#paige mcullers
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104 degrees by Slaughter Beach, Dog
#emison#emily fields#alison dilaurentis#maya st. germain#paige mcullers#emaya#paily#pll#pretty little liars#pll edit#pzyii edits
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it’s sad how y’all can’t get over Alison’s past. She has genuinely apologized to many people and saved the girls lives. Paige is a snake who treated Emily like shit. She blackmailed her, tried to drown her, was controlling/obsessed, and made homophobic comments to Emily in season 1. pailys are fucking hypocrites. They get mad over the locker room scene where Ali rejected Emily because she was scared of her feelings, but Paige gets a free pass when she said worse shit to her in season 1? Lol
One Paige was the only one to give a sincere apology. She was a young teen when she did all that. She hasn’t done anything since. Alison even as an adult after “sincere apology” still continued to be bitchy to Paige and was rude to Paige in the work place in front of Emily and her boss. So no I don’t believe Alison has truly changed. Alison black mailed her supposed friends and she continues to toy with Emily’s emotions. This clearly says “Paige Mcullers Defense Squad blog. I can’t stand Alison. She is a fucking sociopath. If you actually look at my blog you would know I hate Emison!
#anti alison dilaurentis#anti emison#pro pailey#pailey anchors#paige mcullers#Paige Mcullers Defense Squad
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#emison#emily fields#alison dilaurentis#emily and alison#alison and emily#paige mcullers#pll#pretty little liars#pll funny#pll meme
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Okay but who would've thought Paige Mcullers would be useful for once.
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7x15 Emison
I have never liked Paige Mcullers. But now that she broke into Ali’s house and made Alison spill her feelings for Emily, it makes me like her more. I wish hadn’t been so hard on Paige because she had good intentions that episode. Even the breaking and entering part. I understand she’s is not completely the main cause of the possibility Emison will get together but she helped and anyone that helps people realize their feelings for one another is someone I don’t mind all that much. Alison was speaking the truth like Paige said. That scene was incredibly written and the only I would have changed would have Paige be Emily and that’s about it. I’m so excited that Alison is deciding to keep the baby. Just imagine those two naming it like Estella or Pip for Great Expectations. That’s my thoughts on Emison that episode. One quick thing “Congratulations, you’re a mother” is what Ali said to Em. Like wtf so are you and who’s the father. Well we won’t find out who that is until like the season finale or something because that’s how this fandom gets answers.
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Emily Fields: the rundown
Season 1:
Emily is characterized as a young talented athlete with a promising future in swimming all the while questioning her sexuality who turned into a confident strong woman who sometimes faces slumps but bounces back and trusts her heart. Always the loyal one. In this season we see her begin to question followed by confirming her sexuality and being more confident in it. I'll always be an Emaya fan, got to respect a first love with so much chemistry. Although I did feel in the beginning that Maya sort of pressured her into coming out at certain points, I feel like when that moment came it was great. I'm glad she told her dad first, I love how she always had the daddy’s little girl dynamic. Even though Pam is my favorite PLL mom, I was irked when she didn't initially accept her daughter but I was like yaaaas when she stood up for her against Paige’s dad. Which brings me to Paige in the first Paily encounter. I’ve disliked Paige from the beginning I can't like someone who attempts to drown someone I like so much. Emily I'll chalk that little fling to being young and naive. Worst season for Emily fashion wise but character wise, fantastic.
Season 2:
Emily decided to give Samara a chance which I think would have been a good relationship had it not been for A ruining things prematurely. ANYWHO, how creeptastic was the fashion show. Other than that, A really worked hard to not only keep her in Rosewood, but ruin her future as well. I’ve said from the beginning that Emily and Hanna get physically hurt worse, hate it or love it its my opinion and thats how I feel(Ali excluded, only speaking of the core four). Once Emily got the all clear from her mother to stay in Rosewood, A decides to replace her muscle rub with HGH leading to an ulcer. That was wild. Bravo for Maya coming back, I think they would still be together had she not got killed. I’m glad that at the end of the day they knew how they felt about each other, regardless of the tragedy that would soon follow, more cool dad points for Wayne Fields for helping her search when Maya went missing. Again I hate that at a point in this season the parents took Dr. Sullivan’s crap advice and made them split up for a short time but all the girls played up a great set up to catch A. Granted, once again, Emily was physically harmed. Then the whole almost died due to being locked in the barn thing, if it wasn't for Ali she would've been done-zo at 16. Mona was def off her rocker at that point.
Season 3:
The summer they spent apart doing their own thing seemed to work the least in her favor, due to her not knowing how to grieve properly. I find it odd that the new A came for her first by the whole drugging and placing her at Ali’s grave. This is the season where Paily officially kicked off and although I'm not a fan, they had their share of good moments. When Nate came to town I knew something was fishy. I still to this day don't know why Maya’s family didn't give her information about funeral arrangements etc considering they were together but I digress. I wasn't entirely surprised when he came unhinged and almost killed her but damn “the lady killer” episode was one of my favorite summer finales.
Season 4:
Only thing that really happened to her individually was her taking her mom’s pills and ‘’someone’’ calling social services. Emision had a nice little reunion though. Mama Fields struggled by almost getting ran over in her own living room, it broke my heart watching her break down in the hotel.
Season 5:
I knew she’d be too quick to welcome Alison back and then she was lashing out at everyone else who thought otherwise. Then Ali started disappointing her and then she started accusing her of being A. I feel like most of this season everything she did was Ali related. Paige punked out and left. Then when Ali was found innocent via the liars, she felt like she owed her an apology. I think Ali could chop her arm off and shed still forgive her.
Season 6:
Once out of the dollhouse, she fell right back into the whole dating anyone who walks past her by starting something with Sara Harvey, even though she was a complete stranger that you invite to live with you. I think she should’ve focused less on helping her and more on helping the other girls then she wouldn't have felt so blindsided by Cece revealing that Sara was red coat(she deserved to be hit btw). Five years forward she comes out the least successful with practically nothing going for herself and the worst of it all is that Wayne Fields is dead. Out of all the PLL dad and they kill Emily’s dad, not Hanna’s piece of shit dad who doesn't support her or Byron who cheats but somehow manages to divorce and get his wife back or Peter who has secret kids, they kill WAYNE. damn them. I wasn't going to touch on the whole eggs thing because I knew AD would find a way to f that up. If my eggs were destroyed I'd have plenty more things to say.
Season 7:
I dont hate the whole Sabrina thing and if Emison wasn't endgame I'd want them to work it out. I don't know why she feels so compelled to let Paige know everything but whatevs. Although it’s kind of rude of me to say but I'm glad she hit Noel when he was coming at her and Hanna, even though he ended up falling and getting his head chopped off. Emily is once again there for Ali, and regardless of if the baby is Emily’s, I have the sneaking suspicion that she’s going to help her raise the baby.
Fave moments so far:
Her coming out
“You don't have a monopoly on pain, Spencer”
“So Meredith is our alibi? see you in jail”
When she found out about her dad’s heart condition after he saved her at the school.
Her showdown with Sydney
Season 4 when her highlights were poppin’
What I want for her in the final 10 episodes:
Her to finally be happy with one person as opposed to bouncing from girl to girl, how emission evolves, the aftermath of AD and the liars friendship afterwards.
#Emily Fields#Shay Mitchell#maya st. germain#Paige mcullers#emaya#paily#Alison DiLaurentis#pam fields#Emison#PLL#pretty little liars#pretty little thoughts#PLL thoughts
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The paige and alison scene was purely amazing, I’ve always been a paily AND emison shipper, but I’ve never loved and respected paige more
#pll#pretty little liars#emily fields#shay mitchell#paige mcullers#lindsay shaw#pll 7x15#team paily#paily#emison#sasha pieterse#alison dilaurentis
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Question for Paily fans
I genuinely have a question for you all and I’m most definitely not looking to argue or make anyone feel bad, so I hope that we can have an open minded discussion. My question is, why are some of you guys using the word “chose” when referring to Emily and her pursuit of Paige the past couple of episodes? I’ve especially seen people say that Emily “chose” Paige over Alison. The reason this is confusing is because Ali basically turned Emily down a couple of episodes ago. Remember the, “I don’t know” referring to their kiss and Emily storming out upset? Clearly, Alison wasn’t even a choice to begin with, ESPECIALLY after that moment. Now, if Alison came to Emily and said, “I have feelings for you and I’m ready to be with you, bla bla bla” and Emily said nah, I think I’m gonna go after Paige still, then I would totally see what you guys are saying. I’m genuinely curious what people have to say about this. Hopefully we can argue less and have friendly discussions more.
#paily#emison#Paige Mcullers#emily fields#pll#prettylittleliars#pretty little liars#alison dilaurentis
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If you love Paige McCullers (PLL) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog character :)
thank you!
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My Top 10 Queer Couples
In honor of pride month I wanted to do my thoughts on my fav queer couples so here we go. (Not all will be canon) #10 Miles & Jax Jiles (Backstage)

These two aren’t actually a couple sadly but in my personal opinion they have the best chemistry on the show and they treat each other better than the girls they are supposed to be with. I love how Jax told Miles “It’s you and me” and “You have a pretty eyes and cool guy hair.” I also loved how he said “I need a friend to make this place feel less crazy. When Miles found out Jax knew about his kidney disease because Jax felt sorry for him but even after that Jax still remained his friend. Then when Miles fainted he called for Jax despite Alaya a girl he likes was right beside him. Then there is the way Miles puts his arm around Jax twice. The first time whe Jax cried over Jenna dumping him and then the second time during Jax’s DJ show down. Ugh these two have great chemistry and should be a couple.
#9 ThunderGrace Anissa/Grace (Black Lightening)

These two are canon in the comics and have had a few dates in the show so I cannot say much about these two because I haven’t seen much of them. However I can say this is a couple I look forward to. One because one I always get excited to see an interracial couple, two this is an interracial couple with two people of color and not just one white and one black. Three these two are canon superhero’s and so hopefully we get to see them fight along side each other. I hope season 2 will explore these two more and not just mention Nyssa is a lesbian and then not let her have a love life which I don’t see being much of an issue.
#8 Becky & Adam (Degrassi)
This one Adam is a FTMT (Female to Male Transgender also R.I.P. Adam) I enjoy this couple because it is very unlikely possibility and it shows Love knows no gender, race or object. As I mentioned earlier Adam is a trans character but even more interesting is that Becky is the daughter of a Pastor and she is super conservative beliefs. All though over time she begins to accept Adam for who he is a trans male and loves him regardless despite being raised with the belief that being homosexual or trans is wrong. Once again love wins and it no knows no gender or race. #7 Pailey Paige/Emily

The reason I love Pailey so much is because of how it started off Rocky but it was a great way to develop Paige’s character. Now before someone brings up the drowning thing just think about all the things Paige went through and all the shit Alison has done. I love this couple because Paige really cares about Emily’s safety. Paige also encouraged Emily to be with friends as not to isolate her and she really tries hard to make sure Emily was happy and safe. I also loved the way Emily forgave Paige and showed her compassion despite Paige being mean to her. I can’t believe Pailey fans like myself don’t get flash backs of them living together but we get Flash backs of Alison queer baiting Emily and being an ableist piece of shit to Hannah. Marlene King once again you ruin a beautiful relationship for a toxic abusive one. We also get Flash Backs of Alison threatening to out Paige to her homophobic dad. Then the beautiful swim scene in the earlier seasons and then the Bike race scene in season 7. My girl Paige was screwed over. Oh and also Paige was right about Emily being controlled by Alison and was right to be concerned about Emily sending large heaps of money to Alison. Anyways TeamPaigs
#6 SleepingWarrior Mulan/Auroa from (Once Upon a Time)

These two almost could have been a couple but nope Once Upon a Time just queer baited the hell out of these shippers and had to go do some hetro normative bullshit like make Auroa have a child with Philip. Instead we get two white queer ships. One that rushed out and one main couple in season 7 who I feel are there to be token representation. Not knocking any of those couples but OUAT has a history of screwing over those characters of color and Mulan is on the list of poc’s that could have been screwed over. Also who cares these two aren’t canon in other forms but they could have been here. An interracial queer lesbian couple. These two are opposites but that is okay. I honestly thought these two were going to end up together but nope Mulan Who the writers said was canonally bisexual didn’t give her the happy ending she deserves. So Adam Eddy shame on you for your queer baiting. Mulan could have also ended up with Ruby/Red but nope that can’t happen. #5 Jonnor Jude/Connor (The Fosters)
These two are each other’s first Love and so it wasn’t destined to last forever. However, these two hold a special place in my heart and will forever. I love how Connor stood up for Jude when he was being bullied at school for his blue nail polish 💅🏽. Then Connor comes to school the next day and reveals at lunch he also painted his nails blue. Then there is the fact Jude stood up to Connor’s dad by his refusal to move from Connor’s hospital room until he saw him. Connor got shot for those of you haven’t watched. The way those two wrestle and the way Connor kissed him. I also love how with some help from Cole a tr ans character on the show that Jude said to Connor “I am gay for you and then they danced.” Then they held pinkies at the movie like *Squeals* Anyways I hope both boys are happy even if they are no longer a couple.
#4 Red Beauty Belle/Ruby(Red) (OUAT)

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the real beauty and the beast. Yes I am salty about this couple not happening. Why couldn’t we have this is as our Beauty & the Beast Couple? Think about it Ruby is a were wolf and Belle is Belle. Plus Belle wouldn’t have to be stuck in an abusive relationship with Rumple. Also this would be a Beauty and the Beast couple without weird stolkholm syndrome attached to it. Belle accepts Ruby for who she is and this relationship would be founded in true friendship. Not “I am going to kidnap your dad but you take his place instead.” Plus this would be Beauty and the Beast but with a queer twist.
#3 Supercorp Lena Luthor/Kara Danvers (Supergirl)

These two have such great chemistry and I would have rather seen Kara with James or Lena instead of stupid “Dude Bro, Frat Boy of the Universe Slave owning Prince Mon El” These two in a sense are like Romeo and Juliet (Despite the fact I hate that play I will be happy to share why if someone asks) because these two are supposed to be natural enemies. Superman’s arch enemy is of course Lex Luthor big brother to Lena. So a Super and Luthor being friends is something no one thought possible. Also Kara is the only one to have believed Lena when she was framed for a crime. Kara kept digging and digging until she cleared Lena’s name. Then Lena told Kara “Who are my hero Kara Danvers” then to Thank Kara she floods Kara’s office with flowers. Seriously if Lena was a guy and did that it would be seen as romantic but because they are two women it is seen as an overly nice platonic gesture. These two should have been explored but oh well.
#2 RaeChels Raven & Chelsea (That’s so Raven)
These two are the best of friends and I absolutely adore their friendship so much. I love how they have grown to accept each other’s differences despite not having the same interests. One of my favorite episodes included where Chelsea invites Raven to come on a hike and Raven isn’t feeling it but comes anyway. Of course Raven is Raven and has to make a big production out of everything but eventually at the end of the episode Raven and Chelsea learn it is okay they have different interests. In Raven’s home they are living together and raising children plus they have a close friendship. How does that not give a queer vibe? Also for those of you unaware Raven is a lesbian. People say that Raven and Chelsea shouldn’t be a couple because “It’s a children show” well guess what people some kids do have two parents of the same sex so what are you going to do. Also these two had an argument about how to parent kids and then made up by dancing the tango and talking it out. Then Chelsea said “Our kids are pretty lucky to have us Rae” I know what she meant but it could have also meant that Rae sees Levi as her kid and Chels sees Nia and Booker has her kids. Plus these two share a room (small apartment) together and their sons act like brothers. They act like a couple, argue like a couple and even co parent like a couple so Disney let these two be a couple.
# 1 Steph & Lena (The Fosters)

These two are so beautiful together. These two are an actual couple and remind me of Raven and Chelsea as I mention above but without the queerbaiting nonsense. These two have stuck by each other through thick and thin. Lena could have gone and cheated with Monty but she didn’t. I also love the way these two hug and squeal when Jude throws a book at Jesus in his and Jesus’s room and the fact Jude called it “his room” Both have respectable professions because Steph is a cop and Lena is a school Pricnipal. I also enjoy this couple because it shows love has no bounds and it also shows different types of families and it is a beautiful interracial couple. I also like the fact that you people don’t need parents that are biologically related or hetro parents to be a happy stable family. I think that is one of the few things The Fosters does well despite its several flaws. Anyways let me know what you guys think.
Honorable Mentions: Charming Hook, David Nolan/Killian Jones (Once Upon A Time) Frozen Swan Emma and Elsa (Once Upon A Time) Juliet and Scarrlet (Backstage) Dinah Laurel Lance Helena Bertenelli Black Canary/Huntress (Birds of Prey) or Dinah Laurel Lance and Barbara Gordon Once Barry girl/Oracle
#thundergrace#pailey anchors#rae & chels#jonnor#sleeping warrior#mulan rouge#supercorp#jiles#jax and miles#backstage#degrassi#supergirl#that’s so raven#raven’s home#Mulan deserved better#once upon a time#anti once upon a time#anissa pierce#grace choi#paige mcullers#Pro Paige Mcullers#red beauty#interracial queer couples#love knows no bounds#Paige Mcullers Deserved Better.#black lightning
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1) Caleb or Lucas (or them both together). A lot of -A.D.’s plots are technology oriented. Who’s good with technology? Both of them. Also, an app controls the new board game, and Lucas designs apps… so…
2) Ezra (for the sole purpose of him having ALWAYS been shady as shit) … and ok… also because he appears back in Rosewood at the same time -A.D. steps up his game and the board game is introduced.
3) Paige- she’s always been bullied by Alison, probably jealous any time Emily isn’t with her, hates seeing her with new girlfriends, has another secret agenda, etc… and as much as I love her, she does have slight anger issues after trying to drown Em.
5) Bethany Young as Spencer’s twin. Troian would be amazing playing an evil twin. And it would make a ton of sense.
#pll#pretty little liars#season 7b#Spencer hastings#emily fields#aria montgomery#hanna marin#caleb rivers#Bethany young#wren Kingston#Melissa Hastings#paige mcullers#Ezra fitz#lucas (I can't remember his last name lmao)#Alison dilaurentis
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I am guessing that means Alison was pregnant all the other fucking times she when she was a cunt towards Paige and everyone else she bullied!
Lmao you dumb af. The only reason Alison acted like that towards Paige in 7x20 and in 7x11 was because of the pregnancy hormones. Alison’s apology was genuine. She cried for god sake. Give the woman a break. She’s a better person now and saved Emily and the girls lives multiple times. It’s pathetic how you’re still hung up on her past. And let’s not act like Paige is a saint. She was so immature in s7. She tried to make Ali look bad and tried to get Emily to turn against her.
lol k hun unfollow button’s right up there
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#b00b1e (( i would drown you)) 😍 -anon
i lov u too paige mcullers
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If paige freakin mcullers ends up being AD im going to disown this entire show
#like i will erase the show even from my memory#i will totally disregard that the show even existed#pretty little liars#pll#im being completely serious#7 years for this basic ass bitch#like she cant even get a good haircut
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This confession is so hypocritical. Like ‘I won’t forgive these two girls specifically but all the other shit everyone has done, which includes rape and murder, is absolutely fine by me”
Caleb lies to Hanna to get her to trust him enough to spy on her. He slept with her while he was spying on her. I don’t care if he fell in love, he was literally on the clock when he popped her cherry. That’s all kinds of messed up and technically, I’m pretty sure rape.
Ezra? Not just statutory rape but he also literally lied and misled Aria for years and used her, grooming and manipulating her, attacked Spencer and spied on Aria and her friends, going as far as installing secret cameras.
Toby? He not only joined the A team, doing horrible shit while he was on it and making things harder for the girls but he did it TWICE and at least one of those times is confirmed to have been due to selfish reasons and 100% NOT because of some romanticised bull crap. He faked his death which made Spencer break down and join the A team herself. And he had sex with her while working for A so again, we have super dubious consent.
Paige never did any of that shit though. She never spied on Emily or tried to groom her into being whatever she wanted her to be. She never used her in any way. In fact she sacrificed a LOT to be with her, selflessly.
And as for Mona, you can’t say you won’t forgive her for what she did to Hanna but proceed to forgive a complete monster like Alison who created A in the first place. Think Mona’s a crap friend? Alison is miles ahead of her. Mona hit Hanna with a car? Alison was the one who metaphorically fueled said car.
Confession: I will never forgive Paige or Mona. Paiga drowned Em and Mona hit Hanna with a car (and also, she was fricking A)
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For the send me a fandom: Pll and/or the 100
PLL: — the first character i first fell in love with: hanna— the character i never expected to love as much as i do now: alison — the character everyone else loves that i don’t: ezra maybe, never was a really big fan of him— the character i love that everyone else hates: i would say mona but i think more people are finally starting to like her now so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ — the character i used to love but don’t any longer: caleb— the character i would totally smooch: alison— the character i’d want to be like: emily— the character i’d slap: paige mcullers— a pairing that i love: emison, sparia, vandermarin— a pairing that i despise: paige/emily, aria/ezra, spencer/caleb
The 1OO: — the first character i first fell in love with: clarke— the character i never expected to love as much as i do now: bellamy— the character everyone else loves that i don’t: ?— the character i love that everyone else hates: ? — the character i used to love but don’t any longer: ?— the character i would totally smooch: lexa—the character i’d want to be like: raven— the character i’d slap: finn collins, cage wallace— a pairing that i love: clexa (i’m a huge multishipper though so i have many more ships) — a pairing that i despise: clarke/finn, finn/raven, probably more but those were the ones that i could think of off the top of my headsend me a fandom!
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