#page 5823
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Dirk Strider, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 5821-5838
TT: Is it still going on?
GG: No, it stopped.
TT: What do you think it was?
GG: I don't know. Maybe an earthquake?
TT: I'm not sure if these moons can have earthquakes.
GG: Doesn't matter.
GG: Some sort of Prospitian lunar anomaly, I guess. Probably nothing to worry about.
TT: Maybe it was like, tidal forces. Due to gravitation.
TT: Or the tensile forces from that big ass chain.
GG: Um. Yes! Let's say that's what it was.
TT: Have you and Roxy been talking?
GG: Yes.
TT: Is she pissed at me or something?
TT: She won't talk to me.
GG: No, not at all.
TT: Then what gives.
GG: She was wondering the same about you.
TT: What?
GG: Are you disappointed in her?
TT: Why would I be?
GG: It seemed that way to her earlier.
GG: When you chastised her for drinking again.
TT: Well, yeah. I was upset she fell off the horse.
TT: Or the wagon. The horse wagon. Whatever.
TT: The thing you ride around on when you ain't drinking.
TT: But so what. There was cotton candy in her hair, and she was being stupid. What do you expect? It was a moment of indiscretion.
TT: I'm not mad at her and I'm not disappointed in her. That's ridiculous.
TT: Want to know what I really think of Roxy?
TT: I'm proud of her.
TT: She's the only one of us who could face her problems and then get down to business and actually solve them.
TT: No endless hand wringing or suffering in silence or any of that bullshit.
TT: She saw she had an addiction. And then decided to fucking fix it. Just like that.
TT: She's probably stronger than the other three of us put together.
TT: Remember way back before this started, we were talking. You and me.
TT: And I was rambling at length about leadership, like I actually had a clue what I was talking about?
GG: I remember.
GG: You said I would be the leader of our team, in name and in spirit.
GG: Although I never really felt like it.
TT: Yeah. That's kind of the point.
TT: I guess in a way, I was right. But not how I expected.
TT: See, to be perfectly honest, we are a party of losers.
TT: Heroes make shit happen. But that's not what we do, or what we're even SUPPOSED to do.
TT: We wait.
TT: We wait for literally everything. We wait for other people to reach out first so we can fix our relationships. We wait for these legendary heroes to arrive and bring competence and promise to a futile situation.
TT: Even now. Look at us. What are we waiting for?
TT: To kill ourselves? For someone to come along and do it for us?
TT: It doesn't even matter.
TT: As the four nobles of the void session, we do what we were created to do.
TT: We sit around on our asses.
TT: Waiting.
TT: We were all designated for a session that was utterly inert.
TT: A place where the mechanisms for success never even existed to begin with.
TT: In such a place it makes sense that the formal leader would be neutralized, to made feel unempowered and static.
TT: And it seems particularly fitting she would be the noble of life in a realm of the dead.
TT: A realm that foretold of a life player who felt lifeless, a hope player who felt hopeless, and a heart player who was just a stone cold motherfucker.
TT: When we talked about leadership, and I was all on my high horse telling you how shit would go down...
TT: I also said I would be the one "pulling the strings." Remember? That I'd be the functional leader of our party.
TT: And there might have been something to that, in a different session.
TT: But what good is a "man of action" in a place where action itself is intrinsically fruitless?
TT: So it's occurred to me that by some tragic flaw in its design, our session was meant to be leaderless.
TT: And I'd feel safe concluding that. Except for a feeling that's been gnawing at me.
TT: It's the feeling that it would make perfect sense if a session like this had a dark horse leader.
TT: A leader who was invisible to us all along. Fittingly, a void player to lead a void session.
TT: She would be a leader not in name or in spirit or in function, whatever that means.
TT: But more of an emotional leader, who would selflessly try to hold everyone together while the rest of us did our best to fall apart.
TT: And Roxy has been that for us every step of the way, going unnoticed and unappreciated.
TT: Think of how much shit she's had to put up with from all of us.
TT: She never complains, never turns it around and makes it about her problems.
TT: She just works her ass off making sure we all stay friends.
TT: If that isn't a leader, I don't know what is.
TT: So that's how crazy it is for her to think I'm disappointed in her.
TT: The truth is, she's the most amazing person I ever knew.
TT: She's everything in a human being I wish I could be, but can't because I'm in my own way.
TT: Honestly, I'm not even sure if I'm worthy of dying next to her.
TT: I think she probably felt bad for hitting on me all those years. Like I was getting fed up with her, or something.
TT: But all it really did was make me feel guilty.
TT: That I couldn't give her what she wanted.
TT: Like, settle down and have a couple weirdo goddamn kids with her some day.
TT: I guess there were times I thought about it. Being all alone on Earth with her and stuff.
TT: I couldn't though.
TT: Have to stay true to myself.
TT: Still, she would deserve it.
TT: Nobody deserves to get all the things they always wanted more than she does.
TT: And it suddenly seems kinda stupid that I think these things about her but she doesn't even know it.
TT: I guess I should tell her all this some time.
GG: I think that would be nice.
GG: Of course, she IS right there, you know.
TT: I know.
TT: I'm a little reluctant to drop all that on her.
TT: Looking at what I just said, it's...
TT: Kind of overwhelming?
TT: I feel like in a way you can destroy somebody with effusive praise.
TT: Or maybe I'm just projecting how I would feel about that kind of intense positivity coming at me. I dunno.
TT: But I still think confessions like that can change stuff between people. Like the way they act around each other.
GG: Maybe it's worth it?
TT: Maybe.
TT: Or maybe it's better to just say...
TT: Not so much of it?
TT: Like all at once.
TT: Maybe it'd be better for now if you could pass a short message to her for me.
TT: If only to help kill this awkward silence between us.
GG: Like what?
TT: Could you just tell her,
TT: I love her?
TT: No wait!
TT: I mean.
TT: Not in that way though.
TT: More like...
GG: Dirk, I know what way you mean!
TT: Ok. Good.
TT: Yeah.
TT: No, wait.
TT: Don't.
TT: That would be a weird mixed signal. I mean...
TT: It's true.
TT: But please say something else instead.
GG: Uh, Dirk...
GG: Something's happening.
TT: Tell her that I'm proud of her.
TT: And as a person she's everything I wish I could be.
TT: I wish I could be as nice and loving and selfless as her.
TT: But can't.
TT: Because I'm too busy being me.
GG: Dirk!!!
GG: The tremors are back.
TT: That's weird.
TT: I can feel it too this time.
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Myhr Walgreens Employee Login at home and Online
Myhr Walgreens is an official portal for Walgreens employees. Here we've provided the complete login guide for the portal. Take a look!
Myhr Walgreens Login
Myhr Walgreens Login Guide
Login Method
Advantages Myhr Walgreens
Myhr Walgreens Customer Support
TO MORE POST CLICK HERE: Walgreens at Home Employee Login
Myhr Walgreens Login
Walgreens is an American company which operates as the second largest pharmacy chain across the United States behind CVS Health.
Its main focus is filling prescriptions as well as health and wellness merchandise, medical information as well as photo-related services.
At the time of its closing on August 31st of 2019, the company operated 927 stores across the United States.
To keep track of employee's data the company has created an online portal called 'Myhr Walgreens.
To gain access to information like work schedules as well as pay stubs, payroll related information such as benefit plans, employee details as well as personal information and more.
you must login to the portal. This information can be access from any location and anytime.
FUTURE POST HERE: Myhr Walgreens Employee Login
Myhr Walgreens Login Guide
To log into Myhr Walgreen's website, you'll need the following information. Be sure to have these information in order in order to finish the registration process.
One thing to keep in mind is that only employees from Walgreens are able to access this site.
You will require the following information:
Myhr Walgreens login credentials, i.e., User ID & Password.
A valid email address.
Login Method
You must ensure that you have a reliable, secure and secure internet connection to be using the login screen. Let's begin the process of logging in:
Visit the official site that is part of Myhr Walgreens online portal or click the button.
When you click that link and click on it, you will be taken to the login page for Myhr Walgreens.
Click on "Go for WBA Worldwide Now' to continue.
Select the location , then select 'Continue'.
You will be on a different page.
You must enter your user ID (also known as the One ID), i.e., your One ID, into the space required.
After that, you'll need to input your password.
After that, click "Sign-On.'
Then, you'll be in the dashboard area of Myhr Walgreens. Here, you can find the information you require.
Myhr Walgreens dashboard allows you to quickly access your work-related data including profile information, profile details, all the details related to employment and more.
Note If you've lost your password, then you may create a new password by clicking the link "Forgot Password?"
Advantages Myhr Walgreens
Here are a few advantages employees can enjoy because they have Myhr Walgreens Access:
They are able to easily avail the benefits programs that are offered to them.
They can swap shifts or trade them at any time they like.
It will allow them see and manage their schedules of work.
They are able to see and manage payroll and pay details.
They are able to easily access their employment information online and change their personal information if necessary.
They have access to emails from work and other information related to the job.
Myhr Walgreens Customer Support
If you have any problems when trying to access or accessing your Myhr Walgreens account information,
you can reach out to customer service to get assistance. They will be able to provide you in the right direction.
Customer Service number:(877) 250-5823
The Corporate Office address:
Walgreen Co.
200 Wilmot Road
Deerfield, Illinois 60015
United States
That's it for Myhr ServiceMaster. We hope this info has been helpful to you and If you have any queries on this subject, contact us via your feedback.
For more information like this, be sure to stay Tu
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Jiffy Lube Broadway
Jiffy Lube Broadway Idaho Falls
Jiffy Lube Broadway San Antonio
Jiffy Lube Broadway Pearland
Jiffy Lube 9386 Coors Blvd. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87114.
(505) 839-0214
Jiffy Lube 120 Coors Blvd. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87121.
(505) 836-5823
Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Jiffy Lube at 7443 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85710. Search for other Auto Oil & Lube in Tucson on The Real Yellow Pages®.
Jiffy Lube 1201 San Mateo Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87110.
(505) 266-4603
Jiffy Lube 151 Alameda Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87114.
(505) 897-7841
Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Jiffy Lube. Search for other Auto Oil & Lube on The Real Yellow Pages®. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Jiffy Lube at 2312 W Broadway, Council Bluffs, IA 51501.
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Get directions, reviews and information for Jiffy Lube in Wichita, KS. Jiffy Lube 5550 S Broadway St Wichita KS 67216. 5 Reviews (316) 529-4110 Website.
Jiffy Lube 1600 Juan Tabo NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87112.
(505) 294-7770
Jiffy Lube 2301 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87112.
(505) 299-1109
Jiffy Lube 2915 Coors Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87120.
(505) 831-6210
Jiffy Lube 3540 Coors Blvd. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87120.
(505) 839-0302
Jiffy Lube 3601 NM Hwy. 528, Albuquerque, NM - 87114.
(505) 897-2234
Jiffy Lube 3640 Eubank Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87111.
(505) 293 5721
Jiffy Lube 4100 Pennsylvania NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87109.
(505) 298-7115
Jiffy Lube 4220 San Mateo Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87110.
(505) 881-8219
Jiffy Lube 4802 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87110.
(505) 268-7653
Jiffy Lube 5701 Fourth St. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87107.
(505) 345-6862
Jiffy Lube 5812 Gibson Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM - 87108.
(505) 266-6414
Jiffy Lube 7200 San Antonio Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87109.
(505) 857-0905
Jiffy Lube 8120 Louisiana Blvd., Albuquerque, NM - 87113.
(505) 856-5350
Jiffy Lube 1290 Bosque Farms Blvd., Bosque Farms, NM - 87068.
(505) 869-6925
Jiffy Lube 1721 E. 20th St., Farmington, NM - 87402.
(505) 327-3858
Jiffy Lube 2507 West Main St., Farmington, NM - 87401.
(505) 258-4133
Jiffy Lube 4350 E. Main St, Farmington, NM - 87402.
(505) 326-1500
Jiffy Lube 551 E. Main, Farmington, NM - 87402.
(505) 327-3885
Jiffy Lube 1805 E. Lohman Ave., Las Cruces, NM - 88001.
(575) 525-1303
Jiffy Lube 2765 N. Main, Las Cruces, NM - 88001.
(575) 523-5588
Jiffy Lube 800 El Paseo Rd, Las Cruces, NM - 88001.
(575) 525-2808
Jiffy Lube 67 Ogo Wii, Pojoaque, NM - 87506.
(505) 455-9115
Jiffy Lube 2400 Rio Rancho Blvd, Rio Rancho, NM - 87124.
(505) 890-4320
Jiffy Lube 241 NM Hwy. 528 SE, Rio Rancho, NM - 87124.
(505) 891-4040
Jiffy Lube 2414 Southern Blvd. SE, Rio Rancho, NM - 87124.
(505) 891-3500
Jiffy Lube 2613 N. Main, Roswell, NM - 88201.
(575) 622-8642
Jiffy Lube 1975 Cerrillos Rd., Santa Fe, NM - 87505.
(505) 982-5814
Jiffy Lube 4023 Cerrillos Rd., Santa Fe, NM - 87507.
(505) 438-0149
Jiffy Lube 3143 Cerrillos Rd., Santa Fe, NM - 87507.
(505) 471-0842
Jiffy Lube 1590 E. Route 66, Flagstaff, AZ - 86001.
(928) 774-7829
Jiffy Lube 2740 S. Woodland Village Blvd., Flagstaff, AZ - 86001.
(928) 213-1313
Jiffy Lube 7682 State Rt.69, Prescott Valley, AZ - 86314.
(928) 772-4033
Jiffy Lube 141 N. White Mountain Rd., Show Low, AZ - 85901.
(928) 537-1666
Jiffy Lube 520 S. Main St., Snowflake, AZ - 85937.
(928) 536-5030
Jiffy Lube 720 S. Broadway, Cortez, CO - 81321.
(970) 565-4144
Jiffy Lube 21558 Hwy 160 W., Durango, CO - 81301.
(970) 259-0770
Jiffy Lube 9386 Coors Blvd. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87114.
(505) 839-0214
Jiffy Lube 120 Coors Blvd. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87121.
(505) 836-5823
Jiffy Lube 1201 San Mateo Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87110.
(505) 266-4603
Jiffy Lube 151 Alameda Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87114.
(505) 897-7841
Jiffy Lube 1600 Juan Tabo NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87112.
(505) 294-7770
Jiffy Lube 2301 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87112.
(505) 299-1109
Jiffy Lube 2915 Coors Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87120.
(505) 831-6210
Jiffy Lube 3540 Coors Blvd. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87120.
(505) 839-0302
Jiffy Lube 3601 NM Hwy. 528, Albuquerque, NM - 87114.
(505) 897-2234
Jiffy Lube 3640 Eubank Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87111.
(505) 293 5721
Jiffy Lube 4100 Pennsylvania NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87109.
(505) 298-7115
Jiffy Lube 4220 San Mateo Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87110.
(505) 881-8219
Jiffy Lube 4802 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87110.
(505) 268-7653
Jiffy Lube 5701 Fourth St. NW, Albuquerque, NM - 87107.
(505) 345-6862
Jiffy Lube 5812 Gibson Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM - 87108.
(505) 266-6414
Jiffy Lube 7200 San Antonio Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM - 87109.
(505) 857-0905
Jiffy Lube 8120 Louisiana Blvd., Albuquerque, NM - 87113.
(505) 856-5350
Jiffy Lube 1290 Bosque Farms Blvd., Bosque Farms, NM - 87068.
(505) 869-6925
Jiffy Lube 1721 E. 20th St., Farmington, NM - 87402.
(505) 327-3858
Jiffy Lube 2507 West Main St., Farmington, NM - 87401.
(505) 258-4133
Jiffy Lube 4350 E. Main St, Farmington, NM - 87402.
(505) 326-1500
Jiffy Lube 551 E. Main, Farmington, NM - 87402.
(505) 327-3885
Jiffy Lube 1805 E. Lohman Ave., Las Cruces, NM - 88001.
(575) 525-1303
Jiffy Lube 2765 N. Main, Las Cruces, NM - 88001.
(575) 523-5588
Jiffy Lube 800 El Paseo Rd, Las Cruces, NM - 88001.
(575) 525-2808
Jiffy Lube 67 Ogo Wii, Pojoaque, NM - 87506.
(505) 455-9115
Jiffy Lube 2400 Rio Rancho Blvd, Rio Rancho, NM - 87124.
(505) 890-4320
Jiffy Lube 241 NM Hwy. 528 SE, Rio Rancho, NM - 87124.
(505) 891-4040
Jiffy Lube 2414 Southern Blvd. SE, Rio Rancho, NM - 87124.
(505) 891-3500
Jiffy Lube 2613 N. Main, Roswell, NM - 88201.
(575) 622-8642
Jiffy Lube 1975 Cerrillos Rd., Santa Fe, NM - 87505.
(505) 982-5814
Jiffy Lube 4023 Cerrillos Rd., Santa Fe, NM - 87507.
(505) 438-0149
Jiffy Lube 3143 Cerrillos Rd., Santa Fe, NM - 87507.
(505) 471-0842
Jiffy Lube Broadway Idaho Falls
Jiffy Lube 1590 E. Route 66, Flagstaff, AZ - 86001.
(928) 774-7829
Jiffy Lube 2740 S. Woodland Village Blvd., Flagstaff, AZ - 86001.
(928) 213-1313
Jiffy Lube 7682 State Rt.69, Prescott Valley, AZ - 86314.
(928) 772-4033
Jiffy Lube 141 N. White Mountain Rd., Show Low, AZ - 85901.
(928) 537-1666
Jiffy Lube Broadway San Antonio
Jiffy Lube 520 S. Main St., Snowflake, AZ - 85937.
(928) 536-5030
Jiffy Lube 720 S. Broadway, Cortez, CO - 81321.
(970) 565-4144
Jiffy Lube Broadway Pearland
Jiffy Lube 21558 Hwy 160 W., Durango, CO - 81301.
(970) 259-0770
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Bio-Based PET Market Growth - Industry Size, Share and Rising Business Analysis 2023
Market Research Future Published a Half-Cooked Research Report on Global Bio-Based PET Market Research Report- Forecast to 2023
Global Bio-Based PET Market Overview:
Bio-Based Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is produced from ethylene glycol that is obtained from plants. These plant sources include non-toxicity, recyclability, reduced carbon footprint, and a high resistance to shattering. Market Research Future (MRFR) has reported that the Global Bio-Based PET Market Growth is anticipated to expand at a significant rate through the conjecture period.
Attributable factors to the ascension of the Bio-Based PET Market include the increasing adoption of environment-friendly products to curb climate change and its impact on human health and the fluctuating cost of petroleum-based products. The hazardous nature of traditional plastics is pushing governments all over the world to introduce stringent regulations to curb carbon emissions and the usage of harmful plastic products. This is also estimated to provide momentum to the upscaling of the Global Bio-Based PET Market.
Moreover, rising demand for eco-friendly packaging in several end-use industries is leading to a surge in the consumption of Bio-Based PET products. Such industries include automotive, food & beverages, electrical & electronics, as well as consumer appliances. Such an upsurge in demand for Bio-Based PET products is expected to contribute significantly to market growth. Additionally, technological developments have allowed the production of 100% Bio-Based PET. For instance, the Plant PET Technology Collaborative (PTC) by Virent, Inc uses paraxylene using beet sugar instead of fossil fuels. These technological developments are anticipated to promote higher adoption of Bio-Based PET products, fueling growth in the market.
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Industry Update:
September 2018: PepsiCo formed a partnership with NaturALL Bottle Alliance to develop packaging made from 100% sustainable and renewable sources. This partnership was established with the intention of creating beverage bottles that have a lower carbon footprint. Following this, the Alliance aims to make 95% Bio-Based PET bottles.
Key Players:
Some of the prominent market vendors present in the Global Bio-Based PET Market include Braskem (Brazil), Gevo, Inc. (U.S.), TEIJIN LIMITED (Japan), Anellotech, Inc. (U.S.), TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. (Japan), Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (Thailand), M&G Chemicals (Italy), NatureWorks LLC (U.S.), Novamont S.p.A (Italy), Plastipak Holdings, Inc. (U.S.), Amyris (U.S.), and Toyota Tsusho Corporation (Japan).
Market Segmentation:
The report on Bio-Based Pet Market by Market Research Future (MRFR) includes a detailed analysis of various types of Raw Materials Used, Applications of Bio-Based PET, as well as specific regional analysis. The raw materials studied in the report include sugar, corn, and molasses. Alternatively, the applications of Bio-Based PET products, as included in the report are bottles, automotive, electronics, and consumer goods. Bio-Based PET is expected to garner the highest demand for the manufacture of bottles during the forecast period.
Browse Key Industry Insights spread across 100 pages with 37 market data tables & 12 figures & charts from the report, “Bio-Based PET Market Information: By Raw Material Source (Sugar, Molasses, Corn), Application (Bottles, Consumer Goods, Automotive, Electronics, And Others) and Region – Growth Potential, Price Trends, Competitive Market Share & Forecast 2023” in detail along with the table of contents: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/bio-based-pet-market-5823
Detailed Regional Analysis:
MRFR has analyzed the Global Bio-Based PET Market for different regions for providing specific insights to its clientele. These regions include Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Among these five regions, North America is leading the Global Bio-Based PET Market during the assessment period. Elevated consumption of polyethylene terephthalate for the manufacturing of bottles and other consumer goods is contributing to the burgeoning of the Bio-Based PET Market in North America. The U.S. is expected to spearhead the country-specific Bio-Based PET Market in the region. This can be attributed to the mounting demand for the same from the automotive sector residing in the country. Similarly, Canada is anticipated to consume higher Bio-Based PET to satiate the increasing demand from the country’s automotive industry.
Asia Pacific is assessed to witness the fastest CAGR in Bio-Based PET consumption. Raw material availability, lower cost of production, and rapid industrialization of the region are factors causative of accelerated growth in the region. Additionally, the production and exportation of consumer goods and automotive in various emerging economies such as India and China are anticipated to contribute to the augmentation of the market.
Europe’s Bio-Based PET Market is expected to ascend at a significant rate. This can be owed to the elevating demand for Bio-Based PET from automotive industries residing in the UK, France, and Germany.
Alternatively, the demand for Bio-Based PET in the Middle East & Africa is primarily driven by the growing environment safety issues and rapid industrialization witnessed by the region.
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