#Paige Mcullers Defense Squad
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People are way too hard on Paige Mcullers
People say they can’t forgive Paige for being mean to Emily and for that whole trying to drown Emily incident. Yet we have seen Paige go out of her way to apologize to Emily. Yet the only thing people seem to have against Paige is that she held Emily’s head under water for a few seconds. She apologized to Emily and worked to be a better person. Yet people keep convincing me that Alison has changed. I don’t buy that at all. She apologized to Paige okay but when she sees Emily and Paige getting close again she starts being mean to Paige again and starts to isolate and manipulate Emily. How am I supposed to be convinced that Alison has changed? When Paige warns Emily to keep her distance from Alison people reduce it to Paige being jealous. Well considering people feel the need to protect themselves from Alison and Paige pointing out how Alison hurt a lot of people I would say Paige was right to warn Emily. I mean why would the girls want to be Alison’s friend again after all she put them through? She set them on a wild goose chase, she was only nice to the girls if it benefited her she fat shamed Hannah, and showed her how to throw up, she shamed Spencer for kissing Ian despite the fact Ian was the adult and Spencer was a minor, and she collected secrets from the girls and used the secrets to manipulate and black mail the girls. Alison even knew Toby was being raped and instead of reporting it she black mailed him and got him sent to juvey for a crime she committed. Yet Paige does a few bad things no where near as bad as Alison, apologizes and does everything she can to be a better person. Yet Alison continues to manipulate and lie. She is the absolute worse to Emily, she queer baited Emily, extorted money from her and she just uses Emily when she needs something! Yet Paige pointed out that Emily was still controlled by Alison. Again people reduced it to Paige being jealous of Alison but Paige does have a point. You know why because Paige is one of the few people not falling for Alison’s bullshit, Paige is one of the few people who can see right through Alison’s manipulation tactics. Yet when Paige is being logical and pointing out how Alison is being manipulative people reduce Paige being jealous. Maybe its Alison who is the jealous one because she only drops manipulative truth bombs when Paige comes around. We all know and have seen Alison isolate Emily and manipulate Emily from the other girls and yet Paige is the mean and jealous bitch? Nah Alison is the mean jealous bitch! Alison should have just stayed a villain. Oh and the worst thing is people can like Ezra Fitz while calling Paige a stalker? Last I checked Ezra was the stalker and goes out of his way to date and stalk underage girls all to write a book. So please keep Paige’s name out of your mouths
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This confession is so hypocritical. Like ‘I won’t forgive these two girls specifically but all the other shit everyone has done, which includes rape and murder, is absolutely fine by me”
Caleb lies to Hanna to get her to trust him enough to spy on her. He slept with her while he was spying on her. I don’t care if he fell in love, he was literally on the clock when he popped her cherry. That’s all kinds of messed up and technically, I’m pretty sure rape.
Ezra? Not just statutory rape but he also literally lied and misled Aria for years and used her, grooming and manipulating her, attacked Spencer and spied on Aria and her friends, going as far as installing secret cameras.
Toby? He not only joined the A team, doing horrible shit while he was on it and making things harder for the girls but he did it TWICE and at least one of those times is confirmed to have been due to selfish reasons and 100% NOT because of some romanticised bull crap. He faked his death which made Spencer break down and join the A team herself. And he had sex with her while working for A so again, we have super dubious consent.
Paige never did any of that shit though. She never spied on Emily or tried to groom her into being whatever she wanted her to be. She never used her in any way. In fact she sacrificed a LOT to be with her, selflessly.
And as for Mona, you can’t say you won’t forgive her for what she did to Hanna but proceed to forgive a complete monster like Alison who created A in the first place. Think Mona’s a crap friend? Alison is miles ahead of her. Mona hit Hanna with a car? Alison was the one who metaphorically fueled said car.
Confession: I will never forgive Paige or Mona. Paiga drowned Em and Mona hit Hanna with a car (and also, she was fricking A)
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it’s sad how y’all can’t get over Alison’s past. She has genuinely apologized to many people and saved the girls lives. Paige is a snake who treated Emily like shit. She blackmailed her, tried to drown her, was controlling/obsessed, and made homophobic comments to Emily in season 1. pailys are fucking hypocrites. They get mad over the locker room scene where Ali rejected Emily because she was scared of her feelings, but Paige gets a free pass when she said worse shit to her in season 1? Lol
One Paige was the only one to give a sincere apology. She was a young teen when she did all that. She hasn’t done anything since. Alison even as an adult after “sincere apology” still continued to be bitchy to Paige and was rude to Paige in the work place in front of Emily and her boss. So no I don’t believe Alison has truly changed. Alison black mailed her supposed friends and she continues to toy with Emily’s emotions. This clearly says “Paige Mcullers Defense Squad blog. I can’t stand Alison. She is a fucking sociopath. If you actually look at my blog you would know I hate Emison!
#anti alison dilaurentis#anti emison#pro pailey#pailey anchors#paige mcullers#Paige Mcullers Defense Squad
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Alison as a teacher rant.
How is it that Alison is a teacher? She was and still a manipulator. How did she land a job as a teacher considering what the town knew and how she treated people. Teacher seems like an odd career choice for Alison.
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Alison Dilaurantis is an adult
Why do people continue to excuse Alison's behavior? In the teacher's lounge in the meeting where Alison is trying to antagonize Paige. People say she is hormonal but I don't believe that is it. Alison and Paige have a long history of being enemies. The fact that Alison as an adult is trying to antagonize another person while at her job in front of her boss is disgusting and inexcusable. Why does Emily continually defend Alison to Paige? It's disgusting and once again Paige calls out Alison bullshit as she sees it and how most of the world would see it. Most people would be angry if you lied and said you were kidnapped. If Alison was hormonal while trying to antagonize Paige then does that mean she was was hormonal she was going to out Paige all those years ago? Was she hormonal when she blinded Jenna? Was she hormonal when she fat shamed Hanna and merely helped her into bulimia, was she hormonal when she tormented Mona and then wrote about it in her journal 📓 on how she wanted to push Mona past her breaking point. Was she hormonal when she queer baited Emily for all those years or when she has Emily sending her heaps of money 💰? People tell me those things are in the past but when Alison is acting like a juvenile brat and trying to antagonize another coworker while at their job and in front of their boss is unacceptable. It's even worse when that said coworker has endured years of bullying blackmail and straight up manipulation is terrible. It's hard to leave Ali's past in the past when she continues to behave so juvenile. There is absolutely no excuse for Alison's behavior. Emily and the rest of the girls need to cut ties with Alison's toxic ass. Paige is right Alison is always a victim. She acted like a victim when she blinded Jenna because she was more concerned about getting arrested, she acted victim, when she fat shamed Hanna, acted victim when she bullied Mona and also when Mona retaliated and now she acted the victim when she just sat and tried to antagonize Paige. Alison is a manipulator, abuser and malicious. I ask again why do people continue to excuse this bitch? Please I need to know.
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Pailey quotes vs Emison quotes
You know what Emily has said about Paige. "What I had with Paige was genuine." "I didn't get lost I was looking for something" "I would look for guys like you". "That night on my porch you told me what Alison did I fell for you hard". Emily quotes about Alison. "I don't think she knew how to love I think she collected love from other people" "She let me kiss her". "She broke my heart. I could hear it crack inside me" "I am done with you Ali" "You need to figure out what you want Alison" Now please remind me again why people love Emison so much?
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Pro Paige Mcullers/Pailey
Why do people hate Pailey and prefer Emison? Emison is unhealthy and toxic. I mean Allison has manipulated Emily over and over. I know people want to dwell on the fact that Paige tried to drown Emily but come on she apologized she meant it and it wasn’t continuous. Where as Allison blinded Jenna, black mailed her step brother Toby, was willing to put Paige as a lesbian to her homophobic father just for shits and giggles, she was purposely mean to Mona, she fat shamed Hannah and made her feel worthless. Allison knew Spencer had a problem with pill addiction and did nothing about it. She didn’t say anything. Instead she used that information for her own personal gain and Black mailed her with it. She plays on the fact Emily likes girls and only wants to be with Emily when she is vulnerable. I clapped when Paige berated Emily for letting Ally manipulate her. Paige is by no means perfect but she is right about Allison. Allison doesn’t want anyone happy unless it is on her terms.
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Paige vs Alison
Alison Has Emily sending heaps of money to her to some random address. Emison Fandom: OMG how sweet of Emison Ally is in trouble. Paige: has legit reasons to be concerned voices her concern about Emily’s. Emison Fandom: Oh my gosh Paige is such a manipulative bitch how dare she try to stop Emily from contact Alison
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If you love Paige McCullers (PLL) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog character :)
thank you!
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Why I like Paige Mcullers
Now I know for some Paige is a hated character. However I can’t help but love her. When people heard the news that Allison is coming back she warned Emily that she has hurt a lot of people and warned Emily to be careful. She truly cares about Emily safety. I saw the scene where she berated Emily for saying that Emily was being manipulated by Allison. She is damn right and one of the few not to fall for Allison’s bullshit.
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Lmfao Paige was deadass a snake and so immature in season 7. She tried to make everything look like it was Ali’s fault and tried to make Emily turn against Ali. No wonder Ali was bitchy and jealous towards her. Imo Paige is a character with barely any development whatsoever. Alison has saved the girls lives and apologized multiple times for her behavior. When did she ever blackmail her friends? Ali has so obviously changed for the better and has great character development.Sorry you can’t see it
First off why are you in my box asking questions. I all ready told you I cannot stand Alison. Also don’t act like Alison is innocent. Also Paige should he skeptical of Alison. Alison has treated her like garbage. I don’t condone Paige for the things she did. She was however more concerned with Emily’s safety. Now if you read my blog it is a Paige Mcullers Defense Squad. So again why are you in my in box?
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Calling Alison jealous only furthers the delusion that she is interested in Emily. I prefer saying she’s possessive of her toys and greedy or something along those lines. I hate when Alison breaks the nice girl facade and starts being a dick to Paily, and people chalk it up to jealousy as if that’s the only time she breaks her facade. What is she jealous of whenever they discuss AD or when she’s in class and one of her students piss her off?
The worst part is that her stans try to use this alleged jealousy to justify her actions. Because it must mean she loves her and that makes it all all right. But if Paige did something dumb out of love for Emily she gets treated like a leech that hangs on without ever being asked to despite the fact that she is Emily’s chosen partner and Alison is -at best- an acquaintance. How does that work exactly?
Then there’s the times they straight up lift Paige’s backstory and try to apply it to Alison in order to justify her past actions but refuse to accept it as a contributor towards Paige’s earlier stints. They steal the homophobic parent thing. They claim Kenneth threw Cece out for being trans and that is why Alison had internalized homophobia and that is why she bullied the gays. Except Alison never knew that Cece was Charles or even knew who Charles was unless she was an accessory to the A shit.
People are way too hard on Paige Mcullers
People say they can’t forgive Paige for being mean to Emily and for that whole trying to drown Emily incident. Yet we have seen Paige go out of her way to apologize to Emily. Yet the only thing people seem to have against Paige is that she held Emily’s head under water for a few seconds. She apologized to Emily and worked to be a better person. Yet people keep convincing me that Alison has changed. I don’t buy that at all. She apologized to Paige okay but when she sees Emily and Paige getting close again she starts being mean to Paige again and starts to isolate and manipulate Emily. How am I supposed to be convinced that Alison has changed? When Paige warns Emily to keep her distance from Alison people reduce it to Paige being jealous. Well considering people feel the need to protect themselves from Alison and Paige pointing out how Alison hurt a lot of people I would say Paige was right to warn Emily. I mean why would the girls want to be Alison’s friend again after all she put them through? She set them on a wild goose chase, she was only nice to the girls if it benefited her she fat shamed Hannah, and showed her how to throw up, she shamed Spencer for kissing Ian despite the fact Ian was the adult and Spencer was a minor, and she collected secrets from the girls and used the secrets to manipulate and black mail the girls. Alison even knew Toby was being raped and instead of reporting it she black mailed him and got him sent to juvey for a crime she committed. Yet Paige does a few bad things no where near as bad as Alison, apologizes and does everything she can to be a better person. Yet Alison continues to manipulate and lie. She is the absolute worse to Emily, she queer baited Emily, extorted money from her and she just uses Emily when she needs something! Yet Paige pointed out that Emily was still controlled by Alison. Again people reduced it to Paige being jealous of Alison but Paige does have a point. You know why because Paige is one of the few people not falling for Alison’s bullshit, Paige is one of the few people who can see right through Alison’s manipulation tactics. Yet when Paige is being logical and pointing out how Alison is being manipulative people reduce Paige being jealous. Maybe its Alison who is the jealous one because she only drops manipulative truth bombs when Paige comes around. We all know and have seen Alison isolate Emily and manipulate Emily from the other girls and yet Paige is the mean and jealous bitch? Nah Alison is the mean jealous bitch! Alison should have just stayed a villain. Oh and the worst thing is people can like Ezra Fitz while calling Paige a stalker? Last I checked Ezra was the stalker and goes out of his way to date and stalk underage girls all to write a book. So please keep Paige’s name out of your mouths
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