#page 5982
pesterloglog · 9 months
Aranea Serket, John Egbert, Vriska Serket
Act 6, page 5982-6008
ARANEA: Anyway, where was I?
JOHN: the heroine story ends and the villain story begins.
JOHN: i think...
ARANEA: Yes, that's right.
ARANEA: It is with the predomin8tion of her son that our heroine's story ends, and the story of our villain 8egins.
ARANEA: 8ut as we all know, 8eginnings are not always so easy to pinpoint in paradox space.
ARANEA: One could say his story 8egan the day he claimed immortality. Or the moment his 8eing was inexplica8ly confined to a juju, allowing him access to any realm in which his vessel would capriciously materialize.
ARANEA: 8ut for the sake of linearity, we may as well say his story 8egan the day he and his sister hatched.
ARANEA: When a cheru8 hatches, the two undeveloped personalities mingle together in the same 8ody. There is not yet a clear division 8etween the two.
ARANEA: It will then consume the egg shell for the vital nutrients it contains. The sugary snack is irresisti8le to the starving wiggler.
ARANEA: Once it finishes its first meal, the two personalities will 8e pulled apart for good, and the child will pup8.
ARANEA: The two halves then 8egin vacill8ting with their sleep cycles, as I descri8ed.
ARANEA: As you might expect, the female child was as cheerful and friendly as could 8e.
ARANEA: She took after her mother in every way. At least, the way her mother used to 8e, long 8efore she was hardened 8y centuries of isol8tion and o8sessive pursuit of justice.
ARANEA: And to just as little surprise, the male child was an insuffera8le 8rat.
ARANEA: It is just as well that cheru8 parents a8andon their offspring. Raising such a child 8y the familial standards of any race would 8e a monumental challenge.
ARANEA: Nevertheless, it would seem there were those who tried.
ARANEA: Details in my research suggest our villain had a num8er of acolytes oper8ting in the shadows, preparing for his arrival.
ARANEA: We will pro8a8ly never know who these scurrilous conspir8tors were. 8ut it is evident that at some point the cheru8 was locked in a room, either out of exasper8tion, or for its own good, until it was old enough to enter the session.
ARANEA: The children were left with everything a young cheru8 could ever want. Meat, candy, computers, a lifetime supply of special stardust, and of course their precious jujus.
ARANEA: The acolytes had clearly gone to gr8 lengths to harvest such items from all over the cosmos, so they could lavish their young master with gifts.
ARANEA: They may have 8een prisoners, yes. 8ut if you ask me, these children were very spoiled.
ARANEA: While the female was preparing for a colla8or8tive approach to the game, the male was plotting furiously against her. He never had any intention of working with her.
ARANEA: As far as he was concerned, the game was his and his alone to conquer.
ARANEA: One day, he put his plan into motion. He had his sister's dream self assassin8ted on Prospit.
ARANEA: The next time she went to sleep, she would never wake up again. When her 8rother woke up, he 8ecame the sole occupant of the 8ody.
ARANEA: He then freed himself from his chains, and launched the session 8y himself.
ARANEA: 8ut this game was never meant to 8e played solo.
ARANEA: Its format is inherently cooper8tive. The diversity of players, the com8in8tion of their efforts and aspects, this is what awakens the true cre8tive potential of the game. Without them, a session will wither and die.
ARANEA: If one enters alone, it completely alters the nature of the game. It changes its purpose.
ARANEA: For a solo player, a challenging quest 8ecomes an insurmounta8le one. A reward of infinite promise 8ecomes a 8oon far more sinister.
ARANEA: The gauntlet which the player must overcome is seemingly designed to 8e impossi8le. For all intents and purposes, it is not actually a game at all. It is a death sentence for any player foolish enough to accept the challenge.
ARANEA: 8ut it 8ears repeating.
ARANEA: This was very special cheru8.
ARANEA: He entered what is called a dead session.
ARANEA: This qualifies as 8oth a null and void session, 8ut is even less than either of those. Compared to a typical session, it is almost unrecogniza8le.
ARANEA: 8efore the game 8egins, Skaia is 8lotted out with a dark layer of clouds. Its light is extinguished for good.
ARANEA: There is no planet w8ting for the player in the medium.
ARANEA: So instead, he 8rought it with him.
ARANEA: 8ut when he arrived, there was no heroic journey for him to em8ark on.
ARANEA: There was nothing. No sprite, no consorts, no underlings.
ARANEA: The land had no name.
ARANEA: Those things all needed to 8e unlocked.
ARANEA: To unlock his true quest, he was forced to undergo a series of excruci8tingly tedious trials.
ARANEA: Only then would the way to the planet's core 8e revealed. There, he would consult with the most monstrous denizen of all.
ARANEA: And while such trials might discourage most players from even trying, our villain's response was quite the contrary.
ARANEA: He was only em8oldened 8y the mind num8ing chores. He took to them with gusto, as if performing them out of spite.
ARANEA: With perseverance, he found the final door and unlocked it.
ARANEA: W8ting for him on the other side was a terri8le creature named Yalda8aoth.
ARANEA: His denizen would allow him a 8rief audience. One just long enough for him to make The Choice.
ARANEA: No denizen has ever 8een mistaken for pleasant company. 8ut the self-proclaimed god of all monsters is notoriously inhospita8le to his players.
ARANEA: His choices are known for their wild extremes.
ARANEA: And to this player, in this session, he offered his most extreme choice of all.
ARANEA: It was the choice 8etween a path of conquest, and a path of sacrifice.
ARANEA: 8ut this is putting it lightly.
ARANEA: In a tongue only his player could understand, he descri8ed what the path of the martyr entailed.
ARANEA: In short, it involved nothing.
ARANEA: The player chooses to walk away from the tempt8tion of power. To surrender all am8ition, and to welcome death.
ARANEA: In exchange for this pledge comes a promise. The player's sacrifice is assured to 8enefit all who will ever live.
ARANEA: In death, the player would later 8e in the position to help 8ring an end to a force of unfathoma8le evil and destruction.
ARANEA: A force which was unleashed, for instance, 8y someone who once opted for the other choice.
ARANEA: Yalda8aoth then descri8ed what it meant to choose the path of the conqueror.
ARANEA: It was a path for a more active player, to 8e sure. The player's mettle as a conquering force would 8e tested directly, and repeatedly.
ARANEA: One 8y one, he would have to conquer and destroy a num8er of planets spawned for him in the session. Each would 8e more difficult than the last.
ARANEA: After destroying them all, his true land would 8ecome unlocked.
ARANEA: He would then return to face his denizen again, and defeat him in com8at.
ARANEA: If successful, his reward would 8e unprecedented.
ARANEA: He would receive the 8oon of unconditional immortality, where resurrection would not 8e linked with the just or heroic nature of death.
ARANEA: It is unclear how this 8oon would 8e awarded, since to my knowledge it is 8eyond even the a8ility of a denizen to allow this.
ARANEA: 8ut through whatever mechanism the 8oon is 8estowed, immortality is only the 8eginning.
ARANEA: The player is somehow also im8ued with a limitless supply of power. Enough to destroy anything he wanted, for as long as he wanted.
ARANEA: And knowing the villain of our story, anything he wanted would be everything. And as long as he wanted would be forever.
ARANEA: Yes, knowing our villain, the choice he would make is quite clear.
ARANEA: Knowing him, in fact, proves it could hardly 8e considered a choice at all.
ARANEA: It was at this point the real game would 8egin.
ARANEA: Skaia would undergo a dramatic transform8tion, 8ecoming even darker and heavier.
ARANEA: Soon it would 8ecome a very massive solid sphere. It would 8egin to gener8 heat within due to rising density.
ARANEA: The surface would 8egin to crack.
ARANEA: The resulting explosion is known as the First 8r8k.
ARANEA: From the primordial 8last would emerge fifteen planets for the player to conquer.
ARANEA: They would scatter and ricochet at high velocity 8efore settling into or8it in the medium.
ARANEA: The 8r8k is a very violent phenomenon though. Not all planets will necessarily clear the 8last 8efore the Skaian de8ris settles into its final st8.
ARANEA: The vast amount of resulting matter then collapses into a 8lack hole.
ARANEA: Its gravit8tional pull is tremendous. Any o8ject within range will 8e sucked in and destroyed.
ARANEA: Those planets which settle into or8it will 8e safe, for the time 8eing.
ARANEA: 8ut in the case of our villain's session, three of the planets did not make it and fell 8ack into the hole.
ARANEA: This was a very lucky 8r8k for him!
ARANEA: It meant that he would only have to conquer twelve planets instead.
ARANEA: This 8it of good fortune could very well have 8een the difference which allowed him to overcome a nearly impossi8le challenge.
ARANEA: His task was to destroy all of these planets in order, each within a time allowance that gets shorter with every planet.
ARANEA: To destroy a planet, first it must 8e conquered.
ARANEA: He would have to overcome all forces of resistance on the planet, and ultim8tely defeat whatever powerful underling ruled there.
ARANEA: Then, much like he did to unlock the quest in the first place, he would have to travel to the planet's core.
ARANEA: There he would retrieve a 8om8, and return to the surface.
ARANEA: If he did not accomplish this in time, the 8om8 would deton8 in the core, and the game would 8e lost automatically.
ARANEA: The 8om8 is not powerful enough to destroy the planet alone.
ARANEA: In fact, its purpose is not to damage the planet at all, 8ut to move it.
ARANEA: So he must 8ring it to a design8ted loc8tion on the surface.
ARANEA: When it explodes, the planet will 8e knocked out of or8it, and sucked into the hole.
ARANEA: Of course he must make sure he has moved on to the next planet 8efore this happens!
ARANEA: He repeats this process for each planet until they are all gone.
ARANEA: There is one caveat though. He must skip the eighth planet.
ARANEA: If he sinks that one 8efore any of the others, it will result in the destruction of the entire session.
ARANEA: Thus it must 8e the final planet he conquers.
ARANEA: Upon destroying the eighth planet, his true land will reveal itself.
ARANEA: The dead planet will come to life, and there he must prepare for 8attle with his denizen.
ARANEA: He may sharpen his com8at skills, craft new weaponry, anything he can do to improve his chances against a very powerful endgame foe.
ARANEA: Fortun8tely for him, he would not have to face the monster alone.
ARANEA: 8y then he will have accumul8ted a party of loyal minions.
ARANEA: With each planet he destroys, he will 8e awarded a new leprechaun follower.
ARANEA: Even if a planet was destroyed in the 8r8k, he will still 8e awarded that planet's leprechaun upon destroying the planet preceding it. Sort of like a two for one deal!
JOHN: wait.
JOHN: leprechauns??
ARANEA: Yes, John!
ARANEA: I'm delighted to see you have pounced on what is clearly the most interesting part of the story thus far.
ARANEA: Leprechauns are a fascin8ting mythical race, although there is some dispute among scholars as to whether they are actually a 8reed of gnome.
JOHN: ...
ARANEA: I can't say I 8lame you for 8eing speechless. There are no dou8t hundreds of questions swirling in your head at once a8out these wonderful creatures.
ARANEA: Where do I even 8egin? You must forgive me, I find it very difficult to resist going on at length a8out them. I just think they are so gr8.
ARANEA: For instance, I can and have given lectures for weeks at a time on their marvelous and widely varying magical a8ilities.
ARANEA: More intriguing yet would 8e any medium-to-longform harangue on the topic of their culture and customs, most of which revolve around luck.
ARANEA: 8ut most captiv8ting of all, and the su8ject upon which I will now assiduously expound, would 8e the positively scintill8ting su8ject of leprechaun romance.
ARANEA: The pro8lem is that when the su8ject of leprechaun romance is 8roached, our overly o8essive troll intellects instantly assume the most ingrati8ting posture of admir8tion imagina8le.
ARANEA: Which makes it hard! Hard to give it proper academic focus I mean, 8ecause of how gr8 it is.
ARANEA: 8ut we will do our 8est to understand regardless.
ARANEA: Trolls have only four forms of romance. And though we consider it a complic8ted su8ject, spanning a wide range of emotions, social conventions, and implic8tions for reproduction, it is ultim8tely a superficial slice of what leprechauns consider the full 8ody of romantic experience. Our concept of romance, in spite of its capacity to fill our art and literature and to rule our individual destinies like little else, is still just that. A single, quaternary concept. A concept usually denoted 8y four sym8ols.
ARANEA: <3 <3< <> o8<
ARANEA: Leprechaun romance is more complic8ted than that. Leprechaun romance needs nine sym8ols.
ARANEA: The nine quadrants of leprechaun romance are considera8ly more nuanced than our quaint notions of romance, and certainly more alien.
ARANEA: In fact, so conditioned is my own understanding of romance that I can't help 8ut refer to them as quadrants, when in fact they are not quadrants at all! They are referred to as charms.
ARANEA: One of the charms is characterized 8y romantic love, as understood 8y 8oth trolls and humans. 8ut after that, all 8ets are off. There is no division 8etween 8lack or red, concupiscent or conciliatory. Instead their charms comprise a spectral continuum of more su8tly varying types of relationships, most of which are esta8lished in mutual chicanery, such as the exchange of pranks, coy riddles, slapstick shenanigans, and games of chance. Furthermore, a pair of leprechauns is not limited to a single charm. A relationship may 8e defined 8y multiple charms at once! In fact, some of the most interesting relationships arise from exotic charm com8in8tions. A sta8le relationship consisting of three or more charms is called a trove. These advanced relationships are often viewed as the ideal end result for a romance, much the way certain pairing rituals are for humans.
ARANEA: No charm is specifically tied to procre8tion, though any type of relationship could 8egin waxing concupiscent if lady luck should so decide. Certain charm com8in8tions are known to 8e more conducive to fertility than others. If the leprechaun pair has 8een so 8lessed, they will 8egin an ela8orate coupling procedure culmin8ting in a lively m8ting jig. The jigs are specific to the charms of course, similar to how different kinds of music lend themselves to various styles of dance.
ARANEA: While their romance is endlessly captiv8ting, leprechaun reproduction may 8e the most interesting su8ject of all. Particularly from a perspective of detailed anatomical study, which I will get to shortly. 8ut first it 8ears pointing out that while for humans reproductive relationships are exclusively heterosexual, and for trolls they are 8isexual, for leprechauns they-
ARANEA: 8ut I wasn't fin-
VRISKA: WOW!!!!!!!!
ARANEA: You really liked it that much, Vriska?
VRISKA: Hell yeah!
VRISKA: Oh my god. That leprechaun stuff? Soooooooo good.
VRISKA: Right guys?
ARANEA: Wow. Well, I would 8e happy to continue then, if you-
VRISKA: Mindfang, have I told you how gr8 it's 8een to get to know each other, and team up on adventures and stuff?
VRISKA: I really feel like you've helped me get in touch with my ancestral roots. Mainly as a kickass storyteller.
VRISKA: It was like this whole part of my personality I was never aware of. Like the part that's compelled to just outright explain tons of really interesting things to people, while sparing no detail whatsoever.
VRISKA: It's made me feel a lot closer to understanding my aspect, as well as closer to you. So I just wanted to say, thanks!
ARANEA: Aw, you're welcome!
ARANEA: I feel the exact same way a8out my time with you.
ARANEA: You have really helped me get in touch with the true pir8 within. I saw in you the adventurous spirit I always wished I could 8e.
ARANEA: You helped me finally understand the virtue in rationalizing questiona8le decisions, and 8ehaving unscrupulously for the gr8ter good!
VRISKA: Haha, stop! You're going to make me start tearing up.
VRISKA: Get over here and give me a hug, alpha sister.
ARANEA: ::::)
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homestuck-book-club · 2 years
Week 21! We are reading to page 6014, which is 227 pages overall, 33 days on Sunday, Friday and Saturday, 32 days all other days 15 January (Sunday)- 5788-5820 16 January (Monday)- 5821-5852 17 January (Tuesday)- 5852-5884 18 January (Wednesday)- 5885-5916 19 January (Thursday)- 5917-5948 20 January (Friday)- 5949-5981 21 January (Saturday)- 5982-6014
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fsbssanantonio · 2 months
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Each visit invites exploration and the potential for delightful discoveries. Benefits of Shopping at Amazon Bin Stores Amazon Bin Stores present unmatched affordability, a treasure trove of exceptional products, often at fractionally reduced prices. Shoppers uncover high-quality items at bargain rates, something that fosters excitement and satisfaction with every purchase. In addition to the financial perks, these stores promote sustainability by redistributing surplus inventory. Every trip to an Amazon Bin Store showcases the extensive variety of available goods, offering customers access to premium brands without the premium price tag. This not only benefits the consumer but also significantly reduces waste. Unique Finds At an Amazon Bin Store, unique finds await, creating a sense of wonder. Shoppers leave, it seems, with a newfound appreciation for amazement. Rediscovery becomes second nature in this engaging environment. Special, serendipitous items catch the eye, sparking joy (redistribution fosters rediscovery and gratitude). Other stores may boast of selection, yet Amazon Bin Stores deliver pleasantly unforgettable experiences. Browsing here feels like unearthing treasures hidden in an enchanted cavern, unfurling the unknown which adds value to every visit. Overall, the range is ever-changing thus keeps visits fresh. Encouraging persistent exploration enriches each shopper indefinitely. Sustainable Shopping Sustainable shopping should be a cornerstone of everyone's lifestyle, ensuring harmony with nature while finding great products at an Amazon Bin Store. These stores exemplify the commitment to eco-friendly shopping habits. Furthermore, individuals are able to access quality items without contributing to excessive waste. This shopping model aligns perfectly with modern values of reducing, reusing, and recycling. The simple act of frequenting an Amazon Bin Store reduces the environmental footprint, demonstrating a collective effort towards conservation. Ultimately, every visit is a step towards a greener planet. Sustainable shopping never felt so satisfying. Tips for Shopping at Amazon Bin Stores To maximize the shopping experience, a strategy of exploration and patience often pays off. Shoppers should arrive early and take their time, as quality products may be hidden beneath the surface. In addition, savvy shoppers might benefit from forming a "bin buddies" group. This adds a layer of camaraderie and can aid in discovering the best deals. As they share tips and divide and conquer strategies, the overall shopping experience becomes more enriching and productive. Best Times to Visit Early mornings on weekdays tend to be excellent times to visit Amazon Bin Stores. Shoppers will find fewer crowds, allowing for more relaxed browsing. This is particularly beneficial when seeking out popular or high-demand items. Fewer shoppers mean less competition, making it easier to snag those hidden treasures. Another advantageous period is when new stock is replenished. Typically, this occurs at set times during the week, which can vary by location. Stay informed by following the store’s social media or signing up for notifications. By knowing these optimal times, visitors enhance their chances of discovering the best finds. Essential Shopping Strategies Developing effective shopping strategies can transform an ordinary visit to an Amazon Bin Store into a thrilling, fruitful adventure, brimming with unparalleled value. First, prioritize an organized approach to browsing. Opt for comfortable clothing and footwear to enhance stamina during busy hunts. Bring reusable bags to conveniently carry newfound treasures. Arrive early for the best selection, and don't hesitate to scan high and low, as extraordinary finds are often scattered. Combine multiple trips with a keen awareness of restocking schedules to maximize opportunities. Lastly, patience and persistence are key; the more consistently one visits, the higher the chances of finding diamonds in the rough. Frequently Asked Questions about Amazon Bin Stores Curious shoppers frequently wonder what exactly an Amazon Bin Store is, how it operates, and what treasures await them. Typically, these stores receive overstock and returned items from Amazon, offering them at significantly reduced prices. Shoppers often ask about the best times to visit, which usually coincide with restocking schedules; savvy patrons recommend checking the store's social media for updates. Additionally, there’s interest in how to best navigate the stores—experts advise coming prepared and staying patient, as the thrill of discovery often rewards those who are persistent and strategic in their searches. Store Policies Amazon Bin Stores are committed to providing a fair and enjoyable shopping experience for all patrons. - No Returns: All sales are final; items are sold as-is. - Restocking Days: Check the store's social media for updates on restocking schedules. - Limited Items: Shoppers are restricted to a set number of high-demand items per visit. - Clean-Up: Patrons are encouraged to maintain cleanliness and respect store property. - Discount Structure: Prices vary by day and item availability; inquire within for specific details. Customers are urged to adhere to these policies to ensure a smooth shopping experience. Understanding and following these guidelines helps maintain an orderly and efficient environment for everyone. Happy shopping, and may your treasure hunt yield fantastic finds! Product Availability Each Amazon Bin Store boasts a unique selection of products, promising a treasure trove for every visitor. - Electronics: From gadgets to accessories, find an array of tech products. - Home Goods: Discover valuable household items at unbeatable prices. - Toys and Games: A wide variety of entertainment options for children and adults. - Apparel: Trendy and seasonal clothing options available. - Books and Media: Dive into novels, movies, and music collections. These stores restock frequently, ensuring a diverse and fresh assortment with each visit. Customers are encouraged to explore the bins thoroughly, as product availability can vary greatly. Happy hunting! The next great find could be just an aisle away.   Read the full article
0 notes
loominggaia · 3 years
How old are each of the freelance good guys canonically?
This answer is a little complicated, since the series takes place over the course of many years. If you want to find out how old they are story-by-story, you'll have to do some math. Just subtract their birth year from the current year and that will tell you their age. Their birthdays are listed on each of their profile pages on the masterpost.
Below I will list their birthdays and what age they are as of the latest story "As Nature Intended" (which takes place in Autumn, 6008)
Evan: Spring, 5967 (41)
Lukas: Summer, 5965 (43)
Glenvar: Winter, 5978 (29)
Alaine: Autumn, 5976 (32)
Jeimos: Summer, 5930 (78)
Isaac: Summer, 5990 (18)
Balthazaar: Winter, 5962 (45)
Linde: Summer, 5960 (48)
Skel: Autumn, 5961 (47)
Javaan: Spring, 5966 (42)
Elska: Autumn, 5982 (26)
Mr. Ocean: Summer, 4904 (1,104)
Zeffer: Spring, 5964 (44)
2 notes · View notes
jpf-sydney · 5 years
Nihon no Shinwa
New item:
Tumblr media
Shelf: 164.1 YOS Nihon no shinwa. by Yoshida Atsuhiko. Shinsōban. Tōkyō : Seidosha, 2002. 203 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm. Text in Japanese. ISBN: 4-7917-5982-6
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al-jadwal · 6 years
ʿAmr b. al-Ḥamiq reported that he heard the Prophet ﷺ saying: “Any person who grants safety to another person then kills him, then I am free from the killer. Even if if that victim was a kāfir (disbeliever).” أَخْبَرَنَا عِمْرَانُ بْنُ مُوسَى بْنِ مُجَاشِعٍ، حَدَّثَنَا عُثْمَانُ بْنُ أَبِي شَيْبَةَ، قَالَ: حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو أُسَامَةَ، عَنْ زَائِدَةَ، قَالَ: حَدَّثَنِي إِسْمَاعِيلُ السُّدِّيُّ، عَنْ رِفَاعَةَ الْفِتْيَانِيِّ، عَنْ عَمْرِو بْنِ الْحَمِقِ، قَالَ: سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَقُولُ: «أَيُّمَا رَجُلٍ أَمِنَ رَجُلًا عَلَى دَمِهِ ثُمَّ قَتَلَهُ، فَأَنَا مِنَ الْقَاتِلِ بَرِيءٌ، وَإِنْ كَانَ الْمَقْتُولُ كَافِرًا» الألباني: حسن - «الصحيحة» (440). Ibn Ḥibbān, Ṣaḥīḥ (Mukhrajah) #5982 13/320 ابن حبان، صحيح #٥٩٨٢ ١٣/٣٢٠ http://shamela.ws/browse.php/book-1734/page-11949 Website: https://www.al-jadwal.com Facebook: https://facebook.com/aljadwal1 Instagram: https://instagram.com/al_jadwal Telegram: https://t.me/aljadwal Tumblr: https://al-jadwal.tumblr.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/al_jadwal
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hsonobts · 5 years
1 of 2
Harry Styles – One Night Only - BTS - Vimeo
(uploaded by Maggie on Tumblr at alwaysxyou)
1.  Black– AmEx     1-21 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5wlun50j8lpy9cq/AAD3FshsXrq5wuZlNF23HDHNa?dl=0
2.  December 13, 2019     22-104 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m7a7i4jz4e8r3qi/AADpBksIaaNbVcx26LhjlkwLa?dl=0
3.  A Film by Alex Bittan      105-178 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xgou6a8lns44cd4/AADR3aPqd5yWqlyX9-ueGNLda?dl=0
4.  Harry arriving – yellow car     179-496 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fjoq8hsjzds3gck/AAAUSODkGmsMGX98VwEfC6tea?dl=0
5.  The Forum     497-608 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dlcmmpz4rq4gn1a/AAB4TKLdeQ1oTVE8kgj4tgWza?dl=0
6.  Harry arriving – yellow car     609-684 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2pfvsxh1oxsvq5r/AABGtdmQcuUxLGKlkHo9uSpIa?dl=0
7.  Harry – closeup – with guitar     685-790 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1slxlwahvlf4xif/AABb4zBYWLWEY7Tnf3EhP2Hta?dl=0
8.  Harry – pink sunglasses     791-1115 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3yy2orph84eii7q/AAB1xfsxcuZewLLMHMGtdpeta?dl=0
9.  Inside The Forum      1116-1172 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/iarqk62yzj5acm4/AABr-HXzmiY2qeCXPRn18JBha?dl=0
10.  Suits, sex and sun salutations     1172-1420 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tlpimg46tom6jzg/AADzkaFrPXD2gtlOyiM9n8OXa?dl=0
11.   The Audience     1421-1516 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/psub0b12lfu5jv1/AABWzqPdDZ91UT-WSrR2YJlba?dl=0
12.  Harry taking off shirt to black     1517-1587 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l7i7rudhxbsj9fx/AAA3obBYVmHc169ng3GH5Rwba?dl=0
13.  F I N E     1588-1649 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j3ji12z4tkpiwcg/AADx9NplVHyW9e-VxW_2TzDwa?dl=0
14.  Harry putting on shirt     1650-1704 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tyr1ifr2stl16ky/AAAnDdOjcCE1_AdJF9t773qLa?dl=0
15.  F I N E     1705-1743 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vqbzpu9swvt254m/AAD9S9byirLQqY15rHekWy3sa?dl=0
16.  Fine Line picture of Harry     1744-1775 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dx7uf7c4ee5gs9b/AABD36N1k09fxYrfy18EAwBEa?dl=0
17.  Blank pages – Harry – suspenders     1776-1835 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/67dye35iltbd1ga/AAAJe_wUFveu6xG0bv--wTw6a?dl=0
18.  Audience     1836-1897 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gfkedr1jjnbgaon/AABAuHLoieTsf2T17EkjK4KOa?dl=0
19.  Harry – pink shirt – suspenders     1898-2002 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mdktxjb9znet7j6/AACyxTLWrZWrm9be9AIozcsJa?dl=0
20.  Audience     2003-2063 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j6e7k00cyzh7chv/AACg2YXdiU1UMbs8BGuqcqG4a?dl=0
21.  Fine Line – The Forum     2064-2145 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mscmxiryq4nv5wa/AAAwEU6QuJc-jxo4ERlsX8_9a?dl=0
22.  Blank pages to Harry     2146-2194 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w3r306im48u3hhc/AADwcQcLluiRwZ3Zy-yE1Qdia?dl=0
23.  Harry walking     2195-2278 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f8uuxp86ttix5mr/AABt-cviqJsZoZUniJOIR2wPa?dl=0
24.  Closeups     2279-2298 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bdzcxvutb202rm3/AACtMCPcQ4PQTrVzVL9Zek-Ea?dl=0
25.  Fine Line     2299-2333 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jbq7y42relcfua9/AACtgBz7b59rGJqQ9u6IYCpja?dl=0
26.  Harry walking     2334-2399 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9w31ebr0vb9cgn6/AAC0-cJCGyRy8rS72rMx2NKua?dl=0
27.  Harry – high five – back view     2400-2452 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9uo987ot671jhpw/AAASEsO83aMFvz_CkBa1-BIpa?dl=0
28.  Harry – high five – front view     2458-2486 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hp15rkqteb6fec1/AABtwP5-y_Ea--SOuhi8hdbta?dl=0
29.  Harry – high five – back view     2487-2513 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zfgswt7ljs282jc/AADjyQ48haULXehzv7sbU8bea?dl=0
30.  Dark stage     2415-2569 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6t28ma4df3u7s1u/AABC663ATG7l_7_88_LxhBJta?dl=0
31.  Harry – shadow boxing     2570-2612 ->   https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tossh5ogtvfxx5u/AACMhVjWclD1k5VHkOypdJAma?dl=0
32.  Audience     2613-2670 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4s4rw5d7e53y0w9/AACN1fhaCwNW_0tfoXAmS01Ya?dl=0
33.  Harry – high five – boxing     2671-2841 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rg0bajlfjsheduw/AABv9PCUx8cBTIHKY-dwzmLya?dl=0
34.  Harry back stage     2842-3384 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rv65fb8p5etknx7/AABpx5Le-Pe3xK0LjATcBcjRa?dl=0
35.  Harry – on stage – blowing kisses     3385-3579 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1xewmr41dodofu3/AABAXbsPOWN25ZnEVmDgLmwla?dl=0
36.  Audience     3580-3646 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bnozn6qa82nasqt/AABPdm8h_RlbuYyRRXoJ_NOea?dl=0
37.  Harry on stage – blue spotlight     3647-3676 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ea1jr9mxkx3781d/AAAyPz9VH60xJlu5iEJlMy7ua?dl=0
38.  Harry – side view     3677-3710 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ev1bsrdec5wokoe/AABAOh29hLR-_dEDcMMkOu3ha?dl=0
39.  Harry on stage     3711-3769 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cp08vwy5et2iqe3/AAATbGua9ReVOKzO3jZPgUXca?dl=0
40.  Harry – side view     3770-3809 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/puyq5twoas9ts0e/AAA43cSXumPvzAf0bMacfCIda?dl=0
41.  Blue light     3810-3855 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z9z1t2t4jre1wok/AADwF31j73G0_fQybARrOtsga?dl=0
42.  Harry – side view     3856-3900 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3cavsphymv1f9ji/AADyntNzjeiz32dChWmeiq-wa?dl=0
43.  Audience     3901-3933 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wz05vwwrkvnusxq/AADuNzLrdc0UTov4fMHESlQ2a?dl=0
44.  Audience     □  3934-3994 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rse2xv2pee6tjio/AADkE0B2o10qLGP3nRTtEZGwa?dl=0
45.  Harry – singing     3995-4211 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/b13uwsvr849oxoo/AABI1s4EisTXH3U_PQRsnH8ya?dl=0
46.  Harry – singing     4212-4305 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l3igzotjusw63mn/AADSNBSn-gGOhFfY8PX_Pu8Va?dl=0
47.  Harry – mic to audience     4306-4361 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9sjqzlxdihnrnzq/AABj1_eMnrhfERXwfYf0w08za?dl=0
48.  Audience singing     4362-4421 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gsg8ijr3k1gjxnj/AACQZupW9t__53iC4R5EJ7iaa?dl=0
49.  Audience singing     □ 4422-4507 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8mmms2ibi1t2c8i/AAAucOQB_e-nA7QT6BNOJE9Na?dl=0
50.  Harry – singing     4508-4548 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4pfvsjqzjxx0ig4/AAAjwnUadClst7IX61LropCGa?dl=0
51.  Audience     4549-4606 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/oackju356fse22r/AABH8tcOYM6ul6pW0ROtfENSa?dl=0
52.  Harry – singing     4607-4678 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/24yjvxx7bidacco/AABeEcqp-F-YZvS6diHO8IM3a?dl=0
53.  Harry – singing     4679-4766 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j9zisy3yttw16xg/AADgEC_BRp4WGLHz7N3UhJmua?dl=0
54.  Harry – singing     4767-4821 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9udwzublb8bbi2b/AAB-KlADlhqKE9vLbEKF4Qmaa?dl=0
55.  Audience – fish eye lens     4822-4849 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0g4m4pbh4n6uxkd/AAD3I-1nnYLkvhKAF6aF7RJ4a?dl=0
56.  Audience     4850-4919 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cp6jea5ux3mylpm/AAAs0lwKLxKqpX533a1CoJtSa?dl=0
57.  Audience – dark     4920-4959 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/megst658ouakovc/AAADkQfOx84KlhdRJJcHP01va?dl=0
58.  Harry – singing     4960-5031 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/poqqlnb1059mq3h/AACUm5kQlbnths9XT_sNydV5a?dl=0
59.  Harry – singing     5032-5059 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r6eo33nd5nbiyh0/AABw8FuSqj_ZcJA2ILwLsFJha?dl=0
60.  Harry – singing     5060-5105 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5mb7xo6nstpxywc/AACauWY2AqUfxwNeW2LFe0TRa?dl=0
61.  Audience     5106-5171 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9vfetdqmn3br9le/AAAJZYd00wG2Ake_JUK3uB6Ya?dl=0
62.  Audience – hands     5172-5229 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yv99f7bn195a627/AABl-18DgOaj2m4DeGq1q_kga?dl=0
63.  Audience – hands     □ 5230-5278 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6ak1l2h09oqnee6/AACPKK397pwnn82qMzd2jrYFa?dl=0
64.  Harry – I want your bellies     5279-5334 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nmcms17hpi74x0q/AAAWsBEgpxmah3iWkDPpqhJNa?dl=0
65.  Audience     □ 5335-5394 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c460d7ygz1kpi8k/AADtsged51gbvVpWhIRci1KSa?dl=0
66.  Harry – singing     □ 5395-5466 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wbx3xgyd5yd7xm7/AABd9BsmnAg9aCFUniwJ9ca_a?dl=0
67.  Harry – singing – walking      5467-5563 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kajtzas2mx0xdhe/AAANyAqMMQmxttWQvV9vTqwMa?dl=0
68.  Harry – singing      □ 5564-5606 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nbcrk2py3sg2e5b/AAADzWNF7SViYUrByODv6mVja?dl=0
69.  Harry – pictured from below     5607-5693 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t2jea3yh0foh1uk/AAD6mO9ad830TW1-_t3oer1Ya?dl=0
70.  Harry – singing – walking      5694-5749 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9xg621kvjt1l9pg/AABslZCy9LdXo8HwOEZU0RNta?dl=0
71.  Harry – dancing     5750-5813 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p5lp7ys8rclpy7b/AADbqqoJEhg-swLQUZOnyQIAa?dl=0
72.  Harry – singing     5814-5835 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6a8kic0b5hksxja/AAB6i_JnOcOFGKNYmSdpCZuNa?dl=0
73.  Audience     5836-5877 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mvzvtcfauviklpy/AAC91tmuXNfpWqljlUEjSpbsa?dl=0
74.  Harry – prancing      5878-5946 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/im1hwqzo4zevcqv/AACBP3B4PLpnjeKVILqYFbE5a?dl=0
75.  Audience     5947-5981 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zkjh6kycab6p707/AAAs-SqmSMaha2IyTUI7--mZa?dl=0
76.  Harry – dancing     5982-6003 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w75eilkblgboq38/AABagnHMMyw5HJbmxrGF67EAa?dl=0
77.  Harry – skipping     6004-6052 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hhqbjf2g1rubyqe/AABJXW69-HQ8rKgqKuuwo5W1a?dl=0
78.  Audience     6053-6102 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c91pv81tjzpsimu/AABtC3AQah9sO_2w9UUthMLga?dl=0
79.  Harry – singing     □ 6103-6169 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bcq2rr8rqe18seh/AADfZs8V5cjijhFk29Hyg5Yha?dl=0
80.  Audience      □ 6170-6205 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z2t00wnj1l9u3md/AAB_qRR45AfJ5VmRgmkcfMA8a?dl=0
81.  Harry – singing     □ 6206-6225 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5ut20oamow5dnlo/AACKnhG1R1MiA7CxWGmhvwVla?dl=0
82.  Harry – dancing     6226-6254 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j4821c5eokzazp9/AACh9IiaTQJ3m_aa2cnsV4MHa?dl=0
83.  Audience      6255-6305 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k621p7v8c68temq/AABTNYTjg5KfGgjbn_QfAODya?dl=0
84.  Harry – dancing     □ 6306-6334 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/flnw4e1gykpr0gd/AAB7LzvrBVQfdPzUqvF_--X5a?dl=0
85.  Harry – dancing     6335-6409  ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5a4n7ra2lsg741h/AACGrUO7Hc1vG5pihI-yabj4a?dl=0
86.  Harry – dancing      □ 6410-6451 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/emgav0x6nwnkq49/AADm_5mt2Oc2vH5BbzP2AuOPa?dl=0
87.  Audience     6452-6481 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q63n0at2ntj0fao/AAA5ZSymS6Xr6iR9ewyWYJB8a?dl=0
88.  Audience     6482-6533 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/69o85dfcck78jyi/AADhmhzOEcbGNAEYXWwJvXIMa?dl=0
89.  Audience     6534-6597 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qtf95xfl5ih5axd/AABjfKujaGFkbrtXn9k4UpQ3a?dl=0
90.  Audience      6598-6673 ->  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/es41v4ux3k3me7r/AACFdWcnTbXwFPDbNAQalPSsa?dl=0
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the-announcements · 4 years
Fully-Funded International PhD Positions At University Of Wyoming, 2020-21
Fully-Funded International PhD Positions At University Of Wyoming, 2020-21
Fully-Funded International PhD Positions At University Of Wyoming, 2020-21 Join Our Social Networks:
WhatsApp Group Facebook PageFacebook GroupTwitter AccountLinkedin Account
Scholarships Highlights:
Host Country: USA
Host Institute: University of Wyoming
Department / Field: Biomedical Engineering  Human-Machine Interaction
Course Level: PhD
Scholarships Language: English
View On WordPress
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arrysoeryono-blog · 6 years
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Regrann from @dakwahsunnah - Jika orang yang puasa menelan makanan yang dicicipi karena tidak sengaja maka dia tidak wajib qadha, dan dia lanjutkan puasanya. Ini berdasarkan keumuman dalil yang menunjukkan dimaafkannya orang yang lupa dalam pelaksanaan syariat. Di samping itu terdapat sabda Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, . “Siapa saja yang lupa ketika puasa kemudian makan atau minum maka hendaknya dia sempurnakan puasanya, karena Allah telah memberinya makan atau minum.” (H.r. Bukhari dan Muslim) (Sumber: www.islamqa.com) . Read more https://konsultasisyariah.com/5982-mencicipi-makanan-ketika-puasa.html . Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah mengatakan, . “Mencicipi makanan terlarang bagi orang yang tidak memiliki hajat, akan tetapi hal ini tidak membatalkan puasanya. Adapun untuk orang yang memiliki hajat, maka hukumnya seperti berkumur-kumur.” (Majmu’ Fatawa, 25/266-267, Maktabah Syamilah) . Yang termasuk dalam mencicipi adalah adalah mengunyah makanan untuk suatu kebutuhan. ‘Abdur Rozaq dalam mushonnaf-nya membawakan Bab ‘Seorang wanita mengunyah makanan untuk anaknya sedangkan dia dalam keadaan berpuasa dan dia mencicipi sesuatu darinya’. ‘Abdur Rozaq membawakan beberapa riwayat di antaranya dari Yunus dari Al Hasan, . “Aku melihat beliau mengunyah makanan untuk anak kecil –sedangkan beliau dalam keadaan berpuasa-. Beliau mengunyah kemudian beliau mengeluarkan hasil kunyahannya tersebut dari mulutnya, lalu diberikan pada mulut anak kecil tersebut.” . Sumber : https://rumaysho.com/438-mencicipi-makanan-ketika-berpuasa.html . Website : Dakwahsunnah.com Fan Page Facebook : Dakwahsunnahdotcom Youtube : DakwahsunnahDotcom IG : @dakwahsunnah Daftar BC Dakwahsunnah :0853-8884-8444 Yuk Donasi Untuk Kepentingan Operasional DakwahSunnah BSM 711-1213-008. An Jalan Hidayah. Konfirmasi Transfer 0812-5126-2022 atau mau menjadi donatur tetap silakan hubungi nomer tersebut Semoga Segala Amal ibadah yang kita lakukan ini diterima Allah - #regrann (di Lampung)
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Amazing Selling Machine 8 in West Rushville, Ohio
Amazing Selling Machine the Proven System for Becoming a Successful Seller on Amazon
 Allow me to introduce you to Amazing Selling Machine. If you're already familiar with it, you know this powerful course is run by Matt and Jason who've built up a three-million-dollar business selling private labeled products on Amazon. Amazon is the leading online e-commerce site with sales last year of 89 billion dollars and over 320 million visitors per month.
West Rushville, Ohio how to make money on amazon for free 
ASM teaches you step by step how to tap into Amazon's amazing traffic and sales volumes and make a killing selling your own private labeled products. Why private label? Well, this allows you to have your own unique listing page on Amazon with no competing sellers. It's just you selling the product, unlike branded products that may have hundreds of sellers all knocking the price down trying to get a sale.
 Amazing selling machine is the result of years of Matt Jason and their students testing and perfecting strategies that allow you to start and grow a business on Amazon fast. ASM it is absolutely packed with step by step videos, templates, tools, strategies and support to allow anybody no matter what your experience level to build a thriving long term business.
 So, let's look at exactly what's included with amazing selling machine often abbreviated to ASM by students. The amazing selling machine program is broken down into four components, which are called the forties training. Eight weekly modules that walk you through each stage of building your business step by step. The technology suite, access to the same powerful software tools that Matt Jason and other ASM students are using to generate thirty-six million dollars per month. Free membership to the ASM community, lifetime membership to the most active and exclusive private online community of Amazon entrepreneurs where you can network discuss strategies problems or questions and brainstorm together with Matt Jason and their community members. Full access to Matt Jason and the mentor team which is a collection of the most successful and knowledgeable ASM students. With any one of these components you could build your business and be successful but with all four, you're unstoppable.
 West Rushville, Ohio how to make money on amazon for free 
The amazing selling machine program is already packed with videos tools, strategy and support that you need to get started building your dream business on Amazon.
Amazing Selling Machine
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torinasa1979 · 7 years
Bank Iowa
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valuestox-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on UNDERVALUED STOCKS
New Post has been published on http://www.undervaluedstocks.info/global-deep-value-letter-20170731/
The Global Deep Value Letter
As of July 31, 2017
Table of Contents
Current Research
The Global Deep Value Letter is designed to provide its readers with a workable (i.e., short) list of deeply undervalued stocks.  Our concise overview of value investing may be helpful to understand why this strategy may improve investment returns.
To make the best use of our research, read about portfolio construction and trading strategies.  New or confused subscribers should read the guide.
If you are a U.S. resident or citizen, you should be aware of certain tax and other considerations.  Other investors should obtain qualified tax advice.
Please also review the disclosures and terms of service.
Current Research
We are finding a lot of deep value stocks in Japan.  We have set up a page to explain why we think this might work well.
The following stocks are rated BUY:
Country Symbol Company Name BB FT M* Rating VF Japan 6364 Hokuetsu Industries BB FT M* BUY 5.2 Japan 7989 Tachikawa BB FT M* BUY 5.2 Japan 1381 Axyz BB FT M* BUY 5.6 Greece KYRM BB FT M* BUY N/A Japan 4955 Agro-Kanesho BB FT M* BUY 4.0 Japan 5388 Kunimine Industries BB FT M* BUY 4.3 Japan 1931 Nippon Dentsu BB FT M* BUY 4.0 United Kingdom SUBC Subsea 7 SA BB FT M* BUY 4.6 Japan 6013 Takuma BB FT M* BUY 3.2 Japan 3104 Fujibo BB FT M* BUY 2.6 Japan 8249 Techno Associe BB FT M* BUY 2.9 Japan 7643 Daiichi BB FT M* BUY 2.8 Japan 1808 Haseko BB FT M* BUY 3.9 Japan 8057 Uchida Yoko BB FT M* BUY 3.1 Japan 4624 Isamu Paint BB FT M* BUY 2.2 Japan 7871 Fukuvi Chemical Industry BB FT M* BUY 1.9 Japan 1716 Dai-Ichi Cutter Kogyo KK BB FT M* BUY 2.5 Japan 3171 Maxvalu Kyushu BB FT M* BUY 1.3 Japan 4556 Kainos Laboratories BB FT M* BUY 3.2 Japan 3822 Minori Solutions BB FT M* BUY 4.1 Japan 1770 Fujita Engineering BB FT M* BUY 3.4 Japan 1605 Inpex BB FT M* BUY 4.3 Russian Federation GAZ Gazprom Neft’ PAO BB FT M* BUY 4.1 Kazakhstan KMG Razvedka Dobycha KazMunayGaz A BB FT M* BUY 3.8 Japan 5956 Toso BB FT M* BUY 2.0 Japan 7856 Hagihara Industries BB FT M* BUY 3.1 Japan 4957 Yasuhara Chemical BB FT M* BUY 3.4 Japan 1881 Nippo BB FT M* BUY 2.3 Japan 6485 Maezawa Kyuso Industries BB FT M* BUY 2.1 Japan 9934 Inaba Denki Sangyo BB FT M* BUY 2.4 Japan 3953 Ohmura Shigyo BB FT M* BUY 2.7 Switzerland GBMN Goldbach Group AG BB FT M* BUY 2.7 Japan 5909 Corona BB FT M* BUY 1.9 Japan 4620 Fujikura Kasei BB FT M* BUY 1.9
The following stocks are rated HOLD:
Country Symbol Company Name BB FT M* Rating VF Japan 4027 Tayca BB FT M* HOLD 5.4 Japan 9964 Itec BB FT M* HOLD 4.6 Japan 6496 Nakakita Seisakusho BB FT M* HOLD 2.5 Japan 8117 Central Automotive Products BB FT M* HOLD 4.6 Japan 2121 Mixi BB FT M* HOLD 5.5 Japan 5237 Nozawa BB FT M* HOLD 4.7 Japan 1766 Token BB FT M* HOLD 5.1 Japan 4685 Ryoyu Systems BB FT M* HOLD 3.9 Japan 7256 Kasai Kogyo BB FT M* HOLD 4.4 Japan 8066 Mitani BB FT M* HOLD 3.4 Japan 6459 Daiwa Industries BB FT M* HOLD 3.5 United States IDCC InterDigital BB FT M* HOLD 4.3 Japan 5161 Nishikawa Rubber BB FT M* HOLD 4.3 Japan 2708 Kuze BB FT M* HOLD 3.7 Japan 1949 Sumitomo Densetsu BB FT M* HOLD 4.0 Japan 2196 Escrit BB FT M* HOLD 4.6 Japan 9824 Senshu Electric BB FT M* HOLD 3.6 Japan 1896 Obayashi Road BB FT M* HOLD 3.7 Japan 9889 JBCC BB FT M* HOLD 2.8 Japan 9996 Satoh&Co BB FT M* HOLD 2.7 Japan 7313 TS Tech BB FT M* HOLD 3.5 Japan 6870 Fenwal Controls of Japan BB FT M* HOLD 2.8 Japan 4464 Soft99 BB FT M* HOLD 2.6 Japan 9414 Nippon BS Broadcasting BB FT M* HOLD 2.6 Japan 7438 Kondotec BB FT M* HOLD 3.1 Japan 7703 Kawasumi Laboratories BB FT M* HOLD 2.7 Japan 6379 Shinko Plantech BB FT M* HOLD 2.8 Japan 7504 Kohsoku BB FT M* HOLD 2.6 Japan 7239 Tachi-S BB FT M* HOLD 3.8 Japan 8198 Maxvalu Tokai BB FT M* HOLD 1.7 United States UTHR United Therapeutics BB FT M* HOLD 3.5 Japan 9428 Crops BB FT M* HOLD 2.8 Japan 4671 Falco BB FT M* HOLD 2.1 Japan 3646 Ekitan & BB FT M* HOLD 3.7 Japan 1898 Seikitokyu Kogyo BB FT M* HOLD 2.8 Japan 9799 Asahi Intelligence Service BB FT M* HOLD 1.4 Japan 4295 Faith BB FT M* HOLD 2.9 Japan 9036 Tohbu Network BB FT M* HOLD 2.7 Japan 5446 Hokuetsu Metal BB FT M* HOLD 1.6 Japan 1720 Tokyu Construction BB FT M* HOLD 2.7
The following stocks are rated SELL. After this letter, we will not cover them again (unless they merit a new buy rating):.
Country Symbol Company Name BB FT M* Rating VF Japan 6928 Enomoto BB FT M* SELL 6.3 Japan 7444 Harima-Kyowa BB FT M* SELL 5.5 Japan 5941 Nakanishi MFG BB FT M* SELL 5.2 Greece MOH Motor Oil Hellas Corinth Refin BB FT M* SELL 5.3 Japan 7435 Nadex BB FT M* SELL 5.4 Japan 4224 Lonseal BB FT M* SELL 4.9 Japan 5184 Nichirin BB FT M* SELL 4.8 Japan 5982 Maruzen BB FT M* SELL 4.4 Japan 1736 Otec BB FT M* SELL 5.2 Japan 7879 Noda BB FT M* SELL 4.7 Japan 5903 Shinpo BB FT M* SELL 4.8 Japan 6791 Nippon Columbia BB FT M* SELL 4.4 Japan 7292 Murakami BB FT M* SELL 4.1 Japan 3892 Okayama Paper Industries BB FT M* SELL 3.2 France GRVO Graines Voltz SA BB FT M* SELL 4.2 Japan 5949 Unipres BB FT M* SELL 4.4 Japan 5900 Daiken BB FT M* SELL 5.7 Japan 1968 Taihei Dengyo Kaisha BB FT M* SELL 4.5 Japan 3954 Showa Paxxs BB FT M* SELL 3.6 Japan 4696 Watabe Wedding BB FT M* SELL 4.6 Japan 1930 Hokuriku Electrical Constructi BB FT M* SELL 3.5 Japan 9408 Broadcasting System of Niigata BB FT M* SELL 2.5 Japan 4246 DaikyoNishikawa BB FT M* SELL 4.1 Greece EYDAP Athens Water and Sewerage SA BB FT M* SELL 2.4
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kumarmat-blog · 7 years
Euthanasia Vs Physician Assisted Suicide
Works Cited:
 Caplan, Arthur. “Ten Years After Terri Schiavo, Death Debate Still Divide Us” Bioethicist. NBCNews. http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/bioethicist-tk-n333536 . Accessed 23 April 2017
  Death With Dignity. Oregon Death with Dignity Act: Annual Reports,
. Accessed 23 April 2017
  Maynard, Brittney.
My right to death with dignity at 29.” Cnn,
. Accessed 23 April 2017
 NHS Choices. Euthanasia and assisted suicide. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Euthanasiaandassistedsuicide/Pages/Introduction.aspx . Accessed 23 April 2017
 Reilly, Adam. “Death with Dignity” One Family’s Story. WGBH, http://www.wgbh.org/articles/Death-with-Dignity-One-Familys-Story-5982 . Accessed 23 April 2017
 Waterfield, Bruno. “Belgian killed by euthanasia after a botched sex change operation.” The Telegraph, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/belgium/10346616/Belgian-killed-by-euthanasia-after-a-botched-sex-change-operation.html . Accessed 23 April 2017
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