#page 3906
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John Egbert, Vriska Serket
Act 5, page 3905-3919
GT: so.
GT: it seems that you are, in fact, an alien. with horns and everything.
GT: huh.
AG: Yes, John. Horns and all. That totally proves I am an alien 8eyond a shadow of a dou8t!
AG: Now what do you make of these 8lank white eyes of mine? What do you think THAT could mean, hmmmmmmmm?
GT: i don't know. aliens usually have big spooky eyes, don't they?
AG: Humans have literally the dum8est extraterrestrial lore. Weren't those supposed to 8e aliens on one of your posters?
GT: haha, you mean mac and me? yeah, even i can admit that movie was indefensible.
AG: Well if you want to know, normally, we have 8right orange eyes, with gray irises. They fill in with our 8lood pigment as we get older.
AG: Also, normally I have this one goofy eye with seven pupils 8ecause I'm kind of a weirdo. 8ut I guess that's gone now that I'm dead.
AG: Not that you 8elieve me, 8ecause you just refuse to remem8er anything.
GT: i can accept that you are an alien, but come on. meeting an alien who is also a GHOST in my front yard is a bit much to believe.
GT: it is almost too awesome.
AG: So you don't remem8er anything a8out the game at all, then? The destruction of your planet? 8ringing your ancestor 8ack to life as a clown woman?
AG: Putting a huge flaming ocean out with your magical wind? Jack Noir? Dying, resurrecting, and possi8ly dying again? Is any of this tickling your sponge?
GT: hmm...
GT: nope. sounds cool though.
AG: Fuck, I cannot 8elieeeeeeeeve how cold it is on this planet. How can any species possi8ly 8e a8le to survive somewhere like this?
GT: yeah, i thought you looked pretty cold out here.
GT: so i brought you this jacket.
AG: Oh.
AG: Ok.
GT: hey, your clothes switched suddenly.
GT: was that some kind of alien wardrobe warpifying technology?
GT: such as a warpdrobe, if you will?
AG: Sure, John. Let's just say that's what it was.
GT: you look pretty cool in more normal clothes. not that your space boots and pixie outfit weren't neat.
AG: Thanks.
AG: So, is this how humans 8egin an earth d8?
AG: With simple acts of flattery and kindness?
GT: um, i don't know about that, really.
GT: it just seemed like the nice thing to do.
GT: is...
GT: is this a date?
AG: No. I've decided this definitely will not 8e a d8.
AG: Not until you remem8er something, at least.
GT: ok, that's probably for the best.
GT: i would probably be pretty nervous on a date with a normal girl, let alone on a...
GT: heheheheheheh.
AG: Now that you mention it, me too, pro8a8ly. Your goofy awkwardness is a 8it contagious, frankly.
AG: So now what do we do?
GT: well...
GT: since i am presuming you are new to the planet...
GT: i could show you around the place.
GT: this is my green slime ghost pogo ride, in all its glory.
GT: in my childhood, it was hours of fun, and hundreds of painful injuries.
AG: Hey........
AG: This thing isn't slimy at all! What the hell.
GT: nope.
AG: I've noticed humans don't seem to keep any slime around the hive. And yet you are strangely cavalier a8out your open display of certain........ receptacles.
AG: What's the deal with that? Is it that you're just that ashamed of your secretions as a species?
GT: um.
GT: not... really?
GT: humans just don't really have much use for slime, i guess.
GT: honestly, i can't think of a single practical use for slime, other than to be gross!
AG: So 8izarre.
GT: anyway, this thing is kind of a death trap, and i haven't ridden it for years.
GT: i think my dad had it installed as one of his ridiculous ways of making a man out of me.
AG: Sure.
AG: My custodian had her ways of making me tougher too.
GT: yeah.
GT: parents, right? haha.
GT: anyway, that's my back yard. pretty damn boring, sorry.
GT: i would show you inside, but i don't think my dad would take too kindly to bringing an alien inside.
GT: or, just yet. i would need to brace him for it.
AG: That's fine.
AG: What else can you show me?
GT: i could show you around my neighborhood, if you want.
AG: Sounds gr8.
GT: these are my neighbors, who live in a lot of same looking houses as mine.
GT: i never see them. i think they're all really busy people with a lot of serious business to attend to.
GT: hey, look.
GT: the snow is melted over here.
GT: it's really warm suddenly. weird.
AG: Does your planet usually have these kind of temper8ture swings?
GT: no, this is pretty unusual december weather.
GT: guess i'll take my coat off.
GT: i can take yours back, if you want.
AG: No thanks. I think I'll keep it on.
GT: there is not really much to see in this town...
GT: but there are these lakes.
GT: this lake here did not used to be a lake. a long time ago, before i was born, there was a factory here.
GT: my dad says there was a huge explosion. he was walking by with my nanna when he saw it.
GT: then a little later, my nanna died. my dad never told me how, except that it involved a big joke book.
GT: i never knew her, which is too bad. she sounded nice.
AG: I know what happened.
AG: I saw it.
GT: you did?
AG: Yes.
AG: Do you want to know?
AG: It might jostle your memory.
GT: ok!
AG: I 8elieve this lake is where Jade landed. You landed a little ways over there, a8out where your hive is now. You clo88ered your nanna to death with the aforementioned joke 8ook. 8ut it wasn't your fault. You were 8oth just little wigglers, riding meteors from the future.
AG: You cre8ted yourself, your nanna, Jade, her grandpa, not to mention Dave and Rose and their guardians, all in a la8 using paradox slime, and sent them 8ack in time as the silly gru8s with arms and legs you call 8a8ies. And here you were dou8ting the usefulness of slime!
GT: wow, really?
AG: Yes, a8solutely.
AG: I paid close attention to all this, 8ecause I thought it might give me some clues a8out us and our ancestors, who were made the same way.
AG: Any of this familiar?
GT: hmm.
GT: that all sounds incredible if true, but i don't have even the foggiest memory of that happening!
AG: Yeah. I figured as much.
AG: Since you seem 8ent on staying in your dream 8u88le coma, why don't I continue the tour?
GT: the tour... of earth?
AG: Sort of.
GT: what's happening?
AG: We are going on an adventure.
GT: where?
AG: Through your memories.
AG: Through mine too.
AG: This would 8e a really fun thing to do on a d8, I think!
AG: If we actually were on a d8, which we're not.
GT: how is this happening?
GT: is this through the advanced alien technologies?
GT: like holograms, or teleportations?
AG: If that's what you want to think to keep you comfy in your stupor, sure.
GT: where are we?
AG: This is my home planet 8efore it was destroyed.
AG: It's called Alternia.
GT: oh, cool.
GT: and what's that, over there?
AG: That is my hive, which is a thing that you refer to as a house.
AG: It's where I grew up.
GT: it's a castle!!!
AG: No shit!
AG: It is 8ig and fore8oding and ostent8ious, just the way I wanted it.
AG: As a 8lue8lood, I was entitled to 8uild such a home. Something to set me far apart from the commoners.
GT: you built it?
AG: Of course not. Ro8ots 8uilt it for me when I was very young.
AG: 8ut I was allowed to dict8 instructions. Expected to, in fact.
GT: oh gosh.
GT: so rad.
AG: Really?
AG: I still find it interesting what sort of mundane facts humans tend to 8e impressed 8y.
AG: Anyway, my design kind of got 8oring as I got older. A huge castle hive sounds great, 8ut it starts feeling pretty cavernous and lonely after a while. There were so many 8locks I never even used!
AG: Your tastes change, 8ut you get stuck with growing up in a place suited to your earliest, most juvenile inclin8ions.
AG: No8ody tells you that when you're a kid though.
GT: i think i know what you mean.
GT: i feel like a long time ago, i might have given my dad the impression i really liked clowns?
GT: and now there are clowns everywhere, his stupid collection just keeps growing and growing, and it drives me CRAZY.
AG: John........
AG: That 8arely compara8le example is so cute, I don't even know what to say.
GT: heheh.
AG: This was my custodian.
GT: 8O
AG: She was hurt in an accident.
AG: I killed her myself to put her out of her misery.
GT: :(
GT: holy shit, look at these glittering space riches!
AG: Yeah. I was really into treasure hunting for a while.
GT: What's with the broken eight balls?
AG: Never mind those!
AG: This was my respite8lock.
AG: From kind of an em8arrassing memory, actually.
GT: haha, more eight balls!!!
GT: you sure do like to smash them.
AG: John, addiction is a powerful thing. You pro8a8ly wouldn't understand.
GT: what are you wearing?
AG: Just a fairy dress.
AG: I wore it for this stupid thing I did once.
GT: is that a rocket car stuck in the web over there?
GT: what's that about?
AG: Don't worry a8out it! Man, this would 8e such an awkward moment on a d8. Again, if it was one.
GT: there's something really familiar about that rocket...
AG: Let's keep going.
GT: what's happening?
GT: are we back on earth?
AG: You tell me.
GT: it's my house again. why are we here?
GT: i was having fun seeing your planet!
AG: I don't know, John. They're your memories.
GT: this is my dad's room.
GT: but...
GT: i have never been inside of it.
GT: so why do i recognize it?
AG: Shrug!!!!!!!!
GT: i think...
GT: there were some birthday presents for me in here.
GT: but i can't recall which birthday that was.
AG: It was your 13th.
GT: but i'm 12!
GT: oh yeah.
GT: i remember this.
GT: there were these imps all over my house, acting all rambunctious.
GT: but... why?
GT: it's all so hazy.
GT: where is my dad?
AG: Sounds like some things are coming 8ack to you.
AG: Any chance you remem8er me yet?
GT: no.
GT: sorry.
#john egbert#vriska serket#homestuck#page 3905#page 3906#page 3907#page 3908#page 3909#page 3910#page 3911#page 3912#page 3913#page 3914#page 3915#page 3916#page 3917#page 3918#page 3919#homestuck act 5#homestuck act 5 act 2
0 notes
Set in sand - Chapter 5
We mark the year 1934 and a peculiar journal falls into your hands. It's telling the tale of an outlaw and the downfall of a gang. Some pages are torn and others are downright unreadable, but nevertheless, you are still able to make out some parts of the tragic story.
With the help of a certain time traveler friend of yours, will you be able to safe the author of the journal or will you be the cause for his demise?
Previous chapter
Next chapter
Word count: 3906
Disclaimer: This is based on the side quest "Geology for Beginners" so the reader is from the future and aware of some things that happen, but not everything. The reader will also have she/her pronouns and this fanfiction follows the story of RDR2. Also English is not my first language so pls forgive me for any grammatical mistakes!
TW: end-game spoilers will be mentioned very early on in the story, 18+ MDNI, sexual themes, violence, gore, death, misogynistic themes (anything that happens in the game as well)
It's another slow day and usually you use them to pay your practice spot a visit, but not this time. Arthur and John are standing at the edge of the camp and you're currently busy eavesdropping a little bit.
It's not because you're nosy or anything. There's actually a genuine and good reason why you're trying to insert yourself into their business.
Yes, Arthur tells you about the jobs he's been doing all over Valentine and New Hanover when you have your daily conversation in the morning or evening, but the day that he told you about collecting money from this Wróbel and you not being aware of that...saying that it had scared you shitless would be an understatement.
Now that you think about it, it does sound a tad dramatic, but it wasn't like that in the moment! You sincerely thought that he had gone to Mr. Downes!
It's just that you don't want to miss it when he leaves to pay that man a visit. Then another idea pops up in your head. Maybe it would be smart to get a bit closer to Strauss and that way he might tell you when he'll send Arthur to get the money.
Something stirs in the corner of your eye and you watch Arthur and John head for the hitching posts.
Shit, now I missed the last part.
With hasty steps you make your way over to the two men and lean against the post Arthur's Tennessee Walker is attached to. John rides off almost right after.
"A train job, huh?" There is a mischievous smirk growing on your face and Arthur raises an eyebrow at that as he hoists himself up on the saddle.
"Yup." You were hoping for a longer answer, but oh well. At this point you've gotten pretty good at getting information out of this man.
"So where are you heading to?"
"I'm gettin' an oil wagon.", he answers while petting his horse.
Your reply shoots out of you like a bullet. "I know where to find one."
"Yea, I know already. There is this oil place so I'll be headin' in during the night to-" He doesn't get to finish his sentence before you interrupt him.
"No, no! There is a wagon in Valentine around this time usually. It's by the entrance of the town, close to the stables and if I remember correctly there is only one guard and that's the driver."
Arthur nods to himself as your words sink in. "Thanks for the tip. I'll go there then."
As he turns his horse around to leave, you almost immediately jump infront of him. "Take me with you."
It doesn't come to a surprise to you to see him shake his head at your proposition.
"Not a chance. There might be some shootin' and if we don't get hit then the oil wagon will and well." He waves his hand around in the air. "You know 'bout that part."
The corners of your mouth curl up into a knowing smirk. "What if I make sure that it doesn't come to that?"
A snort leaves his throat and he looks down at you in disbelief. "And how'd ya do that, huh?"
"I'll distract the guard. Lead him away a bit and by the time he notices it's missing you'll be long gone."
"And what about you?"
"Oh, he won't be interested in me anymore after that. While he's looking for the wagon I will slip away too."
His expression is unreadable, but the look in his blue eyes betrays the fact that he's considering it. With Francis you would have thrown another argument in to push him further to where you want him to be, but you know by now that Arthur is the opposite in that regard.
If you interrupt his thought process now then he will shut down completely so you're standing silently and waiting for his answer. It seems like the whole day is going by before he says anything.
"Alright. Hop on."
You bite back a victory noise that threatens to come out of your mouth and quickly make your way to the back. The outlaw offers his calloused hand to you and helps you on top.
It's been a while since your last crime, but the yearning for it has only grown over the course of the last two weeks. What a strange thing that is to find out about yourself. You would have never thought of developing these criminal tendencies, but there is a lot about yourself you've been discovering lately.
Arthur rips you out of your thoughts. "I'm assumin' that you got a plan?"
Of course you do. Ever since you overheard John talk about the train job the plan has been brewing in your mind like a good stew.
"We should enter the town separately so no one sees that we're together. I'll pretend that my horse has gotten injured further back on the road and now I need a big and strong man to help me." You put on a pretend desperate tone at the last past and theatrically place the back of your hand on your forehead.
"And what if that doesn't work?" His voice is thick with skepticism.
"Arthur Morgan! Are you implying that there is a person out there who would be able to resist my charm?" The feigned offense you're putting on earns you an amused snort from the man.
The reason why you're joking and not giving him a proper answer is, because you don't have a backup. You have no idea what to do if your plan doesn't work, so it's better to play it off confidently before he changes his mind and takes you back to camp.
Is it irresponsible? Perhaps. Are you still excited for it? Unquestionably so.
A few minutes later you get to the point where you part ways for now and you continue the way on foot. Just as expected, the oil wagon comes into view and shortly after you spot the driver leaning on a post next to it.
You take one deep breath to calm your nerves before you approach him and button up your summer coat a bit to hide the gun. Of course you don't plan on using it, but you won't make the mistake of leaving it back in camp ever again.
"Excuse me, sir?", you softly call out to him and his head snaps towards your direction. "Oh, sorry if I startled you."
The man takes a drag from his lit cigarette before shaking his head.
He looks young and by the state of his hands, couldn't have been working for too long in his life. A rifle is dangling off his shoulders and judging from his appearance it doesn't seem like he's on guard at all.
But then again who would be dumb enough to steal an oil wagon in broad daylight in a fully occupied town?
"Could you help me maybe?"
"I'm busy." His answer is short and clearly meant to shut down this conversation, but you know better than to give up now.
A strangled sob escapes your throat and you bury your face in both hands. "Sir, my horse got injured further up ahead and if my husband finds out- oh God-"
The noise you're producing starts to become a bit more hysterical and you take a peak between your fingers. An overwhelmed expression can be seen on the young man's face and he lifts his hands awkwardly.
"Miss, could you keep it down-"
Instead you let out an ear piercing weep and grab the driver by his shoulders. "He's going to shoot me! Oh, you're killing me, sir!"
Some passersby are turning their heads in your direction to get a better look at the loud scene you're causing. The guard firmly pushes you around the corner, visibly uncomfortable over the fact that you're putting him on the spot like that.
"Are you out of your damn mind?", he hisses through gritted teeth and you bite back the victorious grin that is threatening to form on your lips.
Arthur will steal that wagon any second now and you intend on buying him some more time. You fling your arms around the man dramatically and pick up your wailing again.
The man rummages through his pockets until he fishes out a few coins and shoves them in your hand. "Go get yourself a drink or somethin' and leave me alone, goddammit."
"But my husband-"
"I don't give a shit, Lady!" His sudden interruption startles you for a brief second, but you catch yourself again.
The moment he disappears around the corner and you hear him cruse in a raised voice, you take flight. It doesn't look like he's pursuing you or anything, but you still don't stop until you're on the whole other side of town.
Your plan is a success and you're going to make sure to rub it into Arthur's face later this evening, but for now you have to get home. Thankfully the camp isn't too far away from Valentine and you play with one of the coins as you start walking.
Helping steal a wagon feels good. Really good. It's giving you a certain rush as if you can take on anything and everything. As you leave the town behind you and pocket the coin you were fidgeting with, a voice calls out to you.
"Hey, sweet thing! What's a lady like you doin' all alone out here?"
A group of three men is standing to your right with their horses hitched to a tree. You don't dare to look at heir direction and so you keep your head down and pick up your pace. If you pretend you didn't hear him then maybe they will leave you alone.
"I'm talkin' to ya!"
Without them noticing, you start to unbotten your coat to give you easy access to the revolver just in case they keep harassing you or it escalates. Then you overhear another guy mumbling something to the other two.
"I've seen her before. She's ridin' with Dutch!"
Upon hearing these words you start sprinting as fast as you can and grab the gun from your holster. It's useless to outrun them, you know that. Their horses will catch up to you in no time and that is exactly what happens.
One of them cuts off the path infront of you and soon enough there is no way for you to escape to. They have you completely surrounded and you cling onto the cattleman with dear life.
"You're comin' with us, sweetheart.", one of them snarls and the blood rushing in your ears almost drowns out his sentence.
A familiar feeling gets ahold of you and keeps you in an iron grip. Panic. The same panic that coursed through your veins when you got attacked by wolves near Colter.
The man infront of you jumps down from his horse and leisurely strolls towards you. He doesn't seem threatened by your gun at all.
"Ooohhh, watch out, guys! We got a dangerous one on our hands!" His voice is oozing with a mix of mockery and sarcasm.
You should have fired a long time ago, but an unknown force is holding you back. It's like there is a wall in the back of your mind blocking you from doing it.
Before he can get any closer to you, though, you quickly jerk up the gun with trembling hands. His expression turns from one of amusement to surprise at your sudden motion and almost instinctively, he leaps forward.
All air leaves your lungs as his body collides into yours and you're being violently thrown into the dust. A gasp escapes your lips and you body sets into autopilot while the man tries to take the weapon away from you.
There is no question, he's way stronger rhan you and if you don't step into action now you will be doomed. So without aiming or giving it much thought you pull the trigger.
The bang leaves an uncomfortable ringing in your ears and you feel something warm and wet spread on your abdomen. You're met with a terrified expression and wide glassy eyes as your attacker stares down at you in shock.
Only a few heartbeats later, all life drains from his face as if it's being sucked out of him and his body goes limb. It takes a second for the realization of what you've done to hit you and boy, does it hit you hard.
For the first time ever, you have taken another person's life. There is this strange, hollow feeling in your chest and with all your might you push the dead man off you. The next moment you feel something of a strong wave course through your body and you empty the contents of your stomach instantly.
"You fuckin' bitch!"
Someone yanks you back to your feet by the collar of your blouse and your arms are being twisted behind your back. The rope around your wrist cuts deep into your skin and before you can react, you're being thrown onto the back of a horse.
"Colm's gonna have a field trip with ya. Fuckin' Van Der Linde trash."
You've never encountered any O'Driscoll members, not before or after joining Dutch and you haven't been exactly expecting to make their acquaintances this early on, but alas here you are.
Under any other circumstances you might have been pissing your pants, but the fear is being dampened by the weight of your previous actions. It's as if someone placed a veil over your head like you're looking at the world through a thick curtain.
Hoping is the only thing you could do at the moment. Hoping that someone back in camp notices your absence, but it might be too late by the time that happens.
You might either end up being handed over to the law or six feet underground and then no one will be there to save Arthur.
Thinking about him gives you a small sense of comfort and your eyes flutter shut.
He will come for me. He has to.
Throughout the entire ride you're repeating these two sentences in your mind like a mantra as if you will eventually manifest it over time. When the two men set up a temporary camp somewhere hidden in the woods, they leave you tied to a thick tree.
Your eyes are heavy, but you don't allow yourself to sleep. If you close them now then you might not see where they're taking you and you desperately want to remember the way.
Not that it would help you much anyways. Laying tied up on a horse (and on your stomach nonetheless) doesn't leave much room to take in your surroundings and besides, most of the landscape looks the same to you.
How long have you been riding now though? It's hard to tell. Maybe two days or so? The thought alone makes your aching stomach turn upside down some more.
Just trying to imagine how far away you must be from Horseshoe Overlook makes you sick and miserable to the core. An impending sense of doom is nesting itself in the back of your mind and is slowly crawling closer.
With every passing second, minute and hour you feel more and more lost. No way will Arthur and the others find you now. Not even Charles' impeccable tracking skills could pick up your trail and that revelation makes you want to scream and cry.
After what feels like an eternity, you finally arrive at what looks like a base camp. There are two wooden cabins in the middle and a bunch of tents around them. One of the men that has kidnapped you is dragging you harshly towards one of the small houses and you feel everyone's eyes boring into you.
"The boss will come soon and then he'll decide what we will do to ya."
You barely register his words as you stumble through the door. The stench of wet wood, mold and sweat penetrates your nose and you fight back a gag, but it's not like there's anything left inside you to throw up.
Another waiting game starts after they tie you to a bed post, but at least your wrists are binded infront of you. No one expects the dehydrated, malnourished and sleep deprived person they have snatched up to cause much trouble.
Much to your relief, none of the men in camp pay you too much attention. A nasty look here and there is the only thing they're giving you.
They probably don't want to act without Colm's approval which strikes you as odd at first. You didn't think that these animals would respect orders this much, but there is a lot that you haven't been able to foresee lately.
The sun has set a long time ago and the inside of the cabin is drenched in complete darkness. They have pulled the heavy curtains together so that not even the flickering light of the campfire could come through the windows. Either they don't care or they want you to lose the last bit sense of time you've got left.
He will come for me. He has to.
The words sound hollow in your head and have by now lost all meaning. Your eyelids feel like concrete as you struggle to keep your head up.
When was the last time you have allowed yourself to sleep? You don't even remember. How long has it been anyways? A week for sure or even longer.
A certain warmth and coziness suddenly gets ahold of your entire body and you feel yourself slip through a soft crack as darkness begins to envelop you.
Shouting can be heard in the distance and then the sound of fireworks. A soft smile forms on your lips at the memory of watching them as a child in the park and you lift your head.
Next thing you knew the door is being swung open and a large silhouette appears in your vision. The figure quickly walks over to the bed post and cuts free the rope
As you blink the sleep and disorientation away and your eyes slowly start to adjust to the light coming in through the open door, you finally get a better look at your rescuer. Only to realize that this person isn't here to rescue you at all.
The green bandana around his neck is indication enough that it's one of the O'Driscoll scum and he's probably here to take you away. No, you refuse you to be dragged further away from your gang.
That's also when you register that the fireworks aren't in fact fireworks, but gunshots.
So they did manage to find me.
With a revolver in his right hand he sneaks towards the entrance and peaks through the open crack of the door. Your wrists are still painfully tight tied together, but you can move your arms around just fine.
Both your mind and heart are racing and before you can even grasp a clear thought, you pick up an empty bottle from the table and smash it over the back of the O'Driscoll's head.
Glass shards scatter across the wooden floor and filthy carpet and the man comes crashing down with a shriek. His hand reaches out to the side as he desperately tries to pick up the gun again.
Before he gets even the chance to get close to it, you're already over him and swing down the broken bottle in a blind rage. There's no specific spot you're aiming for as you bring down the glass on him again and again and again.
You can't recall when his screaming and the gurgling noise coming from his throat stop. All that is going through your brain now is that you won't go down without a fight. You can't and if they do manage to take you then you'll drag them down with you.
Suddenly a pair of strong arms embrace your torso and you squirm, kick and scream in a craze.
Then you hear Arthur's voice close to your ear. "Hey, hey, relax. It's me. It's okay."
You don't halt your resistance immediately out of fear that your mind is playing another trick on you, but the more you hear him talk the more your muscles relax. It can't be fake. You hope it's not.
With an exhausted sob you slide down onto your knees and allow him to remove your ropes. His rough hands treat and touch you in such a gentle and soft way that it makes you want to cry out.
"It's okay. They won't hurt you anymore.", he mumbles under his breath and helps you get back up again.
All the sitting, laying and kneeling from the past week has made you weak in your legs and your thighs are shaking uncontrollably with every step. Arthur quickly takes notice of it and carefully picks you up as if he wants to give you time to protest.
"What took you guys so long?" The question comes out harsher than you have intended.
The outlaw's expression is a hardened mask and his eyes are fixed on something in the distance. If he gives you an answer, you don't hear it. Your consciousness slips away once again as darkness embraces you.
As your eyelids flutter open and you sit up with a grunt, you're being met with a freckled face and long, blonde, unruly hair. Saide hastily brings a cup to your lips and you take a sip from it.
The feeling of fresh, cold water sliding down your throat is indescribable and you empty the cup in a matter of heartbeats.
"These animals deserve to rot in hell.", Sadie hisses through gritted teeth and you recall the recent events in your head
Not only one, but two people have died by your hands now. A drained sigh escapes your lips and you pinch the bridge of your nose.
Your gaze wanders around to take in the camp and people, having to remind yourself that this is real and that you're safe now.
"What happened while I was gone?", you ask with your voice heavy with curiosity and the need to get your mind off the O'Driscoll camp.
"Dutch sent out a search party the moment we realized you were missing. It's not like he had much of a choice anyways."
The last sentence piques your interest and your ears perk up. "What do you mean?"
"Well, Arthur looked like he was gonna kill someone.", she answers in a matter of fact way.
It kinda makes sense. He was the last person you were with before you got kidnapped so he probably feels guilty.
"Where is he now?"
Sadie tilts her head and thinks for a moment before she answers. "Strauss sent him away to collect a debt."
Your heartbeat picks up on speed and you feel all the energy come rushing back to you.
"Where is he?"
The woman furrows her eyebrows in confusion at your sudden urgency. "I don't know-"
Your hands grip her shoulders and you lock eyes with her. "Did he say a name?"
"What has gotten into-'
"A name, Sadie!"
Her mouth stands slightly open as she gives you a puzzled look.
"He mentioned a Thomas Downes I think."
I'm too late.
Taglist: @shackspossum
#arthur morgan#arthur morgan x reader#rdr2#rdr2 arthur#rdr2 arthur morgan#rdr2 fanfic#rdr2 x reader#rdr2 arthur morgan x reader
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who cares about adventure time whats your fav scene in homestuck
so real . its a complete tie between the mad tea party and page 3906
#ask#being vague because my good friend bee is reading and i dont wanna spoil it for xem:sunglasses:
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Week 8!!
This is our last full week of Crow Strider AU! After this we have one more half week and then we move on!
10th May (Friday) - HS^2 pages 602-625 11th May (Saturday) - 3574-3636 12th May (Sunday) - 3637-3700 13th May (Monday) - 3701-3764 14th May (Tuesday) - 3765-3832 15th May (Wednesday) - 3832-3906 16th May (Thursday) - 3907-3980 17th May (Friday) - 3981-4054
#homestuckbookclub#homestuck#hs#hsbc#book club#hiveswap#hs^2#hivestuck#mspfa#ms paint fan adventures#csau#cs au#crow strider au#jas lalonde#crow strider#josh harley#hal strider#homestuck book club#homestuck 2024#mspaintfanadventures#ms paint#mspaintadventures#mspaint fan adventures#mspfanventures#hs 2#hs^2 update#hs2#homestuck^2#homestuck beyond canon#homestuck: beyond canon
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January and February Reading Wrap up
My first reading wrap up of the year. I'm throwing January in here because I only read one book as I hadn't found my reading mojo again until the end of January. I'm glad I found it again, also that I've decided to blog about it. My wife thinks I should start a youtube channel, but I don't think I'm very good at vlogging. The fact that I actually maintained a booklr for an entire month says something. Of the books I've read so far, A Dark and Hollow Star is by far my favorite, followed by The Starless Sea.
These are my stats according to my storygraph
Books read: 9
Pages read: 3906
Of the books read
7 were fantasy
4 were LGBTQIA+
2 were middle grade
2 were romance
2 were historical fiction
1 was literary fiction
1 was science fiction
1 was young adult
List of books and ratings
The Martian
Rating: 4 stars
One sentence summary: Unluckiest Luckiest Man alive survives on Mars as Potato farmer
City of Ghosts
Rating: 4.5 stars
One sentence Summary: a girl, her cat, and her ghost best friend in Scotland, hijinks ensue
The Starless Sea
Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A video game nerd finds a magical book that tells part of his story, leading him to a magical library and true love.
Rating: 3.5 stars
Summary: Girl meets boy, boy kidnaps girl and sister to magical island caraval, chaos ensues.
Tunnel of Bones
Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Same girl, same cat, same boy, new hijinks, this time Paris!
The Night Circus
Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Two old fools make a wager, live to regret it.
A Dark and Hollow Star
Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Four Queer teens must save the half fairy children while trying to not start a war between mortals and immortals. BEST BOOK SO FAR
The Song of Achilles
Rating: 3.75 stars
Summary: The love story of Patroclus and Achilles, if you know you know
The House in the Cerulean Sea
Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Gay Arthur Dent fumbling through an investigation of a Home for Magical Orphans, hijinks ensue.
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The 1924 Bison yearbook uploaded to Digital Horizons
The 1924 Bison yearbook for the North Dakota Agricultural College has been uploaded to the NDSU-NDAC Historical Documents Collection on Digital Horizons. The yearbook is 276 pages, with photos and short bios of students. Photos and member lists for organizations on campus. Photos and synopsis of each athletic team's performances throughout the year. Section containing faculty names and a short description of each department at NDAC. This is the first yearbook that was published after the change of the sports team name from "Aggies" to "Bison”.
Thanks go to our work study student Walker Charbonneau, for the hours of hard work put into scanning the yearbook, and Kate Ryan for her time transcribing the pages in the yearbook.
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Regé-Jean Page Hints At Surprise Cameo In Bridgerton Season 2 https://questlation.com/?p=3906&feed_id=286891
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HV Bushing Market Ongoing Trends, Opportunities & Forecast To 2027
The HV Bushing Market is expected to grow over the CAGR of around 3% during the period 2019 to 2025.
Taste the market data and market information presented through more than 85 market data tables and figures spread in 140 numbers of pages of the project report. Avail the in-depth table of content & market synopsis on “Global HV Bushing Market Information from 2019 to 2025
Growing electricity demand coupled with the growing concern for safe transmission & distribution of electricity and the increasing grid infrastructure, will boost the Global HV Bushing Market growth over the forecast timeline. The unique property of HV bushing to resist the electrical field strength produced in the insulation, would make them convenient for various applications. The Global HV Bushing Market is driven by the increasing need of reliable electric supply & subsequent investment in transmission & distribution network, grid expansion, and developing safe electrical infrastructure.
Get Free Sample PDF @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/3906
Bushing are widely accepted across the world in various industrial & commercial sector as a safety device. A bushing is usually a hollow ceramic tube, through which conductor passes. Bushing provides rigid support to the conductors from inside. Bushings are primarily found in circuit breakers, alternators, motors and capacitors. Also, HV Bushings are filled with insulating media such as oil, resin impregnated paper, and oil impregnated paper to provide greater dielectric strength which makes them permeable for installation in various utilities and in the industrial sector. The constant need for electricity and the worldwide growth in grid infrastructure, will aid in the growth of Global HV Bushing Market over the forecast period. However, Fluctuation in material costs and R&D in modern HV Bushing are expected to restrain the Global HV Bushing Market.
Scope of the Report:
This study provides an overview of the Global HV Bushing Market, tracking four market segments across four geographic regions. The report studies key players, providing a five-year annual trend analysis that highlights market size, volume and share for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC) and Rest of the World (ROW). The report also provides a forecast, focusing on the market opportunities for the next five years for each region. The scope of the study segments the Global HV Bushing Market by its type, voltage rating, by installation, end user and by regions.
Key Players:
The key players of Global HV Bushing Market are General Electric (U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), Crompton Greaves (India), Hubbell Incorporated (U.S), Webster-Wilkinson Ltd. (U.K), Warco, Inc. (U.S), ABB Ltd. (Switzerland), Meister International, LLC (U.S), The H-J Family of Companies (U.S) and ELANTAS GmbH (Germany).
Access Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/hv-bushing-market-3906
About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Edibles.
MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.
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Market Research Future
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The man who fell into a coma and woke up in 3,906
‘Chronicles of the Future’ tells the incredible experience of Paul Amadeus Dienach, who lived at the beginning of the last century in central Europe.
Due to a serious illness, the author was in a coma for a whole year, during which time he states that his conscience traveled to the future and entered a different body, something that allowed him to interact with the people of that distant era. In spite of how rocambolesque the story sounds, Dienach's writings about the future have been taken very seriously by the freemasons and sheltered from the general public for a long time ... until now. There are many books that contain alleged prophecies and futuristic visions, but none comes close to the strange circumstances that gave rise to Dienach's experience, almost a century ago. In addition, only a handful of the elect have had the privilege of reading their chronicles; in fact, there are few printed and published copies in Greece. Now, you will have the opportunity to read part of the Chronicles of the Future and its revelations about the imminent future of humanity. Paul Amadeus Dienach was a German teacher. He never planned to be a writer or write a book. ‘The Chronicles of the Future’ are actually a compilation of his personal diary focused on his unique comatose experience. In 1921, Dienach was the victim of an epidemic of lethargic encephalitis, and, as a result of the disease, he fell into a coma, remaining in that state for a year at the Geneva hospital. When he woke up, he recorded in his diary that he was awake and conscious all the time, but not in the year or place where his body lay. His consciousness had traveled to the body of another man, Andrew Northman, from 3906 A.D. According to Dienach, the people of the year 3906 noticed that a different consciousness had invaded the body of this Andrew Northman, so they decided to show him and explain everything about that era, as well as what exactly happened from the 21st century to the beginning of the 40th century. Among what is recorded by the professor, it is mentioned that a new species of humans called Homo Occidantalis Novus, will be the next step in evolution. For fear of being treated as crazy or exposed to ridicule, both personally and professionally, Dienach did not tell his story to anyone. At the age of 36, with very delicate health after recovering from coma, Dienach moved to Greece in the fall of 1922, since a more peaceful climate would surely improve his quality of life. Once there, he took the opportunity to practice his profession and teach German at a university. It was there that he met the student George Papahatzis, who would later become the vice president of the National Council of Greece, a founding member of the Philosophical Society, and a high-ranking Mason. After two years, and seeing that his health worsened towards the inevitable, the professor decided to move again, this time to Italy. But before leaving, he entrusted his favorite student, Papahatzis, with a briefcase full of notes, urging him to read them in the future, something that, among other things, would surely help him with his German. Shortly after, in 1924, Dienach would die of tuberculosis. George Papahatzis translated Dienach's notes gradually over a period of 14 years - from 1926 to 1940. Initially he thought that his teacher had written a strange novel, but, as he read more and more, he realized that what he was translating were the very memories of his teacher. World War II and the subsequent civil war in the Hellenic country caused Papahatzis to temporarily abandon the translation of the notes. Later, from 1952 to 1966, he tried to track living relatives of the late professor, even traveling to Zurich twelve times. His search was unsuccessful, so he concluded that Dienach (who had fought on the German side during World War I) had changed his last name upon arriving in Greece, a country that just fought against the Germans. Once the translation of the chronicles was finished, Papahatzis shared the result with a closed circle of fellow Masons.
The writings were taken by the secret society as of the utmost importance for the future of humanity and, among the initiates, Dienach earned the title of prophet of modern times. Until 1972, Dienach's translated notes were available within the philosophical circles of Freemasonry, a society that, being true to its secrecy, believed that such information should not be visible to an audience that would not be prepared to handle it. However, George Papahatzis did not agree. During the dictatorship in Greece, Papahatzis published the Pages of the Diary of Dienach, a dare that would lead to endless problems. He lost his job, was accused of being a heretic by the Church, and most copies of the book quickly disappeared. Without giving up, the rebel mason would make another attempt at publication in 1979, when Greece was on its way to democracy. Without luck, the result was similar, and the books disappeared again from public view. Today, more than 40 years later, the book never managed to leave Greece and, except for a select group, most ignore its existence and importance. Among that select group is Radamanthys Anastasakis, a high rank in several secret societies. In his role as editor, Anastasakis published the book on a small scale respecting its original structure. But the large volume of the text, along with the fact that it was a small publishing house, did not help it to receive even an iota of publicity. When Dienach's memoirs were poorly published, the reading was complicated, more than 800 pages of draft notes. Something understandable considering that the German teacher never tried to have his diary ever published as a book. This changed recently, when the author Achilleas Sirigos took the job of collecting and editing the information. The book, published on Amazon, can be purchased HERE. Here is an extended preview of it, nothing more and nothing less than the first 66 pages in PDF format and completely free (English translation): Chronicles From The Future: The amazing story of Paul Amadeus Dienach Read the full article
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Total of what I wrote today? 1196 words. Totally I got 3906 words, or nine pages.
I’m super happy now.
But also tired.
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Hey there! Today I’m creating the stunning Eloise, an introvert who grew up in a large, busy family of extroverts. ♥
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Global Refractories Market is Set to Reach USD 26 Billion by 2024 | TechSci Research
Increasing infrastructural development in developing countries and growing demand for high-grade refractories from iron & steel industry to boost global refractories market through 2024
According to TechSci Research report, "Global Refractories Market By Form, By Alkalinity, By End-User, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2024”, global refractories market is projected to cross $ 26 billion by 2024 on account of rising infrastructural development in developing countries coupled with surging demand for high-grade refractories from iron & steel industry. However, factor such as restrictions on the use of refractories due to growing environmental concerns is expected to hamper the growth of the market. Global refractories market is broadly categorized into form, alkalinity, end user and region. On the basis of form, the market is segmented into shaped refractories and unshaped refractories. Among these sub-segments, unshaped refractories are anticipated to be the largest sub-segment during forecast period owing to its high efficiency in numerous applications across various industries such as glass, cement and ceramic industries. Unshaped refractories have significant properties which include abrasion resistance, chemical inertness, mechanical integrity and thermal shock resistance at high temperatures.
Browse XX market data Tables and XX Figures spread through 110 Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Refractories Market"
Based on alkalinity, the market is segmented into acidic, basic and neutral. Of all, basic and acidic refractories are expected to be the major segments of the market during forecast period. The demand for acidic and basic is high owing to their major use in glass and ceramic industries. Further, the low cost and ability to withstand high temperature with superior quality thermal shock resistance is further pushing their demand. In the North American region, the US market is anticipated to be the largest consumer of refractories during forecast period. Growing production of cement and steel in the US, especially for construction purpose is fuelling the demand for refractories in the region.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=3906
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Among regions, APAC is anticipated to be the fastest growing market for refractories on the back of rapid economic growth, growing construction and automotive sectors, low cost labor and growing foreign investments. Moreover, expansions and global shift in the production capacity from the developed markets to the developing markets is further leading to the growth of APAC refractories market. China dominates APAC refractories market owing to the growth of construction and automotive industries in the country.” stated Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Refractories Market By Form, By Alkalinity, By End-User, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2024” has evaluated the future growth potential of global refractories market and provides statistics and information on market structure, size, share and future growth. The report is intended to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers to take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges and opportunities present in global refractories market.
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TechSci Research is a leading global market research firm publishing premium market research reports. Serving 700 global clients with more than 600 premium market research studies, TechSci Research is serving clients across 11 different industrial verticals. TechSci Research specializes in research-based consulting assignments in high growth and emerging markets, leading technologies and niche applications. Our workforce of more than 100 fulltime Analysts and Consultants employing innovative research solutions and tracking global and country specific high growth markets helps TechSci clients to lead rather than follow market trends.
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Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. Immigration - Sha Tin Office 3/F, Sha Tin Government Offices SIO(STO) 2158 6415 [email protected] 2607 2316 Immigration and Registration of Persons - Fo Tan Office Shop 405 - 407, 4/F, Jubilee Square SIO(FTO) 3160 4176 [email protected] 2650 4766 Sha Tin Sha Tin District 2. TANG, Deputy Departmental Secretary 2829 3906 [email protected] 2520 0521 Departmental Secretary 3. [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] 4. Hello, I am looking for help to be able to come to China to get the support of a broader environment where my views and etc can be normal and not so impossible so as that I am not protected to be how I am. Presently I am in a strange situation because I am really unwelcome in the United States but it is not outwardly and blatantly revealed. Actually there would occur others are this as well but this is not the framing because things are strangely put in this present way of things. Things are made in such a way that things are not apparent as what they really are. But below is a message I sent yesterday to the China embassy in Washington DC in the United States. This will tell more of my situation. I can try to tell something helpful succinctly: My experience is this realuty is not true as it appears on the surface. In March/April 2014 I was telling things on my Facebook page regarding that I think this reality is not to be believed because there is something more things are to be and I said that people are not really mentally ill to experience things out of the ordinary because they are likely experiencing something of that its a false reality here. I told about that talking i hear in the mind is really from something real and is not mental illness. Soon after that time I began to be attacked by the society structure such as with homelessness and also having attack from the devil tormenting me (the devil was pretending to be people talking to me/tormenting me in my mind). People began acting strangely such as my family and others as if they were not who they seemed before. Presently I am attacked very very bad by the devil in the United States. It torments me extremely bad. I wish to be able to leave the United States. I hear things in my mind and see other things that make it seem i can be okay in China and that I try to go to China. Other places are seeming similar but China seems to be more possibly representative of Asia which is a area i should be okay in i hear in my mind. Its supposed to be the people dont have to be who wouldnt change the world because they dont have to be who they seemed to have been to this point in that they didnt already end the world (which is really the rule of the devil). They can say they were not fully present here in their forms. In the United States the people are to be who they appear as who has the present way of things in the world which is apparent as having many things that are bad for people but are to be regarded/considered as not that bad such as poverty and homelessness and people called mentally ill as a matter of fact etc. Things like this are really evil but in this present reality it is pretended it is not that bad. I am seeking to be able to go to China. I wish a place to live and to be able to stay there as a resident, ie someone that can live there indefinitely, ie as like a citizen. I imagine i can be supported by a broader group of people or others that can have more compatible beliefs. I think this because there is a different atmosphere as i can see regarding medicine and other things. I support China to be able to make those islands in the South China Sea based on what I hear in my mind about that. I support China regarding the situation that has recently surfaced in Velnezuela regarding the current president Nicolas Maduro there. I support the Belts and Roads Innitiative. I hear in my mind these things are things that really relate to this present reality (which is really the rule of the devil) of the world discontinuing. There are a few other things that indicate China and the East is better for me, ie better for an actual person. Hopefully this is easy to understand. I support things to be easy especially communication which is very important. Once more below is the message i previously sent the embassy in Washington DC USA to get help to relocate there to China. Thanks. Soncerely, Marla Rose Luster 5. Hello, I am looking for help to be able to come to China to get the support of a broader environment where my views and etc can be normal and not so impossible so as that I am not protected to be how I am. Presently I am in a strange situation because I am really unwelcome in the United States but it is not outwardly and blatantly revealed. Actually there would occur others are this (unwelcome) as well, such as black people generally, but this is not the framing because things are strangely put in this present way of things/reality. Things are made in such a way that things are not apparent as what they really are. But below is a message I sent yesterday to the China embassy in Washington DC in the United States. This will tell more of my situation. I can try to tell something helpful succinctly: My experience is this reality is not true as it appears on the surface. In March/April 2014 I was telling things on my Facebook page regarding that I think this reality is not to be believed because there is something more things are to be and I said that people are not really mentally ill to experience things out of the ordinary because they are likely experiencing something of that its a false reality here. I told about that talking i hear in the mind is really from something real and is not mental illness. Soon after that time I began to be attacked by the society structure such as with homelessness and also having attack from the devil tormenting me (the devil was pretending to be people talking to me/tormenting me in my mind). People began acting strangely such as my family and others as if they were not who they seemed before. Presently I am attacked very very bad by the devil in the United States. It torments me extremely bad. I wish to be able to leave the United States. I hear things in my mind and see other things that make it seem i can be okay in China and that I should try to go to China. Other places are seeming similar but China seems to be more possibly representative of Asia which is a area i should be okay in i hear in my mind. Its supposed to be the people dont have to be who wouldnt change the world because they dont have to be who they seemed to have been to this point in that they didnt already end the world (which is really the rule of the devil). They can say they were not fully present here in their forms. In the United States the people are to be who they appear as who has the present way of things in the world which is apparent as having many things that are bad for people but are to be regarded/considered as not that bad such as inequality, poverty, homelessness and people called mentally ill as a matter of fact etc. Things like this are really evil but in this present reality it is pretended it is not that bad, ie just the way things are. I am seeking to be able to go to China. I wish a place to live and to be able to stay there as a resident, ie someone that can live there indefinitely, ie as like a citizen. I imagine i can be supported by a broader group of people or others that can have more compatible beliefs. I think this because there is a different atmosphere as i can see regarding the field of medicine and other things. I support China to be able to make those islands in the South China Sea based on what I hear in my mind about that. I support China regarding the situation that has recently surfaced in Venezuela regarding the current president Nicolas Maduro there. I support the Belts and Roads Innitiative. I hear in my mind these things are things that really relate to this present reality of the world (which is really the rule of the devil) discontinuing. There are a few other things also that Im aware of that indicate China and the East is better for me, ie better for an actual person. Hopefully this message is easy to understand. I support things to be easy especially communication which is very important. Once more below is the message i previously sent the embassy in Washington DC USA to get help to relocate there to China. Thanks. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 6. https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/chinese-officials-issue-stark-warning-about-south-china-sea-confrontation-20190329-p5191t.html 7. WORLDASIASOUTH CHINA SEAS Chinese officials issue stark warning about South China Sea confrontation Kirsty Needham By Kirsty Needham March 29, 2019 — 5.10pm Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Whatsapp Send via Email Normal text sizeLarger text sizeVery large text size 177 View all comments Boao, China: China has warned it may take “more countermeasures” against United States patrols in the South China Sea, as tensions worsen in a potential military flashpoint between the two major powers. Two senior Chinese officials intervened in an academic discussion at the Boao Forum for Asia on Friday to air China’s grievances against the United States' freedom of navigation patrols near islands claimed by China in the contested waterways. Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks after he reviewed the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy fleet in the South China Sea in April last year. Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks after he reviewed the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy fleet in the South China Sea in April last year.CREDIT:AP An international tribunal has ruled the South China Sea is not Chinese territory, and Australia has joined the US in condemning militarisation of the islands. Director of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore, Zheng Yongnian, warned that although it was unlikely a “hot war” would break out between the US and China, he was concerned about proxy wars in the region. Advertisement He said “all big wars in the past come from a minor incident” and said the United States determination to maintain its role in the region should not be underestimated. RELATED ARTICLE Australian Navy to use overhauled PNG military base as China concerns grow DEFENCE Australian Navy to use overhauled PNG military base as China concerns grow Add to shortlist Chinese colonel Zhou Bo said from the floor of the room: “The dilemma now is that the US comes to the South China Sea not unplanned but in a very well-planned way.” 8. Yi, who was also speaking from the floor, complained that unlike during the Obama administration, when he could hold discussions with US counterparts on issues such as climate change, now “the US is reluctant to sit down with us and discuss issues. "The US is more willing to use their military vessels.” 9. He said the US and Chinese views over the South China Sea were incompatible. Speaking later to The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, Houlden warned Australia to “think hard” before participating in any freedom of navigation patrols with the US. The US has in the past requested Australia join the naval patrols within 12 nautical miles of the islands claimed by China. 10. https://thediplomat.com/2019/03/japan-scrambles-fighter-jets-to-intercept-chinese-bombers-over-east-china-sea/ 11. Japan Scrambles Fighter Jets to Intercept 4 Chinese Bombers Over East China Sea The Chinese PLAAF flew long-range bombers and fighter jets through the Miyako Strait on March 30. By Franz-Stefan Gady March 31, 2019 The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) sent four Xian H-6K long-range bombers, one Shaanxi Y-8 electronic countermeasures aircraft, one Tupolev Tu-154MD electronic intelligence plane, and at least two fighter jets through international airspace between the Japanese islands of Okinawa and Miyako in the East China Sea on March 30 as part of a military exercise, Japan’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) said in a statement. According to the MoD, Japanese airspace was not violated. China has over the past years upped the operational tempo of long long-range patrols and air exercises around and over the Miyako Strait — a principal entryway for the PLAN into the Pacific Ocean. For example, in March 2018 a PLAAF formation that included H-6K bombers and Sukhoi Su-35 multirole fighter jets transited the Miyako Strait as part of a military exercise. Enjoying this article? Click here to subscribe for full access. Just $5 a month. According to the MoD, the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) also dispatched three ships to the Western Pacific on March 28 including two Type 054A Jiangkai II-class guided-missile frigates and an oiler from the PLAN’s East Sea Fleet. It is unclear whether the PLAN warships made contact with the PLAAF aircraft on March 30. Notably, People’s Liberation Army (PLA) doctrine mandates the sealing off of the Yellow Sea, South China Sea, and East China Sea from U.S. air and naval assets in a military confrontation with the United States and its regional allies. “In the event of a conflict with Taiwan or Japan, the Miyako Strait and Bashi Channel would be critical chokepoints, the seizure of which could delay third party intervention (e.g., by the United States) and secure the so-called first island chain,” I wrote last year. The Bashi Channel is a strategically pivotal waterway connecting the South China Sea with the western Pacific Ocean. The March 30 scramble constitutes the Japan Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) first intercept of a PLAAF bomber formation over the East China Sea in 2019. 12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/3003712/why-unhappy-legacy-us-colonialism-asia-should-be-lesson 13. Why the unhappy legacy of US colonialism in Southeast Asia should be a lesson to China Southeast Asian nations, because of their colonial experience, are sensitive to real or imagined slights. Although China is different from their former colonial masters, it must tread carefully in expanding its influence in the region Mark J. ValenciaMark J. Valencia UPDATED : Monday, 1 Apr 2019, 8:12AM 8 As China’s power and influence grow, so does the glare of the spotlight on its behaviour towards other nations and cultures. The conduct of nations and their citizens overseas is part of their soft power: the capability to assert their economic or cultural influence and shape the preferences of others. The management of hard power, including military might, and soft power constitutes political influence. China has achieved considerable success increasing its soft power in Southeast Asia. But there are some early warning signs that it may eventually repeat some of the worst mistakes of the West there. Indeed, it must be careful that the goodwill it covets does not dissipate through neglect or mismanagement of its soft power. Back when Western countries dominated the region, they colonised Southeast Asian cultures. They generally treated the indigenous peoples with cultural ignorance and arrogance. That attitude of cultural superiority would come back to haunt the French in Vietnam, the Dutch in Indonesia and the Americans in the Philippines, just to name a few countries that cast off the shackles of colonialism. Some argue that former colonies were improved by the colonial experience – the Western development of infrastructure 14. [email protected] 15. Fw: RE:Im not doing okay in the United States as someone disagreeing thatthis present reality is true and disagreeing that people considered mentallyill are mentally ill.... M marla Sun 3/31/2019 11:13 PM Sent Items Show all 7 recipients To: [email protected]; [email protected];... You forwarded this message on 4/1/2019 8:16 AM Hello, I am looking for help to be able to come to China to get the support of a broader environment where my views and etc can be normal and not so impossible so as that I am not protected to be how I am. Presently I am in a strange situation because I am really unwelcome in the United States but it is not outwardly and blatantly revealed. Actually there would occur others are this (unwelcome) as well, such as black people generally, but this is not the framing because things are strangely put in this present way of things/reality. Things are made in such a way that things are not apparent as what they really are. But below is a message I sent yesterday to the China embassy in Washington DC in the United States. This will tell more of my situation. I can try to tell something helpful succinctly: My experience is this reality is not true as it appears on the surface. In March/April 2014 I was telling things on my Facebook page regarding that I think this reality is not to be believed because there is something more things are to be and I said that people are not really mentally ill to experience things out of the ordinary because they are likely experiencing something of that its a false reality here. I told about that talking i hear in the mind is really from something real and is not mental illness. Soon after that time I began to be attacked by the society structure such as with homelessness and also having attack from the devil tormenting me (the devil was pretending to be people talking to me/tormenting me in my mind). People began acting strangely such as my family and others as if they were not who they seemed before. Presently I am attacked very very bad by the devil in the United States. It torments me extremely bad. I wish to be able to leave the United States. I hear things in my mind and see other things that make it seem i can be okay in China and that I should try to go to China. Other places are seeming similar but China seems to be more possibly representative of Asia which is a area i should be okay in i hear in my mind. Its supposed to be the people dont have to be who wouldnt change the world because they dont have to be who they seemed to have been to this point in that they didnt already end the world (which is really the rule of the devil). They can say they were not fully present here in their forms. In the United States the people are to be who they appear as who has the present way of things in the world which is apparent as having many things that are bad for people but are to be regarded/considered as not that bad such as inequality, poverty, homelessness and people called mentally ill as a matter of fact etc. Things like this are really evil but in this present reality it is pretended it is not that bad, ie just the way things are. I am seeking to be able to go to China. I wish a place to live and to be able to stay there as a resident, ie someone that can live there indefinitely, ie as like a citizen. I imagine i can be supported by a broader group of people or others that can have more compatible beliefs. I think this because there is a different atmosphere as i can see regarding the field of medicine and other things. I support China to be able to make those islands in the South China Sea based on what I hear in my mind about that. I support China regarding the situation that has recently surfaced in Venezuela regarding the current president Nicolas Maduro there. I support the Belts and Roads Innitiative. I hear in my mind these things are things that really relate to this present reality of the world (which is really the rule of the devil) discontinuing. There are a few other things also that Im aware of that indicate China and the East is better for me, ie better for an actual person. Hopefully this message is easy to understand. I support things to be easy especially communication which is very important. Once more below is the message i previously sent the embassy in Washington DC USA to get help to relocate there to China. Thanks. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 16. Message I sent yesterday to some immigration email address for Hong Kong I found online yesterday to get help in seeking to be able to go to China as a refugee in regard to my views n experience that this present order and rule is the rule of the devil and that I am attacked by the society and the devil for saying this is the rule of the devil 17. Fw: RE:Im not doing okay in the United States as someone disagreeing thatthis present reality is true and disagreeing that people considered mentallyill are mentally ill.... M marla Sun 3/31/2019 11:13 PM Sent Items Show all 7 recipients To: [email protected]; [email protected];... You forwarded this message on 4/1/2019 8:16 AM Hello, I am looking for help to be able to come to China to get the support of a broader environment where my views and etc can be normal and not so impossible so as that I am not protected to be how I am. Presently I am in a strange situation because I am really unwelcome in the United States but it is not outwardly and blatantly revealed. Actually there would occur others are this (unwelcome) as well, such as black people generally, but this is not the framing because things are strangely put in this present way of things/reality. Things are made in such a way that things are not apparent as what they really are. But below is a message I sent yesterday to the China embassy in Washington DC in the United States. This will tell more of my situation. I can try to tell something helpful succinctly: My experience is this reality is not true as it appears on the surface. In March/April 2014 I was telling things on my Facebook page regarding that I think this reality is not to be believed because there is something more things are to be and I said that people are not really mentally ill to experience things out of the ordinary because they are likely experiencing something of that its a false reality here. I told about that talking i hear in the mind is really from something real and is not mental illness. Soon after that time I began to be attacked by the society structure such as with homelessness and also having attack from the devil tormenting me (the devil was pretending to be people talking to me/tormenting me in my mind). People began acting strangely such as my family and others as if they were not who they seemed before. Presently I am attacked very very bad by the devil in the United States. It torments me extremely bad. I wish to be able to leave the United States. I hear things in my mind and see other things that make it seem i can be okay in China and that I should try to go to China. Other places are seeming similar but China seems to be more possibly representative of Asia which is a area i should be okay in i hear in my mind. Its supposed to be the people dont have to be who wouldnt change the world because they dont have to be who they seemed to have been to this point in that they didnt already end the world (which is really the rule of the devil). They can say they were not fully present here in their forms. In the United States the people are to be who they appear as who has the present way of things in the world which is apparent as having many things that are bad for people but are to be regarded/considered as not that bad such as inequality, poverty, homelessness and people called mentally ill as a matter of fact etc. Things like this are really evil but in this present reality it is pretended it is not that bad, ie just the way things are. I am seeking to be able to go to China. I wish a place to live and to be able to stay there as a resident, ie someone that can live there indefinitely, ie as like a citizen. I imagine i can be supported by a broader group of people or others that can have more compatible beliefs. I think this because there is a different atmosphere as i can see regarding the field of medicine and other things. I support China to be able to make those islands in the South China Sea based on what I hear in my mind about that. I support China regarding the situation that has recently surfaced in Venezuela regarding the current president Nicolas Maduro there. I support the Belts and Roads Innitiative. I hear in my mind these things are things that really relate to this present reality of the world (which is really the rule of the devil) discontinuing. There are a few other things also that Im aware of that indicate China and the East is better for me, ie better for an actual person. Hopefully this message is easy to understand. I support things to be easy especially communication which is very important. Once more below is the message i previously sent the embassy in Washington DC USA to get help to relocate there to China. Thanks. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 18. TOP STORIES Taiwan scrambles jets to confront Chinese fighters after rare incursion CNN.com - 5 hours ago ‘Worst recession in recent Chinese history’ could follow US trade war South China Morning Post - 2 hours ago MarketWatch Treasury yields rise after improved China data stirs global stock-market rally 38 mins ago The New York Times Company China Bans All Types of Fentanyl, Fulfilling Pledge to Trump 3 hours ago Economic Times China mulls to buy Russia's Su-57 stealth fighter jet 1 hour ago BBC News Chinese firefighters die as blaze sweeps forest in Sichuan 1 hour ago Reuters China's Xi says West has long-term economic, military superiority 6 hours ago The New York Times Company China Purchases Could Undercut Trump’s Larger Trade Goal 3 hours ago CNN China's factories power on; EasyJet warning; US retail sales 3 hours ago Wall Street Journal China’s Entrepreneurs Are Left High and Dry Despite a Flood of Credit 3 hours ago CNBC China's $13 trillion bond market marks a milestone today. Here's what it means 5 hours ago The Washington Post After China’s deadly chemical disaster, a shattered region weighs cost of the rush to ‘get rich’ 17 hours ago PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR Jacinda Ardern in China Trump and China China March PMI More News Web results China - Wikipedia Wikipedia › wiki › China 19. https://www.google.com/search?q=china&oq=china&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i60l3j35i39j0.3004j1j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fsc=_pOKfXLn1LM_4_AautKaICA31:2027.8095703125.8095703125.8095703125.8095703125.8095703125.7142333984375.8095703125.09521484375.857177734375.1904296875.3333740234375.6190185546875.6666870117188.2857055664062.8571166992188.0952453613281.0952453613281.04762268066406_pOKfXLn1LM_4_AautKaICA3:310.0952453613281.0952453613281.0952453613281.57142639160156.38095092773438&scso=_1RGZXIeNNaGB5wLM84xg51:0.85714340209961.4285583496094.1428527832031.952392578125.19049072265625.190475463867188.047618865966797.71429443359375.3809814453125.047607421875.1904296875.7142333984375.2857666015625.5238037109375.8095703125.142822265625.5238037109375.1904296875.238037109375.047607421875.09521484375.6666259765625.09521484375.761962890625.952392578125.1904296875.047607421875.2857666015625.7142333984375.1428833007812.1904907226562.7142944335938.2380981445312.3809814453125.7619018554688.6666870117188.5238037109375.047607421875.4285888671875.1428833007812.3809814453125.952392578125.90478515625.238037109375.4761962890625.8095703125.3809814453125.761962890625.142822265625.857177734375.8095703125.047607421875.09521484375.1904907226562.8095092773438.952392578125.7142333984375.09521484375.2380981445312.5238037109375.7142944335938.4285888671875.7619018554688.7619018554688.6666564941406.9047546386719.80950927734375.8095245361328,_hqiaXN6lKYvH5gKIvYXoDw51:2027.8095703125.952392578125.8095703125.3333740234375.4285888671875.4285888671875.761962890625.90478515625.857177734375.2857055664062.5238037109375.90478515625.8095703125.238037109375.952392578125.047607421875.238037109375.1904296875.1428833007812.3809814453125.90478515625.5238037109375.9047546386719.0952453613281.57142639160156.571428298950195.90475463867188.6666717529297.14285278320312.3333282470703.5238037109375.85714721679688.23809814453125.1428527832031.0952453613281.19049072265625.4285583496094.57142639160156.28571319580078.09524536132812.8571166992188.7142333984375.5238037109375.4285888671875.4285888671875.1904296875.8095703125.8095703125.1904296875.5238037109375.047607421875.4761962890625.238037109375.6666259765625.4761962890625.90475463867188.8095245361328.71429443359375.3333435058594.8571166992188.7619018554688.8571166992188.952392578125.3333740234375.6190185546875.09521484375.3333740234375.761962890625.6666259765625.7142333984375.5714111328125.3333740234375.8095703125.3809814453125.8095703125.047607421875.3333740234375.952392578125.09521484375.5714111328125.4761962890625.09521484375.6666259765625.5714111328125.3333740234375.952392578125.1904296875.6666259765625.7142333984375.761962890625.6666259765625.4285888671875.047607421875.1904296875.5714111328125.90478515625.142822265625.1904296875.7142333984375.5238037109375.5714111328125.142822265625.761962890625.6666870117188.4761962890625.1428833007812.8095703125.2857666015625.7142333984375.1904296875.2857666015625.5238037109375.6666870117188.4761962890625.3333129882812.3333129882812.952392578125.90478515625.5714111328125.5238037109375.1428833007812.2380981445312.2857055664062.4285888671875.8571166992188.6666564941406.71429443359375.047607421875.1428527832031.23809814453125.23809814453125.8571472167969.23809814453125.09524536132812.38095092773438.04762268066406.7142791748047.71429443359375.19049072265625.23809814453125.95237731933594.80952453613281.714285850524902,_pOKfXLn1LM_4_AautKaICA46:2027.8095703125.142822265625.7142333984375.09521484375.047607421875.857177734375.047607421875.952392578125.142822265625.047607421875.09521484375.2857055664062.6666870117188.2857666015625.5238037109375.4285888671875.8095092773438.047607421875.2857055664062.5238037109375.7619018554688.1428833007812.5238037109375.3809814453125.6190490722656.5714416503906.047607421875.4761962890625.1428527832031.23809814453125.85714340209961,_vweiXJ2LHPCn5wKZy664CQ44:2027.8095703125.4761962890625.952392578125.6666259765625.1904296875.047607421875.1904296875.6666259765625.142822265625.4761962890625.2857666015625.761962890625.4761962890625.952392578125.2857055664062.4285888671875.2380981445312.6666870117188.5238037109375.3809509277344.23809814453125.8095245361328.6666717529297.8095245361328.38095092773438.23809814453125.28571319580078.85714340209961.047618865966797 20. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/04/01/asia/china-japan-taiwan-jets-intl/index.html
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