embroidered with intricate patterns, resembling the fields of grain District Nine is known for. The material clings to her body, forming into a fitted jumpsuit that accentuates her athletic build. The design is sleek and modern, with a slight flare at the shoulders, giving her the appearance of strength, while the fabric flows behind her like a cape made of golden wheat.
Seraphine steps back, admiring the final look, her lips curling into a satisfied smile. “You look incredible, Azzi. Absolutely stunning. This will make the audience remember you—beautiful, but more importantly, formidable.”
Azzi stares at herself in the mirror, her reflection almost unrecognizable. The girl looking back at her is a Capitol version of herself, someone polished and made to look like she belongs here. But Azzi can see right through it. She doesn’t belong here.
“How do you feel?” Seraphine asks, stepping up beside her.
Azzi hesitates, her eyes lingering on her reflection. She looks strong, she looks like someone people might fear. But the question gnaws at her, the same thought that’s been looping in her head since she arrived at the Capitol.
“Being beautiful won’t help me in the arena,” she says quietly, her voice low, as if the thought escapes her without permission.
Seraphine’s expression softens, and she places a hand gently on Azzi’s shoulder. “It’s not just about beauty. It’s about presence. The Capitol citizens, the sponsors—they want someone they can believe in. If they believe in you, they’ll help you. They’ll send you things you need. And that could be the difference between life and death.”
Azzi doesn’t know how to respond to that. She’s never thought about it that way—never considered that people watching her might care enough to help. She doesn’t know if she likes that idea, though. It feels too distant, too detached. How can she trust that some faceless audience in the Capitol will care enough to keep her alive?
But she nods anyway, her jaw tight as she looks back at her reflection. “I guess.”
Seraphine gives her a reassuring smile, but Azzi can see the flicker of something else in the stylist’s eyes. Maybe a recognition of the bleakness that comes with the Games. Or maybe just sympathy. Either way, it doesn’t change the reality.
And then Seraphine is clapping her hands again, signaling the rush of assistants and stylists bustling back into the room. They tidy up the last few details, adjusting the cape of shimmering gold fabric that flows behind Azzi, smoothing out any wrinkles in the intricate embroidery of her jumpsuit. The noise, the movement, all of it feels overwhelming, but Seraphine stays calm and poised, giving Azzi a reassuring smile before gesturing toward the door.
“Come, Azzi. We need to head downstairs. Your chariot awaits,” Seraphine says.
Azzi’s legs feel unsteady as she follows her stylist. There’s a gnawing anxiety low in her stomach, a knot that’s only been growing tighter since her name was pulled. She walks behind Seraphine, out of the room and down a long, marble hallway that echoes with the click of the stylist’s heels. The air feels heavier here, the anticipation hanging thick in the space around them as they make their way to the first floor.
The elevator doors open, revealing the Remake Center’s ground floor—a massive, gleaming stable. The smell of horses hits her first, a sharp contrast to the sterile air of the upper floors. The space is wide and open, filled with row after row of chariots, each one assigned to a different district, waiting to carry their tributes into the Opening Ceremony. It’s loud, too, with the sound of people bustling around, prepping the tributes, adjusting the horses’ harnesses, and giving last-minute instructions.
Azzi’s eyes dart around, searching for Kellan, her district partner. She spots him off to the side, standing next to one of the chariots, his eyes wide with fear and his shoulders hunched as if he’s trying to make himself as small as possible. He looks terrible, Azzi thinks, her heart twisting in her chest. Kellan is so young—fourteen—the same age as her little brother Jon.
In fact, Kellan could’ve been Jon. Could’ve been Jose. The thought makes her feel sick. He’s just a kid. And now he’s about to be thrown into a fight to the death.
Azzi’s stomach churns as she approaches Kellan, trying to think of something to say, something that might ease his nerves, but nothing comes to mind. What can she say? You’ll be fine? It won’t be that bad? It would be a lie. There’s no comforting truth here.
Lucia is already there, too, flitting around with her usual enthusiasm. Her bright purple wig bounces as she talks, gesturing wildly with her hands. She’s all Capitol—flashy and clueless, too caught up in the spectacle of it all to realize what’s really at stake.
“Ah, Azzi! You look fan-tastic!” Lucia exclaims, clucking her tongue and clapping her hands together. “Seraphine has really outdone herself this year.”
Azzi gives a stiff nod, but her attention is drawn to the figure standing next to Lucia.
Their mentor—Cyrus.
A tall, grizzled man in his mid-forties, Cyrus won the Games when he was seventeen, Azzi knows that. His hair is streaked with silver now, and his face is lined with years of bitterness and loss—an expression she’s come to recognize in former victors. Cyrus isn’t the warmest person, but he knows what it takes to survive, and that’s all that matters to Azzi now.
He steps forward, eyeing her and Kellan critically, his arms crossed over his broad chest. “You both look good,” he says, his voice gruff, as if the compliment costs him something. “But this isn’t about just looking good. It’s about making the Capitol love you. You need them on your side, or you’re dead in the water.”
Kellan swallows hard, his eyes darting nervously toward the chariots. Azzi can see his hands trembling slightly at his sides, and again, that pang of guilt hits her. He shouldn’t be here. He’s too young.
So is Azzi. So is every other tribute here.
Cyrus doesn’t seem to notice Kallan’s behavior—or if he does, he doesn’t care. He steps closer, his voice dropping into a low, urgent tone. “When you get out there, you smile. You wave. You make sure they see you, like you’re already a victor. The crowd loves confidence. They love tributes who look like they’ll win, not ones who are scared to death.” His eyes flick to Kellan, lingering for a second too long. “So you both smile. Got it?”
Azzi nods, even though the last thing she wants to do is smile right now. But Cyrus is right. They have to play the game, even here.
She turns her head slightly, trying to shake off the weight of the moment when something—or someone—catches her eye.
Just across the stable, standing next to another chariot with her district partner, is a girl. She’s tall for a girl, like Azzi is, with long blonde hair that’s been braided back into a bun. Her outfit is clearly themed around District Seven—lumber—and it’s made of rich brown leather, like freshly cut wood, with patterns that resemble tree bark. But what stands out most to Azzi isn’t the outfit. It’s her face.
The girl’s features are sharp but soft in all the right places. She has a defined jawline, high cheekbones, and a pair of piercing blue eyes that seem to flicker with something unspoken. She’s pretty—beautiful, even—but not in the overdone, Capitol way. There’s something natural about her beauty, something real.
Azzi’s breath catches in her throat as their eyes meet. For a moment, the noise of the stable fades into the background, and all she can hear is the pounding of her heart in her chest. The girl holds her gaze, her expression unreadable but intense, like she’s studying Azzi just as much as Azzi is studying her.
This girl is another tribute. Another person Azzi might have to kill. But the thought doesn’t stop her from staring a second too long, from letting herself get caught in the girl’s gaze.
It’s only when Cyrus barks something at them that Azzi snaps her head back around, her cheeks flushing as she tries to focus. This isn’t the time for distractions.
She forces her attention back to Cyrus as he continues giving them last-minute instructions. “Smile. Wave. Make them love you. Got it?”
Azzi nods, though her thoughts are still jumbled. She glances at Kellan, who’s biting his lip nervously, his eyes darting around the stable like a rabbit caught in a trap.
And then they’re being ushered toward their chariot. Azzi takes a deep breath, her legs feeling wobbly as she steps onto the platform, Kellan following behind her. The horses, sleek and muscular, are restless in front of them, their hooves clattering against the marble floor. She grips the edge of the chariot tightly, her knuckles turning white.
As the chariots begin to roll out, Azzi takes one more deep breath. She can hear the roar of the crowd growing louder, the excitement building as the tributes are about to make their grand entrance.
The moment they roll into view of the massive audience, the noise is deafening. The Capitol citizens cheer and shout, their brightly colored hair and outrageous outfits blending together into a sea of vibrant chaos. Azzi forces herself to smile, just like instructed, letting her dimples show through as she waves to the crowd, her arm moving mechanically as if on autopilot. She hates it—the way their eyes are all on her, the way they’re watching her as if she’s nothing more than a piece in their twisted game.
She’s never wanted attention like this. The only way she’d ever dreamed of being noticed was by playing basketball, maybe one day making it big enough to play in the Capitol’s professional leagues. But that was a stupid dream—something far out of reach for someone from a District. Even if she won the Games, even if she became a Capitol darling, she’d never be allowed to play. The basketball leagues are for Capitol citizens, not for tributes. Not for people like her.
Azzi keeps smiling, keeps waving, even though every second of it feels wrong. The crowd’s cheers grow louder, their excitement palpable, but Azzi feels nothing. All she can think about is the girl from District Seven—the girl whose eyes she can still feel on her, even now, as the chariots roll forward.
IT’S THE second day of training. Yesterday, Azzi found her strength—throwing knives. It was quick; the dagger was the first weapon she picked up and tried. And it just… worked. It surprised her at first, but as the blades left her hand, spinning in the air before sinking into the target with a solid thud, it felt almost familiar. The motion, the precision, the focus—it all reminds her of shooting a basketball. In her mind, it’s the same concept: aim, release, make the shot. Whether it’s a knife sinking into a dummy or a ball swooshing through a hoop, the goal is the same. And it comforts her in a strange way, turning something deadly into something she’s used to, something she can control.
Now, Azzi stands several feet away from a dummy, gripping a knife, the handle cool against her palm. She lines it up with the target. Her muscles tighten as she flicks her wrist, releasing the dagger. It slices through the air, embedding itself into where the heart of the dummy would be with a satisfying thud. A perfect hit. She lets out a slow breath, allowing a small flicker of satisfaction to cross her face. The trainers don’t miss it either, nodding with approval as they observe her from across the room.
Cyrus, her mentor, has been watching her closely since she got here. And, after Azzi informed him of her successes with the daggers last night and his compliments of her physique, the true muscle she has, it’s been clear he’s placing his bets on Azzi this time around. It seems there’s just no point in trying with Kellan.
As for Kellan, he hasn’t said much of anything since they were whisked away to the Capitol. He’s just a boy, and Azzi has watched the fear in his eyes grow with each passing day. Cyrus has tried to train him, to offer him advice, but Kellan’s barely even listened. It’s as if he’s already given up. Azzi sees it in the way his hands tremble whenever he holds a weapon, the way he flinches during combat drills, and the way he refuses to meet anyone’s gaze. He’s already dead in his mind, and Azzi knows that mentality will get him killed in the arena.
“Focus on yourself,” Cyrus had told her bluntly last night after dinner. “Kellan’s not gonna make it. You need to accept that now.”
Azzi had nodded, the truth of Cyrus’ words sitting like a heavy weight in her chest. She tried talking to Kellan once, offering him a few words of encouragement, but he barely even acknowledged her. After that, she stopped trying. She can’t afford to waste time or energy on someone who’s already checked out. It isn’t like she doesn’t feel guilty—she does—but she has to survive.
She can’t focus on anyone else’s survival but her own.
Today, Cyrus has her focusing on something other than knives. “You’ve got those down,” he’d told her before the session. “Learn how to survive the elements now. Plants, food, water. You need to know what’s safe and what isn’t. Most tributes die from hunger, dehydration—not all of it is blood and guts.”
So Azzi finds herself crouched in front of an information station, its holographic displays showing various plants, fruits, and fungi. She taps the screen, cycling through images of plants she might find in the arena, trying to commit them to memory. Which ones are edible, which ones are poisonous, which ones could be used to heal wounds. It’s not as exciting as knife-throwing, but it’s necessary, and she knows it.
She’s absorbed in her study, staring intently at a particularly nasty-looking mushroom, when she senses someone approaching from the side. Her muscles tense instinctively, and she glances up, prepared to brush off whoever it is—until she sees Paige Bueckers standing next to her.
Paige Bueckers. District Seven. Azzi knows who she is. She’s memorized all the tributes’ names and districts by now—it’s smart to know who she’s up against—but Paige was the first one she committed to memory. Maybe it’s because of the way Paige caught her eye before the opening ceremony, their silent exchange of glances lingering in Azzi’s mind longer than she’d like to admit. Or maybe it’s because she’s watched Paige train over the past two days and realized just how dangerous the girl really is. Azzi saw her with a sword earlier, moving with a deadly grace that sent chills down her spine. Paige might be one of the most skilled tributes here, and that’s saying something.
Paige is tall, even a little taller than Azzi, and her blonde hair is pulled back into a ponytail, a thin, black headband resting over it. Her sharp, blue eyes meet Azzi’s as she stops next to her, wearing a grin that seems completely out of place in the tense, competitive atmosphere of the training center.
“Azzi Fudd,” Paige says, her tone casual, as if they’re not preparing to kill each other in a matter of days. “District Nine.”
Azzi glances back at the screen, her brows furrowing slightly. She doesn’t know how to feel about Paige approaching her. She doesn’t know what she wants. This could be some kind of strategy—get close to your enemies, make them lower their guard. Azzi isn’t stupid. She knows better than to trust anyone here.
“Bueckers,” Azzi replies, her voice neutral, not giving anything away. She keeps her eyes on the screen, scrolling through more plant images.
But Paige doesn’t leave. She shifts her weight, bouncing slightly on her heels, like she can’t seem to stay still. The grin on her face widens, and Azzi feels even more confused. Why is Paige so friendly? Why is she smiling like they’re just two normal girls having a chat?
“So, you’re, like, really good with daggers, huh?” Paige says, her voice light. “I saw you throwing earlier. Pretty impressive.”
Azzi doesn’t look up. She sighs instead, her fingers hovering over the screen. “Guess so,” she mumbles. In the back of her mind, she knows she should probably be nicer. Paige might be trying to form an alliance, and with Kellan being a dead end, Azzi could use one. But trust is a luxury she can’t afford right now, and Paige’s enthusiasm throws her off.
Paige doesn’t seem fazed by Azzi’s short response, though. She keeps standing there, grinning like an idiot, her eyes twinkling with some kind of amusement. It’s unnerving how at ease she seems, how… happy. It’s probably a mask. She’s probably as terrified as the rest of them, and she’s just getting through it in her own way.
Nevertheless, Azzi can’t take it anymore. She turns her head slightly, locking eyes with Paige. “Why are you talking to me?” she asks bluntly.
Paige blinks, her grin faltering for just a moment. For the first time, she looks a little unsure of herself. “Um… I don’t really know, actually,” she admits with a small, nervous laugh. “Just… wanted to, I guess.”
Azzi narrows her eyes, studying her. She has no idea if the girl before her is being honest. But the sincerity in her voice catches Azzi a little off guard, and for a second, she’s not sure what to say. This is the Hunger Games. No one talks to someone just because they “want to.” Everyone has an angle. Yet Paige stands there, looking oddly genuine, like she really doesn’t have a reason. Like she just wants to talk to Azzi, no strings attached.
For a moment, Azzi’s walls start to crack. She considers the possibility—however slim—that Paige is just… a good person. It doesn’t make sense, not in a place like this, but the warmth in Paige’s smile makes Azzi’s suspicion waver.
“Well,” Azzi finally says, her voice a little softer than before, “maybe you shouldn’t.” She doesn’t look away this time, her eyes lingering on Paige’s, almost like she’s testing her.
Paige’s grin returns, softer this time, but still there. “Maybe,” she says, “but I’m here anyway.”
Azzi shakes her head a little, gaze returning to the screen. She needs to focus on this, not the girl beside her.
Paige doesn’t seem to be deterred, though, still watching Azzi with that easy smile, her eyes bright. “You’re pretty serious, yeah?” she says, tilting her head, almost like she’s teasing but not quite. “Locked in. I get it. Gotta be. But… we’re all here, y'know? Same boat.”
Azzi shifts her weight, feeling her jaw tighten. “I have to be serious,” Azzi mutters, her fingers swiping across the screen, though she’s not really paying attention to the plants anymore. Her heart beats a little faster under Paige’s gaze. “You can’t survive if you’re not.”
Paige leans in just slightly, and Azzi catches the faint scent of something sweet on her, like flowers. “I know that,” she says, her tone softening for a moment. “But you might need some help in there—if you wanna win.”
Azzi’s shoulders tense. The suggestion makes her uneasy, and her instinct is to push back. Help. From anyone, it feels too dangerous. It feels like relying on someone she can’t control. She barely trusts herself in this place, let alone a girl from another district who, let’s be real, could very well end up as an enemy.
“I don’t need help,” Azzi says, her voice firmer than before. “Especially not from people I don’t know.”
Paige’s smile fades a little, but there’s no frustration in her expression. If anything, she just looks… thoughtful, almost curious about Azzi’s reaction. It’s like she’s trying to figure her out, trying to see beneath the guarded exterior.
Azzi hates that. She doesn’t want to be studied or analyzed, especially not by Paige Bueckers. She’s already doing too much of that herself—constantly assessing everyone, weighing their strengths and weaknesses, trying to predict who’s a threat and who might just fade into the background.
“I’m not trying to get in your way, Azzi,” Paige says quietly, her voice losing some of its earlier lightness. “But, y’know, maybe we don’t have to be enemies. I’ve seen you, and you’re good. Like, real good. And neither of us are Careers and both our district partners are kinda duds, so I just thought…”
Azzi cuts her off, turning to face her abruptly. “Thought what? That we’d be allies? Friends?” She shakes her head, ignoring the strange knot of tension building in her chest. Paige might be trying to help, but Azzi doesn’t want it. She can’t want it. Not here. “It doesn’t work like that. I don’t work like that. Sorry.”
Paige stands there, still watching her, and for a second, Azzi thinks she sees something flicker in Paige’s eyes—disappointment, maybe, or understanding. But Paige doesn’t push back. She just nods once, a slow, thoughtful thing.
“Okay,” Paige says, stepping back a little, giving Azzi space. Her smile returns, softer, but still there. “I get it. Just… keep doin' what you’re good at.”
Azzi feels a strange pang in her chest as she watches Paige step away, like maybe she’s made a mistake. But no—she can’t think like that. She needs to stay focused, stay sharp, stay alone. That’s how she’ll survive.
Without another word, Azzi turns on her heel and walks away, her heart beating faster than before.
THE PINK dress hugs Azzi’s figure, its soft blush fabric shimmering under the bright lights of the dressing room. It’s not something she’s ever imagined herself wearing—not this shade, not this tight. She looks almost like a Capitol citizen now, polished and flawless in her own right.
The dress has a high neckline and delicate straps that crisscross her shoulders, falling in elegant folds down to her ankles. It’s simple, yet the color makes her stand out, glowing softly against her dark skin. Her hair is styled in loose waves, not unlike the Capitol’s obsession with effortless beauty, with the font pieces pulled back into braids. The makeup is light but dramatic—plump lips, accentuated cheekbones, and eyes that pop with a subtle pink shimmer.
Seraphine steps back, admiring her work with a satisfied smile. “You look stunning, Azzi. Like a dream.”
Azzi nods, not fully meeting Seraphine’s gaze. She knows she looks good, but it doesn’t feel like her. The face staring back at her in the mirror is a version of herself she doesn’t recognize. It’s not the Azzi from District Nine; it’s not the girl who shoots hoops with her brothers or helps her dad tend to the crops. It’s someone else—someone made for the Capitol’s stage. Someone for their entertainment.
“Thank you,” she says quietly, though her voice lacks enthusiasm. Seraphine doesn’t seem to mind. She knows by now that Azzi is serious, focused. There’s no time for compliments when the Games are looming.
Seraphine’s assistant adjusts the hem of Azzi’s dress one last time before stepping aside. “You’ll knock them dead,” she says with a wink, though the words sit heavy with the weight of their meaning. Knocking them dead. That’s quite literally what Azzi will have to do soon enough.
As she’s led out to the waiting area before the interviews, Azzi’s mind begins to drift. She thinks back to the training evaluations, how she had scored a 10—one of only four tributes to do so. A 10 is good, she knows that, but the competition is fierce. Both the girl and boy from Two scored 10s and Paige managed a 10 as well. There are other tributes with 9s, plenty who will be formidable in their own right. But Paige? Paige is different. She’s unpredictable, unnervingly skilled. And something about her makes Azzi feel a pang of unease.
As Azzi settles into her seat backstage, waiting for her interview with Caesar Flickerman, she watches the other tributes’ interviews on the screen. The Careers are all flashy and confident, playing up their deadliness to the crowd’s delight. Caesar eats it up, grinning and laughing as they boast about their skills and charm the Capitol audience. The boy from District Four also stands out—tall, muscular, and intimidating. A strong swimmer, no doubt. He’ll be dangerous, especially if the arena is at all water-based.
But none of them hold a candle to Paige.
When Paige steps onto the stage, it’s as if the entire room shifts. She looks stunning, effortlessly cool, in a crisp white suit that contrasts sharply with the frilly dresses most of the other girls have chosen. Her hair is down, styled in soft, wavy locks, with the top half pulled back in a way that highlights her sharp features. She looks more masculine than the other girls, but somehow that works in her favor. It’s not just that she’s different—it’s that she owns it. The Capitol loves different.
Azzi watches, unable to tear her eyes away, as Paige charms the entire crowd. She’s funny, confident, and just the right amount of cocky. Caesar practically beams at her, and the audience is eating out of the palm of her hand.
“You’re quite the swordswoman,” Caesar says, raising his eyebrows in admiration. “I saw your score, Paige—a 10! That’s incredible.”
Paige just grins, shrugging casually. “You know, I try.”
The crowd laughs, and Cyrus begins to mutter under his breath. “Damn it,” he says, shaking his head as he runs a hand through his salt-and-pepper hair. “She’s going to have sponsors lined up around the block.”
Azzi knows he’s right. Paige isn’t just skilled—she’s magnetic. People want to root for her. She’s dangerous, yes, but she’s also got this charm that makes you want to see her win, even if that means she’ll be killing people to get there.
Azzi swallows hard, feeling a knot form in her stomach. As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, she’s drawn to Paige, too. There’s something about her that pulls Azzi in—her confidence, her grace under pressure, her ease in the face of what’s to come. It’s not just attraction, though she can’t deny that Paige is beautiful. It’s more than that. There’s something about Paige that makes Azzi feel like she’s… alive. Like she’s not just surviving, but living fully in the moment, despite everything. Ironic, considering Paige could be the one to kill Azzi in that arena—or vice versa.
And Azzi hates that she feels this way. She shouldn’t be drawn to Paige. She shouldn’t be thinking about how Paige’s eyes had locked onto hers back at the opening ceremony, or how Paige had approached her during training, trying to talk like they were friends. None of it matters. Paige is just another tribute, another obstacle standing between Azzi and survival.
But still… there’s something about her.
As Paige’s interview wraps up, the crowd erupts in applause, and Caesar gives her a hug before she leaves the stage. Azzi watches as Paige walks off, her suit practically glowing under the stage lights. For a brief moment, Paige glances in Azzi’s direction, their eyes meeting across the room. It’s quick—just a fleeting second—but Azzi feels her heart skip a beat before she looks away, reminding herself why she’s here.
Just two interviews later, Azzi is taking a deep breath as the lights hit her, stepping forward onto the stage. The crowd is massive, louder than she imagined, and their cheers seem to echo in her chest. Her eyes land on Caesar Flickerman, who’s grinning wide at her as she approaches him, his flamboyant suit sparkling under the stage lights.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to Azzi Fudd from District Nine!” Caesar announces, and the crowd’s cheers grow even louder.
Azzi sits down next to Caesar, her fingers resting awkwardly in her lap. Despite the excitement around her, she feels the familiar nervousness bubbling up inside. This isn’t her element—talking, being the center of attention. She’d rather be on the sidelines, unnoticed, but here, there’s no avoiding it.
“Azzi, you look absolutely radiant tonight!” Caesar says, his voice warm and enthusiastic. “Tell me, how does it feel to be here in the Capitol, getting all this attention?”
Azzi smiles politely, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her dress. “It’s… different,” she says softly. “I’m not really used to it. But it’s nice, I guess. Everyone’s been very kind.” Very kind because they probably know I’ll be dead in a couple weeks.
Caesar nods, leaning in slightly. “I can imagine it’s quite a change from life in District 9. Tell me, what’s life like back home?”
Azzi pauses, her mind drifting back to the open fields and the quiet days of working alongside her family. “It’s simple,” she says. “We work hard, but it’s peaceful. Most of my days I’m just spending time with my family, doing the chores or playing basketball. It’s nothing like here, but it’s home.”
Caesar smiles warmly, sensing the connection she has to her district. “Family, huh? I bet they’re watching right now, rooting for you. Tell me, do you have a big family?”
Azzi shrugs a little. “Not too big, not too small, I think. There’s my parents, and then I have two younger brothers. And we’re still very close to my grandparents. I just… love my family, they’re very supportive. They’re great.” She feels her throat get choked up by the end of the sentence, not wanting to think too much about her family, how much she misses them. Even though, truthfully, she knows she should be thinking about her family because that is what needs to be her motivation. She needs to win this for them, no matter how impossible it may seem.
The crowd gives a soft murmur of approval, and Caesar’s grin widens. “That’s wonderful. Sounds like you’ve got a lot of people cheering you on back home. And speaking of support…” He pauses dramatically, the audience clearly hanging on his every word. “Any special someone out there you’re hoping to impress? Perhaps a crush back home?”
Azzi’s eyes widen a little at the question, feeling her face heat up. A crush. That is quite literally the last thing on her mind right now. She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, not sure how to answer without sounding awkward.
“I, um… no,” she says with a laugh that’s more nervous than she intended. “Not really. I’ve been focused on training, so… no time for that.”
Caesar laughs good-naturedly, waving a hand as if to brush off the question. “Oh, I get it, I get it! Training comes first, of course. But I’m sure there are plenty of admirers in the Capitol who are wishing they could get your attention.”
The crowd cheers in agreement, and Azzi can’t help but smile a little at their enthusiasm, though she still feels her nerves fluttering in her stomach.
“But let’s talk about something fun,” Caesar continues, changing gears smoothly. “You’ve been in the Capitol for a little while now. What’s your favorite part so far? The food? The fashion? The luxury?”
Azzi takes a moment to think, glancing down at her dress. It’s true, everything in the Capitol has been overwhelming—lavish and excessive compared to the modest life she’s known back in her district. But there’s one thing that stands out to her more than anything.
“The food,” she answers with a small smile. “I’ve never seen so much of it in my life. And it’s all so… colorful. I didn’t even know you could make food look like that.”
Caesar chuckles. “Colorful! I don’t think I’ve heard that one before.” He hits his knee as he laughs, the audience giggling with him. “But, yes! The Capitol chefs do love their extravagant dishes. Has there been anything in particular that’s caught your eye?”
“Honestly, the desserts,” Azzi admits, her smile widening. “There was this cake we had the other night, and it was shaped like a swan. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was so good.”
The crowd laughs once more, clearly charmed by her innocence, and Caesar claps his hands together. “A girl after my own heart! Who can resist a good dessert, right?”
Azzi relaxes a little more, finding it easier to talk now that the conversation has shifted to lighter topics. Caesar’s friendliness helps, and she realizes that, for the first time, the crowd isn’t as intimidating as she thought they’d be.
“You know, Azzi,” Caesar says, his tone softening just a bit, “you’ve got this quiet strength about you. I think a lot of people are really drawn to that. You don’t need to be loud or flashy to make an impact. And clearly you have made an impact—you scored a ten in the training. I mean, come on!”
Azzi smiles a little bit at the validation, her dimples poking through. “Thank you,” she says, nodding. And then she shrugs, her lips quirking up a little further as she adds, “I try.”
Caesar and the crowd chuckle at the action. “Well, you’ve certainly done well,” he tells her earnestly, before adding, with a wink, “And I have to say, your smile is absolutely infectious. I think you’ve got the whole crowd wrapped around your finger.”
The audience cheers again, louder this time, and Azzi feels her face heat up.
“Well, Azzi, it’s been an absolute pleasure talking to you tonight,” Caesar says, standing and offering his hand to help her up. “I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re all rooting for you.”
Azzi stands, shaking Caesar’s hand and giving the crowd a small wave as they erupt into applause. As she walks off the stage, back to where Seraphine, Lucia, and Cyrus are waiting, the adrenaline from the interview still buzzes through her.
Lucia beams at her as she approaches, her hands rushing to cup Azzi’s cheeks. “You were perfect, Azzi! Absolutely perfect.”
Seraphine nods in agreement. “The crowd loves you. You’re going to get so many sponsors, I just know it.”
Even Cyrus gives her a rare grin, clapping her on the shoulder. “You did good out there, kid. Real good. I think you’ve got them in the palm of your hand now.”
Azzi lets out a breath, the tension slowly leaving her body as she realizes she’s done it. She got through the interview, and didn’t just survive it—she actually made a connection, made herself heard and liked. The Capitol might not feel like home, but for now, at least, she knows she’s done everything she can to stand out in the best way possible.
THE MORNING is unnervingly quiet. Azzi walks beside Cyrus, the soles of her shoes barely making a sound on the sleek marble floors of the Capitol building. They’re headed toward the hovercraft, the final step before the arena. The place where everything will change. Each step closer feels heavier, the weight of what’s coming settling into her bones.
Cyrus walks just ahead, his brow furrowed in thought. Azzi knows well enough that he’s not the type for overly emotional goodbyes, but there’s a seriousness to him today that wasn’t there during training. His hands are tucked into his pockets, and Azzi notices the faint lines of tension in his jaw. She’s quiet, still processing the fact that in just a few hours, she’ll be fighting for her life.
As they near the docking area, Cyrus stops abruptly, turning to face her. His eyes are sharp, cutting through the nervous haze that’s settled over her.
“Listen to me, Azzi,” he begins, voice low but firm. “This is it. From here on out, it’s all strategy. Everything you do, every move you make—it has to be calculated, smart.”
Azzi nods, her throat tightening as she listens.
“I know it’s not in your nature to trust easily, but in the arena, you’ll need to be even more cautious,” he continues. “Don’t form alliances unless it’s strategically sound. I don’t care if they seem friendly or if they remind you of someone from back home—trust no one unless it gives you an advantage.”
His words cut deep, and she swallows hard. She hasn’t really thought much about alliances, but it’s clear that Cyrus has. He knows this game inside and out.
“And whatever you do, keep your emotions in check,” Cyrus adds, his gaze hardening. “The moment you start caring too much about anyone in there, you’ve already lost. I know you’re good-hearted, Azzi, but that’s not going to save you—not in the Games.”
She doesn’t say anything, just nods again. The lump in her throat grows as the reality of what’s coming washes over her.
“And the bloodbath.” Cyrus pauses, before his voice lowers slightly. “The moment those platforms rise, it’s going to be chaos. Don’t linger. Don’t get caught up in the fight unless it’s unavoidable. Get what you need and get out. Do you understand?”
Azzi meets his eyes, the weight of his words settling deep in her chest. “I understand,” she says softly.
He studies her for a moment, and for the first time since they arrived in the Capitol, Cyrus’s tough exterior seems to soften. His hand reaches out, resting on her shoulder, and the squeeze he gives is firm, reassuring.
“I believe in you,” he says quietly, his voice sincere. “You’re smart, and you’ve trained hard. I’m going to do everything in my power to help get you home.”
Her eyes well up slightly at his words, but she quickly blinks back the tears. She can’t afford to be emotional right now. There’s no space for it.
“Thank you,” she murmurs, barely able to get the words out past the lump in her throat.
Cyrus nods once, and then he’s stepping back, his hand falling away from her shoulder as they reach the hovercraft. Seraphine is already there, waiting for Azzi, her usual cheerful demeanor muted with the solemnity of the day. The metallic hiss of the hovercraft’s door opening sends a shiver down Azzi’s spine. This is it.
Without another word, Azzi steps inside. Seraphine follows, offering a small, reassuring smile as the door slides shut behind them. The hovercraft hums softly as it lifts off, heading toward the arena.
Inside, the sterile, clinical atmosphere makes her stomach churn. A Capitol medic approaches her almost immediately, a small syringe in hand. Azzi barely flinches as the needle pierces her skin, injecting the tracker into her forearm. She knows it’s necessary. They need to know where she is at all times. It’s standard procedure, but it still makes her feel like livestock.
Seraphine sits beside her, her usual flair for Capitol fashion stark against the dull surroundings of the hovercraft. She doesn’t say much, just watches as Azzi rubs her arm where the tracker was inserted. The silence is heavy, filled with unspoken words, and it’s not long before they arrive at the underground facility just outside the arena.
Once inside, they’re led into a small room where Azzi is handed her arena outfit—a black, water-resistant suit that fits snugly against her frame. It’s durable, sleek, and clearly meant for endurance. The material feels odd against her skin, foreign compared to the simple, looser clothes she’s worn most of her life.
She glances at herself in the mirror. The suit is practical, but its design tells her something about the arena. Water. The Capitol is hinting that water will play a significant role in the Games. Maybe a jungle, maybe a lake, or something more treacherous. Her mind races with possibilities, but she pushes the thoughts aside. She’ll find out soon enough.
As she pulls the last of the suit into place, Seraphine watches her carefully, her eyes glassy. The usually confident stylist seems suddenly small, fragile, as if she’s struggling to keep herself together. She steps forward, her hands gently smoothing the fabric of Azzi’s suit, her fingers trembling slightly.
“You’re going to be alright, Azzi,” Seraphine says softly, her voice cracking just a little. “You’ve been so strong. You’re going to make it back—for your family. I know you will.”
Azzi’s chest tightens at the words. Seraphine’s sincerity, her belief that Azzi can survive this—it’s almost too much to bear.
“Thank you,” Azzi whispers, her voice barely audible.
Seraphine pulls her into a tight hug, her arms wrapping around Azzi’s frame with surprising strength. It’s brief, but Azzi feels the weight of Seraphine’s worry in that embrace. It’s like she’s saying goodbye.
When they pull apart, Seraphine’s eyes are red-rimmed, though she’s trying her best to hold it together. “Good luck, Azzi,” she says, her voice shaky. “You’re going to be okay.”
Azzi swallows the lump in her throat and nods. She doesn’t trust herself to speak, so she just gives Seraphine a small, grateful smile.
The door to the launch chamber opens, and it’s time.
Azzi steps into the glass cylinder, her heart pounding in her chest. The last thing she sees before the platform begins to rise is Seraphine, standing in the doorway, her hands clasped tightly together as if in prayer.
And then the ground shifts beneath her feet, and she’s lifted upward, the glass tube carrying her toward the surface. Toward the arena.
The first thing she notices is the intense humidity. The air is thick, almost suffocating, and it clings to her skin. As her eyes adjust to the sudden brightness, she realizes why—it’s a jungle. Dense, tangled vines hang from towering trees, their massive roots weaving through the ground like some ancient network. The ground beneath her platform is slick with mud, and just beyond the edge of the platform is a large body of water—a vast lake, its surface calm and unnervingly still. It stretches out as far as she can see, bordered by the dense jungle on one side and the metallic glint of the Cornucopia in the center.
Water. She was right.
Azzi’s gaze darts to the other tributes. There’s movement all around her, platforms rising as the others are pulled into view. Some faces are familiar from the training center, others not so much. She spots the Careers first—the boy and girl from District Two, standing tall and confident, both of them dangerous and ready. Their eyes are already locked on the Cornucopia, clearly prepared to kill anyone who stands in their way.
A few spots down, she sees Kellan. His face is pale, his eyes wide with fear. He looks like he’s barely holding it together, his body stiff as if he might bolt the second the gong sounds. He’s trembling slightly, and Azzi’s heart tugs at the sight. He’s not going to last long, not with that kind of fear weighing him down. But she can’t afford to think about him—about anyone, really. Cyrus’s voice echoes in her mind: Don’t get too close to anyone.
She swallows hard, her gaze shifting back to the Cornucopia. The metallic structure gleams in the sunlight, stacked with supplies—everything they’ll need to survive. Weapons, food, water. But it’s a death trap. The Careers will get there first, and they’ll cut down anyone who tries to take something they’ve claimed.
Azzi’s eyes flick to the jungle behind her. It might be safer to head for cover, to avoid the bloodbath entirely. But then again, if she doesn’t grab something now, she could be left empty-handed, vulnerable. She forces herself to breathe deeply, trying to focus on her strategy. It has to be quick, precise. She’ll grab something—anything—and get out. That’s it. Nothing fancy.
The countdown begins, the metallic voice booming over the arena. Sixty seconds.
Azzi’s heart races as the clock ticks down. She glances around once more at the other tributes, trying to gauge their movements before it’s too late. Some are already tensing, their eyes glued to the Cornucopia. Others, like Kellan, are frozen in place, terrified to move. Far across from her, Azzi thinks she sees a flash of blonde hair. Paige. She wonders if she’s scared right now.
Thirty seconds.
Azzi’s hands ball into fists at her sides, every muscle in her body tightening. The humidity, the jungle, the water—it all presses in on her, but she pushes the fear down. She can’t afford to freeze up. She won’t.
Fifteen seconds.
Her pulse pounds in her ears, the world around her narrowing to just the Cornucopia and the water at her back. She feels the weight of everything—Cyrus’s words, Seraphine’s hope, the Capitol’s eyes—bearing down on her. It’s overwhelming, but she won’t let it break her.
Ten seconds.
The other tributes are crouching now, their bodies taut, ready to sprint the moment the gong sounds. Azzi glances at the Cornucopia again, her mind calculating every possible move, every route.
Five seconds.
Her heart hammers in her chest, her breath coming in short, sharp bursts.
She digs her heels into the platform.
Her hands tremble.
The gong sounds.
The Sixtieth Hunger Games have begun.
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foreingersgod · 11 months ago
request status: CLOSED!! you are still free to send them into my inbox, but i’m only writing the requests i feel up to atm :)
who i’m currently writing for:
women’s basketball
caitlin clark
kate martin
paige bueckers
juju watkins
kk arnold
nika muhl
georgia amoore
women’s hockey
caroline “k.k.” harvey
click here for my country series! look below for everything else :)
↳ caitlin clark
champagne coast
kiss me?
you’re everything
battered and bruised
is it casual now?
she’s a force to be reckoned with
lost in your touch
red wine supernova
nobody gets me
good luck! babe
twisted ankle
her jersey
beautiful crazy
texas twang
she likes girls
all for you
miss americana + the heartbreak prince
end of the day
↳ kate martin
if she ever leaves me
wedding planning
living life with you
thick and thin
night at the gala
hard launch
southern charm
work song
needy (SMUT 18+)
bathroom (SMUT 18+)
↳ emily engstler
let’s stay home
let’s stay home pt 2 (SMUT 18+)
coloring book
wait up for you
↳ paige bueckers
blackgf!reader headcannons
naked in manhattan
friendly banter
is this my shirt?
↳ kk arnold
fem!reader headcannons
you’re enough
↳ juju watkins
vb!reader headcannons
date night
↳ nika muhl
best friends sister
↳ georgia amoore
Women’s Hockey
↳ caroline harvey
you (on my arm)
scaredy cat
ch x reader headcannons
594 notes · View notes
wcbblife · 9 months ago
Slow mornings
Thinking about early mornings with Paige and your energetic toddler.
a/n: Those Paige mom hcs just make my mind wander way too much
For some reason, your baby girl woke up way earlier than usual, and you felt a small finger silently poking at your back. You tried to get up as quietly as possible since Paige was still peacefully sleeping next to you. Deciding to let her rest, knowing that all the games and practices were really taking a toll on her, on top of taking care of a toddler, even though she had insisted you wake her no matter what.
The only problem was that your toddler burst with energy as soon as you closed the bedroom door behind you. “Hey, we gotta be quiet. Mommy is still sleeping in there,” you whisper, trying to calm her down, but it’s seemingly no use. Even at the crack of dawn, she always seemed like a ball of energy.
You kneel down to her level, placing a finger to your lips. “Shhh, let’s play a quiet game, okay?”
She nods enthusiastically, but the concept of “quiet” doesn’t seem to register. You lead her to the living room, hoping to find something to keep her occupied without waking Paige. Grabbing her favorite coloring book and crayons, you set her up at the coffee table. “Here, let’s color together.”
For a few minutes, it works. She’s absorbed in her drawing, and you breathe a sigh of relief, thinking you might have bought Paige some more precious sleep. But then, just as quickly, she’s up again, darting around the room with boundless energy.
You try to think of something else to keep her entertained. “How about a snack?” you suggest, heading to the kitchen. She follows you, bouncing on her toes. You grab some fruit and a small cup of juice, hoping the distraction will last a bit longer.
As she munches on the apple slices, you glance at the clock, realizing it’s still so early. The sun is just beginning to peek through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. You sigh, running a hand through your hair. Keeping up with her energy is a challenge, especially when you and Paige are just way too tired.
The only thing that seems to calm her down momentarily is the creak of the door to your shared room. A sleepy Paige emerges from the dark room, her tousled hair on full display. You throw her an apologetic look as your daughter shrieks with delight at the sight of her other mother. She waddles over to Paige, her little feet pattering on the floor, and you see the grin on Paige’s face grow.
“Hey baby,” Paige says, reaching down and groaning slightly as Mia jumps into her arms. “You’re up early.”
Mia takes a careless hold of Paige's chin, shrieking once again, and you watch as Paige winces at the loudness of it.
“Sorry, babe,” you say, moving toward them and rubbing Mia’s back with one hand and Paige’s bicep with the other. Paige shakes her head, leaning in to give your cheek a sweet kiss.
“It’s okay,” she murmurs. “I missed my morning cuddle time anyway.”
Mia babbles something unintelligible, tapping her hands on Paige’s shoulders with excitement. Paige chuckles, bouncing Mia gently to soothe her.
“Aren't you tired, baby girl?” Paige asks Mia, never really expecting a real answer. “Wanna watch Bluey with mommy?” You both jump as your toddler shrieks with excitement. “I'll take that as a yes,” Paige laughs.
“I'll get started with breakfast. Please try and rest some more,” you say, brushing a stray hair off Paige's face and throwing her a worried look.
“You don't gotta worry about me, momma,” she replies, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Alright?”
“Okay, baby,” you respond, unable to suppress the smile on your face as Mia buries her face in the crook of Paige's neck. “Be nice, Mia.”
Paige carries Mia into your room, and you hear her mumble something soothing before the unmistakable tune of Bluey fills the house. You pause for a moment, enjoying the sound of Mia's giggles blending with the cheerful music.
In the kitchen, you start preparing breakfast, the familiar routine bringing a sense of calm. You whisk eggs and pour them into the sizzling pan, the smell of cooking filling the room. You glance over at the room, seeing Paige and Mia cuddled up on the bed, completely engrossed in the show. Paige’s eyes occasionally flutter shut, but Mia’s boundless energy keeps her awake.
You plate the food and bring everything to the table, ready to call them over for breakfast.
“Breakfast is ready!” you announce.
Paige gently disentangles herself from Mia, who protests with a small whine but quickly settles as Paige promises more Bluey after breakfast. She carries Mia over to her highchair and settles her in, making sure she’s comfortable.
You watch them with a smile as you pour coffee for Paige and yourself, setting the mugs on the table. “Here you go,” you say, handing Paige her coffee.
“Thanks, babe,” she says, taking a sip and sighing contentedly. “This is just what I needed.”
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paxaz535 · 1 month ago
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Brothers Best Friend
♡pairing ♡
paige x black!oc
chapter ii
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chapter i , chapter iii , chapter iv ,
when daveli woke up, it was around 6:15. she was an morning person but she hated waking up so early sometimes. school fucked that up for her. she then felt an arm around her stomach. panicked, she looked down but quickly realized it was paige. her eyes went wide, when did this happen?! she must’ve came in when I was asleep. she remembered.
daveli smiled, teeth showing and everything. this was what she wanted for the longest.. and it finally happened. but at what cost? paige wasn’t hers, and that made daveli sad all over again. she just sighed, she got comfortable again and tried to drift back off to sleep. might as well enjoy the moment while she can, right?
daveli was woken up to loud noises coming from the kitchen. she checked the time to see it was going on 11 am. paige was far gone and daveli noticed that quickly. she got up and went to the bathroom, doing her morning routine and making herself look put together. she finished and walked downstairs, first thing she noticed was the smell of smoke. she coughed, “what the fuck?” she noticed david in the kitchen, hovering over the stove while paige tried to clear out the smoke.
the windows were open, and the back and front door were wide open as well. “Eli! We need your help.” David exclaimed as he noticed his sister standing by the steps. “yea, i can see that.” she said as she turnt out the celling fan, “what were yall tryna make?” she asked as she put her shirt over her nose. “breakfast. david burnt the bacon and the eggs.” paige replied as she continued to wave out smoke. daveli couldn’t do anything but laugh. at their grown age, they’re still burning breakfast? it was hilarious.
“yea, yea, laugh it up. we gotta hurry, momma gon be here soon.” david sighed as he noticed the smoke started to clear up. daveli laughter died down, she then remembered her birthday is literally tomorrow. she still had to book the hotel room and buy the decorations for it. “i have a party to plan, you guys have fun.” the younger girl quickly ran towards her room, hearing david yell her name. she just rolled her eyes and closed the door. they’d figure it out soon enough.
daveli has been wanting a hotel party for her 18th, that was her plan from the start. at one point, things started to go down hill, but luckily she found the perfect hotel for it. she was going for a nice black and pink theme, those were her favorite two colors. her phone started to ring, she noticed it was her best friend, makayla.
“hey bitchhh.” makayla greeted, her smile huge. daveli smiled, greeting her the same way. “how you feeling? you turn legal tomorrow.” she asked as she sat her phone up, daveli laughed and propped her phone up too, “i feel good. i’m tryna get everything ready for this hotel. I don’t know why I waited so late.” she spoke as she began typing away on her laptop. “I’m excited for that! is little miss p going?” makayla teased, knowing how much the younger girl liked the blonde.
daveli cheesed, her tongue going over her teeth. “girl yes. only because david going but like still. OH and speaking of paige, tell me why she slept in my bed last night, girl.” makayla squealed like a kid at a candy shop. “be for real.” daveli just nodded, “i’m being so deadass bro. and before you start thinking, we was not on that typa timing. i actually offered because of how wild david is when he sleep.” makayla just smirked, “girl you slick wit it.”
daveli just chuckled, she noticed something that would be perfect for the hotel and had makayla help her look for stuff. “what are you gonna do before the hotel?” makayla asked as she began walking around her house. daveli was trying to add the decorations to her cart, they’d be here around 7 since she got that amazon prime. “my momma was just gonna take me out to the mall and stuff, like a little mother - daughter thing.” makayla hummed in agreement.
“and your dad?” daveli sighed and shrugged. “girl, we haven’t spoke in weeks. i doubt he even tell me happy birthday.” makayla hated that daveli’s dad was absent, the older girl had both her parents but she felt awful knowing her best friend had to go through such things. “hopefully he does. you’re turning 18 for fucks sake.” daveli just nodded, “oh well, enough about me. what you been up to, cutie?” makayla smiled, “girlll, i got so much to tell you.”
Today wasn’t really an exciting day for the 17 year old, it just felt like another thursday. Paige and David tried to get her to play 2K and she tried it! but she sucked so bad, the game crashed during the process. it was embarrassing to say the least but she’ll just stick to games she’s used to playing. It was around 3 when Angelica arrived back to the house. “I’m home!” Daveli heard her mother yell. she excitedly exited her room and ran downstairs.
“momma!” she quickly hugged the older woman, angelica laughing at her daughter’s burst of excitement. “I was only gone for not even 24 hours, but I missed you too.” Daveli pulled away, ready to tell her about the decorations and hotel she found for her birthday but david’s voice was heard. “hey ma, how was work?” Angelica smiled, “it was surprising to say the least but I enjoyed it. where’s paige?” paige heard her name as she left the bathroom, “i’m right here. Hi, ms. Robertson.” The girl sweetly spoke as she came over to hug the lady.
“Hi, sweetie. and how many times do I have to tell you? call me Angel.” Paige blushed, nodding her head. The three sat at the island as they watched Angelica unpack. “So, I got everything ready for tomorrow it’s just I don’t know how many rooms to get.” Eli spoke. Angelica looked over at her only daughter. “Well, how many people did you want to invite?” She asked as she put her lunch box in the sink, she took off her scrub jacket and put it on the racket where the jackets are.
Daveli shrugged, she knew makayla was gonna have her friends come, plus some of her friends was coming as well. “Well, I can get my own room and my peoples can stay with me.” Daveli nodded in agreement. “Perfect. All I gotta do is worry about me.” Daveli spoke. She then looked at Paige. “I really hope you weren’t planning on keeping paige in there with all those wanna be gang bangers.” David smacked his lips, “what are you talking about? she’s one of da guys.” Paige laughed. “I love you, Dav but I am not staying in there with yall.”
David looked at her. “Exactly. She’ll be with me.” Daveli spoke as she put an arm around Paige’s shoulders. Paige chuckled and leaned into the younger girl. Daveli would be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous, ps, she was. This was the closest they’ve been since this morning. To make things better, Paige looked over at the girl. Daveli had no choice but to look back. “Bro, p. we was gon have the… yk, slide.” Paige broke the eye contact to look at her best friend.
“Ohhh.. right.” Daveli was confused. “I’m still not staying in there with yall.” Was David talking about females? Daveli doesn’t think she can see paige with another girl, she already had a reaction about it last night. David just shook his head. “Fine, but Eli, you can’t get mad at who I invite.” Daveli snapped her head towards her brother. “Who did you plan on inviting?” Angelica was long gone, she had a long day dealing with those damn patients. David looked at his fingers. “David.” He sighed and looked at his sister. “Nai.” Daveli had to be hearing things, because there’s no way she heard this man right. “Who?”
David looked at her with a bored look on his face. “No, absolutely not.” David knew she’d react like this. “Sis, come on. She was gonna come regardless because I’m inviting derek and you know they together.” Daveli shrugged her shoulders.
“I really don’t give a fuck. you know i’m not cool with that ho.” Paige looked at the siblings, confused. “I thought you and Nai were cool?” Daveli shook her head. “Remember when I got suspended that one day? It was because I fought her.” Paige just ahh’d in realization. Daveli then looked at her brother and sighed, “she can come but I can’t promise you something won’t happen. just keep her ass away from me.” David nodded and went to texting who knows, probably his peoples about the party.
“you can invite people too, p.” Paige just nodded, “I have some people in mind.” The blonde then looked down at her phone. “It’s my dad. I gotta go home, unfortunately.” Daveli was disappointed but she’d see the girl tomorrow. “Alright, p.” David spoke as he dapped her up. Paige then looked at Eli, going in for a hug.
“see you tomorrow, birthday girl.” Daveli giggled, “see you, p.” Paige walked towards Angelica’s room. “I’m leaving, Angel!” Angelica’s voice was heard but faint. “Alright, see you soon sweetie!”
The decorations finally arrived and Daveli was not disappointed. The pink and black was gonna look so good and she knew it. Angelica’s voice could be heard, coming through the girls room. “Eli, you still wanted to go to the mall before the party, right?”
She looked up from her Ipad, seeing her mother. “Yea but what about the decorations?” Angelica shook her head, “don’t worry about that, it’d be done when yall get there.” Eli just shook her head, a chuckle coming from her.
“okay. Well, I gotta get my beauty rest, it’s almost 12.” Angelica laughed, knowing her daughter is just like her. “Happy Birthday, gorgeous.” Eli looked up at her, a soft smile on her face. “Thank you, ma. I love you so much. thank you for everything.” Angelica smiled, “don’t thank me for being a mom, it’s what I have to do. I love you too. Get some rest.” Daveli nodded, turning off her lamp.
Angelica left out the room, she’s happy and sad that her kids are getting older each day, it’s bittersweet. She noticed David in his room, playing the game. She just chuckled and went downstairs, she couldn’t have asked for better kids.
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next chapter is gonna be a media one
this is going good so far.. i guess ?
taglist - @melpthatsme @prettygirl-gabi @rebecca-woso + more if wanted
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lillchris · 10 months ago
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You with the dark curls; You with the water colored eyes (Two Shot)
Chapter One: A Sour Apple Can Spoil The Whole Bunch
Responding to @my-favorite-sign-blog Word Count: 1.7k
a/n: The book title is inspo from the song "Dear Arkansas Daughter" Anyway seeing that this is my first fanfic in a while, I thought it was no better time to start than the present. Most of the plotlines in this book will be ideas from my delusional brain. In this fanfic, Jalen and Paige actually dated so just keep that in the back of your minds ;) I hope you all like this first chapter! <3 TW: Angst, Jalen Suggs, Mentions of cheating and divorce, Swearing, Homophobia
It was Christmas morning in the Fudd household, and with that came Christmas breakfast, it was a tradition the family had yet to break.
It was precisely 8:30am when Azzi looked at the alarm clock beside her bed, and heard the sound of her father's voice ring down the hall as he banged pots and pans that woke up all those who were sleeping.
"Come on everybody up! Rise and shine it's Christmas morning and you know what that means!"
Tim Fudd's morning enthusiasm was not reciprocated as Azzi rolled back over, and pulled the comforter back over her head, in hopes of blocking out the loud ruckus outside her room.
"I'll rise but I sure won't shine." Azzi mumbled groggily.
Just then the door burst open, and she soon felt a dip in the mattress as she groaned from the sudden disturbance.
"AZZI! AZZI! AZZI! Wake up! Come on get up!" The sound of Drew Bueckers voice blared in her ear as she rolled over once again.
"Wow I guess that didn't work, maybe you should try since your besties." Drew shrugged before getting off the bed and walking out of the room.
"Come on you big head, get up. It's rude not to greet your best friend after it took three-plus hours to get here." Paige said in a teasing tone as she attempted to pull the comforter off of Azzi.
"Just five more minutes Paige, pleaseee. You know I'm not a morning person."
"Okay fine, but I'm sitting on the edge of your bed waiting here until you decide to get off your ass and wake up." Paige teased as she picked up a mini basketball that was lying on the floor.
The constant sound of the ball hitting the door and bouncing back, over and over was enough to drive Azzi nuts, she sighed before pulling off the covers.
"When, and how did you even get here? I thought you were going back home to celebrate Christmas with your mom's side of the family in Montana?" Azzi asked sleepily as she rubbed her eyes.
"Well, it took me a minute to realize after I said goodbye to you at the airport a month ago, that I wanted to spend Christmas with you instead. So I bought tickets for the next flight out to Virginia, and viola here I am."
"Paige do you need me for anything else, me and Jose want to play Fortnite," Drew said with a sigh as he trudged back into the room with a PS5 controller in hand.
When Paige didn't respond, Drew took it as a sign, rolling his eyes before leaving once again.
"Come on Azzi I want some of your mom's famous maple apple pancakes fresh off the griddle before your brothers eat them all". Paige says with a long pleading, drawn-out sigh.
"Don't make me force you out of bed".
"Noo Paige Please. Just let me wake up naturally. Jose forced me to watch some stupid ass Christmas comedy movie, and I am so tired." Azzi says with her eyes closed still as an annoyed groan falls from her lips.
"You're getting up whether you like it or not, come on," Paige says mischievously as she swats at Azzi's knee lightly as an incentive.
"Alright guess I'm going to have to carry you out like the princess you are." Paige says before picking up Azzi and slumping her over her shoulder carrying her out.
" Think you might want to carry Azzi more gently, she is Sleeping Beauty." Tim Fudd laughs upon seeing his daughter carried out Fireman's lift-style.
"Well, she is a princess after all," Paige says with a smirk before carrying Azzi bridal style in her arms.
"Wait before you put her down," Jose says laughing, before taking a picture of a sleepy Azzi, as Tim and Katie just laugh.
"Alright, Paige wake up Azzi it's almost time to eat." Katie says with a smile as she sets the last of the pancake on a plate.
"Wakey, Wakey princess, it's time to wake up for real this time." Paige says with a smirk as she bops her best friend on the nose, as she puts Azzi down forcing her to stand up despite how groggy she is.
"I'm up, I'm up! " Azzi says yawning as she puts on one of Paige's hoodies that she's currently "borrowing"
"Hey, that's my hoodie! Haven't you had it for over six months now?" Paige says jokingly with an eyebrow raised and a smirk plastered on her face.
"Whatever Paige. I like it, it's so comfy and it smells like you. I've worn it for the past month since I missed you." Azzi says as she leans against Paige's shoulder, and everyone sits at the table.
"She has hardly taken it off since we picked her up at the airport a month ago." Katie states as she passes the syrup bottle.
"Yeah, she practically lives in it." Tim chimes in, as Drew and Jose give each other knowing looks, as they look across the table at the two girls, who seem utterly comfortable and relaxed in each other's presence.
"Oh? So you actually missed me?" Paige says teasingly to Azzi as she eats her scrambled eggs.
"Of course I missed you! Is that even a question!" Azzi says with her mouth half full of food as she half-jokingly rolls her eyes. She glances over at Paige, before nudging her in the side playfully.
In Azzi's mind, she wanted to say: of course I missed you I always miss you. But she refrained, something in her mind stopped her.
Just as everyone was finishing eating, the sound of the doorbell ringing shifted their attention.
"I'll get it" Tim said as he rose from the table, before heading to the door.
"Is Paige Bueckers here by chance?" A young man says as he stands on the snowy outside steps.
"And who are you?" Tim asks curiously.
"I'm Jalen Suggs, Paige's- friend. I would like to talk to her for a second.
"Oh, so you're- never mind, sure come in," Tim says clearing his throat, letting the young man inside.
"Paige, someone's here to see you."
"Here to see me? On Christmas? I don't know who could possibly want to see m-." Paige's words stopped just as quickly as they had been spoken. Her mouth suddenly goes dry, upon seeing him standing there.
"I need to talk to you, please." Jalen says with a insistent look as she approaches him, firmly grabbing his forearm, and leading him into the living room.
"What the hell are you doing here Jalen on all of the days Christmas! I thought I made myself clear-"
"You did, baby, but I-I want to apologize, for everything." Jalen pleads as Paige's blood almost boils upon hearing him call her baby.
Paige sighs, looking down and shaking her head, before glancing over at Drew who is watching them talk. He quickly snaps his head toward the TV acting like he isn't staring.
"Look, can we just- talk about this outside. The at least decent thing you can do is not have this conversation in front of my little brother." Paige sighs in frustration as she and Jalen walk out onto the small front porch.
Meanwhile, Azzi is helping her mom and dad clean up the kitchen.
"Whoa, what did that plate ever do to you?" Tim jokes as Katie shoots her husband a not the right-time look.
In Azzi's mind, the thought, the sight, the mention of that person, that man- Jalen Suggs, makes her blood boil to no avail. He was a dick, an asshole, hell, every insulting name in the damn book of insults, for what he put Paige through the last year and a half.
She despised him, how could he do that to Paige, Her Paige. She dismissed that thought quickly, as her mind trailed back to Jalen the more she thought about him the more her mind reeled and turned at just how much she disliked him.
"Azzi." The sound of someone's voice and the feeling of her mother's hand brought her back to reality, and it was only then did Azzi realize that she had been washing the same damn pan for over five minutes. She released the death grip she had on the pan before taking a deep breath.
"Azzi, are you alright?" Her mother's eyes met hers as she looked up from her feet.
"Yeah, I'm fine. its-just why the hell did he have to show up, right here, right now, on Christmas of all days- I just." Azzi sighed and threw her hands up in the air.
"I'm walking out there, I know it's not my place but I'm giving Jalen a piece of my mind."
Azzi says determined, walking out of the house before Katie can tell her not to.
"ooooh weeeh, man! Watch out! Here comes Azzi. That boy is gonna see some Fudd fury from her! That's my girl!" Tim says proudly as Katie shoots him another unamused look.
"One! You are not calling me baby, and two! Don't you dare bring my parent's divorce into this! I might have been only three but that does not make it irrelevant. " Paige says beyond angry.
Azzi stomped out onto the snowy driveway about to give Jalen a piece of her mind, but she stopped beside the two, seeing that she had come at a bad time.
"And don't bring Azzi into this either leave her out of this!" Paige says before realizing Azzi is standing right there.
"Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your "girlfriend's" feelings." Jalen shoots back.
"Don't talk to her like that don't you dare!" Azzi says stepping in front of Paige protectively.
"Oh does Paige need her best friend- or shall I say girlfriend to fight her battles for her? Is that why you broke up with me just so you could fuck your best friend instead?"
That was it Paige had officially snapped.
"I'm not the one who cheated, with my used-to-be friend Hayley Van Leith! And no that's not why I was going to break up with you! I broke up with you because you kept fucking continuously lying to me!" Paige says with venom in her voice.
"You need to leave now." Azzi says firmly as she once again steps between Paige.
"Yeah alright, whatever Paige, at least I tried apologizing. Yeah, you just have fun with your girlfriend here. She'll never be able to give you what I could." Jalen says mockingly.
Before leaving Azzi and Paige in the snowy driveway.
a/n: lmk what y’all think :)
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overgrown-gardenpalace · 5 months ago
Believe me, darling
The stars were made for falling
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ancientphantom · 6 months ago
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August was surprisingly fruitful!
The Opera Ghost by Jessica Olenski is the first of a planned series retelling the original story, with cover copy suggesting a focus on romance between Erik and Christine. Interestingly, set in specifically 1888.
Phantom of the Opera: An Unofficial Coloring Book from Leilani Publishing is what it says on the tin, but the preview pages look like higher-quality artwork than we're used to for these, with a coherent style and crisp editing. (I have no idea if this is stolen art, as is sometimes the case with these coloring books, but it's a consistent style throughout.)
The Phantom's Folio by A.Z. Sheshani is a sequel to the original story in which Christine returns to Paris and starts following clues to find out whether or not Erik is actually dead.
The Phantom's Vice by Mindy Paige is the most questionable offering this month: a romance featuring a detective falling for but being morally opposed to a murder-happy masked character named Ghost, it has a lot of familiar beats but is hard to say about for sure without reading it.
Plötzlich Phantom by Sam Strong is a German-language novel that I'm going to describe as "zany alternate-universe Phantom/Raoul twins and disfigurement woes you are not expecting period romcom", but I urge anyone interested to go read the description, because I don't think this one can be fully described in one sentence.
And on that joyously weird note, until next month!
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meringuecream7 · 4 months ago
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Charlotte Garrison (Redesigned Bio)
Name: Charlotte L. Garrison
Age: 23
Hair Color: Orangy Brown
Eye Color: Green
Birthday: April 19 1997
Family: Rhonda Garrison (Mother), Trevor Garrison (Father), Gertrude Garrison (Older Sister), Christopher Garrison (Younger Brother), and Dorothy Garrison (Grandmother)
Friends: Elijah Cartman (Best Friend/Lover), Yumi Park, Neela Arya, Sékou Botha (Sometimes), Valentin Griffin (Sometimes), Paige Bookworme (Best Friend), Ruby R. Riding, The Pigg Brothers (Percy, Parker, and Perry), Goldilocks, and other fairytale characters
Enemies: Valentin Griffin (Mostly) and Sékou Botha (Sometimes), the Big Bad Wolf, the Bad-Ending Witch, and other fairytale villains
Personality: Out-Going, Airy, Happy, Fierce (Sometimes), Brave, Joyful, Kind, and Audacious.
Hates: Lies, Others Not Treating Other Storybook Characters Very Nicely, Valentin, and Some Other Adults Harming Elijah
Likes: Facing Fears Of Her Own, Story Books, Princes and Princesses, Elijah, Paige, and Going Whenever the Wind Takes Her
Facts: 1. Charlotte has an amulet that has given by her grandma. 2. She can be a toughie sometimes. 3. She and Elijah are lovers indeed! 4. Her mind has a lot to do with, for instance, Goldilocks' perfection in her artwork, Ruby's picnic basket, and the Pig Brothers' construction skills. 5. Charlotte has a chalk sashes in her pocket when she returns home to go to Fairytale Wonderland by herself. 6. She is definitely based on George Beard from Captain Underpants because she is a writer.
Charlotte was born on April 19 and was the family's honorary child and her siblings Gertrude and Christopher cared about her very much as their middle sister, especially her parents. Although Charlotte was, kind, brave, and sometimes grumpy whenever she became a grown up and was sweet around other people and was open-minded to anyone and anything. As a baby, she met Elijah, her childhood friend, and they became friends, no lovers! The middle daughter of the Garrison family never gives up on finding hope.
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sleepiebuny · 3 days ago
Hihi! My name is Paige!
18 yrs!
my birthday is may 17th!
DNI: creeps, rude ppl, or any kind of hateful speech
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I really like the unwind dystology! I'm currently on book 3 when posting this! I really enjoy yandere vns and cute things! A bad habit of mine is how anxious I get when talking to ppl! I really want my page to be safe for anyone and everyone! Stay safe!
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Some of my fav things: Heathers, the unwind dystology, ddlc, fnaf, seraph of the end, stardew valley, 14dwy, tkatb, my dear hatchet man, broken colors, klein, binary star hero, lift your spirits, astronought, mushroom oasis, yan sim (I don't support the creator), online obsession, the miracle week, and many other yan vns!
I have a really bad addiction to yan vns if you cant tell! ( ╥ω╥ )
jokes on you I'm into obsessive ppl (I don't know what the color red is) /silly
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yailtsv · 2 months ago
Paige Bueckers x reader picking out Christmas decorations and decorating
Day 3
Santa tell me - p.b
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Sum: shopping for and decorating your new off campus apartment
Warnings: fluff
Note: I’m gonna be honest I do mention one of my favorite books in here and I definitely didn’t have that planned, I just wrote the (my) sentence and realized it sounded like THAT one sentence in that book and just went with it.
Pair: Paige x gf!reader
Wc: 1.2k
My masterlist
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“What about these?” Paige said lifting a box of pink and purple ornaments, you nod your head “Put them in the cart” you say gesturing to the cart with so many rainbow lights, colorful garlands, Christmas mugs, pre lit flocked garlands, wreaths, glass table centers, ect… your goal is for your apartment to look like Christmas Wonderland with a mix of Gingerbread House hence the colorful and bright decorations.
Paige put the ornaments in the cart and kept looking down the aisles, putting what she thought was cute in the cart - and also what matched the vibe you were going for obviously. “We should get cookies while we’re here” Paige suddenly said “Ok, we’ll stop by when we’re done.” You reply not even questioning her making her smile cheekily and go to the next aisle - which was a danger zone
“Babyyyy” she yells in the next aisle, making you roll your eyes at her completely ignoring that she is literally in public yelling like she’s at a sports game but you don’t say anything knowing she’ll be pouting for however long she decides she can go without your attention. Making your way to the next aisle you see her grinning excitedly in the middle of the aisle and see all the fake trees surrounding her “what’d you need?” You ask kinda already having a feeling on what she wanted
“You don’t have a tree correct?” She asks grinning making you shake your head “no it was on the list” and she looks even more excited with you saying that “look there’s a 9ft tall tree on sale! You save $50” Paige says pointing at the tree she’s talking about “baby, that won’t fit in my apartment. “ she looks like she’s about to argue that statement making you speak again before she can “and did you look at the width? That’s most of my living room taken up by the tree. I didn’t measure how tall of a tree we needed but I know my apartments not 9ft tall. I’m sorry baby. Is there a smaller version of that tree or were you just wanting it because it was 9ft tall?” She just looks at you giving you your answer making you chuckle a little “see if there’s a tree you like better that’s a little bit smaller, after that I think we’re done after we get the cookies” you tell her making her start looking down the aisles.
After her going back and forth between the two tree aisles for at least 10 minutes she walks back over to you with two trees making you look at her confused “Just hear me out alright? This one would be the “main” tree so it would go in the living room, it’s 6ft and a pink flocked one - you love pink and it would go with the gingerbread house vibes you are wanting. Then this one would go on the table in the door entry hallway, it’s 2ft and a regular flocked tree - it would give you the perfect mix of christmas wonderland and gingerbread house” Paige say’s pointing to the trees she’s talking about when describing them
“Alright put them in the cart. Thank you for coming with me” you tell her as she starts doing what you told her to do “always” she says leaning over to you and giving you a kiss.
You guys end up putting a few more decorations in the cart before you guys make a pit stop at the clothing section, picking out matching pajamas. Once that was done you guys make your way to the fridge area getting pre-made cookie dough and milk then finally making your way to the checkout and leaving the store.
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Right when you guys got home Paige set everything she was carrying in the living room making’s you do the same, she then started digging through the bags until she found the milk,cookies, and pajamas. Handing you one of the sets “Go get dressed, I’m gonna start the cookies”
You nod walking into the bedroom and getting dressed into the pajamas. While you’re in the bathroom that’s connected to the bedroom, taking your makeup up off Paige enters the bedroom and starts changing into her pajamas. “I set an alarm for 15 minutes for the cookies” Paige says walking towards the bathroom after getting changed and leans against the door frame, watching you wash your face now. “Ok. I’ll be done in a minute, you can start decorating.” You say rinsing off one of your face products “it’s fine, I’ll wait.” She says walking into the bathroom and wrapping her hands around your waist making you push yourself back into her “I’m not doing anything entertaining, you see that right?” You say with amusement in your voice that she would rather stand here watching you wash your face than start decorating for Christmas. “Everything you do is entertaining because you’re doing it.” Paige says rubbing your stomach “Did you start reading ‘the deal’?” You ask Paige suddenly lifting up and looking at Paige through the mirror “What? No?” She says almost defensively making you giggle and give her a look through the mirror “Alright! Alright! Fine you caught me! You’re always talking about the series so I decided to borrow your books and see what the hype was about.”
“Awwww you love me” you coo turning around in her grip after drying your face and wrapping your arms around the back of her neck “was my love ever in question?” She says hugging you tighter into her chest “no” you smile “But I think this might take the number one spot on my favorite romantic things you’ve done for me now.” Paige rolls her eyes with a fond smile on her face “I’ve done so many things and reading the book series you talked about takes the number 1 spot?” She asks amusingly, and you just nod making her shake her head and then lean in again and giving you a somewhat passionate kiss.
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It’s now been at least an hour and a half, the cookies have been baked and most of the house has been decorated, the tree is the only part left. You guys have Christmas music playing on the tv and have Christmas candles lit makings the environment seem very Christmasy.
After a lot of arguing over the tree pieces you both finally got it built and fluffed, ready to decorate now. You guys started with the lights and then put up the garland, now time for the ornaments - which honestly was the hardest part because you and paige both kept getting distracted by eating cookies and paige turned on a Christmas movie as background noise (movie as background noise never works)
But eventually you guys got back to work and finished putting the ornaments on the tree, once that was done you guys decided to clean up and then start doing some online shopping - cause why not?
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