#page 4931
pesterloglog · 10 months
Aranea Serket, Jake English, Dirk Strider
Act 6, page 4926-4931
ARANEA: Well, Jake? Don't you have anything to say?
JAKE: ...
ARANEA: I think I've spent enough time introducing myself! You have hardly said a word.
ARANEA: It would 8e nice to know whether my long story has confounded you in any particular way, or if you are just 8eing shy.
JAKE: Uh...
ARANEA: Jake, I understand this is very much to learn all at once, 8ut do you really want me to keep speaking until I am 8lue in the face?
JAKE: ...
JAKE: Gulp!
ARANEA: You appear to 8e perspiring heavily.
ARANEA: There is no reason to 8e so nervous, especially considering you are only dreaming.
JAKE: Shit!
JAKE: Sorry. I dont know where i put the dream towels.
ARANEA: It's ok.
ARANEA: Well, at the risk talking a8out myself a little more, I feel it would 8e dishonest not to confess.
JAKE: What?
ARANEA: I am a fairly gifted psychic.
JAKE: Whoa really?
JAKE: Like you can see the future?
JAKE: Are they ghost powers or troll powers? Or wait shucks thats a dumb sounding question.
ARANEA: No, that was a fine question. They're troll powers. Sometimes those of my 8lood type will have them naturally.
ARANEA: And no, they are not prognosticative a8ilities. They let me access another's mind in a way that can 8e terri8ly invasive if a8used.
JAKE: Invasive?
ARANEA: Yes. Including the a8ility to control minds, when exploited fully.
JAKE: Uh oh.
ARANEA: 8ut don't worry. They don't seem to work the same way on your species. They're considera8ly weaker.
ARANEA: The most I can do is get an empathic impression of your emotional state.
ARANEA: So if I speculate that you are shy or nervous, it is 8ecause I can sense that you are.
JAKE: Aw man youre kidding!
JAKE: So much for trying to be cool i guess.
JAKE: Although i probably blew that when you saw me yelling at nobody about boners and stuff.
ARANEA: I wouldn't say you 8lew it, 8ut that was certainly odd.
ARANEA: Who were you talking to, if you don't mind my asking?
JAKE: That was like...
JAKE: The brain ghost memory splinter of my best friend dirk who is stuck in my head and you cant see.
JAKE: And he was kinda hassling me and trying to get me to talk to him about how his real self has a thing for me but i kind of think it would be weird to talk to his brain impostor about that? At least for now.
JAKE: And then you showed up and you caught me at an awkward moment where he was threatening to make some bodily functions happen in front of you as a joke which would have been embarrassing as all blasted heck.
JAKE: But now it turns out you can read my mind too so im surrounded by brain invaders!
JAKE: You seem cool aranea but uh when am i going to wake up?
ARANEA: I am not a 8rain invader though!
ARANEA: I said I can only sense your emotions. I think it's polite to let people know 8efore long. Otherwise I 8egin to feel a 8it underhanded.
JAKE: Ok. I guess thats not too bad.
JAKE: I think i can keep my feelings buttoned up. That is what strong and adventurous gentlemen do i think. They keep a stiff upper lip even on the inside. That way they are never embarrassed and feel slightly more brave about stuff.
ARANEA: 8ut you don't have to! That was not the point of my telling you.
ARANEA: I'm used to sensing many things from people. There aren't any feelings you could have that would 8e that surprising to me or compromising to you.
ARANEA: I really just want you to relax for the 8rief time we have in this 8u88le and talk to me.
JAKE: Um gotcha.
JAKE: But what should i talk about?
ARANEA: Well, I have spent almost no time examining this iteration of your universe.
ARANEA: The gods have given me very little access to it through the memories of others until now.
ARANEA: I 8elieve they are finally 8eginning to 8ridge the divides 8etween long estranged compartments of reality, allowing previously unintroduced parties to mingle.
ARANEA: Those from different universes, 8oth their initial iterations and their scratched re8oots. Those from different spheres, ones of creative potential and of mortality.
ARANEA: Through us all they attempt to 8ring closure to unsanctioned loops and restore sta8ility to the cosmos.
ARANEA: So I am curious a8out you and your friends. What is your life like?
JAKE: My life?
JAKE: I wish i could say it was more interesting but its actually been a mite lackluster.
JAKE: There are monsters but i try to stay away from them to tell you the truth.
JAKE: Its mostly just me sitting around here watching movies and stuff and sometimes polishing firearms.
JAKE: Guns are sweet. So are movies heh. This is a terrible story.
ARANEA: I understand. The same is mostly true for myself.
ARANEA: I can sense that you are either very impressed or in some way intimidated 8y me, 8ut when it comes down to the 8asics, a description of my life would 8e 8oring as well.
ARANEA: Why don't you show me around?
JAKE: Show you around my room? Yes ok.
JAKE: Well. There are some guns. Like i said guns are great.
JAKE: There is a whole mess of movie posters on the wall. You probably never heard of any of them being a dead alien and such.
ARANEA: Nope. ::::)
JAKE: And...
JAKE: I dont know. Theres a desk which i use to work on silly projects. And thats my bed i guess.
JAKE: Ummmm and...
JAKE: Hmm what else.
DIRK: Dude, just FYI, you've been kind of staring at her.
JAKE: (What? Shh!)
ARANEA: What was that?
JAKE: Nothing!
DIRK: I'm not trying to fuck you up here, I promise. But you gotta watch what you're thinking, remember?
JAKE: (Go away!!)
DIRK: Oh man. No. See that thought you just had? That's exactly what I'm talking about.
DIRK: She's a fucking empath, bro. She can pick up on shit like that.
JAKE: (Shhhhh not listening to you.)
JAKE: Nothing! Its cool. Im...
DIRK: You have got to be kidding. Did you seriously just think something THAT dirty?
DIRK: You must be doing this on purpose to spite me now. I mean, just wow dude. That was x-rated as fuck.
JAKE: (No no stop. See youre talking about it and now i cant help it!)
JAKE: (You are psyching me into having dirty thoughts get fucking lost you interloping brain douche!!!)
DIRK: Don't worry, I'm gone. It's like a goddamn peep show in here and I feel like a sleazy piece of shit watching this from a dark corner of your mind.
DIRK: You have a graphic imagination, English. I'm kind of impressed.
JAKE: (Shut up theyre just thoughts its not even like im trying to have them THEY DONT MEAN ANYTHING!)
ARANEA: Should I leave and come 8ack during another dream?
JAKE: No!!!
ARANEA: Ok then.
ARANEA: What's this? An illustrated story of some sort?
JAKE: Oh hey whoa!
JAKE: Lets not worry about that its nothing really. Here give me that ok?
ARANEA: Why are you getting flustered a8out this literature?
ARANEA: Is it pornographic?
ARANEA: It does not strike me as indecent at a glance. Though may8e our cultures have different standards?
JAKE: Hahaha what? No its not that at all its just...
JAKE: I dunno its just a nerdy comic i read its no big deal.
JAKE: Theres GOT to be other stuff to talk about lets see...
JAKE: Huh?
ARANEA: You know, it's not the first time I've sensed that someone felt a flushed attraction for me.
JAKE: A flushed whatsit!!
JAKE: Oh my flipping gosh...
ARANEA: You really don't have to 8e so em8arrassed. It's perfectly ok.
JAKE: Aaaaargh oh god oh god you sensed my stupid sexy thoughts i KNEW it.
JAKE: God DAMN you bogus brain strider!
JAKE: Someone needs to just kill me. Or at least make me wake up! This is so humiliating i dont even...
JAKE: Can you please just slap me really hard? If not in retribution for my ungentlemanly train of thought then at least to just get me to wake up and save me from my own ceaseless buffoonery.
ARANEA: Actually I do 8elieve it would 8e within the scope of my a8ilities to get you to wake up.
ARANEA: 8ut do you really want me to do that?
JAKE: Um... maybe?
ARANEA: If it is true that you think I am attractive then why wouldn't you want to spend a little more time here with me? What's the harm?
ARANEA: Are you really in such a hurry to leave and feel sorry for yourself, for no explica8le reason?
JAKE: Well...
ARANEA: I already told you, Jake.
ARANEA: I am used to sensing many different types of feelings.
ARANEA: It's given me a different perspective on emotions than most have.
ARANEA: For most, the feelings of others are often a mystery. So they are prone to speculation and paranoia a8out the motivations of people they meet.
ARANEA: The emotions of others can seem like such well guarded mysteries, people 8egin to 8elieve that's how their own emotions should 8e treated as well. So when someone can read their thoughts easily it feels like a violation.
ARANEA: 8ut to one accustomed to reading those thoughts, there isn't the same perception of violation or secrecy. It's more like examining other self evident facts a8out a person, like taking note of their appearance.
ARANEA: It's still hard for non-psychics to understand this though, even if you explain it to them. It can lead to some awkward relationships, unfortunately.
JAKE: I imagine it would.
JAKE: So...
JAKE: Youve sensed it when other fellas have had the hots for you eh?
ARANEA: Fellows, yes. And ladies. It's happened.
JAKE: Yowza!
JAKE: You mustve been popular i guess.
ARANEA: Haha! Oh no. No, not really.
ARANEA: The fact that I've 8een the fleeting o8ject of attraction to a handful really paints the wrong social picture I'm afraid.
JAKE: That is hard to believe.
ARANEA: It's my experience that people very often underestimate their own lika8ility. I sense that feeling all the time.
ARANEA: Pro8a8ly 8ecause they're in the dark a8out others' thoughts. They are usually in dou8t, so they frequently err on the side of pessimism.
ARANEA: In many cases they would 8e surprised if they knew how many around them were open to friendship, or possi8ly something more.
ARANEA: I would venture that if you had such a sense you even might 8e surprised yourself!
JAKE: Ha! Thats a laugh.
JAKE: I am quite sure my only suitor is my best bro and even then he is such a jumbled stupid puzzle of unfathomable ironies im not even sure about THAT half the time.
JAKE: I wish i had your powers that would be top notch. Id be parked on the corner of relationship lane and EASY STREET.
JAKE: I could kick back in my eligible bachelors limousine and never fuck up or ever say anything awkward like i have been doing non stop so far in this dream.
ARANEA: Let's not get carried away. That certainly does not descri8e my experience.
ARANEA: You would think 8eing a8le to sense the occasional attraction from others would 8e advantageous, and inspire confidence in yourself.
ARANEA: And it is nice when that happens, sure.
ARANEA: 8ut then, you feel the negative emotions directed at you as well.
ARANEA: And even if they are less common than the positive ones, you have a way of dwelling on them, and magnifying them far 8eyond their real significance.
ARANEA: It's funny how an a8ility that should give you all the advantages in the world over others can lead you to feel worse a8out yourself than if you never had them.
ARANEA: You put all your energy into thinking a8out people with the 8ad feelings a8out you instead of the good, and you try your 8est to fix things.
ARANEA: 8ut usually it just gets worse. People think you are over8earing and needy, and they don't understand what it is you want from them.
ARANEA: I can see why it can drive some with my a8ilities to a8use the powers.
ARANEA: Fortunately I was a8le to resist the temptation.
JAKE: So there are people on your planet who do that?
ARANEA: On the world I was from, it was rare. Only a few criminals and outcasts would.
ARANEA: 8ut in the second iteration I mentioned, it was commonplace. Like I said, things were very different.
ARANEA: In my world though, the higher castes have a lot of responsi8ilities. It wouldn't 8e right to a8use my powers.
JAKE: So you were in a higher caste because of the hemospectrum thing you mentioned?
ARANEA: Ah, so you were listening to my lengthy pream8le!
JAKE: I heard all of it!
JAKE: I was just um... well go on.
ARANEA: Yes. 8lue 8loods like myself were higher than most.
ARANEA: The jo8 of each 8lood caste was to serve the needs of all those 8elow it.
ARANEA: We were to use our progressively greater longevity and wisdom to help the lower castes learn and grow. To listen to them and try to provide whatever they were missing. Like a hierarchy of caretakers with increasing social responsi8ility. When the order functioned in harmony our civilization would flourish.
JAKE: That is sure a neat sounding science fiction utopia.
JAKE: Wait duh i mean science reality.
JAKE: But then it all went to shit because of that meddlesome demon?
JAKE: The demon you say im supposed to defeat?
JAKE: Hang on.
JAKE: Would that be the same demon im named after?
ARANEA: Who told you that?
JAKE: Uh...
JAKE: I guess technically my own brain did?
ARANEA: That's interesting.
ARANEA: I wasn't planning on mentioning that. Or at least not just yet.
JAKE: Why?
ARANEA: There's no reason to prematurely overcomplicate an already complicated tale.
ARANEA: All facts will fall into place in due time.
JAKE: Yeah.
JAKE: But its true right?
ARANEA: More or less.
JAKE: Can you tell me anything more about this demon?
JAKE: All i know is he might be a skull monster.
JAKE: Wait he is a skull monster right?
ARANEA: He most certainly is a skull monster.
ARANEA: A very 8ig and angry skull monster.
JAKE: Yessss. Ok but...
JAKE: I feel like i should know more about him if im supposed to kill him.
ARANEA: I didn't say you were supposed to kill him.
ARANEA: He cannot 8e killed.
ARANEA: Long ago he discovered the secret to indestructi8ility.
JAKE: Oh...
ARANEA: Defeating a foe doesn't always involve killing.
ARANEA: He has had many incarnations in many universes.
ARANEA: If you continue on your journey for long enough, you may encounter one of them.
ARANEA: And if you have 8ecome strong enough 8y then, you may 8e a8le to defeat him in com8at.
ARANEA: And if that comes to pass, it would 8e the first defeat he has ever known.
ARANEA: You would 8e providing the first glimmer of hope to others that some day, he could 8e destroyed.
JAKE: So... you are saying i could do all this?
JAKE: Or that i will?
ARANEA: For now, I'm saying that we should get going soon, if you would like to meet the others 8efore you wake up.
JAKE: Who?
ARANEA: Is there anything else you wanted to show me 8efore we go?
ARANEA: I didn't mean to get us sidetracked like that.
JAKE: Ummm.
JAKE: Nah just some more boring junk.
JAKE: There are these fanciful branches but i dunno where they came from.
JAKE: I suspect dream sorcery.
ARANEA: They are from someone else's memory.
JAKE: Are they from a wizards memory?
ARANEA: Ha ha. No!
JAKE: Well I guess i could show you around outside.
JAKE: There is a jungle out there full of tremendous beasts.
ARANEA: Not anymore.
JAKE: Son of a BITCH! More fancy branches.
ARANEA: This way!
JAKE: What is this realm of limitless wonder?
DIRK: Realm of limitless wonder?
DIRK: God dammit, Jake.
JAKE: (Sh!)
ARANEA: It was my planet.
JAKE: Its great. Everything is so amazing!
JAKE: Who would have thunk you could have such crackerjack adventures in your dreams that are basically REAL instead of imaginary?
JAKE: Or for that matter...
JAKE: That you could meet such neat people along the way.
DIRK: Your thoughts are wandering again, man.
JAKE: (Sh!)
DIRK: Whoa. Yeah.
DIRK: That gross mushy thought right there.
DIRK: Are you even paying attention?
JAKE: (No sh.)
DIRK: We've already been through this you hopeless rube.
DIRK: You might as well be saying it out loud to her.
DIRK: So why don't you?
JAKE: (Maybe i will wise guy!)
DIRK: I mean, she is pretty hot.
JAKE: (Yeah i know!!)
JAKE: (Now shushhhhhhhh.)
ARANEA: Jake, it wouldn't work 8etween us.
JAKE: Huh?
ARANEA: I'm dead.
JAKE: Yes. Right.
ARANEA: Perhaps if you died too.
ARANEA: Although, may8e not after too long?
ARANEA: I don't know how I would feel a8out that if you were a lot older than me.
DIRK: Man, what the fuck?
ARANEA: Although technically I am already so much "older" than you........
ARANEA: It would just 8e kind of strange if you were physically my senior 8y any significant margin, you know?
DIRK: This is a weird fucking train of thought. Can you tell her that?
JAKE: (No!)
DIRK: I'm going to make you have a seizure and get you to mime the message to her with your spastic gyrations.
DIRK: Pelvic thrusts will be my exclamation points.
JAKE: (Screw you!)
JAKE: (You heard her i totally have a shot hehehe!)
JAKE: *Cough* uh go on.
ARANEA: 8ut I wouldn't want that to happen.
JAKE: What to happen?
ARANEA: For you to die soon.
ARANEA: I want you to succeed at your quest, and to live a long and happy life!
DIRK: Man.
DIRK: I'm gonna come out and say it.
DIRK: This broad is a total snore.
JAKE: Yeah right bro did you hear that at least if i kick the bucket early there will be shall i say a silver lining wink wink nudge nudge.
JAKE: It will take the form of some spooky smooches from a smokin ghostly troll babe so shut your jealous trap!
ARANEA: ::::?
JAKE: Wait.
JAKE: Oh dear.
JAKE: How uh...
JAKE: How loud was i talking just then?
DIRK: You were pretty much yelling.
ARANEA: :::;)
JAKE: Augh!
DIRK: If I were real I would be giving you a standing ovation right now.
DIRK: 5/5 hats.
JAKE: God.
JAKE: Ok just.
JAKE: Pretend to forget that maybe?
DIRK: Not a chance.
JAKE: Not you! Her!!
ARANEA: Her? Who?
JAKE: Sigh.
JAKE: Why dont you just tell me where were going.
ARANEA: I've gathered a small group of travelers for a meeting.
ARANEA: They are 8riefly passing through this 8u88le. I was hoping we could introduce ourselves to one another, and help orient an old friend of mine to the afterlife.
JAKE: Who is your friend?
JAKE: Another troll?
ARANEA: She was supposed to 8e the empress of all trolls, actually.
JAKE: Wow.
JAKE: So she died before she could be the empress i guess?
ARANEA: Not exactly, since she pro8a8ly never would have 8een regardless.
ARANEA: She didn't want the jo8.
JAKE: Why not?
ARANEA: Remem8er how I said each class had a duty to take care of the younger and more populous classes lower on the order?
ARANEA: Well, hers was the highest of all.
ARANEA: She was the only one on the planet with such royal 8lood, aside from the sitting empress.
ARANEA: As the heiress, she was meant for a position of incredi8le responsi8ility.
ARANEA: Once she claimed the throne, she would have to serve for many thousands of years, until the next successor was ready.
JAKE: Thats a hell of a long time.
JAKE: I guess she wasnt into that?
ARANEA: She had some pro8lems with authority.
ARANEA: She despised the whole social order, really.
ARANEA: I foolishly tried to convince her to honor her o8ligation, 8ut she wouldn't listen.
ARANEA: She viewed the empress as a glorified slave.
ARANEA: So she a8dicated, and fled to the moon to hide.
ARANEA: I was the only one who knew of her plans. The rest of the world searched 8ut never found her.
ARANEA: At the time, I was furious with her. 8ut I didn't turn her in.
ARANEA: Which in retrospect was a key decision that led us here.
JAKE: You mean it led to you being dead?
ARANEA: Yes, eventually.
ARANEA: While she was there, she discovered an ancient device.
ARANEA: Inside the device was a game.
ARANEA: She 8ecame o8sessed with playing it, 8ut needed our friends to agree to play first.
ARANEA: She was not well liked 8y the others though. Old grudges and rivalries made it hard to convince them.
ARANEA: 8ut she is very devious, and knows how to trick people into doing what she wants.
ARANEA: She even got me to agree, 8y promising she'd return to her place as the heiress when we finished playing.
ARANEA: Needless to say, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.
JAKE: She sounds like a handful.
ARANEA: She's not all that 8ad though.
ARANEA: Well........
ARANEA: When you really get to know her.
ARANEA: And when she's unarmed.
ARANEA: Which is........ pretty much never, now that I think a8out it.
JAKE: ...
ARANEA: Ok, she pro8a8ly is all that 8ad.
ARANEA: The point is, you have to know how to handle her.
ARANEA: Regal types can 8e very touchy, even the ones who seem to revel in anarchy.
ARANEA: 8ut if you know all the right things to say and do, she will happily hand over the keys to the kingdom, so to speak.
ARANEA: After all, royalty is royalty.
ARANEA: Just let me do the talking for a while, ok?
DIRK: Did you hear that, Jake? Aranea wants to do the talking.
DIRK: I think your dead girlfriend might be starting to come out of her shell.
JAKE: (Heheheh.)
JAKE: (Ok that was kinda funny.)
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hollandorks · 2 years
matt murdock x original female character
chapter eleven
Summary: Fleeing from an abusive relationship, Grace St. James goes to the only place she still has a friend: Hell’s Kitchen. She’s forced to live in her car and beg for a job from the law firm Nelson, Murdock, and Page all the while making sure her past doesn’t catch up to her. Enter Matt Murdock: cocky, handsome, and willing to let her live with him for free until she can afford to get a place of her own. Grace is drawn to Matt in a way she’s never been drawn to anyone, causing sparks to fly as they inevitably grow closer and closer.
a/n: we’re almost to the parts that inspired this entire fic, which is crazy because we’re also like 50k words into it....huh. Thanks as usual for the feedback and love on this self-indulgent fic of mine. 
***NSFW themes/ allusions in this chapter!***
Series Masterlist
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word count: 4931
He needed to find out who owned that building and where they had gone and when they might come back.
And he had to find out what their connection to Grace was.
Grace’s POV 
Grace was embarrassed to admit how long she spent on that rooftop waiting on Daredevil to come back. She was cold and stiff and exhausted by the time she gave up. It was almost two in the morning when she went back into the warmth of the apartment. 
Matt was still gone. Grace frowned at the empty couch. Her thoughts turned, again, to him spending the night with a faceless woman and her stomach turned. 
She somehow fell asleep quickly and easily. For once, she wasn’t plagued by nightmares and she wondered if it was because she had finally taken action–even if that action was to give information to a vigilante. 
She woke up exhausted for work Monday morning. Matt was either still gone or had come and left again without her knowing. 
She hesitated for a moment before she left. Then, against her better judgment, she ran up to the roof to check and see if maybe a note had been left for her. 
But there was nothing. 
Resigned to waiting, Grace headed to work, already two cups of coffee deep in what was inevitably going to be a long day. 
Though she wasn’t late, everyone else had beat her to the office. They were gathered around Matt’s desk, talking softly and drinking coffee, when Grace came in. 
“Good morning,” she called softly, punctuated by a yawn. She dropped her stuff on the desk and immediately went to retrieve a third coffee. 
The other three were still talking in Matt’s office as Grace got settled at her desk and pulled up the schedule for the day. She forwarded each of them important meetings then checked the office’s voicemail for messages that had been left over the weekend. 
Eventually, Karen and Foggy went to their own offices right as the first couple of clients arrived. One was established already, a small domestic case over some broken patio furniture, while the second was a woman who seemed nervous just to be in there. 
“Hi,” Grace said as she approached the woman. She’d taken to greeting clients as she got more comfortable, though she wasn’t sure if it was technically part of her job. “Welcome to Nelson, Murdock, and Page. Do you have an appointment?” 
The woman–tall and overly thin, like she’d missed one too many meals–glanced around with wide brown eyes. There were dark circles under them that were badly covered up with makeup. “Uh. No, I don’t, I’m sorry–” 
“That’s alright, we do take walk-ins.” Grace smiled at the woman. The patio furniture case was being handled by Foggy, who was meeting that client in his office, while Matt and Karen were both working on paperwork. “What can we help you with?” 
The woman shifted uncomfortably, eyes darting back and forth. She seemed to be focusing her attention on Karen, who had looked up from her paperwork and was watching curiously. 
“Can I get you something to drink first?” Grace asked, switching tactics. Something within her stirred in recognition. She had a feeling she knew what the woman was there for. 
“Yes please,” she said in a low voice. 
“Coffee? Water? Tea?” 
“Water, please.” The woman fiddled with the hem of her shirt and shifted from foot to foot. 
Grace motioned for her to take a seat and went to fetch her drink. As she went, she caught Karen’s eye and inclined her head. 
“Ma’am?” Karen said as Grace poured a cup of water. “Come into my office.” 
Grace grabbed her laptop with her free hand. Usually, with new cases, she took notes that she then passed on as they started to build each case. She handed the cup to the woman and gently closed the door to Karen’s office behind her. She angled the last empty chair more into the corner of the room so that Karen and the client were the focus. 
Cup in hand, the woman seemed to relax. “I’m being stalked by an ex. I heard you guys help with things like that, so…” 
“We can definitely help. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on while Miss St. James takes notes. It’s best to get these things down as soon as possible so we can start making our case.” Karen smiled warmly at the woman. 
Grace opened a document on her laptop and waited, fingers poised against the keys. Something seemed to pass between all three women as the client took a deep breath and began her story. 
Her name was Celine Harris. Two years prior, she had left a long term relationship because the man had gotten possessive and controlling, though he’d never physically harmed her. He had been obsessive after their breakup, first starting out needy and pleading before he devolved into angry and threatening. She’d changed her number and moved apartments after repeated threats from him. A year had gone by without incident. Then the threatening letters started to appear. At first she wasn’t sure who they were from, thinking it was a prank, but then the letters started referencing specific things from the relationship. After that, the man started showing up at her job, her local coffee shop, and sometimes outside on her street at night. 
Karen recommended proceeding with an order of protection against the man first and foremost and immediately started the paperwork. 
It was almost lunchtime by the time Celine Harris left. 
Karen and Grace exchanged a look. 
“Wow,” Karen said after a long moment. 
“Yeah,” Grace agreed. The entire time Celine had been talking, something had been twisting in Grace’s gut. She wanted to tell her that she wasn’t alone, that she had been through something similar. That she knew what it was like to be afraid of someone you had once loved. But she didn’t want to admit to anything in front of Karen. Though they were fast becoming friends, Grace didn’t want anything to change in how they viewed her, any of them. She wanted to be just Grace, to be herself without any influence from Dean and what he’d done to her. 
“You were great with her,” Grace said after a long moment had passed. She knew she’d want someone like Karen on her side if she were in the same boat. 
Karen shrugged and shuffled her papers into a folder. “I know what it’s like,” she said. “Not necessarily being stalked, but the…hard life. The fear. I’ll tell you about it sometime.” 
The twisted thing inside Grace twisted harder. “I’d…like that. Sometime.” 
Karen flashed her a smile. 
The rest of the day passed quickly. In the quiet moments between clients and paperwork, Grace tried to see if she could prove who owned the warehouse she’d told Daredevil about. She was certain one of her coworkers would have a way to look into it, but she didn’t want to have to explain to them why she needed the information. 
She left a little early in order to make it to the showing of the first apartment on her list.
The building was in need of some severe renovations, most of the outer lights broken or missing, while the entryway at least was well-lit. Grace shuddered as a rat skittered by and disappeared down the first floor hallway. The place was well within her budget, and she was starting to see why. 
The realtor showed her around the tiny apartment. It was a one bedroom, one bathroom with a kitchenette tinier than the one at the office and a shower stall that would barely fit her small stature, let alone anyone bigger. The small living room was dirty, cigarette smoke staining the walls and ceiling and creating a funk in the air. 
Grace tried to think positively and consider how satisfying it would be to clean the place up. 
“I can have the paperwork brought up,” the realtor was saying, a tall, thin man who smelled just as strongly of cigarettes as the apartment did. “While you go over the rental agreement we’ll run a quick background check, and then I’ll need your information for the security deposit and first and last month’s rent. We’ll also need a list of your previous addresses.” 
Grace blinked. A background check? For this shithole? And previous addresses–she wasn’t sure if they’d check into it, if something might lead Dean to her. 
“I’ll have to think about it,” she said, which was the truth. She would have to convince herself to take it, if it was worth the risk. 
The realtor frowned and stroked his chin. “I can’t promise any holds. If someone else is interested, they get it as soon as they sign the paperwork.” 
“I understand,” Grace said. “Will you call me if it becomes unavailable?” 
The man shrugged noncommittally. 
Grace took one more glance around before excusing herself to the next showing. 
The second apartment building was a good bit farther from work, but in much better shape. It was still a little dirty and outdated, but she didn’t see any evidence of rats, and all of the lights outside and inside seemed to work. The apartment was also on the first floor, which she thought would make moving a lot easier. 
The realtor was a woman this time, and Grace almost laughed as the woman stubbed out a cigarette when she approached the building. She was going to have to get used to the smell, she supposed. 
“Miss St. James?” the woman said. 
They shook hands and entered the apartment. It was slightly bigger than the last one–which was reflected in the price of rent–but still small. Grace liked it immediately, though the windows didn’t open and there were several questionable stains on the floors. But the shower tiles were a brilliant forest green and a couch was included when she moved in and she had enough room to breathe unlike in the last place. 
“It’s great,” she told the realtor as she continued to glance around. She imagined a bookshelf in one corner and a small TV in the other, and a green bedspread and throw pillows to match the bathroom. “I’m definitely interested.” 
“Great. I’ll get the application started. We have to run a background check, of course, and I’ll require a letter from your previous landlord. There’s also a security deposit and first and last month’s rent required.” The woman pulled out a tablet and started rapidly pressing icons. 
Grace’s heart stuttered. “Uh…I didn’t have a previous landlord. My ex-boyfriend owned the home where we lived.” 
“A letter from him will do just fine, as long as we have proof he owned the home included,” the realtor said. 
“That might be…difficult. It was a bad breakup.” Grace swallowed and looked around the apartment one more time. Her dreams of matching bedspreads and throw pillows were quickly dissolving around her. 
“I’m sorry, it’s a requirement.” She shrugged. “Even if you have to go through his lawyer or something.” 
“I…” Grace didn’t know what to say. She needed a place to live. But if Dean found out where she was…she didn’t know if he would do anything, but she didn’t want to risk it. She didn’t want him anywhere near her life anymore. “I’ll have to look at my budget one more time. It’s a little bit outside my range.” She smiled apologetically. 
“I have another showing tomorrow at six. If I haven’t heard from you by then, it’s theirs if they want it.” 
“Okay. I’ll let you know before that, I promise.” 
Grace thanked the realtor and left feeling worse than she had in a while. 
The hope she’d been carefully nurturing was blackening and withering. 
To distract herself, she bought dinner at a nearby food truck and went into a bookstore for a while without buying anything. Both were close to the apartment, which only made her feel worse. Would it be worth it to reach out to Dean? Maybe she could use her mother as a go-between. 
Finally, she dragged herself back to Matt’s. 
He was sitting at the kitchen table, laptop and papers spread around him, when she got back. His shirt was partially unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up, hair mussed like he’d been running his fingers through it. Her eyes automatically strayed to the skin of his throat. 
“How was apartment hunting?” he asked, somehow knowing it was her before she spoke. 
Grace groaned and went to the fridge for a water. When she turned, Matt was smiling a little. 
“That good, huh?” He shuffled some papers back into a folder and took out the earbud that dictated documents to him. 
She opened her mouth to try and explain how the blossoming hope had turned to ash in her mouth. But all that came out was, “I don’t think I’ll get either of the apartments I looked at, no.” 
Matt shrugged, the perfect picture of ease as he leaned back with his legs spread and one elbow hooked on the back of the chair. “You know you can stay here as long as you like,” he said softly. “It might be better for you, anyways. That way you can save more and get something nice.” 
She made a face somewhere between a wince and a grimace. “I don’t want to overstay my welcome is all.” And then there was the complication of every place requiring her to either outright contact Dean or have him contacted on her behalf. 
Matt straightened, face utterly serious. “You won’t. I mean it. Stay as long as you like.” 
There was almost a growl to his words. The sound of it sent Grace’s pulse tripping over itself. 
She sighed and mentally shook herself. “Thank you. I–”
“You don’t have to thank me,” Matt said with a wave of dismissal. “Really.” 
“But I will anyway.” 
Grace took a long, extra hot shower to try and drown her frustration. Dean was ruining her life even when he wasn’t in it, and she was just so tired of it. 
She later laid in bed for a long time without sleeping, watching the lights from the sign across the street shift from blue to purple to red and back again. Maybe it had been the deep, commanding tone of Matt’s voice or maybe it had been his muscled forearms or even her general frustration, but Grace couldn’t stop picturing herself standing between Matt’s legs while he sat spread out at the table. She pictured the way his head would tilt up to her, the way his hands would rest on her hips. 
And maybe that was why, when she finally fell into a restless sleep, she dreamed that the mattress was dipping behind her with Matt’s weight. 
His breath was hot against the back of her neck. One of his callused hands slid up the outside of her thigh and over the curve of her hip. Her breath caught as she arched into him, eyes closed tight against the world around her. There was only the silkiness of the sheets and the heat of Matt as his body pressed into hers. 
The hand on her hip slid forward and pressed against her stomach before inching upwards. His fingers brushed against the bottom of her breast and the touch sent electricity over her skin. 
“Grace,” he murmured into her hair. His lips brushed against her neck then sucked gently. She could feel how hard he was against her ass and she pressed into him to make him moan. She wanted him to make her come undone and to make him come undone in return. 
“Matt,” she moaned as he palmed her breast. She realized she was naked, that he was naked too, and her entire body filled with a slow, burning heat. His hand traced lazy circles on her abdomen and up over her breast and down again, teasing her, setting her skin on fire. His other hand fisted in the hair at the back of her neck and tilted her head back so he could kiss her jaw. 
“Matt, please,” she said, her body on fire with need as his hands continued to tease her. 
She felt him nudge against her, pressing her open, sliding into the wetness between her thighs. 
And then she jolted awake. 
Her alarm was going off. Grace groaned and smacked her phone to turn it off. 
She could still feel the phantom heat of Matt behind her, touching her, kissing her neck and jaw. She felt the ghost of his hands tracing her abdomen and her breasts, lighting her on fire from the inside out. 
She had never wanted a dream to be real so badly before–she had never even had a dream as intense as that before. 
She bit her lip, hard, to try and refocus the heat that was still all over her body, but then her mind helpfully supplied an image of Matt doing the same thing for her. She groaned and rolled to press her face into her pillow. Every part of her ached with emptiness. She had been able to hide her want from herself for so long but this–this had broken that wall down so thoroughly it was nothing but dust. 
She heard the telltale creak of the shower shutting off. 
She wanted to shower so she could take care of some of the flames lingering in her body and low in her belly, but she’d already showered the night before and knew it’d look weird. 
She tasted blood and started. She hadn’t stopped biting her lip. 
Fuck, she thought, because she really didn’t have any options. Especially with Matt in the very next room, getting ready for work like she hadn’t just had the most intense sex dream of her life with him as the star. 
And to make matters worse, Matt stepped into the bedroom in his slacks with his shirt unbuttoned. 
“Sorry,” he said so softly she almost didn’t hear him over the roaring in her ears. “Forgot my belt.” 
Grace stopped breathing. She screwed her eyes shut and focused on settling her thoughts and her body along with them. The flash of hard muscle had been enough to send her spiraling right back to the dream, her hands itching to see if the muscle was as toned as it looked. 
It was going to be a very, very long day. 
Matt’s POV
Matt was in agony. 
With his senses like they were, he tried very hard to give the people around him the privacy they deserved. He tried to tune them out, to let other noises wash away the tells of their bodies, but sometimes it didn’t always work like he wanted. 
It was one such morning. 
He’d been roused from sleep by his name, of all things. 
Jerking upright, heart pounding with a surge of adrenaline, he paused and listened. 
It was early but quickly approaching the time to get ready for work, the city slowly but surely waking up outside. He could hear the steady increase in traffic and noise and the lack of the buzzing streetlights, which meant the sun was rising if not risen. 
And there, halfway between a whisper and a moan, his name. 
She had said his name in her sleep. 
Matt’s heart stuttered a quick beat in his chest. 
Every single one of his senses focused on the bedroom without him willing them to. He was glad he was sitting, because what he found would have knocked him over. 
Grace was aroused. It was so heavy in the air that Matt forced himself to hold his breath. It was a heady scent, so utterly hers that his body responded immediately. She was writhing in the sheets, murmuring his name, and smelling like that. 
Matt pressed his hands over his ears as if it would stop the noises. 
He muttered a curse to himself even as his body hopelessly reacted. 
She was asleep, definitely still asleep, her heart still steady and relatively slow despite the way she was twisting herself in the sheets. In his sheets. His sheets that smelled like her all the time, that put his own scent on her skin, marking her as his even when she wasn’t. 
It was becoming harder and harder to tune Grace out in his daily life, which meant every one of his working senses was turned towards her even as he willed himself away. 
He stood and paced, hoping she would wake soon to get ready for work. 
Then she moaned his name again. 
A fire raged beneath his skin and consumed him alive. 
Matt half-stumbled to the bathroom. He turned the shower on and left it ice cold. Maybe between the shock to his system and the noise of the water he could….forget this was happening. If not, then he’d be clean, and he could run as quickly as possible to work and calm down there, away from Grace. 
Another wave of her scent hit him as he undressed. He had to lean his forehead against the shower tiles for a full minute before he gave in and took matters into his own hands. 
By the time he was finished, Grace’s alarm was blaring. Matt dried off and did his best to continue ignoring her as best as he could. 
He’d taken to leaving his work clothes in the bathroom so he could change, since he usually woke earlier than her. He didn’t want to wake her up by digging in his dresser or wardrobe. 
Matt muttered another curse when he realized he’d forgotten his belt.
It sounded like Grace may have dozed off again, her heart slow and steady, her body still. 
Just as he stepped into the room he scented blood. He frowned and then decided he didn’t want to know. Grace shifted almost imperceptibly. Awake, then. He wanted to curse again but resolved instead to simply hurry. 
“Sorry,” he said quietly in case she wasn’t fully awake. “Forgot my belt.” 
He’d forgotten to button his shirt, too. His entire mind was twisted in knots over her. He had to check the label on his belts twice to make sure he grabbed the black one and not the brown one. He couldn’t think with her so close.��
Grace was holding so still he wasn’t sure she was breathing. 
Matt focused every ounce of his attention on getting his belt and leaving as quickly as possible. He held his breath, afraid to scent or, God forbid, taste any lingering hints of her arousal in the air. 
He hated that he knew she had dreamt about something like that, that she had said his name in her sleep, that she might be as twisted into knots inside as he was. 
Matt practically ran out of the apartment once he was dressed. Forget coffee, forget breakfast, forget everything. He needed out. He barely remembered his cane and his glasses before he darted outside. 
The fresh air–as fresh as it could get in Hell’s Kitchen, that is–tasted of winter and car exhaust and sweat and asphalt. 
It was infinitely better than the air in his apartment, saturated with Grace. 
Matt groaned and took a second to gather himself as he leaned against the cold bricks of the building. 
How could he ever talk to her again, knowing what he knew? It was such a huge invasion of privacy and he hadn’t even meant to do it. And yet he had done it. And then he’d disrespected her farther by–Well, he’d had to do something, though already it was as if he'd never spent those extra few minutes in the shower. 
Matt mentally shook himself and walked the rest the way to work. He made himself breathe as if he were meditating, focusing only on swinging his cane and not running into anything. He centered himself as he walked and emptied all extra thoughts from his mind. 
By the time he was sitting at his desk with coffee in hand, it was better.  
Karen arrived first, yawning a greeting to him as she went to start some paperwork. They were gearing up to finish their first big case as a trio with the client Marci had sent their way. The trial was coming up and they were all working extra on top of their normal caseloads. 
Matt focused on his own work, sinking into it gratefully, his mind finally clearing the rest of the way. He was even able to act normal around Grace when she arrived, telling her something vague about getting a headstart on work, backed up by Karen’s presence and the mountains of paper on every desk in the office. 
Things went downhill very, very quickly. 
Grace settled at her desk and yawned. Then she shuddered a little. Matt forced his mind away from her and back to the papers he was reading. 
It hit him like a tidal wave. The scent of her arousal was so strong out of nowhere that he had to thunk his head down on his desk. 
“Jesus Christ,” he muttered, because that was about the only thing that would come out of his mouth that wasn’t a string of expletives. 
What on earth had she dreamt about? 
Matt cursed his abilities from top to bottom. He wished, just for a day, to be normal. If it had been anyone else–when it was anyone else–it was so easy to tune out he didn’t have to concentrate. 
But with Grace, it was like she was right next to him, whispering in his ear how turned on she was. And no matter how hard he tried to concentrate on literally anything else, he couldn’t stop focusing on her. 
It was bad enough that he had a crush on her. Now lust was added into the mix because he couldn’t stop invading her privacy and noticing that she’d had a sex dream. A sex dream where she’d said her name, where she kept getting aroused even at work. 
Matt thunked his head against the desk twice for good measure, but nothing worked. The thoughts of all the possible things Grace could have dreamt about chased each other around his mind over and over. 
“That kind of morning already, huh?” Foggy asked cheerfully. 
Matt jerked upright. He hadn’t heard Foggy come in, let alone stop in his doorway.
“Did you just–” Foggy laughed incredulously. “Did I just startle you, Matt?” 
Matt waved his friend away, frustrated in more ways than one. “I’m just tired, Fog.” 
Foggy made a noise like he didn’t believe it. It didn’t help that Matt’s voice was unsteady and he was probably red in the face, too. The good thing was, Foggy’s appearance tempered the smell. He’d never been so glad to smell his friend’s deodorant and cologne in his entire life. 
The rest of the day didn’t go much better. It was impossible to avoid Grace in the small office. And, the final nail in his coffin, every time he passed by her desk or even talked to her it apparently triggered her memories of whatever dream she’d had, and the scent of her arousal hit him on the head like a brick each time. He spent most of the day dazed and achingly uncomfortable. 
He needed to hit something. It wasn’t Grace’s fault that she’d had a sex dream. Even if it was a dream Matt would give the rest of his working senses to hear about. It was his fault that he kept tuning into her and not giving her the privacy she deserved. She couldn’t help it–it was a natural bodily reaction and there was nothing she could do about it. No one had control over their dreams or how their bodies reacted to them. 
Matt told her to go home without him because he had paperwork to do, which wasn’t even a lie. 
Once she was gone, he could focus again. 
He muttered another curse as he buried his head in his hands and tried to breathe around her lingering scent before he got back to work. 
“What has gotten into you?” Foggy demanded the moment Grace was gone. Matt had heard him coming this time, though. Karen had left with Grace. He could hear them talking and laughing softly on their way out of the building. 
“Nothing,” Matt said with a shrug. “It’s just been a long day.” 
“Are you–did you get a concussion or something?” 
“Why?” Matt asked, immediately suspicious of the line of questioning. 
“You’re acting kind of like you do when your super senses get shorted out.” He heard the rustle of Foggy’s shrug. 
“I guess you could say that, yeah.” Because he did feel like he’d been hit on the head repeatedly. But worse, because a concussion didn’t leave him feeling like a horny teenager all day.
“Sucks, dude.” 
“Tell me about it.” 
Matt could have admitted, then and there, that he had a crush on Grace. That he’d felt utter relief when she said the apartments she’d visited weren’t going to work out. That he didn’t want her to move out, ever. That she was slowly driving him crazy and he wanted to beg her to tell him about her dream to put him out of his misery. 
But instead he sank back into his paperwork and worked until it was well after dark. 
And then he went home to grab his duffel bag with the suit in it. He needed to hit something, to ease the tension lingering in each and every one of his muscles, to distract himself until he was exhausted so he could fall right to sleep.  
It had been a long, long day.
Next Chapter
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I’m at the bit where Brain Ghost Dirk gets introduced, and, *winces sympathetically in Alter In A DID System*
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autumnblogs · 4 years
Day 40: Jailbreak
https://homestuck.com/story/4907 I have probably already said this in these exact words before, but as we’ve entered the second half of Homestuck, the nature of the narration has gradually changed from the first half of the comic where it’s almost always representative of a character’s inner monologue. Once Homestuck called attention to the fact that it had an author, who is represented as a character who occupies the fiction he is writing, the fact that an external entity was dictating characters’ thoughts to them became unavoidable - so the narrator calls attention to himself as much as possible now.
As Vriska pointed out just after Andrew was killed by Lord English, someone is fucking with them, and that someone is Andrew Hussie himself. Which is to say, since we, the audience, are in fact characters through the transitive property of You-ness, the people Andrew is really fucking with are, in fact, us. There’s no substance to Jailbreak, just like there’s often no real substance to the spectacle of Sburb in terms of what Homestuck actually has to say.
Nevertheless, I feel like pages like this blur the lines between places where the narration is just the author addressing the characters and audience directly, and places where a character’s own internal monologues are being in some way represented.
Remember, we just established that Jake is intuitively aware of loads of stuff that he shouldn’t technically be aware of - it’s entirely probable that he is, to some extent, subconsciously aware of all of the things that the narrator has just written.
Intrusive thoughts remain a consistent theme from the very beginning to the very end of Homestuck. While on the one hand, Brain Ghost Dirk does represent Jake English’s thoughts about and interpretation of Dirk, they also represent the voice of Dirk in Jake’s head, saying Dirk things, noticing things Dirk would notice.
If you’ve had a parent who is particularly effective at guilt tripping you, you know exactly what it’s like having a third party voice in your head spontaneously giving you advice that you know they would give you.
I get the feeling that Aranea’s self-impression here also gives some insight into Vriska’s behavior. Vriska is exactly the sort of person who focuses her attention on the negative emotions of the people around them, and feels like she has to do something to fix it.
It’s almost the first thing we see her trying to do - we’re introduced to a Vriska who has already done some bad things, and is at least platitudinously interested in “making it up” to the people that she has harmed, often irreparably.
She performs what she views as being important to her redemption, but it’s so empty and she’s so self-absorbed that all it does is further alienate the haters.
Aranea does give some insight into the Condesce as a character, enigmatic as she is - a mixed bag of sentiment and cruelty who can be cajoled by people who know how to sweet talk her.
It should be clear just how insidious Aranea really is since, as far as we know, the only other character who can provoke the Condesce to behave herself is Diamonds Droog.
More Lord of the Rings references, just to make sure you know.
We’ll stop here for the night, since nobody can escape the Miles, and our heroes are therefore obviously doomed.
Cam signing off, Alive, and kind of exhausted.
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thejim07 · 5 years
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The Lansdowne Herakles
Hi everyone!
The Lansdowne Herakles very likely was inspired by a lost Greek statue, probably from the school of Polykleitos from the 300s B.C. Found in 1790 near the ruins of the villa of the Roman emperor Hadrian at Tivoli outside Rome, this statue was one of numerous copies of Greek sculpture commissioned by Hadrian, who loved Greek culture. One of J. Paul Getty's most prized acquisitions, the statue gets its name from Lord Lansdowne, who once owned the Herakles and displayed it in his home in London. Areas of restoration include the statue's lower left leg and parts of both arms.
I made this statue from a free 3D model I found on the Internet. I reduced significantly the number of faces (4 000 000 to 9 860), built an UV map, normal map and textures.
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The statue can be placed on large slots so you can place it on pedestals. Happy Simming ! Jim Polygon Counts: Object: High/Medium/Low Statue: 9863/4931/2466 Additional Credits: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-the-lansdowne-hercules-105794 Blender, TSRW, S4S 
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alolascans · 5 years
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hi there we do have them all at mangadex if you like to read them online but if your looking for DL im afraid we dont have all of them yet atm but here is our page to mangadex---> https://mangadex.org/group/4931/alola-scans
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travelgraphics · 5 years
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actifithealth · 2 years
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ildalil · 3 years
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techsciresearch · 4 years
APAC Oral Care Market to Witness Rapid Growth over the Coming Years
Rising disposable income and growing concern towards dental hygiene are some key factors supporting the growth of Asia Pacific oral care market
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According to TechSci Research report, “Asia Pacific Oral Care Market By Product (Toothpaste Toothbrush, Mouth Wash, Dental Accessories/Ancillaries), By Distribution Channel (Hypermarkets/Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Retail Pharmacies, Dental Dispensaries, Online), By Country, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025”, the market is expected to witness rapid growth during he forecast period due to growing concern and awareness towards dental hygiene. Rising prevalence of dental caries, periodontal and other dental diseases, especially among aging population are key factors fueling the growth of this market. Furthermore, changing lifestyle and growing trend of fast foods is leading to severe dental issues, which is creating the need for oral care products meeting targeted solution. Developing countries like India, China and Malaysia are witnessing rise in consumer base with high disposable incomes, which is acting as a major driver for oral care market growth.
Moreover, increasing expenditure on healthcare and governments’ focus on creating dental hygiene awareness, especially in rural areas are giving boost to the oral care market growth. Various awareness campaigns and programs being held by government and health organizations to educate people about the importance of dental hygiene is providing a major support to oral care market. Improving living standard has triggered the demand for expensive oral care products in the region. Manufacturers are also launching innovative oral care products with the help of latest technologies. Introduction of products such as electric toothbrushes and dental floss are gaining traction in the Asia Pacific market. Recent market trend is witnessing growing inclination of consumers towards personal grooming and teeth whitening, which is expected to provide huge growth opportunity for oral care product manufacturers.
However, Asia Pacific oral care market is also witnessing some restraints. Lack of awareness in rural areas about oral hygiene and high cost of some specific products is expected to limit the growth of this market.
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The Asia Pacific oral care market is segmented based on product, distribution channel and region. Based on product, the market is categorized into toothpaste, toothbrush, mouth wash and dental accessories/ancillaries. Here, the toothpaste segment accounted for largest market share until 2019. However, owing to growing awareness about convenient and effective attributes of mouth washes and recommendations from dentists, the segment is expected to undergo fastest growth through 2025.
Based on distribution channel, Asia Pacific oral care market is segmented into hypermarkets/supermarkets, convenience stores, retail pharmacies, dental dispensaries and online. Among them, convenience stores registered fastest growth until 2019. However, with booming e-commerce industry in the region, online segment is anticipated to witness high growth during the forecast period.
Major players operating in the Asia Pacific oral care market include Colgate-Palmolive (Asia) Pte. Ltd., Unilever PLC, Dabur India Limited, The Procter and Gamble Company, Amway Corp, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Ltd, Johnson & Johnson Private Limited, Patanjali Ayurved Ltd, The Himalaya Drug Company and Vicco Laboratories. The companies are investing on strong distribution channel to increase their market reach. They are also engaging in partnerships to enhance their product portfolios.
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“There is an increasing demand for herbal and ayurvedic oral care products in countries like India. With this rising trend, several international manufacturers including Amway are launching oral care products containing natural ingredients. The increasing population in Asia Pacific is expected to provide lucrative opportunity for manufacturers. Increasing number of dental dispensaries and dental clinics in the region are also creating demand for oral care products,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Asia Pacific Oral Care Market By Product (Toothpaste Toothbrush, Mouth Wash, Dental Accessories/Ancillaries, By Distribution Channel (Hypermarkets/Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Retail Pharmacies, Dental Dispensaries, Online), By Country, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025” has evaluated the future growth potential of Asia Pacific oral care market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges and opportunities in Asia Pacific oral care market.
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sabalevaishali · 5 years
Human Cytomegalovirus Envelope Glycoprotein B Market Global Trends, Market Share, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities, and Market Forecast 2020 to 2027
Human Cytomegalovirus Envelope Glycoprotein B Market is estimated to value over USD xx billion by 2027 end and register a CAGR of xx% from the forecast period 2020-2027.
The report initiates from the outline of business surroundings and explains the commercial summary of chain structure. Moreover, it analyses forecast By Product, By Application, By Region and Human Cytomegalovirus Envelope Glycoprotein B Market growth.
Additionally, this report illustrates the corporate profiles and situation of competitive landscape amongst numerous associated corporations including the analysis of market evaluation and options associated with the worth chain. This report provides valuable insights on the general market profit through a profit graph, an in depth SWOT analysis of the market trends alongside the regional proliferation of this business vertical.
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Market Segmentation:
This Market is divided By Product, By Application and By Region.
Regionally, the worldwide Human Cytomegalovirus Envelope Glycoprotein B Market is fragmented as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and also the rest of the world.
 Key Market Players:
Major market players enclosed within this market are Astellas Pharma Inc., Trellis Bioscience, Inc., Vakzine Projekt Management GmbH, VBI Vaccine Inc, Vical Incorporated.
(Note: The list of the key players are going to be updated with the most recent market scenario and trends)
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 FutureWise Key Takeaways:
•        Growth prospects
•        SWOT analysis
•        Key trends
•        Key data-points touching market growth
 Competitive Landscape:
•        Tier 1 players- well-established companies in the market accounting a major market share  
•        Tier 2 players 
•        Rapidly growing players
•        New Entrants
 Objectives of the Study:
•        To offer with an complete analysis on the Human Cytomegalovirus Envelope Glycoprotein B Market By Product, By Application and By Region
•        To cater comprehensive data on factors impacting market growth (drivers, restraints, opportunities, and industry-specific restraints)
•        To measure and forecast micro-markets and also the overall market
•        To predict the market size, in key regions — North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and rest of the world
•        To record and evaluate the competitive landscape mapping - product launches, technological advancements, mergers and expansions
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