#page 5402
pesterloglog · 9 months
Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam
Act 6, page 5400-5420
DAVE: (pshh psh bumBUM)
DAVE: (pshh psh bumBUM BUM psh)
DAVE: (yeah)
DAVE: (uh huh)
DAVE: (no wait)
DAVE: (more like...)
DAVE: (uh)
DAVE: (pshh psh chch bumBUM)
DAVE: (pshh psh chch bumBUM BUM psh)
DAVE: (yeah thats right)
DAVE: (we are droppin it)
DAVE: (lets do this)
DAVE: (we are like)
DAVE: (in tha PROCESS)
DAVE: (right now)
DAVE: (droppin it like)
DAVE: (a thanksgiving turkey)
DAVE: (tripped over something and shit just got away from me)
DAVE: (my butterballs in freefall motherfuckers)
DAVE: (look out be GOD DAMN LOW)
DAVE: (yeah)
DAVE: (yeah)
DAVE: (droppin everything today)
DAVE: (making it rain)
DAVE: (precipitatin straight up mayhem)
DAVE: (HELLS of weather patterns closing in)
DAVE: (inanimate shit be slippin from my mitts)
DAVE: (my digits cant commit to a legitimate grip)
DAVE: (wait)
DAVE: (nah ima start over)
DAVE: (feel this flow out a lil more)
DAVE: (about how im droppin things today)
DAVE: (just left and right)
DAVE: (things of all shapes sizes and dubious metaphorical merit)
DAVE: (things aint even being held)
DAVE: (by chumps who cant be assed to show up)
DAVE: (droppin shit on yo BEHALF)
DAVE: (you name it)
DAVE: (ima let it go)
DAVE: (drop it like a frivolous lawsuit)
DAVE: (oh snap)
DAVE: (get out of my courtroom bitch)
DAVE: (drop it like the most expensive fucking christmas ornament)
DAVE: (step on that glass with your bare ass feet)
DAVE: (christmas is RUINED motherfucker)
DAVE: (drop it like the mug in usual suspects)
DAVE: (kobayashi was your cup you dumb fuck)
DAVE: (lmao)
DAVE: (drop it like unemployment figures under the obama administrations bold economic policies)
DAVE: (drop it like cargo on a space getaway)
DAVE: (just)
DAVE: (jettison that motherfucker)
DAVE: (this rap is blasting off)
DAVE: (drop it like a bunch of firewood i just gathered)
DAVE: (gonna rub a couple muthafuckin sticks together)
DAVE: (just sittin here whippin up sick lyrical friction)
DAVE: (if you start smellin smoke you caught a whiff of my diction)
DAVE: (shits gettin warm but i wont stop til its hot)
DAVE: (warm just dont cut it when shits gettin dropped)
DAVE: (tell me how you feel)
DAVE: (about shit getting dropped)
DAVE: (how hot do you want it)
DAVE: (when i let go of the fire)
DAVE: (just say when)
DAVE: (what)
DAVE: (i cant hear you)
DAVE: (eff it)
DAVE: (here we go)
DAVE: (just dropped that shit like a bad phone connection)
DAVE: (i put gravity in charge of its downward direction)
DAVE: (unfettered descents what it considers perfection)
DAVE: (shit thinks of the ground and it gets an erection)
DAVE: (best hope its carpet bound in its downward spiral)
DAVE: (cause linoleums frowned on, met with an eyeroll)
DAVE: (landin on grass is just the course that its par for)
DAVE: (but hardwood fuckin floors what its woods gettin hard for)
DAVE: (guess i should mention stead a motherfuckin hardons)
DAVE: (how my motherfuckin french could use a presidential pardon)
DAVE: (heres where obamas rap solo comes in)
DAVE: (no but how dope would that be!)
DAVE: (oh fuck me that would own)
DAVE: dammit
DAVE: rose dont drink so loud its messing up my raps
DAVE: i can actually hear your sips through my headphones
ROSE: Yea well,,
ROSE: I can her your rasps through your whipsers.
ROSE: *Whipspers...
ROSE: *Whip..
ROSE: ......
ROSE: Zers.
ROSE: ;)
DAVE: oh my god
DAVE: you are so fucking hammered
DAVE: how strong did you even make that stuff
ROSE: Iss,
ROSE: Prehhhhtay strong I geush?
ROSE: Whups. Guesh?
ROSE: *Guessss.
ROSE: Eheh.
DAVE: pretty strong
DAVE: rose you just bootlegged some fucking rubbing alcohol
ROSE: Pshf. ..
ROSE: Overaeact much?
ROSE: I'm yam completally in command of my faculities.
DAVE: faculity isnt a word check mate
DAVE: this kinda strikes me as a sort of misappropriation of alchemy
DAVE: like fucking with the mystical technology of creation to whip up some moonshine just seems
DAVE: i dunno man
DAVE: tell me you at least alchemized a bathtub first to stir this shit in
DAVE: at least that would be hilarious
ROSE: Iii,
ROSE: Omg, you're right, I messed a golden opportutiny for a puticularly humoroush approach to this endeavor... :(
DAVE: and where the FUCK is my applejuice rose
DAVE: gotta say
DAVE: you really let me down on the aj front
ROSE: I tried!!
ROSE: I tried making it...
ROSE: Is was HARD, Dave.
ROSE: (Sluuurp.)
DAVE: bullshit it was hard
DAVE: whats so hard about applejuice its like
DAVE: the most basic goddamn juice
DAVE: like the square one of juice
ROSE: Yes, tha's the POINT!
ROSE: Apples are stalartingly difficulf to reproduce.
ROSE: We take for granned our ability to take idealized intsances ofeven quie comlicated objects and conshure them from the void.
ROSE: But compalexity implies a heavilly recombinatife nature.. So.. so many things are synesthized from a series of mushh simpler ideas!
ROSE: To those ennities capable of, of conceshualization and absraction, an apple is as closed to being a noshushnally irredushible object as it gets....
ROSE: Ahem. *Notionally,
ROSE: **Irr, ed, ducible.
ROSE: Tell me, hoch shot, what ideas would you combide to make and apple?
DAVE: uh
ROSE: Exaaalley/.
ROSE: Thusis why apples are sush indivisible symbols, when it comes to thefield of ideas and their reducshunistHIC!!!!! reductionishtic essence from the perispective of humans in paticular.
ROSE: Both from a stantpoint of cultrulal and mytholurgical singificence,, and from a pratical one a swell, if you happen to fine yourself acshualy trying to ENGINEEEer one.
ROSE: Why do you thing, HIC!!! Why do you think Adam mand Eve were punished for biting in to one??
ROSE: They attemped to pentetrate an indivisible unit, uf fundamenetal knowledge. To consume the interior of a thought whish cantot be reduced any further.
ROSE: This knowleshe was for BIDDEN..! Hic. So humanity was forever bandished to live in sin, and, hass strive ever sinse to redeem isself from the hubrinse of this innallectual foily.
ROSE: Hahaha! , Foily.
ROSE: Or what about, the tale of Isaac Newdon under the tree?? He was BONKED on the head by an apple.
ROSE: Not reallyan apple though... an atomic idea. An emlemental unit of inspripation itself, id clocked him right on then noggin.
ROSE: And this indivisible notion colliding with hish awareness, much like.. . a high speed partical fired to create a nuculear chain reacation, jarred from the void a more profund unnerstand, HIC, ing of the intrinsic nature of nothiness. Thatis,. Gravivitation.
ROSE: Of course thess stories are acutually bullshit. They didn't happen in realaity. But thef act that they'rare bullshit makes them more inshresting.
ROSE: Men have crefted many stories that are bullshit out of symbols risen from the abyss of coinsciousness withou necesharily knowing whath e fuck they were doing or saying, as they flounered around for some truth.
ROSE: Bust in spite of themseleves they would for howefer briefly cross through a ray of light regarless. Becuss of the sbymbols. Dave.. The symbols hol dall the power.
DAVE: well shit
DAVE: looks like i wandered into a really weird uncharted side of town tonight
DAVE: its called the drunk rose district
DAVE: and i am scared out of my fucking mind
ROSE: For a guay whos's supposedly, an I quote, "so cool,"
ROSE: You relly are almost comically up tight.
ROSE: Here, why don't you have some...
DAVE: no!
ROSE: What a prune.
ROSE: *Prude.
ROSE: Hic.
DAVE: i told you i dont want any of your experimental fucking spacewizard booze
DAVE: id rather not go blind
DAVE: then terezi will have to teach me to lick shit to see
DAVE: is that what you want do you want me licking everything in sight
DAVE: like oh hey mayor SLURP oh fuck youre not the mayor youre my goddamn sister
DAVE: oh my god
DAVE: you laughed way too hard at that it wasnt anywhere close to that funny
DAVE: i think youve had enough
ROSE: *Siiip.*
ROSE: Whaa?
DAVE: good lord
DAVE: i still dont know why you were so bent on making this liquor
DAVE: i thought you werent really that down with the drinkin
DAVE: you never liked it when your mom drank what happened to that
ROSE: Meh. .
ROSE: Sheh was a lonelay single mom.
ROSE: I forgafe her.
DAVE: ok so why
DAVE: why tonight do you just decide to get completely wasted before you
DAVE: like
DAVE: are you nervous about your date with kanaya is that it
ROSE: I's a date??
DAVE: uh
DAVE: yes
ROSE: Howww do yoi figure,
ROSE: It' sa date.
DAVE: rose
DAVE: you are wearing a friggin prom dress
DAVE: and nervously drinking your ass off
DAVE: while you are waiting for kanaya to arrive
DAVE: for a goddamn DATE
ROSE: Can't a girl jush look her best once an awhile?
DAVE: this is infuriating
DAVE: why do you even bother with this stupid charade
DAVE: you could be at like a drive in movie making out with each other
DAVE: all exchanging class rings while giving birth to each others fucking children
DAVE: and you would still be all coy like IS IT A DATE OR ISNT IT HMMMM WHO CAN REALLY SAY FOR SURE???
ROSE: Ok....
ROSE: Mebey,
ROSE: I took a liltle sip totake the edge off?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: that turned out to be one hell of a sip
DAVE: maybe you should just reschedule
ROSE: NoooooHIC!
ROSE: *No :(
DAVE: just sleep it off there are more hot dates where that came from
ROSE: It's cool I'm, cool.
ROSE: Really!
DAVE: im just not sure youre gonna make the best impression like this
DAVE: come on lets just find you a suitably soft pile of objects to sleep in before she
DAVE: aw shit
ROSE: Mmm?
DAVE: shes here
ROSE: !!
KANAYA: Good Evening
ROSE: HIC!!!!!!!
DAVE: omfg i cant even deal
ROSE: Whas is it?
KANAYA: Underdressed For The Occasion
ROSE: No!,
ROSE: You look sho great.
KANAYA: If Id Known You Wanted To Dress In More Elegant Attire I Would Have Happily Uh
ROSE: :)
KANAYA: You Think Im Fine Like This Then Okay
DAVE: (rose i think you started drinking way too early)
DAVE: (i think you just like)
DAVE: (completely fucking forgot to tell kanaya you were dressing up)
ROSE: Yeah, I.. ..Ha ha, wow.
ROSE: Yo'ure prolaby right.
ROSE: I sarted soooo...
ROSE: Sooooooooooo,
ROSE: Whennid I start?
ROSE: What even time isit.
DAVE: (man youre gonna make her so uncomfortable all dolled up like that not to mention three sheets to the fucking wind)
DAVE: (this date is going to be so awkward)
ROSE: (Its'snottaDATE!!)
DAVE: (yeah sure)
KANAYA: Are You Feeling Alright
ROSE: Whay do you ask?
ROSE: Becouse if,
ROSE: You want to kno, I relay fell,
ROSE: Quiiiiiiie fabuloush!
KANAYA: It Seems You May Have Imbibed One Of Your Experimental Human Soporifics
ROSE: HIC!!!!!!!!!!!!
KANAYA: Well Then
KANAYA: I Guess That Would Explain It
ROSE: Esplain what?
KANAYA: The Lethargy You Possibly Experienced When It Came To Completing Our Rendezvous In A Timely Manner
ROSE: Our,
ROSE: Wait..
ROSE: Waat.
KANAYA: I Was Waiting For You In The Common Area For A Couple Hours But You Did Not Show Up
KANAYA: I Came To Find You
ROSE: Ohhhhhh.,
ROSE: Oh mey god.....
ROSE: hic :c
KANAYA: Our Date
KANAYA: You Did Intend For The Plans We Made To Be A Date
KANAYA: Which Is To Say One That Was Romantically Oriented
DAVE: holy shit we got a room full of smooth operators here tonight
DAVE: yes kanaya it was going to be a romantically oriented date
ROSE: I'm so sorry aaaah..!
DAVE: but as you can see rose is hooched to the fucking max
DAVE: so i think youre better off going out another time
ROSE: I said I swas stilt up for it.
ROSE: I aready, HIC, fucked up, by loshing track of time.
ROSE: I'mnot going to blow it again!!
DAVE: ugh
DAVE: you seriously still wanna go through with this
KANAYA: Im Still Amenable To An Evening Of
KANAYA: Whatever
KANAYA: Is There Some Reason Why You Would Advise Otherwise Dave
KANAYA: I Will Have To Plead Ignorance On The Subject Of Human Courtship And Its Customs When It Involves One Or More Intoxicated Participants
KANAYA: Is There A Problem
DAVE: a problem
DAVE: uh
DAVE: i dunno if youre cool with your date slurring words and making no damn sense about apples then
DAVE: i guess not???
DAVE: why are you both looking at me
DAVE: stop that
DAVE: no dont
DAVE: hey i am not your fucking life coach here
DAVE: if you want to go on a drunkdate what do i care
DAVE: man what do i even know about "human courtship" anyway
DAVE: not like i ever dated a fuckin human
DAVE: so i guess have at it
KANAYA: Alright
DAVE: awesome
DAVE: datenite with drunky it is
DAVE: go apeshit i guess
DAVE: uh so
DAVE: what should i do here
DAVE: you want me to pack up my raps and leave you alone or
ROSE: Ohn no, you don't have to do than...
ROSE: We can leaf you tou your slam poems in peace.
ROSE: Kayaya, why don't we go for a walk?
KANAYA: After You
KANAYA: If You Can Actually
KANAYA: Manage To
KANAYA: Whoa There!
KANAYA: Maintain Your Balance
KANAYA: Are You Good
KANAYA: Okay Good
KANAYA: Since Its Now Clear That Your Premeditated Designs On This Evening Exceeded My Own By A Wide Margin
KANAYA: Insofar As You Intended This To Be A Date With Fancy Clothes Whereas I Showed Up Looking Like Something The Lusus Dragged In
KANAYA: Maybe You Can Tell Me Now Exactly What You Had In Mind
KANAYA: As Far As Specific Activities Are Concerned
ROSE: Noupe!
KANAYA: I Mean Nope
KANAYA: Nope What
ROSE: I honessly had not drafted blueprins for the evening.
ROSE: Assine from.,
ROSE: Gettin prettied up, aaand,
ROSE: Actually, you know... being puncutual abou my commiment.
ROSE: Wohoops.
KANAYA: Its Really Okay Though
KANAYA: I Admit I Was Irked For A Moment But Then Realized It Was So Unlike You That Extenuating Circumstances Were Most Likely In Play
KANAYA: So I Went To Find You And Lo And Behold
KANAYA: Extenuation Was What I Found To Be Taking Place
ROSE: Omg.
ROSE: Kangaya,.
ROSE: I 'm.
ROSE: Soooo extenuated righ now.
ROSE: Hic.
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ROSE: Dish you hear something?
KANAYA: No Hear What
ROSE: Hum.
ROSE: Maybe yoush ould turn the lighst on...
KANAYA: That Better
ROSE: Yes.
ROSE: Shhh!
ROSE: ..
ROSE: . .
ROSE: ...
ROSE: .,
ROSE: ,..
KANAYA: (what are we listening for)
ROSE: Erh, nothing I gues.
ROSE: Annyway.
ROSE: I just thouh that,
ROSE: Tonight...
ROSE: We could just walk a round for a while an talk.
ROSE: About relly anything. Like...
ROSE: Our worls, or, the fushure, or,
ROSE: How you'are going to save your speshies. :)
KANAYA: Yes That Sounds Nice
ROSE: Just have a casusal, spoptaneous evening. I don' .. hic, I don't ses why dates have to alayways be,
ROSE: A felderal fucking eschew. Dono't you agree?
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ROSE: !!
ROSE: Kaynaya.
ROSE: Can you kep a secret?
ROSE: I learned somethin earlier today.
ROSE: It was trobuling.
ROSE: Something about,
ROSE: Teresi.
ROSE: Aand,
ROSE: ...
KANAYA: And What
ROSE: And Gamshee.
ROSE: See...
ROSE: I bumped into him earliar.
KANAYA: Where??
ROSE: No no please, pleeasse don't get angry, and. ..
ROSE: Go on another vengeful clown hunting espedition, I...
ROSE: This is the point, this is was troubling me abou this.
ROSE: I don't want anyone to fight!
KANAYA: Actually
KANAYA: Theres No Need To Worry About That
KANAYA: I Think Im Done Trying To Kill Him
ROSE: You are?
KANAYA: He Has Achieved Victory Through The Gambit Of Cowards Default
KANAYA: Dont Get Me Wrong He Is Still Utterly Awful
KANAYA: But Sometimes You Just Have To Let A Thing Go
KANAYA: You Know
ROSE: Yeahhh,
KANAYA: What Were You Saying About Terezi And Gamzee
ROSE: Righ, well apparenly they..
ROSE: Are.
ROSE: An item?
ROSE: Blackways, I mean.
ROSE: The y'are spades dating. In theh shadowns... nobody knows. But me. An now,
ROSE: You.
KANAYA: Are You Serious
ROSE: Yesh!!
ROSE: And it's been troubling me, the more I thing about it.
ROSE: All lot.
ROSE: Because it presends a prickly prolitical sishuation.
ROSE: Terezi's relationship with Karkant is already somewhat tenuous, with their... well from, what I've gathered, about their hishtory.
ROSE: And Dave! His involovment makes in even more complicated, and,
ROSE: I think, with Karkat being moirails to Gamzee, if he finds out Gamzee iss spades with Tetreezi, then...
ROSE: Correct me if I'm wrong but isin't that whole arrangemen getting into territory of social taboob?
ROSE: * Tabob. Escuse me.
KANAYA: That Could Be Very Awkward Yes
ROSE: Right!!
ROSE: I don't no if it's my ser powers or what, but, HIC, I can see it unfolting all too clearly.
ROSE: Karkast finds out about it and flies inno a rage. It ruins hish moirlallegelleninance... I mean his moiraHIC!.. It ruins his diamonds with Gamzee, who thefore becomes less stable.
ROSE: And he villifies Trepezi as well, and who knows how she reacs. Or what happens with Dave for that matter.
ROSE: Would Dave actually be aright wich Terezi dating a psychotic clown on th side, even if its is a releationship centered around only enmity? I kinof doubt it.
ROSE: He could side with Korkat on the matter.. Not even tos peak of where your alignment is on the subjech of Gamzeen.
ROSE: Which is, what I fear. I'm afraid that,
ROSE: This could create a schisasm in our group, that we could all be torn apart.
ROSE: And I don't wand that!!!!!
ROSE: I want us all to stay friends, and jus be... peaceful togehter. :(
KANAYA: I Can See The Dilemma Here
KANAYA: Are You Actually Thinking About
KANAYA: Doing Something About This
ROSE: I dun't know!!!
ROSE: Maybe I shouldn't intrefere with their kishmeshishit... kshimimishimesh.. Aw fuck.
ROSE: Their hate dating.
ROSE: Maybe it's..
ROSE: Just a wonderful thing for them. An I would beh hoorible to inerfere, with their..
ROSE: Beaufiful hate?
ROSE: The problem is, it's still soo alien to me. The idea of blapck romance.
ROSE: I try to understand, sometimes, like, more than inteclectually. I try to, put myself in the shoes of FEELING that an...
ROSE: It still dosn't make sense to me.
ROSE: I don't want to project my human valuesh on to an alien relationship I dispapprove of.
KANAYA: I Understand
KANAYA: But What Youre Describing Is
KANAYA: Actually Im Hesitant To Even Mention It
ROSE: No, what!
KANAYA: This Is Probably Not A Good Idea
ROSE: Oh, puleashe. You KNOW you have to tall me now.
KANAYA: The Feelings You Are Having Are Actually Perfectly Normal Within The Framework Of Our Quadrant Based Romantic Tradition
KANAYA: I Dont Know If They Can Be Felt Naturally By Humans But The Way You Are Viewing Their Relationship Would Be Quite A Standard Response On Alternia
ROSE: Yeah??
KANAYA: It Is Sanctioned Within The Ashen Quadrant
KANAYA: Which Addresses Conciliatory Romantic Feelings Not Directed At A Single Person
KANAYA: But At Two People Who Are Presently In Such A Contentious Relationship
ROSE: Oh shitch... I forgot about that..
ROSE: You're right, :o
KANAYA: It Is Generally Not Regarded As One Of The More Emotionally Fulfilling Quadrants To Become Involved In
KANAYA: And Can Be Quite Laborious To Maintain
KANAYA: But It Served A Very Important Social Purpose For My People
KANAYA: Such As In Situations Very Similar To The One You Described
KANAYA: Where Two Parties Are Highly Drawn To Each Other Through Animosity
KANAYA: They May In Fact Be Perfect For Each Other In That Tumultuous Quadrant
KANAYA: But To Pursue The Relationship Would Be Chaos
KANAYA: Much Like The Scenario You Laid Out The Two Kismeses If Left Unchecked Would Devastate All Their Other Relationships
KANAYA: Those In Their Own Quadrants And Even Those In Other Peoples
KANAYA: So It Is The Job Of An Auspistice To Make Sure That Doesnt Happen
ROSE: Yes...
ROSE: hic.
ROSE: YES.....
KANAYA: Really
ROSE: Absoulutely.
ROSE: I haf never been so shure.. about, anything.
ROSE: Well maybe, almost anaything.. :), but yes.
KANAYA: I Dont Think I Would Advise It
KANAYA: Its Extremely Difficult And Can Often Feel Like A Thankless Undertaking
KANAYA: In Truth It Is Probably The Most Challenging Quadrant To Master
KANAYA: Trust Me
ROSE: I believe you.
ROSE: But I wants to know.
ROSE: Can you teach me?
ROSE: There's so mouch I just don't understand.
ROSE: About your romanse, but,
ROSE: I'm soi curious.
ROSE: I try to understand the concept of either contentatious or plastonic relationships as something that...
ROSE: Can be parshed through the emotions assoliated with romance but,,
ROSE: It still doesn't realay compute to me.
KANAYA: I Really
KANAYA: Dont Know If I Would Be A Good Teacher
KANAYA: Of Auspisticism
KANAYA: I Honestly Was Not Very Good At It Myself
ROSE: Tha's fine..
ROSE: Forget aushpipshit...
ROSE: Auspishtishimish..
ROSE: Good damn.
ROSE: Forget specificulty that right now,.
ROSE: I want...
ROSE: You to teach me evvverrreeything!
KANAYA: Everything
ROSE: Yez.
KANAYA: A Lot Of Things
ROSE: I want you... to,
ROSE: Teash me ALL the quadrans.
ROSE: I want you toot,
ROSE: Tell me about your spabes,
ROSE: Your didamounds,
ROSE: I wank you to,
ROSE: Share wish me yur clumbs...
ROSE: And your hearst.
ROSE: I want..
ROSE: Yuouo....
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bookloversofbath · 3 years
Tragic Encounters: The People's History of Native Americans :: Page Smith
Tragic Encounters: The People’s History of Native Americans :: Page Smith
Tragic Encounters: The People’s History of Native Americans :: Page Smith soon to be presented for sale on the inspired BookLovers of Bath web site! Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2015, Hardback in dust wrapper. Includes: Appendix; From the cover: Page Smith was one of Americas greatest historians. He made his mark with a history of the United States published in eight volumes, each volume carrying…
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joen-strider · 3 years
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(page 5400-5402)
i can finally cuss lets go. also i cant read 
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trepidatious · 5 years
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(   natalia  dyer  &  alexandra daddario   )   bopping  along  to  vanilla twilight  by  owl city  is  vienna schuyler  ,  the  twenty-one  year  old  cisfemale  thrown  back  to  their  sports journalism  days  with  none  of  her  memories  .  voted  most  likely  to  break  into  area  51  ,  vienna  was  known  for  being  passionate  &  bashful  ,  go  figures  you’d  always  find  them  on  the  ice  rink  ,  but  grew  up  to  be  tranquil  &  withdrawn  .   ✎   kaya  ,  22  ,  she/her  ,  pst  . 
mia thermapolis ( princess diaries ) , hyuuga hinata ( naruto ) , casey carlyle ( ice princess ) , amy antsler ( booksmart ) , nadine franklin ( the edge of seventeen )
shrinking violet , grew a spine , adorkable , homeschooled kid , geek , she is all grown up , extreme doormat , the confidant , eyes always averted , nice girl , shy finger twiddling
1 9 8 8 - 2 0 1 0
          born in albany, new york to philip and danielle schuyler, the schuyler twins had been the center of their parents’ world from the moment they took their very first breath. they never had to want for anything and their childhood was often spent in upstate new york, visiting a family cabin during the holidays. it was those winter adventures that inspired vienna to pick up her first pair of skates, wanting to join the teens who’d she see skating across a frozen lake. at first she stumbled through, barely being able to keep herself upright, but by the end of the holidays she had mastered how to glide across the frozen landscape. after that it was only a matter of time before she started begging for lessons which inevitably lead to small competitions and private coaching.
          after developing a familiar routine on and off the ice, her parents getting transferred to bellevue, washington caused the schuyler family to move across the country and a seed of doubt to be placed in vienna’s head. while at first apprehensive that her ice skating career would never get to see the light of day, her nerves were quick to dissipate once she joined a local rink and continued her budding career as a skater. homeschooled so she could have time for her private coaching, vienna never got to socialize with others her age, often sticking to the sidelines and offering shy smiles to her fellow competitors. instead her downtime was spent alone, although sometimes in the company of her twin, as she binged movie franchises from star wars to lord of the rings.
             by the time she was a freshmen in high school, most of her summers were spent in san diego for a weekend, attending comic con whenever the dates didn’t coincide with her skating life. socially inept with no skills other than skating, vienna’s parents made it a point for her to attend a university like them, not believing that their daughter’s skating career would be enough to keep her afloat despite the success of her international junior career. vienna found herself reluctantly agreeing, being too timid to argue and chose to join rvu knowing her old coach from new york had moved down to california.
            a wallflower entering university, attempting to make friends and being in a school setting had felt like a rug being pulled right from under her. in her classes she was hardly acknowledged, only having her presence known whenever she was paired up for a group project. without the private tutor she was used to having her whole life, class settings were often spent with her lost in thought, filling her mind with daydreams of the future and random thoughts about whatever film she had watched the night prior. even when confronted outside of class, she’d often have a soft tone with whoever she was talking to, her eyes cast down as if she was only a few minutes away from stuttering. when you did notice her, it wasn’t uncommon to find a beginning of a blush forming on her face, a nervous smile becoming her default expression whenever interacting with someone.
            stretched thin with her studies and unable to qualify for the 2009 u.s. nationals championship, it was common knowledge within the skating community that vienna would still continue training during the current cycle of competitions instead of participating. skipping most of the major international competitions, she instead put her energy and skills into having a set of polished routines ready for the 2011 circuit. but with her degree being in sports broadcasting, espn had invited her to be a co-commentator for the 2009 world championships held in los angeles. with the conversation being about a topic she knew like the back of her hand, her commentary came fluidly and her usually bashful nature was nowhere to be seen as she observed the performances before her. with that attempt successful, it was no surprise that she was invited to vancouver to once again commentate on the competition.
2 0 1 0 - 2 0 2 0
            graduating from rom valley university in 2010, she became a paid intern at espn, attending different competitions whenever she wasn’t competing in them. the internship only lasted a year, with her putting her broadcast career on pause to focus full-time on the 2014 olympic circuit. the next few years passed by in a breeze with her getting silver at the 2013 u.s. nationals and sixth place in the world championship, earning the united states a third spot in the olympics. during the 2014 u.s. championships, vienna placed first in the short and free programs, winning the national title and securing a spot on the u.s. olympic team. the rest of her career followed similarly, with her once again competing and placing in world’s as well as winning a bronze team medal in the 2018 olympics.
            before the throwback to 2010 happened, vienna had taken another pause in her competitive career, having suffered a stress fracture that put her out of commission. however, as a now internationally decorated medalist, she found herself returning to her broadcast roots, once again commentating at the different competitions and being interviewed on numerous talk shows. throughout her years post-graduation, she had kept in touch with a few people but for the most has kept to herself, preferring her own company over any amount of people. now able to turn on her charisma in situations non-related to skating, she had found herself content with where she was in life, with her days of smiling bashfully at the ground long gone, instead being replaced with confidence.
Q U I C K  F A C T S
unfortunately she’s one of the few who DOES NOT remember anything after 2010
all the self-growth and confidence she developed post-graduation??? long gone and home girl doesn’t even realize it sdfghj
definitely still a bashful mess who is avoiding eye contact whenever possible but hey, she’s definitely approachable and currently lacks the ability to be rude to anyone
doesn’t realize the whole marvel cinematic universe becomes as big and major as it is now so if anyone spoils anything she’d either think they’re an oracle of sorts or a secret writer for the mcu
she’s the biggest nerd and fan girl like i saw a few actors/oscar winners on the taken list and if any of your muses were a part of a marvel, lord of the rings, star wars, etc ( if it was at comic con then consider her a fan tbh ) she would have lost her shit being like “i went to school with this person omg” or “my friend is the scarlet witch!!!”
knows random facts about the stars and outer space and probably used to tweet at nasa a lot
her favorite barbie movie is the rapunzel one solely bc homegirl is staring and singing about the stars sdfghjk
probably asked her acting friends to be an extra in whatever movie they’re in
she says it as a joke but one of those “ get me in the movie. jk.... unless ????”
believes aliens are real and probably talked about it in 2010 and in 2020
like her theories about area 51??? and the government???? she could talk about them for days tbh
avoids drugs like the plague. will not even be anywhere where there’s weed smoke bc she’s scared it’ll pop up on her drug test bc she’s a paranoid dumb lil bean
probably doesn’t really drink that often but when she does it’s tito’s vodka
big nerd who speaks sindarin, can read aurebesh, and can somewhat speak togruta despite the limited amount of words that are known
named after the billy joel song and proud of it
ANYWAYS PLS PLOT WITH ME !!!!! my discord is medieval 4loko gang#5402 but feel free to hmu on here <3
i have a stats page here and wc page here !!!
but also come check out her pinterest board here
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airmanisr · 4 years
East African Railways - EAR 1953 Steam & diesel catalogue
East African Railways - EAR 1953 Steam & diesel catalogue by Historical Railway Images Via Flickr: Page 69 - Class 54 (oil-fired) "Beyer Garratt" type Nr. 5402
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sexpages · 3 years
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wide-worlds-joy · 7 years
Want Gun Control Reform?  Boycott Disney, all of it.
Reading a tweet about the Tourism Industry being hit hard by boycotts until the Florida Legislature passes massive gun control reform gave me an idea...
They have the park there, Universal Studios, hotels, cruise ships, and ALL the Disney outlets in all the malls in the world.
Write to their shareholder group. The one that does liaising with the people who hold the stock in Disney. Write to them and tell them that you will be avoiding their products, including the Marvel and Star Wars stuff, until they pressure the legislatures in the states they have business in (which is literally ALL of them, but especially Florida and California) and those states pass gun reform laws to keep Parkland from happening again. Not just in one state, ALL OF THE STATES.
Here's the information, right off their "contact us" page. https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/contact-us/
Shareholder Services For questions and assistance about shareholder services, please use the contact information below.
Shareholder Inquiries Disney Shareholder Services c/o Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions P.O. Box 1342 Brentwood, NY 11717
Phone:1-855-553-4763 Fax: 1-215-553-5402 Email: [email protected]
Overnight Mail Disney Shareholder Services c/o Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions 1155 Long Island Avenue Brentwood, NY 11717
Window Service 400 North Brand Blvd. Suite 900 Glendale, CA 91203
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
I would not let the fact that you probably don't have Disney Shares stop you. If the people who talk to the people who DO have the shares start seeing a HUGE spike in emails, letters, calls dealing with this, they will have to take notice and report it to their masters, and as it goes up, the stock starts dropping. And tell others why you are doing it as well. Keep sharing and calling and emailing and sharing and more to keep ramping things up. Keep doing this. If we can get Kratom staying legal because of activism and calls, we can get Gun Control passed as well.
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hcrsegirl · 5 years
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╰☆╮MUSE 46 — wait, is that cerise “reese” du pont? is it just me or does the twenty-one year-old look exactly like abigail cowen? last i heard, they still weren’t over being exposed by the sentinel. according to the app, they can be credulous & turbulent, but i’ve also heard they're intrepid & audacious. can’t be too sure, people have a way of surprising you. all i know is that they remind me of vape scented smoke appearing in the middle of lecture , filming viral tik tok’s in public , the brushing down of a horse , forgetting a pencil but remembering to bring the juul to class & drinking homemade moonshine for barbie movie drinking games. honestly, the broadcast communications major should try to keep their head down. after the events of last semester, i wouldn’t want to be in their shoes. ╰☆╮
wow hey hi hello!! i’m kaya and this is my lil crackhead, reese!! this got really long because i never know when to shut up but if you want to plot pls hit me up here on tumblr or on discord at medieval 4loko gang#5402
gigi ( booksmart ) , keanu reeves ( always be my maybe ) , serena van der woodsen ( gossip girl ) , kirby anders ( dynasty )
hard-drinking party girl , cloudcuckoolander , the trickster , upper-class equestrian , fleeting passionate hobbies , naive animal lover , fearless fool , playing with fire , parental neglect , fantasy-forbidding father
born and raised in wilmington, delaware on the du pont family ranch, reese learned how to ride and compete on her family’s thoroughbreds. she’s a seasoned equestrian who typically competed in eventing and throughout the years had accumulated a series of ribbons and trophies between dressage, cross-country, and show jumping. definitely was a horse girl growing up and tbh still is???? definitely not the type to eat grass anymore BUT if given the chance she will not shut up about them.
a veterinarian before marrying into the du pont family, reese’s mother had their ranch doubling as both a home and veterinary clinic where the kids would help with the animals and keep them company. this caused reese to develop a soft spot for them, one that contributed to her going vegetarian at the age of 12 and eventually vegan at 15. it was also this love of animals that led her to wanting to help the environment they lived in and so her parents put her in girl scouts and eventually her love for the outdoors would cause her to join steinhardt’s outing club.
while her mother, eleanor, also helps out with the du pont family business of breeding thoroughbreds as well as run her clinic, her father, pierre, is a chairman of dupont, a conglomerate who got its start in the black powder market before expanding into chemicals for agriculture, materials science, and specialty products.
he was the type to have HIGH expectations for his family, expectations that reese never met. not that she cared to. definitely not a daddy’s girl, she’ll be the first one to call her father out for being a pompous douche straight to his face. probably quoted this to her father during a thanksgiving toast of “what are we thankful for this year”.
the black sheep of her family, even at a young age she could be found stirring up some trouble and almost always dragging one of her siblings or cousins along with her. a rebellious child who didn’t like being put into a box, she lived in a fantasy world of whimsy, often playing make-believe much to her father’s chagrin. she believed in all things fantastical from fairies to mermaids and while pierre tried to stifle those thoughts, they stubbornly remained.
even through her teenage years she’s held onto the firm belief that barbie lore is real. no one knows if she actually believes that or if it’s all of the drugs and her love for the movies getting to her head, but when confronted about it she will always be adamant that it’s a legitimate form of history.
speaking of history, her concept of it is slightly skewed?? def has weird beliefs of what communists are?? like you’re an android user??? suddenly she thinks you’re a communist????
tbh you could probably tell her something about anything and she’ll believe you without a hint of doubt. research?? she dunno her!! you could say the moon is a government con-job and she’d think it’s a fact??? super gullible and it’s a mess
i guess now would be a good time to preface that she’s dumb. stupid. an idiot. the list goes on but when i say she’s lacking brain cells… i mean it. the definition of head empty, she probably has a bunch of rocks where her brain should be sdfgh. but really, she can be innovative when she wants to be but academically she just doesn’t care to do well. in high school she ditched classes more often than not and was probably the kid smoking under the bleachers.
but where she lacks in intelligence she makes up for in brawn??? def the brawn over brains type who was a jock in high school. competed for her school’s equestrian team but also was on the fencing and archery teams. she once begged to be put into archery lessons after seeing the princess diaries 2 and fencing just came along not too soon after. she also used to run track and play soccer but those two sports ended after her senior year of high school although she probably still plays for the steinhardt’s intermurral league as well as any athletic competitions her sorority, tri-zeta ( zeta zeta zeta ) enters.
definitely the jack of all trades type except she’s passable at a whole bunch of things but good at none of them. probably can change a tire but it’ll need to be changed again soon. can bake a cake but it’ll be a little dry. the list goes on. she’s just very curious and picks up a lot of things but gets bored of them easily so she changes to the next thing.
okay i know i said she could bake a cake but she really…can’t. like with supervision she probably could but she’s impulsive and following directions for that many ingredients??? impossible. she just gets tempted to toss everything into a bowl and wing it and she does that every time. she can however make rice krispy treats. especially if they’re suppose to be edibles dfghj. but ya, don’t ask her to cook bc she can. not.
a stoner and overall drug connoisseur, she’s probably most known for being that kid who forgets to bring their backpack to class but don’t worry!! she remembered her juul!! has a collection of juuls on her person at all times. definitely that party girl who shows up hungover to class whenever she did bother to show up.
calls herself an entrepreneur because she used to sell edibles and other drug-related things and definitely was that tweet where she would give discounts if you signed an environmental petition or went to a protest.
has never said no to a dare EVER. you name it and she’ll do it. and if you dare her to drink cow titty milk or eat a piece of meat she’ll do it but it just makes you a dick dfghj
gets bored easily and tends to lash out and do something chaotic because of it?? the type to spontaneously light a couch on fire because she felt like it. a mild pyromaniac who once learned how to make a molotov cocktail. she can’t do it well. at all. but the one time she did try was also the same day she realized what a dumpster fire looked like.
i’m also not saying she’s out here to ruin your life for her own whims but like home girl has ZERO boundaries for anything. if you want to say she was a homewrecker in a past relationship??? honestly full send because it probably was her. morally she’s chaotic neutral and doesn’t care to be good or evil, she just wants to live her life of chaos and whatever happens happens. it should also be noted that she’s selfish. she puts herself first and others second always.
god someone pls try to start a fight with her. she’d either pat you on the head and ignore you OR go feral and just…foam at the mouth and bite you. probably claims to have gingervitis which is where she like…sprays vegan whip cream into her mouth and just… attacks you. for fun.
WOW ALMOST FORGOT but she’s a big larper!!! loves to go to the ones that are historical-esque where she can be an elf ( because she has a collection of elf ear tips dfghjk ) and acts as a knight/ranger by using her ACTUAL fencing, archery, and equestrian skills. she learned sindarin ( elvish ) for this but also she’s a big lord of the rings fan in general so it just worked out. her character’s storyline is her acting as her cousin, taay’s, protector but she has been known to enroll in a few competitions regarding any of her three skills.
currently selling moonshine alongside her roommates of trap zeta ( also known as the residents of the moonshine & roses subplot ) and so if you saw her running around with stolen pressure cookers, that is why !! making your own alcohol is illegal, but selling it??? even worse so they only sell it to trusted customers and anyone vetted by their usual customers. they probably have secret passwords and shit just like the prohibition period.
speaking of trap zeta, with the exception of fraternities on greek row, they throw the biggest parties. their jungle juice??? fire AND strong but also, they keep it in like....these dispensing chugs with a key so the only ones with access to fill them up or trap zeta themselves. they also have a stripper pole ( or two ) around their living room so like...ya get lit, get twisted, go off ig.
let it be known that their sorority, tri-zeta, is actually known for their stellar amount of community service but after the residents of trap zeta moved in together their sophomore year, the rep for partying started to increase and that’s why the home of muse 46-50 is nicknamed trap zeta. reese has probably been sent to standards way too many times and only got in and is still in bc her mother is a very generous alumni of steinhardt’s chapter of tri-zeta. 
a broadcast communications major, she’s a social media intern for steinhardt’s barstool page but most importantly has a whole tik tok account alongside her roommates dedicated to their college antics. think the hype house except it’s not pg-13 dancing and rly just their crackhead, drunk antics. might eventually make a playlist of tik tok’s that are probably posted on their account, we’ll see.
okay so you know the whole exposing of secrets from last semester??? reese doesn’t usually get mad but rn she Big Mad. like not only are they be scrutinized by the dean but their sorority is too and suddenly tensions are high between tri-zeta bc if trap zeta gets caught they all suffer and their chapter will be shut down and it’ll be a whole ass mess. atm she suspects their customers and even their somewhat rivals, the drug dealers of the ludes plot, but does she suspect anyone from the house??? no not rly
you can find her  stats page here and a wc page here
you can also find her pinterest board here
i also have a reese playlist here and a trap zeta playlist here
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Amazing Selling Machine 8 in East Norriton, Pennsylvania
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DAVE: (KICK IT BARACK) DAVE: (heres where obamas rap solo comes in)
i love dave so fucking much.
page: 5402
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beautyfulword · 4 years
Self-Helpless : The Greatest Self-Help Books You'll Never Read
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Condition: Acceptable :     A book with obvious wear. May have some damage to the cover but integrity still intact. The binding may be slightly damaged but integrity is still intact. Possible writing in margins, possible underlining and highlighting of text, but no missing pages or anything that would compromise the legibility or understanding of the text. See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections. See all condition definitions- opens in a new window or tab Seller Notes: “A readable copy. All pages are intact, and the cover is intact. Pages can include considerable notes-in pen or highlighter-but the notes cannot obscure the text. At ThriftBooks, our motto is: Read More, Spend Less.” Format: Paperback Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser Publication Year: 1999 Weight: 0.5 lbs Language: English Product Group: Book Binding: Paperback IsTextBook: No Author: Gary Greenberg; Jonathan Bines ISBN:
Self-Helpless : The Greatest Self-Help Books You'll Never Read About this product Product Information Presents a humorous look at self-help books with titles such as I'm OJ, You're OJ, What Color is Your Parasite?, and When Bad Things Happen to Good Humor People. Product Identifiers Publisher Career Press, Incorporated ISBN-10 1564144119 ISBN-13 9781564144119 eBay Product ID (ePID) 426559 Product Key Features Format Book, Paperback Publication Year 1999 Language English Dimensions Weight 7.7 Oz Width 6in. Height 0.3in. Length 9in. Additional Product Features Dewey Edition 21 Illustrated Yes Dewey Decimal 818/.5402 Copyright Date 1999 Designed by Jeannie Hayden Author Jonathan Bines, Gary Greenberg Number of Pages 160 Pages Lc Classification Number Pn6231.S83b56 1999 Publication Date 1999-03-01 Lccn 99-011636 Price : 5.55 Ends on : View on eBay Read the full article
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fcinetv · 4 years
Mechanic Résurrection (Mechanic: Resurrection)
Mechanic Résurrection (Mechanic: Resurrection) Actors: Jason Statham,Jessica Alba,Tommy Lee Jones Director: Dennis Gansel Country: français,américain Genres: Action Duration: 99
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Beige Bathroom Tile Ideas
Beige Bathroom Tile Ideas
Small Bathroom Tile Ideas from beige bathroom tile ideas
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