#page 5824
pesterloglog · 9 months
Dirk Strider, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 5821-5838
TT: Is it still going on?
GG: No, it stopped.
TT: What do you think it was?
GG: I don't know. Maybe an earthquake?
TT: I'm not sure if these moons can have earthquakes.
GG: Doesn't matter.
GG: Some sort of Prospitian lunar anomaly, I guess. Probably nothing to worry about.
TT: Maybe it was like, tidal forces. Due to gravitation.
TT: Or the tensile forces from that big ass chain.
GG: Um. Yes! Let's say that's what it was.
TT: Have you and Roxy been talking?
GG: Yes.
TT: Is she pissed at me or something?
TT: She won't talk to me.
GG: No, not at all.
TT: Then what gives.
GG: She was wondering the same about you.
TT: What?
GG: Are you disappointed in her?
TT: Why would I be?
GG: It seemed that way to her earlier.
GG: When you chastised her for drinking again.
TT: Well, yeah. I was upset she fell off the horse.
TT: Or the wagon. The horse wagon. Whatever.
TT: The thing you ride around on when you ain't drinking.
TT: But so what. There was cotton candy in her hair, and she was being stupid. What do you expect? It was a moment of indiscretion.
TT: I'm not mad at her and I'm not disappointed in her. That's ridiculous.
TT: Want to know what I really think of Roxy?
TT: I'm proud of her.
TT: She's the only one of us who could face her problems and then get down to business and actually solve them.
TT: No endless hand wringing or suffering in silence or any of that bullshit.
TT: She saw she had an addiction. And then decided to fucking fix it. Just like that.
TT: She's probably stronger than the other three of us put together.
TT: Remember way back before this started, we were talking. You and me.
TT: And I was rambling at length about leadership, like I actually had a clue what I was talking about?
GG: I remember.
GG: You said I would be the leader of our team, in name and in spirit.
GG: Although I never really felt like it.
TT: Yeah. That's kind of the point.
TT: I guess in a way, I was right. But not how I expected.
TT: See, to be perfectly honest, we are a party of losers.
TT: Heroes make shit happen. But that's not what we do, or what we're even SUPPOSED to do.
TT: We wait.
TT: We wait for literally everything. We wait for other people to reach out first so we can fix our relationships. We wait for these legendary heroes to arrive and bring competence and promise to a futile situation.
TT: Even now. Look at us. What are we waiting for?
TT: To kill ourselves? For someone to come along and do it for us?
TT: It doesn't even matter.
TT: As the four nobles of the void session, we do what we were created to do.
TT: We sit around on our asses.
TT: Waiting.
TT: We were all designated for a session that was utterly inert.
TT: A place where the mechanisms for success never even existed to begin with.
TT: In such a place it makes sense that the formal leader would be neutralized, to made feel unempowered and static.
TT: And it seems particularly fitting she would be the noble of life in a realm of the dead.
TT: A realm that foretold of a life player who felt lifeless, a hope player who felt hopeless, and a heart player who was just a stone cold motherfucker.
TT: When we talked about leadership, and I was all on my high horse telling you how shit would go down...
TT: I also said I would be the one "pulling the strings." Remember? That I'd be the functional leader of our party.
TT: And there might have been something to that, in a different session.
TT: But what good is a "man of action" in a place where action itself is intrinsically fruitless?
TT: So it's occurred to me that by some tragic flaw in its design, our session was meant to be leaderless.
TT: And I'd feel safe concluding that. Except for a feeling that's been gnawing at me.
TT: It's the feeling that it would make perfect sense if a session like this had a dark horse leader.
TT: A leader who was invisible to us all along. Fittingly, a void player to lead a void session.
TT: She would be a leader not in name or in spirit or in function, whatever that means.
TT: But more of an emotional leader, who would selflessly try to hold everyone together while the rest of us did our best to fall apart.
TT: And Roxy has been that for us every step of the way, going unnoticed and unappreciated.
TT: Think of how much shit she's had to put up with from all of us.
TT: She never complains, never turns it around and makes it about her problems.
TT: She just works her ass off making sure we all stay friends.
TT: If that isn't a leader, I don't know what is.
TT: So that's how crazy it is for her to think I'm disappointed in her.
TT: The truth is, she's the most amazing person I ever knew.
TT: She's everything in a human being I wish I could be, but can't because I'm in my own way.
TT: Honestly, I'm not even sure if I'm worthy of dying next to her.
TT: I think she probably felt bad for hitting on me all those years. Like I was getting fed up with her, or something.
TT: But all it really did was make me feel guilty.
TT: That I couldn't give her what she wanted.
TT: Like, settle down and have a couple weirdo goddamn kids with her some day.
TT: I guess there were times I thought about it. Being all alone on Earth with her and stuff.
TT: I couldn't though.
TT: Have to stay true to myself.
TT: Still, she would deserve it.
TT: Nobody deserves to get all the things they always wanted more than she does.
TT: And it suddenly seems kinda stupid that I think these things about her but she doesn't even know it.
TT: I guess I should tell her all this some time.
GG: I think that would be nice.
GG: Of course, she IS right there, you know.
TT: I know.
TT: I'm a little reluctant to drop all that on her.
TT: Looking at what I just said, it's...
TT: Kind of overwhelming?
TT: I feel like in a way you can destroy somebody with effusive praise.
TT: Or maybe I'm just projecting how I would feel about that kind of intense positivity coming at me. I dunno.
TT: But I still think confessions like that can change stuff between people. Like the way they act around each other.
GG: Maybe it's worth it?
TT: Maybe.
TT: Or maybe it's better to just say...
TT: Not so much of it?
TT: Like all at once.
TT: Maybe it'd be better for now if you could pass a short message to her for me.
TT: If only to help kill this awkward silence between us.
GG: Like what?
TT: Could you just tell her,
TT: I love her?
TT: No wait!
TT: I mean.
TT: Not in that way though.
TT: More like...
GG: Dirk, I know what way you mean!
TT: Ok. Good.
TT: Yeah.
TT: No, wait.
TT: Don't.
TT: That would be a weird mixed signal. I mean...
TT: It's true.
TT: But please say something else instead.
GG: Uh, Dirk...
GG: Something's happening.
TT: Tell her that I'm proud of her.
TT: And as a person she's everything I wish I could be.
TT: I wish I could be as nice and loving and selfless as her.
TT: But can't.
TT: Because I'm too busy being me.
GG: Dirk!!!
GG: The tremors are back.
TT: That's weird.
TT: I can feel it too this time.
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gigivas · 3 months
1K GIGI Prompts Collections 'Urban Portrait: Stark Contrast, Textured Shadows' 5824 Free 10 pages out of 1000 pages
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324poolhousespa · 4 years
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cassiopeiassky · 7 years
I Don’t Want the World to See Me (Cause I Don’t Think that They’d Understand) #13
Finally!  Sorry about the wait, this got a little out of hand.  Also, one of my professors this semester is cruel and clueless.  Anyhoo.  This installment gets Bucky’s POV mostly caught up to WEMtbB, so the next update will be there.  Which will be a while, thanks to the 25 page paper due in 2 weeks. 
This is a companion piece for When Everything’s Made to be Broken (I Just Want You to Know Who I Am) from Bucky’s POV - if you haven’t yet read WEMtbB, this won’t make much sense.
#13 takes place during part 43 & 44
***If this is your first time reading through, and you HAVEN’T yet read through part 45 of WEMtbB, this will contain major spoilers***
Word count: 5824 (yeah I know, what the hell Cass, this was supposed to be a series of drabbles)
For the entire work:  Language (I have a potty mouth), violence, and angst.  This will probably get pretty dark later on, and there will be smut.  If that’s not your thing, you may want to avoid this story.
Additional warnings specific to this part: Character death (nothing new, but from Bucky’s POV), physical assault, injury, violence, threats/mentions of death, panic, anxiety, Bucky’s really pissed.   If I need to add anything else, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.  If you don’t want me to publish the ask, I won’t, or you can feel free to do it as a Nonnie.  I will not take offense to any trigger warning requests.   Your well-being is important to me and I do NOT want to trigger anyone.
He had a bad feeling when he woke up this morning.  Well, worse than usual.
Bucky stands in the dining room, listening to Grigory try to persuade Nicolai and Anatoliy that the Soldier was responsible for the murders of their men.  He watches them carefully, and is able to read them clearly enough to know that they do not believe Grigory.  And yet…
They send Mikhail to fetch her.
Nicolai strides up to Bucky, and backhands him across the face.  “You are loyal to me, are you not, Soldat?”
The Soldier shows no reaction other than turning his head back to face Nicolai.  “You are my Komandir.”  The wooden voice of the Soldier is clearly understood, and Nicolai smirks.
“Yes.”  He trades a look with Anatoliy, and Bucky’s soul seizes.
They’re bored.
They don’t really give a damn about the lost men, other than the inconvenience.  They’re in want of entertainment, so they’re going to humor Grigory.  They’re going to hurt her.  Because they’re fucking bored.
He stands by, motionless. What else can he do?  Any option he has will end up in their deaths.  It…it may still come to that…
She arrives, and she looks so brave and so scared; Bucky’s pride in her merges with his sorrow.
“Grigory must be right, there’s –“  Anatoliy makes a good show of it, but Bucky can clearly see the lie.
Nicolai cuts off his brother with a dismissive wave.  “All evidence points to the Asset remaining fully triggered; he cannot help but be compliant to our orders.  Besides, brother, the video feed offers nothing to support this ridiculous idea.”
“Nicolai, he is an accomplished and seasoned assassin!  Some of those kills could have been completed by none other than him.  I cannot explain the lack of video proof, but it had to have been the Asset – who else could it have been?  Our closest living enemies are at least 500 kilometers away, and they have no reason to retaliate for the families that were executed.”  Anatoliy plays along convincingly.
“That is why we must test it; to be sure it is still under the control of the trigger words.”  As Metzger speaks, Bucky realizes that the wormy little creep isn’t in on the farce – he thinks it’s real, and they’re stringing him along as part of their game.
It’s escalating quickly, and it’s pissing Bucky off.
Bucky has no idea how the hell he manages to stay so outwardly calm with the inferno raging within him.
He hears Anatoliy, he fuckin’ hears that sick sack of shit talk to Mikhail – the bastard brought up Mikhail’s sister.
And now…oh God, they’re going to give her to Grigory? Here?  Now?  Fuck.  Bucky can’t allow this, he won’t, but how the hell is he –
“No!!  Stop!  It was not the Soldier!”  Mikhail’s voice cuts through his stream of thought.
Oh shit.  
Immediately understanding Mikhail’s motives, horror and relief, denial and guilt, adrenaline and failure simultaneously race through Bucky’s body.
“No, Mikhail, don’t!” Her stricken voice cuts through the dining room, but Bucky doubts anyone but him listens.
“There is no need to harm her!  It will not serve your purpose, as the Soldier did not kill your men.  And if he is still triggered, hurting her will not make him comply any more than he already does.”  Mikhail stares defiantly as Nicolai stalks toward him.
Goddamn it, Mikhail!  Shut your fuckin’ mouth!  Don’t do this to her, don’t make me give her that fuckin’ letter…
Bucky remains still as he watches the situation unfold – there’s nothing he can do right now that won’t get them all killed, but he still weighs his options.
“Mikhail, SHUT UP!”  She moves, but Grigory pulls her back.  “I know what you’re trying to do, Mikhail, but it’s not worth it!”  The desperation in her voice cuts jaggedly through Bucky’s heart – she knows.  Oh fuck, she knows what Mikhail’s about to do, and now that the possibility is turning into inevitability and Bucky is faced with the anguish on her face, he regrets the promise he made to Mikhail.
That goddamn motherfucking promise that Bucky hadn’t wanted to make, because he’s not one to let his comrades fall on a grenade.
A promise not to intervene. Not to interfere.
“If there comes down to it, it is my life lost before hers. If it happens too early, before your plan is fully executable, you will not be able to save us both.  Save her.  Yes, I know your heart would always choose her if you were forced to choose, but I have known men like you.  Your honor will demand that you try to save me as well.  Do not.  She may ask you to save me.  Do not.”  
A promise to Mikhail, to honor his choice.    
Bucky watches the nightmare come to life – he refuses to look away.  This is his punishment for failing Mikhail and for failing her.  His team should have figured something out by now, they should have found a way.  
But they hadn’t.
And as if she hasn’t already paid too high a price for his team’s previous mistakes, these men are demanding even more.  Just like they’ve done with Mikhail.
Mikhail, who is now bloodied and on his knees, whispering to her through a busted mouth.  “This is my choice, solnishko.  They will be too distracted now to focus on hurting you. Survive, solnishko.  For me.  For your Bucky.  For your little ones.  For Izolda. Survive.”
It’s coming down to the last moment to act, to do something – but he doesn’t.  Bucky made a promise.  It doesn’t matter that he regrets it, it matters only that he made it. And he will honor it – he can do no less for someone so brave.
Bucky can audibly hear her heart break as the events play out; he’s pretty sure his is breaking, too.
Then the act is done; Nicolai has beheaded Mikhail and there’s no undoing his sacrifice.
She’s completely broken, but so unexpectedly still. It’s almost as if she quit breathing; Bucky keeps his focus on her even as he keeps his eyes on the bastards responsible for devastating his girl.  He’s pretty sure she’s going into shock, but there isn’t anything he can do about it at the moment.  Bucky makes a good show of listening attentively to Nicolai’s instructions as his mind races.
Yeah, I get it, you want Stevie’s head.  Because of course you would.  For fuck’s sake, shut the hell up already.
It’s all he can do to hold in his huff of annoyance as Nicolai finally takes his leave.  Bucky glances around the room, noting that everyone is involved in planning and no one is paying him any heed. He takes a step closer to her.
“Oh God.”  Her small whimper breaks whatever is left of his heart.
“You should go back to your room.”  He doesn’t know what else to do.  Bucky wants to just pick her up and carry her out of this hellhole, but he can’t.  This will have to do.  Except…she isn’t responding.  “You should go back to your room,” he says it a bit louder this time, but still nothing.
She doesn’t move, she simply remains kneeling on the cold floor, supported by her arms in front of her. Her eyes, once so bright and full of love, are closed, so he takes another step forward.  He knows he has to be careful, but he also knows that he has a reputation now for protecting the little bit that’s his.  As long as he doesn’t call too much attention to her, he should be able to get away with this.  Bucky reaches forward and lightly takes hold of her upper arm.  “You should go back to your room.”
Her eyes finally open and she acknowledges his statement, but she doesn’t rise.  
This is not good.
Bucky looks around to make sure no one is watching before he kneels in front of her.  “Look at me.”  She finally does, thank God she finally does, but there’s no recognition in her eyes.  Shit.  This is so bad.  He hates that he can’t comfort her, that he has to remain so distant, but it’s what he has to do.  “You can’t stay here.  You’re in shock – you need to go back to your room.”
C’mon, Sweetheart, stay with me.  Please, please stay with me…
The only response he receives is another nod.  Bucky stares a moment before he lifts her to her feet.  Fuck, she’s in such bad shape.
Please, I know you’re still in there, Sweetheart, come back to me…please…
“I’m going to take you back to your room now.”
Again, no response. Bucky licks his lips, nervous as the blood pounds in his ears.  He doesn’t think he’s ever been so terrified in his life as he is right now.  She’s right in front of him, and he’s still losing her.
He shakes her just a bit, trying to gain her attention.
“Srry, waa?”  Fuck, she’s not speaking clearly.  She blinks at him, clearly trying to make sense of their stunted conversation.
“You’re slurring your words – we need to get you back to your room, where it’ll be safer.”
She mumbles something, but Bucky can’t understand any of it.  
“Goddammit.”  Bucky looks around – the room has cleared a bit, and none of the men left are watching them.  “Hey,” he takes her chin between his fingers, grasping her gently but forcing her to look at him.  “I know this is a lot to handle.  I know this is hard, but you need to cooperate with me.  I have an important mission to complete – if I fail they’ll take you away from me – but I can’t leave until I get you somewhere safe.  I can’t pick you up and carry you, because it might attract attention and right now that’s the last thing you need, so you have to walk with me.”
Please, Sweetheart…
A tiny smile crosses her otherwise blank features, and it sends a chill up his spine.  There’s no other response.
“Hey,” he speaks just a bit louder as he shakes her just a bit more.  “Can you do that for me?”
She mutters something incoherent, but it sounds like a confirmation so he begins to pull her forward. She follows almost blindly, but at least he gets her back to the relative safety of her room.
“Stay here,” he orders, putting all the authority he can muster at the moment into the command. She nods, but it still takes him a minute before he can make himself leave.
With every step Bucky takes away from her, his rage grows.  
Moments later, in the kitchen, Bucky slams a box of protein bars onto the counter.  No.  This can’t stand.  Bucky won’t allow it.
“I can feel it in my bones that you’re about to go rouge, so I’m tweaking the camera feed for your location.”  Stark knows him better than he’d like to admit.
He nods almost imperceptibly as he abruptly turns.  “Kill the cameras to the dining room.”  Bucky whispers the command under his breath seconds before he strides into the bloody, empty room.  Fuckers didn’t even have the courtesy to cover Mikhail’s body.
“Barnes, I know –“
“Fuck what you know, Stark. I’m not leavin’ him like this.  Mikhail made the ultimate sacrifice, he deserves some fuckin’ respect.”  Bucky kneels and gently lifts Mikhail’s head before bringing it back to the rest of his body.  The dull glint of Mikhail’s collar catches his eye; time to make good on the next part of his promise.
Bucky carefully removes the collar and places it in one of the pockets of his black cargo pants.  He looks around, and upon finding a credenza against the wall, he stalks over to it before flinging open its doors.  When he finally finds a couple of pristine white tablecloths, he goes back to Mikhail.
He spreads the soft white material over his comrade’s body, covering and protecting him from the prying eyes of the world, if only for a little while.
“I wish I wouldn’t have made that promise.  But I think you were right.  There’s only one other way this could’ve ended and then all three of us would be dead. So thank you, Mikhail.  I’m not gonna waste your sacrifice.  I’m gonna get her out of here.”
Bucky kneels next to the broken body, doing his best to remember the exact words.  It’s been a long, long time since he’s had to this – another lifetime, in fact – God willing it’ll be the last.  He takes a deep breath, and tries to keep his voice steady.  “May God bless and keep you, may God’s face shine on you.  May God be kind to you and give you peace.”
It’s seems like so little – it is so little – but a soldier’s battlefield sendoff is all Bucky has to give.
“Um, how are you planning to explain that to the resident sword-wielding murderer?”  Stark’s reverent tone doesn’t match the words, but Bucky knows that he means no disrespect; humor, albeit sometime bad humor, is one of Stark’s signature coping methods.
“These assholes probably won’t give Mikhail a second thought.  If they do, let them think a ghost did it.”
“Well…alright Barnes. Alright.”  Stark is quiet for a moment before adding, “Actually, I think I’m gonna tweak their video feed just a smidge…they’re gonna see a ghost do it.  Anyone want to run bets as to how many men shit their pants when they do a re-watch?  Any takers? No?  Fine.  Barnes, I’ll make the images go live after you’re back in the kitchen.”
Bucky rolls his eyes as he returns to the kitchen area, confident that Stark is covering his tracks as he moves.  He does not want her to have to leave her room to find something to eat or drink, so he again starts picking through shelf stable foods as he tries to guess how long he’ll be gone.  A day?  A week? He hates the idea that she’ll be living on chalky protein bars and trail mix, but it’s better than nothing. Fuck.  How the fuck are they going to pull this off?  Steve’s head? What the everloving fuck.  He really should have expected something like this from these monsters, but yet here he is, horrified and mildly surprised.
Bucky takes a deep breath and reminds himself to trust his team.  They’ll figure something out – they’ll have to.  Besides, they have a collar now, and Stark was confident that he could come up with a fix in short order.  Bucky has a feeling he was being optimistic when he said he’d have it figured out in a day, but at least progress can be made.  Right?
Not that Bucky’d had much of a choice in the matter, but leaving her there alone in that god-forsaken building was slowly suffocating him.  It’s been 24 hours since he walked out her door.  It’s been 24 hours since she begged him not to kill Steve.  It’s been 24 hours since he had to lie to her to save her life.  It’s been 5 minutes since he last saw her, since he’s got Stark’s video feed running constantly on the tablet sitting on the floor next to him.  It’s 5 minutes too many, so he glances at the screen again. She’s…she’s practically catatonic. Not for the first time, Bucky wonders if they’ve managed to destroy her.  The human soul can only take so much – did the Krakkens finally give her more than she can handle?  Or is this his own fault for letting her in?  
Is this his punishment for allowing himself to love?  
Did he even have a choice with her?  
Or is this his punishment for allowing himself to be loved?
Was he really such a terrible monster that it’s not enough to punish him, but that she has to be punished, too?
She doesn’t deserve this, and he doesn’t deserve her.
A tear rolls down his cheek. He never should have let it come to this.  He promised her – he fuckin’ promised her – that she wouldn’t get hurt on his watch.  She’d be better off without him.  
He should have walked away when he had the chance.  When Stark left that first night, he should have left, too.  He should have sent a message to the team to send someone else to protect her, and he should have left.    
“Helllooooooo??? Earth to Barnes??”
Bucky blinks as Stark’s voice interrupts his self-loathing.
“Hey Barnes!”  Stark flicks a wad of paper at him, and Bucky narrowly dodges.
“What?”  He doesn’t mean it to come out as a growl, not really.
“Knock it off.”
Bucky stares at Stark for a moment, but Stark keeps his focus on the collar that he’s been fiddling with nonstop since it went into his hands.  “Knock what off?”
Stark leans forward ever so slightly and adjusts his work light before grabbing what looks to be a small circular saw.  Without turning to Bucky, he begins speaking, “This isn’t your fault, you know. Despite what you think, Barnes, this isn’t your fault.”
Bucky wants to protest, but Stark doesn’t give him a chance.
“I can practically smell the money I’ve spent on your therapists going up into a cloud of smoke,” Stark sighs as he leans back in his chair.  “Scratch that, it’s the money I’ve spent on both our therapists.”  He finally turns to face Bucky.  “Look, if you want to play the blame game, that’s fine.  I certainly can’t stop you.  But if it’s anyone’s fault, it belongs squarely with the Krakkens.”  Bucky opens his mouth to speak, but Stark keeps talking, “Look, I made the mistakes that got her involved and I take full ownership of those, but let’s be real here, shall we?  We wouldn’t have been in that building in the first place if it wasn’t for the damn Krakkens.  Got that? This isn’t some sort of sick celestial retaliation for anything you’ve done, or for anything I’ve done.  If anything, this is the price we pay for being the good guys.”  Stark pauses as he leans forward to rest his elbow on the table and rub his tired eyes, “It’s not fair, and it sucks, but we both know we would never have NOT gone into that building to try to stop them.  Right?”
Bucky stares at Stark, knowing damn well what his answer is but unable to voice it.
“The consequences of the Krakkens taking over the US government city by city outweigh our own pain. You know that, I know that.  And if we had ignored the threat, where would she be then?  Do you really think anyone would be better off living under their rule, potentially on the brink of another world war?  Especially considering their distant yet still existing ties to HYDRA?  It might have been slower, and it might have taken different forms, but everyone would have been affected at some point if we didn’t do something to stop them.  You’ve been there, you’ve seen how they live and what they believe.  How would she and Artie and Jimmy fare in a country controlled by them?  Would what she’s going through now really be worse for her than watching her boys starve to death?  Because you and I both know she’d willingly choose this a thousand times over to keep those boys safe.   Or if the takeover became violent, which really would have been just a matter of time, do you think not having her in your life would keep her safer when bullets and nukes begin flying?”
Bucky licks his lips, still unable to form a valid argument.  He doesn’t want to form a valid argument. He wants Stark to be right, because then maybe that means that he isn’t really just a selfish bastard.
“Besides, despite everything you know now, would you really give her up?  Would you really choose to cut her out of your life, especially not fully knowing the alternatives?  Because you’re a liar if you say she’d be better off without you.  You can’t know that.  And everyone knows damn well that you were better with her.  She made you better and you’re a goddamn liar if you try to tell me or even yourself that you’d willingly choose to not have her in your life. Even knowing what you know now, you wouldn’t.  And I think you know, somewhere deep down inside, that she wouldn’t choose that, either.”
“He’s right, Buck.” Steve makes his presence known but doesn’t move from the doorway.  Bucky glances to him but then looks at the floor as Steve continues to speak, “You know, I went down a trail like this after you fell from the train.  Pegs found me in a bombed-out bar, trying to get drunk to drown out the guilt.  She told me that I needed to respect your choice.  That you must have thought I was worth it.”
Bucky swallows hard as he fiddles with a boot lace.
“She’s still alive, Buck. Maybe not in the greatest shape, but she’s alive.  When this is all said and done, and she’s free and safe, don’t you dare make the choice for her and let your guilt convince you to walk away.  Allow her the dignity of her choice, and when she chooses you, because she will, accept that it’s because she thinks you’re worth it.”  
“But what if I’m not?” Bucky whispers, “She’s in so much pain right now, and I just fuckin’ left her there.”
“Hey,” Stark interjects firmly, “We knew this was a tough plan when we started.  We knew this would likely be a series of worst case scenarios. We also knew we had no other choice. I know this is hard on you, Barnes, and seeing how hard it is on you while watching you still carry it out makes me respect you more than I ever thought I could.”
Bucky and Steve both look at Stark, surprised.  
“What?  I’m not completely blind to your better qualities. But Barnes, you can’t collapse under the pressure.  Not now. We��re too close, so you need to pull your strength from wherever cybernetically enhanced former assassin supersoldiers keep their stash, and you need to figure out how to keep going because I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you give up now.”
Bucky heaves a sigh as he nods.  “I’m not giving up, I’m just…”
“Having a shitty day and pickling yourself in self-loathing.  I get it. Things always seem so much worse when you have nothing to do but sit and stew on it.  But cheer up, okay?  Your mopey face is even uglier than your murder face, and I don’t want to look at it anymore.  Besides, she’s up and fighting,” Stark nods at the tablet next to Bucky.  “Give her some credit, would you?  She’s going to have scars, but if we can get her out of that goddamn hellhole, she’ll survive.
Bucky looks down at the screen and sees what Stark is referring to.  She’s gone from motionless grief to a whirlwind of wrath, destroying everything within arm’s reach.   It doesn’t last long before she’s kneeling on the floor and sobbing, but it’s enough for Bucky.
“Tony, where are you on a fix?”  Steve steps over to where Stark is working.  
“Well, I have to say, this technology is…unusual.  The metal – haven’t yet figured out yet what kind – has been fused with some sort of material that acts both magnetic and as a bonding agent.”  Stark holds up a piece of the collar that had been cut away by the circular saw – a process that had taken almost three hours to complete. “See, if I touch any part of this to anything made of the same material,” there’s a soft click as he allows it to rest on the rest of the collar, “then it bonds instantly and seamlessly.  Even on a molecular level, the connecting area isn’t visible; there are no detectible weaknesses or flaws.  It’s as if it was forged from the same piece at the same time, even though we know I just put it together.”
“So what does that mean?” Bucky asks impatiently.
“Well, it means this is going to be tricky.  The metal isn’t indestructible, but obviously we can’t just take a saw to her collar when it’s around her neck.  Now, with the design being a solid circle rather than a chain, it has to have a hinge somewhere, right?  Right. That hinge is behind the stone holding the explosive goodies.”  Stark pauses as Bucky and Steve get closer to better see what he’s talking about. “Now, right along here,” he points to where the hinged area opens and closes, “there’s another metal that isn’t, for lack of a better term, compatible with this other stuff – it’s how the hinge works without it bonding as well.  So the good news is that we found where the weakness is.  The bad news is that it’s right next to the boom maker, which makes it unexploitable.” He sighs.  “That, and they’ve designed it as a choker, so we have little to no room for error.”
Steve exhales noisily. “So what’s the next step?”
“Laser power.”
“What?” Bucky all but screeches.  “You know you can’t put a saw next to her neck, but you want to try a goddamn laser?”
“Hear me out, Barnes,” Stark holds up his hands defensively.  “I’ve been working with lasers for years, so this is right in my wheelhouse.  I just have to significantly miniaturize the technology and contain the laser.  Easy peasy, but a little on the time-consuming side…I should have it done by the time our little present for the Krakkens is ready to go.”
Bucky and Steve both pull a face at Stark’s comment; the replica of Steve’s head arrived a few hours ago, and it’s fucking disgusting.  Although, after seeing it, it’s impossible not to recognize how the prop designer has won awards year after year.  It’s brilliant in its realism.  Bucky is grateful for Stark’s foresight in asking his friend to create these…replicas…before leaving for Russia, but still.  Disgusting.
“WHAT THE SHIT???” Wilson’s yell echoes through the modest cottage as Stark starts quietly laughing.  “You’re one messed up dude, you know that?” Wilson points his finger at Stark as he storms into the room.  “Who does that?  Who puts a damn lifelike head decoy next to a man’s lunchmeat?  You just don’t do that!”
“You put it in the refrigerator?” Bucky asks, unable to hide his own repulsion at the idea.
“Oh come on, what was I supposed to do?  Defrost it on the counter?  Everyone knows that’s not safe,” Stark’s mild tone does little to pacify his team.
“WE’RE NOT GOING TO EAT IT!” Wilson shrieks.  “C’mon man, you know that thing doesn’t belong into the fridge!”
Stark sighs noisily. “Look, we have one chance to get this right.  My buddy gave me very strict instructions on how to treat this thing to make it the most lifelike upon delivery.  It has to thaw slowly and evenly so the outside doesn’t start to decompose before the inside does.
“But…gross, man.  Just gross.”  Wilson storms out, muttering something about no longer having an appetite.
“So...a miniature self-contained laser.  How much time do you need?”  Bucky remains still, but his heart is pounding.
“Umm, two days, three tops. I have to source a few parts.  But no more than three.”  Stark’s attention is already back on the collar.
“And you’re sure this is safe?  I don’t like the idea of a laser anywhere near my girl’s neck.”  Bucky almost sounds absentminded as he speaks while watching the tablet, but Stark knows better.  
Stark sighs heavily as he puts the collar on the table.  “Barnes, I know you’re worried, but you really need to trust me.  I’m not going to do anything to intentionally hurt her. I think you know that.  Now that I have a collar to work with, I can design something to work for this exact measurement and this exact material. Even if I don’t entirely know what this stuff is, I can test as I go and adjust accordingly.”
“He can do this, Buck.” Steve and his never-ending confidence in people.
“Okay.” Bucky murmurs, his mind already working on a plan.
“Okay.”  Stark nods and gets back to work.
While he would never say that it’s good to be back, he feels better about being under the same roof as her. The days that had passed had been too long, but they had to wait for Stark to finish his technology and for the head to thaw completely.
God that was fucking gross, but the waiting paid off.  It looked perfectly real; Bucky’s seen enough dead bodies to know.
“Well done, Soldat, well done,” murmured Nicolai as he gazed almost lovingly at the fake head.  “You have far exceeded my expectations; I had mobilized almost all of my men to find those American bastards, and they all came back empty handed.”  He suddenly looks up sharply.  “What of the rest of the team?”
“They dispersed after their Captain was executed.”  The Soldier almost sounds bored.
“Did you find where they were hiding?” Anatoliy admires the bloody fingerprints on the shield as he speaks.
“Yes, Kapitan, I have already given Grigory the location.”
“Well done, Soldat. Well done.”
Well done indeed.  Nicolai and Anatoliy are thrilled with the head and shield, completely none the wiser that only one of the two is real.  They also don’t know that the location Bucky gave them is an abandoned summer home thirty miles to the northeast, and that it’s rigged with explosives for when Krakken’s men arrive.
“Soldat, I would like for you to clean the blood off the shield.  It will make for a good memory later.”  Nicolai begins whistling to himself as he turns and leaves.
Anatoliy smirks again. “Make sure it is clean – I want to see my face in it when you are finished.  Report to us when you are finished.”
“Yes, Kapitan.”  
How the hell does someone end up like this?  Bucky shakes his head ever so slightly at their cheerful brand of evil.  He’ll never understand such cruelty, but then, he supposes he doesn’t have to.  It’s just his job to end it.  
Which he’ll do with a fucking smile on his face after he gets her out of this shit pile.
He hears her screams from his place polishing the shield.  
“Don’t move, Barnes.” Stark’s now seemingly ever-present voice in his ear is barely heard over the sound of Bucky’s rushing pulse.
“I can’t do this.  I can’t.”  He stands, intent on going to her although he has no idea what he’ll do when he gets there.
“Don’t you fucking move, Barnes!  They aren’t hurting her, they’re just…fuck, those assholes…they served her that goddamn prop on a fucking silver platter. They’re not physically hurting her, though.  Stay where you are.”
“Because that’s somehow better?  I can’t fucking do this, Stark!  I can’t fucking sit here and listen to her scream and just leave her in there!”  Every instinct is telling him to move, even though his head knows that Stark is right.
“Yes, you can, Barnes! You can because you have to!  Suck it up and deal with it, goddamn it! She’s still got the collar on, you’ll kill her if you move now!”
Bucky swallows his roar of rage as his entire body shakes.  He paces, but there isn’t much space – it’s a small room, filled with various cleaning supplies and a table.  This is most likely where the silver is polished.  And that goddamn shashka.  
“You’re getting her out tonight, do you hear me?  Tonight! It’s a few more hours and she’ll be free.  Don’t blow it now!”
Another scream pierces his heart. Bucky cries her name as he falls to his knees, grabbing fistfuls of his hair to keep his hands from punching his way through the door.  He thought that what he’d had to do before was bad, but this was worse.  So much worse.  It sounds like her soul is dying, and he wonders if maybe she is.
“Breathe, Barnes! They’re sedating her now.  Those fucking bastards, I’m gonna…those fucking bastards…Okay Barnes, she’s sedated.”
Bucky just nods from his place on the floor.  She may be silent now, but those screams will be burned into his memory forever.
So will the shame of not going to her when she needed him most.
“Barnes, there’s nothing you could’ve done to prevent that.  Nothing you could’ve done to save her from that – at least, nothing that wouldn’t have gotten you both killed.”  Stark’s voice is shaky – Bucky distantly wonders if he feels the same guilt and shame.
“What –“ Bucky tries to speak, but his voice cracks and he has to start over.  “What’s happening now?”
“She’s lying on the floor – I can see that she’s breathing.  They’re….they’re eating dinner.”
Of course they are.
It takes roughly twenty minutes to regain his composure.  Stark keeps talking to him, and Bucky is grateful for the distraction even if it doesn’t really work.  When he finally stands, the room spins for a moment.  He blinks it back and grabs the shield before making his way into the dining room.
“I’ve cleaned and polished the shield as you asked, Komandir.  Where would you like it?”  It’s almost impossible to continue the charade – but Stark’s right.
A few more hours and she’ll be free.
“Just set it down for now, Soldat.  I’m afraid you have missed the entertainment; milaya moya reacted stronger than expected to her gift, and needed sedation.  Get her out of here and report back to me.  Then you may eat.”  Nicolai returns to his dessert, completely unaffected by the woman lying on the ground less than 20 feet away from him.
“Yes, Komandir.”  Bucky almost heaves a sigh of relief at the command – this he can do.  He kneels before gently gathering her into his arms.  Her eyes are closed, but there are tears running down her cheeks.  If it’s possible, his heart breaks even more.  Or maybe it just ceases to exist; he certainly can’t feel it anymore.
Bucky brings her back to her room, and despite the circumstances he can’t help but be impressed at the amount of damage she caused; she actually put a spiderweb crack in the bulletproof window.
Good girl – you’re such a fighter.  Please, Sweetheart, please keep fighting…
He reluctantly sets her down before covering her with a blanket.
A few more hours. Just a few more hours.
It’s hard to leave her, again, but if all goes to plan, it’s the last time she’ll be alone in this fucking room.
Just a few more hours.
He’s gonna get his girl back.
Tags Round 1: : @rogersxbarnesx @hellomissmabel @howdoesoneadult @musichowler @ms-potts-to-you @nykitass @danimuhle @iwillbeinmynest @4theluvofall @shifutheshihtzu @iamtal @passiononfire @jade-cheshire3303 @flowercrownsandmetallicarms @lostinspace33 @gingerrootknits @callmebucky-doll @learisa @sammedrano @hardcorehippos @knittingknerdy @vaisabu @widowvinter @amrita31199 @bellenuit45 @agentraven007 @sarahjeaniejean @unpredictable-firecracker @omalleysgirl22 @crazyliraz @shamvictoria11 @kaaatniss @lillian-paige-weigle @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @sexyseabass1231
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
Five Various Ways To Do Olive Tree Painting | Olive Tree Painting
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kaithyqaut · 5 years
Printing devices must be powered-on to print. Please make sure that the power is turned on and that the power-on light is lighted.This time it is best to make sure that all cables are plugged into the device and that there are no error indicators lighted.
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A quick check of the paper tray and paper hopper is in order as well. These should have a sufficient supply of fresh paper in them.
if the run  there is a paper the error, or if there is some other malfunction that stops a document from printing, that document and all remaining documents stop printing. After the error is corrected, the document may or may not automatically start printing. hp deskjet1010 driver r's connection to the printer you select the "Ports" tab. The "Ports" tab identifies the port that connects the computer to the printer. When the printer is connected by a USB cable to the computer, the port label identifies a USB port. Sometimes unplugging a USB cable  programs connecting Windows to the printer port may not be functioning properly with Windows. In this case reinstalling the latest printer driver programs can resolve this issue. The driver programs must typically match exactly the version of Windows on the computer.hp deskjet 2130 driver
If the printer is a network printer, a standard TCP/IP port is checked. A TCP/IP port connection can be broken when the incorrect printer IP address is used   hp deskjet hp deskjet 2137 driver
To reconnect the printer to the computer, make sure that the IP address on the computer is the same as the IP address assigned to the printer. When the printer is a wireless printer, verifying the connection becomes more difficult.hp deskjet 2546r driver
Sometimes the printer may be identified by name and not by IP address. If the name is correct, a test page should print on the printer. When a test page does not print, the most direct resolution of the problem may be re-installation of the printer.hp deskjet 2600 driver
Wireless printers often lose their connections to the network. This can be verified by going to the printer and selecting from the printer menus a print out of the network configuration.hp deskjet 2621 driver
When a wireless printer has lost its connection to the network, the simplest and most direct solution may be to reinstall the wireless printer on the network.hp deskjet 2623 driver
Wireless printer installation differs from manufacturer to manufacturer. Some printers require an active USB connection into the printer to complete wireless network installation. Other printers can be installed without such a USB connection.hp deskjet 2633 driver
Wireless installation requires knowing the network key or password. Sometimes the latest Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) security must be used for the printer to connect into the wireless network. hp deskjet 2632 driver
Performing these five checks should at the very least identify where the problem lies. You should be able to then zero-in on the root of the problem.hp deskjet 2634 driver
If a printing problem is caused by physical damage, it is not cost-effective to repair the printer. In this case it is best to get out a big hammer and take out all your pent-up frustration on the device. Next go to the store and buy a newer, faster, and better one.hp deskjet 2652 driver
Printers have come a long way since their widespread adoption in the late 1970's and early 1980's. hp deskjet 2655 driver Back in the day, each printer was connected to an individual system and could only process a single print job at a time.
Today, printers have matured into multi-functional devices that bare little resemblance to their distant origins.hp deskjet 3540 driver
Printers in the 21st century perform dozens of tasks including, but not limited to, printing, scanning, photocopying, faxing and even emailing documents.hp deskjet 3630 driver
What most users, and even system, network and security administrators do not realize is what really goes on inside a printer and what functionality they truly have.hp deskjet 3639 driver
Most users still think of the printers of 30 years ago; unintelligent devices that only possess the ability to print documents. This view is far removed from the truth.hp deskjet 3652 driver
When discussing printers in this article, we are not only talking about the behemoths you see in most large enterprises,hp deskjet 3655 driver but also your low-end multifunctional printers you now find common in regular households.
Scanning a full document in preparation to print, scanning a document to be saved as a PDF or similar file, or scanning a document to allow faxing all require the ability to buffer the data within the device.hp deskjet 3721 driver
A buffer is basically a region of memory that allows the storing of temporary data. Printers use this buffer to store a digital version of the document you are printing, scanning or faxing.hp deskjet 3730 driver
In larger enterprise printers, this buffer is not the only memory store found within the printer. A larger, non-volatile memory area is provided to store semi-permanent or permanent information.hp deskjet 3732 driver
The leakage or theft of sensitive and confidential corporate information. Large enterprises may have developed and implemented data retention and destruction policies but rarely do these include, or even mention, printers.
Companies look at hardcopies of documents,hp deskjet 3735 driver CD's, DVD's and workstation, laptop and server hard drives when developing their data destruction policies.
While it is clear they identify hard drives as a source of sensitive information, rarely do they consider the hard drives contained within their printers, if they even know of their existence. hp deskjet 3752 driver
Printers are also commonly overlooked when security policies, procedures and guidelines are developed and implemented. Little time, hp deskjet 3755 driver if any, is spent looking at printer security or the implications of not securing the corporate printers.
In the ideal, secure corporate environment, a user has restricted access to files that pertain to his or her job function. hp deskjet 5075 driver  The files reside on a secure server within the corporate network and are protected by strong access control policies requiring a user to authenticate before being allowed access to files.
The user authenticates to the server, access to the file is authorized by the access control policies set on the file and the user opens the file in Microsoft Word. He clicks on the print icon and sends the document as a print job to his nearest printer.hp deskjet 5076 driver
we have taken a secure document that very limited users have access to, and have created two copies that are no longer protected by any form of access control.hp deskjet  5085 driver
Purchased printers are discarded in the trash or sold at auction or online via auction sites such as eBay hp deskjet 5275 driver . Either way, countless sensitive documents could pass into the hands of nefarious individuals.
While much functionality is non-security related, these functions have considerable impact on the security of the data within an organization and need to be understood and addressed.hp deskjet 5739 driver
While the previous data leakage scenarios have been accidental in nature, data remaining on printers could be the target of an educated attacker, one that understands the value of data residing on printers and who has the ability to compromise that data.hp deskjet 5813 driver
While organizations invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to secure their network, dividing networks and systems into zones of trust with firewalls, Intrusion Prevention hp deskjet 5814 driver Systems and other network access control points, have they rarely considered where printers are logically placed within the network.
 In most cases, they are located amongst the users, or in some organizations, even on the server networks. Some organizations do not even have zones of trust and the printers exist amongst users, servers and even Internet accessible systems.hp deskjet 5824 driver
the capability to authenticate both printer administrators or normal printer users, the majority of the time, this functionality is disabled or left in its default state; disabled.hp deskjet 6525 driver
Five minutes on Google and an attacker will be able to find the default password to almost any printer. Once administrator access is gained to a printer, it takes little time and even less ability to make changes to settings that could be catastrophic to an organization.hp deskjet 6526 driver
the interface changed to another language so no-one could control the printer, if The attacker was to redirect your printing or copy documents to a location outside the internal network, depending on the contents of the file, it could be the ruin of an organization.hp deskjet printer driver
Inkjet printers can deliver stunning color, so this is the way to go if you are mostly concerned with printing photos. Inkjets can be used for printing text, but the print speed is too slow if the primary purpose of the printer is document printing.hp envy 100 driver
The extra colors deliver more subtle color gradations in blue skies and skin tones.hp envy 114 driver And if you print a great deal of black-and-white photos, consider photo printers with more than one variation of black ink or with gray inks
A second black-ink cartridge and different shades of gray help maintain a neutral tone, with the gray ink allowing for subtle shading and thus improving the quality of black-and-white photos.hp envy 120 driver
Dye-sub printers can print continuous tones and a superior range of colors that laser printers are unable to,hp envy 124 driver making them ideal for more demanding graphic applications or color printing.
Laser printers are the perfect choice if you need to print large amounts of text documents.hp envy 125 driver  They print faster than inkjets and have a lower cost of operation over the long-term -- even though they may cost more to buy initially.
Monochrome laser printers produce crisp black-and-white text but cannot be used for color printing hp envy 4503 driver. Color lasers deliver excellent text and graphics but are much more expensive and can be costly to maintain.
Versatile, affordable printers are the best choices here, and inkjets usually satisfy the printing needs of most home users looking to output photos from their digital camera or for other light printing needs. hp envy 4505 driver
Photo printers are the obvious choice if printing photos is your main thing. Choose either the smaller hp envy 4507 driver , snapshot photo printer that produces 4x6-inch prints
A workgroup laser printer can be what you need if your home office or small office is built around a network. Workgroup lasers pack faster print speeds and have more memory to handle multiple print jobs.hp envy 4508 driver
If you plan to use third-party paper, make sure it works well with your printer. Before you buy a large quantity of third-party paper, try a few samples by printing the same photos on both the printer manufacturer's paper and the third-party paper, and then compare the results.hp envy 4510 driver
Extra memory will come in handy for laser printers to enable them to handle large graphics and documents more easily. Check the maximum upgradeable memory allowed for your printer, if it features a hard drive with similarly upgradeable memory hp envy 4512 driver
Most printers today no longer support the older parallel connection but feature instead USB 1.1 or Hi-Speed USB (USB 2.0) -- either of which should work fine with USB computers. For printers to be used on a network, it will need to have an Ethernet port to enable printer sharing.hp envy 4513 driver
The purchase price of the printer is just the beginning of its overall cost because over time, the hidden cost of ink or toner, paper, and parts will add up.hp envy 4517 driver .These "hidden costs" are the consumables; dividing the total cost of consumables by the number of pages that can be produced from the consumables gives you the cost per page hp envy 4516 driver 
For color printing, look for gradients -- or areas where a color goes from dark to light. Color should transition smoothly, and you should not see any color banding, where distinct bands progress from dark to light. hp envy 4520 driver
the transition from shade to shade should be smooth without a noticeable line. Also, look for a nice balance of colors in color-graphic printing -- something that's not overly saturated nor flat and washed out hp envy 4521 driver
A good photo print should like the original photo. Colors should be accurate and balanced, vivid but not oversaturated.hp envy 4523 driver Good detail should be present in all areas, with no jagged lines or pixels or any other visual artifacts.
Good contrast should exist between shadow and highlight areas -- not muddy or flat and without color. You may not always be able to tell the difference from one great print to another, but almost everyone can recognize a bad print when they see one.hp envy 4524 driver
An often overlooked issue, is the very serious consideration of cost of ownership, which is all about of how much it will cost to keep your printer running (see below).hp envy 4525 driver  So making that decision on which printer to go for can be a seriously arduous task, especially if you are keen to buy a printer that is not only affordable to buy but also cheap to run hp envy 4526 driver
Inkjet printers form images by spraying tiny droplets of liquid ink onto paper. The size and precision of the dots of ink and the type and quality of the ink itself govern how good the print quality is.hp envy 4527 driver  quality inkjet printer can produce very near photo-quality images using specialist photo coated paper.
Inkjet ink is specially formulated for specific printer models and their purpose, much technology is involved hp envy 4528 driver in the development of these inks to improve print quality, longevity, drying speeds and printing speeds etc.
Most inkjet ink is produced using dye based ink which can flow easily through the tiny nozzles of the printhead,hp envy 5020 driver this type of ink is good for photos and colour shades but not so good for longevity or solid vibrant
Inkjet printers use anything between two and eight ink cartridges to do their job. Generally speaking the hp envy5030 driver  entry-level machines use two cartridges, good all round machines use four and specialist photo printers use six or more.
The two cartridge system works fine though can be a bit wasteful on the colour ink, so go forhp envy 5032 driver a four-cartridge system where possible especially if you do colour printing.
The Inkjet Printer is the most commonly used type of printer among home and small business users. With excellent all round printing capabilities, from black & white text print and good colour prints through to very hi-resolution, high quality photographs using Inkjet Photo Printers.hp envy 5052 driver
Inkjet printers are available from cheap entry level to high-end business use machines and can print from hp envy 5055 driver  photo size prints to massive A2 and bigger sizes, there are models for occasional use and others for high volume print jobs too.
One of the many great things about Inkjet printers is that you can use a wide variety of media to print on, including standard paper, photo paper, card, t-shirt transfers, canvas, projector film etc, achieving different looks and textures for your prints and print for different purposes. hp envy 5088 driver
Multi-Function Inkjet Printers have been built to meet the needs of home offices and small businesses. These excellent value machines provide multiple solutions in one compact and easy to use machine hp envy 5500 driver
The only thing you should be aware of is that you can only use one function at a time and if anything goes wrong with an "All-in-one" machine, you may lose the all the functions at once!hp envy 5530 driver
Laser printers work in a similar way to photocopiers, except they use a laser instead of a bright light to scan with. hp envy 5532 driver They work by creating an electrostatic image of the page onto a charged photoreceptor, which in turn attracts toner in the shape of an electrostatic charge.hp envy 5531 driver
 Laser Printers have traditionally been the best printing solution for heavy office users as they produce a very high quality black text finish and offer relatively low running costs.hp envy 5534 driver
laser printers have advanced a great deal recently and their prices have steadily dropped, as a result there are now compact laser printers, multi-function and colour laser printers all at very affordable prices.hp envy 5535 driver
Laser printers make sense if you need to do a lot of high quality black or colour prints, not photos. The great thing about a colour laser printer is that they can print a very good quality colour image on standard copier paper hp envy 5536 driver
Laser printers are the best solution for people who are printing in large volumes, that is, in 100's of pages hp envy 5539 driver at a time or 1000's of pages per month. Colour lasers also take quite a while to warm up, so are not ideal for printing single pages.
Solid ink printers use solid wax ink sticks in a "phase-change" process, they work by liquefyinghp envy 5540 driver  wax ink sticks into reservoirs and then squirting the ink onto a transfer drum from where it is cold-fused onto the paper in a single pass.
Solid ink printers are marketed almost exclusively by Tektronix / Xerox and are aimed at larger businesses and high volume colour printing.hp envy 5542 driver
Solid ink printers used to be cheaper to purchase than similarly specified colour lasers and fairly economical to run owing to a low component usage, today it is not necessarily any cheaper than a colour laser printer.hp envy 5543 driver
Output quality is good but generally not as good as the best colour lasers for text and graphics or the best inkjets for photographs. Print speeds are not as fast as most colour lasers hp envy 5544 driver
The downside of Dye-Sub printers is that they are generally more expensive to buy and run, usually limited to photo sized hp envy 5545 driver  prints only and can only print onto one type of specialised paper as well as being quite slow to print.
Many printers today are very cheap to buy, but people are sometimes shocked to discover the cost of replacing the consumables (ink or laser cartridges, imaging drums, fuser, oils, specialist papers etc).hp envy 5546 driver A Sheffield City Council report aimed at helping schools decide on the best-value printers to buy, calculated total cost of ownership over the lifetime of a printer hp envy 5547 driver
the cost per print of a laser printer is cheaper than that of an inkjet, which is in turn cheaper than that of a sub-dye printer. However, you would have to do a fair amount of colour printing to take advantage of the economy offered by a laser printer.hp envy 5549 driver
The assembly locates on top of the black toner cartridge port. Take the blue brush out and clean the assembly. The cleanup procedure is intended for a HP Color LaserJet 5500 printer.hp envy 5646 driver
Paper jams are the commonest printer problems, not just with HP printers but with all the printer brands and models. Paper jam can occur due to a number of reasons from the torn paper bits, wrong paper tray selected, wrong paper type selected hp envy 5660 driver
If it is different, printer will experience a paper jam problem. Make sure that the paper type matches what is in the printer properties. If not, correct it. Also, make sure that the printer prints to the right paper tray.hp envy 5664 driver
It happens when Windows selects a default printer by itself. If you are using Windows 7, click the Start button and point to Devices and Printers. You will see various printers listed under Printer and Faxes.hp envy 6220 driver
Right-click the desired printer and click Set as default printer. If prompted, confirm the action and exit Devices and Printers. Restart your computer and printer. Test a print page and check back. Windows should print to the right printer.hp envy 6222 driver
If you are using Window XP, click the Start button and point to Control Panel. Double-click Hardware and Sound and then Printers hp envy 6230 driver . Look for the printer that you want to set as default, right-click it and then choose Set as Default Printer.
The error message indicates a power supply problem and generally occurs when the power cord of your printer hp envy 6252 driver  is plugged into a power strip or the UPS. To get rid of this error message, plug the printer directly into a power outlet.
This shows a temporary glitch on your printing device. To make this message disappear, you simply need to power off your printer, wait for 10-15 seconds and then power it on. This will reset the configurations and make your printer working again. In case the message still appears hp envy 6255 driver
he error indicates a Supplies Memory Error. Depending on your HP printer model, the error can occur due to various reasons. To get rid of the problem, power off your printer and unplug it from the power outlet.hp envy 7100 driver
Theprinter settings to accommodate more pages for each sheet. For example, click the drop-down menu under Pages per sheet and posters and select it to 2 or 3 as desired per pages.hp envy 7120 driver
Wireless printers are great for home or office use. However, they cannot beat wired printers when it comes to speed. Wireless printer users often face printer slow problems hp envy 7130 driver .
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Keep gadgets like cordless phones, security alarms away from your wireless router. These gadgets create electrical interference and cause your printer to function slowly hp envy 7134 driver
The Author of this article is associated with V tech-squad Inc, V tech-squad Inc. is a cloud based technical support provider hp envy 7155 driver to consumers and small businesses.
The difference between inkjet printers and laser printers is day and night, but once you understand their differences and decide hp envy 7158 driver
Inkjet printers are best if printing high-quality photos are much more important that high-quality text hp envy 7164 driver  and graphics and if speed is not an issue for you.
Their major selling point is their superior color accuracy and print resolution for vivid photos, so this does hp envy 7600 driver  add time to printing each page.
It's worth explaining in detail the huge difference in the cost of ownership of the two types of printers hp envy 7640 driver . An inkjet printer costs a lot less initially but its cost per page is much higher than a laser printer's cost per page.
In fact, companies practically give away inkjet printers because the profit for most manufacturers is in the ink cartridges, or consumables as they call them hp envy 7643 driver
It's worth explaining in detail the huge difference in the cost of ownership of the two types of printers.hp envy 7644 driver An inkjet printer costs a lot less initially but its cost per page is much higher than a laser printer's cost per page.
In fact, companies practically give away inkjet printers because the profit for most manufacturers is in the ink cartridges, or consumables as they call them. On the other hand, hp envy 7645 driver a laser printer costs a lot more initially, but over time its toner will cost much less per page.
 At the end of the day, the types of documents you need to print may determine what printer, or printers, you select. If you're printing mainly photos and documents for personal use, such as directions in which you don't care about the quality, then you should get an inkjet printer.hp envy 7646 driver
HP printers are great in both the inkjet printers and laser printers categories. Epson printers, Canon printers, and Kodak printers are very popular for inkjet and photo printers.hp envy 7800 driver
This article will touch on a few of the basics like choosing the right printer manufacturer, cost of CD printers, inkjet or thermal, productivity, speed and durability.hp envy 7820 driver
the purposes of this article I'm focusing on just DVD / CD printers, not duplicators with printers that can print and/or copy CDs and DVDs at the same time. I will save that topic for a future article.hp envy 7822 driver
The goal of this article is to give you a basis for making the best decision when purchasing a CD printer so you get it right the first time.hp envy 7830 driver
The research for this article was acquired over 13 years of selling, using, testing, supporting, and repairing CD and DVD printers.hp envy 7840 driver
the main defining points are the type of print engine technology employed in the printer - inkjet or thermal transfer, and whether or not the CD printing system is manual or automated. Inkjet based CD / DVD printers are less expensive than thermal transfer CD printers.hp envy 7850 driver
Factor in any growth in that number quarter over quarter or year over year. I have found that many organizations under-estimate hp envy 7855 driver their usage projections because they fail to take into account that other departments
Many organizations need to produce discs only 1 once a week or month, but need all 100 or 500 in a few hours or just one day. Third, determine what is the value of your time.hp envy 7858 driver
Generally disc printers that are made out of plastic are less durable than those made out of metal. Most inkjet printers that I have used and tested over the years are made mostly of plastic components whereas most of the thermal printers are made from metal parts.hp envy printer
Printer and Printers Accessories are required in almost every place. Nearly all offices, shops, and industries require printers for some reason or the other.hp officejet 202c driver
A Printer is basically an output hardware device that prints texts or image tasks assigned to it from a computer.hp officejet 258 driver
In the Printers And Faxes windows that has appeared, right click on the printer you want to share and click on Sharing. But make sure that you have enabled the File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks on network card's properties.hp officejet 2627 driver
The printers utilizing inkjet technology were first introduced in the late 1980s and since then have gained much popularity while growing in performance and dropping in price.hp officejet  3830 driver
Each printer which works on inkjet technology places extremely small droplets of ink onto paper to create a text or an image.hp officejet 3832 driver
In the personal and small business computer market, inkjet printers currently predominate. Inkjets are usually inexpensive, quiet, reasonably fast, and many models can produce high quality output.hp officejet 3835 driver
Like most modern technologies, the present-day inkjet is built on the progress made by many earlier versions.hp officejet 4215 driver
In the worldwide consumer market, four manufacturers account for the majority of inkjet printer sales: Canon, Hewlett-Packard, Epson, and Lexmark.hp officejet 4500 driver
The typical inkjet printer usually includes inkjet printhead assembly, paper feed assembly, power supply, control circuitry and interface ports.hp officejet 4512 driver
The inkjet printhead assembly contains several components. One of them is the printhead which is the core of the inkjet printer and contains a series of nozzles that are used to spray drops of ink. hp officejet 4620 driver
 The cartridges of some inkjet printers include the print head itself. The printhead along with the inkjet cartridge/s are moved back and forth across the paper by device called a stepper motor using a special belt.hp officejet 4622 driver
The print head assembly uses a stabilizer bar to ensure that movement is precise and controlled. One of the paper feed assembly components is the paper tray or/and paper feeder. Most inkjet printers have a tray that the paper is loaded into.hp officejet 4650 driver
The feeder typically snaps open at an angle on the back of the printer, allowing the paper to be placed in it. Feeders generally do not hold as much paper as a traditional paper tray.hp officejet 4652 driver
A set of rollers pull the paper in from the tray or feeder and advance the paper when the print head assembly is ready for another pass after which another step motor powers the rollers to move the paper in the exact increment needed to ensure a continuous image is printed.hp officejet  4654 driver
A small but sophisticated amount of circuitry is built into the printer to control all the mechanical aspects of operation, as well as decode the information sent to the printer from the computer.hp officejet 4655 driver
A few printers connect using a serial port or small computer system interface (SCSI) port. Different types of inkjet printers exist based on the method they use to deliver the droplets of ink.hp officejet 4656 driver
The thermal bubble technology used by manufacturers such as Canon and Hewlett Packard is commonly referred to as bubble jet. In a thermal inkjet printer, tiny resistors create heat, and this heat vaporizes ink to create a bubble.hp officejet 4657 driver
the bubble expands, some of the ink is pushed out of a nozzle onto the paper. When the bubble collapses, a vacuum is created. This pulls more ink into the print head from the cartridge.hp officejet 4658 driver
 A piezoelectric crystal causes the stream of liquid to break into droplets at regular intervals. The ink droplets are subjected to an electrostatic field created by a charging electrode as they form.
The field is varied according to the degree of drop deflection desired. This results in a controlled, variable electrostatic charge on each drople.hp officejet 5230 driver . Charged droplets are separated by one or more uncharged "guard droplets" to minimize electrostatic repulsion between neighboring droplets.hp officjet  5220 driver 
The charged droplets are then directed (deflected) to the receptor material to be printed by electrostatic deflection plates, or are allowed to continue on undeflected to a collection gutter for reuse.hp officejet 5232 driver
Depending on the inkjet printer model, the print head is reset to the beginning side of the page, or, in most cases, simply reverses direction and begins to move back across the page as it prints.hp officejet 5252 driver
The time it takes to print a page can vary widely from printer to printer. It will also vary based on the complexity of the page and size of any images on the page.hp officejet 5258 driver
the printing is complete, the print heads are parked. The paper feed stepper motor spins the rollers to finish pushing the completed page into the output tray hp officejet 5740 driver
Most inkjet printers today use inkjet inks that are very fast-drying, so that you can immediately pick up the sheet without smudging it. Compared to earlier consumer-oriented printers, inkjet printers have a number of advantages hp officejet 5741 driver
The disadvantages of the inkjet printers include flimsy print heads (prone to clogging) and expensive inkjet cartridges. This typically leads value-minded consumers to consider laser printers for medium-to-high volume printer applications.hp officejet 5742 driver
The disadvantages of the inkjet printers include flimsy print heads (prone to clogging) and expensive inkjet cartridges. This typically leads value-minded consumers to consider laser printers for medium-to-high volume printer applications.hp officejet 5743 driver
where ink is carried sideways away from the desired location by the capillary effect; the result is a muddy appearance on some types of paper. Most inkjet printer manufacturers also sell special clay-treated paper designed to reduce bleeding.hp officejet 5744 driver
Particularly with the addition of variable data technologies, the page-width inkjet printers are important in billing, tagging, and individualized catalogs and newspapers.hp officejet 5746 driver
The black inkjet cartridge has only black ink. The color inkjet printer contains two main ink cartridges, for black and other primary colors respectively.hp officejet 6100 driver
The primary colors are consequently mixed to produce all other colors. The cartridge contains a reservoir which has compartments with metal plates and a number of tiny nozzles on the print head of the cartridge.hp officjet 6820 driver
The heat causes vapor bubbles to form inside the cartridge and make the ink swell up. The ink then flows out in droplets from the nozzles onto the paper in a few milliseconds hp officejet 6951 driver
The Laser toners use a more elaborate and complex technology. A powder called Toner is used by laser printers, fax machines and photocopiers to print text and images on laser and photo paper.hp officejet 6956 driver
The laser printers consist of the printer toner and the drum. The positively charged toner gets attracted to the negatively charged drum. The toner is transferred to the paper by the drum. The toner contains special wax that melts and dries in milliseconds hp officejet 6958 driver
The high-end laser printers generally come with networking facilities for you to connect to your computer network directly. This cuts down additional costs associated with networking, as is the case with ink printers.hp officejet 6962 driver
Inkjet Printers spill out tiny droplets of ink to print, the resolution is lower than the laser printers. Laser Printers printer better quality text, as their resolution is higher. High resolution also helps the laser printers create precise fonts without fuzzy edges.hp officejet 7310 driver
Laser printers are capable of producing good quality prints on all kinds of printing paper but the inkjet printers will require inkjet paper to produce good quality prints without any fuzzy edge brought about by 'bleeding'.hp officejet 7610 driver
If laser printers lose out to their inkjet counterparts on account of price, they are way ahead when it comes to speed of printing. Users who need large volumes of printing also prefer the laser printers.hp officejet 8040 driver
Laser printers are more suited to general office use than the inkjets. The least expensive laser printer can print around 10 to 15 pages per minute.hp envy 8610 driver.                                                                                        
The inkjets are usually rated on the speed of draft or quick printing mode, which is suitable only for proofreading purposes. The HP Deskjet 5650, which is a fast color inkjet printer, prints at a speed of 21 ppm Black, 15 ppm Color in the draft mode.hp officejet 8702 driver
the maintenance cost to a great extent. However, you have to be careful while buying these when producing high quality photos and also be sure that the use of these does not cancel your warranty.hp officejet 8719 driver
Themore perplexing decisions when faced with choosing a new printer is which print technology is going to suit you best. At the moment there are two main printing systems hp officejet 7100 driver
The method that will suit you best will depend largely on what you plan to print on your new printer, and cost factors that affect the costs of running it.hp officjet 7103 driver
Laser printers are possibly better for high-volume printing, with lower 'per page' costs and they better black intensity text than most ink jets.hp officejet printer 
If you want a printer that is specifically designed for printing photographs, you will most likely look for a colour ink-jet system that is a photo printer, allowing very high quality colour output and capable of printing all the way to the edge of the page.hp officejet pro 251 driver
Multifunction printers (MFP) are often ideal for home office or student needs because they combine multiple functions into one unit, usually a scanner, printer, copier fax machine, doing a little bit of everything, and saving considerable desk and office space in the bargain.hp officejet pro 6900 driver
Resolution ratings are not the whole story however. Many printer manufacturers now incorporate smoothing and enhancing features through software algorithms. This means that some output from printers with a lower dpi looks just as good as that from a higher dpi unit hp officejet pro 6960 driver
Speed is another important consideration. Vary rarely will you find that your printer performs at the 'pages-per-minute' rate (ppm) that is advertised or cited in the specification.hp officjet pro 6961 driver
If speed is an important consideration, then you can short-list printers that claim to perform above a certain rate and the compare other factors.hp officjet pro 6963 driver
Laser printers use powder toner that is electromagnetically attracted to the page by an image temporarily made on a transfer drum through a laser scanning process, and then fused to the page with a heat-setting system hp officjet pro 6964 driver
It is important to understand that even thought the printer might be cheap, consumables is where the manufacturers actually make enormous profits, so be sure to consider replacement consumables when doing your cost comparisons.
If you're currently shopping for a laser printer, and you currently run home or business office, then look no further than the P2035N LaserJet Printer by HP.hp officejet pro  6965 driver
It has high-volume printing capabilities, and uses HP's Instant-On Technology that enables you to print documents with professional touch.hp officejet pro 6968 driver
It can print twice as much as any other laser printer because of its Instant on Technology. With the use of a high speed USB cable, this printer can be connected easily to your computer hp officejet pro  6970 driver
It can easily print documents as well as forms in prescription and index cards form. With its onboard network card it enables you to share and create resources across your network.hp officejet pro  6978 driver
Laser Jet Printer Monochrome can print daily business documents like envelopes, postcards and many more. This can print your documents twice as fast as other laser printers with the use of its built in Instant-on Technology.hp officejet pro 7720 driver
It has an additional multi-purpose try that is capable of holding special papers while printing with a 50-sheet capacity. This also allows you to have a view in your printer status as well as alerts directly from your desktop with the use of an HP Easy Printer Care Software hp officejet pro 7740 driver
This printer has the capability to print the exact number of printed papers needed in your office that enables you to save money in printing documents with either no excess. It also creates high-quality printed documents with a professional touch right from the printer.hp officejet pro 8100
If you are looking for the best laser printersor your home or business office, then the HP P2035N LaserJet Printer is a great printer that you should buy.hp officejet pro 8210 driver  .
Evaluate your printing needs: Every organization has different needs for printing. Before buying a printer, you should analyze your needs and answer some questions - Do you need a printer just to print text hp officejet pro 8216 driver
The market is packed with various types of bar code printers, such as printers, scanners and Med-matrix printers, label printers, laser printers and ink jet printers.hp officejet pro 8615 driver
The speed of a printer is measured by the number of printed pages per minute (ppm). Inkjet and laser printers have three levels of quality, that is, the project settings, normal and best.hp officejet pro 8660 driver
In general all printers have the ability to print on standard paper, with letter and legal sizes. Most printers have personal input and output paper trays for paper handling facility.hp officejet pro 8664 driver
Paper-handling capabilities of inkjet printers is lower than laser printers. Purchase of inkjet printers by reloading the paper tray with more frequency than in a laser printer.hp officejet pro 8710 driver
If your need for printing is above average, to buy printers that have high capacity for handling paper and verify that the printer should print without bending or folding the sheet.hp officejet pro 8712 driver
High-capacity memory helps to increase the speed of the printer and it is very beneficial to the needs of printing graphics. If you are planning to change your printer with a printer of high memory, review your current printer for memory expansion.hp officejet pro 8715 driver
the gross expenditure, which includes cost of the printer, the cost of packing and shipping cost. Often dealers add hidden fees to the cost of the printer after you place the order. Compare the cost with other vendors before making the final agreement.hp officejet pro 8717 driver
The safety of the printer shopping online, be sure to ask everything regarding mode of payment services, technical support, warranties, guarantees, shipping policy, private and the policy of return policy hp envy 8720 driver . Buy only reliable printers distributors to make sure you are buying genuine high-quality printers and not the duplicate ones. hp officejet pro 8725 driver A printer is an output device that prints characters, symbols, and perhaps graphics on paper. The printed output is generally referred to as hardcopy because it is in relatively permanent form.hp officejet pro 8728 driver An impact printer has mechanisms resembling those of a typewriter. It forms characters or images by striking a mechanism such as a print hammer or wheel against an inked ribbon, leaving an image on paper. hp officejet pro 8730 driver A variation on ink-jet technology is the bubble-jet printer, which use miniature heating elements to force specially formulated inks through print heads with 128 tiny nozzles. The multiple nozzles print fine images at high speeds. hp officejet pro 8732 driver The printing process employed by true dye-sublimation printers differs from that of inkjets. Instead of spraying tiny jets of ink onto a page as inkjet printers do, dye-sublimation printers apply a dye from a plastic film. hp officejet pro 8734 driver . Although this method is capable of producing excellent results, it is far from economical. Even if a particular image does not need any one of the pigments, that ribbon segment is still consumed hp officejet pro 8735 driver The cartridges in such printers spray the ink, covering the page one strip at a time. The print head heats the inks to form a gas, controlled by a heating element that reaches hp officejet pro 8745 driver The most important component and the pre-requisite parameter is the quality of the print which gets dispensed out in the form of hand-outs.hp officejet pro 8746 driver The printer driver is the software program which brings about the effective printing functions in a printer when connected to the laptop or the desktop computers. hp officejet pro 8747 driver The problem associated with printer driver can be resolved, if the user attempts to re-install the printing drivers in the computer systems so as to take the printer into their control for the effective functioning. hp officejet pro 9012 driver The print ink quality eventually gets hampered if the toner in the cartridge gets depleted and one should attempt to refill the printer cartridge at the earliest or to replace with the new printer cartridge. This way you can improve the print quality.hp officejet pro 9025 driver The low grade paper while on their way to get printed gets blurred which results in the low quality print and further excess of toner is consumed in the course of time, especially when attempting to take the print of images and pictures. hp officejet pro setup The printer cartridge gets fixed onto the printer groove and once the printer cartridge gets firmly fixed, it would be eventually ready to take more print requests.
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Carbon Thermoplastic Composites Market Growth to be Driven by Technological Advancements 2025
Market Research Future Published a Research Study on Carbon Thermoplastic Composites Market Research Report, Size, Share and Industry Analysis - Forecast to 2025
Market Overview
Carbon thermoplastic composites (CFRTP) can be produced using PAN-based (polyacrylonitrile) or PITCH-based raw material. Polyacrylonitrile is widely used because it provides strength and stiffness to the CFRTP composites. CFRTP finds application in various industries such as aerospace & defense, automotive, wind turbines, construction, and marine. These composites are widely used in the manufacturing of aircraft and defense equipment due to their superior properties such as lightweight, low density, corrosion resistance, high strength, and stiffness. The product demand from aerospace industry is growing as a result of rising aircraft delivery, especially in the developing regions. CFRTP usage is being increasingly used in the automotive industry to improve the vehicle fuel efficiency and reduce the amount of carbon emission. Growing use of the product in wind turbines due to rising demand for renewable energy is likely to drive the market growth. CFRTP usage in the construction industry is increasing as it minimizes the disruption during repair and saves installation cost and time.
Get a FREE Sample Copy@ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/5824
Competitive Analysis
Some of the prominent players in the global carbon thermoplastic composites market are DowAksa (Turkey), Cytec Solvay Group (U.S.), TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. (Japan), SGL Group (Germany), Hexcel Corporation (U.S.), TEIJIN LIMITED (Japan), Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation (Japan), HYOSUNG (South Korea), Gurit (Switzerland), Plasan Carbon Composites (U.S.), Koninklijke Ten Cate (Netherland), Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH (Japan), and ZOLTEK (U.S.).
Market Segmentation
The global carbon thermoplastic composites market is segmented into raw material, application, and region.
On the basis of raw material, the market is divided into PAN-based and PITCH-based.
Based on the application, the global carbon thermoplastic composites market is segregated into aerospace & defense, automotive, wind turbines, sports equipment, construction, and marine.
Geographically, the market is divided into five key regions, including Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Browse Key Industry insights spread across 100 pages with 47 market data tables & 12 figures & charts from the Report, “Global Carbon Thermoplastic Composites Market: Information by Raw Material (PAN-Based and PITCH-Based), Thermoplastic Resin [Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK), Polyetherimide (PEI), Polyaryletherketone (PAEK), and Others], Application (Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Wind Turbines, Sports Equipment, Construction, and Marine), and Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa)—Forecast till 2025” in detail along with the table of contents@ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/carbon-thermoplastic-composites-market-5824
Regional Analysis
North America is leading the global carbon thermoplastic composites market as a result of increasing use in the manufacturing of lightweight vehicles and defense equipment. The product demand is rising owing to growing use of renewable energy in place of crude oil and other resources. Europe is expected to grow at a staggering rate owing to the growing demand for fuel-efficient automotive. This is due to the emission standards set by European Union for the vehicles. The Asia Pacific is the fastest growing market due to expanding automotive and aerospace industry as a result of improved living standard and rising disposable income of the consumers.
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paimaco · 6 years
Area Rug In Living Room
Area Rug In Living Room
Anytime property owners welcome guests and company right into their house normally the first thing that visitors see is the living-room, or living room, of the house. Unless there is a foyer prior to the living-room, this is the space that lots of people greet their family members and guests. It do without stating, obviously, that the living room is among one of the most crucial areas in your…
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alfiejl · 6 years
Why are Panthers fans so angry with Cam?
Why are Panthers fans so angry with Cam?
While I was sipping my tea, minding my own business celebrating the Lamar Jackson win over the Cincinnati Bengals, I thought, “let me take a gander over to the NFC South Fan page to look at what was going on.” To my surprise, I find a guy burning Cam Newton’s jersey. What has Cam done so egregious that people would want to burn his jersey over (video here)?
Yes, I get it there was a very dicey…
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Amazing Selling Machine 8 in Georgetown, Illinois
Amazing Selling Machine the Proven System for Becoming a Successful Seller on Amazon
 Allow me to introduce you to Amazing Selling Machine. If you're already familiar with it, you know this powerful course is run by Matt and Jason who've built up a three-million-dollar business selling private labeled products on Amazon. Amazon is the leading online e-commerce site with sales last year of 89 billion dollars and over 320 million visitors per month.
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 Amazing selling machine is the result of years of Matt Jason and their students testing and perfecting strategies that allow you to start and grow a business on Amazon fast. ASM it is absolutely packed with step by step videos, templates, tools, strategies and support to allow anybody no matter what your experience level to build a thriving long term business.
 So, let's look at exactly what's included with amazing selling machine often abbreviated to ASM by students. The amazing selling machine program is broken down into four components, which are called the forties training. Eight weekly modules that walk you through each stage of building your business step by step. The technology suite, access to the same powerful software tools that Matt Jason and other ASM students are using to generate thirty-six million dollars per month. Free membership to the ASM community, lifetime membership to the most active and exclusive private online community of Amazon entrepreneurs where you can network discuss strategies problems or questions and brainstorm together with Matt Jason and their community members. Full access to Matt Jason and the mentor team which is a collection of the most successful and knowledgeable ASM students. With any one of these components you could build your business and be successful but with all four, you're unstoppable.
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The amazing selling machine program is already packed with videos tools, strategy and support that you need to get started building your dream business on Amazon.
Amazing Selling Machine
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yes-dal456 · 7 years
The Senate’s Secret Assault On Older Americans
While cable news has been transfixed by James Comey and Jeff Sessions, Mitch McConnell has been busy. He is preparing to ram the disastrous health care repeal bill that House Republicans passed last month through the Senate and down the throats of the American people. McConnell isn’t holding hearings on the bill where Senate members get to debate openly and hear testimony from experts. Instead, Senate Republicans are writing the bill in secret. The public, the press, and their Democratic colleagues are all in the dark about the contents of a bill that would reshape one-sixth of the American economy. The only people they are bothering to get input from? The for-profit insurance industry.
The health care repeal bill, often known as “Trumpcare”, would be a disaster for tens of millions of Americans, and especially those over fifty. Trumpcare would allow health insurance corporations to charge older Americans up to five time as much for coverage. Particularly for those just below Medicare age, this would be catastrophic. Currently, a 64-year-old with total income of $26,500 pays an average of $1,700 a year for health insurance bought in an Affordable Care Act exchange. Under Trumpcare, she would pay $16,100 a year! That’s more than the average Social Security benefit.
Even those who are over 65 would not be spared the ravages of Trumpcare. That’s because this bill doesn’t just repeal the Affordable Care Act – it also guts Medicaid, cutting it by a massive $834 billion in order to fund a tax giveaway to the ultra-rich. Millions of Americans, low-income seniors and people with disabilities, are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. Medicaid is particularly essential for those who require long-term care, which will be most of us one day. An estimated 70 percent of Americans 65 and older will someday require long-term care, and over three-quarters of long-stay nursing home residents will eventually be covered by Medicaid. Is there any way to stop this disaster in its tracks? Yes, but the window is quickly closing. To stop McConnell’s health care repeal bill, we need to convince three Republicans to vote no. That’s why we’ve spent the last few months traveling around the country on a “Hands Off Medicare and Medicaid Tour”, galvanizing opposition to Trumpcare in states with potentially persuadable Republican Senators.
But McConnell is currently in the midst of whipping his caucus, twisting arms to get the votes he needs. That’s why now is the moment to call your Senators. Do it daily, until this monstrous bill is dead. If your Senators are Republicans, demand that they vote no. If they are Democrats, ask them to use any means possible to delay the vote. Even an extra two weeks, especially over the July recess, could give the resistance enough time to mobilize and scare vulnerable Republicans into voting no.
We are going to be doing everything we can to stop this monstrosity and are planning Hands Off Medicare and Medicaid events in West Virginia and Alaska in the next few weeks, keep an eye on our Facebook page for event details.
Just how terrible is this bill? Since McConnell has refused to release the Senate’s version of the health care repeal bill, we don’t know exactly what’s in it. But all reports indicate that it is very similar to the bill passed by the House of Representatives last month.
Rips health insurance away from 23 million Americans
Cuts dedicated Medicare funding by $59 billion over the next decade
Cuts federal funding for Medicaid by $834 billion over the next decade
Increases insurance costs for older Americans 55-64 by as much as 800%
Ends Medicaid’s new protections for older adults just below Medicare eligibility age by shifting costs of Medicaid expansion to the states
Fundamentally threatens Medicaid’s protections for low-income seniors and people with disabilities by taking away its guarantee and placing a per enrollee cap on federal funding
Threatens Medicaid’s long-term care protections for seniors and people with disabilities, including those also receiving Medicare
Removes critical funding for our national healthcare system to create a massive tax break for millionaires and billionaires
Significantly increases all out-of-pocket healthcare costs for older adults just below Medicare eligibility age
Paves the way for future, even more drastic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid
Below are some of the senators who, for a variety of reasons, might vote no on Trumpcare. If one of them represents your state, call today! And again tomorrow! And the next day! Ask your friends and family in those states to call as well. Don’t stop calling, and getting others to call, until the bill is defeated!
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): 202-224-6665, 907-271-3735
Dan Sullivan (Alaska): 202-224-3004, 907-271-5915
Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia): 202-224-6472, 304-347-5372
Susan Collins (Maine): 202-224-2523, 207-780-3575
Dean Heller (Nevada): 202-224-6244, 702-388-6605
Rob Portman (Ohio): 202-224-3353, 614-469-6774
Cory Gardner (Colorado): 202-224-5941, 303-391-5777
Todd Young (Indiana): 202-224-5623, 317-226-6700
Jeff Flake (Arizona): 202-224-4521, 602-840-189
Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania): 202-224-4254, 412-803-3501
Rand Paul (Kentucky): 202-224-4343, 270-782-8303
Tom Cotton (Arkansas): 202-224-2353, 479-751-0879
Bill Cassidy (Louisiana): 202-224-5824, 225-929-7711
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from http://ift.tt/2saO3vj from Blogger http://ift.tt/2rs5n1v
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imreviewblog · 7 years
The Senate’s Secret Assault On Older Americans
While cable news has been transfixed by James Comey and Jeff Sessions, Mitch McConnell has been busy. He is preparing to ram the disastrous health care repeal bill that House Republicans passed last month through the Senate and down the throats of the American people. McConnell isn’t holding hearings on the bill where Senate members get to debate openly and hear testimony from experts. Instead, Senate Republicans are writing the bill in secret. The public, the press, and their Democratic colleagues are all in the dark about the contents of a bill that would reshape one-sixth of the American economy. The only people they are bothering to get input from? The for-profit insurance industry.
The health care repeal bill, often known as “Trumpcare”, would be a disaster for tens of millions of Americans, and especially those over fifty. Trumpcare would allow health insurance corporations to charge older Americans up to five time as much for coverage. Particularly for those just below Medicare age, this would be catastrophic. Currently, a 64-year-old with total income of $26,500 pays an average of $1,700 a year for health insurance bought in an Affordable Care Act exchange. Under Trumpcare, she would pay $16,100 a year! That’s more than the average Social Security benefit.
Even those who are over 65 would not be spared the ravages of Trumpcare. That’s because this bill doesn’t just repeal the Affordable Care Act – it also guts Medicaid, cutting it by a massive $834 billion in order to fund a tax giveaway to the ultra-rich. Millions of Americans, low-income seniors and people with disabilities, are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. Medicaid is particularly essential for those who require long-term care, which will be most of us one day. An estimated 70 percent of Americans 65 and older will someday require long-term care, and over three-quarters of long-stay nursing home residents will eventually be covered by Medicaid. Is there any way to stop this disaster in its tracks? Yes, but the window is quickly closing. To stop McConnell’s health care repeal bill, we need to convince three Republicans to vote no. That’s why we’ve spent the last few months traveling around the country on a “Hands Off Medicare and Medicaid Tour”, galvanizing opposition to Trumpcare in states with potentially persuadable Republican Senators.
But McConnell is currently in the midst of whipping his caucus, twisting arms to get the votes he needs. That’s why now is the moment to call your Senators. Do it daily, until this monstrous bill is dead. If your Senators are Republicans, demand that they vote no. If they are Democrats, ask them to use any means possible to delay the vote. Even an extra two weeks, especially over the July recess, could give the resistance enough time to mobilize and scare vulnerable Republicans into voting no.
We are going to be doing everything we can to stop this monstrosity and are planning Hands Off Medicare and Medicaid events in West Virginia and Alaska in the next few weeks, keep an eye on our Facebook page for event details.
Just how terrible is this bill? Since McConnell has refused to release the Senate’s version of the health care repeal bill, we don’t know exactly what’s in it. But all reports indicate that it is very similar to the bill passed by the House of Representatives last month.
Rips health insurance away from 23 million Americans
Cuts dedicated Medicare funding by $59 billion over the next decade
Cuts federal funding for Medicaid by $834 billion over the next decade
Increases insurance costs for older Americans 55-64 by as much as 800%
Ends Medicaid’s new protections for older adults just below Medicare eligibility age by shifting costs of Medicaid expansion to the states
Fundamentally threatens Medicaid’s protections for low-income seniors and people with disabilities by taking away its guarantee and placing a per enrollee cap on federal funding
Threatens Medicaid’s long-term care protections for seniors and people with disabilities, including those also receiving Medicare
Removes critical funding for our national healthcare system to create a massive tax break for millionaires and billionaires
Significantly increases all out-of-pocket healthcare costs for older adults just below Medicare eligibility age
Paves the way for future, even more drastic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid
Below are some of the senators who, for a variety of reasons, might vote no on Trumpcare. If one of them represents your state, call today! And again tomorrow! And the next day! Ask your friends and family in those states to call as well. Don’t stop calling, and getting others to call, until the bill is defeated!
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska): 202-224-6665, 907-271-3735
Dan Sullivan (Alaska): 202-224-3004, 907-271-5915
Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia): 202-224-6472, 304-347-5372
Susan Collins (Maine): 202-224-2523, 207-780-3575
Dean Heller (Nevada): 202-224-6244, 702-388-6605
Rob Portman (Ohio): 202-224-3353, 614-469-6774
Cory Gardner (Colorado): 202-224-5941, 303-391-5777
Todd Young (Indiana): 202-224-5623, 317-226-6700
Jeff Flake (Arizona): 202-224-4521, 602-840-189
Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania): 202-224-4254, 412-803-3501
Rand Paul (Kentucky): 202-224-4343, 270-782-8303
Tom Cotton (Arkansas): 202-224-2353, 479-751-0879
Bill Cassidy (Louisiana): 202-224-5824, 225-929-7711
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post http://bit.ly/2rhv9RP
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thetejasamale · 5 years
Carbon Thermoplastic Composites Market to Undertake Strapping Growth by the End 2025
Market Research Future Published a Research Study on Carbon Thermoplastic Composites Market Research Report, Size, Share and Industry Analysis - Forecast to 2025
Market Overview
Carbon thermoplastic composites (CFRTP) can be produced using PAN-based (polyacrylonitrile) or PITCH-based raw material. Polyacrylonitrile is widely used because it provides strength and stiffness to the CFRTP composites. CFRTP finds application in various industries such as aerospace & defense, automotive, wind turbines, construction, and marine. These composites are widely used in the manufacturing of aircraft and defense equipment due to their superior properties such as lightweight, low density, corrosion resistance, high strength, and stiffness. The product demand from aerospace industry is growing as a result of rising aircraft delivery, especially in the developing regions. CFRTP usage is being increasingly used in the automotive industry to improve the vehicle fuel efficiency and reduce the amount of carbon emission. Growing use of the product in wind turbines due to rising demand for renewable energy is likely to drive the market growth. CFRTP usage in the construction industry is increasing as it minimizes the disruption during repair and saves installation cost and time.
Get a FREE Sample Copy@ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/5824
Competitive Analysis
Some of the prominent players in the global carbon thermoplastic composites market are DowAksa (Turkey), Cytec Solvay Group (U.S.), TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. (Japan), SGL Group (Germany), Hexcel Corporation (U.S.), TEIJIN LIMITED (Japan), Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation (Japan), HYOSUNG (South Korea), Gurit (Switzerland), Plasan Carbon Composites (U.S.), Koninklijke Ten Cate (Netherland), Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH (Japan), and ZOLTEK (U.S.).
Market Segmentation
The global carbon thermoplastic composites market is segmented into raw material, application, and region.
On the basis of raw material, the market is divided into PAN-based and PITCH-based.
Based on the application, the global carbon thermoplastic composites market is segregated into aerospace & defense, automotive, wind turbines, sports equipment, construction, and marine.
Geographically, the market is divided into five key regions, including Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Browse Key Industry insights spread across 100 pages with 47 market data tables & 12 figures & charts from the Report, “Global Carbon Thermoplastic Composites Market: Information by Raw Material (PAN-Based and PITCH-Based), Thermoplastic Resin [Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK), Polyetherimide (PEI), Polyaryletherketone (PAEK), and Others], Application (Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Wind Turbines, Sports Equipment, Construction, and Marine), and Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa)—Forecast till 2025” in detail along with the table of contents@ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/carbon-thermoplastic-composites-market-5824
Regional Analysis
North America is leading the global carbon thermoplastic composites market as a result of increasing use in the manufacturing of lightweight vehicles and defense equipment. The product demand is rising owing to growing use of renewable energy in place of crude oil and other resources. Europe is expected to grow at a staggering rate owing to the growing demand for fuel-efficient automotive. This is due to the emission standards set by European Union for the vehicles. The Asia Pacific is the fastest growing market due to expanding automotive and aerospace industry as a result of improved living standard and rising disposable income of the consumers.
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